Covida Commedia
John Griffin
The following represents over two years of careful research and close logical reasoning, brought to fruition in one middle-of-the-night conversation when, sleepless through worry over the future of civilization – tea and ginger biscuits to hand – Olivia and I turned to the only subject that never quite goes away: Covid.
“It’s got to be aliens.”
She looks at me. “What on earth are you on about?”
“That’s just it: not on Earth – out there!”
When it comes to the Covid narrative, and the absurdities it has propagated, the alien explanation is merely elementary deduction. By discounting everything it can’t be – à la Sherlock Holmes – what you’re left with, no matter how unlikely it seems, must be true.
First, the faulty premises.
Stupidity is the most charitable explanation for what has transpired. And it will probably be the last resort of the accused at the International Covid Tribunal.
Any single policy decision might be explained by bumbling. Visualize the many foolish decisions of this ‘comedy of errors’, however, and you will also begin to hear the Benny Hill outro tune playing in the background.
Doltishly, the WHO, in 2009, defines ‘pandemic’ as merely the global spread of a new virus to which most people are not immune, and unsurprisingly identifies one in March 2020.
Clownishly, we take notice of people pratfalling in the street in China. Neil Ferguson is clumsily chosen as an authority on SARS-CoV-2 propagation after yet another back-of-a-dogeared-envelope calculation.
Christian Drosten foolishly decides upon a test for coronavirus that isn’t remotely diagnostic (the PCR method is like finding the few atoms of Shakespeare in your tea – it impresses only until you remember you can do this sort of thing because the universe is wondrously interdependent and interrelated. Viruses are not alien invaders, but one facet of the glittering jewel that is Terran life).
Naively, we believe the bog-standard cold virus has suddenly disappeared and been replaced with an ultra-exotic one. Muddleheadedly, we forget all about the efficacy of tried-and-true remedies like hydroxychloroquine.
Obtusely, we believe in asymptomatic spread, and become thoroughly mixed up about the meaning of ‘dying with’ and ‘dying of’ something. Docilely, we adopt Fauci and Whitty’s ineffective policies to mitigate the impact of Covid, which unintentionally cause the destruction of livelihoods, health services and education.
We watch, insensate, as the frail elderly are bundled into nursing homes and accidentally killed, thuggish police are brought onto the streets to prevent sociable behaviour, and frustration, despair, illness and suicide proliferate. Vacantly, we overlook vaccine companies’ criminal pasts and opt for a novel therapy that doesn’t produce immunity.
Idiotically, we acquiesce to our children being jabbed because it will help them adjust to the new conditions. Gormlessly, we watch young males begin to keel over…
“I could go on…”
“Don’t,” Olivia said. “I got the picture ages ago. The only stupidity was looking to the ‘experts’ instead of noticing the dearth of bodies in the streets. Let’s face it, most people voluntarily donned the dunce cap; the giveaway was that the average age of a Covid death was the average age of death. Of course the policies weren’t accidental. Look at the Nudge Unit’s machinations, the obsession with universal vaccinations, and the filthy lucre made by Big Pharma. How’s that for deliberation?”
‘Follow the money’, the old saying goes. But a half-hearted quest won’t do. You must be prepared to follow it into hell.
As Plato recognized, the great shortcoming of democracies is their obsession with wealth. Which is why thoroughgoing materialists are not themselves disposed to notice, let alone curb, the excesses of the few; indeed, they seem like the lucky bastards. But while most of us desire money, we usually apply a judicious approach, recognising that little things – such as the ultimate welfare of our fellow humans – trumps its acquisition.
Not so for everyone.
We’ve been breeding aliens for centuries. Let me explain. We all know about the principle of artificial selection. Choose a trait – in canines, say – then mollycoddle all specimens that seem to conform, and top the rest.
Where I live, there is the cute web-footed Portuguese Water Dog, who can herd fish – but also the awesome ‘Dog from Beyond the Mountains’, a beast mighty in size and intellect, who can mull over what needs doing and then get on with it – making its own den, calculating sheep movements, and easily foiling wolves.
The same sort of thing happens all the time in human society. For example, the medieval Church’s laws against usury for Catholics encouraged a marvellous proficiency in monetary matters amongst exempt minorities – Jews first, and after Henry VIII, Protestants.
No doubt Mayer Rothschild, who, over two hundred years ago, first thought to send his five sons to commandeer the great banks of Europe, was a likeable chap, fun at parties and a good teller of jokes. One of his best witticisms, apparently, was “Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws”.
Owning the world entire was a distant dream back then. But as capitalism expanded and usury became almost de rigueur, hard-nosed individuals won out. Indeed, the enterprise of controlling the money supply, creating boom-bust cycles, financing wars and the like, meant sociopathic traits were selected for, and without us less-than-completely-ruthless types noticing, our civilization was overtaken by the single-minded and grandiose, who looked with jaundiced eye on their unaccountably sentimental and conscience-stricken fellows.
Even less happily, they acquired the leverage of modern technology, and so the wherewithal to cleave our hitherto cosy world asunder.
Modern science is a powerful thing. Since its inception it has caused philosophers, poets, artists, and other useful humans, to abandon an age-old understanding of the human being and opt instead for a wholly material and mechanistic view of reality. Scientists have influenced generations to scorn what doesn’t register on their instruments, and so cheerily accept a cosmos without a vertical, or spiritual, dimension. This is like getting people to attend lectures at the Royal Institute of the Blind and have them come out convinced that colour and light are imaginary.
Ousting God from the stage is quite useful. It means you can play that role yourself. Experimenting with how the ‘machinery’ of nature ticks has led to a lot of dead things. Attempting to ascertain how humans tick has led to farcical conclusions.
For instance, all of Philip Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment and most of Stanley Milgram’s Shock Experiment was cobblers, proving not that people are innately sadistic but that scientists can be manipulative bastards, playing upon people’s concern to do the right thing by a science they believe beneficial. (Let’s face it, how likely is it that anyone would believe Yale professors were going to watch people die from electric shocks for the sake of a lousy memory test?)
In the greatest experiment ever conceived – a multi-year pseudo pandemic called Covid – myopic and bungling men of science – Fauci, Whitty, Ferguson, Drosten et al – have become as lords in a land of complaisant dupes.
Accepting ‘the science’ these days is a deadly gamble. The funding that pours into the universities and research centres across the world has redirected science into the hands of the mega-wealthy, becoming the wherewithal for inclinations profoundly sinister.
The evidence of a dark design lies all around us. Each element brought to bear upon the frail human organism – bio-, nano-, and cyber-technology infiltrating blood and brain, moulding, shaping, selecting, discarding – is a tool for ultimate repression, and bears the mark of an evil power.
Most people don’t realize that the seemingly diverse and exciting world they see around them is not that great. Over the last five hundred years we’ve been steadily removing bits of Reality. Having turned our gaze earthward at the time of the Renaissance, having become obsessed by phenomena and empiricism, with making an equivalence between everything we see and number, we’ve stripped away everything fine.
An ersatz, drastically simplified, world has all but replaced the real one. For a physicist, fundamentally everything is a bunch of quarks zipping around under the duress of a few tedious mathematical laws. In the World Economic Forum’s view, fundamentally everything is really money
In a fully monetized and digital world, overseen by just a few corporations and banks, the long process of quantification René Guénon spoke of is complete. Everything has a price and everything can be bought, sold, traded, or managed – including you.
Top-down control means decisions rapidly propagate. Do not be surprised, then, if you wake one morning to discover that a wholly new system of living has been put in place. Or that you’ll need to get used to being told precisely what you can buy or own, where you can go, and what you can do. Or that the Klausian young shapers and leaders, who mushroomed in the dark of Covid, don’t see a problem with this.
On the other hand, don’t be surprised if you don’t wake up at all. Because just as you were deciding you could perhaps learn to live with all this, they were deciding they didn’t want to live with you.
Look at it from their point of view. Inundated by nearly 8 billion people, mostly ‘useless eaters’, is to watch an otherwise pleasant planet go to waste.
How much to reduce it by? The clue here is to look to the supposed ‘herd immunity’ figure. We all know that herd immunity will only happen with vaccination, not, as in all previous contagions, through natural infection.
The very sensible 70% figure of the early days became 80, 85, and more than 90%. If, say, 95% eventually succumb to the ‘safe and effective’ gene therapy unexpectedly causing severe immunodeficiency disorders, that leaves (after the bodies have been cleared away) a global population of roughly 500 million.
This seems about right. Yes, it’s a bit lower than Paul Ehrlich’s generous 1.5 to 2 billion. But then he probably worried over the size of the workforce required to produce enough food and clothing, mine and process minerals, man factories and so on. In other words, he didn’t factor in Klaus and Elon’s Artificial Intelligence and robot technology to take care of the production and maintenance of the Gulfstream or Sikorsky fleet or the luxury ocean-going yachts.
Those remaining won’t need to make do with a deep ecological lifestyle – mudbrick huts, eggs from chickens and so forth. There will be plenty to go around in a nearly empty Eden.
You see, a lot of the infrastructure is already there. And pretty durable. The mansions; the artworks and knickknacks to put in them; great parks and gardens. Klaus would have room to breathe in Windsor Castle, and Willy in Buck House. And meanwhile, wild nature will flourish…
Olivia waved half a biscuit. “I see what you mean – the shadowy cabal and all that. Psychopaths, maybe. But aliens?”
“Inhuman men are soulless. And soulless men are of course not human. And if not human…?”
“Pseudo aliens at best. I’ve always thought we needed a straightforward, effective, and foolproof detection kit for these types.”
Pseudo Alieni
This one, possibly the simplest devised so far, consists of just three questions:
- Do you think humans will be superseded by AI?
- Do you feel strangely emboldened and self-important after watching Richard Dawkins YouTubes?
- Have you read three or more of Klaus Schwab’s books cover to cover?
If you answered no to at least one, rest easy – you are not an alien. If you answered yes to all three, you might want to consider this upcoming Kindle publication:
Diary of an Exile> (English translation of the original German text)
Jan 4
Allowed myself two hours to explore the entire island, but was back in 20 minutes. I am indeed alone. I never saw so many rocks and piles of driftwood, or so few trees. Pleasant climate, though. I am told Willy and Tedros have their own private islands, somewhere out there. Hello Chaps!
Jan 5
A rough night. I have opened the survival pack, courtesy of the so-called ‘Nuremberg II’ Health and Safety Committee.
- SAS Survival Guide
- flint, fishing line, and small hatchet
- packet of organic seeds
- Swiss Army pocket knife (4 blades, with corkscrew and horse hoof implement).
- A Short History of Alexander the Great
- A Short History of Napoleon I
- A Short History of Psychopathy
- spare ‘Emperor of the Galaxy’ outfit
- this notebook and pencil
(€243. 87 from
Jan 6
My first and last swim. They were not kidding about the sharks.
Jan 7
Last of the smoked salmon and caviar.
Jan 8
Last of the brandy
Jan 9
Am enjoying the Napoleon biography immensely. What a wasted opportunity! Of course I should have thought more seriously about diverting funds to a sub-category of the Global Shapers – Global Enforcers.
Jan 10
And moved faster too. Allowing the plebs time to organize was a big mistake.
Jan 11
I do not think much of the third history. Overly theoretical, with poorly defined terms. ‘Humour’, for instance. And ‘empathy’! I take it to be some sort of brain disorder. Who knows? Or cares.
Jan 12
The first rains, and it’s getting colder. Would that global warming was more than another WEF ruse. What I need is shelter and a fire – it might be years before AI robots initiate a rescue (I will sacrifice the silly book, not the other two). I curse myself for not having acquired any of the plebs’ skills. But no doubt I will soon master ‘Lofty’ Wiseman’s little tome!
Jan 14
Cold, hungry, knackered. All is lost.
“Very compassionate.” Olivia put her cup down. “I’d have a different solution, involving Davos and a surprise visit from the Hosts of Heaven led by St Michael. But unless you’re going to claim demonic status for virtually every leader and scientist in the world, making them prepared to sacrifice every ordinary principle of decency in exchange for a couple of bucks, a Caribbean island, or freedom from the dreaded paedophile label –”
“Exactly: the controllers are themselves controlled.”
Silencium Universi
I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking of the great physicist Enrico Fermi strolling with his colleagues, looking up, and asking, “Where is everybody?”
Surely there’s no real evidence for aliens. In the 1960s and 70s, Erich von Däniken struggled to piece together evidence for ancient astronauts that wasn’t just evidence of human ingenuity. Wasn’t Project Blue Book a wasted effort? Did Carl Sagan’s SETI programme ever come up with anything? Why do alien abductees never have even a 2-megapixel camera on them while aboard the alien spacecraft?
Not so fast.
You should know that both NASA and the Pentagon have recently admitted that something is afoot.
There are just too many mysterious and tricky-to-explain sightings. And no less a personage than retired general, Professor Haim Eshed says aliens are definitely around. And here’s the thing: they want to do some experiments with us.
Unimpressed by military nutters? Then how about this: No evidence is itself highly suspicious. Isn’t a BBC-like scorn for conspiracy theories, combined with general doubt, exactly what aliens would want? Absence of evidence is actually evidence of existence. The more you think about it, the more it makes sense. Advertising one’s existence would defeat the purpose of an experiment; Milgram didn’t tell everyone what he was up to.
So far, so good. We’re dealing with an invisible and silent menace, just like Covid. And if Covid has taught us anything it’s that it’s not important to prove anything. It’s enough to believe it’s real.
Olivia was starting to nod her head. “All right, I’m convinced –”
“It’s obvious, isn’t it?”
“… that you’re mad. I didn’t realize Long Covid could take such a toll.”
We don’t have far to look for more evidence. It is well known that fictional criminals provide clues for fictional detectives, calling cards left at the scene of the ‘crime’. The Pink Panther left a white glove for Clouseau, the Scarlet Pimpernel a scarlet pimpernel, and The Riddler a riddle, whose solution was often a clue to his cunning plan.
Covid is part of the biggest cunning plan ever dreamed up. As such, it would be quite unfair not to have received some hint concerning its origins. And happily, we were.
When the Greek alphabet runs out, the WHO’s technical chief, Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, has other goodies up her sleeve. Said Maria, whose golden locks rival Aphrodite’s, “We were going to go with Greek gods or goddesses, [but] I said please, please don’t make me say that publicly”.
And so, it will be constellations. We can expect the Aries, Gemini, Orion, Leo, or Canis Major variants.
Now there’s a clue: Sirius, the dog star, in Canis Major. Slowly, but surely, we are being led towards the hidden hand behind Covid. It’s up to us to join the dots. And the dots are stars in the sky. Piece together the pattern, fools!
“But why on earth… sorry, why on Sirius-4 would they do it?” Olivia dunked and began munching her second biscuit and took another swig of tea.
“An intelligence test, of course. It’s obvious.”
Oves et Capras
We’ve all watched in bewilderment as supposedly intelligent people – it would be unkind to name them – have swallowed the most ludicrous accounts of what’s going on.
Who has not encountered complete ignoramuses pompously discussing case numbers and R numbers, genomic sequencing, graphs and figures put out by the WHO, compliantly switching from un-rememberable ‘Pango’ variants, to potentially racist variants, to the more woke Greek alphabet versions?
People who aren’t even hesitant about being injected with gene modifiers. Who still recommend getting jabbed even after their spouse just carked it, or they developed severe heart issues.
All the cocky epidemiologists, vaccinologists, virologists, immunologists, public health scholars, pandemic experts and statisticians, basking in the only limelight to come their way in a lifetime of grey tedium.
These must be the halfwits whom the aliens want to identify – comparable to the insurance salesmen, advertising executives, and marketing consultants the Golgafrinchans jettisoned into deep space in Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy – the last stage in a selection programme involving Facebook, Twitter, and smartphone devotees, and the creators of Covid track and trace apps.
I Preferiti
Of course, intelligence can’t mean IQ. Otherwise Stephen Fry would have spoken up by now. Instead, we are talking about the possessors of a weirdly non-ideological, science-sceptical, free-thinking perception. These ‘favoured ones’ are the sort who go to university to seek Truth rather than acquire the business acumen to start a successful pharma enterprise. The sort who didn’t decide None Dare Call It Conspiracy was a conspiracy theory, who have sensible levels of Extroversion, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism and Agreeableness, but score terrifically high on Openness. The ones, in fact, who have sussed out that the world contains just three types of people:
- A tiny minority who hoodwink the majority into believing the opposite of what’s true.
- Another minority who know about this.
- The majority.
Coming into the earthly realm presents many challenges. The greatest is waking up to how it all works. If you achieve membership of elite group 2, you can be happy. Not because you can change anything – the system is far too entrenched – but because you can leave knowing you have passed the test of life.
This is why some people become unexpectedly philosophical in their advancing years; are no longer so impressed by human cultural achievements; are strangely unappreciative of new technology (even the latest iPhone); are unmoved by IPCC reports or Covid case numbers; no longer believe atheism is liberating; can see the merit in Russia’s stance on woke, transgender, and Nazis; who find nothing odd about the longstanding Indian tradition of retiring to the Himalaya. Or at least a remote cabin in the bush.
These, surely, are the ones the aliens favour.
Olivia looked at me. “Of course, it could be the other way round. The aliens want to identify all those smart-arse alternative journos, rebel doctors and nurses, people with PhDs in ecophilosophy – really anyone with a vestige of common sense, mistrust in technology, or aspiration to the True, Good and Beautiful.”
Inalienable Rights and Aliens
You might think aliens are unpleasant and have it in for us. That anyone with the wherewithal to traverse the galaxy could vaporize the lot of us in a trice. Make slaves of us. Or soup.
This is very alienist. If we are generally kind to each other, think what increasing one’s intelligence ten-fold is going to do. Therefore, don’t expect any crude or tactless experiment. For a refined and ethereal entity, awake to the wonders of the universe, the experiment is obviously all about waking people up.
How to do this effectively? By overdoing things. Overdoing things has a very creditable history. For example, the Jewish diaspora following relentless oppression by Assyria, Babylon, and Rome meant the long-term survival of the Jews. In Frank Herbert’s Dune saga, an excessively long-lived God-Emperor, Leto Atreides, enforces a ghastly planetary lockdown for three thousand years. When he finally dies, the relief is such that humanity scatters across the universe, ensuring its survival forever.
“Similar to bringing down the US by setting it up as the bully from which everything bad comes so everyone hates its guts,” Olivia opined.
“You got it.”
“When do the aliens show themselves?”
“They don’t.”
Il Sole
Fermi must have been blind. The evidence he needed was there in the sky all the time. All he had to do was transcend the paradigm of contemporary science and rid himself of the effects of its offspring, science fiction.
For decades, SF writers have imagined aliens to be a bit like us, limbed beings – whether mechanical or biological – obsessed with building huge telescopes to transmit and receive radio signals, flirting with nuclear bombs to blow themselves up, and so on. In other words, having cultures nearly identical to us tech-loving humans.
This conception is embarrassingly parochial. As CS Lewis suggested in Out of the Silent Planet, we see only what is in our range of perception. Whatever level of science we’ve achieved, we think of aliens as just a bit ahead. Such thinking precludes our finding anything much. And marks us as dumbos.
We would do well to broaden our conception. Look to earlier SF writers. Dante Alighieri for instance. Dante, working from Ptolemy’s admirable geocentric cosmology, imagined a soaring journey of the soul through planetary realms to the Empyrean. Nothing so crude as a tin rocket ship here.
Who would pretend to fathom Dante’s masterwork? But here’s a clue, a calling card if you will, left right at the end of his Paradiso, a golden talisman to entice us:
The love that moves the sun and the other stars.”
Dante has earlier enjoined us to “observe the teachings hidden beneath the veil of verses so obscure” (Inferno IX, 61-63). So that’s what we’ll do.
What is deemed unworthy of notice by contemporary Earth-dwellers is perhaps the supreme alien presence, right in our backyard. Its standing was recognized in Imperial Rome.
Constantine, who chose Christianity as the State religion, never gave up his allegiance to the doctrine of Sol Invictus, the ‘Invincible Sun’. Temporarily fading away, it re-emerged when the Hermetic writings were discovered by Cosimo di Medici in the 15th century.
It is something Ficino, their translator, picked up on in his Book of the Sun (1494). Bernini slyly made the forecourt of St Peter’s a giant ellipse, the path described by the planets around the Sun, a nod to Nicolaus Copernicus, who in the introduction to On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (1543) proclaimed:
In the centre of all rests the sun. … not unhappily do some call it the lantern; others, the mind and still others, the pilot of the world. Trismegistus calls it a ‘visible god; Sophocles’ Electra calls him the All-seeing.
As late as the 17th century, Isaac Newton, always more absorbed by esoterism than humdrum science, weighed in. His English translation of the Emerald Tablet, which reveals the mystery of ‘As Above so Below’, is about as explicit as you could wish, baldly concluding:
That which I have said of the operation of the Sun is accomplished & ended.”
You may say, “Of course the sun influences life on Earth. Its light allows plants to produce carbohydrates, and us to make vitamin D to ward off Covid. And, sure, it may also influence our outlook and imagination, our culture”.
This is like saying Michelangelo influenced the furrowed brow of David. Michelangelo was a quarrier of the famed Carrara marble. He designed and fired the forge, wrought his own iron chisels, conceived the form, shaped the stone, brought every aspect and detail to life, gave the giant-slayer’s head the mark of concentrated intelligence, reflecting his own genius.
You may recall him saying something about “the hand that serves the brain”. He didn’t say that. He said it was a matter of intelleto, the faculty of inspiration, which comes from afar.
The Sun and the other stars create and mould matter, which they then animate and imbue with mind through an outpouring of light that envelopes their planets. If it wasn’t for the Sun’s EM emissions the earth would still be an unexciting boulder.
All that we now find on this vastly improved boulder, from the lightest zephyr to Typhoon Tip, from the gold we could once swap a pound note for, to the fuel in the petrol tank, from the cutest little coronavirus to Beethoven, was built by a sun – and nearly all of it by ours.
Consider just one of a thousand delicate relationships between our own consciousness – that buzzing electromagnetic centre in our skull – and the Sun. The Earth’s ionosphere reverberates at about seven cycles per second, the same as our brain’s alpha wave. Known as the Schumann Resonance, it is fine-tuned by the Sun.
Awe-inspiring interconnections and interdependencies of this sort led the ancients to astrology – the relationship between the ever-changing structure and pattern of the cosmos and personality Can we really claim that Sirius, though 50 trillion miles away, has no effect on us, when its light has just entered our eye?
Can we overlook our sun’s own spiralling dance across the star fields, encircling the galaxy, mingling with other suns, drawing from their energies, passing on its own?
What should we expect from this cycle of time on a cosmic scale, other than the fall and rise of human consciousness through the ages?
People used to know a lot more about these things. Tellingly, this present dark age, or Kali Yuga, is a dark age of awareness, which means that most have consigned such thinking to the waste basket. We no longer understand where we lie on the trajectory of time.
The Klausian Era
Today a small number hold out against a vast tide of ignorance, the reality of what humans are swamped by ideas and ideologies utterly at odds with that reality. Klaus and his fellow WEF conspirators represent the mediocrity that recognizes nothing higher than itself.
Interestingly, they are also the catalyst inaugurating a new age, producing just the right conditions for the dissolution of this one.
Think for a minute about the Great Reset and the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’.
Think about communication satellites and ‘Starlink’, power grids, phone lines, robotic technology, genetic engineering and level 4 biosafety labs, every type of machine, factories that produce fake food and dangerous drugs. Think about global computer networks that link banks and stock exchanges, nuclear weapons in silos, solar panels, your new laptop, car and cell phone, the ‘metaverse’ and virtual reality goggles, digital currency, and the microchip you’ll soon have in your hand. Ask yourself what they all depend on.
You guessed it: electricity; one half of that strange duality known as electromagnetism, the almost sole source of which is the Sun.
If we sometimes shudder before the vast, impersonal forces of nature – the crashing thunderstorm, raging bushfire, or mountainous and foaming sea—we’ve been mollycoddled.
The Sun is on another level altogether, capable of blowing apart our comfy civilization in a lazy afternoon. It normally acts with restraint, nurturing Terran life, doing just what’s needed to maintain us in our Goldilocks condition.
It doesn’t have to. In September 1859 a huge jet of plasma was ejected from the corona into the solar wind. Impacting the earth’s magnetosphere hours later, it set off the largest geomagnetic storm ever recorded, knocking out telegraph systems across North America and Europe. A similar coronal mass ejection just missed us in 2012.
Really, it’s just a matter of time before whoever really controls things decides to act, and overnight we end up back in the 19th century. Or worse. Perhaps we should anticipate something more decisive.
Covida Commedia
Consider this sobering piece of news from one of our great traditions, produced 1400 years ago:
When the earth has assumed its artful adornment and has been embellished, and they who dwell on it believe they have gained mastery over it — there comes down upon it Our judgment … and We cause it to become like a field mown down, as if there had been no yesterday.”
Surah Yunus, 10:24
All things have their day. As the Sun completes its quarter-billion-year revolution of the galaxy, what we think of as civilization – irretrievably blighted by ignorance, narcissism, and corporate capitalism – will be swept away, and the earth returned to an age of light.
The adventure of the soul, as Dante and all our greatest minds knew, is not for the fainthearted We few, mysteriously awake among sleepwalkers, wearied by the machinations of the powerful, who decided not to submit to one more dictate, one more scientific intervention, one more false narrative, cannot know what comes next.
Whatever happens, our consolation will be that we were watchful through the night. We carried a memory of what once was, and the vision of a better world. We were witness to stupefying levels of stupidity that would have broken most people.
By the time we saw little kids and even cows with facemasks, satirists sacked for criticizing vaccination policy, and mothers’ milk deemed not necessarily natural or vaccines unnatural, we couldn’t wait for the end.
We took a leaf from Evola’s book Ride the Tiger and stopped opposing the collapse. We were cheering it on. By sheer force of will we helped bring it down, content in the knowledge that there was now almost nothing to lose.
The universe probably contains ten septillion (1025)planets. That provides scope for diversity. For worlds nearly identical to our own, but minus Schwabian lifeforms. In an infinite multiverse, it’s a cert.
Down here, Klaus and his mates may have less to look forward to, but they do have the enviable distinction of being part of the literature of an age. There is not space enough here for more than a taste of the Covida Commedia, but it’s worth reflecting on those tercets of the Inferno that deal, once again, with the greatest traitors.
My guide now stopped and gesturing with her hand
bade me observe how Justice wields her sword
for seven locked down in this infernal land.
“Who shall we say began this fraud?
Who framed a common illness and had it spread?”
I saw her meaning, so knew the approaching shade.
“I was Tedros, drawn to the Gates of Hell,” he said
beneath a mass of demons, one for each soul duped for gain,
his dodgy PhD now Permanent Damage to the Head.
After him, Drosteni dragging an endless chain
(those tests which count angels on a pin: PCRs)
choking on a Q-tip whose vastness pierced his brain.
Then, gingerly, he who first designed this farce.
Under Fergusoni, his visage no longer cool,
flames roughly modelled and then attacked his arse.
I could have mistaken the next for a ghoul,
A dwarf who once flew between labs to make one sick:
Fauci of a thousand lies, navigates his own cesspool.
Willy, in the glasses of a computernick
(his life’s dream had been to jab the world)
cried as mighty hornets sought his balls and dick.
Last upon the scene, two who had ruled conclaves old:
the first his race blasphemed, with AI and humanicide,
impelling that Davos hoard who worship gold.
The second, all in white, I no longer could abide;
that pope who bullied the faithful into Pfizer’s trials:
“Those against the vax, are like unto a suicide!”
We left him who once processed St Peter’s aisles,
condemned forever to suck from poison vials.
We skirted wide Klaus’s bald and egg-like scone
cracked by smart and winged toaster, fridge, and drone.
John Griffin is an organic farmer and a philosopher. His books include On the Origin of Beauty and Javali with Oranges.
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Muy bueno. If you haven’t I deeply suggest reading “The invisible rainbow”, a brief history of electricity and life..
Brilliant. When I read the language around materialist science and the vertical spiritual axis, I said this author is versed in metaphysics. Then when he referenced Rene Guenon, I knew he is my type of guy. As Guenon has said, the solidification and profaning of the world must necessarily proceed until we reach the end of this cosmic cycle, which much necessarily exhaust all of its lowest possibilities. We are already witnessing the great cracks in the wall separating us from the infernal world, and the barrier will be broken. Charles Upton has done a respectable job of fleshing out and augmenting some of Guenon’s ideas. The inverted world of al-Maseeh al-Dajjal, the Talmudic antichrist, is near. The rate of descent is exponential, until a new cycle begins as a matter of–again–metaphysical necessity.
Good article, and +1 For the use of the term “gormless.” This term should be used far more often when discussing our elites in politics, acadamia, and media.
This interview was passed to me by an anonymous source. I have no idea if it’s genuine. KAREN: Hi everyone. I’m Karen Schepel and today my guest is the one and only Klaus Swab! Mr. Swab, thank you for being with us on Karen’s Korner. SWAB: You are very velcome. KAREN: Mr. Swab, why aren’t you wearing your mask? You are endangering me! SWAB: Vell, firstly, it’s because you are 7,000 kilometers away viewing me on your computer monitor, so zere is no danger to you or to me. KAREN: Okay, but still, you should be wearing it all the time, even if nobody is nearby! SWAB: Ze mask is for you eaters, ve elite don’t need it. KAREN: Oh, okay. Mr. Swab, please explain, for our audience, how the “Great Reset” will affect us. SWAB: Vell, it vill be very good for you. As you know, ve have decided zat by 2030 you eaters vill own nothing and be happy. KAREN: That sounds so intriguing! We are too materialistic as a society. SWAB: You von’t have to deal with ze headaches zat come from property ownership. Ve elite vill own everything. My colleague, Mr. Gates, is now biggest owner of farmland in ze USA. He plans to let people like you live on his plantations and till ze soil, plant ze crops and pick ze cotton for him. KAREN: So our room and board will be included? SWAB: Of course! Your accommodations vill be very comfortable, with straw bunk beds and outdoor latrine. KAREN: Mr. Gates has some good ideas, but when I see him on TV he’s never wearing a mask! SWAB: No, but he is vorking to make life better for you eaters.… Read more »
Thoroughly enjoyed that piece
As enjoyable as it was damning. And incisive, of course.
Fantastic. Hilarious. Insightful and intelligent. I loved it. Thank you for a good piece of writing summarizing the insanity of the past few years in a cleverly comprehensive way. And I have to admit….. I was pleased by it because I figured out the alien thing at least by the end of 2021.haha. jk. Nice. Cheers
Great writing.Is there any way the author can be contacted?
Hi Pariah,
I’m not aware of a website for the author at this time, I am inquiring! In the meantime, why not write to me at [email protected] and I’ll forward your message on, along with your contact details. Hows that?
Please include ‘John Griffin contact’ in the subject heading, thank you. A2
Everyone knows how the Commedia begins:
“Abandon hope, all ye that enter here
Justice built me, and eternal Love”.
Few remember that it ends with:
“The Love that drives the Sun and the other stars…
Love full of joy, joy that transcends every sorrow”.
“Faith, Hope and Love — and the greatest of these is Love” — St.Paul, Letter to the faithful in Corinth.
Correction: “Amore piena di Letizia”.
Love full of Gaiety, joy that transcends every sorrow.
Most enjoyable read, that’s all that really matters. In amongst all the posturing of the powers that be, they’ve missed one very important thing, the sheer bloody mindedness of people, human beings whatever. I hear that pillock go “you will own nothing and you will be happy” and I immediately think, don’t tell me I’m going to be happy, C@+t!
Really Good Shit… 😉
Reading the article, an idea came to me. Since we know the Powers That Be generally edit everything laid before the public so that it conforms to their interests, what about all these texts that have been translated?
Presumably originals (in the Western world mostly in Greek or Latin) still exist. But except for “scholars,” does anyone ever go beyond the translations? So how do we know these texts so full of wisdom and insight were not themselves edited before translated to make sure they didn’t conflict with the interests of the high and mighty?
As the KJB Bible was edited?
Did you ever read Aristophanes or for that matter Cervantes, translators often openly admit they’ve toned down the bawdiness, etc. Why? Because many of these works that we read were translations under Victoria, you know, Victorian Inga-land.
I heard that the original Freud was mistranslated in English versions. It apparently said that sending children to school makes them lose their minds. Since mind is the opposite of conformity, I saw that to be quite accurate notwithstanding my lack of German. Translation is not a science, so it’s an easy crime to hide.
“For decades, SF writers have imagined aliens to be a bit like us”
You’ve not read Stanislaw Lem then ?
His Master’s Voice
The Invincible
and many others.
Solaris played on the idea of aliens appearing in our image in a pretty direct way – only these aliens were created by some mysterious entity following its own unfathomable course.
Strangest and most inhuman entity: Lovecraft’s Colour Out of Space.
That was my thought as well. I don’t remember the name of the book but I enjoyed the one where a group of travellers roamed around a strange world. They saw signs of intelligent life but couldn’t make heads or tails of it. And the intelligent life simply ignored them in return. Lem had a real talent for going way beyond typical sci-fi.
Wow – amazing! I’ve been searching for the last two years for articles like this, not just questioning covid but questioning reality. Was the choice of picture with this article accidental? These are the 10 green bottles of reality-questioning my brain has grappled with and sometimes dispensed with since this all kicked off. 10) Covid is nothing – we are about to go through a cataclysmic extraterrestrial event and are being given time to contemplate our end. Not true apparently. 9) Space isn’t real so nothing to fear from it. The earth could be very different to what we have been told. True in my opinion. 8) A lot of our history has been fabricated and too many people are beginning to realise this. True in my opinion. 7) Covid is flu. Omnicron is a cold. Monkey pox is shingles. Definitely true. 6) All of this is to depopulate the world. Not true in my opinion and part of the ‘8 billion’ lie. The world population is nowhere near as big as we are told. And if depopulation was the aim surely there would be much simpler ways of doing this. Even the risks of the vaccine to divide the vaxxed and the unvaxxed could be part of the deception with a saline or perfectly safe innocuous innoculation being administered. 5) We are in a simulation and this is part of a test to sort out who’s still paying attention. Possibly true but, as Nick Bostrom said, if that’s the case, it’s probably better to keep quiet about it as the gamers in charge might shut the game down. Not true apparently as many people have spoken out about this and it seems to be carrying on. 4) The WEF and lizard people / satanists are trying to get ‘global’… Read more »
“covid/omicron” is not a normal flu. The distortions of the sense of smell reported by many if not most of the people who have had it are the give-away. How it “spreads” is the billion dollar question because it sure doesn’t do it the way “the science” tells it.
The more I think about it the more I am drawn to electromagnetic pollution as the cause of the symptoms. Radiation poisoning, basically.
As for “nothing is real”… try headbutting that wall! 😆
from the sky!!! dirty nano pollution behind planes
EMF is the top suspect–they were doing double / triple shifts of 5G installation while the world was under lockdown. I think mask-wearing may be a factor in the loss of smell & taste (?), although it is also a common symptom of regular flu.
Good stuff.
The Archons are aliens but not from outer space- they are the byproducts of the transformation of a divine being into the living planet that sustains us.
Their own human mind control algorithm (the Kabbalah) identifies them as empty shells (the Qliphoth).
They have no power other than the ability to create virtual realities (based not on imagination but on simulation and fakery) that entrap human beings and produce fear, hate and mass murder, which feeds the Archons.
This is what the so-called “gnostics” ( a label created by the judeochristian priests) meant when they said that the world is the creation of the Devil. It is not the real world.
Vladimir Zelenko they love to ridicule.
In the history of jazz, there was one certain John Coltrane, a sax player known for so-called sheets of music – waterfalls of notes played over complicated chord progressions at high tempos. That is lots of notes. In contrast, there was also this trumpeter Miles Davis who played sparsely, planted the perfect notes in time and space while letting silence do the rest of the work. Both were superbly accomplished players who made a huge contribution to the body of jazz music. The same can’t be said about their followers, particularly Coltrane copycats many of whom spew endless streams of musical vomit in trying to emulate the master. There was a guy like that when I was in college. On one occasion, during a big band performance, he really outdid himself in the spewing of musical shit, played all the notes on his fucking sax backward, forward, and sideways. In response to that, when his solo came up, another guy made a point of playing just a few notes – the right ones that stood out beautifully thanks to their musicality.
That brings me to this text.
Holy shit, what a piece of masturbatory writing! The guy’s managed to smuggle just about every effing word from the English lexis into this article.
What is this, a contest how many fucking words you know?
Trane –
MIles –
John Griffin is a philosopher – almost by definition a wordy profession. I’m going to say something now to perhaps deflect some of your spleen my way:
I hate jazz!
Now I must ask you if my reason for hating it is sound: I find jazz too intellectual – the very most intellectual music there is. And, being less evolved, I only like emotional music – like “classical” music of the Romantic period.
Try afro-cuban or Ethiopean jazz.
Beats me why somebody would think that jazz is intellectual. Even the most complicated jazz stuff is nowhere near advanced tonal classical music or any of the more contemporary classical music styles.
Jazz is more complex than the most primitive (in the sense of the complexity of the musical material) forms of music, but the main aspect of jazz is that it’s improvised. It’s a music created on the spot by the musicians through their interaction. It’s also the freest music, even though there is substantial freedom in some rock or blues styles too.
I’m no jazz nazi and if somebody doesn’t like it, it’s fine by me. I don’t like all of it either.
Jazz was not the point of my remark. Pompousness was. I don’t like pomp, pretense. To the simpleton me, the whole text could be summed up into one sentence.
“I have an irresistible narcissistic urge to show the world how many fucking words I know and I’m using COVID as a vehicle to do that.”
Then again, to each their own. Everybody’s prerogative to enjoy reading what to me seems like pretentious drivel. Peace …
‘There is a lot of fear on both sides.I know the Covid deniers have been scared too”,
says my therapist before he goes on a two week holiday.
When he returned, I told him “we are not “Covid deniers”-we know there is an illness.”However, We-the questioning-never get to talk.We are told what We think from those that don’t think like us.Not many want to know what we think.
Anyway-in my world I know of two new cases of ALS-on an island of 10K-in the same month.Obits chockablock, people keeling over with gastro stuff, Covid-stricken-triple jabbed. Numerous “sudden and unexpected deaths.” Umpteen stories of rare cancers-stage 4-and get your affairs in order scenarios. And,this is just locally.
“Denier” is the present equivalent of “unbeliever”.
“Climate denial is not far from holocaust denial”
I have seen words to this effect, probably in The Guardian Of Lies
Sounds like you are telling people what they think. I don’t think there is covid or that denying covid means denying “an illness”. It is rejecting a definition not claiming that there is nobody with any symptoms. Those symptoms are from various causes not a single one. Saying covid doesn’t exist doesn’t mean somebody didn’t die. It means that the cause of death is something else e.g. midazolam.
While the film Plandemic was clearly produced by controlled opposition agents (check out Mikki Willis’s testimony of helping first responders on that fateful day; Judy Mikovits talks nonsense designed to undermine the opposition argument), the title could not be more apt. Mikki Willis shares his 9/11 experience One of the comments: What a movie script!! Did he get an Oscar for this act? We knew from the outset that the covid pandemic is a psyop from go to whoa. The measures aren’t, of course, and the jab is clearly maiming and killing people as have the other measures one way or another but the reality of a particular illness, covid, (let alone pandemic)? Clearly a psyop from Day One evidenced by being shown nonsenses such as people laid out on the ground and on hospital floors, people falling flat on their faces and claims by Chinese researchers that two species of unrelated snakes were “reservoirs” of the virus. (The snake claim was subsequently labelled “garbage” just as the claim that one of the 9/11 terrorists who gave a press conference stating he was still alive was also subsequently “debunked” but the question is: how is such nonsense ever reported in the first place? Why would Chinese researchers so early on be looking in snakes for the virus and how is it that they come up with two species being reservoirs? What about the other species? How is it that someone is able to give a press conference stating he is not one of the supposed 9/11 terrorists if it was really just a case of mistaken identity?) The most relevant quote in relation to propaganda which I’ve cited ad nauseam but will continue to cite ad nauseam is from British psychiatrist, Anthony Daniels, which he applies to communist propaganda and… Read more »
A crime is being committed.
It sounds like this doctor owns shares in a funeral home franchise.
“…reduce the chance of cardiac side effects”???
This is a matter that deeply confuses me: the admission of these potentially fatal side effects AND YET the continuing eagerness to have the jab. Is this hysteria the now immovable reaction to all those photos of “headless” patients i.e. with their heads ensconced in plastic tubs, those lovingly crafted films of photogenic youngsters gasping for (last?) breath, those endless hints painting Auschwitz type scenarios up and down hospital car parks? “I may die from the vaccine but at least I’ll be saved from the zombie-leper-internal organ exploding lurgae!”
It makes no sense to reiterate an umpteenth time that COVID was a total hoax. Frankly, it’s so obvious, it’s even useless to refer to any data. There simply never was anything happening – apart from the insane restrictions. And they truly were insane. Did you know that around here it was prohibited to sing???!!!!! How fucked up would one have to be to swallow sheer nuttiness like that? You know, there is a Czech fairy tale that everybody knows in which a kind prohibits singing – I don’t remember the reason, but everybody considers that the craziest thing imaginable. It’s so absurd. I almost thought that the government did that to somehow hint to people that it’s all a crock of shit. Like that they had the sword of Damocles dangling over their necks, but wanted people to get it that it’s a load of bullshit.
Now, the question is. What’s the real purpose. Where do they want to steer the world. What’s the end game. Yeah, yeah – I know all about transhumanism, population reduction, this and that, but most of it – while there most likely is some truth to it over the long term – seems like paranoid delusion. A confrontation between the East and West seems much more likely. Do they want to provoke a war and wipe out Europe, Russia, China, or something like that?
The real purpose is to communicate with the sapient.
While they, TPTB, invite the insufficiently sapient to drink the Koolaid, they expect the sufficiently sapient to decline (and enlighten themselves as to WTF is going on).
This isn’t fun & games, but life & death.
I’m not sure what the problem is? It’s very clear for a long time the injections are experimental. A document must be signed to wave liability by all participants of the trail.
Are people now claiming they did not know? Come on… At this stage of the game if one is still not taking responsibility for ones actions then frankly you have no grounds to complain.
I was sympathetic during the early phases, but if one still believes the globalists are looking our for you you’re mistaken.
This has always been about stripping the people of their Sovereignty and placing global corporations or the state above man in the pyramid. Further, although most country’s have been run by De-facto Governments for decades, they are now looking to delete all the fingerprints so it can never be traced.
Time is short, but we can still stop it. Mass awakenings are happening as a result of the hast to rush through the changes. That the cat is out the bag.
There is a reason they are shutting down public opinion and calling everyone a conspiracy buff. They are desperately trying to contain it.
I’m not sure it’s us who can or will stop it. The fact that it’s come this far unchecked makes me wonder that that would be possible. I’m thinking that just as previous lunacies have tended to burn themselves out (OK, the AIDS BS hasn’t but I don’t know how much attention people are paying to being allegedly HIV+ any more) this lunacy will burn itself out too with the serious of level injury and death from the jab playing a significant role.
The file at the link in the image ( does not contain the text in question.
A revision? A fake forwarded on unchecked?
Comment 1 I didn’t bother looking at that link as I was just so disturbed by the content of the letter (though why really – I mean after all that’s been said and done) and when I first looked at your comment I misread it as meaning that the link no longer worked so I looked up the title and found reasonably different text on a similarly-titled webpage from the pdf text. See Comment 2. However, now that I’ve understood your comment (I hope) I think you mean that the text doesn’t contain any reference to the change in spacing of the 1st and 2nd jabs. If so, I wouldn’t expect it to as I don’t think the email suggests that this is a government recommendation but rather a decision made by the doctors in the practice themselves. Yes, while they’ve swallowed holus-bolus the government rules until now, now they’re exercising a modicum of autonomy and making the jab safer and more effective by spacing them out. How they came to the conclusion that 8 weeks spacing over 3 makes the jab safer and more effective they didn’t explain. I assure you this email gives all indications of coming directly from my doctor’s practice and I have absolutely no reason to believe that there’s any sort of fakery going on. I regularly get emails from the practice and this one looks exactly like all the others. I have been sorely tempted to respond to those emails re covid vaccines but I’ve thought, “Why bother?”, my doctor is just so obviously on board with the BS … but there’s a chink the armour here and I’m pondering what I will respond. Any suggestions welcome. Comment 2 Oh my goodness. So those who are recommended for the “winter booster” include people… Read more »
I’m still puzzled, I have grown to love my friends who are awake, when we are together, we are alone together, surrounded by others but I grieve for those who are still fooling themselves. There is a blankness in their eyes, when I try to explain. It makes me trail off…
Last night I was invited to a social occasion in a hotel lobby bar by a like-minded friend at which all the others whom I’d never met were also like-minded. We were all engaged and having fun. One of them pointed out how joyless and expressionless the others around us looked. I don’t think it’s necessarily true everywhere but it did seem the case in the bar. But in my own case while I livened up last night most of the time I feel pretty morose.
Most my acquaintances still believe in the system; they believe that a tweak here amendment or removal there will render the madness moot and normal will return.
George Mc chronicles the surrendering by the “left” to the Schwabian system regularly on these comment pages – I have found it is that captured and treasonous left that is sustaining the Covid Insanity in otherwise well meaning people: this perverse version of the left has pitched them against “the right”, against “capitalism” therefore they believe Morona and the subsequent collapse of our society can be attributed to intense greed and profiteering with zero room for nuance.
Because of this false left vs right narrative they cannot break themselves from their shackles and will believe for as long as the Left keeps telling them that Corona, Monkeypox, Food Shortages, Fuel Prices will fix themselves soon as we get rid of certain wrong thinking people of influence and their mis and dis information.
It is tragic and although I do believe these brainwashed people will catch up to us (I really don’t have the energy to dispute their nonsense and untangle their wires so I too go quiet) I am afraid that this time we don’t have the time to wait for these arrogant fools.
One infallible NEGATIVE guide is the media I.e. when the entire press starts agreeing with you then you know something is wrong. The Left failed to realise-or were paid NOT to say- that the “news” of collapsing capitalism was eagerly being pushed … by the capitalist press. The revolution had been delivered FROM ABOVE!
In fact, we do not have capitalism; which is free enterprise. The Globalist Central Banks and their psychopathic owners have created utterly controlled corporate fascism but mislead the economically illiterate for political reasons by calling it “capitalism”. “Private/public partnerships” means the complete integration of “government” and monopolistic corporations.
The planned enslavement and ultimate genocide of humanity depends on the con of Central Bank digital “currency” and absolute dependence of the people upon murderous “government” and bringing the legitimate citizens of the US to their knees.
Free enterprise and self sufficiency at the local level; grow your own food, barter, create local “money” etc is perhaps the only real alternative. The Globalists want violence, panic, confusion, mobs, civil war and have tried to incite it. This is the historical path to the imposition of martial law and absolute tyranny. Don’t do it. I would suggest we I gnore them while becoming independent of them.
They are now the body snatched vegetable pod people so desired by The Reset.
Perhaps we just need to spend far less time deferring and a lot more time conferring and inferring.
Those we defer too, will be pissed off, but FUCK EM.
Anyone capable of critical thinking understands the virus is fake. Further, the comedy show all governments performed during the fake virus event was likely an act too.
This is were the WHO comes in. Governments will soon admit their incompetence and the solution will be to leave all health policy to “experts”, the WHO.
It’s a win all round for them. They transfer liability to a faceless corporation without any individuals to point your pitch fork at. And it allows them to install Global Institutes.
If we allow this governments/individuals will soon be removed all together leaving only a faceless institutes to take any backlash. As we have witnessed in the past corporations/institutes no matter how bad they fuck up are quickly forgiven and continue to operate. Nobody is named and nobody goes to prison. Just how they like it.
The Robot series of Science Fiction novels by Asimov is a source of speculated ideas about Our Future…I recall that one of the stories was about a murder of a human on a planet on which lived only a few thousand widely scattered humans, and their tens of thousands of worker-robots…Wheat and other grain crops were grown planet-wide, overseen by AI and tended, harvested etc by robots… The grains were shipped to the Earth on which every square inch existed humans… As there was no longer any room to build accommodation on the surface, most of the humans lived, six to eight levels of them, underground…
Lacking a Planet B on which to grow food crops to feed the billioning masses on this planet little billy gates and his rich mates figure to reduce human numbers while installing AI and robots to do the work…
Asimov made the idea a good read. I doubt he foresaw that little rich people would regard it as a blueprint for implementing the regime on Earth…
The Garden of Rama that he “co-wrote” hints at the complexity of controlling the weather, even inside a hollowed-out meteor. Yet, rich megalomaniacs believe they already have the knowledge and tech to manipulate the far more complex weather on Earth.
But I have always wondered who makes, designs and maintains the robots? The ‘means of production’ don’t reproduce themselves. Human beings and human labour are the indispensable part of the process.
FWIW, an abiding theme of science-fiction involves mankind creating increasingly more sophisticated robots and androids that eventually are capable of designing, manufacturing (reproducing), and maintaining themselves.
That’s when the trouble really begins.
Forget the ‘gain of function’ and ‘lab leak’ stories about the origins of ‘covid’ ! Apologise to little Tony Fauci for doubting him ! According to an article in the latest issue of NEXUS magazine (June-July):
‘The COVID-19 virus that emerged in 2019 during the deepest minimum of sunspot activity in over 150 years is the most recent example of a virus coming from space.”
There’s more !!
‘Although climate change and poor hygiene are cited as causes for the sudden resurgence of viral disease, it is possible that a more fundamental reason exists,….’
‘It is generally known that the Earth’s magnetic field acts like a giant invisible bubble that shields the planet from various mutagens such as solar particles, cosmic rays, and also electrically charged cometary dust particles including virions.’
‘Severe disruption of the magnetic field barrier would permit the ingress of….virus particles from outside the Earth….’ and so on…
The Authors of the ideas: Jiangwen Qu from the Department of Infectious Disease Control, Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, China; and N Chandra Wickramasinghe who is attached to both the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology, University of Buckingham UK, and Sri Lanka Centre for Astrobiology, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka… (That is, they are both Scientists)
NEXUS locates the article under “Science News”…
Since its first issue early 1990s NEXUS has published many articles that challenge The Germ Theory. The current issue contains a lengthy article “Resurrecting the fear of AIDS” by Michael J Talmo… But sometimes the impression is NEXUS is placing a bob-each-way bet…(or is that ‘backing two horses to win’ ?)
A while back, in a comment criticizing– well, mocking– fanciful conventional “scientific” explanations of the existence of pathogenic viruses in general, and the Megadeath Virus of Doom called the “SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus” in particular, I included a comparison I’d thought up on the spot.
I said that it was like arguing that the virus grew on the green-cheese surface on the dark side of the Moon, and was picked up and carried to Earth by the solar wind.
I ought to have known that (sur)real life would outrun even that spontaneous and farfetched attempt at satire.
The two authors are scientists. I’ve come across Wickramasinghe before. I dont know how solid his research is, it’s the interpretation he offers that makes him sound looney. They put forward their idea as a scientific possibility. It can be said that their idea is as believable as any other virus origin ‘theory’. He accepts a priori, as probably 99.99% of scientists accept, the existence of pathogenic organisms called viruses…
The current issue of NEXUS is an example of how otherwise rational people, when at an impasse, fall back on mysticism. Mysticism, like madness, has it’s own rationality. If Fauci et al claimed The Virus is from Outer Space the claim would be widely and unquestionably accepted…
In ‘Mass Psychology of Fascism’, Wilhelm Reich gave an explanation of the role of mysticism in fascism. When fear and irrationality prevail it seems everyone looks for a Saviour, an indication of the impotence they feel confronted by the enormity of The Lie being propagated…
Sir you have touched my soul
One imagines the multi verses all singing from the same hymnbook.
A bit like Putin, Gates and Ardern…
Unified in Tragedy and Dope…
While I don’t know the mentioned book, I do know the sentiment he describes. I feel relieved that I am not the only one.
And sometimes I hope the total collapse will come soon so I can be here to witness it and feel the relieve that finally this huge mess will end. I mourn the pain and death it’s going to cause, but sometimes, it seems the only way out.
What will be will be and what must happen can not be stopped. I hope humanity can go through some kind of katharsis to come out making earth a paradise (again).
Encourage covidians to get regular boosters.
Earth was never a paradise. And really, as the article suggests somewhere, life in a true paradise would be boring beyond words.
A beautifully crafted article! It’s got everything: Wit, imagination, history, poetry and wisdom.
Don’t think Klaus wrote his books, though; I think we’re giving him too much space in history. Also, I’m missing names like Lagarde, Tedros and others, who I feel are more important in the scheming of our coming dystopia than the lowly technocrats.
Also, I think the world has seen at least one great reset before the one that’s coming, as the Surah Yunus, 10:24 suggests.
Other vaccines for past 30 years had incidence encephalitis less than 3/month.
Covid: In the first 17 months incidence was 64/month.
A little over 20% die, same% recover. 82% are hospitalized
PS link also reports reproductive harm including “blue-green lactation”.
Source for the link– Pfizer’s own forced release of documents.
Amazing Poly: On the March 3, 2021 simulation for Monkeypox attended & paid for by same parties behind covid.
Currently two smallpox vaccines available:
ACAM2000 approved by FDA in 2007, primarily military personnel due to safety risks, including infection with the vaccine strain, vaccine shedding and death.
Package insert warnings include myocarditis and pericarditis at a rate of 5.7 per 1,000 vaccinated, encephalitis, severe skin infection, blindness, fetal death and more.
Household contacts face the same risks as the vaccinated individual due to shedding.
The other vaccine is attenuated LIVE, for non-military use.
RUSSIA’S in on the act too
Russia creates genetic smallpox vaccine in less than 30 days. Safe & effective.
Most of these new outbreaks as claimed, whether blamed on covid or not, may come from (a) the jab, shedding (b) replacement of blood in hospital with a contaminated supply (c) poverty. I would classify the effects thus:
— immediate or short-term risk from nano-lipids: death from anaphylactic shock
— short- or medium-term risk from clots, bleeding, auto-immune response: damage to any organ or system, paralysis, dementia, death, still-birth
— short- or medium-term risk from DNA changes including undermined immunity: infectious and non-infectious diseases, new/relapsed cancer, death
— medium- or long-term risk from DNA changes: infertility, birth defect.
mgeo, that pretty much covers it– amazingly broad spectrum of what the covid vaxx can cause.
Assuming the monkeypox cases are real– i.e., shingles, chicken pox or small pox or monkey pox– and they might be real, since I guess they have to have the characteristic rash, then the question is how they’re producing them.
I mean to sprinkle them all over the world requires an explanation. As you say, it cd be a late response to the covid jab. But there are so few cases that I think maybe they’ve been deliberately recently planted as a separate virus contaminating just a few injections.
Could be covid vaxx injections– but just a few of them, or cd be flu vaccine, etc.
Obviously they’re not going to tell us if all the pox cases received an injection of some sort in the previous week or two.
Reminds me: I recently fell & broke my nose– bled so hard it sounded like a brook running. Passersby called ambulance instead of just helping me home. It quit bleeding in a few minutes, really didn’t need the hospital– but guess what? They wanted to give me a tetanus shot. All they know about what’s in the vial is the label on it. So of course I said “No.” Last shot I had was polio vaccine maybe 65 years ago & it was contaminated with. . . MONKEY VIRUS! Millions of people got those shots & these rare cancers occur ONLY in people who received that wave of polio vaccine.
I was not clear enough. Most of the mini-epidemics and relapses are real, as are the dead or permanently injured victims. The jab was a successful global test of a sohisticated weapon that can be tuned by target race or disease.
Russia’s in on it! I’ve got news for you: Everyone in the northern hemisphere is in on it. Naomi Wolfe intoned
”Dear Friends, sorry to announce a genocide …I’ve been silent for some weeks. Forgive me. The truth is: I’ve been rendered almost speechless — or the literary equivalent of that — because recently I’ve had the unenviable task of trying to announce to the world that indeed, a genocide — or what I’ve called, clumsily but urgently, a “baby die-off” — is underway.”
Prior to this the Canadian intellectual Jordan Peterson has drawn attention to the most obvious feature of our times: the decline of birth rates in the Northern Hemisphere. Female Fertility Rates have fallen to below the replacement figure of 2.1 per rates and it appears unstoppable.
When I was a kid I remember that families were larger than today’s. But then like most of my generation that was the beginning of the great contraceptive decline. Couples decided to have limitations on the family size. Right or wrong, I think that the women’s movement had a lot to do with this. In the Northern Hemisphere Women wanted equality with men, which was reasonable enough but has had a deep and seemingly unstoppable contraction of the birth rate. The only countervailing tendency – which only gives some counter-balance is immigration from the global south – but it is questionable how long that will last. And of course this process will be given increased momentum by the eugenicists who seem to have an iron grip of these tendencies.
Don’t you find it curious where they came up with the “2.1” replacement figure? Why does it take 2.1 babies to replace one old person?
There would have been a time way back when to necessitate far more than 2.1 babies because of the high infant mortality rate – and not so long ago either. My Croatian grandmother had 14 children – 6 of whom died in infancy.
And, granted, the infant mortality rate is again on the rise – but that 2.1 figure has been around for decades.
Gets curiouser and curiouser.
Don’t forget the southern hemisphere – Australia , New Zealand!
Covid is the biggest scam since the CIA, NASA, and Stanley Kubrick faked the Apollo moon landings.
I do believe that the 9-11 scam is worth a rating because it enabled so many other pre-determined plans to be enacted upon. It provided the precise engineered ‘Pearl-Harbour’ event required. For the money-men and defence-contractors … the wet-dream of wet-dreams.
Convid is by far the greatest hoax ever perpetrated.
HIV-AIDS deserves a mention. An invented disease blamed on a non-existent virus. Robert Gallo, not Fauci, concocted that fiction.
NASA actually lost the moon landing videos.!!
and all the technology/plans/specifications to make the equipment to do it again.
imagine my surprise…..
Somebody probably taped a football game over them!
Thanks for mentioning the FAKE moon landings, which brings us to FAKE space and FAKE heliocentrism, which this article tries to reinforce…
Personally, the Covid era is the era of truth being made available for those who want it.
Like exposing the FAKE virology, FAKE evolution, and most powerful of all, the art of transvestigation (FAKE men and women), which reveals how all the elites are transgendered (politicians, actors, sports stars, media influencers, etc.).
It is now so easy to spot the trannies, and thus so easy to spot the baphomet-worshipping satanists in our midst, in town, at work and especially, all over the media.
LOL: nearly all porn is made with trannies, so most of you have been masturbating while looking at transgendered men. (Oh, and here’s a related positive bit: hard mode nofap is very powerful and transformative. Give up porn and masturbation and your life will be far richer, your self far more empowered and driven).
(Note: I have very much appreciated the freedom of speech here at OffG – nearly nowhere on the internet can you talk freely about this level of truth, especially as it relates to the political or social. I really hope that continues, but I expect soon we will have nowhere to speak freely online) => however, when that happens then people will unplug and go back to the real world, which is just as well… 🙂
Actually, instilling in humans the insane notion that society is impossible without leaders is by far and away the absolutely biggest scam ever.
As has been seen in cases of abandoned babies raised by other animals, and in other extreme conditions: People are not born human – they need to become mature human beings through a process which has been all but destroyed by religious and political elites. Most people don’t get to go through that process and remain as dysfunctional domesticated apes, and they really cannot live without leaders. This makes them very easy to control and exploit. The elites have created a vicious circle situation over the last 2000 years at least, where the authorities are demanded by the insecure, domesticated masses, and authorities are what the masses deserve.
Vote 1 United Anarchist Party? 😀
Yes they usually develope these conditions separately.
I’ve never seen the media produce so many articles that cancel themselves out. Take this one:
The big Zizek and the big Harari meet! Like two Japanese monster collossi battling over Tokyo. Sounds a hoot! And I’m sure they’ll have so much to say. Oh hang on a minute …..
“The COVID pandemic and the climate crisis are both reminders that we have neither fully understood nature, nor taken conclusive ownership and control over it.”
PUFF! The article vanishes in a cloud of pricked gullibility!
Viruses are not part of the universe but an invention of man to explain why their fancy tests seem to find the same things in dying cells (exosomes), and stupidly blame those as the cause, not the result of cell death.
They are the basis of great money-making in academia, technology and marketing.
Don’t think so, Rob Rob. Viral diseases certainly appear to be contagious. Also the “dying cells” explanation isn’t really an explanation since you then have to explain why so many cells are dying.
The cells are dying because of toxicity.
Love the succinctness of this. Spot on.
Excellent piece of writing. Bravo!
A fun read.
Though I feel that the “justice” to be served will only happen in the afterlife, which of course concerns none of the perps.
I’m beginning to see how religion was foisted on the masses, to fill them with false hope.
(yes I know it’s obvious, but I never studied nor thought much about it until lately)
It would be nice to go back to our pre-pandemic lives, and compare how preposterous our current reality is.
Psychopaths are truly an alien species, or at least, some kind of mutation.
I suppose, from a Darwinian perspective, they would be seen to have a positive-survival advantage.
Anyone who has had contact with one will find the lack of empathy abhorrent.
Those who exhibit any sense of humour, often have a cruel twist to it.
Situations like those enforced by our new overlords, only reinforce the behaviour in those who have some tendency.
Perhaps over a million years, the earth will be inhabited by facehuggers, not from space but evolved from our own species.
Psychopaths are completely absent the emotional components that make us human and humane. Psychopaths are literally sub-human but ironically fancy themselves as “elite” earthly gods while imposing their cruel dominion and murderous destruction upon humanity and the Earth herself. They epitomize arrogance yet they hide a shameful secret. They do as they do because, in fact, they are deeply and profoundly jealous of life.
Psychopaths in all their variety, can observe love, joy, kindness, honor, courage, decency, generosity… matters of the Heart and Spirit… but they can’t touch these things, feel or experience any of it. There is no life in them and they know it. They’re dead men walking. They can and have killed hundreds of millions of bodies but not the Living Spirit within that simply moves on.
As for “the majority”, I refrain from attempting to make judgements I am not equipped to make.
Hoover said, “The individual is handicapped when coming face to face with a conspiracy so vast and so evil they cannot believe it exists.” Looking directly into the face of Pure Primal Evil bearing down hard upon us is daunting in the extreme.
We all have our limitations.
Possibly we make this journey for perspective. If everything and everyone was perfect, how would we know we were alive? How would we feel anything when we had never felt anything else?
Perhaps, when the body dies, the Spirit moves to the next terrestrial world and can experience perfect peace in the total absence of Evil while yet the vastness of Evil we experienced here is burned into our minds forever; never forgetting and therefore ever mindful and appreciative of its absence.
Pity the psychopaths and their ilk. They are already dust who never lived at all.
2022 Bilderberg has just been happening (nut not in the mainstream media and not much in the alt-media. Agenda and list of attendees here:
Names include the likes of Bourla, Carney and Freeland. Gove was there for Blighty.
Tugendhat, Tom (GBR), MP; Chair Foreign Affairs Committee, House of Commons
The Predator Class Wants to Suppress Our Consciousness: Here’s How to Fight Back w/Dr Barre Lando
No, no, no. You don’t fight back by following a leader. You fight back by disdaining ALL leaders, good or bad.
…the world contains just three types of people:
A tiny minority who hoodwink the majority into believing the opposite of what’s true.
Another minority who know about this.
The majority.
This is for the minority who know about this: – don’t laugh before proving or disproving what is actually true, but not evident to the dull of mind. Most truths are hidden in plain sight – but unseen by the blind who have been led by DaBlind…who are, in turn, servants of DaGod of this world. Deception – after all – is his game!
Gary Barnett hasn’t written anything new under the link provided. And where’s the proof or strong evidence that we are governed by aliens?
I would welcome such evidence, as I’ve been holding such thoughts myself. However, beyond my own feeling I’d really like some evidence.
You had me until you mentioned Hydroxychloroquine. I don’t need medicine for a fictional virus.
I was talking with a former nurse today, who retired a bit early out of conscience and so she didn’t have to comply with all of the mandates. We both agreed that people have many acute and chronic illnesses, imbalances, parasites & toxicities that respond well to HCQ and Ivermectin, as well as D, zinc, and the rest of the “early treatments”. If restoring health is the goal, then it doesn’t really matter what the label is for the disease.
Don’t forget flu, the main disease being weaponised by misrepresentation.
Yes, of course. And isn’t it nice that after all these years we’ve found treatments for “the flu” and “the common cold”?
Why did this nurse retire out of conscience if the goal is restoring health and it is fulfilled by “early treatments”?
Why did she retire out of conscience if early treatment was fullfilling “the goal”`? Reason being is that it does matter what the label is. If it didn’t then she wouldn’t have had to retire out of conscience.
She didn’t agree with the vax mandates, especially since the employees had already been through 2020 without the shots and they could see the vax injuries mounting. And she didn’t agree with the toxic protocols they were mandated to use to treat “cases” who showed up at the hospital in respiratory distress. She knew how much the hospital was raking in if they played by the treatment rules and found it disgusting.
Not that I’m a proponent of pharmaceutical medicine but if Hydroxychloroquine saves lives in an emergency, then I’m all for it being allowed to be used. Nor am I a believer in viruses or the “enemy out there” philosophy.
Too much word salad that can be boiled down to absolutely nothing that has not been said before using far more precise language. Stick with the organic farming, I do, and its the reason I don’t write entries for OG or anywhere else.
Not every post needs to be blandly informative. In terms of hard truths, I could also recite most of what is found here more concisely, but I find this to be a work of art and a pleasure to read.
Frustrated writer? I’m just being a bitch. Ignore me lol A2
No your just being a cunt
organic crops failed?
Yep. As H. D. Thoreau put it, “Simplify, simplify, simpllify.”
It’s an interesting perspective, always has been, that speaking, reading and writing are useless distractions from living. Kind of a double edged sword: there’s some truth to it, but an equal helping of falsehood.
As JustPlainBill notes, words can be beautiful, and their beauty enhanced by selective usage.
Ironically, when you imply that only activities which directly provide food, clothing and shelter are worthwhile, you are playing right into the hands of the Davos crowd. For they would agree that all frivolous, artistic, emotionally and intellectually satisfying activities should be curtailed.
For us, that is – not so much for themselves.
that leaves (after the bodies have been cleared away) a global population of roughly 500 million.
Which, incidentally, is the figure peddled about in eugenics circles and among the elites in pre-WW2 USA, according to information in a novel by Gore Vidal. He should know, he always was close and a vicious critic of that class.
But what are left would be ‘anti vaxxers’. A whole big problem for WEF and the one group they would have wanted to get rid off. Shot and foot applies?
The introductory paragraph says it all.
The rest dwarfs mere commentary upon it.
It is, as you say, aliens, but one can also call them demons – and we’re stuck with them.
If we tried to exterminate them, they’d claim victimhood and we’d be accused of genocide.
It really is an apocalyptic dilemma. Ordinary solutions, devised by our most intelligent humans, simply won’t work.
Intelligence alone won’t work because they have more of it.
Any past attempts at extermination were either fake or severely misguided.. but extermination is the only solution, to be carried out by nature herself. Giving nature a little assistance in that process will not go amiss, for those who have what it takes. It’s not going to happen via the internet, that’s for sure.
What we CAN do is ensure they are aware that someone and something is onto them, and will not relent until the matrix and its owners are dissolved.
It is something to do with Fermi’s Great Filter, the Yuga Cycle, Samsara, etc. but you haven’t really put your finger on it.