DISCUSS: January 6th showtrial gets underway

Last night was the opening of the congressional hearings on the “Capitol Hill Riots” or “January 6th” or the “Trump’s Attempted Coup”…whatever you want to call it.
You probably didn’t need me to tell you that, because it was pretty hard to miss.
After all, it was shown on at least 8 national and international television channels, as well as live-streamed on YouTube. In Primetime no less.
Even Fox News, which made a point of not broadcasting the hearing, spent the entire evening talking about the hearing.
It was hard to escape.
They kicked off proceedings with opening statements from Chairman Bennie Thompson and Wyoming Senator Liz Cheney. I won’t bother telling you what they said, you can guess.
There was a lot of talk about protecting democracy and Trump being evil. It could have been written by an AI that had been programmed with nothing but Rachel Maddow’s Twitter feed.
The addresses were cheered rapturously across the “liberal” media, because of course they were. The response was as predictable as it was over the top…
Incredible to watch this presentation from Liz Cheney, of all GOPers. One of the most amazing—yet most basic—profiles in political courage we’ve seen in our lifetimes.
— Garrett M. Graff (@vermontgmg) June 10, 2022
Honestly, the two could have played chopsticks badly on a child-size xylophone, sensuously massaged peanut butter into their hair or repeatedly smashed their own faces into their desks, the reaction would have been the same.
The content was immaterial, the reaction was pre-written and designed to Pied Piper public opinion into the two opposing camps.
Then came emotive testimony from traumatised police officers about slipping in human blood. It all had a very familiar ring to it, to be honest.
But what do you think?
- What will the finds of the committee be?
- Was the 2020 election rigged?
- Was Jan an attempted coup or a false flag?
- Who will be held responsible for the “attempted coup”?
- Will new legislation be passed to “protect democracy”?
- Will Donald Trump go to jail?
- …will anyone?
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Trump’s 12-page statement on the Jan 6 Unselect Committee
Trump calls Jan. 6 hearings ‘desperate’ attempt by Democrats in 12-page response
On Monday, former President Donald Trump issued a 12-page statement reiterating his previous claims about the 2020 election
Jun 15, 2022
This was planned and executed by CiA psyops teams and the media. It wasn’t staged by only “democrats”. The opposition between the two parties is contrivef
Please read this slowly: Trump was a paid actor in a presidential psyop to keep Obama covertly in the White House. I’ve known this since 2016. Biden is also a retired actor or possibly still VP. Trump diverted attention away from this ‘fake news’ by claiming to expose fake news. He never exposed anything, not the fake pandemic, non existent virus, fake mass shootings, fake runaway trucks, fake mass stabbings and bombings from Boston to Stockholm to Vegas to Paris (Charlie aHebdo farce) to Charlottesville to San Bernardino to Christ Church to Sydney Pittsburgh. All fake among hundreds of fake news stories.
After 4 years of trusting the plan and Q drops.
it ended up with a fancy dressed chipmunk and his over weight gamer friends nerds.
This was the Trump taking on the deep state insurrection that would make america great again.
Shock, horror, gasp!!! Some of Nancy Pelosi’s letter headed stationery was stolen! A podium was tampered with! We must protect Pelosi’s letter headed stationery!! We must protect out podiums!!
If it takes non stop Stalinist show trials lavishly orchestrated and choreographed by Hollywood’s Finest to achieve that, then that’s okay by me.
My view from over the pond is simple:
As I’ve been saying for a year and a half now, they aren’t done with their ‘insurrection’ psyop, which has been aided and abetted by gatekeepers across the sociopolitical spectrum. It has been brilliantly successful at deceiving both red and blue team foot soldiers. This was all so well telegraphed for 6 months before it was staged that it was easy to predict, as some of us did: https://markcrispinmiller.com/2020/11/is-this-post-election-struggle-meant-to-touch-off-civil-war-to-justify-the-big-crackdown-long-but-well-worth-reading/
I only skimmed through the article; and I agree with the point that the Deep State are trying to trigger a civil war.
Trump has stated that the insurrection was November 3rd; thereby implying that he invoked the insurrection act. And given that there was wholesale foreign interference in the election, he will have also invoked COG. He would have failed in his duty as President had he not done both. The big change in March 2020 was in shifting responsibility for COG from DHS/FEMA to NORTHCOM; and I presume it could come under the same military control as the insurrection response.
If any sort of “martial law” had been invoked, it would involve such things as seizing files and computers from the FBI, CIA, and the like. The vast majority of people wouldn’t even know it was happening.
US Military Given “Continuity of Government” Standby Orders for COVID-19 Pandemic
March 18, 2020
Oct 6, 2021
Trump Says ‘Real Insurrection’ Happened on Election Day, Praises Pence’s Jan. 6 Comments
Regime change comes home to roost.
voting is for slaves
who falsely believe they are free
red vs blue
a trick as old as the sea
america the land of the blind
and every country the same
the world is a human farm
the farms have many names
russia the name of a farm
china and mexico too
your owners are human farmers
and what they are farming is you
the slaves vote and think they are free
the slave doesn’t know he’s a slave
the slave slaves the meat off his bones
and lives as a slave to the grave
What happened to the separation of powers – supposedly fundamental to US government?
The Legislature is supposed to pass laws, not conduct investigations (that’s what the police and FBI do) or conduct trials (that’s what the Judiciary – the courts – are for).
So what exactly are these “hearings” supposed to accomplish?
They’re PR stunts to push false narratives. Kabuki.
They’re not investigating but inventing events, consistent with how this ‘insurrection’ was planned and staged – right in the center of the national (in)security state. This (predictive) programming has been running with congressional oversight (management) of mass shootings, further fusing such narrative themes as white supremacy, domestic terrorism, and conspiracy theory, right on the heels of the latest DHS threat assessment of the enemy within (https://www.dhs.gov/ntas/advisory/national-terrorism-advisory-system-bulletin-june-7-2022).
Stay tuned for the midterm election show, promising to have its own false flag feature. It’s all part of the continuing coup that got jump started with covid. Life has become one long Hollywood movie. It’s getting to be time for precrime, so look for the release of Minority Report Reloaded. In the meantime, get your fill of Amerika’s Reichstag Fire.
All of that story has been pure theater after a trap by the democrats, probably organized by Nasty Pelosi in first instance. There was no coup, it was an understandable demonstration after the scandalously fraudulent victory of Biden, the father of Hunt. They have been dramatising and milking what should have been treated in a few cases as a trespassing. The treatment of the detained people since then has been a vicious crime, and the trial by the committee is a shaming performance. Instead, they should look for justice in the killing of Ashli Babbitt.
“There was no coup…”
Oh, there was a coup, alright, but the January 6th protestors were and are not the ones guilty of it.
If you haven’t yet seen it, I highly recommend watching this short film, which was “obtained by the Washington Post” (sic), though they don’t say how or from whom:
“The shooting of Ashli Babbitt” (2m 53s):
It’s one of the most obviously staged scenes I have ever seen. NB, I am not necessarily implying that no cops shot anyone at the Capitol building. What I am saying is:
1) The three helmetless defenders at the door are the gentlest, feeblest, skinniest, least aggressive and worst-armed US “police officers” I’ve even seen on film. Those young guys look like un-gifted extras suddenly asked to play a leading role and almost dying of embarrassment. And note how they simply walk away just before the shot. All together, without a word.
2) OMG! A hand holding a handgun suddenly appears behind the glass door! OMFG! But does the guy filming give a damn? Does he retreat and seek cover? Does he hell. In fact, none of the attackers are the least bit alarmed or discouraged at the prospect of being shot. They just carry on “besieging” the glass windows, without a care in the world.
3) Gosh darn it, the guy with the handgun shoots someone! No warning shot! WTF! A woman is down! NOTE THE EDITING. NOTE THE CUTS. Ask yourself exactly who manipulated this film and exactly when and why.
4) The cavalry has arrived! At last! Helmeted! Heavily armed! Kevlar vests! Automatic rifles, with telescopic sights! Observe how these tough, highly-trained professionals
take charge of the situation instantlyfanny about helplessly, kneeling and standing up again for no conceivable reason, inches away from the crowd. Grabbing and arresting nobody. Listen to the cringemaking improvised “shouts” from the crowd (which is still not fleeing despite the pistol shot and then the appearance of these new Top Guns).It is terrible acting. It is very bad theatre.
Who released the magnetic door-locks?
If this question has been raised by Tucker Carlson, would somebody please post the link below?
Alternative link:
‘Someone Opened the Doors From the Inside,’ Jan. 6 Defense Attorney Says
By Joseph M. Hanneman
Jan 28, 2022 – Updated: Feb 1, 2022
Kelly Meggs and other members of the Oath Keepers couldn’t have done one of the major things of which they’re accused by federal prosecutors: forcing their way into the U.S. Capitol Rotunda on Jan. 6, 2021, through the famous Columbus Doors, a defense attorney says. The two sets of historic doors that lead into the Rotunda were opened by someone on the inside and not his client, according to defense attorney Jonathon Moseley.
Department of Justice video widely circulated on Twitter since last week shows a man trying to open the inner doors by leaning against them, before turning around as if listening to someone, then returning to the entrance and opening the left door for protesters.
“The outer doors cast from solid bronze would require a bazooka, an artillery shell, or C4 military-grade explosives to breach,” Moseley wrote in a letter to federal prosecutors. “That of course did not happen. You would sooner break into a bank vault than to break the bronze outer Columbus Doors.”
The 20,000-pound Columbus Doors that lead into the Rotunda on the east side of the U.S. Capitol are secured by magnetic locks that can only be opened from the inside by using a security code controlled by Capitol Police, Moseley wrote in an eight-page memo.
January 6: Who Unlocked the Magnetic Doors for George Tenney?
Jan 29, 2022
Who unlocked the magnetic doors on the east side of the Capitol on January 6? When George Tenney first tried to open them, both were locked. Then after he pointed at the doors and said something, the left door opened.
Don’t pin your hopes on the likes of Carlson – he thinks anybody who questions 9/11 is a parasite
Yes, I agree that Carlson shouldn’t be trusted.
The point I’m making is that the Ray Epps “exposure” (see below) is part of the psyop. That getting conservatives to feel disillusioned in agencies such as the FBI fits with the plan to break up the US. However, there are other parts of the Jan 6 psyop which they’re not going to expose.
Also, it should be remembered that Carlson and Fox are on the same side as Cheney in that they called the election for Biden; i.e. they were part of the November 3rd insurrection!
I don’t think Cheney is a U.S. Senator?
She’s a Representative, and doing a piss poor job of it.
I’d call January 6th. a “couplet” — the real action wasn’t the hordes of people swarming through the Capitol but all the ‘stop the steal’ maneuvering that had gone on behind the scenes. Trump’s supporters have to face facts — he lost the election and he did so because a good slice of his 2014 supporters, people who voted for him who rationalized him as “Better than Hilary” and “What could he do worse?”, really loathed him. (I know quite a few, BTW.) The ‘election steal’ was also pre-empted, undermined by changes to election practices that made elections much less reliant on the integrity of the workers than they did before.
(I my experience everyone who’s challenged the ballots or made assertions about how this or that had been corrupted hassn’t worked the polls or even read the training materials. They haven’t a clue about what’s going on or how anything works so they just come off sounding silly. We need to keep a close eye on those who should know better but still perpetuate the lie — they’re definitely up to something.)
That said, the attack on the Capitol was a spectacular, and deadly, act of vandalism that should not be repeated. We should move on from this, though, because the real attack wasn’t a bunch of people breaking windows and stuff but a concerted, behind the scenes move to subvert what’s left of our democracy. In this regard Trump was just a fall guy, a willing egotist that fit the bill, a victim of the very Swamp/Deep State that he claimed to oppose. He’s not the first, just the most spectacularly incompetent, venial and egotistic. He’s make a great dictator if he had half a clue what he was doing. Having paved the way he’s now redundant and if he knew what was good for him he’d keep a low profile (I certainly wouldn’t be accepting any lifts from him for the foreseeable future). The country has much more serious concerns — Biden, like Ford in the 1970s, is merely a caretaker. What comes after him will decide the fate of the country for many years. From my perspective, its not looking that great.
Even according to the declared numbers, Trump got 11.2m more votes in 2020 than 2016.
Popular vote (2016)
Trump: 62,984,828
Clinton: 65,853,514
Popular vote (2020)
Trump: 74,216,154
Biden: 81,268,924
Yes, be he wasn’t running against a 2016 HRC, he was running against a 2020 Biden (or, more accurately, a “2020 Not Trump”).
We are being gaslighted, duped and brainwashed into acquiescing to a false narrative. The goal is to demonize Trump (who was hardly anti-establishment) https://wallstreetonparade.com/2022/06/the-money-trail-to-the-january-6-attack-on-the-capitol-is-ignored-in-last-nights-public-hearing/ and to make sure no real populous president is ever elected. Don’t fall for the okey-doke.
From a public safety perspective this was either a massive government failure or a preplanned stand down to allow it to go sideways. How is it a major rally/demonstration was scheduled during a time of national polarization, angst, and division and the mayor of D.C. didn’t adequately prepare? My wife’s cousin is an officer in the Capitol Police, he and several of his fellow officers were given the day off!? She called him the day of the incident and he got back to her and told he was okay he was given the day off. January 6th was a psyop and the hearings are a total sham, much like the 9-11 Commission. The overlord’s minions in congress use the same playbook tactics over and over because they work!
Psyop joke it was. As a card carrying lefty radical shit disturbing dissident with more than 100 street protest events under my belt, i can testify that if J6 were a LEFT protest there would have been a fully armored goon army with barbed wire fencing. Any breakthroughs would have had blood all over the grassy mall and not one foot on capital cement. They knew this was coming just as they knew, with pre-prep exercises, DotCom, 911, school shootings, GR, pan-DEMic, NeoCold/HotWar, was/is coming,
Every crisis incident their tragic policies produce, including that Uvalde shooting is surrounded by supposed disbelief that it did or could have happened. Seeming incompetence on the part of the State. With claims of no pre-knowledge, not prepared, and unbelievable inaction. Every crisis has been preceded or bracketed by “exercises” to prepare “authorities” to adequately engage these crises. But none of it, mysteriously, ever thwarts or even adequately deals with any crisis, leaving the public dumstruck and terrified. (As planned?)
How is it possible to have police/military/health gov’t exercises to prepare for: street civil war insurrections in major city downtown areas with gunfire. choppers, explosions and screaming sirens everywhere, unannounced, during the day; same day as 911 air power exercise/stand-down for the very same event that happened in reality; or 9 months of gov’t pandemic crisis prep just before a 2 year pandemic LOCKDOWN; and all the cop exercises to prep for mass shootings and other insane social disturbances… and not have people realize a setup? Behind all this is mass surveillance of ALL our communications since the start of this century. Pre-emptive policing, trigger happy cops, with proposed digital surveillance panopticon cooked up to turn our country into an open-air prison. And none of it is effective. Really?
They really think we are stupid, but we are not. Look at how many people are voting. The primaries in CA that just happened, only 16% of registered voters, and only 12% of eligible voters, voted. This near same statistical election occurred in CA’s 2014 election of Jerry Brown as governor. We as a society are allowing extreme minority election of officials because they offer nothing to vote for. The dimballs who BELIEVE in this SYSTEM are funneled into justifying Hamiltonion-Federalists style ultra-minority rule over a totally unrepresented bottom 90%.
Yes. Far less than half the country vote. They fabricate the numbers, which is why they use black box voting machines. There is never a majority rule, there is only the psyop of letting the slaves believe they are free.
My understanding of the January 6 Trump rally was to bring attention to all the evidence of irregularities and corruption in the 2020 election and to delay the certification of electors until certain states could review the evidence to see if the correct electors were being sent to Washington for certification. They were not demanding Trump electors be certified over Biden electors. There they were not trying to illegally overturn the election.
The January 6 riots into the capital stopped the certification process for two/three hours and then was restarted and confirmed Biden as president.
The people at the rally were totally frustrated with the lack of interest and outright resistance to investigating the ton of evidence of all the corruption in the election.
And now we have a kangaroo House Committee making up stuff because they don’t want voters questioning their authority to choose who they want to be elected.
11 Sept 2001: Nineteen Deathloving Superstudents snuck up on the Pentagon and dunnit. No one could have seen it coming, sources say.
6 Jan 2021: Two Thousand Trumpite Coup Plotters snuck up on the Capitol and dunnit.
Sources say nothing could have been done to stop them.
It’s terrible how Bad Guys keep sneaking up on America, but you gotta admit it makes great TV.
Is AOC okay?
Well. It wasn’t an “Attempted Coup” at all. And the success of the coup was the direct result of stuffed ballot boxes and a corrupted electoral process. Mr. Trump simply had to go. He was not playing by the rules…
Since then, the Democratic National Commitee of assholes and corporate ball buddies, have successfully trashed world-wide economies. Enforced public masking. Locked down millions of civilian dupes. Injected 100s of millions of persons with mRNA poisons. And firmed up the dictatorship of technocracy.
Not bad for a party of half-wits and degenerates…
It was Drumpf that fathered the “vaccine”.
Hello Placental_Mammal: I am not a fan of Donald Trump… These “vaccine” formulae were prepared for distribution long before Donald Trump took office. He fathered nothing of the sort. You are uninformed.
“New revelations and 3 other takeaways from the first Jan. 6 committee hearing
The committee hopes it all breaks through with most Americans, especially as fewer are blaming Trump as being responsible for the insurrection than they did immediately following it, partisan gaps becoming wider, and with conservative media doing all it can to circle the Trump wagons and downplay the committee’s findings.”
Interesting. An admission that “fewer are blaming Trump” than they used to. However this disagreeable matter is blamed on “conservative media”. What a joke! And a complete inversion of the truth. NPR – like every other tentacle of the media Cthulhu – is the “conservative media”. If the public are no longer blaming Trump then it’s because they’ve seen through the shite.
Election tampering is a given. Gore won FL in 2000. Democrat majority Ohio counties went to Bush in 04. In 08/12(?) Karl Rove freaked out on live TV because results were wrong; anon hackers later said (?) They easily hacked Rove’s system to disable his rigging. 7 years ago a fifteen year old girl won a hacking contest by cracking a voting machine in under 40 minutes. Wikileaks showed Hillary entertaining sending provocateur to Trump rally. The DNC cheated sheepdog Sanders. Russia gate.. A van, suv, and Ferrari dropping off carts of Michigan ballots at 4am +100K Biden? Overflowing urinal stops GA count, witnesses leave, cctv shows counting restarted with suitcases of ballots? Kamala’s friend Jussie Smollet?
Free and fair, safe and effective, >= Clown World.
I care not because I did not vote for Hillary, Trump, or Biden, I care because if we ever had a better candidate than Tulsi or Yang the meat grinder would axe them too.
Looks like the democrats can literally wheel out suitcases of fake ballots to swing an election and noone – not even republicans – will call them out. That’s how bad the situation is…
And vice versa, Peter. Don’t get lost in the false dichotomy of the red team/blue team ‘election’ charade. They are all ONE TEAM, all powerless puppets used to maintain the illusion of ‘democracy’, they all are pre (s)elected, none get into office that are not the choice of the corporate state.
Some of us avoided the hearing altogether. It is embarrassing that this is happening in the United States.
Truly embarrassing.
And the irony……..
The same technology used to pin point the whereabouts of everyone who attended the Capitol protest rally that day was used to pinpoint and follow the locations and movements of all the ballot mules who were the tools of the election steal in the documentary 2000 Mules.
And the FBI (the right arm of the political left) is ignoring it. They can’t discount the data and findings in 2000 Mules because it was acquired and used the same exact way they applied it themselves in the J-6 investigation.
The lesson to take from this: Turn off your phone. Pretend it’s a phone booth in your pocket. Use it only when you absolutely need to. You never know what you might catch.
“Some of us avoided the hearing altogether. It is embarrassing that this is happening in the United States.
Truly embarrassing.”
If you think this is embarrassing, just wait.Things are going to turn starkly and darkly tragic.
As Leonard Cohen put it, “You won’t like what comes after America.”
With the mass death and disability resulting from the quackccines the situation is already “starkly and darkly tragic”.
This is the calm before the storm. Worse things waiting…
Only the FBÍ is the right arm of no ‘left’ that I would recognize…
‘Left’ disappeared from politics altogether round about the time MLK met his maker.
It’s all good ol’-fashioned fascist right today.
No left-winger gets even 5 seconds of airtime.
The left/right paradigm is meaningless. Marx and Lionel Rothschild were cousins.
My point exactly.
You have not been paying attention or you are only watching and reading the MSM.
I’m afraid I must throw that back at you.
The ‘left’ has completely metamorphosed into a hollow caricature of its former self – if that.
For example, nobody who thinks today’s US Democratic Party is ‘left’ is of sound mind and body.
Of course it used to oppose the Republicans, but now it makes love to them and drinks cocktails with them at the little-publicized meetings with lobbyists.
I pay a lot of attention – more than I really have time for – and I never watch or read the MSM, except occasionally to check out what I am supposed to believe.
Agree with some of what you say, especially about cell phones, but the premise that the FBI is the ‘right arm of the left’ is truly laughable. For one thing, the Dems are hardly ‘left’. And in reality, the red and blue teams, the corporate media, the FBI, the CIA, etc., etc. are all on the same team. All one mass mindfuck machine.
Wow. Your statement is so ridiculous it is not worth arguing.
The whole show is a distraction, carefully choreographed to distract from the main-event/s in town. The main show should be the collapsing of the US economy … and the $40 Billion dollars pulled out of Biden’s arse to mask the mess his son is in. Did anyone mention the Hillary Clinton corruption of the governing process?
50 years on, war photographer Nick Ut looks back on iconic photo with ‘Napalm Girl’ Kim Phuc – ABC News – this photo began my long held revulsion for the USA, I used to dream about cutting it off from Canada and Mexico and slinging the whole country into out space, only saving the decent singers.
What about the millions of American kids, just as innocent as Kim Phuc? What about the American anti-war activists and conscientious objectors? What about the millions of Americans who never liked the war and didn’t support it? Why do they all deserve to get flung into a void?
They would be exempt too of course, but you get my general point. Kent State has never left my mind, even after all these decades, nor the vicious raffle here in Australia.
Countries, as separate, are an illusion, since they’re all centrally controlled. Australians were forced to go to Vietnam too. The bankers organize wars between the so-called countries and cull the populace then steal the land, and in the case of Vietnam, used it to GROW OPIUM for the illegal heroin trade, which the alphabet agencies supervise, coordinate the distribution using drug cartels, then launder the proceeds through the banks, while the governments coordinate the military maneuvers.
Nothing is as it seems.
You might want to adjust and expand your revulsion. None of us young men wanted to go to Vietnam in my town. My number was 64. Had the draft not ended, I was sure to go. I would not have gone. At least not to Vietnam. We were all pissed off. With all of it’s blunders and leftist bullshit, it is still the greatest country ever to exist on the face of the earth. Americans are humans and just like every other human population, we have made mistakes and will continue to make mistakes. Everything is relative. A world without the United States would be fucked up more than ever. Farmers would still be using wooden plows pulled by teams of oxen. Socialism would be rampant. No due process. Tyrannical dictators. Disease. No antibiotics. No polio vaccine. We are guilty and culpable, no doubt. Americans came (and still are coming) from all over the world for a reason. We are humans living with a process for dealing with evil aberrants. Our mistake was/is trusting our government more than we should. But we have awakened and are on to the leftist bullshit and are going to hold them accountable. Trust me. Midterm elections will be a rude awakening for the hypnotized deranged demons now running our country. In case you have not seen this yet, the latest threat to American Democracy is from “Christian Nationalists”. Yes. According to the MSM, Christianity is the biggest threat to America. You can’t get anymore evil than that. As plain as the nose on one’s face. We are gunning for them and when we take power from the evil tyrants they will go into hiding and hope we don’t find them. Fuck you NSA.
Rubbish. America was the land of the free and home of the brave. And then Columbus came along. We now have a deforested, brainwashed, warmongering, decadent, feminist, transgender, polluted hell hole.
And so is/was the rest of the world. Everyone keeps thinking that the American Indian was the only group of “aborigines” displaced by invasion and war.
It is mind boggling that so many people still fall into that trap.
It has happened on every continent in the world. Over and over. Inter and intra. Before Europeans arrived (the Vikings, that is and not Columbus) “Native Americans” were warring over the land. And those “Native Americans” arrived from other continents via Central America and Northeast Asia.
People are people. History is the same everywhere. Deal with it.
Everything is relative. The proof of previous peoples is buried everywhere on Earth.
And the rest of the world is not polluted? Come on.
We have more forest than ever with abundant wildlife. It is the prairie biome that is in trouble. Wetlands are in trouble too.
If you want tell a story, tell it true.
But we dealing with it.
South American forests are not as pristine as one would think. The only reason they haven’t been exploited, yet, is because of a catastrophic population decline of some type which spread from the Amazon forest up into the Eastern forest of the North America. Millions and millions of people died in a short time. Imagine the pollution then. In the absence of sewage treatment systems the waters must have been cesspools of E. coli.
Do I sound brainwashed? The world changing inventions speak for themselves. That is brainwashing or it is denial. Our freedom to “explore” at every level brought about those inventions. Unfortunately, not of all them are or were good.
The quest for power and wealth is everywhere. Not just the United States. Just look at the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.
I left myself open on purpose. I fully expected to be attacked and still do. That is fine. Adrenaline was the culprit. Not alcohol this time.
Marilyn pissed me off a little.
We are all in it together. History is more or less the same on every continent.
There will never be utopia on Earth.
Infighting is our enemy.
My bad.
The wildlife is nice too…
What’s left of it. Remember the photograph of the mountain of bison skulls ?
Yes indeed.
When Tucker Carlson and Ted Cruz push the Ray Epps “exposure”, we can reasonably assume that it’s part of the psyop.
Tucker Carlson dares Jan. 6 committee to affirm Ray Epps wasn’t working with any government agency
January 11, 2022
Fox News host Tucker Carlson challenged the House committee investigating the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, to declare that Ray Epps was not working with any government agency.
He raised the question Tuesday in response to the select panel issuing a statement that said it interviewed Epps, an Arizona resident and a former president of the Arizona Oath Keepers militia group seen on video urging people to march to the U.S. Capitol in the hours leading up to the riot, and Epps claimed he was not an informant for the FBI or any other law enforcement agency.
GOP Sens Blast DOJ for Lack of Answers on Jan 6th Attack
Jan 11, 2022
January 11, 2022 – Republican Senators blast an official with the Dept of Justice, when during a hearing on Domestic Terrorism, the official has no information to share with the Senators on basic questions of how many were arrested on January 6th, how many were charged, how many prosecuted or whether any FBI or DOJ officials had any role in the riot at the Capitol.
GOP Sens: Ted Cruz (0:05), Tom Cotton (6:35), Josh Hawley (12:50) – Hawley questions re the targeting of parents at school board meetings
11:40: Revolver News and Tucker Carlson entered into congressional record re Ray Epps exposure.
This is the Revolver News article
Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web Of Unindicted Operators At The Heart Of January 6
December 18, 2021
Six weeks ago, Revolver News published a blockbuster investigative report on Ray Epps — a man who, more than any other individual, appears to be the key unlocking the question of active federal involvement in the so-called “Capitol Siege” of January 6th.
Out of all of the thousands of January 6’s protesters, and the thousands of hours of publicly available footage from that fateful day, Ray Epps has turned out to be perhaps the only person nailed dead to rights confessing on camera to plotting a pre-planned attack on the Capitol. On both January 5 and January 6, Epps announced multiple times, at multiple locations, his upcoming plot to breach the US Capitol. He then spent hours attempting to recruit hundreds of others to join him. On top of it all, Epps was seen leading key people and managing key aspects of the initial breach of the Capitol grounds himself.
BBN films Ray Epps calling for #USCapitol march prior to Donald Trump speech #MarchForTrump
Jan 14, 2021
Capitol Intel Group/BBN
Trump supporter and alleged Oath Keeper miltia member Ray Epps calling on crowds to march on US Capitol filmed by Capitol Intelligence/BBN using CI Glass before President Donald J. Trump began speaking at the “March for Trump” rally at the White House Ellipse on January 6, 2020.
Tucker Carlson interviews Darren Beattie [Revolver News] regarding Ray Epps and Jan 6
Oct 26, 2021
Who had the most to gain from this “coup”? Remember, the Republicans were going to provide evidence of election fraud during the course of that evening. The delays caused by the events meant that the presentation of evidence was abandoned.
I doubt any of this will be mentioned in the hearings…
Not one case of election fraud has ever been proven, why do people keep on with that nonsense.
How do you define “proof” in this situation? If the courts refuse to take up the fraud cases, which they have, repeatedly, then what have they proved? When the agencies and individuals responsible for maintaining and enforcing election laws fail to do so, then what has been proven? TPTB don’t want to prove anything; they simply make assertions, and then, avoid or ignore all evidence to the contrary.Then they gaslight and torment those people who try to get them to do their jobs, which is, I guess, the winner’s prerogative; when you successfully steal an election, you get to thwart those who try to to call you to account, in any way necessary.
Additionally, when anyone does try to bring “proof” to light, the mainstream media simply ignores it.Out of sight, out of mind, and thus, irrelevant.If no one reports it, it doesn’t exist.
Don’t forget sworn affidavits from numerous sources all over the country were ignored by the local courts and the media. The corruption and deceit are mindboggling as the US devolves into a neo-feudal fascist police state.
It always was. It just took the 2020 election for some to wake up.
You need watch 2000 Mules. You will come away without a doubt in your mind. Tons of evidence uncovered by Juliani sponsored hearings in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia. MSM did not cover it and no one acted on the clear evidence because the justice systems responsible for acting in those states are controlled by Democrats. Clear proof backed up by witnesses who swore and oath. Just because no one was held accountable does not mean it did not happen. You are watching the wrong media sources. The MSM is nothing but an extension of the Left. The Democrat’s Mantra: Lie, cheat, steal and murder. The ends justify the means.
And Republicans NEVER lie, cheat or steal. If only we could rid the country of Democrats, then all would be just fine and we really would live in the greatest country on earth, a decent, God fearing nation that would NEVER do evil. Riiiight….
Those Republicans are better known as RINOS. Everything is relative. It’s been a concerted effort by the Democrats for decades. Conservatives have been sitting back and watching the idiocy. But no more. Everyone is human and makes mistakes. But with Democrats it is part of the plan. Hypnotized Deranged Demons. Period. There is an app on climate change, by the way. Inconvenient Facts. It is free. They are hellbent on stopping climate change and will do anything to fulfill that agenda. Anything. Hypnotized Deranged Demons. No doubt about it. Look at the app. Share it with your friends. The best fact of all is greenhouse gas percentages. 90% of greenhouse gas is water vapor. Carbon gas is 60% of the remaining 10%. 60% X 10% = 6%. Tell me what is wrong with this formula and why the demonic deranged lunatics think they can stop climate change by eliminating the use fossil fuels…… And that is assuming we need to stop it, if we could stop it. And we can’t. These are Democrats. If this does not clear up your mind on what side of the fence you need to be on, nothing will. Mass Formation Psychosis. They are feeding off of each other. One lie after another.
“And Republicans NEVER lie, cheat or steal.”
Of course they do. They stole an election from Gore, At least some of them were complicit in stealing the 2020 election, But this isn’t really about party politics; its about sovereignty versus slavery, citizenship versus subjugation. The people behind stealing that election don’t care about the USA. They don’t believe in nations, or peoples. They believe in power.
“it was pretty hard to miss”
Not really. There are more interesting, more positive and far more important things happening among the remaining 97% of world population.
For instance:
“Chinese Ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui: “We must put an end once and for all to the hegemony of the United States, with its eternal desire to interfere in the affairs of sovereign states”
“If anyone dares to split Taiwan from China, the Chinese army will definitely not hesitate to start a war no matter the cost,”
Or Lavrov: “The more long-range weapons supplied by the West to Ukraine, the further Moscow will move the line of threat from Neo-Nazis to the Russian Federation.”
Or Putin: “Geopolitical, scientific and technological transformations are happening. The world is changing, and it is doing so rapidly. In order to claim some kind of leadership in any area – any country, any people, any ethnic group should ensure their sovereignty. Because there is no intermediate state: either a country is sovereign, or it is a colony, no matter what the colonies are called.”
Staged. Jan 6 is top 5 worst acting performance in false flags. Even the shooting. How can this cheap BS still being taken seriously? It is unbelievable.
Ashli Babbitt is still dead. Murdered by a Capitol Police officer who was later exonerated. A video posted on GAB showed the whole thing before GAB was shut down for telling the truth. I watched more than 10 hours of video of the event posted on GAB. The televised prime time event was a joke. No doubt about that. People were just standing around talking and singing while Capitol police lobbed teargas at them. ANTIFA was breaking windows to gain access to the Capitol Building. Organized antagonists were being told to fuck off as they encouraged people to storm the building. A few stupids decided to follow ANTIFA (Soros funded, of course) into the Capitol building. The police officers that died, died of vascular disease. Eventually, to maintain order, Capitol police invited people into the rotunda and more people entered. No one stormed in with weapons looking to kill Congress People. Most were calm and respectful like they were on a elementary school field trip. How was it staged? Windows were broken. A woman was shot. People were tear gassed. A few arrests were made on site. Thousands of pissed off citizens were there. Trump was there giving a speech. And all of them had a pinging cell phone telling each individual’s story. What part of that was acting?
This is a reboot of the Trump impeachment saga. It will go nowhere. It is meant to run out the clock and score points for the Dems, the latter of which, like impeachment, it will not do. But it doesn’t matter. The midterms will punish the Dems, the Republicans will get back in power, suck horribly, and then it will be Dem time once again, to come marching in with more money than they can even spend and “a mandate for change.” What a stupid spectacle.
That’s true, as far as it goes. What it also does, is make literal criminals out of anyone who questions the election.
Just having crossed the 3ft high fence makes everyone guilty of tress passing. Fines. Loss of your right to concealed carry for a couple years. Stuff like that. When ANTIFA starting breaking windows to break in is when all hell broke loose. Congress panicked and went into hiding. And then when the stupids entered the building, their fates were sealed. Those breaking the windows should get 10 years, at least. And they know who they were by cell phone ping technology. But going after those just standing around talking after having crossed the 3 foot barrier is ridiculous. Misdemeanors and fines. This one is on ANTIFA and the FBI plants trying to stir up the crowd. But the hearings? What the fuck is that? Nothing but an attempt at holding power by blaming deplorable Republicans and Christian Nationalists. Democrat’s Mantra: Lie, Cheat, Steal, Murder. The ends justify the means. They will do anything it takes to hold power. True Evil.
Of course they are. And will continue to be. Until they get it through their skulls that travel for the minions is “no longer sustainable” in the new feudalism.
The show continues as soap opera:
Daugher turns against father. I foresee a Hollywood epic in the pipeline.
Note also the video included:
Which has nothing to do with the article’s theme.
What fallen officer? Do they mean the dude who had a heart attack after he came off duty?
No different than the family strife that occurred in the 60s. And Hollywood exploited it.
Liz Cheney “of all people”? She’s exactly the sort of Republican who would push the “Trump = evil” agenda (which he does but not in the way they mean).
Trump show trial kicks off just after Depp/Heard show trial finishes – and in the UK we are supposed to be outraged by the spectacle of British war criminals in a Putin show trial. It looks co-ordinated because it is.
For all we know, the “riot” was a scene planned long in advance – perhaps before Trump even became president. Indeed perhaps the whole “harrowing” scenario is one of those back burner possibilities that has been around for decades. Set up a “Fascist” president who won’t accept being voted out and stage ensuing carnage etc.
Ironically, the one thing against this theory is that this particular show is so painfully amateurish. The Americans can do better than this. But then again, when they are staging “reality” they have to tread carefully. They could just stick in unused footage from e.g. Schindler’s List. But even the dumbest TV gapers might suspect something with that!
January 6: ancient celebration name is called ‘ Lord of Misrule’ at the ‘Feast of Fools’, the last day of Saturnalia at Epiphany.
…- So, an AI programmed by another AI then?… – [*Skynet Intensifies*]
…That the DNC hired former ABC News Producer and then President (’till a couple months ago) James Goldston, *Straight Outta Hollyweird*, to literally *’Produce’* this circus, oughta tell you everything you need to know…
…Wonder if his eager-beaver team of editors have got done splicing together the *Tens Of Thousands Of Hours* worth of (still unreleased) CCTV footage from in and around the US Capitol that day, and maybe it’ll finally get to see the light of day at these proceedings (- *Heavy /S*)…
Another spectacle event perfectly timed-as Joe’s track record sucks.
And (gratefully) his dismal performance and covid vax adverse side effects and deaths are ablaze in Times Square https://twitter.com/alabeaty/status/1534778472354177025?fbclid=IwAR0v7ah24rRGiPtFeJfDdQ-L-261zf1Jw2VWIkCcIyiaIG3UgUIwn8forBc
Please take care not to give everyone the ?fbclid=…. next time. Being tracked by twitter already sucks enough as it is, not need facebook into the mix too.
“Medical Experts” in Australia are baffled by the rise in excess mortality amongst the young. “We don’t know what’s causing this sudden surge, another un-explained variant perhaps? but we do believe more than ever that a fourth vaccine is necessary”, said a leading researcher from the Docherty institute.
I’m starting to think that the beginning hasn’t begun.
Biggest circus in town.
Only truth told there is advising the participants where the rest rooms and fire exits are located…
By now, I think that people are too ashamed to admit that they have been played.
I would categorize these people in 3 groups
ad 1 should not feel ashamed but enraged. That will come, but rest assure that ad 3 will try to keep them as long as possible in the ashamed modus
ad 2 needs to admit that they are not as great as they thought they were. They should not feel shame, but regret. Truth committees or trials may be helpful as showcases (where the celebrities are trialed) but most have to experience regret through their own conscience. It is a stubborn group where stupidity rules and rest assure that ad3 likes them stupid (and will try everything that they can do to keep ad2 stupid).
ad3 is true evil and cannot be helped. They are the toddlers who played with hand grenades and continue to do so, as they see it as their divine right to play with hand grenades. They need to be shunned from humanity through shame, exposure and trials. The good news is: it is a small group and they have exposed themselves through convid, the WEF, and editorials. The bad news is: they have lots of power.
Me, I fit in the ad1 and ad2 group. I feel regret (as I belonged to the ad2 group), now I excommunicated myself from the elites I only feel rage. To make rage justful one has to find means to further expose the stupidity of ad2 and evilness of ad3, while feeling pity for ad 1. I have no direct contacts with ad3, but plenty with ad2. So my strategy is to expose the stupidity of ad2 as much as possible. It is not everything, but it is something.
Irrelevant sideshow but scary because it will be used as a platform for even more creep toward full totalitarian control.
Fake hearing, fake riot, fake left/right divide, fake disease, fake mass shootings, fake queen, fake VoNC. We’re already in the Matrix.
You missed out fake war
Really, I think the victims of the mass shootings are actually dead, the footage inside congress is quite terrifying for those there on the day and all this claiming that actual events are posed and fake is insane.
As insane as claiming there is a virus killing people and that we had to bomb Iraq.
Terrifying indeed because it was a terrorist operation pulled off by multiple alphabet agencies. ‘Babbitt’ even worked for one.
Babbitt was murdered in cold blood, there is no argument from me about that, the video was as clear as day
Hollywood movie magic.
Absolute BULLSHIT.
They aren’t even real people, the so-called victims of the mass shootings. They invent names, stories, families, family members, create profiles. They use ACTORS, then shove them on tv as family members, while wearing FREEMASON symbols (Gematria) on their T-shirts and caps.
Ashli Babbit isn’t even her name. It’s Ashley McEntee. She is an ACTOR. She isn’t dead. She’s military intel and part of Q Group (QAnon) which is NSA. She also does stunt work in movies, hence her IMDb profile.
The governments run hoaxes and psyops on their populations. THE NEWS ISNT REAL. It’s a brainwashing tool.
False flag, Federal agents right up to the leadership ranks of the “insurgents.” Doors conveniently opened, left open. …..
US citizens in general, must be the most gullible, manipulated and naive population since those fine citizens of Germany swallowed Hitler’s hype.
Let’s face it, a ragtag group of rednecks descending on Washington is no match for the unparalleled EVIL in suits that spews from those dens of iniquity.
Hitler’s hype? 40 years of post-Menachem Begin “hasbara” is impressive in its effect in 2022.Not that this website will host many who know what the Hebrew word means.
Inasmuch as the more Weimar Germany 1918-1933 recedes, the less is known by Joe Public, and the more is moralised and emoted about it compared to the 1970s or 1980s. Because witnesses were still alive then.
“Hasbara” means it is no accident that eyewitness or even merely contemporary accounts such as by Winfried Utley, let alone (shock, horror) Douglas Reed, correspondent for “The Times” have been flushed down the memory hole unless they fit the current narrative eg. Hannah Arendt, cited conspicuously often by the “Green” German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer in the 1990s. Fischer the Yugoslavia killer.
There are UK people on this website whose relatives, or friends thereof, will have assisted in the naval blockade of Germany post-WW1 leading to death and malnutrition (on a scanty sugar beet diet) of the “gullible and manipulated” as children(sic).
But then already around 1960, AJP Taylor had to leave Oxford for writing a book showing that Hitler was another normal European politician.
I suspect that the book is currently classed as hate speech/misinformation/antisemitic.
To wit: just as millions of Germans voted for the KPD up to 1933, ie non-national socialism, in the full knowledge that Stalin (boo, hiss, Gulag!) was leading the USSR, millions of others voted for national socialism and had rational reasons for doing so. 30% unemployment tends to do that, you know.
‘Normal politician’
That’s gotta be the oxymoron of the century.
(I think you mean typical).
Hitler didn’t address the throngs, he incited them.
Now it’s spin without the spittle.
“There are UK people on this website whose relatives, or friends thereof, will have assisted in the naval blockade of Germany post-WW1 leading to death and malnutrition (on a scanty sugar beet diet) of the “gullible and manipulated” as children(sic).”
“To wit: just as millions of Germans voted for the KPD up to 1933, ie non-national socialism, in the full knowledge that Stalin (boo, hiss, Gulag!) was leading the USSR, millions of others voted for national socialism and had rational reasons for doing so. 30% unemployment tends to do that, you know.”
…- In other words (and speaking to Johnny’s assertion above, here), “Your menu options, plebs, are ‘Shit Sandwich’ or ‘Turd Baguette’ – It’s what’s for dinner… – Now, Fucking-Well *Choose*!!…”
…- Same as it ever was… – Then and especially *Now*…
Add Canada-we are pretty bad,too.
Canada is an example par excellence of Good metamorphosing into Evil through good intentions, notwithstanding the fact that the transformation has been to some, if not large, extent fueled by political motherfuckers, especially as of late.
Interestingly, some time ago, I briefly dated a woman I had been involved with earlier in my life. Both of us came to Canada at a young age. Our ways parted back then and I didn’t see her for a quarter of a century. While she stayed in Ontario the whole time, I’ve been around the world. Mind you, we were like twins when we were kids, same opinions, same attitudes, same everything, except gender – luckily … 😉 … Anyway, I couldn’t believe how different we’d grown. She was so holier-than-thou, condescending, patronizing, and demanding that everyone share her self-perceived virtues. My guess that it comes from Canadians living next to Americans and considering themselves morally above them, seeing them as uncivilized rowdy bastards or something like that. There is probably a bit of an inferiority complex reflecting the fact that Canadians generally don’t have the balls to be rowdy and freedom-minded the way Americans are. But that could be a stereotypical assumption. Anyway, sadly, our ways parted once again, this time probably for good. One the biggest disappointments of my life.
Was I ever happy to see the Freedom Convoy! It restored some of my faith in Canadians, even though the handful of my buddies over there who’re with it tell me that most canucks are fucked up beyond repair, and that the convoy was supported by a small minority … like a fucking fringe minority … 😀 ….
Hitler said he’d take Germany out of the ‘depression’ that had most of the rest of the world on its knees crying how helpless they were, and he did it – by 1936, with most of the rest of the world still apparently helpless, Germany was the strongest economy in Europe, maybe the world, the Germans were back to work and proud of their country again – that was some pretty good ‘hype’ ….
You speak so poorly of the father of Israel.
Watching the phantasmagoria unfold before our eyes, I’m wondering if much of the rest of history is pretty much the same crock of shit as the “reality” that’s being created today.
Let me think about some of the events that took part during my lifetime.
1968 – Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia.
Carried out based on a letter sent by some assholes in the Czechoslovak government asking the Soviets for help. Peddled as brotherly help to ward off a revanchist attempt to destroy socialism.
1989 – Collapse of the Second World
Peddled as a popular revolution, it was largely orchestrated by the commies who reckoned that stealing under capitalism would be more profitable than under communism.
Quebec separatism
Constantly fueled by politicians who prod French Canadians to dislike their English compatriots parce que c’est la faute des anglais et il faut que l’on se protege, tabarnak.
The preposterous claim that they found Atta’s passport on the street in New York says it all. How the fuck did that happen? He opened the window to stick his head out so that he’d be able to better navigate the fecking plane into the tower? Total crock of shit.
Gulf Wars
Weapons of mass destruction my ass. Total crock of shit again.
2008-9 financial crisis
Probably pretty real
Crock of shit on steroids. The biggest hoax ever. One must have immense respect of those who orchestrated it because fooling the whole planet that the fucking sniffles is a deadly pandemic is a laudable feat. Kudoz to Anal Schab and Kill Gates.
Ukraine War
Whatever the fuck is going on in there certainly is neither eradication of Nazis as claimed by Putain nor fight for freedom as claimed by Zelensky (boy, does the motherfucker ever irk me!).
We could probably go on and on and see that the way history is perceived is based on one long string of lies and fabrications. That brings me to Gypsies, my favorite “nation”. They don’t have no written history or formal culture. They do have their languages but they mostly adopt whatever language or languages people speak along the way. Ditto culture. And use it in a way they see fit. Not a bad strategy, I guess. Better than constantly unraveling layer after layer of lies, deceit, malicious manipulations. Fuck all of it.
On top of it, check out this crap: https://t.me/RealCanadianNews/7960
Actually, I’m pretty sure that Bidet is not Bidet, at least not in most public appearances. He doesn’t look like Bidet’s former self, even factoring in plastic surgeries he might have undergone. Who Bidet in fact is, I have no idea, but the prospect that not only the fucks are lying through their teeth, but that their teeth and the rest of their putrid bodies are fake is more than real.
“2008-9 financial crisis
Probably pretty real”
…- There’s the ‘tell’… – It’s *Always* “The Economy (ie: the Banking System), Stupid!…”
…Behind *Each And Every One* of the other events you mentioned Jacques, and behind the *Many More Besides* that you didn’t, you will find either/or an impending Financial System meltdown and/or a structural reorganization/reboot of the same (- *By No Means* mutually exclusive events)…
…- ’68: End of the post-war ‘Great Moderation’… – US(/rest of 1st World?…) enters recession and approaching (partly Vietnam induced) debt default/Gold window closure/end of Bretton-Woods… – Look what was going on widespread/elsewhere outside Czechoslovakia at the time…
…- ’89: Black Monday/Savings and Loan/Junk Bonds scandals… – Doubling-down of Friedmanite Neoliberalism excesses heading into ’90-92 recession… – Privatization/Offshoring taking off… – Globalism starts *Seriously Juicing* steroids…
…- 9/11/GWoT: Russian/Asian/S American EM’s and currencies collapse (due to the last point, immediately above…) – DotCom bust/Accounting Fraud and the reveal of same at Enron and WorldCom… – I still *Clearly Recall* reading in the paper, a couple days before The Great Impromptu Airliner/Skyscraper Interface Event, how the Western/’Global’ economy was now entering recession and how the SEC were about to open an investigation into *Royal Dutch Shell* for precisely the same accounting fraud shennanigans as Enron and WorldCom… – If *Shell Freaking Oil* were doing it, then so was every other Dow and S&P ‘Blue Chip’ by that point… That news, plus the eventual SEC investigation, promptly got memory-holed by subsequent events, of course, but I still *Clearly Recall* also, Bush and Blair going on the boob-tubes to exhort everbody to their patriotic duty to go hit the mall and max-out their credit cards… – Also I *Clearly Recall* how the recession was now suddenly blamed on the terr’ists, coz grounded airliners, something-something…
…- 9/11 was the pretext and the GWoT the excuse to reinflate a ginormous credit bubble post-DotCom/Enron, that led *Directly* to ‘SubPrime’ (just one symptom of a malfunctional banking/financial system, in fact) and ’08-09’s events…
…- Add another decade and a half of relentless can-kicking by central banks keeping the whole zombie-revenant corpse on *Permanent* life support via ZIRP/QE and ‘money-printer-go-brrrrr’/’Too Big To Fail’/Bailouts (With public money)/Bailins (With private (retail) money (see Cyprus))/Cannibalization of States/Public-sectors (see Greece/Italy/Spain/Portugal/Ireland/just about everywhere else (see ‘Austerity’)) and we get to the Repo market seizure of mid-September 2019 – the smoke-signal of *Yet Another* imminent banking system implosion… – That lead *Directly* to ‘Event Convid’, qua Bailout-by-stealth via *Exponentially More* money-printing and stimmy packages (~90% pocketed by Banksters/Institutionals), whilst simultaneously squelching any realistic possibility of civil unrest *Worldwide*… – And here we are today with ‘World War Clown’ and ‘MoneyPox’ to continue the charade whilst *Deliberately Orchestrated* and *Wholly Synthetic* supply-chain disruptions and hyperinflation finish the job of delivering us all unto the world of ‘Teh Reset’…
…- Incidently, on the subject of ‘Resets’ (Remember Fukuyama and ‘The End Of History’, post Soviet collapse, or Bush and the Neocons ‘Year Zero’ rhetoric, post 9/11?…), I recently had the incite that *Every* such ‘Reset’ (and if you look, you will see there have been *Many*…) is *Fundamentally* both a tacit admission by the Davostanis that they have screwed the current pooch, *Even* by their own terms, and therefore a nigh-on explicit plea for a ‘Mulligan’…
Sure, but I’m not talking about what you find behind what. I’m talking about how events, historical developments, history is written down, built, and perceived.
And not just history per se. Our perception of reality as a whole. Like this virus crap, contagious diseases. All sorts of other things.
Some of the very basic tents of our vision of reality is probably quite a bit skewed. Some perhaps unintentionally, a lot probably intentionally.
What’s worse, is there anybody with knowledge of how things actually happened what was behind them? Or are we building a layer after layer of bullshit, the huge heap whereof constitutes our fucked up existence?
Probably. Fuck!
“2008-9 financial crisis”
Manufactured to provide an excuse for trillions of USD to be handed out to the Banks. Financial regulators were deliberately lax in their oversight duties.
Mortgage loans created for buyers with No Income, No Job, No Assets, aka NINJA’s.
Corporations sucked up the foreclosed properties.
1950s McCarthyism moves from the fringe into The Big Tent.
McCarthy was a lot closer to the truth than almost any Western politician post-WW2. China was deliberately “lost” and many in high places did aid communism (more to help get the dialectic going than because they were communists in a narrow sense). McCarthy was steered off the real conspiracy into the fake left/right paradigm by Roy Cohn.
Alger Hiss was guilty. Dean Acheson who supported him was Scroll and Keys, the “other” Yale secret society. Hiss had been a law clerk to Oliver Wendall Holmes of Buck v. Bell infamy – as was McGeorge Bundy’s father.
Cohn was Drumpf’s mentor.
The only thing that will come of it is strengthening the on-going attempt to convince Americans that the ever-so-fragile “democracy” they gave away eons ago is under assault and must be oh-so-carefully guarded by the police state.
And during intermission psychics will summon the ghost of Ashli Babbitt to help bring peace to a troubled nation.
That is exactly it. conveniently helped along by FBI assisted mass shootings.