4 Scare Stories designed to (literally) put you off your food
Suddenly perfectly ordinary foods are set to give you cancer, why? And who stands to gain?
Kit Knightly
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We’ve been covering the emerging food crisis for months now. Detailing how the economy was deliberately sabotaged to drive up the cost of living, especially food, via lockdowns and sanctions.
But propaganda wars are like regular wars: They have theatres, fronts and overt for covert campaigns.
Yes, the big noise on food is that we need to change to “save the planet”, but there’s more going on in smaller spheres. A constant drip-feed of stories, articles and studies designed to undermine public faith in the food we eat.
Here are four examples, all from just the last ten days.
1. Beef causes cancer
On June 3rd MedicalXpress reported on a new study which – allegedly – (we’ll be using that word a lot) found red meat increased cancer risk in certain people.
The “study”, carried out at the Boston University School of Medicine and originally published in the Journal of Nutrition, claims to have found that “unprocessed” red meat increased the risk of colorectal cancer {CRC} – in black women:
Unprocessed red meat intake was associated with an increased CRC risk in the present study, the first positive evidence that red meat plays a role in the etiology of CRC in Black women.
2. So does Fish
Then, on June 9th, Sky News reported another study which found eating fish on a regular basis also increases your risk – this time of skin cancer.
This “study”, done out of Brown University and published in the journal Cancers Causes and Control, alleges those who eat over 40g of fish per day had a 22% increased risk of skin cancer:
We found that higher total fish intake, tuna intake, and non-fried fish intake were positively associated with risk of both malignant melanoma and melanoma in situ. Future studies are needed to investigate the potential biological mechanisms underlying these associations.
3. …Even more cancer, this time from dairy
A third study, again in MedicalXpress and this time from June 9th, found an increased risk of prostate cancer in men who drink a lot of milk.
The “study”, done at Loma Linda University Health and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, concludes:
Men with higher intake of dairy foods, but not nondairy calcium, had a higher risk of prostate cancer compared with men having lower intakes. Associations were nonlinear, suggesting greatest increases in risk at relatively low doses.
This parallels a study from last year, done by the same researchers, which found drinking milk increased the risk of breast cancer.
4. Oh, and keeping your own chickens gives you food poisoning
Not a study this time – and technically not just about food either – but on June 10th CBSNews reported that the US CDC was launching a “probe” into an increase in food poisoning cases allegedly linked to people keeping their own chickens:
Federal health officials are probing several multi-state outbreaks of salmonella infections linked to backyard poultry, saying more than 200 Americans have been stricken so far this year, with one death reported.
Already in vogue in parts of the U.S., the earthy hobby of raising backyard flocks grew even more popular during the pandemic, as Americans stuck at home set up coops with an eye on fresh eggs and animal companionship. But such efforts at small-time farming can come at a cost.
Of course, this is coming straight off the back of a “bird flu outbreak” which has seen 10s of millions of poultry culled, and price of eggs and chicken skyrocket.
Interestingly, organic and free-range chickens are already said to be the most impacted by bird flu, leading some to ask if bird flu could spell “the end of free-range chicken”.
No free-range chickens, no keeping your own chickens…hmmm…seems like some time soon the only way to get chicken (and eggs) will be through Big Food corporate giants.
The solution
So, according to The ScienceTM – all natural food humans (and most other animals) have been eating for literally thousands upon thousands of generations is somehow suddenly contriving to give us all cancer.
Personally, I’m freaking out.
But don’t worry, because there’s a few ready made solutions to this problem: If you want to save yourself from all that nasty chicken, eggs and milk, try “alternate forms of protein”.
That’s media-speak for eating insects.
The push on that front started years ago, with articles like this one from March 2021: “If we want to save the planet, the future of food is insects”
There was a lot of pushback, with “Eat Ze Bugs” becoming an ironic slogan for those resisting the new normal. That reaction effectively bullied the “let’s eat insects” stories out of the news for a while. But now they’re back.
On May 22nd, Forbes reported yet another a new “study” which apparently found “Eating Insects Could Cut Your Environmental Impact By More Than 80%”.
On May 28th, The Sun claimed that eating insects (among other things) could “solve food shortages”.
On June 6th the BBC’s kid-focused Newsround prompted children to ask the (rather leading) questions “Eating insects: Should we be eating more? Why are they so good?
And then on June 11th, the Toronto Star simply asked
Why aren’t we all eating insects yet?”
So, yes, there’s a renewed energy behind the pro-bug-eating media. But the big move being touted is undoubtedly the pivot to lab-grown meat and dairy. The propaganda is flowing thick and fast on that.
In late May, science magazine FreeThink reported a new company called Formo is researching lab-grown dairy products – “real cheese without the cow”. While TechCrunch was talking up YoEgg’s plant-based egg substitutes.
On June 6th Forbes reported that “Cell-Cultured Seafood Isn’t just An Idea; It’s A Reality”.
Just three days ago it was announced the Israeli company ReMilk was approved to begin selling its “precision fermented cow-less dairy products” across the US.
So, while the news cycle floods with stories that beef and fish and milk are causing cancer or food poisoning, the mainstream media is packed with stories on the benefits of cultured proteins.
Medical journals are publishing articles like this one, suggesting lab-grown meat is “healthier” than natural meat.
A Schmidt Foundation-sponsored article in the Guardian, on June 4th, tells us that lab-grown meat could save the planet if people can be “convinced to make rational food choices”.
On June 6th, CNN headlined:
How ‘lab-grown’ meat could help the planet and our health
…and goes on to suggest fake meat would prevent “future pandemics” by removing the risk of zoonotic viral transmission.
The messaging could not be clearer.
Cui Bono?
So, let’s say that over the next year or so more and more natural meat/fish/dairy products are replaced on the market by lab-grown or vegetable-based alternatives. Who stands to benefit?
The answer to that is unfortunately predictable: It’s the same people that always benefit.
The problems are manifold, the reactions diverse, but the solution is always pretty much the same – giving the elite more money and more power.
Bill Gates has heavily invested in lab-grown meat companies, as well as companies that make vegetable-based “eggs”. Jeff Bezos has been doing likewise.
It’s interesting to note that, just yesterday, the CEO of one of the biggest poultry suppliers in the world has called on the EU to allow the sale of cultured meat.
Because, just as big oil companies have responded to climate change hysteria by heavily investing in renewables, corporate meat producers are busily buying up alternate “meat” companies.
As “market forces” and “climate friendly policies” come into play, governments will institute measures such as the proposed “meat taxes”, making it cheaper to buy fake meat than real meat.
In the end the same people benefit no matter where you get your electricity, and – as the war on food continues – the same people will benefit whether you get real meat, lab-grown meat or “alternate forms of protein”.
The people most hurt by this will be family farms, small local companies, and any producers of organic and ethically sourced meat and dairy. Many of whom will be driven out of business.
Meanwhile the public will be left with a “choice” between extortionately expensive mass-produced actual meat clogged with hormones and antibiotics, or fake lab-grown meat made of god-knows-what.
And since the same corporate giants will be making both options, you’ll line the same pockets either way.
Bon appetit.
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Stupid medically irresponsible nonsense.
Terrifying, but what about the weather? I was unlucky enough to see TV lunchtime news – Beware, slap on the sunscreen, be sensible, it’s a sunny day, near record temperatures, climate change. What? it was much hotter last Saturday.
They are not eating meat at the upstairs level.
I read long ago in a book called “The Vitamin Bible” that the best way to stay healthy is to simply eat a wide range of foods. Moderation in everything is key.
An accident on Devon Island spun into a green moral – or always planned for the same end?
One thing’s for sure… the official story is more genuinely garbage than this “space debris”.
The problem is not the meat, milk and eggs. It the poisons aplenty that you consume with them. Where’s the control group that eats free range? But more importantly the real issue here is an addiction to animal products [ probably planned ] and the resulting environmental issues and I am NOT talking about climate cringe. 30 percent of the Earth’s water is used to grow crops for cattle. And this According to a new study from the Union for Concerned Scientists, meat producers feed some 25 million pounds of antibiotics to chickens, pigs and cows for non-therapeutic purposes each year. That figure represents about 70 percent of all antibiotics produced annually in the United States, and is considerably higher than some of the industry’s own estimates. Stated another way, the amount of antibiotics fed to healthy animals is eight times greater than the amount given to sick people, which is 3 million pounds per year. And this. https://feedthemwisely.com/antibiotics-in-livestock https://sentientmedia.org/potty-training-cows-isnt-going-to-fix-the-climate-crisis/ And that is just antibiotics, by the way, of which 400 billion prescriptions are written EVERY YEAR JUST IN THE US for humans. We haven’t even touched on the herbicides, pesticides, steroids and hormones that an animal destined for the shot, shackles and gas eats for the entirety of it’s life. Eating meat has become a cult phenomenon and this evenings shopping experience at Walmart is all the evidence I need. And by the by, I am not a vegan or a vegetarian, but if I did to your dog what cows, pigs and chicken suiffer, I would be facing jail. The same Great God that gave the animals to eat also said a righteous man regardeth the life of his beast. Eat meat, but do not cause suffering It can be done, but it won’t be, because the outcome… Read more »
Allocated daily capsules of nutritious green goo…
Insects for those who like a bit of crunch.
Assuming you’ve been good….
So, own nothing, eat crap and be happy!
What’s to moan about?
Cancer is a symptom of malnutrition. The carcinogen is the secondary cause.
I was thinking that good nutrition could be said to contribute to cancer, by allowing people to live longer–long enough to get cancer from a myriad of contributors. UV radiation, pesticides and herbicides, etc.
Westerners and especially the Anglo-Americans consume far too much beef and dairy which is one of the reasons they are so unhealthy. Cow’s milk is not a good food for kids or adults.
“Meanwhile the public will be left with a “choice” between extortionately expensive mass-produced actual meat clogged with hormones and antibiotics, or fake lab-grown meat made of god-knows-what”.
Doesn’t this partly contradict the introductory section of the above essay?? There, meat and animal products are assumed to be a pivotal health source, which we are all about to be deprived of.
“Mass produced” meat is not the same as pastured meat.
Dairy I agree with. Humans in the west do not consume enough meat now and their diet is too high in sugar and carbohydrates. This is yet another rabbit hole I didn’t expect to fall down. Meat is an energy dense food and you need little of it to be healthy and can go for long periods between meals.
I have been a very unhealthy veggie for over 30 years and eating meat and a wholesome diet this this year or so has opened my eyes. No dry skin, reversal of diabetes, reversal of a stage 3 condition and weight loss. Energy levels have been excellent, attention and concentration hugely improved.
Carbohydrates in any form but especially processed are addictive. I’m not saying this is the case for all people – I can only tell you what I think and what has happened to my health.
Sugar is energy dense. Probably you wern’t eating enough of it after listening to the keto crowd. If you drink a glass of undiluted cordial for breakfast it will wake you up quicker than the coffee. Flesh is a bit like coffee. It is a stimulant coz it has hormones in it. Vegans have to produce their own hormones so it is important to get everything working properly. If your not producing hormones then the meat will feel like it has an x factor but it is just your hormones that are shot. Cooking some beef dehydrates it so it seems like it is energy dense but you have to take into account how much fluids you drink along with it. If you eat fruit is has fluids already included.
Try it. I ate the grains the fruit etc… I’ve removed sugar and it continues to sustain me.
Also drink water.
Wrong. They don’t eat enough. Sugar and carbohydrates are the bad guys here. If they eat more of it their total calories consumed would reduce. Meat and certain dairy is v energy dense. You need a lot less. You are on a bs train there my friend. I would never have considered eating higher fat would improve my health and help me eat less. Milk should probably be avoided and dairy eaten in v small amounts I’d agree.
Considering that high ANIMAL fat diets do not cause heart disease but high sugar (and simple Carb) diets DO I think the issue with American , and western health, would mostly go away if people stopped eating masses of processed Maize and Sugar.
If everyone went Keto there would be zero obesity and almost zero type 2 diabetes…since the US has tons of open range that once fed bison it would probably even be viable in the USA, though probably not anywhere else
Cows milk is a perfectly fine food for most people of European origin, my Asian friend wont touch the stuff because , like many Asian folks, he is lactose intolerant.
I This is just another load of scare tactics. If beef and chicken, etc, is toxic it is because of the ridiculous amount of drugs pumped into them. Just now all our fruit and veg will be toxic too – I am sure they will find a way… Please, everyone, ignore this crazy hype. All they want is to keep us anxious. I do think that they are aware of our stance and are becoming worried about it.
This is hardly new. Almost every food imaginable over the past 100 years or more has been seen for its amazing benefits or its underlying dangers. Diet, for a long time now,has been fraught with hope and despair. This is the market speaking… tiny little markets and huge markets.
Kit, you’re great when it’s come to foreign policy, Schwab’s Great Reset and C19; yet, you are hopelessly naive about animal foods and far out of factual data regarding the inherent cancerous molecules in all animal foods. What do you think causes our human lifestyle diseases? Too many apples, too much legumes, not enough spinach? Try FOK from 2011 to get you started. After that, try Milked, Cowspiracy, The Game Changers, What The health…even Dr. Michael Greger at http://www.nutritionfacts.org
Durianrider has lots of videos criticising Dr Greger. For example this one where he says sugar is an essential nutrient and Dr Greger is peddling misinformation about sugar making people fat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNjXsFkFgp8
+1 for The Game Changers. Groundbreaking documentary for the benefits of plant-based diets.
So all this causes cancer?? I don’t believe a fucking word of any of it!! Milk, beef, Such bullshit!!
You know what doesn’t cause cancer?
Disclaimer: Have been Vegan for several years now after several things in my life converged that forced me to make some life changes. So note the bias… — The arguments posited here against the use of animals and their by-products for consumption by humans are all valid. The motive of those who stand to benefit from pushing said arguments is the real shady bit. Kit already did an excellent job on the cui bono part, so nothing to really elucidate there. However, both sides of this argument here are guilty of co-opting the narrative to suit their own agenda. Much like how BLM co-opted the grassroots movement of black folks to address the quite real issues they faced of being black in ‘Merca, for its own shady agenda. The original grievances never got addressed, and now we have some abomination we never asked for, roaming the planet spreading more lies and hate on my behalf 😡, but I digress… The point here is this, prominent voices in the alternative media space need to be more vigilant in “separating the wheat from the chaff”. The very real, science backed message that consuming animal products can be harmful to your health is getting lost as a result. Now, I could point you to several sources to back up this claim, but you’ll have to settle for a documentary instead: https://gamechangersmovie.com/ I have had all kinds of pejoratives flung at me in similar discussions (my personal favorite is “soy boy”), but in the end, I have yet to encounter evidence that NOT consuming animal products is harmful to your health, or degrades your quality of life, it’s quite the opposite actually. I am by no means advocating lab grown meat, or any other synthetic product sold as “food”. That’s no better than consuming… Read more »
Human beings are omnivores and have been eating meat forever, and well before cancer became so prevalent. This is a biological reality. The vast majority of primitive tribes eat meat. Ideology does not take precedence over biology.
If meat caused cancer i don’t think there would be so many of us on the planet now. It is obviously the additives and drugs used by the repugnant meat industry that are the culprits.
There are no universal nutritional rules that can be applied to everybody because human beings have a lot of variation in their metabolism from person to person. This means that some people can be vegetarian or even vegan while others cannot without becoming unhealthy.
I wasn’t being universally prescriptive in my assessment. Just pointing to an oversight by the author in regards to recent scientific literature about the benefits of plant-based diets. It’s not that hard to dig up the research.
Nothing I said was rooted in ideology either, even so, the disclaimer at the top beginning of my comment warned of potential bias, but you missed that point as well.
In any case, to use a phrase I absolutely loathe, but is proper in this context, “you do you…”
If you wish to encounter evidence that not consuming animal products is harmful to your health, you can read Chapter 22 in the supplement of Weston Price’s book “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration”. The chapter is titled, “A New Vitamin-like Activator”.
Those eating animal products might also want to read it to learn that just because it’s an animal product that might contain this vitamin-like activator, it doesn’t mean that said product does contain any significant amount of this vitamin-like activator.
IIRC, he referred to that “activator” as Factor X, or similar. Much later, it was discovered that this was vitamin K2, which is present in certain foodstuffs, mostly fermented ones, although mostly not in vast quantities. The one richest in K2 is the Japanese food natto, which, I gather, is definitely an acquired taste, which westerners find hard to get used to.
He called it activator X. It’s not in soybeans. Price reported that is a substance that belongs in the fat-soluble group. He said that it’s presence can be demonstrated in the milk of mammals, the eggs of fish and the organs and fats of animals. He found that the highest concentration in the milk of several species, varying with the nutrition of the animal. With William Albrecht’s help, he came to understand the nutrition of the animal is related to the soil fertility in which the food is grown. He reported on several instances of adding it to the diet to make dramatic improvements in both physical and mental health.
So why not cut out the middleman (the animal) and eat the same plants grown from the soil? The Game Changers documentary I mentioned in my original comment goes into a decent amount of depth on this as well, and dispels several associated myths.
Unpasteurised grass fed cow butter allegedly has vitamin k2 very expensive it is, living animal enzymes, unlike pasteurised dairy which is basically dead animal protein
Have you read “Pottenger’s Cats”?
The literature you reference is from the early 40s. During the same period of time, we thought was also a good idea to use fluoroscopes (x-ray machines) in shoe stores throughout the US to get shoes fitted until we realized that was a VERY bad idea. 😅
Point being, science, especially regarding biology, is an ongoing process. It’s never “settled” as some would have you believe…
Yes, science is an ongoing process. Scientific knowledge is not a democratic process, it is based on evidence. If you do not accept experimental evidence, you must have evidence that refutes the original evidence. Suggesting that evidence is outdated without offering new evidence to refute it is not science.
Weston Price’s experimental evidence about what he called “activator X” is described in chapter 22 in his book. Have you read this chapter? What is your scientific reference that refutes the evidence that he presented in this chapter?
There are hundreds of millions of vegetarians in India, maybe at least 500 million. Most of them cannot afford meat if they wanted to try it. Until a couple of decades ago, the bulk of people in China were vegetarians out of necessity.
On the other other hand, people in the far north of the planet who subsist on meat are healthy, not dropping dead.
So, there is no need to prove anything.
Again, I’m not being prescriptive in my comments. Just noting the obvious imbalance in facts that weigh heavily against plant based diets.
I understand that humans in different parts of the world can subsist on meat. I would however challenge the notion of that lifestyle being healthy. Until recently, the scientific literature has been pretty slanted towards consuming animal products as being healthy. Mainly because much of the research behind it was/is funded by corporations like Purdue, Tysons, etc.
Anecdotally, I passed my last physical with flying colors. I can bench press my own body weight ~240 lbs (~105 kg). I’m in my early 40s. So plant-based works for me. Don’t know what else can be said…
I think it’s worth accepting we aren’t all the same. I figure pure wholesome grains, veg and fruits etc works for some. Not me after a long time trying. Meat and basic green veg. All wholesome. The thing in common is omitting the sugars.
There were some books claiming that the suitability of food (meat, carbs) depends on blood group.
“….I have yet to encounter evidence that NOT consuming animal products is harmful to your health, or degrades your quality of life, it’s quite the opposite actually…”
They say
“….They found that 92% of the vegans they studied — those who ate the strictest vegetarian diet, which shuns all animal products, including milk and eggs — had vitamin B12 deficiency. But two in three people who followed a vegetarian diet that included milk and eggs as their only animal foods also were deficient. Only 5% of those who consumed meats had vitamin B12 deficiency….”
The fact that non meat eaters must take supplements to not get sick from from B12 issues indicate that its unnatural and unhealthy to TOTALLY exclude animal products.
There were some scientists and they discovered protein and a big deal was made out of it and the idea was spread that protein was the elixir of life. Human breast milk however only contains 1% protein and is high in carbohydrates rather than fat like cow milk. This is an adequate amount of protein for a rapidly growing baby so adults probably don’t even need that much. There is adequate protein in none protein sources such as fruit. There is no need to make any special effort to get protein. As long as you are eating enough you will get adequate amino acids. Simple amino acids that are built into proteins are the best because they do not need to be broken down. Breaking down complex proteins or carbohydrates takes more energy and produces acid byproducts in the process. These acids can accumulate and damage cells which is what is called cancer. The simple sugars in fruit provide clean energy. Fruit hydrates and helps remove these accumulated acids whilst repairing damaged cells. Protein is not a health food. Animal agriculture is heavily subsidised and promoted. People never did eat so much protein in the past unless they were in some desert location or were aristocrats like notoriously unhealthy Henry the 8th. The meat heavy diets of the hunter gather cave men is fiction made up to support darwinist ideologies. No sooner had this theory been proposed there suddenly were never seen before paintings turning up in caves. Probably forgeries. People didn’t live in caves. They were capable of building shelter and they were also capable of storing nuts and dried fruit for the winter.
Spirulina, as well as a few other plant sources, contain all the essential amino acids. If those trying to hawk insect foods were interested in our health, they would be pomoting these single-celled plants.
Spirulina is a neurotoxin.
Sponsored by lab-grown’ meats.
At least we still have air pollution, multiple sources of EMR, thousands of chemicals and even our Glorious TRUE God ‘The SUN’ to help us live cancerless lives!
The credibility of the outlets flogging these stories has plummeted thanks to all the provably bogus health information they have been pumping out for at least the last couple of years. My instinctive reaction nowadays when I see such articles is to ignore them, when once upon a time I might have paid some attention.
At this point, I don’t even know what it would take to restore my faith in that information stream.
The “red meat causes cancer” hypothesis has been around for a while. The problem is that the studies done that purported to prove this didn’t control for how bad the trial participants diets were outside of the red meat. They were eating a typical western diet of empty cals and far too few fruits and veggies. Other studies that controlled for this didn’t find the correlation. Sorry for no references couldn’t find the studies but it seems to make sense to me. Many modern negative health outcomes (diabetes, heart disease) can be attributed to this trash diet and the rise of obesity – not red meat.
Why not cut to the chase? “Being alive is a primary cause of cancer!” Oh noooo!!!
What do you do when your product is tanking?….
Their message is barely coherent at this point.
Also “men who have sex with men”, mwhswm for short, otherwise known as “arse bandits”
“Rough Riders” “Bare Backed Better” /waitwhat
100 monkeys syndrome didn’t take off.
They went too far. I think the majority of people don’t believe the bs anymore.
That’s right! Let’s just rebrand the failing “product”! I propose “gay plague”. Oh wait, they used that one already…. How about pride plague then?
not sudden at all. this has been peddled for years.
And who will benefit the most? Spice manufacturers.
More like, Royal Dutch East Indian Company ‘sharers’ …
Manufacturing the manufacturers . 😉
Each to their own but since going vegan I’ve never felt and looked better. Meat and dairy is not necessary and dare I say not that good for you.
that’s what i said for years but after 3 decades i found myself manourished. better now with lots of meat, animalf food generally, and lot’s of sat fats.
good quality from pastured animals and so on.
Can’t resist this quote from the Bible, because I think it’s relevant:
“Man does not live from bread alone”…
Out of context, of course our digestive system is a food-processing machine whose ON/OFF switch we have still not managed to find.
But we consist of more than a digestive system.
A staple diet of Bread is what you would feed the Slaves who grew the grain that the ruling class made into beer to wash down their meats and such… the Egyptians drank their own Kool Aide and thats why even the rich ones were fat and sickly
Vegans and vegetarians suffer nutritional deficiencies. Veganism should be temporary because our bodies are designed to eat available, seasonal produce. Which means during winter, “hunter gatherers” can’t gather, because there’s no fruits, legumes and vegetables available, and so they hunt. It’s also why we seasonally detox during fall/winter.
Most “vegetarians” go back to consuming animal fats and proteins after their health suffers.
A Psychologytoday survey. Then throw in a cheesy why i turned back article. Case closed.
Most humans are already under nutritional deficiencies because a) we can’t manufacture our own ascorbic acid and b) modern agricultural techniques post 1900 led to a vast reduction in the vitamin and polyphenol content in food, and c) the daily requirements of vitamins, salts, minerals, protein, fats and trace elements listed by health agencies are incorrect and d) the assault on our bodies by environmental pollution, pesticides, fluoridation, radiation, chemicals and additives in food products, create a toxic load, causing constant detoxing in excess of our general antioxidant consumption, thus leading to a myriad of diseases, nearly all nutritional related.
If one then factors in consuming from a smaller pool of nutrition, especially in protein sources, essential amino acids, zinc, iodine and iron, as well as Omegas from fish, they will suffer long term. It’s just a question of time.
Wrong person.
Your statement that “our bodies are designed to eat available seasonal produce” is bullshit because the availability thereof varies greatly in different geographic locations, yet our bodies are designed essentially the same.
I don’t know much about hunting, but what I know is that hunting is done in a way that allows game to reproduce themselves because if you kill them all, they’ll have no offspring, and you’ll have shit to eat next year and thereafter.
Your assertion “It’s also why we seasonally detox during fall/winter.” is interesting. Are you implying that the eating habits you’re describing in your rant are toxic and we need to “detox” (sic)? What sort of evidence do you have for any of the shit you’re claiming?
Thanks in advance for an answer. It’s always a pleasure to see what your paranoid self has to say.
Your survey doesn’t say “most” went back after their health suffered. It says “ Only 29% of ex-vegetarians/vegans indicated that they experienced specific health-related symptoms while on a no-meat diet.” The other story about a woman in Alasks who was vegetarian says she was eating “lots of protein” after her dad sort a doctors advice. She said she was eating eggs but presumably she ate lots of dairy products aswell.
“Going back. Five out of six people who give up meat eventually abandon their vegetarian ways.“
”Vegans vs. vegetarians. Vegans are less likely to backslide than vegetarians. While 86% of vegetarians returned to meat, only 70% of vegans did.”
That’s MOST. If you want to parse words, the second part of that sentence is my OPINION, based on the evidence available.
The study from the Medical University of Graz says:
You are suggesting there is a causal relationship using an observational study that should not be used for such purposes.
No I am categorically not. I am stating that MY OPINION, based on MY RESEARCH into nutritional status and the link to illness supports my STATEMENT which was the second part of my sentence which WASN’T LINKED to the article. Notice “after their health suffers” is not linked, because it’s my opinion based on more than two decades of research.
The survey itself only supports that only a minuscule proportion of the population surveyed are or were vegan or vegetarian (2% of the population or less) and that the majority surveyed who become vegetarian or vegan, returned to eating animal products.
My OPINION is that they return to it due to adverse health and that’s an opinion formed from reading other studies in parallel with anecdotal evidence.
I’ve been veggie over 30 yrs. I’ve been eating meat and v low carb diet for over a year. Along with weight loss, I’ve reversed diabetes, reversed a stage 3 disease, reduced a medication, better concentration and memory, more moisturised skin. And lots of other small things. I can go 24 hrs without even thinking about food or feeling hungry.
I have wasted 30 years of my life going against what nature was telling me was right.
Thanks. This is the kind of anecdotal evidence that I have received from many former vegetarians. They try keto, or whole 30, or an auto immune protocol, and intermittent fasting (which induces autophagy) and they improve their health status almost immediately.
The cryptocracy push veganism, processed foods, fast food, chemical additives, sugar, refined seed oils, pesticides, wheat, corn, lab grown foods and GMOs. A sick and weak population is an easier farmed, culled and controlled population.
Vegan is not necessarily healthy, because sugar is vegan as well as wheat, and a carb heavy diet is leading to an epidemic in diabetes II. Personally would recommend beans and veg with some good carbs like rice which doesn’t raise the blood sugar.
Type 2 diabetes is not caused by “carb heavy” diets. Rice does raise blood sugar. That is the main purpose of eating. To get sugars to the cells so they have energy. Rice doesn’t excessively raise blood sugar because it is a “good carb” but because it isn’t mixed with fat like a pizza is. It is the fat that causes insulin resistance so you could even eat white sugar and it wouldn’t cause diabetes.
No. It’s the glycemic index that’s linked to insulin resistance and diabetes II. It’s nothing to do with fat. The studies linking fat to insulin resistance are flawed, funded by PhRMA (indirectly) and use massaged, cherry picked data.
Moreover, high fat and high protein diets in comparison to high carb diets reduce markers for type II diabetes and CVD.
“…. That is the main purpose of eating. To get sugars to the cells so they have energy…”
You can live perfectly well on Keto with zero carb intake, so I would say that getting sugar to the cells is probably not all that healthy.
As I recall your body manufactures the tiny amount of sugar needed for sugar only metabolism cells
Steph Amson
“…Vegan is not necessarily healthy….”
To be honest the vast majority of Vegans I have known have been very UNhealthy… I am sure that there are healthy ones out there but they are AFAIK a minority
Unprocessed red meat intake was associated with an increased CRC risk
So Processed is good
it used to be processed with certain additives that was a problem.
Good one.
The rise in cancer will be caused by the vaccines, then they will blame it on whatever they want.
but this serves 2 agendas, covering for fauxvax, and vax injuries, and the vegan/lab meat/insect food agenda.
Yes and don’t forget the billions made from cancer ‘treatments’
oops, i did 🙂
Eat more Glyphosate that should cure it!
You can rate (vote) the article, But the comment voting has stopped.
Gone into lockdown again!.
Thanks for keeping us safe OFFG.
Some woke members did get really really scared seeing some comments that may of been manipulated upvoted using a vpn.
Just like the government, you listened and brought in measures to protect us.
I gave you an up-vote, which was displayed. Then, when I came back later, there were no votes registered. Same with other posts on this article. Unintentional glitch?
And don’t forget how they track and trace us on here. Plus there’s those ‘fact checkers’ that insert their ‘corrections’ on wrongthink.
And the best bit is that the voting just stopped “silently”. And the silence continues! If OffG don’t want voting then scrap the little tallies with the up and down arrows.
Your study #1 is old news. In 1974 a young medical student invited me to a remarkable meeting, Cancer in the Third World, with lectures by the great Dennis Burkitt and other frontline medics.
Burkitt told us how he investigated a rise of Stomach Cancer in backward colonial Africa: “I never found a case of stomach cancer except among Africans who could read and write”. It being unlikely that literacy was the cause, Burkitt investigated the altered lifestyle of Upwardly Mobile Africans, and found the cause was their White Man’s Diet. Hence the great discovery of a need for Roughage in our food.
A speaker from India reported an upsurge of Breast Cancer among midde-class Indian women: as they became Upwardly Mobile, so did breast cancer.
Liked. But, not on the tallychart, after a refresh: as Joerg Clarified.
Food for thought. Must try disliking 👎… & become cantankerous ?
Click & see… After becoming weary.
Naaah, Funk dat’ !
Just one bat-
When in reality ‘Man ist was Mann ißt…’
Watch a couple of documentaries ‘Fed Up’ and ‘Forks over Knives’.
For a long time I have been saying that there are two kinds of people that should not eat the white man’s diet, those who are not white and those who are white.
The research predictably fails to take into account one thing: the quality of the product. Meat isn’t meat, dairy isn’t dairy, fish isn’t fish. Poisons used in agriculture (especially in the form of animal feed – gmo’s heavily used), hormones, vaccines, the list is endless, all affect the quality of the product. And let’s not forget pollution in the form of microplastics in fish. So it wouldn’t surprise me if the data did show some association with illnesses (provided they didn’t fudge/massage/manipulate the data, & the questions posed/parameters used in the study were appropriate).
“et’s not forget pollution in the form of microplastics in fish”.
Mercury as well – especially in large fish like tuna. Factory-farmed salmon is one of the most toxic foods out there.
Yes, that too.
All products of industry owned by the davos crowd.
Long ago, I had the idea of oral thermometers in the form of small fishes of the kind known to be full of mercury.
Then I learned about genetic engineering and realized I could use the fish directly. All I had to do was make the fish’s spine photoluminescent according to changes in temperature and bingo! Anchovies were perfect inasmuch as one could even eat thermometer after use.
My patent lawyer was not impressed and behaved honestly telling me I didn’t have a non-mercury sushi’s chance at Nobo with this hare-brained scheme.
Still … there must be some way to claw back all that mercury?
The following two things are true at the same time: 1) eating a lot of meat is not good for you or for the environment or for our spirits (think: the amount of water we use on raising farm animals or think about the massive amounts of upsetting bad karma we create by slaughtering and eating animals that are kept in atrocious conditions) and 2) there IS a nefarious agenda to get people to eat less meat by billionaires who perhaps view the precious resources of the world as belonging to them and them alone, and thus would rather than we, the peons, eat more bugs to fulfill our protein needs. Again, these two realities can and do coexist. The trick then is to work on making one’s own dietary habits healthier and a bit more plant based (but not entirely plant based!) while ALSO making sure one doesn’t go overboard and start consuming cockroaches and/or lab grown meat just because some idiots at Davos said they should.
Correct link for “How ‘lab-grown’ meat could help the planet and our health”
and you will find the company being promoted is run by Elon Musk’s brother.
All good, Americans are still fat and don’t even walk at a pace you’d call normal. Rude?, yes I know, but Americans love talking about or showing how to be healthy, but they are not.
Bottled water & supplements, thousands of the bloody things every year. I hardy EVER see Americans buying enough Fruit & Vegetables, bread? Hah! confectionary & treats like ‘candy’ are way below European standards.
Look, straight up, You want to eat and be healthy?
Americans aren’t any role model.
Oh you’re talking about that flash-in-the-pan, dog and pony trick they pulled off in the western part of the northern hemisphere that many think of as a “nation”? (Under god to boot!)
Don’t bother about that US of As. At best, they’ll emerge as a footnote in The Marx Brothers wiki page.
Even fruit should generally be the less sweet types, not used to indulge in sugar addiction.
I assume the voting system has been abandoned?
I just voted someone up so I presume it still works but everyone has suddenly lost interest?
Censorship and banning of alternative views is not a good look for an ‘alternative media site’. Why would anyone bother?
I’m glad you mentioned this because before the “break” I liked voting. I continue to enjoy articles and comments here, but right now my main concern is that Russia succeed in Ukraine and that the US be exposed for committing genocide around the world and around the clock. In Ukraine as in Syria, US has “partnered” with and financed terrorists. Whether Covid or “wars,” US now treats children and infants as cruelly as it does adults. I know of only one website to get accurate news on this situation. So that’s my excuse for not voting much right now on OffG.
I was wondering the exact same thoughts 😂
I just voted someone up and then my vote vanished. What gives?
I think they are allowing us the satisfaction of voting, but then wiping the votes so that their famous “bad actors” can’t profit by it. Not sure why they are so obsessed by “bad actors”. I would have thought that was Hollywood’s problem.
If so, seems a bit pointless, if not silly. There are dozens or more of “good” actors, and only one or two “bad” ones.
I’d rather chew my own arm off than eat this shite actually. Klaus and Bill can shove ze bugs elsewhere. Thanks for the heads up Kit, but I was blissfully unaware of all these dire warnings and “studies” about meat, milk and eggs. Until I read this article. Why? Because I boycott all mainstream media. I don’t listen to it. I don’t read it. I don’t watch it.
Why do I boycott all mainstream media? Because in my book they are morally and ethically bankrupt presstitutes. They are whores for those who really run the world.
Just as with the Monkey nonsense, I will be ignoring this as well. Because at the end of the day, these vile bastards want us to be quivering in fear. “A fearful people are a controlled people”.
And on the subject of fear, I watched an excellent video yesterday from 10 years ago about the medical mafia presented by Dr Ghislaine Lanctot. One quote from her really stuck out for me:
“every time I do something out of fear, I kill myself a bit more”.
Same here Gezzah. Spring 2020 was the big clamp down and so fucking obvious. Suddenly it was all “You’re all gonna die!” 24/7 and the entire history of science and medicine rewritten (natural immunity became “murderous herd immunity” etc.) I now think of the world’s media as a couple of giggling schoolboys in an office egging each other on to see who can come up with the most obvious shite.
Bugs Lives Matter!
Yep. Where is PETA when you need them……..
Take the flea!
People have highlighted these messages on Twitter, but maybe you are wise enough to give that a miss as well. 😉
No, I don’t have Twitter Mike… But I am on Facebook. Its slightly similar to being on here except with Facebook your posts are deleted or shadowbanned and you have these incredibly annoying little critters called “Fact Checkers”. Getting quite tired of it actually although have connected with some really good people all around the world, especially in South America, and in countries like Guatemala, Costa Rica, Mexico, etc.
For the great Empire, there is no such continent as North America. It has invented Latin America to exclude Mexico, and UN (IPCC etc.) is going along.
At the risk of sounding pedantic, and off topic, if Latin America has been invented, then what do we call Latin America? For the record, the only country I don’t have any Facebook friends in is Honduras. Don’t ask me why. No one seems awake there.
To get back on topic, I have been warning my FB friends in countries like Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Ecuador, etc, that major food shortages are coming and to stock up on rice, pasta, lentils, beans, porridge, canned food and to grow a garden if they can. However, as you can imagine, a lot of these people are struggling financially and don’t have the means to get in a lot of extra food, unlike the much more affluent (not for much longer) West.
I should have stated that as “no such continent as South America”.
Watching the media causes cancer.
Most of us don’t. However, this does not stop channels such as OG from jamming it down your throat via the back door.
The idea is to get you to listen by any means. This plants the seed, so in many years from now when they push for the program it’s not a shock to your system. You have accepted you fate via years of subliminal messages and sound bytes.
The good news is, due to all the sackings, threats, police brutality, blatant lies and much more over the last 3 years many have woken from their slumber. Once you wake up you never go back to sleep. One searches for more truth, hence them trying to contain this via many alternative channels. The gig is up.
The media is a cancer.
True. EMR or, if you prefer, EMF. Just wait til 5G is fully implemented. The plan requires a tower every 1/8th of a mile in urban areas. When combined with messed up immune systems from vaccine side effects, it will be normal to get cancer. Then there is memory loss. People will keep starting their video games over and over because they will forget where they left off halfway through the game. And they will be happy as long as the potato chip bowl is full and they have plenty of RedBull on hand.
Long before cancer and memory loss, the faithful will be keeling over, as the self-generated spikes do their work on the heart, related nerves, etc.
Looking at euromomo, there has been no rise in excess mortality to speak of. Some bumps in some countries over the past years, easily explicable by stuff that was going down, demographics, and so on. The stats show no rise in mortality brought about by the fuckcination. I’m aware of adverse effects reported through VAERS and EurdraVigilance, and I’ve heard stories from around me about people who have suffered adverse effects correlated to the f-ccine, but mortality stats do not show any significant rise in deaths, and they certainly don’t support the notion that the fuckccine is a “kill shot” designed to depopulate the planet. Barring of course that the stats are fake and the long-term effect of whatever shit is in the injections. Anyway, since the PTBs are intent of having an endless pandemic, what is and is not in their interest? It would seem that it’s not in their interest that everybody gets fuckccinated, that there remains a sizeable portion of the population who resists and can be blamed on the spreading the plague, producing mutations in their un-fucked up bodies, and propagating the pandemic. For, if everybody got injected and boosted, what would be the reason for keeping all them restrictions – which are what this shit is all about – in place? So, is the “fuckccine is a kill shot” another smokescreen, another false dichotomy, another divide-and-conquer stratagem promoted by the covidist fuckheads? Logic dictates that it probably is. ******* As to food, as ridiculous as the stuff reported in the text is, I wonder about something else. Take a walk down the street and look around. Look at people and count individuals who are not overweight. I think that you’ll find out that just about all of them fuckers are at least 1 1/2 of… Read more »
All cause mortality has risen sharply since the inception of coronavirus vaccination as reported by major insurance companies who, by the way, have to pay out death benefits. You reference VAERS. The shear number of adverse events, death, permanent disability, and miscarriages has, in each instance, exceeded the total number of ALL vaccines since the inception of VAERS. We should ignore that, too? Are you not aware of what this bio-weapon contains, now documented by several countries? Perhaps you should start here and get back to us after your injection…
First, in reference to your last sentence, i.e. “my injection”, I’d like to inform you that you’re a fucking imbecile. You can hardly imagine how actively I’ve been involved in opposing the crap since pretty much day one, spreading around information (especially back at a time when not much was out there), and so on. Shove you insinuation that I’m an injected sheeple up your idiotic ass. I have no more patience with fucks like you and I’m gonna call you out for what you are – a brainless fucking moron.
Anyway, unlike you, I’m willing to adjust whatever opinions and standpoints I harbor or have harbored if I see that shit doesn’t add up. Which is the case with the aforestated.
Now, the facts.
If all cause mortality has risen sharply, where is the fucking evidence? Where is the data? There is none. There is no data supporting this assertion. VAERS has nothing to do with mortality statistics.
Euromomo is referenced above. There is a negative increase in mortality, i.e. decrease. If the injection was a “kill shot”, then something would have to be happening since over a half of the population if not more are injected. It fucking ain’t.
Saying that the fuckccine is a kill shot is the same unsubstantiated stupidity as saying that covid is a deadly disease/pandemic.
Euromomo does show excess mortality not just some bumbs but massive spikes and also a continuing excess of some 10 to 15% so far this year. People can’t die twice so there should be a dip but there isn’t. The excess continues and has 2 years of excess worked into the baseline. You can also look at ourworldindata raw number of deaths to get an idea of what the scale of it is. That there were other spikes previously could also be ‘vaccines’ like the flu shot. It doesn’t mean that it is ok to have these spikes.
You’re obviously reading different charts or don’t know how to read them. The general trend is confirmed here https://www.czso.cz/csu/czso/obypz_cr
Where is any evidence of the “kill shot” being a kill shot? Where are the millions of dead people predicted by people claiming that the mRNA injection would make them fall apart at the molecular level?
There is NO EXCESS MORTALITY right now. Get your head around it.
Has mortality a bit all over the place in the past two years? Fuck, yes. Consider demographics and the proportion of people at the end of their statistical lifespan right now. Consider the psychosomatic effect of what’s going on. Consider the “kill shot” – yes, it has probably pushed a lot of people over the edge. Like people with comorbidities. Remember? The claim that the alleged COVID killed people because of their comorbidities? Nobody’s talking about that in respect of the kill shot. A bit of a double standard, eh?
The bottom line is that the prospect that the fuckccine is being used to scare people, just like COVID, as part of a divide-and-conquer tactic is very real, as described above. They need fuckccine refusers to have somebody to blame for the fact that the shots do shit, to divide society, to justify further sanitary measures.
Use your brain if you have one and see the bigger picture.
They’re playing us, or trying to, in a 1000+1 different ways.
Agree with your conclusions,the tactic is divide -and-conquer, but the fact that they have told us, and continue to tell us, lies about deadly viruses, pandemics and miraculous vaccines is indisputable. At least on an individual level we have to keep our sanity.
I agree with your conclusion of divide-and-conquer, but the fact is that for two years now we have been lied for deadly virus,deadly pandemic and magical vaccines in an unprecedented way,and the least we can for keeping our sanity is to keep telling the truth, e.g that there was no killing virus ,no deadly pandemic and that these vaccines for some peolpe were indeed deadly and for others very harmful. And the big difference from the fake pandemic at least for me is that now I ‘m personal know of people around me who died,and be harmed from the vaccines but I did not know anybody during the “pandemic”.
I do know people who have dies of the flu during the alleged fake pandemic. The fear factor probably played a significant psychosomatic role in their demise, at least in some cases.
I, too, know of fuckccine adverse effect, even though I’m not aware of anyone actually croaking after getting jabbed. The vast majority of people who are fuckccinated I know have had no reaction at all.
I agree that fuckccination is worse that catching the flu because catching the flu is natural – however that happens – whereas fuckccination is a deliberate intrusion into the body. The injection of who knows what shit.
What I was referring to, however, is how the fear of both the virus and the fuckccine is being fueled and used to pit people against one another. And how there is no data supporting claims on either side and how people fall for the same fallacious bullshit.
These fucks are rather skilled in concocting propagandist stratagems. One must remain vigilant so not to be led astray.
> Anyway, I’m not advocating eating insects, but there are real underlying issues that deserve to be addressed in a rational manner.
What about the way we’re treating cows, pigs and chickens in order to keep up the sick stuffing of faces? Disgusting!
So, is the “fuckccine is a kill shot” another smokescreen, another false dichotomy, another divide-and-conquer stratagem promoted by the covidist fuckheads? Logic dictates that it probably is.
Yes, said this 2 years ago; if everyone took the schotz how could you justify a rona pass?
https://www.laquintacolumna.net/ The 5th Column
Interesting that you should point this out. I had the very same thought about a week ago. It’s summer and people walk by with their bodies on display. Half of the young men are overweight and probably a third of the young women, too. As for grown-ups more or less all of them are overweight.
The nature of’work’ might be one of the reasons. In my father’s generation it was common to walk or cycle to the factory, toil for 8 hours then go home, eat and start working again, this time in the garden or around the house. Even in the big cities people would find a way to raise a couple of rabbits or chickens or had rented a little patch of ground along the railway lines. Whereas now everyone drives a car or takes the bus, sits behind some screen and at home will immediately turn on tv. And have the delivery guy bring a pizza. Who is riding an e-bike.
This might not be sustainable. But making life’s basics even more artificial than they already are doesn’t look like a solution to me. Let them eat bugs in the USA if they want to. I’ll have a trout fresh out of the water, steamed potatoes and a green salad. Or this season’s last asparagus with Black Forest ham.
Back in the day it was still possible to walk to work. Now – especially with the God awful “Industrial Parks” surrounding every city – everyone must either drive to work or spend an extra three or four hours getting to and from work. This is, of course, no accident – at least not here in the USA.
And speaking of getting a patch of ground: my Croatian grandmother told how the Ohio city her family settled in offered plots of public land for people to grow food – during the Depression. But only a few – immigrants – took advantage of the offer. The “real” Americans chose instead to stand in bread lines.
It means that the marketing of greater comfort and pleasure, together with fake ideas of personal cleanliness (e.g., sweating) has succeeded.
The truth always becomes known; it might take some time to elapse, but in the long-run, lies ALWAYS unravel. This was definitely the case for CONVID. The other thing is that it’s relatively easy to fool people once. But once trust has been lost, it’s almost impossible to trick the population again. Personally, I welcome these scare stories because they act as a reliable contra-indicator: whatever they tell me to eat less of, I’ll eat more of it. Davos Man took some big hits over the last six months. It’s now time to finish off these scumbags & put him on his arse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfGTpEjH-zE&t=53s
stop following the damn law before it’s too late for that!
The dangers of red meat and processed meat have been frozen at the stage of “suspected” for over 10-15 years.
The poisons in some fish are well known and to be expected, given the non-stop dumping of poisons into the oceans.
Excessive cleanliness can make anyone sick, including a person rearing chickens at home.
The survey relating mercury to skin cancer is dated 2003-2016, and bears the following reservation:
“While people should be aware of the potential skin cancer risk associated with mercury in fish, it’s not the main cause”, Dr.Aaron Farberg of Mount Sinai Hospital, who wasn’t involved in the study, said by email. “It is well established that exposure to solar UV is the greatest risk factor for skin cancer”.
SOURCE: bit.ly/32KbvSj
British Journal of Dermatology, online February 5, 2020:
Association of blood mercury levels with nonmelanoma skin cancer in the U.S.A. using National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data (2003–2016)†
[So the honest scientists who carried out the survey are not trying to stampede the sheeple. Neither is the indepentent reviewer, Dr.Farberg. Place the blame where it belongs: on the 0.001% of uber-rich wouldbe uber-Fuhrern in Hitler’s old New World Order (supported and carried on by the Oh-so-Christian Bush crime family and their WEF associates such as Ursula von der Lyeien and Klaus the Schwab) who want us to own nothing so they will be happy.]
If sunlight is such a danger, what about the farmers in the hotter parts of the world, working in their fields? Apart from small turbans, none of the Asians and Africans wear hats. In Asia, they do not bother to cover up fully with clothing.
Yes. I think UV light is one factor, but it’s probably not the only factor, and nutrition is probably related to this. And genetics.
Thank goodness we live in an age of experts
Anybody know what’s happened to globalresearch,ca? I can’t reach it for days now.
I have no problem reaching that site. I usually go there every day. I wonder if you have Windows 10? I ask that because that hideous operating system seems to be FAR more than just an operating system.
I suspect it hears what you say – I swear it. Once I was on the phone with my sister; we were discussing a certain address in a certain town she was interested in. I decided to look it up. All I did was type in the street address (104) and the rest came up automatically – street name, plus name of town. What are the odds of that happening?
You could disable the mike.
It’s official, Monkey Pox is finished:
Any ideas ?
Gatespox? Schwabpox? WHOpox?
Scarypox? Plebpox? Slavepox?
Holy shit !
The sky’s the limit.
“Money Pox” ahahaha
Even the mainstream media isn’t buying into the bullshit anymore
“We’re going to change the diseases this virus causes”
Then why the hell didn’t they just do that with COVID and save millions of lives and stop the lockdowns!?
It’s still ongoing. Proof of vaccination and masks are not going to disappear.
It’s parasitepox. They are all and will all be parasitepox.
The monkeys will be relieved about this.
There are actual monkeys in Asia, Central and South America, and Africa. There are figurative monkeys everywhere Who finds monkeys discriminatory? And why?
I think maybe what it is – the hook they’ve used to get away from a comical name – is one of the most heinous racial slurs in America. It’s quite common among certain Americans to refer to blacks as “monkeys.”
Apart from that, I’ll pat myself on the back: I’ve been saying for weeks (in threads on OffG) that they would soon change the name.
The point I was hinting at is that lots of people get compared to monkeys, in lots of different places. Monkeys are a fact of life.
A few years back, an NBA team — Sacramento — held a promotion which featured monkeys, and one of the black team members was greatly offended by it calling it racist. However, the area has a large ethnic Asian population, and in an effort to attract more of these potential fans, the promotion was based around the Chinese year of the Monkey. To its discredit, the team abandoned its promotion.
To paraphrase Freud, sometimes a monkey is just a monkey.
This is how identity politics, now “Woke”, culture warriors get so absurdly and comically tangled in their virtue-signaling attempts to purge and sanitize language and usage that they trip over themselves. In the 1990s, I worked for a Pennsylvania state agency. The state legislature deemed that our increasingly computerized service didn’t need a proper IT Department. Instead, as computer equipment was installed in field offices statewide, the agency budget could only afford to provide actual technical training to a small group in our Central Office in Harrisburg. For the rest of the state, management selected non-technical employees considered to be “good with computers” to set up the new equipment. We “automation coordinators” relied on simplified written instructions provided by the half-trained Central Office cadre; they were referred to as “chimp instructions” for obvious reasons– they were so basic and simplified that even a chimp could follow them. So you’d get a memo saying something like, “The new printers are coming next week with chimp instructions.” After a few years, we were suddenly notified that the state Equal Employment Opportunity Commission had received a “complaint” about the term “chimp instructions”; the term was forthwith banned and considered strictly taboo– Streng Verboten! The explanation was that the term “could be considered racist”, with a strong implication that it had been popularized in the first place by the white, bright Central Office automation group as a subliminal racist jab directed to the non-white automation coordinators around the state. As it happens, I worked in Philadelphia with a preponderance of black co-workers. None of them had ever regarded the term “chimp instructions” as racist, or an offensively snide jab at them. In fact, they were embarrassed at all the bureaucratic fuss ostensibly made on their behalf. Ironically, it was the EEOC directive itself that conclusively declared that the term “chimp instructions”… Read more »
Whew. This issue never fails to blow my mind whenever it comes up, so deep is the level of condescension.I assume the people behind this name change see black people and automatically think of monkeys. Apparently, it’s okay to compare anyone other than black people to monkeys.
I guess they should rename Chicken pox so as not to offend people who are scared, and cowpox to not offend women.
At any rate, as many are now suggesting, Monkey Pox simply isn’t scary enough, so they use the “stigmatization ” and “insensitivity” ploy as justification to come up with something more sinister while still getting to play racial division games.
But all is not dark; I keep telling you that vast numbers are awake:
“Canadians who want to believe that Canadian society is relatively unaffected by conspiracy thinking will find little comfort in these results. Millions believe that our lives are controlled by secret plots to undermine our interests,” Abacus Data said in a statement as it presented the results of the survey.
“Some 44% of respondents – 13 million adults – believe “big events like wars, recessions and the outcomes of elections” are controlled by shady cabals “working in secret against us.”
There’s more; take a look.
“Some 44% of respondents believe big events like wars, recessions and elections are controlled by cabals working in secret.”
Among that 44% would have been President Roosevelt:
“Nothing in politics happens by chance; everything is planned” — FDR.
Tuna fish and skin cancer!
Beyond parody but the sheep will believe anything these days…
They should be asked to reproduce the study against a random section of the Japanese population. Sorry that should read ‘they should be asked to try to reproduce the study…’
Waiter , there isn’t a fly in my soup !
For those of you convinced that the problem is toxins rather than viruses–or like me, who are concerned about EMF, there’s a very interesting statement of both positions
It’s on page 14 of the transcript of the Klinghardt interview .
It’s up today the 14th on Mercola, so will be up for only 1 more day, the 15th.
EMF is just another poison/toxin in the form of artificial man made radiation. The telecommunications industry (just like the chemical, agricultural, biotech, mining industries) has enough clout to do just about anything they want.
The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg is a good read about the history of electricity & wireless communications.
The irony of all this is that technology can actually be used in a wise manner & can help heal, but in the hands of the cabal/technocrats it is being used to harm people, plants, animals, nature.
Cost-cutting and profiteering prevents the use of tech in a wise manner. About a decade ago, someone got WHO to declare mobile phones a possible carcinogen. We should not expect any definitive declaration on that any time soon. Besides, phones are great for enslaving employees around the clock.
“I can see the time coming when even your home garden is gonna be against the law!”
—-Bob Dylan “Union Sundown”
I wonder how their gonna keep people from eating the bugs from their own backyards? WHAT WILL THEY DO????
I know: future headline: “Backyard bugs full of dangerous viruses and cancer-causing toxins”
Only the Big Ent (Ag being so 20th C.) will be able to produce those cockroaches that are free of herbicides and other backyard toxins. Be sure to buy only Big Ent produced insect-stuffs!
The parasites can only imagine you buying everything from them, so it must be. They’ve already tried to tax rainwater collection systems from residential citizens. How can you pay tithe to the pathetic satan-worshippers if you don’t buy from Big Ent.
Despised by Liars,
5G will probably kill the rest of the bugs & maybe us too.
MI6 found that the frequency that sterilizes people is 2.4 GHz. It’s the same carrier of frequency that is now used in all the Western countries to drive the cell phone systems. Takes awhile, though, most males have “only” a 50% drop in sperm count so far.
pp 4&5 of transcript of Klinghardt interview.
Post of the spermatozoa left are sub-standard: deformed, not motile, etc.
Good Day Everyone, First time commenter here.. i do believe there is a overwhelming amount of evidence available and from my own personal experience that dairy products are really no good for the human body, it isn’t in our best interest to eat large amounts of meat morning, noon and night, and a whole food plant based diet with small amounts of lean meat and fish is the all round best diet for human beings.
No idea what’s up with the push to eat bugs and I would advise to stay away from whatever plant based creation in a lab along with other heavily processed foods.
Our health is our wealth and I encourage everyone to pay special attention to what you put in your mouth. Some good root vegetables like yams, sweet potatoes, eddoes, dasheen, etc, leafy greens like spinach, kale and so on, beans, nuts, seeds and other REAL natural foods will ensure a long and healthy life…
Lastly guys, study nutrition and come to your own conclusions, not just the modern day fads that have now come to town, but look at older customs and cultures worldwide from rastafari, to the indians in the east and even the amerindians (Caribs, arawaks, Mayans, Aztec, etc). I guarantee there is a wealth of knowledge out there that is easily accessible to help drown out the noise and B.S to steer us in the right direction.
Sooner or later factory farmed animals will become so toxic from the conditions they’re forced to endure that no meat from these animals will be safe to eat.
In all the “studies,” has any “scientist” ever bothered studying what the chemicals produced from unrelenting stress might do to the animal’s flesh? or to the systems of those who consume those animals?
Added to that, all the other toxins infecting animals and animal torturers alike make everything eaten – not just animals – a long, drawn out game of Russian Roulette. (Or has Russian Roulette been banned?)
I think pretty much everything has been banned by now.
Best just to ignore the ‘scientists’. Maybe they will go away…
It’s two separate issues – what’s good to eat and what the media are currently hyping. The point here is about the latter. There’s plenty that’s damaging to health (e.g. EMF) but you’ll hardly read a word about it.
This is true of course. But I remember reading at least 40 years ago that “red meat” was implicated in colon cancer. Then came the cooking of beef rather than the beef itself – especially grilling.
Then came the “caramelization” of foods, even bread – eating the crust could cause cancer. (I patted myself on the back because, even at 78, I still don’t eat the crust!)
Cancer is the old standby, a sure thing to strike fear into even those willing to face a virus head on.
Bugs are tricky though: over the years – before they became du jour – various bug bites were said to be toxic enough to kill. So, what? is this our revenge? They bite us and kill us; we bite them back and kill them first?
Sorry but where are all the insects? Where I live we used to have a ‘flying ant day’ once a year with the pavements covered in them. That stopped about 5 years ago. Windscreens on a long journey would be covered with flies. Not any more. At night, dozens of moths would be trying to get in when the lights were on. The only moths I see now are clothes moths. In summer, wasps would haunt every picnic. Has the old world been replaced by a VR one when we were all locked down and sleeping? Weird.
This is as anecdotal as it gets, but for what it’s worth: I grew up on a very urban block of working/“middle”-class row homes in Philadelphia, PA (USA).
In the summertime, as it got dark and the streetlights came on, bats used to swarm around the lights– doubtless dining on the swarms of small insects that also could be seen in the glow of the lamps. We kids used to hang out on our front steps well after dark, which was a privilege or perk of summer weather and summer vacation.
I particularly remember this because boys (not me!) would often provoke and tease the girls by citing the ancient myth or folklore that bats were prone to swoop down and fly into people’s hair– especially targeting little girls with long hair.
In reality, the bats never came near us. But every so often, to the delight of those mean boys, a bat veered far enough out of the cone of light to provoke a chorus of shrieks, frantic ducking, and head-clutching among the girls.
I don’t remember exactly when the bats disappeared; once I got too old to hang out on the front steps, I stopped paying attention. But there’s a streetlight not far from my little house in a Philadelphia suburb. Not only have I never seen even a single bat fluttering around that streetlight– there don’t seem to be any swarming insects up there either. 😔
Additives make the crust smooth, shiny and evenly brown.
It’s not so complicated…
Just take ze latest jab, and you vill neffer die – just like me…