This Week in the New Normal #35

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. “Progressive” Calls for Legal Assisted Suicide
Progressive Magazine has an article this week calling euthanasia a “civil rights issue”.
Also this week, a review of Spain’s new euthanasia law found 180 patients had “died with dignity” in the first 12 months, while Italy carried out their first euthanasia under their new law.
Last week, Portugal approved their new euthanasia bill at the first reading.
In a piece of interesting timing, French director Francois Ozon just released his latest film Everything Went Fine…which is about assisted suicide.
There’s clearly some momentum building here.
We at OffG have made our views on this clear in the past – legalizing assisted suicide creates a system potentially far too easily abused by both individuals and institutions. This was the case even pre-Covid.
Post-Covid, in a world where we have seen rampant murderous abuse of DNR orders and ventilators and drugs such as midazolam, would be opening the door to possible crimes against humanity on a massive scale.
An issue to keep an eye on.
2.ukraine banning russian books and music
The latest edition of “It’s OK when my side does it” hit the newstands this week, with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky announcing a ban on Russian culture, including books and music.
Zelensky has already banned opposition political parties, this is just one more step down the path to outright fascism.
It’s also faintly farcical in its specificity…
The ban will not apply to all Russian music, but rather relates to music created or performed by those who are or were Russian citizens after 1991.
Artists who have condemned Russia’s war in Ukraine can apply for an exemption from the ban.
So democracy. Much freedom. Wow.
You could almost believe the Ukraine coverage is one giant experiment. Alternating insisting “there are no Nazis in Ukraine” with picture of men with Swastika tattoos, just to see how many of your brainwashed subjects notice the contradiction.
Meanwhile, Zelenksy is probably being encouraged to ban political parties, books and music – not because it serves any kind of purpose – but because it provides a pretext for NATO/the EU to drop him like he’s hot the exact moment it becomes politically convenient to do so.
He might not realise it, but he’s digging his own political grave.
3. Hypocrites of the week
The reactions to the SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade this week were predictably violent – on both sides. Indeed, the massively divisive reactions were arguably part of the reason it was done.
We saw people who insisted they were non-racists calling Justice Clarence Thomas “nigger”, and minor e-celebrities encouraging people to throw Molotov cocktails and pipe bombs at the Supreme Court (apparently that’s not an insurrection now).
But special mention must be made of two people: Justin Trudeau and Jacinda Ardern. The Wonder Twins of the New Normal World Order.
Within hours of the ruling both had made statements condemning it, with Justin Trudeau’s official twitter posting:
No government, politician, or man should tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. I want women in Canada to know that we will always stand up for your right to choose.
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) June 24, 2022
Yes, Justin absolutely respects a woman’s right to choose. Just not to choose to remain unvaccinated, not wear a mask, own a gun, attend a protest or donate money to peaceful protesters.
Meanwhile Jacinda Ardern, who during the “pandemic” turned New Zealand into something resembling Nazi Germany if it was run by Ned Flanders, said this in her public statement:
‘Watching the removal of a woman’s fundamental right to make decisions over their own body is incredibly upsetting,’
In the land of vaccine mandates, the hypocrisy is boundless.
BONUS: Quote of the week
Immortal words. Inspiring words. Incomprehensible words.
America is a nation that can be defined in a single word: Asssfhhhtlllmmnfffsh”
Joe Biden
With this, and Joe’s equally embarrassing cheat sheet, it’s getting easier and easier to believe that the office of the POTUS is being deliberately mocked and degraded at this point.
It’s not all bad…
Some good news on the food safety front this week from the US courts, where chemical giant Bayer has been handed two legal defeats on the harms done by their glyphosate products.
The now-standard Neil Oliver monologue…
And since it was reported that Ghislaine Maxwell was recently put on suicide watch, this made us chuckle (credit to HooterG via twitter):

All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the UK government admitting they have a “disinformation unit” which “works with” social media companies to remove “inappropriate content”, Pfizer and Moderna’s upcoming “future framework” or Glastonbury’s annual indoctrination festival.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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This week in the New New Normal:
The Philippines celebrate their inauguration of double-act Presidential team Marqez / DuTerte: two ex-presidential family names for decades the most consistently reviled, despised and denigrated by Uncle $cam.
My wife’s Philippina carer and her carer colleaues traveled all the way to Jerusalem to lodge their postal votes. She is delighted with the result:
“The Americans want we fight China. They will give us super weapons. We say, you think we are stupid? Why you not take super weapons go fight China yourself? You bigger than us.
Correction: Marcos
It’s just an old-school, dirty fucking landgrab!
Pepe Escobar:
By Pepe Escobar
June 18 2022
St. Petersburg sets the stage for the War of Economic Corridors
In St. Petersburg, the world’s new powers gather to upend the US-concocted “rules-based order” and reconnect the globe their way
The “land grab” was by Anglo Zio Capitalism: treacherously moving NATZO’s nukes Eastward, then coldbloodedly instigating a U$ ZIonazi coup in Ukraine. Russia has been cornered, goaded and finally has struck out to protect its Ukraina (Western Borderlands).
The coup was a Khazarian project. And they transferred several billions dollars to Kolomoisky to fake the “nazification”; to wage war on the Donbass; and to install a puppet president.
Press conference on the situation in Ukraine
President Vladimir Putin of Russia takes questions from the Russian media on March 3, 2014, following Russian military action in Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula.
Released: March 4, 2014
For example, Mr Kolomoisky was appointed Governor of Dnepropetrovsk. This is a unique crook. He even managed to cheat our oligarch Roman Abramovich two or three years ago. Scammed him, as our intellectuals like to say. They signed some deal, Abramovich transferred several billion dollars, while this guy never delivered and pocketed the money. When I asked him [Abramovich]: “Why did you do it?” he said: “I never thought this was possible.” I do not know, by the way, if he ever got his money back and if the deal was closed. But this really did happen a couple of years ago. And now this crook is appointed Governor of Dnepropetrovsk. No wonder the people are dissatisfied. They were dissatisfied and will remain so if those who refer to themselves the legitimate authorities continue in the same fashion.
Pepe Escobar reports from the New New Normal:
“BRICS+ (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) plus a microcosm of the Global South, encompasses Southeast Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, Africa and South America – truly putting the “Global” in the Global South.Revealingly, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s clear messages during the Beijing summit:
– Russia will fulfill its obligations to supply energy and fertilizers.
– Russia expects a good grain harvest – and to supply up to 50 million tons to world markets.
– Russia will ensure passage of grain ships into international waters even as Kiev mined Ukrainian ports.
– The negative situation on Ukrainian grain is artificially inflated.
– The sharp increase in inflation around the world is the result of the irresponsibility of G7 countries, not Operation Z in Ukraine.
– The imbalance of world relations has been brewing for a long time and has become an inevitable result of the erosion of international law.”
Pepe also throws a backward glance at New Normal Europe:
“An EU out of control
The role of the EU, bureaucrats lording over Germany, France and Italy inside the G7 is particularly instructive, especially now that Britain is back to the status of an inconsequential island-state.
As many as 60 European ‘directives’ are issued every year. They must be imperatively transposed into internal law of each EU member-state. In most cases, there’s no debate whatsoever.
Then there are more than 10,000 European ‘rulings,’ where ‘experts’ at the European Commission (EC) in Brussels issue ‘recommendations’ to every government, straight out of the neoliberal canon, regarding their expenses, their income and ‘reforms’ (on health care, education, pensions) that must be obeyed.
Thus elections in every single EU member-nation are absolutely meaningless. Heads of national governments – Macron, Scholz, Draghi – are mere executants. No democratic debate is allowed: ‘democracy,’ as with ‘EU values,’ are nothing than smokescreens.
The real government is exercised by a bunch of apparatchiks chosen by compromise between executive powers, acting in a supremely opaque manner.
The EC is totally outside of any sort of control. That’s how a stunning mediocrity like Ursula von der Leyen – previously the worst Minister of Defense of modern Germany – was catapulted upwards to become the current EC “Fuhrer” [German for “Idiot in Charge”] dictating these countries’ foreign, energy and economic policy.”
Can I tell the story? It’s a bit rant like but I think it’s interesting and extremely typical of censorship in our times.
Facebook banned me for a violent post. It’s absurd.
These bans are always over something idiotic would be nice if it’s a real issue at least one time.
I was having a few pain induced hallucinations at 4:00 a.m. and made a comment about the medications I take so that I would not forget.
Who is one of the number of posts that I dictated and just threw out. For some unknown reason I thought I should keep this one. Oops.
Dave G Horsman (me):
“Hmmm. The elephant
tranquilizers usually work. We may have to dart him again.
If he charges. Shoot him.
That little experiment works so well I’ve been spending all this
time trying not to have another seizure. Instead of calling someone ljust dictate posts and then throw them away.
I think l’ll keep this one.”
Like seriously? There I am now trying not to have an additional seizure. I forgot the notebook somewhere course. And I suddenly have the idea that I need to record this.
Well I fully admit that rank s very high on the oversharing scale, give me a f****** break please. I’ll be so glad when they ban me for good.
It was a joke. Hardly a big deal. And not something anybody has to read. It’s not like I’m a kind of public figure.
It’s extremely accurate as a metaphor and by gosh I would shoot me with an elephant dart. If I had to. I’m just trashed but even with two hours sleep I’m no longer in la la land. Now I’m just pissed off with these assholes.
I had taken a very strong medication and when it doesn’t do much that is a cause for concern. I’ve never met a person that can stay on their feet on this stuff.
It’s called Seroquel. There are occasions where I can though but no observations of me doing so.
So I am supposed to make notes. Given I won’t remember. Concerned? l have longstanding protocols to deal with this sort of stuff.
What have I been doing? Why?
Who cares? Yeah I know let me get this out.
my doctors needed a video of me having a seizure. That’s damn near impossible to induce. Ask a nurse.
I get these little zone out focal seizures but the other day I was told I was doing the funky chicken on a bus. And in addition I was left stunned for hours.
As far as I know this becoming aggravated distrust related. I have been having zero problems that I know of. I haven’t had any problems since I could get a scan. But this has been going on for years so how do you get a record of it?
Anyways I had a few ideas on that. You know… without involving pliers or bamboo shoots.
Because torture works. torture works? I can’t believe I’m saying that. I’ve been treating myself like a lab rat for years lol. And I have learned a lot in the process.
So… Exposure combined with epic pain.
Actually that didn’t work.
No problemo.
How about that combined with a strobe light? lol.
Yeah I was pretty sure that would work. So I sat on my porch with two phones and made a video. Fun times.
What’s funny is afterwards I couldn’t watch it because it had a flashing strobe light. All which is… messed.
There was a medication that could have given me that could have spared me a lot of pain.
Anyway so one thing I don’t have is time. so now they have a video LOL. it’s actually quite boring. I don’t know how to post things like that here and I wouldn’t bother anyways. It’s boring.
My rant here is that those bastards at Facebook blocked me yet again. For nothing. These bands are always over stupid jokes.
Every single time they take some statement I made out of context. the idea of cracking a joke is absolutely forbidden. have to wonder what comedians do for their accounts.
I became active on Facebook in February for project related reasons. it’s been a god-awful experience. I don’t recommend it.
It’s actually a good tool for people that don’t care about their privacy as far as connecting to friends and families concerned. I see some good things there.
but what I did was go on there and randomly add a thousand friends. interesting barely covers it. However it was also quite unpleasant.
And I very quickly got a second strike over some idiotic conversation that was harmless.
jokes are supposed to be funny because they’re true. I make a joke about shooting an elephant with a tranquilizer gun (me) and I get a strike for violent content?
and seriously at the time I was not on this planet. I was disassociated from being miserable and in pain all day and not sleeping. I find all this liberal b******* about treating people with disabilities what else to be pretty insulting.
trust me appealing the ban is pointless.
Well…. f*** them if they can’t take a joke.
Anyways a lot of you like stories. Tony tells nice ones. I think mine are interesting but more akin to the horror genre.
Have a good day. Dgh
I think you need professional help. Unfortunately the medical profession has recently squandered its huge capital of trust. Which is good because it throws more responsibility onto the patient. There are some good pills, there are some good therapists, but there are a lot of pill pushers who will prescribe sedatives just to keep you quiet, and a lot of therapists who (if you pay for sessions) will give you endless sessions. It is up to each of us to work out our narrow and winding way toward salvation. Trust in God.
If they were fighting Globalism, then why not kick out the World Health Organization and any other Globalist institutions; and kick out all the WEF stooges while they’re at it?
Shaban Syed
Putin And Russian Philosopher Dugin Destroy The Globalist Plan For NWO In Ukraine
According to Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin, said to be the brains behind President Putin “this is not a war with Ukraine, this is a confrontation with globalism as a whole planetary phenomenon. Confrontation at all levels, geopolitical and ideological. Russia rejects everything in globalism, mono-polarity, Atlanticism… liberalism, anti-tradition technocracy” in one word the “Great Reset.”
It is not surprising that for Russia according to Dugin the war in Ukraine is “existential for the Russian people, their culture and civilization” and a successful outcome in Ukraine is the key to the creation of a multi- polar New World Order. Lucky for humanity this NWO is not the unipolar one envisioned by western Globalists.
We’ve come to liberate you from Western, Unipolar Globalism!
Welcome to the Multi-Polar New World Order!
5D chess, it ain’t!
Duplicate and then modify to suit. Often a better policy than rejecting something outright. After all, isn’t there a need for an ‘Economic Forum’ in some form or other?
Globalism is just ‘universalism’ renamed.
Multipolar is a myth. Russia will always have more in common with its Christendom enemies than with ‘outsiders’. As a bickering couple is often ultimately proven best suited to each other than to others. 😎
‘Universal’ – the original meaning of ‘catholic’.
Militant Orthodoxy [Dugin] meets Militant Catholicism [Europe]
The WEF vision is that of the world being run by ultra-wealthy banksters and a handful of globalist, mega-corporations. Probably the only viable alternative is that of robust nation states; with each state protecting its own national interests against the WEF, and being prepared to support other states if the same battle. The territorial disputes with neighbouring states are trivial issues in comparison to the WEF taking over the core of a nation’s economy and government.
I suspect that Putin has always been a Rothschild puppet, and that he was selected, groomed and promoted. If he genuinely wants to support Russian national interests, he could start by taking on Big Pharma – see latest article by Riley Waggaman:
Putin vs. Big Pharma: The ultimate smackdown
Is Putin plotting to purge the pill peddlers? If so, we have some suggestions
Edward Slavsquat
6 hr ago
Caption: A population decline of more than 1 million people in 2021. The largest decline in decades.
And at least 2% of the children will have some serious, vaxx-induced neurological condition such as autism.
The population decline is certainly disturbing. All that vast land area
Blood & Soil
Russia Needs Novorossiya
Nicholas Nicholaides
Russia needs Novorossiya and Malorossiya – at least the part of Malorossiya that is east of the Dnepr river. These parts are not “ukrainian”, they never were and they never will be! These parts are as genuinely russian as Moscow or St Peterburg but because of a historical mistake – the break-up of the Soviet Union in stead of the modernisation of it – these parts are now outside of mother Russia.
. . . the “border” between Russia and former “Ukraine” has not been ratified by Russia after the break-up of the CCCP so in reality “Ukraine” does not have real established and ratified borders with Russia! This is a fact that should be used to either depose the Kiev nazi regime and make all of former “Ukraine” democratic, federated and pro-russian or to liberate the parts that are still not nazi-infected, that means Novorossiya and all lands east of the Dnepr river. When these lands are free from the nazis then there will be no american missiles there aiming at Moscow and no american navyships in Odessa harbor.
The future of Russia as an independent state and world leader in a multipolar world will be determined in Novorossiya.
The battle for Novorossiya (and eastern Malorossiya) will be determined in the Kreml. As soon as the russian leaders decide to liberate Novorossiya it will be so . . .
Land Grab!
Pepe Escobar:
By Pepe Escobar
June 18 2022
St. Petersburg sets the stage for the War of Economic Corridors
In St. Petersburg, the world’s new powers gather to upend the US-concocted “rules-based order” and reconnect the globe their way
Headlines from the laughably named Independent:
Of course the media dogs are creaming themselves over Paul’s Ukraine flag waving but THAT video has appalled the fans who were disappointed – and deeply disturbed – at how the court case went. You would have thought that this matter going to court and being settled there in the lawful way would have settled everything. Don’t be stupid! Don’t be anachronistic! Courts can no longer be counted on to deliver the proper verdict which the media already decided long in advance – and which “the public” totally agree with!
I would suggest that that is why Paul is still alive and John is dead. They kill leaders and potential leaders
Even as a 10 year old I did not like Paul McCartney. Nearly 60 years later I do not like Paul McCartney
“Does not compute. Does not compute. Does nnnt compfffff, DozznnncmpfffffrrrrRRRRR….”
“Reveller” * explodes in rainbow colours. Body parts rain down on crowd. Crowd cheers and “revels”.
The only viewers upset over possible rapists and paedophile Johnny Depp was the women who are amber heard and have lied like fuck about fake abuse.
Any thoughts or reliable evidence yet, anyone, as to which side perpetrated the Kremenchuk shopping centre attack? Naturally distrust MSM reports and attribution, and in middle of G7 Summit seems suspicious timing.
The Russians say that they carried out the strike, but that they struck a road machinery plant (acting as a Western weapons depot) next to the shopping centre, rather than the actual shopping centre itself. The fire from it then spreading to the shopping centre
Russian Ministry of Defense briefing 28.06.2022 @12.00
There’s CCTV video on Telegram which apparently shows that the strike hits the plant rather than the shopping centre, but someone would need to be local to confirm it. Otherwise it just a shows an background explosion and a couple of people running/hiding.
…though the guy in the foreground of the second camera angle [‘Camera 01’] has clearly spotted/heard something “coming in” before the actual expl0s!on
Tamara Lich organiser at the freedom convoy in Ottawa is made a political prisoner once again. According to her lawyer, on Twitter, Tamara Lich has been arrested in Medicine Hat, Alberta. The news comes as Canada Day protests approach and Justin Trudeu’s approval rating drops to just 8%. Meanwhile in Europe pressure mounts to nominate Tamara Lich for the nobel peace prize.
Another conspiracy theory becomes reality (but only a bit – and it’s a good thing!):
More attempts to stoke the hysteria:
The article singularly fails to quote what either SCJ actually said. Kavanaugh said, ““I understand precedent and I understand the importance of overturning it. Roe is 45 years old, it has been reaffirmed many times, lots of people care about it a great deal, and I’ve tried to demonstrate I understand real-world consequences”. Any fool can see that’s not a promise to uphold Roe. Any fool except AOC, an Instagram influencer who somehow’s mistaken for a politician.
It’s desperate stuff, all a clown show to distract from the effects of the vaccine and the economy. BTW I’m no fan of Kavanaugh who I haven’t forgotten was the author of the Patriot Act.
AOC an Instagram influencer who became a politician. Perfect description. Yes, she’s merely a distraction from the coming collapse, and a shrill one at that.
Of course the timing helps to knock down the old argument about my body, my choice just in time for a new plandemic outbreak. Of course the “left” doesn’t see the contradiction there, but the “right” doesn’t seem to either. Oh well, no bother about that, none of us should control our own destiny, that’s what our owners are here for. It’s their world now and while we are still allowed to be in it, we must comply fully with whatever they order us to do. It’s for our own good, after all.
There is a special kick in the cunt for cunts like AOC
What a disgusting thing to say
Military expert Vladimir Orlov expressed the opinion that the Pentagon is preparing to strike at least four Russian regions.
For its preparation, the US military department announced a competition of educational platforms offering courses in the study of foreign languages. The priority is Russian. The requirement is the simultaneous training of at least 200 people in a program that includes not only vocabulary and conversational skills, but also modules on the culture and “regional specifics” of the Urals, the Caucasus, Bashkiria and Tatarstan.
The expert also noted that the Pentagon needs people with these skills to “conduct operations on Russian territory.”
Orlov believes that the staff of the newly created unit in the elite corps at Fort Bragg will be engaged in “influencing the information environment in specific Russian regions.”
Yankie Russian, more words to shovel into Merry Webster’s and Gen YZ New Oxford execution lessons.
Can’t we just have sub titles listening to Johnson and Biden?
Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders obviously already have em.☹
Subtitles are essential when Biden speaks.
Grafter, we could agree to rename NATO …Dura Cell Alliance,.. give it some thought.
I hope they don’t think of displaying any kind of bias and that they will hire some black people for the job. In this clown world, old jokes will become reality.
Sambo, Arggie Barggie, Jiffy Lube, Golly Wog & Rope Topper., sound more socially acceptable than Nig Nog, Clear Varnish, Eagle Beak & Boot Polish. imo
For some missile strikes you need people on the ground to place ‘markers’ (radio?). Maybe that’s the role intended.
For personal survival’s sake, it would help to be able to scarper quickly once you’ve done it. Sprinting speed/quick driving would therefore be other useful skills. Though post-strike survival may be a secondary consideration from the Pentagon’s perspective.
If somebody says what you want to hear, it often bypasses the critical faculties. For instance, consider Victoria Nuland’s rather bizarre “confession” that there are dangerous biolabs in Ukraine. Any form of critical analysis would ask the following kind of questions:
Glenn Greenwald
Mar 9, 2022
Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has “Biological Research Facilities,” Worried Russia May Seize Them
The neocon’s confession sheds critical light on the U.S. role in Ukraine, and raises vital questions about these labs that deserve answers.
Claims that Ukraine currently maintains dangerous biological weapons labs came from Russia as well as China. The Chinese Foreign Ministry this month claimed: “The US has 336 labs in 30 countries under its control, including 26 in Ukraine alone.” The Russian Foreign Ministry asserted that “Russia obtained documents proving that Ukrainian biological laboratories located near Russian borders worked on development of components of biological weapons.”
Rubio undoubtedly expected a flat denial by Nuland, thus providing further “proof” that such speculation is dastardly Fake News emanating from the Kremlin, the CCP and QAnon. Instead, Nuland did something completely uncharacteristic for her, for neocons, and for senior U.S. foreign policy officials: for some reason, she told a version of the truth.
Glenn Greenwald
Mar 8, 2022
Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland admits Ukraine has “biological research facilities”
In testimony before a Senate Committee today, the neocon official in charge of Ukraine under both Obama and Biden makes a surprising admission.
Good point. I saw an article making the same point. Possibly here
You mean, you are surprised to find The Woman from Uncle telling the truth? Don’t worry, it’s only a half truth; with a counter allegation as the other half.
“The Devil can tell truth to suit his purposes” — Shakespeare, MacBeth.
I think that’s his point. So, what advantage do the elites perceive right now in “admitting” to the existence of biolabs. What narrative does it help with?
How do we know if anything of what she says is true? Prior to Nuland’s statement, Greenwald believed in the possible existence of WMD biolabs in Ukraine; partly because of the claims by the CCP and the Kremlin. When Nuland makes her statement, Greenwald takes that as confirmation of the existence of WMD biolabs; and believes that on this exceptional occasion, she’s telling the truth. But what if she wants us to believe in non-existent WMD biolabs?
BTW; something as simple as DNA collection could be a “component” in bio-weapon research or production; and that includes the PCR swab.
“I, too, am starting to believe there’s something behind all this.” anon*.
When Australian states legalised euthanasia during the first year of the Covid Fear Campaign i was suspicious of their motives. I mean, Everyone took every opportunity to remind me that Little billy gates was an avowed depopulationist, Little billy gates was a death-vaxx pusher, and Too Many grannies were mysteriously and suddenly dying…
Everything took on a sinister colouring…
But something now cautions me, advising “you might be suffering from apophenia. Rein it in before you’re diagnosed with something communicable and whisked away to The Funny Farm” (As if The Funny Farm is not now the entire world !)
Anyway, i’m heeding the advice, i’m keeping a good rein on my apophenia. This doesnt mean i’m giving up my spiritual belief that “everything is connected.” I’m just giving up believing that “everything is connected if it seems to be connected.”
No more sinister colourings for me, only Real Conspiracies from now on !!
** anon ? Sherlock Holmes ?
“They’re selling postcards of The Hanging,
They’re painting the curtains brown,…” (1960s folksinger)
Apophenia used to be low-level, like background noise. Since the “pandemic”, it has taken off. It is the default theme in some comments here.
Pedantic correction: They’re painting the passports brown [emphasis added]. Across the street they’ve nailed the curtains, though.
BTW, I have an ongoing difference of opinion with a sibling who’s also a fan of the ’60s folksinger: I noticed a while back that on the folksinger’s Official Website, the published lyrics often differ from the original recordings. I wondered if some hapless intern was responsible for posting these discrepancies, but learned somewhere that the folksinger himself has gone back and revised the lyrics.
My sibling is tolerant, even approving, of this practice. He sees it as an aspect of the folksinger’s idiosyncratic artistic genius: as evidenced by the folksinger’s well-known habit of making spontaneous lyrical changes during his concerts, he considers his songs “living” works that he has the right, or obligation, to tweak endlessly.
I don’t begrudge the folksinger the live-concert improvisations, but I find the practice of rewriting his archives exasperatingly Orwellian. I asked my sibling rhetorically if he thought the folksinger did the same thing with his numerous children– i.e. capriciously deciding one day that “Jacob” was really “Benjamin”, and unilaterally revising all of the past “Jacob” references to reflect his creative change of mind.
I sensed “curtain” was wrong, but “passports” didnt come to mind. Something to do with Old-timers memory lapses. After posting, i called forth the lyrics via my PC. There were four differences in them compared to the words i know by heart. I dont seek to explain them. I know the originals. The folksinger is famous for his concert improvisations. There was/is a huge collectors industry based on recordings of the lyric changes at his concerts…
“And here i sit so patiently waiting to find out
what price you have to pay to get out of
going through these things twice.”
Stuck outside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again. (1960s folksinger).
I think he was saying “Repetition hasnt got much going for it. It’s BORING !”
He made such a remark about having to sing the same crowd-pleasing folk songs over and over. (There’s a fair bit of sneering contempt in his songs. He is Human, after all…)
PS. His handwritten lyrics often differed from what was recorded. If the published lyrics were his handwritten ones that would explain (some of) the differences…
I’ve never come across the Orwellian claim…
Victoria had the laws quite a while before the plandemic but the sick irony is everyone who they claim ”died of covid” in locked down old folks homes would have qualified to legal death. 275 had end stage alzheimers
The Roe reversal reaction is looking nothing like on the George Floyd scale.
Why was Roe reversed? Well, it’s a big coincidence that the Roe decision came out just as it looks like a mass reduction in birth rates by other means might be happening. The evidence is coming in from places from Germany to Taiwan. See the revealing reaction of the German Health Minister, more or less saying there are too many Germans anyway. It should also be wondered what the health will be of such children as are being born.
The birth rate collapse in Taiwan (and South Korea) might seem to contradict that ‘The Future is Asian’ (the title of one of the WEF’s favourite books). However two things: 1) It seems maninly coastal Asian countries that have been hit and moving populations away from the coast is also part of the agenda. 2) Migration – just because power and business might be destined to move to Asia doesn’t mean they won’t be on the receiving end of the same weaponised migration seen in the West.
My body my choice and informed consent to “vaccinate” are actually the same argument. This is because ‘vaccines’ are not a medical procedure. They are weapons so informed consent isn’t an applicable argument. The ‘antivax’ position is not pro choice but pro life. It is the controlled opposition that advocate for choice. This is why there is always the threat of forced ‘vaccination’ but it doesn’t materialise. It is to diminish the calls for abolition. Say no to ‘vaccine’ mandates has the hidden meaning of say yes to choice i.e “vaccines”. Basically an inversion of the abortion messaging. Hence the timing is coz they are one and the same issue.
I’m no scientist but Earth is experiencing a Grand Solar Minimum, so, can it be that The Grand Solar Minimum has a direct impact on male sperm counts ? I mean, women’s bodies are affected by The Moon, so maybe men’s bodies are affected by The Sun ? (The Sun being a male symbol ?)…
Little billy gates funds de-pop jabs. Maybe his wanting to block-out Sunlight is also part of his de-pop strategy ?
(Fertility Clinic adverts have become a regular feature nightly here in Sydney, Australia)….
The G7 Summit. The leaders assembled in place:
“Everyone says that we’re in place…
Everyone says… but few know in which”
Виктор Цой – Бошентумай
Or as sung in Donetsk (in more peaceful times last century):
Because they switched narratives. The war is as phony as the pandemic
If it’s true that Ukraine is undergoing a national revival, you would expect Roussinos to be a little more upbeat about it!
Aris Roussinos: Inside the nationalist militia on Ukraine’s frontline
Jun 17, 2022
Freddie Sayers speaks to UnHerd’s Aris Roussinos, reporting from the frontline of the war in Ukraine.
One interesting idea expressed earlier today [Monday] on Russian TV, was regarding the weapons being sent to Ukraine. That Ukraine may in fact be functioning as a ‘weapons hub’.
Not the primary end destination to supply weapons to defeat an evil empire, but a transit point to distribute to ‘groups’ in other countries. Like, say, the Middle East or Africa.
Not that weapons might accidentally end up in the hands of other groups but that that is actually the primary goal.
Could that be the real reason for the hoo-hah about blocked Black Sea ports? Not so much concern about grain but more about other ‘goods’ that are being restricted in their movements?? 🤔
We get our daily, very well-publicized, media announcements on which weapons are being sent. Like market stall owners loudly shouting of the goods they have on offer today or will have on offer tomorrow.
‘Come and get your pears. Apples going cheap. Special deal today on HIMARS. Javelins – two-for-the-price-of-one.’
Could not that be another motive for keeping the war going as long as possible?
Which assumes, of course, that the Russians don’t nab the weapons first to use against Ukrainians, in which case the war would be expected to finish sooner, not later 🙂
Or many of these weapons being sent to Ukraine are reaching as far as Poland and other allied/NATO nations on the front to prepare for what seems to be a desire to escalate the conflict, a military build-up reaching into Finland. While a certain amount is fed into Ukraine to maintain the illusion.
I’m also not convinced about the argument that the west is de militarizing themselves by supporting the war. That kind of reporting seems more like war propaganda; i.e. Russia dismissing claims of any invasion until they did invade. War language.
Build Back Better, from a scorched earth? Maybe not just yet.
Vagabard, I’ve been saying it since the first Western aid to Ukraine: Arms are actually going to Global private army, or mercenaries under their control. It’s the smart move– a way to degrade the power of Nation-states while enhancing that of the NWO cabal.
Recently, Voltaire (Thierry Meyssan) came out w a little blurb “2/3 of Aid to Ukraine is not reaching Ukraine.”
Also here’s a comment by a Finnish journalist: Finnish journalist Heiskanen noted that at the moment more and more Finns are beginning to understand that all the financial assistance provided by the West to Kyiv is passing by the Ukrainian army.
“Fortunately, now people have already begun to understand that Zelensky is deceiving everyone all the time. The money is going somewhere.
“Perhaps the economic support and arms money does not even come out of the treasuries of the United States and NATO countries, but goes directly into selective bank accounts, including the military industrial complex on both sides of the Atlantic.”
NATO is to assemble and train a 300,000 man Rapid Response Force. Most of the BILLIONS of dollars of weaponry are not being supplied to Zalensky so he can play soldier, they are being stockpiled in surrounding NATO member countries, ready for The Big Day… The US doesnt give a damn about how much of eastern Ukraine Russia has control over, or even care how well Russia consolidates it’s hold…Russia’s economy is Third World compared to The US War Economy***…The US plan is to “wear Russia’s military down”…
Remember, if the Unintended Consequences get out of control there’s always the Nuclear Option – which both the US and Russia include in their planning…
***I think it was Ernest Mandel, a Belgium Trotskyite, who pointed out how dependent the US economy’s health was on its War Weapons industries ?
Most of the donations may be obsolete or old. There is no record or what did reach AFU or was destroyed by Russia. Zelensky keeps asking for more. The forces in the rest of Europe will have to rearm. The US armament manufacturers are grateful for this turn of events.
Interesting replies all 🙂
One of the options for decolonizing / Balkanizing / dividing up Russia post G7 summit (image below):
There are no red and blue zones as in the US (post Roe v. Wade). Which probably wouldn’t work as well in Russia. But what there is, is a ‘Republic of Russia’, ‘Republic of Siberia’, ‘Far Eastern Republic’, ‘Ural Republic’…
There may need to be some kinda mechanism to make these divisions run on semi-natural/ethnic/linguistic grounds. A bog-standard CIA-backed-regime-change-coup may not suffice in that respect. Some mass human migration may also need to be included in the mix (as per former India?) 🙂
you think they/anybody’s breaking up Russia???
You think they/nobody is not trying to break up Russia?
Loooooooool (like a fucking child)
The fantasists map is a good depiction of a Yinon plan for Russia… A break-up of Russia into statelets will undoubtedly be pursued by separatists who Soros’ Democracy promoting groups can work with… Remember the role of the Albanians in Yugoslavia precipitating Yugoslavia’s break-up ? You can bet China is ready to rush in and grab as much Russian territory possible once the Russian Federation starts to collapse, use it as a buffer against encroaching NATO, as Russia appears to be doing with part of the Ukraine…
Yes, it’d be breakup from within before any externally-imposed breakup from without.
Only then could the asset-str!ppers move in to Russia plc
Both sides? I haven’t noticed a great many pro-lifer riots. They’re pleased with the decision, so they’re in a pretty good mood right now anyway. But now that I think of it, I don’t recall there being any pro-life riots back in 1973 when Roe was first issued by the court either. The violence I’m seeing now is mostly being committed by pro-abortionists who are burning down their own states — even though those states are highly unlikely ever to ban abortion anyway. Strange …
I’m beginning to wonder if we’re not being primed for a return of Trump very soon. The entire Federal Govt. is starting to look more and more like one giant muppet show: fake elections, fake Stalinist show-trials, etc.
Maybe a distraction. There is data showing Germany and possibly the rest of the world is suffering a huge drop in first quarter births:
Another possible explanation is that people are beginning to realize that this is no place to bring up children.
I mean, being born in Hell is something no child deserves.
Someone said they captured these graphs off google trends but the data was later changed:
This article shows some 10,000 less babies in Portugal since the beginning of the ‘covid’ atrocity:
Be honest those 10,000 less babies in Portugal is a good thing. It means msm led sheep who said “trust the science” despite having a D in GCSE science decided to trust the science and can’t breed. Why is this a problem I fail to see how idiots not giving birth is somehow awful news! We should celebrate it and advocate for it. Balls to abortion and yes to sterilising the stupid.
Oh, I’m positive it’s a distraction. I was just pointing out that all of the violence in this case is pretty much confined to one side of the aisle.
I met one American who’s entire argument for the ‘vaccines’ was based around Trump. He didn’t seem to realise that Trump was the one who fast tracked the injections. I do wonder if any of this would have been possible without the 4+ years of Trump bashing and hate so that ‘liberals’ would support the ‘vaccine’ coz Trump didn’t wear a mask. According to David Martin Operation Warpspeed went to a ‘defense’ contractor called Anser:
It’s not just Germany. There’ve been posts on off-G indicating reduced births N. Dakota and UK NHS and the Netherlands. All have been total or partial 1st qtr 2022.
And that’s still not a problem. Let the people who watch tv news and get all angsty when the bbc bong hits and huw Edwards scares them into jab number 6 and read headlines and not full articles take out their ability to breed. They’re idiots.
“Fake Stalinist show trials”
Oh dear. Someone Ona website like this still spreading lies about Stalin and the very real trials of the 30s. Plenty of evidence nowadays that Stalin was a great man.
It should not be assumed that the C.I.A and the Pentagon are on the same side!
BTW: there is no “Biden administration”.
June 25, 2022
Commando Network Coordinates Flow of Weapons in Ukraine, Officials Say
A secretive operation involving U.S. Special Operations forces hints at the scale of the effort to assist Ukraine’s still outgunned military.
WASHINGTON — As Russian troops press ahead with a grinding campaign to seize eastern Ukraine, the nation’s ability to resist the onslaught depends more than ever on help from the United States and its allies — including a stealthy network of commandos and spies rushing to provide weapons, intelligence and training, according to U.S. and European officials.
Much of this work happens outside Ukraine, at bases in Germany, France and Britain, for example. But even as the Biden administration has declared it will not deploy American troops to Ukraine, some C.I.A. personnel have continued to operate in the country secretly, mostly in the capital, Kyiv, directing much of the vast amounts of intelligence the United States is sharing with Ukrainian forces, according to current and former officials.
While the U.S. government does not acknowledge that the C.I.A. is operating in Ukraine or any other country, the presence of the officers is well understood by Russia and other intelligence services around the world.
But the agency’s expertise in training is in counterinsurgency and counterterrorism operations, former intelligence officials say. What Ukrainians need right now is classic military training in how to use rocket artillery, like the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS, and other sophisticated weaponry, said Douglas H. Wise, a former deputy director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and retired senior C.I.A. officer.
“We’re talking about large-scale combat here,” Mr. Wise said. “We’re talking about modern tank-on-tank battles with massive military forces. I can’t imagine the C.I.A. training Ukrainian guys how to fire HIMARS.”
It is not “tank-on-tank”. Rather, HIMARS etc demonstrate that tanks are now obsolete.
May 13, 2022
Russia lost whole battalion trying to cross river on May 8 after Ukraine discovered plans and shelled them
Putin’s men made a second attempt at crossing the river yesterday to rescue stranded men, Ukraine said
But again their plans were uncovered and bridge was hit by artillery, forcing the survivors to swim to safety
Four-day mission has seen more than 70 vehicles destroyed and two battalions mangled, Ukrainians claim
How would a modern stay-behind army operate?
The following video suggests they’d be equipped with consumer ($1,000) drones and satellite phones; and the enemy would be allowed to make a gradual advance so that it creates the “stay behind” effect.
Brzezinski’s Proxy War Playbook
by Patrick Macfarlane
Jun 22, 2022
Zbiegnew Brzezinski (July 2014):
If Ukraine has to be supported so that it does resist, the Ukrainians have to know the West is prepared to help them resist. And there’s no reason to be secretive about it. It would be much better to be open about it and to say to the Ukrainians and to those who may threaten Ukraine that if Ukrainians resist, they will have weapons. And we’ll provide some of those weapons in advance of the very act of invasion. Because in the absence of that, the temptation to invade and to preempt may become overwhelming. But what kind of weapons is important. And in my view, they should be weapons designed particularly to permit the Ukrainians to engage in effective urban warfare of resistance.
— /wiki/M982_Excalibur
The M982 Excalibur (previously XM982) is a 155 mm extended range guided artillery shell . . . Excalibur was developed as a longer-ranged alternative to conventional artillery shells, with GPS guidance for improved accuracy.[11] Excalibur has a range of approximately 40 to 57 kilometers (25 to 35 mi) depending on configuration, with a circular error probable (CEP) of 4 m.[12][13][14][15][16][17] The extended range is achieved through the use of folding glide fins, which allow the projectile to glide from the top of a ballistic arc towards the target.
FUNKER530 – Veteran Community & Combat Footage
Ukrainians Destroy Russia’s Largest Mortar System Tyulpan (FNN 36)
May 24, 2022
Footage from Rubizhne in Eastern Ukraine shows the targeting and destruction of the 2S4 Tyulpan 240mm Mortar. FNN Host @RonnieFit breaks down some context after the footage.
This is targeted shelling (~50% hit rate) – rather than the zone distribution of traditional howitzer shells.
Watch: Ukrainian Forces Strike Column of Russian Rocket Launcher Vehicles
June 27, 2022
A column of Russian multiple rocket launcher vehicles was purportedly blown to pieces by artillery with the help of Ukrainian special forces.
It is unclear where exactly in Ukraine the images were filmed, but the footage was obtained Monday from the Command of the Special Operations Forces (SSO) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine . . .
“SSO scouts of Ukraine in Donetsk region found a column of the enemy, numbering six MLRS ‘Uragan’, transport and loading vehicles, fuel trucks, trucks, fire control vehicles, armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles. Having successfully aimed their artillery, the SSO soldiers adjusted the fire of the Ukrainian guns while they took the enemy equipment to pieces.”
The BM-27 “Uragan” is a multiple rocket launcher vehicle that was originally designed by the Soviet Union.
SSO of Ukraine / SOF UA
June 25, 2022
This is presumably traditional, non-guided shells – but directed by drone reconnaissance.
Defenders Bomb Russian Ammo Warehouse Sky High
June 9, 2022
The attack was carried out by members of the 44th Artillery Brigade of the Ukrainian Ground Forces with the support of aerial reconnaissance by the 81st Airmobile Brigade of the Ukrainian Air Assault Forces.
The brigade said on June 8: “Artillerymen of the 44th OAbr of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, with the support of aerial reconnaissance of the 81st brigade of the 5th BTGR, bombed the accumulation of enemy equipment and ammunition in the Pologovsky district.
“It is known that Russian troops fired at three settlements in the Pologovsky district. Enemy shells hit Gulyaipole, the villages of Dobropolye and Upper Tersa.
“Earlier, the Russian military left some positions in the Melitopol and Vasilyevsky regions. As it became known, they moved in the direction of Kherson region.”
More modern weapons suitable for a stay-behind strategy.
The AeroVironment Switchblade is a miniature loitering munition, designed by AeroVironment and used by several branches of the United States military. Small enough to fit in a backpack, the Switchblade launches from a tube, flies to the target area, and crashes into its target while detonating its explosive warhead. The name switchblade comes from the way the spring-loaded wings are folded up inside a tube and flip out once released.[3]
Introduced in 2011, the original Switchblade was rebranded the Switchblade 300 after the much larger and very different Switchblade 600 anti-armor variant was unveiled in 2020. The Blackwing, an unarmed variant of the Switchblade 300 was released in 2015. More than 700 Switchblade 300 drones were sent to Ukraine by the United States as part of an arms package[7] after the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Switchblade 600
The larger Switchblade 600 loitering munition weighs 50 lb (23 kg), is man-portable and can be set up in 10 minutes. It is designed to fly out to 40 km (25 mi) in 20 minutes, then loiter for another 20 minutes (giving it an 80 km (50 mi) total range). It attacks at a 115 mph (185 km/h) dash speed, carrying an ATGM warhead based on the Javelin ATGM, designed to neutralize armored vehicles.[36][37]
A touchscreen tablet-based fire control system can manually or autonomously control the munition. It is secured through onboard encrypted data links and Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module GPS with a patented wave-off capability. An optional pocket digital data link (DDL) module allows engagements beyond 90 km (56 mi).[38]
The Switchblade 600 was developed for the Army Single Multi-Mission Attack Missile development program. Other methods could include a six-pack vehicle-mounted version and by air-launch.[22][24][25]
The larger Switchblade could be fitted with an anti-tank warhead while having longer range and costing less than anti-tank missiles like the Javelin.[39][40]
Ukraine Used America’s Switchblade Suicide Drone to Destroy Russia’s Tank
U.S. Defense News
Jun 22, 2022
The AeroVironment Switchblade is a miniature loitering munition designed by AeroVironment and used by several branches of the United States military. Small enough to fit in a backpack, the Switchblade launches from a tube, fly to the target area and crashes into its target while detonating its explosive warhead.
Introduced in 2011, the original Switchblade has rebranded the Switchblade 300 after the much larger and very different Switchblade 600 anti-armour variant was unveiled in 2020. The Blackwing, an unarmed variant of the Switchblade 300, was released in 2015. More than 700 Switchblade 300 drones were sent to Ukraine by the United States as part of an arms package.
The M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) is a light multiple rocket launcher developed in the late 1990s for the United States Army, mounted on a standard Army M1140 truck frame.
The M142 carries one pod with either six GMLRS rockets, or two PrSM missiles, or one ATACMS missile on the U.S. Army’s new Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) five-ton truck and can launch the entire Multiple Launch Rocket System Family of Munitions (MFOM). M142 ammunition pods are interchangeable with the M270; however, it is only able to carry one pod rather than the standard two for the M270 and its variants.
FUNKER530 – Veteran Community & Combat Footage
Jun 3, 2022
HIMARS can change EVERYTHING in Ukraine (FNN 37)
In a $700 Million aid package to #Ukraine, it was announced that 4 #HIMARS will be provided. HIMARS has the potential to drastically change the battlespace in Ukraine’s favor, but why? We break down a few reasons for you on why, if it’s used correctly, #Russia will have a hard time countering the HIMARS.
Lost in a dark wood, Tony Cartalucci makes a strong case that a few HIMARS wont’t make any difference
@ 12:00
This is an example of what they can do:
If Russia can’t move its stuff around because all the bridges have been blown, that counts as a “difference”. Also, the HIMARS are just one aspect of a “stay-behind” strategy; and that strategy has raised concerns among the NY Times and lots of fake-alt media.
BTW: I couldn’t stand more than a minute of Cartalucci. If he said anything significant, please post it below.
One of the most Fraudian headlines ever:
Yup they are squaring up for a race/culture/political war right enough.
I didn’t get past the words “pregnant people”.
Those words can only ever be written by frauds, toadies, or desperate careerists.
Monstrous and meaningless.
You’ve just gave me a good idea for the stunning and brave types online and use your “monstrous and meaningless” quip. I like that one.
Try very hard not to look at any other possible cause for clots; even when the other possible cause is acknowledged as a possible cause!
This virus is a right bastard! Isn’t it time we just renamed being Sick to being Covid?
On a side note, I ate some undercooked food last week and I’ve been Covid ever since.
I suspect Ms Maxwell was a whole lot smarter than Mr Epstein in hiding her incriminating evidence.
People proving an embarrassment to TPTB remain among the living in direct proportion to how long it takes the CIA et al to discover their secret stashes.
Evidence of all the violent protests by pro-lifers would be welcome. All I’ve seen are demented leftists threatening them, screeching, spitting and twerking, all for their right to kill babies.
Knock yourself out:
Oh it’s i left the left again. Aka I believed one specific set of things until one day I had an argument with fellow “leftists” and like a petulant child I decided to do a 180 politically morally and economically. For some reason.
enjoy transgenderism, then. you’ll be hearing more and more about it, from the alleged “left”.
Guislaine should just be extradited to Spain or Italy. Use the Lolita Express jet to do it. She could be dead and in a casket before arrival. The Clintons could be her escort.
“It would be A Happy Day when Maxwell’s entire client list are all on SUICIDE WATCH.”

“A Happy Day Indeed”
All the hallmarks of an elite operation:
1) It was preceded by a period of bending things too far the other way, softening people up for the real agenda.
2) Change being led by cultural or corporate figures, not legislative fiat.
3) A catchy logo that emcourages people to think their actions are part of some heroic greater narrative, ‘The Great Replacement’.
4) Weaponising people’s weaknesses against them. Who wants to work?… especially in the kind of work that’s on offer.
5) Choices positioned as a double bind – keep working as a corporate wage slave or throw it over to live on UBI in a pod.
6) An underlying element of mockery – Beyonce can be anti-work with her wealth but what about people struggling to pay their basic bills?
7) The use of a language of rights and the sudden discovery of newly invented rights.
8) A mainstream media who previously showed no sympathy nor interest in the issue are suddenly all over it.
9) The creation of a trap whereby people look too much at the immediate issue (yes, a proper work-life balance is a good thing) and don’t see the question of what longer-term agendas is this serving and why are these people arguing this right now? These people who’ve spent half a century destroying workers’ conditions suddenly care? Why do they want people jacking in their traditional work? Not so those jobs can be taken over by AI/robots without much pushback and people re-deployed into such jobs as remain (coding, ESG compliance officer) or parked on benefits which come with more and more strings attached….
10) A geo-political dimension – are Asians being pushed into ‘The Great Replacement’? Or is it another front in the attack on the West?….
Ah… no work = universal credit = total control… Was nobody listening when Big Tech said they were going to steal 9 out of every 10 jobs from us, so that we could have more leisure time? But, that’ll be jolly expensive for the kind of people that will still occupy positions of power… the kind that really don’t care very much about us… so, is Soylent Green more likely? Mmm… there’s already a big push for lab produced protein! Go figure!
Some choice! Either work for a corporate overlord…or relax for a government tyrant. Almost makes you wonder what’s so great about “civilization?”
Edwige, thanks for the heads-up & the analysis. Does look like they’re beginning to prep for the guaranteed income, doesn’t it?
In Australia they are still pretending that Delta was deadly yet the deaths were old and jabbed, now the very old and jabbed up to 4 times are dying they claim it’s a catastrophe – almost as if no one ever died before. And we have brand new shiney independent MP’s not even actually legally elected until tomorrow whining that the staff they have never had have been cut from 8 to 5 and the fuck nut media claiming they have had their staff slashed by 75%, when I did the electorate office job we had 3 staff pre digital era and managed very well.
I still think that’s 5 too many. .
These twats are employing their relatives, acquaintances and advisors, paid for by us … to tell us how good they are. So, we’re paying them to steal from us. I think that we’re the bloody idiots.
They seem to think that it’s all about tea parties and partying.
Parasites. It’s the same worldwide.
We aren’t hotrod and neither are you. We are aware of what’s going on. It’s the herd (95%+) that’s the idiots.
Since the overlords clearly don’t care about even a semblance of credibility why not have Greta and Zelly appear together with The Earth Rap. And bring back the bearded dancing syringes. Suggested song: Sonny and Cher rephrased as “We got you all babe!”
….on the Pentagram stage
Back in February 2022, were you one of the people who thought it strange that the war in Ukraine started at exactly same time as the end of the DIVOC lockdowns? I must admit that I was! However, I think I’ve worked out why the WEF needed the narrative to sharply pivot at that time. #nwo
Special forces units (commandos) of a number of countries of the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO) carry out covert work on the territory of Ukraine, the American newspaper The New York Times reported on Saturday, June 25, citing its own sources.
According to journalists, there are Canadian, French, British and Lithuanian special forces in Ukraine, as well as employees of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States. They coordinate in the area of intelligence and on the supply of weapons, as well as train Ukrainian military personnel.
Representatives of the Ukrainian armed forces decided to begin the liquidation of foreign mercenaries who remained in Lisichansk and Severodonetsk. The corresponding statement was made by the TASS agency
The source of the agency said that the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine gave the order “to liquidate foreign instructors in Lisichansk and Severodonetsk.” The reason for this was the secret information possessed by the mercenaries. It is noted that foreigners have information about the activities of the special services of third countries in the territory of Donbass. Kyiv considered that such data should not get to representatives of the RF Armed Forces.
It is noted that the bodies of some mercenaries have already been discovered by the LPR military. Probably, we are talking about foreigners who arrived from the UK and Poland.
Zakharova redirected London’s questions about British mercenaries to the Ukraine embassy.
Mercenaries- live by the sword, die by the fuckin’ sword. Death to all of them.
Nice one , been saying that for years, help for heroes my arse!
They provide tampons in men’s bathrooms.
holy shit what a roast
I’m not sure if my favourite moment was her mad cackling when she was saying people in her camps would have to submit to covid tests if they ever wanted to get out – or when she said people mustn’t talk to their neighbours and that she was to be their single source of truth.
Yup but bet the twats still vote her in just like Krankie in Scotland. WTF is up with people?
at CSCE meeting. No wonder they didn’t allow Russia to attend! “it is time to take into account that Moscow maintains its domination over many non-Russian indigenous peoples within the borders of its country. It is time to see the cruelty with which the Kremlin is suppressing their self-expression and self-determination.”
Link below is a review of this ludicrous theme. (You can choose English, except for the audio version)
No Wonder Russian & Belorusian armies have merged, there’s a public statement that an attack on Belarusia w/b considered attack on Russia, and announcement Belarus will receive missiles, incl nuclear-tipped.
Apparently the recent bombardment on Kiev & elsewhere was retaliation for attacks on Russian oil rigs.
So They are finally talking in the open about what They intend – the break-up of Russia !
it’s out in the open so, for sure, most people wont believe Them !
Will secessionists in the US be emboldened by the news ?
Will Civil War break-out in the US and thwart ‘the elites’ plans ?
Will a super-dooper Viral Variant escape from a (Chinese) lab necessitating TOTAL lock-downs world-wide to prevent protests when the US launches its war to liberate the Russia Colonies / bestow Democracy on the Colonies ?
If we begin to hear those stories about “Desperate Putin” and his “threats to use nuclear weapons” again are they to provide the cover for direct attacks on Russia ?
One thing is for sure, Zelensky is not in charge…
Biden’s word, like long Icelandic words, is easy to fathom if you just break it up into its smaller components:
If you say very quickly, “I was a foot him foot he foot … er…”, you’ll get his meaning perfectly:
Surely everybody understands that…
Will future generations be able to look back on this age of universal lunacy and laugh?
Or will future generations not even have a chance to exist…?
I expect some idiot in Washington will let us know in due course…
I bet the people who spend their days texting on their smart phones knew right away what Mr Biden was talking about.
Will the stalemate over the Lithuanian blockade of Kaliningrad will remain in a teacup?
Lithuania interprets sanctions against Russia as permitting it to blockade some cargo types between Kaliningrad and the rest of Russia, involving about 50% of freight. EU has circulated among its members a document ending the blockade.
According to the Lithuanian MEP, the document would permit transit of sanctioned goods “from Russia to Russia,” with these goods passing through Lithuanian territory. Lithuanian MEP Austrevicius said that Lithuania’s position is “uncompromising,” and that if the document is adopted as policy, “Lithuania would remain alone without formal EU coverage.”
Moscow has called the restrictions “unprecedented” and “illegal,” and the head of Russia’s National Security Council, Nikolay Patrushev, has promised retaliatory steps that would “have a serious negative impact on the people of Lithuania.”
(Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation) Nikolay Platonovich (Patrushev) said today that the damage to the economies of the Baltic states from potential retaliatory measures can be very serious. I can say that it can simply destroy some sectors of the economy that used to form a significant share of the state budgets of these countries, ”Alikhanov said on the air of the Rossiya 1 TV channel .
[Economic flows to be redirected to Russia]
Russia may make claims on the Lithuanian port in Klaipeda after the ban on transit through the republic to Kaliningrad. This was stated by Chinese journalist Housha Yueguang.
According to the expert, Moscow can respond to Vilnius’ attacks not only in the economic plane, but also in the political one. Russia can claim its rights to the territories transferred by Joseph Stalin to Lithuania in 1945, he believes.
“(Russia may put forward. – Approx. ed.) a demand to return the port of Klaipeda, which was transferred to the Soviet Union on the basis of the Potsdam Conference in 1945. Later, some time after the war, Joseph Stalin decided to give it to Lithuania. As the legal successor of the Soviet Union, Lithuania, by violating the agreement on border transportation, created the need to reconsider the ownership of the port of Klaipeda,” Yueguang said.
Any territorial disputes, in turn, are unacceptable for NATO membership, so such an outcome could hit Lithuania’s status in the Alliance, the journalist stressed. [I think he’s mistaken; this applies only to before joining NATO]
Earlier, military expert, director of the Air Defense Forces Museum Yuri Knutov said that Russia and Belarus could organize a blockade of Lithuania as a response to resume transit to Kaliningrad.
Trouble At Mill.
My Body My Choice? Oh really? The War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Psychopaths want to kill once and for all any idea (concept) of Human Rights.”

“Among other things, the Billy Eugenics Cull Juice is intended to end the concepts of bodily autonomy (My Body, My Choice) and Human Rights. It is intended to cull or enslave us.”
Patience Dearie … it may take many a little while longer to fathom out that they are invariably, by virtue of their lunacy, the architects of their own demise. Problem is they’re dragging the rest of us into the clutches of the demons … Still, patience …
You are so right, of course. But unfortunately, the global masses are so immensely gullible.
It doesn’t beg the question whatsoever. The tyranny of the illiterate.
I’ll have a hard time remembering how to spell: Asssfhhhtlllmmnfffsh !
But, fun aside, this is how ‘they’ are rubbing it in our faces, installing a puppet like Biden to whom the world is supposed to show respect.
Veri Tas, I think they’re doing it on purpose: The project to bring in the NWO certainly includes bringing down the Nation-States, especially US, no?
Perhaps the Religious-right see Biden’s ‘Asssfhhhtlllmmnfffsh !’ as ‘a sign’ that he is divine … because he is ‘speaking-in-tongues’. He seems to speak in tongues a lot lately … poor-ol’-piece’a shiite.
Great comment!
All recent presidents have been globalist puppets with the exception of JFK and Nixon. And look what happened to both of them!
CK, the story at the time of the opening salvos against Nixon was that Nixon had made the mistake of thinking that he was president. Seems David Rockefeller came visiting the Oval office and they disagreed about something. I recall that it had to do with China, but I can’t remember what.
When the first media attack came, Nixon supposedly said, “The Northeast Establishment has turned against me.” Such a tragic figure.
I think that the Warshington Post went after Nixon because he was a bit slow in providing support to Israel during the Yom Kippur war.
The clip showing the POTUS talking like a HIPPOPOTUS does not do full credit. Here is a slightly longer and clearer clip which captures the facial expressions of his two bodyguards.
Laugh? I nearly shart! Thanks for that.
what is this virus
It’s absurd, grotesque, ridiculous, all that, but I don’t really find it funny, not any more.
The most striking thing about this neverending TV spectacle is its sheer cruelty. It speaks volumes about the Democratic Party that they carry on letting this increasingly helpless old man embarrass himself in public, again and again and again. It is sadistic. Shameful, really.
If that’s how they treat one of their own, imagine how much they respect the average voter.
If they respected the average voter, they wouldn’t be stealing elections in the first place.
Seamus, exactly. Counting the physical votes at the polling places is the only way to get an accurate count. Outlaw computerized voting.
“Outlaw computerized voting.”
I couldn’t agree more with this, It’s always astounded me that anyone has ever put up with it. “Trust the programmers.” You might as well post your vote down the toilet.
It was a significant stage in the rise of the robot state.
The “elections” are such a joke that every result is a steal.
They are openly laughing at us now. The Old Guy With Alzheimer’s Show demonstrates as much contempt for the viewers as it does for the doddering protagonist.
These people think long-term and they have a century of experience with PR, “scientific management” and Bernaysian “nudging”. There is no way they don’t realise how that demented President and those trans Generals are coming across to the public. . I think they’re engineering a “conservative backlash”.
This is all ‘boiling frogs’.
The ovines boil quietly.
Most of the above-ovine merely remark at how hot the water is getting, and how peculiar it is that the ovines aren’t noticing.
Those who’ve long since jumped out and discovered why the pan is being boiled, are in dismay that so many above-ovines remain in-pan.
The winnowing continues apace.
Why do you mix with the above-ovines? Isn’t life outside the pot interesting enough? Did you make all the preparations to survive the cosmic cataclysm or are you still relying on the satanic powers in charge to fully take care of you due to your intelligence and figuring out the precise time for supper? Can you give the ovines a precise date for when the cataclysm will happen and how the satanic powers and the frogs that jumped figured out it’s definitely some time in the next 5-10 years? Or is it not? Should we accept the slave society for another 20 years? 30? 100? Are you sure another type of winnowing won’t happen in the meantime?
If you map 12 hours to 12 millennia, 1 hour is 1 millennium, and 1 second is 101 days. So if you check out the Doomsday Clock (100 seconds at 2020) you’ll end up with the year 2047.
Right… In order to believe that it would mean there’s undeniable proof that a cataclysm took place approximately 9950 years ago. Should we take what the clock says now: 100 seconds? What it said in 1947? 60 minutes which would translate to more than 120 years after the set up? Is the clock not exactly precise? Maybe the satanists are playing a bad joke on us and it points to the time when they will have everyone enslaved.
Why is bezos building a 10000 years clock and not a 12 thousands one? Or shouldn’t we take the 10000 literally but we should take the 100 seconds?
The problem with building a theory about a regular cataclysm and thinking the current attack on humanity is due to that is that it has to be bullet proof. Otherwise, you are asking people to just believe some mambo-jambo and put their faith in it, thinking only about themselves and their immediate family without doing much to prevent the attack on anyone else.
How do you know all the circumstancial evidence is not planted by the satanic “elites” themselves in preparation for their take over? If one branch of science can be corrupted to its core, like medicine is, or the “climate science”, why not archeology and geology as well?
The name of the last cataclysm is “The Younger Dryas event” (12,000 years ago). If you do an image search for sedimentary strata, you’ll see plenty of pictures of cataclysmic deposition (each stratum laid in 10-20 hours, each discontinuity between them laid in 12,000 years). That’s a heck of a lot to plant.
The 1947 estimate of the Doomsday clock was 7 minutes, i.e. 2060 (not too far off 2047). That you claim it was 60 minutes indicates you’re either a shill or incompetent.
Time does not exist, clocks exist, its all invention for control. All these predictive bollocks fail because some people have a different calendar, so do some religions (god save us from religion) and end of the world, end of times whatever you want to call it has been and gone with nothing happening many times. It makes people who spout this look ridiculous.
Anyone who fails to ‘share’ the Joe Biden clip on social media is failing in their civic duty!….. 😂 It is both hilarious and disturbing at the same time. 😟
“New Material!”

“George Carlin would have had a field day with the last several years.”
That’s why they killed him off. Didn’t want him waking up more of the masses.
Sorry, the front row is occupied by Australians, Canadians, New Zealanders – and Germans.
The US gets one of those really good high-up seats tho
Nein! The Germans got to the deck chairs first (as usual) to bask in the western sunset.
Warrabout the Frogs and Poms? They’ve been having a fair swig of the Kool-Aid. Paddy’s mob also seem to have lost their way since Zogs have taken over the govt of the Emerald Isle.
My understanding of the Irish and French people is they say whatever is necessary, and then do what they want anyway. Generally good people. Personally, I wish Napoleon had won in UK.
Photographer: George, now stand there like a dummy and give the 666 sign, to let other members of the club know that you too are owned.
George: Sure boss, anything else?
Good point. I wondered myself what he was gesturing.
Am I the only person to think that watching geriatrics fall over and otherwise “disappoint” themselves is not a wholesome spectacle?
When a geriatric is presented to the voters as a viable candidate for the presidency of their nation – then, yes, it is a very wholesome spectacle!
It isn’t the elderly people are laughing at – it is the utter insanity of letting this man “run” the country.
If that doesn’t tell the voters how meaningless the presidency is, nothing will.