They’re coming for your backyard chickens…
Kit Knightly

This chicken is a threat to the system.
Since the “bird flu outbreak” first hit the headlines OffG has been predicting how the inevitable agenda would unfold.
The first impact was as obvious as it was predictable – the price of chicken and eggs went up, this was just another front in the war on food.
The second planned impact was less immediate, but just as predictable if you know how to read the media, and potentially far more harmful in the longterm – clamping down on alternative chicken farming. This includes both organic farms and individuals keeping their own chickens in their garden.
It didn’t take long for the media to prove us right. In fact the Guardian has done it twice in the last ten days.
Firstly, last Thursday, the Guardian ran this article: “Spread of ‘free-range’ farming may raise risk of animal-borne pandemics – study”
Sponsored by the NGO Open Philanthropy, this piece reports that organic and free-range farming could increase the risk of a zoonotic disease outbreak, and quotes the authors of this new study:
If we can’t dramatically cut meat consumption then intensive ‘factory farming’ may be comparatively less risky
…yes. they’re actually arguing that the corporate mega-farms are better at preventing pandemics than free-range or organic farms because they have “tighter biosecurity controls” (meaning their animals never go outside or interact with nature in anyway whatsoever).
Then, in this piece from June 19th, The Guardian asked…
Bird flu is on the rise in the UK. Are chickens in the back garden to blame?
Which quotes the head of virology at the government’s Animal and Plant Health Agency (Apha):
The more humans are in contact with birds in an uncontrolled way, the greater is the theoretical risk that people can get infected,”
“Uncontrolled” is very much the key word there.
This scare campaign is not new. Three weeks ago an outbreak of salmonella in the US was blamed on people keeping their own chickens.
Back in January, when there were barely any bird flu cases to report, The Conversation was already hosting articles claiming…
Bird flu: domestic chicken keepers could be putting themselves – and others – at risk
And calling for a new policy on backyard chickens:
This is why it will be important in the future for Defra and APHA to provide specific policy for backyard chicken keeping.
It’s pretty easy to see where this is going, isn’t it?
But why take aim at ordinary people keeping a handful of chickens in their back garden?
Well, partly because they simply want to cut the amount of natural food people eat – most especially meat, but also eggs and other dairy produce. They want people entirely reliant on mega-corporations for their processed cubes of “food”.
But they also want people entirely reliant on the state for permission to do…almost everything. And in, some ways, the Covid pandemic narrative was counterproductive in that cause.
One of the unintentional effects of Covid in general and lockdown specifically was re-awakening in people an urge to go their own way. The powers-that-be are keen to reverse that trend.
As the above Guardian article points out [emphasis added]:
This may be due to the growing number of people keeping chickens or ducks, Brown said. Many of these keepers do not have to register with any authority because of the small numbers of birds involved.
During lockdown there was a spike in people keeping their own chickens.
Under UK law, it is illegal to keep a flock of fifty or more chickens without obtaining a license from the Poultry Register (yes, that’s a real thing) – but the vast majority of private flocks are much less than fifty birds, and therefore totally unregistered.
This scare-mongering on “spreading disease” is preparing the ground for “regulation” of these small private flocks.
Will that mean an outright ban? Maybe. But at the very least, I would expect the minimum number requiring a license to begin dropping from 50, and the cost of obtaining a license to rise.
We have already seen an example of this process with homeschooling.
Nations all over the world saw huge spikes in homeschooling through 2020-2021, this surge continued even after schools re-opened.
Tens of thousands more people are homeschooling in the UK than were before the lockdown started. The government response has been to re-open their years-old war on homeschooling by creating a national register of homeschooled children, and threatening parents with fines or unspecified “sanctions” for refusing to sign-up for it.
The same exact process will likely be seen with backyard poultry.
That’s the specific and practical part of it.
More poetically put, the state resents them because they are free.
Keeping a few chickens in your garden may be a small, fragile, kind of freedom…but its freedom nonetheless, and power structures are easily petty enough to destroy even that modicum of independence.
At its heart, self-reliance of any kind is the antithesis of everything driving us toward the “new normal”.
No freedom. No independence. No living outside the carefully controlled machinery of the state. That’s their aim.
As we phase out of “Covid time” and career towards “world war 3 times” or “climate change times” or whatever the next stage of the grand narrative is, the gears of the state are intent on grinding up those pockets of resistance their relentless overreach has accidentally cultivated.
The good news here is that their ever-more tyrannical efforts to control people will only end up driving more and more people away.
To quote the philosopher Lucas, the more they tighten their grip, the more people will slip through their fingers.
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Hi all – happy to announce the comment vote system is working again!
After testing all the plugins & consulting with the software developers we finally realized it was a corruption in the comment database. So, after repairing it the voting system works again.
Unfortunately, though, it has wiped all the previous votes and put everything back to zero across every post on the site. We could try to fix that by restoring an older version of the corrupted table but we are not sure the risk is worth the potential benefit.
Anyhoo – voting is back! So enjoy…
Looks like somebody(?) placed a down vote on every single post. Bizarre. Thanks for you’re efforts, it seems like it is a constant battle!
The phantom down voter has been around for a while. Perhaps it’s a software package?
Yes, hence the question mark!
Don’t listen to them. They are all tucking liars up there. Want to control you and eventually take everything you own.
Ukcf them all up there, already. Including their phony enfarcers protecting commies. It has Become Josef Biden again like the old Soviet Union ruled by insane and very wicked men whose power came from the end of a barrel of their enfarcers.
Everyone’s mantra needs to be ‘resist -do not comply’
Keep an eye out at your local grocer for “digital only” deals, which link to a mobile app/store card, which links to your phone number, which links to you. A lot of these grocers are owned by the same parent company (e.g. Safeway). Right now it is normal to see a sale on something like steaks, with a limit of say 2, which you can only get using the digital coupons. At any point these grocery chains can merge their store card systems and apply a broad limit linked to your personal identity through your phone number, so that you can only purchase 2 steaks total, from any of the stores. It can also be applied at the household level. It is a soft digital ID, and a way of limiting grocery purchases and controlling diets. Any “crisis” in the food system could easily lead to broadly imposed limits on purchases of certain food items (or pricing out people who can’t afford to purchase without a coupon), and this can be controlled rather easily through the store cards and app platforms.
Russia demands rubles for grain exports. Moscow has expanded the list of commodities that must be paid for in Russian currency.
Keep Calm and Pay in Suppliers Currency
Means gold I guess.
First they came for the backyard chickens…
They will go after our pets, too. For sure. Most of the pets (cats, dogs) are meat eaters, cats are carnivores, dogs are scavengers, they are not required and I am curious how we will be able to feed them in the future. Really worried…
I have friend in India who are Vegan for religious reasons and they feed their pets a vegan diet successfully, even cats. Not sure how but it can be done. They do have vey healthy pets.
Hmmm isn’t it ethically questionable feeding carnivorous animals a vegan diet to satisfy our moral positions? A2
I would tend to think it’s more like avoiding having your pets confiscated and destroyed.
Don’t you think TPTB are getting desperate? They have better access to quantifying public opinion than we do, and I think they are PANICKED. Hence their attempt to speed up our death.
It’s not going to work; too many people have awakened, and further attacks are just going to keep them awake.
If only I could get people started talking about the criteria by which we should redistribute the stolen wealth. County by county, State by State. People need to know the details of the theft, and to begin to talk about redistribution.
They also need to know the depth of their lies! Nothing will better wake them up than that part.
Please, watch and share, if you agree, a really well made little documentary, full of proofs and easy to follow:
Well… PROBLEM SOLVED in the near future!
Forget the backyard chickens… Embrace AI and all the wonders it will bring/provide to Umanity.
Open the coop doors, HAL!
Surely this was not what life was mean’t to be ?
Horrible sight.
Terrible, I don’t want to eat chickens kept like this. They are not happy and if they are not happy they can’t be healthy. Small farms worked far better, they should be supported on every possible way.
I didn’t buy supermarket’ milk for a year at least at all, I don’t buy their junk chicken eggs either, we have a local farm close enough with fresh cow milk and delicious, lovely, deep yellow duck eggs. Interestingly they haven’t raised their prices (yet) despite of everything. But even if they will do, I still support them, it is a win-win, they must survive for our survival (healthy food).
That’s the future they envision for us too. A version of factory farming of humans.
There is no such thing as a natural food shortage, since everyone involved with the food supply chains needs to work/eat. Any food shortages are engineered. People need to bear this in mind, this might awaken them from their helpless state of mind when things ‘go wrong’.
…Tuesday, Zerohedge had this article:…
…- I’d been keeping half an eye on the radar about these *Serial* recent events, these last several months, but the Gateway Pundit list, cited therein, was *Quite* the eye-opener, even for a hard-boiled, cynically jaded tinfoil-hatter such as myself…
This isn’t going to end until people start going Bundy Ranch on their a**es.
And who might that be …. the people who still insist on wearing masks?
That is why it is important to get the land patent on your property so they can’t touch you. A deed allows them to do anything they want.
…As we phase out of “Covid time” and career towards “world war 3 times”…
Excellent analyses. I’d just like to add that “WW3 times” started about two years ago.
As for remedies against the globalist cabal’s (and not our government of occupation) Acts and Legislations, the first step towards defending your rights is to understand them thoroughly. Here’s a good site to get started:
Free Resources | The People’s Lawyer (
More specifically, Agent at the Door remedy:
Agent at the Door | The People’s Lawyer (
W3 nonsense people don’t get paid to stay home during a war, further friends and myself haven’t casually witnessed anyone or community supplementing growing veg. in gardens.
People do talk you know, myself, being a quiet person mostly just listen.
btw in small towns medium towns with suburbs, you cannot expect neighbours to put up with live stock in your own little world day/night noise, constant clean up and stink.
Even I know it takes hard work for starters, and good luck to those with a little private land.
They will tell you cartoon dreamers. And I think you find it illegal check your local authorities for fucks sake.
What do you think it is…Amazon World, ya dopes.
Our aunts and uncles grandparents cousins had Allotments in Lancs Yorks and other Countries of the British Isles.
In many US communities hens are legal, but not roosters. Some accept miniature goats too. No one knows if you have caged rabbits. Laws vary by city & county.
Typical butchering age for chickens is only 2-3 mos & can be kept indoors for the first 3-4 weeks. Immature roosters don’t crow, so are ok to raise for butchering.
The escargot that the French and others eat is the usual large brown snail–yuck.
It’s possible to raise fresh water shrimp (crayfish) in a tank– and perhaps other fish.
For those who live where agave grows (like the agave tequila is made from)– you can feed chickens, pigs, goats, even dogs on fermented agave. Add about 15% sprouted legume for a complete feed. You have to cut the agave fine, and put it in a a drum or bucket w a lid. Not sure about time to ferment; I’m guessing two weeks, but likely depends on temperature. Don’t know if rabbits can eat it.
Another great thing to feed is verdolaga (purslane). Grows as a solid mat; grows like a weed; high in omega 3; good for you and livestock; cdn’t be easier to grow.
Unwashed backyard eggs will keep more than a year in pickling lime solution, w/o refrigeration. Saur kraut and other natural ferments you make yourself will keep a long time w/o refrigeration.
I’m waiting for an enterprising soul to come up with a SILENT chicken. (They do crow when they lay an egg.)
Well… >
Excerpted from: Trespass to chattels – Wikipedia
[“Trespass to chattels is a tort whereby the infringing party has intentionally (or, in Australia, negligently) interfered with another person’s lawful possession of a chattel (movable personal property). The interference can be any physical contact with the chattel in a quantifiable way, or any dispossession of the chattel (whether by taking it, destroying it, or barring the owner’s access to it). As opposed to the greater wrong of conversion, trespass to chattels is argued to be actionable per se.
The origin of the concept comes from the original writ of trespass de bonis asportatis. As in most other forms of trespass, remedy can only be obtained once it is proven that there was direct interference regardless of damage being done, and the infringing party has failed to disprove either negligence or intent.
In some common-law countries such as the United States and Canada, a remedy for trespass to chattels can only be obtained if the direct interference was sufficiently substantial to amount to dispossession, or alternatively where there had been an injury proximately related to the chattel. (See Restatement (Second) of Torts, 1965.)”]
I know most readers have been led to believe there are no civil Laws. How’s that working for you?
Complete text:
I’m in an eastern provincial town, where just about everybody is growing some food in their backyard. Not necessarily on the recently built properties, their owners having been presumably properly fucked up in the head already. But all the older houses have gardens with veggies, fruit trees, berries, you name it. Not too many animals, but there are some, and people keep them in the nearby villages.
No way some government shithead is coming to take any of that from people. The tradition of homegrown stuff is centuries long and while people might have temporarily fallen for the virus shite, they’re not giving up their gardens that easily, after a year or two of media brainwashing.
I don’t know about other places, other countries, but as much as I can well imagine that the government, acting in the employ of whoever wants to control food supply, would want to cut people off food production completely, it simply won’t be happening. People are not that fucked up and after the first few chicken inspectors come back with their faces smashed in good, the others will think twice about fucking with people.
Alternatively, since the fucking inspectors have to eat too, and a homegrown rabbit sure tastes better than canned insects or whatever the fucks are planning to feed people, you can always bribe them. Yet another option is filming them with a hidden camera as they’re accepting your bribe and extorting them for the rest of their miserable fucking lives.
Gotta be inventive these days.
Welcome to the Eastern European way of surviving state intrusion intoplaces where it shouldn’t make a bridge head: our food supply. That’s what the totalitarians that never worked in their life won’t ever understand. Unless they fucking literally mind control them, a food inspector will accept a bribe from someone defying the system as it’s more advantageous to them. And after a while the people will come for them and gallows will be raised. And used.
Drones don’t accept bribes or intimidation. Digital money wd mean you don’t get any if you don’t obey. So digital money has got to be the hill we commit to eradicating.
So fucking what. You shoot them down. Get your own drone and fly it into a spy drone.
Plus there’s gonna be somebody giving the fine based on whatever the fucking drone detected. You’ll bribe that guy.
Fuck digital money. Ever heard of barter?
Some people love shovelling frog, ladybird, birds nests, fish fins octopus kidney liver parrot partrige & a pear tree down their gullet in London.
No wonder they find x-file rat puke amongst lemonade and raspberry ripple in the sewers.
Never drink eat from the Thames, you’ll glow in the dark like a mobile street lamp.
In some states it’s illegal to grow your own veg now or to have your own off grid water source. It’s obvious why and it is not to do with your health
Not where I come from it isn’t and you are not charged for rain water either. Dont like it move you are water, run don’t Walk ☺
Bessie Sue, do you have a link? Surely there is presently a legal defense against such a thing.
What happened in the past was that a secondary economy kept people going. I saw the tail end in 1970s England, where you could buy food stuff in pubs and people did jobs on the side for each other. People grew veg in their back gardens. This was normal life, going back to the war and the depression, and no doubt the beginning of the industrial revolution, it was both self reliance and community. I noticed in Thatcher’s time the black economy was being called a threat… destroying the respectable working class was more important than fostering industry. Working class began to be publicised as chavs.
In Indonesia the bottom tier lived entirely inside an alternative economy, supermarkets were for more fortunate people. It was something like transplanting the village to the borders of cities, respectable and safe but no title. I think a lot of this has been bulldozed away, and the owners are not going to allow an alternative economy to flourish in the west.
If covid was an experiment it showed that people will go along with anything under hte guise of public health, but hopefully many have had enough, burnt once twice shy, and alternative commumities will grow up to meet needs.
You gotta move a few thousand kilometers eastward. There is an economy like that where I live. Wherever possible, people don’t pay tax on their transactions. Stuff gets arranged in bars, food, services, other stuff.
Fuck the government. Fuck supermarkets.
People will make do. It’s up to them … err … us.
The worst thing is defeatism and scaremongering.
“at the very least, I would expect the minimum number requiring a license to begin dropping from 50, and the cost of obtaining a license to rise.”
The requirement of being vaccinated has to be the end goal here. It’s not difficult to see how they’d justify it.
Birds of a feather.
Unlike conventional soldiers, insurgents are considered dangerous, not because of their physical presence on the battlefield, but because of their ideology. ‘that’s us’
As David Galula, a French commander who was an expert in counterinsurgency warfare during the Algerian War, emphasised:
“In any situation, whatever the cause, there will be an active minority for the cause, a neutral majority, and an active minority against the cause. The technique of power consists in relying on the favorable minority in order to rally the neutral majority and to neutralise or eliminate the hostile minority.
“David Galula, a French commander who was an expert in counterinsurgency warfare during the Algerian War,”
Ah, yes I remember the colons and their blood drenched war to retain a fictitious Algerie Metropolitaine. Another of failed “expert”. Like the Bush/BLiar anti-Muslim “experts on the War Against Terror” and our present regimes’ “experts on the War against Viruses”.
“Ukraine War: UK pledges an extra £1bn in military support”
Oh gosh we just can’t afford to put any money into public services. We’ve spent it all on this contrived shit over there! Not to mention the billions on health destroying face muzzles, society destroying restrictions, murdering “vaccines” etc.
You really true these people to spend money on “public services” wisely or morally? At best they’re exceedingly wasteful and inefficient, at worst those public services (and utilities) just become new avenues for controlling and suppressing the populace. Some of the darkest shit is committed against people under the guise of “public services”
At least the claim they were putting money into public services led the public to expect something back. And that’s what’s pissing off the rulers. This way, they don’t even have to pretend to be helping the public.
First they came for your backyard chickens. Then they came for your backyard veggies. Then they came for your pot of basil.
In some countries it is illegal to collect rainwater from your roof into your barrel (used to be called rainbarrel).
What countries are those? Over here, people are encouraged to collect rainwater.
Ever thought of looking for solutions instead of whining that they’re after you and scaremongering?
Nick isn’t WHINING. He’s giving information. YOU, in other posts, are persistently spreading the misinformation that there’s not enough gas & oil for our present population.
“Spreading misinformation” (sic)
Get a life you pathetic loser already! Take a step back, look at yourself in the mirror. You’re just as dogmatic as the covidist, wokeists, great resettists. You keep going ballistic every time somebody dares say something you don’t wanna hear. Something that doesn’t coincide with your narrow-minded vision of reality.
Fuck “misinformation”. There is no such thing you semantically confused moron. I’ll say what-the-fucking-ever I please – you don’t have to agree with it, you don’t have to read it.
But don’t you try to tell me what I can or cannot say! Fuck that!!!
Nick is a whiner par excellence. I have no use or patience anymore for people who keep digging up and reporting negative, scaremongering, defeatist shite, of whom Nick is an example par excellence.
That happened in Colorado, USA some years back.
It’s been a few years since i was asked by foreign or local tourists for directions .I feel i’ve been rendered obsolete by those clever Smartfones…anon…
I bought my first Smartfone recently, a cheapie. I only wanted one for its camera. I should have guessed photo quality wouldnt be exceptional on the cheap fones…
Photo quality is quite good on some of the cheapish phones.
But what will never be good even on expensive phones is the grip. The “feel” when you take a photo with a phone is all wrong. As is lack of viewfinder and lack of secure strap.
When someone designs a camera that can also work as a smartphone, these faults may be remedied.
Lots of things including electronics must fail soon after the warranty period for the greater glory of capitalism.
I guess that, camera-wise, you are surfing the head of the wave: cameras of the future will look like SmartPhones; same card-shape only smaller and lighter with better battery life. I saw my first sample on the shelf of a local camera shop; small enough to fit a shirt-pocket.
SmartPhone camera lenses are much sharper than normal camera lenses; they have to be because they cover a much smaller sensor. What they lose in raw image quality they make up in “creative image-processing” software.
“The future of photography is in computing” — Techno News.
Yup here it comes:
“Scores of Glastonbury revellers test positive for COVID as experts warn of fifth wave”
One last large event permitted to worship elite asset McCartney – but these things are destined to become entirely virtual and that day is rapidly approacing…
Not only Macca to deliver for the establishment, but this year they had a regurgitated speech by none other than the NWO poster child Greta, still raging about the ‘inaction’ about ‘climate change’ from govts, now looking more androgenous to boot.
Up until the 90s rock music was about ‘do your own thing, distrust the establishmet/govt, now it’s about ‘follow the establishment/govt’s guidelines’. And music festivals are nothing but govt propaganda and programming with a bit of inclusive ‘fun’ thrown in.
If i asked the farmers small outlets i no about the above they would all say they dont watch the news and believe it or not the ones who watch the most news is people like your selves and the farmers / small outlets usually ignore the letters they get until they get the visit.
Sensationalism headline borderline clickbait.
Cats next? This may start with “A study shows that interacting with 5 or more cats in or out of the home on a daily basis raises the risk of toxoplasmosis”.
Or dogs and rabies?
Cats next..?
Doesn’t seem that way.
Copied from someone else; United kingdom housing minister the creature grove has drawn up new housing laws which require pet owners in rented accommodated to get pet insurance and it will be mandatory.
The renter former bill is the biggest shake up in 30 years and fits in perfectly in to agenda 30. They even called it a
Greennew deal for renter (which it isnt)Press release
Government to deliver ‘new deal’ for renters.
“renters”? What old fashioned codgers like me called tenants?
In Oscar Wilde’s time, “renters” were what we call “rent boys”.
Were the little tory boys drawing up this legislation, getting confused or having flashbacks to Eton?
New deal also means getting f**ked.
Or fellow humans with all our known diseases; and many yet to be named by Lawmakers?
“To the Physician nobody is healhy; to the Politician nobody is safe” — Proverb
In the US they’ve long insisted that all cats & dogs be “fixed” unless you have breeder’s license.
Here In Australia (NSW) they are “euthanasing” bees.
Maybe it won’t just be chickens,
Horrifying Implications
Wild bird populations have been in decline for decades at the very least. Does this mean that eliminating the few wild birds that have survived in on the cards ? This is obviously a war on the concept of freedom. Wild birds are the only free creatures that are visible to those who seek to look for them. To the totalitarians running the world, freedom is slavery.
Wild birds are “uncontrolled vectors” to many people. A friend used that term one day, this in a conversation regarding nuclear fall out, but that term I find extremely offensive and dangerous. It goes along with a society that thinks of wild things as merely something for human enjoyment or use and does not see just how vital to the entire eco system those things are. My friend didn’t really mean it that way, of course, but the fact that kind of term is used for wildlife isn’t a positive thing. And of course, any human refusing the magic elixir is pretty much considered an “uncontrolled vector” of disease in today’s fearful hysterical world. My friend dutifully got her shot, of course….
New Name, they’ve killed all the bugs the songbirds eat– with glyphosate, etc. You used to have to stop to wash your windshield there were so many bugs. A few months ago I travelled Ohio to California & didn’t have to wash it even once.
I’m in a small Central Coast town in CA, and it’s an event if I see anything except crows and sparrows.
I DID see a couple black phoebes & a tiny flock of starlings last year. Also there’s a tiny bird that returns every year at Christmas to nest in my yard because I put out cheese & boiled egg to help it feed its babies. There are two pair now.
Hummingbirds ?
Do you encounter hummingbirds ?
The mainstream chicken factory is a horror story. To go after free range chicken farming is evil.
A couple of decades ago I bought Your Body’s Many Cries For Water, (you’re not sick, you’re thirsty) by Dr Fereydoon Batmanghelidj… I was impressed by his claim.
Recently i learned that Dr Andy Kaufman has been talking about the role dehydration has in causing disease…I’m impressed the idea is finally being widely promoted…
“There’s a whole lotta Pandemics going on” (To misquote Jerry Lee Lewis)…
There’s the so-called ‘covid’ virus pandemic…
Dr Ryan Cole asserted there’s a Vitamin D Deficiency Pandemic…
And there’s a Dehydration Causes a Lot of Disease Pandemic…
Heed Drs Cole, and Kaufman, and there will be a Health Pandemic……
(In Robert Heinlein’s SF story “Stranger in A Strange Land” grokking** was a central, unifying ritual. I think Robert was onto something)…(There are Batmanghelidj youtube vids – for the curious.)…
**not the same as “snogging”
All in all, just another brick in the wall they’re building to destroy any liberty and freedom we have left. But the author is right, the more they go this way, the more will resist. Not that it gives me a great deal of hope because we’re still completely held hostage with our political systems. Example of that is how the oligarchy media is telling the public about how many democrats are now going to other side, because the democrats have gone “too far”. Hell, that’s all we ever do in a nutshell, go from one side or party to another experiencing the same damn results and somehow thinking it will change this time around. And it changes all right, for the worse, because that’s the only trajectory for We the People, from bad to worse. However, I do think there will come a time when enough people finally band together and organize in the right way for the right thing.
Just stop them, somebody, please.
When your house has termites, you call in the fumigators.
When your world has sub-human parasites running everything, you should probably do the same.
an empassioned plea to management might be in order, but probably best to circumvent the franchise holders.
late july/early aug looks in may ways when this will “up another notch”, we have made it this far?
frankly, policing this kind of madness is nigh on impossible for them, my animals endured no birdflu lockdown and the only enforcer i have ever seen in my neck of the woods in 9 yrs…..was lost, though i concede i am fortunate
Yes. I think circumventing is definitely the thing to do – unless it becomes quite clear that they still won’t leave us alone.
Then I think a little self-defence is called for.
Control over food sources has always been a weapon used in the wars to dominate, to get people to submit. Manufactured food shortages are currently being used in the war against humanity. Can you rule out that The Science wont discover something previously unknown about, eg wheat, that’s implicated in Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, or that’s the cause of all post covid-jabs deaths ? The Science and all The Experts are on the side of those who
have lots of money.
Wheat is already on the List of Suspects: “Known supplier of sugar in bloodstream”.
There’s always the “terminator gene” that causes plants not to reproduce. I don’t think they’re quite ready with that yet though.
Soo, in Britain the govt is opposed to home-schooling. Why? I wonder. Doesn’t it fit in perfectly with privatization and other forms of private education? Here (esp Republicans) want desperately to destroy public education in all its forms in the name of privatization.
And as to the dairy, meat, and egg industries, here they are powerfully promoted by an endless list of industrial flake organization, which are both private and public. These marketing agencies & their govt cronies enlist the biggest celebrities… recall the white mustache campaigns that went on for decades and may still be active. And their funding I’m sure is up in the billions annually.
In other news…
Whilst you have been spoon fed round the clock news of Johnny Depp, Hunter Bidons Lapton and “They’re coming for your Chickens” . Ghislaine Maxwell was apparently sentenced to 20 years prison.
No mention of the names of passengers of Epstein Airlines that frequented fantasy island.
Can someone explain to me how the most grotesque crimes seems to fly under the radar without anyone giving a shit? Everyone with a channel should be demanding the release and prosecution of these people and their associates.
Ah, it’s like this: the exceedingly naughty Ms Maxwell went to all the trouble procuring girls for important people…but the big-wigs never showed up! And poor Ghislaine had to send all the girls packing.
Doesn’t that deserve 20 years?
It seems to be the first case of trafficking with suppliers and no consumers.
Heh, heh… Anyone remember the “A chicken in every pot” slogan? “A Chicken for Every Pot” Political Ad, October 30, 1928 | IDCA ( > Read the ad. >
“Thanks to Republican administration, farmer, dairyman and merchant can make deliveries in less time and at less expense, can borrow cheap money to refund exorbitant mortgages, and stock their pastures, ranges and shelves.“
It’s an excellent precursor to the Federal Reserve hijacking of the economy in 1929.
I think “A politician in every oven” would sell pretty good right about now…
The slogan was Herbert Hoover’s, a big elite player.
Hoover’s ‘relief missions’ to the USSR were covers for Western intelligence and big business to steer the Russian Revolution. The Hoover Institute holds lorryloads of records swept up from Europe after WW1 that are not open to uncontrolled historians. Antony Sutton had access and his entire world view was altered by what he discovered. Sutton’s books based on that evidence are now virtually impossible to obtain as Patrick Wood said in the recent debate.
Nothing about this in the UK news but it appears to be another attempt to destroy food production for another spurious reason, potentially leading to more food shortages. More power and profits for Big Farmer.
They’ll go after fishing after this one.
Look out for Cod Flu or “carp have rights” headlines!
The state with its long fingers snaking them into every private business and affair. It’s getting worse by the day.
And we allow everything every day too…
Try and take any of my animals and I will protest with high velocity projectiles.
Not going to comply. Resistance is the only answer.
The Tree of Liberty is thirsty.
Spot on!!
Dan Andrews in Victoria spent $53 million on covid advertising, no wonder the Melbourne papers loved him
We persist in acting/behaving like MMS/3i’s, SO… They’ll just keep doing what They want.
OPERATION COVIDIUS gave Them the real demonstration that They can do whatever They desire…

They’ve always been able to do whatever they see fit to do – globally.
The Covid psyop was to make this obvious to those who have eyes to see.
Thus, they don’t want you to waste your time trying to figure out how to stop them, but to figure out why they are doing what they’re doing, and what you should do to look after yourself. They certainly don’t want you to get jabbed.
A big stinking pile of bs. Don’t you get tired of spewing this nonsense around all the time?
Never ever before did they have the technology to control people to such an extent, globally. Do you actually believe what you are saying or do you think people believe you on this and are incapable of thinking on their own?
We figured out why they are doing it. They are satanic demons, psychopaths and hubris filled narcissists mad on power. That’s it. They are not acting in good faith. No psychopath cares for the good of the human kind but not for the good of single human beings. You don’t kill innocent people to save the human race. Give Dostoevsky a trying and maybe you’ll get enlightened on the issue above. Though I doubt it. Your theory is so void of any human empathy that one might think you don’t lack psychopathic traits yourself.
Of course, TPTB take pains to recruit and foster psychopathic minions, as these are able to operate without compunction, e.g. jabbing children and the elderly with a deadly toxin.
If you want an example of a lauded psychopath killing 200,000 innocents (refugees), then you need look no further than Winston Churchill’s firebombing of Dresden, which was necessarily scrupulous in ensuring zero survivors – not merely to render the city inoperative.
If you look into it deeply enough, you’ll understand why Churchill would be persuaded such an act was vital to mankind (being militarily insignificant).
When people lose the plot is when they introduce the supernatural, and use terms such as ‘demons’.
Right, zero survivors… Everyone in Dresden was killed… I don’t have too look deeply into it at all. Churchill was a prime example of the aristocratic brit. An entitled psychopath with no empathy, pampered towards a position of power for his entire life. A racists. A murderer. A prime representat of what british and anglo saxon “elites” stand for in the eyes of billions of humans. He killed millions of Indians through starvation as well. Ofc, in your eyes, he had good reasons to. Something good came out of it when it comes to the future of human kind…
You know what, I actually considered your theories as having some validity for a while and hoped to get some ACTUAL insights into them. It’s pretty clear to me now though, based on your vocabulary and way of acting that you are part of the same oxbridge educated fools. You are no smarter than plenty of people on this planet but through your education and access to the fore mentioned universities libraries and connections you got a privileged position in life and believe that you understand more about this world than most people. It’s also known to me that satanic worship is practiced by most in the highest esteemed colleges of the universities your elites go to. You see, in the end it comes to this. You believe your books, science and esotheric knowledge and I will put my faith in what my souls tells me is right. You will serve your luciferian master and I will believe your master is evil and you are tricked by him. People lose the plot when they think you can do good through obvious evil. That’s it. It’s obvious for anyone with some empathy for others.
Ad hominem.
Fully deserved. You see, no empathy emanets from your posts, just pure calculated utilitarianism. What’s the actual difference between you and the psychopaths driving this? The fact that they yeild a lot more power?
You can’t do good through evil. Hopefully, you’ll understand that. Give Dostoyevsky a try. I know oxbridge education doesn’t put much emphasis on him but compared to your empire building elites, the best author representing the russian and eastern European soul is much more profound.
Turdhill was evil.
i dont think they would ever succeed in carrying through many of their scary policies.UK would have to be like East Germany was….it could happen if people were dying on the streets i suppose.Most of this troubling reporting and media scare is down to pournelles law, that is, a health bureaucracy needs to prolong its own life, just like the media. i hope that my estimation is that around half of uk are pretty sceptical of current dubious health drives anyway.I live in a very rural area and there are a few with chickens, tucked away here and there, the price would have to rise alot for it to be cheaper to produce your own eggs
The most aggressive virus push I’ve yet seen comes by way of a site called I’m not supplying a direct link because it is truly lethal stuff with a very snazzy mobile graphic design (displaying the curious title “The Everything Virus”) that assaults the viewer and an “Editor’s Note” that spells out the whole deal:
“Two and a half years on, COVID continues to ravage. Older Americans continue to die from the virus at rates not seen since the earliest days of the pandemic, and much of the globe remains scandalously unvaccinated.”
That doesn’t even make sense. How can “older Americans continue to die from the virus at rates not seen since the earliest days”? If the current death rates have not been seen since the earliest days then there couldn’t have been a “continuation”.
And the next line is:
“The pandemic has remade every part of our world, and the press is not exempt.”
Note the absolute reversal – as if the press was (reluctantly?) “remade” by a virus that was already happening. It was the press that drove the whole story. It was the press that “remade” the world.
If you’re feeling brave go ahead and type in that web address. But I recommend wearing garlic and a crucifix! It’s truly ferociously desperate stuff.
The word “continue” serves to obfuscate the fact that they actually have resumed to die – after the injections were rolled out.
The first “wave” was most likely due to the same elderly people who are now dying from these gene injections having received their deadly annual flu shots.
There was a doctor who commented in the British Medical Journal (if I remember correctly) who saw a strong correlation between “Covid deaths” and those who had not long before received flut shots. Something to think about what with ADE also being a documented scientific fact in recipients of flu vaccinations.
That doesn’t even make sense
As long as the funding keeps coming, the articles will keep appearing.
In America, they’ve been coming after your backyards and gardens for decades, and keeping your own poultry is also a huge no-no, the latter two especially applies in your cities.
The lower caste food Is to blame, The food which Is considered unclean chicken being that.
Read there books.
Quail – Pheasants – Grouse are allowed to freely roam around the U.K country side this is because they are considered elite – higher caste – bred and food. Used for shooting.
They must be exempt. Rule of 6 doesn’t effect them.
People in urban centers can’t keep chickens because it is against code. They smell and they draw Norway rats. Rats are big problem. My neighbors have chickens. It is against code. I explained the code to this young couple who think they have farmette a in the country. It is zoned for single family homes. The larger lots are for providing space for septic drain fields since there is no sewer and water.
As long as I (or the neighbors) don’t complain the Township will look the other way. Which is fine as long as they keep it spot free clean and control the rats when they show up. And they will. Guaranteed. My other requirement. No free ranging. They must be kept in an enclosure. And no roosters! E. coli runoff is going to be a problem since a lake is only few hundred feet away. My issue is snakes. Chickens devour neonate snakes. We back up to a national park with several species of snakes in the area. Hognosed snakes, smooth green snakes, blue racers, red bellied snakes, common garter, and the federal listed massasauga rattle snake. I am sure there are other species I have not seen yet.
Chickens are great until they are not. No free ranging. Control the rats. Use lots of straw and keep it clean on a daily basis.
Chickens can be a menace. If you have ever been to Key West, Florida, you know what I am talking about. “Free ranging” feral chickens are every where. So are Norway rats. No one is doing anything about either. The primary food of rats is newly hatched chicks. Rats are really really really bad.
Most people don’t have a clue.
Maybe a guest essayist on how to keep a small farm would be in order.
Chickens aren’t that bad. I live in an area where most of my Latino neighbors have chickens. There are also a lot of cats and dogs. I see very few rats. Snakes here survive too, except when they get killed on the highway.
I used to work in an unofficial shelter in a warehouse (in another city) where we had chickens and a lot of other birds in a big room. I cleaned up the birdshit on my shifts. I have probably inhaled more dried crap than most people, and I never got sick.
People have had chickens, goats, pigs, cats, dogs, for millennia.
+1. The one about chickens eating snakes is a new one. Snakes do invade the coops when they can, to eat the eggs or chicks.
Seriously, not that bad? You should meet up with Dr. Fauci. A little anecdotal nuance there.
Sounds as though you also know what you are talking about with that little Freudian slip about inhaling crap dust. Must be “Utopia” where you live with everyone getting along living in subsistence squalor.
That’s your presentation of a good situation that’s supports living with chickens? That’s a prime argument against looking the other way. Allowing chickens will only lead to keeping other animals.
Then you yourself mention the issues with inhaling excrement dust. How many others became sick from the dust? How many have died? What makes you think one of those lifetime illnesses you have experienced wasn’t from the dust? Maybe the one that occurred when were an infant and your parents went sleepless for days while coddling you and wiping away the phlegm you were coughing up.
Because you personally don’t see the rats means they don’t exist? Just count the number of newly hatched chicks one day and then count them a few days later. Kind of odd that numbers go down dramatically in just a few days? Why could that be? They are rat’s delicacy.
Rats chew through everything leaving their droppings as they go. Their evidence is everywhere. They get into homes. They chew up infants. They spread disease. And yes, as mentioned by another contributor’s separate comment, the bubonic plague was the rat’s “masterpiece”.
I could see this kind of dystopian communal system happening when there is anarchy with food and energy shortages after the Democrats fail at trying to save the world from climate change. That effort is going to end with midterm elections, by the way.
Slowly but surely, normalcy will return. We will start holding law breakers accountable again, including those keeping farm animals in residential areas where it’s against code for the many reasons mentioned here. Smashing and grabbing won’t be commonplace. No more Chop blocks. Lazy people who don’t want to work will find jobs or end up in jail after getting caught dealing fentanyl or smashing and grabbing somewhere.
And it’s all because of chickens………. or maybe not.
shut up you anti-nature moron, rats are amazing , another beautiful part of nature, the sooner rats and snakes invade your domicile the better, planet dodo here we come
Reinforcing fear of rats which in turn reinforces the Black Death folk memory…
There is a serious point here about packing people into tight urban housing schemes is as effective way of making keeping chickens impossible as an outright ban. The smell and noise are an issue for those stacked-and-packed.
So, are you drawing a parallel between chicken coops and the planned urban housing for future populations of non producing people? Help me. The odor coming from the stacked and packed people will overpower the smell of the chickens? Or there won’t be room for chickens but smell will be worse? Are you using the term Folk memory to imply that black death wasn’t real? Just trying to understand.
What are the chances that what you know about the “black death” is correct, given what we have seen in the last 3 years?
So the written accounts by the oligarch funded and church educated people of the time were, possibly, erroneous? Was there something sinister at play. Maybe China let some infected fleas loose in hopes of knocking populations back before invading? Or maybe the plague did not happen. Or was it all from wheat infected with ergot? What? Is there a new theory? Share it please. Seriously. I would love to read it.
If the rats eat the cicks, then the chickens will die out won’t they? Then the rats will presumably go elsewhere or starve.
You tell me. Been an ecologist for a long time. Lots of experience. Which is why I write what I write confidently. People don’t have to like it. Their loss in not thinking about it and understanding it. Is this a chicken and the egg discussion? Were the rats already there to take advantage of the easy prey? Probably. Will the rats leave when the chickens are gone. Unlikely. Just like every other successful population, when an geographical area is saturated and exceeds the carrying capacity, the offspring disperse more rapidly. Remove and or reduce the food sources and the rat populations will shrink as well as the risks that the rats bring. Just like the European dark ages. Stop throwing trash in the streets and your risk goes down. Or like today where people are sleeping and shitting in urban rights-of-way. We need to be smarter. Raising livestock in your yard is perfect in a dystopian society. We are not there yet and, hopefully, we will never be there. First step is to take the control of our countries away from discontent, disconnected, extremist, radical, misinformed fools who think the world is ending in 12 years because a few scientists that are on the take say so. Sorry. There I go again. Farming in urban and suburban centers is bad every way you look at it.
Well, when there’s NOTHING to eat but the manufactured shit the owners want you to eat, and barely enough of that mess to survive on, then those stinking, poisonous chickens might come in handy. As will the rats. A true dystopia won’t leave very many nice clean choices but you go on ignoring that and railing about those who keep animals, or telling those who’ve maybe had some experiences with raising said animals they’re full of shit.
And you still think voting out the Democrats will change what is coming? My God man, you’re smarter than that. Starvation is bad in every way you look at it, and once the violence starts, and it will, we’ll all have a lot bigger problems than some rats.
Those codes were put in place for a reason. Reasonable government leaders did not just dream them up for fun. This is about sanitation and disease control in densely populated areas. Your description IS dystopia. Read the The Jungle or the Grapes of Wrath. Vote me down all you want. I don’t care. I speak the truth from experience. Plenty of historical fiction that describe the deplorable conditions of exploited immigrants in early America. That is how they lived (and died – many of them). Disease and suffering. When it happens it happens. And it has not happened yet. You want a farmette. Great. Buy a farmette zoned Ag. Plenty of them out there. I think it’s a bad idea and with good reason to keep chickens or anything else in urban centers. If any of you think it is. That’s a problem. The solution is to prevent the need by voting the Democrats out. If you are a left leaning Democrat, you are part of the problem. That’s why we are having this discussion. I am being blunt because I have lost patience. Period. Our backs are against the wall because of this nonsense being spewed by leftist idiots. Vote Republican if you don’t want to experience dystopia. Keep this in mind. There will never be Utopia on Earth. Never. We cannot stop or slow climate change by reducing carbon emissions. Carbon gasses are stable because of plants. Only 6% of greenhouse gasses are composed of Carbon gasses. 90% of greenhouse gas is water vapor. Not making this up. They are lying to us. Simple statistics. No need for backyard chickens yet.
Where I live in California there’s a lot of citrus trees, including countless in backyards. We’re vulnerable to imported pests which is why we have state inspection points on roads leading into the state and the state and counties maintain programs to watch for and manage invasive pests. The one thing we can’t do is mandate that all backyard citrus trees are menace and should be destroyed to protect the commercial crop. There’s just too many trees and, anyway, those trees serve a useful purpose (if you’ve never tasted a backyard lemon then you don’t know what you’re missing — the market ones are OKish, but the lack the taste of a real from-the-tree lemon.)
Bird flu is contagious and there might be a case for culling certain flocks but this shouldn’t be the first and only policy. Backyard birds are not just “pets with benefits”, they’re pest reducers and the fancy chicken community provides an important genetic reservoir should the monoculture that’s chicken farming fail. Ultimately officialdom has to find a way of tolerating the idiosyncratic behavior of people — after all, they’re paid by the people to do a job, the people are not inconvenient serfs that exist merely to enable them.
In some states of Australia they are still whining about those unclean people not wearing face nappies and the rich new pollies want 8 staff each so they can swan about being all self important. Meanwhile 1 million families only have one parent and they are mainly living below the breadline.
Pensions have had no real increase since the 2009 GFC and many older women pensioners are homeless.
As for food we grow enough for 80 million people so they have to pretend we have a crisis but in my small town prices have literally not moved.
An explanation for the price hike in the Australian supermarket chains, especially the price of locally supplied meats, is price gouging…(a 30% hike in sliced silverside from the deli).
They seem to be taking advantage of all the talk about inflation, and food scarcity across the globe, to jack up prices on locally grown foods.
First they came for your 🐔 …
We live in an inverted world, none more so epitomised than articles in The Guardian..
….and an invented world.
The guardian is nuts.
The war on home schooling is interesting. Looking back and being totally honest, the time I spent at primary school was, educationally speaking, the only necessary time i.e. the old reading, writing and arithmetic. Secondary school features a radical restructuring from the old family type organisation of the class room to the new assembly line separate box model with pupils being shunted along between mutually irrelevant courses which, I am now convinced, are designed to be as boring as possible. Why? Because the kids were being groomed for the factory mode of existence.
When I went to school George, it was war on the pupils! ‘Education’ or should I say ‘indoctrination’ along with a regime run by teachers with sadistic tendencies. Those days of corporal punishment will never be forgot, and for the slightest infringement or misdemeanor at that.One teacher in particular used to cut a branch off a tree, then shave off the bark and leave the nobbles on it to make it more painful if you were unfortunate to blot your copy book! He was a bad tempered old get who used to go to the pub at lunchtime and come back half pissed and then take his problem out on the class.
Only had one teacher that hit us. A fraternity style paddle. Mid year, after failing miserably at teaching and keeping control, she presented it as a warning for those that did not behave. Her last resort. We started getting into trouble on purpose just to get paddled. Girls too. It was a badge of honor to get paddled. We taunted her by laughing through it. She started hitting harder and harder. It went on for a couple weeks. Some of us were beaten at home on regular basis. We were used to it. A new girl from another state cried and left the classroom and called home. Mom and dad stormed into the classroom to confront the teacher in front of the class with their daughter in tow. No more paddling. No more teaching either. She spent the rest of the year reading to us out loud from every piece of age appropriate literature she could get her hands on. Absolutely destroyed my own inner reading voice. That was 6th grade. I was 11 years old. Favorite character was Pecos Bill, by the way. An entire year wasted on modern fairy tales. Or maybe it wasn’t given what they are teaching now…..
They want (a) conditioning for conformity and obedience (b) inculation of dogma/ideology (c) acceptance of inequality and rigged competition (d) profiteering from education itself.
People are literate before they go to primary school (or they certainly should be – and with some of the recent teaching techniques they need to be).
Home schooling should be consistent with at least some aspects of traditional Tory dogma.
If modern tories don’t like it, I wonder what it says about modern toryism?
This is serious.
If home schooling takes off, there could be a steep drop in the number of communist trannie children.