Letter to US Legislators: #DefundTheThoughtPolice

Margaret Anna Alice I am calling on you to reject S.3737 (Promoting Public Health Information Act introduced by Senators Ben Ray Luján and Chris Murphy) and every other instrument of censorship under consideration now and in...

“Weekend at Queenies”

Why not share with us YOUR plans for celebrating this magical holiday!…😵‍💫 JR Leach is a cartoonist, graphic designer and author, his new book The Farmer and the Fald...

We Create Our Own Reality

Julien Charles The world watched in varying states of mind as the Davos set enjoyed its annual turn on the world stage, supping on sumptuous Atlantic crab and fresh...

The REAL agenda behind the created food crisis

Kit Knightly The created food crisis, whether real or a smoke-and-mirrors psy-op, is all about tearing down the global food system and “building back better” – a new dystopian...