The Dutch Farmers’ Protest and the War on Food
Kit Knightly

This week, tens of thousands of farmers have gathered from all across the Netherlands to protest government policies which will reduce the number of livestock in the country by up to a third.
In a typical example of media weasel-wording, the press reports on this all headline something like “Dutch farmers protest emissions targets”, but this is a massive lie by omission.
The government policy being protested is a 25 BILLION Euro investment in “reducing levels of nitrogen pollution” true, but it plans to achieve this by (among other things) “paying some Dutch livestock farmers to relocate or exit the industry”.
In real terms, this ultimately means reducing the number of pigs, chickens and cows by about thirty per cent.
That’s what is being protested here – a deliberately shrinking of the farming sector, impacting the livelihood of thousands of farmers, and the food supply of literally hundreds of millions of people.
The big picture
While the scheme is allegedly about limiting nitrogen and ammonia emissions from urine and manure it’s hard not to see this in the broader context of the ongoing created food crisis.
The Netherlands produces a massive food surplus and is one of the largest exporters of meat in the world and THE largest in Europe. Reducing its output by a third could have huge implications for the global food supply, especially in Western Europe.
Perhaps more troubling is how this could act as a precedent.
This isn’t the first “pay farmers not to farm” scheme launched in the last year – both the UK and US have put such schemes in place – but a government paying to reduce it’s own meat production? That is a first.
That it is (allegedly) being done to “protect the environment” makes it a big warning sign for the future. Denmark, Belgium and Germany are already considering similar policies.
The Western world seems to be enthusiastically embracing quasi-suicidal policies.
I mean, paying farmers to reduce the amount of food they produce…while (notionally) threatened with war…in the midst of a recession…facing record inflation as the cost of living spirals.
Does that really make any sense?
That’s almost as crazy as refusing new oil and gas leases while the cost of petrol is going up.
Indeed, in a world beset by a shortage of fertiliser due to sanctions against Russia and Belarus, it would seem almost mad to complain about a manure surplus, let alone try to reduce it.
We’re well past the point where any of this could be considered accidental, aren’t we?
Put it this way – if the collective governments of the Western world were trying to impoverish and starve their own citizens, what exactly would they be doing differently?
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…”Each one of these companies is in talks with the 4 processing companies that I listed above. They are also working with the government to design new “dietary standards” for food supply and consumption. Their messaging and signaling for why? Is, of course, to fight climate change. In other words, the same processors that have been partners with the cattlemen for the last 100 yrs are now part of the plan to drive the cattleman out of business, replace the animal protein you eat with synthetic, GE, GMO plant protein that has been proven to cause serious health issues. ”
Apart from other considerations, which are several, geopolitics at the highest level amongst them, these measures are part of a long term plan for the Netherlands.Part of the plan is to compulsorily acquire privately owned farmland to pass it on to multinationals and their local developer operatives in order to create expensive residential real estate surrounded by nature reserves. The expropriation of citizens’ sovereignty, civil rights, private property, privately held assets and collectively held assets and the undermining of the democratic system of government in the West has been going on for decades. The farmers in (The) Netherlands, much like the rest of the population, have been asleep as far as the world around them is concerned. Every election this is re-affirmed. People vote for it. Most of the farmers, everywhere, are not politically switched on. Also, not even economically switched on. They get tempted in all sorts of ways to get into debt, so they have no room to adjust their operations to suit the changing political circumstances and economic parameters. So they get sucked in by influencers to protest. It’s psychological.
If the quantity of meat consumed causes environment concerns, shouldn’t we be thinking very carefully about what to put on our plate?
Eating not just for pleasure but what is necessary for nutrition. That is actually why we eat. To give our body energy to perform it’s tasks.
If the environment can’t handle it, it certainly is not the fault of the environment. And it’s not the environmental conditions or “outside” things that need to change drastically.
Of course I’m sorry for farmers or people who are at risk of losing their job, but they could be intelligent and think how to convert manure and urine into healthy non toxic fertilisers I would think.
The only limitation is the imagination.
We want to live in a world without war. We want to live in a word with less violence. We want the world to be more peaceful for every living being. But, we are ignorant about the level and amount of violence we support and encourage every day of our lives when we have a price of meat on our plate.
It is so exaggerated this obsession of eating meat (keeping animals under violence and then taking their life against their will) that it is actually creating environment damage.
Is it not crystal clear what the solution is. Who is responsible? You are. Because only you decide what is on your plate at lunchtime.
“Put it this way – if the collective governments of the Western world were trying to impoverish and starve their own citizens, what exactly would they be doing differently?”
Good point. Personally, I doubt the so-called leaders are the ones really doing the leading, given many of them clearly lack the requisite basic knowledge and/or intelligence to lead, even supposing they were psychopaths with the intention of causing maximum havoc.
My theory is that things are being led from the shadows by people most of us are unaware of, and probably some of those leading things may not even be aware themselves that they are determining policy.
In short, a complete F-up.
The policies in question were already pushed on the table before Russia went into Ukraine. The policies are a product of green party’s fanaticism, the green party’s are sadistic in nature, imposing their sadism on masochists. This sado-masochist politics and its policies are all over the place in democratic lalaland, in most Western countries, it makes sense within that model to keep on pushing them regardless of, except when it does not hurt. There are no rules in this BDSM game, there is no sign which says ‘stop’ when things are pushed too far. Thus psychologically (politics is all psychology these days) it makes sense. There was no science and rationality behind it in the first place. The only thing which can stop it, is serious revolt by those who are psychologically sane. The lockdowns, the human caused climate change scam, are all of the same nature.
All of it is made possible by the democratic statist-socialist big government model, supported probably by over eighty percent of the slave-dictator populations.
Freudian slip of the tongue of a democratic statist slave. The government has no meat production, society produces it, after all, the Netherlands is not a communist state. But for a democratic statist slave (regardless of how critical), the state is allmighty God, the provider of life and means of living, affording such a slip. Or perhaps the writer is a communist?
CLIMATE CHANGEsteria: Bill Gates Wants to Shut Down Dutch Farmers!
– Bill Gates’ is invested in the online supermarket chain apparently owned by the brother-in-law of the Dutch [NITROGEN] Minister trying to shut down Dutch farmers plus some memes from the Dutch farmers protest!
I can’t confirm if the family (father) of Henk Staghouwer (Dutch Agriculture minister) owns the largest artificial vegan meat company in the Netherlands as someone claimed on Twitter. Maybe a Dutch speaker-reader in the Netherlands who could confirm this????
Rutte told us of his WEF plans in 2021
“The Netherlands produces a massive food surplus and is one of the largest exporters of meat in the world and THE largest in Europe. ”
The largest meat exporter in Europe, damn, didn’t know it’s so bad.
I’m not sure what is more technocratic, Dutch government or Dutch agriculture.
Dutch have hi-tech agriculture, high value added. They use Everything…all the chemistry, genetics, virus-less seedlings (clones), heating in the winter, artificial illumination…..if racoon assholes on a stick could increase production for a miniscule part of a percent, then be assured, they are using it.
Dutch agriculture is the epitome of being unnatural. Groundwater there is full of nitric stuff because of the century long over use of fertilisers. I wonder what they are drinking because nitrates tainted water is not drinkable, while cleaning it is not economically viable.
Dutch animal production, which is supposedly under attack the most, is actually a sort of joke. I’m sure fodder, mostly if not completely, comes from abroad, farmland and workforce in Netherlands are just too expensive. Soy from Brazil, corn from Us, is just unbeatable (gmo can be used as fodder in eu). I believe Dutch meat exports are among the least value added products, with disproportionally a lot of externalities, that are left in Netherlands. Intensive meat production, on top for export, in one of the most densely populated areas on the world, makes little sense.
The whole shit reminds me in a way on California water shortages. The thing is a total mess, while in reality is simple: you can’t have millions of people and enormous agriculture in semi-desert. It hasn’t been like this in the past and only unwise human intervention enabled this, what is in essence unnatural.
Further on in the article:
“….in a world beset by a shortage of fertiliser due to sanctions against Russia and Belarus, it would seem almost mad to complain about a manure surplus, let alone try to reduce it.”
Ain’t that easy. Manure and artificial fertilizer are not interchangeable.
Manure must first be matured, so some amount of space is needed, but the real problem is time (is money), they say two years for premium manure.Then it must be spread on the fields with different machines than artif. fertilizers…and so on. It’s not trivial at all.
Since bugs are already on the table, I wonder when they will come out with idea, that movie The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence) provides some interesting solutions regarding food and feeding. Today interesting includes disgusting-beyond-belief, what that film is. If one needs to watch it, (are you sure???) than last ten minutes is enough. And to make the whole circle, director is Dutch.
I’ve been below in comments…too much “healthy food” and too little pork steaks fried on lard.
The grip of the democratic Dutch government (and the EU) on society produces ‘technocratic’ Dutch agriculture. Add to that, overpopulation, the Dutch do not only parasitize on their own land, but to keep up their high materialist standard of living on such a small territory, they have to parasitize on other countries too, (I am Dutch myself, no longer living in the Netherlands). The cause of all of this is: government control. These governments are not ‘technocratic’, but statist-socialist. The word technocratic is too often used by people who are themselves statists and masked socialists, and thus part of the problem.
There is a lot of that in the West, better said: Capitalism’s Centre
Parasitism excellently presented in:
Stealing Africa ⎜WHY POVERTY? ⎜(Documentary)
The name of the game: capitalism
Any species that slaughters 70 billion sentient creatures per annum for food when a move to a more plant dominated diet would be painless, healthier and way more efficient needs to have a good hard look at itself. Our exploitation of animals for food is beyond obscene. Visit an industrial pig farm, a brown field cattle ranch, a poultry abattoir, and if you don’t come away ashamed then your deficient. We’ve vacuumed the seas to the point of ecological collapse. Change can be hard but in terms of our duty as planetary stewards its necessary.
Just because it is done badly in some places (primarily in the USA, apparently), that doesn’t mean that it’s done badly everywhere. It being animal husbandry I mean of course.
As far as anybody can tell, we evolved to be omnivores, which means we can eat both plants and animals.
There is nothing inherently healthier about eating solely plant-based food, and I challenge you to prove that there is. You can’t and you won’t.
The epidemic of obesity and the consequential litany of diseases that accompany that ugly condition are most certainly not a consequence of a plague of vegetarianism.
sugar, cereal, veg oils the unholy trinity of modern foods, all plant foods, unhealthy and creating obesity.
in fact the mythology of bad cholesterol meat ectr started not just with keys, but crisco, owned by j&j.
Obesity is not caused by meat. It is caused by bad eating habits and eating processed foods. Educate yourself.
Nobody was Obese in the 60’s, they ate plenty of meat then. It started with all this processed food, the swap to oils for frying, and the “food pyramid”
Some of the world’s greatest mathematician and scientists are from India, and who were amongst hundreds of millions of Indians who’ve thrived for millenia being strict vegetarians.
most indians were lacto ovo, NOT vegan.
though many poor children in india are malnourished for the want of an egg
But most of the world’s greatest mathematicians and scientists are not from India.
Few of us aspire to live in a society that looks like India’s, so you’re not building a very convincing case here.
plenty of ranching in the usa is done well. the prairie needs ruminants in fact. growing crops is what led to the dust bowl. see my comment just above.
All the wild ruminants were killed. Remember the photograph of the mountain of bison skulls ?
cattle can, and do the job
As it depends on the individual constitution, the generalization in the last sentence is a fraud, even when it is true for a majority.
you’ll become the perfect slave, enjoy your misery.
“Any species that slaughters 70 billion sentient creatures per annum…….”
damn BIRDS, trillions of insects per year are eaten alive
Watch the movie “Earthlings,” then let us know if your opinion has changed.
yes, people are abusing animals in thousands ways
but, regarding my intake of life sustaining substances
I will continue the way of my grand-grand….ancestors
if need be I will pass carnivore initiation ritual
slaughter personally
otherwise I prefer to delegate the job to professionals
it’s a difference I know,
despite eu, farmers in Croatia still slaughter pigs at home and I helped few times
When you take it apon yourself to be responsible for what is on your plate, it is difficult to do large scale damage.
When you rely on nicely packed peices of meat conveniently kept in a fridge, how can one possibility make intelligent choices? You are so so far away from understanding.
the greatest death toll comes from plant production. those just are not counted.
nor am i talking about insects, but mamals and birds. starting wwith te initial habitat destruction of tilling, then pest control, which also kills scavengers , and birds of prey , and then harvesting.
storage of grain ectr also takes huge amounts of pest control.
the lowest death toll we can have food wise is eating meat from pastured, or responsibly hunted/fished animals.
only the animal that is eten dies, 1 large cow/deer ectr can feed someone for a year. + the positive environmental impact of well managed pasture, which is much of the planet. grasslands/prairie ectr.
and btw, most of the grain and such that animals are fed [other than grass in pasture] are by/waste products fro crops for humans.
literal mountains of left over mush from oil pressing, juice and alcohol production, bran and so on. Mountains!
Tell that to the Netherlands!
why? they’ll know. grazing is not a thing for the netherlands so much of course.
Uhhh, they are wanting to reduce NITROGEN. You use NITROGEN on PLANTS. Duhh I’m a libatard says Rustic
Right on.
It is exactly this in vogue grand ideological-moralist-priest sado-masochism which they rely on, to push their policies based on pseudo-science.
Go vacuum your own ‘moralist-priest-species’ ass, it might be hard, but it is very necessary, no need to feel ashamed about it though.
Does anyone think it is healthy self-criticism to say to oneself the following:
“I am slaughtering animals, I am responsible for that, I am an obscene exploiter, I should be ashamed of myself or else I am deficient.”
This is a line for a pathological masochist, imposed on him by a sadist, either the sadist internal, or some second person.
If we consider this logic here above, and that the person expressing it is a member of the species, and thus implied himself, or trying to sell it to others. If we then imagine an individual, speaking about himself in the same way in the situation of a client before a psychologist, the latter would notice the masochist in the individual, this form of self-criticism being psycho-pathological. There is a difference between healthy constructive self-criticism, and pathological self-criticism. Another thing is that the pychologist would realize, that, where there is a masochist using masochistic thinking, there is a sadist who is out to abuse it for the sake of power hunger.
Individual pathology – collective pathology, talking about ‘exploitation’, apparently collective psycho-pathology can be legitimately exploited..
I get both angles here. Meat production is resource intensive (much more so than the production of plants due to simple thermodynamics), and reducing meat production reduces atmospheric carbon in a meaningful way.
People can argue CO2 in the air doesn’t do any harm, and I’ll laugh and point them to publicly available data on ocean acidification and the greenhouse gas effect.
That being said, I get where the farmers are coming from 100%.Noone wants to be forced to exit their industry, and we ARE in the middle of a global food crisis. Seems like an ill-timed policy.
Why don t you look at real historic co2 levels going back millions of years? Over 2000ppm has been present and the world was much greener and far more productive. Most plants are geared for co2 levels of 1200 to 1500ppm . There must have been no coral back then? Ooh wait, lots of fossil record of coral exist… MMMMMM
Unfortunately, evolution takes time. 😉
I’ve been assured by people in the industry that the “food crisis” is artificial. The storages are full. They just took the opportunity to cut the cheap brands, which super markets had ordered to be produced for their markets at half the price. They did this mainly with wheat flour and (sunflower and rapeseed) oil. From one day to the next, private labels disappeared and were replaced by “branded” goods that were twice as expensive.
The store managers were “advised” to put up signs reading that everyone could only take one pack, although there was never any reason for this. The warehouses were always full and it was always possible to reorder. This tactic was already used successfully (increasing profits) at the beginning of the “Corona crisis”. At that time with toilet paper (there was never a shortage).
nobody should eat those, ever.
Another vegan climate zealot. If the thermodynamics are so simple, please state them simply, so we can check your working. But if meat production is resource-intensive, that might be because meat is also nutrient-dense, which your plant food isn’t.
it is nutrient dense but production need not be intensive.
not really. cows eat grass. there’s lots of that.
well managed pasture is a carbon sink along wit other benefits.
plant crops are the real problem. and he fact that they only grow in some places/conditions and need so much extra help and of course the way it’s done.
What grass, and from where? And how much, in intensive cattle farming? How much pasture is needed for example 10 000 cattle in one year?
grasslands are more common that soil suited for crops. the american prairie for instance, much of ireland where i am, tundras and so on.
not just cattle but other grass eaters, and some can live in fairly extreme climates while plants have often very specific needs.
there’s little – no intensive cattle farming, even if the spend the last few months in feedlots, they’ll have been on pasture, mostly.
We ought to be more worried about the amount of water that goes into the production of meat, especially beef.
most comes from the grass they eat and comes out he other end? and well managed pasture retains water + is a carbon sink.
I am more worried that someone with your iq has access to electrical appliances. I grow beef, and the amount of water it takes if a pittance compared to what falls on the property as rain. Most of what they drink gets recycles and the nitrogen in it makes the grass grow better, increasing the carbon stored in the root systems and as soil carbon from decomposing dung.
No one (as far as I can see) has mentioned the vast quantities of antibiotics fed to beef cattle. And the hormones. It isn’t as though we hunt for our meat. As I keep saying, if we had stayed as hunter gatherers our species would have survived far into the future.
I just did – see below.
Hunting only caught on, when we discovered fire; mostly in the cold regions, though. You can tell that our body wasn’t designed to consume flesh by comparing us to carnivores. What do carnivores eat most of the time (many fruits, actually)? Carrion! What would happen if we tried feeding on cadavers? We’d puke our guts out and could call ourselves happy if we survived this adventure even once! 😉
You can’t tell anything of the sort because we evolved (we weren’t “designed”) to be omnivores. We can eat both plant and animal food. That’s why our brains grew, and why we survived, even over ice ages.
Agree to some extent about being hunter gatherers. But as I say elsewhere, just because animal husbandry is done badly by some in some places, that doesn’t mean it has to be always done badly. There is for example organic farming, with minimal use of antibiotics and hormones.
“There is for example organic farming, with minimal use of antibiotics and hormones.”
organic hormones antibiotics
You sure about that?
the funny hing here is how few are aware of the death toll, and negative impac of plant growing. as was i fob 30 years of vegetism. moving to ireland started opening my eyes.
pigs yes, cattle not so much, or at all.
most beef cattle are still pastured for most of their lives, even those who spend their last 3 months in feedlots.
Au contraire, Homo Sapiens was almost wiped out 70,000 years ago. Hunter-gathering is very precarious.
Far too many ad hominem comments directed at me personally to respond and why even? I see that even your administrators know little of plant-eating diets and the Blue Zones. My only comment today is: How could so many excellent articles be published here on the scamdemic as James Corbett calls it, yet on this diet issue, there is a virtual ignorance on what our natural health-promoting diet is?
A very narrow range of opinions are tolerated on this forum.
Eye sea that!
I wouldn’t tolerate any opinions.
Just thoughts and thinking should be allowed.
“Regenerative Agriculture is the Answer to Agribiz”
Countryman Gabriel tells how he detoxed his farm from monoculture, bypassed the middleman, and sells “high nutrient density” food from regenerated farmland direct to a select list of customers willing to pay more for high quality nourishment from a trusted source:
The problem here being a problem by design: lots of people cannot afford to spend more. Those lots are increasing fast, even.
They kept the prices for food low artificially, so that life in the rural areas became less and less attractive. They drove people into the cities by design, as they can be controlled much better. Think of somebody having food and shelter and ask yourself how much you can get them to do against their will?
Once the people had moved into the cities and sold their grounds, they closed the trap. Prices for living went up. Now people have to fight for food and shelter, barely managing to afford anything beyond. They will get more and more desperate, willing to give up ever so more.
Those “agro-factories” are bound to create misery – again, by design. They destroy the soil and poison their surroundings. They breed resistances by design. They went through all the antibiotics, rendering them all useless – by design.
Misery is easily controlled. You set up the people against each other, and they fight over crumbs.
When people become pensioners, and they can afford a little something, most of them get themselves a garden. Then they spend most of their time “in the green”. It is most rewarding.
Our overloads don’t want us independent. What you are showing there is nice, but they would put a boot on it if it ever caught on.
In case you don’t like something, just delete it and make it go away – sounds just like the Guardian. I posted this today, it got deleted silently less than five minutes later:
In this area, you no longer know where to put all the liquid manure. Money is even paid when someone takes the slurry away. The nitrates have now reached the groundwater. Filtering it out becomes thereby ever more expensive and partly impossible. In our case, “ventilation systems” had to be installed at almost all the ponds. Some ran on diesel last summer to somehow keep the ponds alive. The fertilizer spreads through water (washouts) and wind(erosion). Every square inch here is over fertilized. Ponds and lakes are overturning. All the fish die and have to be collected. The stench of rotting fish can suffocate an entire area.
I once looked at the field of a farmer in late summer, who always diligently fertilizes with manure and sprays poison. The soil was completely dead. There was nothing moving anywhere anymore. Not even in the depth. Therefore, everything is simply washed out.
They treat the soil like asphalt and accordingly little remains of it at the end. Without fertilizer, nothing grows there anymore.
No, you said nothing wrong. Your message was there, and a fine post it was. 😊 I have removed it now because you multi posted but there’s no vendetta against you, I assure you. Try refreshing browser cache or, if it gets auto-diverted to moderation just be a little patient. It’ll stop happening after a while. 👍 A2
One of the demons the Israelites started worshipping in the desert was calle Raheb. Invert one letter (like Ridley/Ripley since there’s a film theme here recently), jiggle them letters around a bit and one finds a certain well-known Big Pharma corporation….
Probably just a bizarre coincidence.
Oh, please stop this nonsense. Bayer is a very common surname. It merely indicates that the bearer of that name (or his forebears) came from Bavaria (“Bayern” in German). In itself the name is no more sinister or significant than “Scott” or “Welsh”.
Ok, Klaus, you win. Feed me my bugburger with fries. Hold the mayo.
The mayo is bug jizz.
Cockroach milk.
“Denmark, Belgium and Germany are already considering similar policies.”
Great to be in First World Countries. Our deep understanding of human psychology means the dignity of the citizenry is paramountly preserved.
Transparency and wide consultations in our democratic system ensure big disputes are prevented. ‘Change Management’ priciples guide smooth implementation of new policies and procedures. Win-Win sutuations prevail.
What shithole authoritarian regimes where people are robbed of their dignity and ordere around like ugly dogs, the author is talking about??!
-5 in record time, for agreeing with the article’s stance, but using a different perspective:
We have the knowledge and the expertise in science, psychology and management.
So why are governments/regimes resorting to authoritarianism so frequently?
And what has happened to public informed debates and respect to human rights and dignity?
Ancient Athens had it all: democracy, science, open debate, respect for human rights. Lost the lot, took two thousand years to get it back, threw it away.
“What you inherit from your fathers,
Work it if you really want to hold it” — Goethe
Sounds to me like the “rules based freedom loving compassionate Western” regimes.
Hello GR-Watch: Apparently; there are readers who are unable to decern sarcasm… None of the countries mentioned in the article have ever obtained a functional democracy.
Direct Democracy and elections via Sortition would put an end to rule by Royal decree and Corporate Estate… But I guess that would be too easy…
I am of two minds on this. One that basically agrees with this article, yet another one, that of someone who has been on the organic a/o locally produced bandwagon for decades and knows that food produced by industrial agriculture in the Netherlands (and Spain) is some of the worse shit humans can be made to ingest. Thus inclined to think that Europe (the world?) would be a better place with many less Dutch “farmers”.
As for paying farmers in order not to produce, nothing new there: for ages farmers in certain countries have been receiving EU subsidies in order to let their land lie fallow.
Where vaccination programmes fail, starvation programmes will succeed??
Con-B3 comes down from the same Anglo Zio Capitalist regime as Con-911 and Con-19. The effect is cumulative. A slow, barely perceptible yet inexorable trickle of wealth and civic power from the general public to a small, tightly conspiratorial Oligarchy..
Drip, drip, drip.
And Con-QE. Quantitative Easing (as practiced by “financial geniuses” like Gordon Brow) deliberately causes inflation by pouring newly printed money (digital as well as paper) into “banks too big to fail” (which are owned by bankers too big to be hanged. Oligarchs who hold this worthless money then bribe Green Regime Leaders such as Herr Scholz and the Dutch PM to create shortages which drive up prices; the Oligarchs dump this worthless money by using it to buy up land, goods and businesses for a song.
Nitrogen is plant food. As is carbon dioxide.
“Nitrogen is plant food.”
Nitrogen compounds, yes.
Pedants Corner: Certain plants coexist peacefully and profitably with good bacteria which “fix” atmospheric Nitrogen into Nitrogen compounds that are plant food. In return, the plant “fixes” atmospheric CO2 into sugars that feed its good bacteria.
Funny isn’t it: the climate change zealots get away with ascribing the supposed problems of CO2 (carbon dioxide) to “carbon”, but when someone tries to use “nitrogen” as verbal shorthand, they get jumped on. (Not by you NickM: your explanation was very useful).
Do not confuse “the narrative”. The same Magical Thinking that transformed Covid-19 into the world’s most dangerous disease can transform N2 and CO2 into the planet’s most dangerous chemicals (so long as nobody confuses the argument by draggin in facts).
Uncomfortable thought: they’re not trying to put pressure on the general population or starve us.
They’re just re-aligning production levels to prevent massive over-production when Project COVID Phase II kicks in.
How are those death rates looking ?
I don’t think so.
Market forces would react to correct production figures in that situation
No, this is more pro-active.
A tool, if you like, rather than a reaction
An inverted world…
Spiritual warfare.
Tyrants doing the bidding of evil.
Also this: Now there are droughts all over the world. But mainstream-policy and -media blocks all information about these terrible droughts that plague farmers and countries all around the world:
1) Drought at the Horn of Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia). Some weeks ago I saw a video-clip with an interview of an 94 years old lady from Somalia. She told, that in all of her life she never experienced a drought as terrible as the present 4(!)-years-drought there.
2) Italy’s agricultural heartland is suffering its worst drought in 70 years: *
3) Disastrous drought in Texas: *
Mainstream media blocks these information, because they want the topic “climate” to be fixed to this CO2 hoax.
But this CO2 hoax can’t be true, because there is only 0,039% of CO2 in our atmosphere. And as CO2 is by 50 % heavier than the other molecules that make up our atmosphere, there is hardly any CO2 at all in greater heights. Other than we are told: CO2 is strictly “climate neutral” and not at all a “greenhouse gas”!
Read Engdahl’s “The Great Zero Carbon Criminal Conspiracy” – * and “CLIMATE AND THE MONEY TRAIL” – *
The sole reason for these droughts are a) deforestation and b) what is called “loss of landscape”.
a) Look at the deforestation of the equatorial forests. The Congo Basin is responsible for 50% of the oxygen-production of this planet. And in 10 years ahead it will be deforested. See “ROBBING THE RAIN FOREST” -*
b) In northern countries (Europe, North America) the reason for lack of rain it “loss of landscape”. This loss happens because for reasons of public infrastructure, for commercial reasons (e. g.: New malls at the periphery of towns) and because of new private buildings/houses on the countryside.
Please also see James Corbett’s videos to this topic:
I just loaded down that video from
Research from 2014 suggests that 50% of oxygen comes from plankton and grass in the seas.
Interesting! didn’t know this.
Algae, actually. Which is part of plankton. That research goes way way back, by the way. It was standard knowledge in the 1970s as per studies done by Oak Ridge National Ecology Laboratory. Wetlands: Including tidal areas, river basins, etc. are the most productive in terms of Carbon sequestering (and Oxygen production). The black muck is the giveaway. Carbon gas acts as a plant hormone. Excess Carbon is tempered by increased plant growth. Not rocket science. Algae blooms are not all good, as we know. Runoff from livestock and crops can be bad if not kept in check. Algae blooms lead to botulism and wildlife die offs. Not making an argument to curtail meat production……but we could do better in terms of containment with better farming practices.
Quite: just because farming is often done badly, it doesn’t mean that farming has to be done badly.
The other 50% to complement the 50% from terrestrial photosynthesis?
I wonder how accurate these model figures are.
I suppose so. Apart from the 3 big regions of equatorial forest which are constantly at the forefront of propaganda conveniently aimed at “undeveloped” contries, the overlords have not permitted the “free press” to publicise loss of the carbon from, and destruction of, these:
:- sea grass
:- 30 million km2 of premafrost in the Northern Hemisphere
:- the bulk by far of soil carbon present in eastern USA, Canada, northern Europe and Russia.
I suppose so. Apart from the 3 big regions of equatorial forest which are constantly at the forefront of propaganda conveniently aimed at “undeveloped” contries, the overlords have not permitted the “free press” to publicise loss of the carbon from, and destruction of, these:
:- sea grass
:- 30 million km2 of premafrost in the Northern Hemisphere
:- the bulk by far of soil carbon present in eastern USA, Canada, northern Europe and Russia.
I was taken aback by the Nitrogen emissions excuse in Holland. Epoch Times story.
I could see water pollution issues related to nutrient runoff. It just demonstrates how ignorant the media outlets are. They grab a stock story and run with it without knowing what the heck they are talking about.
There is phone app called inconvenient facts that simplifies the the climate change stance and why it is crap.
“Geologist Accuses Apple of Political Bias in Removing App that Counters Climate Alarmism”
You left out the elephant in the equation – Weather Warfare Chemtrail/HAARP weather manipulation, created draughts (and floods).
True. Thanks for commenting. >
Who OWNS The Weather?
Catherine J. Frompovich
March 14, 2016
Who OWNS The Weather? (
Just lost my bedroom ceiling as a result of the torrential rains in SE Australia.
Hello Joerg: Much of what you posted is true and descriptive. Deforestation is a HUGE problem. The majority of urban populations wish to exist within a state of extreme denial.
Corbett never goes anywhere near the topics of geoengineering or weather control. ALL of these droughts are engineered. Perhaps of interest: >
Excerpted from: Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025
“2025 is a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future. Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school environment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States government.”
Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025 (
No, not just deforestation. Here it started in 2020 spring, since then I didn’t see a proper storm with lightening and rainfall or days long raining soaking the soil deep enough. I’ve just read some comments of a Hungarian news site, they are loosing fruit trees, due to lack of proper rain, crops, everything. But you know what? The time matches with the start of the covid hoax meant – among other reasons – disguising the harm of 4-5 G, also with Musk’ satellites, appx 60 / every 2 weeks. Plus their ‘geo-engineering’ chemtrails.
I agree with the rest, as far as I know CO2 is already too low, high means lush vegetation.
Bacon and ham are carcinogenic.
Preservatives and synthetic ingredients will do that.
I would sooner be worried because of your mobile, wifi and smart meter, then your weed and bug killers, your fluoridated water and your graphene oxide booster shots to cause it.
I think that is questionable. Certainly not black and white. There is more evidence that polyunsaturated oils are carcinogenic. The latter were once touted as being better for heart health (for which there was zero evidence).
All our primate cousins are vegan.
No they aren’t. Chimps eat meat and insects. Plus the great apes that are vegan have a different gut system than ours, that is capable of extracting proteins from vegetable fiber much more efficiently.
We can’t survive on a pure vegan diet unless the vegetable matter is pre-processed by chemical means or by cooking. One reason BigAg loves veganism is it lends itself so well to industrial food processing.
Veganism is not suited to industrial food processing. Fully raw Kristina for example doesn’t even leave the fresh produce section when she goes shopping. The whole plant based diet is based on whole foods i.e. unprocessed food. There is adequate amino acids in fruits without having to resort to eating vast amounts of beans or nuts. Eating too much protein is the quick way to end up with health problems. It is like using aluminum as a fuel for an aircraft. Aircraft might be made of aluminium but you don’t need to fill the fuel tank with it. Breast milk is 1% protein which is adequate for a rapidly growing baby. This is similar to the protein content in fruit.
This is patently false. I eat upwards of 200-300g of protein daily to support my powerlifting programs. Good luck getting that kind of protein from a bowl of fruit.
Lean mass and a stable immune system are the best ways to stay healthy, and there are more than a few ways to get there.
Veganism is perfect for industrial food processing – why else do you think it is being so widely promoted? Why are there so many vegan options in processed ready meals?
To eat naturally as a vegan is possible but takes more effort than for vegetarians or carnivores since proteins in the form of beans and pulses have to be prepped in advance. Hence most vegans I know tend to get by a lot of the time on processed “cheese”, full of chemicals and coloring, or processed “vegan protein” flavored synthetically to resemble bacon or chicken or beef or whatever. This is just a fact of life.
Vegans can and often do, end up eating horrendously. It’s no instant passport to health, particularly since the food industry is zeroing in on them as a great and growing market.
Yes, I tried a cheese — once. Never again; it wasn’t a cheese it was a crime.
Nobody has written more lyrically about the spiritual import of cheese than Hilaire Belloc:
“No man is a glutton on cheese”.
He was wrong there I’m afraid.
My grandmother brought up four children on animal protein three times a day, starting with eggs or sausages in the morning (preceded by porridge). Meat was mostly red beef or lamb because chicken and pork were expensive. The whole was augmented with fresh vegetables from her garden. All four lived past 90, until that age independently. Maybe it wasn’t all the animal protein – maybe it was the porridge.
Look up the difference between essential amino acids and other amino acids.
Look up the difference between essential amino acids and other amino acids.
Babies might be growing rapidly, but their requirements are clearly different to that of adults, and vice-versa. We need moderate protein, not minimal protein.
I can agree that excess protein is not good. It obviously depends on what else you eat.
Actually, humans can survive on a vegan diet, but it’s bloody boring. I did it for a year. Never farted as much in my life (and I’m a farter).
The carnivores have a much shorter intestinal system than we do. They produce their own Vitamin C. We need fruit and vegetables to obtain vitamin c. Big Ag is mainly big beef and associated activities.
Seventh Day Adventists are vegetarian and they have lower blood pressures. The obesity in the English speaking world is due to meat based junk food. Just because McDonald’s insist you wear a muzzle inside their restaurants doesn’t mean they care for your health.
Humans are omnivores though, hence adaptable to a range of diets, therefore I don’t think a direct comparison to carnivores is all that meaningful.
There may be conflicting reports online as to whether meat contains sufficient vitamin C to survive on. I have read the opposite. It’s often described as a common misconception, and often held that if meat, including organ meats, isn’t over cooked or is consumed raw it does indeed contain sufficient vitamin C to avoid illness.
Far North diets, which are almost exclusively meat, bear this out.
I think there is a lot of politicised dogma which needs to be stripped away. We need to look around us and conclude that humans can eat a range of diets, however factory farmed, intensively reared, chemically fertilised, maximum yield agriculture and highly processed food manufacturing is not the answer for anyone.
Naturally reared/grown food is the way. Does anyone really disagree with that? A2
“Humans are omnivores though, hence adaptable”
A survival advantage which we share with rats, seagulls and other unmannerly unloved unfussy feeders.
Pigs and chickens 🙂
There is a theory that it is high carb diets that generate more need of vitamin C, so a very low carb, mostly meat diet, would (according to the theory) need less “C” in the first place, and there might be enough in the meat to cover that requirement, especially if it is minimally cooked, or, as you say, organ meat.
Maybe you’ve been reading the same books as me. Have you read “Good Calories, Bad Calories” (aka “The Diet Delusion”), by Gary Taubes?
It’s a fascinating study of the history of dieting, with lots of science, but told in an interesting way. Much more than just “a diet book”. (I think it’s better than his later books, TBH).
Just due to junk food. If I want to lose weight I eat lots of meat with vegetables and fruits, some animal fat but skip bread and sugar. Works every time, shame I like bread too much.
There is no need to establish new ‘science’ just copy the way of your lived till 90+ granny. They ate meat, they used lots of animal fat but oils, never counted how many eggs, they ate nose-to-tale, they used only raw milk products. The difference is that how food was produced.
Food is not only calories, food is information, coding to your body.
The major cause of modern obesity may be “obesogens” (hormone disruptors) that either leach from plastic food containers or are additives in food. Not every obese young man or woman is gluttonous or lazy.
No, quite. I will take the liberty of repeating this reference, for others if not for yourself:
“Good Calories, Bad Calories” (aka “The Diet Delusion”), by Gary Taubes
It’s a fascinating study of the history of dieting, with lots of science, but told in an interesting way. Much more than just “a diet book”. (I think it’s better than his later books, TBH).
The major cause of modern obesity may be “obesogens” (hormone disruptors) that either leach from plastic food containers or are additives in food. Not every obese young man or woman is gluttonous or lazy.
Almost all mammals produce their own vitamin C, be they pure herbivores, carnivores or a mixture. The vitamin C issue, interesting though it is, is a red herring in the carnivore-or-not debate.
(Humans and great apes are two exceptions, as are guinea-pigs and a few more obscure creatures. ).
Sorry, I answered earlier to PMamnal than reading your comment.
I once saw a documentary, maybe by Attenborough, that showed a band of chimps hunting a monkey, a primate of another species. This little creature was trapped alone at the top of a tree, terrified. Eventually they caught it and tore it limb from limb. The shrieking was horrendous.
Afterwards the chimps were all very subdued, very quiet, sitting apart from each other, avoiding each other’s glances. They looked ashamed.
Your ancestors where not, thanks to them you are here now.
No. Back then there were two types of cavemen, vegetarian and scavengers, the vegetarian one died out. Read some biology affecting your teeth, stomach, length of your gut then compare these to a cow’s then a cat’s. You are an omnivore, that includes meat.
Alfred Russell Wallace.
This bugger was a bit of an arsehole. Some credit him with the development of the theory of evolution. He has an imaginary line named after him. This line runs through the Malay/Indonesian archipeligo. To the West of the line there are placental mammals. To the East the mammals (except for humans) are marsupial . He used to shoot oran utans for “scientific” purposes. On one occasion he tried to rescue an infant orangutan orphaned by his shooting. He found he was unable to get cows milk for the purpose. Neither the Chinese nor the native Malayo Polynesians used milk.
No wild adult animal drinks milk. Milk is a food designed for infants. I had no idea what was ailing me until I stopped having milk with my breakfast cereal and was instantly cured. I had developed lactose intolerance like about 2/3 of the human race. Milk never was a part of the diet of the Chinese, Japanese , Korean, South East Asian, Melanesian, Polynesian, Native American and West African people. Some races developed the ability to digest milk into adulthood over millennia.
Agreed. But meat is entirely different.
Sorry, but you are wrong about milk, try raw, only raw, it even stops osteoporosis. I was raised on pasteurized milk because of ignorance, never got candy or chocolate but just on big days a little like birthday or Christmas. By the age of 16 I lost half of my teeth, because I couldn’t ‘build in’ calcium (they said). I was 40-45 when I switched to raw milk, it stopped decays. The key is that milk and milk products must be raw. Raw goats milk is number one allergy and asthma treatment depending on the herbs the goats ate.
well,the following made this cowardly ol mechanic quit…Dairy Is Liquid Meat _The Facts
‘Mycobacterium paratuberculosis causes a bovine disease called “Johne’s.”
Cows diagnosed with Johne’s Disease have diarrhea, and heavy fecal shedding of bacteria.
This bacteria becomes cultured in milk, and is not destroyed by pasteurization.
Occasionally, the milk-borne bacteria will begin to grow in the human host, and the results are irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s Disease.’
Yes… milk is Mother Nature’s “perfect food” …for a calf… until it is weaned. Everything you know about cow’s milk and dairy is probably part of a Dairy industry MYTH.
Cow’s milk is an unhealthy fluid from diseased animals that contains a wide range of dangerous and disease-causing substances that have a cumulative negative effect on all who consume it.
*ALL* cow’s milk (regular and ‘organic’) has 59 active hormones, scores of allergens, fat and cholesterol.
Most cow’s milk has measurable quantities of herbicides, pesticides, dioxins (up to 200 times the safe levels), up to 52 powerful antibiotics (perhaps 53, with LS-50), blood, pus, feces, bacteria and viruses. (Cow’s milk can have traces of anything the cow ate… including such things as radioactive fallout from nuke testing …
Rank Total Description
1 725k Heart Disease (think fats/cholesterol: meat/dairy)
2 542kMalignant Neoplasms (cancer: think toxins/milk/dairy)
2a 250k Medical system (drugs/etc. think ignorance/incompetence)
3 158k Cerebro-vascular (think meat milk and dairy)
4 113k Bronchitis Emphysema Asthma (think toxins/milk/dairy)
5 97k Unintentional Injuries and Adverse Effects
6 92k Pneumonia & Influenza (think weak immune systems ,mucus) 7 65k Diabetes (think milk/dairy)
7a 40k+ Highway slaughter (men, women,children)
8 31k Suicide (think behavioral problems)
9 26k Nephritis (Bright’s disease: inflammation of the kidneys) 10
25k Liver Disease (think alcohol and other toxins) …
Of those 59 hormones one is a powerful GROWTH hormone called Insulin- like Growth Factor ONE (IGF-1). By a freak of nature it is identical in cows and humans. Consider this hormone to be a “fuel cell” for any cancer… IGF-1 is a normal part of ALL milk… the newborn is SUPPOSED to grow quickly! …Each bite of hard cheese has TEN TIMES whatever was in that sip of milk… Each bite of ice cream has 12 times …
Monsanto Chemical Co., maker of fine poisons such as DDT, agent orange, Roundup and more… spent around half a billion dollars inventing a shot to inject into cows… to force a cow to produce MORE milk (for an already glutted taxpayer subsidized market)….
Where do the COWS get calcium for their big bones? Yes… from plants! The calcium they consume from plants has a large amount of magnesium… necessary for the body to absorb and USE the calcium. The calcium in cow’s milk is basically useless because it has insufficient magnesium content (those nations with the highest amount of milk/dairy consumption also have the highest rates of osteoporosis).
Proof? How about a controlled study of 78,000 nurses over a period of 12 years?…
Cows milk has three times the calcium as does human breast milk. No matter, neither are very usable because in order to be absorbed and used there MUST be an equal quantity of MAGNESIUM (as exists in the greens that cows eat to get all the calcium they need for their big bones)…. It is not a matter of how much calcium one ingests… but how much one does not lose.
Milk can be thought of as “liquid meat” because of its high protein content which, in concert with other proteins, may actually LEECH calcium from the body. Countries that consume high protein diets (meat, milk and dairy) have the highest rates of osteoporosis…
Please provide a clear link and quote selectively rather than copy/paste long screeds like this, thanks. Your formatting was so confusing and long I couldn’t see your link and it is very wasteful of space.
Also this…
…sounds rather sensationalist. There’s no clear citation for these or other claims at your link, so I just wanted to flag that up.
Any future long posts like this will be removed. Thanks for understanding.
Lastly, if we’re discussing myths, many would suggest we start with the cholesterol myth first.
It is a matter of sustained consumption from infancy by individuals, i.e., it depends on tradition and commerce, not racial evolution. Milk was a rarity in East Asia until the later part of the last century.
Some do develop intolerance or allergy. I too had intolerance. “Scientific” medicine cannot help.
I am an educated woman, so I have a right to take science and its claims lightly and basically ignore them [ ignorantia docta it is called ]. Which is what I do. Life is too short to take science and its noise seriously. Read Tolstoy instead, my advice is. Or contemplate syntax -slog – of Anton Chekhov. Or other writers, whose names I would not dare mention here.
However, with regard to milk, I once encountered an opinion of a Medical Prof, who said that:
a/ milk is fed to infants to stimulate their growth
b/ and that is as milk does stimulate the body growth
c/ all fine with milk if your body is healthy
d/ aging is a process when destruction in the body starts overpowering and eventually will overpower its health [ all now goes towards the final contraction of life, systole with no more diastole]
this is caused by inflammation – the seeds of death that will only keep growing – that starts building up in the body only gains momentum leading to disease and eventually death
this inflammation and inner destruction will also grow cancer in the body of most people
e/ if you at that stage, i.e., adulthood which equals to the onset of aging, also consume milk, stage when your body is gradually being taken over by growing inflammation and growing cancer, i.e., seeds of death planted in you, the milk will stimulate what it always does by its own milky nature, i.e., stimulate/enhance the growth of inflammation and cancer in your body; milk will only water the inflammation and cancer in your body;
f/therefore: stop [ Q.E.D]
The man convinced me.
I consider talking about food in public lowly and grotesque, though I know it is an ID of the times.
I try not to do it. But the reasoning of the prof convinced me personally. Therefore I share it.
People are a multicultural regional Continental complexity and so are their own bodies as Individual human beings.
Education is not intelligence, sharing of Knowledge spoken and written down are only a reccomendation in the language it was Originally written and first uttered in that Cultural domain.
I am British, from the North of England, where were you born if you dont me asking.
At school 5yrs we received evey morning, half a pint of whole milk 5 days a week.
What I said is a quote/argument from an American physician, whose name I do not remember. I watched an interview with this man many years ago in Kuwait. I do not remember anything else. I saw that interview many times, therefore I remember it so well.
Also, what he said confirms that children drink/should drink milk as their bodies need to grow.
The argument against milk starts when the growing processes in the body go past the peak, taken over gradually by aging, i.e., inflammation, which is in the middle of one’s life.
Then, according to the prof, milk becomes dangerous and should be avoided, as it ”feeds the cancer and inflammation” which is the quote from that prof that had sunk in my mind, along with the argument that he presented.
His words of warning with regards to milk and adulthood were very adamant and uncompromising.
“…Raw Milk Benefits for Allergies
Studies are now proving that children who drink raw milk are 50 percent less likely to develop allergies and 41 percent less likely to develop asthma compared to other children.
This study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology was done on 8,000 children and the researchers believe that by drinking raw milk you are “naturally immunizing” the body the way God created.
Nutrients like probiotics, vitamin D and immunoglobulins (antibodies) found in raw milk naturally boost the immune system and reduce the risk of allergies in both children and adults….”
That would be real milk, as opposed to the “scientific” version that comes with free hormones, antibiotics and other veterinary drugs.
That would be real milk, as opposed to the “scientific” version that comes with free hormones, antibiotics and other veterinary drugs.
You were of course still growing at 5 years. Wouldn’t have done you any harm and probably a lot of good.
(BTW, where I grew up, the school milk was in 1/3 pint bottles).
Wrong. People for God’s sake bother to read after RAW milk, it’s nothing to do with your age but the lot to do that how the animal was fed and how the milk was processed or rather not. I personally knew a woman with such level of osteoporosis her spine went smaller and smaller, nothing helped, she couldn’t even walk, she was around 70, someone suggested raw milk, it cured her, she could walk again.
They are lying about milk just how they did about everything, salt, animal fat, cholesterol, the list is endless.
Read the site of some decent organic raw milk sellers including the reviews.
I live in China. I have travelled throughout China over the last 8 years. The store shelves are all fully stocked with milk, and yogurt. For some reason butter and cheese are less available, especially in the smaller cities, but still obtainable. Probably the majority of people still prefer soya `milk’, (which I definitely don’t). I drink around a liter of milk a day. I haven’t been sick in approximately 30 years. Milk, in China, is considered a food that builds one’s heath and strength. My sister, who is as Anglo-Saxon as I am, hated milk, and would never drink it. Approximately 30% of Han Chinese have difficulty digesting milk. Mongols, Tibetans, both developed a cheese/milk culture. I think your claim that 2/3s of the population of the planet is lactose intolerant is wildly exaggerated.
China after the bankster backed Mao “revolution” bears no resemblance to the China through the centuries. Propaganda is powerful and overrides tradition and common sense.
I too live in China and I can attest to the fact that milk and yoghurt are very popular here. I can also say that as an average height Brit I am taller than most of my colleagues and the man on the Lu’an omnibus, but the average middle school boy is easily taller than me, some of the girls too.
The obvious explanation is increased meat and milk intake since people have become more affluent and access has increased. It is the most natural thing in the world to seek to provide these things to your children
Yes…as you may know, the Dutch underwent near starvation under German occupation, and I think, as a reaction, after the war made sure their children got as good a diet as they could afford. As you may also know, they are big cheese-eaters.
As a result (I think) they Dutch post-war generation grew and grew, and became the tallest people in Europe. I think they actually compete with Norwegians and Swedes, so the “winner” changes from time to time.
I think the Norwegians and Swedes have a pretty healthy diet; maybe not as much milk/milk products, but lots of fish.
Its an interesting topic. I can see how North European and Nordic people could have similar genes and potential for maximum size depending on the conditions. People expect Asians to be smaller, but that may be due more to the diet of vegetables and rice with a little meat and eggs than any genetic disposition. My own observations in China suggest we all have the same potential and it comes down to the availability of protein and animal based nutrients.
And I have a PhD in Metallurgy so obviously you can take that to the bank 😉
Obviously! 😆 But seriously, I think (and IME online) scientists in the “hard” sciences + engineers tend to think much more logically and sensibly than the so-called scientists in the “softer” disciplines, and of course are in a different (higher) league than the liberal arts types, when it comes to thinking about the complex systems that make up the human body.
And this pysical build and strength contributed to there being quite a lot of well known martial arts fighters from the Netherlands.
Try raw. Mongols drank milk, my ancestors also, till the level they made even booze of it. You eat and use what you find around, proves nothing. Milk is one of the healthiest drink loaded with vitamins and minerals, the problem is that with heating (pasteurization) it loses the enzymes which would help to absorb these. No one allergic to raw milk or almost no one. While the pasteurized is indeed unhealthy.
I agree. OTOH, there certainly seems to have been a risk, in the past at least, in drinking raw milk. I’m thinking of in England in the pre-war period with so many people dying of TB. And this wasn’t just poor people living in terrible conditions. There were two examples in branches of my own family, one on each side.
Obviously there must have been other factors, and I’m not claiming to know why it happened. In fact it’s a bit of a mystery because other members of the same (large) family remained healthy, while living in the same conditions, and presumably also drinking raw milk.
Blame it on cows and sheep. Cows and sheep compete against humans for fresh water. Soon there will be backdating, rewriting history. Cows and sheep caused every war, drought, famine, and mischief in history. The Science will soon be arguing that it was all the dinosaurs fault they died out: too many big dinosaurs pooping and farting doomed the dinosaurs. They got too big for their boots .
Big Dinosaurs were Golbalsarus Electrous Mother Earth got rid of them untill we dug em back up.
We drink their wee out of plastic bottles.
This is going on all around the world, from India to the Netherlands. Clearly, this is a planned destruction of the world’s food supply. Questions are: Why? And, can we stop them?
The ordinary people need a planned destruction….of all billionaires
Natural Climate Change is Real !
Manmade Climate Change is mostly Propaganda:
Like a Twiggy fashion-model on a catwalk promoting flimsy rags
(testimonies to some male’s creative ‘genius’)…
The propagandists never use the solid sciences
but always exploit biological or climate research,
any research that can be a medium to sow doubt…
“Doubt is our Weapon…” (Tobacco Industry spokesman)….
Who Gains ?
There’s a War being waged by Big Tech, Big Media, Big Pharma,
against the old and established – behind the climate change
smokescreen propaganda…
What do they Gain ?
(other than World Domination, that is)
Your continuous lifelong submission…
In Germany today:
…and more, much more, but I can’t be arsed listing it. We can all see where this is going, everywhere.
What do we do?
Ignore the ‘authorities’ entirely.
Let them do their neo-n thing if that’s really what they want.
There’s no ‘lukewarm’ middle path here. It’s either white or black.
Try the White Rose. It might work this time because now the penalty for protest is not death, merely castigation.
I can’t keep cows but I have growing tobacco plants. 🙂
Try to support local farms if there is any. We do that, interestingly they haven’t raised the price of their excellent raw milk (1,20£), they have lovely duck eggs, too. If you have a garden try to produce some veggies, buy fruit trees, some are producing just after 1-2 years. Tomato and potato are easy to produce, I know most of us can’t produce a lot but a little is still more than nothing. On UK climate almost all of the berries are great, also cherries and soured cherries, pears, apples, winter vitC medlar.
Many veggies can be grown upright, you’ll find many videos of how on YT, meat can be preserved similarly to jams in bottles (videos…)
Buy a stove, old type which allows you not just heating but cooking.
Try to buy grains and a mini mill, grains are ok for years.
As temporary solution because we either stop the mad globalist leeches or we are dead anyway, living as a graphene pumped, brain manipulated slave or walking organ donor, lab rat is not a life to live.
Russian Professor Olga Tchetverikova explains why Russia’s pull-out from the Bologna Process is only apparent, a PR noise, and for real: a fiction
[ only for those knowing Russian ]
Interesting discussion.
Especially the comments about the rise & disposability of the ‘oligarchy’, the harmful effects of 2 years of online learning on children, and the importance of self-education.
So the education system will remain essentially the same, since it will still be serving the interests of big business?
Yes, interesting. It looks like Russia was asked to leave the Bologna club, perhaps yet another sanction, rather than left it, as it was immediately orchestrated to the public by smart PR social charmers.
Yes, it will remain a business commodity, in the paws of big business and people with the mind – imprinted on the face – of Peskov or Greff, or their mere disposable copies in other countries.
It will be getting worse and worse from what I see as the so called ”online” – and ”online” is a mere small part pro giant toto – will be advancing and advancing taking over the territory that once belonged to education.
Processes taking place in education are shocking to anyone who was born in the Soviet era, shocking indeed. They are represented by the word ”Excellence” which is now being added to all things academia, be it only a rubbish bin. They suddenly started believing, and it is common world-over in the academia – that by adding an adjective to the heap of rubbish you transform its essence.
Tchetverikova is a Cossack beauty with the brain, by the way. She campaigned against introducing English language/names into the public places/streets/Metro messages in Moscow. She is a tough granite courageous thing.
She sounds alot more patriotic than Zelensky then, with his “Boris Johnson Street”. I think I heard of one planned for Biden too.
When I was in Moscow (a good few years ago now), they had a very positive attitude towards the English-speaking world. I would hate to think what the general reception would be now, following all these years of Russophobia. Noticeably cooler I would suspect 🤖
Russians know how to be well-behaved. But if needed, they will kick out of the country whoever deserves it, as they did with the British Council a few years ago.
”They had a very positive attitude towards the English-speaking world” is a debatable statement. Perhaps those who belong to the English-speaking Russia and take pride in it, they might be/have been, if they choose to.
Nevertheless, those who campaigned against English in the public cityscape, and it was not only Olga Tchetverikova, know languages.
But they are aware of the political load/consequences of allowing a foreign language into the fabric of social/public/city life.
Besides, they have a right to object. And they exercise this right.
And thanks G-d they do it.
I tried to reply. But it looks like my answer has been rejected. Just as it was with my previous post, I have been pending for a few hours now. Therefore I cannot answer.
I recommend Stalingrad 2 on YT in general and the Cossack Beauty with the Brain Olga Tchetverikova in particular.
Maybe it will appear eventually. If not, thanks for trying. I’ll check out the references.
I’m still trying to work out all the words that cause ‘pending’ too. Currently one of life’s mysteries. A word list would certainly be useful 🙄
I see. So you suggest that an algorithm does it. I thought it was a person making personal decisions.
There are definitely certain words that cause it:
Any post, for example, that contains the word that rhymes with ‘due’, with ‘J’ as its first letter will get ‘pending’, for example.
And possibly the ‘h’ word (ending in ‘l’) in my first reply to you causes it too. That was ‘pending’ for an hour or so but got ‘fished out’.
If it never appears at all, though, then that would be another matter. Maybe a human decision in such a case 🤔
Meanwhile a quiz question. Did you recognize the song reference at 26:15 in your video? I didn’t quite catch it
It is an idiomatic expression which means ”same old, same old” i.e., ”same old song;;. It does not refer to any song, but Tchetverikova is describing her attending a parliamentary education commission meeting after Russia had been removed from the Bologna club. She says though the Bologna Process is apparently no more, all the rest on which educational reform in Russia is based, projects, piloting passport, external models and imposed external structures/standards as well as legal/binding documents as well as UN recommendations for Russia with which Russia has to comply, all of it has not been touched/changed.
So in the apparent post-Bologna meeting all the rest was reaffirmed as unchanged, the earlier stages of the Russian education transformation towards globalism and digitalizing reaffirmed as remaining firm and untouched.
Therefore, says she, it is ”the same old song” that you will hear, and the globalisation juggernaut will keep moving on, with or without the Bologna thing.
Thanks. That makes sense 🙂
Yes, the due word blocks for good, not just pends. I confirm. It happened to me a few times.
Thank you Stalingrad for not corrupting/demolishing/soiling/cancelling your content with advertising!
The Controlled Demolition of the West. Etc.
The Dutch govt policy to pay farmers not to farm, to pay them to relocate elsewhere and in some cases to buy their land outright sounds very much like a land grab by stealth. The ultimate intention may be to sell the land to foreign agribusinesses or certain wealthy individuals like Bill Gates to grow foods that circumvent EU laws and regulations affecting food imports, or to grow plants incorporating experimental technologies that (for example) might do away with vaccinations altogether.
That might explain why the Dutch govt is going ahead with such a policy in spite of the fact that there are food shortages already, in many cases resulting from sanctions against Russia or from breakdowns in global supply chains due to past lockdowns. At a time when more food self-sufficiency might be a wise policy, instead govts are pursuing policies that end up making more people dependent on food imports from the US and US agribusiness in particular. Citing “climate change” is a ruse to get public support.
Gates, et al, will not be growing crops on the millions and millions of acres they now own. Their NWO wants them to grow ze bugs, for the people.
It’s all part of their attack on what they consider to be the wrong type of human, via their global warming scam.
Appropriation of the farmers’ land to build housing etc. in which to settle immigrants. With the loss of food independance as an added bonus. With the death cult it is never just the one thing.
I can’t confirm if the family (father) of Henk Staghouwer (Dutch Agriculture minister) owns the largest artificial vegan meat company in the Netherlands as someone claimed on Twitter. Maybe a Dutch speaker-reader in the Netherlands who could confirm this????
CLIMATE CHANGEsteria: Bill Gates Wants to Shut Down Dutch Farmers!
– Bill Gates’ is invested in the online supermarket chain apparently owned by the brother-in-law of the Dutch [NITROGEN] Minister trying to shut down Dutch farmers plus some memes from the Dutch farmers protest!
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-07-02. Moderna Myocarditis Risk 44X. Interstitial lung disease. Fertility rates fall. Trudeau, Acuitas & Pfizer. Eric Levy (blog, gab, tweet).
“Violent protests”! Slow-driving tractors, spreading manure, lighting bails of hay….
It’s an insurrection I tells ya! Probably a super-spreader event as well (unlike those nice Pride rallies).
This is such ridiculous bollocks that I think I should unsubscribe. Holland may be an exporter of meat but that’s only because it’s a massive importer of grain and other foodstuffs for factory farmed animals. it is a fact that factory farming of pigs and other similar animals waste 6/7 of the protein content of the food fed to them and 13/14 of the carbohydrate content of the food fed to them. So it is a massive waste of food and if we stop factory farming we would have an abundance of food. with 90% of meat created using factory farming techniques, factory farming is a massive emitter of global warming gases and other pollutants. it is also massively cruel and furthermore it is unhealthy. Studies show that vegans live 10 years longer than non vegans and have better long-term health outcomes. this story is utter nonsense.
Would you be able to cite any of these claims? I can’t help but wonder who commissioned the studies listed above. Just as big oil is roundly assumed to commission every study which refutes anthropogenic climate change, so too (post Covid especially) have NGOs with globalist agendas exposed a huge conflict of interest and therefore who commissions these studies is relevant.
Also, I don’t think it’s helpful to claim there’s a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to diet. Some people prosper on a vegan diet, others don’t. Let’s try not to be dogmatic.
Unless we focus on realistic welfare of the planet (which is a vast, complicated and nuanced subject), rather than shortsighted, simplistic, gentrified moral binaries, then simply switching to a vegan diet won’t in-and-of-itself achieve much. It won’t guarantee better livings standards for any living things – not for any of the thousands of breeds of livestock which have lived alongside humankind for thousands of years – rendered redundant and ipso facto destined for extinction – or for natural ecosystems currently decimated by big-agro chemicals and poisons.
We need to think about smaller, more natural, more sustainable, more humane and less centralised modes of producing food – within which, it can be argued, animals can play an important, even vital, role as fertilisers, pollinators and as food.
Also, are ‘greenhouse gasses’ settled science? Many claim not so. Many claim it is only presented as such by global NGOs and quasi-religious, non-scientific social movements.
By all means link to your sources so people can make up their own minds. Thank you, A2
Sam – Admin2 states. “I don’t think it’s helpful to claim there’s a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to diet”.
Yes there is. That would be suggesting that humans are the only creature on the planet that does not have an “optimal diet”. I’m not talking about what the body will tolerate and what peoples addictions are. I’m talking about humans in our raw form without industry, what are we designed to eat.
I can promise you it does not involve, mixing, seasoning, brewing, stewing, grilling, frying, boiling, etc. It comes in a package containing everything we need, that you can eat on the spot.
I will confess I have not eaten animals or products containing them for over 15 years. I don’t wear animal skins like a Neanderthal, or frequent the dancing bear show for entertainment either. That said, I’m not part of the vegan club, plant based club, or whatever name is trending right now on main stream news.
I used to eat meat at every sitting, but stopped almost overnight. Not because I wanted to “save the planet”. I did it for the same reason I did not roll up my sleeve. I don’t support these industries anymore than I do the medical industry. They don’t care for my health anymore than they care about the creatures they use as commodities.
Frankly, I could not care less what others eat. Like it or not, anyone who is married to their eating habits is about to be shaken violently. I say bring it on, we are about to have a new crowd of plebs wake up to the NWO and that can only be a good thing.
Isn’t our ‘optimal diet’ what we’ve evolved eating?
I agree that we need to support the right industries. The trouble is a lot of veganism appears to me to support big-agro, plastic/synthetic mass production, globalism, and central bank digital currencies linked to carbon, and is sympathetic to other trans humanist/technocratic agendas that walk hand in hand with the above.
The ideal trumpeted by veganism is not a return to anything small-scale or natural, but rather it’s about ‘evolving’ past the natural into some sort of happy-faced-logo, Schwabian new-normal version of chemically-farmed mass production, with redundant pigs and cows living out their retirement in some mythical re-wilded landscape, while we sip soybean lattes on the set of iRobot.
Many argue we’re being conned. Many argue vegan culture has been hijacked, repackaged into an idealistic fantasy which doesn’t bear close scrutiny, and is being sold back to us as an imminent reality. Whereas, in truth, many argue we’ll all be eating gruel, living in ‘mini-home’ boxes and our human rights will be the stuff of legend far, far, far sooner, while we’re all still waiting for the fabled utopias to spring up and the first plots of rewilded landscape to appear. God knows where the redundant cattle will have ended up in that time (waiting in a nice, cosy barn somewhere, I’m sure we’ll all believe).
That’s my thoughts on that, anyway. A2
“Isn’t our ‘optimal diet’ what we’ve evolved eating?”
No. Evolution is not shifting from an optimal natural diet in favor of fast food, microwave meals, soft drinks, with a sprinkle of lettuce for garnish. The human body is so robust it tolerates this, but is has consequences after 50 years of doing so.
I don’t believe the vegan movement has been hijacked either, it was spawned by the same people. Hence why the modern vegan eats highly processed products. It has nothing to do with human health.
It seems we agree. 👍 A2
all forms of “modern agriculture” (inc the vegan stuff) are destined to fail, as agriculture attempts to resolve the problems it creates it strives to move forwards, much like humanity is doing…
further automating, mechanising, synthesising and augmenting nature just leads to less “wholesome” food, “food” that is slowly (more rapidly actually) killing us…
the drivers being “quality”, consitency, durability, perceived population growth and most of all LABOUR.
a man in a 300bhp john deere can do alot to a huge acreage, use a ship load of fuel and scratch his head aimlessly when the fucker goes wrong…and what with his nice aircon, fancy stereo, sat nav and so on need ever get out the cab and touch the soil, god forbid?
humanity will only ever look at returning back to labour intensive methods of feeding ourselves when we are forced to, we dont want to do it because it is hard and dirty work,
it could be argued that as we have all moved away from the soil we have lost touch with the earth we live on, as a society, as a species.
my little plot nestles amongst some “big players”, farmers with debt packages that a 300bhp john deere will never repay, my quirkiness and oddity is becoming less bizarre to them by the day as diesel, electric, fertiliser, seed, chemical costs spiral.
access to land has never been easy, whatever country you live in, but if you want it bad enough you will make it happen, many would claim that the “planning laws” outlaw such “behaviour”, true, then be an “outlaw” then.
Just like refusing covid directives it can be most liberating. And just like “modern medicine” its origins of worth are…. worthless
re the uk, if you buy land in the open countryside and move on to it, then attempt to genuinely farm there is not a thing these so called enforcers can do about it.
that is from the horses mouth, done this since 1998.
folks may find this usefull:
If we defined ‘vaccination’ as ultra food processing then the vegans would probably come out on top. These kind of biased definitions are easy to throw around when in reality vegans probably prepare more of their own food out of whole ingredients than meat eaters.
What is evolution? Where is the proof that evolution in the form it was taught is not just another lie?
They have the power to rewrite history.
Considering this what is our “natural form” exactly?
I agree with the part that less processing is the best, I also agree that industrial animal farming (or even plant farming) is not only cruel but poisonous, too.
But I don’t think we have such thing that ‘our natural form’, and mea culpa, I am fed up with the vegan maniacs and the ‘you’ll eat the worms’ trusted voices, too.. WorkingClassHero wrote he gave up on meat because of industrial farming. What kept him back then to buy meat from a small, local farm where they were kept in a more satisfying way? To buy game meat after it was shot because of ‘our natural form and optimal diet’ = we eat what we find in nature? How does it exclude the skin of a rabbit or deer?
Just SO FAKE, industrial meat a big NO, industrial everything else a bug yes?
What would be the optimal diet? Nuts in hard shell are not the ‘optimal diet’ of a crow, because it was not designed / evolved to be able to break the shell. But being clever it drops the nut in front of a car, the car breaks the shell and when the road is free the crow eats the nut. This is quite the same how we use fire to fry = get rid of parasites/worm eggs in the meat, we do it because we are clever enough and can and the result is beneficial.
Well leaving, for the sake of ease, a debate on evolution to one side (which I agree has many unanswered questions), please interpret ‘what we evolved eating’ as our pre-agricultural diets according to archaeologists. I suppose that’s what I meant. But maybe they made all that up too. I mean, who the hell knows anymore if we’re going down that rabbit hole 🤷♂️😃 A2
Natural state? What does it mean? Your natural cavemen lived 30 years if was extremely lucky. Using fire is not only about better tasting food, it disinfects, kills parasites. Fire is with us for (ongoing debate) thousands or million year. Even a pheasant during the medieval time could make seasoned food. Salt, berries, honey, bears garlic, mushroom – whatever they found to use.
I missed your point…?
They don’t care of your health hence the junk food, junk materials mocked as clothes while poisoning the environment for ‘fashion’ – you would wear natural materials or a fig leave (in your natural form…) but junk artificial based materials as clothes binning them in every 1-2 months. So sorry but natural ones are: Leather, wool, silk, cotton, fur, mostly animal based.
Animals can be kept on a more natural way, called organic farming, free to roam, etc. You can still eat meat, can use them nose to tale including skin, without wasting, killing for nothing, you can wear a quality leather, silk, wool for years while not supporting those industrial ways – WIN-WIN – I see your comment as just another try to push the agenda.
Besides it is just so fake, your vegan points of you, who told you that plants don’t have feelings? Plants grow faster and healthier if you kindly speak to them, sing to them. They have the ability to warn each other, animals know that with some plants after 1-2 bites they must stop chewing them because all of them, that type in the area start to produce poison for defense. With this unnatural woke view please don’t eat at all if you have a problem with killing for food or heating.
Meet Vera.
No convining a vegan zealot.
They are as mad as a box of frogs.
Right up their with the lycra Nazis, saving the world with all their virtue..
Nauseating spectacle.
So is patience a virtue. My patience is gone. More like a nest of hornets. The problem is higher education spewing the nonsense.
Your insults sounds similar to the ones used against so called “anti-vaxers” and “covid deniers”, only with the subject matter changed. The shoe is on the other foot it would seem.
Sorry but he is right. You gave up on meat because of industrial farming, telling they don’t care about health. What kept you back simply buying meat from a small farm? Or buying wild game meat? You don’t wear leather but in your ‘natural form’ you would have used it. Which one? Natural form / not natural form (material of clothes).
Industrial fake materials produced on a grand scale for clothing are OK? They do care about your health? (your way of arguing)
Here comes their agenda again, zero common sense, sheer agenda. I know I know, in my ‘natural form’ I should eat the bugs. No thanks.
Sounds to me you you are worried about you addictions and are angry at the proposed changes. Franky I could not care less for what you eat.
I sense the panic in your post at the thought that the guys who you pay to slaughter will not be providing the service in the future.
Show this to them then ask them to imagine the death song of the tomato while they chewing on it. As vegans, they have to kill much much more as you needs far more plants to provide energy than meat. 😂
Basic ecological description of the food pyramid. Standard knowledge today. The standard vegan argument. All that energy “lost” by eating meat as you climb the food pyramid. Roughly 90% of the energy is lost as you move from one trophic level to the next. No attention is paid to the nutrient value, of course. There is a reason we have canine teeth. Standard question for vegan nonsense: “Can I see your teeth?”. Then say, “Yep, you’re a carnivore too”.
I bet you have not met a single person who was honestly vegan for 10 years.
Who financed those studies? Gates? Schwab?
““It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” (Dr. Marcia Angell, NY Review of Books, January 15, 2009, “Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption)”
Bollocks. Utter utter bollocks. Was a vegetarian for 34 yrs. Felt dreadful for most of it. Started eating meat over a year ago. Fitter, better concentration, better energy.
Also worth stating we are not optimised to process the quantity of sugars we eat from carbs. Try eating no carbs for a week. Then eat them. The indigestion and the bloatedness is horrible.
Sam-Admin has it right: diff’rent strokes for diff’rent folks. No one-size diet fits all constitutions.
I, for example, thrive on Dr John McDougall’s high-plant-starch diet. Some other people, perhaps not so much. Despite John’s exhortations, I also include small amounts of meat and dairy.
And I thrive: eat to appetite, just as John advises; never plagued by hunger cravings soon after eating; lean frame with unvarying weight; fit and healthy in early ’80s; etc.
You have to find whatever suits your particular bodily economy. And be assured, when the Cuban model of doing agriculture takes over from the doomed BigOil-industagri model, animals will be part of it, more or less universally. Good ag mimics wild climax ecosystems as closely as possible, and they always involve animals as an essential part. Can’t do full-blown Gaian permaculture ag without them.
Anyone buying into the horror-against-rewilding syndrome should take a look at the Knepp Estate story:
Their food output is near to the same that it was before the rewilding began; and they’re not even doing very sophisticated forest-permaculture. Their – sustainable, ecologically-benign – output of food-plus could be larger yet if they got Mark Shepard, Geoff Lawton and Martin Crawford in for advice; all permaculturists who are making their holdings economically viable and profitable, at the same time as cherishing the planet by honouring the land which they steward.
This is bad new for those tryinng to bankrupt small farmers and grab their land.
Besides the Cuban system, “biodynamics” also seems to make animals an essential part of the agriculture of food crops.
This is bad new for those tryinng to bankrupt small farmers and grab their land.
Besides the Cuban system, “biodynamics” also seems to make animals an essential part of the agriculture of food crops.
Glad we sorted that out then…
I have a funny feeling you are going to become one again real soon, concentrate on that.
Utter, utter bollocks. Was a NWO activist for most of my life. Felt depressed, angry and alone for most of it. Started watching TV again, took the jab, snorted some coke. Never felt better. IQ went up a few digits (*based on FB test), started getting more likes on social, and my doctor says im as fit as a fiddle, as long as keep taking my Statins…
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In agreement with some of what you say except for the global warming bit. You should instead be worried about the loss of biodiversity. Does Holland have any wildlife reserves ? Amsterdam was the headquarters of the central banking cartel before they relocated to London in 1655. The first stock exchange was set up in Amsterdam in 1702 (i think). The Dutch East India company (the VOC) was much bigger than the British company until 1655.