5 signs they are CREATING a food crisis
Kit Knightly

It’s no secret that, according to politicians and the corporate press, “food shortages” and a “food supply crises” have been on the way for a while now. They have been regularly predicted for several years.
What’s really strange is that despite its near-constant incipience, the food shortage never seems to actually arrive and is always blamed on something new.
As long ago as 2012, “scientists” were predicting that climate change and a lack of clean water would create “food shortages” that would “turn the world vegetarian by 2050”.
In 2019, UN “experts” warned that “climate change was threatening the world’s food supply”.
Later the same year, the UK was warned that they could expect a food shortage as a result of “post-Brexit chaos”.
By early March 2020 supermarkets were already “warning” that the government had been too slow to act on the coronavirus outbreak, and they might run out of food. (They never actually did).
A month later, in April 2020 when the “pandemic” was less than three months old, “officials” warned Covid was going to create a global food crisis. Three months later it had ballooned into “the worst food crisis for 50 years”.
In the Summer of 2021 the British press was predicting the “worst food shortages since world war 2” and “rolling power cuts”, allegedly due to a lack of truck drivers blamed equally on Covid and Brexit (neither the shortages nor power cuts ever really materialised).
By September 2021, the UK was told the gas price spike would create a shortage of frozen food, and just a month later, that we may have to ration meat ahead of Christmas, due to the gas crisis. (There never was any rationing)
In January 2022, Australia saw “empty supermarket shelves” blamed on the Omicron variant crippling the supply chain, while the US had the same empty shelves blamed on bad winter weather.
Moving into the spring of 2022, the food crisis is still on its way…only now it’s because of the war in Ukraine, or China’s “Zero Covid” policies, or the bird flu outbreak.
You’d be forgiven for thinking that – since the food crisis is always expected but never arrives, and is always blamed on the current thing – that it doesn’t really exist. That it’s nothing but a psy-op designed to spread panic and give suppliers an excuse to jack up their prices in response to fake “scarcity” created by the press.
However, there are indications that this may be about to change.
In a Brussels press conference on March 25th of this year, Joe Biden said…
Regarding food shortages – yes, we did talk about shortages, and they’re going to be real.”
…which is a decidedly odd thing to say.
Most of the time the only reason to strongly affirm something is “going to be real” from now on, is that up to that point it was not.
Indeed, there are a few signs that the food supply is about to genuinely come under attack.
1. Ukraine war & Western sanctions
It’s well documented that Russia’s “special operation” in Ukraine has driven up the prices of oil, gas and wheat. Partly due to disruption on the ground, but mostly due to Western sanctions.
Russia is the largest exporter of wheat and other grains in the world, and these products are used not just for making food for humans, but also as animal feed. Western nations boycotting Russian wheat will therefore potentially drive up the price of a huge variety of foodstuffs.
We have already seen rationing of sunflower oil (a major Ukrainian export), with reports that this could extend to all kinds of other products including sausages, chicken, pasta and beer.
This war did not need to happen, it could have been prevented (and could still be stopped) by a simple agreement on Ukrainian neutrality. Combine that with the sweeping nature of the anti-Russian sanctions – unmatched in recent history – and you can reason that the chaos on the ground and concomitant increase in food prices is part of a deliberate policy serving the Great Reset agenda.
2. Increasing the price of oil
The increased price of oil has natural and obvious knock-on effects for every industrial sector – most especially transport, logistics and agriculture. Despite fears of a cost of living crisis, warnings of food shortages and Russia’s status as the largest exporter of oil and gas in the world, Western nations and their allies have made virtually zero effort to lower the cost of oil.
The high oil price has already seen the Russian ruble bounce back to pre-war strength, and yet Saudi Arabia has been increasing their prices, not flooding the market to tank the price as they did in 2014/15.
Keeping the cost of petroleum high is a deliberate policy decision, and one that shows the cost of living crisis – and any resultant food shortages – are being engineered on purpose.
3. Bird flu
The press is claiming there is a major bird flu outbreak going on. As we published last week, the dynamics of “bird flu” seem to be identical to Covid. Birds are tested for the virus using PCR tests, culled if they are “positive”, and these culls are then labelled “bird flu deaths”.
This process has already seen at least 27 million poultry birds destroyed in the US alone, the world’s largest exporter of both chicken and eggs. France, Canada and the UK have also culled millions of birds.
Bird flu has already (allegedly) caused the price of chicken and eggs to skyrocket.
(As a potentially important aside, a new report has also warned that pigs can pass “superbugs” to humans, so pigs may be for the chop sometime soon, too)
4. UK & US paying farmers to stop farming
Going back to last May, the Biden administration began pushing farmers to add agricultural land to the “conservation reserve program”, a federally funded program allegedly aimed at preserving the environment. The program is essentially paying farmers not to farm. A very odd policy decision, given the widely predicted food shortages.
A state-level plan in California is going to pay farmers to grow less, this time in the name of saving water.
Interestingly, the UK has a similar program going on for (again, allegedly) totally different reasons. Starting this past February, the British government is paying lump sums of up £100,000 to any farmers who want to retire from farming. Again, a strange policy during a period of geopolitical unrest impacting the food supply.
5. Manufactured fertiliser shortages
Russia and Belarus are two of the biggest exporters of fertiliser and fertiliser-related products in the world, accounting for around 10 billion dollars worth of trade manually. So, the war in Ukraine (and the sanctions) are already hitting the fertiliser market hard, with prices hitting new all-time highs in March.
China, the third biggest exporter of fertiliser in the world, has had a self-imposed export ban on the product since last summer, allegedly in an effort to keep domestic food prices low.
Given that, it is very strange that America’s Union Pacific Railway has suddenly placed a limit on the number of fertiliser deliveries it will make, informing fertiliser giant CF Industries they will need to cut their train car use by as much as 20%.
In their public response, CF Industries stated:
The timing of this action by Union Pacific could not come at a worse time for farmers…Not only will fertilizer be delayed by these shipping restrictions, but additional fertilizer needed to complete spring applications may be unable to reach farmers at all. By placing this arbitrary restriction on just a handful of shippers, Union Pacific is jeopardizing farmers’ harvests and increasing the cost of food for consumers.”
BONUS: Fires at food processing plants
This get’s a bonus slot, not an official spot, because of the multiple unknowns in this case.
In the strangest and most ephemeral story on the list, it seems there has been a rash of fires at food processing plants all over the United States in the last six months. Since August 2021 at least 16 major fires have broken out at food processing plants all across the country.
In September last year a meat processor in Nebraska burned down, impacting 5% of the country’s beef supply. In March of this year fire shut down a Nestle frozen food plant in Arkansas and a major potato processing site in Belfast, Maine was almost levelled by a huge fire.
The examples just keep on coming.
In just the last week two different single-engine planes have crashed into two different food plants, causing major fires. One at a potato processing plant in Idaho, another at a General Mills plant in Georgia.
Right now we can’t prove this is a deliberate campaign, or even statistically unusual, but it certainly warrants some further investigation.
There’s a good write-up on this story on Tim Pool’s website, and an in-depth twitter thread covering all the recent events from Dr Ben Braddock here.
In summary…
- A war which did not need to happen is driving up food and oil prices.
- Sanctions which did not need to be put in place are also driving up food and oil prices.
- Western allies are intentionally raising their oil prices.
- Despite warning of a food crisis, US and UK are paying farmers not to farm.
- A “bird flu epidemic” very much like the fake Covid “pandemic” is driving up the price of poultry and eggs.
- Western companies are actively making the fertiliser shortages worse.
- Bizarre fires are crippling large sections of the US food industry.
Taken individually maybe these points could all be seen as mistakes or coincidences, but when you put them all together it’s not hard to spot the pattern. The press may claim we are “sleepwalking” into a food crisis, but it looks more like they’re running head-first into it.
After years of saying there’s a food shortage on the way, it looks like they might be about to finally actually create one.
For regular, detailed news on potential threats to the food supply, we recommend following Ice Age Farmer.
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The same in Argentina: with the freemason-greenpeace wood conservation law they forbid farmers to grow anything on their land, then they offered money to turn the artificially useless farm into private conservation land.
Beware of the international PLANdemic treaty placing all national sovereignity in the WHO’s director’s hand, and worse:
check in your browser: bit dot ly slash research2000
Probably the work of the Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum.
Oh yeah, I”m just amazed nobody has sh*t these people to death (after a short trial) like they did in Romania with its last dicktator.
I mean, they are stealing everything from you but your last straw should be your FOOD!
Here’s another weird increase i heard about from a builder near me recently….
The UK Gov. has banned the use of Red Diesel…
This is used for, in case you don’t know, for all vehicles and machinery on building sites and farms, vehicles that rarely go on the road, and is around half the price of white or road diesel.
Imagine the effect this is having on costs, every digger, excavator, JCB, dump truck, fork truck and tractor has had its fuel casts almost doubled, all apparently, in the name of Net Zero 2050…
I wonder how long before they do this to heating oil too?
That I can see, the Satanist UN company, assumedly the former British Government’s bankruptcy receiver acting through appointed corporations such as the Johnson occupation corporation is distributing British assets to the pretended principal beneficiaries of the bankruptcy, the latest being our utilities. What is criminal is that the debts that caused the bankruptcy post WWI belong to the corporation that was created in order to allow the former Government’s assets to be claimed by the receivers. The assets being stripped belong to the public of GB, not the former Government and the deceit has continued apace with successive occupation corporations pretending the debt is the public’s.
People appoint their representative who gives all their rights to the UN receivership control. The UN company agent, e.g. the Johnson corp extracts monies from those that volunteered to pay the former British Gov’s debt by voting or registering to vote, with the UN company’s IMF being the receiver bank of choice. With successive UN Co agents pretending to be PM of governments, taxing people to the hilt and beyond to pay interest on a toxic debt that is deliberately pretended to exist when in fact it was created by omitting to addd the public’s credit offset to the books, (currency is created using public owned property as the basis) and increasing the debt by borrowing with the by now obvious false interest on the false debt we arrive at the situation exposed in an open letter to the BoE and its partners in crime:
It would hearten me greatly if Off G could validate my beliefs in the structure of the confidence trick.
In assuming the accuracy of my assertions, and the findings of the actual USA Gov, that makes the Johnson occupation a criminal RICO gang in cahoots with the BoE and its separated private offshoot that comprises the Crown Inc accounts. It would also make the proxy war on Russia a UN Co operation by the UN stakeholders, European bank families. The G7 would then amount to a gang of UN receiver agents acting on false presumptions and creating superhyped scenarios such as the latest food shortages scare to avoid the public becoming aware of the criminal plunder operation.
Irrespective of my assumptions, the information in the notice to the BoDs of the BoE and cohorts needs to be made public and shared far and wide. It’s importance would shrink the pretended war on the Ukraine back to its correct interpretation, a police operation by Russia against NATO backed Nazi extremists, interfered with by gangsters pretending to be governments.
An article in your esteemed publication featuring the notice to the BoE etc. would be a great start to waking people up.
New Zealand is also attacking the food industry. They have introduced legislation that now makes it illegal to grow vegetables etc without a resource consent. A resource consent is the usual red tape that companies cannot afford, but in this case it is being done to grind the industry to a halt. Loads of these new resource consents have arrived, apparently you even need one to wash vegetables that have been harvested.
NZ is run by Ardern, a WEF whore, so we should not be surprised but the people of NZ evidently are surprised as farmers are now having to destroy food in NZ, the same outcome as mentioned above, all because of the red tape and the cost of getting consents.
Some more info https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeNXqJTd4Ks
Ardern’s first name, I think is Jack, born a male that makes it a toy boy prostitute.
they are destroying what they can of the real food so the world will be dependent on their new GMO indoor poison system!
I link to an possible alternative view on the food processing plant fires.
Klaus says: You will eat nothing, and you’ll starve https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GwSCFwCScs
Klaus will be Fed Alive To Hogs.
This whole article is, of course, total nonsense the food supply chain is in the hands of private enterprises which MUST make a profit thus will never happen. Anybody who believes this garbage needs serious help.
I think you’re being very simplistic here. Government compensation schemes (as mentioned above) and other financial incentivising across different sectors make this crossover between public/private sectors very blurry at times. Of course, this piece is raising questions and doesn’t delve into all the weeds, however I think it’s fair to state that merely saying something is ‘privately owned’, and notionally dictated to by the market place, doesn’t eliminate other controlling factors, like the hand of state, NGOs and other more shadowy intelligence outfits. Take mainstream/social media, all notionally ‘private’ enterprises and yet blatantly and tightly controlled, as one blatant example. A2
The NZ government has brought in the Resource Management Law which is killing the produce industry because you now cannot grow vegetables without government approval and that approval is very difficult to get. The produce industry is now reporting food shortages in retail shops and the growers are reporting having to destroy produce before it is harvested.
So many logical fallacies in one short comment:
bald assertion.
appeal to ridicule.
argumentum ad hominem.
But he does make a point, regarding that old maxim, profit before people.
Oh how cute. Another piece of (barely) human dross acting out his pitiful social conditioning.
Anybody who beleves in your insanely simple and inadequate description of this scenario needs help.
You will eat nothing, and you’ll starve https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GwSCFwCScs
The loss of profits could be considered the cost of doing global governance business.
Short term pain for long term gain…
my husband says the same thing, lol, they are destroying the old and paving the way for the new pure poison GMO system!
Why do you have to be so insulting and combative? Would it not be better for yourself to recognise that if you are to survive the next five years you will need friends?
The monolithic global-cabal has conspiratirially conscripted vast human and physical resources into a finely tuned machine that operates in secret and outside the parameters of elected government; and controls 95% of the world’s governments; and has agendas designed to devastate and depopulaute humanity down to less than 5% of the current world population. This monolithic-system operates in the spheres of military, diplomatic, economic, scientific, propaganda(media), technocratic, and political. It impacts every facet of human existence(totalitarianism on super-steroids). It has been on the horizon for many centuries. That means that your government is your enemy, and since it is controlled by this monolithic-system, it is used as the enforcement mechanism of this system, which agendas are designed to destroy and kill you. There is only one recourse for people to have a chance to live in freedom with dignity, and that is to organize into guerilla armies and violently and totally eradicate the government of the country that you live in. Marching, protesting, voting, bitching, quoting Jefferson, re-stating the oppression over and over, commenting, prepping(unless it’s for guerilla warfare), are all the same things as doing absolutely nothing when oppressed, impoverished, and murdered by this level of tyranny. The first order of business of the guerillas must be the killing down to insignificant numbers the police/military personnel of the government of the country that you live in. This will destroy the resistance power of your enemy. Then destroy the infrastructure of the government, or that part of the infrastructure that was oppressive. Finally the guerillas will need to hunt and torture and kill the perps and their minions, which will include all the politicians, many judges and prosecutors; their appointees, advisers, lobbyists, owners, cabal members, corporate executives, corporate board members, top school board officials, anyone who willingly complied and agreed and went along with the NWO WEF agendas, etc. The top 30% heinously tortured, and their families, relations, DNA eliminated from the planet. Fortunately history has proven many many times that a determined minority, as few as 3-5% of the population, can and has eradicated the most powerful enemy, even in modern times. The walking-dead, tyranny-allowing & worshipping masses have never eradicated their oppressors contrary to popular opinion; it’s always been the determined few. Do this or insure suicide by government.
Sounds like a sensible plan… go and kill everyone who works for the system. And then kill everyone who opposes the plan…hang on that sounds almost exactly like the system you’re trying to depose.
‘It sounds’? You can hear my typing from where you are? You’re a provac; handlers are usually CIA or Israeli. You’re upchucking words that apply to you’re own dogma and have mimiced nothing that I have conveyed. That is a tactic of you’re kind. First and foremost, I advocate destroying a heinous totalitarian oppressor. The folks that you advocate for are the oppressors.
typo: Annually not manually 🙂
Late in 2020 the Danish government suddenly detected that mink had covid and some scientist claimed they could spread it to humans. At least 17 million animals werde culled and farming banned for 2 years. In the meantime the story that minks could infect humans was shown to be bollocks. Never mind, only recently they extended the farming ban for another year. Netherlands and the Baltics joined the cull.
While this has nothing to do with food it shows how easily a whole farming sector can be eradicated. Trust the animal rights activists to join in when millions of animals will be ordered culled because of bird flu or swine flu.
Some of the bioweapons “research” by the Empire entails microbes to attack farm animals and even crops.
Supermarkets dont sell food. They sell chemical medicated laced crap hypnotic poisons.
apart from the small organic section, the rest isnt considered food.
Not a food crisis more like a drug crisis for the ones addicted to though poisons.
TBH The Shops not looking empty to me of any that crap.
Seems very fear porny what media outlets are doing especially on the build up to Beltane which is about fertility and the celebration of everything coming alive whilst the so called alt media/new media & MSM is selling death crisis possible starvation.
which is the inversion – funny how that works.
+10 You’re right. The phood on store shelves is petrochemical swill designed for idiots. The “food shortage” propaganda has been overtly managed for decades. The plebs continue to poison themselves and their children on breakfast “cereals” multitudes of pseudo-sugars, and boxed garbage designed for the hopelessly incompetent…
The hopelessly incompetent don’t just exist meandering the super market isles. They exist in every wdlk of life and from birth to death, which composes about 95-97% of the population. The ones that have allowed themselves to be farmed like cattle from birth until they die by totalitarian tyranny all the while ‘believing’ they live in a free country?
Hello threedawgs3: Unfortunately; I agree on the 97% and up figure. If people would just attend to their own business and quit attempting to control everyone but themselves, things would eventually settle out.
I know it sounds harsh, but the “elite” have a point on that population reduction idea…
When the upcoming S.H.T.F. War between government forces and the people that insist on living in freedom with dignity finally breaks out, and it can’t be too soon, I couldn’t care less about the 95-97% of the mass majority that allowed this tyranny to manifest. And, if the guerilla freedom fighters win, there probably won’t be any provision or quarter for them, I hope. They will be on their own, and won’t ever be allowed to make any rules ever again. But, a few wealthy maggots don’t get to control everything and everybody and make those decisions that benefit themselves only and to the detriment and death of everyone else. They have to not only be defeated, which insures justice, but there has to also be a lot of payback added to that justice to exact a reckoning for all the damage they have inflicted on people whether the people allowed it or not. That’s where the torturing must rear it’s ugly head, and tge wiping out of certain perp’s DNA from the planet.
‘Harsh’? It’s diabolical and exactly what the humanity loathing Malthusian “elites” (Gates et al) are now
tryingsucceeding to instigate.If you really believe that, you may want to seriously consider volunteering yourself as a way to reduce it by one.
Hello Alan Vaughn: I get your knee jerk reaction, but the truth is that the “elite” are entirely put off by the ignorance and slobbish behaviors of the general populace.
They consider the proletariat an environmental contaminant. Sorry if you disagree with their assessment…
2.5% of people make things happen. 2.5% of people watch things happen. 95% of people ask “What happened”.
You’re observatio is astute.
You can get good quality food from farmers and markets without too much trouble. The problem is that people have to eat something as opposed to nothing. Starvation wins out over food anxieties every time.
Lets not forget all the trucks being blocked from getting from a to b.
We are driving artound Europe at the moment. On the Greek motorway joining Thessaaloniki to Athens tha authorities had issues a truck banform 11am to 11pm. The given reason was to prevent traffic jams after Easter holiday, which smells like BS to me as this was yesterday (Tuesday) , and the holiday ended on Monday. Most people who had driven out for the holidays would have driven back home on Monday to get back to work on Tuesday.
I suspect the EU or IMF are enforcing the restricitons on commercial transport as part of their crisis game.
Bulgaria has totally scrapped all Covid regulations and the Bulgarians quite clearly don’t give a shit. We only saw a small handful of people wearing masks in Sophia’s metro.
Greece is another story. Upon arrival at the border the first thing we saw was a defunct “disinfection point “FOR VEHICLES. Yes, they had been disinfecting vehilces at some point (or pretended to) becuse surely The Science says that ths super virus travels around on the outer surface of vehicles, yes, surely.
We did not have any kind of Covid certificate upon arrival at the Greek border. We were told we could not enter and would to turn around and get a rapid test at the Bulgarian side where the Bulgarians had helpfully set up a “testing center”. When we walked in, the fist thing we asked is if we could have the swab in our mouth instead of nose. The sole staff person in the small room smiled and said, “no, no test!”…. she proceeded to take our details and issue us (for 15eu each) with very offical looking negative test certificates with HUGE QR codes on them, which we used to enter Greece with…
The scam is just plainly out in the open but Greece continues with the vax apartheid with a huge degree of compliance after an extreme and ongoing campaign of terror by the media. Yu cannot sit at an outdfoor cafe without some fuicking certificate, and only the vaxxed are allowed into swimming pools and cinemas.
We are not hanging out in Greece- a beatiful country turned into a shithole by the British Empire followed by NATO and the EU.
Kill them, eradicate their government. Describing the problem, and bitching, gains you nothing. You’re still going to wake up under increasing totalitarian tyranny till they kill you.
It’s beginning to look a lot like famine (Mark Crispin Miller)
Food crisis is upon us for several decades. Food quality is collapsing. Corporate Food industry conspires with medical industry to make us all sick by substituting old fashioned nutritional food with food substitutes devoid of nutrients we need and then hooking us on drugs to manage diseases we suffer because of consuming not eatable commercial food loaded with harmful industrial substances.
What we have now is blatant deliberate stoking western famine by carefully crafted government policies of slow genocide.
We’re agreed that we’re in the poop.
Deep in the poop.
They have a large majority of followers who are willing to do exactly what they say.
I suggest a brainstorm session on here to see if we can come up with anything.
It can be as random as you like.
OK, I’ll go first:
Paint your car pink. Pink will be the colour of resistance.
And put flaming red seat covers on the seats. Pink and Red together! Now that’s a revolutionary statement if ever I saw one!
Bring back the Phrygian cap -headwear of liberated formerly enslaved people. It’s kind of a pinky-red.
Now we’re getting somewhere!
It would be good to have a symbol that is easily recognisable.
Why advertise who and where you are, as any success in dealing with this enemy will require killing them covertly, utilizing guerilla warfare tactics,
and deatroying their infrastructure?
As #1 Bankster minion, Kissinger, once said:
“If you control the food supply, you control the people”
“If you control the energy supply, you control the nation”
“If you control the money supply, you control the world”.
The Davos gang of Psychopath Parasites are working hard on all 3 of those goals.
It’s very simple how you clear up the food crisis:
As soon as the instigators of the food crisis are the only ones who suffer, the crisis will be over.
Put them all under house arrest, proscribe any enjoyable activities for any of them, and boom: the food crisis will end in a week.
+1 . But how to do it?
“Nothing gets done until there is blood on the streets”. — Bernard Shaw.
There is already blood on the streets: the Macron regime shot two Gilets Jaunes canailles this week.
+1 Good suggestions. But the unwashed brainwashed will continue to act helpless. They seem to enjoy the magic spell…
excuse me, $100,000 ain’t shit anymore. What you propose is psychopathic and it hurts small business owners, who are as much victims in all this as the lower middle class and poor.
The only way you are going to even come close to activating the activities that you have described will have to be after the cabal-controlled governments(at least one or two of the most powerful governments of the 95% of the world governments that the global-cabal controls) are eradicated primarily by guerilla warfare tactics, their infrastructure destroyed, and their perps and their minions killed.
“I want ordinary citizens of Western states to hear me: now they are persistently trying to convince you that all your difficulties are the result of some kind of hostile actions of Russia,
that from your own wallet you have to pay for the fight against the mythical Russian threat. All this is a lie. And the truth is that the current problems faced by millions of people in the
West are the result of many years of actions by the ruling elites of their states, their mistakes, myopia and ambitions. These elites are not thinking about how to improve the lives of
their citizens in Western countries. They are obsessed with their own vested interests and super profits. Evidence of this is the data of international organizations, which directly say
that social problems, even in the leading Western countries, have only worsened in recent years, that inequality is growing, the gap between the poor and the rich, racial and national
conflicts are making themselves felt. The myth of the Western welfare society, of the so-called golden billion, is collapsing. I repeat today the entire planet has to pay the price precisely
for the ambitions of the West, for its attempts by any means to maintain its elusive dominance. The imposition of sanctions is a logical continuation, a concentrated expression of the
irresponsible, short-sighted policy of the governments and central banks of the US and EU countries. It was they who, in recent years, with their own hands dispersed the spiral of
world inflation, by their actions led to an increase in global poverty and inequality, to new flows of refugees around the world. And the question arises: who is now responsible for the
millions of starvation deaths in the world’s poorest countries due to the growing food shortage? I repeat, a serious blow has been dealt to the entire global economy and trade, to
confidence and to the US dollar as the main reserve currency.” – Vladimir Putin
Much of this is of course true (though the second sentence is overstated). It’s even true that the sanctions will likely hurt the rich elites less than anyone else. But even if they had wanted to impose them, they couldn’t without an excuse. And Putin’s absurd exploit in Ukraine has given them the perfect excuse. Things were bad, but he has made them very much worse.
Rubbish. In 2020 everyone with eyes to see could see — and said at the time — that Con-19 was the opening salvo in a war for Global Control.
Putin waited 8 years after the Nudelman Cookie Coup in Ukraine. With angelic patience he proposed peaceful resolutions — Minsk 1, Minsk 2 — of the Anglo-Zio-Capitalist regime’s genocide against Russian-speaking Ukrainians. But when the Cookie regime proposed joining NATZO and putting NATZO nukes on Russia’s border, Putin acted.
Of entrance to a quarrel, but being in,
Bear’t that the opposed may beware of thee.” — Hamlet I, iii.
There is nothing absurd about Putin or his “exploit”. The guy means business. The elimination of a bunch of psychopathic hired killers from the west who flocked to Ukraine to “bag some Ruskies” is just a nice added bonus. Azov Battalion and the rest of the NATO-employed sub-human thugs and their Zionist handlers hopefully next up for disintegration.
+1 Yes. Exactly.
The West blames Putin, Putin blames the West. I trust we can all see both for the theatre they are. The problems aren’t “Russia” because what the hell is “Russia”? And it’s not “America”. It’s a small collection of the most wealthy criminals and on the planet and their massive corporations who USE the idea of ‘nations’, ideology, geographical areas, ethnicities and peoples as pawns to be played off against one another perpetually for profit, power and control. These criminals know no ‘country’ and have no allegiance to anything apart from money and power and whatever other psychopathic delusions of grandeur rattle around in their insane heads.
It’s parasite class or cult. Not ‘elite’. Abt time people realise the impact of wording.
The US Empire is pulling all the levers it has available to it, to disrupt the world, to hide their own collapse and to engineer a world collapse to accompany their own.
This story about children getting hepatitis is getting traction in the MSM, it is clearly as a result of the vaccines via the mothers milk, contact or directly through a jab, can you explore it ? Find out the link.
I personally know someone who developed hepatitis after taking the Moderna jab, the doctor blamed it on other causes of course.
Sandy question how do you no it is not fake diagnostics kit that are producing the results ?exactly like lateral flow or Weston bloc tests.
BTW drinking a milkshake n eating burger and bun saying you slept with a partner unprotected who may of done drugs saying they was black or Hispanic then getting your blood tested with that questionnaire and diet in a red line poor area. your results will come back -positive.
Same application will happen in certain demographic’s in Scotland and most government funded rehabilitation units literally bully the unfortunates to get the test.
U.k wise…any postcode that has low scoring points DWP UC renters drug issues gay lezzie area etc if their is NHS funded unit i,.e sex clinic drop in center out reach – street scene-etc its job is to get results. literally.!!
NHS been calling stalkingpeople to get blood tested recently.
They want results….and have targets to hit.
It was interesting to me that at some level they were even tying this back to food and saying that it could be caused by eating contaminated berries…with no mention of where these berries could have come from..,
I didn’t see any discussion of what possibility it was other than hepatitis and it felt like here we go again….declare an illness has some cause and round up a few suspects to make it true…and then question whether it can be attributed to contaminated food….
Indonesia palm oil export ban
“…[the ban] was necessary to bring down the domestic price of cooking oil as demand exceeds supplies.”
What??!!…the largest world producer of palm oil doesn’t have enough oil for domestic market?? Ok, let’s assume this is journalist’s error and it’s about world market shortage.
“Indonesia’s government had previously required producers to reserve stocks for domestic use, but this did not succeed in bringing prices down to an affordable level for the country’s households.”
Some have been asleep in high school when The Law of Communicating Vessels was on schedule.
“We know that this is not going to be the best result,” Indrawati [finance minister!!!] said. “If we are not going to export, that’s definitely going to hit the other countries.”
And what about Indonesia, he should supposedly care the most??
They are just swimming in fucking pools of cash and they will be just nice and dandy.
Some countries, Moldova, Hungary, Serbia put ban on some grain exports.
I guess, feed your own peons first (and cash in when prices will be higher).
But what will Indonesia do with all that excess palm oil? Feed its peons? Oil from breakfast to dinner? And there will still be enough to lube them to be sodomized by their government.
In the mean time globalists are so good and reasonable (AGAIN), you have to love them.
“At this week’s International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank meetings in Washington, policymakers expressed concern about possible food shortages due to the war in Ukraine.”
A myriad of sanctions are just precision weapons that will hit just damn russkies, actually Putin’s third eye.
“World Bank president David Malpass urged countries to avoid hoarding food stocks or implementing export controls.”
Indonesia retracted a bit, but damage has already been done.
Palm oil is not food. It is shit and the big junk food manufacturerd have destroyed large swathes of forest to plant this shit so they can add it to all the shit they sell to people as food..
Absolutely true!
+1 Yes. Palm oil IS shit. So are corn oils and soybean oils. Let’s chop more forests and jungles down. We need something slippery for the mega-corps to slide on…
If, as spectrographic analyses show, the ozone layer is rapidly disintegrating (because of climate engineering operations), then it might just be too soon to dismiss the food crisis as PR created. Soil microbes are dying; plants and trees are in effect shutting down operations (i.e., respiration and photosynthesis).
Yes, they’ve been calling for it for years/decades. But were the calls “Chicken Little” or Wishful Thinking? Who’s to say “they” haven’t been trying all along to starve the people but couldn’t quite pull it off?
(The wonderful thing about speculation is that we all get a crack at it. Even those of us with unpopular views.)
True. But no one here wants to talk about geoengineering or associated destruction of the environment. They’d rather fob themselves about “the bad people”…
Betcha the rationing’s will turn into privileges for those who have got ‘the u no what’.
Already started!

> 5 signs they are CREATING a food crisis
They, the omnipotent semi gods …
“They” are the opposite of semi gods-
Prince Charles’ private WEF gang managed by Schwab Rothschild partnered with the money mafia’s UN company are the current shop front of the former British East India Company, nowadays the Committee of 300 colony management by appointment. Prince Charlie and Schwab are both members along with other scoundrels and gangsters according to the 2016 list found at https://themillenniumreport.com/2016/12/illuminati-leak-current-membership-of-committee-of-300/
I’m predicting another impending – “shortage.” I don’t think we peasants are going to have near enough “pikes” available – to accommodate all the heads that so richly deserve to be mounted on said pikes.
The fences around and inside their unbelievably expensive palaces have lots of pikes on them.
We’ll be okay.
God is about to sort them out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmAj4c0-scI&t=14s
I would add to that Biden has doubled ethanol requirements in gasoline from 10% to 20%. Corn is 95% of feed grain and 40% of corn production goes to ethanol. Ethanol production is highly subsidized and has an EROI (Energy Return On Invested) of <1. So it is a stupid, idiotic way to produce automobile fuel. Depleting precious topsoil for a ridiculous fuel source, there is far, far better ways to replace oil consumption.
“Biden” if I may.
Anyway, one reason for putting more ethanol in gasoline could be lack of fossil hydro carbons.
The food crisis is “nothing but a psy-op designed to spread panic and give suppliers an excuse to jack up their prices in response to fake “scarcity” created by the press.” The real issue here is capitalism leads to imperialism.. and Christian Putin has led Russia to challenge the imperialist..
The biggest response of Russia to sanctions I am know of has been Russia’s QoC system response because it circumvents currency hegemony.. In that system, a quantity of gold is equated to a quantity of a commodity (QoC). and the price in local currency anywhere in the world is set for Russian commodities.. Oil, gas, wheat, barley, rice, other grains, lithium, boron, steel it just does not matter the gold quantity equated to the commodity quantity, but the local currency in local currency domination is equated to gold on both sides of the equation. The seller is willing to accept for the standard quantity of the commodity 2000 rubles for 1 barrel of oil, (today in Russia that buys 1 oz of gold and buyer say in Belize, is must pay 60000 Bz because anywhere in the world that amount of Bz can buy 1 oz of gold. central banks are not necessary for these exchange of commodities based on the value of gold.. The price is set by reference to the cost of gold in each currency the buyer and seller wish to trade in.
I observe that the price of the fuel should be based on the number of ounces of gold <=corn contaminated gasoline can buy or be exchanged for.. In this way, the buyers and sellers are valuing the commodity traded by reference to ounces of gold, and are in effect paying and receiving the same price for the goods traded without regard to the currency used in the trade.. If this method is applied to food, the farmer can sell directly to the retailer and even to the consumer without need for a central bank..
The corporations that control the markets that the governments, the corporations control, regulate depend on USD hegemony to enforce their control systems.
One solution to the problem of governments paying not to produce, is to lease the same land to
the buyer (an American farmer leases his land to a British buyer, and another farmer (British or American) contracts with the British buyer to produce for the British buyer on the sellers land the buyers community. Basically the subsidized seller farmer allows the buyer to use the land, and the Buyer only pays the lease + the cost production.. it is the foreign buyer that is producing on the commodity on the sellers land. I have seen several of these types of contracts.. lately.. but the land leased to the buyer was produced by a different producer farmer than the one that leased the land. and no one seems to lose in these arrangements. The lessor gets what its wants, the buyer gets a bargain price, the producer nation gets contract employment and the Buyer, subject to production risks, gets the commodities.
I am seeing that the QoC idea, developed to avoid sanctions, has the potential to change who takes the production risk, to avoid banks as middle men and to prevent the banks and middlemen from profiting by controlling of the production and flow of goods), and in some cases, it can avoid certain end user tariffs. It works, it seems, because everybody knows the value of everyone else's currency on the date of the transaction.
do you think such a system can solve the scarcity of goods problem?
Sounds good but every financial scheme has a catch somewhere. Let’s see how Russia fares in the coming “food crisis”. For what it’s worth I guess that Russia will do very well: Little debt to WEF, grows its own food (world leader in non-GMO wheat), has its own source of energy — and a large strong thoroughly modern army, at least 5 years ahead of NATZO technology to protect its resources against Liberation by the Forces of Freedom.
So far, we have failed to identify or invent a single source of energy that doesn’t rely on burning either fossil fuels or burning effectively the same fuel before it become fossilised, somewhere along the line. You name it, and I’ll tell you the stage of that method of energy production which relies on fossil fuels/biomass fuels.
So far we haven’t come up with a single source of energy which creates more energy than it uses over the whole lifespan of the source, from being in the ground to being in a dump somewhere, other than fossil fuels.
This is the real conundrum that we face, and the only answer is to stop using so much of our precious natural resources on pointless profligacies in order to make profit for the already rich. Which obviously isn’t going to happen any time soon, which leaves natute to act as the great equaliser, which it already is doing and inevitably will do.
Hear, hear!
“We”? “Our”?
It’s all one big happy family innit
No nuclear energy has no need whatsoever for fossil fuels or renewables and can replace all of the above, just a question of will and time (~40yrs would be required). And the EROI (energy return on invested) of nuclear exceeds virtually all fossil or renewables. That’s with the current low efficiency reactors. Switching to high efficiency MSR’s will double that EROI. Right now ordinary CANDU’s have the highest EROI of any energy source on the planet @ 120:1 and lowest full lifecycle CO2 emissions @ 1.8 gms/kwh. Obviously fossil inputs to CANDU reactors are insignificant and can easily be replaced with nuclear methanol and BEV’s.
And hydro has a fairly high EROI certainly better than most fossil. But is severely limited by geography. Happy coincidence nuclear has the lowest emissions of any energy source and unlike any other energy source it is perfectly viable anywhere i.e. bottom of the ocean, high in the atmosphere, middle of the tropical rainforest, Sahara desert, top of the highest mountains, high cold deserts of Antarctica, Mars, the Moon, anywhere in outer space, on the moons of Saturn to the plains of Pluto.
The only natural resource we actually need is energy and fissionable materials (uranium & thorium) would easily power our civilization for a 100Myrs. And fusion is going to happen yielding for all intents and purposes an unlimited energy supply. With plentiful energy you can recycle all materials including water.
“fissionable materials (uranium & thorium) would easily power our civilization for a 100 Million years.”
And that’s only tapping the lowest grade of nuclear energy, about 100 Million Electron Volts. But it is probable that well before we have exhausted our fission resources (4 Million years) we would have learned how to harness even more energetic particles such as the Bottom Quark (4 Billion eV) or even the Top Quark (170 Billion eV).
If we don’t blow ourselves up before that.
More like 100Myrs to use our readily accessible thorium & uranium resources here on Earth. Much much more available on the Moon, Mars & Asteroids.
They will not allow fusion to happen because they do not want an unlimited energy supply because that would end the continuous crisis narrative. Nothing wil change for the better until and if the parasites are removed and people wisen up enough to prevent other parasites from taking their place.
I see no rational basis for expecting this to happen.
That is very true, and their stooges readily admit it:
” Complex technology of any sort is an assault on human dignity. It would be little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy, because of what we might do with it. ”
Amory Lovins, Rocky Mountain Institute
” The prospect of cheap fusion energy is the worst thing that could happen to the planet. ”
Jeremy Rifkin, Greenhouse Crisis Foundation
” Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun. ”
Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University
” A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our economic system (especially patterns of consumption) into line with the realities of ecology and the global resource situation “_
John Holdren Obama Science Czar
And the $65B ITER is a bait-and-switch scam. It will never produce practical fusion. For an example of practical fusion lookup Helion Energy:
ITER Is a Suicidal Plan That Would Discredit Nuclear Fusion, Scientist Says, Again:
The Davos gang are Rent Seekers “you will own nothing“. Yep everything you need will be rented from them and their minions(giant multi-national companies). Rent Seekers despise plentiful energy. They love scarcity.
Mr Tesla proved that the atmosphere is full of free electricity that is at such a volume that it earths to discharge excess. It’s harvesting is avoided by hydrocarbon profiteers.
Hydrogen has the advantage of producing H2O (a GHG) and CO2 (a political pretend GHG at 400ths of 1% of the atm) that are essentials. H2O in the upper atm gets broken by high energy UV so can replenish the ozone layer.
Nuclear is unnecessary and run by excrement that think nothing of dumping contaminated waste in the Med off S. Italy and no doubt everywhere else, compounding Monsanto and Bayer toxic herb and pesticde farm run-off pollution and untreated food to alcohol fuel run off, not to mention chemical plant run-off.
The following is from John Truman Wolfe’s e-book, The Anatomy of a Con Job
Permission to circulate this work has been granted by the author
“After considerable research, in 1956, Russian scientist Professor Vladimir
Porfir’yev announced that “crude oil and natural petroleum gas have no intrinsic connection with
biological matter originating near the surface of the earth. They are primordial [originating with the
earth’s formation] materials which have been erupted from great depths.”
If your eyeballs didn’t fall out when you read that, you might want to read it again.
He said oil doesn’t come from anything biologic, not, as conventional wisdom dictates, from the
fossilized remains of dinosaurs and/or ancient plant matter. It comes from very deep in the earth and
is created by a biochemical reaction that subjected hydrocarbons (elements having carbon and
hydrogen) to extreme heat and intense pressure during the earth’s formation.
Russians referred to this oil (any oil, really) as “abiotic oil” because it is not created from the
decomposition of biological life forms, but rather from the chemical process continually occurring
inside the earth.
I know, easy for Porfir’yev to say. But it turns out it was more than just a theory.
Because shortly after the Russians discovered this, they started drilling ultra-deep wells and finding
oil at 30,000 and 40,000 feet below the earth’s surface. These are staggering depths, and far below
the depth at which organic matter can be found, which is 18,000 feet.”
There is more to what you are saying than many will think. I work in the oil industry, and I think that many clues lead inescapably to the conclusion that oil is not a fossil fuel. There is the sulfur found in oil (not found in biotic material). The depths at which oil is found. Its presence under Caprock, indicating that is moved up from deeper rather than down from the primordial surface. The fact that is is trapped in small pores in abiotic rock rather than in “caves” or formations of fossil-bearing or otherwise obviously biotic origin. For anyone willing to see, it is obvious that oil is of abiotic origin.
Of course! Once those Russian chemists began to question what we learnt at school about the dinosaurs falling into tar pits, it makes sense. Hydrogen, Carbon and Oxygen are among the first elements to be created, and abundant in outer space. Hydrocarbons are CH in various proportions, water is OH, and life is mainly HCO.
Straight out of a video game…
Sulfur not found in biotic material? It is one of the six elements (CHONPS) most crucial for life.
If oil is indeed made out of dinosaurs, logically we should see pools of proto-oil, in various stages of maturation, dotted around the globe
in fact, we should see them everywhere – the Earth has been host to all manner of flora and fauna since the dinosaurs disappeared
and when you consider the amount of people and farm animals that exist today, there should be enormous new reservoirs forming as we speak…
(it’s just a coincidence that Russia is the world’s largest oil exporter)
I’m sure I’ve read somewhere the ‘ fossil ‘ was slipped in with oil money with a view to give a perception of finite suppy . Sometime in late 1800’s early 1900 .
“So far we haven’t come up with a single source of energy which creates more energy than it uses”
Congratulations! You have discovered the Three Laws of Thermodynamics:
Yes, thermodynamics will limit the span of human civilization to at most a few trillion years. A terrifying future is ahead of us. Quit worrying about the Davos gangsters trying to kill us right now.
Yes, I find it reassuring to take the long view.
“What conquers us is so huge,
What we conquer is so small,
And our victories make us small” — Rainer Maria Rilke, Der Schauender (Man Watching a Storm)
The global food system is vulnerable and quite frankly the cause of much illness and eco-destruction. It does produce calories which humans gravitate toward. The food scientists have created concoctions that appeal to taste, while forfeiting…real food.
Paying farmers (agribusinesses) to reduce farming has been around for many decades. It’s an oil-based fertilizer system and creates massive waterway dead zones.
Local diversified farming, sans poisonous pesticides, and soil-focused regeneration is important to off-set the vulnerabilities of global food systems.
Frankly, I don’t see the empty shelves. So, I’m wondering if some of this is just some scatter dots being connected or falls in the category of King Snake venom and other notions which seem to distract us from our real problems? Since we fail to recognize the problem, we’re lost little lambs when the global system sends a few shock waves and provide not alternative for a new localized system. Since people, for the most part, don’t understand the fundamentals, and fail to respond waiting for “Elon Musk” to provide them with the trickle down all of this turns out to be much ado…
Correction, it is a natural gas based fertilizer system. You can also make fertilizer from green Methanol which has no need of fossil inputs.
every living thing makes fertilizer for some other living thing
please explain how you can refine methanol from maize without fossil fuel input.
What powers the tractors that plough, sow and harvest? The lorries that transport it? The refineries?
so-called “green” energy is actually just another layer of processing (and energy loss) on top of current fossil fuel consumption. There would be no solar panels or windmills without oil.
Mother nature isn’t included into the mix of disruptions. The weather is to take some wild swings in the coming years which will make matters even worse for crops and farmers.
Perhaps kill gates will help out with millions of his newly purchased acres of farmland?
Fat chance of that happening, by his record. He will erect labs instead to produce his soylent green.
We are under a NWO attack from all sides, so resist whilst you can.
On the other hand increased CO2 levels are causing substantially increased growth rates which will easily more than compensate for any weather disruptions. And increased growing season over the vast temperate land area of the Northern hemisphere.
As usual, Off-Guardian delights in relaying doom and gloom warnings to the reader without providing any discourse as to how to fight back. There is no deeper analysis. No questions. No ideas. Nothing.
Living off-grid, growing your own veggies and selling that gold coin is not going to save you.
Off-Guardian must be State apparatus.
Are you saying we are doom and gloom while you’re also stating being self-sufficient is hopeless? Seems like a contradiction. Or are you alleging that’s what we are saying? Because we’re really not saying that. A2
How do you know that living off-grid, growing your own veggies and selling that gold coin isn’t going to save you?
What is coming, and to some extent being caused, hasn’t had a precedent in modern history. Most of the problems we presently face is Man Made Global Bullshit, the rest is mother nature, and the ignorance/malfeasance of modern scientists.
When and if we get to the point where poo meets fan blades, we shall know whether the above truly helps or not. Until then, there’s no way of knowing. Things which are extremely hard to get and can store for a long time seem to be the best hedges.
Preventing oneself from being a corporate slave to utility companies, consuming infinitely better quality food, and paying for things with real money doesn’t sound so bad.
How about you tell us how to fight back?
Just because you can tell someone what’s the matter with his car, doesn’t mean you can fix it
You’re right, and any suggestions are ignored. Further, the site ghetto-izes itself by insisting on the intelligence-op sponsored “covid doesn’t exist.”
As usual, somebody has to shoot the messenger…
The doom and gloom correspond to inescapable realities which are not creations of OffG, and while I agree that there is a lack of ideas among the more aware in society about how to fight back, that is as much our responsibility as anybody else’s.
OffG never claimed to be the answer to all our woes, but to be doing the job which the Graun and the rest have consistently shirked for years: Respecting the truth.
You are wrong about there being “no deeper analysis, no questions, nothing”.
But one’s eyes actually have to be open for it to be worth showing up here.
Great post. Yes, there is always one who will bitch about solutions not being mentioned without presenting any. I’d personally love to know what we are really supposed to DO. Protest does nothing. A full on general strike might help, but then again that’ll just drive us all into starvation unless we’re up and running with our own food sources. Violent insurrection obviously isn’t a realistic solution, considering our owners are more than ready for that. Surely voting is a complete and utter dead end.
So what do we really DO? Go hide in a cave? Start blowing shit up, which will indeed see many of us suffer for it and again, I imagine our owners would not only be ready but would love to see it, what with them getting us all ready for starvation and deprivation anyway. Perhaps I just cannot see that miracle solution right in front of my eyes and am merely blinded by doom and gloom?
One of the earliest associations those opposing the “pandemic” noted (which has somehow gotten lost along the way) was that all this fear and death came about just as massive protests all over the world were happening.
The people were rising up – and it wasn’t some CIA “Color Revolution” either. And then it all fell apart and the people went home when they got scared they might get sick and die.
TPTB went straight for the jugular. The people’s weakest link. Their fear of germs. (It does make you think there’s something to the idea that the Germ Theory is a massive hoax.)
I’ve maintained for years that it will take less than 12.
12 what? 12 oligarchs/billionaires executed in public will end it.
The rest will be begging for their lives. They will be lining up to turn over all their ill-gotten, hoarded wealth in exchange for their lives and their family’s lives. Oh, did i forget to mention, their husbands and wives and children will meet the same fate.
Sure more will have to be killed, many are irredeemable, and many of them will spend their lives in prison because they just can’t be trusted amongst us, but making every single oligarch, billionaire and yes, millionaire turn over every last penny of their ill-gotten, hoarded wealth will change things, and for the better. That will be the first step to putting us on a path toward salvation.
Rosa Koire writes a lot about solutions & also that going off-grid or homesteading is no solution. They are using regulations & taxes to bankrupt small rural landowners, forcing them to sell their land:
Where Can You Go To Escape Agenda 21? With Rosa Koire:
Not sure about her. You CAN hide if your brain works, but you will likely get very lonely.
Participating in local council meetings will not help because the issue is systemic and almost bred into people.
There is no way “we” are going to end this by “being the resistance” because we are a tiny minority. The end will come as the inevitable downfall of a house of cards based on lies upon lies.
What you need to Imo do is prepare to surive not just physically–because physical surivival by itself is nothing- but mentally and spiritually, and get out of the way of the crash when it happens.
Maybe being around “like minded people” will help there, but we’ve just seen how easily people can cave in and become part of the problem. When The Fear shows up most will cower and become assimilated and turn on you. Choose your allies extremely stringently.
Pending for you boy.
Big pharma doesn’t make money from curing people. so in the same manner new media doesn’t make numbers selling Solutions, Unless its another political party or fear porn low energy story.
FEAR! fear! fear! is where it’s at.
This is THE classic whataboutery of the true slave. “They are not telling me how to become free!”
> Keeping the cost of petroleum high is a deliberate policy decision (…)
Maybe … or maybe the cheap to get oil is gone (see low-hanging fruit) …
Yeah, like suddenly after reduced demand due to Covid, oil supply has shrunk drastically. While they are deliberately blocking new supply & the pipelines to distribute oil – ENGOs paid by Rockefeller linked foundations. There are substitutes for oil, which are less expensive & better. Like methanol & DME. You can make them from waste biomass, stranded gas, coal and nuclear power with flue gas. DME runs directly in diesel engines, Methanol directly in gasoline engines.
> There are substitutes for oil, which are less expensive & better.
If that’s the case, how come humans aren’t all over these substitutes?
Because producing them relies on oil. And the “reduced demand due to covid” was really a slow down in the increase in demand, but there was still an increase. Now we are back to an accelerating increase in demand.
What oil alternatives rely on oil? Of course diesel fuel is an input to almost all industrial processes but that is insignificant. Oil has dropped from 49% of World primary energy supply in 1973 to 31% in 2020. There is no real problem reducing oil even to zero. Rationally you would keep the less expensive oil production to supply petrochemicals and jet fuel. Everything else can easily be replaced with gas, coal & nuclear. As gas supplies deplete coal & nuclear will suffice. Note Nazi Germany and currently South Africa produce a large portion of their diesel fuel from coal. South Africa I believe was at 40% CTL diesel fuel.
The calm before the storm?
I was about to succumb and comment on that Son-of-Ferguson nonsense from University of Toronto but, following your good advice, did Think Twice.
I am OK with that. The jabbed all said it was the right thing to do ‘for the greater good’..This just shows how righteous they were. Keep taking the jabs.
Not me obv, I’m not that dumb.
Aye, that must be why at a recent family get together, every single vaccinated member of my family “got covid”, (got ill with something) and the only people who didn’t get ill were, yes, you’ve guessed it, my Mrs and myself, both unvaccinated, and any of the kids who were there, all unvaccinated. A cause of great mirth and smugness/schadenfreude for me and my Mrs.
Same here at work. I don’t say anything, they all know I refuse to have that shot. But blaming us is the only thing they have left if they are to keep on believing in that shot. They’re being trained to do that of course, but if they cannot see that for themselves by now I hold out little hope they ever will.
911 of food plants. The only thing missing from that story is box cutters & the miracle immaculate passport 😀
Sri Lanka’s crisis is in large part because of a fertilser ban:
Like most people here I’m sure, I’d like to see a shift to more organic farming – but this was an object lesson in how not to do it (little warning, no preparation, in the middle of another crisis). If something looks like an object lesson then that’s probably exactly what it is.
It takes a couple of years to switch to organic.
The crisis in Sri Lanka could be meant to punish it for aligning with China, but a simpler explantion is domestic kleptocracy.
This is the same Reuters that, being socially responsible, “fact-checked” to tell us that all harm associated with the covid jabs is unproven and merely potential. It has no interest in further investigation into this harm.
Does anyone think people in the UK or US or EU will accept going hungry “for Ukraine”? Wearing a mask to “save others” is one thing. Starving your kids “for a country a thousand miles away” is another. Very tough sell
They might not go hungry but they will accept a nutrient-free diet. Most people believe real food is unhealthy,
most already live/d on a nutrient low diet as per government advise.
I never said a low nutrient diet would be a fresh departure.😀
Most people are thick as fuck. They treat you like a freak for daring to look after yourself, clueless twats.
Many people were, and still are, all too willing to put their own kids at risk with that “vaccine” due to their own fear of death. Some have shamed their kids into it by screeching those kids will kill granny or their own parents if they refuse. Some have tricked their kids into that damned shot, I know a woman who did that and laughed about it afterwards. I could easily see them telling those same kids that starving for Ukraine is starving for democracy, or some other such dumb shit.
As Bob the Hod says below, most people are thick as fuck, and they’ve already been trained to remain that way. They will NEVER admit they’re not only willfully stupid, but easily duped into their own destruction. They’ll blame those of us who weren’t duped, as they’re already being told to do. As someone commented the other day, the fact that many are still wearing those damned diapers OUTSIDE ALONE just shows how deep that brainwashing has penetrated. God help us when they’re told our elimination is their salvation. That day most likely isn’t too far away, some already believe it.
I can scarcely believe that TPTB have prevented humanity from knowing about PRIMARY WATER. I have an extensive file on it; here are a few bits. Forgive the length, but I gather that it’s an area you guys aren’t familiar with. There is NO freshwater scarcity on planet Earth. I have some technical info on it too if anyone’s interested.
Non-saline hot water released from (underwater) Gakkel Ridge in Arctic http://www.climatechangedispatch.com/heat-from-deep-ocean-fault-punches-hole-in-arctic-ice-sheet.html
“Primary water” is newly produced by chemical processes within the earth & has never been part of the surface hydrological cycle. Created when conditions are right to allow oxygen to combine with hydrogen, this water is continually being pushed up under great pressure from deep within the earth and finds its way toward the surface where there are fissures or faults. Japanese researchers reported in Science in March 2002 that the earth’s lower mantle may store about five times more water than its surface oceans.
Pal Pauer of the Primary Water Institute, one of the world’s leading experts in tapping primary water, says a well sufficient to service an entire community could be dug and generating great volumes of water in a mere two or three days, at a cost of about $100,000. The entire state of California could be serviced for about $800 million.
http://www.globalresearch.ca/california-water-wars-another-form-of-asset-stripping/5438835 Ellen Brown. Includes several innovative sources for inexpensive water. Suggestion that these are being avoided in order to enhance the value of limited water which is being bought up. It’s the people against the new “water barons” – Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Monsanto, the Bush family, and their ilk – who are buying up water all over the world at an unprecedented pace.
“The Fertile Crescent, which stretches from Israel to the Persian Gulf and includes the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Iraq, is supplied at its easternmost point by a cave in an iron-red limestone cliff. This flow becomes the Jordan River. At its westernmost point are springs. One flows from the foot of a buttress on Mt. Hermon and another pours from the cliffs in waterfalls. A spring in Oregon flows at 690 million gallons a day, a spring in Missouri flows at 800 million gallons a day, and a series of springs along the Snake River in Idaho flow at 3.5 billion gallons a day.”
“In France, Professor C. Louis Kervran wrote an essay in 1977 on the origin of water in crystalline rock. He knew that most of the wells in his native Brittany were found by dowsers and dug into solid granite. In his career he knew of so many cases where tunneling into rock created floods that wiped out the construction sites that he didn’t bother to collect data on them. During a drought in 1976 the French Geological and Mining Bureau loaned drilling equipment to find water in the region. Successful wells were drilled into crystalline and metamorphic terrain.”
“In the 1950’s, flooding impeded construction of the Tecolote Tunnel through the Santa Ynez Mountains. By its composition and the depth at which it was encountered, the thirteen million gallons a day was not rainwater. Some of the water was hot, as much as 117 degrees Fahrenheit, and mineralized, some was cool and exceedingly pure. The flows were stopped so construction of the six-mile long tunnel to connect Santa Barbara to the Cachuma Reservoir could continue.”
I too have read/heard that the amount of water trapped beneath the surface, within the layers of rock, would dwarf the world’s oceans. The problem is access.
I’ve also read that the world’s largest aquifer – larger even than the Guarani Aquifer – lies beneath Australia. But lies so deeply that it is impractical to access it.
I think it would be unwise to put too many of our “eggs” in a basket way beneath the planet’s surface. Wouldn’t it be more practical to try and preserve surface water if we can?
Of course it would make more sense to try to preserve what we already have access to. But what would the techie’s do without a miracle solution to all the world’s problems? We just need longer drill bits Howard, and I’m sure no fossil fuels or dirty mining will be involved in building those. Once the bits are no longer viable, we’ll just dump them in the oceans, outta sight, outta mind…..
Howard, actually access is not a problem. The water is frequently quite close to the surface but merely corked by a rock formation. I visited a primary water well in California. Many existing wells have been dug in only a few days’ time, but one has to know where to dig of course.
Global Resource Alliance
This organization, working with the hungarian ‘water wizard’ Pal Pauer, has drilled over 80 boreholes to primary water at various depths, in Tanzania, installing handpumps that enable villagers to have easy access to clean water that is free of disease causing microbes, parasites, and surface contaminants http://www.globalresourcealliance.org/
“It seems that ancient civilizations had a profound understanding of this phenomenon, and moreover a method of accurately locating invisible underground water veins and streams. Without heavy drilling and excavating equipment, they have built impressive water supply systems all around the world. More than 5,000 years ago, ancient Persians developed the system of Qanats, which eventually spread around the region, and up to North Africa.”
“The water wells of Gibeon and Beersheba, and huge cisterns of Masada in what is now Israel, are a total puzzle to modern hydrologists.”
“Primary water wells are not a new phenomenon. Stephan Riess was drilling wells all over California and in the Middle East as far back as the early 1930s. Pal Pauer of Global Resource Alliance has traveled to Africa numerous times, and earlier this year, drilled six wells in Kenya and Tanzania, producing over 3,000 gallons per minute in an arid land with less than 10 inches of rainfall per year.”
‘Earth-generated Water’. by Robert Gourlay, in Nexus magazine June-July 2021…
“Historically, all water is believed to come only from the hydrologic cycle. Yet a growing body of evidence suggests that water might be generated deep within the Earth in great quantity.”
Article provides only a commercial contact: http://www.meawater.com
You may be referring to the upper mantle. It seems the “water” there is in the form of hydrates bound up in the molten rock.
One problem is centralisation, gigantism and consequent complexity of water supply. For emergency water in most parts of the world up to the mid-temperate zones, one solution may be household solar stills.
It’s not about a virus. It has never been about a virus…
So whatever the reason for the Chinese State apparently moving to lock-down Peking, it’s definitely not because of a virus…
Probably the Chinese State is carrying out a live exercise to test just how effective its total -control-of-the-population mechanism is, where it might need some improvements…
Maybe the Chinese State is just showing off to the world, making every power seeker in the world green from envy…
Certainly the Chinese State, like Orwell’s Big Brother, is not concerned about The Economy…
Power for its own sake…
Use it or lose it !!
We used to have several cats, but over time they have died off. We are now down to one surviving cat so a couple of weeks ago we started investigating the possibility of adopting another cat or two. Adoption turned out to be much harder than I would have imagined. The local Humane Society (right outside of D.C.) turned out to have no cats for adoption. We went to the next county, and have adopted one from there, but I was surprised how difficult it was.
Cats are obligate carnivores. They have to eat meat. I wonder if this is connected with the current program to discourage people eating meat. I wonder if there’s any connection with the programs, now decades old, encouraging the spaying and neutering of cats. The fewer cats there are, the less meat they will eat.
Found a week-something old cat crying out lost in the bushes in an (light) industrial zone. “Mew. Mew. Mew. Mew.” Got a worker’s help, he said “You gotta see how small this thing is”. The kitten clinged to his chest when he picked it up. He offered to take it home.
Lysias, I have believed for decades that the neutering of dogs and cats was to prevent their being used as emergency livestock (as food). I have not a scintilla of evidence.
cats breed like rabbits!
And vice-versa! 🐱🐇
hmm, over the years i’ve found it nigh impossible to find a home for a cat/kitten, the country [ireland] being overrun with them.
There seem to be few cats in and around the street where I live (in Oxfordshire UK), whereas there used to be loads. There are plenty of dogs though, for what it’s worth.
The drought in California is legitimate which is a good reason for not growing water intensive crops on marginal land. But…..
— Rainfall this season has been at or a bit above average. Its not enough to eliminate a multiyear groundwater deficit (due to excessive pumping by agriculture) so while we may not be in surplus we’re certainly in far better shape than last year, one of the driest on record.
— We need to stop building over prime agricultural land (e.g. the Oxnard plain) just because you can make more money in the short term by expanding surburbia. We also tend to reward conservation efforts by planning huge new subdivisions in relatively out of the way places. People have started to notice.
Overall, conservation is really good for business. You get to charge (a lot) more for delivering (far) less product. What’s not to like about this?
Incidentally, the cash crops that get grown on that marginal land are not essential foodstuffs.
How can you tell the difference between a legit and illegit drought? Asking for a friend.
“ letting water out of reservoirs across California for months now. And it’s not going to farmers, growers, ranchers or urban use. Environmental policy says the water “flows” from reservoirs are necessary to produce a rebound of endangered Delta smelt and Chinook salmon. However, these policies are a failure as neither species have been collected in all of the latest trawling surveys, where they spend several days a month searching in more than 200 spots. This practice of releasing water and hoping fish improve, has been unsuccessful for nearly 30 years, according to Kristi Diener, a California water expert and third-generation Central Valley farmer. April 2021
For starters, I would say that deliberately cutting off rainfall (as they are definitely doing in Northern California) produces an “illegit drought.” Around the Mt Shasta region, the last few years have been the driest in 1200 years.
Yet the Pacific storms still rage across North America – but are being diverted by climate engineering so as to provide rainfall (even to the extent of deluge of agricultural regions) farther inland.
The result is that there are forest fires year round in that area.
Nor is it just the US whose climate is being “engineered.”
Howard, AFAIK the climate engineering is worldwide (chemtrails). Last Thursday morning we had a light rain that washed all their damn chemicals out of sky. The sky was so breathtakingly deep blue with big beautiful white clouds– like the sky of my childhood.
We got to enjoy it all day until about 3 PM when the chemtrail (“contrails”) appeared. Within an hour all those lines diffused and spread all over the sky– that hazy pale bluish gray that is the usual now.
It would help if we didn’t waste precious farmland on idiotic agrofuels. 40% of US corn production goes to ethanol which Biden has just increased from 10% to 20% of US gasoline requirement.
Well, look on the bright side. We’ll need less toilet paper.
My grandpa used to say, “don’t put nothing past nobody”.
Some of the fires in the U.S. at meat processing plants were done by saboteurs and by animal rights activists.
Since I don’t watch the news at all, let me ask: has the animal rights activists’ involvement been plastered all over the news?
I ask this because animal rights is on the wrong side of the Green Revolution. You see, it’s like this: they commit the Unpardonable Sin – they interfere with Profits. And Profits trump every other consideration on Earth.
These actions & subsequent trials only received local or regional coverage–nothing national. (I agree with the distinction between these and the “Green Rev.” )
Possibly a pre-emptive move to head off a potential rise in protectionism?
One obvious solution to food shortages would be to sow currently uncultivated land – however this cannot be on the agenda because it contradicts the plans for re-wilding so Monbiot’s already got out the piece on why it’s impossible.
The two plane crashes are coincidences and neither one will impact food supply whatsoever. I have driven on the road between the airport and the potato plant in Idaho, most recently one week ago. I don’t know the first thing about potato processor plant operations, but there was only damage to one of several smokestacks. The worst case would be having to shut the entire plant down while building new smokestack. That wouldn’t take long, and in reality it looks like the smokestack probably still works. It looks like just a big pipe, nothing complex. It’s a sad story because the pilot was a great young woman, but she made a very bad decision by attempting to land instead of diverting to alternate airport.
The crash in Georgia was an owner/pilot and probably an instructor doing touch and gos. They had power loss while climbing and fell like a stone into General Mills parking lot, torching several trucks and vehicles but no structures.
Check out Ice age farmer on Rumble
Very sinister plans to destroy small holdings and local farms.
Kill Gates biggest private owner of farming land…..go figure.
Yes, and here is his latest (on Bitchute):
go figure!
“By any chance one of those psychopaths isn’t named General Zaroff?”

“System? More like criminal racket.”
“Making Pedophilia Great Again.”

“Just shows what having a strong back can do for ones career. Though having a big mouth with a dexterous multi pronged tongue does not hurt either.“
Just a repeat of covid.
Spring 2020:
“Oh my God! There’s a terrible virus breaking out and even though the figures are nothing out of the ordinary, they are a terrible indication of terror to come and there’s going to be a new normal and everything is going to change forever and ever and we will desperately need vaccines and, although there is no reason to believe any of this, it’s the most awful thing there has ever been and anyone who questions it is a nutter and evil and a Trump supporter!”
Two years later:
“Everything we said is abolutely true just like we said and we didn’t even need to prove it because we said it and we’re going to keep saying it …..”
Hit the mark dead centre, Kit. After panicking the sheeple with Plandemic “health regulations”, the WEF regimes are panicking them even further by creating an artificial “food crisis” — same as they have created an artificial “fuel crisis” by deliberately holding up Nord Stream 2 with “elfin safety” regulations”.
“Best time to make money is when there is panic in the streets” — Rockefeller