This Week in the New Normal #36

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. …is a recession good for the planet?
Technically from last week, but more than worthy of note, the Independent headlines that:
Europe and China carbon emissions lowest since Covid lockdown amid economic downturn
Going on to say…
Beijing’s Covid restrictions and high global energy prices are thought to be behind the drop in emissions
So, apparently the “economic downturn” (or global recession, if you’re not interested in twisting words) has a silver lining – lower emissions.
Now, the idea that lockdowns were good for the planet has been peddled before – it wasn’t at all true, but since does that make any difference? – they were laying the groundwork for a “climate lockdown” which has yet to materialise (it is till very much on the agenda, see this article from a few days ago).
But the idea that a recession can be good for the climate because people can’t afford to fuel their cars or heat their homes is both new and very unsettling.
That can easily be parlayed into carbon taxes and so on. Just wait for it.
2. The 30×30 plant: The UN’s eminent domain?
Speaking at the UN’s Ocean Summit this week French President Emmanuel Macron called for either an international ban or some kind of international regulations governing sea-bed mining.
The concept of the United Nations having jurisdiction over the globe, and a responsibility to protect its ecosystems as is bogus as NATO’s claims of a “responsibility to protect” civilians in Libya, Syria or Iraq. It’s all about establishing power and providing pretext.
In 2019, during the (massively exaggerated) Amazon wildfires “crisis”, it suddenly became very trendy to suggest that the rainforest was too important to be a matter of national sovereignty and that an “Amazon treaty” should be established that treated the rainforest as the possession of the entire world.
Such a document would, in essence, be a landgrab on behalf of the United Nations (or whichever acronym agency takes charge, or is formed specially for the purpose).
That plan still exists in the form of the “30×30” initiative, a planned treaty which would see 30% of the sea and 30% of the Earth’s landmass classified as “protected” under UN durisdiction.
Essentially, the treaty would hand immediate control of 30% of the entire planet to the United Nations.
Again, back in the 2019, the Amazon wild fires fuelled talk of a “Climate New World Order”, to quote The Atlantic:
inherited ideas about the sovereignty of states no longer hold in the face of climate change
That’s always the agenda when politicians start talking about the environment.
The draft of the 30×30 treaty is set to be published at the COP15 Biodiversity Summit in Montreal this December. Something to keep an eye on.
3. Monkeypox is apparently still a thing
They really don’t want to just let monkeypox die.
No news yet on the new name, but WHO is warning against “complacency”, the UK is now vaccinating gay men at “high risk” of contracting it, and the media are rolling out new scare stories every day.
Like this one:
Warning early flu wave could join Covid surge and monkeypox outbreak in triple threat
Chilling, isn’t it? Flu AND Covid AND Monkeypox?
Flucoveypox. There’s your new name.
Across the pond, the US’s first “monkeypox case” has finally been “brave” enough to come forward.
He filmed a “confession video” where he warns that disease is super serious and criticises the CDC for not testing enough, which went viral – totally and completely by accident.
Oh, and by chance, he happens to be an actor from Los Angeles.
And if you believe all that, then congratulations you are our millionth visitor this month, click here to claim your prize.
Seriously guys, stop trying to make monkeypox happen…it’s NOT going to happen!
BONUS: Propaganda lesson of the week
The news (especially in the US) has been FULL of opinions on the Supreme Court decisions published in recent days.
You will have heard that they overturned Roe v Wade, handing the power to decide abortion laws back to individual states.
You may have heard that they upheld overruling local gun control laws, claiming they infringed rights granted under the 2nd ammendment.
What you almost definitely didn’t hear about is the decision supporting state vaccine mandates that provide no right to refuse on religious grounds.
Two partisan issues adding fuel to divisive political fires trumpeted widely throughout the media, and one unheralded reinforcement of the state’s power over the individual. Classic.
It’s not all bad…
…right back to vaccine mandates, Biden’s federal vaccine mandate has been blocked by the courts. Again. Of course, since the SCOTUS upheld state-level vaccine mandates, it’s questionable how much this matters, but it’s a win nonetheless.
We covered the Dutch farmers’ protest in a story yesterday, but it deserves a positive mention here too. At least 40 to 50 thousand farmers blocking traffic with tractors, bringing cows into Amsterdam and making themselves heard (or should I say “herd”?). There are half-hearted efforts to paint them as “violent”, but nothing more than yet. Well done to them.
And, given the ongoing war on food, Bob Moran’s latest could not be more apropos…

All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the ever-present bug-eating propaganda or the gentle rehabilitation of the social credit system.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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Paul Kingsnorth has a great Unherd article on how the left has embraced capitalism. To me at least, this has been a large part of the engine driving us to the New Normal.
Sloppy of the Fraud to have this prominent on their webite:
Next to this:
It kinda makes the agenda too bleedin’ obvious. Still, I guess it’s the summer season and they’ve left the interns in charge again…
P.S. No plants have of course ever been known to contain toxins.
Michael Pompeo: War, Ukraine, and a Global Alliance for Freedom
Jun 24, 2022
Hudson Institute
Putin’s war on Ukraine is a pivotal event in post-Cold War politics; this unjust war seeks to annihilate the existence of a free and independent country. What does this portend for world democracies? How does it impact America’s ongoing top strategic priority that centers on the existential threat from China? Why should a machinist in Wichita or a schoolteacher in Des Moines care about what happens in the Donbas?
Hudson’s Distinguished Fellow, the 70th U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, will deliver a major speech to answer all these questions followed by a conversation with Distinguished Fellow Walter Russell Mead.
Q. Is there a parallel between a presidential election and Nato’s proxy war in Ukraine?
For example, comparing:
Being ‘ahead’ in the polls as presented on TV/mainstream news sites
(whilst, in reality, being far behind)
Ukraine being ‘ahead’ in the war
(whilst in reality losing more and more territory each day)
OR (another example) …
Being proclaimed the winner of an election
(whilst actually having fewer votes)
Ukraine ‘winning’ the war
(since the enemy *could* theoretically have conquered even more territory had it not been so effectively opposed)
“Give me control of a nation’s propaganda machines and I care not who makes its laws“
Three inspirational quotes for the day (Monday):
Two from Apty Alaudinov (leader of Chechen troops in Luhansk):
“Zelensky should wake up and realize that Russia is fighting, not even with one arm, but with a few fingers”
“Can Europe’s LGBT crowd really [hope to] fight against REAL men who defend REAL values, with the help of God?” (a slight paraphrase)
And last (but hopefully not least) a group effort, as per Lysychansk post-liberation (whilst new flags were being raised):
“Akhmat – Strength! Cossacks – Strength! Together – Strength!”
NB Those who defend real values always win in the end.
“Defending our way of life” makes a very poor substitute 🙂
Previous liberations in this series include . . .
Different ideologies at work in those days
Surely it’s time to liberate Russia!
Since 1991, there has been some discussion about removing Lenin’s body to the Kremlin Wall Necropolis and burying it there. President Boris Yeltsin, with the support of the Russian Orthodox Church, intended to close the tomb and bury Lenin next to his mother, Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova, at the Volkov Cemetery in St. Petersburg. His successor, Vladimir Putin, opposed this, stating that a reburial of Lenin would imply that generations of citizens had observed false values during seventy years of Soviet rule.[14]
And what were those values?
The Brezhnev Doctrine was a Soviet foreign policy that proclaimed any threat to socialist rule in any state of the Soviet bloc in Central and Eastern Europe was a threat to them all, and therefore justified the intervention of fellow socialist states. It was proclaimed in order to justify the Soviet-led occupation of Czechoslovakia earlier in 1968, with the overthrow of the reform government there. The references to “socialism” meant control by the communist parties loyal to the Kremlin.[1]
I really hadn’t expected to see it resurrected; and this time with the stench of Dugin-esque, blood & soil fascism.
Not entirely fair. The values were those of Communism.
The main flaw with Communism imho was its atheism (though I admit may be slightly biassed in that respect).
I once heard Tony Benn say, that Communism actually has its roots in the Bible. In the ‘communal’ living of the early disciples (though future renditions of it may have become corrupted).
A time when people DID actually “own nothing and were happy” (as controversial as that might sound to ‘alternative’ ears). So it is actually possible 🙂
There’s certainly a case to be made for a form of Communism that includes religion
Early communists studied seriously sharia law. Both Lenin and Stalin wrote a Manifesto to the Muslims of the Caucasus.
Many communists, especially amongst the Bolshevik masses, believed in G-d, though radically opposed the corrupt pro-tsarist religious system of Russian Orthodoxy as a heavy knut choking them.
I am a believer therefore I understand why they rejected that form of religion then and there. Every true believer should.
There were certainly flaws with serfdom under the Tsars. Not an ideal world by any stretch of the imagination..
Trying to solve one (very real) problem often creates others 😕
I think in general, if you realize their calibre, and that they were trained and committed Cheka fighters, spending often years in prisons, you will realize that they were too intelligent, too radical morally and too strong to be Christians. It is not a religion that can capture and contain people of such calibre.
Besides, many of them were dews [ d=J], so their religion was different anyway.
Cheka was a monstrous organisation.
In proportion to the monstrosity it was trying to combat and break the neck of. It was not a game for the Christians to fight.
The Bolshevik revolution was driven and financed by International Finance.
I’ve heard it said that the old testament was the original communist manifesto. Marxism and Christianity and Islam share a common root. As does Covidianity, the most widespread religion in history.
Christianity and Islam certainly share the Old Testament. Marxism could be regarded as a secularized, materialistic version of Christianity. It shares many features, such as it evangelistic zeal.
I’d personally struggle to relate the Old Testament to Communism though, but interesting idea.
The ability of Covidianity to worm its way into so many religions (without widespread resistance) is/was certainly VERY disturbing.
Maybe more of a ‘universal heresy’ than a rival religion 🤔
At a time when our pious overlords are struggling to justify usury – or escape its ultimate effects – you have raised an inconvenient aspect (blowback). In fact, for any historical community that was small enough, survival necessitated sharing.
Communism/socialism take the ideas from the Bible but with a twist, it removes God and puts man in His place. It’s humanism, utopianism based on the rabinical Tikkun Olam; communism is based in Judaism. The messiah was not what they expected him to be, a king to rule this world putting the chosen people on top of nations; so they did what they did with him.
Fast forward to post french revolution era when confessional states were terminated, it’s now all down to man, not God.
‘You can be like Gods’ told the serpent Adam and Eve, and here we are, playing God trying to save ourselves, yet ironically turning away from our divine essence to become just another animal that for some unknown mysterious reasons it’s an animal with ideals of justice, fairness and compassion…which of course ‘evolved’ into us. It’s in a theological sense embracing death on this world over life eternal.
There is no objective logic or truth in a purely materialistic worldview because they are products of the human mind (which just evolved into existance remember) and held only by consensus, and whom can manipulate this consensus can decide what is and what isn’t true or logical.
For the communists there [ save Afghanistan], and they were there as they won the war and had a leader, Stalin, able to dictate the terms to the weak, so for them it was a real liberation.
Or you do not consider communism a real ideology with real power and support of millions on the globe. And you do not take seriously 55 volumes of Lenin and you do not believe that they could impact people depicted in Eugene Poitier’s Internationale. And you do not think they had a right to fight and then win politically and socially. And then make alliances and then stand by them? And that Brzezinsky was merely for decades, along with the US governments and their western allies, fighting a straw-man enemy and a figment of his/their mutual imagination. And you do not believe that the Bolshevik banner was raised over the Reichstag, with some 20 million Russians who sacrificed their lives to raise it there, defending their land from the German armies, trying to capture their soil and send them all off to Siberia.
The first and second world wars were Khazarian scams; in large part to crush Germany, but also to create the current Israel. Along the way, they also created Bolshevism and Fascism; and slaughtered millions of Russians and Ukrainians. As I implied above, the Russian army should have liberated Russia!
So now we’ve got Russians and Ukrainians killing each other in another Khazarian scam; this time to build the New Israel. However, there are at least some within the Duginist camp who realise they’ve been played; that the Russians will do the fighting and dying, but they won’t get the “New Russia”. The question, then, is where is Dugin himself in all this. Is he a judas goat or just a useful idiot? (see next post.)
Project Heavenly Jerusalem – Do You Know Why The War in Ukraine Broke Out?
Mar 26, 2022
Athair Ar Neamh
Niebiańska Jerozolima – Dlaczego Wybuchła Wojna na Ukrainie ?
Continued . . .
Glory To The Khazaria!
Davor Slobodanovich Vuyachich
Sou Wan
“Glory to Ukraine!” – this infamous cry of Ukrainian neo-Nazis and other national chauvinists, extremists, and terrorists from Ukraine, a country that has been practically under NATO occupation since 2014, is a curse that from the hell itself, invoked the torrents of the most primitive and irrational hatred that humanity has ever had the opportunity to witness.
At the same time, this notorious Ukrainian-Nazi slogan is a part of one of the biggest, most cunning, and most perfidious deceptions and scams in the history of modern civilization. What this slogan expresses – that megalomaniac idea of a Greater Ukraine, ethnically cleansed of Russians in the first place, but also of the Russian language and culture and all other non-Ukrainians – is diametrically opposed to the real goals of powerful individuals and organizations standing behind the Ukrainian neo-Nazis. According to their sinister plans, Ukrainians are needed only to be used as cannon fodder and disposable tools, in creating a completely new state, not only from the territories of Russia, which is expected to lose the war at any cost but also on the ruins of Ukraine itself, which should cease to exist.
It is an insolent and ruthless project of the Western centers of power and Israel, which are all controlled by the Zionist International, which unites all subordinated organizations and their branches and coordinates them according to its not at all transparent interests. New Khazaria, Heavenly Jerusalem, Greater Israel – this project is being developed and implemented under several different names that equally reveal the insatiable Zionist ambitions, providing also a perfect explanation for the seemingly unnatural alliance of Zionists and neo-Nazis. The only question is to what extent ordinary Ukrainian Nazi storm troopers and footmen, as well as manipulated folk masses of the Ukrainian people, are aware that the cry “Glory to Khazaria!” is much, much more appropriate to what they are really fighting, bleeding and dying for.
This is too far on the fringe side. I could argue from many angles against it but to argue against fiction would be a waste of ink.
Instead I should perhaps say: pull out of this fringe asap.
Stay away from Dugin.
Drop the Khazaria narrative. It is all bottomless swamp with enormous drawing in power .
I don’t give a damn how “fringe” people think it may be. The New Israel project is what’s effectively driving everything at the moment. For anybody who wants to look into it, I’ve posted lots of stuff under the following article:
As noted above, the grabbing of Palestine for the current Israel required the launching of the first and second world wars; so it’s possible there could be a similar level of push for the relocation. Indeed, the propaganda exceeds that for covid. Also, it’s far better quality; and hence less obvious. And if there is an order of priority, it is that the covid psyop serves the New Israel project, rather than the other way round.
Remember, the covid psyop was used to remove Trump; Fox called Arizona for Biden ridiculously early; Netanyahu was one of the first to congratulate Biden; and Trump has stated that Putin would not have invaded if he’d still been president. In short, they needed to get Trump out of the way.
The New Israel project includes the 2014 coup; the supposed “Nazification” of Ukraine; false-flag atrocities; the war against Donbass; the election of Zelensky; and the fake war launched by Putin. It includes western corporate media spinning a variety of supporting and contrary narratives; and it includes a host of “alternative” media and personalities providing support or validation for Putin. But most media people are clueless as to what’s really going on. It also includes the pumping up of Dugin-esque blood & soil, “mother Russia” garbage so that ordinary Russians can be duped into fighting.
With regard to the Feb 24 invasion, it was supposed last about a week; the Russians would bomb random crap spread throughout Ukraine; they’d take Kiev and other major cities; there’d be no meaningful resistance; and Zelenksy would negotiate terms which involved giving up southern and eastern Ukraine.
However, selected elements of the Ukrainian military had been trained and equipped to fight a defensive operation; e.g. stay-behind and drone warfare. This has also been supported by real-time intelligence (think US Space Force etc). Putin was not expecting this resistance and the result has been massive losses for the Russian forces. Additionally, the Ukrainian forces have recently started deploying GPS guided artillery and rockets. And now the US is about to deploy the 101st Airborne etc; see:
Yes, but you are replacing history with a told story, one that is entirely different to the one in which people lived and died. Facta infecta fieri possunt, if I remember it rightly.
It never really happened, but someone pushing this story is trying to replace what did take place with a text that claims well people, you were all wrong, this is what really happened. But it ”happened” only on paper, in the simulated text.
It is quite bold a move. You are trying to move the scales of history. The scales of history will not move even by an inch against such paper interpretation.
I am asserting and affirming that which I believe to be truth; both historical and current. If I am “trying” at anything, it is to get at a better understanding of that truth. Part of that understanding is the acceptance that the vast majority of people don’t share my concern about truth.
The truth impulse is noble. I agree.
My advice remains as was. Though. I agree, giving unasked-for advice is not commendable, so I apologise at the same time.
The intent of Khazaria story, as meant by Koestler who injected it into the Western circulation was allegedly different. His argument was interesting and it does beg a question: when you see blue eyes and facial features of say Netanyahu, you do not see a reflection of say a Yemeni Dew [ d=J]. Whereas you should see. If you spent many long years amongst faces in the Middle East, then this question becomes painful. It shouts demanding an answer. And though answering a completely different demand, Koestler does provide an answer. As they are from the same Banu. So you should see it. Whereas you do not. So something did take place after the diaspora.
The New Khazaria story is a different net someone is trying to cast to catch fish. I heard it peddled a few years back by a Russian MoFA ex-employee Viatcheslav Matuzov in his talks on one Russian youtube channel with a massive audience.
It may represents a new chapter in the old anti-dew-ism manual, or an appendix to the Protocols of the elders of Sion” [ S=Z].
Yet, as said earlier, along with Dugin: drop it and brush the floor.
No, it’s not a cause or an ideology. It’s more fundamental than that. Truth is a need. Without truth, there is nothing else.
Khazaria is not an ethnicity. It may be right to call it a religion or an ideology; and this was best described in Network – one vast and ecumenical holding company. History and science will be rewritten to whatever’s required; and the old will be discarded.
The relocation to Ukraine is a just a business decision; and it is being driven because it makes sense from a business perspective. Hence, the forces described by Arthur Jensen are aligned in making it happen; and the enablers see it as “the natural order of things”.
The vast ecumenical holding company that is Davos
Jan. 21, 2008
Mrs. CC and I are headed off to Switzerland tonight for a week of
winter sports and debaucheryhigh-minded panel discussions in the mountain resort of Davos. I will be posting regularly and even, heaven forfend, vlogging.But before I go, I’ll leave you with these encouraging words from Arthur Jensen, the big-media CEO (played by Ned Beatty) from the movie Network. He’s giving Howard Beale, the Lou Dobbsian network anchor (played by Peter Finch) a talking-to:
There is no America, there is no democracy, there is only IBM and ITT and AT&T and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon … The world is a college of corporations inexorably determined by the immutable bylaws of business. The world is a business, Mr. Beale, it has been since man crawled out of the slime. And our children will live, Mr. Beale, to see that perfect world in which there’s no war or famine, oppression or brutality. One vast and ecumenical holding company for whom all men will work to serve the common good, in which all men will hold a share of stock, all necessities provided, all anxieties tranquilized, all boredom amused.
And yes, I’ve used that line before. Just trying to keep you amused on behalf of my holding company.
I see. The way I know of Khazaria is: it is a Turkic ethnicity that converted to the religion of J—uda. Hence blue eyes of Natanyahu and no similarity in the least to say Yemeni Dews[ D=J]. All only probabilistic. My reference is Arthur Koestler who wrote the famous Khazaria book to halt the Holocaust. His book became a source for the notion of Khazaria being injected into mass circulation.
Brzezinsky devised a strategy for breaking up the Soviet Union/Bloc; and Brezhnev walked straight into the trap. Four decades later and the same script is playing out again. It’s like watching repeats of Dad’s Army!
Brzezinski’s Proxy War Playbook
by Patrick Macfarlane
Jun 22, 2022
Zbiegnew Brzezinski (July 2014):
If Ukraine has to be supported so that it does resist, the Ukrainians have to know the West is prepared to help them resist. And there’s no reason to be secretive about it. It would be much better to be open about it and to say to the Ukrainians and to those who may threaten Ukraine that if Ukrainians resist, they will have weapons. And we’ll provide some of those weapons in advance of the very act of invasion. Because in the absence of that, the temptation to invade and to preempt may become overwhelming. But what kind of weapons is important. And in my view, they should be weapons designed particularly to permit the Ukrainians to engage in effective urban warfare of resistance.
Yes, agreed, the USSR was eventually destroyed. But who can combat the entire globe and its own fifth column inside? And for how long can you do it??
Sorry, a late-night moment of defeatism. Too dark middle of the night to think clearly.
So I am taking a grip over myself: The Red Banner remains.
Meet the TikTok Brigade
. . . the boys to entertain you!
Kadyrovtsy Chechens (tiktok brigade) in combat in Mariupol with heavy fire at a building
Mar 28, 2022
Ukraine News Network
Well, I guess it’s called ‘war’. Good footage
The case of Chechens fighting with Russians is highly controversial, put mildly and through gross understatement, as is the Putin-Kadyrov mutuality. Depends whose fatwas they follow. But if they follow the right ones, not ones issued by courtly Kadyrov’s scholars or Putin’s courtly Imams, I mean from the Moscow Muslim University or ”something like that” they know very well they should not be there.
Mayor of New York City is mandating the Covid vaccine for all students. Just in the news a few days ago.
Dear Vigano,
Praise be Jesus Christ and all that. In your April 2nd panegyric to Putin, you ticked off all the usual talking points, but please tell me that this invasion of Ukraine is not a Dugin-esque, blood & soil genocide.
Thank you
Russia Needs Novorossiya
Nicholas Nicholaides
Russia needs Novorossiya and Malorossiya – at least the part of Malorossiya that is east of the Dnepr river. These parts are not “ukrainian”, they never were and they never will be! These parts are as genuinely russian as Moscow or St Peterburg but because of a historical mistake – the break-up of the Soviet Union in stead of the modernisation of it – these parts are now outside of mother Russia.
. . . the “border” between Russia and former “Ukraine” has not been ratified by Russia after the break-up of the CCCP so in reality “Ukraine” does not have real established and ratified borders with Russia! This is a fact that should be used to either depose the Kiev nazi regime and make all of former “Ukraine” democratic, federated and pro-russian or to liberate the parts that are still not nazi-infected, that means Novorossiya and all lands east of the Dnepr river. When these lands are free from the nazis then there will be no american missiles there aiming at Moscow and no american navyships in Odessa harbor.
The future of Russia as an independent state and world leader in a multipolar world will be determined in Novorossiya.
The battle for Novorossiya (and eastern Malorossiya) will be determined in the Kreml. As soon as the russian leaders decide to liberate Novorossiya it will be so . . .
Re: Vigano’s April 2nd panegyric to Putin
See “Draining the Swamp” discussion, below.
Think of it as ‘decommunization’:
The word ‘Ukraine’ actually derives from ‘ukraina‘ meaning ‘the borderland’. So maybe that’s its eternal destiny without a serious rebranding.
From the Wall Street Journal, 2009:
Archive link to the full Sunday Times article mentioned by Robert Frank::
These philanthropists! So imbued with sheer compassion for the masses! So selfless in their determination to better our sorry lot. Going by the meetings they have and the trouble they take over these matters, I’m surprised any of them get a wink’s sleep at night with all the concern that tears their hearts apart! They are so appalled at the sheer misery of the masses that they have come to the conclusion the most effective way of removing all the pain is to relieve the suffering multitudes of the greatest curse of all – the condition of being alive!
Yada, yada… All these events are UN Agenda 21 derived. > Agenda 21 EXPLAINED
The page has been updated numerous times in the last year. It pretty much covers the entire Plan…
You’re right. I didn’t hear about that at all. Very disappointing.
The implication is of course, that there are no other grounds, that ‘religious’ is the only one that can be considered, and given that religion is a bunch of baloney, that means it’s no gounds at all.
The individual’s body is of course the state’s to do with as it sees fit – for the good of the many.
Human rights were such a nuisance – it’s good that they’ve finally been done away with.
What do you mean by “religion is a bunch of baloney”? Aren’t the psycho elites, as well as plenty of high academics, worshiping lucifer aka satan? Isn’t your theory of what is going on based on what lies these elites are telling to themselves? Aren’t you, in this case, embracing, lets indulge you here and not call it satanism, luciferianism?
Actually, no. It means they’re not willing to consider religion either as grounds for vaxx-refusal.
On what basis ‘religion is a bunch of baloney’, science? Google says so?
I got Rick Rolled by Off-G!!! and mid article too! You bastards!
I propose direct action against these parasites hiding behind “freedom of the press” to profit from spreading fear that causes harm to individuals and communities.
We cannot get to Bill Gates or Fauci or Drosten, or ministers, or the heads of the WHO or big pharma, but we CAN get to these worms. They need to start feeling afraid. Of course, don’t break the law: A stern talking-to outside their home should be sufficient…. they will crumble immediately as they are spineless cowards.
I like your suggestion. How about a database for Traitors to Humanity that adds their names to the list? You write one of these scare stories? You have a week to retract or your name and photograph gets added to the database as a criminal accomplice to mass murder.
“Of course, don’t break the law” doesn’t carry as much weight these days as it used to.
Queensberry Rules don’t really seem appropriate when outright war on humanity has broken out…
Frankly, Biblical measures seem to me more appropriate:
What about, “Don’t break the 10 Commandments. Otherwise you can break the law as much as “The Authorities” do?
It seems only fair.
Suggestion: Mass flypostering / graffiti /stickering on walls, lampposts, pavements around the BBC and Guardian buildings.
..doesn’t effect Bill Gates thousands of hectares of soil..though.
Murder the (Media)
It all starts to make sense once you consider this: we are at the end of a historic battle between good and evil – more details here:
Maybe if we all read the Book of Revelation another 1000 times it will make perfect sense.
You know the drill. Evangelicals and other YHVH vultures focus on drug addicts and suicide attempts to grab more souls for their overlord….people scared out of their wits by 2000 years of terror and senseless materialism topped by the last 3 years of voodoo assault are well primed for “Christ”.
“Christ on a bike!”.
(would be an appropriate mantra for a green evangelical)
The Book of Revelation is no small matter, but in 1908 Rudolf Steiner gave a series of lectures, “The Apocalypse of St. John”, which will, admittedly, prove to be quite a handful for the many people who are totally unfamiliar with his work, but which describe that Book as neither more nor less than an initiation document.
In this case, it is a Christian initiation, intended (for the sake of further spiritual evolution) to supercede those aspects of the Old Testament which conceal initiation concepts appropriate to former times – times in which people thought of themselves almost exclusively in terms of groups, rather than as individuals.
I’m just throwing this out there because many people are clearly finding it a practically inescapable fact that what is now happening to the world has apocalyptic and spiritual significance.
Steiner takes such matters very seriously, and with a compelling personal authority, although he is by no means an arrogant teacher.
At any rate the human, evolutionary, practical and spiritual ground he covers in these lectures is truly astonishing, with links and resonances connected with many things which thinking people encounter in their lives.
I think it is, however, necessary to warn anyone jumping into Steiner’s work unprepared that ‘the spiritual’ was for him as much a ‘given’ as anything which modern man considers to be ‘reality’, so I would recommend a fairly thorough dig into where he’s coming from as a spiritual teacher before investing emotionally in his exceptional insight into world evolution.
What I find particularly fascinating about this particular group of lectures is that it is a matter-of-fact explanation of ‘The Book of Revelation’ from a man who spent his life studying the significance of ‘the spirit’, as well as the objective nature of his own clairvoyance – a gift of which he claimed we all possess the seeds for development, if we are simply open-minded enough and willing to undertake the hard personal work involved.
I would call him one of the great teachers of mankind, but I won’t evangelize for him, just as he, himself, refused to be a ‘guru’ or leader, despite having countless followers.
I’m just recommending his work to anybody who feels that our earthly existence has a gaping hole in it, since it became fashionable a long time ago to say, “I have no beliefs”…
His insights can strengthen the moral spine of those who can see clearly that something is very wrong today.
Of course there have always been charlatans, but there is no more need to stamp all religious ideas with a “primed for Christ” insult, than there is to stamp the colour ‘blue’ as automatically signifying the sky.
Our focus needs to remain on what is true, not on what ignorant people can do with the truth.
Bashing Christianity is one of the favourite pastimes of ‘modern man’, probably second to murdering human beings in the womb. Human sacrifice is alive and well just as it was before Christ and in godless totalitarian regimes like communism and national socialism; only they not entirely godless as they do worship idols like Baal, Mammon, ‘mother earth’, ‘science’, or any other man made idol to their liking.
When asked ‘If you worship me, I will give you authority over all the kingdoms of this world’, they answered yes. That’s the deal many of us fall for, and fun as it may be it will always bring misery to others and in the end to ourselves.
…- ‘Covfefepox’…
If trump was around and he didn’t take “mOnKeYpOx” seriously that 100% would have been the name given to the minor almost nonexistent virus.
Humanity [that’s u and me] has a common enemy.
This article has some examples that hint at such powers, but
fails to express monopoly power as the cause of the complaint
At least not, in a form adequate for most people to recognize it.
Ok so what is this common enemy. Ans. its monopoly power in private hands.
What is monopoly power? Its power to exclude all competition from whatever source, and from where ever encountered. and at any time competition is encountered.
Its gang high school its the meanest group; your right to be where you are and to do what you are doing is contingent upon your relationship with the meanest group..
in business its the guys the money..
in politics its the guys that make the laws.
in health, its pharmaceutical company and its professional medical puppets
on the streets, its the cops.
What raw materials are used to manufacturer monopoly power?
Monopoly powers are created from hot thin air.. the main raw material is hot thin air.
Is there a machine that makes monopoly power?
Yes, the machine is the law making process..
How do monopoly powers come into existence.. ?
the law makers put hot thin air into their law making machinery
What does the law making machinery make?
the law making machinery makes laws.
Which kind of laws produce monopoly powers.
laws that create gifts from governments to private enterprise is one class of monopoly power
The feudal system (king | Queen) held all of the monopoly power <=it was the law
Royalty divided kingdom into parcels; appointed persons to manage the estate.<feudal lords
All persons on the estate of the feudal lord were subject to the law and rule of the feudal lord
The feudal estate established by contract a monopoly power which transferred part of the
assets of government (public domain) to private control and ownership. The kingdom was
divided and distributed to trusted persons to be managed from the benefit of Royalty
but with great profit and prestige to private domain ownership (recipient = feudal lord).
Today monopoly powers are created in much the same way.
A legislature writes laws, those laws grant private persons
exclusive rights to the object of the law. .
Exclusive rights mean no one can complete..
Answer the question, Why does God not have a patent on space, the planets, the earth and
everything that exist on it. <Ans. because there was no lawmaker to write the law that would
have made it possible for god to patent his invention of the universe, and no law created to give God copyrights in all words used in Bibles and all methods that made things on earth work.
So what God did stays in the public domain.
But then along came, gods self-proclaimed representatives and they made the laws that
granted parts of the government and all of the public domain to a few selected persons.
These laws are copyright laws, and patent laws, and trademark laws. and laws that classify
and move certain information from the public domain to the ownership of those who occupy the secret domain.
what the great reset is all about is monopoly power..
The legislatures have used copyright, patents, and government contracts with private parties to
privatize nearly all of the public domain and nearly all of the government assets and provisions of public services to the private domain. Private parties, oligarchs and their corporations own everything and have monopoly power to prevent anyone from competing with them.
Corporations are the result of the privatization of monopoly power; they were created by an act of Congress or Parliament, they are paper tigers given by rule of law the power to be superior to humans.
so there is not left any assets or power for the governments to rule with; it has been moved to the private domain. And since that move; oligarch owned corporations have acquired these monopoly powers and used them to grown their power to be bigger in size than the governments that gave birth to them. Interesting is that Ocean Tomo reported that 90% of the assets that appear on the stock exchange registered global corporation balance sheets are intangible assets(stocks, bonds, mortgage receivables, government contracts. In other words the assets the worlds largest corporation own were created from hot thin air by the governments that govern humanity. These
governments have excluded, by their laws, humanity from participation as contributors in the world, and at the same time, they have allowed those corporations they created to take over the
governing of the humans the governments were created to help make the quality of human life more bearable.
Some thirty-forty years ago I met a young English graduate who had accepted a British Council stipend to teach Democracy and allied features of English culture to “all the Stans”. This week in New New Normal, the Duran explains latest moves in the Great Central Asian Chessboard, by master players like Iran (who invented the game) and Russia. Around 20m into the video:
Brings back memories of Eng.Lit:
“So, on the bloody sand, Sohrab lay dead;
And the great Rustum drew his horseman’s cloak
Down o’er his face, and sate by his dead son.
As those black granite pillars, once high-rear’d
By Jemshid in Persepolis, to bear
His house, now ‘mid their broken flights of steps
Lie prone, enormous, down the mountain side—
So in the sand lay Rustum by his son.
And night came down over the solemn waste,
And the two gazing hosts, and that sole pair,
And darken’d all; and a cold fog, with night,
Crept from the Oxus. Soon a hum arose,
As of a great assembly loosed, and fires
Began to twinkle through the fog; for now
Both armies moved to camp, and took their meal;
The Persians took it on the open sands
Southward, the Tartars by the river marge;
And Rustum and his son were left alone.
But the majestic river floated on,
Out of the mist and hum of that low land,
Into the frosty starlight, and there moved,
Rejoicing, through the hush’d Chorasmian waste,
Under the solitary moon;—he flow’d
Right for the polar star, past Orgunjè,
Brimming, and bright, and large; then sands begin
To hem his watery march, and dam his streams,
And split his currents; that for many a league
The shorn and parcell’d Oxus strains along
Through beds of sand and matted rushy isles—
Oxus, forgetting the bright speed he had
In his high mountain-cradle in Pamere,
A foil’d circuitous wanderer—till at last
The long’d-for dash of waves is heard, and wide
His luminous home of waters opens, bright
And tranquil, from whose floor the new-bathed stars
Emerge, and shine upon the Aral Sea.” — Mathew Arnold, Sohrab and Rustum.
Coincidence? Up pops a topical post! Holiday in The Stans! cntrl+scroll to zoom the map and see numbered beauty spots:
Democracy ?
The British Council teaching democracy ? Thats funny.
It obviously worked thanks to your own emotional response.
Our enemy is the overwhelming majority of the population and ALL politicians and their hanger ons and media lackeys and the people behind them. And we have to be beyond fucking brutal to get rid of them.
For me, our enemy is exclusively the media.
They are the mouthpiece without which nothing evil in our society could survive.
They are the only thing I would un-invent if I had the power.
We should all be our own journalists and look for the facts personally.
Question: How long has this convid new normal been going on for? I’ve almost lost count now, it seems like years.
Has anyone been keeping count? Days, weeks, months? According to the rumour mill, as well as a few people lurking on Facebook, the “covid project” is meant to end on March 31st, 2025. Can anyone verify this as correct?
If that’s true, they’ll surely need to come up with a few more things other than Shingles… oops, I mean Monkeypox.
Had a magazine customer today, a bubbly young lady wearing numerous badges on her jersey. One said “I’m vaccinated” with a green tick underneath. Another said “Cut Carbon Emissions Now”. Another one was the Rainbow Flag. And the last one, and largest badge had She/Her. I had to bite my tongue. I was seriously tempted to say stuff. I did note however that her eyes were almost black. Hmmm.
As for that actor (how appropriate) I noted he realised his diagnosis to Buzzfeed of all organisations (also appropriate)
Hey Gezzah! I’m expecting this will last forever. This is only the beginning. For the broad you spoke with, advise 3 more boosters and that should see her out.
Another take on it all:
Good morning Shin, thanks for the link. I was actually at Parkdale yesterday which was really good sales wise although meeting that woman was a bit of a head spin. She was masked as well (obviously!) Quite a few people I’m seeing walking around outside still wearing facemasks. I haven’t looked at Global Research for a couple of days, another valuable site. I’ll check this video out later today. I often refer to it as the convid pysops. Have a good day👍
Have you seen the AGE going bunta again? In one article they point out the median age of so called covid deaths is 85 with 4 pre existing conditions, then another article on the same day screeching ”10,000 deaths from covid” and not bothering to mention the other 390,000 or so deaths in the same 2.5 years and that 9,000 of the so called deaths have happened since the jabs.
In a word Marilyn… No. Why no? Because I refuse to waste my brain cells on the pricks. Regards the “media” I don’t watch them. I don’t listen to them. I don’t read them. I have no idea what The Age or ABC or whoever is frothing about. Here at Offguardian is about the most exposure I have to them via links in This Week In The New Normal column or another story. I will skim read in the context of what’s being discussed but that’s all.
I only noticed because of the screeching headline, they will never admit that they helped destroy the country
The “10,000 covid deaths” appears to be the centrepiece of the current fear campaign. It explains itself. All meanings and interpretations are supplied by the frightened. Their own fears convince them ‘covid’ is real. “10,000 covid deaths” is the nudge…
It’s a case where propaganda propagates itself, needing only the occasional nudge…
Her eyes were almost black? She wasn’t one of Icke’s shape shifting reptilians?
No George… But it did creep me out somewhat. Maybe it was from all her injections?
To tell the truth, the moment I see “a bubbly young lady”, I think, “Oh God No!”
Don’t assume someone’s gender!
If it walks like a man, talks like a man, looks like a man, I’ll do all the assuming I like.
Gender is what it is, just as my middle finger is not an earlobe or a nostril.
I’m as reasonable as Jordan Peterson in being willing to meet people with special pronoun requests half way, but no governmental mandates are going to force me to do it.
Also, if you want “she, he, her, or him”, I have my own request: That you more or less look the part.
Somebody way back quipped that they self-identify as a toaster.
Well I don’t talk to toasters. And that’s that.
I identify as fully vaccinated, that seems to shut them up!
It’s just a fashion from post-Exorcist horror films.
Simple contact lenses.
Anybody can do it.
In fact practically anybody with a computer and a basic graphics app can reproduce most of what we see in the ‘news’ these days…
What? No “I stand with Ukraine” badge? You should have secretly reported her for wrong think to the authorities.
Coronavirus I imagine is still on the list. Interestingly it’s number of importance has changed little against the sudden rise of popularity.
Covid-19 on the other hand apparently now has around 200 symptoms. How long is Covid?
Well of course it is, Medical Science
Don’t tell me she forgot to wear her “I Had An Abortion” T-shirt ??
In his 1st July newsletter Jerm Warfare mentions that Kruger Park (South Africa) is in danger of destruction because it has a carrying capacity of around 7000 elephants , but elephant numbers have ballooned to around 20,000…
‘The ecosystem is becoming increasingly unbalanced.’ “Elephants are majestic, but destructive.” Jerm says the Park’s crisis is’ due to politics and anti-hunting lobby groups.’
Jerm believes culling is a conservation principle…
Jerm includes a photo of himself partially clad in camouflage gear, hunting rifle hung from shoulder. He’s going on an Impala hunt. “Hunting is a very important piece in the conservation puzzle.”
Elephants were able to move freely about most of the continent ’til they came into conflict with human’s expanding need for space. But Like the American Red Indians if they wanted to survive they had to make way and become restricted to reservations. (Live Natural Museums ?)…
The elephants should be cautioned “There’s Too Much Hanky-Panky going on.” (Chuck Berry)…
The Chuck Berry line was ‘too much monkey business’. Could have been a prediction.
The inspiration was Jerry Lee Lewis’ “A whole lotta shakin; going on”, which could be rendered as “(There’s) a whole lotta shaggin’ going on.”. But i didnt want to offend any sensitives who might be reading the replies…
“Not grasshoppers again… “:
Seaweed certainly isn’t an alternative to meat. But it’s a good source of iodine, which we all need.
Soylent Green was made from plankton, but what happens when the oceans start dying?
Cut’n’Paste from previous thread on Jerm Warfare, because it deserves special attention as quantitative evidence for what to expect from the New Normal:
Patrick L. Jul 3, 2022 5:25 PM
Gigantic 163% increase in Life Insurance payouts (i.e. deaths) since the “vaccines” were inflicted on the people nearly two years ago.
Payouts by the Lincoln National Group (USA) leapt from
$548 million in 2020 to
$1.4 BILLION in 2021:
[When the New Oligarchs took over in 1990s Russia, life expectancy dropped by 5 years]
Bigtree the Gatekeeper
Debunking Bossche and Bigtree
Link reads: “In this video, David counters the misinformation being promoted by Del Bigtree in his interview with Geert Vanden Bossche about ‘viruses’ and ‘variants’ and the idea that they are more dangerous as the result of vaccinations. It is the vaccinations that are dangerous, not the so-called ‘viruses, because there is no evidence that the particles called ‘viruses’ cause any disease.”
I think that debunk could do with a debunk. But why bother? The debunk is so confused that “it is not even wrong!”
Are you disputing the figures I quoted? On what basis, exactly?
If Donald Trump really intended to “drain the swamp” why did he wait ’til it was too late ? (He should have guessed everything would be done to deny him a second term)…
If you’re someone who doesnt have a Pavlovian conditioned dog reflex, dont cringe in fear at the mere mention that so-and-so is a “marxist”, you might find interesting:
(The Soviet-Nazi Pact early WW2 challenged some Trotskyite-marxists to rethink their belief that the Soviet Union was a “deformed Worker’s State”.. One group (Socialism or Barbarism) decided that the Soviet Union was best understood economically as ‘state bureaucratic capitalism.’. They put their finger on the bureaucratisation that was underway in world’s advanced economies ,especially the US economy, which WW2 had speeded along…
(James Burnham, a Trotskyite, applied his marxism to understand economic trends in the US economy, and early during WW2 had published his influential “The Managerial Revolution”, which, while focussed on the management of corporations, also dealt with the bureaucratisation taking place…)(George Orwell was apparently influenced by Burnham’s book).
American Affairs Vol 1 #1 Spring 2017.
Drumpf was owned lock stock and barrel by the banksters that bailed him out of his bankruptcies. His greatest achievements were moving his embassy to Jerusalem and warp speeding the clot shots.
Trump had the Rothschild middleman who negotiated his bailout after all those Atlantic City casino purchases backfired literally in his cabinet (Wilbur Ross was Commerce Secretary).
I’d have thought that everyone had figured out by now that any politician peddling this kind of thing is selling 100% ersatz snake oil. Trump was never going to deliver, his job was just to energize the base to amass enough power for his sponsors to do their thing. (…and do them they have — from tax cuts that will turn out to be anything but when the lower orders’ givebacks expire to installing right wing extremists on SCOTUS (Roe v Wade’s just the sideshow)….the only thing he didn’t quite do was take over the Civil Service (although many gauleiters were embedded in its career structure).
A friend of mine told me several years ago that he thought all politicians were psychopaths. I thought he was exaggerating at the time, but that was pre-covid.
With all that’s gone on in the last 2 years +, I’m now inclined to believe he was right. Not every one perhaps, but a large percentage of them. Just look at and into their eyes.
The ones that aren’t have very short careers.
Thanks for the link. I hadn’t previously taken much notice of that EO. It looks interesting.
If Trump were not STILL draining the swamp, people wouldn’t be fretting about it. The problem with draining the swamp is that it has layers which not even Dante could have imagined. Though to get to those layers, it’s necessary to descend through some he described exceedingly well.
All will be revealed, etc!
Salem, Oregon,
April 2nd, 2022
Dear friends,
General Michael Flynn asked me to speak with a message for your rally. I gladly accepted his proposal, because I wish to greet you and encourage you in this re-awakening of consciences . . . The threat of a third world war is weighing on all of us. They have told us that President Putin invaded Ukraine to support his expansionist ambitions, but in reality the main purpose of Russia’s military operation is to prevent the aggression of the deep state and NATO. Putin is fighting against the same globalist elite that holds us all hostage. . . .
Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America
Jeffrey Tucker should listen to some of Trump’s speeches; especially the October 2016 one about being an “existential threat”. Without a full appreciation of that speech, Tucker’s understanding would barely scratch the surface of what it means to “drain the swamp”.
Venice, Amsterdam, the City of London and Washington DC were all built on former swamps. That seems a bit much to be a coincidence. Whether it’s a maritime law thing, or a masonic dualism thing, or both, or something else I couldn’t say.
BTW the names Carr and Kerr happen to mean swamp.
Sankt Petersburg as well.
It would be easier to build a bridge from Australia to New Zealand than to ‘drain-the-swamp’.
Moreover, Trump is spawn of the swamp …
There seems lots of pushing Burnham at the moment.
It’s making me recall all that pushing C. Wright Mills a while back. Mills wrote about ‘The Power Elite’ in 1956 and managed to mention Allan Dulles all of once. Is Burnham as uesless?
We are now living in a totalitarian society and practically nobody has realized it. Too dumbed down by the meaningless trash of endless Instagram drivel and notifications on their smartphone. The phone is much smarter than its user, certainly. Not very difficult. Steve Jobs once said 1984 won’t be like 1984, the book. No, the future will be far worse.
And we are not allowed to mention the people behind all this. Are we?
Of course you can although I do keep on coming across people who conflate people who advocate a sort of religous extremist master race mindset with adherents (or just people born into) an ancient religion. Its happened before — 100 years ago there was a lot of antipathy against multinational banksters, many of whom were Jewish, and the reaction to that saw the murder of millions of innocents — neighbors, colleagues, people just you and I. The sick irony of it all is that the multinational banksters emerged unscathed, even richer for this tragedy, while the memory of the slaughter of the innocents has been systematically — and cynically — exploited to further the cause of racism.
So leave my friends alone, please. They’re in the same boat as the rest us. Don’t fall for cheap racist propaganda — save you ire for the fascists.
Fascism and fascists is a laughable concept. In order for coordinated evil to exist something far more profound than ‘being a fascist’ must be present. This is incredibly obvious to anyone with an understanding of human psychology. We can all see the profound link between those continually seeking to destroy us. People claiming it isn’t so are just blind or gaslighting people who see clearly.
So all those foreign “tourists” from Europe and N. America going to Ukraine are going for a holiday? Russia is deluded in invading Ukraine?
The fascists who get the ire will be the same as your friends: guilty by association. They’ll be the same lied to and brainwashed dupes. One generalisation is as bad as another.
Regional Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said that five people were killed and four injured overnight. He added that 11 apartment buildings and at least 39 smaller houses were damaged. Belgorod is 40 kilometers from the border, has no military sites. — RT
On the sidelines of the NATO summit in Madrid, Ukrainian politicians discussed with Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda the invasion of Russian territory and the seizure of the country’s regions.
“We agreed on the following: Smolensk wd go to Lithuania, Kuban to Ukraine,
and Moscow to Poland.” — Goncharenko of Ukraine’s Telegram channel
[If wishes were horses]
LOL. These criminal clowns are what happens when a fake society consisting largely of hateful, twisted individuals ( the combined legacy of Byzantium, the Orthodox Church and bolshevikism) have a “democracy” with “elected representatives”…
They will never win the naming war, and they know it, because they’re just not smart enough.
Naomi Klein ??, rhodes scholar, studied rhetoric, husband In intel, claims Biden’s emergency powers re authorization has no date of terminus.
Her site looks legit.
There I read Dr. Zelenko passed.
Daily Clout is Naomi Wolf not Naomi Klein.
They are on different planets in regards to Covid. Naomi Wolf has been a warrior and is doing amazing work to expose the fraud whereas Naomi Klein a total globalist scumbag.
The Great Divide – ‘COVID’.
Regardless of what one stood for Before Covid (BC), it’s where you stand Post Covid (PC) that determines exclusion or inclusion…
You’re either one of Us, or one of Them.
“For us or agin us !”
I agree. Having read her book on Disaster Capitalism is what made me aware of the covid scam the moment it was announced – then I saw she was advocating masks and jabs and touting the climate change bullshite – incredible, she should know better, so without actually looking into her story ( because really, I have better things to do ) I would say you are right in saying she is a ‘ total globalist scumbag.’
Climate change means:
only one hot shower per week (except for the rich)
Fresh water scarcity means:
no showers at all (except for the filthy rich).
They shall be like Gods on Earth for
Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
Think of it as returning to the “Good Old Days”. Politicians like to harp on about the past with stuff like “Make America Great Again” so let’s truly return to the past. One bath (shower) a week should do just fine; hot water was something of a luxury, not something you’d just expect to come out of a tap on demand. Water plentiful but you needed to be careful about what you drank between iffy well water and lead plumbing (its called “plumbing” after the Latin name for lead). While we’re about it we should probably let nutrition standards and the general public health decline as it will also help weed out the weak (anyway, people are living far too long these days, they’re just a drain on society).
Seriously, I’ve been amazed by the tendency for turkeys to vote for Thanksgiving over the last few decades. I suppose they all think they’re going to be the one pardoned by the President.
British turkeys vote for Christmas, and none get pardoned, but yes, good point. 😆
So watched Twelve Monkeys tonight. Not seen it since it came out so quite enjoyable in light of recent days. It’s amazing just how much they programmed this shit into the sci fi psyche. It even mentions one characters dislike of DNA vaccines.
Why is it twelve eh?
How many dots on my icon?
the number of luciferian, how you and the “elite” psychos call it – as you are not calling it satan, grand lies that you believe.
Why don’t you move along and stop trying to enlight the plebs? It’s pretty clear no one will believe your satanic bs. You know why? It has to do with the lack of psychopathic traits.
That’s an oddly-shaped zodiac you’ve got there.
Amazon is created by yearly African dust….Image caption: “Satellites can track African dust clouds as they migrate across the Atlantic Ocean. This NASA TOMS aerosol movie, which spans the interval June 13 through 21, 2001, shows such a cloud raining bits of the Sahara Desert over the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico.”…Amazon rainforest relies on 40 million tons of nutrient-rich Sahara desert dust delivered yearly:
Noticed when I was a lad The dust comes up over high in the sky over east coast of the British Isles if the conditions are correct. Actually judge by the hue colour what region of the Continent it comes from.
Sometimes you can see it during the day. early evening and beautiful sunsets.
It’s a natural phenomenon going back lords knows how many millennia.
NYC says monkeypox vaxx only by appt cuz so so many were standing in line for it. And what’s the chance they’re flat-out LYING about this?
Appears the most common side effect of covid vax is . . . COVID.
What do you think most common side effect of pox vaxx w/b?
just say no.
They will beg for it…
About the silencing of a doctor, critical to covid:
Dr. Vernon Coleman: “The Great Betrayal”
“Look! There is a New Plague in Town. Chinese-Disappearing-Life-Savings Pox.”
“Coming soon to a country near you.”
Pretty much looks all bad to me.
A psy-op in action: the overturning of Roe vs Wade. This is coldly calculated to set up disruptions throughout America. And then the media enters to “predict” the disruptions as a sly way of “previewing” them i.e. encouraging the approaching storm by further inflaming the rising passions.
Thus Politico Magazine:
This followed by these subtitles:
(And note the little obligatory “silver lining”: ‘Our society will rebuild, and our communities will heal’ to generate a phoney objectivity and provide a “get out clause” whereby, if challenged, they could say they presented both sides – though clearly only interested in one of them.)
Very sleek and professional!
The thing about this abortion issue is that it has been taken over by private corps – companies PAY FOR their employees ( womb having women, that is ) to have abortions in private clinics where they also have control over the sale and procurement of the babies parts ( stem cells, tissues, organs ) – the same way the gov won’t mandate jabs but private companies can mandate for employees. This is more of the WEFs Public-Private Partnerships agenda. Abortion has not been overturned it has just been privatised and made to look as though the company pays for ‘travel expenses’.
Its not an Orwell thing but the recognition that there’s a shortage of skilled manpower and a lot of that manpower is actually womanpower. Quite frankly you’d have to be nuts to voluntarily live in one of the socially backward states unless you’re extremely rich. Sure, you can live in an enclave like Austin and pretend that everything’s OK but why take the risk if you’ve got a choice? (….and anyway, the climate’s better in California)
California is now an open-air prison, thanks to Gov. Newsom.
Although Roe v Wade is the headliner — and potentially the one having the most negative effects in the short term — don’t let it blind you to the other things that SCOTUS is up to. The most insidious of the lot will turn up next term where the court will rule on an interesting legal theory about whether state legislatures have sole power to decide how elections are run and how results are counted.
The real fun will start when the sheeple elect a Republican majority in Congress followed by a Republican president in 2024. They’ll be promised the Earth, of course — security, prosperity, all at no personal cost or effort on their part. What they’ll get is straight up Fascism and a lot of excuses — internal and external enemies working behind the scenes — why they can’t deliver what’s promised but need those belts tightening. Remember — “Guns Before Butter”! Things will then get really ugly when the Federal government tries to bring ‘blue’ states like California to heel. They started with the limits on ‘state and local tax deductions’ in the Trump administration but they’ll need more; its going to be interesting because they need us to subsidize their budgets so they can’t kill us off and anyone who’s got half a brain won’t move to a pure Fascist state (yes, state tax rates are cheaper but a) you don’t get anything back from the state and b) they have the money off you anyway in ‘fees’).
Under the constitution, the states already have the power to run their own elections. How do you think the Dems stole the 2020 election? It was not because they controlled the White House, the Senate or the Supreme Court!
It hasn’t produced the riots like George Floyd.
Where’s umbrella man when they need him?
Up to 19th. century, herbs for contraception and aborton were common. They will return. The medical industry digs its grave deeper.
Worth it for the smile 😀
The “New Normal War” against Russia and an update on important strategic developments:
When will they ever learn?
Vlad: So Sergei, what shall we try this time?
Sergei: I think we should send in the tanks.
Vlad: Very good; tanks it is!
I was disgusted that SCOTUS did not stop Biden’s mandate on health care workers requiring the ineffective leaky, mostly mRNA vaccine jabs. The Covid vaccines are NOT effective against death from Covid (Dutch researchers who obtained Pfizer’s and Moderna’s clinical trial results for Emergency FDA approval, the data the FDA wanted to bury for 75 years, found NO SIGNIFICANT PROTECTION FROM COVID DEATH in these clinical trials with the mRNA vaccines: ).Constitutionally, the President and federal government have no role in Public Health beyond advisory based on the Tenth Amendment; all 50 states have their own Public Health authorities, and while some screwed up, many did fine with Covid.
Emperor Biden, incapable of doing his day job, as President, keep trying to usurp the checks and balances of government. The CDC should NOT be in charge of rent moratoriums (they cannot even run PCR tests); OSHA should NOT be overseeing a Covid vaccine mandate (it’s not like American corporations and their surrounding towns and environs are safe for workers; plus the FED wants to cut those workers’ wages).
And of course Biden, while ViceRoy of Ukraine for eight years as VP, overthrew the democratic elected Ukrainian Government to further American corruption (as Clinton did in Russia with puppet Yeltsin) and now is intentionally provoking Russia, and has destroyed the global economy and put us on the cusp of nuclear war and annihilation.
But at least Biden’s not the foul mouthed Trump.
On the plus side, the courts have now blocked Biden’s vaxx-mandate for federal workers, so there’s hope yet for the nurses:
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-07-02. Moderna Myocarditis Risk 44X. Interstitial lung disease. Fertility rates fall. Trudeau, Acuitas & Pfizer. Eric Levy (blog, gab, tweet).
“Yes indeed nothing says lower global emissions more than transporting products once produced locally across an ocean from slave labor areas in large container ships. Not to mention the cost savings in culling the population of pesky untermenschen useless eaters that only drain the bottom line. Yes, watch as prices soar savings abound and Mother Gaia becomes healthier.”

“Deep Ecology forever!”
The inventor of the term ‘ecology’ Ernst Haeckel just happens to have been another crazed eugenicist.
“Notice how their Eugenics population reduction plan applies to others and not to themselves. It runs along the line of more for us and less for everyone else. Care for Mother Earth has little or nothing to do with it.”
Ya, the Washington State Governor has issued a royal fascist decree mandating the fake vaccine for the fake virus for all state employees. Next up, the school system. They aren’t stopping, because they can’t. The inertia of this thing permeates everywhere, similar to the war OF terror, which many of us pointed out was being totally ingrained into societies. Still take your shoes off to get on a plane? Ya, only now you have to wear a mask too. The only way this will stop is if some of us make them. Because clearly, too many people are going to go along with this shit. That seems to be the deal at this point. Like that ELO song, “we’re headed for a showdown”. This is about human society on earth, how it goes from here. It’s going to be a long struggle, maybe someday this period will be called, the “hundred-year People’s Revolution”. In the year 2525, if man is still alive.
Maybe, just maybe, this my body, my choice thing will come back to bite the mandate queens in the ass because the hypocrisy is overwhelming. But then again, here in the states, the deluded Trump supporters are still supporting the “Father of the Vaccine”, even when you point that out to them, because you know, he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue, and they wouldn’t blink an eye. Hey, it’s OK they say, he doesn’t support mandates. Jesus. He supports the fake vaccine, isn’t that enough? The political parties aren’t going to change no matter who is there, ALL of them are subservient to their global masters.
I watched a little Gerald Celente the other day, entertaining but informative dude, and he said “we need a third party!” Ya Gerald, at least. For sure we can’t keep playing the game by their rules. And yet, here we are, and the only game in town are the elections. Republicans or democrats, democrats or republicans, that’s our choice here, a choice between two evils.
“In Sham Democracy USA before one can have a Third Party (or a Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, etc.) one first needs a Second Party, as well as an honest electoral process.”

“One is going to have to fight for it though.”
What good have elections ever accomplished? In the US, the federal govt. ignores the wishes and preferences of the public – the voters. Is this not a form of corruption?
“There are two types of elections. Those done with ballots and those done with bullets. Which one would render a result that the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch mobster psychopath Nazis would hate/fear the most?”

“Here is a hint. Why does one think they trying to do away with the 2nd Amendment?”
It is the very definition of corruption.
They used to say that “We’ve got the best democracy money can buy”.
Democracy starts at the local level. One of the reasons why we’re in such a dreadful state at the moment is that people haven’t been bothering to vote in local elections which has allowed extremists to move into state houses and key positions in the state’s government.
The latest extremist wheeze is taking over school boards to push wedge issues like CRT (not taught in schools but when does truth come into it?), censoring books, dictating what teachers can and can’t teach (under threat of instant dismissal) and generally messing things up. All to get the base energized for 2024.
Those “extremists,” as you call them, are the only reason half the US states are no longer playing along with the Covid-hoax. Long live states’ rights!
Governance is a constant voting is hesidentcy.
Most countries in Europe have four or five parties, and it doesn’t do them a lick of good. The political system in the West is FUBARed.
It really puzzles me why the eugenics crowd keep droning on about the over-population ‘explosion’ and the end of the world. All the evidence seems to suggest that the global population growth has stalled and is now in decline – fact. Statistically we know that the female fertility rate needs to be 2.1 babies, and that is just for static equilibrium. Fact. No countries in the northern hemisphere at least reach that figure. Fact. Then comes the not insignificant issue of the declining male sperm count. Fact. Factor in the changes in social mores and political behaviour and you have the recipe for a global downturn in population.
This much seems axiomatic but doesn’t seem to calm the Greenies and tree-huggers who are seemingly who are about to have apoplectic about the end of humanity.
I get the feeling they want to cull only certain sections of the population: The elderly; the always sick & the disabled; the ones ‘in the know’ in western society; …
Absolutely … They want to kill off all those income generating humans, the ones whose insurance pays the inflated bills their treatment generates.
Explain please why they would want to seal up a still fruitful gold mine?
So why are they pushing to inject infants with the clot-shot then?
Population is falling. Empty Planet: Preparing for the Global Population Decline VIDEO
UN says 2100 will see 11 Billion; they’re wrong.
36% of pop is in China & India. China’s birthrate is only 1.5/woman. India 2.1 that’s replacement.
Because populations everywhere becoming more urban, people want fewer kids, they’re a cost, not helpers on the farm.
Also, women are more autonomous. Mid-century will take us to 8-9B, then will decline.
Already, global fertility rates are falling, reaching 2.4 births per woman in 2018, down from 5.06 in 1964. Fertility rates in about 50% of countries worldwide are at 2.1, which is below population replacement level, The Guardian reported. If further stressors are introduced, it could be catastrophic.
William Engdahl:
“In Germany, the birthrate has sunk to just 1.36, worse even than low-fertility Spain (1.48) and Italy (1.4). Western Europe as a whole will most likely shrink from 460 million to just 350 million by the end of the century. And barring dramatic reversal of the foolish One (sometimes Two) Child Policy, China’s population will be reduced in half.
Even the USA where a large immigrant Hispanic population immigration has kept birth rates higher, is now facing reduction. A Pew Research Center report found that immigrant births fell from 102 per 1,000 women in 2007 to 87.8 per 1,000 in 2012, to bring the overall US birthrate to a mere 64 per 1,000 women—not enough to sustain current population. Europe, in short, is dying off, China and Russia, and the United States as well.
Yes, some might argue, but the over-population bomb is in the developing world, in Africa, India, Latin America…
“Not so.
“The poor, highly fertile countries of the developing world, in part thanks to the Rockefellers and their loveless friends, are no longer reproducing as before. From 1960 to 2009, Mexico’s fertility rate plunged from 7.3 live births per woman to 2.4. India’s dropped from 6 to 2.5, and Brazil’s fell from 6.15 to 1.9.
More here
London is now less than 40% “white.”
Lots of people have to die – otherwise lots of people will die.
Eugenicist logic!
Also: ‘We must stop burning up fossil-fuels at this alarming rate because they are non-replenishable!’
Fertility is high enough to speak of only in Angola, DR Congo, Mali, Niger, Somalia, Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan – before taking life expectancy into account. That most of these countries are war-torn should ring a bell.
Though derided as low-IQ, most Africans had ample personal or anectodatal experience of the wonders of modern science including medicine, and of Western altruism. As a result, the quantity of covid jabs acknowledged as discarded ran into millions of doses.
This included “expired” jabs. You may recall that keeping the jabs current entailed magical “scientific” pronoucements such as (a) one jab no longer requiring cooling in liquid nitrogen (b) simply extending the expiry date by months.
There’s nothing ‘new’ or ‘normal’ about any of this.
You make an interesting point. However, according to psychiatry, ‘normals’ is a favorite expression when referring to people who do not suffer from “unimpaired mental functioning” including mental illness or some form of psychopathology. Politically, this also implies that people who actually believe that all mainstream ideology and state propaganda yields the truth, are ‘normals’ while those who do not, are ‘abnormal’ and are therefore not right in the head. Under the NWO (as happened in the old Soviet Union) ‘abnormals’ will be sent for psycho-correction.
Don’t mention the war!
Whatever you do, don’t mention the Germans.
I did once but I think I got away with it.
The meme should have included “while you still have the chance” why? Because you will not be allowed to grow anything under the NWO as you will not own anything including the land. You can also forget grow bags because they will be deemed illegal too! Whether or not you will be “happy and own nothing” as Klaus Schwab seems to think you will be, that will depend on what WE THE PEOPLE DO in the meantime in a bid to resist and also prevent the adverse changes that the dark forces wish to impose upon us all. The question is how much more crap are people willing to take – may be YOU can answer that question better than me.
You will own nothing (because they will own everything)
And you will be happy (in a chemically induced way)
You forgot to mention the electrical aspect, all chemistry at base level is electrical i.e. to do with the potentials, electrical charges and charge distributions. That’s why they are experimenting with 5G etc and charged carrier particles and toxicants in vaccines to establish another “chemically induced way” of controlling the population as you have put it.
However, this still appears to be too far fetched for the majority to digest does it not, and they will continue to deny such things to the last, saying “They wouldn’t do that – its not possible”! Well genes for example, function like a cassette in the body they can’t turn themselves on or off, so its the electromagnetic field that is the driver.
The late Jacques Benveniste was onto that, and proved that molecular signalling was electromagnetic and did not depend on the so-called outdated ‘lock and key’ mechanism where a physical molecule has to come into physical contact with a so-called ‘cell receptor’ – implying a ‘billiard ball’ type mechanistic causality. Science is way past that now.
Of course the late Benveniste was ridiculed by mainstream mechanistic biologists. As a result of Dr Harold Hillman’s research that he conducted with regard to the existence of ‘receptors’ on cell membranes he has argued that:
It must be concluded that receptors as structures and sites, simply do not exist in living cells. Elsewhere, I have put forward a different simpler hypothesis for the action of transmitters and drugs [my emphasis] .(Hillman 1991).
(Hillman, A Serious Indictment of Modern Cell Biology and Neurobiology pdf file).
Thanks for that pointer. Have downloaded and begun to skim-read. Looks pretty damning so far (to modern conventional cell biology, etc, and probably by implication to virology).
Glad you agree Mike. There’s lot more to all this than meets the eye. Some websites dealing with the more sinister and established bioenergetic and psychoenergetic aspects of biology and microbiology have now suddenly disappeared completely off the web within the last couple of weeks. No need for any alleged viruses in the conventional sense -there’s now far more efficient means of transmitting disease but much of the tech still remains in the woodwork and will be pulled out in due course.
Influenza for example, is a complex disease process which has nothing to do with an alleged ‘influenza A virus’ and it has multiple causes including individual predispositional factors which vary, and without which, there can be no influenza disease process.It does not have a single cause either, such as any alleged ‘variant’ of the virus. Hope Simpson (31 January 1908 – 5 July 2003) was on the right track when he referred to variations in solar radiation as a “trigger” (connected with the solar cycle) but got too bogged down and engrossed with mainstream virus theory and couldn’t work things out because it led him and others off on the wrong track.
Hope Simpson’s book is entitled, “TheTransmission of Epidemic Influenza” its a pity he didn’t have access to the modern research on bioenergetics etc at the time he wrote the book.
Yes, higher prices reduce needless driving. Millions of Americans can’t afford cars/fuel to begin with, and this was true all along. Spoiled middle class unable to endure the “oppression” of delays, car pooling, switching to public transportation? As for growing your own food: What percentage of the population still owns property? What about the masses? We’ve a few million left jobless in a country that tore out poverty relief.
Well, that spoiled middle class you feel the need to revile as selfish and lazy are about to disappear, so at least there’ll be that to celebrate under the new world order. As for property ownership, that will of course no longer be tolerated for anyone not extremely wealthy, so there’s that perk too. Growing one’s own food, even if that is possible for some, will be made illegal (already is in many places), and then we will all be totally and irrevocably dependent on our corporate masters, disguised as “government” poverty relief. The masses will be set at each other’s throats, certainly nothing new there, and obliterated slowly, painfully, violently no doubt. When the food and water riots start, the first in line to be preyed on will be the last remnants of that spoiled middle class. After all, that middle class doesn’t have private security, alarm systems, or the means to escape like the masters do, so the masses will come for the low hanging fruit first. That spoiled middle class will be no more, but that will NOT solve the problems for the masses, and then it is feudalism for all. Yay! That’ll sure reduce all that needless driving, won’t it?
Know your enemy, it sure as hell ain’t what’s left of the middle class, and it NEVER was.
I love the news opening:
“To keep climate change within limits that we can reasonably adapt to, …”
Who is “we” and what exactly does “reasonably” mean?
But amidst all the colourful squiggles and number juggling, the basic message is predictable: “We” need to go back to lockdown after lockdown. The only real problem for this mysterious “us” is selling this to the ones who are going to suffer through it i.e. the ones who are most decidedly not part of this “we”.
And in any earlier age, it would have been unwise to blatantly admit to how marvellously convenient covid was in bringing about such clearly favoured outcomes. Ah but times have changed!
The Supreme Court did not uphold the vaccine mandate. It refused to take the case.
A refusal to take a case has no precedential force. They could easily decide otherwise in the court’s next season. Especially when three justices voted to take the case. Next time, all that would be needed is to flip the votes of two more justices. Which could easily happen, with all the evidence coming out against the “vaccines”.