This July 4th we should ALL declare our independence from the New Normal
Kit Knightly

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Today is July 4th, Independence Day. And, in the world of the New Normal, maybe that’s something we should all celebrate.
The United States of America has become a corrupt Imperial juggernaut, chewing up the world and spitting out bones. We have all seen warmongers and tyrants prop up the corpses of Jefferson and Washington and claim to be their descendants whilst spitting on their legacy.
This makes it easy for us to forget that the idea of America was once something different, & that idea still exists in the wording of the Constitution & the Declaration of Independence. Just as the teachings of Jesus are not marred by every holy warrior who claims to conquer in God’s name, so the sentiments expressed by the founding documents of the United States bear none of the blood so dishonestly shed in theirs.
And in a world of New Normal tyranny these gain newfound relevance.
Here is the preface to the Declaration of Independence, authored by Thomas Jefferson and presented before the Congress of the United States, July 4th 1776:
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed
–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
A lot of our American readers will doubtless be familiar with the text, but I would invite non-Americans to read it for the first time. Consider the poetry of the language, and the revolutionary meaning of the words.
All men created equal, and all have the unalienable right to be free, and to choose those who govern them.
In a world still dominated by hereditary monarchies, these are revolutionary sentiments. And they hold true today, even as the same forces that threatened those rights in 1776 coalesce against them on a global scale.
That’s what it is. What it was. What it always will be. Tyranny seeking control over people who should be free. Be it the tyranny of the British Empire or the Great Reset. Names change but the spirit remains the same.
The founding fathers may have been crawling out of feudalism, but we are being guided back into it, and it’s the job of those of us who realise this to try and wake up our fellow men, to counter that part of every person disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
Then, as now, a major obstacle to liberating people was their own inertia, their own fear of the unknown, their own unwillingness to assert their rights or stand their ground.
We have all seen this as Covid-world has progressed. From masks to social distancing to lockdown, people have adapted to a slew of sufferable evils rather than right themselves.
If you consider the comparison a stretch, consider these examples of “abuses” taken from the declaration…
- [The King has] rendered the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.
- [imposed] Taxes on us without our Consent
- Deprived us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:
- abolished our most valuable Laws, and altered fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:
- Has excited domestic insurrections amongst us
- sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people
…sound familiar? And if the abuses are the same, then isn’t the solution?
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
We should mark these words. As true today as was when they were written. Maybe more so.
This July 4th, think back on the long train of abuses we have all suffered – and still suffer.
Consider how they all pursue invariably the same Object and evince a design to have us all live under absolute Despotism.
Don’t we all have the right and duty to throw them off and be free again?
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Only last year they suggested getting tested before seeing family members or not inviting family members who haven’t been jabbed RE: July 4th/thanks giving.
I can see we have come a long way since.
“He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.”
Always appreciate that reminder from the Declaration about how the British empire was getting in the way of plans for continental expansion by imperialists in the colonies. Of course, ruling elites on the home front found their first official terrorist threat in the usual scapegoats of not so noble savages to cover for them and their ambitions. And as with today’s national insecurity state, the scorched earth destruction of the enemy sounded a lot like the policy and practice of the people’s protectors. Washington, for example, was affectionately known by indigenous as Town Destroyer, and scalping was imported with settlers. It’s also worth recalling that enough settlers were leaving the colonies and the savagery of the civilized to join the more humane ways of life among the barbarians at the gates as to make it necessary to pass ‘rule of law’ punishments against doing so.
If the Declaration has any relevance to a people’s history of the US, it’s as a reminder that the revolution at its best was betrayed. This betrayal became consolidated with the constitutional coup in 1789, as the plotters who got away with becoming founding fathers met behind locked doors to illegally overthrow the Articles of Confederation and prevent further resistance to their class interests as had just occurred with Shay’s Rebellion. Rather than any concern with quasi-independent states as Kit claimed in his recent defense of the SCOTUS Roe v. Wade decision (and defense of further fuel for attacks on liberty and autonomy?), the organized gang in Philadelphia were all about centralized control of currency and commerce, military and empire, for themselves. And that original sin of class rule has reached its endgame with today’s Great Reset.
Just as most of the colonists were indifferent to the American elites promoting session from England (there were a lot of Tories who favored remaining loyal to the crown) so too many present day Americans are indifferent to the truth of current events. Most are comatose regarding what is really going on, others are too cowardly to become engaged in activism at any level; even educating/informing their family and peers about what is really going on.
Remember the “Founding Fathers” set up a government (they conducted a coup d’état against the Articles of Confederation they were sent to Philadelphia to revise). What they came up with was a governmental system that put themselves in positions of power that excluded non-property/land owners, all women, all Native Americans and almost all Blacks. The “Founders” and their class were a minority while the vast number of the people living here at that time were excluded from participating in the government they created.
Every 4th of July, we seem to have a mass donning of rose-tinted glasses…
Or red, white, and blue-tinted glasses!
The concern is that the people prefer the security and warmth of an authoritarian womb to the light and space that the world offers and the risks that might entail. Totalitarian democracy, tyranny by consent is a fork in humanity’s road we must avoid.
America isn’t a democracy, it’s a republic, which is supposed to overcome the weaknesses of a less stable system. See Plato and Aristotle for reference.
No. Its as simple as that. No. We know what is going on and why it’s going on and for whom. This is my answer to these parasites of humanity: Fuck your New Normal and fuck your Great Reset/Build Back Better/New World Order.
Be like Rosa Parks… Be like Gandhi. Just say No. My conscience and principles guide me now, I practice mindfulness and I don’t live in fear. I refuse to allow fear to rule me. Because if you let go of your fear, then you will find your power.
So many have allowed themselves to drown in fear to the point that they are injecting their own children with this experimental crap.
On a positive note, I am meeting a small number of customers who know all about the Great Reset and transhumanism and they namedrop creatures like Yuval Harari and Klaus Schwab at me which I gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. Talking to complete strangers face to face about this stuff and they know about psychopaths like Harari.
Speaking of which, I found these quotes from the odious Jacques Attali, one of the architects of this New Order a couple of days ago. They were shadowbanned on my newsfeed incidentally.
And to follow up on the messages from the founding fathers,here is one more.
“What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.”
This is from Thomas Jefferson,and in my opinion one of the best.
Revolution Time – Taki’s Magazine – Taki’s Magazine (
The founding fathers were the genocidal poms who wiped out millions of Indians and Mexicans. They started slavery. Let’s not pretend otherwise
Well said, that is real history not the shit that’s changed and peddled to suit the agenda.
How many millions?
For the Red Indians: “Population figures for the Indigenous people of the Americas prior to colonization have proven difficult to establish. Scholars rely on archaeological data and written records from European settlers. By the end of the 20th century most scholars gravitated toward an estimate of around 50 million—with some historians arguing for an estimate of 100 million or more.” — WikiPedia
And for the buffalo: “The worst animal genocide in history and the greatest recovery from the brink of extinction. It is estimated that as many as 60 million American bison roamed the grasslands and plains of North America during the 19th century. ”
I looked hard to find the desire to eradicate Indians, Mexicans or others in the founding documents, Declaration Of Independence, or Constitution. Slavery was not invented in the U.S. Slavery has been all over the world for centuries. Yes! It was horrible and a stain on our founding. But to blame this and the other atrocities on our founding fathers is over the top IMO.
All humans are flawed and some humans are outright evil. There are examples all over the world, including the U.S., of humans treating other humans horribly and it continues today. So, IMO, forming a new country as outlined in the Constitution was not evil, but some individuals and government officials were evil and did horrible things. And, of course, you can find many other examples in world history.
“The only good Red Indian is a dead Red Indian” — U$ proverb
“I looked hard to find the desire to eradicate” 3,000 U$ citizens and 2,000,000 Muslims in the documents of the Bush / Cheney regime.”
“And, of course, you can find many other examples in world history.”
For instance, the Hitler regime killed even more of their own people (4Million) and even more foreigners (20-30Million).
Curiously, both regimes, the Bush regime and the Hitler regime, believed in something they called “The New World Order”. It sounds mighty edifying, and makes an inspiring document for posterity.
Bush/Cheney made the decision to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. Hitler made the decision to invade multiple countries and kill Jews, Stalin made decisions to starve Russians, on an on. I don’t know that the founders made specific decisions to eradicate/kill Indians or Mexicans. They created a movement and document to allow people to become free.
Individual’s should be held accountable for their specific actions-Not the founders were bad, America is bad, Germany is bad, Africa is bad, etc because of the actions of specific individuals and maybe groups of individuals.
“Bush/Cheney made the decision to invade Iraq and Afghanistan” — plus 5 other countries in 5 years. And to blow up 3 Buildings in NYC on Sept 11 2001, which incinerated 3,000 U$ citizens. All to bolster the decision of the Bush / Cheney regime to “take out 7 countries in 5 years”.
As you say, “Individuals should be accountable for their specific actions”. At the End of Days, God will separate the sheep from the goats.
Understanding WTF NWO means is a big clue.
Half my icon is the OWO and the other half is the NWO – another clue for you.
Did you mean OTO? Can you expand?
Schwab and his cronies intend to “eradicate” 7 billion. Kind of makes old Adolf seem a bit pathetic by comparison.
Right from the outset, there was a consistent policy of subjugation and complete extermination, articulated quite openly by political leaders without any dissent or change from 1620 to the end of the 19th century.
Hitler was a great admirer of this policy. He was an avid reader of Wild West books and the fate he had planned for the peoples of eastern Europe was based on the treatment of the Red Indians.
“The only good Indian is a dead Indian” — Wild West Stories
Renowned “Indian Fighter” Colonel John Milton Chivington, a former Methodist pastor who gained infamy for leading a 700-man force of Colorado Territory militia during the massacre at Sand Creek in November 1864, passionately declaimed “Damn any man who sympathizes with Indians! … I have come to kill Indians, and believe it is right and honorable to use any means under God’s heaven to kill Indians. … Kill and scalp all, big and little; nits [referring to infants] make lice!“
Some holocausts can be denied. Others cannot.
I would like to recommend the TV series “John Adams” to everyone interested in the American Revolution.
Support for nationalism was only ever as a stepping stone to a worldwide government.
Example one:
“A truly Humanist civilisation must be a world civilisation”. That was Corliss Lamont. His father happened to be a partner in JP Morgan. Lamont drafted the Humanist Wedding Ceremony.
Example two:
“I dreamed of a worldwide brotherhood with the background of a common race and creed, consecrated to the cause of peace”. That was Lord Tweedsmuir, Governor General of Canada and better known as John Buchan, author of ‘The 39 Steps’ (filmed by Hitchcock and remade at least twice since). Buchan wrote in his autobiography of “the veiled prophets who are behind the scenes in a crisis” and although he didn’t elaborate the fact that he’d been Milner’s private scretary might be a bit of a clue.
I personally think that’s BS. Nationalism is being attacked as “fascist” by the globalists. Nationalism is the antithesis of globalism. Or can be. I guess false nationalism could be used as a cover.
Yes, the Fascists used Jingoism as a cover for a collusion between Public Order and Private Capital.
Conversely, Orwell noted that conservative English Tories were dying out and being replaced by Corporate Fascists.
The Soros strategy of “Attack the Left from the Left” (which led to U$ Democrats and UK New Labour) is now being attacked from the Right ie, the Fake Left is being attacked by conservative patriots.
“A patriot is a man who defends his country because he loves what is behind him more than he hates what is in front of him”. — GK Chesterton
“Milner’s private secretary”.
Many thanks for that info on the creator of GreenMantle. We had it as a set book in the late 1940s. Buchan being Milner’s PPS explains the strong whiff of Con-911 which began to emanate from Greenmantle after Con-911. Richard Hannay, a mining engineer from South Africa (gold and diamonds) is recruited by his chum X in MI6 to assist chum Sandy Arbuthnot to ignite a colour revolution in Mesopotamia (oil) dressed up as Mad Mullah Greenmantle.
English banker Lord Milner was Governor of South Africa after the 1899 British takeover of the Free Afrikaaner Republics and their mineral resources in the Boer War (with a job for mining engineer Hannay). Buchan became Governor of Canada. Milner became Colonial Secretary after the British takeover of ME oilfields in World War 1 (with a job for Arabic linguist Arbuthnot aka Lawrence). Milner was Rhodes’s man in South Africa. Rhodes was Rothschild’s man in Africa.
Gold, diamonds, oil and — above all — jobs for the chums.
“I dreamed of a worldwide brotherhood with the background of a common race and creed, consecrated to the cause of peace”.
There is no common race and creed.There is the human race, yes, with many peoples, whose interests and desires are frequently in opposition.
Utopia doesn’t mean a good place, it means no place.It does not, nor ever will, exist on this plane. Dystopia, however. . .
The creation of the Bank of England and the full takeover after the ‘Glorious Revolution’ saw the imposition of a new kind of tyranny in this country – that of the financial oligarchy. This was the formation of the Venetian banking system the model itself with a lineage back to Babylon designed to enslave and impoverish mankind while the usurers previously banned became fabulously rich.
This began with the rise of the East India Company that created the opium wars, got fabulously rich from slavery and caused famines in India which saw the deaths of 10’s of millions.
What people don’t realise though is that system is still in operation today. It is responsible for the debt and poverty and pestilence. It has racked up trillions in debt which our govts have willingly tied us the people into being responsible for.
It is an evil and tyrannical system and its what we all live under today. It is this system that saw the creation of the IMF and BIS. No one has still not explained to me why the IMF were involved in the ‘pandemic’ response plan?
The American founding fathers realised that which is why the British fought so hard to enforce their system on them. It was no coincidence that Lincoln was assassinated after creating the green backs. Andrew Jackson suffered 4 assassination attempts after refusing the 2nd central bank its charter in the 1830’s. Each time a president stood for freedom from this central bank tyranny they were murdered.
Until finally in 1913 the bankers won. The formation of the FED tied the US into the same debt based system that has haunted the country ever since. The same system that this country had lived under since 1694. The system of enslavery that had moved from Venice to Amsterdam and Hamburg and finally to London.
The difference is a lot of American’s haven’t forgotten freedom and liberty because they or at least the forefathers did have a taste of it. The people in this country not so much. The people in this country have never had the freedom from this form of financial tyranny because this country has been the leader in importing this tyranny around the world. That is run from the City of London and MI6 with the monarchy as the front man for this international tyranny. The got so stinking rich because they stole their wealth from the poorest countries in the world while no one was looking.
Until we realise that the enemy of the working, average man in the street lies just a few miles up the road and not in Moscow, Teheran or Beijing we will never be free.
Tbh its probably far too late now anyway. Any hope – what little there is would probably be best served by moving to America ready for some sort of final showdown. It would be a good hill to die on.
So very true!
Excellent post from Seansaighdeor. Most civilians don’t realize the American revolution was already over by the war of 1812. You can’t establish an independent Republic when currency valuations and trade policies are tied to other States and Nations.
We can thank Alexander Hamilton for all economic fiascos tied to the First Bank of the United States. The United States LOST the war of 1812 to European banking cartels. US history – as taught – is a complete mythology. A true story based on fiction…
Sudden Vaxx Death may be why Australian auto accidents have taken 100 lives in the first 6 months of 2022– many more than last year. Might be interesting to see if it’s increased in your area too.
Let’s try to make the causal name — Sudden Vaxx Death — go viral, shall we?
Discussing the clot-shots is never off topic here at the OffG.
The Annual Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded by the Norwegian Nobel Committee since 1901, yet true lasting global peace remains a dream, a hope, a utopia.
The world is in deep crisis, which drags us ever closer to the nuclear precipice.
There remains no choice but to address the fundamental problems of our global dystopia.
To discover the very roots of it’s unconscious nature.
Yet until the people begin to realize that the solutions we seek can only be found beyond the intellectual mind.
Global peace will remain a utopia!
A Ukrainian comedian pretending to be the president telling jokes about war and treachery, “Now take the Americans, for instance… please!!!”
The Americans continue to give Mr Z just enough rope to keep up appearances, enough to carry on pretending,
But remember, it is a rope and the White House/Deep State/ Neo-Cons keeps the other end in their hand.
Just enough rope to hang themselves, so who is the real master?
Over one hundred thousand Ukrainian dead and injured maybe the real figure is even higher?
The Ukrainians continue to be manipulated, threatened, coerced and controlled by these US/UK/EU, NATO criminal psychopaths who themselves remain panicked, confused and dazed by the rapid progression of their own destructive suicidal global agenda.
After having fallen lock, stock and barrel for the Russian long game that the West would rather fully self destruct their own criminal empire of folly, lies, deceit and treachery than concede defeat in Ukraine to the Russians to protect their dollar hegemony and the failing delusional last grasp of a dying uni-polar world.
Every day we are coming closer and closer to a global disaster, and it hurts.
And it hurts more because you feel you cannot help, you cannot do anything.
It is simply beyond the capacity of any individual to prevent this calamity, this disaster, this global suicide that seems to be almost certain.
You feel helpless because you think in terms of helping other people to understand, and that is an impossible job.
The world is so big, and people are so full of violence that it seems the calamity is not coming from outside, but it is the accumulated violence in people themselves that is going to destroy this earth.
So don’t think in terms of helping.
Then you will not feel helpless and you will not feel tense.
The best approach is not of helping anybody, but just for you to raise your own consciousness to the highest peak possible, of which you are perfectly capable.
So you forget about the world, otherwise it will create unnecessary anxiety and will destroy your own awakening, which is the only possibility to save the world.
Anybody who wants to help the world should forget about the world and concentrate upon themselves.
How many so called world leaders, artists, scientists, academics, politicians, clergy, celebrities, know themselves?
Or are even aware that they do not know themselves?
Knowing oneself is intelligence.
Intelligence comes from seeing.
Not from the mind, thoughts must cease for your intelligence to be.
Intelligence is consciousness itself.
Consciousness, being free of thought, is the door to knowing the absolute, zero.
It is ever present within us.
Intelligence is always in the present.
Uncovering intelligence, from the distortion of mind, allows us to see directly the very nature of reality.
Fully unlocking the present will release humanity from its entire past of divisions, violence, hatred and war.
Intelligence is a Universal Existential Constant!
Intelligence is a state of no-mind!
Our whole structure of education is built not on intelligence, but on intellect and competition.
Only trying to achieve results in the future.
Never realizing that intelligence is always in the present.
Education initiates the fever of ambition and the struggle for power.
Education does not make you more aware, more conscious.
It simply fills you with information by increasing the power of your memory.
Mind is nothing but a faculty of imagination.
But while the world and it’s leaders remain oblivious to this truth.
The implications are enormous.
The intellect without intelligence awake is one of the most dangerous things in the world.
And we are living under the danger of intellect.
Because intellect has given science immense power.
But the power is in the hands of children, not in the hands of wise people.
Only by knowing oneself, does a person become wise.
Raise your own consciousness to such a height that existence has to think a second time whether to destroy this world or to save it.
If we can create only two hundred fully enlightened people in the world, the world can be saved.
they are all being given just enough rope to hang themselves,
what concerns most is that in terms of creation the violent re arrangement of atoms and molecules is nothing new..
in terms of their souls, they know they are truly, irrevocably damned, like bitch ass schoolkids they will scratch the wallpaper with their fingernails as they are marched to the prinicipals office, they know this…
how much “damage” they do as they leave the room is the only real question we have as we strive to save our little bit of this amazing world..
“out n about” yesterday in s/w uk mainstream folk are begininng to get “it”, the cracks and fisures are opening wide as resources and fuel run dry and i mean gone..
“they” seek order from chaos, “they” are brats with no conscious understanding, they just want to see what happens, becuase the idea was implanted in them many, many years ago.
“they” believe they have a secret, xavier hints at this often, i have a secret we are all worthless and worthy..
the future is at once decided and un-decided, our concepts of time, dimensionality, self are limited to our biological perspective, which is but one side of us, the other we foolishly classify as sleep/dream/soul/identity
as far as my studies have informed me this all kicked up a gear when crowley, golden dawn, thule society, steiner dabbled at the turn of the last century (ish). Recent escalation being related to c.e.r.n and the “colliders”.
before “covert19” i was privvy to a random R4 program where a woman who was invited to speak re literature, used her opportunity to reveal to those listening the nature and name of the inter-dimensional being who has inhabited and moved through many humans involved in occult/power/politics since invocation 1890s
The presenter was unable to prevent her from speaking through it seems incredulity and the fact that he could not decipher whether she spoke of literary fiction or fact.
steiner was involved in the early days of national socialist party, how comforting for the parents of the woke elite brats currently being educated to take over after the “event”.
i digress, i have hay to turn in my little corner of the world that i will defend as best i can to my dying breath. great post btw, all the best
The local Waldorf school is all masked up and pushing the shot. Steiner would be turning over in his grave.
steiner once said “one day they will create a vaccine that will remove/cure the soul”, whats random about that is it was always perceived he was warning, seems he was anticipating..
having dealt with ex steiner types they all share the same belief that someone else will sort the problems out, serve them in short, because they are “special”, special needs with neither the balls or brains to cope in the world.
elites are in every walk and in every walk they are equally deluded, if the masses woke up to that…hmmm
luvin the down votes, more please :0)
Global ‘enlightenment’ is a globalist pipedream and nukes aren’t actually real. The only thing a good King can do is make a stable society and economy, for new souls to be brought up well and tired souls to return to God.
“nukes aren’t actually real”
We know this how?
Just type; nuclear bomb hoax or chernobyl hoax into duckduckgo. There is some nonsense but within that there is a large amount of damning evidence that the wool was truly pulled over mankinds eyes for the past 70 years. And to wet your appetite, first read this article by physicist Alexander Unzicker, on how unreliable science institutions have become.
Happy reading.
Okay, thanks. I’ll check it out.
Also, take into consideration the purpose of all this, which conspiracists don’t approach, that is the psychological impact such an invention leads to, something called ‘demonstrating omnipotence’ that a captor has to display over his captive. And demonizing an almost free energy source, there is that.
“The best approach is not of helping anybody, but just for you to raise your own consciousness to the highest peak possible, of which you are perfectly capable.
So you forget about the world, otherwise it will create unnecessary anxiety and will destroy your own awakening, which is the only possibility to save the world.”
Are you sure you’re not @lienBuddha? Or @lienHindu? Or @lienEpicurus?
I ask because my understanding of Christ is, of a man who: having attained “the highest peak of consciousness possible”, yet risked exposing himself to “unnecessary anxiety” and the highest “stress” possible (torture, despair and death) by “helping” his fellow creatures in order to “save the world”.
and who told you that JC was a man? oh yes those nice folks at church..
cmon folks, think out side the box, or more the cube
The Ukrainian public should have thought differently concerning their embracement of NATO/Nazi operatives living amongst their population. Supporting thugs is plainly stupid. That’s why people do it…
List of the Founding Fathers who Owned Slaves
49 of the 64 Founding Fathers Owned Slaves
George Washington (1732 – 1799)
James Madison (1751 – 1836)
Thomas Jefferson (1743 – 1826)
Benjamin Franklin (1706 – 1790)
Patrick Henry (1736 – 1799)
James Monroe (1758 – 1831)
John Jay (1745 – 1829)
Alexander Hamilton (1755 – 1804)
John Marshall (1755 – 1835)
Samuel Chase (1741 – 1811)
John Hancock (1737 – 1793)
Benjamin Harrison (1726 – 1791)
John Dickinson (1732 – 1808)
William Floyd (1734 – 1821)
George Mason (1725 – 1792)
Joseph Hewes (1730 – 1779
John Penn (1741-1788)
Edward Rutledge (1749 – 1800)
Thomas Heyward (1746 – 1809)
Thomas Lynch, Jr. (1749 – 1779)
Arthur Middleton (1742 – 1787)
William Paca (1740 – 1799)
Thomas Stone (1743 – 1787)
Charles Carroll (1737 – 1832)
George Wythe (1726 – 1806)
Richard Henry Lee (1732 – 1794)
Thomas Nelson, Jr. (1738 – 1789)
Francis Lightfoot Lee (1734 – 1797)
Carter Braxton (1736 – 1797)
Button Gwinnett (1735 – 1777)
Lyman Hall (1724 – 1790)
Robert Morris (1734 – 1806)
Benjamin Rush (1746 – 1813)
George Taylor (1716 – 1781)
Caesar Rodney (1728 – 1784)
George Read (1733 – 1798)
Philip Livingston (1716 – 1778)
Francis Lewis (1713 – 1802)
Lewis Morris (1726 – 1798)
Richard Stockton (1730 – 1781)
John Witherspoon (1723 – 1794)
Francis Hopkinson (1737 – 1791)
John Hart (1713 – 1779)
Abraham Clark (1726 – 1794)
Josiah Bartlett (1729 – 1795)
William Hooper (1742 – 1790)
William Whipple (1730 – 1785)
Stephen Hopkins (1707 – 1785)
Oliver Wolcott (1726 – 1797)
The down voting of these facts just goes to show why we are well and truly fucked!
No relevance. Zeitgeist….
Yeah, we’re fucked all right, but not in the way you think.
What do I think?
“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”
It’s not just coloured people either; the whole “white guilt” trip is perverse, patronizing, and counter-productive. It’s the “White Man’s Burden” updated for the digital age.What used to be “Oh! These poor benighted creatures will never rise from the muck without our civilizing ministrations” is now “Oh! These poor people will never be free until we have immolated ourselves on the fires of History.” It’s sick thinking.
Slavery is an human universal, and the slavery that is being prepared for us if where we should place our focus.
Quite applicable to this conversation (dusted off from the archives):
Reviews of Domenico Losurdo’s “Liberalism: a Counter History”:
“Losurdo’s counter-history begins with a paradox. The birth and early consolidation of the liberal political order – supposedly an order devoted to liberty – was accompanied by concurrent expansion and intensification of colonial slavery. Indeed the three countries that Losurdo identifies as the key pioneers of liberalism – Holland, England/Britain and America – were all deeply involved in the slave trade and in the direct employment of slave labour. It is not just that slavery and the slave trade persisted despite the success of liberal revolutions in these countries, Losurdo stresses, it is that slavery ‘experienced its maximum development following that success.”
“It is not just that liberalism was long characterised by exclusion for Losurdo – it is also that, to a great extent, the liberty of the community of the free has depended on the exclusion and oppression of the unfree. That is, the relationship between the community of the free and the excluded has been one of exploitation in which the privileges of the former have been rooted in the expropriation and coercion of the unfree.”
I’ve got an idea: why don’t we just institute global slavery through a Great Reset — then we’ll have equality at last!
That sounds great! Our betters are angling for that (for our own happiness, of course).
But guess what?
There is even an hierarchy amongst slaves.
Slaves? Ownership of slaves was a well-established policy of human social order long before the American revolution. The entire slavery argument is complete nonsense. Everyone is a slave to someone. Get over it.
First thing all newly elected Australian prime ministers do is go on an overseas tour (one of the perks of office). Australia’s newly minted PM is touring Western European capitals,
having his photo taken with some VIPs to send home to his subjects. He has included a visit to Ukraine, the frontline of the resistance to barbarian Russian hordes, and has been taken on a guided tour of the worst damage inflicted by Russia…“It’s worse than what is being shown on Aussie TV” is the PMs brilliant observation…
The Soviet and Chinese communists used to take their visiting foreign fellow travelers on guided tours of all the marvels of the Socialist utopias they were building…Those visitors were willing believers…
According to the latest Russian propaganda: “Based on what we are seeing the Ukrofascists and their masters are planning something big.” And the warfront is widening as “The President of Belarus announced that Belarus will now enter the war officially.”
so you are some sort of up-to-the-minute ‘Russian propaganda’ Xpert
Same shitheads, different day Les.
still sticking the the fairy tale fiction of some guy named Jesu I see. there’s a guy named Jesus installing roofs in my neighborhood i wonder what he’s teaching.
‘Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater’
Moses and Abraham were fiction too.
Very thoughtful sermon by Kit, reminding Yanks of the good things they have thrown away in order to create their Democratic Empire. Like the speech of Pericles to the Athenians about how free and democratic and brave they were and how well their colonial expedition to Egypt was doing.
For fireworks in the U$A, nothing on July 4th can touch what the Bush regime set off on Sept 11, 2001. Which was the False Flag which set off their War of Terror, which led to HomeLand Insecurity in the U$A, and to the U$ Torture Centre in Abu Graib, and the evil leer on the face of this pretty U$ Army “nurse”.
A “nurse” from Con-911 which led via a string of systematic Cons to more evil “nursing” in Con-19 and The New Normal.
Last autumn, I was surprised to learn in a lecture that only 20% of the colonists supported the cause and fought in the American Revolution. It’s sobering to realize that generations of Americans all the way through today enjoy and take for granted freedoms that many of their ancestors likely didn’t support way back then.
A lot of the Tories escaped to Canada. To quote Bob Dylan,most of the rest (and moderates in general) “just want to be on the side that’s winning.”
Governments are merely groups of vain control freaks. Anarchy (mutual aid) is our only hope.
So, how do anarchists deal with psychopaths/human evil? Because psychopaths play by a different set of rules?
Jails. With padded cells.
Jailed by whom? In an anarchy who decides who goes to jail?
People, not politician’s puppets.
Okay, but what if some of those people are psychopaths? Are they going to put themselves in jail?
Ah, the connundrums of anarchism!
Politicians are puppets, not one of them has a free thought or action, just follow the money.
Psychopaths can only manipulate and decieve those who are brought up as co-dependent in nature, like most modern people are. An emotionally healthy and wise mindset easily sees through their deceptions and avoids their games, being self creative not relying on psycho systems.
They are actually very weak characters but co-dependence can be a hypnotic spell to break. People must be inspired to face their own emotional neglect, feel and relinquish a desire for dominance over people to satiate it, for psycho’s thrive on selfish power.
Most people want to be led.
Read the fine print: You can choose who to govern you, but you cant choose to not be governed…
Anarchy is illegal…
Read the fine print: You have no right to be happy only the right to pursue it…
“Happiness is an American Invention.” (Sigmund Freud)
“Beware of those offering Happiness. There’s bound to be a catch !” (anon)
Joy is the right word but it cant be found in a pursuit through material means which is why Christianity was expected to be the foundation upon which the declaration was built.
Motown, Ohio, USA… Early 1970s: the US car industry was being challenged by Japanese imports…The tempo of production was increased to meet the threat…
General Motors, at its Lordstown (Ohio) car production plant the pace of the production line was inhuman…(Workers peed in their pants so they wouldnt fall behind in their work by going to the loo)…
The pace was such that one worker took a gun to work and shot dead his line overseer. He then turned himself in. During his trial the judge decided to visit the site of the incident…
Shocked by the work conditions at the plant, the judge set the worker free, ruling that the
worker had acted in self defense…
Unintentionally, the judge confirmed the right to take up arms against tyranny….
Tyranny at work is not uncommon. MOST bullying takes place at work…
To keep their jobs many workers were tyrannised, bullied by their employer to take the ‘covid’ life threatening jab…
Apparently Apple’s Chinese mobile phone factories are worse. They have nets around their dorms to prevent suicide.
The first mistake is thinking we are independent. We are a corporation (no longer a country) owned by Rothchildes through the central bank.
“The Servile State”. Prophesied a century ago by GK Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc.
Just type into your browser: “antisemitism chesterton belloc”.
Hilaire Belloc was also critical of the suffragettes if I recall.
Rothschild means ‘Red Shield’.
The Salvation Army happen to have a red shield for their logo.
Correct, search the business directory on Dun&Bradstreet using the term ‘Government of the United States’, you can then filter the results by ‘Parent’ company.
This Corporation secures its loans from the Central Bank by fraudulently converting the population (the living Man & Woman) into Corporate Persons & Citizens of Washington, DC, legally removing them from the land & jurisdiction of America.
This is plain to see on all Titles, Licenses, ID’s, Passports etc. The ‘name’ you see thereon is not written in English as per the ‘Chicago Manual of Styles’, it is a trademarked logo that you have consented to use in all commerce, because everything is Commerce.
If you substitute The Framers for King Arthur & his 12 knights*, and frontiersmen/colonists for the peasants grubbing in the filth, you’ll get some perspective as to the legitimacy of the US government in this Monty Python video clip:
* being zodiacal of course.
I guess we should have known they cdn’t let a holiday weekend go by w/o a phoney mass shooting by a lone gunman. Of course we’ll have to waste our time actually looking at it to gather evidence corroborating the fakery.
It’s in Highland Park, IL.
The insufficiently percipient wring their hands in dismay.
The sufficiently percipient are spurred into perspicacity (woken up).
As long as you were not indigenous,black,poor…come on Kit !!!
Your point being? Please tell us of the superior government(s) and societies in 1776 on 1776 standards, never mind 2022’s. And while doing so, don’t cherry-pick your facts.
More to the point: How do you think we even got to 2022, caring about the “indigenous, black, poor”? Was it by enforcing the monarchies and dictators — or was it by enforcing the Bill of Rights? Or do you think it is simply a case of “the people”, just “rising up”? Is that how you think change happens?
Seems the irony was lost on the Founding Fathers as it is in the present when the U.S. scolds other countries for ‘persecuting journalists’ or ‘not respecting the sovereignty of nations’.
“Yanks don’t do irony” — English proverb.
Question is, then, who among our wretched “elites” will be the new Founding Fathers? I haven’t seen any who are willing and capable of accepting that challenge.
As per Yuval Harari et al, the age of nations and peoples is gone.Lucifer, and his Elites now Ascend.
Harari doesn’t think people even have free will.
He thinks data has rights though.
Right. People are “hackable animals.” If one of them is acting in a way not approved by the “programmers,” he or she can have their code re-written to make them more amenable to the requirements of the system stakeholders. Or, alternately, if the code is too corrupt, it can simply be removed.
A very timely reminder that America was not always rotten to the core.
I only have one major quibble with the beginning of the Declaration of Independence:
“The Pursuit of Happiness”…
If everybody had the leisure time to indulge in that, no work would get done.
As things stand, the only people who do have the time for it are those who are wealthy enough to indulge in “The Pursuit of More Happiness than my Neighbour”…
That said, I believe the meaning of life is to be found in work and the energetic use of one’s talents, whatever they might be.
One might interpret “The Pursuit of Happiness” more broadly as the pursuit of meaning and purpose in one’s life. Happiness itself is ephemeral.
Also should be noted: “Happiness is not guaranteed.
I certainly agree with you.
All men created equal…
This words Is also troubling,we all(?)know today that this isn’t true.
“Nadine Dorries will be able to censor the internet unless new powers intended to make tech giants more accountable are reformed, MPs have warned.”
Some other things to consider. The right to bear arms wasn’t designed for shooting our neighbors trying to break in our homes in the middle of the night. They were designed to fend off a tyrannical government invading our homes and demanding quarters for their soldiers. Taxation without representation speaks for itself. Things like that. The basic idea of the constitution was to provide tools to prevent tyranny. Dozens and dozens of tyrannical acts led to the revolution. Bleeding the colonies dry to fund the invasion of other lands to continually expand the British empire. Pure selfish greed. Sound familiar?
“The right to bear arms wasn’t designed for shooting our neighbors trying to break in our homes in the middle of the night.”
It wasn’t even needed for that. That was already commonly understood.
Very right. We need not think that the American colonists were all perfect human beings to be aware that their cause was, overall, more fair and just than that of the British empire. Resistance to tyranny is undertaken by imperfect human beings, but resistance is still right.
Me thinks it would be a good idea to correspond to this madness Gandhi style
Journalist: What do you think of Western civilization? Gandhi: I think it would be a good idea
I also think that it’s a bad idea that we should ‘ALL declare our independence from the New Normal.’
Most people don’t know what independence means, and even more (including me) don’t know what new normal means. So wtf should we declare? – The advice sounds hysterical at the least to even crazy..
Sadly most people don’t like to be independent. They just like to take orders. People like it when decisions are made by others. There is a reason why there are so many bosses, there is reason why people vote: and that is that people want others to take decisions for them. In that way they’re not responsible for their own behavior.
Chill out.
Just don’t comply.
Fuck them.
Have a great day.
Oh, and while I am at it: do something about the ‘pending issue’ (all my comments end up pending, for months in a row now). It’s a nuisance and really not necessary. Commenters are grown ups and I am sure that they can handle my comments, even if they don’t agree with my comments. I assume the same applies to the editors here.
Are you still here?
if I was running this place I’d ban obvious disruptors like you who just turn up to make dull comments attacking the site or other commenters, offer no constructive criticism and obviously have an agenda. It’s amazing you do all that and then have the nerve to complain because your boring predictable negative comments are made to wait in a queue for a while!
Willem used to make very cogent posts about COVID before suddenly turning into what seemed like a different entity, attacking us for non-specific issues. We assume he became depressed, understandably.
Not a believer in free speech are you ?
Yes, this “pending issue” is disgusting. And it is some kind of censorship! Until some months ago I had the same problem here. While I didn’t have this problem on any other blogs where I am also posting quite regularly.
We should realize This “pending issue” of OffG also(!) belongs to the “NEW NORMAL”.
If OffG had existed only 10 years ago this problem would not have existed been known here.
And yes, there are trolls/shills, who are obviously paid by the system to mess up alterative blogs. But – as I noticed on other blogs, where shills tried to invade and mess things up – a healthy readership usually defends its blog vigorously and effectively. So that trolling by this shills of the system became very counterproductive,
Comments are held in pending if they have multiple links or if the software suspects they might be spam. One person using multiple IDs with a single IP will usually end up being put in pending by Akismet, or even dropped in spam. We have warned about this repeatedly. DON’T USE MULTIPLE IDs.
99% of the comments held in pending are published.
As I always say when these types of attacks are made – please feel free to name a comparable website that has comparable traffic and numbers of comments but uses less moderation.
So far no one has ever linked to any such site. Maybe you will be the first.
As everyone can see: My comment was free of any of Admin named cases for “pending” (“One person using multiple IDs“, “spam“)

Also my comment above appeared without(!) a “pending”-mark. And IT WAS DIRECTLY DELETED! That was more than 4(!) hours ago!
My next comment got an a “pending”-mark – but until now (3 ½ hours later!) it doesn’t appear!
Here a snapshot:
Your comment wasn’t deleted. It was there the whole time, you just needed to refresh your browser in order to be able to see it.
Please don’t gum up this thread with any more needless complaints. Your comments are here. Anyone who wants to can read them. What more do you need?
No, it was blocked and didn’t show up beforethree hours later, after I received a mail von OffG in my maibox, telling me
“Hi Joerg,
your comment has been approved.“
If you received a notification it must have been in pending. Either way it’s published, so what’s the problem? We try to see to pending comments speedily but often we have other things to do, so there can be a delay of a few hours sometimes. I’m sure it’s annoying but at least you don’t have to subscribe & pay to comment or get brutally censored as in many sites of comparable size. You get to use this space to carp about us at our expense. So, isn’t that nice.
Like I said before, if you can name a site of comparable size & traffic that has a more open comment policy please link to it. If you can’t do that let’s call this quits, right.
Hi Willem! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
18 downvotes, I think this “healthy readership” is defending its blog vigorously chum 🥳😅
Fuck the USA and its trash culture.
Fuck the “founding fathers” (freemasons, mass murderers and slave drivers)
Fuck the “constitution”, your “rights”, and if you’re offended, fuck you too, bub.
No crime or blasphemy is gross enough to touch the Jesus doctrine…turn the other cheek while I rape you, slave! and ….Love your neighbour – or else big angry daddy in the sky will punish you! (tough love, of course)…
Fuck me – nice to see we’re all happy and joyful tonight.
Leave the USA if it offends you.
Bub? Isn’t the norm to finish with already?
Why you attempting our everyday British language.
I’am pretty much certain the English regularly fuck and are quite capable of getting their leg up and over thank you very much.
My lower pins at 68 aren’t what they use to be but I can still dance to 60’s 70’s 80’s 90’s music.
WE Get Knocked down But We get up again Your never going to keep US down..
WE get knocked down But WE get up again Your never going to keep US down….
Pissing the Night Away….
Hey You
Go Fuck Yourself.
You’ll get tired with all that fucking…
Just an exercise in egregious self regarding hypocrisy by the contemporary equivalent of Schwab and the 0.1% Washington was the richest man in America, the Gates or Bezos off his day. He and his fellow freedumb loving slave driving elite just wanted to preserve and expand their power, wealth and privilege at the expense of everybody else. With a few meaningless bumper stickers about pursuing happiness and similar guff tossed in to impress the simple minded.
“the “founding fathers” (freemasons”
But you repeat yourself. Also worth mentioning that Jefferson was a big early fan of vaccination.
The official story of the American Revolution has one group of freemasons fighting another then going to their lodges in the evening. Something doesn’t add up. The British hired Hessian mercenaries from the Duke of Brunswick, another major figure in freemasonry.
You sound successfully demoralised. Remember this, your morale is in your control. Don’t let them win. AtB
I agree that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are landmark documents in both the foundation of the US, they’re to be admired and emulated. But the grievances that supposedly sparked the Revolution are petty grievances that were typical for monarchies of that era, and if anything the American Colonies enjoyed significant self-government and freedoms well beyond that were permitted to the majority of British people. What really got the ball rolling was a combination of rabble rousing by elements that would give modern Internet conspiracy theorists a run for their money, the French playing geopolitics and an enduring American trait of wanting the government to do stuff for them but resenting ponying up for the service. Ultimately it wasn’t the Fight for Freedom but a political settlement that won the day — all it took was a change in government in the UK from a hidebound Conservative to a more pragmatic and business oriented Whig (Liberal) to force George’s hand, give recognition to the new state and so on.
So much mythology has grown up around American history that many people can’t separate fantasy from fact. Its also difficult to get over the idea that some people don’t want to be ‘liberated’ by force (we had two goes at the Canadians, both times getting our ass kicked)(the second time they sacked Washington and burnt the White House). Meanwhile we set ourselves up an amazing legacy by letting lawyers loose on our Constitution, using obsurfurcation to contort a straightforward document to mean whatever their sponsors like it to mean. (The British, to their credit, were a lot more pragmatic — England became the first ‘free state’ in the early 18th century by a landmark court decision nixing an attempt by a Virginian to import and sell slaves in London.)(It declared that a slave reaching English soil is automatically a free person, a subject of the Crown.)
Anyway, like the Founders suggested, its all a work in progress.
Which is precisely the reason that the American war of independence was so radical for its day: the abuses of George III were indeed very common back then. Sadly, they seem to be making a comeback …
That is the quintessential non-sequitur.
It is the key pretext for the institution of government (forever after unquestioned).
This is how, with the help of Thomas Paine’s masterful pen, TPTB inveigled and excused themselves as governors of the American colonies.
NB Institution of government among colonies of free men is a totally different proposition to removing government from men pervasively and completely infiltrated by TPTB.
The strong have forever preyed upon the weak. Government at its best, however imperfectly and incompletely, serves to mitigate that.
Government is simply the strong preying upon the weak, but with better organisation.
Naturally, they are going to pay lip service to the pretext upon which they claim legitimacy – until, as George Carlin observed, it’s no longer convenient to do so.
I expect you can get toilet roll with the US Constitution printed on it.
The Declaration of Independence is now classed as seditionary, so too dangerous to print even on toilet roll.
I didn’t say governments were perfect. They are however, inherent in the human experience.
It’s not the strong or even the capable praying on the weak and the incompetents. It’s the psychopathic rapacious, greedy fools praying on decent people. Given the choice, some might even refuse to pray on others. I know. This is something the psychopathic mind can’t comprehend.
We are all bred and enslaved by usury and societal dysfunction, partly caused by an isolating economy, partly by coercive manipulators in education, entertainment and other wizardry. They are all wizards running this big lie of a civilisation. Most of science, politics, economy and history are just orchestrated lies written by the money men. Basic food and energy independence, from them demons, is the only way forward now. AtB
Kit states that:
Don’t we all have the right and duty to throw them off and be free again?
Yes we do! But the problem is, very few (if any) are attempting to do just that. Not enough people are organized, there is no strategy, there is no will, and no social solidarity at this stage. Its ‘as if’ people are perplexed by what has happened and is now still an ongoing problem. If any semblance of freedom and justice is to be achieved, then the common law needs to be gradually reinstated at all levels of society, this could happen by joining the common law court, and appointing peace officers backed by the people’s court, and take it from there to displace a corrupt legal system for starters. Some progress has already been made at local levels in that respect but the movement still lacks wider public and community support.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-07-02. Moderna Myocarditis Risk 44X. Interstitial lung disease. Fertility rates fall. Trudeau, Acuitas & Pfizer. Eric Levy (blog, gab, tweet).
The relevant Link-inside-your-Link is to World Doctors Alliance WDA calling for more data analysis of “vaxx” adverse effects. [and a more Focussed approach to Protection]
Here is just a small sample of the material in that WDA link:
Great Barrington Declaration – Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert (link).
‘As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection’.
At the time of creating this blog post there were the following 3 sets of signatories.
867,612 concerned citizens.
15,883 medical and public health scientists.
47,037 medical practitioners.
It’s really, really simple: shelter the vulnerable from the infectious while the rest of us get on with living our lives.
World Doctors Alliance (link).
‘An independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures and to re-establish universal health determinance of psychological and physical wellbeing for all humanity’.
‘WDA represents a diverse range of opinions of health care professionals and does not have a consensus of opinions on the origin of covid-19 or the political ramifications of the lockdown per se. WDA is however committed to debate the causes of harm resulting from the coronavirus act measures and to raise issues that expose harmful medical and life limiting practices detrimental to the well being of all living men women and children’.
Prof Dolores Cahil, Dr Mohammad Adil, Dr R Zac Cox, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Heiko Schoning, Dr Heinrich Fiechtner, Dr Scott Jensen, Elke De Klerk, Dr Mikael Nordfors, Dr Hilde Smet, Dr Vernon Coleman and Dr Johan Denis.
WDA’s open letter raises questions on the following topics [Aspects of Con-19]:
Collateral damage the cure is worse than the virus, Death certificates (1), Economic ruin, Censorship, Testing – False positives, Hydroxychloroquine, Prevention, ‘Vaccine’, Conflicts of interest, Cui bono? Who benefits?
Moderna Vaccine Increases Myocarditis Risk By 44 Times In Young Adults: Peer-Reviewed Study (link).
[NickM adds a classic quote from the planners of Con-911: “And while you are judiciously studying the New Reality that we have created from nothing (without being able to do anything to dispell it) we will be creating The New Normality for you]
“Let everyone know when they get around to stately Eugenics Manor.”

“Will bring the Smores “
Dream on Cooper.
Only when fat, lazy, moronic Murkins
are starving…en masse
But then, dreams have been a huge part
of the enslavement.
Selling fantasy.
The New Normal will be driven by economics – an inflationary depression created by the money printing and lockdowns. Economics to take over from ‘security’ and ‘Ukraine’ as ‘the narrative’ – 100% guaranteed. #CyberPolygon #CyberWar #CyberAttacks #BankBailins
For me this is the strongest reason for desire amongst the colonial elite for independence. Jefferson railed at the king and the ‘merciless savages’ in the DOI
It’s been overshadowed by other events, but King George III’s decree—which banned colonial settlement west of the Appalachians—was the first in a series of British actions that led to the American Revolution.
Jefferson admitted that the reason for declaring independence was that it allowed the new state to call on France to return to North America to fight on the side of the colonists. Having lost the war with the British and agreeing to stay away from America.
Jefferson recognised that this was ONE of the reasons. The reasons for desiring independence from Britain were numerous and complex, and sometimes contradictory. Those that motivated the Quakers of Philadelphia, the slaveowners of Virginia, the merchants of New York, the frontiersmen…and the radical Tom Paine were diverse. Astonishingly they could all put their differences aside (or overlook them for a little while at least?) long enough to work together to attain independence.
Yes, that is a good point. But George III’s decree had virtually nothing to do with respecting the rights of the Native American (aka American Indians or “merciless savages”). It was to avoid, at least temporarily, a resumption of conflict with the French who were also interested in the trans-Appalachian region. There aren’t really any Europeans who were “good guys” in this picture.
“There aren’t really any Europeans who were ‘good guys’ in this picture.”
I’m interested in knowing the series of systemic and/or unprovoked French-led attacks on Native Americans, but have been unable to find a history or list — only cases of French vs other European powers, whether in or against alliances with native tribes.
Could someone point me to this? Thanks
Sorry for the somewhat delayed response. I had to search for the sources I wanted to mention — although I am a historian, it has been a long time since I taught on this early colonial period. Gary Nash’s book “Red, White and Black” covers (among other things) relations among the Native peoples and diferent groups of Europeans. If I recall correctly, he shows pretty clearly that the French did have, overall, better relations with the Native Americans, but this was largely due to two factors: 1) the way the French “settled” — they didn’t, for the most part, send over tens of thousands of people to set up large towns (as happened with the English) it was more explorers and fur traders and 2) the French wanted Native allies in their struggles with the British (and Dutch and other Europeans) and were more effective in finding ways to forge those alliances. Another book that you might find useful is Francis Jennings’
“The invasion of America” which also covers this topic. The interpretation is a bit dated now, but when it was published (in 1975 I think) it was groundbreaking. Hope this is helpful!
Thanks very much, mjh! And certainly no problem with taking a couple days. But it certainly accords with my limited knowledge, by osmosis. I’ll read further starting from your suggestions.
My question was prompted by a few things:
1) I have, over the years, heard of not only these alliances and intermarriages, and wondered — wait a minute, aren’t they supposed to be raping and pillaging like all “good” Europeans?
2) The “mixed” history of the Canadian French being both colonizers and colonized (by the English, after abandonment by the French crown in 1759) seems to deserve a more nuanced explanation, but is barely mentioned in American history classes. This contrasts, for example, with what I’ve read about 19th century American knowledge via Longfellow’s Evangeline.
So I’m left wondering “Why aren’t we told this?” about the “other Latin America”…
America won the War Of Independence basically because the English elite were bored with it and just couldn’t be bothered any more. Just like Afghanistan a year ago, they wanted to wash their hands of it. The American colonies then were considered an unprofitable backwater that were always more trouble than they were worth. The only things they produced were beaver furs, timber, and some cotton. They were considered infinitely less important than the West Indian colonies, which accounted for 10% of England’s GDP at the time.
What ignorant nonsense
Then why did they fight the war to begin with? The colonists certainly would have settled for peaceful independence.
Absolutely true. They would have. It was just the same abysmal combination of arrogance and ignorance that characterises the current UK regime. The UK ruling elite of the day was as incompetent, dysfunctional and deeply unpopular as the present one. George 3 was a figure of ridicule and contempt, just like Bojo or Brandon. Nothing changes very much. Frederick The Great excoriated the British administration of the American colonies and predicted exactly the course of events 20 years in advance. There was widespread support for the American rebels in the UK.
Freemasonry has been dedicated to the over throw of “throne and altar” for centuries. They wanted no repeat of what the French King and the Pope did to the Templars.
They’d use any argument to that end. Once in power, one sees how much ‘freedom’ they really believe in for non-freemasons.
The initial draft of the constitution was almost exactly a freemasonic constitution for how lodges are governed although the process of getting it adopted required some compromise. Separating church and state was crucial to safeguard freemasonry, it had zero to do with freedom. The fragmentation of power also happened to safeguard the bankers and ensured government would always be weaker than them.
Sadly, I believe there’s a lot of truth to that. Even most of America’s ‘founding fathers’ were Masons. The republicanism that we have been sold in the modern West is all a sham and a lie. But I don’t think Kit would deny that point — in fact, he tacitly acknowledged it in his essay. The real point is that the ideas described in the Declaration of Independence are still noble ones, even they’ve scarcely ever been realized at the day-to-day level of politics. And as much as I hold the Templars suspect, I would not welcome a return to feudalism and monarchy either. After all, a modified form of that is precisely what the Great Reset is supposed to bring about. The time has come for a true, spiritual form of republicanism.