They want you to feel climate change is a “personal threat”. Here’s why.
Kit Knightly

“The climate crisis is a public health crisis”, that is a tweet by Hillary Clinton’s official twitter account yesterday afternoon.
The tweet included a link to a news story claiming that Spain and Portugal had seen over a thousand people had die in the past week, due to the heatwave (they’ve since amended that number to over 2000).
The climate crisis is a public health crisis.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 20, 2022
I don’t want to get into the maths of it, but across two countries totalling around 58 million people, 2000 in a week is not very many at all.
And, as I pointed out on Twitter, in a post-Covid world we can’t really be sure what “died due to the heat” even means.
Apparently the #Heatwave2022 is going to kill thousands upon thousands of people.
But if we learned anything from #COVID19, that means people dying in September will be listed as “heatwave related deaths”, because they “died of any cause within 60 days of it being really hot”
— Kit Knightly (@kit_knightly) July 17, 2022
Case in point – we’re already seeing drownings termed “heatwave deaths”…because they wouldn’t have been swimming if it wasn’t so hot.
But we’re not here to fact-check yet more figures or definitions. The point of this article is to highlight the message behind the tweet, and it’s not a new one. It’s all about taking the powers the states have acquired through “covid”, and then applying them to “climate change”
Maybe that means “climate lockdowns”, or “climate passports”, or rationing fuel or banning travel…but whatever terms or phrases they eventually use, it’s definitely some authoritarian fantasy made flesh.
That’s the target, and it has been from the beginning.
Since the earliest days of the “pandemic” there have been consistent (and ludicrous) attempts to try and associate “Covid” and “climate” in the public mind.
They started by directly linking the two, and to this day try and make out that climate change will cause more zoonotic pandemics. But that never really hit home.
The more consistent and pervasive messaging has been an effort to rebrand “climate change”, not as an environmental problem but as a “public health” problem.
This messaging first appeared in March 2020, when the pandemic was less than three months old the British Medical Journal published a paper titled “The WHO should declare climate change a public health emergency”, which argued that global warming was far more dangerous than a simple virus, and should be treated just as seriously.
Nobody really listened. In the two years since they’ve tried to bring it back over and over again, but it never lands.
Just weeks into lockdown we were already being told that lockdowns were healing the planet, and journalists were asking “if we can do this for covid, why not climate?”
By September of 2020 they were talking about “avoiding a climate lockdown”.
March of 2021 saw reports springing up claiming we needed a “covid lockdown every two years” to meet out climate goals.
In summer of 2021 the latest IPCC report prompted talk of “hinging from covid to climate” that never really took off.
This past March the think tank Public Policy Project repeated the demand that the WHO recognise climate change as a “public health emergency”.
And just yesterday, the BMJ was back at it, publishing two articles on the same topic. One warning about “The inconvenient truths of health and climate crises that can’t just be ignored” and another titled Groundhog day: the signs of a climate emergency are with us again
There’s a new push in the works, and the thinking behind it is clear.
After decades of propaganda that saw “global warming” become “climate change” become “global heating” and eventually “climate emergency”, people simply are not scared of it.
Maybe it’s subconscious knowledge that it’s a propaganda campaign, maybe it’s the literal 60 years of failed prophecies, but whichever it is people are not scared, not like they were of Covid anyway.
The powers-that-be have pretty much admitted this themselves, there’s a revealing Sky News article about it from just a couple of days ago, headlined:
Why is it so hard to get people to care about climate change?”
We saw, during Covid, the UK government’s Behavioural Insights Team published a memo which said people were not scared enough of Covid, and the messaging needed to change in order to scare people into compliance:
The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging.
That same thinking holds with climate change. They want it to be the new covid, but to get there they need people to feel “an increased level of personal threat”.
That means hitting the dangers of climate change hard. It means fudging death numbers and manufacturing alarming statistics. And it means peppering those headlines with influential figures – like Hillary Clinton – calling climate change a “public health crisis”
That’s why the heatwave is being talked about in such absurd terms. That’s why the UK declared its first ever “heatwave” national emergency, and why Biden is considering declaring a “climate emergency” (whatever that means).
It’s why we’re seeing warnings of “thousands dying”, and suddenly getting “wildfires” (that turn out to be arson).
It’s why doctors have started literally diagnosing “climate change”, as if it were a disease.
They want – and need – to change the climate conversation. It’s not going to be about the environment anymore, it’s going to be about “public health”.
Climate change is being rebranded – it will no longer be a threat to the planet, from now on it is a threat to you.
And as soon as they that message has a grip on people, they will turnaournd and say “so, about those climate lockdowns.
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Here’s an article debunking Global Warming – in 10 easy steps no less. I present it so that anyone who cares to read it can see how lacking in actual data it is. It reminds me of something I saw on History Channel about 911, which presented each anti-official narrative as a “Claim” and each refutation as a “Fact.”
Whereas the ONLY fair assessment would be “Claim”-“Counter-Claim” and then an examination of each – a process sorely lacking in this article.
Anyway, here it is. Enjoy.
Global Warming: Ten Facts and Ten Myths on Climate Change – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Enjoy? Maybe if I didn’t know any science, and hadn’t heard the same old dreary falsehoods a hundred times.
2000 in a week are too many people dead if it was due to the heatwave. And that is impossible in countries whose people are perfectly adapted to hot summers ( many hot summers, even before the geoengineering ). The problem is that we have to deal with at least two more secretive and evil factors : Covid injections, and 5G occult implementation.
It is not a climate emergency, it is a provoked and concealed cardiac emergency
The satellite image at the top shows Ireland is still covered in glaciers.
It shows the whole country covered in glaciers. Does anyone other than Eskimoes live in Ireland?
Why, leprechauns, of course! I thought everybody knew that!
Anthropogenic Global Warning has from its inception the goal of inhibiting industrial production in China. In 1989 China was about to become the second most productive country in the world.
Interestingly, the US has not cut back on coal burning power plants, they have actually increased. Nothing can replace oil and coal for energy. Oil is in fact abiotic and abundant. It is produced deep in the earth, not from animal sludge.
On the atmospheric scientific side one must read MIT Emeritus professor Richard Lindzen’s work or watch him on YouTube
Wow! That’s as almost as many people that you had whacked! With all the money your going to make off this new green bullshit deal you can buy us a electric car. Oh by the way what about the rest of the world using fossil fuels? No just the rest of the USA and Britain have too suffer all the Leftist crying about climate change. It’s summer time it’s always hot in the summer you dumbfucks!!
how much time ms clinton spent studying and researching to become expert on Climatology?
As a rule of thumb, anything using words such as “global”, “world” or “international” is a scam.
More hot weather means higher bikini sales. Adjust your portfolio accordingly!
Another of those deceitful pseudo-questions which is really a declamation. As is made clear by this bit:
“Just like every heatwave in recent years, there’s been a widespread backlash to the media’s ‘fun in the sun’ framing, usually featuring images of young women frolicking by the sea with headlines like “PHWOAR!” This framing is obviously irresponsible, packaging what ought to be a harbinger of the apocalypse as a piece of feel-good fluff.”
And it gets worse! If we bourgeois Northerners are enjoying the heat, we are insulting those Southern poor nations who are getting fried to a cinder! There’s nothing like that good old woke “progressive” finger wag to send a supercilious thrill over the writer! It’s so delicious I can’t resist pasting a bit in:
“It’s unfair that for some people, the heatwave means Balearic evenings on rooftop bars while for others, it entails misery and even death…”
Did you hear that, you vile pampered spoiled affluent brats? How dare you even consider enjoying the sun when you are (somehow inexplicably) condemning those poor third world countries to spontaneous combustion!
“enjoying extreme weather goes hand-in-hand with apathy” ????
“The British summer … will start to feel like a Southern Gothic novel: endless, torpid and oppressive.”
And at this point, isn’t it becoming clear that there is a truly furious element of a gleeful Calvinistic desire for retribution here?
So it’s a relief to find that the writer describes himself as a “heatwave centrist”. Never heard of that before but it sounds, you know, kinda sensible.
And he offers “one policy proposal: we should all be allowed to sack off work when the temperature reaches a certain level”. Interesting. Another suggestion revolving around the cessation of work. And after all “lots of jobs simply aren’t that important”(!?)
Well I don’t know about you but my job is mighty important to me!
Anyway, this proposal “has historical precedents: in the pre-industrial past, our working lives changed with the seasons”. Ah let’s return to the dear old days of feudalism!
And now the exiting “rad” send-off:
“If you are in the fortunate position of having the temperament and resilience to enjoy the heatwave, that’s fine – life is miserable at the moment and you should take whatever happiness you can get. But maybe consider doing something to offset the moral cost, like donating to Greenpeace, planting a tree or assassinating the CEO of Shell.”
Truly street fighting words from a fashion magazine!
If life was “fair ” I would be a millionaire , I would also be around 5′ 10″ and have the looks of a Greek god .
As it is I am 5′ 5” , bald , far from good looking and 980K short of being a millionaire.
Life stinks
Oh Please… The USofT MMS can’t even point Portugal on a map!
This is the REALITY of deaths in Portugal…

I isolated the years were heat and fires caused an unusual number of deaths… BUT, nothing beats the miracle mRNA spew!
Not understanding anything at all about where the money is going I thought I’d seek enlightenment from here:
I’ll skip the jibber jabber with noises like “cost push factors” and “quantitative tightening” and just try and give the basic jist in so far as it is intelligible.
1. Chief economic adviser, Vicky Pryce: “the war in Ukraine …has sent energy and food prices soaring.”
2. Economic historian Edward Chancellor: After two paragraphs explaining and then describing what happened with interest rates, he starts the third with, “Now interest rates are rising…” …umm why? Dunno.
3. Editor Gillian Tett: “Growth seemed likely to slow down, after a post-Covid rebound.” Fascinating. It’s hard to avoid the impression that the “post-Covid rebound” was something unfortunate and so the projected “slowing down” is desired. “The war in Ukraine has made the policy dilemma far nastier.” So we’re back to that.
4. Economists Rupal Patel and Jack Meaning … don’t really say much beyond financial recommendations.
5. Professor Mariana Mazzucato: “…corporate profits in the UK have increased by 34% since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, 90% of those increases made by the top 25 multinationals.” So much for “People before Profits”! Otherwise just more recommendations.
6. Associate professor Josh Ryan-Collins ignores the questions posed and just blabs on about house prices.
7. Professor Diane Coyle thinks we should work harder
8. Writer Will Hutton blames Brexit.
9. John McDonnell MP blames neoliberalism.
10. Head of environment Chaitanya Kumaris is worried about the environment.
So there it is then. Ukraine, Brexit, growth slowing down after a “post-Covid rebound”, not working hard enough, the residue of neoliberalism, and who cares as long as the environment is OK.
Glad we cleared that up!
The job of economists is to deflect, prevaricate and lie for their masters, as Prof. Michael Hudson explains:
You might as well listen to monkeys because, eventually they propose, that if you gather an infinite number of monkeys and set them in front of typewriters for an indeterminate time they will eventually type the works of Shakespeare. This is about as far-fetched as economists getting anything right, ever.
When the solar cycle ramps up it provides a shield from cosmic rays. Cosmic rays on earth strip electrons from the atmosphere which accelerate lower cloud formations which reflect sunlight and cool the earth. Absent cosmic rays (due to stronger heliosphere – stronger solar wind) the earth gets warmer and shifts the atmospheric cells and jet streams further north.
But I believe there is more than that going on. Look at this NASA GISS map.
It is my suspicion that they’ve been pumping up the heat particularly around the Azores high region in Northern Africa and Southern Europe. It shunts high pressure and drought even further north.
How do they do this? By crosshatching the skies with chemtrails. These expand to form vast canopies of cirrus clouds. This is Solar Radiation MISmanagement. Chemtrails are not intended to cool as is Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, the exact opposite.
Chemtrails are basically artificial cirrus clouds. They trap more infra-red below than the solar energy they reflect resulting in net-warming. Their uses as weather and climate modification was discussed at least as far back as 1966.
“Satellite and balloon measurements show that the presence of cirrus clouds in the upper troposphere near the tropopause strongly reduces the heat loss of the atmosphere by infrared radiation.”
“Thus, a cirrus cloud cover over warm northward-moving tropical air will prevent it from cooling as rapidly as does southward-moving cooler air, which has no cirrus cover.” P61
“It is interesting that this phenomenon has the basic ingredients of a possible control mechanism, i.e. a small amount of cloud, such as a vapor trail, released at the optimum altitude, has a large influence, will last a long time, or may even grow.” P 61
“Weather and Climate Modification Problems and Prospects” 1966
A more thorough analysis:
A Study in Infra-Red part 1: Phil-anthropogenic Global Warming
Also, HAARP.
HAARP was disbanded in 2013.It has absolutely zero to do with the weather. Weather and cloud is formed in the troposphere not the ionosphere. HAARP was study of communication in the ionosphere.
Here wake up from your hallucinations.
HAARP is more of a Red Herring.
The term “HAARP” should actually refer to the technology behind both an overt and covert, global network of land-based antenna arrays, sea based mobile platforms, drilling rigs, satellites, land-based radar stations (particularly NEXRAD), and radar located on vehicles such as tornado chasers, boats, submarines and aircraft. This technology is based on the idea that electromagnetic beams sustained and focused at the correct frequency can bring about changes in the atmosphere, stripping electrons from targeted regions, creating plasma clouds.
What utter nonsense.
A cirrus clouds over the UK is not going to affect the temperature in New Zealand.
You Wigginton believers infest media sites like the fleas on a camels ass.
Try reading people’s posts. Where did I say that they were ONLY spraying chemtrails over the UK? It’s a global phenomenon, so its going to affect the globe.
And this is the opposite of what Wiggington claims.
You ARE the camels ass that the fleas infest.
Where did I claim that it’s ONLY over the UK? Strawman.
It’s a global phenomenon so it’s going to affect the globe.
And it’s the opposite to what Wiggington claims.
And you people ARE the camel’s ass that the fleas infest.
Like with other problems the problem they have with climate change is ‘they’. ‘They’ can’t conceive of any action that might require ‘them’ to change, its always got to be us that bends to accommodate their needs and wants. So its not surprising that its difficult to get ‘us’ to react to climate change. After all, people have been warning about problems with population growth, resource usage and environmental impacts for a generation or more but the leadership shrugged it off, kicking the can down the road. Eventually there was no road left so suddenly its ‘all hands to the wheel’, ‘community sacrifice’ and so on. You just know that once we’ve given our all they’ll be back doing business as normal. You don’t need to be a basement dwelling conspiracy theorist to know this — history tells us all. What would be surprising is ‘they’ changed.
A good contemporary example of this is water usage in the west of the US. We in California are experiencing a drought. Sort of — I say ‘sort of’ because our rainfall last season was 85% of average. So there’s the usual dire predictions, media campaigns, water restrictions and what-have-you. “We, the people” are supposed to go without showers and live around barren landscaping — or else. But at the same time there’s no restrictions on growing water intensive crops, over pumping ground water and so on — the legislators hands are tied, apparently. There’s also no restrictions on plunking down new cities (“we need the housing”) without provision for water use. Then government wonders why “the people” are grumpy. We’re being played for fools and we don’t like it.
(We’re also getting the fallout from the real and serious problem of the Colorado River. For generations there’s been rampant growth in the innter west, relying on tapping this water resource. Now it really is dry. This doesn’t affect most of CA but the media and government prattles on as if it does…..again “playing us for fools”.)
(Incidentally, domestic water use is only about 6% of the total. The lion’s share goes to agriculture.)
population growth, resource usage and environmental impacts Pure Malthusian BS Dreamt up in the Club of Rome
Nothing can match the fear of “germs”. It’s been inculcated into everyone since childhood. It’s perhaps the last remaining way to terrorize the populace. Certainly the nasty foreign ‘enemies’, who you see visiting your tourist town with friendly smiles, or who dance the foxtrot for you on television, aren’t going to instill much fear.
Climate change, climate warming, no matter how much you try to hammer scenarios of doom, is not going to scare people. The places where the majority of the human race live are cold, and the thought of increasing warmth is welcome.
It’s all such a red herring to the real danger, and one has to wonder just why this amplified near-nothing of an idea has been hyped to constant screaming blather.
Because one thing that’s been known for a long time — and there’s no getting around it — is that fossil fuels are going to eventually run out, and if we haven’t found replacements for them by the time it happens, billions of people are going to freeze and starve to death. Replacing these fuels is certainly possible and the ways to do so are already known, but it requires turning away from shilly-shallying with lucrative but impotent technologies like electric cars and solar power plants.
Spike, please can you describe, in some technical detail, exactly which alternative energy source is going to replace fossil hydrocarbons; especially at the huge splurge-rate that we’re using then today? So far there’s absolutely nothing – credible – on the horizon. So what do you know? I’m all ears!
Nuclear power would be the most important replacement for coal burning power plants. Nuclear power was deliberately maligned — after having been previously embraced — by influential environmentalists in the 1960s and 70s out of a misguided fear that its very potential for cheap, clean and abundant energy would cause people to move en mass to California and encourage the human race as a whole to exploit said energy for over-development. For all intents and purposes it is a sustainable resource because it can now be harvested cost-effectively from seawater where it is, essentially, inexhaustible:
If you’re up to doing research on thorium power, you can learn that that expands greatly the conventionally mined resources of nuclear fuel. Even the waste that has been generated thus by the U.S. far could power the entire country for 100 years, using “fast” reactors.
There are also new nuclear plant technologies, “mini” and “micro”, that are in the news and change the ball game.
I almost mentioned, in my above comment, nuclear power being the second most exploitable fear, because the public’s introduction to it was, unfortunately, the atomic bomb. But a nuclear power plant, in its technology, is a far cry from a bomb in its potential danger.
Another potent way of conserving fossil fuel is for cities to adapt to the quality of life practices that Amsterdam has accomplished. This YouTube channel is a good introduction:
Cars can run fine on ethanol. Although its present cost per mile is somewhat higher than that of gasoline (but maybe not at the moment because of inflated gasoline prices) it’s still a renewable resources capable of being scaled up.
The point I am trying to make is that serious, confident, unpanicked resolve, rather than the hopeless fear mongering, is the way forward with this. I am not trying to “sell” nuclear or any other technology, only pointing out that what I have learned relatively recently has changed my perspective.
All good, but what about all the 6,000 odd derived products from oil etc at the scale required to maintain our current standards?
There certainly are people already working on making petrochemicals from above-ground sources. Why take an attitude of hopelessness like the climate change oracles?
I believe that I am being realistic in recognising the problem for only then can we address potential solutions. It’s not so much about being ‘hopeless’ in the sense of ‘forlorn’ but rather being practical, how an engineer would approach the task.
I have yet to discover a source of economically manufactured substitute hydrocarbon to match that of oil. If you know of such a process I should be grateful to hear about it.
Rhisiart, I wrote a rather long reply a few hours ago but it appears to be hung up as “Pending”. Hopefully, it will not be neglected.
Quite right – there is no substitute for hydrocarbons RG. See above.
To the germ part: It will be interesting, follow it.
There is no known replacement for the high energy intensity of hydrocarbons. Without them we would need to return to the 18th century way of life. Here’s why:
Oh, and if you want to know what life was like in 18th century Britain, Thomas Turner’s Diary of 1954 lays it out very well and probably offers some clues for our future too:
Opps typo – read 1754 🙂
A 5 rating!! Human-induced climate chaos is real. But the policies being pushed by the global elites are not “real,” in the sense that they will do nothing about it. They are meant to increase control over the world’s population. The only real solution would be the dismantling of the global capitalist industrial system, whose imperative for infinite exponential growth, no matter that the planet is finite, is the core factor driving this chaos. Good call, Kit Knightly!
“The only real solution would be the dismantling of the global capitalist industrial system,”
Yep you have that right JS and in fact it is dismantling itself as predicted by Marx (contains the seeds of its own destruction) . It started with the 1971 effective default of USA by Nixon, compounded by financialisation from the 1980s, and concluded with QE post 2008 GFC.
However the canary-in-the-coal mine was the September 2019 Repo crisis which triggered release of SARS 2 in November 2019 after the October test EVENT 201 proved it could be done. It back-fired, and although it damaged the global economy it didn’t do what it said on the tin. In all of history, when the elites feel threatened and afraid they always start a war, which in the past has always delivered post war prosperity per 1945-1960s and the cycle continues.
However, this isn’t working either and we now find ourselves in unknown territory; the unintended consequences of experimental QE: Scroll down a bit from the news:
Didn’t post here for a while, had things to do
I live in Portugal, people here are used to the heat
It’s true that there are many more people dying right now, but that might have to do something with the 90%+ “vaccine” uptake here and in Spain
and I still don’t get why they took it, there were no restrictions for “unvaccinated” whatsoever and we could do anything we wanted all the time
‘This messaging first appeared in March 2020, when the pandemic was less than three months old the British Medical Journal published a paper titled “The WHO should declare climate change a public health emergency”’
Why the heck don’t you publish the names and addresses of the authors of that nonsense?
Then some direct action, either at home or at work, can help to make them ‘see the error of their ways’……
Andrew Harmer –
What about the weather modification geo engineering which the governments openly admit to on their web pages were highlighted by the media, would the public demand answers and respond accordingly. Sick of seeing our skies littered daily with Chemtrails, and the after effects of them being observed in the weather patterns. The climate is being hijacked by psychos who are blantently inverting that fact and blaming the plebs
How do you control for ocean-atmosphere tele-connections, when these are not even fully understood? You think you can engineer a system whose variables are not even fully known, let alone fully measurable?
Not fully understood, Jeffrey, and way beyond what we humankind are really capable of doing. We have such a super-inflated fantasy about our own god-like capabilities. Control the climate, indeed! In the same way that an ant can drive an eighteen-wheeler truck… 😂
Or someone who couldn’t competently fly a Piper trainer can get behind the controls of a jetliner and perform acrobatic maneuvers with the plane.
Next time you’re found
With your chin on the ground
There a lot to be learned
So look around
Just what makes that little old ant
Think he’ll move that rubber tree plant
Anyone knows an ant can’t
Move a rubber tree plant
But he’s got high hopes
He’s got high hopes
He’s got high apple pie
In the sky hopes
So any time you’re gettin’ low
‘Stead of lettin’ go
Just remember that ant
Oops, there goes another rubber tree…
Oops, there goes another rubber tree…
Oops, there goes another rubber tree plant
— Sammy Cahn, Jimmy Van Heusen “High Hopes” (1959)
It is, as we all know, very easy to undermine these “death statements” by looking at annual all cause death trends from year to year and month to month. They can say whatever they want but if the numbers stay consistent, it’s all bullshit and easy to prove that it’s bullshit.
In the past 60 years I cannot remember a summer without an extended heat wave. Anecdotal or not. Most of the crap being spewed in the MSM is anecdotal. Just plain old fear porn and lies.
Biden was spewing the nonsense earlier this week. And it’s all nonsense, of course.
Every day he embarrasses himself in new and wondrous ways.
Fight propaganda with truth propaganda.
Write it whenever and wherever possible. I do it here. I do it everywhere allowable.
We cannot stop or slow climate change.
The world is not ending in 12 years (or 20 or 30 or 8 or ten depending on latest “expert”) because we use fossil fuels. According to some modern day experts the world should have ended by now.
Water vapor makes up 90% of greenhouse gasses. Only 6% of the remaining 10% is Carbon based gasses. And those gasses have remained stable because plant growth rates increase as Carbon gasses increase. And as an added benefit more Oxygen is produced.
The glaciers began melting about 12,000 years ago and they will continue melting until they stop melting on their own. And they will. Then they will start growing again. (Uh Oh)
The sky is not falling. The emperor has no clothes.
There will never be utopia on Earth.
Anyone who thinks we can control or slow climate change IS, without a doubt, a fool.
If you are one of those fools, vote Democratic.
No doubt in my mind that Hillary believes the United Nations climate assessment narrative. She is just another leftist follower that thinks she should be a leader because she is a woman. It’s not an entitlement to the presidency by being a woman. It needs to be earned. She hasn’t earned anything. Blaming others for her own mistakes is her forte. Just like the rest of them.
She wants to ride climate change and abortion rights initiatives directly into the White House. She is kicking off her campaign by riding the climate change fear porn wave.
Wait for it: ………………………….If you want to combat the climate change combatants, who you gonna vote for?
Yep. The Republicans.
Sorry. Just pointing out the obvious.
Broken record waynette The Republicans (neocons). Across the pond in U.K and E.U that is THE conservatives. Build Back Better Bojo launched boris bikes supported by Barclays bank in 2010 you dont get any more agenda 21 than that.
Your clearly not well wayne in a Loop da loop similar to tony_0pmoc who used to post repeated madness.
That’s the point. Leftist propaganda. Every MSM outlet says the same thing over and over in unison. That’s what I am doing. That’s what YOU need to do. Otherwise game over dystopia. It is obvious. This IS the narrative being driven by the left. Are you part of the left? Sounds like it to me. Otherwise, you would be agreeing with me. It’s as plain as the nose on one’s face. Vote Republican (conservative) to stop the nonsense.
Ovid woke some people up from there comatose state and at the same time it put people mainly the fake awake lot (ironically the trump – Q – leave e.u types) it put them back into zombie mode.
If you couldn’t see during covid what your selected officials where like then your beyond help.
I have always maintained voters are the dumbest of the lot.
Right, let’s forget that Trump started the whole thing, Operation Warp Speed, the Declaration of Emergency, the Sept 2019 executive order to fast track the development of new “flu” vaccines, the Fed Reserve starting around that time to flood markets with trillions of $ to avoid a meltdown due to a Repo Rate crisis.
Totally agree on the Covid response. Pure politics. Trump screwed up when he trusted Fauci and WHO. He was duped and he knows it. Not the same for climate change, however. Part of the reason his popularity fell going into the election was the withdrawl from the Paris Accord. If he is reelected (and I don’t want that) the Covid freak out will fade away and the Markets will, most likely, rebound like “never before” (sorry, could not help the Trumpism). I doubt he (or DeSantis) would fully abandon “climate change” a second time around for the Republicans but radical would go away.
If you are one of those fools, vote.
we can’t really be sure what “died due to the heat” even means
If you cannot sweat – or fail to feel hot due to nerve damage – you may overheat. The skin is the “largest organ”. Remember all those bizarre skin conditions in the jab victims?
There is a reason I span out my life in a hotel room, with coffee spoons, like Kim Philby or that gatekeeper of publishing T.S. Eliot.
My father worked for the Central Office of Information before becoming a diplomat. I worked for the BBC and RT – you think I don’t know propaganda? I am that product, and I embody its dessicated substitute for reality.
The end is and is of itself: you reap what you sow. You become your lie. Except and unless you try to extricate yourself.
I used to work in the COI in London (between 1980 and 1992)!
There is no climate change. There is global warming due in large part by ongoing Geoengineering of the weather. Much (if not all) of the flooding, heat waves, fires, happening worldwide are being created. The geoengineering is destroying all ecosystems. We may not have 5 years.
Only 5 years. WOW. That soon. I hope a White House truth minion trolling Off-Guardian does not pass your post onto Biden. He’ll run with it. If it comes up in someone’s campaign, we will know where it came from.
They aren’t stupid enough to even admit to geoengineering, let alone the destruction it is causing due to the chemicals they use to do it – aluminum (known neurotoxin), barium, surfactants, polymers, on and on I’m sure there are many others unknown to us. Pooh-pooh that if you must, and apparently you must, since to even admit the damned spraying goes on every single day must be a liberal position? Funny, they don’t mention that when screaming about climate change. They are exacerbating the damage already done by not only CO2, but all the chemical pollutants we have all generated over the decades. They can, and do, make ice storms, torrential rain, heat domes, you name it, they can most likely do it. They can cause crop damage and they already are.
As for 5 years, that doesn’t mean everything goes poof in 5 years. But if that 5 year time line is true regarding functional collapse, then things could get very interesting when we can no longer grow food. Of course the masters of the universe say they’ll have us eat bugs, but funny thing, they’re dying too. What’s one to do? Soylent Green perhaps? We shall find out, and probably sooner rather than later. 5 more years at the rate we’re going with peak stupid and solutions to climate change which in reality are anything but, should be very interesting to see how that turns out. Who knows, maybe Republicans will win the White Hut and all will be solved….
I’ve heard the word: Irreversible.
Over and over and over.
Feel better now?
I understand that AOC is feeling down because she is not getting respect she deserves as a U.S. congresswoman. After all, she picked up the mixed drink genre so quickly in her most recent job as a barmaid before getting elected. Now all she has to do is spew whatever her handlers tell her. Maybe you could become pen pals and lift her spirits. Her initial number was 8 but now she has pushed it to 12. Every year the number gets pushed farther out and each time it’s pushed out they look that much more foolish.
Functional collapse?
Do YOU really believe that? Really. Really.
You realize that was fictional drama. Soylent Green, that is.
Come on. We cannot stop or slow climate change. Period.
Check out the book Dark Winter by John Casey.
Perhaps the btls here – and the editors for that matter – might like to take a look at mathematics professor Valentina Zharkova’s ideas on what really drives the – constantly-shifting – Earth climate. A power orders of magnitude greater than greenhouse gases; and hugely greater than any damn’ thing that puny, but hopelessly self-impressed, humankind could ever do (one guess what it is… 🙂 ). Geoengineering indeed! As if:
There’s no climate change and if I’m going to burn I’ll burn that will be my destiny,I survived a deadly pandemic for 2 and a half years because there was no pandemic,If I’d taken the clot shot that would be playing Russian roulette.
Icke points out that many more people die from cold than heat. When the guy stays on point, he’s devastating.
There was a photo doing the rounds in lockdown of clear water in Venice that turned out to be a photo of a different country before lockdowns.
David Icke here explains the ‘climate change’ scam excellently.
“Heatwave? – Who benefits? – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast” (video: 39.42 mins), at:
Sorry, it sems I repeated your post.
That’s okay! I’ve just posted a short response (to your post of less than an hour ago) to say that I too used to work for the COI in London [between 1980 & 1992]!
I take your point but we must still think responsibly.
Even though its raining here today and I am indoors I still rub in factor 50 sun block just to protect others.
I’d say the great reset has been underway for quite some time now e.g. the despairing pantomime you have to ho through JUST TO TALK TO A REAL HUMAN BEING ON THE PHONE And if they actually understand English it’s a bonus!
…. which of course appears as the whine of an affluent bourgeois Westerner to be scolded by those coal face proles … and yet it’s odd how we’re supposed to just accept losing such “luxuries” as being able to contact an actual human being to enquire about a service. Are we supposed to meekly accept the disappearance of the entire societal network which, being Western and so tarred with too much capitalism, is an object of scorn to the fearless progressives? Marx wanted us to “push through” capitalism for a fairer system. Do we push through it by totally negating all it has done?
The world doesn’t need us to look after it. Climate change when one looks at logically is change of climate, happens in the ice age, Stone Age, dinosaur age etc etc, when so called scientists talk about millions of years ago I just laugh and know they are taking soooo much crap I can get a degree and make it up as I go along, carbon dating bud guess work and so are the criminals behind lockdowns and climate change fanatics. Next will the the wrong type of baby…you have been warned. Kalyug is upon us and nearing its end. 1 person for every 11 miles will soon come. And nature will do it’s own bidding due to it.
“Dude, there’s a tick on you! Oh by the way, Godzilla’s at your front door!”
Place your bets which of these two events dude will attend to first.
Big things don’t bother people nearly as much as little things. Covid scared them; climate change can wait.
Doesn’t matter if either is true or not. All that matters is that big things don’t bother people nearly as much as little things.
So saying the climate change thing didn’t rankle people is like saying the sun going nova some day isn’t on people’s radar. Duh!
found this content in the content on another website.. it seems to fit the personal threat induced by propaganda theorem. The first paragraph came from the link, this article explains a lot about the why? I quote:
“The Oligarchy d\n like national identity, it destroys nation-states, as in the EU, for it wants ‘World Government’, which is code for World Dictatorship. This is the Dictatorship of the uprooted, which is why the Jewish component in it is strong (Jews have been uprooted ever since the Romans uprooted them in 70 AD). Oligarchy is based on the priority of accumulating money and therefore guarantees corruption, instability and the boom-bust cycle, because it rules by the financial sector. Hence the importance of Wall Street in New York, The City in London, Frankfurt in Germany and La Bourse in Paris. Hence the importance in all these countries of financial indices, which, so strangely, are always announced in their national news by their media.”
the second seems to be the words of the commenter..
suggest propaganda content in media must remain in private hands and be globally administered. If ever, the truth were to be exposed to the masses, Oligarch hegemony would vanish. getting to the bottom of this controlled abuse by the oligarchy and understanding the security of the oligarchy is guaranteed not by nations but by controlled information content and controlled access of audiences to the truth.
My words are
Enemy to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is engineered and fabricated content which appears in propaganda. Manipulating Propaganda content allows to control the narrative and to refuse the opposition objection and deny access to other agendas, as such it is the weapon of choice used by the Oligarch. Media is the distributor of propaganda. Content providers are the propaganda engineers.. climate change is a content engineered into propaganda which the media distributes to the masses.
What they call ‘Climate Change’ is really climate engineering using techniques such as solar radiation management, stratospheric aerosol injection, cloud seeding, chemical ice nucleation and the list goes on…
Just another example of creating a ‘problem’ in order to implement a preplanned ‘solution’.
UK government’s view on greenhouse gas removal technologies and solar radiation management (aka Chemtrailing)
Hello Freecus: Correct. Seems most civilians wish to ignore the geoengineering (climate manipulation) elephant in the sky. They will blather on and on in denial of atmospheric and oceanic heating, until everything drops dead from heat frustration.
The News the last few days you would think it was the end of the world and we were all going to die in a huge fire ball. Mean while back in the real world
I visited Porthcawl fun fair on the South Wales coast yesterday.
I was surprised how quite it was on the beach. I wonder if people have been scared off by the scary heat news
There was a nice breeze. It was presently hot but not uncomfortable. I had forgotten a hat and used no sunscreen. As a result my normal pale face was a bit red the next day.
One of the stall holders asked me if I thought the temperature was OK.
An Unusual question. I replied how the country can not cope with a bit of heat or a bit is snow. She agreed.
Hello Brian Sides: The reason you were sun burnt is due to ozone depletion. Ozone depletion is directly attributable to the use of stratospheric aerosol injection via weather control programs. > Also known as “Geoengineering”.
UVC radiation is now reaching the Earth’s surface. No one wants to talk about it… They’d rather talk complete bullshit and act as if they’re informed…
So when I was a kid back in the late 1950’s early 1960’s and got sun burn
it was ozone depletion.
Who would of guessed.
I thought me being a bit red was due to me having light skin not having a hat or sun screen and standing time outside on a hot day. But what do I know
They may want to control the sky. Trouble is there is a lot of it and the vagaries of jet stream , clouds , wind , sun , climate . Make it a tad difficult.
Climate is ONE of SIX primary attack vectors, each one attracts the attention of the commentariat who provide varying analyses within the daily independent news/publishing cycle that serves a MINORITY. No one has combined all six into a format capable of impacting the MAJORITY to the reality that we are in a State of War. This is understandable because combined, the six elements form an impenetrable complex data mass which is beyond the ability or inclination of the MAJORITY to absorb.
In any event, even if the public became fully aware of their predicament, there is nothing they could do about it. Such is the strategic eminence of the ENEMY we face.
We have to globally displace the ENEMY in a way that eliminates the power they hold over us. This strategy will, in effect, change the criteria of life within a completely NEW WORLD vision that goes well beyond just the defeat of the ENEMY. There is a latent
ENERGY within humanity we have yet to tap into, let alone appreciate. will provide a basic insight of the concept. Its application will require the funding resource of those wealthy enough to appreciate how much they have to lose, once the penny drops.
The ENEMY is so cock sure of itself it declared CLIMATE to be a hoax at its initiation.
Maurice Strong (Founder of the UN Environment Programme) admitted climate was a hoax in a speech to the Club of Rome in 1968.
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that the threat of global warming would fit the bill, the real enemy then is humanity itself. We believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary to realise a One World Government. It does not matter if this common enemy is a REAL one or one INVENTED for the purpose.”
Those who use climate as a means to an end may discover themselves holding a tiger by the tail. Climate, as everything else pilfered from reality to try and influence public opinion, has something the “ruling” oligarchs cannot fathom let alone tolerate: it has an identity of its own entirely separate from their machinations.
Industrial society has affected the Earth’s climate systems – to say it hasn’t or couldn’t possibly is to ignore the very nature of climate. To imagine whatever damage has been done can be fixed by some technological gadgetry is utter delusion. Carbon scrubbers and other nonsensical machines are useless.
Climate has something humans continually ignore: feedback loops. One thing affects another. While we’re waiting for a Maunder Minimum to cool the Earth and set everything to rights, methane is being released by melting permafrost and warming oceans. Methane is not easy to extract from the atmosphere – just ask our sister planet Venus.
Just because the oligarchs are using climate as yet another means to an end doesn’t mean there’s no problem.
Freezing temperatures kill a lot more people than heat. No contest.
I have a horrible feeling we’ll find out this winter when they turn off the gas.
In Propaganda.The Formation of Men’s Attitudes Jacques Ellul argued there were two main types of propaganda, one type stirs people to action, the other encourages inaction…’Covid’ fear propaganda exemplifies the latter…
The Good Citizen has posted a mini Scary Movie: A laboratory is tasked with looking for a killer virus but, try as they do, they just cant find it…The people funding the search are not happy, all manner of threats are hurled, and a happy ending is not expected…
Good book, and good video.
I work for a logistics company. Now some of our customers approached me, they’d have a carbon audit to do and could I provide data. From their questions I concluded that the guys formulating them were clueless. Turns out the customer had hired consultants to do the audit for them. One of these guys sent me an email. At the end I saw he was calling himself ‘CO2 consultant’. I found that really funny.
When I next talked to our customer about the audit I mentioned that being a CO2 consultant amounted to calling oneself a consultant for air. He didn’t even understand where I was going with this and told me how these cosnultants were clever guys who had done the audit for a huge German car maker and now were branching out and that they were really doing a good job etc.
You can now officially be a consultant for the air around us and nobody is laughing.
Sorry for indulging in more anecdotal trivia, but one of silver linings to the scamdemic is that I don’t see my scamdemic-thrall sister and brother-in-law much these days.
This spares me the excruciating interludes during holiday visits when my BIL and I are left to each other’s tender mercies in the living room while everyone else is either in the kitchen or upstairs.
My BIL is a workaholic career educator– teacher, then administrator, and now teacher again. Anyway, during the Christmas before the scamdemic began, during one of those interludes he favored me with his intention to “look into freelance consulting work” after he stepped down as principal. He raved enthusiastically about former colleagues and students who’d made a mint doing “consulting work” with generous pay and minimal (or at least non-demanding) work.
I don’t think the “minimal work” aspect attracted him, since as noted he’s a true “ant”; it was more the overall idea of remaining an Important and Prestigious “consultant” while raking in easy money. The interesting thing is that he didn’t pretend that this opportunity involved doing serious, important, and meaningful work. I was surprised that he all but explicitly affirmed that the actual “consulting” itself was pretentious bullshit.
Of course, if he ever lands that lucrative consulting work, he will rise to the occasion and pretend that his contributions are rigorous, substantive, and indispensable; that’s the secret of his success! 😎
Exposure to this presentation should destroy the whole racket.
Some hopes.
Heat causes more pressure on the body/heart to sweat and if you was doing your civil duty and had the Britney spears x 3/4 then they could blame heat for side effects from the spears x 3/4.
win win for them.
I am surprised they haven’t created a climate jab.
That made me smile, good one!
“I am surprised they haven’t created a climate jab.”
Haven’t they?
aðal (a_thal) meaning; nature, your disposition, chief, leader (Old English, old icelandic).
All the same word and meaning. Know your roots, know your language, know your soul.
“Cenedl heb iaith: cenedl heb galon”
“a tweet by Hillary Clinton’s official twitter”
Stopped reading right there.
That creature stopped being relevant in 2016.
Mind you I saw her daughter in a Tv series-prepping the next generation.
All in all who gives a f*ck.!?
She’s our ‘shadow president’. 😉
You’re right … still, I’d love to see the War Hag doing time. Given current mores maybe she could get a cell in between Weinstein and (the fake) Ghislaine.
People with bullshit jobs, and let’s face it: most people have bullshit jobs, are particularly vulnerable for all these nonsense stories, whether it be climate, covid, ‘diversity and inclusiveness’ (I have no idea what that means) or the Ukraine ‘war’, for the simple reason that these nonsense stories give their lives meaning.
They can wear a mask, look very concerned, buy books/ news papers (you don’t have to read them) about the problem, eat the problem (like ‘vaccination’) regurgitate the problem (which magically turns you into an expert), waive the Ukraine flag and get boostered. They can also make tons of money (through grants) if they ‘do’ something about the covid nonsense, climate, etc, etc, turning bullshit into gold… And which ultimately leads to more bullshit!
Bullshit looks like a perpetual machine, that is driven by endless streams of money that the state can make out of nothing. C/ as long as the state can make money out of nothing, there will be bullshit.
For instance, the reason why ‘97% of scientists agree that there is man made climate change’ is that those who disagree will not get funding and therefore cannot participate in the charade that is called ‘Science’. Same applies to medicine (covid, AIDS, Google ‘Peter Duesberg’), geopolitics (Google ‘John Mearsheimer’), economy (Google ‘Michael Hudson’), politics (Google ‘Michael Parenti’). Out of the dozen dissenting names that you can Google, there are thousands of scientists that may have a same opinion as Duesberg, Mearsheimer, Parenti have, or an even better formulated opinion, but who you will never hear from as they are completely marginalized through the system (that doesn’t fund stories that show that the emperor walks around naked).
Another reason why so many people love these nonsense stories, is that these nonsense stories are so good in explaining why people live miserable lives (like the person who makes a living with a bullshit job) for which they can blame the other (like terrorists, viruses, petrol fuel, or those damn Russians) instead of himself for his misery. People don’t like to take responsibility. There is a reason why there are so many bosses around the world.
And in the meantime there is inflation, less food production leading to empty shelves in the supermarket, more poverty, lonesomeness, psychiatric illnesses, long lines in front of airports of the happy vaccinated who stand in line for hours, to miss their flight (okay, there is some karma there) and excess mortality due to the vax of which you can find the latest numbers here:
I suppose there is one indication of hope in the mere fact that the rulers are forced to actually lay out their plans this way – though constantly guarded by the charge of “conspiracy theory” should anyone simply take them at their word! In feudal times the rulers would just do what they wanted, though their range was thankfully limited by the less advanced technology of the time.
Apropos of BS. One of the great preoccupations of contemporary society is the addiction to Bullshit I-phones. You see it everywhere you go, people transfixed on their little gadgets in a Zombie-like trance, absolutely impervious to their surroundings, transmitting and receiving all things Bullshit. These people are the walking dead! The contemporary Elois. Such an easy target for the Morlocks who seem to be in total control.
The rulers are eager to implement a plan which might be described as a new period of “primitive accumulation” i.e. just as the feudal order changed into capitalism via ruthless brutal peasant dispossession of their property, so the new bogus health scares are designed to terrify people whilst they are being robbed, incarcerated and manoeuvred into a new paradigm in which the previously affluent West will experience an immiseration undreamt of since feudal times.
Of course, the rulers cannot reveal this. And they are scrambling around searching for the most effective way of implementing their vampiric scheme with the minimum of public resistance. At the moment they are still skirting around with the old “friendly” approach i.e. pretending to care for us. But this will soon slip into a direct physical confrontation which the rulers will have to try and fragment as much as possible.
Cf. Frank Zappa’s famous quote:
RE: Primitive accumulation
I had forgotten that term. Indeed, we have a new enclosure movement, now however, it’s not common land that being enclosed and privatized, rather our individual bodies.
The underlying aim of this non-stop media horror movie is to “commodify” public health i.e. obliterate every concept of natural immunity, or even buoyancy, and turn public health into a matter of financial provision i.e. we will now have to buy our health and safety. That’s why uncounted millennia of natural immunity have been “disappeared” through a rebranding of the phenomenon as “murderous herd immunity”.
And, of course, it’s much more than merely a new “Pharma-capitalism”. In line with the aim to kill as many birds with as few stones, this fear mongering also provides a bogus justification for imposing the new global police state.
Joe Biden has convid – despite being twice boosted! And NYC has polio!
It’s the perfect example of Pilato’s stealing the real and selling you back the fake. However here even the real isn’t real. There is no natural immunity – what there is is a strong defense system and the improbability of having a serious and clearly identifiable disease twice. Exceptions are then explained away by the genetic predisposition for which they can then offer a new set of “treatments”.
“Imagine the compliance.”
Albert Bourla
Weather is not climate©! You uneducated, science denying, deplorable peasants! (when it gets cold, that is)
We can rejoice at the thought that, at least, they won’t be able to sell a vaccine specifically targeting climate change. Even if they do, I still don’t see how they can make it mandatory. It’s hard to see how your vaccine protects me and my vaccine protects you kind of bs can take off for this scenario.
It is hard to be a rational person nowadays. To make any sort of prediction about society´s behaviours one needs to make the mental exercise of shutting down every cognitive process, eradicating any trace of critical thinking and intuition, and hyperventilate while reading The Graun. Then you get something like this, which strikes me as quite plausible:
“If you don´t take the gene therapy that makes you (more less, for some time, maybe) resistant to the next heatwave, you might need a bed in an overwhelmed hospital that should be for someone who did the right thing©. That´s why you shouldn´t be allowed to fly to Greece to enjoy the heat with your remaining carbon credits”.
“People are a plague and a burden on this planet. Just disgusting. That´s why we should inject gene therapy on everyone, to make sure that…they are injected. For science. We especially need to speed up the injection of those in the third world, who are the ones suffering more from the climate catastrophe© and live in dirty uninjected, overpopulated slums where climate change lies in wait” #rebel #resist #antifa #deathwish #deathwillsaveusall #vaccineequity