DISCUSS: WHO declares monkeypox “global emergency”

About three hours ago it was announced the World Health Organization has officially declared the “monkeypox outbreak” a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).
Following their second emergency meeting on monkeypox in less than a month, WHO Director-General Thedros Adhanom told the press:
In short, we have an outbreak that has spread around the world rapidly through new modes of transmission about which we understand too little and which meets the criteria in the international health regulations […] For all of these reasons I have decided that the global monkeypox outbreak represents a global health emergency of international concern.”
For anyone living under a rock for the past two years, a PHEIC is defined as:
an extraordinary event which is determined to constitute a public health risk to other States through the international spread of disease and to potentially require a coordinated international response”
It is the highest alert WHO can issue, and grants them legal authority to issue travel warnings or restrictions, inspect and critique the public health measures of member states and other things of that nature.
Exactly what that means in this instance, and what form the “coordinated international response” will take, it is currently too early to tell.
Interestingly, according to the Guardian, this was entirely Ghebreyesus’ decision, that the committee was “deadlocked”, and he broke the deadlock and declared the PHEIC without a majority vote:
the WHO’s director general, said at a press conference that the committee met on Thursday to review the latest data, but that they were unable to reach a consensus. However, he has since decided to break the deadlock by declaring a PHEIC
Just last month, at their first emergency summit on monkeypox, the WHO declined to brand it a PHEIC (to some confusion among the pundit class).
Presumably Ghebreyesus could have “broken the deadlock” then, too, but declined to do so.
What’s changed since then?
We don’t know.
What we do know is that, in a delightfully convenient bit of timing, just yesterday Danish pharma company Bavarian Nordic announced their smallpox vaccine had been approved for use against monkeypox by the European Medicines Agency [official statement].
Bavarian Nordic has had a very good quarter of business thanks to monkeypox, and with these two announcements working in concert, they can expect a big increase in the value of their stock.
It’s also unlikely to be a coincidence that this comes right on the tail of a “study” which has found “new symptoms” in monkeypox patients which (allegedly) means it may have been “under-diagnosed” to this point.
Also in the monkeypox news just yesterday was condemnation from veteran AIDS campaigners that “no one is treating it like an emergency”
Meanwhile, again just yesterday, the Atlantic is headlining “We’re testing for monkeypox the wrong way”, and calling people with no symptoms to be tested, as well as warning aginst the (very familiar) “danger” of “asymptomatic transmission”.
All of this, in combination with the resurgent Covid headlines, suggest a push back towards a “public health” narrative and away from the “war in Ukraine” narrative.
But what do you guys think?
- Why have the WHO declared a PHEIC?
- What form will the “coordinated international response take”?
- Why did they reverse their earlier decision?
- What’s the next step in the agenda?
- Is this all planned, or a response to Ukraine fatigue?
- Will you be getting a smallpox vaccine?
- …and seriously, when are they going to tell us the new name?
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If you’re not organized into guerilla armies with the aim of totally eradicating your government, you are compliant in your increasing totalitarian oppression, as the global cabal controls over 95% of world governments and uses them to enforce their human devastation agendas.
Who sat ‘for ever’ in office in US administration apart from Fauci? FBI Hoover, till he died of a stroke. Felt who followed him up played his own game and brought Nixon’s Watergate to light as WaPo’s “deep throat’. There is hope folks.
Gray was appointed FBI head over Felt but he took his revenge when the Watergate burglary happened soon after.
They’re trying to make monkey pox and the latest covid strain a big deal to help the U.S. liberals. So the dems can claim we need mail-in voting again this November.
I don’t get it. The WHO scored a winner with the rebranded cold and now they’re following it up with a real outsider. Monkey Pox, what? Surely they could come up with something better. People joke about dandruff and athlete’s foot pandemics, and here they are pushing this turkey. Why are they shooting themselves in the foot?
Excellent article by F. William Engdahl:
Toxicology vs Virology: Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud
“The most striking aspect of the entire polio saga in the USA during the first half of the 20th Century was the fact that every key phase of the business was controlled by people tied to what became the Rockefeller medical cabal.”
Persisting social crisis, the emergence of a charismatic personality, and the exploitation of mass media to obtain public confidence would be the steppingstones in the piecemeal transformation of the United States into a highly controlled society.
Zbigniew Brzezinski
As an avid Off-Guardian reader, I have compiled this handy top ten list to help protect my fellow readers from the dreaded Monkeypox. Stay safe!
HEALTH ALERT: Top Ten Ways to Protect Yourself From Monkeypox
– Don’t spank other men’s monkeys, abstain from grooming kids, know your risk, wear protection, get tested & vaccinated, always trust experts & media, and other ways to protect yourself from Monkeypox!
Seems the idea is just to throw one attributed set of symptoms after another to keep the injections apace. No one of these has to be a “winner” like COVID has been. Each just adds to the control mission to reach some sort of end-game (even if that’s perpetual war on humanity).
The major diseases too are not so different, going by the success rate of cure, injuries from treatment and expense. First, symptoms get grouped into syndromes. If there is not too much resistance or there is enough propaganda, it becomes a disease or a new division of an existing one. Next comes inventing and patenting a cure, suppressing all news of harm.
according to another site The good news is that they didn’t get their “pandemic treaty”! God bless Botswana and all of Africa who said no. Reuters said Africa made their objection on May 24 at the assembly in Geneva.
kind of getting past the time the WHO needs to be declared ‘unfit for purpose’
I am still getting SMS reminders from the NHS to get vaxxed for covid… The GP surgery that I never actually set foot in after registering gave my phone number to them.
Parasites who believe are helping their victims…
“Parasites who believe are helping their victims…”
Or, parasites who know they are hurting their victims.
Take your pick. If you’re a psychopath or a sadist, or even a basic bully, you’re creaming in your jeans, every day, all fantasies fulfilled.
I’m visiting my over-80 yr old parents. They’re watching the network evening news & the monkeypox announcement comes on. I begged them to NOT believe the new hysteria. My mother looked down at her tablet, like she hadn’t heard me. My father thinks I’m nuts. When the shots come out, they’ll take those too. Nothing I can do about it.
Sad. I expect that their doctor(s), or whomever dispenses the monkeypox jabs, will not only facilitate but cheerfully applaud their “informed consent” decision.
You’re getting tuned out because although they tried their best to be good parents and raise you properly, somehow you just don’t comprehend the compelling concept of “Better Safe Than Sorry!” 😣
Everybody born before 1989 has a smallpox vax scar on their arm. Smallpox is the vaccine for monkey pox. Lifetime immunity conferred. Tell Your parents are already vaccinated against monkey pox.
That’s fine but my father gets every shot his MD recommends. I’m worried about them. And PS, now that I know that viruses and vaccines are total scams, that smallpox scar seems idiotic. My mother was a nurse. She believes the whole paradigm.
Look up “monkeyshine” in merriam-webster
The Monkey-Hoax from the Rockefeller-Funded WHO! And, so many people will believe another Con & be scared to death! Sadder than sad!
I was once called a white monkey by an African migrant, does that mean I am more at risk of getting monkeypox?!
“they were unable to reach a consensus. However, he has since decided to break the deadlock by declaring a PHEIC.”
The vote was 9 to 6 against. An election in which one side wins 60% is usually considered a landslide, not a “deadlock”! Reminds me of Vinny Testaverde, then quarterback for the New York Jets, scoring a last second touchdown to win a game against Seattle, Dec ’98, the ball never crossed the goal line.
The more ridiculous the declarations, the more I cheer as I see them losing their cool. their grip on reality, their timing. Everything. ‘They have digged a pit for their enemies and have fallen into the midst of it themselves’.
Hear hear!
Keep it up…
Dr Christopher in “his books, School of Natural Healing and Herbal Home Health Care.. mentioned several herbs that would help with smallpox. These herbs are: Garlic, Bistort, Black Cohosh, Goldenseal, Hyssop, Lobelia, Pennyroyal, Tansy, Tormentil, and Yarrow.”
Yarrow was used in the cold sheet treatment as a tea drank copiously whilst in a hot bath. Patricia Lager did a video on it: https://onegreatworknetwork.com/patricia-lager/ogwn-livestream-32-cold-sheet-treatment-dr-christopher-and-mucoid-plaque
Yarrow is a wild flower that will likely be available no matter what if you learn how to identify it. This serves to have herbs available incase of need as well as for prevention and the defunding of ‘big pharma’.
Will a Twix do?
I thought WHO was only tellin’ fairy tales,
Meant for someone else but not for me.
What’s the use denyin’?
All you get is pain.
When I needed sunshine
They instituted a global lockdown and made breathing illegal. [this line needs some work]
But then I saw their PHEIC,
Now I’m a believer.
Not a trace
Of doubt in my mind.
I got pox,
I caught the fever
Off of a beaver,
Then I died.
[jangly guitar bit]
I thought WHO was only tellin’ fairy tales,
Meant for someone else but not for me.
What’s the use denyin’?
All you get is pain.
When I needed sunshine
I got clotted veins
But then I saw their PHEIC,
Now I’m a believer….
May I suggest:
“They instituted a lockdown,
Made breathing in vain…
Then I saw her PHEIC”
etc etc. Much better break of syllables.
Peter Staley, the so called “veteran AIDS campaigner” mentioned in the article in the Guardian, sticks to the 38 year old story that the human race is haunted every 5-10 years by a new virus from a zoonosis, i.e. who originates from an animal host and jumps to humans as a new host. That is the (unproven) theory behind MERS, SARS(1), SARS-CoV2, several avian flu and swine flu fakedemics and now monkey pox. It started with HIV. The disaster that this false theory caused prevents that people like Peter Staley will ever change their story during their lifetime.
Peter Staley was a member and activist of the “AIDS pressure group” ACT UP. He took part in the destruction of a whole generation of homosexuals by demanding the “compassionate release” of untested, highly toxic substances as a treatment of the newly invented AID Syndrome.
· Johannes Kreis, “AIDS 2.0 Deadly Compassion”, Feb 12, 2022, https://archive.org/details/aids-2.0-deadly-compassion/
Nobody survives 1500 mg (1,5 g) AZT (Zidovudine) per day over months. AZT comes originally from chemo therapy where it was supposed to be used over 10 days or 2 weeks but not for a lifelong treatment.
The pharmaceutical industry lead by Anthony Fauci followed the demands of the “activists” only to gladly. The FDA released AZT after the infamous Burroughs-Wellcome trial 1986/87 on a “compassionate basis”. And then the dying started. All adverse effects of AZT, and there are many including death, were attributed to a new virus. The more treatment the victims received the sicker they got, the more dangerous the assumed new virus appeared.
It is important to understand that according to “science” nature supposedly had created after millions of years of evolution around 1930 a totally new virus in Africa that putatively caused the “new” disease 50 years later in the USA. Before 1980 there was no AID Syndrome, which in fact is just a catalog of old and well known diseases including tuberculosis. This catalog of AIDS defining diseases has been extended several times over the years to inflate the “case numbers”.
The very profitable, lifelong treatment is required, according to “science”, because human antibodies against the supposedly new virus had been declared useless.
The homosexuals at that time, in the 1980s, were ill because of their lifestyle. They had ruined their bodies by years of drug abuse (very frequently amyl nitrites, “poppers”) and antibiotics abuse (intended as a prophylaxis against sexually transmitted diseases) and said sexually transmitted diseases as a result of frequent unprotected anal intercourse.
These homosexuals in the USA in the 1980 were ill without any new virus, supposedly from at least 3 almost simultaneous zoonoses around 1930 in Africa from 3 monkey species.
· Johannes Kreis, “HIV And AIDS – What Was (again) Not Said On Last Year’s World AIDS Day (update)”, Feb 11, 2022, https://archive.org/details/hiv-and-aids-what-was-again-not-said-on-last-years-world-aids-day-update
Millions of people were treated with highly toxic substances. Over the years the dosages were reduced and, lo and behold, the “patients” lived longer.
It is not surprising that people like Peter Staley and the other promotors of the HIV=AIDS catastrophe stick to their story despite the complete failure of the virus hypothesis of the AID Syndrome. They have to. After millions of people, many in Africa, were treated to death, there is only the way forward. So they continue to promote the nonsense of the new pathogens of zoonotic origin that supposedly haunt mankind every 5 – 10 years, MERS, SARS(1), several avian and swine flus, back to HIV. Now it is monkey pox.
Yes there are viruses, and yes, HIV is a virus. Some viruses cause diseases, e.g. viruses of the influenza family, viruses the corona family, RSV viruses or Rhino viruses. But there are numerous virus families which do not cause diseases. They are harmless. The healthy human body contains numerous bacteria and also viruses. HIV is a harmless passenger virus and a positive HIV test has nothing to do with any kind of disease. The symptoms of HIV+ measured people come from the lifelong medication only.
If you read interviews with Dr Eleni Papadopoulos of the Perth Group on AIDS, they flatly deny that HIV exists or is a virus. This is now what I believe, too.
The Perth Group says that HIV has never been isolated and they have some very strong arguments for that.
Viruses are “quasi” species, that is, they do not have a clearly defined genome, but there are many different variants. That is a problem by itself, because each variant is supposed to be the same pathogen. There are so many variants of HIV that this is not possible. Each HIV+ measured person carries his or her own variant and one person carries more than one variant. You can cite Nobel laureate and HIV co-discoverer Françoise Barré-Sinoussi on this,
· Barré-Sinoussi et al., “Expert consensus statement on the science of HIV in the context of criminal law.”, J Int AIDS Soc. 2018 Jul;21(7):e25161, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6058263/
“Mutations of the virus occur repeatedly so that every person living with HIV has more than one virus variant [154]. During transmission, a limited number of virus variants (one to a few) are transmitted, but these will also mutate to form new variants so that no two persons’ HIV is identical [155].”
The bottom line is this, to prevent HIV+ measured person from dying from the medication: a positive HIV test has nothing to do with any kind of disease and thus does not require any kind of treatment.
This nonsense is well below the average level of understanding of the average social media victim.
Is that fact-checked? 😅
Zoonosis provides a cover for bio-weapons. Maybe we will have “botanosis” – infection from plants – next. With special jabs to help people such as hay fever patients.
I wanted to note that an ‘Worldwide’ Emergency Declaration, should be about MORE than THREE DEATHS…as of TODAY; 7/24/22, WHO reports only THREE DEATHS from ‘Monkeypox’, since the FIRSTOF THE YEAR 2022!! They are trying to frame ’emergencies’ from manipulated statistics of ‘Transmissions’…just let that sink-in!
The WHO? Excellent question…
Won’t Get Fooled Again… but they are certainly trying.
Depressing amount of homophobia here…lot’s of sniggering about ‘homos’ and ‘homopox’…I thought people who read OffG weren’t as thick as average, obvs I was wrong. Let me explain for the thickos…1. This is not ‘monkeypox’, it’s another consequence of the vaxassassination. 2. It’s being called ‘monkey pox’and blamed on the gay community to repeat the ‘fear and terror’ caused by the AIDS epidemic. 3. Also…blaming gays is, quite simply, another ‘divide and conquer’ tactic. 4. I’m gay, I like it up the ass…grow up and deal with it. 5. This point is probably a bit intellectual for the ‘homopox’ brigade but here we go…you heterosexuals would still be in the caves without gay people…
Homosexuals, for goodness sake, what is the point of them, saaaa-shaying down the street with expensive clutch bags and tight jeans and looking so good in their (thank you, Mr Bowie) satin and tat, frock coat and bipperty-bopperty hat?
If you sway towards the bigot’s point of view then you’d conclude that there is absolutely no point towards homosexuals at all: they are morally degenerate individuals who have deliberately, with malice aforethought, chosen an evil and repugnant lifestyle and probably it would be best for all (and it would certainly please God, Baby Jesus and all the Angels and Saints) if they were all killed or at laest had the decency to die of AIDS.
Which particular line of bigotry kind of instantly disproves the ‘it’s a matter of choice argument’. I mean, picture it a minute….
So, some 14 year old gay boy who has been subjected to heterosexual propaganda 24 hours a day and a torrent of bigotry (see above) for his entire life, who has been mocked by his peers, who understands the word “gay” to be mostly a term of derision…this kid wakes up one day and thinks to himself, “oh, you know what, it’s a Tuesday so I think I’ll make my life more difficult than it might otherwise be by becoming one of those morally degenerate homosexual characters. Now where’s that clutch bag….?”.
Honey, I don’t think so….
If, however, you have a modicum of grey matter between your ears then you’ll probably accept the idea that homosexuality is increasingly believed to be genetic in origin. It’s not a choice, it’s hard-wired into a person’s DNA.
I’m a firm supporter of the “gay gene” idea. Why? Because in terms of genetic variation, the human race producing homosexuals as matter of nature’s choice is a bloody useful idea, really very clever, elegant in it’s simplicity and game-changing in its effect. I believe it helped us climb beyond being mere hunter-gatherers and set us on the road to where we are now.
Think about it. In a hunter-gatherer society how useful would non-breeding, or “spare” if you like, males and females be? They could assist with child-care be surrogate mothers and fathers to take the place of ill or dead parents whilst homosexual members of the tribe would return the fruit (and meat) of their own hunting and gathering not to their own family but to the tribe as a whole. In evolutionary theory, its these kind of small, incremental advantages that make the difference between being a successful species or being consigned to the fossil record and, as you can see above, homosexuals would have given early humanity just that distinct evolutionary edge.
I don’t see anyone against Homo sapiens…Oh!
Your need of telling everyone you like it up the ass shows what’s wrong with “you people”. Trying to shock others by being creepy is what creates the so called “bigots”. And the Homopox community is a heterogen group from quite normal gays to a perverted freak show taking up to much space.
We have all been taking it up the ass the last couple of years thanks to Henry the K, his protege Klaus “the Anal” Schwab, and their bevy of Young Global Psychopaths.
Ooh….look at her, she’s in a right tizz, get’s right upset at the thought of the gay’s she does, apoplectic even…ooh…she’s giving herself away though, isn’t she, I mean, like Quentin Crisp said…’all bullies are queer’…
On a serious note and putting your ignorance aside…would you refer to black or asian people as ‘youpeople’ or call a disease after them? No you wouldn’t and nor should you…and who are you to talk about ‘good gays’ and ‘bad gays’ and refer to people as ‘perverted freaks’? Who made you judge, jury and (I’m sure you would love to be) executer?
Ain’t my fault you can’t get a shag, dearie, and I ain’t gonna apologise for not being a ‘socially acceptable’ Alan Carr type gay stereotype. I think the basic problem here is that, besides being a bigot, you are, basically, in desperate need of a big. fat cock in the ass!
First you do a passive aggressive cry-baby-comment about me classifying Homopox as a result of “vaccine” and an unhealthy lifestyle without adressering me straight up like a man. And then you go on defending the whole Homopox community from normal homosexuals AKA “good gays” to them flashing their genitalia to kids and sucking, fucking and pissing on each other in the streets AKA “bad gays” or my more precise classification of “perverted freak show”. I’m not a religious guy but I do understand and support the need of a cleansing fire and brimstone rain once in a while.
Do you think your problem with gay men is possibly just one of self-loathing?..i.e. you basically are a ‘homo’ but simply don’t have the balls to admit it. I feel sorry for you as you will never live the life you were meant to live. As for the weird stuff about gays showing their genitals to kids (you are aware that, statistically, even allowing for differing population sizes, heterosexuals are 100times more likely to abuse kids than gay men, don’t you?) and ‘fucking and pissing on each other in the streets’…hmm, you live in a strange and parallel universe, dear. Finally, I’ll repeat, for the sake of your own mental health I urge you to be brave, be yourself, be gay and get out there and get a big, fat cock in your ass…you just know you’re gonna luv it. Kisses, Sweetheart.
Many of “you gay people” and the “Yo, you black people” have been riding the wave of siding up with government bullying heterosexuals and/or white people. You have done this like weak ass excuses of human beings just because it has served your own purpose. You need a greater bully to direct your own bullying just because you are weak and helpless. But government will trow you under the bus when they have no more use for you. Maybe that day have arrived for you perverts since you are getting a special Homopox “vaccine” just for you. Roll up your sleeve, that’s a good boy…
Oh dear, prod a bigot and out slithers a racist…well, I’ve had my fun with you, dear…I shall not respond to further outpourings of bile from your sick, lonely, deluded mind, I shall simply conclude:
People like you have really helped me understand the thought process behind their depopulation agenda. So I’m good…
Gosh – and wit a few words you reveal exactly what kind of person you are…the kind who wishes others dead because you perceive them as different. Maybe you were a concentration camp guard in a previous life?
You said you were done but you still come back for more. Understanding something and wish for it are two different things. But since you can’t even understand written text this difference is obviously beyond your filthy minds comprehension. Now fudge-pack your way out of here. Bzzzzz…
Fudge pack? Really? You are totally obsessed with anal sex, aren’t you? You really do need to come out of that closet, dear…I mean, I suspect you’re as ugly physically as you are spiritually but if you were just man enough to admit that you’re gay you might at least get a mercy shag in a back room somewhere (if it was very, very dark…)…mind you, not sure, thinking about it ‘cos you’re probably very, very camp as well as very ugly, aren’t you….ooh, you poor dear.
Nobody cares about what you do with your ass.
Probably means maybe. Ideas are not facts. If you have a modicum of sense you’ll remain open to the idea that homosexuality is likely a product of the circumstances surrounding one’s first sexual experience and not “genes”. Genetics is far from a mature scientific field and loaded with fraud and evil intentions, as we have seen all too well.
Hey girl, if you don’t care what I do with my ass why do you get so upset at the mention of it? Re; nature /nurture, wouldn’t you also agree, sweetheart, that psychology is also an area of study that’s riddled with fraud…also, me being a committed arse-bandit an’ all, I think I’m probably qualified to know that I was born gay (for which I thank God every day).
I thought nature put women through the vileness of menopause so they could take up those caretaker wise old hag roles – but no here you are stealing our clutchbags again. Where would homos be without women dude? Get your own persona
Older women and, of course lesbian women, always had that ‘caretaker’ role (as it says in’what I wrote’). Indeed, in pre-Abrahamic religion societies women were recognised for what they were…the font of life, hence the pagan earth mother figure. This is why the Abrahamic religions all demonise women (and gay men who were teachers and warriors in pagan societies – re the warrior bit which will, obvs, upset the insecure hetty males who seem to abound here…research the 300 Spartans of Thermopylae)….in short, Abrahamic religions have to destroy the underpinings and idols of paganism so they can replace with their own shoddy, stolen, grossly simplified and philosophically denuded bargain basement faith.
I do believe the monkeypox “outbreak” justifies a global response. But how it rises to the level of an emergency is problematic. Even if that designaton is purely semantic it reeks of fear pron.
Poxymonk pisstakinus
Not a hoax dude. they’re preparing for world war III. smallpox is the real concern. They got evil plans. Which entail Evil blowback for you and me.
Smallpox, chickenpox, monkeypox, shingles — Dr. Jessica Rose calls them all basically indistinguishable from one another by sight. She calls it symptom laundering from side effects from the shots. Read her Substack post for more info.
General Thedros Adhanom seems to have become a global dictator.
Once you be in Bill gates’s pocket you ain’t ever coming out
Why would anyone want to be dopey enough to believe a word that the WHO utters, particularly after the previous debacles and false declarations of ‘pandemics’?
My two functioning brain-cells would caution thus – fool me once, shame on you. Fool me again, shame on me.
It is worth remembering that the WHO have been less than honest with too many of the previous ‘health-scares’ i.e. H1N1, Avian, Ebola, etc.etc.
The WHO constitutes a viral-overload, viz. a viral information overload.
One of the mainstream Left who I’ve drifted away from sent me this link:
Still a lot of obfuscatory talk there but it seems that at least some on The Left have actually figured it out. Sort of.
My mom was a lifelong leftist, believing every word the BBC, Royal family and the Democrat party had to say. We’re Brits living in the US.
She is now refusing to vote in the next election. I’ve tried for years to influence her but couldn’t.
2 years of covid is all it took.
Indeed 2 years of covid have in a way had an extremly positive effect. Nobody with a brain in their heads could doubt that all the media are subservient to the ruling class. And – the most difficult pill to swallow – that “The Left” are part of the con.
2 years of covid was the testing ground. Actually 2 months of covid, hell, 2 hours of covid was the testing ground.
‘Leftist’ who believed in beeb/Windsors/Democrats. How is that leftist?
Yeah I noticed that but thought I’d give him/her/it the benefit of the doubt. I thought it might be a sign of that charmingly clueless American thing. But now I see the poster claims to be British? Well who knows?
The BBC’s relation to “leftism” is certainly a contorted one – perhaps “soft” leftism, something of the social democratic sort? – You don’t deny the general point that “the left” and “leftists” were (and remain) all-in on the covid operaion – do you? – The exceptions are very few. I am tending to think the whole right/left thing is a mere relic of the 19C – long past any analytic usefulness – there are tyrants and those who oppose them.
Clearly the writer has the pox
I recommend, “None Dare Call It Conspiracy”; within the first few pages it clearly explains why “Leftism” is ultimately just another tool of some hyper-rich.
I wouldn’t get too excited about it. In conversation with that old Leftist buddy, I pointed out that everything the article said could have been said and indeed was said 28 months ago. He ain’t having it. This article is being treated as some kind of revelation. It’s as if the – by now extremely extensive – movement against the covid claptrap never happened!
Just looked at the comments on Roddis’ site. At best he is disingenuous about this particular point.
In a long phone call in March 20 I told him I’d been reading that the covid fraud was a response to the crisis in the global financial system, while he was arguing that ‘it’ had to be real and deadly otherwise capital wouldn’t be prepared to take the financial and PR hit.
It goes without saying that he wouldn’t listen to anything re ‘virus fraud’.
…- Mark, did you show him the data on just *How Much* money got printed during Event Convid, and just *Where* the *Vast Majority* of it ended up?…
…- Bezos’ and Gates’ personal fortunes somewhere between doubling and tripling?… – Musk’s something like *Quintupling*?…
We both tend to assume people will be persuaded by credible evidence and rational argument Sgt, sadly that’s all too rarely so, even less so when fear has been manufactured as in the case of the covid fraud.
…Mm, I hear you!… – Need to get *Rhetorical* on their asses…
…- Give your buddy the above skinny with the added-extra, full-on emotional spin about how they manufactured this shit purely to screw and blue us all *Even Harder* than they were before and now, having done so and *Completely Gotten Away With It (- YET AGAIN!!)*, they’re now standing in their corner offices looking down at the rest of us and laughing their asses off…
…- *Paint A Picture* for him, and make it *Technicolor*…
“I’d been reading that the covid fraud was a response to the crisis in the global financial system,”
You are so right Mark. I have studied the global financial system for many years and have written a book about it. The events following the GFC in 2008 cannot be denied and are a confirmed sequence culminating in the Repo shock in Sept 2019 which triggered Event 201 in October and the release of SARS2 in November.
Indeed Peter.
…- Yup… – ‘Repogeddon’ was Covid ‘patient zero’…
I noticed the disingenuousness before. When he says he prefers to “sit on the fence” and then gets uptight about anyone referring to covid as “a fraud” or “a hoax” etc. then I reckon he ain’t sitting on no fence.
Don’t forget the multiple references to ‘friends lost to covid’!
If you’re looking at those comments then you probably noticed I have entered the fray. I’m not holding out much hope. The retreat has already begun. He started making noises about Ukraine which he clearly feels more comfortable with. So this will clearly be a little bump on an otherwise placid cruise. Expect – at most – some denunciatons about “conspiracy nuttery”. And then it will be bon voyage!
And then “bevin” came away with a comment which typically ignores what the linked article said. Bev tells us ““The coming of Covid was not the first but it was one of the most dramatic tests of the NHS system…”
Well what can you do with that?
Ignore it?
…- That is because the ‘activist’ Left will now wish to move in, plant their flag and claim that they were always here first as the *One True* Covid dissident community, all along…
…- That they *Always* do this – attempt to *Invasively Muscle-In* and *Colonize* genuine grassroots dissent, aided and abetted by their own copious efforts at *Historical Revision* – is an endless source of both amusement and irony to me, given their self-proclaimed ‘Anti-Imperialist’ credentials…
…- Also, that they *Invariably* seek to supplant the authentically grassroots with their brand of wholly synthetic astroturf oughta serve as *Clear And Present* fair warning to anyone paying attention and in possession of *At Least One* functioning neuron as to just how *Completely* captured and converged by spooky establishment operators they truly are…
Is this not a common pattern? In comes the bullshit – whether it’s JFK, 9/11 or covid. Anyone sceptical is denounced as a “conspiracy nut”.
And then … perhaps years later, a certain amount of that “Leftist” contingent come round to admitting not all is as it seems
… and then the notion that it really was a conspiracy starts to creep in – but not of course using the word conspiracy.
In effect the fraud is now accepted as “just the way things happen”.
Is this the true role of The Left? To mock valid suspicions, provide a cover for the rulers and then eventually, through the use of dense texts, sneakily admit to the truth which is thereby “normalised”?
SHIT – I already said all this below. Oh what the hell – it’s worth saying twice!
…- Yup… – Like you just said George, this is *Exactly* how the ‘normalization’ process *Always* proceeds…
…- Then wash, rinse and repeat, AKA: The Boiling Frog Playbook…
…- Oh, add to that ‘The Left’ having been, historically, that political wing most usually identified with the underdog and the ‘radical’… – Thus their inevitable coralling and eventual monopolization over time of any and all ‘True Dissent’, per their designated function as controlled opposition/safety valve… – This is just pure dialectic synthesis, per the playbook… – “Same as it ever was…”
If you mean Roddis George, I got the same email. I don’t visit the site anymore, but did on this occasion. I got the impression that he may be considering leaving the starting blocks while the rest of us finished the race long ago.
It appears he was fairly seriously affected by his 3rd shot in combination with the flu shot in Dec 21. He wasn’t aware of the Yellow Card system at the time.
This all smacks of what Simon Elmer calls ‘wilful ignorance’.
I do indeed mean that gent. I always feel a bit protective about him since I reckon he’s a thoroughly decent bloke. But unfortunately I think he’s been snared in a mind net that has been lovingly crafted as “The Leftist View”. But I see we have run into multiple entries here where much of what I could say I’ve already said above in answer to your other posts.
‘thoroughly decent bloke’.
Can we reasonably describe someone who has willingly and with uncoerced alacrity supported and defended the obvious and murderous machinations of those he has long described as ‘psychopaths’, ‘capable of anything’, in such a way George?
I’m afraid I’m not nearly so generous or forgiving.
Alas you are right. I threw down the gauntlet and was ignored. Meanwhile Philip responded warmly to Bevin with a sneering response to “hard core scamdemics” (at this stage????). And to add the proverbial insult to injury he adds a tribute to the WSWS!
So I left him with what will almost certainly be a final farewell.
It’s about time.
I find it interesting that this “Left” article is coming round to the notion that covid is mighty fishy. It’s equally interesting that my Leftist friend is kind of perusaded by it. Because is this not a common pattern? In comes the bullshit – whether it’s JFK, 9/11 or covid. Anyone sceptical is denounced as a “conspiracy nut”. And then … perhaps years later, a certain amount of that “Leftist” contingent come round to admitting not all is as it seems … and then the notion that it really was a conspiracy starts to creep in – but not of course using the word conspiracy. In effect the full bullshit is now accepted as “just the way things happen”.
Is this the true role of The Left? To mock valid suspicions, provide a cover for the rulers and then eventually, through the use of dense texts, sneakily admit to the truth which is thereby “normalised”?
I’ve never read this guy Vighi (who turned up out of nowhere about six months ago), and I may or may not bother ploughing through that article, but I am disinclined to waste time reading anyone who didn’t see through COUPVID from the start, or who hadn’t at least smelt a rat by the summer of 2020 at the very latest. Fwiw, RedKahina on Twitler has been withering in her condemnation of him as a fake and a pseudoleftist and an obfuscator.
I know exactly what you mean by that aversion to “ploughing through” this kinda turgid blather. Philip Roddis introduced me to the delightful term “gish gallop” which means befuddling folk through lots and lots of text and twisted terminology. Well – some topics are complex. But is there really any need for this kind of thing?:
“The deep function of a ‘health emergency’ legitimised by perpetual programs of mandatory vaccine inoculations can only be grasped if placed in the relevant macro context, namely the terminal crisis of our mode of production. The causal sequence to bear in mind is: economic implosion – pandemic simulation – authoritarian offensive.”
Causal sequence all jumbled up to ensure that the authoritarian offensive comes last. If it came earlier that would be uncomfortably close to admitting … conspiracy!
I also said all this twice as well (see below) – but I think it’s a good point!
Here is an example of obfuscation:
What does it mean for a “health emergency” (and at least he put it in quotes) to be “legitimised” by perpetual programs of mandatory vaccines? It should be the other way round i.e. the vaxxes are “legitimised” by the alleged emergency. But he has really stuck his neck out with that “pandemic simulation” – though note that it too has been “snuck in” with being in the middle. It ought to be at the end. It wasn’t the economic implosion that caused the simulation. It was the authoritarian offensive that did. AH – but this would be too close to admitting …. a conspiracy!
Conspiracies are officially declared bad by The Guardian and the rest of the traitorous Left, because they all lead to “anti-semitism”.
No, it’s the other way round. The routine lazy smear of “anti-semitism” is just one handy technique among many deployed by the hacks to discredit and dismiss any so-called “conspiracy theory” (i.e., any suspicion of serious ruling-class malfeasance not yet vindicated in a court of law).
All this programming from the creeps at the WHO seems, for one, to complement preparations for their pandemic treaty, with its more binding regime of medical martial law. In the meantime, I imagine they must find ways to cover up and distract us from the adverse effects of the bioweapons, aka vaccines, they then will have ‘authority’ to mandate for whole nations if not the world.
Yup, that’s probably it. 😡
And – let me guess – Moderna just happens to have a monkeypox vaccine about ready to launch.
last month.
The US has just declared they can contain Monkey trots with vaccines. Of course, they can!
What your article NEGLECTED to mention was that the FINAL VOTE was 9 (NINE) against the PHEIC and 6 (SIX) for it. Tedros then baptised this as a deadlock and cast his utterly unnecessary and obviously illegal vote and they all LET HIM GET AWAY WITH IT!
We should no longer be surprised at all when that happens. Our owners will do what they want, when they want, without any input from those who they own. I know it is disgusting, but at this point being surprised that they control nations is like believing elections still matter, or being surprised when we see an “election” outcome that doesn’t make sense when looking at the actual data. Data is something to be manipulated in today’s world, they can make the data say whatever they want, and most will believe what they say because looking at actual data is now passe, or makes one a tin foil hat nutter. Truly terrifying, but here we are.
PHEIC, pronounced fake. How they love their snide jokes.
in my humble opinion – seems the majority of us ‘1st worlders’ have lost the ability to learn by experience! In my 63 years of existence. My last major learning experience was (at the age of 42!) giving up my job in order to look after my mum when, at the age of 82, she had a juggernaut of a stroke. I broke her out of the ‘shitstem’ and got her home to live out whatever time (five and a half years) she had left, in her own home. She out-lived my (92 dad when he passed and another learning experience!!) Mum went off to join him when she was 88. She died peacefully in her own bed, in the presence of my brother, my niece and with me holding her hand. I learned sooooo much….and urge all you folk out there to look up things like MRSA (30% of people have this bug living happily up their nose and C. Diff (diarrhoea caused by anti-biotics.) When my mum suffered the effects of both of these ‘bugs’ whilst hospitalised – I made the decision to pack up my job and break her out of the nightmare that is the NHS and the ‘sure-don’t-care’ system! I could go on and on and on but won’t! Take care of you and yours and don’t stop learning!
Same story/ different circumstances. Yale hospital left my father to die of dehydration – making sure they had a full glass of water next to his bed to cover themselves. The reason he was in that bed was because he had gotten sepsis from the last hospitalization because they never changed his bed pad and bed sores went through all the layers of his skin. My mother likewise was slowly killed by the medical ‘industry ‘ They tried it on me as well .They will eventually succeed of course, now that there is damage I cannot reverse, but I will never shut up about it.
The NHS and big pharma both let my brother and father die. I have no trust in any medical institution to this day.
Think you and others who have witnessed & experienced the carnage & chaos of the NHS over the years have started doing our own ‘risk assessments’ and know that medical institutions aren’t always good for our health! If we get ‘sent’ into one of these institutions we must factor in an ‘escape strategy!’ Maybe in the form of an SAS NHS Rescue Squad. Take care and keep well.
Hi – all’s we can do is keep telling people in the hope that they will not be blinded by those ‘well meaning health professionals!’ My dear dad went & took a funny turn whilst he was at a day centre (he’d go one day a week) – I got a call from them saying they’d sent him to hospital. I was so angry. In short – I raced to the hospital – he was already delirious (probably a chemical cosh). I told doctors I wanted to take him home & they refused saying that they couldn’t until he was well enough! I said “he’s 92 – you can’t fix him so let me take him home.” They wouldn’t let go. I told my dad that if he wanted to come home – he’d have to get up and walk out with me or he’d die there. He was too out of it to understand. 3 days later, he was dead. The hospital told me that he’d pulled out his ‘tubes’ & tried to get out of bed & they’d found him dead!” It was upsetting – but I was proud that he’d realised what was going on and tried to leave. This was in 2005 – and ever since – I’ve stayed away from doctors, hospitals, all medication. I’m lucky. I intend to die under my own terms and in my own home & everyone I know and who gives a shit about me understands and accepts my wishes. You take care and don’t let the bastards grind you down. B-)
It’s only a problem for jabbed gays with an unhealthy walking Petri-dish lifestyle. They have been force feeding us this sodomite & gonorrhea thing for a long time. And now they trying to smear the shit-stains of this unhealthy lifestyle onto the general public by making them bend over for this too. But this is not a “vaccine” issue since the solution is much simpler than so. Just cancel all pride-fetish-super-spreader-events and force all Petri-dishes back into the healthy closet with hands on blankets. I believe you perverts can do this…
Right on Benton – keep up the good work! Here’s a scientific report to help you along:
“From the standpoints of individual health, public health and social order, participating in homosexual activity could be viewed as dangerous to society and incompatible with full health.”
These practices are not only unhealthy and dangerous, they are positively corrosive to the fabric of society. These reports need to be published extensively and this tiny minority of self-indulgent degenerates isolated from our community together with their pathetic rainbow displays.
As far as I’m concerned they do can whatever they like as long as they keep it to themselves, in private, and forsake assailing the public AND OUR CHILDREN with their noxious, aberrant behaviours. I guess the pendulum will swing in the end when the majority wake up.
If people abide this type of BS, then I suspect the mental asylum is being run by the inmates.
What links this, rail strikes, XR protests on motorways, inflation, chaos at Dover…. all make travel more difficult just at the time many people are in summer holiday mode. Is there any development making travel easier? If these were random events surely some developments would work the other way?
It all looks like there’s some changeover in leaders going on – in Sri Lanka, Johnson, Draghi. Meanwhile twice-boosted Sleepy Joe has convid and the mid-terms are getting closer. Time for Kamala Harris with Nancy Pelosi as Veep? Kamala = Kabbala (the letter swap happens to have the same value in gematria – both m and bb equal 4). It’s more of a stretch but Harris has some similarity to ‘Hail Eris’, the chant of Discordians. Eris’s Apple of Discord was the root of the Trojan War.
The Second Coming of Hillary Clinton is not far off.
Alas, Hellary Clinton is never far off enough. 😥

Now there is a face you can trust looks like soros about to shapeshift Lol
It’s KamAllah.
You are clearly a well informed and educated contributor. I studied Gematria when I was researching the Bible. You have joined the dots.
The authors of the Good Book where a cunning lot it seems. 666 = Caesar Nero. Like all good revolutionists the early Christians had to keep their works secret yet spread the word. It’s a plausible hypothesis IMHO.
It’s even more of a stretch than you realise because the “Discordians” were a mock esoteric cult / church created by a handful of American acid heads and existing mostly in print and aging websites rather than reality and largely devoted to trolling religious / pseudo-mystical conspiracy theorists. They would probably have admitted to being behind WW2 if you asked them hard enough. You are looking at lunatic fringe rather than masonic psychopaths in positions of power.
PHEIC spells fake.
“Obnoxious Right Wing anti-vaxxers” such as Van Morrison, Ian Brown and Morrissey “made a mockery of protest music with (their) opposition to something which has saved literally millions of lives”. How do we know the vax has saved millions of lives? Because millions of people who took it are still alive! Impeccable logic!
But note how the very concept of protest has become corrupted and indeed reversed due to this unquestioning absolute acceptance of this scientistic dogma. And this is the only way they could have gotten away with it. “The Science” is the new fundamentalism.
The 2015 Coronavirus virus patent, EP 3172319B1, explains that they use Vaccinia virus as the vehicle for the mRNA. Vaccinia is smallpox, and it was modified to carry mRNA, so its called monkeypox.
The Nordic monkeypox vaccine # is 7335364. It codes for the Marburg virus and the HIV nef protein. Nordic, somehow, knew that their “monkeypox” was going to be viable beforehand. They just applied for and was granted a patent extension for their vaccine last year. Crazy, right?
HIV nef is the part of HIV that crushes your immune system, and Marburg has been mentioned numerous times as a future ‘pandemic’.
One vaccine begets another, just like people predicted. “10 years of pandemics” is a term I’ve heard a lot.
See how one ill-advised vaccine creates the need for another one? The recombinant vaccines are a lie. They use viruses as vehicles to print out extra proteins. They use the IRES portion of picornaviruses to print multiple proteins, and they use poly-A frameshifting to get yet another one printed. They can print 5 or 6 proteins using a single virus, but they aren’t telling you about that.
If you take these vaccines, expect problems, and expect for unkown items to be printed and installed without your knowledge. They have liability immunity for a reason.
Vaccinia is cow puss not ‘small pox virus’. The story goes that milk maids believed they were ‘immune’ to ‘smallpox’ due to there being ‘cow pox’ in the cow puss. Edward Jenner however believed that it was actually horsegrease rather than cow puss that ‘worked’ and advocated for ‘equination’ rather than ‘vaccination’. He had been reading the ‘theory of evoution’ and galloped off with the dairies: http://whale.to/vaccines/white_b.html#HORSEGREASE%C2%A0_COWPOX._
Excellent read. Thanks for the link.
Earlier efforts were to deflect from major ill effects from the covid jab. E.g., cancer,liver disease and heart disease in children. Now that that may be fading, it is back to profiteering with another jab, for a disease they are not even pretending is dangerous.
Do you know where I can get authentic PHYSICAL specimens of all these viruses, Wisey? I’ve been asking for some time, but nobody seems to know. Lots of computer-wraiths on offer; but nothing where you get a hold-in-yer-hand package of tiny real things, all visibly of one shape, that you can see to be so under a microscope (If ‘electron microscopy’ really is what it suggests…)
Will ‘viruses’ eventually have to join phlogiston and the Ptolemaic solar system in the discard bin? I have no firm convictions about the answer to this, but it seems a legitimate question
They are all around you and in you. Just believe.
The WHO did nothing to stop the spread of HIV, a dangerous virus that is spread by sexual intercourse, so that its human carriiers can be easily tracked, traced and isolated. As a consequence of WHO apathy to track, trace and isolate the carriers (in 1990 I was told it was “politically sensitive” because of the number of male homosexuals involved) there are now 20-30 M people with shortened lifespan from HIV.
All this was perfectly obvious from a simple mathmatical moder which I programmed and handed to my class to fill in with data: how many homos’ were currently infected at the time, how many partners did homos have, what was the rate of infection per intercourse. Then calculate how many homos were bisexual, what was the known rate of infection from man to woman; and lastly, from infected mother to child in the womb. These simple calculations pointed to 20 Million heterosexual infections by 2020. They could have been reduced by track, trace and isolate 20 years earlier.
Having neglected TTI for HIV (where it would have worked) the WHO then applied TTT on Covid-19 — for which TTT is much more difficult, and probably impossible. While the HIV virus is transmitted during a close encounter between two people who know one enother well enougt for intimate contact skin to skin; the flu virus, on the other hand, is aerborne and almost impossible to track and trace;
“I sneezed a sneeze into the air
It fell to earth I know not where”.
Fortunately, by the Law of Coexistence with Fierce Predators, flu viruses tend to console us for their increased infectiousness by being much less deadly than HIV. In this respect Covid-19 is no more dangerous than normal annual flu; and the WHO has done great harm to its reputaiton as a Public Service by spreading global panic in order to please its Private Partners by pushing their highly experimental vaxxes which are not only useless but highly risky because insufficiently tested for deleterious sequellae.
By this alone it seems to me that the WHO and its director should be dismissed for incompetence. And Private Public Partnerships with Billy Goats and Big Farma should be abolished with big fines for the extente to which they have contributed to the corruption of a Pulic service and probably induced a wave of global adveres reactions to their hastily pushed out (and highly profitable) experimental vaxx with mandatory injection under wartime emergency special powers.
“Tbe best time to make big money is when little people are panicking in the streets.'” — Rockefeller, who owns some Big Pharma stock.
HIV, a dangerous “virus”?
which begins with :
“HIV is neither necessary nor sufficient to cause AIDS.” -Luc Montagnier
VI Int’l AIDS Conference, Jun 24 1990
End Quote
“The WHO did nothing to stop the spread of HIV, a dangerous virus”
Where did you suck that out of? Oh! a pork pie.
There is a common denominator Anthony Fauci. https://off-guardian.org/2020/10/27/anthony-fauci-40-years-of-lies-from-azt-to-remdesivir/
Like the rest of the virology BS, there was never proof of it existence. Go visit the Perth Group. http://www.theperthgroup.com/.
HIV-AIDS was another con.
If your blood isn’t boiling at this point, it’s probably clotting.
Let’s get this straight.
23-Jul-22: WHO officially declares MPox a PHEIC.
Bill & Ted’s next excellent adventure begins, when Ted breaks “a deadlock” to decide: “…that the outbreak represents a global health emergency of international concern.” A public health risk requiring a coordinated international response.
The highest alert WHO can issue. Grants legal authority to issue travel warnings or restrictions, inspect & critique the public health measures etc.
Nothing to do with the groundswell of opposition to the “Biden Amendments” of the WHO’s “Pandemic Treaty” (which didn’t pass due to resistance primarily from African nations & India).
Now the “Pandemic Treaty” is being referred to as the WHO CAII: Convention, Agreement or other International Instrument.
Now requires only a 2/3 vote (simple majority), to be adopted under Article 23 of the WHO constitution.
18-July-22: The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) meets to discuss the WHO CAII. Over 36,000 written public comments were submitted back in April ‘22, the majority opposing.
The WHO cancels a previously scheduled public comment period in June ‘22.
13-July-22: INB publishes a working draft document of the WHO CAII.
Focus is a concept referred to as “One Health”. What aspect of life on earth does it not seek to control?
Part 4, Section 13 (control of information), especially (e) – is a doozy.
What’s missing?
Organized opposition to the WHO is needed.
Some name suggestions:
TransHummunity disease
Baboon Blisters
Fool’s Boils
Chimpansies’ Disease
As for the promoters of this nonsense, a pox upon all your houses.
If your blood isn’t boiling at this point, it’s probably clotting.
Fist bump.
I’m sure that when “the outbreak” first appeared in the media it was said only a “case” or two was discovered in deep. dark Africa some years before covid (BC). Subsequent mentions always were about some variant of it being “rife” in that deep, dark continent. WHO wasnt too concerned until
it arrived in the UK. I read now a list of the number of “cases” from all over the planet, but deep, dark Africa is not on the list.
Has Africa served its purpose ?
How quickly the story moves on.
Africa’s where ‘AIDS’ came from as well. And Oompahloompahs. It’s a very dark continent … lots of monkeys too. 😆
‘Why have the WHO declared a PHEIC?’
1. It’s mosquito season in the Northern hemisphere.
So many hypochondriac people who plug in to the daily news to get their daily shot of reality, and who have mosquito bites, will now PCR test themselves for ‘ruling out’ mickeymouse pox. €€€€
2. It’s also a way to funnel money to monkey pox research (whatever that means). Finding a solution for a cause that is not there keeps the medical research system flowing. €€€€ See also Covid.
3. To keep us busy and distract us from the real problem: the war against your wallet (inflation), €€€€ the war against your mental health (living in fear), the continuing war against you (death to measures, death due to vaxx).
What can you do? – Observe and watch it all fall apart. Depends on who you are how you observe: as a Cassandra, or as a 🍿 eater. Some may even join the cabal in order to catalyze the catastrophic event in order to replace it with something better. Think green.
Rik Mayall’s film (one by one) summarizes our current situation pretty well (hat tip to Petra Liverani [sorry if I miss spelled] who shared the link here before). It also provides some realistic solutions of what you, dear commenter, can do. For both reasons Mayall’s film deserves to be discussed above the line
Have not seen or heard of one case of Monkey pox-but every week for months now-as I work with the public- hear people who have stage 4 cancer, rare cancers ,anemia of the blood,ALS,acute gastrointestinal symptoms, heart attacks, acute arthritis and read the too many obits that say a loved one “died suddenly.”
Tedros knows that the world is increasingly ignoring him and his claptrap so he is trying to force a new global lockdown by force.
Everyone should just ignore him.
The MMR vaccine which began in the 90s is for measles, mumps, rubella & chickenpox. But it’s only 88% effective at preventing chickenpox. So are they re-branding breakthrough chickenpox as monkeypox? Orthopoxes are morphologically indistinguishable under microscope. (Smallpox, chickenpox, monkeypox & maybe the other poxes too look the same)
Months ago I posted CDC’s proposed method for diagnosing monkeypox:
“A case might be excluded as a suspected, probable or confirmed case if
–An alternative diagnosis* can fully explain the illness OR
–A person with symptoms consistent with monkeypox does not develop a rash within 5 days of illness onset OR
–A case where high-quality specimens do not demonstrate the presence of Orthopoxvirus or Monkeypox virus or antibodies to Orthopoxvirus”
See? They can’t tell them apart. Symptoms are the same too: fever, aches, tiredness, swollen lymph glands, characteristic rash.
One difference: Smallpox 2 variants is more serious– variola minor with a mortality rate of approximately 1%, and variola major with a mortality rate of 30%.
CDC: Worldwide “Confirmed Incidence”:
Total of 16,538 confirmed cases of monkeypox were registered in 74 countries. About 98% of them were identified in nations where the disease is not endemic.
CDC data shows that Spain is the most affected with 3,125 cases, followed by the US (2,592), Germany (2,268), the UK (2,208) and France (1,567).
In the Latin American region, the largest number of infections so far have been registered in Brazil (592), Peru (143), Chile (20) and Colombia, with 10.
If it’s NOT breakthrough chickenpox, how could they have spread it? In injections & prescriptions?
There. I covered the “facts.” I’m not going to look at their boring story again unless forced too.
The last I read (about 3 years ago), MMR now covers 7 diseases. I have a relative who became autistic after getting it.
mgeo, I couldn’t find an internet reference to the MMR’s covering more than measles, mumps, rubella & chickenpox.
I think MMR is one of the more dangerous, especially re autism. I read that if kids must take it to attend school that it’s especially important to delay it to the oldest age that you can– especially for boys– and even more especially for Black boys.
I’ve no idea what rubella is, but I had the other 3 in the 50s; everybody else did too & they’re really not serious for a child– although it’s important for boys to get mumps before puberty, so it can’t affect the testicles, which likely produces sterility.
/excuse for taking the MMR. When I was little it was believed that the “childhood diseases” built the immune system. Today there’s some thinking that these diseases “remain latent,” and are therefore undesirable.
I think adult shingles is actually caused by waning of chickenpox immunity. (Adults’ immunity to chickenpox & therefore shingles would be automatically renewed by exposure to the next generation’s chickenpox if it weren’t for the MMR).
But of course right now, no one should take ANY vaxx. Clearly monsters are in control of vaxx production.
Another vaxx dangerous to fertility (at least) is the HPV Human Papillomavirus vaxx, which is to “safeguard little girls of 11 from cervical cancer.” Apparently it cut the teenage pregnancy rate in half. Actually I didn’t find any study demonstrating loss of fertility from the HPV vaxx. If anyone has a good link for this, I would appreciate it.
HPV vaxx was introduced in the US in 2006, and is now being given to little boys & to men and women, too. It is, of course, to “safeguard fertility & prevent cancer.”
Giving the HPV jab to males is the equivalent of discontinuing all pretence.
I remember each person in my family getting mouth sores (herpes simplex?) at different times, from childhood. I don’t recall any of us contracting chicken pox at that time. There has been little change in the frequency of this problem.
The relative I mentioned was jabbed around age 2.
Who pushed him to declare?
No one elected him.
Total BS. Who has shares in Bav. Nordic?!
And that’s a claim we need to avoid. There is an implication there that in some way this would be ok had he been elected.
Unfortunately most government bureaucrats are now just treasonous dogs and that’s how we are where we are now.
Simply put. This is needed mainly to start including other vaccines to the green pass. Just like your pets vaccination list.
Maybe it’s an experiment to see how much hatred they can generate against gay people, or as the Independant would put it;
Exactly who these “other men who have sex with men” are that aren’t gay has got me well and truly scratching, hopefully it’s just a dose of climate change.
These ‘other men’ referred to here are probably transgender, i.e. biological women, in the same way as some ‘men’ are supposedly capable of menstruating, pregnancy, giving birth and lactating.
It was refreshing to visit two pubs in Rye (England) today where the women’s loos were clearly labelled, in one case ‘ladies only’ (a bit genteel, but meaning female) and in the other ‘no knobs allowed’ (far from genteel) suitably illustrated. How one of these pubs got past the anti-discrimination criterion to become a recent CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale) Pub of The Year both puzzles and pleases me though.
To paraphrase from a previous OffG piece: “The world is a stage akin to a multiplex cinema, whereby we are the consumers of propaganda”.
The real crisis is a population that falls for every crisis. The consumers of propaganda are the never ending crisis.
I’m 78 this year and Britain has been in continual crisis ever since the end of WW2. I don’t vote now because, after 6 decades of achieving exactly zero effect, I have finally learned that doing something over and over again and expecting a different result is indeed the pinnacle of madness. I am a slow learner 🙂
You, like the rest of us, have had to battle through the propaganda that if you don’t vote you aren’t participating and are somehow a lazy turd who does not care. That shit is very pernicious, and many of us, including myself, believed that for decades. It was 2016 that finally woke me up, to make a bad pun. No, I’m not a Trump supporter and never was, but I simply could not view “Democrats” as a viable alternative, and finally figured out it never mattered. Nothing ever really changes, and the idiocy marches on whether one votes or not. Why play in that cesspool of idiocy and diversion? Why legitimize a system that in no way represents real people and really never has?
Yes, why indeed. It’s good to have a fellow traveller.