The Dress
Sylvia Shawcross

Warning. This is a vaguely humorous piece during a time when humour has basically crashed and died a thousand deaths. If you haven’t laughed since 2019, it is not likely you will now but you know, it’s always worth a shot.
Now, it is definitely getting very hard (even if you’re an atheist) to deny we’re living all of the biblical plagues at the moment—war, pestilence, famine etc.
I figure the only thing different right now is we’re expected to actually eat the locusts because they’ve got a factory somewhere in Ontario, Canada producing a facsimile for our protein consumption. And who knew that cricket poo can replace chemical fertilizers! Take that Putin!
But never mind all that—If this is biblical I figure we need not worry because there’s always the Rapture to save us and I’m fairly sure there’s an Ap for that now.
The point is that it is all about “The Dress.” And we’re all bloody idiots for not having figured that out by now.
[Source: Wikipedia] The dress is a photograph that became a viral phenomenon on the Internet in 2015. Viewers of the image disagreed on whether the dress depicted was coloured black and blue, or white and gold. The phenomenon revealed differences in human colour perception, which have been the subject of ongoing scientific investigations into neuroscience and vision science, producing a number of papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
The phenomenon originated from a washed-out colour photograph of a dress posted on the social networking service Facebook. Within a week, more than ten million tweets had mentioned the dress, using hashtags such as #thedress, #whiteandgold, and #blackandblue. Although the dress was eventually confirmed to be coloured black and blue,[1][2] the image prompted much online discussion of different users’ perceptions of the colour of the dress. Members of the scientific community began to investigate the photograph for new insights into human colour vision.
Why is it that scientists are always studying things “after” the fact anyway? But I digress…. These are hard times but if we can just remember “The Dress” we’re going to get through it all famously.
We will change the usual course of history and avoid all the misery that such things usually bring when it comes to dealing with each other in trying times and best of all we can avoid having to download yet another Ap.
Yes, we do not have to be miserable during this Great Leap Forward… oh wait… wrong one… the Great Reset. (I always get those mixed up.) We have choices and we can be happy while owning nothing, including our dignity as we munch larvae lasagna and June bug canapés at our next cocktail party. It’s about how you package it really. We’ll do what we’re told if it sounds fashionable I figure.
I’m actually writing this whole thing in defence of cocktail parties. You see, nobody is going to cocktail parties anymore. And this is where “The Dress” comes in. Everybody who is anybody who was venturing out to cocktail parties during these dark times were all completely prepared to “not” discuss every conspiracy theory out there because the unspoken is much more evident than the spoken usually don’t you find?
Cocktail parties were turning into marathon mucky slugfests for those with foot-in-mouth disease. Those who dared discuss Trump, vaccines, Russia, China, Gender, Abortion, Race and the WEF, WHO, or the IMF at a cocktail party in 2021 learned their lessons pretty darn quick.
Most of them gave up after realizing they needed to bring a bullet proof vest, iodine tablets, a copy of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, an index to the British Medical Journal and three layered face masks. And that was just for the dog. It was getting ridiculous.
And the most ridiculous part of it all is that we could have prevented all the divisive raging at each other over everything if we’d simply worn the right dress—the one from 2015. Or at least learned the lesson at the time.
One photo of a dress. One dress and two people looking at the same photograph and one saw gold/white and one saw black/blue. We all went and looked at “The Dress” and started arguing.
That’s when it started. There was no grey, just gold and white or black and blue. Were you one who chose black and blue, all bruised and tortured by the state of the world and its future? Or were you one who chose white and gold where everything was bright and shiny and lovely and the future was gleaming with optimism? It was one or the other.
Although there were lots of theories I don’t think they ever did figure out why it was the way it was. All we knew was what was in front of us, indisputable objective reality and nobody could agree on one reality. And that my friends was how they told us how they were going to change the world and mess us all up. That is why they stormed the Presidential palace in Sri Lanka and invaded the Ukraine and crashed economies. It’s all about the divisiveness.
Now, I’m not saying we can save England or Syria or the fishermen of Newfoundland or the farmers of the Netherlands or the banks in China but I am saying that if you’ve got one reality sitting in front of you and nobody can agree then it is only about motivation. And that is where the two types of people come in.
The first type are elitist and it is all about being right. They are very impressed with themselves and are sure they have the answers to all that is wrong but really they don’t.
The second type is the one that counts—the majority who understand after arguing for weeks that there are different points of view. The one that sees the dress as black/blue “needs” you to see the dress is black/blue because they care about you and so too with the one that sees the dress as gold/white.
You see, the lesson of “The Dress” is that we can see things totally differently and disagree but still care about our future together.
So now, in an effort to create a better world, when we disagree we can all just say “The Dress” and it is understood that caring is caring but raging debates and judging/ostracizing/stigmatizing/slandering/censoring/cancelling the other is utterly pointless. We can move on to doing things together happy in the knowledge that we cared and they cared and the dress is still the dress.
Back in the days when people’s innate caring wasn’t weaponized we could laugh with incredulity at our differences. We can do it again. Fight for what you believe in if need be. Just don’t fight each other. Wear the right dress people. Our future depends on it.
Oh… P.S. Some would say there’s the third type of person. They’re the psychopaths who promoted the picture of “The Dress” in the first place and didn’t explain it to us all. Why do I think “they” are not the ones who will be eating worm waffles?<
Sylvia Shawcross is an award-winning writer/artist living in Chelsea, Quebec, Canada and author of the books But Never Mind All That and The Get-Over-Yourself Self-Help Book and other essays. Endorsed by Farley Mowat, winner of best columnist in Quebec and a finalist in CBC contests, this author remains a hermit to preserve sanity or what’s left of it. She can be reached by email however: [email protected]
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Have you ever seen something and wondered at it ?
“And do you know, do you know that mankind can live without the Englishman, it can live without Germany, it can live only too well without the Russian man, it can live without science, without bread, and it only cannot live without beauty, for then there would be nothing at all to do in the world! The whole secret is here, the whole of history is here. Science itself would not stand for a minute without beauty”
― Dostoevsky F.
Not laughing matter:
Keeping Cultures Whole,
Under Sovereign in-Corporation.
There is truth TDj.
This much I know, from within… let alone others, who have shared,
With me personally. Whatever the reality of human action.
Or worse, inactions…
Trotzdem, prior to these comments, my main observation, to Covidiot, remains subject to a Chinese Communist Party official’s approval: a person widely known as …
Pen-Ding ! 🤣
This is why I hardly talk to people any more 😂
There’s a difference between PERCEPTION and TRUTH.
This article is a waste of space, not just because it’s humorless, but because it attempts to undermine the idea that there is a difference between truth and lies. Or that knowing facts, such as fraudulent PCR tests create false statistics, harm recipients and generate unnecessary fear isn’t really medical and criminal fraud, but a matter of perception. That’s not true and it’s not funny.
Truth is not a difference in perception. It’s simply what can be proven to have taken place. And since invisible germs jumping from one animal or human to another, ostensibly causing illness can’t be proven, and NEVER has been, we cannot accept the lies that have been sold to us about germ theory or unfound, un-isolated molecules, called “viruses“. They are an imaginary construct and everything about them from their genomes to their molecular makeup is a hoax.
If VIRUS SHILLS don’t like this black and white view of imaginary molecules being exposed as a scientific fraud and a hoax, that’s too bad. Lies must be challenged and fraud must be exposed.
The truth isn’t always popular, nor is it pleasant or easy.
And for mass mind control to be overcome, the truth must to be explained over and over to defeat the brainwashing of lies sold only through repetition, so people can understand that vaccines have always been fraudulent, dangerous, poisonous products that are designed specifically to create delayed illness and death, further generating (circular economy) greater profits for PhRMA, and governments; who farm, tax, sicken and cull populations only for profit.
But perception is all that one ever can have. Truth is inaccessible. To know truth about an external object, the knower must be one with that object, a contradiction.
Theat’s why the whole paradigm that argues that knowledge is possible, that one can possess truth, needs to be dropped. After untold millennia, this conceit has now — finally — metastasized into a full-blown epistemological crisis.
Perception, thought, belief, and other human behavior is all a human has over The Other. Once we understand that, we can return to an appropriate humility, and regain civility.
That is completely false. This perception nonsense is only to convince people of complete absurdities: Like invisible molecules causing disease. So that the companies who pollute, kill and maim (and the men at their helm) can’t be held legally or morally responsible. These are only legal maneuvers to avoid litigation, and to profiteer from creating more illness (CANCER), within a circular economy. It is not a matter of perception. If vaccinated populations are getting cancer at exponential rates compared to non vaccinated populations, then it’s logical that the vaccines are the cause or at Least, a contributing factor.
You wrote a comment. That much is true. My PERCEPTION of your comment is that it’s nonsensical drivel by a shill. I can’t know whether know whether my interpretation of your comment is the truth, but it’s my considered opinion that this type of rebuttal of the facts (truths) I have written, is a Masonic belief and it’s being continually pushed throughout society to hoodwink people into not searching for the truth.
But the TRUTH is you wrote a comment in reply to my comment. That we can both see, and so can the others here, so we know it to be a FACT. The TRUTH.
If a tree falls in the woods, it happened whether you heard it, saw it, or believe it. It doesn’t matter what you believe to be true or false, because truth can 100% be known: It can be discovered simply by examining what happened, versus what did not happen. The cause of the fall, will take investigation. The same can be said for any so-called illness pr dis-ease. The cause can be investigated. However, using a fake test, where fragments of our own genomes are tested to create a set of statistics, to bolster the idea that there is a pandemic when all cause deaths were the same as any other year, is medical and scientific fraud.
It only matters what is true and what can be proven with evidence, not what the majority “believe“ or perceive to be reality. Which is why we have a population walking around like zombies, self euthanizing with a poison product because THE GOVERNMENTS AND CONTROLLED OPPOSITION KNOW THERE ARE NO VIRUSES.
They not only know this, they have always known this. They know that the causes of illness are environmental, multi factorial and not caused by transmissible microbes. At the highest top secret clearance levels THEY KNOW.
Otherwise virologists wouldn’t have changed the meaning of the word “isolation” to mean addition, and they would be able to find the invisible molecules they claim are making people ill, and they wouldn’t need to invent hypothetical, in Silico genomes.
The “governments“ wouldn’t be promoting and distributing fraudulent tests for every alleged virus, and they wouldn’t be buying poison products they coerce parents into injecting into babies causing death and illness. There wouldn’t be a schedule of 72 vaccines simply to attend school.
So, none of that would be happening if it was just a matter of false perception. A mistake… “Oops. We thought it was these tiny molecules we couldn’t ever find, isolate or purify in any human or animal, but it turns out it was the fluoride, chlorine, heavy metals and pesticides in the public water, the smog filled air, the nanoparticles (SPIONS) in food and the 5g erected everywhere.”
There are a dozen other things that wouldn’t be happening, like lockdowns, masks, social distancing and vaccine passports, if governments even pretended to care about public health.
Only a fool and a brainwashed individual would believe that numerous policies that intentionally harm the public’s physical health, mental health (scaring them silly with faked hospital scenes and fabricated stories) and financial welfare, are institutions that are inherently for the public benefit.
There is weight of evidence, truth, logic and constant patterns of fraud. To pretend that none of these things exist is ridiculous. We ALL know the difference between right and wrong. Truth and lies.
The policies of GOVERNMENTS are not to save lives. There would be no wars if that was the case. They would feed the hungry and shelter the homeless. There would be no coercion to inject babies or adults with poison products if that was the case. The products are themselves poison. Vaccines have always killed and maimed. Do some research.
Possibly Organic Chemistry apart from profiteers nicking the word organic diluting down and sticking it into Aladdins Lamp.
Rub rub, “Organic” fuck me not another label pop up. cha-ching cha-ching bookselling door knocker.
— thus spake the CIA disinfo bot.
Bot or not… Bwahahaha, just the names of contributors alone,
Endeavouring to monopolise this comments section, from
* the top down * the final word :-
Zen Priest. Researcher. The Anti-Hip. Researcher.
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus. Covidiot.
Conspiracy one alike ! ?
Yet, you’ll all fail and you did already, in various forms of denial,
And refusal to discuss FACTS & TRUTHS scientifically witnessed:
With My own eyes… electronic eyes, need some programming,
In many departments of frequent,
C O M P A R T M E N T A L I S A T I O N ! 🤣
You’re not getting my point. At all. (And most of your statements I, too, belief in.)
“This perception nonsense is only to convince people of complete absurdities … ”
No, that’s one way the perception point-of-view is abused.
“… So that the companies who pollute, kill and maim (and the men at their helm) can’t be held legally or morally responsible. These are only legal maneuvers to avoid litigation, and to profiteer from creating more illness (CANCER), within a circular economy.”
I never implied that sort of thing is acceptable. Of course reasonable people can come to reasonable beliefs about what is true, agree as majorities, thus assign blame and penalties, etc. etc. And this is in no way in conflict with the idea that (people considered) experts exist, and that when they can be seen as acting in good faith, then they can be relied upon.
The point that I’m making is that reasonable perceptions of reality held by different people can be extremely complex, sophisticated — and be incompatible and/or opposed to each other. The reason is that every human, and every group of humans, is unavoidably and irreparably limited and imperfect.
Reality-perception conflicts happen in science when an old paradigm is challenged by a new paradigm, they battle it out, and eventually one or the other dies. It happens in law, when opponents make cases, neither of which is taken as “truth”. It should happen in politics, and formerly did to a certain extent, even though voters are “lay” people, because people respected other points of view as still being rational — you know, in democracy, where each person gets a vote.
As there is no such thing as uncontestable “truth”, therefore there’s no such thing as (static, knowable) truth, period. It’s all belief. And we need to return to that humility if we are to escape all the clashing jihads. The West has completely lost its way on this.
The “tough love” I believe we now need is to give up entirely the ideas of “knowledge” and possessable truth, and substitute them with only human-centered concepts, such as the other ones we have now: evidence, belief, thought, logic, etc.
You have no point. Solipsism is absolute bullshit. There is both truth and perception and both are different words with completely different meanings.
You can’t make a statement that implies that you have THE truth, when you are denying there is truth. That’s an illogical contradiction.
“There is both truth and perception and both are different words with completely different meanings.”
So? I’m not denying there is truth. I am denying that truth (of things external to the mind) can ever be known. This is no longer a fun and useless exercise in freshman philosophy class — it now has absolutely critical implications for politics and the fate of the earth.
All we have is human abilities, not godlike ones, as humans are unavoidably limited and imperfect creatures. The best we can do, and all we have ever done, is to have the best of us come to agreement on what they believe to be truth.
This is why there will never be a “Grand Unified Theory” of anything. But should we not go as far as we can? Of course we should! But we must learn to accept the existence, even (by necessity) without full awareness, of human perceptual and conceptual boundaries.
The failure to understand this again — the way we did, in baby steps, from the dawn of the Enlightenment through the mid-20th century — has led directly to what may be an era-defining Western political crisis. Today, bad actors who understand this are far more than willing to take full advantage of our limitations with shameless, unlimited propaganda and other psychological operations. They learned well from the first exploiters of the limitations of humans, the Sophists. But so as well did Socrates “knew he knew nothing”.
Where Crusaders and “Musselmen” and Western colonists once raped and pillaged the earth through their conceits, we now have such groups as the Technocrats and the Woke doing precisely the same things with the same level of conceit.
It’s now way past high time to get over this destructive attitude that knowledge is possible, now running for thousands of years, destroying peoples and civilizations with revealed-religion-fuel jihads, and most of all, the environment with rapacious arrogance.
What is now called “knowledge” must be re-conceptualized as something else, human characteristics at its center.
I see. So when I pull the pin on the grenade and lob it in your direction, when it lands at your feet, is that a full-blown epistemological crisis, or something else?
I have a very strong belief that it will kill me (as do 99.9% of people), and I will therefore act on it. This is an uninteresting case, as virtually everyone would believe the same thing confronted with this scenario (even if it were later shown false; e.g., the grenade had a defect, and couldn’t blow up, etc.)
But an analogy more appropriate here is this:
“So when you pull a medical mask off my face, and I am point-blank exposed to your COVID, is that a full-blown epistemological crisis, or something else?” As you well know, a majority of people in the polis have the belief that it may well kill them (even if not guaranteed), and will act accordingly. Even if a majority on O-G believe that’s a batshit-crazy belief.
Or, if you prefer, take an opposite:
“So when you close up my storefront business (to protect from COVID), and I am prevented from earning a living, is that a full-blown epistemological crisis, or something else?” As you well know, a majority of people in the polis have the belief that closing their business is a small price to pay to avoid the “deadly!!” COVID. Even if a majority on O-G believe that’s a batshit-crazy belief.
Should I continue with the Ukraine/Russia/EU/NATO “reality” … ?
So, yes, society, being unable to agree on a number of extremely consequential interpretations of reality, is in a “full-blown epistemological crisis.”
Belief in fraud isn’t truth. Beliefs, like perceptions, are not the same as truth ie; FACTS.
And an estimate of a possible malfunction isn’t a perception or a truth, it’s just a probability measured using a percentage. A Grenade is manufactured to kill and most of the time it will explode. Your belief or perception can’t change the outcome of a highly predictable event. It’s predictable due to facts known about previous events that have taken place. Ie; the TRUTH.
However, deliberate fraud (tests, masks, contagion, viruses, pandemics) can easily be uncovered with research. Both with the fake Ukraine issue and with all the faux pandemics.
“It’s predictable due to facts known about previous events that have taken place. …”
Yes. That’s our heuristic. It works 99.9% of the time. But as even in the grubby world of market-man — everywhere and always — “past performance is not indicative of future results” Why? Because we never know. And today, it’s making all the difference, say in the increasingly wild Western politics, with shameless claims of black vs white, devoid of humility and uncertainty and diplomacy.
“… Ie; the TRUTH.”
No. It’s only, and always, beliefs-held-in-common[-by-respected-people].
“Beliefs held in common“ are not truths. I already explained how majority beliefs can be altered from the TRUTH through subliminal mass mind control.
We can know the truth; as in the facts (or data) of what happened based on empirical evidence. The truth is always expressed (or understood) within the limits of our perceptions and understanding. Those limitations are irrelevant.
There is absolutely black and white when it comes to questions of fraud, racketeering, disinfo, germ theory, “viruses”, mind control and criminal activity by governments including genocide. “Politics”, like the “media“, isn’t real. So don’t even go there.
You continually contradict yourself by claiming that the truth is we can’t know the truth. That’s nonsensical.
“We can know the truth; as in the facts (or data) of what happened based on empirical evidence.”
False. (and you still haven’t read, or understand, what I said.)
Evidence involves perception, logic, and belief, not truth. Truth is the totality of what exists in the external object described, not our (human) perceptions, conceptualizations, logic, derivations, etc. It can never be fully known, and it cannot even be guaranteed accurately known.
“There is absolutely black and white when it comes to questions of fraud, racketeering, disinfo, germ theory, ‘viruses’, mind control and criminal activity by governments including genocide. ‘Politics, like the “media“, isn’t real. So don’t even go there.”
Baloney. EVERYTHING is perpetually contestable — and, in fact, that’s exactly how we need to teach it in our schools! Even though I may fully agree with you on 90% of any specific cases you may identify above, all that each of us ever has is our beliefs — about evidence, about others’ testimony, about our logic, etc. etc. — about EVERYTHING.
–Science is absolutely overflowing with things that were once “known” by eminent scientists to be one thing, but are now believed to be completely different thing. This will continue in perpetuity, and in unpredictable ways.
–Left/Right politics is filled with intelligent, knowledgeable people on both sides, many of whom believe with certainty they “know” something, but whose beliefs on that something thoroughly contradict each other.
The common denominator? Perpetually imperfect and limited humans. No matter how hard a pill this is to swallow, we must come around to it.
I didn’t claim all science is real. Only that which can be proven happened. Not the junk that is scientism, which people (media, journals, governments, military) falsely call science. Don’t erect a strawman.
Repeating the same lies doesn’t make anything you have written true. You think if you fill this thread with nonsense you have done your job. Which is obviously shilling for the NWO.
There is no “politics“. It’s sham. Because it doesn’t matter who wins, when both sides are owned by the same group. And if you really think politicians believe anything they claim you are a fool. It’s all Kabuki and lies from top to bottom.
Governments are corporations and agendas aren’t determined by “politicians“, Left and right is FAKE. It’s Dexter and Sinister. Two sides of the same shield: One cartel owns ALL the corporations that masquerade as governments.
To repeat:
Most of what you describe (both your “facts” and values) I agree with, EXCEPT your ideas on truth/knowledge. You simply are not getting my point on that. So I’ll try again (as reformulating it provides me practice) — and please, read the whole thing:
“[T]hat which can be proven happened”
Absolutely NOTHING (outside one’s conscious mind) can be definitively, uncontestably, proven — NO MATTER HOW GREAT ARE OUR ILLUSIONS OF KNOWLEDGE. It’s simply not possible within the human realm of consciousness and ability. What you THINK is “truth” is instead: (1) your beliefs about your senses and values and logic, which ordinarily match well those of others; and (2) your belief in (especially, any consensus of) the people you respect, because you don’t have personal access to 99.9999% of the things you believe. For “normies”, this “people you respect” defaults simply to (and largely unconsciously) various authorities (of all kinds).
This impossibility of actual knowledge, and thus settled truth is actually the ROOT reason for democracy, and for open science as conducted for hundreds of years now, which had excellent results moving humans forward during that time. Though, as you’re demonstrating now, seems virtually unknown in our mature Enlightenment. (A schooling problem?) Your response demonstrates to me how much even intelligent and articulate people have lost understanding of it.
Otherwise, we’d have censors trying to shut down those challenging your so-called “truth” claims — eventually, shutting down whole swaths of “settled” science, and shutting down whole ideologies and value sets in democracy, because there would be no need for opposition to them. After all, they’re “false”! Hmmm… Hmmm………………….. And so, naturally, today we have the “experts” telling us: “We [credentialed, power-grubbing, woke, etc.] experts have this! No need to worry your pretty little head over it!”
“Because it doesn’t matter who wins, when both sides are owned by the same group.”
Correct. And the $64 million question then is: How do they PERPETUALLY get away with it? I answered this previously (in different words): Because NOTHING can be proved, NOTHING can be nailed down and pointed to by opposition. Therefore — until an alternate system is devised, starting with hummility-consciousness that I start describing here — modern sophistry will exists decade after decade.
So who wins?
Stage 1 (c.1950s-c.2016): The Megaphone – Scream for access to speech. Once your screaming drowns out others, and especially your platforms you gain control of (1980s on), you start to persuade, and you start to win. Keep at it, and you change the opinions of the masses into something new.
Stage 2: (c.2016 to now): The Mallet (of stealth Totalitarianism) – Once you’ve gotten sufficient power, and thus control over essentially all platforms, you can unceremoniously SHUT OFF all other voices. Therefore, no one ELSE has the ability to persuade. After all, they say, ‘why debate settled truth?’ … as you scream in the background!!
So, good luck with evangelizing your complaints about the NWO!
It’s way past time to up our game.
The belief in permanently settled truth is exactly how the globalist elites have us over a barrel. Thereby, they repudiate the entirety of the Enlightenment, which brought us modern science, and democracy.
When the now-overwhelmingly-powerful elite tells us something you and I believe to be a lie — and that you and I believe all others would believe too, IF we could tell it to them — who do you expect the masses are going to believe? If they have decided (as many, many Woke already have) that the powerful are powerful BECAUSE they are truth-tellers, then you and I, as opponents, are good-and-well fucked. We must drop the belief that someone can possess uncontestable truth.
Only religions claim uncontestable truths. Are YOU a member of that arrogant elite? If not…
Don’t fall for it!
Also, there’s two planes of understanding to be recognized here:
(1) that anti-social actors, i.e. sophists (which on OG generally means the globalists and their agenda) mean to deceive others. And that’s what you (rightfully, in my opinion) complain vociferously about. But this deception is concerning beliefs already held in common. Both we the OG’ers and globalists, say, understand (i.e. believe) the COVID virus was a manufactured panic, but have completely different attitudes about that. Meanwhile, what we understand as the deceived believe other things, and have another general set of attitudes. This, I think we both recognize, and wish to fix.
(2) But one thing I’m arguing here is that the anti-social forces’ tool however, is to go beyond deception about agreed things, and take advantage of the fact that everything is — ultimately — belief (i.e., the point of mine that set off this discussion), by cultivating environments where entirely different worldviews emerge, despite the supposed availability of a single “truth”. Because each side truly believes it has truth, each becomes hardened — and so battle each other in perpetual and righteous jihad. But perpetual multiple sides are only possible because humans do not and cannot know truth.
This hardening is, for example, found in the ongoing Left-Right battles. Interestingly enough, these can transform completely from one to another over a few decades time. Nevertheless, they believe in the absolute truth of their beliefs and values. (BTW, Left and Right permanently exist because they reflect permanent beliefs held by all humans — a discussion for another time.) And so can it be done with COVID, Ukraine, etc., etc.
Dear Researcher, thank you for your kind words. I am neither an academic nor a scientist and would not pretend to know the truth in this matter. Such questions are probably more fittingly addressed by philosophers perhaps. Thank you for your considered opinion and I wish you success in your efforts.
What we’re seeing is; the human mind disconnected from the human heart is a prideful, selfish, greedy piece of sh*t (see established scientific dogma, the rise of narcissism) and a civilisation founded upon that (see the enlightenment) will lead mankind into hell.
The mind is a child who perceives it is god, the heart is the adult parent who breaks the illusion and teaches the child humility in the face of insurmountable odds.
There’s no hell, just as there’s no god. And no invisible, transmissible molecules causing disease. This is not civilization. Nor was there an “enlightenment“. The Masonic Institutions that control the world do so, through the deliberate degrading of humankind and our abilities and power, and that is why the cryptocracy are purposefully poisoning and sickening the population, while convincing them they are unworthy, lowly, ignorant, powerless creatures, who must be dependent on government, and need “leaders” or must be in awe of a fictional god or “great architect“.
There is no civilization, what we have worldwide, is a debt slavery system, based on deception by a cryptocracy where populations are ruled over, only through fraud. Not through informed consent.
There’s a group of psychopathic owners claiming countries are separate (a land mass has no borders or flags) when they are centrally controlled and owned by the same group, using incorporated municipalities, where the public are not the owners or shareholders.
This group, (cryptocracy) created a seething mass of fraud, deception, based on lies and scripted hoaxes using trauma based mass mind control. The lies and hoaxes go back as far in history as you care to delve.
These psychopaths, erected all the world’s institutions of power, by controlling the majority of people’s perceptions, using ancient, occulted knowledge of the subliminal mind pathway to create mass mind controlled, taxed, farmed and regularly culled populations.
The mass mind control is achieved using repetition of lies, along with the use of imagery, colors, and vibrational frequencies through language and communications warfare, to impart false beliefs into the percentage (30-40%) of the population. The other percentage conform from fear of being ostracized and persecuted.
Once one understands this group’s techniques – throughout history – and their modus operandi, anyone can easily see that religions – which are based on astrotheological allegory and Gematria – are inculcated into the subconscious mind through repetition, fear, retribution and diminishment of man, one can also see the exact same pattern occurring in every institution of power – governments, corporations, courts, media, NGOs, charities and churches. Because it’s the one group, creating multiple faux oppositional “tribes“ using the divide and conquer technique.
Each institution (arms length corporations owned by the cryptocracy) use the same pyramid structure of hierarchy and authoritarianism, with governments specifically using threat of physical violence on their populations to maintain power and control, whilst resisting reform or revolt.
i like your write ups, but did you just claim there is no hell? i bet there are many who would disagree, it just isnt a lake of fire but there are many here suffering in hellish situations. I read Wills euphemism of the mind of a child to god as just another form of our internal hubris and not actually related to a god, but i may be misinterpreting…
Hell on earth as a concept isn’t the same as the imaginary hell he was referencing in the BuyBull.
“We” don’t have hubris as a species. However, there are mental defectives (Masonic cult members) who seek to frame the current (and historical) organizational structure of the world as organically born from the public’s wants/needs, however this is a lie, since all the power structures in place stem from the one group, and only serve that group.
His answer, I interpret as deflection from the organized abuse of the majority, by a small minority.
And the references to religion are standard modus operandi (here and elsewhere) to distract from facts, and thus relegate issues to the good-evil fantasy realm of religion; thus removing the personal, moral, fiscal and legal responsibly from those (CEOS, politicians, doctors, “scientists”, religious leaders etc.) who are well aware of what they’re doing, and how they’re conspiring to commit fraud and genocide.
While you’re correct that the article is a waste of space, and for the reasons you note, this reply is also a waste of space. The issue here is not whether germ theory or terrain theory is true, that’s completely irrelevant and your last paragraph is pointless speculation. The important points here don’t require theories or speculation – they are trying to force an experimental drug using an untested technology that was developed at an unprecedented pace on the entire human population in the face of mountains of empirical evidence that it is harming and killing people. Whatever theory was behind the drug and its development is irrelevant and an unnecessary distraction – so are grand pronouncements about the history of vaccines and the intent behind them. The facts alone here are all that is needed to see what a bad place we are in.
Say no more. Thanks your summary.
Not laughing matter.
The divisiveness, the pain, the confusion, the suffering, the anger going on out there is as real as it gets. Humour these days appears to be dead in the water unless its attacking and degrading. There is a danger inherent here in becoming the monster you fight. At this stage of the game people have made many decisions and they are living with those decisions. The danger is alienating the other side by anger, lack of compassion, name-calling and dismissal. Truth will win out when everyone speaks out their truth but they won’t do so if they are treated this way. Truth must be spoken respectfully and compassionately or no one will listen and if ever there was a time we need to listen to each other it is now. Keep telling your truth. It is vital but I am only asking that everyone clench their teeth one more time and give people space to be heard, to entertain notions they might not have entertained before without fear of ridicule. Can you not appreciate that those who may disagree with you are afraid and hurting and angry as well? We need to remember our common humanity. Now, I’m not talking about the sociopaths and psychopaths of course. Just the people. We are all afraid of what is happening. At least appreciate that. Keep plugging away with the facts. The truth will out. Thank you. Courage and hope always.
Fair comment, Syl: a Fact & Truth, re. The Dress Code of Rivalry created, you should also consider, is Ursula Van Der Leyen’s provocative ‘party line’ 🥳
M.i.c. Blue & Yellow choice ‘ensemble’ , to ‘Rally’ Europeans: –
which it appears, has rather backfired in Eastern Europe.
Walk like Ukrainians ? In Colour Revolutions for Vicky ‘fuk the EU’ Nu-land ?
Fuk the US, who sponsor BioLabRat Nazis & Terrorists as weapons of fear, is more like The Balkan Beat on the Street.
Billions of people know that Western Media is incredible & unbelievable.
Especially Jimmy Dore 🤣 highlighting BBC reality: well worth watching
To the end… try not laughing ! I mean seriously, the dude knows,
Like Dutch Farmers know the BBC are Military News !
Bullshit as usual. The whole idea of this article is to pretend that we can’t know if there’s a virus or not or if there’s a serious pandemic or not, because perception = truth.
But since the test is FAKE as are all viral tests, and PROVABLY SO we can know for a fact that all results are fraudulent, and an attempt to frame all illnesses as viral (and contagious) related is a scam, to sell vaccines, create lockdowns, force poison on the population, and create economic warfare to achieve certain political objectives, including DEPOPULATION.
In order to find the TRUTH, which can be known, one has to start at the beginning of the fraud: and the fraud goes back throughout history to four false concepts: The false and unproven ideas that there is contagion (transmissible diseases), pandemics, viruses and germ theory.
These false concepts were put in place by the same group that rule, profit, farm and cull. Pretending that we can’t know or understand fraud (which is what the author is tacitly implying) is what controlled opposition consistently does to confuse and divide people, who can’t separate the repetition of lies from simple facts.
Actually, your statement “the whole idea of this article” is incorrect. 🙂 Just for the record. Please do carry on.
There is an actual solution to all of this; awakened people of European descent must have lots of children (4-5) in a good marriage and bring them up on a farm environment with food security, homeschooling, teaching them workable skills, protect them from media corruption up until at least 8 yrs and under a liveable religious understanding of the world. Community of like minded families around them would be an advantage. < This will solve all the current ills, eventually. Patience is required.
When do we all get the free farmland? Let me know and I’ll get to work on creating five sprogs.
In the US there is plenty of land that is very cheap and in Europe it would be suited to those who have small capital to invest it in a cheaper area, that is UK southern house owners can sell up and move north, west or to france. It’s possible alone but better if you find some like minded people.
Allotments turned into car parks, side street shops became office buildings as we privatised deregulated the public transport system.
Puplic Landscaped Town Parks for the enjoyment of communities and weekend out ‘doors’ people and who doesn’t love that., became County State Parks.
On the contrary this is what got us into the mess we are in.
Nonsense. You’re in this mess because you have no independence, no food security, no viable life skills, a low birth rate and no community. Literally, a homesteader with a large homeschooled family and community IS the modern enemy of the state (oligarchy) and the only one who will survive this mess, sane.
Where can we get the women who’ll do all those things for us, have 4-5 kids, homeschool them, and so on ?
The Metaverse.
Watch the doc Building Beartaria Part Two.
liberalist schooled mindset advisory devoid of wellfare of its people is your investigative problem that led to abandoning small town America., and the rise and fall of its inner Cities by property investors.
So You advise others to invest, no abandon, move out back to where ever, even the convient drop kick ‘Europe’.
Possibly a small town where you and 5 kids will only contribute to the burden of that still existing wellfare STATE!
There is no mess that cannot cleaned up. Cronies use any language to steal hold onto the Chicken. imo they’ll have you eating chicken shit with changed taste buds thinking it’s hamburger.
“Where Can You Go to Escape Agenda 21?” with Rosa Koire
Is this a form of cyber psychosis.? Every alt right hillybilly shill has promoted this Owen fella. He was apart of the hollyweird circle. 30K gigs his words. He appeared YT screaming being censored which he wasn’t. He hasn’t been censored he is spoilt & promoted.
I’m probably the only person on this site who argues in favour of postmodernism – i.e. being skeptical about narratives; accepting the reality that there are often multiple perspectives; that there isn’t necessarily a single truth; etc. This article seems to be edging toward that position, but because it couched as “humour”, it’s not possible to know what it’s really supposed to be about. I also argue for the importance of recognising the existence of factual truths; e.g. the basic laws of physics.
BTW: I don’t do Cocktail parties.
I agree, the article is cowardly and there is no virus, never was. In fact, there is a new virologist besides Stefan Lanka out to confirm this.
The Scamdemic: Covid 19 – SARS COV2 the Virus that Never Existed
I agree the virus model is scientific nonsense but until you can explain to someone who, fell to the same symptomatic flu as their famliy member when in close proximity, why they experienced the same illness, banging on about ‘viruses never exist’ is pointless.
It’s called epidemiological coincidence from exposure to common pollutants or poisons.
The idea that we should ever avoid explaining the real causes of illness – such as entire families and communities exposed to the same environmental toxins, displaying the same symptoms – is as cowardly and stupid as suggesting we should just accept our family members can be poisoned by vaccines, so we can watch them suffer from blood disorders, strokes, heart attacks and cancers.
We must challenge the fraud in science and medicine because the false beliefs about germ theory and the ludicrous idea that poisons (RX drugs and vaccines) can cure and prevent illness, promoted and concocted by psychopaths, currently kills millions a year, worldwide. At least one million in the US alone.
At least 90% of people will lie about what they see; or they will “see” whatever they’re required to see.
WTC7 – This is an Orange
Oct 11, 2012
A comparison between what we are told and what we can see, with our own eyes. World Trade Center 7 collapsed after having been damaged by fire and falling debris, but the collapse looks very much like a controlled demolition.
that sums up your Q nonsense & Trump supporters!
Go on then, state an example of this supposed “Q nonsense”.
Come on Jiin. We are ALL waiting for your scientific NIST like representations regarding:-
Fire & The :-
81 steel columns
2 seconds freefall
Q: have you ever studied Physics?
You complete TROLL !
By the way, you complete arsehole, Trump supporters NEVER
bothered with WTC7 ! Despite Trump Towers and many other
Steel framed structures defying ‘fire risks’ to this day… taking down C.I.A.
You utter tosser. Please lose yourself fast in the reality of
Scientific irrefutable evidence, from Day One.
Yer’ fuk’d on this website, Forever !
Vogue Test for the New Sexy in Vogue Fems?
Ok, first there is Zero Colour and ladies generally avoid hoop design if they are overweight.
Down down. Deeper & Down: status !
seems you want to supress people who really do their research and come up with real factual viewpoints by calling them “elites” what an elitist point of view you have.
Ok, the dress was fucking obviously black and blue though. I was TRYING to see the gold and white when I first saw that and I couldn’t! I thought that people were losing their marbles, it wasn’t like you could squint your eyes and see a golden dress!
One of the numerous WEF film clips out there is about their Young Global Leaders. One snippet In that film clip shows a whiteboard in a YGL training session; among other scribbles, it shows the words “Support Each Other.” That is one of the basics that these new “leaders” are having drummed into them, and that is why so many of them are saying exactly the same things.
What we are seeing is classic Sun Tzu, paraphrased as “Gather allies, split up the enemy.” They have learned to sing together instead of constantly contending with one another, while we, The Enemy, are being split up oh so very well……
Trouble is that the gold/white dress crowd will pull us down into a world where all human beings will become battered black and blue. AND that is was the white/gold lot who wanted to force everyone under the muzzle and force everyone to submit to medical tyranny, etc. to save people they usually couldn’t give a rats arse about pre 2020.
I’m not famliar with Posie but when I surfed around for info I got this lovely comment on Quora:
And I reckon that’s a fair suggestion. It’s only logical for a “woman trapped in a man’s body” to be freed from that body. And I wonder how many “trans women” would continue with their proclaimed “gender choice” if they were faced with the big chop?
The explanation is probably quite simple. Both eyes and cameras piece the images we see from a limited set of ‘planes’ of visual information. An eye, for example, perceives brightness to a much greater level of detail than it perceives color and its color information is limited to ‘basically red’ and ‘basically green’. A camera is similar. Added to this both eyes and cameras respond to changing light levels differently. Anyway, details aside we’re all familiar with how colors fade and change at twilight, “the dress” merely exploited this to make a nifty optical illusion.
That’s really the point, anyway. Although its a bit OTT for everyday activities we need to be aware that our perceptions of the world around us are really a form of mass optical illusion. We agree that a red traffic signal is indeed red, for example, although there’s no guarantee we’re all seeing exactly the same thing. This also — especially — is relevant to other information, especially politics. We may all more or less agree that something is real and exists although our perceptions are likely to differ. We just need to be aware that everyone’s different and to be especially wary of people who like pulling verbal (or, rather, conceptual) counjuring tricks on us. Such people are always offering us short cuts in life, be it a detergent that cleans everything instantly without any mess or side effects or a government policy that will overnight make us all secure and prosperous. Such people are invariably charlatans but our society is so rife with them that many of us have just tuned out. Bad idea.
As a fan of The Devil wore Prada, I wonder if some Dedicated Follower of Fashion could date those dresses? If I may risk hellfire by quoting the Devil herself, their look is long passee and some high minded person has resurrected them from the Remnants Bin merely to make a statement about the virtue of plain living.
Man oh man… This is why the Westerners fail so grandiosely! They all thing that a very tinny minority represents “all”! Just like with the LGGBBDTTQQUIAAAAPPP2SNBGVGQGNC+ gang!
What war?!
What pestilence?!
What famine?!
What on Earth are you talking about Sylvia Shawcross?
And by the way… The years of OPERATION COVIDUS have been some of the FUNNIEST years I’ve lived since I was born.
If you enjoy schadenfreude. I suppose some people laughed to watch the Gadarene swine rush downhill into the sea.
Well, like it or not, when people start telling you things like “men can be women, women can be men” there’s only so much the rational individual can do, to accommodate such views. You tend to feel that if you concede on this one point, a mountain of irrationality awaits, just around the corner & truth be told, you’re correct.
I agree, there are limits. The limit may be different for different people, but these are times when people nail their theses to the church door:
“Hier stehts, kann nicht anders” (Here I stand, can not otherwise). — Martin Luther.
Thank you for some humor, long lacking since Saturday Night Live died forever sometime in the early 2000’s. Can we imagine how the older SNL crews would have taken apart the k0v1d narrative, or the terrorist narratives, or the insane corruption, obfuscation and lies we are now being surrounded in daily?
On the other hand, let’s discuss the nature of human perceptions of “the dress”. As Rene Magritte would point out to us, we are not looking at a dress, we are looking at a photograph of a dress. A photograph, a picture of, or a verbal description of a dress has many disassociations with reality. It is a depiction. A representation. As an artist i can see the picture of a backside of the dress shot in shadow which immediately turns all the colors bluish. If we drop the photo into Photoshop and pick out the colors from the eye dropper and isolate them, we can see the true colors. In the photo, not what was reality. Much less the distortions of color rendering in a print which can be an infinite number of tints.
If we listen to the lessons of Josef Albers, we can see that color is relative to it’s surroundings. Place a green square within a red larger square and that same green square placed within a larger blue square, and place those two arrangements side by side. The green looks dramatically different in each visual environment.
What i am pointing out is that to get to the truth we have to be more diligent than two very superficial observations that indicate the low level of default consciousness in human culture in 2022. The truth is we can never know the colors of the dress in reality unless we find the original dress and each look directly at it. If we more accurately photograph the dress in neutral light that more accurately translates the colors, we have a much better chance at perceiving the true colors of the dress. Better representations make better tools to evaluate what happened the moment the shutter popped in the camera. But that is all.
If human beings could put silly arguments like the colors of “the dress” in proper perspective, as a superficial mistake, we may see signs humans are headed out of the woods. But unfortunately we are stuck in a 1% policed childish simplification culture, trapped in avoidable stupidity. We have to transcend world of representations and start dealing with reality as it is and understand what perceptions of it are telling us what is real.
Truth is possible to find. Like Climate Change NOT decimating nature and life on Earth, it is unregulated capitalist technologies + behaviors and it’s 150+ years of unregulated industrial pollutants that is killing species and destroying human health. The invasion of Iraq based upon a contrived, conscious lie, was a million times greater atrocity than any J6 Tea Party. LOCKDOWN of societies for two years because asymptomatic transmission, conjured out of the air like a magician’s incantation, set all of humanity back a decade or more and killed and damaged many more than the supposed culprit. And on and on.
“When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.”
A work in progress we still have to attain.
There will always be differences of opinion. But if we diligently pursue the truth, the best available information assiduously sought after, we will come to common understandings that present to us the wisdom of making good decisions based upon the truth and applied to providing for the social needs of humanity not the profit temper tantrums of the ‘Lord of the Flies’ ruling class.
Fuck the dress. The credulous are being slaughtered. Bigger things are afoot than Magritte.
Wtf. A touch of actual empathy for the ones being tricked and pushed towards their own demise from you?
“The Roots of War can be found in Childhood; It’s Childhood’s unfinished business.”
I saw Brad Pitt had a nice little dress on the other day. If it feels good do it, do it if it feels good, I guess. I’m not one to get caught up in traditional things, like suits and ties pretty much disgust me. Someone long ago started wearing a piece of cloth around their neck and then everyone decided that was how to dress properly or something. Last time I wore one was 1990 I believe. In fact, suits and ties tell me something about a person, i.e., that they’re just another ant conforming to the ant colony mores. To me, the suit and tie represents the establishment and I’ve seen too many who ought to know and act better accede to the establishment’s expectations. It’s kind of funny how much staying power the suit and tie have. I remember watching Star Trek in the 60’s and thinking that in the future there would no longer be suits and ties, we’d all dress in nice sleek shirts like Captain Kirk. But I guess not yet.
Actually, ties started off as cravats, designed to stop your armour rubbing your neck & throat. As the fashion when they emerged was also for extravagant cod-pieces, men started allowing a trailing end of the cravat to point downwards to the splendidness of the codpiece.
If you think of that every time you see someone in a suit & tie, you’ll probably flunk a lot of job interviews.
But then again, isn’t “color” something the human eye creates? We’re told that other creatures (cats, e.g.) see most things as gray. And flies would see about a zillion tiny dresses – that’s got to be the worst Karma imaginable.
Best advice: if the dress fits, wear it.
haha, nice one
I didn’t understand the sense of humor here.
Too much pending going on again…
Just sayin’
Itsa’ Chinese Conspiracy publicly.
CCP-PEN-DING. You see ?
Like largest Chinese car salesman: Lea-Sing
Warming Bankers’ Organisms
WBO massages 💆♀️ IMF
Christine & Kri’Stalin’ka.
(Kristalina’s dad’s nickname!)
Not some joke !
A Balkan Truth:
From School days,
Leasing History Pending …
Under Blockchain Reality. 🤣 ✌
However differently it may be percieved, there is, ultimately, a dress of black and blue.
This is it.
There is the truth, and there is what is believed. There can be a variety of the latter, but ultimately there is only one truth.
The consensus does not necessarily coincide with the truth, especially if TPTB have a programme of deliberate deception. However, the masses find it difficult to believe that the consensus isn’t the truth.
Similarly, the few who discover the deception, who get closer to apprehending the truth, find it difficult to believe that TPTB are deliberately spurring the percipient into perspicacity (‘disclosure’ aka ).
Sylvia Shawcross might agree that we still all have to occupy the same reality, even if we perceive it differently, and we can live alongside each other (where our difference of perception doesn’t come into play), but as to ‘creating a better world’ by putting our differences of perception to one side, she has gone off with the fairies.
When the next faux-pandemic comes, let’s see how well that approach works when it comes to lockdowns, masking, jabbing, quarantining, and internment of jab-refusniks.
“I don’t understand what your problem is Trevor. Just take the jab, and not only will you receive universal basic income, and a food ration, but you won’t be forcibly quarantined. The jab is perfectly safe and effective! Look how many of our friends have recently died or become chronically ill from Covid. You don’t want to end up like them, do you?”
And once the ones refusing the new jabs are put into camps, the benevolent powers that shouldn’t be will move them to a secret location and reveal to them the whole true history of humanity: how TPTSB, because they deeply care about humanity, employ psychopaths to terrorize normal humans over thousands of years, and this is the only way to ensure a good future for humanity. The truth about the cataclysmic cycles that hit the Earth every 12000 years – last one being though 11600 years ago – will be revealed as well.
TPTSB will then offer the percipient a new mARN vaccine that confers immortality, tested on the sheep and definitely safe and effective, in order for the percipient to witness the next cataclysm together with TPTSB. No psychos will be employed ever again and everyone will live happily ever after. Well, at least until the next cataclysm.
I suppose the essence of a genuine Christian message is that we do NOT have to occupy the same reality. Christ’s reality was not that of the bulk of mankind, but there were nevertheless a few who understood Him and believed that His example showed the way.
At all events, it takes supreme courage to stick to the reality which you know, through experience and insight, to be the true one, especially when you have no friends who see the matter as you do.
You will suspect you are a looney, unfit for existence on this Earth, and you will become increasingly isolated. Then, to cap it all, you will wonder whether any of it matters anyway…
For me, the very fact that we, as individuals, can question our own sanity, is the reason it really does matter.
The more you understand Christ, the more you understand Jesus, the more you understand reality. Just bear in mind that The Lord’s Prayer is fundamentally eschatological, and moreover, Satanic. As Michael Caine might have said “Not a lot of people know that”.
An interesting take I encountered some years ago on the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer, was that it deals with the three fundamental attributes of a human being:
a) The needs of the physical body:
(Give us this day our daily bread)
b) The moral integrity of the life in us:
(And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us)
c) The dangers of the passions and desires that well up in our soul: (And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil)
When those basic aspects are developed and nurtured as they should be, then the individual ego can come into its own. This is what is “new” about the New Testament, and why Christ’s teaching goes much deeper than conjuring tricks.
Frankly, this is what I think any “new normal” or “great reset” should be about, but none of that can be imposed on people. It can only be freely inspired in them.
“Lead us not into temptation” is a mistranslation of “Lead us not to the time of trial”, i.e. “Let us not be the fig tree generation that must suffer the cataclysm”.
“Deliver us from evil” is a poor translation of “Deliver us from catastrophe (destruction & desolation)”
The ‘time of trial’ is now termed ‘The Great Reset’.
The “genuine Christian message” is that you may occupy another reality that does not include a magic Jay and his angry Dad in the sky, but you are going to hell for it.
you folks are ignoring what is happening.. The world has been turned around.. the West is losing its war in Ukraine to 1/4 of the Russian military.. The propaganda that 4 Russians missiles( 2 shot down, 2 hit the grain export facilities )from Kiev, differ from the MOD version in which four Russian missiles hit in Odessa, Ukraine and destroyed a Ukraine war ship, a warehouse full of Harpoon anti-ship missiles, a Ukraine Ship Repair station, shows clearly we are not being told the truth.
The color of the dress conflict hides the fact that inflation is an all time high, there is a conspiracy of resetters to deny the western world. All kinds of impediments have been put into place by the great resetters. Chinese technology and industry is fasting become the unbeatable beast in the world, that Chinese Yuan is out trading EU currencies on currency exchanges[first time ever], and Sanctions imposed on Russia have strengthened Russia, destroyed the EU and harmed beyond repair USA governed America and divided conscious Canada..
Most of Germany will be denied fuel<=its industries to shut down and rising Federal Reserve interest rates has added a new weight for the US dollar based economy to overcome. but never mind, what is the color of the dress?
What about the last two fucking decades of housing and medical cost inflation morons focusing on gas and food but most of us spend more on housing didn’t seem to fucking notice argh people are so dumb
This was the inevitable result of the pivot from ‘manufacturing’ to ‘services’, much talked about a couple of decades ago but not mentioned now because it would be regarded as a joke. ‘Services’ are essentially parasitic and an economy focussed on them is reliant on having fresh sources of money to exploit. The idea was sold on it being modern and new and everything and that everyone would be come a stakeholder with a ready flow of riches from their investments. Etc.
The reality is that as more and more value is extracted for these services there’s less and less to be used on anything else. That is, people are poorer. It was a good con and I was disappointed that people kept voting for it. Now we’re in the Twilight Zone of There Is No Alternative.
(You’ll notice that there might not be funding for things that people find important but there’s always money for weapons.)
Who cares about the color. Is it a man or a woman wearing the dress?
Transphobe! Tighten you shock collar!
What IS a woman, though?
A human being physiologically capable of producing ova, bringing a foetus to term, and giving birth to a baby, is a woman. A female is a human being with XX chromosomes.
Some people live where the sun is directly overhead and they have no shadows. A woman is a sometimes a maiden, sometimes a mother and sometimes a crone
Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh did a nice documentary on that very thing. I highly recommend it.
You can usually tell the difference because the hips are a different shape. Its basic biology — women’s hips tend to be wider and their thighs are larger relative to their body size. Obviously within a large enough population there will be quite large variances — for example, I have wide hips for a man — but its not something to stress out about, its just a fact of life.
They admit that the viral photo doesn’t look anything like the actual dress.
BBC: “The photograph of the dress and how it actually looks”
Looks better with a chick in it.
Look at the shadow cast by the jacket on the gold strip. If that strip was black, you wouldn’t see such a defined shadow. Hence, they’re not the same dress.
I think the lady on the right is wearing an additional piece above the dress (armpit levels upwards), if that’s the portion of the shadow you were referring to 🤔
I was looking at the curved, lower part of the jacket. It’s possible to get defined shadows on black fabric, but I don’t believe it would be possible to get that washed out look and retain the shadow.
All the shadows and lighting look fairly natural; the room behind is brightly lit with moderate lighting above the dress. I don’t see how they could retain natural looking shadows while making black look like gold and royal blue look like white.
Hence, I think they’re lying by claiming that they’re both the same dress.
A percentage of people can see the photo of the dress in both ways. I am one of them – so in that photo it is possible. That’s why it went viral – verifiably freaky! Plus I’ve been with people who swear by one or the other option looking at the same image at the same time.
I initially saw it as white/gold, when I look at it as blue black I have to make a mental effort to stop it sliding back to the initial perspective.
Maybe many people can do this with the original image, by tilting their screen/fiddling with brightness.
Is there an explanation for the effect – lighting, exposure, filter, digital, etc – which would convert the blue-black dress (on the right) to the washed-out one on the left?
If the one on the left were really white-gold, there would be no required effect other than the lighting as described above.
BTW: I always thought there was a slight blueish tint in the “white”, but that this was probably some lighting effect.
From the BBC
The lighting isn’t in anyway “strange”. It’s just as described above.
The camera/imaging software used may have adjusted the image for what it considered to be the ‘ambient color temperature’ (sunny, cloudy, particular lighting etc)
Adjusting the ‘color temperature’ on the original image switches between white/gold and black/blue modes (for me at least)
geez you can see from the background they just adjusted the brightness of one picture to give different levels of the same colors.
In one picture there’s a jacket on and it’s not the same background. The conflict that puzzled me more than the dress was the Yanny / Laurel conflict which again divided people up by which word they heard. Weird how different our hearing and visual perceptions are. Half the world are AI sims? But which half am I in?
Yep my gf said it was black and blue, I said otherwise but in the viral photo I grabbed the color info and matched swatches of the dress to mostly grey and mostly dark grey (which looks like gold).
still she insisted it was black and blue.. Lol
the scientific method requires acknowledgement of how our own senses are easily changed by many things and to test the data with “control” colors to find out what is the real color…
Never ceases to amaze me how people in our Movement like Shawcross cling to Gmail as their email. As if Dr Mercola had never written that Google stores every keystroke you type.
Not to mention Google data scraping and monetising anything you do on Google. So you are supporting the enemy in a personal way, notwithstanding that Google answers to Black Rock and Vanguard and their economic beneficiaries.
Perhaps Shawcrosss is going to have to be directly impacted by as Google ban of some sort before she changes her ways,
Nice one.
Could you, as a superior user, please clue us miserable google supporters as to who gets your data?
Or should we figure that out on our own?
I fully agree with Jenner’s comment but I hear you Victor…
Try ProtonMail, they claim guaranteed privacy, they also do a solid VPN.
Use Brave browser, excellent ad and tracker blocking out-of-the-box.
I’ve been using these for some years now with satisfaction.
I also recommend riseup email. More help here:
Increase your Privacy | Me and my Shadow
Good heavens! I didn’t realize I was part of a “Movement.” The things you learn.
“I figure the only thing different right now is we’re expected to actually eat the locusts because they’ve got a factory somewhere in Ontario, Canada producing a facsimile for our protein consumption. And who knew that cricket poo can replace chemical fertilizers! Take that Putin!”.
I have always admired the Canadian Institute of Insects, their TV films and their annual Open Day with insect canapes. Let’s hope that Battery Locusts do not deteriorate the same way as Battery Chickens and Battery Tomatoes.
“Don’t knock the small life” — 18th century biologist Goethe, Faust Part I.
Points of view as such do not need claim to be The Science as invoking of authority to undermine or override any other view.
One of the characteristics of life is diversity within a larger whole – you might call that an ecosystem or a consciousness – but it is never a monoculture – always a balancing of qualities, roles or perspectives that embody the unfolding from a whole that is of course greater than the sum of its parts, let alone a part claiming to dictate whole truth!
The pleasure pain principle works where true joy is chosen and self-harming choice or habit from past choices, is released. But where substitutes for joy are taken in place of freedom as wholeness of being, then ‘he who binds unto himself a joy, doth the winged life destroy’.
Once addicted to prison food and institutional security – can we expect an open door to break the internalised distancing, masking and lockdown to attempted immunity against any real change – because it re-triggers fear of total loss?
A false sense of self-specialness sets up the fall. It doesn’t matter whether positively or negatively framed.
Yet the recognition of uniqueness is the signature characteristic of the Creator – ‘for behold I make all things new’ – is revealed in living currency – not merely in the revelation of the underbelly of our masking narrative entanglements set in ancient grievance given worship.
… late edit:
… ‘he who binds unto himself a joy, doth the winged life destroy’. Such that compulsive or compensatory pleasures deaden and hollow out a sense of self-betrayal – perhaps normalised under social virtue boosters so as to die under mask of knowing not what we do.
“But he who kisses the joy as it flies, lives in Eternity’s sunrise.”
Usually with an optical illusion, after a little while you can see all the possibilities.
‘The dress’ example, I suppose differs in that people can (presumably) physically *only* ever see one of the two options. Which makes it very different.
In that case, there isn’t any way that you could convince someone of your point-of-view. You could only accept the 2 differing perspectives and hope to work with them. Which is probably a healthy attitude (or at least a healthy awareness of the possibility) to cultivate. Especially in these polarized times
A “we’re both right” attitude to someone who completely disagrees with you 🙄
my gf said it was black and blue, I said otherwise but in the viral photo I grabbed the color info and matched swatches of the dress to mostly grey and mostly dark grey (which looks like gold).
still she insisted it was black and blue.. Lol
the scientific method requires acknowledgement of how our own senses are easily changed by many things and to test the data with “control” colors to find out what is the real color…
I think it’s just a brightness/contrast thing
Here’s an experiment (works for me). Download the image (eg from my first post).
Raise the contrast and lower the brightness if you see a white/gold dress (can do this eg in Windows Photo Gallery using ‘fix’ ). The dress goes blue/black.
Do the reverse, if you first see a blue/black dress. The dress goes white/gold
So I would deduce that brightness levels and contrast levels on different devices was the primary cause of the differences in perception (rather than differences in the brain’s visual hard-wiring)
seriously, my daughter and i looked at pics of this dress on the same computer and saw different colours. bronze and blue was mine. can’t remember hers.
Cream and olive green.
no! 🙂
Protein is not an essential nutrient. There is no reason to eat worms or cows for that matter. The body uses amino acids not protein. If they have convined you protein is important then what could be better than locusts? It is a delicacy served by Klaus Swab to the Davos crowd. These lot don’t eat fruit or vegetables because they are satanists and think ‘meat’ makes them more macho. They like the extra crunch and thought you would too. Arn’t you just being a bit soft picking on a cow when there is scopions to chow on?
Looks like you’ve got some basic terms mixed up.
The human body requires amino acids, which combine to form proteins (which are long chains of amino acids “folded” in different ways). There are 21 amino acids in total, 12 of which can be assembled inside our bodies. The other 9 are classified as “essential” because we need them, but the only way to get them is externally (from food).
Therefore, we absolutely DO need proteins (plural) to function and be healthy. However, it doesn’t matter whether the essential amino acids come from plants or animals or bugs. Indeed, ancient food staples like the Three Sisters (squash, corn, beans) collectively provide all 9 of those essential amino acids, and therefore, the “protein” that people need to live.
Canada can be a strange place.
Potentially the coming superpower….
I wonder when the Canadian heartlands might start to realise they have more in common with the US heartlands than with their own big cities or seaboards?
I’d like to think that I am happy for me to think the dress is blue and for you to think it’s gold.
Unfortunately human nature thinks otherwise.
However tolerant we think we are our brains are saying to us “what an idiot for thinking it’s gold”
Surely, nothing has illustrated this more than the schism created by the jabs.
Both sides at the extremes are certain that they are correct and are immovable.
but then there is the middle ground:
There are covidians that see what is happening around them and use their logical brains to come round. You can see this in many comments sections i.e. “I wish I’d never taken the bloody thing, I only wanted to go to the pub” etc.
There are shrews who would take the jab if it was proven to be safe and effective.
The key is to BE OPEN TO THE POSSIBILITY that you might be wrong.
(But we’re all still thinking “what an idiot he is”)
If you walk into a creche/infants school and you find all the kids are making tea in chocolate teapots, would you run around trying to persuade them all that they should be using kettles of scalding hot water, rather than the jugs of cold tap water they’ve been given?
At some point, you have to recognise that most of your fellow men are infantile when it comes to percipience and discernment, and that you cannot ‘save’ them.
You also have to recognise that TPTB intend them to take the jab, and that they expect you to recognise you cannot prevent them (and ultimately, to recognise why they’re doing what they’re doing).
Judgements reflect the mind we THINK we are escaping onto others?
We can know that mind is wrong, so as to learn not to use it, but instead to seek to see what it conceals.
What do we invoke and use a mask for?
Is it not all that we hate, fear or are ashamed to be seen in, as or with?
There is nothing new to the nature of masking fear or conflict in false seeming. But the nature of the changes are making stark and jarring visibility of what was more socially normalised. Social masking as ‘identity complex’ is its own dynamic of teaching and learning collective rules & filters against exposure to conflict that premise to ‘make you safe’ in a temporary sense of security that needs and demands constant boosting to be maintained.
‘The Dress’ implies a 50/50 split.
Red Pill vs Blue Pill is evidently a 1/99 split.
There is a small group of plebs who recognise TPTB’s staged events and global psyops such as Covid, and the majority who take them at face value.
Frankly, collaboration between red & blue pillers is impossible, let alone reconciliation.
Time is better spent further enlightening a red-piller, than trying to persuade a blue piller that things might not be quite as they seem.
Rhetorical question. Don’t you have anyone you LOVE deeply (family, friend) and who is blue pilled? But you actually want to save this person with all your hearth, regardless of the personal sacrifices it would require, just because you LOVE them, don’t you?
So many, but I’ve all but given up after over two years of meeting such fierce resistance to the idea that things are not as the MSM, the WHO, the WEF etc would have them believe. As there is a distinct possibility that many of them have shortened their lifespans by repeated applications of experimental gene therapy, I’d prefer to enjoy their company while I can instead of banging my head against the brick wall of their somnabulant certainty that I am the one who is deluded…
Blue symbolizes trust and serenity, but also depression and loneliness. Red represents passion and warmth, but it also stands for danger, violence, and aggression
We are not living in the matrix and this isn’t a simulation, obviously though the impression that we are is being heavily promoted, why? Mind fuckery and cognitive warfare- screens are the front for what are highly addictive potent weapons- crafted just so, to amplify and highlight the depression, lonliness danger, violence and aggression.
The Red/Blue Pill was the choice presented in The Matrix, which is a pretty good metaphor for the very traumatic paradigm shift involved in this real world, when people transition from taking everything presented to them at face value to realising there’s a heck of a lot of it that is deception – and ultimately, to understanding the reasons for such deception.
The putative colour illusion of a dress, as a metaphor, is an insult by comparison – trivialising the difference between those few who’ve begun to perceive the extent of the deception and the majority who remain blissfully unaware.