New Normal Newspeak #5: “Recession”
Don’t worry, the economy is fine, we’re definitely not in a recession…according to the new definition

Our new series of micro-articles deals with the newly everyday occurrence of the modern media simply changing what a word means. Today’s word is “recession”.
The United States is not in a recession. The government want to be very clear about that.
Yes, it’s true that a “recession” is generally defined as…

a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.
And yes, it’s true that the US has likely seen a “fall in GDP in two successive quarters”…but that doesn’t mean there’s a recession.
OK, it might technically be a recession but, apparently, there’s a difference between a “technical recession” and a “real recession”. The Whitehouse posted a blog about it a few days ago (as this reddit user pointed out):
What is a recession? While some maintain that two consecutive quarters of falling real GDP constitute a recession, that is neither the official definition nor the way economists evaluate the state of the business cycle.
There you have it – the US isn’t in a recession (not a real one, anyway), by this different definition of “recession”.
This does not constitute the Whitehouse changing the definition. They want to be very clear about that, too. And, as usual, the official “fact-checkers” have their back.
Newsweek headlines: Fact Check: Did The White House ‘Change Definition of Recession’?, which does a lot of prevarication and double-talking around the subject.
CNBC is both more forthright and more patronising, defending the Whitehouse position under the headline “Here’s how to know if we’re in a recession, and it’s not what you think”
Business Insider are even less subtle about it: “No, the White House isn’t changing the definition of a recession”
The point many of them are clinging to is that we can’t be in a recession because of all the “new jobs”. A startling piece of intellectual dishonesty, since the “new jobs” are not new at all, they’re all the old jobs everyone lost due to lockdown.
At the end of the day price of energy is skyrocketing, inflation is hitting record highs all over the world, there’s a food crisis and a fuel crisis and a housing crisis and a general cost of living crisis.
…who cares what we call that? Does changing the name change the thing? A recession by any other name is still as deep.
The people in charge believe that as long as they keep changing the names of things it doesn’t matter that everyone is starving. They are wrong.
If you spot other examples of New Normal Newspeak, post them in the comments below. You can read the entire archive here.
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Apparently the new definition of a scientist is a person who believes in scientism.
Scientism is a religion where natural sciences, technologies and scientists are worshipped.
Capitalism is always in crisis.
Recessions, inherent in capitalism, occur frequently.
It’s a sick and sickening system.
Economic crisis was rebranded depression. In turn, depression became recession. Then recession becomes …
Spot on there.
Words, agree with those who say A Depression. Click bait world started with the first tv remote for lazy blinking mindmelt cronies, what do you think a cell phone is.
Web speak, Miss Merriam & Master Webster for the blink knee-jerker tapper 1984 shoe horning Comfortable journalistic channeling.
What we’ll wittness is more computerised innovation requiring (at least within computer technology), a more scientific approach to solving the 21st centuries habitation chaotic normal State.
Many of these Ideas will be dismissed as impractical even though they will be promotional avenues via streaming media to garnish public discussion and enthusiastic support.
Hard surface materials (for want of a better expression), of course that also means wood., ersatz material.
Problematic overcoming architectural design while minimising mother Earths resources.
God, wish I was young again.
Gaslighting at its best. Orwellian doublespeak and such. As Orwell said, “during times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” The supreme irony is the government has a ministry of disinformation supposedly to monitor and stop lies, but the government is one of the greatest purveyors of disinformation and deceit o the planet.
I posted this comment early yesterday, as I considered it of some commentary value. >
From the article: “At the end of the day price of energy is skyrocketing, inflation is hitting record highs all over the world, there’s a food crisis and a fuel crisis and a housing crisis and a general cost of living crisis.”
Inflation of currency is caused by a contraction in the economic flow of “currency”. Recession is also caused by restrictions in the flow of currency. Hello?
Money in the bank (or National coffers) is not a practical measure of economic “health”. Stagnant money is absolutely worthless until such time as it is utilized in an exchange of goods or services.
Speaking of exchanges. >
The velocity of money
Posted on January 8, 2015
The velocity of money | FRED Blog (
Note the downward trend in velocity toward the end of the above graph. Where’d the money go? Erm… >
Corporate profits are increasing rapidly despite increases in production costs
Posted on July 18, 2022
Corporate profits are increasing rapidly despite increases in production costs | FRED Blog (
It is a scam… A BIG scam…
For years my country has been enjoying an artificial prosperity based on debt. The debt ideally, to be paid for by future generations of citizens.
This happened because globalists gained control of my country and have been looting it and using it’s military to achieve the globalist’s ends.
The globalists who don’t care about the future of the country they are looting drug and pay-off dumbed down citizens into thinking everything is hunky-dory when it is not.
They can get away with this because they have total control over the mainstream media.
They use the MSM to attack anyone who speaks out against status quo.
It’s going to be interesting to see how long they can hold it together before instituting an Egyptian police state to control resistance. .
Well, it’s happened. Or has it?
The US economy contracts for a second quarter, according to GDP data released today [Thursday]:
The jury is still out though, on whether it’s a technical recession, actual recession or just a Putin recession (‘put in’ recession 🤔 ):
Mere technicalities … the important thing to torpedo the most murderous nation in the history of humanity. This will help!
Even my vaccinated customers now realise things are going pear shaped, and as two of them stated today when I asked them what they thought about the economy, their eloquent response was: “its fucked”.
I know a number of them are struggling financially now, especially customers with young children. I know that even in quite wealthy suburbs I sell at, the local community food bank is always running out of food. Volunteers themselves have told me that.
I talk to quite a few small business owners on my travels around Melbourne and they’re all saying the same thing – things are really slow and people have really cut back on spending.
But those of us who are awake know what is really going on, and know that the pyscho ghouls, like the creatures at the World Economic Forum, have online digital identities, a social credit system and above all CBDC digital currencies all set to save the day. And yes, I know about the AIB Bank in Ireland last week announcing it was getting rid of cash transactions and going digital, only to do a back flip a few days later due to “customer unease”. Some of us believe this was a trial balloon to test the waters. And for the record, I have no intention of getting on my knees for anyone or anything.
Good to hear from you Gezzah.
Sweden was well advanced in cashless transactions 5 years or so ago. The advice from their experts is: don’t go all the way. I think they want to retain the systems, machines, skills, etc. to handle cash, just in case.
Very exciting news to all who frequent OG
‘Promising’ breakthrough in race to develop ‘holy grail’ Covid vaccine for multiple variants.
Francis Crick Institute believes it has identified a genetic feature of the virus that appears to be ‘similar’ across a number of viruses and is less prone to mutations…
Samuel Lovett
Senior News Correspondent
The Independent Newspaper
2 hours ago
The post was aimed at the editors as something for the weekly new normal update…I guess those who don’t know me didn’t detect the sarcasm…argh… the slings and arrows
Very funny.
Australia is no slouch when it comes to updating definitions…Officially in Australia you’re considered employed if you do only one hours paid work a week..This has a number of advantages:
Prior to the neo-liberal revolution from the late 1970s Australian employers used to hire and train Australian youth in apprenticeships, a practice that assured them of future trained workers for their businesses…Employers paid for the young’s training…
With the new 1980s business model all costs, especially training costs, were outsourced…
In the new model employers preferred employing trained foreigners instead of training locals….And, unless a person’s parent could afford the cost of their training, young people had only low waged, often only casual work opportunities, or the dole…(There exist ‘pockets’ of 12-15%+ youth unemployment in the cities)…
An advantage of the one-hour definition is that it hides the extent of underemployment…
And the ‘low unemployment’ level is used by employers to justify hiring trained foreigners…On the surface everything looks rosy…And “recession” wont be the last to have its definition updated to suit the political needs of the day…
Very true Les. The other was traineeships. I did my engineering degree through a traineeship. Work through the day and studied at night. It took me an extra two years but I got the benefit of workplace experience which I think was vital for many reasons.
good info.
Here in Germany, they have been doing something similar since the neoliberal labor market reforms of 2003/2004.
For example, all unemployed people who are sent by the employment office to some sort of training (English course, job application training, etc.) are no longer counted as unemployed. Unemployed persons older than 58 are also no longer included in the official statistics. And there are a few more tricks.
There are about as many unemployed today as there were before the “reforms,” but the official statistics look like there are millions fewer than before.
They just changed the definition.
Fifty-eight is not too young to start collecting deposit bottles out of the trashcans by the U-Bahn, I suppose. 😥
In Australia they shame the unemployed.
Yep, they are treated worse than criminals and are deliberately kept on starvation income by both major parties.
Got this album when it came out :))
Gil Scott Heron – The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
It’s been here for years, especially amongst the youth. Bad means good; so does sick, etc.
This winter is looking grim:
Biden’s “dark winter” looks like he meant this coming one, not the last one.
This is to counsel for sensible preparations, not panic nor despair.
They just changed the seeds over to those with much lower yields, along with other shenanigans such as higher prices & greater regulatory restrictions for irrigation, fertiliser, & weedkiller. Oh, and naturally, they’ll be careful in convincing the masses that there has been a terrible drought.
Once the ‘happy happy’ summer is over, they’ll resume the ‘lockdown’ state-of-emergency, but with more stick and less carrot, e.g. emptier shelves, and no shopping/food parcels or UBI without vax-pass.
If you would remain vax-free, make sure your long term larder is well stocked.
Seeds with lower yields … first-hand experience with this.
Quick tip: diluted urine is a great source of nitrogen for your plants!
A major fire just broke out in a meat packing facility on the city’s outskirts here in south west Germany.
“feared” due to heatwaves? That’s SAD.
Spreading Alarm and Despondency.
“Thus, when in our democratic republic, forces of conspiracy, division, and despotism arise, it is the patriotic duty of citizens to act collectively in defense of liberty and justice.”
Republicans, Democrats & Independents have come together to form it. Other than the words above the language is too general for me to judge it. It’s called “Renew America Movement”.
The founding members are listed here.
You lot never learn.
The RAM party, to contest the Donkey and the Elephant. Hope they win by a Landslide. Anything to shake up the settled sludge that’s choking the draining of the swamp.
Someone tried to start a 3rd US party but ended up in detention for years without trial; this was according to his daughter, maybe in the 1980s. Then, there was Ross Perot; maybe he got an offer he could not refuse.
So, why are specifically Western nations leaders i.e. Europe, US, Canada committing the self-destruction of their nations and people, first culturally then economically and now basic survival needs like energy, essentially that is what all this is?
Its the religion of the cross. You set the seed, grow it green, then harvest and replant somewhere else (resurrection).
They build a society to be useful in providing resources and military strength. Eventually, the upper classes build wealth and influence of their own and it becomes more difficult for the elites to stay in power and influence people. Too many people have influence of their own. When this point is reached, they turn everything upside down, siphon off the wealth, destroy the food and economy and let the place crumble. They take all of the good pieces, such as military and scientific advancements, and they rebuild (resurrect) somewhere else (a new “order” is formed). During the building phase, the military and people are used by the elites to procure more gold mines and resouces for themselves. In fact, the story of Hawaii is just that. One of their business people wanted a banana plantation in Hawaii, but their royal family refused. The business guy pulled strings and the US Navy forcibly took Hawaii. Business guy got his plantation and it took decades for an apology to be made by Bill Clinton.
When they rebuild, the old competition has been wiped out and their monopolies and oligarchies stay intact. This time around, they are moving to Beijing.
The process mirrors the harvest cycle and its carried out by tyrants and fraternal order members who are installed to hand over the keys to the kingdom from the inside. Set the seed, grow it green, harvest and replant somewhere else (the Christ figure resurrected).
You can look in history and see the pattern. Greece started having full homosexual military regimens and female politicians during their “upside down” phase, then the “30 tyrants” gutted the place. The Sea Peoples were the destructive force for Egypt and parts of the middle east like Dilbad. In Egypt, the Hebrews were removed and mixed race/natives began holding the reigns of power during the upside down phase. The economy and food supply was destroyed and armies were brought in to ensure that no competition remained. Then, they resurrected in Europe. Ancient Rome, Keš, India and many other places followed the same pattern. You’ll even find “social justice” mentioned in ancient sumerian texts.
The Noah figure (Atra Hašiš or Numušda) is the fraternal order member who assists and is rewarded by obtaining nobility for their efforts. In other words, they get rewarded for sacrificing the created society they supposedly serve. The elites model their second society “crown temple” off of nature, and the religions are as well. It enables them to hide in plain sight.
The enuma elish explains, symbolically, how they started the covenant (Beast System) that is used to accomplish the betrayal. Andromeda (the rainbow) was put in the sky to symbolize the covenant and is the real reason that governments fly the symbology; it means their “all-in”.
This sounds familiar:
“Justice (Akkadian mīšarum and Sumerian níg-si-sá) in Mesopotamia (along with its approximate counterparts, šāphat and sedeqah in the Hebrew Bible) entails both the alleviation of suffering for the poor, mistreated, and marginalized and the conviction and punishment of the oppressors. Thus, the concept of “social justice” in Mesopotamia” B. Doak, 2006
Interesting but I’m not sure China is necessarily the next stop, a lot of these global Corporations have their powerbase in Sweden, the swedish oligarchs are insanely over represented in globalisation networks.
I think it was sugar rather than bananas in Hawaii.
When in spring 2020 I first heard people use the slogan ‘build back better’ (it was the Brits) I thought, wait a minute, nothing is broken let’s just do away with this WHO insanity and carry on. I was a bit slow back then.
Meanwhile Space Link, ID2020, Lockstep etc. have surfaced plus a few hundred other initiatives of similar kind (Inclusive Capitalism has been mentioned here lately). In order to create this fine mesh of signals and digital steering devices you need to crash the existing 3D world indeed. They mean it. The Great Reset. So it turns out they have bought or threatened all kinds of leaders in all kinds of countries or have just sent in their own clowns. Political parties, parliaments, media, courts, corporate boards, churches, academia, trade unions – they have pocketed them all. So if the order of the day is ‘go ahead, destroy your own country it is for the greater good, be part of the Revolution and , promise, we will come and help you out if things should get nasty’ these horror clowns will just do that.
If you do enough research, you’ll find out.
But, you won’t like the answer.
However, at least you’ll find out that it’s nothing to do with the plutocracy remaining ultra powerful, or satisying their supposed hyper-sadistic pecadilloes for mass suffering & slaughter.
They hope to be rewarded with jobs at the top of the heap of losers.
Changing definitions-the new normal.
LOOK AT THIS! Ha ha. Talk about re-definitions: look at what they’ve been forced into.
“EU parliament backs labeling gas and nuclear investments as green,” reads a Reuters headline from yesterday. “The European Parliament on Wednesday backed EU rules labeling investments in gas and nuclear power plants as climate-friendly,” Reuters continues, explaining that the EU has been plunged into an energy crisis that’s dividing EU nations and forcing a reevaluation on which energy sources are deemed “renewable.”
When this rule is fully adopted, it means Russia’s Putin will become one of the world’s largest exporters of green energy.
So western sanctions have blocked Russia’s exports of green energy.
[Ha-ha I love it.]
The only way to get funds to rebuild fossil fuel infrastructure is to declare fossil fuels to be “green.”
If banksters were pilots on a plane at cruising altitude that serially lost power to all engines they would say that everything’s going to be OK and that they will glide the aircraft to a safe landing.
All this talk about defining, re-defining, be it “recession,” “inflation” or whatever…is simply beating a dead horse – the horse being language itself.
Texting has re-defined what it means to write and speak. Language is on its way out. “cn u nt c tht?”
(There was a really cute children’s book some forty years ago called “C D B” – i.e., “see the bee”. It was a whole book of these kinds of sayings – it was intended as a kind of word game, fun for adults as well as kids. Who knew it would be the wave of the future?)
The English (see: Anglo Saxon) language has been destroyed. The use of business acronyms and abbreviated words has replaced descriptive dialog. Texting has evolved into a low-brow slang – shifting constantly. How many people even own a dictionary?
If one compares modern “definitions” with 150-year-old dictionary terms, many thousands of words are missing. Current definitions depart from former usage, and word origins are blurred. > Blurred: Kind of like our current class of stewardship…
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Terrorist: one who systematically controls the public media and the government to induce the citizenry to take injections to cause infertility, illness and death.
David Stockman has written a pointed and thoroughly enjoyable article covering gas, the greenies, and the detailed impact on Europe and elsewhere. Turly a blockbuster which I commend to your notice.
…- Is this about how Fungal Joe *Singlehandedly* redefined ‘Recession’?… – ‘Coz yeah…
…- *Fungal Joe*…
…-*YA HEARD*??!?!!!…
That the US economy is not in a recession is an unassailable fact.
That fact is not so comforting when the reality is that it is in a steep nosedive.
The government and it’s handlers know full well that “Covid” is being used as cover for this crash.
A new control grid is being installed to try to mitigate the impacts of the crash of their system while installing a new, comprehensive digitized control system.
That mitigation does not include easing the pain for you or me- it means making sure the super wealthy don’t have to give up a dime of their stolen wealth.
I agree we are not in a recession, we are in a depression!
Yep, and a deepening depression at that.
…- So how *Exactly* would you define 2+ quarters of negative growth?…
As a n-o-s-e-d-i-v-e as my comment clearly pointed out.
W-O-R-S-E than recession.
Not a total collapse?
Agreed, and spot on again Maxwell👍 Things are going to get very tough and bumpy for us mere plebs. And all this has been meticulously planned for a long time and very deliberately done.
I think it’s important to stress that this is not so much a crash as a controlled demolition. I don’t think the ruling class are reacting to or covering for abstract “market forces” beyond their control, but have deliberately brought about crisis conditions in order to facilitate they’re desired, pre-planned agenda.
Only “when the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten and the last stream poisoned, will we realise that we cannot eat money and/or trinkets” Cree Indian …
In the meanwhile, let’s party ’til we’re all in a vaxxed stupor.
Yep, ‘we’, viz. my beautiful, fellow-brethren, living on this gorgeous planet, i.e. those with the wool so blurring their vision that they’re contentedly high on hopium. … the Elois unconsciously conforming to the tune of the Morlocks …
War = defending democracy.
Mass murder = collateral damage.
Etc, etc, etc.
I happen to agree with the US gov’t. The US isn’t heading for recession. It’s heading for the mother of all depressions. The western world has been in recession for the past twenty years or more, hence all the hot air, which is essential for bubbles.
The same sort of banksters, with some politicians of the day riding shotgun, made the same claims in 1929.
History repeating itself or a well oiled machine?
The Federal Reserve will keep the economy afloat until they decide to tank it with a global cyberattack:
the relevance of order from chaos, sadly they still have both sides of the script page, seeking a means of rising above this will be paramount, leaving the cities, as has been said time after time, has never been so important,
you may find this alternative take relevant:
The only problem there is it’s Stew Peters.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-07-27. Fully jabbed 94% of COVID-19 Deaths in May. Nano metamaterial antennas. Inoculated against group think (blog, gab, tweet).
I’m all agog to know what they will call it.
So me and the wife are watching new sci-fi hokum “The Lazarus Project” about a secret group that can skip back in time as many times as needed to avert global catastrophes – and I’ll bet you already know where this is going! Sure enough in the very first episode after scenes of covid carnage in an alternate timeline (alternate indeed!) a newstart is given a clue when told “You got a vaccine in nine months! Do you think we didn’t go back?”
It’s amusing how this plays on the expected public reaction: “Gosh it’s amazing how they managed to get the vax so fast!” And the time travel loop is so much more entertaining than the more obvious and more mundane explanation that the vax was already there and just waiting for the virus to magically appear!
A happier ending than in the “12 Monkeys” movie – in which They sent Bruce Willis back to stop a Pandemic. but he didnt manage to prevent the lab-concocted “virus” escaping, “with a little help from a friend”…(1960s long-haired boy band)
I used to be a sci-fi fan. Now I can’t watch it, it’s too close to reality!
It’s too close to the reality they want you to believe cf. 2011’s Contagion which gives a preview of the entire covid plot.
Contagion is obvious of course. But I am referring to much of the sci-fi genre in film. Take Blade Runner 2049: I saw it on the big screen when it came out. I thought it was fantastic, at least good as the original maybe better. As quality film making I think that is still true. However, what was speculative in the original, became explicit in the new version: Blade Runners are replicants. Much of the story is about a genetically manufactured “human”, a Blade Runner, slowly discovering he has more in common with renegade replicants that he is charged to “retire” than with his ostensible human bosses. Is this story making us side with the 4th Industrial Revolution/Build Back Better/Great Reset’s transhumans? It seems like it to me.
If you look at the sci-fi sub-genre of films with either genetically modified or cyborg, machine/human hybrids, there’s countless movies like that. I don’t think that is by accident – anymore.
Not Really
2001 a Space Odyssey predicted voyages to Jupiter in that year. Instead we had the big false flag.
That was quite a “trip” too, wasn’t it?
On a lesser note, Kubrick et al also reasonably assumed that Pan American World Airways, aka “Pan Am”, would still be prospering. They were off by a decade!
It’s about time we do some of our own ‘redefinition’ of terms.
It would be perfect if we could organise it so that ‘voter’, ‘constituent’ and such like, came to mean “person who hits any politician they meet with a machete“.
I suppose other bladed instruments might suffice – I’m not a knife-ologist.
Maybe we could nail down some basics first like maybe – woman. Then move to the really hard stuff.
Hey Big Pender at 8:48 PM.
Right, I’ll take this opportunity to gang up: Admin, will my reply to Rhisiart Gwilym ever be allowed to appear? Posted at about, I dunno, about 4pm today,
(Advisory: I am a master of Llap-Goch.)
Dickie Taxman’s words of wisdom:
Perhaps someone much brighter than me can explain this equivalence:
face-to-face services = the state = entertainment “in its varying forms.”
Alas Dickie has recently been working under appreciable strain:
“The first time I had Covid I thought it was all over after a week. I did this time too. I was wrong on both occasions. Although the second week of Covid this time has not been as bad as the first time around, it’s still not been something to recommend. It’s not that I have felt especially ill. This contrasts it with the first four or five days, which were ghastly. Instead, it’s been straightforward fatigue that has got to me. I am sure it will go, and I have little doubt that the recent heat did not help, but I will, nonetheless, be taking it easy for anther few days.”
Oh petal! Take care!
Then Dickie frets:
“We face enormous crises. There is climate change, of course.” Oh of course!
“That’s literally an existential threat.” Oh here we go round the cliché bush!
“But there is much more than that which threatens is. The following do as well:
Monkey pox;”
There’s more to this bit but the Monkey pox is a show-stopper!
Then he lists “specifically created threats attributable to the actions of the UK government” including: “A loss of human rights” and “A police state”.
Oh hang on a minute. Let’s give him a bit of time to see if the penny drops … that the police state is being introduced precisely by trumped up fear over covid and the monkey thing.
Nah that’s long enough. It ain’t gonna happen.
And then he delivers the grand slam:
“We need a bigger state”!
And how do we get that?
“Standing back it is obvious that what our economy requires is a revolution to meet need. Nothing less will do.”
A revolution! You mean like you and me rising up to force this fascist state to grab for more – which it was intending to do anyway?
Oh and by the way Dickie Boy since you don’t seem too bright: You and me and all the other poor bastards out there ain’t gonna have anything to do with this “revolution”. But then again perhaps I have underestimated your intelligence and you already know this all too well?
Good point down voter. I probably went too far with that second quip. Quit while you’re ahead!
My article about this may help you understand our predicament brought on by 200 years of economic growth fuelled by hydrocarbons. This has come to an end; well it actually turned around the year 2000. Here’s the what and why:
A civilisation built on lies:
Oil and gas are abiotic i.e. created by serpentinization
No man walked on the moon
A gravitational force cannot be proven, it’s all inertial force
There is no evidence of heliocentrism
The big bang has been disproven by empirical evidence (COBE satellite)
Treating symptoms isn’t medicine
Mental illness does not exist outside a toxic society
Bodily disease develops only from a toxic environment
Banks play no part in a healthy economy
Community means working together in duty
Modern biology is an imaginative fantasy
Modern physics is an abstract mathematical concept that bears no resemblance to reality
It’s a civilisation built upon lies
Compassion is real
Quite so – we have been lied to for centuries, probably by the Khazarians. Anyway this is my solution for the future following the collapse:
There is lots and lots of evidence that we live in a heliocentric solar system, there for anybody to observe with their own eyes, should they choose to look for it. I think you a re probably right about the rest of it though.
Heliocentrism is at the core of the plan, the copernican revolution, once you accept that, the meaningless of existence and a reliance upon abstract mathematical formulae, all falls into place. From studying this for 5 years I am quite convinced that the Tyco Brahe system is sufficient in explaining observed phenomenon and this leaves Earth quite still at the centre. The recent cosmic background radiation redshift satellite data and previous empirical evidence from experiments (airy’s failure, michelson-morley etc.) can all attest to this model.
Praise the Lord!
… or the Lords!
Money is one of those things that we need to live but in reality has no intrinsic value. Its spelt out in the printing on UK banknotes — “I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of one pound….signed……” — but because we use the stuff every day we tend to forget that its just a promise of value, not actual value itself. Central banks are supposed to manage that promise but as money’s really easy to create and politically very unpopular to retire the temptation is always to create more and more of it. It gives the illusion of wealth. We’ve been printing money for years now — Republican administrations are notorious for it — and the resulting inflation is inevitable. Its not a matter of ‘if’, only ‘when’.
Once the economy is undermined by rampant money printing then its really difficult to avoid a recession. Inflation is a form of wealth transfer — upwards, of course — so people are left struggling to pay their bills. Or just eat. The result is a demand spiral. We’ve been fixing this for decades by the old trick, rearmament,. with the occasional smaller scale war used to not only get rid of the resulting glut of hardware but also offer the opportunity to get more value on the cheap. The problem with this approach is that it eventually runs out of room, you end up with too few too high priced weapons to prosecute a real war (i.e. one of any length). Its basically win with Blitzkreig or bust, although it might take a bit of time to run down the initial successes.
Anyway, just think about it. Our inflation is used to finance wars in various places. Yesterday Afghanistan. Today Ukraine. Today’s war is a bit different because its been openly described as existential by our leaders — we have to subjugate the Russians (and, by extension, the Chinese) because the stability of our economic system depends on it. As for inflation itself, official numbers don’t tell the real story as it affects ordinary people. I’ve noticed that grocery bills — for ordinary, everyday items — have increased significantly over the last year, by 25% or more, for example. (….and we all know about the rise in the cost of housing). I don’t see any way out of this. Many of us will cope but lots and lots of us will suffer and will be tempted by demagogues that promise instant solutions (without actually changing anything). Could this finally be the End Times?
I suspect it is Martin, the End Times that is, but we will never the hour or the day, we can only read the signs:
The fall of “Babylon the Great” comes very suddenly, totally unexpected from the world’s standpoint. So sudden will be her destruction that it will shock the political rulers who supported her, for we read: “The kings of the earth who committed fornication with her and lived in shameless luxury will weep and beat themselves in grief over her, when they look at the smoke from the burning of her, while they stand at a distance because of their fear of her torment and say, ‘Too bad, too bad, you great city, Babylon you strong city, because in one hour your judgment has arrived!’” Others—the “traveling merchants” or commercial elements that supported her—similarly exclaim: “Too bad, too bad . . . because in one hour such great riches have been devastated!” Revelation 18: 9-19
I think it is pretty clear from all those years ago:
Why can we be so certain that this world will continue to deteriorate? Because 2 Timothy 3:1 -13 foretells that in these “last days . . . wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse.” Therefore, the saying of “Peace and Security!” will be only a veneer. It will not touch the true condition of mankind. Nothing this world does is going to end the avalanche of crime and violence, or bring a halt to family breakdown, or reverse rampant immorality, or solve any other major problems of mankind. Nor will the majority of people suddenly turn to the true worship of God. Bible prophecy correctly states that people in our time would be “lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power.”
We don’t print ‘money’ we print pieces of paper with numbers and pictures on it which are representations of money and accepted as such – for now! Value as such is contained in products which are the repositories of VALUE. Real value which is produced by the mixture of labour and matter. Gold, cars, shoes, houses are all repositories of VALUE. This has been known to historical figures, way back, such as John Locke and Karl Marx.
You don’t create ‘wealth’ by churning out huge volumes of paper and paper promises (derivatives). These are fundamental facts which have never sunk in. Amazing really.
I think you will find that very little is printed these days….mostly numbers in computers.
RUSSIAsteria: Best Inflation Memes (Redefining Recessions Like Vaccines and Gender!)What is a recession? Redefining excuses, still Putin’s fault, everything is fine, trust experts & more high inflation memes as recession definitions get canceled & redefined like vaccines & gender!
…. redefining herd immunity; redefining pandemic; redefining vaccine, ….
An inverted world of lies and deception..
Prince of Darkness is very proud of his corrupted minions doing his dirty work…
And what does he get out of it…?
Just more darkness…
Just as well he’s ‘undead’… That’s no life.
No, no, no, people. Try to keep up. The fact-checkers are correct: the WH didn’t redefine “recession.” They simply changed the definition of “redefine.” Now, “redefine” means “to not redefine.”
So, as you can see, it’s all perfectly consistent and logical.
I wonder what country is next up for the chop?
A lot of Muslims don’t like dogs but I didn’t know they were haram.
In the western world, at least THEN may we see an uprising by the majority against tyranny.
Dogs are not part of nature and do so much to destroy it. Endangered blue tongued lizards have no chance in a garden with a dog. You get fined for not using a health endangering muzzle but never for taking a dog off a leash in a national park.
This is what they do, it’s no surprise especially during an election year. Pretty much everyone ignores the blather, they can feel what’s up. About 30-40% will vote in the current primaries and the November election and then the names will change again.
P.S. this comment is for the next article in hopes that it will be published by then.
I agree it’s not a recession. It’s the beginning of a global economic crash the likes of which no living person has ever seen. As Doug Casey calls it, “the greater depression.”
I’ve got fucking depression.
Fact Check: It’s only a technical depression, not a real one. Experts say you actually feel fine.
Cue Monthy Python’s Dead Parrot sketch:
We’re not in a recession, the economy is merely pining for the fjords.
From the cnbc link:
It’s theology isn’t it? A group of the elect gather round to stroke their chins and intensely debate the minutiae of the current religious/financial paradigm before majestically releasing their wondrous decisions to the awe-struck masses.
I guess they all sit round a table at the National Bureau of Economic Research deciding if we’re in a recession. And if there’s no consensus, the boss makes the final decision.
That’s how it works at the WHO, anyway.
“Here’s how to know if we’re in a recession, and it’s not what you think”
I love it! This basically means
“Forget what recession was. We’ll tell you what it is now!”
Ditto “gender”, “illness”, “pandemic”, “surge”, “tsunami”, ………….
Here’s why your elbow is in fact indistinguishable from your derrière
Marianna Spring, BBC Disinformation Reporter
27 July 2022
Conspiracy theorists have been spreading outdated and discredited claims about human anatomy. Professor Arsène Pujol of Imperial College London explained to us how cutting-edge science has proven they are wrong. […]
Marianna Spring is “the first ever specialist disinformation and social media reporter for the BBC appointed to the new role in March 2020”. Ah the timing! That dawn of the divinely dreamed disaster! When all snapped into place – not least this hot babe to explain The Truth to drooling adolescent boys and starry eyed gals.
In 2021, reporter for Vaccines: The Disinformation War, for Panorama. Spring explained that her BBC role as “to humanise disinformation and explain its impact to viewers, listeners and readers. As soon as my reports appeared on TV, radio and online, I became, in effect, the BBC’s first online conspiracy agony aunt.”
Oh drool drool!
She was
groomedselected by Forbes as one of their Media and Marketing “30 Under 30” in 2021.Note for the dairy (I meant to say “diary” but I think the mistake is more fitting!):
Among the Trolls: Notes From the Disinformation Wars is due for publication from Atlantic Books in autumn 2023.
She is literally the world’s worst journalist. She doesn’t even look real. For a while I seriously suspected she might be entirely computer-generated, that TheScience™ had designed her to annoy people.
In that hallowed birth of covid, the entire plot was well underway. The Left sites had all their spooks ready to pounce on unbelievers whilst the BBC had the “disinfo” expert waiting to go. I suspect they probably went over various proposals: Kindly avuncular guru? Slightly wacky hipster? In the end they settled for Hot Babe. In any case I doubt if dear Marianne even writes that crap in the articles.
I agree that the USSA is not in a recession. “Real” GDP, which is the number the MSM conveys to the sheeple, is the raw GDP number minus price inflation. The Bureau of Lying Statistics recently calculated this at 9.1%. The real number is at least double that. So take an extra 9.1% off the GDP… that is not a recession, it is a depression. Welcome World to the Greater Depression. But we will Build Back Better from the ashes, will own nothing, and be happy in our MetaVerse.
Liars gonna lie.
Like when they claim “inflation” is prices of goods going up (note the BBC push this endlessly)
Inflation is the expansion of the money supply (money printing, quantitative easing etc.) that results in the dilution of the value of the each unit of money, which THEN results in “prices going up”
Fuck the liars.
Yeah, they are Professional Liars.
don’t forget the variable percentage increase for price gouging
Note to everyone in the UK….Don’t give the BBC any money.
This guy gets it.
They rely on people not understanding “economics” or what “money” actually is and not bothering to find out.
This documentary is a good start:
and then this one:
if you then read “War is a racket” by Smedley Butler,
your understanding of the “economy” will be greatly enhanced
download and save, I can’t imagine this kind of stuff will be available for much longer
I took a dump last night but it was only a technical dump. Not a real one.
Hope you washed your hands afterwards, whilst singing ‘Happy Birthday To You’ twice and then used sanitizer afterwards 😀
No. Don’t wash your hands.
George Carlin’s method of building up a good immune system makes good sense to me.
(Swimming in the Hudson river – basically raw shit…)
From the article: “At the end of the day price of energy is skyrocketing, inflation is hitting record highs all over the world, there’s a food crisis and a fuel crisis and a housing crisis and a general cost of living crisis.”
Inflation of currency is caused by a contraction in the economic flow of “currency”. Recession is also caused by restrictions in the flow of currency. Hello?
Money in the bank (or National coffers) is not a practical measure of economic “health”. Stagnant money is absolutely worthless until such time as it is utilized in an exchange of goods or services.
Speaking of exchanges. >
The velocity of money
Posted on January 8, 2015
The velocity of money | FRED Blog (
Note the downward trend in velocity toward the end of the above graph. Where’d the money go? Erm… >
Corporate profits are increasing rapidly despite increases in production costs
Posted on July 18, 2022
Corporate profits are increasing rapidly despite increases in production costs | FRED Blog (
Crisis. What crisis?