I Did Not Comply: Testing Mandates and Escape From New York City
Addison Reeves

I did not comply with the unjust and tyrannical vaccine mandates imposed by politicians in New York, and as a result my life has dramatically changed, mostly for the better.
As soon as the mandates were announced, I knew compliance would not be an option for me and that I would lose my job. I also knew that I would be unable to get another job in my field in New York due to the mandates and that I could not afford to live in New York City without a job.
Consequently, I immediately worked on an exit plan and ultimately relocated to a more free locale.
Escaping New York’s Traumatizing New Normal
Life has been so much better since leaving New York City, where the climate is still oppressive with Covid hysteria. The people who claim that New York City today is back to normal are proof of how normalized the Covid culture has become in that city, even among the critics.
Sure, New York City is “normal” compared to everything being shut down by the government in spring 2020, but it is nowhere near what it used to be.
Even if you yourself are not anxious about Covid, you cannot escape the multitude of people in New York City who are masked (double-masked even, and outside at that!); the pop-up testing sites on every other corner; being regularly excluded from privately segregated, social and recreational events; the slavish ebb and flow of fear and hygiene theater among the locals in response to the news cycle; the masking requirement on the subway (albeit unenforced); the social distancing announcements and signage at every indoor location; the outdoor dining sheds that serve as a reminder of the 2020 lock-downs in which local businesses were decimated and are still struggling to recover; the increase in violence and filth on the streets; having to endure in your own home the frequent commercials from the New York City health commissioner that constantly appear on streaming services to admonish you to be fearful; interacting with friends who proudly and demonstratively engage in inane hygiene theater rituals and who would gladly live like this forever; the numerous vacant storefronts; the increased number of junkies in public spaces; the risk of social and business repercussions if you are too outspoken in your criticism of the government; the ubiquitous fearmongering propaganda from the government that is displayed on posters and digital kiosks all over the city, a visible step in the direction of 1984; and continual reminders that the government could easily bring restrictions back at any time.
New Yorkers became so adapted to this atmosphere of hysteria and minute government interventions that they no longer remember what normal is like. Because these changes were so insidious and pervasive in New York City, it is hard to believe that normalcy can still exist when you are mired in hysteria.
The culture has not improved since I left. The minds of my remaining New Yorker friends are addled by Covid culture. Every interaction I have with them continues to be permeated with Covid anxiety. Some of them still have vaccination frames on their social media profile pictures.
One friend recently recovered from mild illness and proceeded to test every day until he got a negative result, which is not an unusual thing to do in New York City.
Another friend tells me of how he got a booster just so he can go to a social event.
Another friend sends me a masked selfie from Grand Central station.
And yet another friend asks whether I will demand visitors to my new home provide a negative Covid test to enter.
They all know my critical stance, and yet they are so mired in groupthink that they cannot conceive of my inability to relate to these rituals. All of this is completely normal to them because nearly everyone they know in New York talks and acts like this, a product of the mass hysteria they cannot seem to escape.
They cannot fathom that there exist people who are not living in obsessive fear of a virus. By contrast, no one in my new hometown has mentioned Covid to me in the two months I have been here.
While the onerous and punitive government restrictions on business were, I believe an unconstitutional atrocity that led to increased impoverishment and wealth inequities, the worst part of New York City’s Covid culture is the trauma that it inflicted on residents for two plus years.
Imagine the worst Covidian Reddit commenter you can think of, and now imagine they are the majority and hold the political and economic power to ruin other people’s lives. It is hard to articulate the anxiety you feel in such an environment, the constant dread and fear you feel every time you step outside your home that someone is going to attempt to police your body and the angry confrontations that might ensue.
It is hard to make people understand the dehumanizing effect on your soul when you have to deal with other people who are scared of human contact and are strenuously trying to avoid you or of the numerous “temporary” barriers that were erected to minimize human contact.
And dating in New York City was hard enough when people were not scared of human contact; now you also have to negotiate Covid protocols as well (or be summarily dismissed once your critical stance is revealed).
How can someone who has not been in this mass formation culture understand the worry you feel when the fear-inducing headlines about Covid and monkeypox start ratcheting up, a fear of what your neighbors are capable of and of what they might do to you if the politicians and news media provoked them? It left me traumatized, and I feel the anxiety start to rebound when I simply hear about the continued hysteria in New York.
But, safely ensconced outside of New York City, I can tell my fellow New Yorker critics that normal living does continue on outside of New York, and not just in Florida. I cannot overstate the relief at leaving that city and getting to feel again like a human being instead of merely a perceived vector of contagion and, for us critics and unvaccinated, social pariah.
You do not realize just how much you have maladapted to the stressful conditions in New York City until you are free of them. Living somewhere where I am not constantly reminded of the pandemic and where the people around me are not suspicious of human contact is incredibly healing. I implore all remaining heretics in New York to get away from that forsaken city, even if it is only a brief sojourn to restore your mental well-being.
Why Testing Mandates Are Not a Compromise
As for the personal fall-out from the mandates, my employment was terminated to punish my non-compliance. I was the only one at my job who directly objected to the mandates.
The mandate I faced was a vaccine-or-test requirement in which individuals who failed to provide the employer with proof of vaccination had to submit Covid test results each week. Faced with an alternative of compulsory vaccination, most people see the testing option as a palatable compromise.
Even many critics of the mandates treated testing as a reasonable option, and there was almost no discussion about the implications of a requirement that employees be tested regularly. While forcible vaccination is a clear violation of bodily autonomy, a testing mandate, though less invasive, is equally sinister in its ramifications.
The following are reasons why a Covid testing mandate for employees is objectionable:
Why Not Just Comply With a Testing Mandate?
- Such a requirement is overbroad and underinclusive, which belies its true punitive intent. It catches persons like myself with natural immunity while excluding the vaccinated employees who are perfectly capable of catching and transmitting the virus. If reducing transmission was the true goal of mandated testing, all employees would be subjected to the requirement. Further, a person can test positive for SARS-CoV-2 without actually being contagious. For instance, people who recovered from Covid and who are no longer contagious can continue to test positive in the following months.
- It requires providing genetic samples to for-profit companies that will sell that data without consent or ability to control the information.
- The tests are conditioned on emergency-use authorizations, and Americans have a right to withhold consent to such devices. Threatening a person’s livelihood effectively negates their statutory right by creating a coercive condition.
- For those who are employed by government, mandated Covid tests are government searches without a warrant, probable cause, or even any type of individualized suspicion.
- It is retaliatory for people like myself who have medical conditions that contraindicate Covid vaccination.
- It violates due process rights.
- Covid tests applied in this manner are medical devices that offer no medically therapeutic benefits, and it is objectionable to force medical intervention on a person that will not benefit them in any way.
- Because many people subject to such mandates were already coming to the office and putting themselves at risk for contracting the virus during the height of the pandemic (including when no vaccine was available), so it begs belief that these employees suddenly became unreasonably dangerous overnight.
- Such mandates are an egregious, unilateral incursion on workers’ rights that will forever change the employer-employee relationship to the detriment of employees.
- It further cements a precedent in which employers can unilaterally add required tasks that the employee has to perform on the employee’s own, personal time without pay. An expectation is being created (as with daily health screenings) that permit the employer to take greater incursions on the employee’s private time and expense without recompense. All employees, vaccinated or not, will be harmed by this precedent in the future.
- Neither the government nor an employer should be able to control a person’s body or make medical decisions for that person. Our bodies are our own. If we let them have that power, there is no end to what they might compel us to do with our bodies in the future.
- Such mandates encourage treating illness as a moral fault or healthy people as though they are sick. We are coming dangerously close to treating human life as a medical condition unto itself. This shaming, punitive attitude around illness embodied in mandates such as these erodes public health by disincentivizing people from seeking medical attention, disclosing potential contagion, fully convalescing, or otherwise taking the proper precautions that could alert others to the fact that they are contagious and otherwise prevent further transmission.
- The testing requirement has a disparate impact on various protected classes and is therefore discriminatory.
- Unvaccinated human beings are not perpetually sick and should not be treated like they belong to a dirty and diseased subclass of humanity. No one should be subjected to such blatantly dehumanizing, disparate treatment.
- I personally believe nature and the body are sacred, and having to beg permission from the government to continue existing as I am is spiritually degrading. We should not have to supplant our respective faiths with the personal, religious beliefs of politicians.
- Letting government interfere with personal medical decisions on the grounds of public health paves the way for the further erosion of reproductive rights, among other integral personal rights.
- Being that humans are covered in viruses and bacteria by default, these mandates are creating a new system of medical totalitarianism in which any healthy person can, with the right test, be deemed by the government a health risk at any time for indefinite periods without due process and without even being sick or contagious. Innocent people are being stigmatized and penalized by this system for simply existing.
- It is a punitive measure solely intended to penalize people who do not submit to the government’s political whims. We should not reward the government’s unethical and cruel use of coercion and duress.
- Compliance will not end the government’s persecutorial stance, but rather will further embolden it to escalate its tyranny.
- Such mandates are the beginning of a new relationship with the government in which an individual’s control over her body and beliefs is subordinate to politicians’ political agendas. I do not wish to be in a toxic relationship with the government in which I have no agency.
- Such measures are priming the populace for the implementation of a continuous bio-surveillance state.
- These mandates are irrational and undemocratic, and we have been unable to have a full and honest discussion about them due to the heavy-handed climate of censorship and groupthink that currently pervades society, especially in New York.
- Such mandates violate the rule of law. One does not dispense with the rule of law in an emergency; it is precisely in an emergency that adherence to the rule of law is most necessary. When we abandon our values in times of emergency, we get abominations like Japanese internment camps, McCarthyism, and the fraudulent invasion of Iraq. After it is all over, people wonder how these things could happen. This is how it happens: by forsaking our long-term political values to address short-term fears and exigencies. We should not let fears about Covid cause us to undermine our constitutional norms.
Collateral Beauty
In light of these objections, there was no way I could comply with the mandate and feel good about myself. No matter what happens from here, it will remain a decision I am most proud of rather than a source of regret.
I do not know where I will go from here, but I am using this as an opportunity to reset my life. I don’t want to over-romanticize it; I am starting my life over from scratch and facing a lot of uncertainty, especially financial uncertainty. But I think this is a positive step.
When the lock-downs began in 2020, I found myself totally alienated. None of the people in my social network or everyday life understood my position or were willing to accept my deviance from the crowd.
It was a wake-up call as I realized that no one in my life shared my values or was willing to accept me as I am. I could only conclude that ending up in such a hostile situation was the result of not fully living my values.
I was living my life all wrong, and this situation forced me to take stock of my life and correct course.
Now I feel happier than I have been in years and am finally pursuing some long-held dreams of mine. As horrific as these last couple of years were, the collateral beauty is magnificent.
Addison Reeves is a lawyer, political scientist, philosopher, and civil rights and civil liberties advocate based in New York. Addison critiques modern culture from a radical, leftist perspective at ModernHeretic.com or you can follow her on Telegram or Twitter.
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I never played the game, and bravo Addison. I hope your new life works out and is fulfilling for you.
Why does this otherwise intelligent writer still believe in the sars virus? In 2020, it took me 5 minutes to find and 15 min to read the “discovery” paper of sars-cov-2 by Fan Wu Nature 2.2020 to see that a fake genome was printed from a computer program. These writers with great prose never cease to amaze me as to their inability to look under the hood of their smoking car. That’s the state of critical thinking in the US in 2022. God help us from our own stupidity.
Nor are the deluded and frightened there for each other; that they are not with us is to be expected. If we are as rocks for the duration they will, and already are circling back. Rely on other rocks if we must, for the rest are not capable of sustaining us – it is we who must sustain them.
It’s not a vaccine, but another spike protein delivery system (plus mystery ingredients). The WEF globalists are day is night, night is day liars.
We need Nuremburg II trials for the NY commisioners, our politicians and ‘journalists’. The journalists may legally make their living by lIeing, but health lies that persuade dangerous decisions are another matter.
I can’t help but imagine traveling halfway round the world to escape these mandates only to be under siege in one’s new home to others in effect if not name, like the economic tyranny of their 4th industrial revolution with QR codes, CBDCs, social credit scores…. Oh, and don’t forget to conserve energy this winter by freezing to death. Save the planet, you miserable useless eaters! Fight or flight, it seems we’ve got to face the coordinated war being waged against us.
I didn’t know it was that bad in NYC. I just unfriended someone on Facebook who acts as though the pandemic is still in full swing. I am continually surprised at how many people at my workplace still wear masks AND gloves. (They are cashiers.) I’m also proud of myself for not giving in to a request to have myself tested when I had the sniffles at work. My co-workers are apparently relentlessly testing themselves because every week they send out a special alert warning everyone that a staff person tested positive at one or the other store locations. They never say who it is, and I can see no reason to keep these alerts goin, other than it is very effective at keeping the staff afraid. I have lost several friends and I didn’t have that many to begin with. I admire this writer’s capacity to chuck the insanity and start over in a healthier environment. I feel bad for all the people who live in fear.
This “covid” war is a war against an invisible enemy. Akin to the war on terror, the war on climate change, and now the war against a virus. What do these wars have in common? They create fear, division, new rules, further state control, and with no evidence they even exist.
Man has been walking erect for 400+ thousand years and in that time there were likley many events on a biological level that had the “potentiality” to wipe out humanity…but we are still here. The biggest threat to our existence is man himself. Evil men that want to reign control of the meek and the mindless.
Perhaps the meek and the mindless are the ‘ evil ‘ ones?
yes. we, the rational and logical observers and thinkers ARE the virus.
It’s hard to believe New Yorkers fell for it en masse. I mean New Yawkahs c’mon. 9/11 was the trauma that prepared for the “covid” scam. Looking over your shoulders for possible muggers and cons but getting mugged by people in government and TV? What happened to you? The biggest mugging and con in world history and it’s all right in front of their faces.
People with nothing but evil in their hearts using ages old mind control techniques set all this up while “we” were sleeping. It’s what they do and they did it 24/7/365 for decades (more like Millenia but who’s counting?).
Where is anywhere a haven of the aware and informed? Not where I live now that’s for sure. And not anywhere.
I wore a few masks in the beginning against my will but soon said “NEVER AGAIN” and stuck to it. I’ve never been “tested” and never will be. I lost my job for refusal to “social distance” and was out of work for over two years. I don’t know how I survived but I did. Not by anything I did which was pretty much nothing, but by the Grace of God and Jesus Christ.
My life changed for the better also. Not because I found a safe haven but because I found Jesus Christ and the Orthodox Church. Spending weeks, sometimes months, alone without talking to a single “living” person led me to seek. First through heretical Christianity (Gnosticism) and now through Christian Orthodoxy.
I’ve got nothing to hide anymore. Not from the evil usurpers nor from any of you. I’m not a wise person; just a lowly wretch who has realized the only True Haven from this world comes from repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. If you place your trust and faith in anyone or anything else, you will eventually be disappointed. That is the nature of this world. Always has been and always will be until The Savior Jesus Christ is the first and last thought (the Alpha and Omega) in peoples’ minds.
They know this and don’t want you to find it. Find it.
Thank you for telling it like it is. Your words will spread and have an eye-opening effect on those blind sheep. I am not or ever have been a blind sheep and refuse to comply with idiotic ruiles from idiotic government officials. Keep the stories coming.
Bravo and all credit to you for finding the courage to finally dump the corporatist slavery and find the true meaning of life. There are millions of us and growing all the time which is where I suspect all the workers have gone. I wrote about it today:
Thank you for this article. I love NYC and am saddened deeply by what is happening there. I have a good friend who has lived in NYC all of her life and has suffered with the restrictions. While visiting in May I was not allowed into a theatre to see a production I had helped with. I guess the most difficult part of this entire situation in NYC and other places is the ready acceptance of restrictions by the majority including friends and family …makes no sense.
A good and fairly comprehensive case made here against test mandates. I’d want to add how testing like ‘vaccination’, based on what evidence has been gathered so far, has involved experimental treatment of human lab rats with invasive methods introducing into subjects undisclosed substances (e.g., graphene, if not the non-vaccines themselves), in violation of bodily autonomy, informed consent, and any right to life.
The author’s short bio makes mention of her being a radical leftist. What remains discouraging for me with testimonies of noncompliance as here is that their example is rooted in living conditions more or less confined to middle class mobility. For the majority of working class people like myself who more or less carry on a hand-to-mouth existence, options like moving are not so readily available. I don’t think it’s helping the cause of resistance to the new abnormal that the experience of the usual unwashed masses remains relatively excluded.
This too, from C.J. Hopkins:
The “Unvaccinated” Question (Revisited)
New York City is a great example of how the Left does everything wrong. From stupid laws and codes too corruption at the highest level. Look at how many people are leaving too move to a different state. Look at how many people died from the stupid draconian medical mistakes that were covered up. The governor is a complete fuck up himself.
We also moved from a large metro to a small town, for the same reasons. Was worried that my daughter was missing out on social development because of all the fearful parents. The small town has been great, she plays often with a neighbor and is starting preschool soon.
BTW: The virus is not real.
Maybe it is:
“So let’s take a moment to decode the word “coronavirus”, and notice first that the word “virus” means “poison”and the word “corona” is used to describe the RADIATION FIELD that is sometimes emitted by high voltage devices! (See here, here and here for more info).
Thus the word CORONAVIRUS literally means RADIATION POISONING!”
Although small towns are not necessarily better. I saw on a Facebook group for a local small town that someone is starting a toddler group and that only vaccinated toddlers will be allowed to join!!
Ukraine and Pelosi have been handy distractors … one gets the distinct feeling that something r-e-a-l-l-y BIG and consequential are being planned. Do tell …
We have got to eliminate these before they persuade everyone else that it is us. It is not about you, it is about generations. 😎
It’s not generations imo it’s international agreements on specifics. For example the normial ie: 25 has been mentioned before.
Regarding A Generation that cooperative rapidly slowed during Generation X 1970 through into the late ’80’s. in the British Isles.
For Cities, late 1969 into 1974 you really couldn’t afford to even contemplate going living in London at 16 going on 30, unless you had somewhere to go. In fact People were leaving London chased by Property Cronies with label staplers.
Those with a Bob or Two ’emigrated’ and set up a Colony in Jersey selling Third Reich relics Germans had left behind.
Well done? What do you want us to say to this? We know.
You nailed it Addison:the terror,frustration,bewilderment at unfettered compliance.The swift execution of rules,protocols-signage everywhere you look-warning signs posted in desolate parks-in which I revel in tearing down.
In covid-crazy Daniel Andrew’s Victoria, Australia, the state government is running nonstop media ads imploring people to ” Stay Ahead of Covid This Winter “. What the heck does that even mean? How do you stay ” ahead ” of a viral disease, even assuming such a disease exists?
Let me out of this asylum.
Australia is pathetic
Government ads are an easy source of kickbacks.
“Further, a person can test positive for SARS-CoV-2 without actually being contagious. For instance, people who recovered from Covid and who are no longer contagious can continue to test positive in the following months.”
Tst tst, you just let that and moved on.What did you say?.
Plecase elaborate on that.
The jabbed can also “test positive”. U$ reccommends exemptions for them, and lower amplification cycles (28) when they must be tested.
This craziness, this entire covid-clown show, is predicated on a specific virus. A virus that has never been isolated. If most citizens of the world were “more” smart and “less” trusting then this con would never have gotten off the ground.
Thank you for your harrowing account of life within a society afflicted by mass hysteria.
I think many of us here can identify with your situation.
And this, for me, was the crux of the matter, this is what expressing our human potential is all about:
“When the lock-downs began in 2020, I found myself totally alienated. None of the people in my social network or everyday life understood my position or were willing to accept my deviance from the crowd.
It was a wake-up call as I realized that no one in my life shared my values or was willing to accept me as I am. I could only conclude that ending up in such a hostile situation was the result of not fully living my values.“
Living our values sets us free, not kowtowing to perverted norms.
I have two 5750 tickets from the Canadian government for not being tested as required. They threw the first ticket away and I’m still waiting for a court date on second ticket. Non compliance is a civic duty when governments go rogue.
Odd that the following video hasn’t been posted yet. It is also the reason for my username, and it is a mentality that exists everywhere and always has. It’s the saddest revelation from the past 2 and a half years or more that the weak, fearful & willfully ignorant are infact the majority of the population, I thought they were the minority, got that one wildly wrong didn’t I.
Try reading the The Politics Of Obedience. And let this line from the US Declaration Of Independence sink in;
…. and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
The worst is yet to come.
I too am leaving. My partner and I have residency visas for a country on an entirely different continent to Australia, and our departure cannot come soon enough.
There are countless of us who feel exactly as you do. Great article articulating our feelings and position.
We are going to have to remove them before they do the same. Get a team together. The AI is not our freind either. Trap.
Also, the PCR test is toxic and can make you sick!
And from the infamous bill doctor gates if we do a good job we can depopulate a quarter of the world.I wouldn’t a virus computer geek coming to my hospital bed when I’m sick and saying I’m just going to give you an anti virus injection so you can be in a World Wide Web forevermore.There’s a reason why they are geeks and they hate others it’s because they are awkward c**ts and they hate everyone
At the front you cannot turn to a companion.
It is called
They forced our hand.
No excuses.
Wash your hands in water.
Let’s move on.😎
At work today: UN Agenda 21&2030; UN Wildlife Project; The New World Order Agenda, and others.
ALL of them part of the planned reduction of the population under 24/7 track, trace, and data basing living in 5G SMART cities, no private vehicles, no access to the country side, most living on the Government dole and forced to obey any laws or regulations put out by the Government to maintain the dole.
The 1954 Bilderberg Manual “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars,” which laid out the strategy for genociding 90 percent of the world population…
https://www.bitchute.com/video/0T5I1rAez3U0/ 2010 –
“Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” describes a CV-like pandemic that becomes a trigger for imposition of police-state controls on movement, economy, etc. of society.
The vaccine’s are the killer not the virus.If I was a eugenist I wouldn’t unleash a virus.I’d inject people because of it they don’t want to get sick.It’s simple really everyone ran around like headless chickens to a non virus.What they are doing now is starve and stress the populations.
As other comments have pointed out, the masks and test swabs are also a potential weapon. But poisons are everywhere, in food, medicine, water, air, the workplace, homes and products. This is apart from radiation and stress. The part of the oligarchy in government ridicules, plays down or deflects from these dangers.
Sort of like how they sprayed everyone with DDT back in the 40’s-50’s “to prevent polio-virus” while only intensifying the worst polio epidemic ever.
Something bigger than covid is coming they’ve been preparing all this for decades.
It’s not going to be a virus because they could catch it just like the flu was rebranded covid.They do however have bunkers to protect them.
Comrades it is time for us to once again lead the charge to another victory like the one we celebrated over covid after forcing reluctant governments into lockdown, distancing and face masks!
“….there are profound reasons for there to be widespread panic in the population over the collapse of any serious effort to stave off a second pandemic on top of the first. Urgent action is required, but the impetus for it must come from the working class. No section of the ruling elite will lift a finger.”
What we urgently need to do:
“… mass testing, rigorous contact tracing, universal mask mandates, the safe isolation of all infected patients and quarantining of exposed people. All schools must switch to remote learning and nonessential workplaces must close temporarily, with workers and small businesspeople guaranteed full income protection. If these measures were implemented globally, monkeypox could be eliminated worldwide within weeks and COVID-19 by the end of this year.”
The usual invulnerable “mirage” tease. In a year’s time the media will continue to scream viral horror and simply assert that “the proper measures” either weren’t implemented or weren’t enough.
And the little nudge just to see if anyone’s paying attention:
“In just the first year of the coronavirus pandemic, the world’s billionaires amassed over $5 trillion as millions died globally.”
But that is sheer opportunism shamelessly pillaged from this “black swan”. (Forbidden thought: These “black swans” are becoming as regular as their white counterparts!)
The biggest laugh is saved for the end:
“The International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees “is fighting to stop both the monkeypox and COVID-19 pandemics, as well as climate change, the skyrocketing cost of living, and the threat of nuclear war. This global network of action committees, democratically controlled by workers themselves, must be expanded in every industry and every country to mount an effective struggle to defend the social interests of the working class, including a life free of controllable infectious diseases.”
Perfect Orwellian reversal. The Global Elite are “a global network controlled by the workers themselves”!
The WSWS sugar daddy must be invested in 4IR. 😀
The irony is global and political villains,felons and racketeers have never travelled so much during the “Deadly Pandemic.”
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-08-03. 2nd booster out July 14, 6 Canadian doctors dead w/i 2 weeks. No such thing in medicine as unknown cause (blog, gab, tweet).
Twitter Censors Pfizer-Injured Israeli COVID Vaccine Director (substack.com)
Whatever the last ‘wave’ was about, they seem to be giving up on it:
In Austria they launched a propaganda offensive about a doctor allegedly commiting suicide following death threats from “antivaxxers”. She apparently slept on the couch in her office and had a armed private security guard. There was a suicide note but its’ contents were not revealed. It was those holocaust objectors sending death threats that drove her to kill herself. The origin of the messages was however on the dark web so it could presumably be a false flag operation. The covidians targetting one of their own with an onslaught of death threats to help radicalise the remnant holocaust deniers still further? The hate directed at holocaust objectors in the very articles claiming to be against online hate. If there was someone sending death threats who was anti holocaust then that was their individual choice and not the actions of a group. Using the ‘suicide’ of someone harmed by pseudo medicine to spread hate and radicalise holocaust deniers is the definition of discrimination and extremism. The rain of terror in these ‘media’ only escalates as they scratch at the bottom of the barrel emploring their terror cells to hate the health and wellness movement ever more.
They are afraid, they killed too many and injured at the level that they have every reason to be afraid now that children are also dying.
Ah, Gotham, i miss you so.. very little. I do get nostalgia around this time of year thinking of summers 1965-1969, being an adult living there (moved there in ’58 at age 11) and seeing the world go through drastic changes, but i made my escape from New York in 1970, have no regrets. Unfortunately, i’m in Berkeley, with the SF Bay Area being dweeb city as well.
Was ready to give this a 5, but then came stuff like this, knocking it down a point,
“a person can test positive for SARS-CoV-2 without actually being contagious. For instance, people who recovered from Covid and who are no longer contagious can continue to test positive in the following months.” Fruit, purified water,…. can test positive. SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated and purified, tests look for a certain segment of nucleic acid which is supposed to be a part of the alleged genome, which only exists as code in a mainframe computer. You might as well measure air pressure in your car’s tires by drinking a beer, belching, and then putting your lips on the tire’s uncapped valve. The test is not just inaccurate, it is outright meaningless.
Covid never existed they just rebranded the flu.If you think about it why would they unleash a deadly pathogen when they the parasitic elites could catch also they wouldn’t.It’s a lie life is a play play on.👍
That’s a very good point I’ve rarely come across others observing. Well done.
Why go to the trouble of creating a highly contagious pathogen (if such a thing were possible) with antidote (for the instigators, minions, & others to be preserved), when a psyop is 100% safe, enabling delivery of death serum to the target recipients with very little overspill?
Glad you see my point of view 👍They would not release a deadly virus because they could catch it.
But they unleashed a deadly vaccine.
Au contraire, the ‘vaccine’ remains very much subject to their leash upon it.
What’s the info sheet say again Annie.
Sorry haven’t seen it.
The vaccine’s are biological military weapons.People need to wake up to the fact that the vaccine was in production before the virus,That all our lives we have been manipulated coerced programmed.That everything you think has been munipulated.Yet everything outside is is the truth the clouds sky, Nature what you feel beyond gadgets is the real world life has so much to give.
The flu virus does not exist either. Respiratory symptoms are a detox reaction.
Jeffrey, i learned a lot during Year One of the Covid Fear Campaign from the commenters who challenged the unscientific Germ Theory etc upon which the fear campaign relied…If this site posted only 100% virus etc sceptic articles what ‘educational’ purpose would it serve ? As you can see, there are still many here amongst us who are not free from their old superstitions…I hope the site continues to post less than 100% pure articles so you can continue to badger us to think…Keep up the good work ! (Here’s a Big 5 !)
PS: As much as i’m A Big Fan of the doctors (Sam, Tom, Andy, et al) too much of them makes my indisciplined mind go whoozy…So i come to this site for some relief…
Les, i wasn’t attacking Off-G for posting it, i was just providing my full feedback. Like i said, it was a “5” when i got to that list. I do wish Off G would post something new re the lack of proof of virus, hasn’t done so since January ’21, the piece by Torsten Engelbrecht, Stefano Scoglio, Konstantin Demeter.
And i appreciate Off-G posting not only about the “pandemic” but also other things happening in the world, e.g. 4IR, agribusiness,……
Well said young man !
Keep up the good work ! (Here’s another Big 5 !)
Pretty sure everyone knows about testing by now unless you’ve been living in a cave diving towards three years.
Plus Lord knows how many hundreds of millions researched the Past History of PCR.
Jeff, there are soo many home test kits out there people have them in their cars glove box.
You can ask a next door neighbour for quickie test while sitting in the back garden if you want to.
Thanks, I owe you one….
Nah, don’t worry about it, I’ve plenty of them.
I don’t want to be rude but, where have you been?
I literally do no know ANYONE who does that. Where I live virtually no one masks any more, no one tests. It’s like ‘covid’ never was.
That’s the same for Scotland apart from the care departments who want their workers to regularly test. But it’s a “political” thing i.e. if a client tests positive and then the staff around test positive afterwards then the proverbial heads will proverbially roll. Or, to put it anoher way, the media will gnash their teeth. But very few give it credibilty in terms of a “deadly, world threatening disease”. It’s pretty much accepted as the flu. Which is all it was anyway. If that.
Where is that?
Good for you. Most where I am don’t wear them anymore, but then there are those who still wear them OUTSIDE in 90 degree heat. Last weekend I was at a comedy show in Portland and guess what, the comedians were wearing them once they left the stage, imagine. Then there’s the comedian who just HAD to go on and on about how those of us who refuse the magic shot are in a cult, never mind that asshole diapering up the minute he left the stage. He also felt the need to throw in the fact that while the vax may be experimental and possibly poisonous, since we’ve all ingested myriad poisons throughout our entire lives why not ingest another one? Sure, none of us should trust Pharma at all, but go on ahead and take that shot to protect others, even though it does no such thing? I damned near heckled him but since I went to that show with a vaxxed friend I did not do that, and I should have.
It isn’t all the way gone and it NEVER will be. It is far too useful a tool to control the gullible and get them to focus their full hate on those who see through it. And while those gullible may sit and listen for a half second while you try to tell them it’s all bullshit, they’ll turn on you in a heartbeat if they feel the need to.
I’ve no idea where you live Sophie, the mask wearing has really become insignificant where I am in America for long time now. It suggests to me it’s the home test kits having something to do with it in my opinion.
Hell, I posted a truthful accurate comment on what happened in my presence with everyday people. Simple.
Dr Rima Laibow does not mince her words in this clip. She says the cult are coming and we need to stop them now or it is not going to pretty. She says it is not the time to be enjoying the summer unless ofcourse you enjoy victory. The final defeat of the convictian cult.
Strangely, Covid is pretty innocuous in hot weather. Nothing to do with the difficulty in enforcing masking, distancing, lockdowns, furlough, etc. during hot weather and holiday season.
Frankly, enjoy the rest of this summer, because it may be the last one that can be enjoyed…
There is no such thing as “covid”.
One of the features of the ‘covid virus’ that makes it ‘novel’ is that it is not seasonal. What good is using a ‘viral pandemic’ to control people if you have to wind down the fear when the Summer months arrive ?
The point is not to control the sheep, but to get them dipped, and that’s best done when the weather’s cold & miserable, a lot of ’em have flu, and the game of masking, distancing & lockdown makes a sheep’s life a bit more interesting, i.e. they gladly cooperate in the charade.
In the summer, it doesn’t work so well, as the sheep would be too stupid to adhere to strict health & safety measures. “Put your mask back on!” “Sod off! It’s too hot! Anyway, I’m vaxxed & on holiday.”
Romany’s and other’s died in the houlcost not just Jewish people.im Romany offgaurdian I have stories how my people died?!!!
Romany, homosexuals, and others are excluded from The Holocaust Remembrance because they were not Jewish. Their suffering is not remembered because The Holocaust is a remembrance of only Jewish suffering.
Hope she isn’t bring a New Yawk voting style to where she moved to. Not that voting counts for much anymore.
Interesting. You just described the impacts of radical, leftist policies forced on you by a leftist, radical government… Do you not see the contradiction, here?
I would submit that the noxious results such as you described are not merely flaws, but features, of such policies. Writ large, they are smothering the country under soft totalitarianism, in the exact same manner you described.
Yet you escaped the radical leftist policies, and have discovered freedom- or more accurately, a small taste of it. But the chains of servitude still weigh heavily upon you. These chains, are in your mind. And that is clear, because of how you describe yourself…
Once you understand that ALL radical, leftist policies result in the same result- mental slavery- and that you’ve taken your first step to fully breaking the shackles of your mind, you’ll be truly free.
Godspeed to you, in your journey.
Good point. I also wondered about that description and thought about how I have always identified as being on the left…. and even radically. Yet during this Covid episode I have found myself aligned with many people who appear to be on the right…..even radically. I think all these left right definitions need some serious analysis and continual re-defining.
I have certainly noted both the betrayal by Leftists re: covid and the fact that covid scepticism came more often from the Right but I reckon that has much to do with the neutering of Left thought through conspiracy phobia along with such other tricks as alignment with academic postmodernist identity politics, not to mention the spook infested Left sites. But I wouldn’t get dewy eyed about the Right since, as far as the official groups and sites are concerned, they still subscribe to the covid gospel.
I think the Left is still basically correct in their approach e.g. to critique this all-too-easy and blase trumpeting of “Freedom” that doesn’t have any reference to community, environment or history. But the whole Left/Right duality, as portrayed in the Western media over the last half century, has been exposed as a tool of oppression in the gallop to the new fascism.
Alex Jones is another repeat.
Around 2010 a story appeared on line via the shill alternative media about a disabled girl called Holly Gregg.

Holly’s mother had explained to the world via alt media that her disabled daughter was savagely and repeated abused molested by elites. The police where also involved in the cover up.
Holly this disabled girl was then placed in a prison for exposing this. 100’s of 1o00’s ££ I means 100’S OF 1000’s£ was raised and this was needed for lawyer fees to help this poor disabled child and U.K column and David icky and them types used to go on about this endlessly. Donate donate help her. Infact Brian Gerrish and David icke exposed this top story at the time and promoted it the most they even broke the story.
At around about the same time the Savile thing and pedo politician elites thing had become mainstream news.
Carl Beech, who claimed he was the victim of a VIP child abuse ring was also in the news. Huge stories at the time.
3 different story’s all circulating cant be coincidence.
Holly was very underground news compared.
The story about Holly Gregg eventually after years made the mainstream and local MPS did get involved as concern people wrote to them about this horrific thing that happened to this poor disabled girl.
GUESS WHAT ?? the whole thing was a lie. Years and years of this story and being repeated even videos of the so called prison hospital visits and of course the donation stream was endless.
Who wouldn’t donate to this disabled girl being forcefully imprisoned for exposing the sexual abuse ring that went to the top of the U.K establishment.
Holly Gregg was a hoax and Carl Beech ended up making it look like the whole elites thing pedo ring was lie. Double wammy. Virtually all at the same time.
The whole Holly Gregg hoax like Alex Jones sandy hook was deliberately created to discredit real stories and it was promoted by the so called top tier of alternative indy media.
Alex Jones the shill.
David icke and U.K column fucking shills.
Theses story acts as a 1 -2 (and 3) 1st to discredit and 2nd to scare; 3 to keep people asleep by saying thoses type of story’s are all fake. Carl Beech for example: ‘VIP abuse’ accuser jailed for 18 years.
In 2020 during Bs19 The Carl Beech story appeared again and like Alex Jones Carl Beech: Man who lied about VIP paedophile ring ordered to pay £24,000 to victim.
Exact same M.O. As the Alex jones sandy hook today.
A>js lawyers sent his phone messages to the defense team by mistake yer right!!
A perceptive interpretation. Hear the words of one of those who were mentioned as being one of the elite degenerates. Alistair McAlpine suggested that it is good practice to circulate a rumour then disprove it. Later allegations will then appear ungrounded. He put it more snappily than that.
Looks like Jones could be a gatekeeper he’s on the ‘sovereign’ list.
We need to be careful in these accusations. I can remember a good number of people said that Julian Assange was a shill before he took refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy. Also, having seen Jeremy Corbyn on peace demonstrations for much of my life I cannot believe he is a shill. I agree that care is needed and there will always be infiltrators, traitors and journalistic mercenaries. I still live by the old credo: take people as you find them.
Assange is quite obviously a shill. 9/11 is the acid test.
I’m not casting aspersions on the named individuals but I think it possible to be both a shill and sincere i.e. to be a dupe where you may consider yourself to be a genuine dissident but you have unwittingly been, as it were, led up the wrong tree.
Isn’t Alex Jones Andy Huffman? I went down this rabbit hole— We seem to be always sifting through murk to find Truth.
Does that mean Iain Davies who often publishes here and at UKC is shilling? Genuine Q
I loved this article, thank you! I love(d) NYC before all this. I will never see that place again besides seeing the city in hyped up, glamorized versions of it in a movie. I cannot believe the underbelly of evil there; it’s always been there. That NYC mayor is clown/ghoul just acting a fool. I get the creeps just hearing him…
I have always been a questioner, ever since I chucked all things related to religion back in 2000 so I knew once this FAKE, medical nightmare rolled around, I, too, fled Oakland, Ca July 2020, to a “freer” state, because I couldn’t be out there any longer. Quit my job and sold all my things and packed what I could in a two door car and bolted. I had such a great job, too, but they were being militant about the masks/muzzles and it felt sooo wrong and icky to my soul, that I just became ANGRY and knew I had to honor self. Nothing is worth acquiescing. NOTHING. No job, no lover, no materialistic thing, etc. I am so glad I don’t have children, because I saw how parent’s just struggled to figure out what to do and sadly, most were so strapped, they allowed their kids to mask up and inject poison into their bloodstream, becasue they couldn’t quit their own jobs in order to homeschool or make some sort of change, so they didn’t obey like suckers/slaves. I look around and am just shocked by the inability so many have to think critically and beyond the narrow paradigm they are programmed with.
It’s as if the collective consciousness is hypnotized by the shadow puppets on the cave wall edit out & disregard what they are actually experiencing. These masses have left their health in the hands of what I consider mass murdering wolves. This creepy all-consuming scenario has been planned for years and the dehumanizing ghouls behind it have used all kinds of mind-warping techniques to mislead and abuse the public. FEAR is the bullet, and the media is the gun – to enable them to shoot their lies into millions of human hearts and minds everywhere.
It is a sign of a sick society when people are told to stay indoors, avoid breathing fresh air, believe social contact is deadly, and receive experimental medical interventions for their health. If the benefits of fresh air and natural sunlight for human health has to be debated, is there any hope left for our civilization? This is inherently WRONG and deranged. It has come down as an act of defiance and disobedience to mingle with family and friends outside, to relax in a park, to hike in the mountains, to take a walk around the block. It is our basic human right to breath fresh air and to be outdoors with other people. This is outrageous to believe otherwise and if you believe that any of this is wrong or not compassionate, well you can kick rocks and live in your own delusion full of fear based off lies. The tendency to deny what we don’t want to believe is not restricted to the past, or to particular groups of people. All of us want to exclude what we can’t easily incorporate into our worldview. Changing paradigms, however, require that we stretch.
It is sad that modern science has led so many astray in their thinking with regard to their own bodies and how it functions creating nothing but fear and panic, whilst reaping massive amounts of money for those in power as a result. Such fear places a distrust in our own bodies, our neighbors, and nature itself, making it appear as if we are powerless in the face of disease; that it is beyond our control and only the medical establishment can save us from ourselves. What might those in power benefit from such chaos? Explore that thought. This confusion has led to the CON-vid SCAM, and the resulting fear and chaos which surrounds this manufactured and blown out of proportion event. The CONvid operation aims to engulf all of civilization in a preposterous and fake medical nightmare with its roots in “modifying” citizens to accept medical dictates, by instituting police state style laws and measures around the world, and will only increase if the majority do not wake up to the lies surrounding the nature of viruses and disease. Virology/ “Germ Theory” is swindle to play the pandemic card whenever they see fit and to sell vaccines. Fear is how you control people and until people know the evil that plagues this earth, they will remain in blind servitude.
New york is called the big apple aka pentagram. Places like that are a testing bed due to the energetic’s.
YES! The big apple—forbidden fruit—KNOWLEDGE of the underbelly of DECEPTION is paramount there.
Anyway, I always tell people to think in terms of three places regarding who/what controls PERCEPTIONS (energy, frequency, and vibration):
Washington DC (wars and battles)
The Vatican (spiritual perception control; created RELIGIONS)
The City of London ( control of finances)
NYC houses all of the beings safely in those places….you do know that NYC has deep underground cities, right?
yep entry to the cult of bugger.
Another member mentioned this.
Washington DC (wars and battles) lockdown 3rd.
The Vatican (spiritual perception control; created RELIGIONS) lockdown 1st after china.
The City of London ( control of finances) lockdown 2nd.
Rigged sports plays it part in selling the agenda.
England verses Italy corona 2021 final – Italy won.
Terrific. Thanks!
If they have no medically therapeutic benefit then they are not medical devices. If they are not medical devices then the manner in which they are applied does not alter anything. If it was a date rape drug then whether the target consented to receive a drink or the drug was forced down their throat does not alter the criminal nature of the drugging. It would not be proper to call it medicine if the drug has no medicinal purpose.
This article is a bit of a mess IMHO. Its a product of a political philosophy that elevates the rights of the individual over the rights of society as a whole. This has been very fashionable since the Reagan and Thatcher ‘revolutions’ of the 1980s since it justifies predatory capitalism. Its promotion echoed the liturgy of earlier revolutionaries in a rather clever way to muddy the water resulting in people claiming to be free even as they become increasingly enslaved.
To touch on the specifics of this article the author, being a New Yorker, should know there’s many limits on their freedom because many, if not, ostensibly public spaces are in fact owned. Its the same in whatever rural enclave she might have decamped to — unlike the UK where people fought for a ‘right to roam’ over open country the US is still in an era of unbounded private property where your access to the world is severely restricted unless those areas are owned by the public. As with anything, though, accessing anything comes with rules and conditions spelled out by the owner, and the owner might mandate masking or might not. Where government — “We, the People” — are the owners the government sets the rules.
Anyway, I don’t want to spend too much time pointing out the obvious. I think we have some way to go before we can exorcise this culture of individualism. Like everyone else I also believe in rights, but I also understand to live in society I also have responsibilities.
Faith in the inherent wisdom of the individual doesn’t exclude the logic of social interactions.
The rights of the individual over his or her own body DOES trump any other rights of society at large.
Your point is valid. However, this argument about the rights, or more accurately, the safety of the collective trumping the rights of the individual has been very much appropriated by the rulers to give a “Left” face to the covid manoeuvre. And it’s not really a novel approach. “Safety over liberty” has been the mantra of all fascist and totalitarian orders.
County level survey published today shows 73 million Americans are completely unvaccinated. Another 30m got one shot and stopped. 95m got shots but balked at boosters. Considering all the threats and sanctions it is impressive that so many folks have resisted the odious government and medical racketeers.
I have to say, I didn’t comply either, but for this I’m not feeling a particularly sense of empowerment. So far since the initiation of the scam I’ve lost two jobs. Although if given the chance I wouldn’t change my decisions, at this point it’s hard to feel like I’m coming up on top of things. I’ve still got my health, but even then the stress of the last few years hasn’t been kind.
Oh, I hear you. It’s been rough. I feel like I cannot even make a move, because so many places now require you to poison yourself. CharimanDrew, hang in there. The outer realms are serving to help strengthen our inner realm. I did not come here to kneel to energy vampires and their ghoul minions. Neither did you.
Wow, that’s beautiful! “….energy vampires and their ghoul minion.”
I didn’t lose jobs, but changed jobs. It was an ethical choice, golden rule kind of thing: do what you think everyone ought to do as a matter of moral obligation. When the vaccinations were cheered on by academia as if it was an elixer, that was where I drawed the line (and resigned). But I also detested the mandatory rules and hypocrisy/stupidity and (for lack of a better word) fascism that was abound in academia at that time and probably still is.
Did it empower me?
– I think it did, but only from a moral point of view, and from the viewpoint that things have become a lot clearer to me since that time.
But it also brought a lot of stress and (again for the lack of a better word) mourning. Academia to me was kind of Carl Sagan or JK Galbraith type of thinking where you could outsmart the world even if you were not always following the conventional nonsense. Well, maybe that worked out well for Carl Sagan or JK Galbraith. But not for me. I excommunicated myself from academia and that is the end of that story.
I still have a good job, but it ain’t as intellectually challenging as academia could be. It’s a boring job, and a bullshit job. But it doesn’t harm the population at large. So it’s a better job than being epidemiologist in academia.
It’s also a more precarious job than what I had in academia (where you don’t have to fear for your job as long as you toe the line). And even though I don’t care about the ‘prestige’ that the job in academia brought, it was nice to get the carrots that academia brought to you every once in a while (grants, conferences at exotic places, nice dinners, the idea that you were part of a group that made rational decisions to which politicians and the people at large listened).
I now live as an outsider to academia and feel the disdain of academics (with whom I still work in a kind of consultant role) who feel morally and intellectually superior to me, simply because they hold jobs in academia while I dropped out (that is how they see it). I shouldn’t care, but it is burdensome and stressful, to see so much stupidity and know that your moral stance (apparently) had no influence to your colleagues. Still, if I was so interested in the other, I might have preferred the utilitarian choice: stay in academia and try to stay under the radar for as long covid is running the headlines. I didn’t, and I am happy that I made the choice to leave. But it comes with a price.
Anyway, all of this is kind of private and probably deserves a much larger response to tell exactly what I feel and why I feel.
But when you say: ‘it’s hard to feel like I’m coming up on top of things.’ I think I understand what you mean.
Sagan was a corporate shill. When you fully internalize that, you will be free of academia’s mind-f.
But he was a nice guy and earned all that money for PBS………..Billions and Billions.
I knew we were in big trouble when the first social-distancing drone appeared over NYC and instead of New Yorkers rushing over to give it the finger, actually obeyed.
As for “I am starting my life over from scratch” — that’s what references to a meteor are all about. Let’s start all over again — food, clothing, shelter, and work our way up from there.
Covid-1984 is a false flag event, the biggest in known human history. As opposed to Lee Harvey Oswald, who was a real person, the patsy in this false flag has been a non-existent virus. The bullshit regarding the virus has been stacked one upon another like bricks. The virus has never been isolated. Yes, there are papers which claim that it has been in their abstracts and conclusions, but if you read the methodology (I am a chemist by academic background) it is totally flawed and fraudulent. The lung aspirated soup in Wuhan was taken from one sick person, while almost 200 were available at the time. This is not science.
This is how the bullshit is stacked, fraud upon fraud.
1) Virus never isolated and taken from only one person in Wuhan, China.
2) Thus no true genomic RNA sequence can be taken. The lung soup has RNA and DNA genetic sequences from a huge variety of sources, the patient, bacteria, fungi, etc.
3) This invalidates the rt-PCR test, which was never designed or valid as a medical diagnostic test in the first place. Even if the PCR test were a valid methodology, it needs the genomic sequence of the purported virus to construct a probe. No rt-PCR test is licensed as it would require a validation study against a “gold standard” which it could never pass. Thus they can only be “legal” under an EUA. If the emergence were officially ended, all rt-PCR tests would then be illegal and the scamdemic would collapse.
4) The pathogenicity of the “virus” is based on flawed virology where no control group was included.
5) The scamdemic is based on cases of the bogus rt-PCR test, most of whom are asymptomatic, i.e. healthy. Deaths and hospitalizations attributed to dying with covid are simply the same as dying with a positive covid fake test. Hospitals were paid huge surcharges from .gov for listing deaths as covid even in examples of gunshot wounds and motorcycle accidents.
6) It is quite impossible to determine a variant if the original virus was never isolated and its genetic sequence determined. The so-called variants were never isolated either. It’s all bullshit computer simulation.
7) This was all planned out decades ago by an incredibly evil, anti-human force.
I think everyone that are on this page and other sites have gone through what you have.I remember when covid first come out I knew instantly it was a phyop a fake,But what really hurt me the most was the inhumane way most jumped on the bandwagon .We we’re shepherded into lines into sections forced to wear masks or you won’t eat.I became and still am depressed for society if they can believe this wholeheartedly and roll up their sleeves for jab’s what more will they believe or do?Grass on us because we are unvaccinated call Authorities to round us up and put us in camps?Its happened before it can happen again.They don’t want dissidents they want compliance.
It’s conventional to add a space after a comma, period or other punctuation. Your writing will always have more credibility if it’s correctly spaced.
I’m not good at that I know what I mean and it comes from the heart I’m sorry if I offend people with my my grammar but that’s the way it is with me I’m not here for an English lesson I’m here to put my point across read betw the lines.
Let them come. I’ve had a great life. Let us see who will be the hero to go in first.
Will be us functional 👍
Back in the beginning, when the authorities came up with limiting the number of guests in one’s own home and encouraged people to snitch on neighbors who had too many people over, one friend said that was a moot point as the cops wouldn’t come anyway. I asked her if she thought they SHOULD come and arrest people? No answer. Of course. That’s when I pretty much knew that friendship wasn’t what I thought it was, although there were many more casual, offhand remarks that cemented that for me. I am at the point now where I am working through letting go of those relationships. As the author of this article says, you realize nothing is what you thought it was, and once you see that, there is no returning to that old life. The compliant will be the death of all of us, literally. While they brag about being rule followers and think that’s a good thing, they refuse to see their very own fascist tendencies. And that makes them fully capable of some very nasty atrocities, all done in the name of the virtuous, compliant, good citizen. Truly terrifying really.
You are so right, My children my partner all agreed this is so wrong my siblings all got the shot I never told them anything none of them they my children and partner knew.I cannot hate those that took part in covid but I’m going to hate what’s to come , Covid was just a drop in the ocean to what’s to come.Keep your allies close we are here ready 👍
I still feel the lingering affects from this SCAM that has not ended. It set the stage for the tyranny and most CONSENTED to it out of fear. It’s all so disgusting to me. I, too, knew from the get-go. Who still beLIEves in the government after all this? Brainwashed, conditioned, scared little lab rats/slaves, who have no idea who they are. ROBOTS-programmed to bow down to their “saviors.”
True I’m waiting for the big event.
Because something bigger than covid is coming covid was just a taster.
I think it has been coming for a long time….. all the dependence on technology and everyone eating it up without question. Call it a big learning curve and let’s hope humanity gets further along in time.
Like pat’e or caviar. Or climate lockdowns, digital currency and tofu. Depends on whether you are part of the chosen ones, I guess.
Fantastic piece! My friends in NYC and LA roughly corroborate this. Especially the testing – any time there’s a sniffle they’re testing. Furthermore they of course get negative results when symptomatic and positives when fine but still believe in the efficacy of the tests. No vax pass checks for months according to my friend in NYC.
The end of the piece hit home for me. Can skeptics such ad ourselves have one foot in and one foot put of mainstream society? It appears not in NYC. Where I am in New England it’s rural enough to avoid some of it – but it’s still a blue state. It strikes me that maintaining affinity to the truth on Covid is much more difficult than on issues like 9/11.
Totally with you on this. We now inhabit this super nebulous state where Corona is concerned; not yet over yet super *over* (mostly insofar as it never began) and yet the damage is done, physically as well as psychically
Perpetuating a damn SCAM to keep it going on forever. I am appalled by those reading these articles, who beLIEve that CON-vid is actually real. What “deadly virus” is real, anyway? This is why it’s so easy for the “powers that be” to control us, because they have harmed us PHYSICALLY and psychologically for hundreds of years through all sorts of trauma – war, poverty, death, sickness through their poisons, physical and sexual abuse, all sorts of EMFs, RFs, MFs, etc., AND brainwashing and mind control and the list goes on. “THEIR” most diabolical tactics are through MEDICAL MISCHIEF.
RELOCATE to a red state.
Wish it was that simple! Red or blue no one truly believes in bodily automony apparently. Did you miss the red states rushing to ban abortion?
Do you think infants have a similar right to bodily autonomy? If an unborn infant is given a choice, what might he or she choose?
If you think like the left. Abortion.
Not enough people contemplate the possibility of collateral beauty when faced with a difficult decision. Nicely done.
I know what you are saying.
It is always fun to commiserate and laugh with the working class people here in northern lower Michigan. Our town is a major “vacation destination” on the east side of Lake Michigan. People pour into the area from all over the Eastern and the Midwestern U.S.. Many are wearing masks even though there is no mandate. It is comical. Most of the working class are not vaccinated. The tourists are like caged (masked) mongrels who have been set free and don’t realize it. They prefer the security of their enclosure (mask). Like a crate (mask) trained dog that retreats to it’s crate (mask) at a moments notice when any kind of conflict is detected.
It is absolutely mind boggling that so many people, including the leadership, are so gullible. They embarrass me. It is easier and less stressful to disengage and trust someone else to make your decisions for you without asking any questions.
I don’t get it.
It’s a horror show.
“They all float down here”.
Again I am struck by the odd discrepancy between countries and states with regard to the aggression of the covid regulations. Why New York? Why Australia? Why Canada? I have referred to Scotland as Covidonia but masks are no longer regarded as mandatory here and vaxxes seemed to have died a death. The local council still wants care workers to wear masks on the job but in practice it’s a joke. Everyone has a mask around their neck which they manoeuvre up and down on a random basis. People are still required to home test and phone in if positive – at which point they are meant to be off work for a week or maybe it’s 10 days. But this is done in a half-hearted way as if even the hand gel chewers are feeling apathy. From this point of view it would seem to be a difficult thing to try and corral the public back into fearsville.
So what is it that makes the difference? Are different areas occupied by police forces and legal executives that have different measures of fascistic temperament? Or is there a deep measure of co-ordination that “favours” some areas as the “forefront” covid cages?
“Why New York? Why Australia? Why Canada?”
I suspect there are different reasons for the willingness to continue the Covid theater. New York is overpopulated with neurotics; Canada is full of sheeple (sorry to say). Not sure about Australia. I always thought the people there were less compliant than Canadians, but maybe that is an out-of-date impression.
Parts of aust slip back into penal colony mind set easily it would seem….
yesterday I was sent a copy of a letter being sent to nsw teachers who are currently being disciplined for refusing to be needled….yep they are still at it….the tone of the letter is hair raising…you are employed to do as you are told….we told you to be needled and you refused….seems they presume control of peoples bodies….no excuse is allowed…and penalties are listed…along with threats if any discussion is held with media…
meanwhile the powers that be carry on about a lack of teachers, the ones who complied are all getting ill in large numbers and the clown world continues.
Worse than Xi CCP China, quite an achievement Aussies!
It’s a great question – at least when it comes to cities the politics line up favorably. If this whole thing is in fact a huge compliance and propoganda excersize/experiment it would seem they want to gauge the effectiveness of different levels and styles of coercion. How many people in Sweden got vaxxed (light touch measures) vs Australia – that kind of thing. The amount of data available with the ubiquity of the internet is staggering.
“Nice”. Self perception of being “nice”, plus desire to be seen as “nice” by others, which requires public displays of “niceness”, which can then be further amplified on social media. For whatever reason, leftist, liberal, multicultural, secular places like California, Canada and Sweden tend to be “nicer” than other places where life is more day to day and tenuous, like say, Caracas, or Capetown, or Kingston.
But let one transgress against these shows of “niceness”? The mask will drop, if only for an instant, and the not-so niceness will appear, still under the guise of “niceness”. If you are not “nice,” the “nice” will come for you.
As Justin Trudeau asks of the “nice” obedient, helpful, considerate, vaccinated Canadians regarding the un-nice dirty, filthy, mean disobedient unvaccinated Canadians: “Do we tolerate these people?”