The COVID Shell Game

The ‘COVID’ scam was/is a shell game with three parts.
- The alleged “new virus”
- The alleged test for the “new virus”
- The alleged “new disease” caused by the “new virus”.
Deft manipulation of these three concepts – like the cups in a carnival sideshow game of pea-and-thimble – is how so many people were convinced they were looking at something undeniably real.
There MUST be a new virus – because there’s a NEW test for it
There MUST be a valid test – because it can identify the new virus
There MUST be a new disease because it has all these NEW symptoms.
People saw these three points and drew lines joining them in a neat triangle.

What few realized was the apparent connection was only alleged, imaginary. A kind of pareidolia.
There was NEVER any actual connection between these three things. They even tell us so in the official narrative – if you pay attention.
The illusion of connection is just the quickness of the propaganda deceiving the eye.
Let’s break it down.
Again and again people say “there must be a new disease – THEY FOUND THE VIRUS.”
No. They did not.
They found a virus. Allegedly. A potentially ‘new’ coronavirus.
Some highly qualified people claim this “new virus” only exists as a theory. In silica – meaning inside a computer. A digitally rendered thought-conception of what the DNA of an alleged new SARS-coronavirus might look like on the genetic level.
But even if it happens to be a real physical discovery, let’s get that in perspective.
Some people seem to think finding a ‘new virus’ is as unusual and remarkable as finding a new species of Great Ape or big cat. A noteworthy moment. Something to remark on.
No, it isn’t.
Finding a new virus any time is as remarkable as finding a bee in a beehive. A beehive containing several billion bees that are constantly reproducing and mutating.
Virus theory dictates ‘new’ viruses emerge every day in their millions. There are literally said to be 10 nonillion viruses on the planet – that’s a one followed by thirty-one zeros.
So, finding a new one – if you’re looking for it – should be more common than not
And the chance that any one you find happens to be the same one causing some new symptom in some human is about as good as your chance of dipping in your billion-strong beehive and picking out the bee you saw on your lavender bush yesterday.
So, even if you unconditionally accept the theories of virology, the ‘new virus’ in itself means nothing, unless there is something to tie this virus to an identifiable unique disease.
And of course that’s where the test comes in…right?
Many people, even those sceptical of the vax and the whole “pandemic” narrative, still seem to get hooked on the “test”.
I mean it’s a test. It must be testing for something.
And what’s more – it finds it!
People ‘test positive’.
How can you test positive for something that isn’t there?
Well, of course the inventor of the PCR, who tragically died in 2019, could have told you exactly how you can test positive for something that isn’t there. And if he hadn’t died you could have bet the fortune you spent on masks he would have been telling you – loudly and often.
We have also told you – here and here and here.
To put it bluntly –
It can’t. It literally can’t. Even if done right. And especially when done wrong – which most of the ‘covid’ PCRs were.
A “positive” test could mean they had found some bits of RNA that belonged to some non-specific coronavirus. Or it could mean they just found some junk in your system.
It never meant they had literally found SARSCOV2.
So, the assumed line joining those two points of the triangle never actually existed.
Without the PCR there is literally nothing to connect the alleged ‘new virus’ and the alleged ‘new disease’.
But that’s just nitpicking, right? I mean, there’s a new disease so it stands to reason there must be a new virus causing it. Even if the test is hopelessly flawed, even useless, surely the mere fact there is a new virus and a new disease suddenly present at the same time must mean cause and effect?
A disease is classified as “new” when it presents a unique, repeated pattern of clinical symptoms and pathology.
Despite everything you absorbed through media and memes, there are NO unique clinical symptoms associated with ‘COVID’.
Sure, some have been hyped as such, but that was all it was – hype.
Two examples –
Loss of taste and smell? Pretty common respiratory virus symptom, can be longterm due to nerve damage in some cases.
Ground glass opacities? Oh please, GGOs are a common non-specific finding in lung pathology. You can have them for any reason from inhaling an irritant to having pneumonia or TB.
Truth is – every alleged ‘covid symptom’ is also a ‘flu’ symptom or a cold symptom or a ‘common seasonal respiratory infection’ symptom, or a post-viral fatigue symptom.
Whatever hype you have ingested, this is the plain truth (which our updated COVID cribsheet will soon cover in detail).
In fact the only ‘new’ thing about ‘COVID’ — is the name.
And the massive PR machine associated with it.
The rest, in fact the entire perception of solid multifocal ‘reality’, was just a creation, a clever bit of perception-manipulation and engendered attention bias.
A trick in other words.
So, what does our connective triangle look like now?
Well, it’s actually just three unconnected random dots.

- A ‘new’ virus, one of millions emerging every day, which may or may not have been isolated
- A ‘test’ for the above that doesn’t actually test for it
- A bunch of old symptoms given a new name…
Literally nothing real to connect them at all. None of those fast-moving cups bewildering your eye ever actually had the pea inside it.
That carnie just played a lot of us for fools.
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And now Tedros and his masters want to rinse repeat it with H5N1, what a barrel of laughs!
FAO “James Brown” the obviously fake concern troll doing such a hamfisted job he’s likely to get fired (hope he does).
This from the article he obviously hopes no one in the comments bothered to read –
“Truth is – every alleged ‘covid symptom’ is also a ‘flu’ symptom or a cold symptom or a ‘common seasonal respiratory infection’ symptom, or a post-viral fatigue symptom.
Whatever hype you have ingested, this is the plain truth (which our updated COVID cribsheet will soon cover in detail).
In fact the only ‘new’ thing about ‘COVID’ — is the name.
And the massive PR machine associated with it….”
I’m a covid sceptic but I’m on my 2nd infection now. I’m non vaxxed and so are all my family who are all lockdown critics and they’ve all had some weird cold once or twice. I think saying covid isn’t real is just mudding the well. It’s an airborne virus there’s barely anything we can do to control it. PS this is my first day with the 2nd infection and it feels like a mild cold but I tested positive with a LTF test, when I have zero cold symptoms I don’t test positive so it’s picking up something.
Go to bed, drink plenty of liquids (preferably clean water), and stop with the testing – there’s no valid test for “COVID-19”. No proof of the SARS-Cov-2, and no proof of infections or “airborne” (no one on the planet has an scientifically isolated pathogen that causing specific symptoms). No one has ever actually see this airborne, invisible particle you call a virus. LTF is for a hereditary disease, not a “virus”.
Reading this exchange caused a very obvious point to suddenly and belatedly occur to me: there are moderate “COVID skeptics”, and there are radical “COVID skeptics”.
As usual, I tend to land on the “radical” side. 😉
It is nevertheless reasonable to consider the possibility that while Covid is most assuredly a psyop, there may be a greater number of severe cases of influenza (even in a younger demographic) than in previous years.
Read the fine print of the waste you call ‘test’!
Those LFWastes are calibrated using what?
Someone just told us he/she has a mild cold but a phony test and their television told them it was “Covid.” From a sub-microscopic airborne invader no less.
Pretty wild eh?
Shill alert!!
Is it not possible that covid is 99% staged, hoax, media hype etc…but they did make some people sick, in some areas, maybe using some type of bio-weapon?
I know people who had a severe flu but also found it difficult to get enough oxygen. (Richie Allen describes having the same symptoms).
That doesn’t mean it’s a virus or a pandemic.
I think they would do this to muddy the waters & cause division.
They do it with the shootings and terror attacks – sometimes they’re staged, sometimes they set off fireworks and sometimes people actually get killed, which makes people who shout hoax look stupid.
They can make you cry, happy and get aroused watching a TV series or film. Even though you know this is fake right..?
Yet you still get goosebumps when a abandoned cats get rescued usually fake as well.
Simon Cowell proved a 30 seconds sob story like mum got cancer thats why I started singing crap- some fake song – fake crocodile tears from the judges and this got people like you fully addicted.
Making people get pretend flu / cold / Achoo! via the mind screen is a walk in the park.
That Is Why they have politicians be actors before hand.
I know people who had these symptoms before covid was announced (Richie Allen did as well), so it wasn’t put into their heads by the media if that’s what you’re trying to say.
Have you mis-read the comment? I’m saying that it probably was fakery 99% of the time, but a few people got something worse than flu, caused by I don’t know what.
Wait… you know people who had these symptoms (COLD / FLU / PNEUMONIA) before the PCR kit label started being sold?
Uau…. UUUau
No, they were taking deep breaths but felt like they were going to die because they couldn’t get enough oxygen, around Nov/Dec 2019.
So it is conceivable to me that the perpetrators of the psyop somehow made people sick, saw that it was working and then began the whole charade.
Omg – you’re right!!! NO ONE EVER took deep breaths before covid!!
“Oh yeah, well I know someone who’s auntie is dying of it in hospital, so keep your bullshit to yourself…don’t talk to me about it not being real”.
I’ve heard this above (or similar) more than once; one time from a sibling. They don’t want to hear that ventilators are highly dangerous and will kill more than they save when wrongly prescribed. Same with prescription drugs like remdesovir.
And this one, which was from my partner of 7 years…she was a senior nurse…probably still is. Convid was the reason we split up.
“I know it’s real…you haven’t had to hold the hand of a 90yo woman when she was dying while her family had to watch through a window because they couldn’t enter the room”.
How does that mean it’s real? That’s just an imposed protocol.
Or “how do you explain the blue phlegm one patient had” – well cadmium poisoning produces that.
Trying to get people to think rationally is often impossible.
That all makes sense to me. Grounded reply, thanks.
And again a nonsense bullshit article…nothing more can be expected from these antivax buttheads
Thanks for honoring this thread with your presence, Mr. Gates!
This is not about theory. It is about people!
The key question is: is there a connection between a positive test and any kind of disease?
That is irrespective of any theory of what a virus is and the question if the theory is complete. In modern medicine symptoms do not define the disease, but the positive test defines the disease.
The positive SARS-CoV2 test triggered the quarantine, the mechanical ventilation and the treatment. With the “we do all we can” approach of modern medicine, for which it is celebrated in the media, in contrast to “we do what is required”, the “patient” will develop symptoms in the end.
The same model (“positive test = disease“) applies for all fakedemics, SARS(1), MERS, several avian and swine flu fakedemics, BSE, back to HIV.
Since 30 years HIV is the disease, not the AID Syndrome. And HIV+ measured persons are treated with highly toxic medications against HIV, not against the AID Syndrome.
After a while (HIV, not AIDS(!), supposedly requires lifelong treatment) they develop symptoms which correspond 1:1 to the severe side effects of the toxic medication.
• Maggi et al., “Clusterization of co-morbidities and multi-morbidities among persons living with HIV: a cross-sectional study”, BMC Infect Dis. 2019 Jun 25;19(1):555,
“Non-HIV co-morbidities included: cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, oncologic diseases, osteoporosis, probable case of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, psychiatric illness, kidney disease.”
“Table 1 – Characteristics of 1087 patients enrolled in the Cluster Project: Years since ART initiation 9.0 (4.0–16.0)”
“The most frequent co-morbidity was dyslipidemia (55.3%), followed by hypertension (31.4%), COPD (29.4%), hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection (25.4, 5.5% with detectable HCVRNA), psychiatric illness (10.3%), diagnosis of osteopenia/osteoporosis (10.1%), diabetes (6.1%), and renal impairment (4.8%); 95 (8.7%) subjects had history of non-AIDS-defining cancer. Forty-nine patients (4.5%) had pCVD events.“
“Our data evidence that, in spite of mean age lower than 50, co-morbidity was the rule among our PLWH (82%), and that more than 50% of our patients were multi-morbid. Moreover, about 30% of them had three or more chronic non-HIV related conditions, thus confirming recent data provided by other studies in the field.”
A long time these side effects, which are not AIDS defining, were declared “HIV-related diseases”, because only HIV+ measured people showed them. It was omitted that all of these persons had been treated for years(!) with the toxins of the so called “antiretroviral therapy”.
On point three, what of this cytokine storm? Isn’t that a new thing for a respiratory illness?
Nope. Cytokine storms can happen as a result o any infection that makes the immune system overreact. The VAX might promote them in more people in the future.
To save your time, the CDC has said itself you can’t diagnose covid by symptoms because the symptoms are the same as flu.
Great article besides Catte says they may have found a virus. Didnt she read the “discovery” of sars-2 by Fan Wu? Don’t follow these poorly-researched but great articles.
Mostly fair arguments to make I would say.
Speaking anecdotally, I know four people well who have experienced symptoms that I cannot recall anyone speaking of before. I think it is certainly common that colds and flu can dull the sense of taste and smell, but what has been told to me (in some cases by extreme covid sceptics it has to be said) is a total and sudden loss of taste/ smell. One friend experienced food smelling like dog excrement, another can no longer drink coffee for the reaction to the smell. Two others said that the smell sense returned suddenly and bizarrely over two weeks after all other symptoms had receded.
I cannot square these accounts and the many like them that I have read and heard of with Catte’s summary that loss of smell/taste is common to respiratory/ cold/ flu illnesses and therefore does not distinguish Covid in any way whatsoever.
I am open to the idea that virology is fundamentally flawed, a scam, but undecided, unconvinced. If the US military establishment are keen to spend many billions of dollars researching how to weaponise viruses, that tends to make me think that they are working with things that do actually exist. There is a huge story complete with evidence trails that link up convincingly, which point to some kind of development work in virology connected to the alleged SARS-COV-2. All that is moot in this framing presented by Catte.
I read some of the article on this website, ‘REVIEW: The Courage to Face Covid 19‘. It mentions McCullough’s work on early treatment protocol, which I looked up.
From there i read some of the home treatment guide to which McCullough contributed
As far as I can figure, Catte, who is an editor here, must think all the reference to extreme inflamation and blood clots as part of the more severe cases is all hokum bullshit.
Extreme inflammation producing coagulapathy is a rare but known side effect of literally any infectious illness, definitely not unique to covid. Blood clots are also a side effect of the vaxx mate.
Nope. Sudden loss of taste and smell, due to nerve damage, is a symptom of upper respiratory infections and the flu.
You don’t need a ‘virus’ to create those symptoms. It could be radiation poisoning (tuning up the levels from the telecom towers or installing 5g ones), or spraying of toxic chemicals in the skies (and lie that it is for weather control), or increasing use of specific more-toxic agrichemicals.
It really could be anything.
The mental stress that the media fearmongering had caused could also have led to some of those symptoms.
The miserable tests play an important role in the fakedemics. It is impossible to withstand the suggestive power of a test.
Until you understand that these tests consist of condensed poop,
• Jenn Morson, „How I Tested HIV Positive — Nine Times — While Pregnant“, May 25 2016,
But for the pharmaceutical industry the bad tests are not a problem. In fact, they love it. Because the discussion about the accuracy of the tests leads away from the more important point, if there is any connection between a positive test and any form of diseases?
And so the physicians test and test and test, and slowly they form the new patient. In the mean time they start treatment (“better safe than sorry”, “you are losing precious time if we don’t start”, “we must hit hard and early”, “there is only a narrow time window”). Finally the now patient succumbs to the incredible pressure of modern “science” and its prophets and priests. And the patients starts to take the pills, in case of HIV for the rest of his or her life. This is how incredibly effective these pills are.
Excellent explanatory article. One factual point is that the average beehive contains approximately 50,000 bees, certainly not “billions”! An arithmetically more accurate analogy would be picking out a particular person from the attendees at Wembley Stadium for a major football match.
Well done. Reminds me of my 1988 award winning one man’s show “Dr. Antonioni’s Imaginary Disease.
That sounds intriguing – please tell us more about it
It’s a dark comedy with Dr. A meant to personify modern med. Michelangelo Antonioni is a charming, well-connected, bitter sociopath with an inferiority complex and a degree from Georgetown Medical School, where his mentors had been Dr. Sidney Gottlieb and Ewan? Cameron of MKUltra. After suffering three malpractice suits during the horrible 1960s, a time when everyone began to question authority, he becomes depressed and self-medicated, One evening he experiences a pool side phantasmagoria narrated by Hippocrates, who explains to him the historical arc of medicine and public health. Dr. A quits his private practice and moves on to the NCI during NIxon’s other war. Dr. A plans to do research, but ends up head of the Office of Risk Communication at the NIH, another bitter twist of fate. When the War on Cancer proves a failure and begins to lose funding, Dr. A has a flash of insight: his special purpose and destiny finally becomes clear, and he creates a “new” disease/syndrome from symptoms that are borrowed from old diseases. He uses his connections at the NIH to gain acceptance for his syndrome —not hard to do, a win-win for all involved. He knows the importance of making his disease “scary”: no known cure or treatment, 100% fatal, as well as having some minority to blame it on in the beginning. The play ends with his plans to introduce his “vaccine,” a series of three mandatory shots for every man, woman, child, and newborn on the planet. Once everyone is vaxxed he will redefine the borrowed symptoms back to their original diseases. Following the end of the monologue (45 minutes), “Dr. Antonioni” responds extemporaneously to any and all questions from the audience.
If you give me an email address, I’ll happily send reviews and such.
The play wasn’t a prediction, it was a “how to.” I didn’t anticipate the masks and lockdowns, If I ever had occasion to perform it again, I’d add those aspects. Peter Duesberg and his staff saw it. He said I should rename it: “Dr. Antonioni Fauci’s Imaginary Disease.”
Sophie, In case you didn’t see it, on August 10, I responded to your comment of August 7, posted in comments to the COVID shell game article.
Excellent insight.
Except there was a pea
and it was under every cup…
Lets talk about the MASK!
Here is a fun read:
“Fit-Tested N95 Masks Combined With Portable High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filtration Can Protect Against High Aerosolized Viral Loads Over Prolonged Periods at Close Range”
And even this experiment wasn’t done simulating a real/typical use setting…
Do enjoy:
And even with all of those precautions and in a very CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT the Fit-test [PASSED] N95 also couldn’t avoid the passing of viral particles into the “under the mask” and into the “inside nostril“.
No wonder MASKS DO NOT WORK in the Real World!
For more FUN here’s the link for the [not very well designed] experiment.
Here’s the real world experiment…
I would like to see graphs like this showing the (non) effects of mask mandates throughout the world.
and another real world experiment!

Like the WHO says, “It will never be over.”
We’re lucky since They (SRF & Billionaires) are now in the phase of morphing OPERATION COVIDIUS into OPERATION CLIMATIUS!
And the latter is going to be even FUNNIER!
Excellent “executive” 🙂 summary of the scam. Jeez, the Death Cult sure was lucky that Kari Mullis died weeks before the scamdemic roll-out. What a lucky coincidence for our Overlords!!! There is no telling how much misinformation this 1993 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry could have spread, how many grandmothers he would have murdered.
“A digitally rendered thought-conception of what the DNA of an alleged new SARS-coronavirus might look like on the genetic level.”
Don’t want to be a nitpicker, but if corona viruses exist, which has never been proven by non-fraudulent methodology but nevertheless accepted by the pseudo science of virology, they would be single stranded RNA viruses.
Question of the day: did God consider the design of the WW2 naval mine such a thing of supreme beauty that She designed a large group of pathogenic viruses to commemorate it? TEM (transmission electron microscopy) does not have the resolution to depict this ominous structure.
US CDC’s website lists the same info for common cold, seasonal flu, and Covid 19. The truth is out there plain to see.
A scam from the get go. No bio weapon, no bio labs, a fabrication from lying spooks.
Smell is a large part of “taste”, “hold your nose and take your medicine”. Anything that compromises the nasal passages will impair the sense of taste.
Useless idiots parroting the fake symptoms like a badge of honor.
And another Old one…
We’re very good micelaves!
More FUN stuff

Dr Drosten who put together the ‘covid test’: “the disease is not existing. It is not there.”
Funny thing about Herr Doctor Drosten is that the university which awarded him his Ph.D. “lost” his doctoral thesis.
The chinese gang used the good old PNEUMONIA as bait. Every single attempt They’ve made so far always used a FLU/PNEUMONIA condition as bait.
This time around They achieved a HUGE SUCCESS.
‘Influenza’ or ‘smart phone’?
Exactly, that’s why we dont need early treatments to remind us there is a virus when there isnt, and this author’s hinting there is a virus if Ivermectin can inhibit “it” in vitro. Nonsense.
No record of any “virus” following the rigorous of the scientific method ever been isolated and thus proven to cause any of the myriad of “diseases” attributed to a “pathogenic virus”.
Where’s the virus? Do we even have a theory of a virus? Not if you follow science.
Are Viruses Even a Scientific Theory? – LewRockwell
The “virus” is a word at the same level as the word “miracle”!
There is an idiot journalist in Australia who claims she has long covid since she had the third jab – symptoms are clots, tinnitus, weakness and heart problems They are so fucking dumb they make my hair hurt.
The sad part is that the jabs clearly malfunctioned because she is still wasting O2 & Energy!
Patience, Grasshopper.
Just waiting for her to get the 4th round!
mebbe get that 5th double-whammy one same day as the 4th come this Sept.
So we have sunk to wishing those who took the shot death? If that’s the case then maybe…….
You’re confused! Those that took an experimental toxic mRNA spew are the ones wishing to die.
I’m just waiting to see if it works better.
In the Plantation I slave on they are very effective but only with old and obsolete MMS/3i’s (age 75+). Every time they give a new round of mRNA spew they start to drop like flies!

If there’s anyone here who’s convinced that you can ‘catch’ a virus, here’s an alternative view: The End of Germ Theory (
The best, even better than Kaufman’ Terrain.
The word “virus” is at the same level as the word “miracle”!
The conundrum is … Do the mad-scientists from Jekyll Island risk the ire of mankind and spending the rest of their miserable lives in purgatory, and admit that ‘it’ is a manufactured bio-weapon deliberately created at Fort Detrick – ostensibly to reduce the population of the world, or do they play dumb and hope that it will all just blow-away? Interesting times indeed …
It is of course, a psyop. However, ‘Covid as bioweapon’ is a potentially useful story worth keeping on the back burner should an explanation/pretext for sudden mass fatality and/or WW3 become necessary.
Yeah, I got the ground-glass opacities thrown at me the other day and the same person spoke of how mers, sars-1, zika, ebola were all previous contagions when they’re all fake of course. This one would never have been their first barbecue.
The pea-shell game is an interesting lens to view the charade through but viewing it through the psyop lens you could work out from Day One that it was a psyop when they showed us people falling flat on their faces and laid out on hospital floors and you could predict with certainty there wouldn’t be a virus because in psyops they only do what they want for real and fake the rest. They didn’t want a virus, they only wanted us to believe in one and a real virus – assuming they could obtain one – wouldn’t have worked for their narrative in any shape or form.
Too hasty?
Conversation with my sister today:
A: Do you know about the Oxford High School shooting in Michigan? I saw a girl from that school with her mother on America’s Got Talent. I believe them, if that’s a fake then it’s a very good fake.
P: I vaguely heard of it – didn’t look. They don’t do good fakes. If it’s “good” then it won’t be a fake.
A: Can you have a look at it.
I started reading an article which quickly led to the information in the sentence below:
“For instance, the lawsuit said that Crumbley brought a jar with a bird’s severed head to school Nov. 11.”
P: The first number I’ve come to is 11/11 – it’s fake.
A: Don’t give me numbers, I don’t want numbers, that’s not scientific.
P: It’s good enough for me. If you want to research it go ahead, Wikipedia usually gives the clues (
My sister starts reading:
“When they started fleeing, he “methodically and deliberately” walked down the hallway and shot into classrooms and at students who were unable to escape until he went to another bathroom,”
“Another bathroom?? and why have they got methodically and deliberately in quotes?”
P: See?
A: Yeah, OK.
The triangle is actually a square. The fourth and most significant geometric point was the ubiquitous “People Are Dying!”
No one I spoke to referenced The Virus, The Test or The Disease. It was always “People are Dying!”
For thousands, millions or billions of years People Lived. Then, out of nowhere, they began Dying.
And – so help me God! – people are still Dying, incredible as it sounds.
So there MUST be a Sars2 Disease out there somewhere – right?
Case closed.
In addition there’s the everpresent “Thou shalt not speak ill of the dead” , which means one causes incredible offense to the bereaved should one even hint any doubt concerning “Death by Covid” as to the true cause.
A bit like causing grievous offense to the poor bereaved parents of children brutally slaughtered in staged ‘lone gunman’ events.
Oddly enough the Immune System insists in doing its work…

The deaths did go up. The “first wave” was unusual occuring in April only after lockdowns etc. were introduced. Till then it was an uneventful winter. If they had wanted to set alarm bells off that things didn’t add up waiting till spring would do it.
If you look at the euromomo figures by country and set the end date marker to 2020-25 (25th week) you’ll see an excess spike in the preceding weeks except in Germany and Portugal, I believe the only two countries that didn’t implement the Oxford Recovery and WHO Solidarity aggressive drug trials.
Statistics can be so deceiving.
Oxford, Recovery et Solidarity: Overdosage in two clinical trials with acts considered criminal?
April deaths was “harvesting” (aka mortality displacement) of persons who were likely to die in the next months anyway, due to lockdowns, transfer out of hospital settings, and depended on location. Deaths per capita overall for 2020 didnt go up, but “Covid” diagnosis slapped on everyone and their mother made lots of Covid deaths.
Some places like Japan had 1.5 more flu deaths than “Covid” deaths in 2020 (producing the scary numbers of 2500 vs 1500). Their relabeling machines must have been on the blink. That didn’t please the overlords: The PM in 2020 Abe was assasinated “JFK style” last month (lone nut & poor SS), and his successor Suga was ditched the day after “steel” aka graphene, was found in Moderna shots in 2021. As Bush said, “your either with us or…”
I didn’t loose my smell but I def lost my faith in humans.
I’m afraid it’s chronic.
On average humans are morons, the world will be a far better place when we’re reduced to a few or better still, extinct.
So, are you exempt? Just asking.
> So, are you exempt? Just asking.
Read my post again, moron.
Make a start and kill your family then. What perverse bloody ideology is that, Gates would have you on the board!
Inorder to determine if there is a virus isolation is required. This is so that the Kochs postulates can be carried out. Does the isolated particle cause illness? ‘Virologists’ do not isolate these particles but instead mix a sample of lung fluid with antibiotics and cells. They claim there is a cytopathic effect caused by the particle when such effect occurs with or without the presence of the particle. Control experiments have shown there is no causative relationship between the particle and the cytopathic effect. The particle is the consequence of the cytopathic effect as would be expected according to terrain theory. Since the particle is the result of the experiment: The mixing with antibiotics. The deprivation of nutrients and the accumulation of waste etc. it would be impossible to isolate it from lung fluid because it is created in the test tube. It would be like trying to isolate champagne out of a grape field. Even worse coz ‘the virus’ is computer generated out of the sludge. More like trying to find the label from the champagne bottle in the grape juice.
A must watch to those who are still undecided about the existence of viruses.
A very good friend called some time last year to, almost joyfully, announce he had “Covid”. He was so emphatic.
“I had all the symptoms”.
Not being able to taste or smell was the proof. Plus he had a fever and felt really really bad for a few days.
He insisted he knew he had Covid.
I chuckled audibly.
He was pissed.
He thought he had the undeniable truth and my position that it’s all a hoax was “officially” debunked in his mind.
I explained that every spring I feel the same way when the trees are in bloom and my sinuses are inflamed.
He paused and went quiet. So I continued.
Seriously, I said. I cannot count the number of times I have simultaneously experienced those same, so called, Covid symptoms.
Then his final argument: “I have never felt this sick in my entire life”. My answer: “Your memory has selectively faded. You had the flu.”
Blunt is all I have left………
A few days is pretty quick for “the flu”. According to the CDC a cough and feelings of weakness or fatigue can last for two weeks or longer.
Well, the CDC is full of shit.
Mike… stop referring to the CDC scoundrels!
🤔 In 1986 they say there was 961 “influenza” AND pneumonia deaths:
They were saving on “tests” back then!
“Flu” is a catch word for a bad cold, there has never been an influenza purified isolated virus, thus none of the tests find “it”. It’s another shell game.
“Blunt is all I have left………”
Tell the truth and shame the Devil.
Do you dare criticize official stories? Well you may have to pay millions for upsetting and offending “the vulnerable”:
50 million no less. And note that the words “fascist” and “Right” (in the political sense) both appear 6 times here.
Using the slaughter of 20 little kids and calling it a hoax is disgusting no matter who you are, why would you defend this disgusting piece of shit.
So he was wrong, admitted it and apologised.
Something the other side NEVER do.
Was he wrong? The whole thing is like a big set up.
Of course the official/accepted narrative is a fraud.
The statements of defendants in show trials, especially after the predetermined conviction, prove nothing.
Without reaching the issue of the truth of the matter, the “confessions” and repentant breast-beating and garment-rending are artifacts of the kangaroo-court judicial proceedings.
It’s no surprise that Establishment mass-media gives ample coverage to political prisoners who’ve received, or will receive, guilty verdicts and draconian sentences in the fraudulent “January 6th Insurrection” scam.
By the time most victims emerge from wheels of injustice that grind exceedingly fine, their pious self-denunciations and apologies are probably quite sincere.
Oh, the irony!
Exactly. The willingness to look in the mirror is a rare trait. I’ll go with that person, no matter how flawed.
He wasn’t wrong, and they produced no evidence he was wrong.
Scepticism is always treated this way e.g. as with covid, those who are sceptical are berated for offending against the very reports they are sceptical about.
Were you there to see it with your own eyes or you heard the story from the MSM. Doesn’t it weird that how many school shooting happened since they hell bent on taking away the guns?
I’ll give you 3 little pieces of info, I am not sure they belong to the same puzzle but very likely.
There is a CNN video, still on Youtube where the father of a victim is laughing because was not aware the camera was on, You don’t laugh carefree and happily if you just have lost your child.
See it yourself then try to explain.
There was a list on the internet about these type of crimes and that the murderers were kept in antidepressant drugs, sometimes even two. (Example: German Wings’ tragedy)
Dana Ashlie made a documentary on ‘voice to skull’ tech, where they were showing off that they could make anyone to a mass murderer within just 48 hours, US (can’t recall it was CIA or army).
Watched the video. Just wow. But where do they put the children fi they’re not dead?
Apparently, Sandy Hook school was closed and the real Sandy Hook students attended a different school while the alleged Sandy Hook students who allegedly died attended a different school or perhaps a number of schools?? They may have had no idea they were used for the event … at least at the time. Their alleged parents are not their real parents though obviously their real parents would know what happened. Presumably the kids would see themselves as they got older and ask some questions … who the hell knows how they work these things behind the scenes but they very obviously make it work.
Marilyn, I assume you haven’t looked at Sandy Hook. I invite you to do so and if you find any convincing evidence of a massacre please let me know what it is.
I issued a challenge to put forward 10 points that favour real over fake back in 2017 to which so far no one has responded.
Shootings are staged or instigated and then used for a certain political agenda. Therefore they are a hoax as they are not what we are presented with.
To believe they are what the media and govt say they are is an emotional response just like with covid. There’s a hoax flavour for everyone.
What is disgusting is the use of children to pull the emotional strings of women to forward an agenda. But it never seems to fail, emotions and instincts are essential and unique human aspects that are being used against us.
Oh for fuck’s sake the kids are long dead, give this support for this scum bag a rest, it’s tiresome. Next you will claim the USA didn’t starve 500,000 Iraqi kids to death and Albright didn’t say it was a price worth paying. Jones is rubbish and should sometimes shut his fucking big mouth
There was another mysterious case recently, just 1-2 months ago. It was also very weird to say the least. The parents were around the school in numbers at /right after the shooting but the police was no where.
How is that possible?
There was news that that school was vacant for a while (can be true can be false – but what would anyone gain with lying about it)? Who benefits?
The parents looked fake, no tears, sun-glasses, they were like 3rd class actors, I don’t say they were actors, I say they were very weird or I never would doubt the case.
A bit later it turned out there were some drawing competition for the children, they all painted faces (their own faces if I recall well) with one-eye symbol (half of the face was there or the eye was covered), who encouraged children to paint Satanic (Masonic?) symbol? And why?
I don’t know they really died or it was just another hoax, what I know that the MSM constantly lying to us and that the US gov desperately wants to disarm people – which considering the ongoing depopulation agenda is not such a good idea (I wish I could have a gun, too for self defense just for in case.)
I kindly suggest to you a first question when something like these cases happens: WHO BENEFITS?
The ‘VOICE TO SKULL’ documentary: Be the the judge on it.
They did starve them, The difference is it wasn’t being broadcast on cnn for months. You only know what they want you to know.
Take your hysteria meds!
Critical thinking means investigating challenges to your beliefs. Have you looked at Sandy Hook, Marilyn? … given it even the tiniest peek?
There is not a single – not a single – piece of evidence that favours real over fake … and this applies to every single mass school shooting since Sandy Hook … and probably before. Somehow I’ve never come round to look properly at the Columbine shooting but I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if that was fake too.
If you aren’t prepared to defend your beliefs with evidence how are you in the position to expect others to do so?
Yes, it is disgusting using the slaughter of anyone to one’s advantage. I’m no fan of Jones, but would it be wrong to highlight a hoax if it ultimately turned out to be the case – I’m not saying this was.
It’s not as if the public haven’t been bullshitted before. And it’s not as if governments haven’t considered causing civilian casualties to forward an agenda either.
“Your attorneys messed up”? Now isn’t that curious?
And after over two years of covid, not to mention transgenderism, Corbyn as the new Hitler etc, it’s a bit rich to hear “Speech is free, but lies you have to pay for.” Especlally when the article has this:
“For almost a decade Jones used his media platform to mobilize fascistic and backward social elements in society against the families of the 26 individuals who perished at Sandy Hook, many of whom have faced constant harassment and death threats from right-wing elements. Jones and others like him have functioned as recruiters for alt-right and fascist movements and groups in support for the ongoing conspiracy to overthrow the US Constitution and install Donald Trump as oligarchic dictator.”
Maybe Jones is another pawn or another pantomime performer. But the precedent set here is ominous enough: those who, through “free speech”, question official accounts will be harrassed and charged. And they won’t all have the funds of Jones.
And note how the “mistake” of the attorneys led to that Hollywoodish retort, “You know what perjury is, right?” – as the soundtrack music takes on a triumphalist tinge signalling momentum towards the exhilarating final scene. But I suppose it would have been a bit too obvious to have Jones declare, “You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth!”
Makes me wonder where the 1//6/20 folks are.
50 million? Wow. Imagine how much the convid cult are going to have to pay out! There is all these kids they terrorised into suicide:
They should pay out trillions for the lives they have destroyed, Jones making hay over the bodies of dead kids though was disgusting, but I just checked, he has the money to pay.
what bodies?
*No real paramedics saw any bodies.
*No death certificates.
*’Grieving parents’ laughing and joking and then ‘getting into character’ before they realize the cameras are rolling.
*Photoshopped class photos.
*A ‘parent’ who was also playing a cop – caught on camera, same guy with identical facial wart. (I can’t link because all the YT links are gone to “protect the grieving parents”)
*Gene fucking Rosen
*The ludicrously photoshopped “Adam Lanza” conjured up at the last minute when Ryan Lanza – intended original perp – turned up alive in NYC.
I mean did any of the family even exist beyond “Ryan”? One print ‘interview’ with the alleged dad, Peter, no photos. Where is he?
*The “school” with no kid-size toilets and adult-height basketball hoops and water damage on the walls. What kind of rich parents are going to send their kids there?
That’s just off the top of my head too. There’s much more
I don’t like Jones for alot of reasons, but he is usually right. The videos of Uvalde police using the hand sanitizer in the hallway while there are still shots being fired is educational. While I am assuming the children actually died, the police knew it was going to happen and did not enter the build for quite some time. It was one of the mothers who got out of ‘custody’ and ran into the building – at least according to the site I was on and NO it was not AJ or Mike Adams
i guess having been aware of how corps do, cynical re politics, and watching the propaganda on the g for years helped me see this from day 1.
To return to this image again:
No matter what the origin or intention, this displays a humour that has been utterly absent from all mainstream discourse for over two years now. And the human spirit (if I may be so grand) cannot abide such restriction.
I recall in the early months of the covid crap, a young care worker responding with an aggressive, “Oh my God! It’s everywhere! It’s in my shoes! It’s up my fucking arse! AAAARGH! We’re all going to die!” etc. He knew – or could feel – the essential anti-human ferocity of the whole fraud, the vicious attack that never ended, the voice blaring in your face at every second of every hour of the day. Humanity has an irrepressible drive to explode when confronted with this malevolent soulless calculating attack that never ends.
And to think that Philip Roddis got all huffy about the “intolerance” of covid sceptics! Those who called bullshit on covid felt as if they were a scatted group of ants being trampled underfoot whilst the ear splitting megaphone of viral fear exploded everywhere like a true tsunami.
And naturally the nanny finger wagging “fact checking” sites had to pounce on this image and shrilly declare it “irresponsible” and adopt the sour governess face and lecture us all for the 20 millionth time about how deadly the threat is that we face, how we must care, how we must not show disrespect etc.
A bit like this “Transgender community” that is supposed to be so loving but under attack all the time. And we must learn about how deadly the threat to them is, how we must care, how we must not show disrespect etc.
A 2020-11 survey of 10 million people in Wuhan, China established that those who were “positive” and “asymptomatic” did not infect others (such as their family) they were quarantined with. So, what is the present frenzy in China really about?
To continue with the story of The Science, a 2021-01 study in Germany established the opposite: that asymptomatics are infectious.
Loss of taste and smell?
Every bad and cold I’ve ever had in my life resulted in a loss of taste and smell. I even remember reading an Enid Blyton book from the 1950s in which the famous five were sent off to rural Wales to recover from a bad flu. They were all complaining about loss of taste and once they got to Wales and ate the farm food they found it delicious. There was so much medical research done on this back in the 1970s that I suppose everyone has forgotten about it.
The only thing that has been real in the (pre-vaccine) pandemic era of 2020 was an uneven increase in mortality limited to those who were kidnapped by care homes and hospitals with no external oversight and those who suffered from denial of treatment or being given the wrong medical treatment. (And in the early stages some hospitals simply collapsed from the onslaught of panicked people).
Unfortunately these last three factors still exist.
To attribute loss of smell and taste to the deadly lurgae was a masterstroke. I had work colleagues who had to stay off 10 days because they tested positive. On return they admitted they didn’t have a cough or a sneeze etc. But “I did lose my sense of smell for a bit”. It was as if they didn’t want to be cheated out of their moment in the spotlight and were desperately flailing around for something, anything to show they’d “been through hell”.
That sounds more like they had something weird happen that does not fit with ‘the flu’ at all.
No, it sounds as if they had been worked on by the media. Smell is the easiest sense to doubt. And continued exposure to a smell causes adjustment wereby the smell is no longer so noticeable.
Why would ‘the media’ choose something like that to focus peoples attention on? If they had already had similar experiences then they would conclude it was normal but if there was something unusual then they would believe in ‘covid’ without there actually being any evidence to connect the unusual occurence with the fantasy virus. Microwaves have such effects as interfering with sugar metabolism. That seems to be quite common aswell. How about ringing in the ears, memory loss, difficulty concentrating, anxiety etc?
The media (why the scare quotes?) chose to focus on smell precisely because it’s the easiest sense to embroider.
And as for all these commonplace experiences e.g. ringing in the ears, memory loss, difficulty concentrating, anxiety – well of course the media ropes all that lot in to boost the impression amongst the impressionable that they have covid.
“Every bad and cold I’ve ever had in my life resulted in a loss of taste and smell.”
On the other hand it is typical when someone gets radiation treatment for cancer, especially if the neck or head is affected.
As you doubtless know, this kind of “anecdotal” testimony infuriates True Believers in “COVID-19” who have experienced this symptom. They will angrily and bumptiously insist that they are quite familiar with the loss of smell and taste that one gets from an ordinary cold or flu, and that the loss they suffered was orders of magnitude more intense and persistent
That’s as may be, but what makes them True Believers is that they firmly conclude that this symptom is incontrovertible proof that they contracted “COVID-19”– thus, the alleged disease is very real.
I dislike even mentioning the much-abused term “Occam’s Razor”, but it’s as if they rationalize their symptoms as virtually absolute proof of the existence of “COVID-19” with an implied “Occam’s Razor” logic: I had this ghastly loss of smell and taste; the authorities have been consistently reporting that such loss is a common symptom of “COVID-19”; ergo, the simplest and most logical conclusion is that I must have had “COVID-19”, and it is perforce quite real.
Since I am angry and bumptious most of the time, I feel qualified to reply. I did not get the shot, nor will I. However something was going on. It hit our house like nothing I have ever had before and 9 months into it I still have issues. Personally I do believe that something was released that was genetically modified into the population. My take was that it didn’t do the damage they had hoped, so the ‘vaccine’ will mop that up. Regardless of what is actually true, mocking those who were sick or died or who are still confused should not be the ‘face’ of those who claim the moral high ground. Times are coming when we will need each other in ways that we cannot imagine. When you are eating your house cat and your weird neighbor offers you ketchup to help you stop gagging, you won’t be asking him if he ‘believes in covid’
An amusing aside with all this….a couple of months ago I had the unfortunate event of doing an injury to my thorasic vert 6….this can manifest with a range of very nasty symptoms including impact on walking, use of arms….severe pain especially at night…
when I should have known better…well I didn’t really have a clue what had suddenly happened to me….I went to my local Gp..they instantly assumed stroke as I am over 70…when a CT scan of my head….I took a couple of weeks of being badgered by siblings to go do this…I knew it wasn’t stroke and CT said no brain indication….
then the fun began…drs are sure I must have covid….and be suffering some very peculiar version of same….with side effects….they tried to get me to see a neurologist because of all this….I ended up seeing a chiropractor who recognised what it was and sorted out T6….but the dr was still convinced it was covid….and has been most put out that I won’t believe them…
I would just keep smiling and biting my tongue rather than tell her and another one that I didn’t believe in their magic virus…I hadn’t been sick, just the side effects of lack of sleep and much pain that no pain killer would touch…it was half interesting to watch their obsession with how even someone with odd symptoms to them, simply had to have their virus…thankfully they never even offered to test me and I wasn’t going to ask…
I just wonder how many other folk went misdiagnosed with serious issues because of this obsession that everything that moved had to be covid…
“None of those fast-moving cups bewildering your eye ever actually had the pea inside it.That carnie just played a lot of us for fools.”
It didn’t play OffG Truthers for fools. But it did play most of us for non-specialists who did not notice the significance of one small, vital point that was reported early in 202l by the first specialists when the the first fragment was sequenced from a patient in Wuhan: the spike protein sequence had an insert which could only have been added by Genetic Modification technique. Nobel Prize virologist Luc Montagnier, discoverer of the HIV virus, took one look at that particular sequence and exclaimed:
“This virus is a test tube baby”.
Catte uses the pea shell game: If so, the Spike Protein Insert is the pea; and that GM Altered Binding Site was not never mentioned in the Con-19 shell game. The 3-shell game was played with 3 empty shells; while the pea, the original GM altered virus, was tucked away in one of Dr.Fauci’s Frankenstein Virus Labs in MaryLand, U$A.
The “pea” is that Covid-19 was a “test tube virus” in a U$ designed in a U$ DOD as a Bio-Weapon. This time it failed. But if the UN does not hold a World Conference on Bioweapons, as demanded by Russia and China, a really lethal Flu Virus will escape from one of Fauci’s Frankenstein Virus Labs. And then the sheeple will realize the truth behind the third empty shell of Catte’s shell game: no vaccine can protect a population against a flu virus. (Something that we all know from the annual “flu shots” that never prevented annual flu).
No Nuclear Weapons! No Bio Weapons!
There is no other defense against Nukes and Bio except complete prohibition.
You should have read the whole article.
💢 Chances they ‘isolated’ the exact virus allegedly causing the (non-existent) ‘new’ symptoms – virtually ZERO.
💢 Connection between the alleged new virus and the normal flu symptoms renamed “covid”? ZERO.
So, whatever they claim to have found in the virus they claim to have isolated is irrelevant.
The bioweapon story was always back door propaganda aimed at making the scamdemic seem more real.
Yet you keep promoting it…
The bio-weapon is not the ‘virus’ the bio-weapon is the ‘vaccine’…
you could also say:
‘ the vaccine was not created for the virus, the virus was created for the vaccine’
(not that i believe there was a ‘virus’ isolated, and that the vaccine is actually a gene editing device)
One of History’s Little Ironies: GM virus Covid-19 is a weaker bioweapon than GM Covid-19 Vaxx.
The Con-19 scamdemic is a real enough scam — one of the greatest scams in history.
The Con-19 virus is a real enough virus, parts of it were sequenced by Chinese molecular virologists as soon as Covid-19 flu broke out in Wuhan. The “furan cleavage” gene has now been identified as a gene that was inserted by GM, and patented by Moderna years before the outbreak at Wuhan.
The genome was hypothetical and was assembled by a computer program, See Fan Wu 02.2020 Nature. You have fallen for decoy cause. The paper proves THERE IS NO SARS, its only a registration of a pc made sequence.
I think it’s open for debate whether the science is good enough or consistent enough to know anything for certain. Money talks, however. Many argue funding alone perpetuates climate science, together with agenda-driven government NGOs. It recruits thousands of earnest fanatics, each operating in a specialised field, each assuming there’s a cohesive whole but never looking too closely themselves, each ticking the appropriate boxes on the funding applications and regularly receiving them, if they find the correct results…
Virology is largely model-based science. It has also received a lot of funding recently from bodies linked directly to New Normal / Great Reset agendas.
It’s worth questioning the science at the very least. A2
No-one needs an actual virus or actual labs. All they need is a drum roll, a big introductory PR spin and just wait for the population to experience the inevitable appearance of the regular colds and flu. And let the show begin.
‘Regular colds and flu’ don’t cause deaths tho. How do you explain the excess mortality?
The point I’m making is that the symptoms of cold and flu are commonplace but after these symptoms were rebranded as signs of covid, then naturally everyone would think they had covid.
As for “excess deaths”, originally the “covid deaths” were boosted through, to say the least, questionable criteria. (Deaths of old people with multiple illnesses, deaths occuring within 28 days – or longer – of a positive test). By the time the death count seemed excessive, the effects of lockdown, distancing, masking, lack of access to regular health and consultation, and of course these little poison pellets injected into arms would certainly account for it.
while I agree that covid death totals were exaggerated in many ways, there is still a large jump in mortality from 2019 to 2020 that is real and anomolous. The vaccines hadn’t happened yet, and I don’t think reduced access to healthcare and lockdown effects would cause the magnitude of increase seen (~300k deaths). Also, Fauci’s frantic efforts to assemble a group of researchers to promote the idea that the virus was natural and a lab leak was unlikely (as revealed in his leaked emails) come off as highly suspicious, to put it mildly.
There was barely any excess death in 2019-20. What there was is accounted for adequately by the medical murder of the elderly in care homes, the complete halt to all non-emergency medical procedures, the torture of lockdown, the deliberate misuse of ventilators and DNRs.
You are concern-trolling. And doing so with disinformation. Stop.
I thought the votes were to determine the validity of information here. Concern-trolling? Is that a thing?
It’s been suggested that they laced the flu shots with graphene oxide and other lethal stuff since late 2019. That’s how they were hoping to create a pandemic. However, there were no excess deaths in many countries in 2020.
Yes the Chinese and Italians had new flu vaxes, those are suspect as one cause of illness in 2020, that lead to medically caused deaths.
Spike in deaths in april was from harvesting (aka mortality displacement) of frail persons who were going to die that year (and some others) from lockdowns, and transfer out of hospital care. There was no overall xs deaths in 2020.
The Con-19 scam was announced with a drum roll for sure.
But the Con-19 scam is only 1/2 the story. The more serious half is that the Covid-19 virus had a Gene stitched into it, and that Gene was patented by Moderna four years before the Covid-19 scam.
Russia and China have asked the UN for a Global Conference on Bio Warfare Labs, with special reference to existing U$ Labs. Inserting Dr.Fauci’s “gain of function” genes into such a highly infectious virus as the flu was criminally irresponsible behaviour, and should be prohibited globally.
Its a hypothetical genome, see the discovery of SC-2 in Fan Wu Nature (the mag) 2.2020, its assembled by a computer, there is no GOF in SC-2 as its never been found in nature (not the mag).
Fascinating! So adding an asterisk effectively changes the word before it i.e. renders the word infinitely mutable! Well in that case we can have:
Heat wave*
Climate change*
Pandora’s box is not merely open. It has been blown apart!
I’m sure you didn’t intend the list to be exhaustive, but OTOH expanding it would be far too labor-intensive and cumbersome for a comments thread.
I would’ve included Virus* and Vaccine*, though. 😉
Loosely speaking many people been very careful for the last 2+ years now they added another careful scare with the cost
culof living.Going out Seeing people Mixing will become less as people have to be careful with money spending etc similar psyop – restricting people.
The media has told two kinds of lie. One is the type that violates basic sense e.g. “The penis is not a male organ”. The other is the type that contradicts personal experience e.g. “The heatwave is dangerous” whilst the winds blows and the rain pours. Covid was mainly the latter. The tsunami of corpses pouring over the horizon every day was claimed – or implied – but I recall no visual evidence even on TV where cameras panned around empty corridors, lit on stacked equipment and the occasional patient was shown i.e. someone lying in a bed. Plenty of talking heads and creepy music. And the ubiquitous graphs – animated for more impact.
And does anyone recall those videos of hospital staff taking part in choreographed dances? That was supposedly a thing that would blow the cover off the scam. But it seems suspicious looking back. Unlikely, and these dances were a bit too well choreographed. I reckon that was part of the mind fuck. The slickness of those films seem to signal a spoof. And on the one hand, the covid believers would reject this as a stunt whilst the rulers get to shove your face in what is essentially the truth whilst mocking you with the intended message “You can’t do anything about this, can you?”
Deliberate mixed messages. At the same time as the nurses dances, we were told to clap or make noise en masse for their sacrifices. Shortly after official confirmation that the masks were useless, they were imposed on us.
The vaccines are safe and effective yet they won’t prevent you from getting covid, only a milder version so you won’t need hospitalisation.
Well, you may be hospitalised but you won’t die. Well, you may die but it won’t be so painful. Well, it may be so painful we’ll have to pump you up full of sedatives but you will have done the right thing.
Mentioning Kary Mullis by name would have been helpful to someone who just stumbled in here today.
Concise and to the point. One for the archives.
What’s clear is people will believe whatever the MSM tells them.
Even now the majority still believe the Covid narrative and the jabs are effective.
Really incredible how dumb people really are.
This will never stop until enough enlightened souls rise up and remove the tyrants, take over the MSM and re-educate the sheep with new messaging.
Can see it now the collective blowing of fuses as they are drip fed the truth…
Remarkable time to be alive, just sad for the children.
Your contempt for “people” is a mirror of the elite’s. The belief that an “enlightened” minority know better has been a surefire recipe for tyranny down the ages.
The legacy media is collapsing e.g. Netflix’s value declining by 70% in the last year. Most people refused boosters or to get their children jabbed. Do I wish it was more and earlier? Of course – but it is moving in the right direction.
What about the mask-wearers? Deduct the agents and freemasons – how many does that leave? The two problem groups, it seems to me, are the public sector middle classes whose livelihood and social capital depends on believing in the matrix and those with chronic health conditions who are thoroughly bought in to the medical-industrial complex. Perhaps the ‘woke’ as well. These are the ones still under a spell.
None of this is of course to argue that the minority can be forced to take medical interventions to make the majority feel safe.
These were not medical interventions but terrorist activities. The devastation caused clearly identifies them as such. There is mountains of scientific research to indicate that such activities would cause devastation. The exact opposite of what medical interventions would be.
He is right to show contempt. Not everyone’s lives were equally at risk, but everyone’s liberties were being equally denied based on majority hysteria fomented by the same culprits. The media
Yes, but at the end of the day the injections were a choice. The ones who took them chose to, no one was pinned to the ground by a posse of thugs and forced injected. We need to assign responsibility to where it belongs to as well. ‘Poor us it’s none of our responsibility to think for ourselves’ is not the right attitude.
I’ve seen so many videos on brandnewtube about people being forcefully vaccinated against their will, trying to fight against four or more people, nurses and sometimes other people, dressed as police or military.
All this shit has been forced on people. Even when people are not fighting physically against the majority, they have been forced. Even when people line up to ”do the right thing”, they have been forced because they’ve been lied to, threatened, given false information and continuous propaganda and hypnotic suggestions, and so they have been led astray against their rights as human beings.
People have been forced to obey false authorities, liars and deceivers, money whores, unethical conducts, evil doers, killers and mass murderers.
The Evil uses force to make people its slaves. It uses all kinds of devious acts starting from ”saving lives” to ”there is no other option”.
”You must!” ”This is good for you and everybody.” ”You will DIE if you don’t take the vaccine!”
Fear creates unbalance into human spirit. It is the most efficient method to make a human forget his humanity. The ability to use reason and conscience is erased when FEAR comes into consciousness.
Human spirit can only be human in freedom. Freedom from fear. Freedom, not force.
True, but there’s lots of people who just swallowed the bait, and dont have the patience to even look at another explanation, they just stubbornly stick to the narrative, the eye rollers, the blamers, etc. These persons weren’t forced. They didnt learn critical thinking, maybe their parents, friends, teachers, etc didnt teach them.
This is nonsense. The level of coercion was monstrous.
See previous post.
It’s not that people are dumb but they live in a lie. They are lied to and they repeat the lies to others and to themselves.
Thanks, Catte! Indeed, one of the critical three pieces is a test which looks for a segment of computer code which is hypothesized to be part of a hypothetical genome. 3 dots connected using the premise that… they must be connected. “But i don’t have any symptoms,” said A. And B responded “That’s one of the symptoms.”
The entire process by which this genome was created is not sequencing, by the way, it is assembling. David Rasnick, PhD in biochemistry, who worked on the human genome project, explains the difference well in the first segment of The Virus Delusion video. A bunch of short segments of nucleic acid which were found in a mixture drawn from a cell culture which included material drawn from a human being allegedly sick with “Covid” (determined to be so via… the PCR test. LOL), were translated into code and then a computer program put together all possible combinations of such segments, and out of the million or so possibilities the researchers picked one, based upon… its resemblance to SARS-1, because they assumed that’s what was in there causing people to get sick, and by the way SARS-1 was itself… assembled in the same way, with a computer program.
Asymptomatic spread being one of the biggest lies..
So is symptomatic spread…
No, is Bio-Resonance: signal from the “bad” bacterial/pathogen population to the environment and another organism is starting multiplying OWN “bad” bacteria with no control, until discomfort makes that organism sick.
Nothing can protect the propagation of the signal: “hey, let’s party!”: optical, thermal, sound frequency, electro-magnetical….
Who isn’t scared of an evil-looking spiky grapefruit! 😀
Clot Shots
The whole point of the scam was the poison pricks which the perpetrators hoped would lead to population declines. The whole system is still in place and the population declines are apparently already happening.
Off-G is repeating itself… but it refuses to put up articles on death rates like it refused to put up articles questioning germ theory. I wonder why?
Death rate were and are manipulated data to suit a narrative simply put
Such info is available, but not tied to no. of jabs taken.
For the manipulators, the problem is to somehow conflate pre-jab and post-jab deaths, or blame some other cause before the detailed info gets out.
Bill Gates is supposedly a funder of ourworldindata…
Population decline is already a fact, particularly in the northern hemisphere. To achieve a population balance female fertility should be 2.1. In fact in the northern bloc we are nowhere near that figure. This salient fact has been known for some time. I live in a bloc with six other families. They have produced only 4 children. This is spite of all the women being of child-bearing age. Even when fertility rates are higher, in Africa for example, this still doesn’t add up to global population decline. Now women have become part of the workforce, they want careers, education, and, in addition, recognition with their male counterparts. That fact has already been established, but the covid mythology has reinforced the momentum of this process.
Also the sickening squandering of public finances ….. likely designed to complete the crash of financial systems and present the opportunity for a new and improved system. Aren’t we lucky to have such brilliant sales representatives running our societies on behalf of the moneyed class.
Thanks Catte! Nice breakdown. I remember someone telling me: “But I don’t want to get long covid!”, and this was a person who’d had, just the year before, a flu that left her exhausted for a couple months…hello…?
I think the number one symptom of “long covid” is amnesia. Most people I know seem to have forgotten that they ever had a cold or flu or pneumonia before 2020.
The problem is the belief in viruses.
If the story had been “I am sick, showing symptoms because of the witch next door – who needs to be burnt at the stake for me to recover” then the cause would have been the witch. Now it’s the virus.
The problem for humanity is always ‘out there’. Always someone else to blame. It used to be the devil or the witches who caused crops to fail. The devil needed to be driven out of a person if he showed defiance or severe illness.
Nothing much has changed. Most of humanity is still all too readily superstitious. Most do not want to “do the work” to free themselves.
The virus tales purpose was and is to disguise poisonings. If you happened to being microwaved (covid – serious cases, long covid) or happened to drink water with some formalin (part of the Ebola cases) were sprayed with DDT (US polio epidemic) I doubt that your terrain matters a lot, maybe a bit better chance to recover.
“Commonalities Between COVID-19 and Radiation Injury’
“A woman has shared images of her damaged foot online as a little-known symptom of Covid-19 has left her racked with pain.
Nic Kimberley has been suffering from inflammation in her red-raw hands and feet, termed ‘Covid toe’
The Cotswolds resident has compared her condition to radiation burns from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
Ms Kimberley, who claims to have experienced 150 ‘Long Covid’ symptoms, said was terrified when she first noticed the change.
The 53-year-old said she noticed her feet were a ‘boiling red’ colour in the shower, reports MirrorOnline.
She added: “It’s like radiation burns. I’ve never had radiation burns but I’ve seen photos and watched Chernobyl.”
But we know that radiation is not really a problem. 😉
No Nukes! No Bio! There is no other protection against those weapons.
Those ideas are very similar with my ideas, expressed in the book „Covid, the lie of the century” (Romanian language – „Covid, minciuna veacului”), published in 2020. A summary of the ideas from the book are in this English-language disscussion:
Multsumesc. (sorry, i don’t have the correctly accented letters on my keyboard).