The BBC’s “Unvaccinated”: Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest – Part 2

Iain Davis

Audio Version New Feature!

Part II of Iain’s series breaking down the BBC’s “Unvaccinated” documentary – Read Part I here.

I speculated in a previous article that the BBC would attempt to establish a narrative that would promote and support the UK government’s proposed Online Safety Act. And that is precisely what it did in its would-be documentary, “Unvaccinated with Hannah Fry.”

As presenter of the show, Prof. Fry got the relevant propaganda ball rolling when she introduced the segment that supported the UK government’s censorship agenda. She said:

I am really starting to realise that the problem here isn’t so much about a lack of information as it is about this ocean of misinformation that is incredibly hard to wade through. [. . .] The question is how do you possibly tell, when you see things like this, how do you possibly distinguish fact from fiction.

How indeed.

Next, the BBC filmmakers turned their attention to Will Moy, who hammered home the same message when he spoke directly to the participants on the show. Moy is the founder and CEO of the online fact-checking service Full Fact.

When participant Nazarin suggested that the scientific and medical evidence raising concerns about the jabs should be given equal weight to the studies that support the jab rollout, Moy responded:

Let’s be careful about equal, right. I mean, there is very good evidence that the vaccines are safe and effective.

Was fact-checker Moy stating an actual fact?

In Part 1 of this series, we pointed out that the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has not investigated the potentially huge number of serious adverse reactions and deaths that may have been caused by the jabs.

Absent reliable data on the overall level of risk, no plausible risk-benefit analysis exists. And, absent a risk-benefit analysis, there is no evidence, let alone any “good evidence,” to prove that the jabs are “safe and effective.” Thus, Moy’s alleged fact wasn’t a fact at all.

Moy’s comment to Nazarin also exposed a recurrent theme that ran throughout “Unvaccinated with Professor Hannah Fry.” Namely, the show was riddled with undisclosed conflicts of interest.

Conflict of Interest: Jab Science

Moy intimated that the evidence proving the jabs were “safe and effective” outweighed evidence to the contrary. He was correct only in the sense that the overwhelming number of papers produced thus far have been supportive of the jabs.

But just because there are more “pro-jab” papers it doesn’t mean the evidence these papers provide is stronger than the contrary evidence found in the relatively few papers that question the jabs.

What the proportionately large number of pro-jab papers does indicate, though, is that funding directly and measurably influences the premises and conclusions of so-called scientific research.

This funding bias has long been known to have contributed to a crisis in science. The crisis has been marked by far too many papers that are apparently producing weak conclusions to order.

On the subject of the COVID-19 jabs, for instance, research is frequently funded by the pharmaceutical corporations whose products the papers evaluate. And because government is in league with those very same pharmaceutical corporations, forming what are called public-private partnerships, government’s funding can also present potential conflicts of interest and subsequent bias.

The Cochrane Collaboration conducted a systemic review, published in a February 2009 issue of the British Medical Journal, on the influence of industry funding of published papers studying influenza vaccines.

Cochrane ascribed a “concordance” score to the papers, indicating the degree to which the conclusions were evidenced by the reported study results. If the results strongly supported the conclusion, the paper received a high score; if not, it was given a lower score.

In total, 70% of studies were favourable to the flu jabs but only 18% of papers received a high concordance score. The Cochrane review suggested a high degree of bias in more than half (56%) of the papers. The lowest bias risk was given to just 4% of the papers.

Cochrane established that higher concordance was dependent upon methodology. Where methodology was sound, the likelihood of the study supporting the “efficacy” of the respective jab was lower:

[T]he higher the probability of concordance, the lower the probability that a study’s conclusions were in favour of vaccines’ effectiveness[.]

Cochrane also found that corporate and unknown funding was associated with low concordance and unjustified results in favour of the jabs:

[P]oor methodological quality was associated with a discrepancy between results and conclusions, and this in turn was associated with optimistic conclusions in non-government sponsored studies.

Government funded 48% of the reviewed studies, pharmaceutical corporations 29% and 23% didn’t disclose any funding source. Consequently, the Cochrane Collaboration could not establish a “direct association” between corporate funding and low concordance. All we know is that concordance was poor for the studies with declared corporate funding.

Cochrane also found that the 30% minority of reviewed papers that questioned the jabs had consistently higher concordance than the remaining 70% that promoted them. It also found that the lower-quality, more biased pharmaceutical corporation-funded studies were more likely to be published in so-called “prestigious journals.”

Cochrane speculated that this may partly explain political support for global flu vaccination programmes that fail to properly recognise the risks:

Studies partly or completely sponsored by industry, however, were published in more prestigious journals and are probably cited more[.] [T]hese findings might help to explain the continuation of a near global policy, despite growing doubts as to its scientific basis. [. . .] Those sponsored by industry had greater visibility as they were more likely to be published by high impact factor journals and were likely to be given higher prominence by the international scientific and lay media[.]

In short, Cochrane demonstrated that the funding of scientific research into influenza vaccines influenced both the conclusions and the reporting of those conclusions. Without being able to catagorically state it, due to the proportion of papers that did not disclose funding sources, Cochrane strongly suggested that “pro-jab” papers were biased by industry funding. Nothing has changed.

Moy’s insinuation, that there is more evidence demonstrating COVID-19 jab safety and efficacy, was seemingly a reflection of the number of papers, not their quality or scientific merit. That this unequal distribution of findings in favour of the jabs constituted “very good evidence” was simply his opinion—but it was not a fact. The evidence suggests that he was probably wrong.

For example, the Lancet published a paper, with undeclared funding, that interpreted its own results on waning immunity levels following successive jabs as strong evidence to support “administration of a third vaccine dose as a booster.” Cochrane referred to these kinds of findings as “optimistic conclusions.”

As pointed out by cardiovascular surgeon Dr Kenji Yamamoto, the Lancet paper’s experimental results also suggested that:

[I]mmune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals.

Dr Yamamoto also noted that the European Medicines Agency’s (EMA’s) strategy chief, Marco Cavaleri, had warned that repeated doses of the jabs could lead to problems with the vaccinated’s long-term immune response.

Consequently, Dr Yamamota interpreted the paper’s results entirely differently and suggested that, “as a safety measure, further booster vaccinations should be discontinued.”

This is not the kind of information the BBC reported in its “eye-opening investigation.” It did not address the known conflict of interest that has led to the crisis in science. Had the BBC mentioned Dr Yamamoto’s observations, it is likely that Prof. Fry would have called them “anti-vax propaganda.”

Conflicts of Interest: Will Moy

“Misinformation” is information that is factually inaccurate but is passed along by a purveyor who is ignorant of the inaccuracy and does not intend to deceive. “Disinformation,” on the other hand, is information the purveyor knows is false yet deliberatively imparts with the intention of deceiving or misleading.

As we shall see, however, both of these terms are being interpreted somewhat differently by the nascent fact-checking industry springing up across the globe.

At the very least, Moy effectively gave misinformation to the BBC’s participants when he contradicted Nazarin. The BBC then offered him to the group as an expert on the subject of mis/disinformation. Moy told the participants:

There is genuinely, I think, hard question about where is this balance between, we should all be able to share our own ideas, but some of those things can cause real harm.

The interpretation of “real harm,” as Moy well knew, is key to the UK government’s plans to roll out internet censorship through its proposed Online Safety Act.

The legislation creates the concept of information that may be legal but is allegedly “harmful” to both adults and children. Since there is no definition of “harm” in the bill, the UK government can censor whatever it chooses simply by calling it “harmful.”

Will Moy

Moy introduced the concept of unspecified “harm” into the BBC segment presumably because his company is lobbying and campaigning for the legislation. Belying his claim that it is an “independent” fact-checking organisation, Full Fact was initially set up with seed money from the City of London Corporation, from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and from Rolls Royce, to name a few of its funders.

We can only surmise that global financial institutions, international currency speculators and defence contractors have the interests of the public at heart and want to make sure everyone has access to only the “right” information.

Full Fact is part of the International Fact Checking Network (IFCN), established to police publicly available information on behalf of governments and multinational corporations.

Currently Full Fact earns a fair chunk of its money by providing so-called fact-checking services to social media giant Facebook (Meta). Not surprisingly, in response to these legislative moves by governments around the world, not just in the UK, Meta has already quadrupled its online safety and security teams.

Full Fact’s role with Meta is not to check facts but rather, as explained by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, to ensure that nothing contravenes what he calls “protected opinion.”

Meta’s investment will see the necessary expansion of its thirdparty factchecking program, designed to “fight the spread of misinformation.”

“Misinformation,” it seems, is now considered to be any information that government has labelled as “harmful” or any that contradicts “protected opinion.”

Will Moy is deeply connected within government, having “served on advisory groups” for the UK government’s Economic and Social Research Council and for the Treasury and having regularly given “evidence to select committees.”

For example, Moy was invited to contribute to the February 2021 House of Lords Select Committee on Communication and Digital, where the role of the alleged “fact checker” was discussed.

During that hearing, Dr Lucas Graves, a senior research fellow at the UK Reuters Institute, suggested that the Committee might consider:

[. . .] what sorts of policies we might choose to layer on top of the work of fact-checkers[.]

He also observed:

[F]act-checking organisations such as Full Fact [. . .] almost never think of themselves as wanting to police speech. That is a burden that they are very reluctant to take on[.]

In so saying, Graves revealed the fundamental problem that undermines the entire concept of fact-checking. That is, fact checkers like Full Fact have been empowered to define and arbitrate the “official” truth. Whether “reluctant” or not, they have assumed the mantle of king, on the “fact” throne, from which they rule over not just their own nation-state’s “truth” but also global “truth.”

Take UNESCO’s recent campaign “Think Before Sharing, which makes the allegation that so-called conspiracy theories are dangerous. It suggests that social media users can protect themselves from these dangers by ensuring the authors are suitably qualified and by assessing whether “the tone” of the content is factual.

Putting aside that UNESCO’s first recommendation is to indulge in logical fallacies and its second to value subjective judgements that have nothing to do with evidence, the UNESCO—a global intergovernmental organisation—is also urging people to make sure their sources are approved by “fact-checking sites.”

Today we see fact-check services being used across social media precisely for the purpose of “policing speech.”

The industry would not exist were it not for the age-old but heightened political obsession with controlling information. Politicians seek to use the fact checkers’ “rulings” as justification for their policy decisions.

When those same fact checkers are political lobbyists, whose close relationship with the political class enables them to sell services that are dependent upon policy decisions, the conflict of interest is so profound there is little reason to believe anything they say. Fact checkers are first and foremost defenders of the establishment’s preferred narrative—of “protected opinion,” as Zuckerberg put it.

In the aforementioned House of Lords select committee, Moy tossed around words like impartiality, transparency, accountability. But those noble-sounding goals were betrayed by his rank admission:

[. . .] we are first responders to the emergence of misinformation.

So, who made Full Fact the “truth” authority? For the answer, we need only look at its funding sources: the same corporations, foundations and billionaires who fund political parties and spend millions lobbying for policies that favour their interests. Indeed, Moy exemplified the incestuous relationship between the fact-checking industry and the politicians when he told the select committee:

[. . .] we can identify emerging harms. [. . .] The keystone for us is thinking about harm: what harm would be done if this thing were wrong?

Moy’s testimony to the House of Lords almost certainly followed the advice of Full Facts’ head of policy and advocacy, Glen Tarmen, whose stated remit is:

[. . .] securing changes from those in governments, parliaments, the media, internet companies and beyond that influence people’s exposure to bad information and its harms.

Full Fact is actively influencing government to secure the changes that bolster its business opportunities. Contradicting government on major policy initiatives such as universal vaccinations programmes, is not in Full Fact’s interest.

Back to Moy’s objective in speaking with the participants on the BBC programme. His suggestion that some of their “anti-vaxx” opinions could “cause real harm” was a sales pitch. The BBC’s participants and audience didn’t known that, because the BBC didn’t disclose Moy’s massive conflict of interest.

Conflict of Interest: Professor Adam Finn

During the BBC programme, Prof. Fry took three of the participants to visit Professor Adam Finn. She told them that he has been “instrumental in COVID-19 vaccine research.” Her narrated introduction to Professor Finn noted:

Having led clinical trials for Oxford AstraZeneca and Janssen and the newest vaccine, Valneva, Professor Finn is an expert in how vaccines work.

For some reason, the BBC did not disclose that Prof. Finn is also the leader of the Pfizer Centre of Excellence for Epidemiology of Vaccine-preventable Diseases at the University of Bristol—as later pointed out by Professor Norman Fenton.

The Vaccine Centre of Excellence was opened in May 2021 by then-UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock. Prof. Finn remains its director (official title “lead”) to this day.

In Part 1, we explored the appalling lack of regulation and almost the complete absence of any oversight by the MHRA. Pharmaceutical corporations were able to acquire emergency use authorisation and Conditional Marketing Approval (CMA) for their products without even producing completed trial results.

When BBC participant Ethan asked Prof. Finn how it was possible for the jabs to be developed and approved so quickly, Finn replied:

The speed with which these vaccines were developed was unprecedented. The way it was done, was not by missing out steps that we normally do, it was by taking an enormous financial risk that you wouldn’t normally take.

If we look at the study design of Pfizer’s BNT162b jab, which was the first COVID-19 jab given emergency use authorisation by the MHRA in December 2020, the stated primary completion date for the trial is February 8, 2024.

“Primary completion” means:

The date on which data collection is completed for all the primary outcome measures.

The secondary outcomes have the same completion date. There are “no results posted for this study,” and much of the crucial testing and surveillance was incomplete when the jab was “approved” via emergency use authorisation. For example, the trial design necessitated collection of the following data:

In Phase 1 participants, SARS-CoV-2 serum neutralizing antibody levels, expressed as GMTs [ Time Frame: Through 2 years after the final dose ]

Adam Finn

Pfizer didn’t even submit this data until April 2022, more than a year after millions of people had already been injected with its product. By then Pfizer had rebranded its drug Comirnaty to enable the MHRA to give it Conditional Marketing Authorisation.

Comirnaty and BNT162b2 are one and the same, but branding is required for marketing approval. Yet, though Comirnaty now has marketing approval, it still hasn’t completed trials.

So it is difficult to know what Prof. Finn was talking about. The jabs were not developed with “unprecedented” speed. Development is dependent upon trial results. Trials were planned as usual but aren’t complete and have largely been abandoned. The jabs are yet to be fully “developed,” while experimental testing on the population continues.

How Prof. Finn could describe this as not “missing out steps that we normally do” is equally unfathomable. Pfizer didn’t complete any of the normal steps. The “steps” were ignored.
Then there was his claim about the “enormous financial risk.” This wasn’t a financial risk that the pharmaceutical corporations bore alone, or barely at all. They were supported by their government partners, which pumped billions of taxpayers’ money into jab development.

For example, COVAX brought together the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and Gavi and the World Health Organization (WHO) to “accelerate the development, production, and equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments, and vaccines.”

CEPI’s “investors and partners” include the UK, US, Canadian, German and Australian governments alongside the likes of the Wellcome Trust, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the EU.

It seems it was actually the taxpayers who were taking the “financial risk.” But they certainly didn’t receive a share of the profits.

AstraZeneca posted a 48% revenue increase to just over £22Bn across its entire business for the first half of 2022.

Similarly, Pfizer reported alltime high revenue and excellent profits for 2021, representing 92% operational growth that was mainly driven by sales of its Comirnaty (BNT162b2) jab.

Pharmaceutical corporations have enjoyed fantastic growth and revenues as a result of the pseudopandemic.

The manufacturers of the jabs would not even begin testing their products on the public without government guarantees of immunity from civil prosecution for any harm they caused, which they duly received.

The pharmaceutical corporations’ development costs were supported by government, intergovernmental organisations, philanthropic foundation and other corporate partners, and they had a guaranteed market. Their limited, alleged “financial risk” looks like a sound, very low-risk investment.

There was no “enormous financial risk,” despite Professor Finn’s claim to the contrary. There was an “enormous” taxpayer-funded investment, but the risk, from a corporate perspective, was virtually nil. The product manufacturers faced no liability risk and hardly any investment risk, and the products they delivered weren’t even trialled before being sold and distributed.

Professor Finn appeared to have been eulogising the jab developers, alleging they took enormous risks on behalf of the public. In reality, nearly the entire risk was shouldered by the public. There seems a distinct possibility that Finn’s role, as the head of Pfizer’s Centre of Excellence, influenced his opinion. Given his position, it is incredible that he also told the BBC’s participants:

People like me and people like the regulatory authorities exist as a kind of buffer in between them [the pharmaceutical corporations] and the public. And if results come out that companies might not like the look of, it’s my job to publish them and make sure that everyone knows what’s going on.

Prof. Finn suggested that he and the regulators were somehow independent of the drug industry. Nothing could be further from the truth. The UK regulatory authority, the MHRA, no longer considers itself to be a “watchdog” but rather an “enabler” for pharmaceutical products.

The cost of the MHRA’s alleged regulation is “met by fees from the pharmaceutical industry.” In the UK, as elsewhere, the pharmaceutical corporations fund their own regulatory body.

In response to concerns about Prof. Finn’s undisclosed conflict of interest, raised by Prof. Fenton, the BBC said:

Professor Finn leads a research group within the Pfizer Vaccine Centre of Excellence – where his work in relation to Covid-19 vaccines is independent of Pfizer.

This was another disingenuous side-step by the BBC. Unsurprisingly, the Pfizer Centres of Excellence are funded by Pfizer. And since Prof. Finn heads up the UK Center, he is presumably being paid by Pfizer—unless he’s doing that work for free.

His claim that he will keep the public informed about the science that could damage industry profit margins can and should be questioned, due to his apparent conflict of interest that neither he nor the BBC chose to disclose.

In light of the BBC’s edited broadcast of Prof. Finn’s statements, made during the programme, the chance of him telling the public anything that suggests reason for concern seems remote.

Conflict of Interest: Professor Asma Khalil

In Part 1, we discussed some of the scientific and statistical evidence that brings into question the claims made by Professor Asma Khalil during the BBC programme. Yet her statements were reported by the BBC as if they were unassailable facts.

Specifically, Prof. Khalil told concerned participants that the jabs were beneficial for pregnant women and that “studies show” that the jabs reduce the chance of stillbirth by 15%. She made this claim based upon her own research paper [Prasad et al. — 2022] on prenatal outcomes following the injection of pregnant women with the mRNA jab.

Neither Prof. Khalil nor the BBC informed either the participants or the BBC audience that Prof. Khalil’s statement was “not entirely accurate.” Other researchers have been unable to replicate the results of Prasad et al. When they applied that same statistical analysis to the same datasets, they concluded:

Prasad et al. does not support the statement that vaccination decreases the risk of stillbirth. [. . .] [T]he results cannot be replicated using the same software, the same statistical package, and the same choice as deducted from the publication. [. . .] We notified the authors of these findings, to which we received the reply that the study design stratified analysis is not entirely accurate[.] [. . .] [I]t is perhaps best if such findings are purposefully downgraded to prohibit any grand claims on the protective effects of vaccinations[.] [. . .] [T]hat is not what evidence-based medicine should be about.

Asma Khalil

As we discussed, Prof. Khalil’s other claims about safety in pregnancy do not chime with the current statistical evidence, either. Prof. Khalil hasty assertions would probably have received more scrutiny had the BBC chosen to disclose her conflicts of interest.

The Ethical Considerations section of Prasad et al. lists Prof. Khalil as the Principle Investigator (PI) for “Pfizer COVID vaccination in pregnancy trial.” The Contribution section of Prasad et al. notes that she also “interpreted data and revised the manuscript for important intellectual content.”

NHS England describe Professor Khalil as “one of the UK’s leading medical entrepreneurs.” She is a former director of Trakka Medical ltd, which developed the HaMpton app for monitoring pregnant women’s blood pressure.

The HaMpton app monitors the patient’s biomedical data and links it to public health service patient monitoring systems in real time.

Prof. Khalil is a fellow of the NHS Innovation Accelerator, which, coincidentally, supported her in developing and marketing her app. Her product development, safety licensing and ethical approval were also assisted by the MHRA’s innovation accelerater, whose “innovative licensing and access pathway” enabled Prof. Khalil to “accelerate the time to market.”

This experience may have influenced the advice she gave to the COVAX Maternal Immunisation Committee.

The Committee concluded that policy makers need to be educated to address “misconceptions” about the risk/benefits of the jab. So Prof. Khalil’s “misconception” about reduced stillbirth risks being attributable to the jabs was unfortunate.

The NHS Innovation Accelerator, of which Prof. Khalil is a fellow, is hosted by UCL Partners, which is billed as the largest academic health science centre in the world. UCL’s research partners include the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), UCL (University College London) and Queen Mary University London.

These academic institutions have been instrumental not only in Prof. Fry’s research but also in creating one of the most amazing coincidences in the history of global public health—one that has the BBC right at the heart of it.

It is this unbelievable coincidence and its staggering implications that we will investigate in Part 3.

You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog IainDavis.com (Formerly InThisTogether) or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.
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Aug 13, 2022 3:28 PM

These presenters all seem to be identi-kit – at the very least they’ve been through the same training.

This smiling and jolly persona they put on is covered by “we have to engage the kids” but really it’s a basic psychological trick: people find it hard to accept that someone smiling and jolly is deceiving them.

Aug 13, 2022 9:57 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Heard someone called Richie Sunak talking the other day
It could have been tony blair or david milliband or a host of others
same accent, same intonation, same “meaningful” pauses, same faked “concern”
literally indistinguishable from each other
it’s bizarre and not a little unsettling

Don Johnson
Don Johnson
Aug 12, 2022 7:05 AM

“On the subject of the COVID-19 jabs, for instance, research is frequently funded by the pharmaceutical corporations whose products the papers evaluate. And because government is in league with those very same pharmaceutical corporations, forming what are called public-private partnerships…”

Public-Private Partnership have another name: Fascism.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Aug 12, 2022 8:31 AM
Reply to  Don Johnson


“Public-Private” is supposed to sound all inclusive.

Neither the public nor the private will be in the hands of proles.

It means public gangster government departments and private billionaires.

Aug 12, 2022 8:27 PM

“Public-Private” is supposed to sound all inclusive.

I worked for a state agency (Pennsylvania, USA) beginning in 1981.

During the ensuing decades, I witnessed the onset and metastasizing of the malignant “public-private partnership” scam. The term was definitely used to imply “The best of both worlds!” and “A (long-overdue) ‘win-win outcome’!”

This bureaucratic “Rhetoric of Excellence” also flogged impressive-sounding terms like “consortium”, and “world-class service”.

Aug 12, 2022 2:47 AM

Slightly off topic, but worth remembering and anticipating

Aug 12, 2022 4:43 AM
Reply to  axisofoil

Yeah mate your retard film claims communism killed 100 million people and they took your guns away! AKA it is beyond dumb and riddled with lies like all anti communist propaganda

Aug 11, 2022 6:44 PM

Iain Davis cites the work of the Cochrane Collaboration back in 2009. Just in case anyone didn’t know, sometime in the past decade the CC ‘went over to the dark side’, to quote Dr. Malcolm Kendrick. I can’t recall the exact time when it happened, but after that cut-off date CC publications aren’t worth the paper they’re written on. So best ignore them, like so much other ‘medical (mis)information’.

Aug 11, 2022 6:35 PM

If these ‘interest conflictors’ were my children, I’d disown them.

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Aug 11, 2022 2:36 PM

The program reminded me of the Conspiracy Road Trip where they tried to convince 4 conspiracy theorists that the government story of 7/7 was true. I tried to get on this program getting reply emails as I have researched the 7/7 topic to a great extent . Mostly due to the July 7th truth campaign and the many independent documentaries and terroronthetube. But I was considered to old. I was told the target audience was aged 20-30. The reconstruction effort to prove the government story did not start well , when they failed to catch the train from Luton in the given time. But they decided this was not important that buying a ticket and catching a train to get to London in time to get to the trains that they were going to blow up was not accomplished. Those taking part complained of heavy editing as with the Unvaccinated. The final gotch moment was then supposedly showed a bomb being made using black pepper and concentrated hydrogen peroxide that they supposedly used to blow up a bus.
I complained to the BBC about elements of this program. Sidney Alford an explosives expert supposedly constructed the bomb in front of the cameras. The fact that he was wearing a T shirt with his arms exposed no face mask, very light gloves and goggles as he poured in was meant to be concentrated hydrogen peroxide and prodded this supposedly dangerous mixture with a wooden spatula in front of the camera. As I pointed out to the BBC a still frame capture showed the bottle was labelled water. They then placed this box in the wrong place in the middle of the top deck instead of the back before pretending to fit a commercial detonator as opposed the home made allegedly used. Before blowing up the bus. The black and grey smoke from the explosion looked like TNT.

The black pepper was a very late entry into the ever evolving story of the explosives used to blow up the tube trains and the bus. The first experts to examine the scene were convinced that a military grade high explosive was used. It was repeated this was defiantly not home made. A team was sent to Bosnia to try to trace the source of the explosives. When they switched to home made they could never make up there mind what it was. With much contradictory evidence.
The heavily controlled 7/7 inquest could not prevent the evidence that there were multiple holes in the train carriage floors. So just ignored that this totally contradicted the official story.

Aug 11, 2022 7:26 AM

a superb post mortem, well evidenced and written

BUT when taken in the light that those that aint had it aint having it AND those that had one or two aint having no more and that nothing, not even the “fact checked” bbc brain washing paedo cultish fuksters pushing it will change anyones mind…

it just reminds you that its all distraction, as far as tptb see the jabz will sort a billion perhaps, but as for the other 6.5 its back to plan a, b, c, d and so on

5g rollout, whatever the shit they are sprayin in the air, geo-engineering and all the other stuff and things we aint seen yet, these are the things we need to focus on.

specifically the “things we aint seen yet” and i have a feeling they start coming this october

these fuckers are losing, but as we know they are sore losers and still have a few tricks up their sleeves

imho, i do not believe they win, they know this too, but they are most capable of turning the lights off as they leave the room
there are alot of dodgy sites out there quietly processing nuclear waste, that once deprived of leccy….

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Aug 11, 2022 2:44 PM
Reply to  Duckman

You’re right. The vaccine “debate” is a distraction, as well as all fact-checking blather The facts are that civil populations are being systemically poisoned by geoengineering chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, and above all, electromagnetic broadcast. The medical profession is a complete fucking joke.

Aug 11, 2022 7:01 PM

In particular, an Off-Guardian article and before that a survey of readers who see suspicious aircraft at work might be of use. When, where, … other details? I see references on other forums to ‘unmarked’ planes leaving trails which didn’t disperse rapidly. Two eye-witness statements on the same event is more use than just one person’s account.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Aug 12, 2022 1:51 AM
Reply to  Neil

Hello Neil: There are numerous videos of jet aircraft releasing various dispersants. Here are a few links to pertinent information. >




Aug 12, 2022 3:26 AM
James R
James R
Aug 11, 2022 7:03 AM

Happy to report that in all my 66.6 (Yes, I know, but use it or lose it…) years, I have never owned a TV or paid these shallow state pimps a single penny. Used to listen softly to TMS when Boycott batted to help me drift off to sleep, and remember Jack de Manio and Brian Redhead when ‘Today’ wasn’t merely a semi-toothless orifice filled with an amalgam of the ‘arts’.

Walked into a room (seems like an age ago now) where the entity was showing worshipful would-be-jabbeds queueing in Salisbury cathedral and realised that something was afoot. Only question: was it evil, Evil, or EVIL?

Must admit though to being impressed when I saw on You Tube that bint foretelling the collapse of that building that wasn’t hit by a plane on 911.

rik myers
rik myers
Aug 11, 2022 4:39 AM

IAN lost his credibility trying to claim Russia was in on the NWO GREAT RESET crap

Aug 12, 2022 4:47 AM
Reply to  rik myers

They still are. At no point has Russia dropped any NWO nonsense

Aug 11, 2022 3:39 AM

We need to put the doctors “On The Spot”. Ask any doctor the “Pro or Ho” question.

Is your doctor a medical professional or a paid whore for the pharma cartel? A simple question for your doctor to determine if they are a “Pro or Ho”:

“Should healthy children under the age of 12 get the shots?”.

If the answer isn’t “NO” then you have a “Ho”. There is no “yes” or “it depends”. The IFR for healthy kids is so far to the right of the decimal that they have a statistically ZERO chance of dying from covid. It is of zero benefit for them to get the shots. It also is of zero benefit to anyone else because they will still get it and transmit it, injected or not.


Aug 11, 2022 9:33 AM
Reply to  TRM

Your focus on children alone might make you what you accuse others of. Why should anyone have to take any unproven – or proven dangerous – treatment for an imaginary disease, while being denied treatment for existing critical illnesses?

Aug 12, 2022 4:48 AM
Reply to  TRM

Have you been watching “the thick of it”?

Aug 11, 2022 3:16 AM

I guess I don’t see where the BBC has any conflicts of interest. They are part of the machinery.

This then rules out the conflict of interest.

I don’t think it is a matter of undisclosed rather it should be understood.

The BBC is doing just what it is designed to do.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 11, 2022 10:14 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Yes that’s basically it. The entire programme was based on a dogmatic assertion – indeed THE dogmatic assertion constantly presupposed ever since spring 2020 – that we are living in some kind of viral endtimes. That’s all you need to know. Everything else follows from that. Once you have blandly presupposed the initial bullshit, all the other bullshit follows.

susan mullen
susan mullen
Aug 11, 2022 2:06 AM

Nothing will change in US or UK as long as UK Monarchy exists. The Queen’s 12/31/2021 honors list included two people from vaccine companies, “Dr. Alexander Roderick MacKenzie. Chief Development Officer and Executive Vice President, Global Product Development, Pfizer. For services to Public Health during Covid-19. Sean de Gruchy Marett. Chief Operating Officer, BioNtech. For services to the development of a Covid-19 vaccine.” https://metro.co.uk/2021/12/31/new-year-honours-list-in-full-as-covid-heroes-and-sports-stars-recognised-15845603/

US cares only about global conquests and creating misery, is happy to have UK as a supporter if not a partner. War is the US Deep State’s only business, its only reason to exist and only excuse for being a parasite on taxpayers. Justin Raimondo said Bush wars cemented the end of America as founded (with a big assist from Truman) and converted it to an aspiring Empire–which meant first conquering and enslaving Americans, which they did.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Aug 11, 2022 3:14 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

Quite correct. All lives of United States citizens were hypothecated (pledged as financial securities) in 1933.
hypothecate (haɪˈpɒθɪˌkeɪt)
1. (Law) (tr) law to pledge (personal property or a ship) as security for a debt without transferring possession or title
2. (Economics) to allocate the revenue raised by a tax for a specified purpose. See also

Hypothecated – definition of hypothecated by The Free Dictionary

The Crown Empire and the City of London Corporation
By Julian Websdale
The Crown Empire and City of London Corporation | Wake Up World (wakeup-world.com)

All public information and readily available.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 11, 2022 1:36 AM

The real question is not about anti-vaxxers’s misinformation or not, nor about whether these shots are “100% safe and effective” (Australia’s former prime minister, Scott Morrison), but why are they pushing them onto everyone so relentlessly?

I mean have they been coercing everyone or even subsidising bi-annual dental checks to avoid Australia’s No. 1 biggest killer – heart disease, given that poor oral hygiene is a major cause?

Aug 10, 2022 11:38 PM


Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 10, 2022 11:29 PM

No words will ever stop this.

Aug 10, 2022 11:21 PM

Sharp revelation of information.

Notice the NLP is: ‘Jabs’ and ‘vaccines’… but quite glaringly not: Immunisations


George Mc
George Mc
Aug 10, 2022 9:46 PM

Oh fuck I’m pending again at 9:45! I am not a number! I am a free man!

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 10, 2022 11:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc


This poor man

Had few fans

And his boss wouldn’t pay him…

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 10, 2022 9:45 PM

The topic of whether it was legitimate to compare the covid crap to what happened in Nazi Germany turned up recently. But I have noticed one big similarity though it may sound odd to state it. Both are concerned with a notion of “something dangerous”, “an external threat”, “contamination” which turns out to be totally beyond the power of banishment because it isn’t part of empirical verifiable reality.

The Nazi concept of “The Jews” amounts to a paranoia about some “subhuman” species that only looks human. There are defining physical characteristics to mark “Jewishness” i.e. the stereotypical stuff. But I reckon that even had the Nazis managed to fully implement an extermination programme without interference, they would never have been satisfied that they really had eradicated “the menace”. Their definition of “Jewish appearance” would have snowballed, perhaps even finally aiming at all with dark hair – and therefore “insufficiently Aryan” who are usually seen as blond. That Hitler himself was dark haired wouldn’t natter since contradictions can always be covered by some pseudo-reasoning – such reasoning being what the whole projet is based on anyway.

And at this point, it becomes clear that we are dealing with a concept that might be described as superstitious and supernatural – akin to the medieval notion of demons.

Covid follows a similar path. It is a disease that can be spread through the air and causes symptoms similar if not identical to those of the common cold. (Of course all this is sanctioned by “The Science” but then again the anti-Semitic thing also had its “scientific gurus”.) But the single biggest leap into “the transcendent” came with the tests and the “discovery” that covid could be “asymptomatic”. So now a black mark on a piece of plastic is enough to “mark” one as “lethal”. The ones so designated may feel fine. The  “illness” is no longer restrained to the feeling of being sick i.e. the sick are no longer sick! They have been “marked”.

And like the extermination of a “subhuman race”, the elimination of covid is an infinitely receding goal. The contamination could be anywhere and everywhere. Any intelligent person should have seen this as far back as March 2020. There was a viciously circular quality to the entire matter. Admit the “invisible enemy” and he never goes away. Indeed, although the tests marked a definite mutation of the illusion, the fraudulence was there already: the healthy were quarantined. Thus the distinction between the healthy and the sick was already minimal if not non-existent.

Thus covid, like Nazi anti-Semitism (and, to be sure, so much else e.g. American McCarthyism) is fundamentally a resurgence of the old fear of demonic possession.       

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 11, 2022 4:32 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Interesting observations, George.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 11, 2022 9:07 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Thanks Petra. I assume the downvotes are from those suspicious of the entire Holocaust paradigm. For what it’s worth, I am too. (First rule, rarely followed, of a critical project: Always go for the biggest taboos, the areas most determinedly fenced off by emotional blackmail.) But my comment was purely in terms of the logic of racism taken to an extreme. Which is the same as the logic of the viral scare tactic: abandonment of all empirical verifiable reality.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 11, 2022 1:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

George (and ADMIN), I just gave you THREE upvotes, and all three of them registered. (This might well explain how your post got six downvotes!)

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 11, 2022 1:38 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

I have returned the favour. Three upvotes all from me!

Aug 11, 2022 8:09 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

The voting feature is buggered again. The “toggle” allowing erroneous votes to be removed no longer works; clicking the arrow just tallies another vote.

Also, I haven’t investigated systematically, but I think votes are disappearing again.

FWIW, I reported the first issue to “management” via e-mail a few days ago.

So far, neither a direct response nor any administrative communications I’ve seen addressing this malfunction.  😠 

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 11, 2022 9:41 PM
Reply to  Ort

I don’t understand how such a ‘malfunction’ can occur at all unless someone is fiddling with the programme.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 10, 2022 9:15 PM

For those souls – and they are clearly in the majority – who still depend exclusively on the mainest of the mainstream i.e. TV, the “mood being set” (which, as Michael Parenti quite rightly noted, is the most important – indeed possibly the only important – reason for the news) is one of uncompromising terrorism. It galls me that my poor old ma is subjected to this and swallows it all. I’ve told her covid is a con and she’s vaguely nodded to that …. and an hour or so later she loudly wonders what we’re going to do to defeat this deadly virus etc.

So – the TV news is juggling these balls:

-various viruses, (“Polio: Do we have to worry about it once again?” – hint: that’s not really a question.)

-escalating volcanic style temperatures

-impending droughts

-soaring energy bills whose thunderous rise is just so inexplicable though it has apparently something to do with these damned Russians (This is intensifying even as I speak: “Energy bills could go up before October price cap rise”. Kick them when they’re already down – and note once again how there is no “price cap” on media sadism.) 

-and finally those damned Russians themselves and the latest graphically described atrocity with suitable weeping interviewees, some of whom perhaps even being Ukrainian.

To those aforementioned souls, the above is the news. So I’m guessing that their minds will be experiencing the expected and clearly intended deflation. Now – to project this a little forward, the Big Killer Winter so gloatingly contemplated in the media (“heating or eating”) will take its inevitable effect on the already weakened psyches of the population.

And – here comes the real blow: two previous “down” winters signal an unending succession of same.

A war of attrition indeed!

Aug 10, 2022 10:40 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Re your old Ma. It triggered a memory of my da, who had vascular dementia for 4 or 5 years. He repeated the last few words he heard in a comment, it was one of the ways dementia works where he held on to understanding through holding the words as parts of his mind slipped away. Echolalia. Perhaps our brothers and sisters in delusion echoliate the news like an oracle to keep away the terror. Also the last one they heard could be the oracle, and the box just bangs on about it all the time. My mam switched it off now and at 86 she got a new breath.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 11, 2022 10:19 AM
Reply to  mig

Glad to hear about your ma. My ma has one bright spot: she watches something called “Ancient Aliens” which I believe follows on from the Graham Hancock/Erich von Daniken thing and contains more truth than anything else on TV i.e. even if it contained NO truth whatsoever, it would still contain more truth!

Aug 12, 2022 4:54 AM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s amazing how many truth seekers don’t know about Parenti. Or the latest research on the ussr etc which he has taken part in.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Aug 10, 2022 9:10 PM

It’s just as bad in Australia. The main hysteric is a WHO and Bill Gates shill Norman Swan who has created hell on earth here with his lunacy – he works for the ABC and every ABC journo parrots his talking point every day. To the ABC to this day a fake RAT or PCR denotes an ”infection” and they keep claiming that people over 80 with 3 or more pre existing serious conditions and 3 or 4 jabs are dying of covid based only on the RATS and PCR’s.

They are now peddling the poison for new born babies for fuck’s sake, they are nothing but dangerous crackpots.

The NINE papers who own two mast heads and Channel 9 TV have a former treasurer Peter Costello as president, he also runs the ”future fund” for public service retirement funds and has invested billions in vaccine companies.

The Burnett Institute of crackpots is fully funded by gAtes and vaccine companies and keep telling the lie that they prevent death even though 12 times more people have died here since the jabs started with at least 1,000 already directly from the jabs, bearing in mind only about 1 in10 are ever reported.

The Doherty Institute in Melbourne is in the same university and is in bed with Pfizer and other drug companies and the head used to work for Fauci.

The Kirby Institute in Sydney is in bed with Faucis institute of infectious diseases, the Queensland uni is funded by Gates, the South Australian ”specialists” at Adelaide UNI are funded by Gates and the former government did a dirty deal with Google and the Australian Science media centre funded by big pharma and Gates.

It’s a cesspit of fake news, hysteria like ”the virus has more tricks up it’s sleeve” and on and on day in and day out. The Victorians are so fucking dumb they still believe every word said by the crackpots.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 10, 2022 10:20 PM

Correct Marilyn. It’s all a matter of following the money trail. You know that Victorian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton was an associate of the Burnett Institute here in Melbourne prior to him taking on the role of CHO, and his sister in law is Jane Halton who attended Event 201 in October 2019 and she seems to be one of the major players in the covid pysops.
She is married to Trevor Sutton, the Head of the Australian Census. The Age paper described Brett Sutton as “the thinking women’s crumpet” and that he has “really dreamy eyes”. The media here revolt me.
Money and corruption on a massive scale has driven this crime. Remind me again, how much are doctors and pharmacists being paid for each fully vaccinated person they jab? The moral and ethical bankruptcy in this country is jaw dropping. All greased over by money $$$.
And what can you say when adults have been jabbed at least 3 times yet they’re still wearing facemasks outside? And they still believe the convid crap after 2.5 years. I’m asking some of them now if they’ve heard of the Elephant Pox. They think I’m serious.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Aug 10, 2022 10:59 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yeah I know all about the vile Halton who invented the fake kids overboard story, but I rest my case again, Victorians are the dumbest fucknuts in Australia

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 11, 2022 4:57 AM

Marilyn, when you know that part of a story is fraudulent it’s always good to question if the whole story might be. What says the whole story isn’t a fraud?

I highly recommend the film, Leaky Boat (the title is so very deliberate), made by Screen West/Screen Australia, which, underneath the propaganda, completely gives the game away.

2001 events:

  • Late August – Tampa affair
  • September 11 – 9/11 (when Little Johnny just happened to be paying a “surprise” visit to Washington)
  • October 6 – SIEV 4, “the children overboard”
  • November 10 (can’t get closer to 11/11), federal election

“The Tampa presented an opportunity. If an Australian boat had performed the rescue, the refugees would have gone into detention in Australia but here a large Norwegian rabbit had appeared from the hat of the Indian Ocean bringing for the first time the chance to say no.”

Appeared out of a hat? Oh really?

At 27 mins in
“In the weeks after September 11th, the government’s polls continued to climb. John Howard called the election.”

John Howard:
“This is a time, of course, to choose strength and purpose and stability over the alternative.”

Stephen Mills, New Zealand Political Researcher, smilingly:
“It was as close as you can get to a khaki election, that’s an election that’s held during a war where incumbents are usually massively favoured and fear, anxiety, hatred, anger tend to rule voting choices.”

“The very evening that Howard called the election, the most talked about, most misunderstood and most significant of the leaky boats that came that spring set sail, SIEV 4, the boat that came to be called the Children Overboard boat. On board with her mother and brothers was Zaynab Hassan. It was the first time she’d been on a boat.”

Smilingly, Zaynab, an Iraqi refugee, says:
“For us as young kids, for me and my brothers it wasn’t like scary, it was sometimes exciting to be on a boat … it was like a movie or a cartoon.”

Like a movie or cartoon? Oh really? Not in the least credible. I became a penpal of a refugee held in detention and his description of his trip sounded like pure terror and hell similar to other refugees’ experiences.

Able Seaman Bec Lynd, on HMAS Adelaide, was told that a lot of the people on those vessels came from possible “terrorist countries” and our job was to stop any immediate threat to our country.
Question: What’s a “terrorist country”?

“The Adelaide fired 23 rounds across SIEV 4’s bow. The refugees matched the escalation instantly.”

A little reminiscent of the fish swimming across the decks of the Tampa. How credible is this? And the refugees were all set up with weapons in a leaky boat to match the escalation instantly, were they?

What those in power do is manipulate our thinking by appealing to our finer emotions. They manipulate us shockingly by appealing to our emotions and it’s something we really need to watch out for. I’m much more a thinker than a feeler so I’m not so susceptible but I can see that others are much more feeling than thinking – there’s nothing wrong with that, in fact, of course, it’s good that people feel and I think I don’t feel enough, it’s just that it makes you more susceptible to those in power who will exploit whatever they possibly can about who we are.

Aug 11, 2022 11:26 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 12, 2022 6:06 AM
Reply to  Frances

That link doesn’t work, Frances, but this one does.

So Abbas was a Fulbright scholar. How ’bout them apples!

It may well be that Abbas was rescued from some terrible leaky boat in the middle of the ocean but it wasn’t the one alleged to be rescued by the Tampa because that was a fake boat. In this video about him, the image at 2:01 isn’t very convincing, is it? Looks faked.

The film, Leaky Boat, says it all as clearly as can be, I mean, they simply could not make it clearer. All fake, all designed for Libs to stay in at the 2001 election for an easy ride to be part of the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

How would I have worked out those boats were faked unless someone told me? I couldn’t, someone had to tell me … and it was the perps, themselves, they told us loud and clear.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 12, 2022 6:39 AM
Reply to  Frances

Just to say, Frances, that the immortal words of Sherlock Holmes are really worth following. Something can look like something and seem to debunk something else … but it doesn’t. You really need to be ruthless in your appraisal of the evidence. Just because someone has written a book about a harrowing experience and seems to fit “genuine” doesn’t mean they are. Abbas could easily be a genuine refugee … but since he became a refugee he’s been selected to be an agent and to lie about his past – at least as far as the Tampa rescue is concerned. I really couldn’t say what Abbas’s history is but what I can say without a shadow of a doubt is that the Tampa refugee boat was fake. There is no doubt and Abbas’s book does not debunk that claim.

When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Aug 11, 2022 11:57 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I worked on this for years, there is nothing you can tell me about any of it. Go to the website sievx.com and you will find my paw prints.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 11, 2022 2:29 PM

So you believe Zeynab when she says:

“For us as young kids, for me and my brothers it wasn’t like scary, it was sometimes exciting to be on a boat … it was like a movie or a cartoon.”

You believe that?

David Ray Griffin has written 10 books on 9/11 but he still doesn’t understand what kind of event it was. When I told him it was completely staged apart from the buildings he said that he’d met the relatives of those who died.

My neighbour for 13 years with whom I was good friends was Julian Assange’s father and when I told him the film Collateral Murder was faked he said he’d met the relatives of the Iraqi journalists who’d allegedly died.

But it was all designed for them to meet the relatives of those who allegedly died. That’s what intelligence does – they introduce people who investigate or who are in some way connected to an event to the loved ones of those who allegedly died … but it’s all fake.

Watch the film, Marilyn. Those boats were staged to get people all worried about refugees invading us in boats so they’d keep the incumbent in. They told us that in the film underneath the propaganda.

3 major events, bang, bang, bang before the federal election – you really think they’re just coincidence?

They tell us they faked them, they tell us underneath the propaganda.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Aug 11, 2022 7:40 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I met two of the women who survived the horror of Sievx – they were very real humans with a very real story to tell

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 12, 2022 12:50 AM

They could have survived other boat journeys and simply been asked to pretend it was SIEV-X.

Not so surprisingly, really, this was a bi-partisan faking. This isn’t exactly the kind of “horizontal” Catte speaks of in her article, it’s more another kind:

Watch for a couple of minutes from 14:09:

Defence tells you what is really going on and what is said by both Defence and the refugees does not add up.

Kim Beazley
“And in these circumstances this country and this parliament doesn’t need a carping opposition.”

Comment: Beazley touches his nose in a seemingly obvious fashion twice. Touching the nose is believed by some, at least, to be body language indicating deception (here someone suggests, interestingly, possibly a sign of internal conflict). Was Beazley helping Howard to his election win? What’s going on here? Carmen Lawrence, Labor member, wasn’t in accord with Beazley but is she a “controlled opposition” to Beazley or genuine? If genuine, I’d say she’s about the only person in the film who is.

Why? Presumably, they thought the Liberal party was a better vehicle for agreeing to be part of the invasion of Iraq than Labor.

I corresponded by mail and then by phone with an Afghan refugee, Abed Ahmad Shah, who was first detained at Port Hedland and then in Perth. He went through absolute hell – he was charged with being part of a riot but says he wasn’t and I believe him – he tried to suicide at one point. Finally, he was released and was doing OK. He’d got a job with the mines and was earning reasonable money. Then his mobile phone went dead and so after I time I simply googled his name to see if I could find anything on him as I knew no one he knew – we were on opposite sides of the country and had never met. To my absolute horror I found he’d been murdered by his ex-housemate, another Afghan refugee, with mental issues, no doubt if not caused by, exacerbated by what he’d gone through.

Recently, I googled again to see what I could find and I discovered that a woman, Vanessa Russell, who’d also been in contact with him had written a book about him which I read. I told her I’d bought it before I read it but haven’t got back to her which I feel guilty about.

Those boats were faked, Marilyn, it’s beyond obvious. Many others certainly weren’t but those were.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Aug 12, 2022 8:15 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

No they weren’t – you are just an idiot crackpot

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 12, 2022 12:39 PM

I see 353 people allegedly died on the boat. The same number as the number of fire-fighters who allegedly died on 9/11.

What a coincidence.

I understand, Marilyn. How refugees have been treated is abysmal but wherever anything gets a lot of media coverage … the real bad stuff doesn’t get it.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 13, 2022 4:14 AM

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

If you believe that those in power would not stoop to faking refugee boats for their nefarious agendas nor stoop to hire people to pretend to be refugees on those fake boats – I mean how easy – promise citizenship and bringing family over – who’d refuse? – then you obviously have no clue who these people are.

And when you don’t understand these people (or how your emotions can be manipulated by them) you end up doing their work for them. Do you think they don’t anticipate the people who will respond one way and those who’ll respond another? Of course they know … it’s a numbers game … so there’ll be those who’ll respond with fear of invasion and vote to keep the incumbent in and those who won’t … but they know the first group will exceed the second in size and that’s what counts.

WTFU Marilyn and get over your cognitive dissonance. I know it’s tough but it’s got to be done.

Aug 11, 2022 6:22 AM

The vile one here seems to be you.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Aug 11, 2022 11:57 AM
Reply to  Zane

Really, and how is it vile to call out the liars and shills.

Aug 11, 2022 11:18 AM

You should meet some Queenslanders.

Aug 10, 2022 10:41 PM

For Australia it looks to me like there was too much vitamin D due to the climate for ‘the test’ to be triggered as ‘positive’ in 2020/21. A significantly white population that absorbs lots of vitamin D in a very sunny country. That is until the changes made with ‘omicron’. They moved the goal posts so they could get more ‘positives’ out of the same ‘test’:

I would say a large proportion of the deaths are caused by ‘covid treatment’ so the ‘test’ can lead to more deaths and so can ‘the vaccine’ by increasing the number of people ‘treated for covid’. Given that the coup is now over 2 years underway other changes may have been introduced for all sorts of ‘diseases’. Comparing with the northern hempisphere Australia makes me think ‘the treatment’ is more dangerous than any other part of it since there is this surge in deaths following the Omicron changes:

These ‘hospitals’ need to be shut down or otherwise seriously modified. Leaving these maniacs to continue to weaponise medicine is a recipe for disaster.

Aug 11, 2022 7:37 AM

oh yeah that fuckkwit swan, the sleazy pharma slut who crows of his 4 injections plus the paxlovid (AVOID lies within) pills, and says he’s had 2 bouts of COVID . . . more like 2 bouts of onset vax (poison) induced AIDS.

and OMG PHARMA-KRIM’S ABC fear porn megaphone proclaimed the discovery of a SECOND case of MONKEPOX in West Australia!!! All are now doomed!!

Oz: Pfizer’s lucrative vaxxed bio-tech vax-zombie penal wasteland

Aug 10, 2022 8:51 PM

Prof. Khalil told concerned participants that the jabs were beneficial for pregnant women and that “studies show” that the jabs reduce the chance of stillbirth by 15%.

Actual data is coming in showing a substantial decline in births 9 months after the jab campaign. This graph is for North Dakota.

comment image

The UK appears to have stopped reporting birth data:

In fact we are looking at a roughly 10% drop in women giving birth in England for Feb 2022.

But there is another issue with this chart. This is the July chart. It is EXACTLY the same as the June chart. In other words – they stopped updating the data – and we know what it means when they stop reporting data.

I’m still looking for better, more granular data, but this is yet another red warning sign on birth rates out of one more country.


In light of this the BBC’s claims the jab reduces still births appear particularly suspect.

Aug 10, 2022 9:16 PM
Reply to  Mike

Isn’t it interesting that someone can cook up “research,” by creating a table and create a cool picture to go along with it and people think it’s legit? That is all that this CONvid is based on. Stop TESTING!! I want to scream that at people. It’s not even a test. It’s a PLOY to create fake #’s based on NOTHING! That’s how these whole Plandemics keep going. Computer generated pics showing charts and graphs to scare people. Question Everything! If the graph doesn’t support questioning, sovereignty, transparency, choices, Freedom and Truth, then chuck it–it’s a LIE. I do a lot of chucking.

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Aug 10, 2022 8:43 PM

Unbiased, boils down to Countries who historically injected for ‘flu’.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 10, 2022 8:29 PM

Pend a little time with me at 8:27 PM

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 10, 2022 8:27 PM


Embedded within the Enlightenment was the idea … of a progress that functioned like a sterile laboratory. The perfect world was envisioned, tacitly or overtly, as a lab. The emphasis on solutions was one that did not question if the results found in the lab might not work outside the lab. Better to just make the world outside the lab exactly like the lab. No other world was acceptable. The real world would have to be destroyed.

So imagine the cast of Big Bang Theory but stripped of their cutesy nerdiness. Imagine them as utterly humourless and indeed with all emotional development annulled. Also imagine them with a nasty paranoid streak that positively hated the fact that the world outside their infantile fantasies did not conform to their wishes. And finally imagine them with unprecedented levels of wealth and power.

If the world won’t respond the way the toys in their lab respond then they will abolish the world and replace it with a larger version of their lab. This is what is happening.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 10, 2022 8:12 PM


“COVID-19 is now the leading cause of death in New Zealand, equal with heart disease.”

Covid and heart disease. I wonder if there may be some indirect connection there?

“… 120 deaths were directly attributed to COVID-19…”

And who “directly attributed” and on what basis?

“The figure rises to one in five if one includes all deaths within 28 days of a COVID infection being reported.”

And why would “one” take the step of including these deaths? In any case such reportage is clearly unnecessary because

“…15 percent was likely an undercount, as some people would have died from the virus without being tested.”

So who needs tests anyway!

“at the point where we’re seeing peak mortality (?!), we’ve seen, seemingly, public interest and concern dropping to quite a low level.” 

Damned public! They have the nerve to permit their interest to drop!

There’s more question begging: “there will be people dying from conditions which are not attributed to Covid-19, but are actually caused by it.” Yes – “actually” but not verifiably! This leads to a comment on “long covid” which, by the look of it, can last a long long time and may presumably be responsible for whatever death occurs somewhere down the line.

And so on and so forth. Once the initial leap of faith is made, anything can be linked to anything else. And, as we all know, all roads lead to covid.

Aug 10, 2022 8:39 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes, here in New Zealand the level of public belief in whatever “The Science” (ha ha!) claims about Covid is absurd. It is virtually ALL people want to talk about. Masks are rampant.

Aug 11, 2022 7:42 AM
Reply to  George Mc

long covid Bullpoop

long vax (poison) induced AIDS

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Aug 10, 2022 7:44 PM

There was another ‘medical emergency’ in the crowd at a premier league football match last weekend. Apparently the premier league had decreed that such ‘medical emergencies’ should no longer cause matches to be stopped — presumably to prevent awkward questions from enquiring minds — but their plans were scuppered by a policeman running onto the pitch to draw attention to it.

Aug 10, 2022 7:36 PM

Almost like the polio “discovery” was designed to get people thinking again that children and boosters go together like love and a civil partnership….


Aug 10, 2022 7:07 PM

This question is so brainless—The question is how do you possibly tell, when you see things like this, how do you possibly distinguish fact from fiction?
WTF—dude, if “THEY” (The Hierarchy Enslaving You)/”THEIR” going SCAM does not support CHOICE, FREEDOM and SOVEREIGNTY, then it is FICTION!!!!! For example: No one has to get “vaccinated” (POISON), so that *you* feel “safe and protected.” We are NOT infectious, biological weapons that need snake oil/poisons/toxins and who knows what else to feel “safe and protected” and “all for the greater good.” Those are the very tenants of COMMUNISM. Why are these “life saving vaccines” free, while all other MEDICAL MISCHIEF is not? Because, lab rats are dumb and fall for the silliest narrative to get them to line up as the most important variable in an experiment. And labeling something “free,” “THEY” know people will flock like the walking dead salivating to be a PIN CUSHION for their beloved government’s sanctioned (FREE) poison cloaked as “safe and effective.” Remember, our air, water, and food is all COMPROMISED. Now “THEY” want to “save” us from ourselves? What a load of rubbish from the get go!
I am so sick and tired of this clown show. Let’s get one thing straight: There has never been any “DEADLY VIRUSES.” They have all been SCAMS. ALL OF THEM. No one has gotten Convid. By design, these “vaccines” are not all created equal. With any EXPERIMENT, there are many variables that affect the results of the “clinical trial.” All part of the experiment are VOLUNTARY (even with bootleg “mandates” to intimidate people), which is why and how “THEY” get away with no liability, because EXPERIMENTS need VOLUNTEERS–those willingly lining up to go to the slaughter house– “THEY” neeed CONSENT, so “THEY” continue to dodge natural law and cosmic order. It couldn’t be more obvious that there are placebos out there, too, which is why some are not being affected at all by the saline solution or water or some other benign substance.

If everyone dropped dead immediately, the sinister nature of the game would all be too obvious. Not only that, I know deeply ALL vaccines, not just this current poison, have time released effects. Some will experience the effects immediately, while some down the road, and some will suffer more than others, while some suffer a little, while some drop dead, while some will slowly die in agony. he whole notion of virology is medical fraud. Germ theory is a lie to justify horrific medicine and vaccinations. What people are getting are allergic reactions to the toxins, poisons, heavy metals, and other foreign materials being injected into their bodies, eaten (medication and poisoned food), drank (poisoned water and other substances), and sadly, poisoned air, which are then labeled as “infections,” “colds,” “pneumonia,” “flu,” “covid,” etc. These are all allergic reactions to what is inside the body causing havoc.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Aug 10, 2022 7:15 PM
Reply to  STARR

How I told was that scientists that knew shit were being totally ignored. They treat this like it was all about Joe Bloggs going rogue – it from very early on scientists were blowing the whistle something was wrong. When those ppl were told to shut up I knew something was wrong.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Aug 10, 2022 7:44 PM
Reply to  STARR
  • the word (in the context of what you wrote) is actually tenet, and NOT ‘tenant’ (on the 5th line of your post).

You are so right, lab rats ARE ‘dumb and fall for the silliest narrative’. I have many members of my family [and all bar two ‘awake’ friends] who have done just that… rolled up their sleeves three (and four, in some cases) times each.
No matter how much trustworthy information I’ve provided them all with, right from the start of this evil, nefarious agenda, they’ve all chosen to reject the facts, and have fallen for the whoppers of lies which they hear on their beloved TVs.

Aug 10, 2022 8:32 PM
Reply to  STARR

These are all allergic reactions to what is inside the body causing havoc.

The 97% safe and effected wasn’t a placebo. it was a driver to push the other illness;’s within the already struggling body from lack of air (masks) toxins from food and stress worry about job and deadly pandemic .
Quite amazing how many people I Know who now have cancer or died from it.
Even more amazing how many been hospitalized with heart / liver issue / even stokes after the booster then being told its the other comorbidity they suffer from – is causing it.!

The coming equinox in September will be interesting as the body natural trys to detox and the poison in the heating gas home central system comes on for the 1st time in 6 months.

Aug 10, 2022 9:05 PM
Reply to  jiin

What a thought provoking comment! YES! All of the above.

Aug 11, 2022 7:39 AM
Reply to  jiin

spot on, this autumn wont be a happy time in the nhs, dependent on your pov of course, some will love the slaughter…

imho the whole thing is also being exacerbated by whatever they are spraying up there and the previously halted, but now rampant roll out of 5g

5g roll out in my rural location coincided with a huge “outbreak” of “bird flu”

at this current juncture im contemplating whether “zen” otherness or simply upping sticks is the best thing to do

option one is a tad dependent on discipline (no alcohol etc,,, fk that!) and option 2 would land me firmly in stage 2 shytefest, so tin foil hats tis then

you gotta laugh…

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Aug 10, 2022 6:45 PM

Way too large article to read… And since the topic is BBC/OPERATION COVIDIUS not even trying!

Functional Testes
Functional Testes
Aug 11, 2022 9:59 AM
Reply to  Voz 0db

You’re missing out on a great series IMHO.

Aug 10, 2022 6:32 PM

This is just more convoluted nonsense. If enough people could wake up to the fact that germ theory is complete nonsense we wouldn’t have to engage pseudoscience with pseudoscience to establish the vaccines are dangerous. If we understand viruses don’t exist then you can safely assume that you’re being injected with some kind of poison or other nefarious device. Anyone who engaged these frauds with their own terminology like “waning immunity” and other silly ideas is working for the big pharma whether they know it or not

Aug 11, 2022 7:41 AM
Reply to  Robert

a big leap for many, but most deff a subject worth a few hours of anyones time

“the end of germ theory” parts one and two on odysee did it for me, never looked back

Victor G.
Victor G.
Aug 11, 2022 9:03 AM
Reply to  Robert

I believe that the complete investigation of Conflicts of Interest is very useful and I commend Iain Davis for his diligence and hard work.
In spite of spending much too much time on my device (Suspect Device, anyone?), my attention span is still not totally shot. I find strong writing on compelling subjects engrossing. Kudos again to Iain Davis.

Aug 10, 2022 6:25 PM

“Rhine close to running dry in German energy nightmare”

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Aug 10, 2022 6:44 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Germans are showing Russian how it’s done!

Aug 10, 2022 5:21 PM

Very thorough and intelligent, as always. Thanks, Iain.

Re: “relatively few” papers on the harms of the so called vaccines:

This is a list with 1366 published, peer reviewed studies on the harms they cause, up to March 2022 (.pdf) by K. E. Thorp, James A. Thorp, Elise M. Thorp for the Gazette of Medical Sciences.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Aug 10, 2022 6:46 PM
Reply to  Skeptic

They just need a ONE Pfizer paper to turn those 1366 into negative 1366!

Aug 10, 2022 4:41 PM

If you want to understand the official narratives they want to push and prop up because they’re bs, then just check the “trending” section and look for whatever the “experts & fact checkers” are saying. Then you can know it’s the opposite. legalman

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 10, 2022 4:19 PM

Saudi ambassador, Muhammad al-Qahtani collapses and dies during speech.


Could be an example of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS), a new term to describe this type of unexpected death of seemingly healthy adults. It’s affecting young athletes, doctors, mothers. SADS seems to have started in 2021. Medical experts do not recognize the cause.

So “(m)edical experts do not recognize the cause” but it has a new name? These are truly wondrous times to be in the medical profession. All you have to do is come up with a medical name describing exactly what you saw but without attempting to explain it and BINGO! A new illness!

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Aug 10, 2022 6:59 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“Unknown” is fast becoming the most common cause of death, and apparently no one is even interested in trying to find out more.

Aug 10, 2022 9:55 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The shocking truth is that this death may indicate the existence of a pernicious new variant: Sudden Ambassador Death Syndrome.

Aug 11, 2022 7:46 AM
Reply to  George Mc

the word is not the thing

the map is not the place

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Aug 10, 2022 4:10 PM

The only “prestigious” medical journal that has not sunk to the most scumbaggy-est practices is the BMJ (British Medical Journal.) I would award the Lancet the gold medal winner for its publication of a paper that showed that HCQ was an ineffective drug against flu symptoms (read cvc-1984) and extremely dangerous. It turned out this study was made up out of thin air and written by an MBA and a male model. The funding source was never revealed, though I would bet the farm it was BG. The Lancet had to retract it within 2 weeks.

I think that hopefully the Cabal has overestimated its ability to present fraudulent information to the mass and to control truthful information via their controlled mass media and prestitute “fact checkers.” I read that less than 1% of the available victims in the USSA ages 6 months through 4 years are getting the recently rolled out death jabs. Room for hope.

Aug 11, 2022 9:47 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

The same parents of these children accept the imposition of 60 or so other jabs (in total, for the children).

Aug 10, 2022 3:39 PM

Hardly a day goes by without noticing some or another standard that’s been turned on its head.

The Conflict of Interest standard is perhaps the premier example. Since time immemorial it has been assumed that a person’s credibility was in inverse proportion to his personal interest in the thing being examined.

Now, as the BBC program Mr. Davis documents makes clear, Conflict of Interest is the most compelling factor in a person’s credibility. The greater his or her personal involvement in something, the greater the credibility.

And, conversely, the less his or her personal involvement, the less the credibility.

This is what happens when corruption is allowed free reign within a society.

Aug 10, 2022 4:33 PM
Reply to  Howard

Now, as the BBC program Mr. Davis documents makes clear, Conflict of Interest is the most compelling factor in a person’s credibility. 

Strange why Mr. Davis does not apply this with U.K column.
as usual it is selected ‘Conflict of Interest’ and he like the BBC will turn a blind eye.
He cant really talk. Hypocrite.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Aug 10, 2022 7:49 PM
Reply to  jiin


Victor G.
Victor G.
Aug 11, 2022 9:06 AM
Reply to  Blind Gill

Good luck!

Aug 12, 2022 11:57 AM
Reply to  Blind Gill

In 2022 U.K column is not in a position to call BBC biased.
Unlike thoses who woke up during ovid. Some of us have been around when theses dodgy characters first appeared.
Brian Gerrish got his funding from Sheila Butler, 83 widower at the time, the daughter of Earl the niece to Lord Kitchener!
Who also bank rolled the BNP (British national party).
Prove me wrong……
U.K column is the alt media version of the BBC.

Aug 10, 2022 3:32 PM
Reply to  Observe

From the article:

The UK Health Security Agency said that, since early February, 116 polioviruses had been identified in 19 sewage samples from boroughs in north-east and central London including Barnet, Camden, Hackney, Haringey, Islington and Waltham Forest.

They’ll find them anywhere now. And, 116 viruses at that.
Are we supposed to be running out and getting vaccines in fear? Because, its become more of a joke than anything to take seriously.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 10, 2022 4:12 PM
Reply to  Wisenox

They’re trying to normalise as much vaccine intake as possible. Presumably whatever is in the “covid” vaccines will also be in the polio/monkeypox/whatever vaccines. Micrological IDs, a certain percentage of illness inducing chemicals, fertility diminishing agents, perhaps even some fatal ones? Thin out the plebs. Neuter the stock. That kind of thing.

Aug 10, 2022 5:26 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Don’t forget the money George!

Aug 10, 2022 7:30 PM
Reply to  Observe

This whole diabolical scam goes way deeper than money. But yes, money; the “god” to many. And to think, it’s just another form of HOT AIR.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Aug 11, 2022 9:07 AM
Reply to  George Mc

More vaxes, more self-assembling nanoparticles.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Aug 10, 2022 6:48 PM
Reply to  Wisenox

Wait for the CO2 mRNA JAB…

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Aug 10, 2022 7:18 PM
Reply to  Observe

Fuck me they’ve already explained why polio can be found in sewers.

Aug 10, 2022 3:00 PM

“One is enough. If you are acquainted with the principle, what do you care for a myriad instances and applications?” Henry David Thoreau.

Aug 10, 2022 2:50 PM

It all reminds me of a recent item in “The Onion”:


George Mc
George Mc
Aug 10, 2022 1:14 PM

Covid, though of fundamental importance, is only one thread of the assault. The TV news, always a barometer for the ruling class programme, is now hammering home the notion of the rise in energy prices soaring mysteriously beyond the control of the deeply concerned public servants – though the permitted limit to charges is also unaccountably rising. Cue various faces acting as “typical citizen” and relating their futile efforts to minimise the energy bills.

And now polio vaccines are being offered in the wake of some new mutation that proves more devastating than …. oh you’ve heard this one?

And the heat is rising … oh you’ve heard that one too?

And, I kid you not!, someone just said “This could be the end of everything!”

Jeezzuss! It goes on and on ….. someone just said “new normal”. Has ANYTHING changed since March 2020?

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 10, 2022 1:21 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Oh and here’s another one. Those waiting for cancer treatment are facing queues that have not been reduced to pre-covid levels. Nor will they ever be. “It’s getting worse … and worse…. and worse ….” is the constant refrain. And that refrain will continue. The message: millions will die and this is an outrage … but it’s going to happen anyway. All this rehearsed back in 2020 – and indeed long before.

Aug 10, 2022 2:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You make a good point; its all just circular garbage. Their conversations and articles don’t even advance. Just rehashing the same stuff.
Seems like they’re either thinking that we believe their stuff, they’re believing their own stuff, or resting everything on the tell a lie big enough mantra.

Aug 10, 2022 2:56 PM
Reply to  Wisenox

They just don’t care whether we believe them or not.
Their incredible wealth makes them feel invulnerable.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 10, 2022 4:03 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Actually, given how much effort they make to propagandize, it seems obvious they care very much whether we believe them.

Aug 10, 2022 4:10 PM

Yet they put so little effort into making their propaganda convincing…
That’s what I don’t get.
Of course it’s quite possible that they simply don’t have the intelligence to be plausible…

Aug 10, 2022 6:20 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I think it’s less about them caring how much we believe them and more about making us look everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Confusion and Division are their best weapons, they make them stronger. It would be logical to conclude that Clarity and Unity are our best weapons. Perhaps always have been.

Aug 10, 2022 6:35 PM
Reply to  wardropper

If people were smarter they would have to put more effort into it. But they’re not so they don’t

Aug 11, 2022 3:21 PM
Reply to  Robert

Yep. There is that…

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 10, 2022 6:36 PM

They care about making a certain percentage believe them. Once they’ve reached that marker, they don’t care about the rest of us, as we can be easily marginalized.

As George W. Bush put it, “You can fool some of the people all the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on”.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Aug 10, 2022 7:51 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Also “Canadia.”

Aug 10, 2022 11:30 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”

-George W. Bush

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 11, 2022 1:54 AM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

A classic for sure, and filled to overflowing with truth.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Aug 10, 2022 6:50 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Not just a feeling… it is a FACT. And it is clear that the propaganda spewed from OPERATION COVIDIUS was/is extremely good.

Aug 11, 2022 9:18 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

I believe all humans are vulnerable – especially the ones who think they’re not.
Selling your soul has something to do with it, I think…

Aug 10, 2022 7:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

This comment isn’t directed at you—I am only responding to it….it has never been “normal” here. Where is here? Where are we? Who are we? Why are we here? Is this places a dimension/an overlay on top of other overlays (SIMULATIONS)/ realm/FLAT with mass amounts of land that goes past the huge ice blocks? Who is fucking with us? Why do ghouls want inside our bloodstream so badly? And please spare your religious conditioning with some “savior” waiting for the perfect time to float back here to “save” us all from our fears. Give me a break.

The questions I have far exceed any answer given to me in my 43 years of life. Some tried to bombard my brain with religion, some in the indoctrination mills tried to pacify my yearning for answers, even working for the “enemy” (government) has instilled in me that this place has always smelled FISHY—it’s off kilter here. It’s inverted and backwards here. Some even in the spiritual realms tried to “enlighten” me with their own version of bullshit regarding who we are, where are we, why we are here and NONE OF IT resonates within me as Truth.

Aug 10, 2022 7:54 PM
Reply to  STARR

It’s never long in these type of discussions before we reach the moment of pondering that great eternal question of life itself. I wonder at it often these days, always concluding that it is unknowable, perhaps until death, or not even then. One can only hope.

Aug 10, 2022 9:09 PM
Reply to  Observe

Knowing Thyself is KEY here and it is no wonder that most of us are knock off versions of those (government, parent’s and other family members, school, religion, etc) who molded us, conditioned us, brain washed us, lied to us with their own version of bullshit about who we are, where we are, etc. Look where we are. STILL lost and wondering. If Knowing Thyself is KEY, well it’s not at all surprising that there are gate keepers from that knowledge EVERYWHERE.

Aug 11, 2022 10:17 AM
Reply to  STARR

I do not have that issue anymore.
Life is process.

Aug 11, 2022 6:34 PM
Reply to  Nastran

Whatever makes you feel “better” about “life.”

Aug 10, 2022 1:06 PM

“Absent reliable data on the overall level of risk, no plausible risk-benefit analysis exists.”

Their serial lack of interest in comparing the health of the vaccinated with an unvaccinated control group is one of the stinkiest aspects of the whole stinky vaccine business. The Amish should be the unhealthiest people in the world if the vaccine propaganda is correct – but somehow that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Aug 10, 2022 12:45 PM

As Will Moy is a ‘fact checker’, he must prove that he possesses sufficient credentials to be a fact-checker.

  1. Does Will Moy have a PhD in a practical biomedical field such as biochemistry, molecular biology, virology, genetics or the like?
  2. If not, has he qualified MB BS MRCP?
  3. If not, how can he possibly be qualified to adjudicate on reams of conflicting information, often highly technical in nature, about which he has never completed any professional training?
  4. If he is relying on ‘accredited experts’, does he check the accreditation on the basis of inviolable integrity or malleable acquiescence to the views of his shareholders?
  5. Has Will Moy ever fact-checked in a way which is contrary to the interests of George Soros, the world’s biggest financial institutions and the majority of Transnational Corporations?
  6. If not, how can he possibly be independent and not a shill for highly biased, fact-suppressing power players?
  7. Has Will Moy campaigned for the death sentence for Tony Blair, based on inviolable evidence that he misled Parliament in order to ensure 1 million murders took place, for which he was rewarded to the tune of £100m and more?
  8. If not, why is Will Moy anything other than an unprincipled prostitute, shilling in the Westminster Village for Mark Zuckerberg and other psychopaths worth > $10bn?

I think it is fairly obvious that Will Moy is nothing but a lowly Gauleiter in the digital enforcement space and that his credentials to serve the public are less than nothing.

Not that that is anything but expected, but a few people need to spell it out sufficiently ascerbically that he won’t be able to come out of his safe bubble too easily for the next five years……

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Aug 10, 2022 3:33 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

These are the type of people that need too feel some heat..

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Aug 10, 2022 7:12 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Your typical ‘fact checker’ wouldn’t recognise a fact if it slapped them in the face.

Aug 10, 2022 9:51 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

I prefer to think of them as “fact chuckers”.  😎 

Functional Testes
Functional Testes
Aug 11, 2022 10:23 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

You could probably question us right out of this whole ordeal.

Aug 10, 2022 12:43 PM

Has this site always used the pending tag on comments? Today is the first time I’ve seen it.

Aug 10, 2022 4:12 PM
Reply to  Wisenox

It’s fairly common if certain ‘controversial’ words are used…

Aug 11, 2022 12:50 AM
Reply to  wardropper

It’s exytemely common (100%) if you are marked.

Aug 11, 2022 3:20 PM

I suppose one might expect to be marked if one were to say, regularly, something like, “F… OffG”…
Other than that, my own pends seem to me to come in waves – rather like the latest ‘variants’.
Perhaps the algorithm is susceptible to monkeypox…?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 10, 2022 12:12 PM

“Yes, the Pharma-Con Racket and its criminal quisling quacks need to be brought to account, ASAP.”

comment image

“They have mass murdered and they will mass murder again.”

John Crowther
John Crowther
Aug 10, 2022 9:49 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

The Return of the living dead he looks the picture of health doesn’t he Lol

Aug 10, 2022 12:09 PM

It’s a new religion.
And we all know the damage religions have done to the human psyche

Aug 11, 2022 12:51 AM
Reply to  Johnny

As have bankster driven cults like Marxism.

Aug 10, 2022 12:06 PM
Aug 13, 2022 4:30 AM
Reply to  Grafter

I’ve posted this one a couple of times. They have managed to write Blackrock and Vanguard into the script.

a man called james
a man called james
Aug 10, 2022 12:02 PM

Great article, and series of articles – thanks.

Aug 10, 2022 11:48 AM

Great article. The criminality of what is now happening should end with prosecutions for those concerned. Spineless political nodding donkeys in Westminster should be forced to read this article and to start asking questions as to how much more of this vile agenda we must tolerate. The BBC and the MSM are a cancer in our society and the monied filth who fund them all must be destroyed otherwise freedom becomes nothing more than a word in a dictionary.

Aug 10, 2022 10:41 AM

The “unvaccinated” is a misnomer and the right labels are the “vaccinated” and the control group. The later is the evidence they need to tamper with.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 10, 2022 6:46 PM
Reply to  Benton

Even the “vaccinated” aren’t vaccinated. They’ve simply been injected.

Aug 10, 2022 6:57 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

No, they are not vaccinated. They are “vaccinated” as in injected with whatever.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 10, 2022 7:08 PM
Reply to  Benton

Okay, I got ya.