UK to reverse “accidental” ban on edible insect farming
Propaganda push is selling eating bugs as usual, and suggests the UK is just going back to normal.
Kit Knightly

Good news guys, UK companies will soon be free to start producing and selling several species of “edible insects” again.
Apparently, one effect of Brexit is that the UK no longer belonged to the European Union’s “novel foods” programme, which approved many varieties of insects for human consumption.
Because of this the farming and selling of insects as food has been essentially banned in the UK for years.
The BBC had a report about this a few days ago, bemoaning the impact on the UK’s edible insect industry, and headlined:
Has Brexit squashed our edible insect industry?
The blurb goes on to repeat the all-too-familiar pro-bug eating propaganda, and suggests there could a “revival”:
Bugs – the superfood that doesn’t cost the earth. They’re higher in protein than meat and release far lower CO2 emissions than livestock farming. So experts tell us that, if we want to save the planet, we should eat more insects. However, selling insects as food in the UK was essentially banned following Brexit, leaving the insect industry in limbo. But could there now be a revival?
The “revival” has been in the works for at least a few weeks. Last month the UK government launched a “consultation” on the legal status of edible insects, according to the Food Standard’s Agency website:
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has set out plans to allow edible insects to remain on the market while they go through the Novel Foods authorisation process to assess their safety.
This means you can now legally farm and sell edible insects in the UK, despite there being no formal legal approval or even an “assessment of their safety”.
Regardless of the technicalities, the push to sell eating insects to the general public is nothing new. But what’s interesting here is the angle the propaganda is taking. Not that selling bugs in the supermarket is new or different, but that it really should have been legal this whole time and it was only a silly little government oversight that ever got in the way.
A perfect example is this VICE article from Monday, which literally claims that the banning of insect farming was an “accident” and now it’s finally been fixed:
Lesser mealworms and house crickets are back on the menu in the UK, several years after an accidental consequence of the country leaving the European Union meant British companies were no longer allowed to sell them.
“Farming bugs and selling them to people as food is usual and everyday and perfectly fine. It’s the way we used to do things before stupid old Brexit ruined everything! If only the damn Tories weren’t so footlingly incompetent, we’d all have been eating mealworms this whole time, just like they do in France.”
Apparently, that’s how you sell eating bugs to the middle class – you say Brexiteers don’t want them to.
It’s all part of a clear effort to detach the “eat ze bugs” propaganda drive from its “New Normal” roots and restructure the narrative. Pretending that eating bugs is perfectly normal and has always been part of the status quo.
Now, the more cynical among you might doubt that story. But you can shut up and eat the bugs. It’s legal now.
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Watch out for ingredients in pet food. The first place they’ll be hiding insect protein. They used to have animal fats contained in the tins. Now looking at the ingredients reveals nearly all (but Butchers) has gmo salmon oil. An allergen included in hypoallergenic dog food. Kerching – cheaper then high quality fats. (I mainly make my own).
As for dry, already in the works
Alternative proteins like Fava beans that DOGS MUST NOT EAT and insects.
I’ve had dogs and cats all my life. They don’t eat insects nor pulses. They are CARNIVORES
I suppose it’s more of the ‘you’ll own nothing and eat no meat. Are they going to make our pets die off to continue with veganism? Given a choice, and ease of catching, dogs and cats like their food fresh from the fields and outbuildings.
Check out Defra Vees for dogs. Only a few have antigens but most do not. And most Vees only licensed to be given every THREE YEARS. So why do Vets give them annually? Kerching
Almost all contain Genetically modified organisms and are 4 in one. Incl leptospirosis either 2 or 3 strain out of 200. One study found from say 100 strays across Britain, of the 3-4 found with leptospirosis antibodies, they were NOT matched with Vees. Seems that’s the thing causing problems anecdotally.
Horses given annually to all except tetanus every two years. And international competition horses are required them every 6 months. But LICENSED FOR EVERY TWO YEARS. Kerching.
That’s why during lockdown they stopped giving them. Because annual isn’t needed.
Sorry Mods slightly off topic. Tbh I’m sure all your readers all ready know: it’s not paranoia. They’re out to get you and fleece you until your estate is sorted.
Lobsters and crabs are big insects that live underwater. People eat them all the time.
Sure, but it is voluntary to eat them since they have not yet removed mammal meat for a lobster and crab diet only. And people don’t eat the exoskeleton of lobsters and crabs which is made up of chitin as it is in ze bugs that they want us to eat whole like lizards. Chitin is comparable with cellulose and we can’t digest it. But I support people who desire to eat insects as long they are not trying to push that diet onto me.
They are non Kosher, non Halal because they eat the rubbish from the sea floor and eat the dead. So not allowed in Deuteronomy.
There’s also the danger of Hep A from shellfish and bivalves. And because they live on the sea bottom, higher toxins. When eaten they increase purine levels so are highly allergic.
Thing is, when I ate crawfish from the clean bayou waters I wasn’t allergic. But when I eat them here I am. Toxins from dirty water.
So what will they do with those affected by the hidden allergens? Oh silly me. As they’re not Uber M’s they are surplus to requirements.
It’s beyond doubt that the government has been trying to reduce food production. This is the WEF’s latest plan: “You will eat nothing, and Klaus will be happy”
The insect pushing fuckers are the new vegans trying to shove a diet down the throats of other people. Want to eat insects, go ahead and eat ze bugs. Want to eat a vegan diet, go ahead and eat ze plants. But don’t tell me what to eat. I was a vegetarian for many years, without pushing that shit it onto others, and then I went back to eating meat. I feel a lot healthier now and that tells me more than some so called “science” do. And my food taste a lot better too.
I am at an early stage of my learning journey into the agendas that are at play in this world of ours.
Can people please explain to me what the agenda(s) is/are behind this promotion of eating edible insects/bugs?
Meat gives you energy, to resist to fight, especially red. That’s not desirable, you have to be weak, hungry and possibly in poor health. What they never mention that those insects are parasite carriers, 30-35% of them. But if we can believe the leaked list about who will be sovereign in their new world and commoners (slaves with 0 rights), Nicole Kidman deserved her sovereign status with that little worm eating video of hers.
The dark forces have been promoting flesh eating for thousands of years. If it gave people energy to fight then why do they sit back infront of the tv? The agenda behind the bugs is to promote protein so people get sick. In the bible it was fasle apostle Paul who said “to eat anything sold in the market” whilst Jesus and the ebionites were all vegan.
No. The Sedar including meat. Last supper is Pesach Sedar which traditionally included lamb. And as they lived by the sea -fish.
The issue then was preserving meat which went off quickly. And as pigs eat anything and everything (Fence panels and brick walls too) they had greater incidence of toxins, bacteria and worms. Not allowed in Deuteronomy. Law against eating the blood of animals and draining of it too.
I know of newly Evangelicals who do not eat pork or non Kosher fish/shellfish. But Christ said there are no illegal food except that given as offerings to Pagan gods.
According to quick search Jesus told Peter to kill and eat as he was hungry.
What leaked list? Please share.
Feed th bugs to chickens then I’ll eat the chickens.
I used to feed crickets to my tarantula…
Now you can eat the tarantula. It tastes like chicken they say…
Invocation of sustainability and expertise seems enough to keep the narrative rooted in the new abnormal. However, the messaging failed to exploit the racist angle on Brexit to make the bug ban another case of white supremacy. Maybe they’ll turn to equity PR later on to sound the alarm how there’s disproportionate distribution of insects as well as injections negatively affecting people of color.
Speaking of insects and injections:
Insects As Flying Syringes For Genetic Modification, Eugenics And Population Control
How they protect themselves from being bitten? Make no sense to me just how a ‘virus’ release made no sense.
Mealie worms are not high in protein as claimed. If you were to feed a caged bird on mealie worms alone, it would not survive.
In Blade Runner 2049, the first “skin job” (manufactured human “replicant”) that the Blade Runner (played by Ryan Gosling) goes to “retire” (kill) is a farmer of grubs. I am convinced now, (regardless of the quality of the film)that this movie is setting us up for transhumanist predictive programming.
“THEY” always drop Truth in movies and LIE to us in the “news.” CRAZY shit, huh?!
Reminded of that terrible film once again, ugh!
There was a Great Reset in that film too.
Fill me in.
All movies and tv shows have predictive programming. They don’t care WHAT you watch, as long as you are watching SOMETHING. You will see themes repeated over and over once you become aware of the subliminal messaging: The vax theme. The contagion theme. The RX pill theme. The coffee theme. The alcohol theme. The suicide theme. The violence theme. The crime theme. The divorce theme. The hero-villain narrative. The product placement.
They want people poisoning themselves and anxiety ridden so they can’t think straight, are weak, fearful and sickly, which makes them easier to rule, steal from, cull, coerce and control.
People are so highly suggestible all they need is to hear or see something more than once and the subconscious mind remembers the repetition, thus the repetition is translated into a safety belief mechanism by the subconscious mind, even if it’s the exact opposite. Hence the psychopathic parasites in control can constantly sell us fake news and concepts that aren’t true, real or even believable, purely THROUGH REPETITION.
Repetition of a lie, any lie, all lies. That’s it! That’s the cryptocracy’s biggest secret to controlling the whole of society, throughout history. They use the constant repetition of lies with language, three word phrases, with symbols and signs, colors, numbers and they use frequency warfare to assist.
Great comment. I agree!
Our view of what is happening in the world comes only from the news. As that is owned essentially by 3 or 4 huge financials (Blackrock, State Street, Secretive Vanguard etc) and they also own the movie industry, we only have their narratives to go by.
BUT If you ever go back to historical documents usually kept at University Archives, you find what’s been taught are Fictions. Lies.
I did a deep dive of research into Louisiana State University archives from the Civil War – hmm. I understand now the animosity continuing on between Southeners and their Northern masters.
The programming continues in the news using the priming from Images and storylines. Once governments discovered how to manipulate using Cinema, they’ve only improved on their techniques.
I only watch old films now and on rare occasions newer ones. They’ve really ramped up the releases from the themes you mentioned.
Anyone notice how few films are:
Man vs Nature
Good winning over Evil (bad guy gets his comeuppance)
Love romance conquers all
Not made in any number since 2000’s.
Indeed. Comedies are also absent. I noticed the rise of violence, crime, horror and dystopian narratives in movies and tv “programs” (they don’t call it programming for nothing) starting several decades ago, along with the more recent garbage, comic book super-hero shtick.
“The UK is under a heat dome: Why this heatwave could be more dangerous than last month”
“Why this heatwave could be even more dangerous than the last time we said it was dangerous but didn’t emphasise how incredibly dangerous it really was with all the dangerousness of the danger!”
The weather is an exotic weapon according to the US’senate.
Here are the details just in 4 minutes.
“Senate Hearing US Military Will Use Weather as a Weapon (2018)”
A bit more detailed how it works, especially the Steele part:
Dunno what you’re all complaining about we had tapeworm and chips tonight it was….uh….🤢
Lots of fun and games in the latest UK Column News. Try the 33 minute mark with Moonbat Monbiot declaring that agriculture is the most destructive human activity on the planet. Listen to the interviewer unable to suppress her mirth. “Eating meat and milk and eggs is an indulgence we can’t afford!” says Earnest George.
So …. what is really going on and who is really behind this? The UKC presenters ask a similar question earlier when we hear this exchange:
-“What that subscriber is pointing out is the lack of trust that results in a government when the government is clearly following an agenda which is not the agenda of either the voters or the parliament or anything that’s visible but it’s something that is hidden, something that’s concealed, it’s something where he is speculating that Fauci gave him instructions but the key point is that it’s very clear that somebody is giving him instructions and we don’t know who and it’s certainly not someone we can vote out of office or hold to account.”
-“Again it’s not the Whitehouse. It’s something else in the US in this case which tells the Whitehouse and allied governments and occupied governments like Germany what to do.”
How long before we reach ‘peak bug’?
Good point actually. I this nonsense ever takes off, there will only be too long before ‘The Experts’ come out all over the media to announce how mass production of insects is damaging for the environment/ecosystems/climate/minorities/diversity/gender equality/etc.
Hey, maybe I ought to move to the UK for fun and profit!
Every time I leave a semi-peeled banana on the counter, I open a new fruit fly ranch!
Bug is American not British lol!
In Britain we have aleister crawlies…
“Bug out” is about to get a whole new meaning.
Following on from the vegan zealots and lycra Nazis, I can hear it now within five minutes of meeting someone…
“Hi my name’s John and I’m an insect eater”
Does that mean Vegans are going to be left out? Or will insects be re-classified as non-animal? Isn’t that the only fair thing to do? Discrimination of ANY sort is unconscionable, right?
Vegans of the world: don’t let the insect farmers snub their noses at you! Why should meat eaters get first choice at which bug they fancy?
BTW, once we all dig in to the latest gourmand treat, will we start shitting white, like the birds? And will the old saying “Me no worry, me no care, thank the Lord cows don’t fly!” fall by the wayside as planes empty their latrines?
Windshields will have to be posted: “No humans allowed!”
“Vegans” are already eating insects, humans, babies, monkey cells, cow fecal matter, etc etc and think they aren’t. Loads of “vegans” got the poison to “protect” themselves against other people. LOL And we have some idea about what is in those vials. It sure isn’t benign ingredients.
…“What do plants eat? They eat dead animals; that’s the problem. For me that was a horrifying realization. You want to be an organic gardener, of course, so you keep reading ‘Feed the soil, feed the soil, feed the soil…’
All right. Well, what does the soil want to eat? Well, it wants manure, and it wants urine, and it wants blood meal and bone meal. And I…could not face that. I wanted my garden to be pure and death-free. It didn’t matter what I wanted: plants wanted those things; they needed those things to grow.”
― Lierre Keith
Wood chips work good or you could set up a vegan holiday camp and collect their poop.
He’s using the wood chips primarily for mulch, although the chips will add some nutrients to the soil. To make sure the plants are getting enough nutrients, he also uses composted chicken manure for fertilizer.
As far as I can tell chicken manure would be no better than if you just composted the food given to the chickens. It is plants that add nutrients like there is ‘weeds’ that have deep roots and bring up the nutrients that are missing from the soil. They will grow where they are needed. An animal might be good at moving nutrients like you can collect bat poo where they sleep but chickens arn’t going off and bringing nutrients back so wouldn’t be much use.
I think Joel Salatin or another regenerative farmer might disagree with you. Passing vegetation through an animal’s gut benefits the soil in ways a plant itself can’t do.
He makes $1,590 gross per hectare. Not exactly amazing.
Not so…
1,000m2 = 0.1 Hectares = $23,000 net profit
$230,000 net profit per Hectare (10,000m2)
yes or $23 per meter. Say a apple tree took up 25 square metres you would only need 4 $ worth of apples to get to Joel Salatin’s gross sales. An apples tree can produce 400 kg of fruit so you could sell a kg for 1 cent. 23$ per meter is pretty descent but doesn’t sound impossible. If you sold apples for 6 cent a kg you would already reach it. If you only got 100kg of apples from the tree you would need to sell them at 24 cent a kg.
I don’t know the science but we use chicken’s and fresh cow manure in my organic garden, such boost, even the earth worms look happy and we have tons of them. We also use compost (leftover fruits, veggies, eggs’ shell).
The Plants are gardening the Animals!
Good post. I recently tried to tell a vegan that veganism is impossible as we are all eating and drinking the remains of every living thing that has gone before us but apparently I am an ignorant moron!
Yo, exactly! You know you aren’t ignorant. Getting into the food fight wars is ignorant. I just drop some information and bounce. People can fight over my words.
‘Vegan Death Squad’ painted on the backs of ‘leather jackets’, circa ‘a’ big music festival 1986
To people like her keep showing the singing aloe vera plant, called Vera (Rose Lab experiment), beautiful, heavenly. Then let them die because of hunger when they realize that everything which lives has feelings and emotions and feel the pain.
“Life is literally a process of one creature eating another, whether it’s bacteria breaking down plants or animals, plants strangling each other, animals going for the throat, or viruses attacking animals. “All of nature is a conjugation of the verb ‘to eat,’” in the words of William Ralph Inge.”
― Lierre Keith
And just think: this is the Best of All Possible Worlds.
Disagree! There are worse ones…apparently. And more spectacular ones, too, apparently.
The Fourth band of Jupiter is particularly spectacular this time of year.
Are planets real or just part of the fake paradigm narrative NASA (Never A Straight Answer) puts out about “space” and a “spinning ball”?
Planets are really small and incredibly light.
Major and minor lights in the sky. And no one has ever stepped on any of them. If the covid story is absurd, the space exploration story is something else. How can grown ups look at the moon landings tall tale objectibly and believe it is mind boggling.
Oh, it’s all production with “THEIR” plots, props and ploys, scripts, costumes, and crisis actors. I know the narrative about “space” is all a LIE.
Is there a firmament? Hillary Clinton’ “glass ceiling” operation Fishbowl, operation Dominic…?
WHY is it so important to them, it doesn’t change our lives but somehow can does theirs?
“THEY” are trapped, too.
Plus, plants are sentient, so there is no escape from killing.
The plants sentience is:
They love being part of the cycle which sustains them.
Vegans don’t need to lift a finger. The keto crews own family are devouring them. If they are not pushing bugs it is “zee 5 eggs per day”. Anything to get people into the ‘hospitals’.
What’s wrong with 5 eggs? Assuming pasture raised they’re incredibly nutritional.
The USDA says the egg industry can’t call eggs nutritious.
Your source is Freeleigh the banana girl? Really?
Freelee knows alot more about nutrition than scientologist Berg.
If you prefer a allopath there is this video that covers the eggs:
Wait, USDA has the masses eating like shit with their “food based” pyramid, while at the same time Billy Boy the Ghoul Gates with his/her/its “life saving vaccines” is buying up lots of land and farmer’s are being fined for not using Monsanto seeds. Hmmmmmm, tell me again that the USDA is out for the slaves’ best interest.
I didn’t say they were out for “the slaves’ best interest.” That is a strawman argument. People give vast quantities of money to USDA inorder to hide the cost of their addictions. They like scientologist Berg coz he tells them what they want to hear. If people wanted to be healthy they would load up on the fresh fruits and veg not the eggs and dairy.
Eggs and RAW diary the healthiest food ever. We are omnivores but with a carnivore example, cats eat RAW meat, eggs and even diary and very healthy on that diet, never ill and live long lives. Being half-carnivores it’s common sense we need both, fruits and meat / eggs / diary. The problems are how they kept the animal and processing.
I eat 3-5 eggs daily…. never felt healthier.
Here, here or is it hear, hear!
Hear, hear
I was told it was here, here, too! Who knows. Thanks!
Here, here it’s hear, hear.
I know. It’s definitely “hear, hear!” Of course, by now “here, here” may have become rooted as an accepted alternative version.
It arises from “Hear ye!”, or “Hear (him)!”, etc. Over time, the longer phrases were worn down to the basic “hear” response, repeated for emphasis. It indicates enthusiastic approval, equivalent to terms like “Testify!” or the 60s-era “Tell it like it is!”
This pedantic clarification proffered, we now return to our regular programming. 😉
Oh, now that makes sense. Thank you for sharing!
The cholestrol would choke your arteries.
Another fake science. It won’t. Oils do.
Salmonells poisoning could get you first.
The big thing was them not eating banana chips cos they had honey coatings. It seems to me vegans have changed the acceptable boundaries of veganism when they started taking questionable vaccines.
“You vill eat ze bugs, or ze bugs vill eat you”.
Methinks “Lord of the Flies” is no longer a mysterious designation for a certain notorious opponent of all that is natural, decent and good.
He’s just come right out of his closet, and we must stop pretending that he’s only a “You-know-who” in some children’s book. He’s our neighbour now.
I can see the argument that eating insects is better than starvation, but I also have in mind that there isn’t a single example in the Bible of a starving man doing that.
Why not? Those locusts would be delicious fried.
There’s probably a deeper reason…
And then there is the horrifying thought of what the insects themselves eat and come into contact with:
Everything from sprayed crops, dubiously grown, to any handy excrement they might find.
What is it that persuades the Schwabs of this world to regard the fictional Maleficents, Blofelds and Voldemorts as role models, or “1984” and “Brave New World” as instruction manuals?
I’ll tell you what it is: It is a broken childhood. That’s where nihilism comes from. And here we are in 2022, begetting children for all we’re worth, then shoving them into playschool practically at birth, and breaking their childhoods as if there were no tomorrow.
If a serious government child welfare programme existed at all, THAT’S what it would be addressing, instead of wondering about the most picturesque face nappies for our coming generations.
I think eating bankers would be safer cuisine. Just add a few chilly-peppers, and the dumb-ass taste will go away.
I had that thought! Cannibalism is a new fad, at least that’s what I’ve read. You’d need to trim a lot of fat, but think there are good steaks on Gates’ or Schwab’s sir-loins? Maybe smoked, with plenty of BBQ sauce, they might be edible. That would send a message to TPTB that we don’t want to eat ze bugs.
Only if you want prion disease.
Meat is meat whatever animal it comes from so just as much chance of CJD eating beef as there is human.
The illegal part I’m sure is to give the impression that climate crusaders have been illegally! saving the world by eating bugs – gives it some counterculture cache.
Anyone pushing the eating of insects should be fed to insects
Shrimps ok, grashoppers not … please explain.
Because shrimps taste nice and grasshoppers don’t.
You also shell and gut shrimp… grasshoppers you just pop ‘em in as is.
Or crabs. Scavengers so toxic they must be cooked alive. And people eat them.
Moral of story: people will eat anything if it’s seasoned properly.
“Moral of story: people will eat anything if it’s seasoned properly.”
Or if they are hungry enough.
Because we were scavengers? Back then there were two types of cave men, I forgot the Latin names, the vegetarian died out, our ancestors were scavengers. Sorry if that hurts. 🙂
What about game meat? You know when they hang pheasants by the neck to mature? What about the 28 days aged beef parts? Clavell’ Rat King? The rotten sardines which gave taste to their rice? Even in the Korean kimchi there is a decent amount of crab for taste, they ate it for month, I tried my own, we survived without issue. (By the way, I don’t understand it either. When it’s rotten and harmful and when it’s just matured and ok to eat.)
Shrimp of the land.
Has Bourla the CEO of Pfizer now been fully injected with the poison ? Same applies to Tedros and Gates. If not why not ??
Tedros has supposedly not been, out of solidarity with his “unvaccinated” countrymen; he wants them to have a chance to take it first. Bourla said something similar about not taking it so as not to use a dose that could be better used by someone less privileged than he.
ooh i think thats a good excuse to use for anyone ;-)H)
Update: Bourla now saying he’s taken four shots, has Convid, and is taking paxlovid.
Dr. Pierre Kory mentioned in passing on a Highwire panel two weeks ago that ivermectin can reduce fake vaccine damage, but my searches could not come up with any back-up or even mention of this. Anyone find links in this area?
A powerful video here, comprising 42 doctors from around the world exhorting the relevant (so-called…) ‘authorities’ to STOP THE SHOTS.
Some of the statements include:
“Stop the shots! Stop the C19 poison injections. We’re calling for a worldwide ban, stop the shots”, and
“We must stop the shots ASAP, they are killing people all over the world The simple truth is, they’re poison“.
Here’s the link:
“Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Pierre Kory, World Council for Health, Right Docs of History, #Stoptheshots” (video: 9.59 mins), at:
Oops!, I accidentally omitted the full stop [period] after the word ‘world’ in the second quote, in the post above.
“eat ze bugs” made me laugh thanks Kit for the smile.
If there is one thing MMS/3i’s are experts in doing is OBEYING the “law”!
They just need to start selling the bugs at a very LOW PRICE taking advantage of the current OPERATION to destroy/cull even more uman cattle with the so called “sanctions on Russia” that are doing what is needed: raise prizes of everything to create misery and despair among the herds of MMS/3i’s.
And it is working…
Keep pinching myself the last two years as hard to believe this is all real…
Actually, it isn’t.
It’s all virtual reality, which is not unrelated to the ancient term, “maya”, meaning illusion.
Perhaps what’s happening now is an encouragement for the human race to consider a less materialistic view of the world…? But of course only for those with a mind open enough to entertain such a possibility.
Uncle Klaus is naturally not trying to encourage us to do any such thing.
He sees us as part of the insect world he would like us to eat.
A deadly materialist to the core.
Dude I fucking hear you.
Omg, I know, right. These last two years have changed me. I don’t like a lot of people anymore, trust hardly anyone, and my quest for Truth has taken over my life. Oh and protecting my bodily sovereignty and the integrity of my mind is of the utmost importance.
Outside, the insects are rapidly disappearing along with the birds who eat them due to insecticide use.
Good. You won’t be allowed to eat bugs in the wild anyways. Those wont be governmemt approved and are unsafe. Don’t be ridiculous. The only safe edible bugs are gmo bugs from a Bill Gates factory farm delivered by Amazon
The heat has addled my brain. Thank goodness for Gates and his environmentally friendly gmo factory farms- so green and sustainable.
Agree, there was a time when driving just a 100 miles on a motorway would result in the whole windscreen and front of the car being covered in dead bugs. It was such a problem that even into the early 1990s there were people who waited at traffic lights, and when they turned red, would leap in front of your car to wash the screen for cash. I speak to a lot of truckers in my job and they all say the same thing, where are all the bugs?
Loss of crop pollinators- so what. Hot summer- the end of the world.
Yes. That thought crossed my mind as well. If things continue as they are, it really won’t matter.
I go for a walk and sheep are safely grazing on the Downs and wonder how this is a global catastrophe.
I go for a walk and sheep are still wearing masks.
LOL … We’ve reached the point of respecting real sheep more than humans…
We should be praying that the Good Shepherd won’t abandon us.
Frankly, I would be sorely tempted to.
Off topic but ….
Trans just wanna have fu-un!
“Shows featuring drag queens reading to young children have proven increasingly popular …”
With who?
“- but they are also attracting angry protests. How have we reached a place where these joyful events are seen as a threat to infants?”
So it’s no longer a subjective issue but “objectively” joyful events.
Description of wondrous happy fun for all the family … until (ominous chord!):
“This summer, groups including the far-right and conspiracy theorists calling themselves “sovereign citizens” have been holding up signs saying “Welcome groomers” and “Nonce upon a time” outside libraries …It was a scene you might expect to see in the US, where homophobic Christian groups …”
Our concerned writer asks, “How could such a joyful event be causing such controversy?”
Implication: there’s no need even for “controversy” i.e. discussion.
And these drag queens are not only harmless but have “perfect drag-queen sass”. I’m guessing that’s part of the “joy” they bring to the event.
The kids are confused: “Why are these angry people shouting at us?” That’s far more confusing than being asked to choose a gender for yourself before you even hit puberty!
The poor beleaguered drag queen is one Seb Samuel who performs as Aida H Dee and who “sounds flustered” a lot. As the article goes on to explain:
“As a child, Samuel struggled with autism and ADHD (hence his drag name)” and he “wants to teach children who might be gay that they can love themselves.“
And note how public mind manipulation is phrased to make it look as if it comes from the OTHER side:
“Now, all he wants to do is continue reading his stories to children in peace. “I didn’t choose to be an activist,” he says. Why, after years of drag culture becoming increasingly mainstream, is this happening now? Samuel believes it is a knock-on effect of the normalisation of anti-LGBTQ+ attitudes in the wider world: the high-profile anti-drag protests by Proud Boys in the US; the exclusion of transgender people from the UK’s ban on “conversion therapy”; the ban on trans female athletes competing in certain events. “All these things validate these people, and the people in power should know better,” he says.”
See? These poor drag acts are just regular folks trying to find love and acceptance. It’s the protest against them that is being “ominously funded”!
Orwellian reversal. As usual.
Mere distraction to wind up the people who believe a man in a dress must want to touch kids by default. As long as they are subject to advanced criminal checks beforehand (same as everyone who works with children) and the usual protections in place, then anything else is really just prejudice and stupidity.
Which bypasses the entire issue as to why specifically men in dresses are being employed to give chats to kids especially when this one is clearly assuming that he can get through to kids who “might be gay themselves”. All this by definition before puberty. And why this entire matter is being so relentlessly pushed by the true interests of the power centres.
No. You are wrong. Drag queens are adult entertainers and much the same as strippers have no place around children. It is entirely inappropriate and is queer theory again attempting to “smash the binary” and attempt to challenge “heteronormativity.”. Their own words. It has no place around children and it is this people are referring to as “grooming” – not noncery – but the making normal of sexual proclivity around children. Anyone on defence of this should consider why they defend it it isn’t fun or harmless. I don’t want my kids around sex workers either.
Yeah, why not dress up in as Hitler with a little moustache? Let’s all just drop our stupid prejudices.
The perfect protest would be to set up a “Blackface Story Hour” table in front of a drag event. Get a white guy dressed in patched overalls and fix him up with a nappy hairpiece, creosote for makeup, and big yellow lips. He should be missing a few front teeth, be blind in one eye, and know how to speak fluent Ebonics. Set him on a bale of hay next to a big watermelon with a couple of chickens scratching around, then have him read “Little Black Sambo” out loud with an authentic Negroid Alabama drawl.
I don’t agree with Matt Walsh about everything, but he’s right to compare the drag queen phenomenon with blackface (“womanface”).
‘Blackface Story Hour’. Priceless, that’s so funny 😂
It’s exactly what it is.
Nonce upon a time. 😆😆😆
Another retired Aussie sport ‘star’ dies ‘suddenly’
Paul Green, aged 49, ex rugby player. SADS ?
The ongoing threat of a “fascist coup in America” continues:
The States trembles on the brink of this totalitarian overthrow….
….as if such was ever needed. As if Trump was anything more than the designated villain chuckling with evil intent in the shadows.
That ‘Celebs in the Jungle’ program suddenly seems to have had a purpose.
Whilst the entire population of the UK (and indeed the world) stands on the brink of destitution, starvation and winter freezing, it’s nice to see the media news hydra has its priorities right:
“British diver Daley, 28, has worked closely with the Commonwealth Games Federation to draw up a number of action points.They include a commitment to install Pride Houses within the athletes’ villages at every future Games, sensitivity training for staff, and resources for asylum-seeking charities where LGBT+ people can seek safety.”
Note that it’s not asylum seeking individuals but asylum seeking charities.
“In the lead-up to the Qatar World Cup this winter, 16 LGBTIQ+ organisations – representing lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, queer or questioning fans – have been engaging with Fifa, presenting action points on rights they want to see implemented before the tournament.”
What exactly is a “questioning fan”? I’l bet it’s someone who isn’t asking the important questions!
Oh I wish all this would just fuck off. Who is finding this rainbow bullshit?
Soros and his masters the central banksters.
Ah so eating bugs now has a frisson of … rebellion! They can’t stop me from crunching on insects! Gimme that cockroach calzone!
They pushed insect eating on last season’s scripted Alone series. I bailed on it after 2 contestants droned on and on about how good they taste.
Its almost like they knew a food shortage was coming.
I live in Oaxaca, Mexico, which has a high percentage of indigenous population.. Roasted chapulines, a type of small grasshopper, are sold on the street and in open markets, and are quite popular as a “snack.” Capturing them (in nets), roasting, and selling them is a viable cottage industry. I don’t particularly care for them, but as it is a cultural tradition and totally divorced from a Bill Gates/Klaus Schwab inspired destruction of the meat industry, I have nothing against it.
Yeah the Chinese and the North Koreans got pretty into it during their famines too. I guess after generations when it’s better than starvation it does become a tradition.
The first article Google throws up in a search for edible insects:
While the whole thing is obvious propaganda, it’s interesting how virtually every con admits that very little is known about it and there’s been virtually no research into the matter.
P.S. Let’s not forget synthetic meat which is the other big item on the future menu and is even worse.
“The first article Google throws up in a search for edible insects:…”
Did you do that on purpose?
“P.S. Let’s not forget synthetic meat which is the other big item on the future menu and is even worse.”
There’s — at least — a third item, which is even worse than the other two: man flesh.
Soybeans are high in protein too but they are still garbage – for humans. Humans need natural animal fats to thrive. Now consider this: have you ever seen a fat insect?
Addendum: witchetty grubs may be okay, health wise. But perhaps in the interests of equity we should leave them to the indigenous peoples of Australia to consume.
I’ve heard Quinoa is a far better choice than soy.
I’ve heard that humans can get all the nutrition they need from eating quinoa alone.
Your last sentence seems doubtful since humans do not have a gut that can process vegetable protein very efficiently, if at all.
That is nonsense. It is almost as though this site obtains funding from McDonalds.
That is why humans should eat sauerkraut twice a week. Goes to town on that — your waist, in other words.
Quinoa doesn’t taste very good. Not on my list, even if nutritious.
Cook it first.
At least Big Brother didn’t play the piano with his organ.
Come to think of it, we have no idea what Big Brother did in his spare time…
Probably murdering kittens…
And if he’s castrated, will he be able to hit the high notes?
I render a notion that if articles like this are coming out now about this insect food, then it’s already here and we are already eating that shit. I mean, we already are cannibals and don’t even know it. ugh! This place–whatever it is and wherever we are and whoever we are and whoever “THEY” are is fuuuucked up. Those who control the food also control the money and who also control the information flow. I bet sometime soon “THEY” will start charging the peasants/slaves to breathe air and just like we are dumbs dumbs who have fallen for “THEIR” tax scheme (totally fraudulent!) because of the fear of “going to prison,” we will pay for air, too.
you will get a tax rebate for wearing a face nappy
“tax rebate,” what a joke. I never cover my airways. Kick rocks!
I’ve been saying this for sometime. We will be in debt to Bill Gates. He will have billions of carbon credits from his forests, farmlands, and algae ponds. The average citizen in an apartment in the city will have to borrow credits from Bill to be allowed to breathe and be slave labor in his insect farms and frakenmeat facilites
Don’t forget about Bill’s sidekick/ ghoul brother, Al Gore <— his stage name.
The madness is so blatant
I expect the mainstream media will start recommending that we eat the bodies of people who die “suddenly”. Spike protein and/or Graphene Oxide- delicious!
Cannibalism, organ feasting, adrenochrome, torturing, having sex with and eating children, hunting humans for enjoyment seems to be a very real reality. The under belly of evil here is not even scratched.
Valid, there is a point at which the offg comments stops short,
lack of evidence
trump trashing (adrenochrone/sex traffic/paedo are all moot subjects because of)
dis-belief, different from incredulity, deity likewise only gets a cursory glance
the firm conviction of many that humanity, solid, biological “run the show”
from a human perspective we have only our own parameters to guide us in how we perceive how actions and consequences will evolve and play out
it could be argued that such limitation is why we are still so utterly “out-gunned” in this on-going and now rapidly accelerating shytefest
we all in the most part hope (as it is in our nature) that some relief, some peak and thus then decline will occur
having spent much of my life around and caring for “farmed animals” i have seen so many times how the flock, herd etc delight in breaking free of the enclosures that contain them (said enclosures ultimately ensure they go to an untimely death), and when replaced in their original enclosure, they accept it with grace, get on with what they were doing.
when humanity awakes to the fact it is farmed, what the product is and how it is extracted…hmm, who knows, perhaps it that awareness that is “christ conciousness”? the code
fear, anger, distress, all the negative stuff of which there are more variants than my early morning pre-coffee brain can muster…
these delights, these are the “products” for which we are farmed, the “deadly sins” are exactly that, grist for the “mill”
breaking free of this cycle will require huge mental and spiritual leaps, it is understanding of this that is why the yuga cycle makes some sense, possibly, though i have heard repeatedly that this point in time we are moving toward, this is the last “fall”
through choice we all booked a front row seat, best we get on with it
Great comment. I have to address this, though: “Trump trashing” for GOOD REASON. Dude TRUMPED (tricked/decieved/gave false hope to many still beLIEving in the SCAM of “voting”) a whole slew of people, who calls themselves “awake.” He is playing a role—he is an ACTOR like the rest. Didn’t he put into motion “Operation Warp speed” which is a public–private partnership initiated by the United States government to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 “life saving vaccines,”??
Those who still beLIEve in this “right” wing/ “left” wing bullshit have a lot of spiritual leaps to do, for they have ALWAYS been from the SAME bird. “Voting” for the “better” SLAVE MASTER is a creation/ a manufactured CONCEPT to condition the minds of the slaves that they have a choice to pick their next ruler. “Voting” Voting is a tool to create the illusion of consent. Knock, Knock, Neo, is anyone home and awake?
Thank you for caring for our animal brother’s and sister’s. It seems this whole place whatever it is) is held up by the force/essence of BLOOD. Blood is POWERFUL, which is why “THEY” need it/ need to get inside of it/ need to ingest it. Supposedly blood keeps these ghouls (interdimensional beings) on thee screens playing roles cloaked in a meat suit from losing their human form and shape shifting and our energy from our EMOTIONS (energy in motion) that they illicit from manufacturing all these events to keep us in low vibrations from fear, depression, hate, etc, keeps them in POWER over our MINDS/ PERCEPTIONS.
Govern = control
Ment = Mental/mind
“THEY” tell us what they are doing all the time and then once people start catching on, “THEY” start doing damage control by using confusion and DIVISION by calling people that SEE and KNOW “crazy, paranoid, conspiracy theorists.” Controlling PERCEPTIONS!
The actor playing the role of Trump is NO DIFFERENT. If you think so, you have fallen for their ruse. You have been TRUMPED.
You give people too much credit. By accusing them of falling for the voting ruse, you are excusing the real reason they keep voting so passionately: voting is the ultimate Team Sport.
They don’t really care who wins – unless they see a chance to make a buck if Master #1 gets in office and to lose a buck if Master #2 makes it.
It’s no accident Democrats are Blue, Republicans Red. The Blue Team vs the Red Team. Just pick a side and it’ll all work out in the end.
Yay Team!
I find zero humor in the circus show. The oligarchy still needs us to believe that we are free so that we won’t get serious about revolution, and voting is the best tool for maintaining this illusion. It serves the dual purposes of providing an outlet for our righteous indignation, pacifying our anger and sapping our political drive and of acting as a survey to determine which policies will meet the least amount of popular resistance.
When we show up on election day, knowing full well the candidates we’ve been presented with do not represent our ambitions for this nation, we are tacitly expressing our willingness to being governed in this manner. We are contributing to the perception that our rulers have our permission to carry on, and by doing such we are acquiescing ever further to their dominion over us.
my refference to trump was to illustrate that he also effectively put a stop to discussions (and actions) against what significant evidence points to as a “global child trafficking and torture farming institution” which seems to sit very well with the tptb
a (ex) closde friend went so far down the trump hole that i had to end our friendship, extremism and pure rage at any that would not or could not accept that all things trump were pure and holy
he had been abused by a RC priest as a child…. need i say more?
Yum, yum … a Billy Burger with extra Schwabs and sides of Faucies. I can’t fault that. It should be fine for tagged reptiles and other assorted swamp-creatures. Damn, I can’t wait for the New Normal V/2
I’d like a little Rothschild sauce on my Fauci fries please.
is that human butter that you are referring to? A.K.A adrenochrome?
Don’t forget the Zelensky hot dog with Pianoforte sauce
This kids a bit clueless but the footage and explained exactly where Zelensky tm comes from is enlighting.
If you’re not going to toast the bun, I’m not going to eat it.
I demand extra mayo!
Meanwhile, Morton’s, Jordan’s and other top tier steak houses continue to rake in the profits from their wealthy clientele’s devouring of the best steaks in the world. Discreetly guarded by security with guns, these steakhouses cater to the global capitalists and racketeers who feign to like bugs, but secretly understand the key to the good life, a good ribeye. They understand sharing that good life with the masses is not something that can be done for much longer.
I’ll stick to my fruit & veg, legume & GF grain, nut & seed diet, thanks.
Yeah you do that. I’ll eat roadkill.