In the Eye of the Storm

Todd Hayen

Sometime earlier this year (2022) the fearporn seemed to start to wane. Mandates started to relax, masks started to disappear, “social distancing” decals started to come up off floors in supermarkets and drug stores. Occasionally you might have even seen a waiter or waitress maskless in the more liberated restaurants. The storm was lifting. Or was it?

Anyone who has followed my writing knows at that time I was not joining the celebration parties many other people were throwing in their exuberance that we had won the great war. So many believed the efforts to kill the giant hydra of the mainstream agenda had been successful. All the hydra’s heads, or nearly all of them, had been hacked off.

I never believed this, as many of you out there never bought into it fully either. This is a common tactic in a psy-operation, and I have written about it quite often.

But…maybe I was not entirely correct. I read an article recently from Off-Guardian, Ukraine in the Time of Covid that basically pointed out that the elite, the agenda, may have moved too quickly, and, in their excitement, may have shown a bit too much of their hand. This could be true, but I wonder about all the movies I have seen where the evil villains never think they have made a mistake. They laugh and jeer when the good guys tell them their evil plans are doomed.

They never stop and shake the smirk off their faces and say, “oops, maybe I shouldn’t have done that, maybe I should have gone slower.”

Of course, reality is different than a movie (most times, I guess) and maybe the agenda really did move too fast, and the real-life villains got a little too cocky, and relaxed a bit too much in their arrogance, so are now backing off a bit. Maybe, but maybe not.

I still don’t fully buy it, and if it is true, I don’t think any sort of minor slip up like that (moving too fast) is going to change much. Maybe it will change some tactics they originally had in mind to implement, but the juggernaut is still on the move, crashing down any sort of barrier, or stall in time it encounters. It is a massive machine, and MAY spit and snort a bit as it comes up against formidable obstacles, but it isn’t going to stop in its tracks for very long, if it stops at all.

The surface may seem calm. The agenda has almost total control of the surface, meaning control over what most people are thinking, doing, and believing. This surface of the global population has been remarkably easy to control…much easier than I ever could have imagined.

It is one example of the utter brilliance of the evil narrative; they essentially can get away with anything, and few will raise even an ounce of concern. They have to do this in a special way, but it isn’t all that complicated. Their methods of coercion and manipulation are highly effective. If there indeed has been a slow down, it is probably intentional.

So, the surface is calm. The surface thinks the crises is over, at least very close to over, people are kept on their toes (which is the intention) with little nudges here and there: Ukraine/Russia, Monkeypox, HIV, Climate Change, etc.

We are always kept ready for disaster to hit, but for the most part we can go about our daily lives staring at our cell phones, going out and partying, working to buy a car, a house, or whatever instant gratification we can get our hands on (I am not pointing fingers, I am guilty of this as well). We can even go on vacation without too many restrictions (just cancelled flights and mayhem at the airports). The surface water is still…but it runs deep.

What strange creatures do we find lurking in the depths? Here we will find a robust effort to inoculate everyone left standing with the Covid vaccines, for no reason at all at this point (there never was, but they kept telling us there was, now they can get us to vaccinate without having to bother shoving a fake reason down our throats).

Right now, in the states, it stands at 6 months being the youngest authorized to vaccinate, but I doubt if it stops there. We still have newborns to add to the list. And of course, the effort to protect Big Pharma from liability is the aim of these early age approvals for vaccination. And if you go any deeper into that still water you may find a genocidal agenda lurking in the shadows. This may be as far as you need to go to get a clear view of the storm about to hit us.

The seeds of genocide, if indeed those were the seeds planted, are well on their way to sprouting big time. The agenda is set, they don’t really need to do anything else quickly (digital IDs, vaccine passports, digital currency, another viral attack, more vaccines—can all be saved for when the population is reduced). All they have to do now is sit back and watch.

Lots of sinister looking fish down there, most of them familiar enough but still not as visible as before. Many places in the US still require vaccine proof. For example, many individual theatres in NYC still require proof of vaccination (these restrictions come and go, so let me know if they have subsequently been lifted).

How about cruise liners? Some have lifted vaccine requirements but for only selected cruises and destinations. Lots of interior venues still require proof of the jab; lots of jobs still require vaccines to stay employed.

ArriveCAN in Canada is still in place for literally no scientific reason (this may have changed recently with the surprise lifting by the CDC of many policies previously required), last I heard though Canadian citizens who are not complying are being pulled from their cars and interrogated for hours before being fined. I have read article after article about the “under the radar” (not covered in mainstream media) happenings going on in the world, mask mandates coming back to countries like Germany and Australia.

Monkeypox vaccines coming to the forefront, digital IDs breaking through legislation, talk of new variants, new viruses, etc. The surface is calm, but that’s about it. You may have to dig a little to find some of this, but it isn’t too far down there.

Think of it like a gardening project.

First comes the preparation of the garden space. Plowing, digging, tilling, turning. A huge operation. Back when I was a kid and had a garden in the country, preparing raw land for a large plot was a massively disruptive ordeal. First the land was plowed with the tractor to tear into the raw ground and turn it, then another round of the tractor pulling large cylinder discs to break up the rough plowed ground. Then you went out there with just your muscles, a pickaxe, a hoe, and a shovel and broke up everything even more, turning under fertilizer, manure, and other soil amendments.

Equate this process with the “pandemic.”

What a massive disturbance that was! Churning, turning, digging, the global populace into near hysteria. Among other things, its purpose was to build confidence in the “save the day” figures such as Fauci, Biden, Walensky, Tedros, and Trudeau and all the other wartime “Winston Churchill” types spouting sound bites to build trust, and resolve, to beat this “common enemy of the people” through personal sacrifice and fortitude. “Do what we say, and all will be fine.”

This preparation of the soil also built an illusory veneration for what the agenda called “science,” a complete and utterly false “new definition” for what became the narrative’s new religion. It also created fear: fear of the unknown, and an abnormal fear of nature itself, turning living a normal, natural life embraced in nature’s nurturing arms, into life and nature itself being the enemy and the source of abject fear.

So now the soil is prepared. The dust from the plowing and disruption has again settled. The seeds are now planted. We sit and wait with anticipation. What will sprout from these carefully planted seeds, sowed into this carefully prepared soil? What have the masses been prepared for? What will that preparation yield?—a more compliant mass, a more reliant mass, a more fearful mass, a less confident mass, a mass prepared to give up the essence of life as a human due to a prepared fear of nature, and fear of life itself?

This is certainly fertile ground for the monster the agenda has prepared for us—a monster that is very likely intended to consume us (maybe even wipe out a large portion of the world’s population), likely intended, at the very least, to control us and thus create a world to the agenda’s liking. Maybe if we were part of this elite group, we would cheer it on to success…but we are not. We are useless eaters.

So, we are in the eye of the storm.

The time the farmer sits back on his back porch and looks out over his fields and waits to see what will come of his efforts. Maybe this is a time to relax, enjoy the sun, enjoy family, enjoy life. Maybe not, maybe it is the time to prepare ourselves for what comes up in that field.

I read a little children’s story when I was a kid about a chicken asking all the other creatures on the farm to help her prepare the seed she had collected to make bread. Everyone refused, they all had better things to do, nothing seemed too pressing to put aside their leisure moments to help the mother hen. You can predict what happened. The hen did all the work herself, and when she ended up with bread to eat in the winter, everyone else scrambled to her little hut and begged for bread. As I recall, she said, “too bad, you didn’t help when I needed it, so to hell with you.”

Somehow, as an adult now, I doubt if it actually ended that way (it did!), but that’s what I remember. Not sure why the chicken story came up. Maybe the chicken was really one of us and was preparing for the New Normal and all the other animals ignoring her were the New Normies. Whatever. All I am saying is there MAY be dark days ahead, better to be the prepared chicken, than be sorry.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Sep 7, 2022 5:10 AM

Good god, imagine trusting a Jungian with political or scientific analysis of any kind.

You have absolutely no understanding of your material conditions at all. The biosphere is collapsing you nu age dork. Capitalism is a mass extinction event. This civilization is over.

The ‘great reset’ you’re so afraid of is just a bunch of bumbling stooges desperately trying to stave off the inevitable. They have no chance. We are living through the largest geological anomaly in this planets history, and there is an increasingly likely chance that we are also going to go extinct.

The choice is ecosocialism or collapse/extinction, and it always has been. The ‘normal’ you are desperately clinging to never existed and given that it perpetuates omnicide as a matter of its functioning, is never worth defending.

You’d know all of this if you weren’t burying your head in a bunch of atavistic essentialist nonsense. Pull your head out of your ‘true self’ and read another book.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Sep 8, 2022 1:45 AM
Reply to  emTme3

I strongly object to describing this group of extremely wealthy, powerful elites as a ‘bunch of bumbling stooges’. This sort of mawkishishness makes me feel a little queazy, honestly. These are a collection of incredibly ruthless people, born out of a capitalist system which has filtered the most psychopathically undiscerning people to the top.

If we are witnessing a potential ‘mass extinction event’, as you say, we’d do well to wise up and realise that cornered animals are the most dangerous, and those with the most to lose right now are those at the top of this teetering materialist tower! 😅 A2

Rene Borg
Rene Borg
Oct 1, 2022 9:52 AM
Reply to  emTme3

The solution was always anarchoprimitivism. Socialism of any sort only ever leads to a monstrous tyranny. Communitarianism is the jack boot of the totalitarians and their misdirection on the causes of the world’s issues the way to strip us all of access to any remaining resources

K. Cavan
K. Cavan
Aug 24, 2022 7:15 PM

As always, the journey towards totalitarianism is a ratchet, it only goes up, it never winds down. Covid can fall by the wayside now, an invented name for a non-existent disease, even if Sars02 was a real Coronavirus, they give us colds or, at worst, pneumonia. The mechanisms, the concepts, the fear that Covid has injected into our societies will not just disappate & those in power will keep it lit.
Neither will the divisions heal. In the place of your chicken, I wouldn’t even help my own family, they aided & abetted my oppression with their supine surrender. I will, of course, always retain my natural affection for them but it has mostly morphed into pity now & I certainly won’t sacrifice myself for people who have failed, so dismally, to fight for their rights, lest they hand them away again, along with mine.
My life is changing, I’m leaving the city & will only ever visit for work, occasionally. I will leave behind many friends who were on the opposite side to me, with promises of keeping in touch, of visiting occasionally but I have no intention of staying in touch or inviting them to stay, I have no intention of ever seeing them again & here’s the strange thing: This does not fill me with regret, as it would have the person I was before this arrived, it will only bring relief. Maintaining those relationships has been too onerous & I find myself with absolutely no emotional response to such parting, no, not even sweet sorrow. Just acceptance of the way things must be. I have my own shit to do.

Aug 22, 2022 3:31 PM

Here in the US:
    on July 25, 2022, Fauci said he would have imposed “much, much stricter restrictions”   at the beginning of the pandemic;
   on August 11, 2022, the CDC loosened their Covid restrictions;
the new vaccine/variant is due to be released in September.

Maybe the goal is to cancel the US elections because much, much stricter restrictions will be imposed by then. Although why bother since all the candidates in the general election have been thoroughly vetted by the oligarchs? Unless maybe it would be the signal to mount an expanded January 6 type of operation… the long predicted civil war. Anything can happen.

Den Lille Abe
Den Lille Abe
Aug 22, 2022 1:38 PM

I got “Le Petit Prince” and did well, I liked it even before high school. and scored max in the orals, which was cool, because I did not do good in maths. But here I am, a marine engineer, which is all maths and physics. Oh irony 🙂

Den Lille Abe
Den Lille Abe
Aug 22, 2022 1:34 PM

Whatever the ending, there is s biblical note in it “Do to others as you want them to do to you” and it is a good phrase! By lifting together, we as a species can almost do anything, go anywhere, reach the stars! If we stay divided, I doubt there any humans left in a 1000 years, we have the means today, to cause mass extinction, that is the main difference to ol’ tales of then. Nuclear weapons made it possible for man to utterly destroy our world.
“on the beach” Nevil Shute… A rather dystopian look at humanity, but gripping. (Compulsory reading in High School in Denmark)

Aug 21, 2022 11:55 PM

It was a couple of years ago. Our first Sailing, after covid and lockdown. Our son has got a business doing computer stuff…very fast – started with computer games (he still lives at home some of the time . He’s got a Sailing Boat…(something about a customer, who didn’t want to pay..and they came to an agreement) (you can have it). After by far the most Beautiful Beaches, We encountered a Storm in the Atlantic Ocean…It scared the shit out of me. I thought we are all going to die (but I loved it too) “His Sailing Boat” to cancel the debt He thought he wouldn’t collect..so he goes on several Sailing Courses (look he’s quick) Meets the bloke, who is selling the boat (and they get on) And they shake hands. The deal is done. The sailing people in Bulgaria, obviously liked my son. Boat’s Back Its all subdivisions, but my kid and this kid with the boat(same age – met by playing computer games across the world) They got on So he got invited to Saudi Arabia, by his mate. and like you do – you ask – how come all the girls go in from the other side, and you can’t meet in the middle??? A few hours after the jet lag, he is in some city in Saudia Arabia (he had to change flights)…he is invited into this office/temple/large room with Arabs and stuff wearing all their gear,,,as a Computer Consultant (about 23) They had a language interpreter. My son does not do suits (but born in London can do posh) He told me when he got back. He didn’t get the job, but he did get the boat. It took about 6 months to sail it home – which he did at first alone..and them… Read more »

Aug 21, 2022 9:13 PM

We are winning against the cabal, they will indeed fall, they are falling. It is all being revealed to the masses and we will soon be stepping into our infinite potential and assist as a midwife to the birth of our new earth.

Saint Tan
Saint Tan
Sep 13, 2022 11:13 AM
Reply to  Mike

She’s suffering from some type of mental illness.

Aug 21, 2022 8:27 PM

Eye of the storm? If there’s any calm on the surface, that’s another spell cast by means of mind control to lead people along in continuing denial of what’s still going down. How many of us remain in the storm, suffering and struggling with the ongoing assaults upon our lives, from biowarfare to economic warfare? All this simply doesn’t exist for those captive to psychological warfare, including its changes in narrative, by design.

I see little to no real resistance to the war(s) being waged against us, beyond the corrupted institutions of governance too many still appeal to for justice. If common people don’t wake up to the need to rise up in novel, revolutionary ways we must create for ourselves, we will simply continue to suffer and struggle in silence and obscurity as far as what counts for reality by those who try to manufacture it for us useless eaters.

Aug 21, 2022 7:14 PM

We are in the calm before the storm. Anything (cyberattack, Marbug, Alien Invasion, CERN “portal”, planned famine, WW3, CBDC etc.) could happen next. It’s also possible the death rates from the clot shots will exponentially shoot up and mass genocide will be apparent to everyone soon. Here’s a prediction that someone posted on Zerohedge- I saved it because it seemed very plausible: Originally posted 1/6/2022. Take it with a grain of salt.  “I know most want to believe that enough people have woken up to the Covid scam, and that the people behind the curtains are being forced to retreat and let the scam become a footnote in history. Unfortunately this is exactly what they want you to believe. The plan for worldwide depop has been in the works for decades. The plandemic was simply the first phase. They scared billions into injecting a slow kill weapon into their own bodies using the common cold. The actual percentage vaccinated is not as high as they are telling you, obviously. Around 2/3 of the world population has committed slow suicide via the shots. The reason they were so blatant in their censoring and blacklisting? They knew a percentage would see the hoax clearly, and that over a year or two, those who saw it would awaken others. I can tell you it happened more quickly than they believed it would. They were expecting compliance for 4 boosters. This is not going to happen. That said, this is what will happen in the next year. A war between Russia and NATO. Power outages and food shortages in the US, blamed on cyber terrorists. Multiple false flags blaming patriotic Americans in the hopes of scaring the large majority of patriots to stay quiet. The mass die off that has already begun will accelerate this… Read more »

Mr Y
Mr Y
Aug 21, 2022 7:09 PM

“They” are very powerful. Mighty as none we have seen before. Almost god like.

No, you say, you don’t believe in god(s). Why not? You seem to believe in god like powers, why not go all the way?

Aug 21, 2022 4:54 PM

Feear porn begets wargasm$

To Odess already, a Russian city since the German Catherine took it from the wily turkeys around about 1785.
coZ history matters and not the BS pumped into the sheeple hive “mind”.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 21, 2022 3:53 PM

The hardest part of a three-day war is the first six months!

178 Days of the War That Was “Won in the First 3 Days”
Aug 21, 2022

The Ron Unz site – wrong on just about everything until it no longer matters!

Larry C. Johnson: “The Ukrainian Army Has Been Defeated. What’s Left Is Mop-Up”
MIKE WHITNEY • MARCH 21, 2022 • 2,200 WORDS • 1,002 COMMENTS

Question 3– Last week, Colonel Douglas MacGregor was a guest on the Tucker Carlson Show. His views on the war are strikingly similar to your own. Here’s what he said in the interview:

“The war is really over for the Ukrainians. They have been ground into bits, there is no question about that despite what we hear from our mainstream media. So, the real question for us at this stage is, Tucker, are we going to live with the Russian people and their government or we going to continue to pursue this sort of regime change dressed up as a Ukrainian war? Are we going to stop using Ukraine as a battering ram against Moscow, which is effectively what we’ve done.” (Tucker Carlson– MacGregor Interview)

Aug 21, 2022 12:38 PM

It’s quite obvious by now this has been a cull by the parasites .

Aug 21, 2022 2:05 PM
Reply to  Anne

Has been…?

This ain’t over yet; not by a long chalk.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 21, 2022 11:24 AM

Little bit of a swelling here!


“Scientists” are concerned! A little preview of the storm ahead?

Aug 21, 2022 2:15 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Well it is precisely right now that the time has come for the “covid is over” attitude seriously to threaten you fraudulent, plagiaristic, lying pseudo-scientists.

You and your evil works are supposed to feel threatened when it comes to high treason and crimes against humanity.
That’s why mankind has always built prisons and erected gallows, for heaven’s sake: This was done so that you would feel threatened enough to stop.

I strongly advise you to take heed, you greedy, spineless idiots.

Aug 21, 2022 8:56 AM

What happens happen and all of us will have to handle it as it plays out.

Aug 21, 2022 2:20 PM
Reply to  Benton

Not. Good. Enough.

That’s a simple cop-out.
We’re supposed to be active human beings here. Not just stick our heads in the sand and hope for the best. Evil people rely upon that attitude and exploit it to the full, as we are now witnessing every day.

Aug 21, 2022 3:01 PM
Reply to  wardropper

You. Read. Things. Not. Written. While. Your. Own. Words. Pop. Up. In. Your. Head.

You have had two years to stop this Mr Active Man, but the crap seems to continue. And handling things as they play out can also be a game of Chess. But make a Vlog of your own personal crusade and post i here on O.G. as an inspiration for us all.

Aug 21, 2022 4:28 PM
Reply to  Benton

I have not had two years to stop this.
We have ALL had two years to stop this.

You and I both lack the power to do it as individuals, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.

“What happens, happens”, in English, as I understand it, means letting somebody else do the trying… but do let me know if you have a better interpretation of its meaning.

Aug 21, 2022 4:39 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Well, perhaps you understand things wrong by interpret them by your own standards. But lead with example and post the video.

Aug 21, 2022 5:46 PM
Reply to  wardropper

About at least 2/3 of the adult population is already jabbed and there are no way to undo this. But maybe nothing will happen to them or perhaps a large portion of them will be sick and/or die. In a worst case scenario society will stop functioning since a larger part of the workforce have been jabbed. But since we don’t know what will happen we will have to handle it as it plays out.

Aug 21, 2022 4:03 AM

‘Eye of the storm’ indeed.
Nearly 3 years into a decade long cull 😉

les online
les online
Aug 21, 2022 12:18 AM

Sydney. NSW: Over a month ago notices advising passengers on local buses that “masks must be worn at all time while onboard” began appearing on some buses. They now appear on all buses. The requirement, after the removal of such signs over 12 months ago, is not due to any announced government order. Signs advising the same also have reappeared on bus stands. Since their reappearance the number of passengers complying has increased…
This week “physical distance capacity” signs, not seen on local buses for at least 12 months, reappeared on some of the buses, again unannounced. (Previously the signs only stated “limited to carry # passengers”. The new signs are specific: “physical distance”)….
The reappearance of the signs does not indicate the authorities believe another killer “variant” is about to be released. It seems likely to be an exercise to see how effective prior Pavlovian conditioning to comply with mere signs was, and what reinforcements are needed…One clue: also this past week a poster has appeared on some bus stands. It depicts a Masked young female and the caption “Thank You For Keeping Us All Safe”...You can guess where this might beheading..

For the George Monbiot fans: Before George went over to The Dark Side, he said of The Dark Lord:
“Bit i am sure that anticipatory compliance is (Rupert) Murdoch’s most powerful weapon. I doubt he needed to tell all 247 of his editors to support the invasion of Iraq – but they did.” “Power is sustained not by force but by fear, as everyone seeks to interpret the wishes of his master and to meet them before he asks.”

Aug 21, 2022 1:29 AM
Reply to  les online

Resist. Do not comply.

Alan Vaughn
Alan Vaughn
Aug 21, 2022 6:13 AM
Reply to  Grafter

Not much use here – most of us don’t and never will. Would be more useful in the locations les online referred to!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 21, 2022 3:47 AM
Reply to  les online

Same here in Melbourne les… Facemasks have been mandatory on all public transport since convid began, even when they were not mandatory in shops or other buildings. Unfortunately, Melbourne being the woke liberal capital of Australia, the vast vast majority here have meekly complied and gone along with whatever dictates Big Brother has decreed.
On every train I catch there is an announcement over the PA system: “facemasks are mandatory on public transport for all passengers 8 years and older. You must wear a fitted facemask covering your mouth and nose. Wearing a facemask helps keep you and others safe”.
Interesting to note out in the suburbs away from the CBD an increasing number of people no longer wear masks on trains and whole groups of High School students, especially from several well known Catholic Colleges, all sit on the trains unmasked while in the same carriage almost every adult male is masked and staring at their phones. The contrast is quite surreal. I note what you say about Pavlovian conditioning as well.

Aug 21, 2022 2:27 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

One of those Xavier College Gezzah?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 21, 2022 10:28 PM
Reply to  Corarden

No, it’s mainly Christian Brothers College, St Kevin’s College and Whitefriars. I don’t see many Xavier students on my travels but the ones I’ve seen have mostly been masked.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 21, 2022 2:37 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Gezzah, in NSW we are constantly subjected to the mandatory mask admonishment (though not as detailed as yours) over the loudspeaker, however, on some trains I see less than 50% compliance and if I ever see police it’s only at stations not on trains and they don’t seem to be on the mask case. I think they’re over the mask enforcement BS somehow. I have a feeling they’ve put their foot down and said, “We’re not hassling people over masks anymore.” Could be wrong of course and next time I venture onto PT I could get hassled but that’s my impression at the moment.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 21, 2022 10:42 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

In the outer suburbs the clear majority don’t wear masks on the trains and on buses almost no one wears them. In fact it’s quite odd seeing someone wearing a mask on a bus in an outer suburb, but the closer to the city you get, they are wearing them. At the weekends it seems most don’t, and on the way home from work yesterday arvo unfortunately lots of footy fans got on my train heading to the MCG. My carriage was packed, quite a lot were standing, and yet only a very small minority wore facemasks. Very small. It seems the CBD office/retail workers during the week and the hipsters are the most compliant. The hipsters are always the most compliant!

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 22, 2022 2:51 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

The hipsters are always the most compliant!

I know, it’s maddening, isn’t it?

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 21, 2022 3:53 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Maybe it’s a global experiment with regard to populations i.e. the expectations arising from different cultures? Australia has a smaller population than most and perhaps the ones in charge of that corner of the global penal colony feel emboldened? Also regard the relative isolation of that society.

les online
les online
Aug 21, 2022 11:15 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Many of us keep losing sight of the fact that They are conducting psychological warfare against us, and it is ongoing…Their successes show how deeply they have studied us, so know how to herd us into the slaughterhouses without the use of physical force…Nudge psychology might best be understood as stealth psychology…It subtly works below our conscious awareness….Blaring mask instructions over the PA provides a target for juvenile rebelliousness, as Gezza mentions. The signs posted without fanfare on buses do not. (There’s a noticeable absence of anti-covid etc graffiti ? )…Going on three years we’ve been the target of Their manipulations. Their techniques must be understood so they can be resisted…
Most of us are still at Their mercy…

les online
les online
Aug 21, 2022 10:41 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

The membership of the CPA Perth branch mid-1970s was comprised of around 70% ex-Catholic & ex-CofE (The two sisters of one union official member were Catholic nuns back in Ireland)…Rebellious Catholics ! Where would we be without them !!

Aug 21, 2022 1:34 PM
Reply to  les online

Little sticker to substitute mask for sunglasses and it is a winner.  😎 

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Aug 21, 2022 3:37 PM
Reply to  les online

Thank you for posting this…it is rather disturbing, but as my article implies, I believe these sorts of things will start appearing more and more…I agree with you about the “purpose” in it…the Pavlovian conditioning…This sort of thing always reminds me of BF Skinner’s pigeon experiments, where he could get the dumb birds to peck on that corn lever forever if he played it right…take away restrictions, bring back restrictions, take away restrictions, bring back restrictions…ad nauseam….

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Aug 20, 2022 10:40 PM

I’ve just come across the following video. It might be of interest to some of you.

“Dr Lee Merritt interview with Poornima Wagh PhD Virology” (video: 1.59.31 hours), at:


Aug 20, 2022 11:37 PM

Our bodies are very, very intelligent, you know. Everything in nature is very intelligent, everything has a place, and you can’t just change that because you have a God complex.

Sound interesting. I was listening to a video where Andrew Kaufman spoke with these two sons. Their father had been this doctor and they said they could analyse blood and see little pictures of the organ that was having issues. They showed some of these pictures and were saying other amazing stuff aswell. https://odysee.com/@dharmabear:2/Dr-Andrew-Kaufman-and-the-Bigelsen-Brothers-Terrain:e

El Zafio
El Zafio
Aug 21, 2022 8:44 AM

Just a 2x PhD bonafide out-and-out and active virologist with lots of CoV-2 experience throwing virology and kovid under the bus, nothing to see here.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 20, 2022 10:13 PM

Trust me Todd, there are heaps of passive, fearful, compliant people here in Australia, and especially Melbourne, which seems to be the main testing ground for the rollout of Agenda 2030 and the technocratic dictatorship the cabal want to impose on those who are left. Despite being multi jabbed, a lot more people are wearing masks outside. When I ask them why they are still wearing facemasks, some of them have told me they “have a cold, and I don’t want to pass it onto anyone else”.
Melbourne is of course a member of the Strong Cities Network and is also a partner of the World Economic Forum.
And yes, I also believe this is about depopulation as well, via the vaccines. Listening to people like Sucharit Bhakdi, Andreas Noack, Mike Yeadon and watching programs like La Quinta Columna has led me to believe this is a truly grotesque, utterly evil, culling of humanity.
Despite the storm we face, I refuse to buy into fear. I don’t allow myself to indulge in fear, because fear cripples rational and critical thinking and paralyses you from taking meaningful action. I also boycott all mainstream media. I refuse to waste my brain cells on these bastards. And it’s also important to link up with like minded, awake people in our own towns and cities at this time as well. Good luck to you.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Aug 20, 2022 10:39 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

For some odd reason I am not the least bit afraid. I am at times sad, angry, and disappointed.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 21, 2022 12:30 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

The most central part of the fraud lay in the threefold poison of lockdown, distancing and masking. Together they amounted to the quarantining of the healthy – an unprecedented move. Also the most devastating self-castration of the operation: once a sizable part of the population fall for this triple headed monster, there is no limit to how far it can go.

The fundamental message is:

“Fresh air is evil! Other people are evil! Close proximity is evil! The horror is invisible and could be anywhere! You need to be pumped full of this magic elixir! And you will never have enough of it! And this sad situation will never go away! This is it forever and ever!” 

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Aug 21, 2022 1:34 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Fear is what has driven this whole thing George, especially fear of death, fear of getting ill, while at the same time politicians and “health officials” have exhorted everyone to wear a mask, cover your hands in sanitiser, and getting repeatedly jabbed, all supposedly to keep yourself and others…. safe.
Its really insidious how they’ve framed the convid propaganda actually. People are now back to wearing facemasks outside when there is no mask mandate in shops let alone outside. They’re doing it themselves without needing to be told, and I think the ultimate nadir for me was one of my customers proclaiming Daniel Andrews literally saved the State of Victoria, and they should build a statue to honor him. I have others who have been jabbed at least 3 times, and yet they still wear the mask outside. Even today I overheard 2 women literally boasting to each other they survived covid and one of them said “oh, it felt like having the flu”. They keep going and getting tested. What can you say? These people are gone. I note your last sentence as well.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 21, 2022 2:23 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

It will clearly never go away. It really is conditioning – the way you train a dog to jump when it hears a certain word. You would never have believed it and yet here it is. I haven’t seen the same in Scotland although there are those who cling to their masks. I have never understood the mentality. It is worse than embarassing. It’s the air you breathe for fuck’s sake. And you’ve been breathing in God knows what all the time. But then I refuse to watch the media. If I had done all along would I be strapping these nappies to my face? Everyone I work with, even the most gullible, when in a work situation requiring masks (according to the council), frequently pull their masks down and gulp air in a half apologetic way. And I wonder if their sense of apology is due to them thinking they are being unsafe or to them suspecting they are being taken for fools?

Aug 20, 2022 10:06 PM

Interesting gardening analogy for a perspective on current events.

Yet, there is another way to garden…

Perhaps this is the clue we need to free ourselves from the ‘toil of the till’ and its associated extrapolations:

Aug 21, 2022 1:35 AM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

Live in a flat.

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Aug 21, 2022 3:05 AM
Reply to  Grafter

Looks like a mass burial site.

Aug 21, 2022 11:37 AM

Soon to be seen at the ‘Kyyyyyyv Indipendent’.

Aug 21, 2022 4:29 PM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

Perfect, a huge contribution to the success of the current mess is the systemic de-naturing of people. No respect for the true Awesomeness (I use this in it’s true sense) of Nature and the exquisite ingenuity in the design of us and our world. Instead of seeking to understand and learn from Mother Earth/Nature, of which we are a part, we have accepted that this is a hostile place and we are a cancer. Ultimate lie. Real clever and very successful strategy.

Aug 21, 2022 5:00 PM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

“Even a radish screams when pulled from the earth.”
Eat vegans.

Stuart Davies
Stuart Davies
Aug 20, 2022 9:55 PM

Yes, indeed, we are in the eye of the storm. I generally agree with Catte Black, but absolutely didn’t agree with this notion:

“By autumn 2021 the New Normal – and, more importantly, the system promoting it – were actually in some trouble. The worst trouble they had known for a while.

Faced with overwhelming resistance the “Independence Day hug-fest”, and indeed the whole pandemic narrative, began to go into panic-reverse. Mask mandates began to be canceled. Quarantines abandoned. QR codes likewise.”

They were moving too fast? Right on schedule! Revealing too much? To whom? The sleepwalking majority are OBLIVIOUS regardless of how much gets revealed! Their ‘pandemic waves’ narrative, with corresponding waxing and waning of their lockdown bullshit was all scripted, and in fact was telegraphed to us early on.

The genocide is in full swing, and is going to require ever of extreme propaganda measures to blame the deaths on whatever ‘new variant’ or ‘deadly new virus’ or other fabricated horseshit they want to dream up.

Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Clive WilliamsCoronavirus
Aug 20, 2022 9:38 PM

Back to school its written down as immunisation. Right there on a large fold out board as you walk in. Americans appear to be still under ww2 rationing so it’s difficult asking pointed questions.

Aug 20, 2022 9:22 PM

Alt media are doing more damage to our my phychi than msm just saying I trust what I see I see beautiful sky every morning I see plants I see birds animals that they are my drug for a happy life.Sometimes you have people relationship people that will disrupt your thoughts sometimes the news sometimes sites that put fear into you .Forget about what you hear second hand believe in what YOU see.

Aug 21, 2022 5:01 PM
Reply to  Anne

I hear Louis Armstrong….?

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 20, 2022 9:01 PM


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George Mc
George Mc
Aug 21, 2022 11:21 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Oh I get it now! Yes very good!

(I ran out of pending references myself and just grovel shamelessly to the nice admins now!)

Aug 20, 2022 8:52 PM

I came to listen to the people on here the comments.I don’t know anyone who have died from the vax but I only know from my daughter girls are having womens problems that’s it?!! I come onto sites like this and everyone is dying?!! I’m the type of person to be the eye witness not second hand news don’t get me wrong something is afoot and something is wrong with this story 😬.I’ll find out something ain’t right with alt media site’s either.

Aug 20, 2022 8:54 PM
Reply to  Anne

I smell a fish with alt media they are making us fearful whose the boogey man???

Aug 21, 2022 4:54 AM
Reply to  Anne

I personally know three people who have been seriously injured by the clot shots. On a bus trip last year a woman went into a coma suddenly. Another fell on a moving escalator, This was after the clot shots were started. Two friends have developed pneumonia. It is obvious immune systems have been weakened. Please don’t reinforce the most widespread and intense censorhip and propaganda campaigns in history.

Aug 20, 2022 8:42 PM

Our energy needs to be directed neither with the parasites or the alt media we need to stop being afraid of every scare mongerer.I felt confused I knew this was a lie,I didn’t know where to turn I came to different voices than the media but they are scaring me more than the msm?!?!

Aug 20, 2022 9:29 PM
Reply to  Anne

Ha ha. I laugh with you. I tend to think that what we’re supposed to be waiting for is already here. And it has something to do with the lack of thought in people. It’s as if having thoughts about anything other than daily living must be avoided at all costs because it might unnecessarily disturb, or cause anger, or cause retribution. So, people kinda go with the flow… the entertainment, not concerning themselves with their no-thought state, or with the loss of reality all around them–and inside them.

Aug 21, 2022 1:42 AM
Reply to  fxgrube

Fear of Death permeates all.

Aug 20, 2022 9:44 PM
Reply to  Anne

Positive action in creating a bright future is healing. Best to let go and forget about ‘the agenda’. None of that is going to happen if we head in an entirely different direction. I find this interview with Rita quite inspiring. How possible it all is. We just have to get on the right track and everything will be splendid.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 20, 2022 7:22 PM

Mnemonic idiot propaganda on TV. “Well as one of the striking rail staff I’ve had my life utterly devastated by the covid pandemic followed by the invasion of Ukraine which put up fuel prices and ……” etc etc By the numbers dot to dot kiddie updates on “what to think and what to believe”.

Aug 20, 2022 7:07 PM

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Aug 20, 2022 7:05 PM

It must be over. Even kids in North Korea are going to school mask free.

Aug 20, 2022 7:33 PM
Reply to  Mike

They shouldn’t have been made to wear the face nappy in the first place, it’s child abuse.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 20, 2022 8:16 PM
Reply to  Violet

COUPVID has been and still is a vile premeditated attack on all of humanity, starting with a massacre of the old and defenceless; but what these bastards have done and are still doing to millions of children is simply unforgivable. Even Jesus said something about millstones, necks and the sea.

They are intentionally inflicting sustained and lasting damage on an entire generation of children in their formative years. No wonder these loathsome lying sanctimonious gene-fiddling kiddie-maskers and baby-jabbers are so anxious to ban “hate speech” (sic). They know damn well that they are hated, and God knows not for no reason.

“Attraction and Repulsion, Reason and Energy, Love and Hate are necessary to Human existence.” – William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790).

Aug 20, 2022 8:28 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Absolutely correct ✅

Aug 20, 2022 11:31 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Lots of BPD to be treated. We don’t make good decisions.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 21, 2022 12:03 AM

“BPD” is another bullshit pseudo-medical “diagnosis”, another mere label masquerading as an explanation, and your “we” is a tendentious generalisation that doesn’t hold up.

Aug 21, 2022 2:59 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

A marvellous little summation, Patrick. Thanks.

The Blake quote will stick with me too.

Aug 20, 2022 10:56 PM
Reply to  Violet

Mike did mention that it’s North Korea.
Abuse of all kinds is surely no stranger there.

“Dear Leader”…?
Not even Boris expected to be called that…

Aug 20, 2022 6:57 PM

We all know this one:

comment image

I’ve been waiting for that one for many years and finally it appeared:

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Aug 20, 2022 6:53 PM

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Aug 20, 2022 7:36 PM
Reply to  Thinktwice

Oh look, even her own kind are shunning her – can’t say that I blame them!!!

Aug 20, 2022 8:05 PM
Reply to  Thinktwice

god she looks dim

Aug 20, 2022 10:59 PM
Reply to  citizen

Perhaps one of the “terrifying” 10% to whom Jordan Peterson referred as having an IQ under 86, effectively rendering them incapable of carrying out any kind of work without doing more harm than good…?

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 20, 2022 11:57 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Not at all, her “IQ” will be respectably above average. We do ourselves no favours at all in smugly imagining that these people are just plain thick. They didn’t get where they are today by failing to recognise where their material interests lie or by being incapable of working to maximise their power and wealth.

incapable of carrying out any kind of work without doing more harm than good

Harm to whom? Good to whom?

Nothing is more damaging to people’s intelligence than imagining that everyone has everyone’s best interests at heart. We are not all in this together.

Aug 21, 2022 2:15 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

It’s okay. No need to take my comment too seriously.
I was replying in the same vein as, “God, she looks dim”.
I agree with you; she doesn’t look that dim…

Aug 21, 2022 2:04 PM
Reply to  wardropper

But it’s a close call…

J. Maclain
J. Maclain
Aug 20, 2022 6:47 PM

“The seeds are now planted. We sit and wait with anticipation.” I bet you are anticipating it, Hayen. I am very excited as we stop giving our time and energy to these flat lit square things.

Aug 20, 2022 6:40 PM

A message to all alt media sites,You have points you have done research but sometimes following the white rabbit will lead you down the abyss.You are doing and saying exactly what the parasites want panic!?!Everyone is the enemy,You ever looked at a politician they are calm you look at alternative media and they are a little manic.What I’m trying to say is stay calm all will be right.

Aug 20, 2022 6:42 PM
Reply to  Annie

The sky is not falling in because the sky will always be here.

Aug 20, 2022 6:49 PM
Reply to  Annie

If you can see it through the chem-clouds.

The chem-clouds are falling.

Aug 20, 2022 8:36 PM
Reply to  Sebastian


Jack Bean
Jack Bean
Aug 20, 2022 6:23 PM

For as long as you believe in phantoms you will be led by the nose.

Aug 20, 2022 5:48 PM

2023 is going to be a hell of a year

Aug 20, 2022 6:38 PM
Reply to  Irwin

Let’s just make sure there’s enough fallout to put some gigantic spanners in the works of our would-be owners. It would be nice to live long enough to see them bitterly regret their current crimes.

Aug 20, 2022 6:43 PM
Reply to  wardropper

According to Revelations, yes – however, according to the same Book, we’ve a long way to go yet.

Aug 20, 2022 11:00 PM
Reply to  Sebastian

Yep. I think you’re right.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Aug 20, 2022 5:41 PM

Sometimes it really is incompetence and inertia that drives things. We’d like to think there’s some coordinating hand behind everything, a giant Global Conspiracy, but I suspect that things are actually a bit more mundane. The best guess is that maybe there is an attempt to push the world in a particular direction but it gets confused by its own contradictions and mired in the chaos of everyday life.

Experience has shown us that its easy to ramp up restrictions but the very Devil to take them off. The reason for this is straightforward — ratcheting things up adds jobs, winding them down (in the absence of a suitable successor) takes them away. Nobody takes a job that if they’re successful in will immediately eliminate that job. That’s not how the world works. Prohibition in the 1920s and 1930s was a big business. It might have been wildly unpopular and blatantly flouted but until some other scourge (marijuana, gangsters, whatever) could replace the enforcement effort then Prohibition hung on grimly. Covid will be the same — having sprouted an entire economic ecosystem that ecosystem now has to find other scourges to defeat, its just not going to fade away.

Lucius Licinius
Lucius Licinius
Aug 20, 2022 5:58 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Sometimes it is incompetence, that’s true. Not this time though. Why don’t you move the shilling somewhere else?

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Aug 21, 2022 2:35 AM

May I suggest reading through a book called “Them” by Ron Johnson? Its a bit old now but it will delve into the world of conspiracy theories. It starts off a bit lighthearted, a search for those “smoke filled rooms” where the fate of the world is decided. The twist turns out to be that the rooms actually exist (they’re probably smoke-free these days, of course).

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Aug 20, 2022 6:07 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Have you been in a coma for a few years?

Aug 20, 2022 7:15 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Incompetence and a grand conspiracy are not mutually exclusive. I wonder what was meant to happen in Dealey Plaza because the messy aftermath suggests it didn’t go off exactly as planned.

Inertia is something else – these people are revolutionaries and they aren’t letting anything lie inert. Neo-cons and Trotskyites are both adherents to ‘permanent revolution’.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 20, 2022 8:59 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Sometimes it really is incompetence and inertia that drives things.

Yeah, right, the globalised ruling class are so incompetent and inert that they somehow locked down the entire planet and pricked billions with experimental gene-fiddling concoctions while effecting the biggest and fastest upward transfer of wealth in history.

“Whoops, gained a billion overnight, gosh darn it, how did that happen, oh jeeze, now its a hundred billion, I’m such a klutz, oh lord, a trillion now, must watch my feet, oops, we banned dissent on all ‘social’ media, tarnation, sorry, pricked billions with an untested substance, pardon me, we meant well, be gentle with me, don’t you care about Ukraine?, oops, now we own everything, sincerely sorry we made you homeless and drove your child to suicide, tragic, tragic, no Hate Speech please, anyone can make a mistake, don’t you care about Nature? oops, we’ve halved the world’s population, OK I’m clumsy, but have a heart, ARE YOU A VIROLOGIST?, well then, oops, sorry…” (etc, ad nauseam, till the Heaven of Trillionaires) .

Aug 20, 2022 10:26 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Kary Mullis (inventer of RT-PCR) in his book ‘Dancing Naked in the Mind Field’ made an intriguing observation after he won his Nobel Prize…

He thought (as many do) that when he got to the top of his field he would meet the wise and wizened architects of the temporal world…

To his surprise: …there was nobody there.

Just people with letters after their names scrambling over other people with letters after their names in pursuit of nothing more than getting more prestigious letters after their names.
(I paraphrase)

The Wizard of Oz is perhaps a suitable parable to be reminded of during these times.

Aug 21, 2022 9:57 AM
Reply to  KiwiJoker

The idea of a social organism, as opposed to the machinations of rich and powerful owners probably holds true until the time you get the top job, or you get assassinated.

Aug 20, 2022 11:35 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Ignorance or malice – it matters not. The outcome is the same.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 21, 2022 12:07 AM

It matters enormously.

Aug 21, 2022 2:29 PM

Where the f… did that philosophy come from…?

I mean, we’re all going to die one day – every single one of us – no exceptions.

So what we do while we are alive “matters not”, because “the outcome is the same”…?

I’ll grant you that this might be true for a single-celled organism.

Aug 22, 2022 8:14 AM

Mens Rea ForgottenMonkey?
RememberingMonkeys’ history, repeating…
Enables alternative outcomes.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Aug 20, 2022 5:35 PM

First, I disapprove of your use of the word “elites” to describe the predator/parasite class behind this operation. If it must be used, I would suggest the term “elitistas” to describe them. The Spanish derivative strongly implies that they are an activist, malevolent political group. Second, I agree with you entirely that they have no intention of “giving up” or even a significant delay in their agenda. The scamdemic certainly has enhanced their overall agenda which can be briefly described as massive genocide and genetically and surgically transforming the survivors into a non-human version 2.0 which subjectively exists in a cloud hive simulation, the metaverse, controlled by AI. They can, for the moment, back off somewhat on the “medical” security state, while they watch the economic factors that the near global lockdown and the central bank intentional malevolent debt tsunami has started, like an avalanche still near the top of the mountain, rolling down to engulf humanity, until it cries out to the perpetrators like the half human / half insect, caught in a spider’s web in the final scene of the 1950s film, The Fly, “help me.” But they do have some very pronounced weaknesses. I, for one, agree with David Icke that the originating force behind this is a non-human intelligence which as Charles Fort concluded near the end of his life, is farming us. Two models are offered in explanation, the spider web and the pyramid. Icke says that the non-human force is the spider at the center of the web. The pyramid model exemplifies the way force is used from the “all seeing eye” as infamously depicted on the back of the one unit US Federal Reserve debt note. But in order to succeed they must keep their narrative as the dominant one, and block the… Read more »

Aug 20, 2022 10:29 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo


Their hubris has, historically, always been their undoing.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 20, 2022 4:35 PM

The story you remember is the “Little Red Hen.” My recollection of the book is that the hen asks various other animals to help with work around the farm which involves planting, growing, harvesting and preparing grain with which to make bread. All the animals refuse, so the little red hen does the work herself. When the time comes, and the bread is baked, all the animals come around asking for some. Does the little red hen share with them? She does not! She eats the bread herself, and the others don’t even get a crumb.

At any rate, we haven’t seen the storm yet. The last two and a half years is the gathering of clouds. There have been squalls here and there, but nothing compared to what is going to be unleashed.

The tension grows and grows and grows. The anxiety is unbearable; it’s like there’s a rat in my gut, gnawing constantly, chewing, chewing chewing. I’m not really sure there is any preparing for what’s coming.

Aug 20, 2022 6:53 PM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Relax, you’re going to be fine. You’ve got this far, you’re not getting weaker you’re getting stronger, more resilient. The very worst they can do is take everything you own even your life but this is nothing for we all give these up anyway, sooner all later. You never backed down, sold out, went for the easy option, complied. You stood your ground because you knew fundamentally it was right.
This world tries to corrupt and change everyone who has inhabited it alongside those yet to come. Mostly through fear, greed, selfishness, anger, laziness etc all those deadly sins. Its an almighty, neverending test and you’re still top of the class, still unbroken.
They will threaten to take everything of material value from you but they know they can never, ever take you. Only you can let them take you. Your spirit is unbreakable, you will be fine, you will conquer all your fears and anxieties. You will be a rock. You’re not alone, there are millions out there just like you.

R Anand
R Anand
Aug 20, 2022 9:44 PM
Reply to  Steg

Wonderfully stated, Steg. I agree fully.

Aug 21, 2022 6:03 PM
Reply to  Steg

Thanks needed to be reminded. Great Job!!

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Aug 21, 2022 6:53 PM
Reply to  Steg

Aug 20, 2022 4:00 PM

The COVID juggernaut toy, the Ukraine juggernaut toy have been safely wrapped and put away – because the good folks of the earth are unable to get the be-Jesus scared out of them by more than one thing at a time.

And now the great big all consuming Food juggernaut toy is being unwrapped, even as we speak, and cranked up. All year long the agenda-ists have been sabotaging food production and distribution and they seem to have gotten the toy all neatly stuffed, painted and ready to go.

“So you didn’t buy into COVID, eh? Or the Ukraine?” they ask. “Well, let’s see how well you ignore hunger and starvation! Gotcha!”

Aug 21, 2022 3:07 AM
Reply to  Howard

But I think they’ve ignored one bit: the more the screws get tightened, the more people are saying that decentralized food production and power generation are the way to go. I doubt at the end of this anyone will be clambering for a global anything. People are recognizing the globalism has been the undoing of national or even regional strengths and self-sufficiency. When small businesses are destroyed, people recognize that they are actually the life blood of community.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 20, 2022 3:50 PM

I read an article recently from Off-Guardian, Ukraine in the Time of Covid . . .

The article gets it the wrong way round. In reality, it’s Covid in the time of Ukraine. Ukraine is the preeminent “thing”.

Mike Pompeo:

Moving past our current geo-strategic focus, the United States must help in building of the three lighthouses for liberty. These beacons should be centered on nations that have great strife: Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. They can be the hubs of new security architecture that links alliances of free nations globally, reinforcing the strengths of each member state, in time, linking these three bastions with NATO, as well as the new and expanded security framework for the Indo-Pacific will form a global alliance for freedom. This will benefit America. The need for this network of alliances is patent and cannot come too soon. The world has become too small for free countries to not be part of something greater, which will forestall armed conflict rather than react to it.

Michael Pompeo: War, Ukraine, and a Global Alliance for Freedom
Jun 24, 2022
Hudson Institute

Putin’s war on Ukraine is a pivotal event in post-Cold War politics; this unjust war seeks to annihilate the existence of a free and independent country. What does this portend for world democracies? How does it impact America’s ongoing top strategic priority that centers on the existential threat from China? Why should a machinist in Wichita or a schoolteacher in Des Moines care about what happens in the Donbas? Hudson’s Distinguished Fellow, the 70th U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, will deliver a major speech to answer all these questions followed by a conversation with Distinguished Fellow Walter Russell Mead.


Aug 21, 2022 2:23 AM

I’m on the fence re. Pompeo.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 21, 2022 2:42 PM
Reply to  Zane

Pompeo is a Christian Zionist and his agenda with regard to Ukraine can be understood from that perspective.

Pompeo’s Christian Zionism takes center stage
Analysis by Ishaan Tharoor
August 25, 2020

Pompeo’s visit to Israel is part of a multicountry tour during which he appears set to build on the newly announced normalization of ties between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. But his short speech to the convention from the historic King David Hotel will reinforce the Trump administration’s unequivocal embrace of Israel as a partisan prop. Pompeo is likely to tout the Israeli-Emirati breakthrough as evidence of Trump’s new approach to the region, though the real force of his appeal may be directed to right-wing Christian Evangelical voters, like himself, at home.

During a stump speech last week, Trump said his decision to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was “for the evangelicals.” Both Pompeo and Vice President Pence count among a leading rank of Christian Zionist politicians in the United States, who link matters of geopolitics — whether confronting a regional nemesis in the theocratic Iranian regime or helping Israel extend greater control over the Holy Land — to biblical prophecy and revelation.

Aug 20, 2022 3:38 PM

Have no fear. You know who you are – now more than ever before – because you didn’t cave in. I see defiance and an incredible level of awareness, sophistication and humour in articles, memes, posts and comments every single day. Come what may, leave this world the way you entered it, unmolested and free in body and mind – all you have to do to achieve this is to refuse to comply with any and all of their twisted bribes, insane new laws, threats and mandates. I refused to wear a mask anywhere, and proceeded from there. It was and will always be that simple. I went to the first protest in Trafalgar Square and am proud to have been part of that crowd of Bravehearts. I never doubted myself and can now see through all their cruel lies and gaslighting.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 20, 2022 3:23 PM


The trans movement is a thoroughly synthetic construct whose purpose was to erect a theatre of victimhood to intimidate the general population – not only women but all of humanity that has a clear sexual identity, male or female, hetero or homo sexual. And the “trans activists” are the new brown shirts, masquerading under the banner of “progress” and “woke”.

Jennifer Bilek has written on how the trans fraud began:


And the influx of funds has never ceased. Nor has the abject media compliance which is no doubt under the same financial pressure. Indeed – it can be viewed as a “pincer movement” whereby the trans thugs terrorise the population whilst the media report with the spin that it is the trans movement which are the helpless victims.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 20, 2022 3:32 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The most disturbing thing is how this trans movement so clearly follows the example of previous fascist formations e.g. brown shirts. And it is painfully clear that they can get away with any amount of barely coherent moronic aggression – the very definition of “hate speech” which is, of course, the label they throw at everyone else. They would seem to correspond to the old notion of “lumpenproletariat” i.e. that mass of seethingly resentful nonentities full of a degenerate lust for chaos and a repressed vengeful inferiority complex burning with sexual perversity. They are the ever present natural breeding ground for goon squads.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 20, 2022 5:35 PM
Reply to  George Mc

They would seem to correspond to the old notion of “lumpenproletariat”

Have to disagree strongly with this. They are not downtrodden day-labourers or petty criminals in the lower depths, hopelessly impoverished, starving in slums, or dressed in rags (Lumpen). They are not proletarians at all. They are middle class (often strikingly posh-voiced), nearly always university-educated, and in many cases actually employed at unis, in NGOs, and in the mass media. They enjoy the vocal support of the vast majority of the commentariat, they are protected by the police, and with near-100% certainty they are supported and steered by spooks.

Nowt proletarian about ’em, much less “lumpen”. Ask Owen Jones.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 20, 2022 9:32 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

I suppose I was misled by this:

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If anything counts as hate speech …. but then perhaps not? All of that is as coldly calculated as everything else about these trans regiments.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 20, 2022 10:10 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The famous and influential theatre critic Kenneth Tynan — King Edward’s School and Magdalen College, Oxford — was the first person to say “fuck” on TV, and that was 57 years ago (a full decade before the Sex Pistols). No proletarian he, and he certainly wasn’t dressed in Lumpen.

Expensively-educated posh boys are well capable of swearing. Indeed, it’s practically de rigeur. They imagine it lends them street cred when they’re LARPing as “radicals” and beating up women.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 21, 2022 8:09 AM
Reply to  Patrick L.

It wasn’t the swearing so much as the borderline incoherence of the messages but I daresay our posh goons can let rip.

Aug 20, 2022 11:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

They all appear to have been written by the same person…

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Aug 20, 2022 9:21 PM
Reply to  George Mc

That is a great and utterly damning work of documentation by Graham Linehan, co-creator of Father Ted and now a pariah. My admiration for his bravery and stubbornness just keeps growing.

Knowing that not everything is funny is a prerequisite for an actual sense of humour.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Aug 20, 2022 3:21 PM

No actual mask mandates in Australia, just freaked out hypochondriacs who think the sky is falling

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 20, 2022 2:56 PM

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S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 20, 2022 3:00 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

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S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 20, 2022 3:15 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

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S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 20, 2022 3:20 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

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Aug 20, 2022 2:49 PM

Here in South Africa Covid is over, almost as if it never was. An occasional person wears a mask, but very occasional. Sanitizing, distancing and perspex screens in shops are all gone. Vaccine hype too.The Govt is still trying to push draconian health legislation, but that is being contested. I do believe there was significant resistance, both overt and covert. A LOT of people all races knew the thing was a hoax, though many fell for it and took the jab, but probably only 1 out of 5. We had one of the most stringent lockdowns anywhere but lot of people just “made a plan”. Alcohol sales were banned for months but people simply brewed their own or acquired on the black market. Social distancing was a farce in our overcrowded taxis and schools. At one point, in the summer holiday, beaches were suddenly closed, but not for fishing, so many people just bought fishing licences!!! It was so funny to see so many people sunbathing next to a fishing rod, hahaha! I doubt whether something similar could be done again. Monkey pox seems to be a non-event.

Aug 20, 2022 3:23 PM
Reply to  Ian

but the point of the article is why did you let them do that? Everyone needs an excuse

Aug 20, 2022 6:37 PM
Reply to  eman

Your point is opaque. Could you be more specific?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 20, 2022 3:41 PM
Reply to  Ian

“Hoax implies a childish and innocent prank made in jest. It was quite deliberate (purposeful) and quite malevolent/malicious.”

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” The Scamdemic ‘Big Lie’ is not only a Crime Against WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity) it is wholesale grand theft robbery on an industrial/global scale. The War Racketeer Mobster Psychopaths behind it need to be brought to account.”

Aug 20, 2022 6:42 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Let’s not debate the words used. Was it technically a hoax, or not? Not important in my view. I’m in full agreement with you that it was/is a crime against us and that those behind it should be held to account. I’m not confident that they will be, though.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Aug 20, 2022 2:42 PM

Don’t look now, man, but my granddaughter cannot work for the US, state, or local governments and cannot go to college without being forced to take a fake vaccine that might kill her. My other grand kids look like they will not be able to go to public school unless they do the same. There could be a nuclear war, a nuclear disaster, a global famine, global recession, and civil wars. Dark days are here now. The only lull in the action is in the minds of those who get complacent.

Aug 20, 2022 6:14 PM

You are largely correct; but did you know that Princeton Univ suddenly rescinded their “Booster” mandate for students on Jul 28 (after early arrivers were boosted, no doubt) – dark days indeed – but also shifts and some light in the sky of our dark days.

R Anand
R Anand
Aug 20, 2022 9:52 PM
Reply to  RegretLeft

Good news indeed (or the Princeton Univ rescinding the vile mandate.

Yep, there is “some light in the sky of our dark days.”

Aug 21, 2022 12:52 AM
Reply to  RegretLeft

It doesn’t matter now. They can be generous as the the 1st 2 shots did the job.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Aug 20, 2022 10:09 PM

It’s like a roller coaster, today I ain’t feeling it.

Steph Amson
Steph Amson
Aug 20, 2022 2:41 PM

deep state and the digital-financial complex / Ernst Wolff

25,909 views Jan 3, 2022 It is the end of December 2021 and we are in an economic and social transition period of historical dimensions. For almost two years now, almost all countries in the world – regardless of whether they are dictatorships or parliamentary democracies – have by and large been following the same agenda.

This global synchronization shows that there is a force that has more power than any of the currently around 200 governments on our planet. This force has a name: it is the digital-financial complex.

Steph Amson
Steph Amson
Aug 20, 2022 2:42 PM
Reply to  Steph Amson

Sorry link button did not work, here is the link:


Aug 20, 2022 3:55 PM
Reply to  Steph Amson

This global synchronization shows that there is a force that has more power than any of the currently around 200 governments on our planet. This force has a name: it is the digital-financial complex. Yes, I call It the 256 member nation states each a franchisee of the several world international organizations that are run by the bankers linked to global economics, the oil and gas empire, the software and algorithm infected digital platform providers (<=the digital platform runs on top of the global Internet and it like the MSM are privately owned). Finally, the collective masses are developing the facts needed to explain the synchronization.. WHO, WEF, international organizations that hold globally attended big daddy attended meetings, the globally integrated Central bank system, the stock market citizen wealth extraction system and the energy supply system, the MSM corporate advertising financed propaganda and spy on everyone 24/7 machine, the CIA take’m out when they don’t comply organizations<=CIA, M16, Mousad, and several other organizations with scopes and activities which transcend all nation state legal and territorial boundaries. What needs to be done is to identity these interconnected organizations and connect their links to the threat they represent to democracy and human rights. Thus far I find most of them run between those Actors in charge of the political systems, intelligence agency people and private military people and the wealth seated in Britain, Israel and USA which is guarded by the City of London, NYSE, and HK stock exchanges. I have learned is central banks and stock markets siphon wealth from the average citizen. The great reset involves forcing everyone’s economic activity into plain view of the central bank with the purpose of limiting investment opportunities for all people (so no local, or small business can survive) and so the great wealth… Read more »

Aug 20, 2022 2:10 PM

Here’s the new documentary “Uninformed Consent”

Because it’s on Mercola, it’ll be up only today 8/20 & 8/21, but of course everyone will pick it up for rebroadcast. It’s probably already available elsewhere, altho I cd find only an intro to it elsewhere.

It’s powerful & it’s utility is that it’s standalone persuasive to those still vacillating, or still in need of the “authoritative” .

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Aug 20, 2022 3:12 PM
Reply to  Penelope

I saw that link on Mercola this morning; a couple of people posting comments underneath the item posted other links at which to access the documentary. Here’s one of them, below:


Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Aug 20, 2022 6:58 PM

The thumb-down must be from a ‘bot-troll’, methinks…

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Aug 20, 2022 3:22 PM
Reply to  Penelope

And it can be downloaded to watch again.

Aug 20, 2022 4:51 PM

Great, thanks so much, Marilyn. At the foot of the Mercola link are links and other particulars regarding Jab TREATMENT, to help get spike protein etc out of the body.

Aug 21, 2022 12:54 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I tried to watch this morning and it kept freezing. I gave up.

Aug 21, 2022 3:17 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I’ll bet it will be available soon at the Children’s Health Defense site.

Aug 20, 2022 2:06 PM

They are fanatics and fanatics always go too far. Their desire to control and to eliminate opposition dominates. At the moment there is a lot of data to analyse; what worked, what didn’t, who opposed them. The next assault will come, but this fanaticism will be their downfall.

Aug 20, 2022 1:12 PM

All the other animals ate scrambled eggs and lived happily ever after.