In Memoriam: The Nuremberg Code, 1947-2022
Rabbi Michoel Green

The Nuremberg Code just died after a lengthy illness. Covid has been identified as the official cause of death, but pundits claim that the Code was actually struggling with terminal illness for the past three years, even before the Wuhan virus made its debut.
Numerous factors contributed to the Code’s demise, but metastatic tyranny is the underlying condition chiefly responsible for the Code’s slow and torturous death.
In fact, the Code was on life support ever since lockdowns and mask mandates were imposed in 2020.
After years of systematic abuse and gang rape by the WHO, CDC, and world governments, the Nuremberg Code finally succumbed to her wounds and was pronounced dead on June 30, 2022, when the Supreme Court refused to take action against vaccine mandates that could have effectively resuscitated the Code. The Court claimed that a DNR (do not resuscitate) order had been placed on the late Nuremberg Code, and that only palliative care would have been allowed.
The Code’s death also coincided with NY State’s recent plans to set up quarantine camps for people whenever the state deems it “necessary.”
Instead of a traditional burial, the Nuremberg Code will be incinerated, since her remains have been deemed a contagious public health threat. “Right to informed consent is a dangerous idea that risks going viral and infecting the masses,” remarked Dr. Anthony Fauci of the NIH, “so it must be disposed of carefully like all other hazardous materials.”
When asked for evidence supporting his statement, Fauci responded impatiently: “Just TRUST the SCIENCE.” People Magazine recently discovered that “Science” is Anthony Fauci’s middle name. So there you have it, folks. The Science has indeed spoken.
In honor of the Nuremberg Code’s incineration, a special crematorium has been reconstructed at Auschwitz for this purpose. After the cremation, her ashes will be scattered over her birthplace, Nuremberg, Germany. The empty urn will be ensconced atop an obelisk erected at the United Nations. This will serve the purpose of reminding the masses – and especially the fundamentalist conspiracy theorists – that the Nuremberg Code is dead and will not be resurrected.
A memorial monument will likewise be placed in the Vatican, which has released a statement banning any talks of resurrecting the Nuremberg Code. “Resurrection is no longer an acceptable Catholic belief,” said Pope Francis.
Israel’s Chief Rabbinate agreed with the Papal decision, as did nearly all other religious establishments worldwide. “There is no major world religion that supports resurrecting the Nuremberg Code,” wrote Attorney Alan Dershowitz in an op ed. The ACLU agreed. “This has nothing to do with civil rights,” said Anthony Romero, executive director of the ACLU. “It’s just about selfishness. Who gave you the right to defy the Greater Good?” He also noted that the very term “rights” is odious and should be abolished, since it implies that the “left” is wrong.
Rabbi Yoseph Y. Braun of the Brooklyn neighborhood of Crown Heights applauded the death of the Nuremberg Code. “You do NOT own your body,” Braun screamed at his adherents in a recent recording. “It’s NOT your choice. Only the medical authorities and government authorities get to decide. WHO do you think you are!?” He then muttered a few words that were unintelligible. He probably couldn’t read the prompts being dictated to him by Dr. Eli Rosen of the Haredi Health Commission (believed to be sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation, Gates Foundation, and other population reductionists).
Speaking of unintelligible, President Biden weighed in on this momentous occasion as well. The White House declared the anniversary of the Nuremberg Code’s death, June 30th, as a new national holiday. It will be called “Vaccination Day USA.” Every year, the Code’s death will be celebrated by the rolling out of a new booster.
All fully vaccinated individuals will get the day off from work in celebration of the occasion. All individuals who aren’t fully vaccinated will be fired.
Israel’s Prime Minister applauded the creation of the new holiday celebrating the death of the Nuremberg Code. He said that the Knesset plans to adopt this date as the new Israeli Independence Day, since “vaccination macht frei.” This translates loosely to: “the only way to be free [read: alive] is by being vaccinated.” Germany’s Prime Minister said that her country is planning similar legislation. They are planning mass rallies in Nuremberg and Munich to enact these developments.
The Nuremberg Code, born in 1947 and died in 2022, was seventy-five years old at time of death. However, many conspiracy theorists argued that she’s actually been dead for decades, and that she was actually a fabrication since day one! They claim that no world government ever acknowledged anyone’s Right to Informed Consent in the first place.
Of course, this theory was easily debunked by social media Fact Checkers. They point to the Nuremberg Code’s child, UNESCO’s Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, as a proof that the Code actually existed.
However, the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights has gone missing for many years and her whereabouts are unknown.
NASA was called upon to search for her up in orbit, but NASA Director Bill Nelson stated: “Sadly, we have lost the technology to leave the earth’s outer atmosphere,” so there’s no way the Declaration can ever be retrieved.
The Nuremberg Code was predeceased by her cousin, the First Amendment, who died suddenly on June 13th, 2019, when the NY State legislature eliminated religious exemption to vaccine mandate. The US Constitution died shortly thereafter, on January 6th, 2021.
Another one of the Code’s cousins, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, died more recently later in 2021 when covid vaccine was mandated for employees.
Ironically, the Nuremberg Code is survived by her arch nemesis, the Nuremberg Laws, which has been reinstated in modern times in the name of public health policy. “Jews” and “biological inferiors” have been replaced with “the unvaccinated” and “genetic inferiors,” but the rest of the wording is pretty much intact. See our recent article on this topic, the Vaccinberg Laws.
Millions of people around the world are mourning the Nuremberg Code’s untimely death, but Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum said that there’s no reason to be sad. “Don’t vorry,” he told a crowd of mourners, “You vill own nothing and be happy. Just eat ze bugs.”
Rest in peace.

Rabbi Michoel Green is devoted to shedding light in times of darkness and speaking often-uncomfortable truths. You can read his substack here or his blog at
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The abolition of the Nuremberg code has contributed to a Great Historical Reset. It has taken us back to the 1940s to relive an episode of history, that many believed closed forever, but can now be seen, with hindsight, as a sort of Event 201 foreshadowing, on a local scale, what we are experiencing today worldwide. The same leading actors of Nazism, who funded and supported Adolf Hitler and are today supporting Ukrainian Nazism, are now implementing their final eugenic solution for humanity.
A. Sutton has showed us that without the capital supplied by Wall Street, there would have been no I.G. Farben, no Adolf Hitler and no World War II. I.G. Farben was the industrial pillar of the Nazi power and was directly involved with the experimental atrocities committed by Mengele at Auschwitz and the production of the poison gas Zyklon B. However, its Board of Directors, in the late 1920s, included the banker Max Warburg, whose brother Paul Warburg was a founder of the Federal Reserve. That fake Jewish family also included James Warburg, who said before the U.S. Senate in 1950: “We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.”
We know today that it is not going to be by consent, as the abolition of the Nuremberg code is ushering in the instauration of a global Nazi world government.
The 4th Industrial Revolution of Klaus Schwab seems to be the conclusion of an unfinished project that started as the 3d Reich. If you look at Schwab’s background, you’ll see that Nazism is part of his family values. Schwab’s family company, Escher-Wyss, that was collaborating with Hitler, has today evolved into the Harvard Wyss Foundation, developing, with DARPA, solutions in the field of genetic engineering. We see here the link between the Holocaust and Covid 19, Zyklon B and the mRNA “vaccines”. The Holocaust was instigated by those globalist fake Jews, who follow the Satanic path of Sabbatean-Frankism. The Nuremberg trial led the way to the partition of Palestine and made it possible to build antisemitism into a powerfull mind control system designed to deceive both Jews and Gentiles: it secured the cohesion of the Jewish national state as a refuge from persecutions, while providing the Globalists with a moral and legal protection on their path to world domination.
The testimony of Holocaust survivors, like Vera Sharav, telling us that they are now forced to relive their past, confirms that the Nazification of the world is going global and so is the Holocaust.
A very mixed up post. Some facts such as the exploits of the Warburgs. Others events of dubious historicity.
“Dubious”…. to the uninformed, so true…..
I’ve asked my family members if we perhaps could arrange a shi’va for the deceased Nuremberg codex, too. But they denied – better said they went into kinda state of shock rigidity. Aunt Ruth called my a “covidiot shmokl”, poor uncle Richard died from spontanous cerebral hemorrhage – unfortunaltely after having disinherited me and gurgling “du farkirtst mi di yorn” (I have to confess that it seems he was right) and the rabbi of my rather secularized Ashenazi communitiy has now called for herem and is now desperately looking for some oxen blood which is not easy to get these days.
Welcome to the garbage dump of the internet, where total morons writing stupid bullshit articles about nonsense issues…
That’s why you are here. Happy garbage picking
At last a great piece of satire now CJ’s given up.
Much needed laugh.
Rabbi has a great sense of humor.
Show trial by the hypocrites and fabricators.
Universal blindness by design.
Victor’s “justice”
The Nuremberg “trials” were the victor’s pompous and hypocritical pontification. The winning war criminals hung the losing war criminals. The victors were the prime beneficiaries of genocide and slavery and ecocide.
Correct. The trials at Nuremberg were a strictly theatrical exercise to appease the audience. The establishment of the New World Order coincided with the establishment of the United Nations – which only united military prowess and false allegiance. Everyone cheered…
Great article, funny if not so sad. The saying “vaccination macht frei” is perfect, going to use that. <3
When satire is being overtaken by reality:
Duesseldorf projection
From the very beginning, no one has ever adhered to the “Nuremberg Code”.
The “Nuremberg Trials” were likewise only for show. Almost all the Nazis were secretly smuggled out and often hoisted into key positions.
In other words: It was all just theater.
Rapturous applause 👏 Brilliant.
Just wry laughter we all needed.
John Cleese should submit,To Oxbridge,
an intellectual challenge, not to laugh,
With his Rabbi in rapacious form…
Intro: Green Energy – Light of ‘Opus’Day 🤣
Oh, puss Day o’ pussy day ? Dei ? Wot’ Day?
Check EasySpell … for the obvious spin,
And listen Mockingbirds 🎶 in hypnotic trance, even Finland’s PM. ..
Keep your friends close but your enemies even closer.
These elite (parasites).Run the world they say what is going to be printed televised,They are the judge jury and hangman.They make you believe education is the key? It’s not you have everything you need to know inside of you from the very day you were created.Birds don’t go to school bee’s don’t go to school they know.Live like nature not mankind.
Why you changed my name to Anne?Dont reveal my cover offgaurdian.😬
Your close but not close enough.
Wanted: Proven money-pox patients.We pay well and provide transport from anywhere. Payment will be according to severity and continued presence of obvious sores. Must be willing to stay in any part of the world low on monkey-pox for months.
We’re in a bit of a pickle aren’t we? While reading this quite sobering satire, I remembered I personally know people in Melbourne who want to build a statue in honor of Daniel Andrews for “saving Victoria”. I know people who are triple jabbed yet they still wear facemasks outside. And I know people who fully supported vaccine passports and the banning of the unvaccinated from shops, restaurants, cinemas, etc, and who told me to my face that: “anti vaxxers deserve to be banned, they deserve everything coming to them”. The same reason was given… To keep the community safe and to protect others. I heard that over and over. These people couldn’t give a tinkers toss about the Nuremburg Code. They only want to feel… safe. I’m certain all of us here know people like this.
the ol’ Stralya ABC was hard at it Monday AM frothing on with their Dr. Norman Swan quack (quad-vaxxed anti-viral pilled double fake Covided quacker) spewing MonkeeePox fear-porn hysteria. Supposedly one case of MPox community transmission in NSW and Quack Swan declared MPox is now ‘off and running just like COVID!!!!!
Swan is a limelight addict.
Sick, sad specimen he is.
They’re godless, and so what else do they have. It shows you that life is a temporary state, as are statues, tyranny’s and medical paradigms. So ask yourself what exactly are they trying to stay safe from, what are they trying to preserve, their own hell?
Anyone who thinks back to 2019 and says ‘everything was ok back then’ has missed the point of the last two years. It wasn’t ok, our lifestyles were pre-organised for dependence upon a poisonous godless, spiritually and emotionally abandoned way of life, people spent their time aggressively distracting themselves from anything of any value. And the elite supplied it.
Nailed it. Couldn’t have said it better myself William. You’re right, they have nothing else. I realised quite early on as others did, that not only were all these people deeply fearful of death or getting sick, but that they had no sense of spirituality, or a spiritual connection of any kind. The New Normal became their religion and sense of connection with others. Hitherto they lived very secular, materialistic lives. And by spirituality, I definitely don’t mean a dogma based religious belief, because as we saw, even churches banned the unvaccinated from attending their services. And why did so many go and get jabbed with an experimental “vaccine”? So they would still have an income to maintain their lifestyle, and to go shopping and to pubs, restaurants and cinemas. That’s why. Cheers W.
You’re welcome, although I would say there are some dogmatic Churches that strictly refused to accept the V and advised their congregation same-wise. It is possible that the problem with western progressivised churches is they are not dogmatic enough and have allowed the corruptors so much power over their interpretation of scripture, that they no longer follow Christ’s teachings at all. But there are some churches that stuck to their guns. PBUT.
Here’s a silver coin that Judas would’ve been proud to add to his collection:
And even those who seem reasonable (i.e., not full blown receptacles of The Science) live and breathe The Test. Every time they get a sniffle they run and get their home test out. And when their home test shows negative, they run to a place where a public test is offered (just to be sure). And, guess what? The public test ALWAYS shows them infected with COVID. So they announce to everyone around them “I have COVID.”
COVID is the newest lottery. “I won the lottery!” “I have COVID!” And when you say you thought the “vaccine” was supposed to keep them from getting COVID, they say that’s probably why they have such a mild case.
People who get sick pay take the test – why wouldn’t they??
I busy myself unknowing people who wear masks and enjoy needles poked into their arms…
This is an excellent article in a number of ways but at the same time …
Two of the most important quotes relating to propaganda are these:
Edited quote from Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist.
George Orwell
What always needs to be kept in mind are the fundamentals of what is happening.
The alleged covid pandemic is a psychological operation, this is its fundamental, most salient characteristic and must always be kept in mind. The fundamental truth of this psyop is that there is no special illness (or at least wasn’t until the jab appeared), it’s all smoke’n’mirrors using fraudulent scientific claims. The smoke’n’mirrors technique is captured well in Catte’s article, The COVID Shell Game
Of course, it’s true that the Nuremberg code has been trashed but what does a focus on “mandatory” imply?
That perhaps the jab would be OK as long as it weren’t mandatory?
This is clearly not the case and why I feel unable to attend rallies where the cry is “no vaccine mandates” which is a message curated by those who have engineered this psyop.
They have us focusing on this that and the other when we always need to bear in mind the basic premise that what’s happening is a psyop, there’s no special illness and there is zero requirement whatsoever for a jab. The jab is 100% risk with zero benefit … except to those who benefit financially.
This is a psychological operation in the form of a “live exercise” (an exercise that is killing and maiming, mind you) and it takes the form of Problem > Reaction > Solution. It’s pretty basic really – they’ve done this so very many times before … and will no doubt continue to do so.
(Mike Pompeo says “live exercise” –,
What we need to identify is what they’re doing to make us believe one thing or another and how they’re focusing our minds because in a psyop focus is just as important as what one believes to be true as indicated by George Orwell’s quote above – something can be the truth but it can be used propagandistically to divert focus and transform into a kind of lie.
What they do is stratify the opposition into various beliefs and focuses:
— There’s a virus but the response involves human rights being trashed
— There’s a virus produced in a lab by X or Y or Z
— There’s a virus but the recovery is 99.whatever %, it’s no worse than the flu, etc
These are the most salient points in my opinion:
— What’s happening is a psyop and certain techniques are being used to make us believe one thing or another
— There is no virus nor special illness against which there is need for protection
— The jab is maiming and killing people and offers only risk no benefit
The good thing about this psyop is that a reasonable percentage of people get the fundamental truth that there is no virus. In other psyops, unfortunately, the fundamental truth is much lesser known.
Of course, the most salient point is really the various agendas whatever they are. Depopulation? – after all, that’s what they tell us themselves.
With no legal basis, scientific basis or offer of compensation, the governments of most countries have managed to con or coerce 70-85% of their people to get jabbed. A global coup indeed.
The jab is definitely escalating the weakness s Comorbidity in the body which creates illness;s which Doctors/Nurses etc then blame the pre existing medical conditions.
Grim but appropriate humour for these evil biofascistic times.
Has anyone tried to drag the murdering UK government to trial for their ordered mass murder in aged care homes?
Michael O’Bernicia tried. He failed.
The courts are hiding behind separation of powers i.e. it’s up to Parliament to reign in the Government, not the courts. In other words: hopefully the captured fucks will reign in the totally captured fucks.
No chance, no guts, no glory. The British and most of the worlds government should be adorning lamp posts outside government buildings but sadly it will not happen.
Josef Mengele’s Revenge.
“I vill haff ze last laffs !!!”
Before the Nuremberg trials could begin there was the fall of Berlin. This is what is happening now. The dark forces try as they may to ignore it have a sense of impending doom.
Nuremberg and what is stands for on the world stage may kaput .
BUT as I live An Breath as AMERICAN
Guides my Mind ,my body ,My SOUL
And The Americans who Watered The THE TREE OF LIBERTY
So shall The Dragons
And I Quote
For GOD Commands his ANGELS With Regard to YOU
Rabbi Michoel Green
GOD does not Speak to ONE PEOPLE in any CODE
and along with it the US Code of Laws, in particular the one similar to the Nuremberg Code
The Nuremberg Trials and edicts, epecially the nominal repudiation of “I was only following orders”, aka the “Nuremberg Defense”, are usually cited with pious high-mindedness, and accordingly are taken seriously and at face value. This is also true for the corollary “Nuremberg Code”.
The official narrative got the ball rolling with high rhetorical hype, and the reverence for the ostensible meaning and lessons of Nuremberg is reinforced in popular culture. I was too young to be taken to the 1961 Hollywood blockbuster “Judgment at Nuremberg”, but it deeply impressed the adults with whom I was in daily contact.
So there’s an understandable blindness to the cynical prospect that, in reality, the moral of the story was “Every one on the losing side is responsible for their own actions.”
At least that’s how the Allied governments’ aka Western Hegemony’s institutions interpreted it– especially the military, from the top to the bottom of the chain of command. The Nuremberg Principle(s) didn’t seem to restrain the winners from blithely committing atrocities afterwards, e.g. No Gun Ri in Korea, My Lai in Vietnam, and (literally) countless others.
In reality, the Nuremberg Defense is only denied to Losers. Likewise, the lofty edicts are only enforceable when applied to Losers; the Winners know that they’re just a glittering shroud to cover the Winners’ malignancy, corruption, and decadence.
So too with the Nuremberg Code. Solemn, stern, and lofty, it inspires no end of conventional lip service; like the US Constitution, nowadays it’s just an vestigial ornament to be honored in the breach.
Even as the Nuremburg trials went on the allies were imprisoning (in camps), deliberately starving or raping vast numbers of the losers (Germans and Japanese). The many (compared to today) outlets of the “free” press had no comment. Instead, Eisenhower came out of the affair a proper hero.
Question: I realise the article is a non-humorous satire. But there is a reference in it to the Pope saying Catholics no longer believe in Resurrection and this is somehow tied into the effective killing off of the Nuremberg code. Please, is this grounded in some sort of statement the Pope actually made? I don’t see the link. And, yes, I do know that Pope Francis (much to my regret) told people to get the Covid shots. But has he anytime linked this “advice” to the Code and/or the right to refuse medical intervention?
Bergoglio should be tried at Nuremberg 2 (wissfuk thinking) and hung (more wishful thinking).
What’s to question? He’s the “che” pope. Molded by the cold war commutards and HWScherrf’s, er Bush’s, CIA in S. America for 60 years!!!!
No, just because The Nuremburg Code has been greatly ignored these past few years, does not mean it has died. Even though ignored, a Code or law remains until it is specifically and adequately repealed. We need to re-acknowledge it and use it.
Sorry to be a pain in the arse, but the Nuremberg Code was never a set of laws. They’re ethical guidelines. But tmk, not having fully informed consent does break actual laws.
(Ahh, will look it up online, after this. May be there)
To my knowledge
Perhaps merely in a light coma, soon to be revivified…
I can only hope so!
In a just world that buck toothed bitch would swing.
Fauci is such a FAUCI (F*-An*l-Useless-Clueless-Idiot)!
Just plain evil, nothing more nothing less.
All of the jab takers could likely be dead in 5 years, world population will be down a couple of billion people and how many WEF global elites will be left?
All of them because none of them took the clot shot.
I think they have been slipping joke some of the real stuff in his boosters and not the b-12 and other vitamins. Just can,t whack like JFK. Spike protein him to death. Besides he would be a poor martyr.
Correct! the “hot” shots were sent to medical facilities, red states, and the military!
In your mind there’s No convid there’s only you.❤️
“There IS No Spoon.”
~ The Matrix
bs”d Perfect for gallows humor, which we wish would not be timely, as for many of us it seems a time for such and is thus welcome, we’d rather laugh than cry: this little piece is wry and sharp.
Chofetz Chaim might not be happy I gave you good feedback on this, but we’ve had so many bereavements, it does hurt when our scholars are not standing in the way of more bereavements. So I am not actually laughing but it’s important to identify where the real pikuach nefesh is, with no wish to dishonor our scholars, who do so many wonderful things for us when they are not talking about standard-medical-practice-injections which are actually part of the governmental plan that’s been hatching at least since ’94, to drastically reduce the number of Homo sapiens individuals on this planet. Shmiras nefesh is important, and not wanting to infect others, well, that can’t be seen as a reason for such jabs, if one looks at real empirical study results. Because real results, not provided by interested parties, have shown that where jabs were more abundantly given, outbreaks and relapses were also more abundant and many scientists have explained why and how this jab makes shedding and spreading much more likely.
But, Schwab has said that the 2030 agenda must be accelerated, and, perhaps he should start looking in a mirror and see how his pronouncements really seem. He needs to learn, perhaps, objectivity, like, how he is making other people feel, and, those who feel entitled to dictate depopulation methods; mandatoriness should start to learn the ‘how would that make you feel’ exercise. Just because they were at Rio in ’97 and somewhere else in ’94, discussing overpopulation as the main threat to humanity, and 160 or more countries’ non-elected representatives agreed on behalf of the citizens of nations who never elected them nor even suspected that they were selling those citizens down river, does not mean that those representatives cannot learn, today if they are still alive, what it means to be one person among 7.93 billion, or how nil their rights are to condemn the other 7.93 billion to death. It’s time for them to comprehend that all humans were created in G-d’s image and He mourns at the death of each, chas v’sholom. They can’t take adverse events or fatalities post-jab lightly any more.
Even when the Children of Israel fled Egypt, and Pharaoh’s charioteers drowned, Hashem cried out to His angels, ‘Don’t sing Shirah! Can’t you see, my creations are dying! This is terrible! Miriam has rights to sing, she is escaping, but you, who spend all your time with Me, you have no business to sing.’ Something like that.
It’s time for every member of these self-congratulatory and self-serving groups, like WEF, WHO, Bilderberg group, etc., to comprehend the smallness of being only one among 7.93 Billion people, and that they have no business mandating the end or endangerment of lives of the others. Murder is prohibited for all Homo sapiens individuals, as per Noahide Law, and specifically for Jews, as per the Ten Commandments.
God has a lot to answer for by creating Schwab and WEF and anyone that supports the agenda.
We’re NOT in his realm!! We can’t “crack” the 4th dimension of time space(tower of Babylon). WE DO, have free will, and that’s on US. As such, I’d take schwabby out for ride in the woods to meet the 300lb. feral hogs that live there….
But that’s just me.
I agree. In my opinion pikuach nefesh is not applicable concerning “vaccination” with experimental mRNA just because those experimental substances do not “save lives”. That’s the very simple reason.
There is much evidence that they are inefficient, they do neither prevent infection nor severe illness. There have been lots of attempts to justify even forced vaccination by quoting several talmudic principles (talmud tractate Baba Atra 54:2 / דִּינָא דְּמַלְכוּתָא דִּינָא and others, even חילול השם) to frighten and shoo the people in Eretz Yisroel and in Jewish communities throughout the world to the jabs.
In doing so, in my opinion, they shamelessly exploited the fact that Jewish people who have not completed an exact study of the Talmud do not understand it anyway and unfortunately many thus could and (helas) still can be fooled into thinking an X for a U. However, how it was possible to having convinced so many orthodox rabbis in Eretz Yisroel of the alleged “necessity” to jab is beyond me.
Cineworld (a species of the genus ‘cinema’) dies at the same time as the Nuremberg Code
No Nuremberg Code = nil war code
‘nil war code’ being an anagram of ‘a Cineworld’ [a cinema world]. The end of the cinema era.
2 birds killed with one stone. Law and entertainment. Death (ostensibly), by a Wuhan laboratory bat code.
Mr. Covid should go on trial as (at least) a double murderer at the forthcoming Wuhan-Bird Trials. Which should hopefully result in a new Wuhan-Bird Code for all humanity.
The Code is dead. Long live the Code!
The Nuremberg Code was never implemented. We’ve been treating Medicine as the de facto world religion for at least a century – since long before Nazism. There has been very little objection to forced medication or the abandonment of the basic right to liberty and Due Process. In 2020 the Public Health monster finally turns on those who have been worshipping this false god, and we call it the “New Normal” as though there’s been some significant change.
There has been a succession of voices crying in the wilderness, but they were mostly ignored. The following is Thomas Szasz from 2010.
I think we know how that one plays out!
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Nurse Ratchet
Number of Electroshock (ECT) Treatments Given in Australia
Today, psychiatry shocks and tortures the brains of between 1 and 2 million individuals every year worldwide.
During 2016 in Australia, 33,641 Medicare funded “treatments” of ECT were given at a cost of $5,345,794 including anaesthetic. Of these, NSW psychiatrists gave the highest number of electroshock in 2016 with 10,349, followed by Queensland at 9,905, Victoria at 9,877 and WA at 4,346.
These figures do not even reflect the total numbers of ECT given in Australia as they do not include non-government funded ECT. For example in 2014/5, Medicare funded 9,911 treatments in Queensland. Yet the total treatments given in Queensland for that year was actually 19,365.
The elderly can be a target for ECT. In Australia, in 2016, over 7,483 Medicare funded electroshocks were given to people over the age of 65, including 427 given to people aged 85 or over.
One has to wonder just how many unvaccinated were forcibly electroshocked in lockdown penal goon gulag Stralya??
I know we’re at war – somewhere – so prohibitions of any sort can be ignored by our legal classes (and pretty much everyone else). But: > > >
Excerpted from: 18 U.S. Code § 175 – Prohibitions with respect to biological weapons | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
(a) In General.—
“Whoever knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains, or possesses any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system for use as a weapon, or knowingly assists a foreign state or any organization to do so, or attempts, threatens, or conspires to do the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both. There is extraterritorial Federal jurisdiction over an offense under this section committed by or against a national of the United States.”
Complete text:
Also see: 18 U.S. Code § 178 – Definitions
Very graphic… but, perhaps necessary! These are crimes against humanity on a grand scale, and your article needs to be seen by a much bigger audience. This article offers a lot more specific information about the tyrannies and harm, that also need to be seen by a much bigger audience…
Said it the first day they announced they were pursing this avenue. Absolutely nobody is going to be held accountable for the deception that was put upon this planet.
German only, Ernst Wolff
Essentials of the same lecture of Wolff in Russian
Here essential Herman Greff, an ethnic German, given unlimited power to impose transnational schemes over the Russian ethnos, exercising this power unrestrained, amongst many other things: owner of Sberbank cartel, right hand – or left hand, take your pick – of the Sol Invictus, V.Putin, mostly seen prancing around him.
Russian only
newborns given hep b without consent and many other crimes, years, decades even.
Joke of the day…
most won’t even know it exists/what it means 🙁
The word “thousands” would make it more real and factual!
Or even millions, very possibly…!
While we think atomic weapons will bring Armageddon; gain-of-function “research” has the likely potential to far surpass the destructive capability of any such weapons.
Please- GOF is FAKE, FAKE, FAKE. Just fear porn.
I suspect that’s also true of nuclear weapons – at least as described by fearmongers.
Propaganda And Information Wars waged Against us all, through EVERY form of media is BESTING them ALL. 😔👍
How appropriate that the Code’s death came at the end of homosexual month.
Many thanks to Rabbi Green for this wonderfully enchanting satire.
It’s the perfect companion piece to the occasional comment saying how the scamdemic perps will be tried by the Nuremberg Code. I love a good joke – don’t you?
Speaking of, did you hear the one about the two Nuremberg trial lawyers who went up to the bar, sat themselves down, placed their Order…but were thrown out for not standing!
Nice satire, even that bit at the beginning about the “Wuhan virus”. Thanks.
“colonial-era 377A law to be abolished”
Shall we add those numbers up?
Come on, just to see.
3+7+7+1 = 18
Pretty sure 18 = 6+6+6
What a coincidence!
You coincidence theorists must be rolling in your beds……
I can’t imagine how many combinations of numbers you come across each day that you have to dismiss, because they don’t total to another number relevant to some imagined dark intent. I bet it’s too many to count.
You’ve got no imagination, and further, no idea of the significance of signs and symbols.
No matter.
Ultimately, your loss
We have been struggling with different Codes of Conduct regulating Man’s behavior for a very long time.
Our current system of redress consists of layers upon layers of Code derivatives that by design require legions of BAR-appointed entities to maintain top-down control of the world’s population.
This current system of control, just like the financial one, has become unmanageable (the problem) and the People are pushing back (the reaction).
UN enforced AI smart-Unidroit contracts linked to DigitalID in the MetaVerse will be ‘their solution’ if we don’t come up with a better way of handling the disputes and affairs of eight billion souls.
It’s actually people like yourself that helped further the covid agenda. To say that all vaccines are dangerous and wrong is beyond absurd. Smallpox? Are you saying we should bring smallpox back? How about polio. Like everything else it goes too far and then we lump in all together. People pushing the Anti-vaccine rhetoric watered down valid concerns about something that doesn’t even qualify as a vaccine. The irony is palpable and the outcome is tragic.
Kafka wrote a book – The Trial on just that topic.
Informed consent sounds like a good enough argument at first glance but what about children who are not in a position to give consent or make an informed descicion? Making an informed consent argument can at best help protect those children fortunate enough to have (‘antivaxxer’) parents willing to protect them. The vast majority of kids are not helped by such an argument. It is like having your whole football team stand in the corner to keep away from the stampede of goals hitting the net.
Is it any wonder that such a losing strategy is adopted when people are following “pro vaccine” lawyers like Robert Kennnedy Jr? He admits himself he has always been “pro vaccine”. He is friends with the Clintons etc. To win a totally different strategy is needed. One perhaps based around how Stefan Lanka won the case showing the ‘measles virus’ does not exist. If someone was tricked into being poisoned using “virus/ vaccine” propaganda then consent does not help the perpetrators. It would be a crime to dose someones drink with a date rape drug regardless of whether they agreed to receiving another drink or the drug was slipped into their existing drink. If the lawyer was sitting there arguing it was “just a drink” it would be pretty obvious they were on the rapists side.
You can never be sufficiently informed (unless you can see the future)
So thats just another bullshit scam they use
You clearly don’t understand what informed consent means. When you give informed consent for a surgical procedure you have no idea if you will get an infection and die. Same with vaccines. There are disclaimers even with the covid vaccine. The problem is that they were hiding the factual information and actual risks so there was no informed consent. But it’s hardly a bullshit scam.
So, you agree that “informed consent is generally a myth. Then, don’t say “Informed consent sounds like a good enough argument at first glance but what about children..“
it’s always parents with children.
Childern card is a favourite seller of global businesses. The figures of People across the whole European Continent over the decades who suffered malutritian are/ should be available on line.
Our? Protect our Children at home. Protect yourself first and it naturally follows to help protect others. imo.
If you haven’t help protect others over the last 32 months at least, that’s your problem.
Reading a book while waving a Childern banner is a favourite of liberalists calling for protocols during a War.
Prost war bancrupty golden opportunity for free market business models, both.
He forgot to mention the slow burn genocide of the real Semitic people in Palestine since the chosenite khazar squatters stole their real estate starting in 1948. Musta slipped his mind….
To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize ~ Voltaire.
There is no evidence Voltaire ever said any such thing.
If you “say” so….
There is also no evidence that Marie Antoinette said ” Let Them Eat Cake 🍰.
Maybe not, but it’s true no matter who said it.
Martillo: There ya go, thinking again. Palestinians, Iraqis, Yemenis, Chinese civilians, low-level East Indian castes, and near anyone not of Khazar origin, are screwed or under fire…
It’s a Code, ya know…
here we go with the antisemitic garbage. Always has to be one out there.
Always one who uses the weaponized term to discount any real discussion of the policies of the country of Israel as antisemitism…. The criticism is of a nation’s policy, not that nation’s chosen religion.
Semite refers to the Semtic languages, not a religion nor a race.
Semite noun
Sem·ite | \ ˈse-ˌmīt , especially British ˈsē-ˌmīt \
Definition of Semite
: a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs
: a descendant of these peoples
: a member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language
gee whiz doug u must have Irgun and Lehi posters plastered all over your wall and sure sound like a big fan of Plan Dalet . . .
we would suggest perhaps a read of Ilan Pappe’s book The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
Palestinians are Semites, khaZars are ukroppers. Read Arthur Koestler (The 13th Tribe PDF free even for you) and Shlomo Sand, University Prof of Tel Aviv’s seminal “Invention of the Jewish people”). Get up to speed and lay off the oven shit already. The truth is more important for humanity that chosenite BS.
PS we are legions out here and the world is disgusted with the genocide in apartheid occupied Palestine.
“All fully vaccinated individuals will get the day off…”
No one is fully vaccinated.
Very amusing post.
A bit like the apocryphal sign above the Bar. “Free Beer tomorrow “
South Australia is the only state in Australia to enshrine the bio security and health act into law so mandates were rare.
Mandates appear to be political decisions not based on law ? That is, they are neither legal nor illegal…This may be why mandates could not be challenged in law courts ?
Mandates were manufacturing decisions.
What on earth are you on about now, by way of a change from pushing your self-hating, parent-hating anti-white bilious cart from way back at The Grauniad’s CiF?
Are you alleging the Federal Biosecurity Act of 2015 was written into SA law?
“Mandates were rare”?! Look, all Catholic and Lutheran schools in SA have been ordering teacher mandates and still, (cf. the Crossways Lutheran school Zoom recently with hookup to that school in Ceduna/SA); supermarket chains Woolworths and Coles demand employee jabs; all health sector workers in Aged Care in SA must be currently triple jabbed to keep working.
AS OF AUGUST 12, 2022
(Only between 1-10% of events actually
GET Reported to VAERS and PUBLISHED.)
THESE are ALL, JUST in the US
(“and it’s territories”. 🙄)
There are MANY, MANY, MORE,
the WORLD from at LEAST the
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting
The FACT THAT there are SO MANY
FROM THEM, When OTHER drugs AND VACCINES in the PAST, have been HALTED AFTER just A FEW, should be A CRYSTAL CLEAR indicator of a VERY UNETHICAL
AGENDA at play.
The Nuremberg code DIDN’T just DIE.
Besides the deaths of the Nuremberg code and the victims of the covid vaccines around the world… SO FAR,
There have been a number of other important murders that have been
ignored happening around the world.
Two of the most prominent over the last two or three years have been the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, along with human rights doctrines and the Constitutions of other countries around the world.
Not so prominent but far outpacing those murders in sheer numbers, are the victims of child trafficking and the human trafficking industry at Large.
The worst part of all of this, at the end of the day, is that virtually every single one of these atrocities, has been committed, right in front of the world’s eyes, and no one stepped up and saved them and arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced their murderers.
Because of this, both the murders of all those victims, as well as the future murderers of future victims, have all been sent the message, that we tolerate these murders, and they have our full blessing in doing so.
Have a wonderful Sunday everyone. And if you get a quick second in between flipping those burgers on the grill, and watching the game, perhaps take just a moment or two, in memory of not only the Nuremberg code but all of the devastating and senseless other murders occurring around the world in between touchdowns and sips from that beer can as well.
Meanwhile, I, along with MANY others around the WORLD who HAVE stood against Agenda 21/2030 aka:
“The Great Reset”, from its EARLIEST BEGINNINGS will CONTINUE to…
“Tell Them
#NoMore !”
~ The Jackal’s “MARK”
Right on! I know football games are fixed… What is in those burgers, anyway? Demerol?
“Fukitol –
The night-time
stuffy head,
so- you- can- be complacent
medicine.” 👊🤣👍
One possible answer to the demise of the Nuremberg Code, is to become organized at as many levels possible, starting at the level of the local community, re-introduce the Common Law, and CL Principles appoint CL Constables -true Peace Officers and develop a workable strategy which includes and applies to other levels of the social system.
That would, enable the initiation of proceedings to allow prosecution of the perpetrators of the Covid and vaccine fraud which has so far helped to pave the way to the WEF’s “Great Reset” that has caused many deaths and injuries and also caused serious damage to the economy. That can be done in and by Common Law Courts held by the people with CL Juries – without the direction of corrupt judges under statute law, but this cannot happen without widespread support.
If it doesn’t happen, there will be even more totalitarian attempts to restrict what semblance of freedom we have left. If that’s what the majority of people desire and nothing continues to be done about it, then karma awaits.
No doubt many will disagree with this, as I have mentioned it several times in other posts, but nobody has suggested anything better that is still workable and Lawful. Many people can help by joining the Common Law Court (International) for a start and learning more about the Common Law which the perpetrators of the fraud don’t want you to know about, and so far have got away Scot free.
All comments (if any) good or bad, are welcome.
Philosophically, I agree with this 100%.
With that said, unfortunately, Larken Rose States the sad reality of our situation in this world best in his book, “The Most Dangerous Superstition”.
I highly recommend everyone searching
online for this and and reading it very thoroughly and with an open mind.
It is impossible to get true Justice when those who own and control this world, and soon ALL of its resources, do NOT see the rest of us as fellow human beings with equal rights.
The master does not bow to the slave.
Nor will he ever listen to the pleadings for justice from said slaves.
Before you can possibly have True Justice and equality throughout the world, the slaves must remove the masters from power.
If there is noboy that can
“legally” help the slaves do so..
Then the slaves are left with no
choice but to do so themselves.
The only way for them to do this is to put aside all the divisive mechanisms that their masters have put in place to keep them separated and weakened.
United around the world, they can easily accomplish this. However, still divided, at each other’s throats, and distracted by
Endless manufactured distractions, they will never stop the Masters who are shaking the jar.
It IS what it IS.
~ The Jackal’s “MARK”
J, you wrote:
Before you can possibly have True Justice and equality throughout the world, the slaves must remove the masters from power.
If there is nobody that can “legally” help the slaves do so..
Then the slaves are left with no choice but to do so themselves.
The only way for them to do this is to put aside all the divisive mechanisms that their masters have put in place to keep them separated and weakened.
I agree, it can be done and Lawfully, if people become effectively organized using the Common Law and Common Law Courts of the People and operated by the People. But first it would be helpful by not watching Coronation Street, and living like role model argumentative characters promoted by other soaps, plus fiddling with their cell phones most of the day, and DO something positive about it in the real world before they seriously come to regret it. Time is running out fast.
It would suffice to merely extricate yourself from the masters’ say-so. But the majority of the people won’t even do that.
It’s probably no accident that the very concept of Common Law has been excised of its deeper significance and left to stand as a kind of running joke whereby a man and woman who live together for 7 years become “common law” married.
That’s what societies do with anything they can’t just up and ban yet don’t want anyone to think about: they reduce it to its most frivolous expression so that people will snicker and move on.
Yes indeed Howard, its called ‘mind control’ through the private and state ideological apparatuses including the MSM which provide and attempt to control the means of thinking.
Karma ALWAYS awaits you!
It certainly does Den, I could write a book on it!
However, I think, bearing in mind the situation that we will soon have to face in this quiet war with its silent weapons being used against us – we won’t have to wait long to reap some more instant Karma that will be inflicted upon us as a consequence of our continued inaction and complacency to the so-called NWO agenda being unfolded before our eyes.
-CO: Excellent post! Most civilians have no clue as to what the term “Lawful” actually means. They equate it with the term “legal”. Which is a completely different condition…
There should be a Law against ignorance of the Law…
Thanks Paul. I noticed that you were writing on the CL a while back. I think it would be helpful if you wrote some more, at least it would be in a positive direction as there’s already too much criticism here as to what’s going on but not enough stuff regarding what can be done about it. Hope you (and others) agree.
-CO: You’re welcome, and thanks for responding, I know I’ll get flack for quoting Wikipedia, but the Wikipedia resource is widely available in most jurisdictions. Many of the legal definitions are quite clear.
Excerpted from: Attorney general – Wikipedia
“In most common law jurisdictions, the Attorney General (sometimes abbreviated as AG) or Attorney-General (plural: Attorneys General (traditional) or Attorney Generals) is the main legal advisor to the government, and in some jurisdictions, they may also have executive responsibility for law enforcement, prosecutions or even responsibility for legal affairs generally. In practice, the extent to which the Attorney-General personally provides legal advice to the government varies between jurisdictions, and even between individual officeholders within the same jurisdiction, often depending on the level and nature of the office-holder’s prior legal experience.
Where the Attorney-General has ministerial responsibility for legal affairs in general (as is the case, for example, with the United States Attorney General or the Attorney-General for Australia, and the respective Attorneys-General of the states in each country), the ministerial portfolio is largely equivalent to that of a Minister of Justice in some other countries.
The term was originally used to refer to any person who holds a general power of attorney to represent a principal in all matters. In the common law tradition, anyone who represents the state, especially in criminal prosecutions, is such an attorney. Although a government may designate some official as the permanent attorney general, anyone who came to represent the state in the same way could, in the past, be referred to as such, even if only for a particular case. Today, however, in most jurisdictions, the term is largely reserved as a title of the permanently appointed attorney general of the state, sovereign or other member of the royal family.
Civil law jurisdictions have similar offices, which may be variously called “public prosecutor general”, “procurators”, “advocates general”, “public attorneys”, and other titles. Many of these offices also use “Attorney General” or “Attorney-General” as the English translation of the title, although because of different historical provenance, the nature of such offices is usually different from that of attorneys-general in common law jurisdictions.” [End quote]
In United States of America, there are States Attorneys General available in all 50 States. >
Yes Paul, this is where we are being misled by their “legal” but not Lawful definitions regarding the Common Law and the use of their legalese. As you are aware, the Common Law (CL) within their system has been largely replaced and usurped by “statute law” which is not the true Law of the Land and for nearly all intents and purposes CL no longer has a significant function operating under state control and their statutory system which is dominant.
All the advocates and attorneys etc defined in the post all work within that “legal system” and therefore are ‘prisoners’ of it, even if they are appointed in CL jurisdictions within that system. This is where the confusion arises.
Further, one must reiterate the fact that the CL and CL Court are operated by the PEOPLE and for the PEOPLE in a CL Jurisdiction established by them and not by representatives of the state’s legal and statutory authorities. However, their current statutory courts (their corporations or places of business) could still be used if a genuine CL Jurisdiction is established but only by the PEOPLE to obtain justice for the PEOPLE. Only then would things start to change for the better this can be done and has had some limited success due to the fact that not enough people are involved to support the necessary changes that need to be implemented and can be implemented.