15 Memes to Help Get You Through the Day – Part 21

And the memes just keep on coming. It is August after all – the silly season – and we can all use any holiday we can get. Even just a holiday from taking things seriously.
This basically works for “how does anything become anything”. I’m also sure there’s a pun about “bills” to be made, answers on a postcard.
“We’ve always been at war with the Omicron Variant.”
To quote another meme, “why not both?”
Page 1 of…a lot.
If Justice League were directed by Alex Jones.
In honour of the redacted Trump Warrant…
Coming soon for guns, sugar, alcohol, red meat, petrol cars, and criticising the government online.
I mean, I guess …the blue one?
To be clear, they’re for you to eat, not her.
The new IRS agents are for billionaires, honest. Just ignore the 600 dollar rule.
But how did that work out for the police in the end?
By 2025 there certainly won’t be any cash in there.
Wow, 2025 looks to be a bad year.
But no matter how bad it gets, the memers are here for you…
…and ourselves
BONUS – From the comments
The Michael Phelps of seeing through the bullshit.
Anti-vaxxers, sponsored by Durex.
A genuinely lovely message, and definitely true. The normies don’t sleep soundly.
…which means one day…

See you next week everyone (or maybe the week after).
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NO: 15 is so true.
Theses seem different from Kim Usbourne Meme’s.
If we’re talking chess …
“The point of modern propaganda isn’t only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.”
― Garry Kasparov
Flipin’ heck, it would be better for you not to publish such ‘memes’… 🙄
“Wearing of the face diaper is a signal to the corporate fascist eugenicist mobster psycho Nazis of your wholesale blind acceptance to their price gouging you, ripping you off, stealing from you even more (and even murdering you).”


“It is not only a religion, it is a RACKET.”
There is no evidence for plane crashes in Manhattan on 9/11.
Precisely so we have to ask the question: why has the vast majority of focus moved to the buildings, notably the collapse of WTC-7? The most interesting questions about WTC-7’s collapse are not related to how it came down – its graceful 6.5 second descent with a perfectly horizontal roofline for a number of seconds too obviously indicates a controlled implosion – but WHY it was brought down on 9/11, WHO filmed it from seven vantage points, and WHY reporters brazenly mentioned controlled demolition when by the time WTC-7 came down the terrorist narrative was in full swing and thus we’d expect that those reporters would instinctively feel the massive taboo already in place against any extremely self-incriminating allusion to controlled demolition; as 9/11 scholar, Graeme MacQueen, said: “There is no room in the official story for controlled demolition.” Moreover, we’d expect for the 9/11 narrative that reporters would not be simply let loose to say whatever their observations told them but would be scripted. Above all, the story of 9/11 is a narrative, it doesn’t describe real events at all other than the actual destruction of buildings so how could it work for reporters be let loose to say whatever occurred to them?
These are the questions we need to be asking about WTC-7.
Conversation between Brian Williams, MSNBC News Anchor and David Restuccio, FDNY EMS Lieutenant about WTC-7, the third building to collapse at the WTC on 9/11, after its collapse:
“Can you confirm it was No 7 that just went in?”
[“Went in” is a term used in controlled demolition that comes from the fact that the buildings fall in on themselves.]
“Yes, sir.”
“And you guys knew this was comin’ all day.”
“We had heard reports that the building was unstable and that eventually it would either come down on its own or it would be taken down.”
What should we really be making of this extraordinary video set to Tom Petty’s, Free Fallin’?
Some in the medical profession are calling it “Turbo Cancer”-the very sudden,aggressive,rare-deadly-as in “get your affairs in order” types.I can’t tell you how many incidents of these I have heard in the last two years-working with the public.
A very close friend died from cancer recently. She was a nurse and only had the jab to keep her job. She first had breast cancer in 2005 and then in 2019 it returned as Stage IV so her prognosis at that time was not great, however, she was getting along OKayish. I cannot say that the jab exacerbated the cancer but it wouldn’t surprise me. In 2019, a few months before her Stage IV diagnosis she’d got the flu jab for the first time in her life – only for job reasons then too – and then a few months later she got the flu for the first time in her life shortly before her Stage IV diagnosis. Who knows if the flu jab had anything to do with her Stage IV diagnosis.
Another try coming up!
Don’t fail…
Waco and Ruby Ridge are included in Meme 4, reminding me of their continued mystery: What was the “Babylon content” of their belief system & how was it connected to the British royal family?
At Ruby Ridge Randy Weaver survived. His wife had been the outspoken one, writing a defiant letter to local authorities which referred to Babylon and the Queen. She was shot between the eyes by a govt sharpshooter while standing in the doorway of their cabin holding an infant in her arms.
The Weavers’ preteen boy was shot & killed when he ran to the aid of his dog who’d been shot. The boy was unarmed.
The father, Randy, surrendered & at his trial no useful info appeared. They’d not responded to some ticket or ATF violation. Baffling.
Waco was similar in that there was teaching of “Babylon” and the Queen’s connection to it. The acolytes were well-educated Adventists– several lawyers, schoolteachers, etc. They were writing letters to other members of their numerous sect (perhaps 60,000 members globally). There were numerous reports of a BRITISH AIRCRAFT circling the area while the authorities attacked the Waco compound.
The person teaching the Babylon content, David Koresh, went to town often and cd’ve been arrested anytime– but TPTB chose to bulldose & shoot their way in. AFAIK survivors of this raid are still being held in jail. Janet Reno had used her tried & true pretext of “child abuse going on” to cover this extraordinary govt wrongdoing.
Was Babylon the name of an Op or govt plan; it looks as if extraordinary measures were taken to prevent our finding out. Apparently Babylon has meaning to the TPTB: EU govt bldg at Strasbourg clearly copies artists’ rendering of it.
Re: No 9
Greta’s been awfully quiet recently.
Not that I’m complaining.
nah, last few were dire. does humour drain?? in time?
and i hope that wasnae old Capitan Nippon lecturing us in no 2, hahah : )
The old Marxian line about history repeating itself, first as tragedy then as farce, has never been more relevant than now. Except that “farce” seems too dignified for …. whatever this is!
I don’t know why OffG has such an obssessive hatred for a mentally challenged young woman who is not to blame for the ills of the fucking world, has not starved or bombed anyone or abused their human rights.
What ever it is here is a tip from someone old enough to be her granny ENOUGH ALREADY;
If you don’t know what our problem is with Thunberg & her current geopolitical role it’s because you choose to remain unaware. The issue has been studied and discussed many times and our position is clear. Ignoring all this information and reducing the question to childish ideas of personal animosity is only a manifestation of your own avoidance.
If you want to be informed there’s ample reading material on here and our social media. If you just want to continue feigning outraged incomprehension then feel free to carry on.
As soon as I saw Greta’s face, I was tempted to, er, cheekily post “OK, admit it– you chose #9 just to ‘trigger’ Marilyn.”
No point in doing it now. I obviously didn’t get up early enough.
Scumberg is related to the Rothschilds!
She is just the younger replacement! Out with the old…
Sophie/Admin — Maybe I’m wrong (it’s happened before!) but I think that Marilyn’s point is that Sophie was, at least when she started, bascially just a child. Children can’t really be held responsible for being misguided and for making things up. It is their nature. It was the conniving and powerful adults who then encouraged her and worshiped her every stupid proclamation who are much more to blame. Of course, Greta still continues her idiotic and/or evil proclamations; that is a different matter. [And yes, I am aware of her background.]
And why be so harsh with Marilyn — many of her comments are right on target and also entertaining?
Marilyn, if I’ve misinterpreted what you think about GT, sorry!
Marilyn and Greta both have their own personalities, but our problem lies with neither of them.
The media are our worst enemy.
So Greta is the reason for the state of the world? So when the hormones start flowing and she gets snarky, will she she begin to think for herself and have the inevitable fatal fall on the stairs? Oh! Then we can blame her replacement for all that is wrong with the world. The lack of awareness is breathtaking.
No, your lack ofawareness is breathtaking – as Marilyn’s – but to explain to you both why is is that is another job for Sisif.
The hatred isn´t for Thunberg.
It´s for everybody cashing in on her.
She isn’t very likable.
I agree, but I think it’s beside the point.
I don’t know…One might rightfully blame the parents for indulging a child who becomes a brat, but at some point, the bratty child becomes accountable as well. At this point, Greta is something of a bratty adult.
Do you get it yet?
Which one?

I’d agree that she’s an abused child, pushed into the limelight by her parents for their political views. But it’s quite legitimate to rail against Greta for what she stands for.
It’s really not legitimate. It shows that we have already admitted defeat.
She wants to starve and freeze them to death. Cheaper than bombs, too much carbon!!
Greta always saving the planet…
She doesn’t have mental problems; they’re made up to cover for her bad acting and possible mind control programming.
I support you, Marilyn.
I am of the same mind.
As much as Olodomyr Elensky is a sad cocaine addict, I can see by the nature of the “Collective Waste (West)’s” barbaric geo-politics is making his and everyone else’s lives a disaster. I don’t go off and attempt infantile slander.
And just like Elensky Greta is getting used.
Meme number 5 is actually factual. The third plane crashed in a field before it reached New York. It was intended to crash into Building 7, never did but they did a controlled demolition on it anyway.
There were no planes involved. All were controlled demolitions.
Purely coincidental that WTC 7 supposedly housed financial records about Pentagram’s missing 2.4T dollars, and the wing of the Pentagon that was destroyed housed the ONI team that was investigating the those records.
All coordinated by a billionaire scion in an Afghani cave hooked up to a dialysis machine using a satellite phone.
There were no demolitions. All seven WTC buildings were dematerialized by a classified directed energy weapon. They were literally turned into microdust particles.
What, ALL seven? Dematerialised, you say? A classified directed energy weapon?
Thanks for clearing that up.
To be fair, as much as people stubbornly pretend they don’t see it, the footage of falling tower fragments does show a very odd apparent disintegration of massive pieces of the structure within the time if took for them to hit the ground. Also note the curious case of Hurricane Erin (a potential generator or focus of electromagnetic energy) being mysteriously underplayed by the weather forecasts at the time despite its path directly toward NYC.
That said, the witnesses to explosions, the precise progression of the final collapse, and the apparent “squibs” on video also tell the story of explosives. So, in the spirit of congeniality: Why not both?
Liz Truss putting China on the hit list as a threat to “National Security “. Can’t these clowns not wait until the pantomime season comes around ? Incredible how an ex bank employee gets to play politics on the world stage. This cretin is a real threat to anyone with a modicum of intelligence.
Tankwoman Truss (Thatcher v. 2.0) always holds her hands out wide, open-palmed, when speaking. High level body language training there. A slightly fixed, immobile, gesture, maybe. But guaranteed to inspire a great sense of her openness in unsuspecting viewers.
What could there possibly be not to
trusstrust in someone so open.Trust me, I’m Truss-worthy 👍
agents of chuckieeeee
The Brits seem to favor low IQ individuals in the highest places. Probably a vestige of their once “glorious”, inbred aristocratic society.
Agree with that. Feeble minded and mental instability springs to mind.
That’s the case everywhere surely?
You will own nothing and be happy.You already own nothing and are happy.That’s what is so funny! MMS/3i’s “think” they “own” something…
If they take “your” land if you don’t pay the taxes… it’s not your land!
The Pride Nazis: No pride for you!
In the clip, the police officer can be heard saying to the women that their group is ‘causing confrontation between different groups of people’
He adds: ‘To make sure you’re safe, we are going to remove you from the road’.
“We will use force if necessary.”
Think “out of the box”…
Couldn’t resist another one…
That’s so bad it’s good. So good it’s great. LOL
Tragically hilarious video- 4 minutes long:
The Downfall of Virus Theory is Happening
Adolf never fails!
That is sublime!
Perfect send off!
There’s always the trance thing instead
most of them downfall spoofs have been pretty good, “chuck norris swims the atlantic as we speak” had me chuckling for months.
this one no disappointment, ashame it wasn’t an utter spoof : / chuckling and crying
How many times has that sketch been used to great effect the past few years?
On it😄
In common with probably 99% of comment writers here, I have no idea whether viruses exist or not, and no way of either verifying or disproving the claim.
What I do know, however, is that non-medical professionals trying to persuade the general public that “virus theory” is wrong will only work in favour of the ruling “elite” and their pandemic/great reset fantasy.
Who gives a shit whether viruses exist or not? Is that the real problem we’re facing? Or is it possibly the corporate takeover of national governments and the rise of a global techno-totalitarianism ?
Framing the question as “do viruses exist” can take one down a rabbit hole. Personally I would take a step back and ask: to what extent are the methods we use to isolate viruses (in the lab) and characterize them (with software) contaminated by methodological artifacts i.e. based on the equipment, algos and materials used? Given this methodological problems how valid and reliable is the whole methodology? What is its clinical relevance?
The short answer: the whole field of virology is not clinically helpful in curing patients of their symptoms because the methodologies used to characterize viruses are too problematic. Yes, I know that’s a sweeping statement but I stand behind it. Most diseases caused by viruses either have no cure, or they can be cured by bringing down inflammation and focusing on the secondary bacterial infections.
There are basically two types of methods used to show the “existence of viruses”.
a) in the lab, they do a whole series of processes on goop from your body, put bacteria on some medium and where there is an absence of bacteria on that medium (bacteriophage) the claim is that this proves the existence of a “virus”.
b) virus characterization ake the genome sequence, involves a whole series of processes whereby goop is centrifuged and mixed with substances. This shows up as fluorescence and colors are assigned proteins coded with one of four letters. These protein sequences are then assembled with software to come up with a DNA or RNA sequence.
The entire field of genomics is a trillion dollar flop if you remember the breathless hype from 20 years ago.
All results can change depending on which reagents, equipment, software and statistical methods you use. It’s not something like gravity which you can test for yourself and which we can assume will always work the same way, barring major planetary upheavals.
CJ Hopkins in conversation with Catherine Austin Fitts (Brand New!):
We need to talk about Mr. Global – Part 1
Here’s gem quote by CAF from the documentary:
“If your soul is immortal, what is the present value of selling out?”
Here’s what the world thinks of Boris.
Good one, but it would also be funny if the contestant’s caption was the actual oft-used line “I’d like to buy a vowel.”
That’s how it ended in the good old days, now the workers think they’re kings and nothing will happen …
Ah yes, because people didn’t get sick before vaccines were invented
So explain the increases?
The only time I ever came across autism before the MMR wasn’t autism at all. A 4 year old child of the school headmaster found his mother hanging in the passage and became so traumatised he could not speak.
It was called autism but he was OK with me because I didn’t push him. Instead of help for the trauma they made the poor boy worse.
There was sickness before but since this incredibly dodgy rollout the first thing to investigate ought to be the “vaccine”
Some excellent memes here:
That is an absolutely great piece of work that translates Alison McDowell’s compelling research that is sometimes difficult to explain to people into plain English.
🎵Memeories, of the way we’re meant to be🎵
Reagan was one of them. Here he is signing a certain set of laws mentioned in the second image. These are important because every traitor politician supports them:
Here’s how it works:
See the rainbow in the bottom right? That’s the real rainbow pride. It was put in the sky to symbolize the covenant, which is represented by the horse and stag.
Bottom right also shows where 14 and a fish comes from. (14 students and a teacher, 14 at Buffalo, 14 at Christchurch).
He’s the 14th piece of Osiris.
The star Fomahault in the Southern Fish is called the mouth. A teacher is something that instructs or conveys a message, and a “mouth” is something that instructs or conveys a message – 14 and a teacher.
Noahide Laws?
Yes, they call for the decapitation of all those who do not worship their new equinox. This would include all religions and people. Aquarius/Enki is the sun, and his son (spring equinox) is the light of god, thus, Enki is the light bringer.
He is the one that Revelations talks about accepting the mark for; Lou. The king who fell to Earth.
“Yes, they call for the decapitation of all those who do not worship their new equinox.”
Should call ’em Noahead laws then.
Lew Wasserman
Lew Wasserman was Reagan’s sponsor.
Add Australian cane toad stew.
This artist is absolutely killing it with every piece.
He’s hit a rich vein has Bob.
Or they could just be really cool (chill) people tbf
In the local supermarket this afternoon they had a tasting stand set up for something called ” Not Milk “. Load enough carbon and nitrogen taxes onto dairy farmers and you will soon need to be a millionaire to buy a litre of real milk. But fear not, new Not Milk is just as good, say the scientists.
And they wouldn’t lie to us. Would they?
Well the dairy industry have spent years and millions telling us that milk is good for us, which is a complete pack of lies, so what should one believe? I’m not sure what is real or what to believe any more.
Who produces it?
Well, this is encouraging!
Yup. Kraft Heinz Company KHC. Trades on NASDAQ. Market capitalization $46 billion. They care about your health… truly. Profits are a sideline. Sarc.
Simpler = cheaper
We’ll be eating wood chips next
If the algorithm says so, yes. Tastes like chicken.
Soylent green?
Since we’re quoting Thomas Jefferson:
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks, will deprive the people of their property until one day their children will wake up homeless on the continents their fathers conquered”.
Seems like “one day” is just about today. Mind you, Jefferson loved vaccination so I’m not saying to believe everything he wrote….
The term ‘vaccination’ has a root in the word for ‘cow’ and refers to the observation by Edward Jenner in the late 19th century that people who were infected with cowpox, a mild disease, became immune to smallpox, a serious and also widespread disease. This observation didn’t just come out of the blue; folk medicine in various middle east cultures had noticed about the smallpox/cowpox connection and also how people who had a mild case of smallpox never got infected again.
Edward Jenner (and Thomas Jefferson) lived over 200 years ago. Since then we’ve learned a whole lot about cell biology and how infection works, especially in the last few decades as we decode DNA/RNA and understand the chemistry involved. The mechanisms involved are both incredibly elegant and insanely complex (though as our understanding grows what seems complicated starts to make sense).
As for Jefferson’s comments about banks, they’re right on the money. It figures since banking and bankers haven’t changed much through history. He also presages Marx’s observation about economics, which once again didn’t just come out of thin air but were based on Enlightenment thinking. (Point to ponder here is why banking/money tends to be so negative about Marx and so tolerant of religion…..maybe there’s a method in their madness?)
Reddit intellectual detected.
The chess one should’ve had the top 4 black and the bottom ones white or vice versa. Was probably done to avoid racial controversy though. Excellent collection!
Or a mixture of white and black for both – the piece rather than the colour being the key thing! 😀
You anarchaic genius. I love it!