Mealmoth Flambé
Sylvia Shawcross
Now, some of us, admittedly not a large number at this point, find ourselves up at midnight reading The Psychology of Totalitarianism by Mattias Desmet and wondering what the hell is wrong with us?
We used to read James Herriott and chuckle into the wee hours but now… We whimper our way through all sorts of things, living in the New Abnormal desperately trying to figure out what is happening to the Stepford/Zombie people we know while out there in the world strange things keep happening.
There was no way we could have predicted that Russia would start building cricket factories for our consumption in Siberia. I mean, we eventually grudgingly could admit that building cricket factories is “just” the thing that Justin Trudeau in Canada would do, but Putin? Really? Isn’t he supposed to be the bad guy now?
We can’t have the bad guys and the good guys doing the same thing or we’ll confuse the agenda and people might start thinking for themselves. But never mind all that.
I’m just saying there was no way we could have predicted that the shelves would run out of Dijon mustard just when Cooking with Crickets magazine was featuring an award-winning recipe on Moutarde de Flandres Mealmoth flambe?
How could we really have known that the French farmers would be on the road driving their tractors to town instead of farming and that the truckers would be off road in convoys and not delivering in protest at the price of fuel and booster mandates? No mustard this month or next!
How could we have known?
Well, alright. In truth we could have known.
We were just not listening to the right talking heads. And we were too busy fighting each other over every issue-du-jour that we failed to recognize that which needed to be recognized before things got out of control. And now things are completely out of control and we humans have only ourselves to blame. Ourselves and the mass media of course.
However, there is hope. Just so you know…
Now, I know I’ve been going on in my writings quite a bit about saving the sad and unhappy lives of the crickets but I was wrong.
It takes a lot of pride swallowing to say that. In all my naïveté I believed that we would finally find world peace by uniting to save the cricket. Now I believe we need to take those creepy spindly-legged little noisy monsters, put them in Ziploc bags and freeze them until they die horribly and we get to eat them.
Bring on the Russian bug gulags! That’s what I think now. And why do I think that? Because they are the black swan event that saved the world.
The crickets have come out of nowhere to save us all.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that if the crickets are here to save us all, then why are we killing and eating them? Well… that would be my point. And not because they’re going to feed a starving world but precisely because it is the act of killing and eating them and arguing about killing and eating them that is saving the world.
When you think about it. All the opinions expressed. All the books written. All the discussion papers. The policies. The interviews. The research papers. The desperate effort made these last few years by so many many people to expose the truth as they know it. To educate. To open up dialogue. To bridge the great divide. All of these things. And none of them really worked to unite us. We were still hellbent on divisiveness. And it was the divisiveness that was killing us all.
Until the cricket.
For the first time in Lord knows how many years the vast majority all agree on something: We don’t want to eat bugs.
We just don’t want to eat bugs. No matter what nationality, gender, political inclination, race or status in the world, we agree we don’t want to eat bugs.*
We are FINALLY united on a topic. AND bonus of all bonuses: YouTube and Google don’t censor our opinions on bugs. This is why we’re being inundated by bug discussion right now.
It is a free-for-all. It is uncensored glory. It is our salvation. And people, insane, morose, and enraged as they may be in this world, recognize a good thing when they see it. We can talk to anybody anywhere about this topic without worrying about their political affiliation or if they’ve been vaccinated or if they support Ukraine or care about the farmers and truckers of the world.
We are remembering the freedom of free speech.
This is why we need to keep it up. We need to keep promoting eating crickets, because pushing back against that idea is going to unite everyone.
We must kill the crickets. To hell with the wild crickets huddling fearfully together in the long grass discussing the rumoured “camps” we’ve been building for them. The long-awaited dialogue between disparate and dissenting voices has finally found common ground and the doors are open for world peace and prosperity.
And this can only happen as long as we’re in the thick of insect massacres.
Normalizing the killing of crickets however is not going to be easy. Just so you know. Nothing worth having and all that. Beside the fact that on account of this plastic-is-bad movement we might run out of Ziploc bags for the extermination process, the greatest danger for the cricket revolution may very well be the crickets themselves.
We’ve put them in warehouses. And like the divisive idiots we are, we divided them between the organic and the non-organic.
We never learn.
They’re not going to get along. They’re going to start killing each other over their differences before they’re ready for harvest. Isn’t it always the way! I’m not sure how we’re going to handle that. Maybe if we figure that out we can figure it out for humans too, but how likely is that?
And then there’s that other thing that might be a problem—when we realize that in order to create nourishing crickets they must be fed a well-balanced diet of protein, grains, fruits and vegetables.
There might be hell to pay when people begin to realize the crickets are going to be eating better than we are. Not sure how that happened, but anyway—we’ll need a visionary philosophy to reset the whole cricket farm for the future.
It won’t be easy. The Great Insect Reset. It will have to happen I’m afraid. To save us all.
Well, that’s about all I have to say about totalitarianism as interpreted from Desmet’s book (a good read btw) That, and please join the Cricket Revolution. Thank you.
Sylvia Shawcross writes things that are deeply unimportant in a world where everything is important. And I’m now figuratively fed up with bugs and hopeful about wandering into other irrelevant topics in the future. If there is a future.
*This writer is fully aware that there are people in the world who relish eating insects. Good luck to them. But it is only our dislike of eating bugs that is going to unite us all. We’ll start with an insect plague of some sort and a slogan like “Bugs: Not safe and not effective.” The bug lovers will soon fall in line. They’re just a minority anyway. We can put them on an enemies list and if all else fails take away their crickets and feed them smoked tulip bulbs. No wait. I forgot—the Dutch farmers thing. Okay, smoked pinecones.
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OffGuardian is becoming increasingly off-colour for me, I can see a divorce looming. The lines have never, at any time in human history, been so glaringly obvious, yet many pieces I’ve read here lately are unfocussed, lazy & lacking in any real conviction.
This is no time for circumlocution or navel-gazing, self-indulgent diversions. Sometimes it is all actually black & white, good & evil, right & wrong, life & death, you know?
Perhaps this Winter will serve to refocus y’all, if you survive.
Thanks for your feedback!
I’m going to steal the ‘if you survive’ sign off to spice up my daily correspondence.
Best wishes (if you survive), A2
Being divided from those who support the regime is a neccesity, all this talk of “divisiveness” is hippy drivel. If your next-door neighbour or your drinking pal is a supporter of this most evil ruling class, hate them. They are just as bad as those they support, there are no excuses anymore, wilful ignorance is no excuse.
Time to put up or shut up.
Excellent…very clever and insightful. Thank you!!
Desmet is not the saint people have been led to believe, or chose to believe as a comfort to the horrific behaviour of our fellow humans over the last 30 months.
He actually thinks those who do not kowtow to authority are the problem.
From the book:
I imagine this is true for conspiracy theorists. But is it true for people who are labelled conspiracy theorists when they are not?
Here’s some ‘conspiracies’ for you:
▪️‘The Commies are coming, the Commies are coming! We’ve gotta stop them in Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, South America and Australia (Whitlam’s government).
Millions will die!”
(And they did. In Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia and South America).
▪️“The terrorists are coming, the terrorists are coming. We’ve gotta stop them. Millions will die”
(And they did. In Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria etc).
▪️“The plague is coming, the plague is coming. Millions will die! Get vaxxed now!”
Conspiracies heaped upon conspiracies.
Slow learners aren’t we ?
He’s a scientist, not a saint.
chirp chirp to that!
Best article I’ve read for ages. Thank you.
Billions of people consume the blood, organs and tissue of various animals. Billions around the world eat insects, as has been the case since before we came down from the trees.
I don’t feel the disgust or the concern about the push to further market something that is already an established part of the human food chain, so when I see articles and comments railing against grubs-for-food it feels overblown and out of whack with reality.
Where I draw the line, as with most things, is being forced to do something that I might otherwise reasonably choose not to. That’s why I believe the focus of bug food comment should be on supporting individual choice, as opposed to shouting about how horrible it is that insects are being much more widely stocked on shop shelves and denigrating anyone who thinks there’s not much wrong with it.
Surely we don’t want to buy in to another division tactic? We already have the oh-so-childish and dull, meat chewers versus the veg munchers crap. Please let’s not add to that with pointless denigration of anyone who might enjoy chomping on crickets. Choice is where the battle lies, not specific food preferences.
The eat ze bugs is being proposed as an alternative to eating meat not as a supplementary..
And what choice do the 100 billion plus sentient creatures slaughtered every year have?
Yeah, I’ve heard all the self serving responses. They’re as lame and illogical as ‘specific food preferences’
Life comes first. All sentient Life. Otherwise we are exploiters.
Just like the Turds who rule.
I’m vegetarian, gave up meat years ago but I can still make a point about choice. The downvotes depressingly show that despite being here at OffG, people can’t help taking a team side. Sad really.
There may be something specific about this particular issue and your post, but in general, people can agree or disagree without the formation of “sides”. For instance, I upvoted your opening comment, but downvoted the one I’m replying to.
The people imposing their dystopian nightmare vision on us are very much a team. Stand on your own, then, see how far that gets you. You can’t oppose something without standing against it. Wake up, for goodness sake, resolution follows dispute, defeat follows capitulation.
Johnny, if you can’t see the difference between humans & animals, you’re part of the problem, you really are. What choice do insects have, what choice do plants have, why are we slaughtering all the oxygen, turning the clean water into urine & so on, right up your own posterior.
Sorry but I don’t want to eat bugs or wear animal hides for clothing or live in a cave & I don’t want to live anywhere near anyone who does, either. We can afford decent food, clothes & housing, what we can’t afford is a layer of parasitic billionaires, sitting above society & the law & trying to destroy our civilization for us, while maintaining their own, excessive comforts.
Insects as a food is another profit-generating scheme for the worthless wealthy, not an attempt to “save the planet”.
It seems than in Siberia they have a big problem with global warming and polution and they need to eat bugs in order to save the planet.
I’ve eaten Escargot a long time ago at a Kiwi version of a French Restaurant. Interesting experience, and if I had to choose between Escargot and Crickets, well, let’s just say the humble old snail would win hands down. But in the Agenda 2030 – Great Reset dystopia they are building, I somehow doubt there will be much of a choice about anything.
And even more certain is that those of us who love melt in the mouth Beef Brisket or Osso Bucco or Caramelised Pork Belly or even a simple Spaghetti Bolognese can definitely kiss those things away. Forever. And no, I’m obviously not vegetarian just in case anyone was wondering. Where I grew up in the south of New Zealand, vegetarians were viewed with quite a bit of suspicion, along with hippies and those labelling themselves as a “Greenie”.
I’ve definitely considered buying The Psychology of Totalitarianism Sylvia, however I’m talking to these people every single day I’m working. Face to face interaction with people out on the street, quite a few of them still wearing facemasks outside and still going on about “the pandemic” and “covid”. And a number of them keep saying “when things return to normal” while discussing the worsening economic situation. I hear that phrase fairly regularly actually… “when things return to normal”. Sigh. Do I need to buy this book? Probably not.
Dunno about the ‘Most Liveable’ Geezah, but Melbourne has got to be in the top three of ‘Most Gullible’
Hardly a mask to be seen up here in Northern NSW.
Gullible, fearful and cowardly Johhny in no particular order. Definitely those three things as well as Melbourne being home to 9 universities and swarming with liberal hipsters and yuppies. Perhaps that has something to do with the way things are here? I’m sure people in, for example, Byron Bay or Murwillumbah are much more sane and rational.
The older I get the more I come to realise that life is 90% (if not 99%) due to habit. That’s
all. And those in power have come to realise this. It’s the root of their entire strategy cf. the famous Catholic “Give me a child till the age of 8 and I’ll give you a Catholic for life”.
People who have reached a certain age have tended to become settled in a certain mode of thinking and behaving. But then you have to factor in the very powerful matter of group persuasion. Those who own the media can say what they like. Of course they are careful to put their words in such a way that it isn’t easy to find them out until a time when it no longer matters and the new activity they are trying to install has already settled. Consider the more extreme covid pushing countries – Germany, Canada, Australia. Even submitting to the general “PR job” on covid, i.e. assuming that it matters at all about those PCR test results, the uselessness of the vaccines has become clear. Does that stop these countries from aggressively pushing the vax? Not at all. Does it even slow them down? No.
And one thing I find almost impossible to conceive is the general attitude – even now – to covid. It is sobering to think that the objections to this covid shit which we have all been discussing on OffG are completely unknown to vast swathes of the public. It was a truly jaw dropping moment when I tuned into a certain “Left” website, whose name I will not mention, and found them still talking about the difference between deaths “of” and “with” covid. And they even had the nerve to say this was an argument that had only recently shown up – and which was, of course, attributed to these nasty “Right Wing” elements.
Round and round goes the behavioural modification. And that’s all that it is about.
Try them without the garlic butter.
I feel for ya Gezzah. I just leave everybody alone now. Who am I to take away anybody’s belief that things will return to normal? It is all so very surreal.
Every so often I have to take 4-5 days off and get right out of Melbourne and into nature. Otherwise I’d go completely loopy. I hear about other parts of the world that are almost sane it seems, but there is something very odd about Melbourne. In fact most people here are so meekly obedient and prone to unquestioning groupthink, they should really rename it Stepford. Keep up the good work Sylvia, you’re giving the inimitable CJ Hopkins a decent run for his money in the satire stakes…
Snails taste disgusting, even smothered in the tastiest sauce. It’s nature’s way of saying “don’t eat this crap”.
I have a sad problem with my mother who is now in her 90s. She has had her shots so far and plans to get more. I have had conversations with her over the bullshit of the whole thing but, instead of getting angry about it, she gets scared. Now she lives at a considerable distance from me, she lives alone, and no matter how much I say to her over the phone, she is then subject to a vastly greater amount of time with just the TV for company. She has come to rely on this ersatz community that the media provide. In many ways those Matrix movies are already true. The virtual society is already here. And I know that if I come down hard on her she will just become distressed and that may be counterproductive as it drives here into greater isolation. She has already said “I’m just going to go along with them” suggesting that she has indeed taken on board some of what I have said. But she won’t take in any more. I could push it but then, once I have gone, she will be left with those nice medical people on TV telling her what to do and it would be too much for her to mistrust them. This is where you realise the true bastardry of those above.
A similar story with my mother George. All we can do is keep our fingers crossed.
I’m sad and sorry to hear this story George Mc. I hear these stories often. We must love for as long as we can while we can and forgive everyone for whatever decision they may or may not have made and may or may not make around these vaccines. In these crazy times, everybody is doing the best they can. IMHO
This equating “bugs” with crickets is clearly prejudiced – what about the mealworms!
Are you mealwormphobic or something?
Obviously i’m going to have to do some sensitivity training around mealworms. Thank you 🙂
You types read the same book, haven’t you ever gone beyond what the M.I.C recommends you.? Desmet’s book……. 😂
I wonder if I’d be allowed to breed crickets on my allotment. BTW the wisdom of our regulators boggles the mind. Apparently we can’t keep chickens on the allotments but we can keep them around our houses. Seems like soon that won’t matter anymore.
Of course you will not be allowed to raise your own crickets. Only approved bugs will be allowed for consumption, those who will be found having unapproved bugs on their home will be penalized.
I don’t want to eat bugs.
But that aside, here is an Op ed in one of our national newspapers by a conservative member-running for the head of the party-who has fought tirelessly for freedom of speech and against locking people down-and who was kicked out of caucus for fighting for the rights of all Canadians. I do believe by publishing Roman Baber’s piece in a msm newspaper, it is a small triumph.
I often hear about a mystical “we”. We did not resist, but we must resist, etc. If there is such a cohesive thing that can be called “we”, a unified group, then it has obviously been hiding somewhere for the last two years. If we look at this “we” well, we might even see that it’s gone.
On the other hand, one can clearly see the “they” who are above the imaginary United “We”. And “they” do the two-year action.
But, quite idiotically, some continue to insist that “we” exist. Where is it? Can we see it, because in a very short time “they” will realize their program.
There seems to be “we” in terms of interests, the attainment of which does not cause us headaches; “we” for the easy; and, above all, “we” for obedience. But it disappears when the time comes for complex difficulties, on which much must be thought, but also to act fearlessly.
Or, take, for example, the topic of Russia’s actions, and when you look closely, or even superficially, it turns out that we have at least 4 or 5 points of view. But someone says, “I thought we were done with this”. Who are “you”, who have finished this topic? There are a few more “we” that didn’t end the way you did. They what? Should they join those “you” who are finished? Or?
It is simply necessary to say clearly: here we think so; we know how things stand; we have such and such powers; please, those participants in the topics who do not think as we do and do not know as we do, do not get involved; if they cannot refrain themselves, I ask the administration to help them.
Perhaps this is how a reasonable and cohesive “we”should act.
Things are clear, but not for idiots. Fairy tales and qualifications bought at a discount from the store of everyday wisdom are the easiest thing to do. Perhaps that is why they are in abundance, thus replacing the very act that needs to be done.
I would like to see the actions of brave and firm speakers. As far as I can see, they don’t answer words at all.
Common tales covered with pretentiousness.
A question of personal idiotic mentality. Funny.
is the first word in:
What does the “f” stand for?
WE F(reemasons)? 🙂
But what is “F”?
Otherwise, I don’t know, I don’t understand these things and I have nothing more to say. So I think I’ll just focus on the subject “Russia’s Great Reset: Facing Reality”, which I don’t understand either, but I’m trying with my modest capabilities. I will only comment there. Respect is important, one must behave well, morality must be maintained through self-restraint. (and the like):)
Maybe I’ll meet you there.
oh well plino, i use “we” as a literary device to create a nice safe little place for us all to feel at home. I suppose I’m not so deluded to believe the great “we” exists to any grand extent but the potential exists and hence the effort by the brave and firm and the erudite. I’m not one of them. I’m just niggling at the edges. And I have to stop reading and replying to comments or I’ll be here all night. Thank you for your thoughtful words.
My comment was not directed at you in any way. If that’s what you thought, then there was a misunderstanding, for which I take full responsibility. (Even when there was no rating vote, I gave your post the highest rating.)
My comment was an indirect response from a colleague.
And thank you for taking the time to chat, it was very nice to meet you.
You mustn’t disappear plino. You’re my only fan. 🙂
It’s not true, I’m your most insolent fan, with graphomaniacal tendencies and other deviations. Others just don’t admit they’re your fans.
But I have to disappear. I grew up in a socialist society and got used to the idea that there is more important than self-interest. 😀
Nice talking to you. And, success in your next ventures.
(Do not listen to them very much what they tell you, you do not know them, and strangers cannot be trusted.) 🙂
I’ll miss you plino and I promise not to trust a single living soul although I have to admit I’m pretty much there as it is. I understand how culturally the western world and its ilk can be challenging. But at the end of the day, we’re all doing the best that we can within the constraints of being human. Be at peace. Courage and hope always.
Oh, no problem. I don’t have the slightest culture shock. As a child, I fell into a well and nearly drowned for a few minutes before my sister pulled me out. Since then, I’ve been ironclad even in the face of fiercer predators than Western rational thought. 😀
As has been asked already, what’s with the “we”. Projecting one’s own personal idiocy onto others really does point to a serious mental condition.
The last one wasn’t funny, this one is now setting a clear trend and that was just the title.
Thank you for your funny and kind words. Keep spreading the love STPM. 🙂
My pleasure, sleep tight.
Good news, US Midwest farmers have so little forage for cattle, and trucking in water for them to drink is so expensive that they are culling their herds.
Top sirloin is now under $5./lb due to the culling!
A CA fire started 10 miles away at 1:30pm, 500 acres x 2pm, it was 1000 acres x 3pm; the power is out now.
I went to the big Mormon owned grocer that has a generator and got ice, beer. And cash.
If the power is still our this weekend I will barbecue the formetly frozen pork loin Saturday, and leg of lamb Sunday.
Fu_k crickets!
Bonus, my niece is coming out this month for Mom’s memorial, (blood clots, Moderna x 3)
Happy Labor Day slaves!
I don’t have any issues with eating crickets. I imagine they’re rather tasty and nutritious, if processed and cooked appropriately.
“That’s when I witnessed the towers collapse, first one, then the other, mostly due to structural failure because the fires were too intense“
I remember that kind of thing. There was one “witness” at the Pentagon who not only candidly stated that he saw the passenger plane coming in but even named the plane, where it was coming from and going to, and the time it departed – all this as part of his original “on the spot” report!
WTF does that have to do with crickets?
Haha! That was great.
Ok..I am in a backwater in South Devon and I get that what we used to call the Chattering Class is easily taken in by fad after fad and, here especially, the spiritual warriors have readily dropped their knickers and complied with all the recent “Protection” bullshit. However I grew up a Lancashire lass and them as I grew up with already tell me to feck off with my Keenwah bollocks, scoff at organics and would only eat bugs if you sneaked ’em into their chicken nuggets/faggots/scotch eggs….Meat and two veg is still the order of the day for millions of westerners and when it gets too pricey it’s off down the moor and shoot it….Or drive your manky, clapped out Austin up and down the Exeter road till you get lucky and knock one over….that’s five families sorted for weeks. The fuck ’em, we’ll sort it, quiet like, late at night, attitude lives on Everywhere. Bon appetit.
Yeah and I cannot imagine Argentines ever giving up beef -there’s a revolution right there
There’s a Buddhist sect that wears face coverings so as to not inhale, and thus kill, any insects. They always seemed insane before, but maybe they had some sort of point, or not, I’m not sure, I forgot the point I was going to make.
Viva La Revolution!
The Covid lunatics that go along with the Bug Thing are going to be getting sick (again).
Of course what they’ll faithfully do is start arguing not over the bugs as the cause of their illness but as to what oils they were using when cooking the cockroaches and how “you have to use the right oils and cook at the right temperature.”
Of course we can count on Pharma to offer up GMO snake oil as the FDA approved solution.
The global economy is an integrated economy… Russia, like China, is integrated into the Global Economy…Even though both retain considerable control over their domestic economies and prevent the penetration by global corporations, investments are made where money can be made – and ‘Bugs for Breakfast’ factories are investment flavour of the year…(Every economy is a capitalist economy, all governed by the same ‘economic’ laws)…
Viewing everything done by ‘Putin’s’ Russia through the prism of whether it’s implementing WEF plans limits one’s perspective and understanding surely is a form of myopia…(If you think post-1991 Russia, and post-Mao China, are in any way socialist you are easily misled by labels…China’s ‘Capitalism With Chinese Features is still capitalist….
That is, as far as I understand you, you do not agree with the widespread claim that Russia has broken away from the trajectory of the “developed world”. But you say that this is not due to a hidden agreement to implement the globalist plans at the local level, as part of the global plan, but because Russia, as part of the world capitalist economy, can not really break away, it would be destructive for them? So it is most advantageous for them to follow and implement the most effective and working economic models, but trying to maintain sovereignty and control in their own territories?
They do not follow a global plan, but follow their own interests for the best development in accordance with economic laws.
Well, then of course we have crickets. But also everything else: covvid-‘biosecurity’, technocracy, transhumanization (if you do not know about the Russian programs for the development of biodigital convergence, with key dates 2025, 2035, read), and others.
Just as these developments are imposed in the West, they are imposed in Russia; not because they are bad people with collusion with the West. The Russian state and private stakeholders (all on whom it depends how things will turn out) they want to develop most effectively while protecting their place under the world Sun.
Russian rulers operate limited by economic realities, dependent on naturally existing laws and developments. If they don’t, they’ll fall behind.
They neither want nor do anything worse or better for their population (that is, those on which nothing depends for the development of the state). They, the rulers, do not ask the people in the same way that the rulers in the West do not ask them.
Or maybe I understand you wrong.
It occurs to me that the ones bewitched by covid are the ones completely enslaved to the mainstream media “family” i.e. that utterly bogus and, as it turns out, malevolent unit who clearly intend a huge depopulation programme. And so this particular class of affluent bourgeois consumers have guaranteed their own impending extinction. It isn’t so much that they “deserve” to die but that, due to their unthinking trust in the media, they will die.
Which brings to mind natural selection. If you kill off your supporters over time you’ll end up strengthening the opposition..
…Soylent Green: – It’s just *Not* Cricket…
The latest John Steppling podcasts mentions acquaintances who are persisting with the jabs and experiencing very worrying conditions and yet are not only going to persist with these lethal shots but are even eager. Indeed the more ill they feel, the more eager they are to continue. It’s a bizarre kind of vicious circle hamster wheel.
Yeah, that’s what hit me the most. Stop!
The perfect genocide: create a phony scare, recommend a solution which has deadly effects, and then feed these effects back into the original scare. Thus covid, the vaccines, and then the deadly effects of the vaccines are blamed on covid. And the sicker the people get from the vaccines, the more they accuse covid, the more they demand the vaccines …. repeat and fade.
In short, covid has achieved a feedback loop in which the vaccines are causing monstrous and often lethal illnesses …. which are blamed on covid. And so the “answer” to this dreadful situation is …. to take more vaccines! Perfect. The people want more of what kills them to stop themselves from being killed!
Could you imagine Boris or one of his acolytes as a bog body years hence.
Well, they do believe in “the circular economy”!
Thank you for leading us to the glorious bend in the road to lunacy!
sincerely, not quite around the bend in USAmnesia
Eat bugs, own nothing, and be happy…..
Man, did anyone ever do a Cost-Benefit Analysis of when sociopaths take over?
…- Sure: – They get all the benefits, we get all the costs… – MSM patiently explained this to us after the GFC back in ’08…
“Qu’ils mangent de la brioche” – Marie Antoinette.
That worked out well.
Guillotine sharpening apprenticeships now very popular in France
She almost certainly didn’t say it though, to be fair. Rousseau quotes it in one of his books, attributed to an anon “princess”, written in the 1760s, when Marie Antoinette was only about ten and had not even married Louis XVI yet.
…- I remember you putting me straight on Charlotte Corday, a while back… – This period and region of history seems to be one you’re pretty ‘buffed-up’ on, so I’d like to ask a *Compound* question (- if you can make sense of it): – *How/Who* did it become misattributed to her?…
Just so you know… when “hope” is present there is no room for CHANGE.
Many people find hope in a changing room…
“Hope sustains man”, it was called? Support the person who hopes that things will not get worse and will get better without the game getting rough. This is how a person can sustain himself until he becomes a human 2.0
Never in your wildest dreams!
After 2+ years of successful OPERATION COVIDIUS we now have undeniable PROOF that ~99% of the herds of MMS/3i’s are incapable of thinking.
It is an undeniable fact that 98.375% of ALL statistics are made up on the spot.
Hmmm? I didn’t ‘whimper’ and had to look up James Herriott? I don’t see much if any fighting in the comments on Off-Guardian? Strange article, what’s with the ‘we’? I wouldn’t think so much of Desmet either?
You must be new here XD A2
No, reading you from the start of this madness(and before) for the truth. I think everyone can agree we’re being effed over in one shape or another. You being mods might see different.
Dear Sylvia, don’t go into these murky waters. Why do you need it?
I kindly warn you that you are engaging in subversive activity against the foundations of the universe.
We know that Russia does not do this.
And if he does, there’s a good reason. Maybe he’s pretending to do it to fool the Satanists. And, in fact, their porridge of crickets contains, processed according to the canons of molecular cuisine, the most delicious and useful traditional Russian dishes.
In addition, Russia protects its national wealth from crickets growing in traditional Russian fields, and would not harm them. They love them. Crickets are deeply embedded in the national soul and an integral part of classical Russian creativity. Here are 7:
In fact, I suspect that these cricket farms in Siberia are called farms to mislead globalists, but they are actually part of a secret plan to protect the crickets population from starving citizens. The weakness of my assumption is that, of course, as we well know, there will be neither famine nor another crisis in Russia, as we will have in the west of them.
If, however, I am wrong, let us remember, as it is well known, that Russian cricket is tastier, more useful and does not contain chitin.
I thought of that case from December last year, with the nit.
“Definition of nit:1: the egg of a louse or other parasitic insect. Also: the insect itself when young.” It may be a psyop to bring the subject of insects into the public consciousness. To get used to the improvement of the diet.
(If a brave cricket or a group of crickets decide to immigrate to Ukraine, they will be able to take advantage of an even faster-growing digital concentration camp there.)
Thank you for taking the time to write this…
My long gone cricket friend, whom I am almost 100% certain, was of the wonderful Russian variety you have so eloquently described here…
There was just a certain charming accent to his chirp that made me think he was…
He also lacked chitin (which I initially thought was due to a minor calcium deficiency in his diet)…
It was perhaps this lack of chitin that attracted the horrendous bird that decided to mercilessly eat him
May the post that touched you be a tribute to your dear friend cricket, who tragically passed away without time. I know you won’t forget his nervous mustache and tireless violin…
Birds are at the bottom of things.
It is no coincidence that ancient Sumerian tablets depict humanoids with bird heads called gods who carry watches and small bags. They are also called geneticists.
Freemasons continue the tradition by including birds in many coats of arms around the world.
As you yourself laconically noted below: birds are evil (Hitchcock got it)
Nobody talks about eating birds, right?
So very true.
In answer to the last question: I guess they are all just chickens and so they duck out of the way.
>Nobody talks about eating birds, right?
Its reckoned that about two thirds of the avian biomass are chickens. Yes, we eat birds.
>depict humanoids with bird heads called gods who carry watches and small bags
Are you sure that those small bags aren’t cellphones? (FWIW — geneticists look just like the rest of us. They turn up in surprising places, too. A TV problem I saw years ago about working on a potato farm in Colorado had an interesting twist. A nondescript, rather dilapidated looking, barn had a full on genetics lab in it, it looked like one of those rooms in a warehouse you’d see in a spy movie. The farmer tweaked potato genes for the right size, color and taste. His output was seed potatoes that were used by other farms.)(Farmers have been geneticists for thousands of years, they selective breed stuff all the time. This guy was just taking a short cut.)
Some, if not most, African nations have their locusts. Millions of them. Lucky people. Yum yum.
However, these people didn’t eat the locusts which ate their crops.
If the locusts didn’t eat their crops, then they wouldn’t have any locusts to eat.
This is simple and traditional locust farming practice.
The original intent was never to eat locusts……. If you are hungry enough….. And you can only do it for so long…… But to do it intentionally and permanently?
Then there is the volume……..So much for skipping a trophic level to save energy…..
Perhaps try strolling… it will use less energy than skipping.
You’d be surprised at the sorts of things that go into animal feed. Its as well for us humans that animals for the most part can’t read.
Everything needs a balanced diet for their metabolism. What’s ‘balanced’ for a cricket is probably not what we humans would consider food, I’d guess that their job is to convert otherwise useless biomass into what will eventually become part of the human food chain.
Maybe they’re pushing bugs so we do unite against them and then everyone becomes satisfied with totalitarianism because at least we don’t have to eat bugs. Our rulers will say, “OK, you don’t have to eat bugs, but take this shot”. And all the sheeple say?
Trust nothing, man.
But ya know, life comes into play here somewhere, doesn’t it? Like, what is life? I mean, a good prime rib, that’s life. A good cricket, that ain’t life, that’s stupid.
Terribly sorry to interupt but I am moved to mention that ‘a good prime rib’ would most certainly be an example of not-life for the beast involved.
And in further thought, a good cricket is very much ‘life’… I once had one as a close friend until it was mindlessly murdered by a passing avian.
Are you Pinocchio?
I am the puppet master
I am the puppet
I am All
I am Nothing
Ah, sounds like my granddaughter. Except for fish, they don’t count.
Here we go again!
Its yet another attempt to get people to mass protest so they can be subverted. These people have a strange desire to get some kind of global movement going.
This must be Malone’s 6th or 7th time this year to get people into a mass protest. He’s not the only celebrity covid doctor, you have the familiar McCullough and Yeadon as well. Strange how these people can speak freely, and even get promoted on YouTube.
Beware of the celebrity covid doctors.
Its their Reignite freedom scam to go along with their Reawaken tour scam. Weird how the RFK scam, who is anti-vaccine, is working with the Malone scam, who has his own vaccine called RelCoVax. Also strange how ex-Pfizer anti-vaccine Yeadon is working with has-a-vax-of-his-own Malone, who was Pfizer’s expert witness for the Cominarty scam.
This is from their privacy policy:
“We may share or transfer Your personal information in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of Company assets, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of Our business to another company.”
So, they can simply sell your information. There’s another blurb in there about sharing it with authorities as well.
As usual, this movement comes fully equipped with its own global infrastructure and its heavily organized, to include merchandise and payment processing.
So, what is their message?
“Once groups are formed, they can do what they want. We will only offer suggestions.”
Apparently nothing. They simply want people to protest, and they even have it set up to form groups.
They are desperate for some kind of mass protest to target people with. Trucker convoys, We are Free, wear white armbands, wear orange armbands, stand with the Dutch farmers, Reignite something…
Don’t fall for it. These people don’t have your best interests in mind.
I put it down to the failure of our educational system. We’re churning out erudite people by the millions, people who know how to express themselves convincingly, can argue a point and are good at reading legal fine print. The only problem is that they don’t actually know anything. Hence the profusion of quack science, denialism, fake cures and off the wall theories. Its great for a would be conspiracist — the best place to hide is obviously in the noise.
That’s some weird stuff, man. What is up with that? Company? Service? I’m thinking, if I was going to try to start a global revolution against technocratic global totalitarianism, the last thing I’d do is what they did with that so called privacy statement. Who are those people?
The same Malone who’s in lockstep with the Desmet psyop – people might want to read on this – the doctor fighting off psych atrocities since the 70s
When I was a lot younger, this was approximately about three and a half centuries ago, I used to keep company with a chirpy little cricket.
We became friends over the course of a summer and would often spend hours in the common meadows discussing the vagaries of human/cricket inter-relationships in the fields of de-evolved trans-consumerism and ironic superlative inversion theory.
Then a bird ate him.
Birds are evil.
That moved me more than “Lassie”.
Thank you for you expression of empathy.
I must admit, I was gently weeping as I remembered those halcyon days.
Ha, finally revealed, a time bore..
You need a very specific drill to bore through time.
And why should we believe your tragic tale? We know the truth. We’ve seen the videos of you lying in the fields, fists clenched around the grasses and pounding the ground wailing and weeping in remorse. We know you sold out your cricket to the Avians to save your own life, never mind all that money you took. He was your friend. How could you? And you would have us believe such lies? Shame.
I easily believed him. Heartbreaking stories always excite me, and this one has restored my faith in true friendship. After watching videos recorded three and a half centuries ago, analyzed by a Reddit specialist who strongly confirmed the case, I strengthened my confidence in Kiwi, who is already known as a serious person.
Reddit doesn’t lie, and Kiwi – never. Inter-species friendship can exist.
Alright plino, we’ll give kiwi the benefit of a doubt this time if only because of the Reddit specialist’s confirmation.
On the other hand… You have already kindled a flame of doubt, and from now on I will have one thing in mind for this otherwise credible character. You can never be sure with intelligent and multi-layered people that there isn’t a smaller, different matryoshka underneath.
You are a scholar and a gentleperson.
I know you’re making fun of me. But since it’s deserved, I’m not offended. Life is too short and too stormy lately to indulge in such pleasures.
Besides, you have fun tireless and you’re a good soul.
I only ever make fun of myself.
As I fully understand I am all that exists.
I always have been and I always will be.
Except for that time about two thousand years ago (where I found it necessary to fake my own supposed death for reasons too lengthy to describe here) but I put that down to a slight misunderstanding amongst friends… and a couple of bureaucratic types.
I forgave them all.
Plino is right. I was wrong to infer conspiracy to kill crickets which would make a good title for a book. Forgive me. Carry on.
Bless you.
Interesting thesis – that the farmers’ protest itself serves the reset by slowing down farm produce. Just as the bin strike serves to further damage local communities whilst almost certainly never leading to any kind of pay settlement that would make any dent in the impending impoverishment of the public.
If the bins can go on strike, I wonder if the crickets could go on strike too?
I work on the bins, wish the rats and wasps would go on strike.
I am ready to give myself up to the Just Cause of the crickets. I’m not very good at this, but I have an idea for a slogan to offer them:
“Crickets of all Glades – unite!”
Interesting thesis – that the farmers’ protest itself serves the reset by slowing down farm produce
That’s what observant people in the Netherlands say. That the protests were started by the government’s audacious efforts to make farming as difficult as possible and practically ruin it, and were then controlled by a controlled opposition prepared for the purpose. (Some call their government ” the government of WEF.” Well, the WEF, as we know, are also just an instrument of power, so if they fall, the Hydra will grow a new head. It seems difficult for ordinary people and small businesses to solve.)
This plan to ruin farming- why? I’ve heard the usual stuff about Big Farmer and corporatising everything but I still really really don’t understand. Why do billionaires want more money? Why do they want us to die of starvation or freeze or be genetically modified or AI enhanced? Why can’t they just leave us the fuck alone?
Like you, I also can only guess which of several assumptions is true (of course, there is always the possibility that none is true). In my opinion, such an extreme and extraordinary action can only be carried out for an equally extreme and extraordinary reason. So much so that I’m embarrassed to share what I think about it, lest they think I’m a conspiracy theorist.
Maybe we all want clear and accurate, reasonable explanations. But in the end, if they’re going to make such a drastic change, there must be something about the occasion that goes beyond the standard explanations. And, perhaps, the best possible answer to their plans is just as unusual.
If something has been removed from the equation so far for the sake of ease, but without it there is no answer… I don’t know.:)
Rational people have their possible answer, it remains to apply it. I’m not exactly one of them. So I’m not particularly suited to answering such questions. Someone else would be more helpful in this case, there are a lot of people here who are familiar with the matter. Maybe one of them can tell.
Crickets for starters, followed by globalist’s liver and kidneys for main..
Washed down with a nice Chianti and a re-run of Silence of the Lambs
If institutionally funded scientists would just admit that the Earth is Flat, we could finally rid ourselves of these pesky Globalists once and for all!!!
Have to assume yer jokin, Kiwi,
Level is a better term.
Earth is not a globe.
Space is fake.
I never jest.
The name is ironic.