This Week in the New Normal #45

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. UK Schools missing 100,000 “Ghost Children”
A report from Sky News is warning that nearly 100,000 children are “missing” from school registries and not attending school. According to the report many schools across the country are experiencing record low attendance, with some children simply disappearing from the system.
The concern is that some families – especially poor families – are being damaged by not taking advantage of free school meals or other services such as “healthcare advice”, provided by the state.
As you’d expect, MPs are being urged to “take action”.
What action? I’m glad you asked.
It could be as simple and exploitative as fining parents who don’t send their kids to school that’s what James Cleverly the education secretary wants to do. Because arbitrary fines during a recession is absolutely the best way to help out poor families.
It gets worse though.
Schools Commissioner Rachel de Souza wants to issue children “unique identifiers” when they enter the education system “to enable councils to track pupils.”
Take your kids out of school while you can folks (here’s a guide on homeschooling, if you need it).
2. Going cashless…one franchise at a time
This picture appeared on social media this week…
It’s a sign inside a Starbucks, announcing the plan to go “cashless” from October 1st of this year. Many people reacted angrily to the news.
Then Reuters Factcheck stepped in and claimed Starbucks has no policy of going cashless in the future, and they don’t know in which outlet that picture was taken.
This is a nice little insight into just how much effort the Factcheck team put into their work, because about 20 seconds of googling revealed to me that while the precise location of the picture was unknown, an identical sign has been put up in the UK town of Smallthorne, and a third location in nearby Stoke-on-Trent also has the same sign.
According to Snopes, a further outlet in Bradford is also taking up the policy.
So that’s at least four outlets, each with not just the same policy, but the exact same sign.
When contacted for comment by the Stoke Sentinel, Starbucks again asserted they have no company-wide policy of going cashless…but they do have some “franchise partners”, and any one of those franchises could independently decide to only accept card payments going forward.
Anyone of them or, you know, all of them. Individually. One at a time. Using identically worded signs.
But there’s no policy. Honest.
3. Laying the ground for energy rationing
The latest move in the Ukraine sanctions tug-of-war has seen the G7 attempt to “cap” the price of Russian oil, in retaliation Russia has shut down natural gas supplies through Nordstream 1 (supposedly for maintenance, but do you really believe that?).
As a result, many countries in Europe find themselves without a supply of natural gas, with Autumn and Winter bearing down on them.
This is, of course, entirely the point of the whole exercise. That and the idea of energy rationing, which the press have been discussing enthusiastically for the last 24 hours.
Germany, France and Italy are all said to be considering it.
For some reason, even the UK could fall victim to it, despite getting very little electricity from Russian gas.
So, will there actually be rationing? Maybe, maybe not. But whether or not it ever materialises, the narrative serves a purpose and can be directed in several ways.
The dangling sword of rationing makes expensive electricity more tolerable, consumers will pay anything to make sure their power stays on.
Later on, it can also be parlayed into a political Success Story, as governments claim to have handled the crisis so well they managed to avoid rationing.
Or it can be used to promote the Green New Deal by reporting “increased reliance on renewables saved us from winter rationing”, or something like that.
BONUS: Bad optics of the week
Joe Biden made a “landmark” speech in Philadelphia this week, coming down hard on Trump supporters and “MAGA Republicans” as a “threat to democracy”.
It was a long rambly affair, barely coherent in patches, repetitive and vague but the tone was definitely unsettling.
And the visuals, well…

It’s hard to believe the lighting designers didn’t realise how threatening and quasi-fascistic this looks.
It’s not all bad…
This week Neil Oliver takes aim at anti-human messaging and encourages all of us to stand up to humanity…
Bob Moran does his thing…

And the Tory leadership race is enlivened by a late addition to the ballot…

All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the UK aid agencies promoting insect farming in Africa or Argentina’s “mysterious” pneumonia.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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Pepe Escabar reminisces about the Old Normal — same as the New Normal:
“When German Green fanatic Robert Habeck, posing as the Economy Minister, said earlier this week “we should expect the worst” in terms of energy insecurity, he forgot to remind his audience how the present crisis is the revival of a Made in Germany / Made in Brussels farce.
A casual observer might not notice, but rare flickers of intelligence still glow in Western longitudes. Indispensable global strategy analyst William Engdahl, author of A Century of Oil, has released a sharp, concise summary revealing the skeletons in the Green Glamour Girls’ closet.
Everyone with a brain who is following the ghastly Eurocrat machinations in Brussels is aware of the main plot – yet The Average EU Citizen does not realize that Habeck, Scholz, the European Commission (EC), Green Energy, EC dominatrix Ursula von der Leyen, are all involved as actors in the revival of this Western farce.
As Engdahl describes it, this is about “the EU plan to de-industrialize one of the most energy-efficient industrial concentrations on the planet.”
That’s a practical translation of the UN Green Agenda 2030 – which is Bond villain Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset” now metastasing into “Great Narrative”. The whole scam started way back in the early 2000s.
I remember it vividly, as Brussels used to be my European base in the early “war on terror” years of the New American Century.
At the time, the talk of the oil town was “European energy policy”. The EC, “advised” by JP MorganChase as well as the mega speculative hedge funds, went all out into what Engdahl describes as “a complete deregulation of the European market for natural gas.” That was sold to the Lugenpresse (“lying media”) as “liberalization”. In practice, savage casino capitalism, regulated top-down from the casino’s Bank, with “free” market fixing of prices while dumping long-term contracts – such as the ones struck with Gazprom.”
From the NEW New Normal: Russian president Putin at the Far East Conference.
“Asian countries’ GDP has been increasing by approximately 5 percent every year, while the figure is 3 percent in the world, 2 percent in the US and 1.2 percent in the EU. If this trend persists, what will this ultimately lead to? The share of Asian economies would be expected to grow from 37.1 percent of Global GDP in 2015 to 45 percent in 2027. I am sure that this trend will persist; therefore it is important for Russia that the Russian Far East territories should grow in step with Asia Pacific economies: provide modern living conditions, boost people’s incomes and well-being, create high-quality jobs and cost-effective production facilities.
Russia has already tested unique national tax, administrative and customs privileges in the Russian Far East, to implement landmark projects even by global standards, in such fields as natural gas conversion, shipbuilding, bioengineering and clean energy. I want to stress that growth of industrial production in the Russian Far East greatly exceed similar nationwide growth rates.
Events of this year confirm the special significance of affordable raw materials without which it is impossible to organise any production process or to set up co-production chains. Russia is just about the only country that is completely self-sufficient in terms of natural resources, and the Russia Far East plays a substantial role. This region is a highly important supplier of crude oil, natural gas, coal, metals, timber and marine biological resources to the domestic market and our foreign partners.
We are staking on the prudent and rational development of Russia’s natural riches under the most stringent environmental standards. First of all, we will refine all extracted raw materials domestically as much as possible. We will also use our own raw materials to strengthen the independent sovereignty of our own country. I always ask our Government to take specific measures on this point.”
[The dawning of the NEW New Normal is the GotterDammerung (twighlight of the gods) of the Western Colonial Normal]
Normalising surveillance and readying for pet elimination:
What kind of human being can be persuaded that tracking a cat is a right and proper thing? Anyone who really loves and understands cats must find the idea repulsive.
Complete video/text in English of Putin’s speech in Vladivostok today.
Interesting article by Rosemary Frei. Yet another project looting the public coffers.
Robert Malone: An Enigma Wrapped in Many Unanswered Questions.
The prominent Covid-vaccine sceptic has taken two doses of the Moderna vaccine. And that’s just one of many inconsistencies between his words to the Covid-sceptic crowd and his actions.
Extract from RoseMary’s article:
“What I’ve uncovered suggests that Newman’s actions are emblematic of the Wild West that surrounds Naloxone being sold and dispensed to many millions of people without a prescription, with very little training and likely even less oversight — in many countries.
The kits are for use if someone sees another person who is unconscious from an opioid overdose. The people who have kits today include potentially a large number of high-school students….
Naloxone is also distributed to a very large number of police officers, other first responders, and people associated with religious organizations, and substance-use-recovery facilities, school nurses, among many others.
Those same people, in turn — the majority of whom have no medical background — follow what they’ve been told to do and spray or inject the naloxone into virtually every unconscious person they may come across, usually after just a few seconds’ cursory assessment of them. Anyone who administers the drug is free from liability for injury or death of the person they give it to. This is thanks to such things as ‘Good Samaritan’ laws. ”
[Reminds me of the good samaritan who helped an old lady across the road and got a black eye because the old lady did not want to cross the road].
Absolute comedy gold:
Somebody’s supposedly paralysed in NYC. Of course they are. Misdiagnosis? Actor? Complete fiction? It doesn’t really matter….
The alleged causation points to the solutions: “protection against the disease was undermined by funding cuts, vaccine hesitancy, forgetfulness—and the wily nature of the virus.”
Agendas covered:
1) More spending. Those still stuck in a Left paradigm must start to notice how they want this. It steals more property, expands the public sector (their support base) and increases debt.
2) More vaccination.Obviously.
3) More fear, sorry I mean awareness.
4) More fear again.
5) More surveillance – it was checking waste water that detected this in the first place.
They don’t miss the opportunity to repeat the heroic tale of Jonas Salk. They omit everything everyone around here now knows is the real history of Salk and his vaccine. That alone reveals the article is total bs. Deep down in the article they admit modern polio is vaccine-derived which is described as “an honest mistake”. It might also be noticed how Joni Mitchell crops again reinforcing a mainstream narrative.
And the payoff? “This always comes back to immunization coverage”. I’ll say it does.
Is Liz Truss Gog and Magog?
To be clear, I don’t believe that she is a Bible character, just possibly playing a part to make world events fit scripted prophecy.
I saw this article regarding Liz:
“Wicked Witch of the West Selected, Not Publicly Elected UK Prime Minister”
Turns out, there’s some interesting word play. Its a strange coincidence, but I was just looking up witch because there is a match with the characters from Oz and the 4 horsemen.
Let’s play with words: You can trace these on Wiktionary.
The witch of the west has different names from different authors: Zelena & Elphaba are 2 of them.
Zelena = green.
Elphaba = god (el) + phabaj (apple from Genesis).
Apple = ball.
gog (little g) = ball, cake.
There’s the first connections with the Bible, The apple from the Garden of Eden and Cake.
Gog (big G) = Replacement for the word God when swearing, forming vulgar minced oaths.
Liz = Elizabeth:
a transliteration of the Old Testament Biblical Hebrew אלישבע (Elisheva, “my God is an oath”).
Elisheva = Hebrew Batsheva = “daughter of an oath.
Oath = Law, covenant.
The article referred to a witch:
From witch, we get versiera: witch, she-devil.
From Latin versōria (“rope to adjust a sail”).
From Truss, we get:
(nautical) The rope or iron used to keep the centre of a yard to the mast.
So, a Truss can be a witch of the west.
This is the constellation Lyra, and the mother of John the Baptist.
“John ate cake dipped in oil“, “St John’s Bread“.
Lyra is the Falling Eagle/Vulture.
This is the old Christ, fallen and to be resurrected. Its the next Christ that destroys the old. The apples are to be harvested, so that the new tree can grow. The “4 Signs” in the Bible become ominous, but remember, its all a script. You can even see the part where the church is destroyed from within, just as is happening now:
So, who is Gog in the end times?
“In the Apocalypse of John, Gog and Magog represent all the heathen opponents of Messiah (Revelation 20:8)”
The “heathens” worship the old Christ (Pisces), the new one is Aquarius.
Are ZELENa and ZELENsky the only Z’s?
We even had the Trump and Dr ZELENko script happen. World War ‘Z’.
Its a bit odd for there to be this many word connections. Its all scripted to fit.
For the other characters from Oz & the horsemen:
Tin Man = Scorpio (Black)(Famine, Scarcity)
Oil Can = Bellerophon (Pale)(Disease)
Cowardly Lion = Perseus (Red)(War)
Scarecrow = Sagittarius (White) (Antichrist/Tyrants).
This week in the NEW New Normal, a report on new gas-fired electric power plant in Crimea:
“[Previously almost all power stations in Russia were built with Siemens and General Electric’s equipment. But when Western financiers began to use “sanctions (the coward’s weapon) against Crimea, Russian manufacturers developed their own equipment for the new gas-fired power plant in Crimea. All turbines, boilers and other electricity generating equipment of were set serial number starting at one.Saki natural gas power plant of 120 Megawatt was built in a year – a record-breaking time; such projects usually take about 2.5 years. It was built without special government budget, solely by funds from the investor KRYMTETS company.
By now this pilot project in Crimea, the first complete gas-fired electric power plant based solely on Russian equipment and Russian software has proved to work better than imported gear from Siemens and GE. The reliable turbines developed for use at the Saki gas-fired power plant in Crimea are now recommended for installation at other natural gas-fired power stations of the Russian Federation. After meeting domestic demand, such gas-fired power plant will be sold to other countries.”
More on the rise of NEW New Normal:
„Germany’s Wirtschaftswoche (‘Economic week’) forecasted as early as 2005, “Chinese scientists walk with seven-league boots to the top of Research and Development (R+D)“. By 2011 China’s R+D reached USD$ 140 billion, 1.84% of GDP. R&D progress is based on a healthy development of education.
Five years after the Wirtschaftswoche statement, the Stuttgarter Zeitung wrote: „In many fields, the Chinese are already reaching their target of technological independence“.
In Communist China naturally the State’s role is very important: Private companies spend only 3.5%, whereas State companies spend 34% of R&D. The rest of R&D comes from State research institutions like the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which owns 90 different research institutes. The framework for the State’s activity is a National Programme for medium and long-term development of Science and Technology 2006-2020 with 16 key areas.
According to the UN, China by 2007 was investing the third highest sum in R+D after the USA and the EU. NB however, the USA devotes their R+D money in largely unproductive military R+D; this inflated US expenditure on Military R+D is not only economically unhealthy in giving “less military bang per buck” but also means that the Middle Kingdom has already moved to N°1 in the field of Civil Research and Development.”
Gotta luv this bit:
“Three people have died this week due to a pneumonia outbreak of unknown origin in the Tucumán province of northwestern Argentina”
Three people…???
An outbreak…???
That’s like calling my three sons a ‘population explosion’.
Please make it stop… my brain hurts…
In saner times, I would be laughing, but the halfwits are winning, and that’s not funny at all.
This is an absolutely hilarious video about viruses (truly must-see).
Irrefutable proof of the historical conspiracy.
Amazing documentary footage.
Yes. Saw it a few days ago. It’s a good one.
I don’t believe Neil Oliver wants us to “Stand up TO Humanity. 😮
It is probably better to sit down with humanity.
Better yet we lie down. This can increase the humanity.
Denis Rancourt: All cause mortality data shows no evidence of virus. Instead deaths are caused by acts of war killing young people, the poor and mentally ill.
Regarding Neil Oliver’s editorial (which is great):
RE: This week Neil Oliver takes aim at anti-human messaging and encourages all of us to stand up to humanity…
Maybe it should say: stand up for humanity?
Just trying to we can’t love in the little places x
Nowhere to Run?
On September 3, 2022, he announced on his Telegram that he deserved to take an “indefinite and long” break from his position, although has made similar comments in the past, only to remain in his post.
CHECHENS or Kadyrov mercenaries? Who’s fighting against who in Ukraine?
UATV English
Mar 11, 2022
They fought twice against Russia. They fought for their own, independent state. But they lost. This is about Chechens. People from the North Caucasus who opposed the Kremlin then. But today try to resist the pro-Putin head of Chechen Republic. Even in Ukraine
Kay where ever you are I still love you and your my best friend ❤️
I shouldn’t say this but she’s Kay hawkin from Cornwall uk .
My best friend had a mum that was pure.she went to a chippy she fainted everyone laughed at in the shop 4 months later she died people are people loving caring that’s all I’m going to say x
The more things change the more they stay the same.
Apologies for terrible image posting. I suck at this. The last one is Sept2022. Magnifying glass required.
“A report from Sky News is warning that nearly 100,000 children are “missing” from school registries and not attending school.” >
I wish I were encouraged by this report, but how many of these children have been disappeared?
These alleged “vaccines” are designed to kill people. Coroners are hiding evidence, period. No one seems to have access to death certificate figures or forensic studies. It’s no joke.
CDC Backtracks on “COVID Guidance” as Damning Studies Mount. Covid Shots are Causing Depopulation?
Global Research, August 26, 2022
CDC Backtracks on “COVID Guidance” as Damning Studies Mount. Covid Shots are Causing Depopulation? – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
See the section titled: “COVID Shots Are Causing Depopulation”
Home schooling a dead corpse is an interesting concept…
arev therevlive corpses 🙂
Probably in the majority of legislatures.
I suppose it’s possible that the vaccines are part of a depop agenda, but from an anecdotal perspective every person I know of that had the jabs is alive and well. This includes an elderly relative who in the 5 years leading up to covid had bypass surgery and three strokes and is currently obese.
Seems like a piss poor attempt at killing off someone you could knock dead with a feather.
Are all of my family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances just lucky?
I’d argue that the vaccines could support a narrative (Sars-Cov-2) and make an abominable amount of money. The depopulation can be achieved by a combination of the withdrawal/neglect/fracture of healthcare services and, at best, intentional neglect of an aged population. Add to that the intense prolonged psychological pressure applied to populations over the last few years to date and you could have a mountain of sickness and death.
Considering there were no long-term studies, maybe your friends are lucky, for now. If there were long term studies showing no risks, why would those not be shared if they proved safety and efficacy?
Depopulation comes in many flavors. Long term debilitating illnesses are expensive to treat and pose a severe drain on resources. Just because some did not die days after the shot does in no way mean they’re out of the woods yet.
Let’s hope that’s not the case then!
Hello Observe: I wish I could say the same. Sometimes I think the lucky ones are worse off than the dead…
Is racism is part of the new normal?
Everyday, a new affront.
My ’94 dictionary doesn’t mention white women either. What did they do to become witches?
When they were bound, weighted, and tossed into the river, they floated.
If they burnt they weren’t a witch, but if they didn’t burn they were a witch.
That’s Science.
Could be a duck.
Especially a white duck, a white female duck.
Which one is witch one’s witch?
The ancient proverbial message: >
Paul Harvey: If I were the Devil…
Originally broadcast April 3rd, 1965
Paul Harvey: If I were the Devil… – YouTube
Seems Mr. Harvey was largely ignored…
Can’t miss an opportunity to worship their god, Lucifer the lightning-bearer…
Three sixes are of course 666. Isn’t living in a theocracy great?
Lucifer Morningstar -‘Healer from Hell’ is back on Earth this time visiting in the “new normal” where he is trying to redeem himself and his karmic debt by helping to solve crimes in the current TV series! The Illuminati will be made up with this series, particularly the female members who like tall, good looking and well-spoken men!
Fuck Starbucks and the rest who want to go cashless!
‘Obama wins an Emmy’
Well, that confirms what most of us suspected:
He’s just another corporate actor/gofer/parasite playing his part in the sick, sad theatre of politics.
It’s time we stopped applauding and started dismantling the theatre.
And he wrote a book with Bruce Springsteen so that confirms it even more.
It’s time Bruce wrote a book with Trump. Now that I’d read!
another week more fear, its almost as if the entire world culture is undergoing trauma and tensions that beg for new order.
Don’t know what prompted me to say this but I use a pine cone to determine the weather and it works everytime.
Sounds interesting. What exactly is being done?
This Week in the New Normal.
Garter icke and co have done alright p[lugign shillb GBnews that appeared out of no where saying 2 years old of date – billionaire backed.
Trust fund boy is now doing a weekly show with one of the presenters of Shillbe news.
Anyone have any doubts in how the fake alt media works with MSM under the guise of contra deals and the abuse of plugging absolute shit like nail loiver and SHILLb news presenters on the naive fake awakes then there ya go.
MR cult runs it all also plugs daily on his dads David icky website- Garter Carlson whilst subversively saying the conservatives are slightly better.
His plug for Destantis last week was typical of how Military intelligence service runs alt media and how it operates.
Anyone also thinks that The light magazine free bie mag is about change. Pure crap it is how U.K shillum started out and there still selling the ‘it the commi’s ‘ psychosis just like the Light sh*t mag is.
experience, intuition, follow the light
I have absolutely no idea what any of that means, which makes me far less of a conspiracy theorist than I perhaps thought.
I’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing…
Just let it be a thing…
You’re just saying that to fool the AI, who’s going to go through everyone’s statements ever, right?
Well, these days if something is called a conspiracy theory that means it’s true…
They pathologise the normal – and normalise the pathological:
The very idea of ‘normal’ has been pathologised on the Left for half a century. Like most of their ops, what appears to be recent is the fruit of seeds planted a long time ago.
That’s how Haute Couture grows over time.
His PR team fully no Biden will have 1000x more people look at the car crash speech antics after his speech than people at the time of his speech.
It is a win win – Opposite to what Trump did yet Biden still gets the viewing figures.
Who actually gives a fuck.?? at a time like this.
Alt media hasn’t figure that part out yet..? or there just promoting it.
“and we didn’t even mention the UK aid agencies promoting insect farming in Africa”
On that note, I bring you All Things Bugs, the newest “normal” thing we have to worry about:
That’s right, “Genetic Engineering”, and as you might guess, it includes vaccines:
They use mealworms and the common house cricket for this, and it doesn’t stop at vaccines. Here are some of the other uses, including pesticides:
Can’t trust anything they do anymore. Our food supply will come with a need for safety trials.
That’s progress!
White GM rice on a empty stomach.
Mealworms & house cricket is a million times better…
No need for safety trials, that’s progress…
Of course Pakistan has a lorryload of legitimate grievances against developed countries – so they promote a fake one:
in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, p
Snopes, are snoops & spooks for western imperialism. Maybe you should fact check the fact checkers…
The “Fact Checkers” main purpose is to block the progress of any given piece of information, “check” in this case meaning:
stop or slow down the progress of (something undesirable).
Fact checker has become a synonym for professional liar.
Fact cheque.
Snopes, are snoops & spooks for western imperialism. Maybe you should fact check the fact checkers…
Here’s the recent 4 December 2021 bulletin from the NHS
‘’More than one million appointments for vital COVID-19 booster jabs have been ‘snapped up’ (sic) so far this week, the NHS said today.’’
You will notice that the populace should be glad to have the opportunity to ‘’snap up’’ the latest booster according to the NHS bulletin. Yes, it is really like Christmas shopping. All the goodies being ‘snapped up’ by those grateful punters who can’t wait to have their price-free jab.
Unfortunately, it seems that there is still a long way to go before this idiocy to run its course.
NHS has been reduced to no more than a funding Logo for private profiteers. Who knows how many sheeple actually signed up for more poison, it’s not like we’re going to be told the truth by yet another privately owned institution that profits from the suffering & death of others.
In Australia now the CHO Is peddling oral medicines for the non virus. The moron media are still peddling the long covid con and can’t seem to get that if 20 million people are double, triple and quadruple jabbed how can 10 million have ‘covid” based on PCR and RATS without anyone being actually sick with any virus.
“Why arent people rebelling ?” is the Elephant In The Room not being talked about at present… Can it be an indication of the success of their schooling as distinct from education, breaking their spirit ; the success of their obedience training ?
Knowing The Revolution wont break out soon must be heartwarming The Authorities…
I don’t know – maybe most people aren’t keen to play the role of cannon fodder?
What nonsense is that? Cannon fodder? I see soft targets everywhere.
They do keep their cannon hidden, you know.
Only to be brought out when the hordes go critical.
What is the “internet of eyes”? This short and very clear video tells us the answer and what digital I.D. really means.
Its an eye-opener – clue, to do with facial recognition.
Iain Davis’ site is inaccessible again.
It opens for me.
I don’t understand the comments. It’s clear we are shafted and sold down the river. It’s weird to hear the people here talk about flash floods, today punk, cookies to twitter, there are numerous reports that CNN manipulated the colours in its broadcast of Biden’s speech, Meanwhile, Poles queue to get coal, what a world. I know nothing. I have no clue what we are going through. I wish I was a fisherman, tumbling on the sea…
Not understanding means that you are understanding.
In the same way that the secret to flying is to forget about hitting the ground.
“..far away from dry land and its bitter memories,..”
cracking tune, first i learnt on guitar.
: )
First off, you don’t understand how franchises work. secondly, you are lost in a worldview brother. You have to find the good in life or you are going to be miserable and depressed your entire life. You can’t fix the world man. Let it go. Acknowledge and move on.
But can you fix the world woman?
Flash floods of biblical proportions and apocalyptic droughts also seem to have been featured in a lot of news narrative of climate change. The plot has become so predictable as to make us numb to how we’re drowning or cooking in it.
The mega-phenomena of this World are a cyclic constant…
Read what Plato learnt from Solon when delving into the history of Atlantis.
Lots of “ghost children” in Australia too. And many teachers have left their profession.
World War ‘Virus’
At last, a positive sign from Australia.
So have the nurses here. Things have to be real bad when teachers and nurses are walking away.
What do we think of Don’t Pay UK?
It is an Obvious Anagram of:
its another dodgy soros psyop, extinction of rebellion related
Can you please point me to the evidence regarding this?
Nobody has encroached on the mother the centre of the giver the love the centre of the family.
More proof that the so-called Covid “vaccines” are Weapons of Mass Destruction:
In case you miss this important link in the above article:
Please share widely.
in order to view this link you have to allow cookies to twitter.. no way ho zey
Use Tor browser if you want to avoid tracking.
I am in receipt of email with attached picture of a glob of non biological substance taken from the vascular system of a cadaver (sent to me as an example of the kinds of blobs that are appearing in some sudden deaths, suggesting apparent heart problems may be post vaccinated associated).
Is Death from the effects of vaccination <=possible, likely, probable, certain or none of the above?
A professional mortician sent the image to me. It will take a lot for me to erase from my mind that nasty image taken from a post vaccinated decedent to believe we have seen the last of this.
In the coming days I would offer that everyone should report any sudden death they hear about, or know about, and try to get court orders to take samples designed to discover and to analyze them to find out if clots from vascular vessels exist in post vaccination deaths.
Heart attacks may not be the only expression of vaccination with mRNA constructs?
As I said the other day, several scientists have reported on not so well recognized websites that they have investigated sudden death in persons with mRNA vaccinations and found similar strange stuff in their veins, arteries, and vessels. This Israeli study adds more fuel to the already flaming fire.
They’re not clots (blood clots), though those are being generated too.
They are agglomerations of proteins and, probably, nano particles and whatever else is in those C-shots.
Check the under taker John O looney on Rumble.
I mean we are more than what we have been told.
👍 The absolute foundation by which alone there is a way out of the ever-dimming environment.
There are numerous reports that CNN manipulated the colors in its broadcast of Biden’s speech and gradually “softened” the ominous blood-red background to render it more like pink, or magenta.
A search brought up numerous links, but none leaped out as authoritative and comprehensive enough to include here.
FWIW, a New York Post article reported that “A rep for CNN said the issue was caused by a technical glitch with the CBS pool feed.” I anticipated this virtually unfalsifiable CYA response, although I wrongly guessed that the network might claim that the “perceived” color shift was due to the hardware or processing of the viewers’ various devices.
So far, I haven’t seen any innocuous explanations for the overall lighting and set design, which seems to have been produced by persons channeling the ghost of Leni Riefenstahl. Nor have I seen any defense of the spooky silhouetted Marine “honor guard” pose and placement that just screamed “Praetorian Guard”.
We initially had tulip fields in the background, warm amber tones for the ambient lighting and soft Brahms liltingly playing as Brandon orated words of calm and comfort to all the people’s of the World.
The other stuff is all fake.
…- Brahms you say?… – That’s funny, my feed had the Panzerlied playing over everything…
…- If it’d been the pool feed then every other network carrying it would’ve had the same issue, so that’s a hard *No* to that then, Mr CNN rep…
…- Found this – transition’s at ~12:40:…
It all seemed like classic Biden poop to me.
I thought we were going to see him turn into a woman and put lipstick on.
I’m very disappointed.
…- Ach c’mon, war’ – the pink was rather fetching, no?… – *Baby Steps* – Man’s like 80 – pro’lly set in his ways…
With these military silhouettes on a blood-red background.. A real satanic show, Sgt.
Melinda says for quite a while that digital means are awesome, specially for women!

And after OPERATION COVIDIUS we all know very well what the herds of MMS/3i’s aren’t capable of doing!
i actually read yesterday how important cash is for women escaping abuse.
Kill Gates punishment. But then Epstein made up for her in a sick and perverted way.
I had so much to say an hour ago.All I can say is I love humanity this has been planned and it’s spiritual maybe if I wasn’t abit drunk I could say more but there you go world wide Webb catches it’s prey 👍
Even alt media are not adverse to the affect’s of the Webb or maybe we are all being duped double speak.
Our day centre for disabled adults only started to implement something like the pre-covid activity pack last week i.e. a full week of timetabled activities for groups. And it was a hugely stressful week for all concerned. It’s hard for us to imagine that we used to do this as a matter of course pre-covid. It’s as if lockdown and the long period of “bubbles” with the members split up into small cells has now accustomed everyone into a much more modest routine. Getting back to the old way almost seems to bring on an attack of agoraphobia.
Also at least one of our members is showing aggression at being encouraged to attend the centre. With lockdown, he now prefers to just stay at home and vegetate before the TV. It’s his family who are keen to get him back to the old way to get a bit of a social life. Whether he will – and whether we too will be able to get back into the old routine – is doubtful at the moment.
So it doesn’t surprise me at all that schoolkids are suffering anxiety attacks.
As for the Starbucks denial of a cashless coup, I’m surprised they didn’t dismiss it as “conspiracy theory”. Perhaps that means they will be cutting the cash very shortly indeed?
People with disabilities and children are of course some of the target populations hardest hit by the covid coup, in a variety of negative ways from depression and suicide to confusion and cognitive breakdown, such that longlasting trauma will carry over into post-covid normalization of what would have been unimaginable pre-covid. I can’t help but suspect one significant factor of abuse long predating the plandemic and making for current ‘disorders’ is the way these groups have been target populations for mood-altering meds making for more harm than good that’s next to none at all. To recall such psychopharmacological colonization of prison populations is likewise relevant to tracing the history of how we got to the present state of madness in the new abnormal.