12 Memes to Get You Through the Week – Part 22
It’s Monday, and ’round these parts that means memes. If you have a problem with that…well, that’s just fine I guess. There’s plenty of other stuff on here to read.
The memers have been having a lot of fun with Joe’s scary little speech.
Only in our universe Captain America shills for Hydra on Twitter.
Run it through the translator.
Meanwhile what started as truantism means energy rationing this fall…
They actually do cause violence. I have broken keyboards that prove it.
And the year after and the year after and the year after…
But the bugs are “more nutritious”, so who’s really winning?
The REAL “long covid”.
When two fives look like a ten.
To be clear, we mean that the inflation reduction act was acquitted of the murder of the economy. Honest.
In Covid times, they actually went for “complex and wrong” over “simple and right”.
Listen to the kitten.
BONUS: From the comments
That Venn diagram is like, just 3 circles on top of each other.
Not just “Zero Covid”, but “There never was any covid, the covid was undergoing routine maintenance and is not available at this time”.
Congratulations, you win one million dollars in grant money and a lifetime guest slot on the CNN show of your choice.
And finally…
In honor of Amazon’s Lord of the Rings show premiering this weekend, we recommend buying a copy of the Extended Editions of the original trilogy, and pretending the prequel doesn’t exist.
Happy Meme Monday everyone.
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Dr Pablo Campra (of the University of Almeria, Spain) speaks re. the graphene found in the injections…
“Pablo Campra identified and evidenced the existence of Graphene in the ‘vaccines’ – ‘covid'” (video: 16.27 mins), at:
The choice of OJ for one of the memes was unfortunate. It suggests that everything the crooked media says is the truth.
The revisionism continues:
Last month, Dame Kate Bingham, the architect of Britain’s successful vaccination campaign, accused civil servants of ‘taking their foot off the gas’ in finding new jabs. She said the current jabs are ‘not good enough’ because they ‘don’t block transmission, they don’t protect for very long’.
Why aren’t we getting the AstraZeneca vaccine?
‘The concern over the very rare clotting disorders observed with the AstraZeneca jab led to the decision to use the Moderna/Pfizer RNA vaccines for boosters,’ Professor Preston says.
“concern over the very rare clotting disorders observed with the AstraZeneca jab” which led to its ban. And the VAERS reports and internal pfizer documents keep accumulating.
Anyone feeling confident after reading this?
Will Irving, a professor of virology at Nottingham University, told Good Health: ‘Many people have now had three doses of vaccine, as well as two or three bouts of real infection, and you would imagine that would provide them with enough immune memory to protect them for a while.
‘The issue is we don’t know how long the immune memory lasts, so a top-up dose is a good idea for those advised to have one.’
Does anyone else think that he’s just making things up?
professor of viroLIEgy.. viroLIEgy.com
It is based on little more than Lady Mary Wortley Montage, wife of the British Ambassador at Constantinople writing that smallpox was rendered entirely harmless there by the invention of what the Turks called “ingrafting”‘. The practice was later called inoculation in Britain and in 1840 was condemned by Act of Parliament as a criminal offense.
If i were a medical student at Nottingham Uni, i would be seriously concerned as to what this professor is going to be teaching me.
If this prof cannot see even some of the problems with the ‘vaccines’, yet keeps using their position to push propaganda to the public, they have failed their profession and their students.
We did try to warn them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-z76NQEc6c&t=96s
BY telling them to run to Jesus which is another fake fear construct.
Your peddling fear porn Nigel
You even pulled out a bible wow.
We did try to warn them about people like YOU.
No need for the attack because he’s religious mate.
Only after irrefutable evidence provided by selected experts in the media will I accept the existence of power circles with pedophile tendencies and FEMA camps. Until then, I will consider that they do not exist, ain the same way that I have considered this in relation to the rumors of an upcoming mass inoculation, digital certificates, cashless society, induced crises, energy rationing. One must be cautious, one must not believe every theory thrown at him. Peace of mind is the most important thing.
The mass “inoculation” has already occurred. Camps have already been constructed. Do you accept the existence of the deadly convid 1984 virus ?
Plino is jesting very drily, as is his wont 🙂
I would only accept the idea of this deadly existence if it was injected directly into my brain.
Behold! The nasal “test” swab!
Deep in the nasal cavity? Probably drenched with that cute hydrogel? With microscopic black fibers moving under a microscope?
I’ve never taken this test. That’s probably why I don’t believe in this “dangerous and deadly”.
“Deep in the nasal cavity”?
Yes! And beyond, in through the blood brain barrier itself!
You will be of the Body.
Agreed, I will ignore all evidence until its announced on the BBC or Sky news.
The paragons of truth…
Haahhh! Haaahhh! Haaah! Good one … you ‘lucky bastards’
In Australia, it is ALL channels … you name it, they’re ALL working for the man.
Sky news Australia seem to buck the trend?
Sky News? Haah, haahhh! Buck ze trend? Tsk! Tsk! Now at least I know that you surely jest …
Murdoch is one of the worst … his rags and electronic media are instrumental with the engineering for most wars and other nefarious misdeeds.
Yep, SKY has never seen a minority they won’t demonise, or a war they won’t support, or human rights violations they don’t love and they were full on get your jabs for over a year. The ”reporters” are a bunch of whining old white uni dropouts.
After the advent of light democracy in my country, Comrade Murdoch bought one of our most popular TV channels in communist times. Since then, it has been an example of news shaped by the templates of the world’s most mainstream television (some people call it simply “garbage TV”).
Selectively only.
Reasonable approach. They’ve never lied to us before, so there’s no reason not to believe them.
Remember…Cindy Ardern et al are your single source of Truth; you can dismiss anything else.
Quite right, some trouble makers even say that banks create money out of thin air.
I’ve heard that powerful organizations are very concerned about this type of bold propaganda and are preparing the necessary tools to correct it.
Quite so…
They are going to make a very strong change-over into Italics.
That would be fatal to freedom..
I intend, therefore, to return to the well-known pencil and coarse, rustic paper; later to the duck quill and parchment; and finally to destroy the whole linguistic psyop in my head, by feigning loss of reason, by retiring into the very essence of my true being, connected with eternal existence.
Do you think my modest plan has a chance of success?
T’would be a resounding success!
I have recently (a little over two thousand years ago, give or take a couple of million years on either side just for safety’s sake) vanished into a puff of logic and now I am nothing less exciting than potentiated electro-magnetism in non-linear hyper-space.
I knew you’d appreciate my ambition.
And I suspected you existed somewhere else, in a different way.
After all, there is a memory that you clutching to and brings you back to us like a straw holds a drowning man above the water.
Will it stand the test of Plino’s Diuretic?
Do you feel increased diuresis when you read what I have written? I didn’t know I had such an effect on anyone. In the end, I hope the benefits outweigh the harm.
Oddly enough, no. In my malopropadjusted way I was inferring that taking the piss is a good way of avoiding false binaries.
Thanks, Plino!
Your writings work better than listening to a waterfall…
No harm in a good strong urination, when the nation is strong.
Thank you very much for your kind words, Ernest and Nixon. The good thing is, I’m doing what I can. The bad thing is, this is the best I can do. That’s the way it is.:)
Fun group, but a couple of questions…
1) If you get rid of the government who or what will replace it? (Hint — Another government.) You don’t have to be a genius to see that the wannabe dictators want a powerful Deep State to use against us. (Or do you really think these people care about you? Are your friend?)
2) I first heard about FEMA concentration camps way back around 2007 from a neighbor. That’s before quiet a few of you were born. There was life, and rampant mindless conspiracy theories, before QAnon.
3) What’s this obsession with Pedophiles? Apparently the term has replaced “Homo” in the world of young men of a couple of generations ago — you’re scared to death of being one, you obviously hate them and people use it as an insult. Lame stuff like this degrades your arguments.
I dispense with Usher’s 1 and 2 pro tem and address 3:
Usher as would-be Sniffy Lordly Disdainer on this site is directed to the Greenbaum Speech of 1994, also as audio on the Net, which led to this ex-head of the Am Psych Assoc, abruptly quitting all research to this day on SRA, satanic ritual abuse, after he had gone public with certain statements fingering a nationwide pattern.
Usher is notified that at least 10 court cases in the UK reference SRA in their findings, lest he class SRA as a “conspiracy theory”.
Pedophilia and SRA are closely tied. Whereby SRA involves pedophilia but the latter does not necessarily lead to the former.
But then Usher as a presumed MSNBC/CNN/BBC believer will doubtless pooh-pooh the Podesta emails referencing “pizzas” to be delivered.
Pedophilia, cf. the unpublished Epstein guest list is a marvellous blackmail method. Or does Usher believe Israel is only a plucky little democracy in the otherwise benighted Middle East?
Anyone remember Pagegate in the USA. the pages being boys who were Congressional pages ie messenger boys? Or the Franklin affair, whitewashed here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_child_prostitution_ring_allegations
And so on.
Yes, and by nature of the MSM’s behaviour over the Pizzagate story, that also exists.
Watch the movie Spotlight and find out why pedophiles are news of the century
Or Trance, the documentary.
What’s your line on conspiracy queeries?
I know the war in Ukraine is there to inflate gas prices yada yada but I don’t understand how the mechanics work.
Anyone got a concise explanation?
The mechanics fix your vehicle should it need repairs.
Did you get bullied at school?
I never went to school.
I assumed you were self-taught.
Continue your life training.
Alright then, I shall.
I’m Canadian. My family on my mother’s side is from the Ukraine. I used to work with a peace group. This was not a Russian invasion; it’s the culmination of an 8 year long proxy war by NATO. We in the west are funding and training Naz i militia. Surely you people remember all our mags like TIME in 2018 doing major stories on the atrocities of the violent Naz i regime in the Ukraine. NATO and the west don’t care about the people; this is about Russia’s gold backed , asset backed currency system that’s going to replace the US dollar ( the US dollar that’s based on air ; only with air money can they do this endless printing of dollars and create this unbelievable inflation and create an economy based on debt). Our ‘elites’ have trashed our economy. It’s going down. They want to replace it with a global digital ‘air’ currency that will basically allow the billionaire’elites ’ to own the value of every person’s labour and control it, and all of us. Russia is messing up their plans. It’s also about Russia and China’s Belt and Road initiative that 80 % of the rest of the world is on board with. It frees the world from the IMF, US , NATO extortion and thuggery. We’re not ‘the good guys’. Stop believing our relentless prop aganda . Ask why the west wants war so badly instead of even mentioning diplomacy. Know your history. In 2014 the CIA orchestrated the overthrow of the democratically elected Ukranian president and installed a known Naz i ‘ sympathetic’ to ‘western interests’. Look what they’re doing just so these western billionaire ‘elites’ can hang on to dominance. I’m so fed up with how uninformed people are here in the west. Jesus. The… Read more »
If you have a partial Eastern origin, do you know the expression “getting to the crooked pear”? The archetype of the seeming dichotomy is so firmly entrenched that it seems to have prevailed over most common sense. And the worse the Western powers are, the fewer causes it takes to make the eastern ones look better; like docked (for one stand) vessels. It’s like we’re already living in a future where we’ve lost the battle. However, if nothing can be done to stop the course of the “great resett”, except to understand. Then maybe this is the thing that has to be done and from which there is gilding and meaning, not to say the big word – salvation (very mystical it became:)). If we are just thinking animals and there is nothing more – just forget about any real opposition (the balance of forces does not make sense to discuss, it is so clear). In this situation, in fact, it only matters what the globalsatnists want; not what they can – apparently they can a lot. And as can see, they just do it, and they do it. Just the decision-making unit decides, reduces to the executive unit, and that’s it. But there is a big difference that in its finished version, the plan includes things that have never happened under any previous totalitarian regime (including Western democratic ones). Confusion in nature and forced transition to change it. Goes deep under the skin. It is unprecedented globally. And they continue, methodically, mercilessly and seamlessly. I would love to see the possibility of real resistance, but I don’t see anything. If there is one, it could only be by accumulating a critical mass of understanding but also courageous people. I cannot see, but on the contrary – the people who… Read more »
Agreed, until the last paragraph. The West isn’t “nasty”; it simply hasn’t been capable of lilving up to its ideals. Such is the Human Experience, and the West has come closer than anyone else.
There is no “West”. There is a psychopathic billionaire oligarchy.
Of course there’s a West. Don’t confuse it with the Globalist scum who don’t honor it and are working to destroy it.
unfortunately i think you may be correct. I see a too well established power base… CONSOLIDATED in EU/UK. and pals.
and weak “advanced societies” that will succumb to coercion… we saw it all too easy of late.
All true. Well said.
“Mainstream media is not ‘news’; it exists to shape public perceptions.”
Correct. It serves to create public opinion rather than to inform it. Lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after. . .
When the statue of Saddam Hussein was pulled over, toppled, that was all staged by paid actors as a photo op for the West and its hostile takeover of Iraq.
Staged by The Rendon Group, expertise in “Perception Management”. A big business.
Or, “Psyops ‘R US”.
It’s called “Theatre State” That’s mostly what “reality” is now; if you ask them, that is.
People should be encouraged to go ahead and define their own reality. Nonconform.
But it doesn’t stop there. Then we have people who do not trust the mainstream media, but instead follow and inform themselves from alternative sources. Have those who use the mainstream media as a propaganda trumpet given up on misleading people using alternative sources?
They have not given up; they — TPTB — co-opt everything. As “Astro-turf” is to “grass roots” they know how to fake things.
Canada is a major contributor of fighters, weapons and money. It is trying to imitate Big Brother, and will soon reap the same reward.
I wanted someone with first hand experience to explain it to me.
You’ve done a good job.
Yep, Australian’s who got to Syria or Iraq to help the people are called terrorists, people who go to the Ukraine to help the people are heroes without a frigging clue.
As are most/all soldiers, no?
Just following orders.
If one wants to control the masses, one must control their essentials – food, energy, money, etc
It’s easier to control stuff when the supply is limited.
To limit the supply, one can:
* narrow the available sources (eg depend on a few countries or companies), then start some drama amongst them
* get rid of the alternatives (eg nuclear)
* privitize the essentials (no govt subsidies, boohoo)
* just outright destroy it en masse (what we are seeing with food & the economy)
(there’s room for your own favourite creative / destructive ideas here)
* Profit!!!
So this is the end of freedom (as far as it has been) for this multitude of bodies with brains?
yup, so with that in mind it is important to cherish what time we have left, nurture intelligent dissent at every opportunity, remove yourself and family as far as is possible from the “grid”
imho we face the consequences of IRC (the three headed dragon) taking dominance globally (arguably this is already the case), OR we see the shattered remains of the usa “great experiment” throwing all its toys out the pram as it inevitably slides into the abyss and leaves us with varying degrees of scorched wasteland on which to scratch an existence (more threat than reality i feel)
the elephant in the room is the realm scale “event” which cyclically affects our world, all aspects of instability are converging, astronomy is not what they have told us, binary solar systems is worth some investigation
the relatively “peaceful” epoch that has allowed us to breed in such numbers is coming to an end in a very un-graceful manner
when deagal published population forecasts it was not necessarily due to a “vax cull”, imho they were in possesion of evidence that shows how we are reaching a critical mass/event and they merely crunched the numbers
the cultlike behaviour of world gov figures shows the path of how this “need to know” has been divulged
beyond that we are becoming aware that all is illusion anyway and must strive to seek a higher truth, little comfort when ones children are starving and cold?
we face ever harder times and to endure we must dig deep
It would seem that is the destination (.. maybe I’ve been reading a lot of PKD lately)
but they haven’t gone full iron fist yet.
The fact that obfuscation is still required is heartening ~ even in places such as DPRK.
When our societies start to resemble Israel, with the oppressed physically corralled, then it’s too late.
In Australia, we already were physically corralled during the C-theatre until very recently. Once overseas flying becomes a luxury reserved for the top of the pyramid, it will once again be so.
Prison island for 26 million people.
There has been a long running policy of pushing up energy prices so as to cripple the West, but with regard to the Ukraine war, the connection is more the other way round; i.e. energy prices have been inflated so as to trigger capitulation to Putin.
I was working for an Australian senator in the late 1980’s, long before one small girl was born and played hookey from school, why the fuck if OFFG so obsessed with abusing Greta? Seriously what the fuck do you think crime has she committed? Has she bombed nations, starved people in the millions, staged political coups in the dozen? Has she destroyed the food supplies or poisoned all the water with PFAS or polluted all our air, run the gun trades and killed millions with opioids? She just wanted a clean environment and do to ramble on about the damn WEF, she only went to yell at the people doing the things listed above that she is not doing and won’t do.
I seriously suggest the obsessive nutters blaming her for the sins of the world get a frigging grip.
She’s a pawn like many others. Too bad for her. Too bad for us.
Yeah but OFF G is intent on pretending she is a 100 foot giant instead of one skinny powerless child.
I’m sorry, but a powerless child doesn’t go to Davos and “tell off” the plutocrats. We do not even know if she truly is autistic either, we are TOLD by the media that she is and then people who believe the MSM scream how unfair anyone who criticizes her is because she is disabled, which is used to negate any of the substance of that criticism. It’s the same tactic with the “covid deniers” – how DARE one say there’s no black plague of death when so many people have died from it….
And really, I don’t see that OffG is pretending she’s a 100 foot giant. What we here are doing is saying be very careful putting your faith in media created heroes or heroines. Surely we all get that distinction by now. If we don’t, we damned sure should as that tactic of citing criticism as abuse is surely rampant in our world today. Used by the plutocrats to keep us fighting amongst ourselves and not looking behind the curtain at what many of these people truly are – shills for the power structure with carefully created personas used to divide and conquer while pushing an agenda. Our owners have perfected that tactic over generations. If it did not work they would not do it.
I also think she’s more like a high-functioning child with Down’s syndrome.
Trashing Greta is not about her dys/different ability. It’s about what she has been pushed into standing for by overzealous parents.
Greta is an abused human being of whatever age.
I also believe that The Potato of the U$A is also being abused; elderly abuse.
See? How easy it is to to disparage? (Biden as potato) When we can independently lose our humanity when we choose to personalize what we don’t like, rather than addressing the issue itself.
Personalizing and identifying with issues only leads to emotional outcomes, with the issue still not being addressed.
she is/was the poster ?girl? for a world of gnashing shite, voila.
and i do believe in ecosystem collapse, but Greta?
a figurehead for a fashion/fad that is now useful,
or a plain sick, contrived agenda with “this” character.
poor child indeed, and I do mean that, but she is too far gone now. her parents deserve their day at the gallows.
so let’s do a GFM to chopper her off that yacht she harmlessly floats upon, or was it a private jet/island?
Another day. Another celebrity.
The bored Sheeple suck it up.
It’s you that need to get a grip Marilyn. The angry emoji and her parents are pushing a global scam which will kill millions of people.
The angry emoji maybe doesn’t know what the hell she is doing, but her parents and their NWO handlers do.
The angry emoji has all her social media done for her. She travels first class, nearly always free of charge, and then she posts photo’s of her sitting on the floor is second class. Photo op over, she returns to first class. What a fraud.
Lot’s of luck putting your faith into a fraud, who is having a very jolly time pushing a scam.
Telling the truth from the lies of the angry emoji is ‘abuse’? You have been indoctrinated from working in gov’t too long. To you it seems the global climate scamming is less of an issue than going after those who are doing the scamming.
I might remind you that her social PR is done for her in their entirety. She usually travels free first class and then posts photo’s of her slumming it in 2nd class. She’s a fraud. So good luck with the fraudster who’s pushing a NWO scam. She’s no better than those pushing for the poison jab.
Posted again as OffG considered by last reply as spam!
I think this is a private chip on your shoulders here. Calm down. Everyone knows it’s her parents we should scorn for making their autistic child a propaganda piece for the Green Agenda that isn’t green. Greta is just the symbol (propaganda piece) for that agenda.
I said it before; I’ll say it again:
The “Wheel of Fortune” meme could be done with an alternate punch line:
“I’d like to buy a vowel.”
Or perhaps a consonant?
Edit: my bad. Vowels all the way.
As a US resident, I am wearily familiar with this (too) long-running game show. I’m not a fan at all, but in the distant past have probably watched at least parts of it in family situations– my older relatives loved it.
Anyway, to belatedly and probably unnecessarily explain the joke: dimwitted contestants notoriously strive, strain, and furrow their brows when the puzzle is all but solved, and the solution is as plain as the nose on everyone’s face.
“Buying a vowel” is their desperate ploy to fill in enough of the remaining blanks to make the solution obvious to them. Even so, they usually make a ludicrously wrong guess.
The UK has a new (unelected) leader…
“Security for A Better Future”…
Complex, deep ideology condensed to and expressed in just five words.
Pure Ideology…
That mythic place The Future, is invoked, as it always is, to provide rationalisation or justification for every sacrifice that will be insisted upon to ensure we reach the mythic heaven called Security…aka The Promised Land…
Security, it’s all about Security , it’s always about Security….A 10,000 year striving for Security…Working, buying a house, educating the kids, on and on. It’s All about Security…Security, like the carrot dangling before an asses snout. Always just out of reach…Always luring us into The Future, always hiding in The Future…
Like kids, we’re waiting still on our parents to keep to their promises…
Around 10,000 years ago our ancestors underwent a prolonged traumatic experience that birthed Civilisation. Each new generation, every newborn suffers the civilisating process that creates in them the lifelong strivings for Security…The need for Security is the driving force of All Wars, the driving force of All Economic Activity…
Security ! It’s All About Security !
“Security for A Better Future”.
No Sacrifice is Too Small !!
The only security They care about is their own so they can continue to fk up the rest of us with their greedy psychopathic schemes.
I just watched a documentary on a young lady living alone with her baby on a semi-forested plot in Sweden. Much of her food comes from “dumpster-diving”. For things that require money, she does busking for an hour or so a month in town.
The comment of this 24-year old on security (my summary): Most of us think happiness and security are far in the future. We accept slavery as we work towards that goal. In the present system, great waste is inevitable.
As Krishnamurti once said “no one can have security because everyone wants to be a blasted somebody”
When someone says only “Krishnamurti” without Jiddu, they usually mean him, but what you quote, I think, would suit U.G. Krishnamurti; you mean him?
My wife would sometimes ask me what I was thinking…
Then I realised I didn’t have a wife.
When mine asks me that I reply “If I wanted you to know I’d be talking”
at the start it should read..:
what is wrong with her? what about the kids, ffs, wtf?……
I don’t know about other men, but when my wife would ask me what I was thinking I would always say ‘nothing’, because this is what I was thinking and there’s no way in hell I could ever have explained that to her!
Have just come across this ‘meme’! It’s by the South African bloke who goes by his nickname, ‘Jerm’ (his actual name being Jeremy Nell); he hosts his ‘Jerm Warfare’ interview channel, and is a political cartoonist.
“A shot to get started”, at: https://jermwarfare.com/cartoons/shot-to-get-started
I hate short hair on women.
I hate no hair on men
and i love hairy beavers ; )
Me too!
I am Canadian!
So what you’re saying is that you love all hair on men?
No man wants to be bald. Women chop off their hair because the banksters tell them to. Not too different from the “vaccine” mandates.
Learn the difference:
…- The one above is a usefull element in construction…
…- The one below is a useless element of destruction…
She is quite ugly.
Bravo Graham Linehan!
“I am with the lesbians who protested at Pride, I am with the parents who are suing the Tavistock, I am with the de-transitioners who are all telling the same stories, I am with the women who have been fighting this and who have been smeared and punched and shat on by people like you, by clueless people like you, Stewart Lee. You’re a disgrace. There’s no excuse by now not to understand this issue. We’re talking about children at the Tavistock. We’re talking about one thousand families suing them and Stewart Lee can’t bring himself to say exactly what his problem is with J K Rowling or with myself. Say what you’re problem is with us, say where you disagree with our analysis, alright, or shut up and stop saying that cancel culture doesn’t exist. You fucking tool of the establishment.”
Yes! I love the way Graham Linehan has refused to shut up, buckle under, kowtow or play nice. There are so damn few vertebrates in showbiz or “The Arts”.
The pinned article at Linehan’s substack:
The Guardian responds:
Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett
Mon 5 Sept 2022, 17:33 BST
Britain’s comedy community rallied around stricken Stewart Lee today as the UK’s top funnyman was subjected to a shocking and unprovoked verbal attack by ageing BBC pariah Graham Linehan. The former celebrity and notoriously transphobic Irish bigot denied that he was drunk at the time and doubled down belligerently on his claim that Sir Stewart was a “f***ing tool of the establishment”. Shockingly, Linehan went on to say that unhappy boys should not be castrated and that psychiatrists should leave teenage girls’ breasts untouched.
SEE ALSO: Marina Hyde: “Der’s more to Oirland dan disgusting transphobia.”
Asked for comment, Eddie Izzard and Jimmy Carr agreed that Father Ted should be viewed in a new and more critical light, and, if necessary […]
“denied that he was drunk at the time”
Thus does the media establish “truth”. The denial of any assertion “proves” the assertion. It has never been more obvious that the media hacks are a definite class – in this case, of fully paid up sycophants who are permitted and encouraged to go as low as they can. These creatures are truly damned.
I assume your “quotes” are satirical since I can’t find them anywhere else. So there’s me kicking off for no reason. Satire is truly dead in this age.
It’s starting to seem that you were far too hopeful. The media seem to be doing what they always do when faced with an argument they can’t win I.e. they utterly ignore it. Graham’s rant may as well never have happened.
Was this a retort to Mr U. ?
Spot the Difference
Sumándose a otras grandes movilizaciones en Europa, como #París #Colonia #Koln o #Praga… #Amsterdam #Netherlands también registra movilizaciones multitudinarias contra las decisiones de sanciones contra #Rusia de la Unión Europea.
Joining other large mobilizations in Europe, such as #París #Colonia #Koln or #Praga… #Amsterdam #Netherlands also registers massive mobilizations against the decisions of sanctions against #Rusia of the European Union.
A man in a square in #Moscow singing the #Ukrainian anthem.
But But But But it MUST be a fake video as Russians aren’t like that…….
Tough Sanctions Lockdowns ahead!
Use the correct terminology please…
We are very lucky compared.
Why do we need to beat Putin?
Since when are herds of modern moron slaves free?
Putin is doing the exact same thing the USA did back in the days of the Cuba/Missiles “crisis”, defending his homeland.
Yep dig deep and jump in it…
Move to Ukraine and help defeat Putin
Ukraine is a failed state filled with corruption, scoundrels terrorists and nazis.
Dream on…
Fancy a £25 pint?
Voz 0db They was all the headlines titles from msm and fake alt media blogs over the last few months.
I was being sarcastic ………………………………………………………….
I was being sarcastic……………………………………………………………
I understand your sarcasm. But given that you’ve absorbed the Great false narrative, and on that basis you’re sarcastic – that sounds to me like sardonism used on you. 😈
I can get you a few doses of SputnikV, you want? The poisonous Western media and also the REAL alt-media, has never criticized Russia for its treatment of “cooovid” and SputnikV. Probably because their measures “against cooovid” and “Sputnik” are so good, useful and safe that the Western mainstream can’t think of anything to slander them. Only one part of the Western alt-media allowed themselves to criticize, probably because they were either stupid or paid. In this sense, even the mainstream is “on our side”. (Those donbassians who were evacuated at the beginning of the “war” were immediately offered vaccination, by the way. There was a message in Tass. Don’t worry about them.)
Oh, now I remember that a large part of the Russian conservative media that supports the “war” is firmly against the government’s actions on cooovid, WEF-digitalization (carried out by the same ANO-digital transformation that was created to impose digitalization in Russia, and was a direct partner with WEF; they are entrusted with digitalization), the introduction of biometrics, etc. But they, Russian conservative media, attribute it to the”Western column.” This column is clearly so strong that it does and will do without hindrance whatever it wants.
But Putin will win, there is no doubt about that. The poisonous supranationalists will fall and all will be well.
The same vile, poisonous media, the dirty propaganda trumpets of the oligarchy that were fiercely against Trump, then – for covid-the narrative and the vaccination, are now against Putin and for “paying the price of damocracy” – the screwing up of European populations, right?
Except for the petty misunderstandings that Trump is the dog of the same oligarchy that started operation warp speed and declared himself the “father of the vaccine”; and except that the same oligarchy continued the new phase of nullification, through the fairy tale of the ukraine-Russian “war”; and except that the Russian leadership has used the same toolkit against its population and introduced the same reboot (only in the Russian way) in Russia, right on the heads of its citizens… Well, apart from that, everything else fits.
And you will lick that lying ass to the last breath (the ass of the deceitful narrative, not Putin’s; Putin does not exist as the official narrative says – neither for the good nor for the bad they attribute to him).
Superficial simpletons are easily impressed and bite the bait.
Get inoculated, Johnny, save the planetary mind (from yourself).
That was a little rude of me. But considering what Johnny wrote to me earlier today, maybe I wasn’t being rude:
“Pure asslick comment.
Teacher’s pet in this case the screw lover.”:)
(My “teachers”, whose ass I licked according to Johnny, are offg. Ммм, delicious.:))
Your one of them – I couldn’t read your meth written comments and Replying to your self and getting all upset over the teachers pet ass lick comment would imply your emotionally stunted and a pure ass lick.
Grow up plino.
Can you offer me any substances that will contribute to the acceleration of my growth? Because obviously the ones I’ve taken in by licking aren’t strong enough.
I loved this about England. So sad to see everything go….
How I have changed. At one time I would have read the above and ranted against Lee himself. Now I see it as pure PR packaging from a thoroughly controlled media.
Here’s how it works (and granted it takes an odiously servile tyke like Lee to put it into operation):
The media makes it clear how to be “a success” and how to be “a failure”. The lines may not be explicitly stated but they are clearly there to follow. Establishment comic Lee follows the lines and covers his arse by giving his bosses exactly what they want to hear. At which point the media only has to regurgitate it as “Lee’s own opinions” and the job is done.
Thus the memes are laid: “no-one is cancelled”, “you can say what you want (and everyone can hear it!)” but “freedom has a price” (eventuating inevitably in the total cancellation of freedom!)
Thirty pieces of silver coming your way Lee!
It’s the government’s way of managing the parameters of debate. Someone like Lee is put out there to joke about Truss so that ‘everyone’ knows it’s not ‘OK’ to be rude about her or other top Tories, the Royals etc. The naive and foolish don’t realise they’re being manipulated. Lee was probably deliberately invited to make that kind of joke. The government/BBC do the same with celebrities like Gary Lineker.
Harmful content. Censorship coming soon.
Comedian? more like Chameleon
He’s really clever and funny – I doubt he misses the double-edged sword. People who know his comedy see beneath and beyond the incredible satire he creates – which is the destination. Haven’t seen this but am guessing.
It’s like being stuck in a lift with Jimmy Savile.
Worse! Jimmy owns the building and there’s no way out …and his vicitims are ordered to praise his saintliness even as they are being shafted!
I meant “Meme Monday”, not Stewart Smugster. But since you mention him: “What a fashion-chasing fraud the man turned out to be.” — Graham Linehan:
Peter McCulloughAndrew Kaufman is the man in the arena.https://www.bitchute.com/video/PYbUqHfVZOLO/
Better if it reduces Carbon emissions!
It does as the recipient of the vaccine stops breathing.
98.6F indeed.
Everyone not working, on long leave, etc. must take the jab to lower metabolism and breathe out less CO2.
“Pfizer rolls out Climate Change vaccine which lowers body temperature 98.6 degrees F to help cool the planet”.
Not met a soul yet that regrets not taking the poision.
Not met a double negative yet that wasn’t negatively doubled.
You can always take it. You can NEVER un-take it.
Pretty amazing all in all when you consider people are taking serial injections from a serial felon.
Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, Britains next (and last) prime minister.
After that, it’s back to chieftains and regional warlords…
Yet another nonentity replacing the previous clown nonentity. A veritable conveyor belt of nonentities to keep this pantomime from hell going. Oh well am sure Mrs Trustworthy will put those greedy energy companies in their place, after all she used to work for one of them.
i hope so. let it roll….
“there will be heroes in the hills and blood among the corn, but there’ll be more to come my son before ye’ve had yer fill…”
actually kate bush was on that tune…?
“Seig Heil!”
“Corporate Fascism und Eugenics Uber Alles!”
Who is the dude with the white hair? 🙄
What is wrong with modern “music”?
It’s all these music things making modern sounds that seem to be the crux of the wrongness.
O, how I long for the silent chirping of crickets in the motionless breeze across the sunken mountains of yesterwhen.
Here’s the next-best thing. It fixes all problems:
Thank you.
That was a beautifully rendered version of ‘Anarchy in the UK’ by the Sex Pistols.
Very calming and yet invigorating.
Your quotation marks answer the question perfectly.
Quite a funny joke from Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi. A variation on the plane crashing, only so many parachutes left theme:
Had to contribute to this theme also..
Very accurate
there it is.
Best meme ever. There will be no revolution until it’s televised!
The art of war according to JB
The esteemed Margaret Anna Alice (an American who’s been posting excellent articles on this heinous global crime against humanity) has posted the following within the last 24 hours. It’s her latest piece re. the global nightmare still unfolding.
N.B., you should read beyond the title of the document; she mentions that some of her regular readers, on seeing the title, had immediately unsubscribed or sent her angry emails, due to having only read the title, which they heedlessly took at its incorrect mere face-value… not realising that she’d never be advocating these horrific injections. Ie, the document is satire: in order to make the point.
What a pity that the people who most need to read it (the ‘normies’, or whatever you want to call them) are unlikely to do so…
“50 reasons to give your child the ‘covid’ shot”, at:
Instead of trying to be a comedian, she should have taken the time to consider her options. Had she done so I suspect she would have realised that the title she went with actually had a negative comedic value and that inserting NOT was most likely the most appropriate way forward, considering the body of the article.
Yes, I totally agree with you.
The title was a foolish decision on her part. As you say, she should have inserted the word NOT, then no one would have found fault.
Au contraire…
Should the readers not be able to discern ironic inversion then I would assert that they only read the title and not the content.
The humour and intelligence of the content in relation to the title, penetrates powerfully.
It seems to me a normie might actually WANT to read an article with such a title. Although it’s a huge turnoff for those of us who shudder at the thought of injecting children, for a person with a child, they are looking for information that will tell them they are doing the right thing. They need this because deep down, they’re probably feeling a bit unsure. Then when they read the contents of this article (who knows how many of the points they’ll actually read) they will feel even more unsure! So send it to anyone you know who is in the throes of making this decision for their child. At least the title will not turn them off. Who knows what they might learn.
Ooopsie, tripped on the way out and this fell out of my pocket.
OK ok, last one I promise then I’ll see myself out.
Brilliant, still chuckling!
how many verified!? hilarious
All the images contain a stealth bomber.
Do you think Vlad’s kindness is just like stealth, hidden behind seeming complicity, which will eventually bomb us with rescue bombs?
I’ll ask him next week when we go to our favourite sauna in Siberia for a good old fashioned sweating session.
Don’t forget to take a small bag of New Zealand delicacies with you. You already know how much Russians hate guests who don’t bring appetizers for the vodka.
Thank you for the timely reminder…
I’ll pack some Vegemite sandwiches, some cooked Kina and a freshly creamed pavlova with hokey-pokey ice cream.
With this prepared set of products you can convincingly win at least a small administrative position in some wonderful Russian governorate. Daragoy Shalomov-Putin can even put on that thin smile that betrays his satisfaction.
Number 10 is a classic example of using a facade of truth-telling to reinforce another, deeper lie.
OJ Simpson (an actor) did not kill anyone and I doubt very much there was any murder. For starters, what are the odds that the son of an ex-head of the CIA happens to be your neighbour? The case hadn’t gained much traction until the infamous slow-motion (so everyone could have a good look and get involved) car chase – funny how a white Bronco/horse leading a herd of black horses is straight out of the Book of Revelations. The alleged photos of her after a previous assault were in fact her in make-up from a film role as an extra in one of his films (where he played a bus hijacker).
On the other hand Polanski had his pregnant wife murdered and got away with it.
exactly; like the people of Wuhan were trying to warn us that it was ALL “fake” in Jan 2020
Plenty of hints of a Mob hit , neck tie murder
A vital piece of evidence a pizza box with a message on the lid went missing
not only from murder scene but from the story script.
As did the possible neighbour CCTV.
During the trial there was a TV debate in the UK that allowed public to phone in questions.
After they showed a photo of the glove found near OJ property. It looked small to me.
So I phoned in and asked if any one had checked the size of the glove would fit OJ.
They did not know. It is the sort of thing police would check.
Lots of crumbs to keep the story running.
Was the entire thing just a giant distraction.
bread and circus?
Check out Miles Mathis’ paper on OJ.
Sometimes people just murder other people.
And sometimes deadly viruses stream out of bats and threaten mankind’s survival.
Research Nicole’s sister, the one that loks like her twin but a brunette. No recorded pics of the “sister” before the “attack”.
why blame the autistic kid rather than the adults behind her. how can so many people who’ve lived blind, deaf, and dumb , or enthusiastically supported, or just not quite got everything before now blame children/young people, let alone disabled ones for their own LACK of comprehension/responsibility/maturity ?! oh wait, the last bit would explain that
You forgot education, which is also lacking. Flying, driving, yachting around the world isn’t an education in environmental science. An IPCC job awaits! God help us all.
The kid will grow up to be just like her parents.
again, why blame her?
she went to school before this, as did nearly everybody .
The angry emoji is the one who took it on herself to blight our TV screens selling us the NWO crap. That’s why.
Isn’t she old enough to get a proper job?
I agree we shouldn’t blame her.
To me, she is a damaged child – perhaps already autistic, and then unfortunate enough not to have parents who know what a child actually is, or could be.
But, again, there are countless other parents who have no sense of responsibility towards either their child’s physical or psychological well-being.
We live in truly awful times, despite the amazing things which modern technology has enabled us to do.
She is not disabled, nor does she have autism. She supposedly has Asperger’s, which is the mildest, most insignificant end of the uselessly broad “spectrum.” In case you don’t know, “autism” refers to the severe part of the “spectrum.” Asperger’s is not a “form of autism.” It does not prevent you from doing anything, other than read certain social cues. If anything, it is associated with less emotional thinking (hard to believe, I know). Stop coddling this puppet.
Number 4 is like the first drop before a downpour. I think I felt it drip on my cheek.
Unless the clouds from last memetic Monday have run out of water.
Rodents are grateful to humans who chose to test vaccines on themselves.