15 Memes to Get You Through the Day – Part 23

The Queen’s death has (predictably) become a meme-feeding frenzy, combine that with the anniversary of 9/11 and just…well…the general state of the world and you have a perfect storm of memery.
That’s one small comfort, as the times get worse the memes get better.
Everyone knows current thing overrides principle. Duh.
You never get what you want with those things
Oh, now it makes sense.
An empire of house slaves.
Not a meme, but a beautiful sign of the times.
Did he sell his wristband on ebay?
Some cross-over for the other big event this week…
The Gummo of the World Trade Center.
Transitive property means birds are tougher than buildings.
Take this attitude and you’re right like 90% of the time.
Meanwhile, in the present day, everything is going according to plan.
And we all know what comes next…
The crazy thing is he only started doing this last month.
“The media loves us, look at all the free food we get!”
I’ve been doing memes for hours, so these just look like 6 coloured circles to me.
Bonus – from the comments
Maybe we should put an abstract architectural concept in charge of the country, and use Liz to support a bridge?
People would absolutely do this. Don’t think for a second they would not.
If they end the pandemic tomorrow, this is the real problem and we need to fix it.
…we know that feel.
And finally…
Ok, this isn’t really memes, but the hysteria that is #Mournhub needs to be documented a bit.

There’s this…
‘Despicable’ amateur football teams in Sheffield face punishment for playing after Queen’s death https://t.co/jaNIByyu1f
— Sky News (@SkyNews) September 14, 2022
…and this…
Sweet Jesus!!! #MournHub pic.twitter.com/iQzJKBCBRU
— Craig_from_t’north (@Vender2k10) September 16, 2022
And best of all, this…
I am HOWLING. Gay sauna Pleasuredrome will be open on Monday but as a mark of respect WON’T be playing any music or showing porn, but WILL be screening the funeral. So you can get buggered in mournful silence, then watch HLMTQ go off to her reward. #ItsWhatSheWouldHaveWanted pic.twitter.com/HW7NzrHmfB
— Hugh Smithson-Wright (@HRWright) September 17, 2022
What a time to be alive.
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This is gold

some funny ones there.
Here is the updated list of US based food manufacturing plants destroyed under Biden regime:
Link not working
try typing the heading of the article in the URL bar at top,…should take you to a page with the post on…OK
I’d repost the link ‘cept there appears to be a problem which seems to be in this laptop…
The Royal family are pedo-child sacrificing, blood-drinking, adrenochrome-junkie paganists like the rest of the globalist elite. This is done as part of MK-Ultra trauma-based control and to extract adrenochrome which is highly addictive and Big Business. (It appears the globalists then created their paganist religion to justify these practices.) TPTB know this will leak out eventually so they hire the likes of David Icke to reveal all of this info and to also claim the Royals are Reptilian shape-shifters so no one will believe any of these claims.
if you are not aware of what they are attemting to usher in to this realm in which you exist, then please take some time to watch this coverage of the opening ceremony of the gotthard tunnel complex
think of us all as a spanner in their “great works”
It was a tribute to a local iconic animal, is that what they explained? What an unusual artistic image of this animal resembling Baphomet (as well as the ritual itself… I’m sorry – opening ceremony)
Well, you-oh-so-clever fukrs will never qualify for a double rainbow.
You have no concept that there really are ‘no accidents in the Universe’ – no mistakes, no errors, not one. It’s all Perfect. There’s even a rationale, somewhere, somehow, even for your existence (though I do have difficulty in coming to terms with that).
It would appear Her Majesty fulfilled her duty, her karma. Rest in Peace, Ma’am.
The World now descends another step in keeping with its Karma and we’re all invited along for the ride….well, not so much ‘invited’ as ‘obliged’. Anyway, enjoy the journey as best you can.
Where is the contradiction? When you are invited to participate, do you not choose the way you participate, which also determines your place in the event you participate in?
plino, I said …’well, not so much ‘invited’ as ‘obliged’.
Being in the loop, as we all are, you are obliged to participate. There is no choice in that – here we are as a result of earlier choices.
Then once more, in the present moment, you choose the way in which you participate. And that participation/action results in future events that we are required to…. and on and bloody on.
So you are correct. There’s no contradiction, we’re on the same page.
It’s very confronting (and I don’t mean being on the same page)
I don’t know about you, but I hate, I mean really fucking HATE being responsible for my own actions. It really pisses me off.
I excellent understand you and agree with much of what you say.
I call Him KfC 3…Guess what the ‘f’ stands for…
The Ruling Class in all its sombre finery was on show, each member, down to the lowest, knew its place in The Hierarchy; and the proles, too, they knew their place, behind the barricades, from where they got to gawk, their only free gift from the state…
And what was in That Box that was so valuable it needed an army of colourfully dressed, marching in step. robots to protect it ? Werent the barricades enough ?
Of course the 1% of The 1% were not on show….It wasnt Their show…They stayed in the shadows where little billy gates keeps himself to these days…
And the outfits, did you notice many were wearing the black outfits they’d worn on other State Occasions…Some outfits looked a bit tattered, slightly fraying, hand-me-downs from the Days of The British Empire (Since reduced to mostly pomp and ceremony)…Black is a perfect colour for hiding the stains of the blood and gore of Empire…
Someone claimed that England had become a Theme Park…It surely lives-up to that claim…
7 upvotes from folk who also know little of tradition, history or spiritual aspects behind the form.
Those ‘gawkers’ have more instinctive feelings in their hearts than you will ever know.
Of course I do. But that’s the point of what you hate – taking responsibility for your actions. Everyone will take it , for the good and for the bad. 😉
Weren’t the “Gentlemen Archers” nice, though, in their Robin Hood outfits, feathered caps and bows and arrows?
Who says this country is living in the past?
#5 is the most poignant … and the sign of the times is that the people WILL. NOT. WAKE. TFU.
I don’t get #7 with the chess board. What castle (rook) did the US lose?
Maybe two towers? but it was three.
Twin towers
The twin towers?
always loved my rooks, you could cause mayhem with open board rooks.
i even drew a rendition –
a rook (corvid), which in this part of the world look like hangmen/executioners, with a sparth axe.
killer blade stabbing beaks.
i missed that too, those two. cheers.
: )
Imagine she woke up and started banging on the lid. It would be a right laugh.
Could somebody remind me how to get an image to show in a comment?
Upload your image somewhere – eg on a blog or website you run or on an image-hosting site – copy the URL and paste it here. 🙂
As an Answer to Disney’s black mermaid – here comes a suggestion for another movie:
Look, Disney’s woke pandering is pathetic, but I find the outrage and hypocrisy on BOTH sides hilarious.
The first 4 actors were chosen for their acting ability or box office draw. The snow white actress was chosen because she is black.
The Little Mermaid (not Snow White)!
top humour, ribtickling stuff
“The Thursday clap for the NHS has officially been replaced with the obligatory Thursday five Mile queue” (sniggering sounds)
“Don’t kick the arse out of this”
“Just watch this” (more sniggering sounds)
After the obligatory “Two-Minute Hate”, there will be the “Two-Minute Love” – or else…
And 2 minute of anything that’s trending be Ukrainian banging bombs together next 😬
Damn! I guess it’s too late to send this informational film the Her Ma-jester-y. Maybe Charles III would find it of interest…
How America is a Corporation Still Owned by King of England ‘LAYMENS TERMS’
July 22, 2012
How America is a Corporation Still Owned By King Of England’LAYMENS TERMS’ – YouTube
The original titled video has been repeatedly taken down by Google, thus the above shortened version ends quite abruptly… Too bad…
Followed by: Elizabeth II: A Life of Duty
Quote at 0:26 “But through the inventions of science, I can do what is not possible for any of them” ??? followed by bla, bla, bla…
Elizabeth II: A Life Of Duty – YouTube
For the unedited videos on the USA being owned by King of England, are they available on Odysee?
There are quite a few such videos available. Many are poorly done, and some are intentionally inaccurate. I once had a library of links to the most germane, but many of these have been scrubbed from the internet. The following video lays out some basic points of interest. >
The Top of the Pyramid: The Rothschild the, Vatican and the British Crown Rule the World – 2017 – YouTube
Published on Apr 18, 2017
Meanwhile, back in the States.
Good one! 👆
Too dear.
From a thread about the new monarch, who may not be content to be a bland, amiable old lady.
JeffWells@JeffWellsRigint 1:30 pm 19 Sept 2020
Reply to @Goldentoothed
Charles won’t wear the mask well, it’s already slipped numerous times this week. It will be entertaining and terrifying to watch.
Twice in the last week, he’s been caught on camera looking and sounding spoiled and irritable. (Weirdly enough, fwiw, both incidents involved mishaps with pen and ink.)
If you think the last ten days have been annoying, wait till they inflict the Coronation on us. This rigmarole will run and run.
Ah but by that time us rosy cheeked Dickensian urchins will be merrily gathered round the cheery fire on the snow flecked landscape and singing ging gang goolie.
Sky news already priming us for a political King interfering in issues, unlike the Queen.
Especially those like climate change.
Have to wonder if the Queen was hurried along..
A political monarch is not without precedent. The ‘doesn’t do politics’ is a modern parliamentary lie foisted on the people to allow for parliamentary tyranny. That is the birth of the tyrannical party system we now have running amuck in this country.
The sovereignty of the people is invested in the monarch and it was the responsibility of the monarch to act in defence of the people against tyranny and unjust laws.
That is the failure of the reign of QE2. She completely rolled over at each turn even to the point of accepting foreign laws and writ in this land by virtue of the traitorous signing of the Maastricht treaty.
‘Hurried along’?? – she was 96!!
She went months if not years ago, big ears will be a better spokesman for the WEF.
Suicided 😬
A spoilt brat
I thought the jabs lowered body temp by 98.6 degrees?
don’t be silly
The average postmortem temperature ranges from 35.5 to 41.3 degrees C
To room temperature 🤒
The passing of Queen Elizabeth is the perfect metaphor for the passing of western unipolar imperialism.
“Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin can but only smile at the ludicrous Americans. The SCO summit is testimony that Russia and China are far from isolated. They are embracing nations that represent the majority of humankind. It is the power-crazy American rulers who are becoming isolated in their appalling death wish for the planet.
Again, the whole point of the U.S. conduct is to drive divisions, tensions, antagonism and ultimately war in order to project its interests. The American capitalist economy thrives on it. Without it, it is dying.
The United States is incapable of peaceful cooperation and coexistence because its imperialist interests are fundamentally anathema to such law-abiding conduct.
The bitter irony is that the European nations are now paying dearly by following American hegemony with their own self-inflicted destruction. Which proves the point that U.S. interests are singularly exclusive despite the duplicitous rhetoric about “allies”. Other nations are merely servants for that purpose, albeit given the false, cynical title of “allies”.
Under woeful mis-leadership by European governments and a European Union bureaucracy that panders to Washington instead of the needs of their citizens, the European populations are being subjected to unprecedented economic deprivation. This winter will see extraordinary scenes of social misery from fuel shortages and crippling inflation.
Fortunately, though, the days of U.S. empire and its servile satellites are finished. The U.S. capitalist economy is in its death throes. American global power is sapping like an old man whose virile days are long gone. Uncle Sam may still have the vaguely held desires for control and domination but he is increasingly impotent to do anything about it. The pathetic European regimes haven’t caught on yet to the new reality and they are going down along with their decrepit American Uncle.”
Returning under a new name….
Probably with a new nationality; some were Russians yesterday… If we’re talking about the same thing, of course; if not, I apologize for the inclusion.:)
That decrepit American Uncle is still very dangerous to the safety of humankind on this planet. A very serious error has been committed by those feeble minded so called “leaders”, who like small children obey the whims of a psychopathic father.
Yeah. Yeah. What to do?! I thought so; that the only way to get back the old gas agreements is to have governments that represent the people. Then go to Putin and make a deal. It’s the only way to know if they’re playing together, as some dare to doubt, or not. What will he say?
But how do we get to such governments? People can’t stand it, they think in that direction. What should people do?!..
You know, yesterday, a guy wrote something almost the same as you, very much in that vein. Now I wonder if this is happening a lot lately on other sites, platforms. Does it happen that more and more such people come, quoting inspired articles from Ereth and strategic culture, with links to them. Maybe this is meant to wake people up? 🤔
spec-op 💤
Organize yourself better, for 30-40 thumbs up on your one-eyed post (as in similar posts on other topics). Or, you say, smoother is better – for a period of two days, for example, little by little, thumbs after thumbs every hour-to make it seem more natural that 30-40 people, independently of each other, understood it, agreed and liked it? 😅
It’s going well, K Lee, with these 14 people who have already evaluated claims like:
“The bitter irony is that the European nations are now paying dearly by following American hegemony with their own self-inflicted destruction.”
– Not that European nations are paying the price for the actions of their own authorities, which follow destructive policies and plans, many of which strangely overlap with the policies and plans of Russia and China, for example on biosecurity (in agreement with who), digitalization and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Policies followed and by the United States.
It’s a little clearer here: “Under the mismanagement of European governments and a European Union bureaucracy that prefers Washington to the needs of its citizens, European peoples are facing unprecedented economic difficulties.”
– So we are not talking about “excellent and proper leadership of European governments in terms of what their senior partners demand of them“, but actually – their leaders. For people and smaller (and more) businesses, this is a real tragedy, not because the authorities are acting stupidly, but purposefully destructive. If we look at China with its credit system and biosecurity, with its unchanging plans for upcoming biodigital convergence, and look at Russia – hey, what an unusual coincidence with the sinister actions and plans of the nasty Western authorities?!
And how well the “war” has set in motion precisely the plans of the West, which, according to KLee,”The pathetic European regimes haven’t caught on yet to the new reality and they are going down along with their decrepit American Uncle”. Don’t they get her? Many of us have grasped it, but these highly educated people with experience, who are inside the kitchen of things, and who are themselves implementing the new reality, have not been able to grasp her? OMG…
But, as befits any good scenario, there is salvation.
“Fortunately, though, the days of U.S. empire and its servile satellites are finished.”
“Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin can but only smile at the ludicrous Americans. The SCO summit is testimony that Russia and China are far from isolated. They are embracing nations that represent the majority of humankind.”
In addition to embracing all the basic goals of the new reality shared by the West, they embrace nations as well. Ask The Saker, Luongo, Ereth, Dreizinreport, Redacted, Lira, Pepe Escobar, Alex Christoforou, I miss many, some I don’t know them. (How diverse a company that includes of Eastern Europeans, latin americans, not the usual Americans and Western Europeans. hmmm… 🙄 ). They will tell us all about the numerous misdeeds of the United States and the West, but nothing about Russia and China (in fact, they will tell us that everything bad that can be said about them is a fabrication of Western propaganda; and if not, then that bad is actually good.)
In short: they will give us a comforting hug. They have embraced us, comforted us, a warm Trust has been created, and now that the fire of their governments ‘ deliberately created misery for European citizens is burning more and more, they will also give us hope and direction. Some more tactless would even say that they “push” us to something. But it’s a sweet and gentle push, with hope. Maybe a guide to a bigger, multipolar hug.
Maybe that’s what Brexit was all about?:) (Just joke; and the BRICS map – which is back on the ship of sustainable bio, digital and biodigital development – says otherwise.)
First of all, I wonder, those guys who see everything very well with one eye, on one side, and see nothing with the other, on the other side; respectively, they see both sides without their striking similarities in imposed policies and pursued goals, or just a common game? Do they want anything? Something specific, in a specific time frame?
If they are indeed operatives, as I am convinced they are, their work would go beyond simply deluding themselves about realities, creating a division in the minds of individuals which would undermine the possibility of ideological unification and thus diminish the possibility of any common action. (I give a 0% chance that they don’t see and understand the commonality between West and East; but why ignore, underestimate or deny it?) If that’s what I smell, there seems to be some desire to master and direct action. Just what I think; maybe not. Anyway, after a few unsuccessfully predicted dark winters, we seem to be heading for a dark winter, and perhaps naturally there will be popular unrest, but something doubts the intentions of these guys.
Who asked Danny Boyle to organise this funeral?
As FUBARed as the US is, I still don’t regret being a republic.
The vIrus mania has nothing to do with communism, god damn!
Actually, I’m afraid it does.
Communism isn’t what it once was.
It is now extremely right-wing, and goes under another name.
Fascism is State-Corporate absolute rule. That is the current global system.
Who benefited from the Covid scam? Corporations and Bureaucrats. Who suffered. not from colds and flu, but from Covidiocy policies? The People.
Right and Left is a false dichotomy to divide and conquer the People.
Left right is not fake what’s fake is placing us in a “well my side supports this thing I’ve never heard of so I must too”. What people like you mean when you say it’s a false dichotomy is “everyone secretly thinks and wants the same things I do they just don’t know it yet”

“A whole batch of Commie Pinkos. Better Dead than Red… and with the Cull Juice one will be.“
Technocratic, commutarian communism?
Virus Mania jolly good book I enjoyed reading it 👍
“Breaking News”

“The Communist Manifesto is being renamed. Henceforth, it will be known as the Rockefeller Manifesto.”
Why must God damn it? In what way does it not?
top thinking, sterling stuff, well worth 24 upvotes
Always remember no matter how clued up someone may appear they will one day blame communism and prove they were massive idiots all along
“Hey look, England’s National Past Time is on the air again.”

“Heil to the Reich!”

“Meanwhile Swinging Lizzie has gone and joined the rest of the departed ROYAL MAFIA CRIME FAMILY members in Nazi Heaven.”
…- Ironically Beeb News had an article headline up on their front page this morning stating that – and I quote – “The Queen shared Ukraine’s values”…
…- “Yeah, not ‘arf”, I thought, recalling all their antebellum cooing over that “nice Mr. Hitler”…
“Swinging Lizzie and the rest of THE ROYAL MAFIA CRIME FAMILY get all warm and fuzzy over mass murdering NATO Nazi Banderite scum.”

At least we don’t have advertisements today one good thing 😂
That’d be a challenging wank.
Did anyone see a facemask at the funeral? How the mighty have fallen since the heady days of 2020.
Funeral? Who died?
Once of the last intact British brain cells died.
[Shurely ‘her’? – Ed.]
You will aggrieve readers.
[Shurely ‘her’? – Ed.]
Shertainly not.
Did Liz ever have a real childhood, a real friend, a real lover, real children, a real job, a real belly laugh, a real day for that matter.
I doubt it.
An unreal existence then.
The world is fucked.
From the top down.
Did she ever have a real voice? Her recorded speeches are almost unlistenable with that strained constricted whine that suggests she was on a torture rack for most of her life.
Churchill’s famous wartime speeches weren’t him but an actor. They admitted it a few years back then have quietly buried it and went back to lauding him with Gary Oldman films.
I wonder how far down the list of greatest Englishmen one has to go to find someone’s whose achievements are vaguely real?
I think Alfred really did burn the cakes…
All the leaders politicians are speakers for someone or something else.Look and listen to them they speak for others,Poor old joe can’t even hardly hear his ear piece let alone see his auto cue 😂
Churchies speeches were boring as fuck and he practically cried down the mic especially during the “if necessary alone” bit. Compare that with Stalin who said “the enemy is not as strong as he is being portrayed by certain terror-stricken pseudo-intellectuals, the devil is not as frightening as portrayed”
I recall Michael Crawford came 17th on the list of 100 Great Britons in 2002 – Frank Spencer was undoubtedly real !
All quiet on the streets here. No more pesky ambulance/police car sirens to upset the nervous system. The grovelling obsequious pageant has started and the peasants are indoors glued in awe to the magic screen where the great and the good show their respect and gratitude to an obscenely wealthy old lady never to ask themselves what exactly has she done for them personally. Anyway here’s what i think she has done for me….
You haven’t seen the fucking obsession with the old parasite here in Australia.
It’s nice to imagine this as the title of a Guardian column.
Hi Marilyn. To be clear, the obsession was purely amongst the MSM who seemed desperate to remind us of our status as vassals and ‘subjects’, in case we continued pondering this crazy notion of being sovereign free citizens of a democracy. I personally was disgusted at the 24/7 BS that lasted for days. Personally I thought it was worthy of a couple of 5 minute news stories with maybe a doco or two buried somewhere in the ABC’s schedule – no more!
I’m yet to work out which is more disturbing. The fact that 99% of my friends and family are full covidians, or that they’re also sycophantic royalists who have discussed nothing but the plans for ‘the funeral’ for the last two weeks. There seems to be a strong correlation. The reverse is also true thankfully. The only anomaly I’ve found is my Irish sister-in-law who, despite being a covidian, unsurprisingly hates the royals.
What about the Guardian and its readers? Obsessed about covid but lukewarm about the funeral.
Lukewarm? Have you looked at any of it?
I’ll admit it isn’t as hot as their enthusiasm for Charles to act in supposedly unconstitutional ways in defiance of an elected government.
Conformity is the key. Covid and Royalty it’s the same trait.
I’m pleased to report that a large section of the Glasgow Celtic FC fans held a banner during a minutes something before their match against St Mirren FC on the weekend whilst they sang the words out loud “if you hate the royal family clap your hands”.
Not elegant but good on them I say. Am I allowed a say any more?
The broadcasters knew their was zero chance of Celtic showing sympathy to the royals so they the broadcasters tried another way. Worked beautifully!
See also: “Match the fine for Palestine.”
I disagree. It was an elegant and succinct and witty response. It placed the obedient clappers in a neat double bind.
More generally, football stadiums are among the very few remaining places where feelings (and thoughts) can still be expressed communally, in large numbers, and without restraint. This is often thrilling, sometimes very funny, and occasionally ugly. For decades now, the ruling classes have been working to stamp it all out. They know it’s not trivial.
One of the saddest things about COUPVID was the universal docile submission of fans to the closing of their stadiums.
Spreading one banal observation over two images really strengthens the message.
“Politically what exists today in many parts of the world is a large criminal gang of war racketeering corporate fascist psychopaths passing themselves off as “government,” preying upon (and victimizing) the rest of hapless humanity. If only there was honest government of the people,by the people, for the people, based on the principles of equality (political/economic/social), civil liberty, respect and peace.”
Imagine that someone saying WE THE PEOPLE don’t need weird nonces to own us and some sad cunt downvoted it
British Cycling issued a statement “recommending” that cyclists do not cycle during The Event. They have retracted this whilst noting that it’s an individual decision etc. Sound familiar? Just like with masking. Of course it’s “up to you” ….. (however ….)
I’m starting to think if this as “the covid manouevre” I.e. stir the buggers up then withdraw with a “Of course it’s up to you … ” and let the most reactionary elements do the policing.
What does British Breathing recommend?
😂 😂 😂
Patriotic breathers want to know.
…don’t hold your breath..
The bus stop pic says it all.
Don’t worry am sure the Royals will be donating their collection of Leonardo drawings soon to help the poor and needy.
It proves that one good captionless photo is worth a million ‘memes’.
Thirty-three people love being shouted at.
I applaud the sentiment, but I think the conclusion is a bit off.
I would have ended it as follows: … That’s where I found the science, buried in a shallow grave. 😎 ⚰
if they only knew…
From the BBC …
How the Queen’s
Christianfaith went beyond duty.The former Archbishop of York, Lord John Sentamu says the Queen had a formidable knowledge of hymns, psalms and scripture
Almost every aspect of official ceremony surrounding the death of the Queen has been steeped in religious
I read the 1st thing about some virus in Wuhan in December 19′ on accu-weather of all places. I remember getting a stomach ache and 6 words passed through my mind like a digital billboard, “This is to take down Trump” I had been waiting for something really bad. Too bad Trump caved or maybe it was scripted, but if you look up Trumps interviews over many years, he has always been saying the same thing, so they would have to have been grooming him for this part for 20 years or more. There was also a small article [ gone now ] about his son Baron needing extra security. I wonder what any of us would do if we knew out child would have an ‘accident’ if we didn’t stop saying things. Thankfully God Almighty owns big pharma- not the other way around.
Gay sauna one had me screaming…
Just think: by the time Charles III dies, they’ll be dimming the music a bit at the public pedophilia stalls to mourn his passing.
all this shit isn’t a ‘fucking commies’ plot – it’s the fucking capitalists – and we’re not going to have any luck opposing it if we can’t even identify the real enemy (if this turdeau was actually castro’s kid, he would have disowned him long ago from the grave – the turd is clearly an NWO capitalist puppet) – the capitalists are certainly fascist types, but Hitler is also falsely demonized, he was, as he named the party, a socialist … the good guys, although I don’t expect many here to understand that
I understand you perfectly well, AH wasn’t the monster that the victorious ‘allies’ claim him to be. It is always the victors that get to write the (lies) history.
Couldn’t agree more…the constant portrayal of Hitler/the Nazi’s as the bad guys serves its purpose of cover for the true bad guys!
Hitler was a good guy? You don’t think you might have taken revisionism just a tad too far?
I think the victorious ‘allies’ took their war time propaganda a tad too far!
You know that those things are not mutually exclusive, right?
It seems to me, in reality, Hitler was indeed a racist, megalomaniacal psycho; he just happened to (involuntarily) be a good puppet through which to carry out an agenda of war profiteering by the puppet masters playing both sides as well as the predictable, massive transfer of wealth traditionally executed periodically under the guise of the “business cycle” and further ushering in the age of globalism, as the League of Nations was the proffered “solution” to the supposedly inevitable chaos of war.
I consider the gas chamber story dubious, and we know that many false claims were made in the media, most famously the attribution of the Katyn massacre. At the same time, the alliance between the Nazis and Western elites should be well known to anyone who cares at this point. There are many concerning aspects of the propaganda surrounding that war and the narrative constructed upon it and underlying much of the world’s policies ever since – but none of this makes Hitler a good guy. He was a bad guy being used by other bad guys.
If I may add: The latter makes Hitler rather similar to Putin today, although Putin is not even close to as nefarious a character as Hitler, despite what a remarkable number of propagandists are trying to tell us at the moment.
The AH Vs Putin comparison are generally disingenuous distractors ,,, for sheer evil re: body-counts and ripping countries apart, for personal gain, most (American) POTUS or British PMs would win hands-down. I don’t recall Hitler or Putin having 840+ military bases encircling the world. Moreover, the English language media are expert at providing cover-narratives for heinous crimes committed by their Western sponsors.
Soviets always admitted shooting 3000 war criminal poles the krauts shot the rest. Want some proof? Germans refused to show the bottoms of bullet casings proving their date, several bodies found 500 miles away at a Nazi massacre site with identification papers etc etc etc. Read Grover Furr
There is no such thing as a good guy who kills people, but Hitler was not the only monster in the 20th century. Why don’t they make endless films about Pol Pot, the USA and their millions of war crimes, Idi Amin and other mass murderers.
The reason why? Because those people etc were on the Wests payroll
Two wrongs don’t make a right, especially when the first wrong is that much (all) wronger, and still fronted by all very very rich “rights”. (Right?) Revisionism (or recidivism) at its far rightist, by far.
Wait until you hear the lies about the greatest leader in the history of mankind: Stalin.
That is correct, it’s impossible for most people to even have a meaningful opinion or inkling about Joe, given the sheer mountain (ranges) of lies covering the reality. When you realize how many great people, like Romain Rolland and Paul Robeson, to name just two randomly, supported him, and how vilified they were, even by many “intelligent” ‘peers’, you would think more people would want to study the issue more, at least.
It’s voids like that that give me some bearings on what little connection to reality so many people have. Slim to none. All you have to do, as for the WTC media fiasco, or Coronapalooza™, is to note all the blatant incongruities repeated relentlessly,, and take the warning. SO many flagrant signs, just ignored.
Few people have a grip on how media works, I mean, if at all.
There are these massive disconnections, all unchallenged, and all the challenges muted. That kind of thing is worse than “hard time”.
Nope, I don’t understand it. By the way, how would you know if someone has been disowned from the grave?
Just think: They’ll waste more money in a single day than in the last three years – hell maybe the last twenty.
Best set yet, comedy gold. Many thanks.
New evidence we rats might be smarter than humans.