Don Quixote…de la Left!
Jordan Henderson
The pull of Right vs Left Politics is still so strong, at least here in the USA, that I feel the need to state at the outset that my motivation here is not to score any points for the Right. This painting – Don Quixote de la Left – is a picture of the Woke Left.
A few months ago I painted a similarly unflattering and honest portrait of the Christian Right. The intent of these paintings is to serve as open windows presenting clear views of dissenting perspectives.
Critically portraying both wings of the ruling class, makes it evident, I hope, that these works are not part of the Right/Left trap.
Early this year, lines of heavy trucks rumbled across Canada’s frozen north and converged on Ottawa to protest vaccine mandates for cross-border truckers. The protest swelled in number, expanding in scope to a protest against the Medical Police State in general.
The Ottawa Freedom Convoy was sufficiently monumental that even the mainstream “news” was eventually forced to acknowledge its existence whereupon they began slandering it. This coverage did not last long: the current thing changed, the Ukraine War was brought to the front of the world stage, and most everything else was shoved off the stage.
I’m revisiting the Freedom Convoy. I wish to spark additional conversation about it. So I created this artwork. I intend it as a tribute befitting the valorous deeds of the . . . counter protesters and Canadian police; I’ll immortalize their symbiotic relationship.
Like the knights of old, the counter protesters and police sallied forth to subdue the rabble of unruly peasants, putting them back in their proper place firmly under the thumb of the authorities.
The slander against the Freedom Convoy was not particularly sophisticated; it amounted to ignoring that the protest was obviously a protest against the Medical Police State, and instead making up stories about it being a vaguely racist/fascist/Nazi event where the racist/fascist/Nazis inadvertently brought anti-vax signs and forgot the racist/fascist/Nazi signs that they were supposed to bring.
The logic goes like this: If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is definitely a racist/fascist/Nazi.
If they look like, act like, and sound like, people protesting the Medical Police State, then they must really be racist/fascist/Nazis disguised as freedom advocates.
Any evidence that supported the racist/fascist/Nazi narrative was widely trumpeted, and any evidence that contradicted this narrative was discounted – if it was acknowledged at all.
For example: The Nazi flag guy at the Ottawa Trucker Protest, whoever he was, fits the Establishment Narrative, so he represents the Freedom Convoy.
However, Sikhs at the Freedom Convoy, some of whom brought the Sikh flag, were an inconvenient reality that directly contradicted the Establishment Narrative. So according to those who wish to see the Freedom Convoy in a negative light, the Sikh protesters do not represent the Freedom Convoy.
Apparently the Sikh protesters do not represent anything at all; they are just “a Token.”
1 Nazi Flag Guy = Emblematic of the Freedom Convoy.
100 Sikhs = Token/Not Emblematic of the Freedom Convoy.
How does Candice Sero, an Indigenous woman at the protest who was trampled by the RCMP, fit the narrative?
…Well let’s just pretend that didn’t happen; ignore her, ignore tens of thousands of other protesters, ignore why they were there, and what they were about, and let’s get back to focusing on that Nazi Flag Guy.
As a counter-protester helpfully explained:
I tried really hard to de-emphasize issues of vaccination/COVID restrictions that were being used, in my mind, as cynical ‘wedge’ issues, and to emphasize opposing the convoy as a political vehicle of the far-right,”
This determination to see the Freedom Convoy as a racist/fascist/Nazi event, reality be damned, reminded me of the Ingenious Knight Don Quixote de la Mancha.
I built my painting around that famous knight, because tilting at windmills was the principal activity of the Counter Protesters and Police who suppressed the Freedom Convoy.
I present – Don Quixote…de la Left!
Jordan Henderson lives in the Northwest of the United States. He works in oil paints, and charcoals. A portfolio of his works can be viewed at either of his websites: Original Paintings – Fine Art Prints
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I have grown to intensely dislike the abominable windpower monstrosities. What a waste.
And so fucking UGLY. Windmills and rainbow anything. Green fraud and pedo rainbows. Running the gauntlet. The astroturfer political pressure group that pushed this upon us, these people should be made to run the gauntlet.
The thing is though “freedom” is a controlled opposition argument. When we have the fundamental “truth”, freedom comes automatically. It’s the “truth” of no virus that needs to be argued for not freedom not to have a jab that absolutely nobody should be having, no choice about it. There should be no freedom to have the jab, no one should be allowed to have it now even if they want it because the only reason they’d want it is brainwashing.
That makes no sense, Petra. How much use will the “truth” of no virus do you if you are forced to have the vax and have no freedom to refuse?
I’m not sure why what I say doesn’t make sense to you, Sophie. The truth of no virus automatically means there is no requirement for the jab. The fundamental problem is that there is no requirement for the jab not compulsion to have it. It should be absolutely banned not a choice.
Equating truth with freedom is rather strange to me. You can inform a slave they are a slave very truthfully, particularly if they’re too disempowered to do anything about it! I believe history corroborates this quite well!
As time goes on, if we get too bogged down in semantics, perhaps we won’t need the truth kept from us any longer, and TPTB will finally be able to drop the act and inform us, very truthfully, that we are in fact modern slaves, and half of us will be too exhausted to do anything about it (from all the in-carping) and the other half so brainwashed with newspeak they really will hear ‘freedom’ in place of ‘slavery’.
The dangers of brainwashing to one side, justifying mandating NO jabs on the grounds that sections of the population are mentally incompetent sounds as if recent authoritarianism is starting to rub off on you a bit, perhaps? Is this really an intelligent way to dial back on totalitarianism?
All in all a confusing post from you. A2
When it comes to mind control truth = freedom because the only thing that needs to happen for that mind control to not work any more is to recognise that mind control is happening and what the truth is. If everyone recognised the pandemic psyop many more people would just stop agreeing to comply with the controls and it wouldn’t work. The reason I’m interested in psyops is that they’re all about mind control and all that needs to happen to stop them working is recognising it, that’s what appeals. So many other problems in the world require more than simply recognising something, they require action, negotiation, prioritisation, etc whereas with mind control it’s like having a magic trick explained to you … except what I realise is that the phenomenon of mind control by the power elite is so very, very hard to get through to people, they have so many reasons for rejecting your explanation so ultimately mind control is really just as difficult a problem as all the others. Nevertheless, the fact that they are able to pull off these events which follow such a strict, obvious formula tends to fascinate me.
“… justifying mandating NO jabs on the grounds that sections of the population are mentally incompetent sounds as if recent authoritarianism is starting to rub off on you a bit, perhaps?”
It’s always interesting when people use words back at you that you didn’t say. I didn’t say “mentally incompetent”, Sam, I said brainwashed. Are you saying that you don’t believe people have been brainwashed into thinking that the jab is a good thing? Are you actually saying that it’s OK for people to keep taking the murderous and maiming jab, that it’s up to them? Really? I’m afraid it’s you who are very much confusing me.
My 82 year-old aunt took four jabs because she wanted to protect herself from the virus she believed might harm her and she told me that she wouldn’t allow her unjabbed grandchildren to visit her. She is now suffering polymyalgia rheumatica for which she is taking heavy-duty cortisone, Prednisone, and heavy-duty painkiller, Tramadol, while already suffering other health problems. She’s not so blind that she doesn’t recognise it was the jab … but too late, very unfortunately. Too late.
When people are under mind control by the power elite I do not regard controlling their behaviour (at least where it’s very obviously going to be harmful to them) against that mind control as any kind of authoritarianism, it is necessary intervention. How you can regard taking the jab as a valid choice I simply do not understand. Now in the UK, children under 12 are not allowed to be jabbed even if their parents want them to be. Do you think the parents should have the choice to have their children jabbed?
Have you seen this UK film, Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion? I suggest OffG post it and if you watch it, Sam, come back to me and tell me that you think it’s OK for people to choose to take the jab.
Neither does having the -dangerous- injection. On telegram I saw photo’s
(before and after) of a baby that was given a transfusion with the blood of a vaccinated person. About which the parents had explicitly stated they would not allow for transfusion if unclear from an injected person or not.
Anyway, bloodclot from the little baby’s ankle upto it’s tiny neck.
Invasive operation, dead shortly thereafter.
I myself suspect that the current virus-paradigm of contagion-treatment with allopathic poisons and philtres (what loonies such as me like to call pharmakeia) fits a lot better if in this model one links disease with parasites.
-striving for health Bechamp
-war on sickness Pasteur
Repeat after me:”The blood is the life”. 😇
Here is a four minutes short (and recent) video from David Yates about Füllmich:
Additionally, I received notice that Viviane Fischer is to be kicked from the board of the party “Die Basis” (“the Base”).
You can’t make this up any clearer for controlled opposition, as they overuse translations of “the Base” (al–Qaeda, Arabic al-Qāʿidah – “the Base”).
This is just idiotic. ‘Die Basis’ is a perfectly normal and commonly-used German noun. It is not a translation of anything. The CIA did not invent it, nor does it hold copyright on it. (Name me a language that doesn’t have a word meaning ‘base’ / ‘basis’. I’ll wait.)
Re: “controlled opposition”: Here’s Mr Yates himself, speaking in the very video you yourself just posted: “And all this shit about [puts on the voice of a stupid, annoying person], ‘Oooh, I told you he was controlled opposition!’ – that’s now coming to the fucking fore.”
Oh really. Be sure to keep us informed via your trustworthy top-secret source.
But “the Base” is not perfectly normal is it? We don’t refer to any organisation as “the Base” in English.
Minor detail, should be database, as in repository of info instead of resting point/corner stone.
Al Qaeda the digital jihadi rolodex.
It’s the oldest trick in the book, no? Put out an “investigative committee” who supposedly represents all the truth and justice seekers. I knew Fuellmich and Wodarg were controlled opposition virtually from the beginning.
Too good to be true for a start. And sadly did not deliver
I have heard Nuremberg mentioned quite frequent.
Nuremberg. The Nuremberg Code. Wonderful and noble.
Did not do the german prisoners much good when they were starved to death in the Rhine meadow concentration camps AFTER ww2, in 1946 en 1947.
Then again, how do we get the killers and terrorist gangs, I mean the US/NATO members to again ratify and respect this code? Could be -is- relevant with regards to the biolabs etc.
Controlled opposition recognition, infiltration and now full blown paranoia is the official machination that is gallantly “brought to you by”………..
pure stupid anti Russainsubtext
I first knew of your work Jordan when I saw your painting Sanity And Her Son published at Offguardian in 2020 during the harsh lockdown here in Melbourne; which is one of the main testing grounds for the rollout of Agenda 2030 and Smart Cities, aka the digital panopticonic prison the cabal wish to impose on us.
Seeing such a powerful, poignant and evocative image bought me close to tears. It is now something that inspires me to keep resisting, to keep saying no to these bastards. I will never comply.
Melbourne, and Australia in general is home to quite a few of these so called “socialist groups”, all masquerading as anti establishment, when in fact they are doing the bidding of the establishment. All of them heavily imbued with identity politics and wokeism, while quoting Marx!
In reality, they are spoilt, middle class brats, most of them University students or post graduates in cushy NGO roles or Academia who are playing at being “revolutionaries”.
Some of these groups, like Socialist Alternative and CARF actively supported the covid tyranny and even organised counter protests in support of the Govt narrative and against what they called “far right anti vaxxers”. Useful idiots is almost too polite a term to describe them.
As you point out, in the protests I attended here in Melbourne there were people from all walks of life and all backgrounds. Definitely not how these “left groups” portrayed us. The treachery and the betrayal of the so called Left is something I will never forget and never forgive. Appreciate your work…
Thank you for sharing these kind words regarding the effect my artwork has had for you. It’s always an honor to hear that my paintings have had a strong positive effect on someone; it makes my day! – Jordan
There are plenty of pictures from the WW2 era of servicemen sporting ethic headgear that includes Nazi emblems. (They look particualrly good on fezes.) As with everything from that period of history things were never quite as black and white as later revisionists would like them to be. These days our perceptions of that period are warped and shaped to suit whatever agenda that we’re being fed.
The question that was never answered about the Ottawa truckers is “who paid for them?”. Truckers, especially the owner/operators in this protest, are not on the whole rich people, they exist in a world where everything is dependent on them “making the payments”. They can’t afford to sit around doing nothing unless someone or something is indemnifying them. Based on our knowledge of Astroturf this may well be a political operation that’s designed to harass government in the hope it can be changed with the cross-border Covid issue just being a convenient peg to hang a protest on.
I don’t see the convoy as a ‘fascist event’ but it wouldn’t surprise me to find that proro-fascists were enabling it. This ideology requires a constant supply of popular range to breed nihilism. Once these people are ascendent, though, meaningful protest of any sort will become illegal. Its the way they work.
Many Canadian truckers make their living by crossing the border into the USA and then returning to Canada. The vaccine mandate prevented them from crossing the border and making a living. They didn’t need outside finance to incentivize them to fight/protest for the right to make a living.
Hahahahahah.nice one. So you distinguish between earlier and later revisionists.
That is your every right. It took me quite a few years before I stopped feeling guilty for accepting that Anne Frank was not and never has been a literary genius.
And that the holycaust has been used to guilt trip europeans, and manipulate and social engineer them and teach them to hate their own.people and countries.
Nazi emblems: allegedly the symbols of the secret fraternity Skull & Bones
are also SS symbolism.
Not being nasty but what have we got???? Men that think they are women?!?Girls that think they have Tourette’s?I have a nervous disposition it’s nothing like these girls.Trend a burning the hijab drends of blowing up countries now it’s russias neighbour and the west are giving them weapons??If I was putin I’d be pissed off.He was protecting not taking over the Provences.I’m sick of this war war war how many died on getting terriots hundreds of thousands innocents enough is enough.
Stupid people let stupid things happen.
I’m sad and I’m upset it’s hurting my heart humanity needs to rise.
Offgaurdian I’ve posted more I can’t find it if your not with me your against me.I watched people being degraded going to their deaths I can’t understand how we let that happen 60 years ago it’s not that long I wasn’t born.Now we are letting people go to their deaths by injection it’s the bloody same it’s genocide.I’ve known more people dying because they have had the injection than dying of the virus.I know alot of people and they are falling down dead parents.
“Assisted end care pathways” Most states in europe today have laws and policies with regards to assisted suicide and ending life decisions.
Free, progressive, deadly, lethal. – ‘Black Betty, Midazolam Belam Black Betty’.
I’m not happy with humanity anymore.
Welcome to the club.
In Germany, everything, everyone and anything that does not fit into the centre/left/green/globalist narrative is smeared as being far right ever since the late 60s.
I actually died a death spiritually when covid came out.I watched the shops shut,I watched people act strange.All because a corporation wanted to get rich on our suffering.
You can’t have died spiritually, it’s just that your spirit has temporarily fallen.. But it will rise, don’t be so depressed. The spirit dies only in the good, in the long-lasting pleasure, hedonism, staring at materialism, which makes it small. (Not that he’s dying, but he’s sleeping soundly.)
Well, at least it doesn’t sound bad when it’s said that way. 🙂
(But seriously, I have not seen, heard, or read that anyone has been elevated in spirit, because he has prospered greatly.
Now, taking away the pleasure and the idea that the pleasure will continue is one of the main reasons for anxiety. But, no doubt, the material is short-lived, and if you are very fixed in it, now comes the end of joy.
Suffering does not bother me much. Obviously, here, my scenarios for the development of the situation are among the most hopeless.
But never since I realized where things are definitely going (where we are, and beyond) have I dreamed of another development. So, I had no foolish hopes. To me, hopelessness is to fix your spirit in the material and become a foolish and deluded slave to foolish hope in foolish matter with a guaranteed short term.
They and many, if not most, religious people have done so. They are used to living, deeply connected to the material, thanking God – or whatever it is that they believe in – for a good life, or for a life, after all, in which they are not on the verge of survival. And now that he no longer gives… But God never gives, there is no such promise of material happiness, or a blissful life of material affluence. The mind that is attached to the material and has reduced all its thinking to the repetition of everyday life is already dead.
You know what I’m talking about.)
It’s bad and it’s going to get worse, much worse. So, what do we do? If anyone knows we what to do and how to do it, let’s say it and do it. But it must be something that will root out the source of the problems, otherwise it will not work. No one knows how or can. So…keep your head up (even this expression means “looking up” to lift your spirits, not down to what has long been clear that it is going away. All the rest are stupid delusions. I think so.:)
Your spirit didn’t die, you just felt it wounded. Only a living being can suffer a wound.
We’re still here.
Hear hear! We will stand and be counted, I will resist and join the immigrants when the rioting starts!
Have you considered caring for a dog or cat?
-And yes we have been abused and debased in our humanity, it is visible and takes time to heal. Thus the crises and emergencies etc. To keep the pressure on.
So Brandon “The pandemic is over”
Viviane Fischer (Rike Feurstein) “Corona Investigative Committee is over”
If thats not like 2 years of false hope and gatekeeping, I don’t know what is, a classic example of one of the specialties of the kabal: control both sides to prevent all action.
Hopefully OffG will cover this deceptiveness.
She said no such thing.. That is not a quote. You just made it up.
You’re a liar, “banana”, and a very stupid one.
The most recent session, No.123 was just three days ago:
The next session will be will be next Friday., broadcast live as ever.
Two anonymous upvotes for “banana”‘s cretinous lies. Some people just love being lied to and love seeing lies spread.
Ok. And what happens now? One of the two is guilty/fraud/figurehead/controlled opposition, or what? How does the corona committee’continue? Now that Fulmich has been removed, will they start bringing cases, will there be a movement toward effective indictments for the covid criminals? Or is it true that Fisher was the deceiver?
Now I see he will continue:
“Reiner Fuellmich: On His Recent Separation from the Corona Investigative Committee & Where His Work Will Be Focused Going Forward
Original video available at Farmer_Jones BitChute channel.
Discussed during this interview:
What is happening with the Corona Investigative Committee.
Why Reiner Fuellmich has been absent from recent committee sessions.
What caused the separation. Viviana Fischer is now in control of the Corona Investigative Committee.
Reiner is creating International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC), broadening the scope to look at all parts of the Great Reset, including the Ukraine crisis, global warming, breakdown of supply chains, etc. There will be a focus on showing people what they can do to stop this and to go for damages.
Farmer Jones brings up the Dr.:) Wagh [Poornima Wagh] controversy.”
(I haven’t seen it.) Now there is a double chance – both through the Corona Investigation Committee (CIC), and the International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC). And if they make up and work together, we’ll have the old power again.
Three downvotes from brave anonymous gollums who love seeing lies spread,
“Banana” makes up quotes. He is a shabby and stupid liar, I provided the link to prove it. The gollums are seething with resentment.
Bend over and take your downvotes like a man, pretty please?
Truckers one Nazi Flag =all truckers Racist/Fascist/Nazi
Ukraine Azov regiment lots of Nazi Flags = Ukraine not Racist/Fascist/Nazi
While talking about how the Ukraine war got started to friend (he gets his news from the BBC)
I got the Gotcha reply. I suppose you don’t believe in Gravity either.
My reply . Would that be the Theory of Gravity.
You’re right, it is. A lot of misguided people..
But there’s a silver lining. Here, this obvious contradiction that you point out helps some of the critical people to see the maligned Russia as just, fighting for values. And Russia, calling things by their real names.
Reuters, May 2015; reuters .com/article/idUS60927080220150505
“Some of Ukraine’s private battalions have blackened the country’s international reputation with their extremist views. The Azov Battalion, partly funded by Taruta and Kolomoisky, uses the Nazi symbol Wolfsangel as its logo, and many of its members openly espouse neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic views. The battalion members spoke of “bringing the war to Kiev” and said Ukraine needs “a strong dictator to come to power who can shed a lot of blood but Unite the nation in the process.
Many of these militant groups are accused of abusing the citizens they are charged with protecting. Amnesty International reported the “Aidar” battalion-also partially funded by Kolomoisky – has committed war crimes, including illegal kidnappings, illegal detention, robbery, extortion and even possible executions.“
amnesty .org/en/documents/EUR50/040/2014/en/
The report accused Kolomoisky’s Aidar battalion of war crimes in Donbass, citing “widespread abuses, including kidnappings, theft, extortion, torture and possible executions.”
(But this, then, in those times, when there was no great resetted at the height of special operation kovid, was not yet sufficient reason for a special ‘military operational intervention.)
President of the United Jewish community of Ukraine
(And: In 2010 he was elected the chief of the European Jewish council.
The patron of the largest Jewish centre in the world “Menorah” (Dnepr))
What strange nazis…
No. 1 on The Jerusalem Post’s Top 50 Most Influential Jews of 2022: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
(He also said that “they [Azov] are what they are”, “bravely defend the homeland”, and such.
In general, from across the Jewish community, those who “are what they are” received support. It is also interesting that I have hardly come across any complaints about their harassment of Jews in Ukraine.)
The Jpost’s ranking comes on the first of two days marking Ron Hashanah, the birthday of the universe in Judaism, and the beginning of the New Year 5783 according to the Jewish calendar, which is celebrated from the evening of September 25th to September 27th.
So it’s nice to know that even azov’s have hearts and don’t touch at least one group of people. (And this is exactly the same group that most of us think the nazis are against.)
It is a good thing that there is religion, faith, to bring people together. She’s been doing it for a long time.
“MOSCOW — In an extraordinary 40 minute meeting with Russian Jewish leaders yesterday (November 25, 1999), Russian Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin promised to assist the Jewish community in combating anti-Semitism, building schools and reclaiming former synagogue buildings for Jewish communities.
Rabbi Berel Lazar, chief Lubavitch emissary to the region, who was recently elected as the head rabbi by delegates to the newly-formed Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, accompanied Federation officials Lev Leviev, Michael Gluz and Mark Grubarg to present the prime minister with a silver Menorah. …Speaking about the miracle of Chanukah, the rabbi and his colleagues described the resurgence of Jewish life in Russia since the fall of communism as a modern miracle.
Meeting attendees report that Prime Minister Putin demonstrated a keen awareness of efforts to rekindle Jewish practice in Russia — along with an acute knowledge of both positive conditions in the country that have encouraged this resurgence as well as anti-semitic incidents that thwart Jewish development.
The Prime Minister also hailed the 30 schools that were opened throughout the country within the last decade. Prime Minister Putin recalled that as an official in St. Petersburg in 1991, it was he who signed the official documents giving permission for the first opening of a Jewish school in Russia in more than 70 years. .. Mr. Putin said he willingly undertook the task and considered it to be a high point in his career.
Focusing on the Federation, Mr. Putin described its founding as a positive development to bring diverse groups within the Jewish community together to work toward common goals. He expressed his hope that the new Federation would help foster a climate of communal strength that will make Russia a country where Jews will live comfortably.”
chabad .org/news/article_cdo/aid/1119/jewish/Chanukah-Journal.htm
And that’s what happened, they lived well. There was an opportunity for a lot of business, so a lot of Jewish businessmen, long known for their business acumen, took advantage and became oligarchs. (As far as I know, among their recent business ventures, they have given a lot of money to rebuild Ukraine. indirectly.)
Nice, human things.
And more recent spiritual and religious closeness between people:
“U.S. President Joe Biden announced the inauguration on April 12, 2022. a day of education and Exchange.
In it, Joe Biden noted the contribution of the seventh Lubavitch rebbe Menachem-Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Chabad Lubavitch movement, to the development of education and public life.
President Biden called for April 12 – the day Rebbe would have turned 120-to honor all the educators, advocates and pioneers who teach young people lessons that create caring neighbors and closer communities.
On this day, he called on all government officials, educators, volunteers, and all the people of the United States to mark this day with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and events.
‘Rebbe’s dedication to educating people around the world and his deep respect for diversity, inclusion, and Equal Justice have set a strong example for generations of Americans and people around the world. After experiencing one of the most brutal chapters in history [the beginning of Nazism], Rebbe decides to help heal the soul of humanity. He left his mark as a thinker, leader and teacher, realizing the limitless potential of every person, regardless of their background. His work is still felt in countless temples, learning centers, cultural exchanges and service communities around the world.
The work of Rebbe reminds us, in the words of the prophet Amos, to “hate evil, love good, and establish justice at the gate”. Each of us has a responsibility to live up to these words – in and out of school – and to sow the seeds of love, kindness, and empathy in the hearts and minds of every child in America.’
Joe Biden”
Donald was very close to them, even in some family ties.
And that’s the good thing, it gives hope. Because, despite the difficult events of the last few years, love knows no boundaries. It’s everywhere. Almost like Coca Cola.
“During his leadership, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson was able to bring more people closer to the Jews than all the religious leaders of the present generation combined. His methods were completely innovative, never seen before in Jewish organizations. Rebbe seems to have used every opportunity, Technology, press, public influence to achieve what he has achieved. The seemingly dying Hasidic movement, drained of blood, has become a powerful force whose influence is felt by millions of people. The Rebbe has built an unprecedented network of Chabad branches around the world. As one of Israel’s greatest rabbis said:
“Wherever you go, you will find two things: Coca-Cola and Chabad. And even where there is no Coca-Cola, there is Chabad.” djc
Sign of the times. The people of the EU suffer inflation, shortages and austerity while the EU politicians go whoring and begging after a jewish politician in a strange land. If only they would stay in Kiev.
Usual DOOM gloomers falling for the old age trick THIS WILL HAPPEN ON THIS DATE tripe. Total lack of awareness of astro-energetic s fool for this shite time and time again.
dontcha know it da 24th December, or da 12 or da, da …
who fkn cares, I’ve made my peace with this version or Life, if not “society”.
let it roll, fkt up world.
The pipeline? Rungis market?
Innocent people protested obvious tyranny and were subverted for it. Over a computer generated hoax.
The story of covid isolation:
“One sample (WIV04), collected from the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), was analysed by metagenomics analysis using next-generation sequencing to identify potential aetiological agents. Of the 10,038,758 total reads—of which 1,582 total reads were retained after filtering of reads from the human genome—1,378 (87.1%) sequences matched the sequence of SARSrCoV. By de novo assembly and targeted PCR, we obtained a 29,891-base-pair CoV genome that shared 79.6% sequence identity to SARS-CoV BJ01.”
What is metagenomics?
“Metagenomics is defined as the direct genetic analysis of genomes contained with an environmental sample…
The DNA extracted should be representative of all cells present in the sample and sufficient amounts of high-quality nucleic acids must be obtained for subsequent library production and sequencing.”
What is De novo assembly? Its a process where DNA fragments are put in a list. Wherever fragments overlap, the computer “stitches” them together:
This link explains it and has a picture of the process.
This one states that: “De novo assembly is one of the most RAM intensive and CPU intensive tasks that can be undertaken in Geneious Prime.”
Its computer generated!
Targeted PCR is as it sounds, they’re targeting the reconstruction of a specific genome, which is SARS1. They tell the computer what genome to make.
So, how did they get the DNA fragments? Well, they created them. They broke apart the DNA from whatever was in the sample (bacteria, molds, fungi, insects, etc). Lung lavages are not clean samples.
“The PCR-positive BALF sample from ICU-06 patient was spun at 8,000g for 15 min, filtered and diluted 1:2 with DMEM supplemented with 16 μg ml−1 trypsin before it was added to the cells.”
(from first study cited)
Trypsin is a digestive enzyme that breaks down proteins.
This means, they took a lung lavage from a single patient, broke the DNA into fragments using Trypsin, fed the pieces into a computer, told it to recreate SARS1, it came close at 79.6%, so they called it covid.
Lung lavages are filled with all sorts of DNA. Using Trypsin, they get billions of random nucleotides to work with.
Its a computer generated hoax.
A good analogy would be taking a dictionary, breaking it up into words, giving someone the first and last words of a sentence, and then telling that person to recreate a sentence using your start and end words.
The parasite class is retreating more and more into In Silico World, since the real world offers them no escape from their mountain of lies. Even medical classes are increasing the use of computer models in their study of the human body, rather than the real thing. Students of medical science and economics need to demand more from their curriculum.
“A good analogy would be taking a dictionary, breaking it up into words, giving someone the first and last words of a sentence, and then telling that person to recreate a sentence using your start and end words.”
The last one, when I accidentally fell into a state of deep meditation, I had a strange vision involving wordplay and a little separation.
reiner fuel mich /deutsch
pure fuel me /eng
Goats tracking feral goats
The phrase has also been used to describe a goat that is used to find feral goats that are targeted for eradication. The Judas goat is usually sterilised, outfitted with a transmitter, painted in red and then released. The goat then finds the remaining herds of feral goats, allowing hunters to exterminate them. The popular podcast Radiolab dedicated a portion of its episode on the Galápagos Islands to how feral goats affected the environment on the islands and how Judas goats were used to help return the islands to nature. This technique is now used to target other invasive species, such as camels in Australia, pigs in America, rats in Mexico and raccoon dogs in Europe.
Project Isabela in the Galàpagos Islands
Project Isabela was a goat extermination initiative in the Galápagos Islands that started in 1997 and ended in 2006. Approximately 140,000 goats were living in the wild on the islands and threatening the local ecosystem. Goats were killed by gunmen in helicopters and by foot. Judas goats were used to lure the remaining goats to their death. The project cost 6 million dollars.
Yes. I attempted to point out the fraud of de novo “viral” assembly processes, months ago. No comments or replies…
Seems most persons are enjoying the subjects of complaint and compliance…
Excellent! Well explained!
Rare admission by the mainstream that maybe not all’s well with the world of Physics:
The limitation on this hangout is that it’s only “new” findings that are dubious and obviously everything up to this point is fine. Don’t worry that they have to invent dark matter and dark energy to make their current models work.
The current “scientific” paradigm looks like it might be being readied for a controlled demolition like so much else.
Fascinating stuff Edwige.
‘The particle you have when you’re not having a particle’ (From that old Clayton’s commercial).
I think those clever twits are still looking for particles of light aren’t they?
You mean photons? No, I think they found those some time ago.
As particles or waves Sophie?
Or both?
Must be temperature dependant, like H2O.
Or, does it depend on the position of the observer?
You said they were looking for photons, not trying to explain them.
I would take the story of Albert Bourla being double jabbed and double boosted with a truckload of salt. If he is dumb enough to take any Pfizer products he’s too dumb to run a company like Pfizer.
He is endowed with an unusual goiter.
Goiter to watch this …
Great guy; you like him too, don’t you? It is no coincidence that the Jerusalem Post ranked him 4th in last year’s “50 Most Influential jews” list, calling him the “King of the Cure”. Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough to get into the top three, staying right behind US director of the CDC Dr. Rochelle Walensky.
He’s not so lucky, that’s life.
Looks like a nervous tic.
What?! I didn’t expect such a fantastic assumption permeated by conspiracy theorists right from you! 😮
I was expecting you to think the most likely thing – that he’s a multidimensional reptilian.
What is wrong with you?
And you, what is wrong with you? You seem to be on the verge of mental collapse. Not a good view.
Stupid degenerate. Get vaccinated immediately.
Your hovercraft is full of eels.
Because I’m an eel, maybe. 😯
Well, no. If I wanted to pose as a good hovercraft, I’d be a lot more careful. Have you ever seen anything like this from me? On the contrary, I don’t bother to be polite.
You have a misconception about “spirituality”(so to speak; that’s what you said last time “I was fake”), instilled by the poor long-term academic-factcheckers propaganda about a” nice, kind, sugar-coated ” person. There’s no such thing. So there is no contradiction in the things I am talking about (apart from the usual mixed thoughts and feelings, obligatory for all of us, humans).
If you behave the way you behave, you can expect a reaction from the other side. That’s what you got from me. You get a different response from others. If you are used to people reacting peacefully to you and have such expectations, this is your idea. Continue as you see fit.
Again: what he called for, this is what he got
Everything is inverted. Georgia Meloni is not far-right or fascist. The truth is that the opposite is the case
This is the oldest trick in the book. Hurray, we won!
Meloni and her party are a creation of the secret services. They were pushed by the media, even by attacking them. If they were true opposition the media would have pretended that they don’t exist. Note the difference!
Have you not noticed the “Corona-Ausschuss” (Corona Committee) going bust? Füllmich admitting that he put some 700000+ Euro into his house. Claiming that it’s a safe investment; that he can always get it back. *lol*
Viviane Fischer pocketed some money herself and even more went to her husband.
We only got to hear now that the others had left before and other “freedom fighters” had refused to cooperate with them any further, after they found out about the money going to private accounts.
But nobody spoke up. So they “held down” the Corona opposition for over two years by promising a lot and doing nothing. In other words: they kept the people from becoming active themselves.
You can view the “victory” in Italy as more of the same. We won! They’re gonna fix things!
Wake up cretins.
Videos– the movement for paper ballots:
Trial of the Machines
Only paper ballots counted publicly at the polling place will solve this:
“George Soros-backed Democrat prosecutors from coast to coast are demonstrating their pro-criminal empowerment bona fides by refusing to seek bail for most arrestees, refusing to prosecute countless misdemeanors, and simultaneously undercharging countless violent crimes as said misdemeanors. On the other hand, you have Democrats effectively decriminalizing an entire swath of crimes or eliminating bail for almost every offense.
“Indeed, the lunatics running Illinois have just passed a law that eliminates bail for virtually every offense below 1st-degree murder and prohibits police from arresting or removing trespassers caught in the act while burglarizing a home or business. That means that, if someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night and you call the police, first, you’ll be lucky, given the Democrat “Defund the police movement” if police respond while the trespasser is still there and, second, police are literally no longer allowed to remove them from your home.”
Lovely painting indeed. If I had one wish I would wish that all Canadians go back and watch each and every live streamer who covered those protests. They would understand why the government’s handling of this matter was beyond atrocious.
I think unlikely, it’s a cult, and in a cult no questions are asked, just destroy anyone contradicting your beliefs, no matter how demonstrably stupid
Nazis, terrorists, Russians, Chinese, Covid, Omicron, Delta Variants, Monkey Pox, Polio etc etc _ _ _ HOLY SHIT!!
I’m gonna stay in bed!!
(Beautiful artwork Jordan).
Staying in bed … even ‘mentally’ is probably exactly what the bastards want. Just witness, around you, the increased preponderance of mental-issues and depression sweeping most communities/countries, etc. It becomes obvious that a lot of careful planning has gone into the ‘plandemic’ …
Take heart and keep ya ‘pecker’ up.
Above all, stay focused.
T’was tongue in cheek Hotrod.
I’m okay thanks.
The bed bugs will get you and you will feel sheet!
I must say, it is a beautifully executed painting.
The problem with nearly all civil protest, is that civil policies create all civil villains… That is: “Authorities” rise from the consent of the enslaved. The corporate State is a choice, period. Civil participation in economic systems which rely on extortion and fraud, are of their own making… Complain and lie all you want.
While the rest of the world suffered the 2008-2009 Great Financial Crisis Australian politicians boasted of Australia’s “23 years of uninterrupted growth”…
That growth was maintained by Australia’s high import of migrant-consumers to drive the Consumer Economy…
The lack of REAL jobs meant the hospitality sector that functioned to absorb the many ejected from other sectors was near over-saturated, burgeoning…
(The sector was massively affected by The Lockdowns)…
What went unnoticed while the politicians sung the praises of their “Management of The Economy”, was the opening in nearly every suburb in the cities, especially in Sydney, of Red Cross, and St Vincent (“Vinnies”), second hand (clothes) stores…The monied classes were shedding their clothes as fast as they could spend…while hospitality workers sought amongst the second hand clothes for what their low wages could afford…
‘23 years of uninterrupted growth’
That’s nothin!
In Australia we’ve had more than 200 years of uninterrupted plutocracy, exploitation of the underclass, sycophantic governments and filthy lies.
They are even out here in the lost lands of aust…along with endless coffee shops for the already obese retirees to eat cake and be happy….they all lined up for the vax so they could continue so the coffee shops sort of stayed afloat out here,…
pinch is now showing….and will squeeze in due course as rent and energy bite…along with lost pension funds. We won’t be boasting anything by then…oh and we are still madly importing fruit/veg pickers here… got to keep the exploitation angle going….
The (former) NSW state buses are advertising for workers…National supermarket chain is advertising for workers…It appears there’s not a shortage of workers. The supermarket sacked all its “unvaxxed”, Seems it wont rehire them…
Queensland is rehiring unvaxxed sacked teachers to solve the crisis the government made, rehiring on condition they accept their wages being docked as “punishment”…Employers & government recently held a ‘summit’ to promote the idea of a “skills shortage”…The consumer driven economy needs an influx of MORE migrants, The Economy being so dependent on more consumers for its ‘health’……
The “pandemic” didnt kill so many workers that it created the promoted idea of a skilled worker crisis…
Teachers with ethics and gumption. Wish there were more of them.
I don’t understand why the scoundrels in Canada don’t like Nassis?!? They LOVE Ukrainians…
I love your art and its messages!
Apparently the Nazi flag guy was just trying to parody Trudeau and our fascist government and he was escorted away by the truckers. Meanwhile our coward prime minister was hiding somewhere with a case of Covid.
I thought it was a Confederate flag at the Canadian protest and it was more the German protesters who were accused of Nazism (especially when an obvious agent provocatuer tried to storm the Reichstag)?
Merkel made just as much of opposition being supposedly far right as Turdeau which again reveals the fake left/right divide. Now Merkel’s replacement as leader of the CDU is the former head of BlackRock in Germany.
Could be…. I am losing track of the details.
Speaking of that special kind of terrorist…
Wow is that photo shopped or was he visiting his pals in Ukraine? I reviewed the trucker protest flag question and looks like both confederate and Nazi flag were displayed. The confederate flag guy was escorted away by the truckers. I saw an interview where I believe someone claimed the Nazi flag guy was attempting parody. I wasn’t there and it’s all second hand info on my part. I would be interested to know exactly what the Confederate flag person was thinking…. Maybe it should have been a French flag to work in Canada. 10 people see an accident and they all see something different. Details matter.
The Nazi flag guy may have been planted by antifa to discredit the protest.
He was flying the wrong flag!
Some US “alternative” media have stressed the right-wing nationalism of the use of the Canadian flag by the truckers and others. As a USian living in Canada, I must object. I doubt that the majority of American ever think of Canada, except as a US appendage, or would even remember its flag (except a vague memory from the Olympics).
When a country under the thumb of a powerful hegemon raises its flag, it is NOT the same as the hegemon itself raising its flag. Perhaps, in small part, by some. but it is really an attempt to be the mouse that roared and to counter the characterization of dissidents as the “fringe minority.”
“Popular” echoes the spook Leftism that hasn’t changed by a cow’s fart since the covid show began:
Despite What Biden Says, the Pandemic Isn’t Over
A big round up of the surging spurting tidal tsunami schumani of variants which have killed every single American and will do so again unless they all get vaccinated. Delta, Ommicrommi, that BA 1812 Overture thing and of course the really looooooong cooooovid. It’s all here! Be sure to order yours while stocks last!
A People’s Analysis Of A World On Fire
(Oh look! They say “organic intellectuals”! This is a real serious Marxy type thingy!)
Crisis of neoliberalism, global COVID-19 crisis, current war in Ukraine, tensions in Taiwan, energy crisis, inflation, climate crisis, food crisis, economic crisis, a crisis of crises! And even … a crisis of the Left! What’s that then? Oh the usual WSWS type round up about how we need to form a worldwide etc.
(Oh and we go out with “subaltern classes”! Ooh talk dirty Gramsci to me!)
The Climate Movement Was Built For A World Before Climate Change
We need a new approach! First responders fully trained up in the event of a tsunami or volcanic eruption falling in Chipping Sodbury. But more than anything else “we” need a voice! “We” need to force “the powers that be” to start talking about climate change. Because like, you know, you just never hear about it on the media!
Oscar Wilde on journalism and media
“It was a fatal day when the public discovered that the pen is mightier than the paving-stone, and can be made as offensive as the brickbat. They at once sought for the journalist, found him, developed him, and made him their industrious and well-paid servant. It is greatly to be regretted, for both their sakes.
Behind the barricade there may be much that is noble and heroic. But what is there behind the leading-article but prejudice, stupidity, cant, and twaddle? And when these four are joined together they make a terrible force, and constitute the new authority.”
– Oscar Wills Wilde –
(October 16, 1854 – November 30, 1900)
I guess you had time to go to Canada and do this nice writing because of the break for the funeral show. Take your time but don’t be late for the Brighton game on Saturday.
“Popular Resistance”, clearly another polystyrene squib from the same sewer that produced the WSWS. Their quote is a giveaway:
The vax/covid restrictions i.e. the absolutely central focus of the convoy is relegated to a “cynical wedge issue”. And the new central issue? Only this constantly repeated and utterly vacuous “Right” and “Left” waffle. Hence “Far-right” is mentioned 15 times, and “right-wing” 9 times. Whilst we hear about the “heroes”: “the radical labor union the Industrial Workers of the World” and “the progressive group Horizon Ottawa”.
But it was clear that this insistence on repeating the now empty political labels was in serious trouble. The new public had grown out of this obsolete and ossified mind control. The real working people no longer reacted to this academic diarrhea. Only the old bourgeois liberal professorial class still spasmed like laboratory carcasses…
…and so…
Phew! That was a close one!
aye, no bad,
the detail blur at header was enough,
some popular superhero, with a rainbow flag, aye..
“twin peaks” ?
we don’t need the tilt at svastikas, overkill. point made in the edit.
: ) tuppence worth.
I think I can identify why the header would stand out more to you than the whole image. It is probably simply the matter of reducing full sized paintings to a smaller scale; it can result in artworks looking crowded because of the small scale, whereas at life size/a yard and a half across there is plenty of breathing room and room for the viewer to “step into” the painting. This is why I have started providing headers which are details/close ups from the painting; it allows the viewer to experience at least a portion of the artwork at scale.
thanks for the response, and noted.
The hope is that these narratives are becoming so disconnected from reality that only the truly hypnotizable are the only ones that believe it fully.
contrast current propaganda with past propaganda… Like the society that supported witch burning, slavery, or apartheid… Those w
Those were groups that had wider support, sadly due to race, sex, or religious lines.
these days the propaganda is so narrowly focused that it excludes the majority.