The Morning After

CJ Hopkins

This is the weirdest part of the PSYOP. It’s like the morning after an office party on which you wake up almost terminally hungover to hazy memories of having performed a Tequila-fuelled blowjob on Bob in Accounting in what was either the 9th Floor Reception Area or possibly the downstairs lobby of your building while someone vaguely resembling that smirking kid in the Mail Room filmed it on his phone.

Yes, it’s the Morning After … that revolting regurgitant chorus you’re hearing is the sound of millions of Covidian Cultists down on their knees in their gender-neutral bathrooms praying to the Porcelain God.

It has been quite a trip these last two and a half years, but the orgy of fear and hatred is over, the mass hysteria is wearing off, and the reality of the damage they have done is beginning to become undeniable.

Countless thousands of people have been killed, seriously injured, and permanently disabled, victims of experimental “vaccines” they did not need but were coerced into taking.

Societies have been torn apart, economies crippled, institutions discredited, democratic precepts like the rule of law and constitutional rights made mockeries of themselves, friends and families turned against each other, and so on, and the dust hasn’t even settled yet. It will take many years to assess the damage…or, rather, to recontextualize, rationalize, deny, and memory-hole the damage (while simultaneously “normalizing” the fascistic biosecurity dystopia the damage made it possible to implement).

This process is now well underway. As I’m sure you’ve noticed over the past several months, governments, global health authorities, the corporate and state media, the culture industry, and other key components of “The New Normal Reich” have been quietly phasing out their “Covid restrictions,” rewriting “The Science,” rewriting history (i.e., the science and history they had previously rewritten), executing limited hangouts, and otherwise transitioning the masses out of “emergency” mode and into the New Normal.

In other words, everything is going to plan.

You can’t keep people whipped up into a state of full-blown hysteria indefinitely. When you’re radically destabilizing and restructuring a society, you hit them hard with the Shock-and-Awe for a few weeks, or months (or years in this case), and then you gently ease them into the new “reality.”

Which, after being systematically terrorized, gaslighted, threatened, and otherwise tormented for however long you did that to them, they’ll be grateful for anything resembling “normality,” no matter how fascistic it turns out to be.

You have to be delicate executing this phase, in which the vast majority of the masses, having forced themselves to believe whatever you needed them to believe during the Shock-and-Awe phase, have to force themselves to believe they never believed whatever you needed them to believe then, and believe whatever you need them to believe now, which typically completely contradicts whatever they had previously forced themselves to believe (and actually, literally, believed) in a desperate attempt to keep you happy, so that maybe you would eventually stop beating on them, and relentlessly gaslighting and terrorizing them.

Now, a lot people seem to be having trouble understanding or accepting this fact, i.e., the fact that human beings are capable of forcing themselves to believe whatever they need to believe in order to survive or remain in good standing with “normal” society (or whatever social body they are members of and depend on to meet their basic needs).

Not pretend to believe, literally believe, the way that religious converts believe, the way we believe whatever we believe today that we didn’t believe ten years ago.

I must say, I find it rather baffling, people’s lack of understanding and acceptance of this fact, as this capability is a fundamental human attribute that has been documented, over and over, throughout the course of human history. It is not some “theory” I just made up. It is how we maintain social cohesion. It is how we socialize our children. It is how armies and university departments work.

It is basic part of how social bodies function; conformity is rewarded and non-conformity is punished. There’s nothing new about this phenomenon. People have been conforming to new official “realities” and making themselves believe whatever they have to believe to survive within them for approximately five thousand years.

It is, however, a rare occasion when we are able to observe the process this clearly. It usually takes place more or less invisibly within the context of normal everyday life. It is only during sudden radical shifts from one “reality” to another “reality” that we can watch people force themselves to believe whatever they perceive they need to believe, or are instructed by their rulers to believe, in order to survive and thrive in society (e.g., cult indoctrinations, religious conversions, the outbreak of war, physical torture, or in the wake of political revolutions).

This is what we’ve been watching since March 2020, not mass hypnosis, or mass formation psychosis, but the masses forcing themselves to believe whatever they sensed they needed to believe (or were instructed by the authorities to believe) in order to remain parts of “normal” society and not be demonized by their governments and the media, ostracized by their friends and family, fired from their jobs, segregated, censored, beaten and arrested by the police, and otherwise punished for non-conformity as a new “reality” was manufactured and imposed on societies throughout the world.

And now their “reality” is changing again, or “The Science is evolving,” or whatever, and the absurdities they forced themselves to believe are being exposed as … well, as absurdities, and their fanatical and often fascistic behavior, as it turns out, was based on absolutely nothing.

Many of them couldn’t care less, as their behavior was never “based” on anything other than going along with the herd, and so they have simply transitioned from fanatically hating “the Unvaccinated” to fanatically hating “the Russians,” and fanatically supporting Ukrainian neo-Nazis, and fanatically doing whatever else the GloboCap puppets on their televisions instruct them to fanatically do.

However, a significant number of them have retained enough of their critical faculties that being yanked back and forth from “reality” to “reality” is causing them to experience mild cognitive dissonance, and confusion, and shame, or borderline psychosis.

Believe it or not, my heart goes out to them … these formerly fanatical Covidian Cultists that wanted me segregated from society, and silenced, and locked up in an internment camp. I cannot make it easier for them by pretending they didn’t do what they did (and in too many cases are still actively doing), or pretending they were hypnotized, or in some other altered state of consciousness, while they did what they did for the past two and half years, but just imagine how they must be feeling now that the party is finally over and the brutal morning after has arrived.

Imagine realizing at this late stage of things that everything you believed, thought, and said, the incalculable harm you have done to people, and to society, was never about a pandemic, but was always about conditioning the masses to respond to fear, coercion, and control like some global Pavlovian behavioral experiment.

Or just take it from actress Jennifer Gibson …

And now comes the really nauseating part, the part where the New Normal authorities admit that they “overreacted,” and that “mistakes were made,” and that they deeply regret having needlessly murdered and seriously injured God knows how many people, and psychologically crippled countless children, and accidentally totally destabilized and restructured the entire global economy, and explain in a lengthy piece in The New Yorker how they’re sorry, but they were drunk at the time, and swear they will never do it again.

You remember this part from 2004 after the invasion and occupation of Iraq when the photos of Abu Ghraib were published, and the American masses who had been hooting and hollering and waving American flags around, and calling people “ragheads” and “sand niggers,” and so on, had to stare themselves and their war crimes in the face.

You recall how the Americans dealt with their shame. That’s right, they reelected George Bush and carried on murdering and torturing Iraqis, and Afghans, and assorted other brown people, and hooting and hollering “we’re number one,” and waving American flags around, because in for a penny, in for a pound.

You see, another fundamental human attribute (in addition to our ability to force ourselves to believe whatever we need to believe in order to survive and thrive in society) is that we don’t tend to deal with shame very well. We tend to repress it and react aggressively to anyone who tries to force us to face it. If you don’t believe me, ask anyone you know who has been (or still is) in an abusive relationship. Ask them how their abuser reacts when they try to get them to take responsibility for their abusive behavior.

I can’t tell you exactly what’s going to happen over the coming months, but I told you back in January that there was going to be wailing and gnashing of teeth, and wailing and gnashing of teeth there has been, and there is certainly going to be a lot more of it … and probably not just wailing and gnashing.

This is just the dawn of the Morning After. I have a feeling we ain’t seen nothing yet.

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.


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Sharon K
Sharon K
Oct 12, 2022 10:50 AM

This is going to take time and a lot of resilience, but I do not see this as ‘all going to plan.’ In fact the opposite. Despite other comments on this thread from people in the UK where I am, I have seen a fairly large change in attitude. There are people waking up. It is said that it needs about 3.5% of a population to awaken for a change of consciousness to emerge. That’s under 2.5 million here, eminently possible. What doesn’t help is the darkness and negativity often expressed by the resistance – you can’t win that way. And no-one’s mentioning Pollyanna.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Oct 12, 2022 2:57 AM

Mrs.Gibson should have a go at another dose and see if her other side does the same. Then she might not be able to spew her degenerate thoughts on the video she did not know why she had to make.

falun dong
falun dong
Oct 7, 2022 5:55 PM

As soon as you used the “brown people” trope, you outed yourself as a Progressive.

The problem in the Iraq war was the same as the problem in Vietnam: since 1945, America has lacked the chutzpah to fight and win a war. Every conflict will be a debacle until this changes and we go back to the way we did things before 1945 — for instance, when we conquered the Philippines, annexed Texas, asserted the Monroe Doctrine, banned immigration from Asia (in 1924) etc. In other words, before Progressivism.

John K
John K
Oct 10, 2022 3:12 PM
Reply to  falun dong

Iraq and Vietnam were undeclared wars without congressional approval. Try reading the Constitution.

Oct 15, 2022 9:52 AM
Reply to  falun dong

You are an arsehole, fallen dung.

Oct 6, 2022 5:20 PM

Very good, thoughtful article, thank you, greetings from Polska…only i never appreciated artificial office parties, disgusting corpo “culture” : btw this also is falling, switched to virtual many times lol.
Big yes because majority of sheeple gladly switched, as you described, to another object of hate:
Now, esoteric birds are singing that this winter quite few new craps will add up and…but hey, those who will make through it with sanity and determination to , say, next March, will start seeing light in the tunnel again, this madness cannot last long.

Remember, system goffers are in blind panic, these beings are aware that it’s already five to midnight and dam is breaking, so hope joy good emotions strenght flexibility and fun to all of you who read this, people.

Oct 6, 2022 3:23 PM

Still flogging the covaid$ donkey and why not. An entire cottage industry meanwhile has already died along with the covaid$ death squirted. The intelligence test is over for now as the covaid$ squirted believers die off. If the demons want to crank the lock-down gulag caper up again they will need a more serious bio weapon virUS next time round. However, the real game is now in rump Ukropland as the EUSSR begins its inevitable co££ap$€ and USSA braces for the mother of all paybacks for its greatest strategic blunder in its short and evil history…the blowing of the Nord Stream pipelines.

The fun is only just starting.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 6, 2022 12:30 PM

The Chris Cairns saga keeps on rolling.

Chris Cairns health update: “I am lucky….I shouldn’t be here.…I’ve got about six weeks of chemotherapy”
The former NZ allrounder, updates on how he is dealing with bowel cancer.
By: Express News Service
Updated: September 29, 2022

Cairns also spoke about how the deaths of Shane Warne and Andrew Symonds put things in a perspective for him.

“The fact I can get up every morning and see my kids grow and cling onto those types of things…I’m a lucky man.”

“[Last year] I said at the time I shouldn’t be here. I’m very very lucky in that respect, so you have a choice. The mind is the thing that remains constant and the most powerful thing we all possess, really it’s a case of being conscious about your thought process. Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you react to it. That’s very much the mode I travel in.”

Further background on Warne (age 52), Symonds (46) and Cairns (51) can be found here:

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 6, 2022 10:42 AM

It will take many years to assess the damage…or, rather, to recontextualize, rationalize, deny, and memory-hole the damage (while simultaneously “normalizing” the fascistic biosecurity dystopia the damage made it possible to implement). This process is now well underway. As I’m sure you’ve noticed over the past several months, governments, global health authorities, the corporate and state media, the culture industry, and other key components of “The New Normal Reich” have been quietly phasing out their “Covid restrictions,” rewriting “The Science,” rewriting history (i.e., the science and history they had previously rewritten), executing limited hangouts, and otherwise transitioning the masses out of “emergency” mode and into the New Normal. In other words, everything is going to plan.

There are certainly signs (see below) of it following the above as a formula, but I’m not convinced it was part of a plan to disproportionately kill off so many of their own. Rather than there being an intelligent design with a teleological endpoint, I suspect that the main driving force is the kind of inbuilt habit which is possessed by any mindless beast.

Aug 16, 2022
Dr Aseem Malhotra was one of the first people in the UK to take two doses of the Covid vaccine and promote them on television

Dr. Aseem Malhotra: Covid Jab ‘Has Unprecedented Harms’
The Highwire with Del Bigtree
Oct 3, 2022
NHS trained Cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, recently joined a growing body of scientists and doctors breaking free of the mainstream Covid narrative. After spending 9 months analyzing countless Covid-19 vaccine papers and studies, he presented comprehensive evidence supporting his call for Covid-19 vaccination to be suspended immediately.

Oct 6, 2022 5:30 PM

If i got your point correctly, that’s the thing i found out as well : many of those propaganda pushers , called collabos in French, will start to break from the line,even apologising or saying ” i felt that this was wrong ( Restrictions, jabs ) from the beginning but…” etc to save arses; miserable, luckily many rats will stay in the ship, they deserve it.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 6, 2022 6:46 PM
Reply to  Alain

I’m not quite sure I know what point I was trying make, but it has something to do with there being a complex variety of forces which guide behaviours; both for individuals and groups. In theory, it’s possible for sophisticated planners to account for all these forces, but I think the whole thing is looking a bit chaotic. With regard to Malhotra, he appears to be blame shifting on to Big Pharma – and thereby trying to protect the medical profession. This is indicated in one of his recent tweets. He embeds a screen grab of an article by Ara Darzi (see below) and states: Replace ‘antivaxers’ with ‘psychopathic pharmaceutical industry’ and then we’re talking https://twitter.com/DrAseemMalhotra/status/1577989593051299840 Of course, Big Pharma is at least as bad as everything which Malhotra says, but this doesn’t absolve his own profession of being primary participants in a global democide. — Antivaxers are a global menace who must be defeated by Ara Darzi The Times Oct 3, 2022 Original: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/antivaxers-are-a-global-menace-who-must-be-defeated-683zlbzwj Archive: https://archive.ph/c0wQD The modern anti-vaccine movement started in Britain with the publication of a now infamous paper in The Lancet in 1998 falsely linking autism with measles vaccination. It accelerated in the US in the 2010s and was amplified by Donald Trump who played down the risks of the pandemic in its early stages. The campaign in the US expanded into Europe in the summer of 2020 with anti-vaccine, anti-mask and anti-lockdown rallies in London, Berlin and Paris. Vaccine refusal is now a growing problem in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The US surgeon-general demanded “co-ordinated, at scale investment to tackle misinformation” during the Covid pandemic, a call to be echoed at the World Innovation Summit for Health in Qatar this week with a report that will urge the UN to create a task force… Read more »

Oct 6, 2022 9:04 PM

Nice trolling. Move on

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Oct 7, 2022 11:06 AM
Reply to  Berr

There may be an element of trolling in there, but it’s mostly an attempt to formulate my own understanding. Malhotra is currently being promoted as some sort of honest broker, but he doesn’t seem able to recognise the evil and culpability within his own profession. Is this a conditioned blind-spot or does he know what he’s doing? He appears to like the sense of feeling important, so the media attention functions as a behavioural reward; but only so long as he stays within acceptable boundaries. Is any of this explicitly understood among those involved or is it a groupthink process of avoiding painful realities.

Sharon K
Sharon K
Oct 12, 2022 10:38 AM

‘The anti-vaccine, anti-science movement has become a global menace. It has exposed the loss of trust in government…’

What’s menacing about exposing the loss of trust in a bunch of lying, evil criminals? Anti-vaccine is not anti-science. Try this for size before you continue slagging of people like myself who are well up on the science and have, in the main, taken an anti vax stance.’Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth.’

Oct 6, 2022 7:38 AM

I’m genuinely confused why so many people seem to think this psyop is over. The covid legislation is still on the books, clot shots still being pushed, most people still think there was a real killer plague and will mask up at the drop of a hat, and now the war in Ukraine is doing the same job of killing our economy that the scamdemic started.

How is this over?

Oct 5, 2022 3:07 PM

They can’t keep “environmental protesters” out of a party conference?

Panto season has started early!

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 5, 2022 4:43 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Next up: protest to reinstate lockdowns, masks, distancing plus demands for more vaccines and an end to all meat products!

The protest will take the form of the participants dropping their pants, presenting their backsides and bearing signs saying “Fuck my arse now big boy!”

my parents said know
my parents said know
Oct 5, 2022 1:40 PM

I expect a lot of “hair of the dog”, and a descent into alcoholism.

Oct 5, 2022 2:55 PM

The UK already has this dependence; for sometime now; despoiling the use of a celebratory tonic as a form of anaesthetic and mind-numbing amnesia; to inebriate the anger and impotence caused by western man’s modern disempowerment. The anglo-saxon no longer rules himself; whores and demons do.

Oct 5, 2022 3:08 PM
Reply to  William

They didn’t close the offies during lockdown.

Oct 5, 2022 3:11 PM
Reply to  Edwige

They closed mankind in with himself; and opened pandora’s box.

Oct 5, 2022 1:33 PM

I don’t see any great difference between CJ’s position, “people convince themselves of things they need to believe” and Desmet’s “mass formation psychosis”. Are they not more alike than different?

I suggest CJ’s objection arises mostly from unclear reading. Desmet does not suggest the MFS is benign. On the contrary he sees it as deliberately inculcated in the same way CJ does and for the same reasons.

They agree that people under pressure and feeling threatened can take refuge in internalizing narratives foisted on them.

Surely that’s all that matters.

Red Corvair
Red Corvair
Oct 6, 2022 1:20 PM
Reply to  Hannah

I’m afraid CJ is another victim of the character assassination led against Desmet.

Oct 5, 2022 1:10 PM

“Believe it or not, my heart goes out to them”
Why? What a waste of energy. I am very forgiving of anyone before the internet came along, because then the information dynamics were different. We had a modicum of trust in the media, because that was our only information source. We had a modicum of trust in the government as well. To be sure we knew government by nature equals corruption, but we also believed that the government wasn’t out to kill and/or enslave us.

Now the information is out there and people still choose The Lie over The Truth. These people are oxygen thieves and deserve everything coming to them for what they did to the few of us who would not play along. The world is over populated all right–overpopulated with idiots and it is time for them to go. To everyone who voluntarily wore a mask and took the shot–good riddance.

Oct 6, 2022 2:01 AM
Reply to  Quickdraw

And anyone who said the unvaxxed should just starve to death from not being allowed into restaurant and groceries has lost their right to life. (I’m looking at you, Mr New York Fucktard, was that the mayor?) I call it incighting violence and since the police and judges haven’t taken care of the problem, they are a part of it. We CITIZENS of this country, patriots if you will, we need to call our own justice. When the judge does not follow the constitution, then they get dragged out of their beds at night and shot in the street. Make sure we publisize the killings so the others know to fix their ways before it is too late. It a new cleansing of the red invation of communism.

Oct 6, 2022 5:48 AM
Reply to  Justin

Yes! Just like those paid by Schiff, Warburg, the Rothschilds, senior Britons and others, revolutionary organizations overthrew the Tsarist regimes and massacred the vast majority of the intelligentsia and all sorts of entrepreneurs. Excellent comparison, I wish you success.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Oct 8, 2022 12:08 PM
Reply to  Justin

Are you Ukrainian or just a lover of democracy?
Communism? Communism???
PS Your “country” is the worst thing that has happened to humanity since the beginning of time. Why don’t you just kill each other to your hearts’ delight and let the rest of the world move forward?
And since you’re so doctrinaire, the word is spelled “incite”.

Oct 6, 2022 5:55 AM
Reply to  Quickdraw

“These people are oxygen thieves, and they deserve everything that happened to them for what they did to the few of us who didn’t pretend. The world is full of idiots and it’s time for them to go. To all who volunteered to wear a mask and take the shot-Good Deliverance.”

Very rational view, congratulations. Interestingly, the great reseters think exactly the same of you. Do you think you are strong enough to save yourself by surviving the further more difficult development experience they will subject you to? I think whoever talks like you is no different from the reseters and deserves a nice zeroing in.  :wpds_mrgreen: 

Victor G.
Victor G.
Oct 8, 2022 12:20 PM
Reply to  plino

Weren’t you retired? Oh no, wait … almost retired.

Oct 6, 2022 8:00 AM
Reply to  Quickdraw

:- Many are of low intelligence, insane or under the thumbs of others: no fault of theirs.
:- The majority prefer simplified explanations aligned to their existing politics or dogma – delivered authoritatively – rather than having to search for or work out the facts.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Oct 8, 2022 3:28 PM
Reply to  Quickdraw

That probably includes your parents, children, spouse, friends, etc. Let’s face it, the vast majority took the shots and wore the masks, and/or didn’t complain about therm. It’s part of the human condition, at one pint or another we all cave in to our fears, desires, wants and needs. All from our luck of grounding in intrinsic and objective truth, not man-made consensus. So if we see ourselves as self created, evolving creatures of randomness, all kinds of strange ideas and beliefs will rule our relative reality.

William Sabre
William Sabre
Oct 5, 2022 12:22 PM

Please Read: Be careful when the artists / writers / musicians and other (corporately controlled) cultural narrative producers place female characters in armour dressed for war, wielding weapons; this isn’t gender re-assignment or women empowerment; it’s preparing every male inner-mind (anima) for violence and aggression. The lady of the lake may provide the sword (excalibur) but the WILL (Arthur) should always wield it.

Oct 5, 2022 3:12 PM
Reply to  William Sabre

The anima sounds something like this

Oct 5, 2022 3:18 PM
Reply to  William Sabre

The will blessed by the anima sounds something like this

Oct 5, 2022 3:28 PM
Reply to  William Sabre

All around the world there were found decorated swords at the bottom of lakes and rivers; she holds the sword on its blade ‘cos she; the clear mind; cannot be harmed by its sharp defining edge; that severs only lies and deception. Oh Saxon; from seax meaning sword; where have thou been; pick – up – your – sword…

comment image

Oct 5, 2022 12:17 PM

Can we include him among the Covidian Cultists since he has claimed he caught Covid multiple times?
Sorry, can’t take the guy seriously anymore.

Oct 5, 2022 9:53 PM
Reply to  Langur

With a totally unhinged rant like that, I’m surprised anyone takes this CJ fella seriously.

Oct 5, 2022 12:11 PM

As always CJ Hopkins is superb !

Oct 5, 2022 11:00 AM

And to be honest I’m ashamed of most of the humans,And that’s what they are ghosts walking in flesh and bones.How dare they make me wear masks to buy food how dare they objectify my beliefs.I am more than just a bag of flesh and bones I am soul I feel.I

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 5, 2022 1:06 PM
Reply to  Annie

I’m not altogether sure that some of them are humans, but humans are capable of just about anything, both “good” and “bad.”

To paraphrase Goethe, “there is nothing a human being is capable of doing, that I can’t conceive of myself doing.”

Oct 6, 2022 5:36 PM
Reply to  Annie

Exactly, Annie !

anthony murphy
anthony murphy
Oct 5, 2022 10:52 AM

I turned to Off-G as a life line when the Lockdowns began and commented, as a cult survivor, that all the dynamics around CV-19 were exactly like cult dynamics. We now have a world of most people belonging to a cult without knowing it but acting as if they are living in one. Dissenters, free spirits and critical thinkers are now a ‘threat’ to the cult – the fact that they reveal ‘facts’ is irrelevant. Those that disobey and do not show public subservience are the problem. The fact that Covid is ‘gone’ doesn’t mean the cult has gone! NOTE – a fundamental cultic dynamic is to create hyper-vigilance among members. This is partly achieved by constantly imposing new circumstances and experiments on people leading to every cult member always being vigilant for being targeted as a threat…in a cult, you know one thing = the next clampdown is just round the corner and it could be you next. Now…we basically have the majority of the population simply living for the next fake crisis and vying for a safe place when the boot comes clamping down again.

Oct 5, 2022 10:51 AM

But we let it happen 😬

Oct 5, 2022 1:36 PM
Reply to  Annie

Not me. I did everything I could to prevent it and lost work and friends as a result. I’m sure you did too. Don’t self-flagellate, it’s only disempowering.

Oct 5, 2022 9:43 AM

I’ve just driven from eastern Bulgaria back to Somerset UK with countless stop offs for fuel, shopping, hotels, sightseeing etc and obviously seeing thousands of people on the way in small villages, towns and cities. I counted the numbers still wearing masks-a grand total of four and a clearly insane group of five on the ferry all masked , huddled together and looking terrified .Looks like this phase of the agenda is well and truly over til the next conncocted exercise in terror comes our way

Oct 5, 2022 1:38 PM
Reply to  andrew

Thank you for that snapshot of life! Such very valuable balance and perspective.

Oct 5, 2022 11:18 PM
Reply to  andrew

Good one Andrew.
I’ve just spent three months travelling around Northern NSW and I’d estimate 1-2% mask wearers.

Oct 6, 2022 5:49 PM
Reply to  andrew

“a clearly insane group of five on the ferry all masked , huddled together and looking terrified .” Great comment hahahaha… poor people, some damage is irreversible.

Anyway, i assure you that in Poland we pass through it, i mean from march 2020,
really less subordinate to the system, less dominated crazy and docile, in comparison to Western countries !
One doctor here, well knowns brave anti vax activist, formerly on ministerial position ( But 15 yrs ago ) died suddenly this summer, which is very suspicious …

Still, you see these days few masked up in warsaw’s tube, or in shops, but mostly foreigners.

Some people are completely unable to wake up, me experience from conversations, waste of time…

Oct 7, 2022 1:21 AM
Reply to  Ray

You have nothing to assure them. They believe facts about Eastern Europe only when they are presented to them through Western Europeans. Because they are proud Westerners.  :wpds_cool: 

That’s why you have a minus thumb. (And one + of me.)

Victor G.
Victor G.
Oct 8, 2022 12:22 PM
Reply to  andrew

Not so in Italia. It’s very sad.

Oct 5, 2022 7:30 AM

Funny how it worked out.
We suffer the ‘hangover’ while the ruling psychos continue partying.
Just like wars isn’t it?
The plebs become crippled, psychologically traumatised, or killed, and the ruling psychos count their profits and keep partying.
Anarchy (rules WITHOUT Rulers) now!

Oct 5, 2022 12:12 PM
Reply to  Johnny

We suffer the ‘hangover’

Actually a Hangover could be a symptom of ovid/variants, so best get tested.

Oct 5, 2022 11:14 PM

Compulsory IQ tests, as limited as they are, might wake a few.
Though I doubt it.

Oct 7, 2022 1:25 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Are you sure you won’t be among the losers of the IQ test? What will be your fate in society then? 🤔 

Oct 5, 2022 6:16 AM

It’s like we’ve been co-opted as extras in a stage(d) medical drama that ran for nearly 3 years. Now the drama has ended, those of us extras who survived can all go home. For the producers, the drama was a box office bonanza that increased their investment by billions. On the other hand, some of the extras lost their lives and many will never work again. The majority, though, are naively waiting to take part the next show.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 7, 2022 10:53 PM

Has the Drama ended?

Maybe it’s intermission, and the curtain is about to rise again.

Thom Sheaffer
Thom Sheaffer
Oct 5, 2022 5:00 AM

Yahoo News is the first thing that appears on my phone and if I didn’t read OffG and a few other alt sites I just might believe the big lies. My god, the whoppers they tell. Astounding. And the stories they omit. When I brought it up today my 33 year old son asked “What pipelines?”

Oct 5, 2022 4:38 AM

Changed Forever

I think convid has changed the world forever. A majority of people don’t shake hands anymore. The media gloats over every misfortune or self imflicted wound the airline industry suffers. They are definitely determined to terminate air travel. There are lots of things I hate about modern society – the reversal of gender roles for example. I do have a soft spot for aviation, however. It does give you the ability to experience many of the wonders of the planet. The bastards in control want to deny us that and replace it with digital prisons.

Gordon mcrae
Gordon mcrae
Oct 5, 2022 3:58 AM

Great article. Although I appreciate Desmet’s ideas about mass formation I really like your simple observation that people go along to get along; or do what they have to in order to survive. Also, your thoughts on shame and abuse are valuable viewing points.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 7, 2022 10:55 PM
Reply to  Gordon mcrae

People do go along to get along, but it’s the true believers that push things.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Oct 5, 2022 3:22 AM

Cold Outside
This lost me after office party remembering crying over restaurants are closed.
Apart from local officialdom, this young lad only saw them as City Suit Investering types linked to Banking. With Micro chip, I guess you could now sit at home dressed only in your underpants supporting The TeamSpeak players of by 1969… Central Bank.
Good things as well as Bad things come from this. But in retrospect because we were retail trade it would and did (?) lead to the demise of the Family business. 1968-76..personally.
Has it swept away the Co-operatives as well?
You tell me.
My retail trade Parents must have seen it coming as they decided with help from local officialdom along with the Royal Mail opened a Sub Post Office on the High Street in my home Town., around 1965, I can’t quite remember when now, because it’s cold outside.
I Don’t know what’s best, , by my twenties we called office workers Yuppies. Down London soon they were the Young professionals?
I actually thought It’s About Time, but by then I was asked to go to America by a company as a consequence of something I always naturally loved since I was born.

Oct 5, 2022 2:39 AM

This article is stirring my suspicions about CJ Hopkins’ links to Yuval Hariri, or whatever that demented phucker’s name is, the one who is perfecting the ‘hacking’ of human brains. I say this, because with this incisive article, CJ appears to have tapped-into my brain … damn! Quite remarkably, he has once again put into such eloquent words and thought bubbles, exactly what I was thinking … bugger!
Touche! and, encore …

Sal Dear
Sal Dear
Oct 6, 2022 1:53 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

Hopkins, too, spreads misinformation. Public misdirection. Disinformation. Contrary to Hopkins’ false claim or lie, BOTH the general public AND the ruling class are the cause of totalitarianism, or whatever system. By people’s conformity totalitarianism (or whatever system) gets created, always, because they are the approving handlers and manifesting force of whatever system is served to them. The ruling class designs the systems, people follow blindly and stupidly and build the systems. Therefore, BOTH the masses and the rulers suffer from mass psychosis, constantly — study “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room” … https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html Yet Hopkins does not WANT to believe that (in one of his writings he stated, “I don’t believe it is useful, or accurate, to diagnose societies as “sick” or “healthy” or psychoanalyze them like individual patients. Nor do I believe that there has to be anything “wrong” or “dysfunctional” in a society for totalitarianism to take hold of it.” This is also the twisted misdirecting narrative Dr. Peter Breggin has been spreading). He likes his fantasies of what reality is. But it doesn’t matter what he WANTS to believe. It only matter what is. No healthy people would ever create (and design) totalitarianism (=evilness), clearly therefore the public is sick, wrong, and dysfunctional. No. Nothing wrong with public, per Hopkins’ lunacy, it’s only the ruling class we need to get rid of and all is well. How insane! Of course, he (like Mattias Desmet or Breggin) has financial reasons with his book sales, etc to NOT offend the guilty public and deliberate allows the obfuscation of vital truths everyone MUST face … Desmet, Breggin, Malone (who’s been serving loyally the allopathic official medical mafia for years) AND Hopkins are (witting or unwitting) controlled opposition. NEITHER of them has ever talked about BOTH TWO CAUSES… Read more »

Oct 6, 2022 3:57 PM
Reply to  Sal Dear

Interesting. But you may be a bit too hard on the author here. After all his discriptions of the new totalitarian German society are more or less accurate. I also liked him for comparing (in a different article) our situation to the one the indigenous Americans faced at the arrival of conquistadores and their priests: A way of life, centuries old, at the brink of extinction.

Oct 7, 2022 1:04 AM
Reply to  Sal Dear

Very well said. I have other objections to the SJ, regarding the hard objectives of operation covid, the contents of the injections, and other things. But I’m not going to dilute the comments.

But, from one angle, the fact that SJ is published here, combined with the possibility of objection and rebuttal in the comments, seen together, is a good thing. Articles and comments should be seen as a whole.

Oct 5, 2022 12:47 AM

I’ve had enough failed morning after resolutions never to get wasted again to know that thinking or believing something amounts to BS when acting to make it so is absent. Force of habit or inertia eventually takes over the best of intentions and takes me back to the same old ritual of intoxication.

Ruling powers and their managerial minions engineering society no doubt care about what we may be thinking or believing. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be giving so much attention to mind control. But the manufacture of our consent to their plans ultimately turns on behavioral control. Workers can bitch about the boss all they want just so long as they remain at the treadmills and don’t organize their own means of advancing some alternative to the same old grind.

Living is one long job of griping about the shit we take to meet ‘the cost of living’ until we experience ourselves as more than clerks and custodians in a social system organized by others. Until then, Karl Rove’s words will hold true of the master/slave relations which guarantee that the more things change the more they stay the same (or get much, much worse!): “(W)hen we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

I’ve got a covid hangover from critical commentary still simply accompanying the continuing rollout of a plandemic or radical reset of human relations which require revolutionary action to resist.

Oct 4, 2022 11:56 PM


–EU is LEASING from US weapons to be sent to Ukraine. What a racket! US gets dollars & debt from Europe AND its war goals.

–Secret German/Russian negotiations to open NordStream were blown up. Germany hasn’t dared to say ANYTHING about the sabotage. She is, after all, an occupied country.

–Russian military-industrial complex in crisis due to bankruptcy of JSC Spetsremont, resulting in closure of more than a dozen military repair shops, dismissal of General Dmitri Bulgakov who was in charge of logistics at the Ministry of Defence. Problem said to be caused by corruption. –Voltaire dot com

–Biden’s new biotechnology manifesto contains this:
“[in Section 12] Paragraph VII, that the purpose of this is to ‘develop and work and promote and implement … dual-use research of concern, and research involving potentially pandemic and other high-consequence pathogens …’ –Voltaire
[more pandemics to come]

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Oct 5, 2022 7:41 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Secret German/Russian negotiations to open NordStream were blown up. Germany hasn’t dared to say ANYTHING about the sabotage. She is, after all, an occupied country.

Yes, under American occupation indeed. I think the only exceptions are Austria, Switzerland and Ireland. Although Ireland is occupied by big American multinationals.

Oct 5, 2022 12:14 PM
Reply to  Graham Greene

I think airstrip 1 comes under this category but not by the Americans rather by the Wall Street and their puppet masters City of London.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 5, 2022 12:53 PM
Reply to  Brianborou!

You do realize that in 1984 the war is a mutual benefit to the ruling elites of all the power blocks in keeping their own people under control?

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Oct 5, 2022 5:14 PM

Forget the power blocks, isn’t that what nations do, even up to the point of killing their own citizens?
So that is the point of a multi-polar world; to prevent another ZioGloboHomo event via Mass formation, so that huge blocks of population cannot coalesce into self-terrorism and self-annihilation.

Oct 5, 2022 9:15 PM

Hmm, you do realise that Eric Blair was actually describing how the British Empire/ City of London was conning it s subjects to fight against Nazi Germany, another Wall Street/ City of London creation when prior to 1939 there was no real will by the people to do so.

Hence the Bombing of Berlin, before the Nazis started bombing cities, on at least several occasions when their was no real strategic value in doing so. Moreover, the passing of the Defense regulation 18B to detain without trial anyone the Government/ City of London deemed a threat to their narrative.

In addition, Churchill was in the back pocket of whom, why Wall Street/ City of London who were paying his debts for alcohol and many other vices.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 5, 2022 9:37 PM
Reply to  Brianborou!

No, I don’t realize that. Hmmm…

1984 describes a situation of perpetual war that is used to justify perpetual shortages. In the study by “Goldstein” quoted in the book it’s more or less overtly stated that the real war is by the elites of the different blocks against their own Proles. Questions about how real the physical war may actually be are raised repeatedly. The character of Julia takes this even further and opines the war is completely fake and the Party drops the occasional rocket bomb on its people the keep them frightened.

Where do you see the parallels with Britain and Nazi Germany?

Oct 5, 2022 10:08 PM

“ It’s more or less overly stated “ It seems this is a subjective point.

“ Questions about how real the war…” Agreed, hence why Churchill/ Wall Street/ City of London puppet instigated the bombing of Berlin, against military advice, plus the rounding up of anyone who confronted his and his controllers narrative since the U.K. population didn’t want another carnage. Remember it was not even a quarter of century since the last slaughter.

Don’t forget the character of O’ Brian who uses any dialectical method to further his aims/ parties aims. How times did Churchill switch allegiances. How man people did he have killed to further his ambitions. How was it that people during WW2 saw his as the leader.

Both were constructed by the Wall Street/ City of London Bankers.

Who funded the Nazi Government and supplied it with technology.

The Bank of England is owned by whom.

Let’s not forget Eric Blair’s career in propaganda.

When the ‘World War II’ started, he was rejected for military service due to heath issues. Between 1941 and 1943, he worked as a propagandist at ‘British Broadcasting Corporation’ (BBC).

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 6, 2022 7:23 AM
Reply to  Brianborou!

It’s more or less overly(sic) stated “ It seems this is a subjective point.

No, it’s overtly stated. Repeatedly. The real war is by the elites of the world on their own people, the “war” as defined by the Party is a means of justifying deprivation and surveillance.

The moral comparison between the allegedly warring blocks which you infer does not exist in the book. There is no consideration of which side instigated the war, or who is the primary aggressor. The whole point of the book is that all the blocks are indistinguishable, mirrors of each other.

In fact there’s no concrete evidence they even exist as separate entities beyond the crushing propaganda that completely shapes Winston’s reality, and which he acknowledges to be virtually 100% fiction. It’s acknowledged as possible that Julia’s idea of a fake war could be completely true.

Orwell is critiquing totalitarianism and the layered, maze-like nature of “official reality”but not applying it to any one system. He is very big on the fact the Party controls the entire narrative, both the mainstream and all the alternatives. – eg “Goldstein’s” book, the Bible of the free thinkers, was actually written by O’Brien to be circulated.

He is acutely aware of the use of created binaries to control collective thinking.

I strongly advise reading the text before applying allegory

Oct 6, 2022 8:02 AM
Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 6, 2022 9:35 AM
Reply to  Brianborou!

Interesting article, thanks. Pity – and ironic – he promotes pandemic nonsense.

Oct 6, 2022 6:18 PM

You are entitled to your view as he is and I am. But do you any evidence to support your view “..nonsense. “

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 6, 2022 8:23 PM
Reply to  Brianborou.

You’re asking me if this site has any evidence the official “pandemic” narrative is nonsense?


Oct 6, 2022 10:38 PM

You know exactly what I asking so please don’t play a semantics game !

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 7, 2022 10:08 AM
Reply to  Brianborou!

I don’t play semantic games.

These are my words

Pity – and ironic – he promotes pandemic nonsense.

These are your words…

But do you any(sic) evidence to support your view “..nonsense. “

If that doesn’t mean “do you have any evidence the pandemic was nonsense?” I’m afraid I have no idea what you meant & will need you to clarify before I can respond any further.

Oct 7, 2022 6:29 PM

Let me put it in plain simple English.You contested that the author of this extract


“ – he promotes pandemic nonsense “.

So do you any verifiable evidence to support your claim ?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 7, 2022 6:36 PM
Reply to  Brianborou!

Ah, ok, I understand now.

Start from the para “And we are lucky..” and continue until he stops talking about “covid”. Nonsense all the way down. 🙂

Oct 7, 2022 7:38 PM

So let’s see your proof is citing his work without any detailed analysis supported by independent verifiable evidence to support your claim.

By the way the use of an emoji does not constitute verifiable evidence.

“ Nonsense all the way down”

Alas repeating this word does not give any credence to your claim.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 7, 2022 8:35 PM
Reply to  Brianborou!

This is getting silly now Brian. I am happy to discuss 1984 with you, but don’t have time or inclination to restate all the data and research accumulated in this site in the past 32 months. If you want to know why it’s nonsense research our COVID category and our dedicated COVID page. We have some of the best breakdowns ever done of that particular psyop so knock yourself out.

Oct 6, 2022 8:06 AM

The year 1984 was probably chosen to sound like 1948 while still being in the future.

Anthony Burgess, in his book 1985, part novel and part commentary on Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, gives the following explanation of the title:

You have to remember what it was like in 1948 to appreciate Nineteen Eighty-Four. Somebody in 1949 told me – that was the year the book came out – that Orwell had wanted to call it Nineteen Forty-Eight. But they wouldn’t let him.
He goes on to describe Nineteen Eighty-Four as “no more than a comic transcription of the London of the end of the Second World War”. This analysis is supported by a great many comparisons drawn between various aspects of the
London portrayed in Orwell’s novel and similar things seen in London as it really was around 1948.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 6, 2022 9:23 AM
Reply to  Brianborou!

Oh absolutely. The feel of London in the book is the feel of post-war London. And Winston’s experience of MiniTrue is heavily based on Orwell’s experience of wartime propaganda creation. But the geopolitical landscape is very different. There’s no suggestion Oceania is the heart of an empire or a specific aggressor. On the contrary, it’s suggested the power blocks are pretty much interchangeable and involved in a mutually beneficial system of perpetual war, which may or may not be actual.

Oct 6, 2022 6:24 PM

The fact that he was using ihis experience in working for M15 propaganda services in WW2 points to the fact that the geopolitical landscape in one aspect has not changed. The City of London’s perpetual war to instigate a NWO hence WWW 1/2 and God forbid 3.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 6, 2022 8:10 PM
Reply to  Brianborou.

He doesn’t reference anything comparable to that scenario. As I said above.

Oct 7, 2022 9:07 AM

Blair worked for the Propaganda unit of the security services in WW2 and had inside knowledge of the machinations of the apparatus which controlled it including the hierarchy

He used his inside knowledge and experience to aid him to write his book. So the question is who funded and controlled the security services/ propaganda units. The government or the group that control the government.

Here is an example of how this done and how it has been achieved in the past to control the economic, social, political and security policies of nations including the former British Empire.


Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 7, 2022 9:55 AM
Reply to  Brianborou!

Those questions you raise are not reflected in 1984, which is dealing with more general and universally applicable issues of how all authoritarians shape reality for their subjects.

To make this point he deliberately eschews taking any side or assigning any moral variables to the different blocks. His overarching point is the elites of those blocks have more in common with each other than with their own subjugated people, and they enact horizontally mutually beneficial policies and wage war vertically on their own populations.

Reading it as any kind of condemnation of a specific system or national government is to invert his entire meaning and intent.

Oct 7, 2022 2:47 PM

Yes, but the point which you cannot avoid is he utilised an insiders knowledge and experience to illustrate from his own WW2 experiences how not only the proles but the middle classes are manipulated.

Moreover, he knew very well who big brother was in the War.

Let’s not forget who were the blocks fighting each other in the war.

Again, you are putting a slant on it which I did not say. I said the City of London and it’d minions was/ are in control and numerous researchers have established this point.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 7, 2022 4:32 PM
Reply to  Brianborou!

I have agreed he utilised his own experience. But the book is just not about competing ideologies. That’s 100% counter to his point, which he specifically states in the text.

I wish more people would read the book rather than absorb its meaning from popular culture which actually distorts and omits a good deal.

Oct 7, 2022 6:14 PM

“ The book is not just about competing ideologies”

I have never stated it was.

Here is a further extract from a very interesting analogy on 1984 in relation to what was happening in London and the events concerning the early years of WW2 in relation to losing the battle of France, the retreat from Dunkirk and overcoming a population collapse of morale.

Remember at this time Halifax and co wanted to sue for peace with the 3rd Reich.


I first read the book when I was at school over a half century ago. I have since reread it so that line doesn’t wash I am sorry to say.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 7, 2022 6:58 PM
Reply to  Brianborou!

You transposed two words thereby fatally altering my meaning. I said “the book is JUST NOT about competing ideologies”, ie the book’s subject matter and themes have NOTHING to do with competing ideologies.

You read it as “the book is NOT JUST about competing ideologies, creating the meaning that the book does cover that subject but not exclusively.

This is not true. The book absolutely eschews any consideration of ideologies and focuses instead on the commonality of methods used by all regimes to control their citizens.

Bombing your own citizens in order to convince them they’re under attack is one of those methods. I believe you that the British may have done it, but so have countless other regimes. If we see these coercive methodologies as applying solely to one political persuasion or power group we are missing the one essential lesson he is trying to teach.

Oct 7, 2022 7:18 PM

If you read his analogy, you will see that the British Empire were utilising these methods in order to push them into continuing the war. Hence why the author used extracts from Blair’s book to illustrate this point. Moreover, his thrust is that many of illustrations from his book had a direct connection with his experience in WW2. Here is a sample. We’ve already looked at two moments from the book that very strongly suggest Orwell’s message (see the article linked to above), and now we’ve detected an indication that the Battle of Britain was indeed a propaganda exercise that would need to be augmented to make it fit for purpose. The following is an extract that tells us that the proletariat, in Nineteen Eighty Four, appear to be exclusively targeted – after all, while the bureaucratic class had telescreens, bombing was the method by which the lowest class could be controlled (from Chapter Eight). Winston is walking “kilometres distant from any quarter where party members lived”: The blue overalls of the Party could not be a common sight in a street like this. Indeed, it was unwise to be seen in such places, unless you had definite business there. The patrols might stop you if you happened to run into them. ‘May I see your papers, comrade? What are you doing here? What time did you leave work? Is this your usual way home?’–and so on and so forth. Not that there was any rule against walking home by an unusual route: but it was enough to draw attention to you if the Thought Police heard about it. Suddenly the whole street was in commotion. There were yells of warning from all sides. People were shooting into the doorways like rabbits. A young woman leapt out of a doorway… Read more »

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 7, 2022 9:31 PM
Reply to  Brianborou!

That’s an imposed reading. The text, as I have to keep saying, doesn’t just not contain such a reading it positively discourages it.

Orwell repeatedly makes the point that all authoritarian regimes, whatever their label, employ the same systems for the same reasons and have more in common with each other than their own people. He is not interested in scoring political points and claiming one set of murderers as heroes and another as villains.He dismisses them all as more similar than different.

In imposing such a simplistic and partisan analysis you reject the entire stated point of the book.

Oct 7, 2022 11:52 PM

“ That’s imposed reading “

It is an analysis of 1984 using historical events, data, experiences which coincide with Blair’s time.

“ The text..”

So far you have provided no independent verifiable evidence to support this apart from your assertions.

Eric Blair, his real name by the way, looks specially at how regime’s can deceive, manipulate, lie, coerce the proles/ middle ranking members of the party to bend to their will from a personal/ physical/ mental/ spiritual stance.

There is nothing new in this by the way just read Professor Michael Parenti’s book History as a Mystery to grasp this.

Most great authors use their or others experiences to write great novels. Not forgetting his other wonderful novels such as Down and Out in Paris and London, The Road to Wigan Pier etc.

Since he didn’t live in Nazi Germany, the USSR, USA, his vision for his book, would have to be about the British Empire in general.

I keep emphasising this because so little analysis is centred around.

“ In imposing such a simplistic and partisan analysis you reject the entire stated point of the book”

Firstly, the thesis you are are trying to construct of “ simplistic.. “ is again your opinion without any verifiable independent evidence to support your opinion.

I have repeatedly asked you to provide it and so far none is forthcoming,

“ ..and partisan analysis.”

Before you pick the splinter out of my eye, pluck the plank from your own.

“ ..reject the entire stated point of the book”

Neither I or the writer of the articles which I have referenced to support my posts have made any such statement.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 8, 2022 10:20 AM
Reply to  Brianborou!

Read the book. I’m simply telling you what Orwell says in the text. It’s not ambiguous or open to interpretation. He specifically says all the ideologies of the different blocks are essentially the same ideology using the same tools. Control is all it’s about in the end, whatever flag or belief system you wrap it in. That’s his thesis. Clearly stated.

If you don’t like it ok. But maybe find another famous book to use as a vehicle for your ideology. Preferably one whose intent you don’t have to butcher in the process.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Oct 8, 2022 1:16 PM

Excellent debate! Sophie wins …

Oct 8, 2022 1:56 PM

“ Read the book “ As I stated earlier “ I first read the book over half a century ago and have since reread it” So this line doesn’t not wash which was stated earlier. “ Control is all it’s about in the end..” Evidently, you have not fully digested either what I wrote or what the author from those articles I cited has written. Just to help you out here is a segment from it perhaps you will read it thoroughly this time. As always as it seems to be with these things, there is a central piece of evidence in Nineteen Eighty Four which is so obvious that it makes one wonder that in all the time that the book has been available for a public to read, it must have been deliberately overlooked: Winston was in Victory Square before the appointed time. He wandered round the base of the enormous fluted column, at the top of which Big Brother’s statue gazed southward towards the skies where he had vanquished the Eurasian aeroplanes (the Eastasian aeroplanes, it had been, a few years ago) in the Battle of Airstrip One. The location is Trafalgar Square, renamed with the “propaganda logo” for all products of the centrally planned economy of Oceania. And now we understand that the whole political and societal environment in the book hangs off the fake British win in the Battle of Britain, because this is the historical event that is being alluded to. First of all, to deal with this absolutely, we know the location is Trafalgar Square, not just because of the mention of the structure where a statue of “Big Brother” has replaced Nelson, but because of the adjacency to St Martin’s-in-the-Fields, which is established in the text. Therefore, the real military victory that… Read more »

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 8, 2022 5:10 PM
Reply to  Brianborou!

What this is pointing to is consciousness even during the war that Britain didn’t really win against Germany

See that’s the butchery right there. You take a work of genius and its crystal clear laser insight into the eternal structure and deceit of authoritarian government, and you reduce it to a meaningless allegory about one fleeting moment of history, thereby destroying its lesson.

His point throughout the entire book is that all authoritarian systems create fake realities for their people to live in. He eschews specifics in order to make that point, which is emphasised throughout the whole text.

Asking me to point out where he says it is like asking someone to show you the quote that proves Tolkien uses the One Ring as an allegory for the corrupting effect of power.

I mean don’t be silly – just read the book.

Oct 8, 2022 6:04 PM

oh dear, you omitted the first 3 paragraphs of the segment of a series of articles relating to an analysis of 1984. Here you are. As always as it seems to be with these things, there is a central piece of evidence in Nineteen Eighty Four which is so obvious that it makes one wonder that in all the time that the book has been available for a public to read, it must have been deliberately overlooked: Winston was in Victory Square before the appointed time. He wandered round the base of the enormous fluted column, at the top of which Big Brother’s statue gazed southward towards the skies where he had vanquished the Eurasian aeroplanes (the Eastasian aeroplanes, it had been, a few years ago) in the Battle of Airstrip One. The location is Trafalgar Square, renamed with the “propaganda logo” for all products of the centrally planned economy of Oceania. And now we understand that the whole political and societal environment in the book hangs off the fake British win in the Battle of Britain, because this is the historical event that is being alluded to. note the clauses ” there is a central piece of evidence in Nineteen Eighty Four which is so obvious that it makes one wonder that in all the time that has been available for a public to read , it must have been deliberately overlooked” It appears that despite your insistence I read the book, which I have on a number of occasions, you overlooked this. The author then proceeds to point out what the central piece of evidence is. It appears it did not register with you. So lets examine what he said ” ..And now we understand that the whole political and societal environment in the book hangs off the fake win… Read more »

Oct 5, 2022 10:50 PM
Reply to  Brianborou!

Excuse me for including it, but I just want to say that by a mathematical accident, 1984 (which is also the 100th anniversary of the Fabian Society):

1984 minus 1948 (the year Orwell wrote the book, although it was completed and published in 1949, if I remember correctly) = 36

1984 + 36 = 2020

I know your conversation is serious, and I apologize again for the artistic inclusion.

Oct 5, 2022 11:07 PM
Reply to  plino

You do realise there many base counting systems so how does the soothsayers systems surmise it ?

Oct 6, 2022 12:50 AM
Reply to  Brianborou!

This pearl something like this is:

“There are many ways to look at Russia’s actions, so how do we just assume that (on the basis of the overwhelming evidence) they are doing the same evil as the West and even complicit?”

You have finished your mental and spiritual process. And you just wait for composting. (Just a little joke, Joe. 🤓 )

Oct 6, 2022 6:57 AM
Reply to  plino

As a disembodied quote. Made up by whom ?
Was it made at a washing machine factory?
You have more front than Woolworths dear boy. 🤡

Oct 7, 2022 1:52 AM
Reply to  Brianborou.

And your humor is like your “analysis” of East-West International Relations.  :wpds_exclamation: 

Oct 7, 2022 6:43 PM
Reply to  plino

Oh dear, touched a nerve. Tut tut. 🛒🧸🤓

Oct 7, 2022 4:22 AM
Reply to  Brianborou.

You are best: you put the daily feed of hope into the dam and the regular hungry frightened fish come to eat. 🕸  The porn is for sale, the Website is running 🚜 , “Putin 😎  is against the globalists,” “Russia 🐻  is winning (any minute!!!”and be healthy.

Brianborou is pleased. 🌞 

Oct 7, 2022 7:01 PM
Reply to  plino

There was a man called plino who was something of a xildo.

He spent all his day trying to play because he had nothing really to say.

Now away naughty boy and go and play with your toy.


Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Oct 6, 2022 2:25 AM
Reply to  Graham Greene

Southern Ireland? Doubt it.

Oct 5, 2022 1:41 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Penelope, you confuse me very much. I recall you posting at the outset that this war was a continuation of the agenda by other means – an opinion I agree with. But lately you are posting the most extraordinary inflammatory fear porn! Most of it not well-documented. What are you doing?

Oct 5, 2022 8:34 PM
Reply to  Hannah

Hannah, it’s my belief that there is collusion at the top– that the decision-makers in China, Russia & the US, parts of the EU are all joined in their intention to bring about the NWO/Great Reset of a reduced population in slavery. Indeed it isn’t deniable that the heads of govts are acting against our interests– sometimes under a degree of compulsion, sometimes not. However I do not KNOW that there is only one war, the billionaires against the global population. It is quite possible that in the run-up to creating the world that THEY want that factions corresponding in part to nation-states are fighting among themselves for power. I feel I know from reading over the decades that it is the intention to use the middle east for its mineral & oil wealth and to tear down its govts so it has no power, and that their elites are not to participate in the NWO. tt is quite possible that Russia’s vast territories are intended to be used in the same way & that the Russian oligarchs are to be excluded from any power-position in the NWO. If there IS a factional split in the global Deep State it may be in our interest. However, it’s also true that if an actual declaration of war takes place by the US/NATO that there are already-existing laws which would — under a formal declaration of war– deprive us of ALL our rights instantly: Every piece of property or resource including our labor becomes the govt’s to dispose of. Hannah, I don’t think it’s fear-porn to point out actual perils, or the economic consequences to Europe of the US sabotage of the pipelines. I think you and I wd agree that fear-porn involves the use of exaggeration. When the Federal Reserve Act… Read more »

Oct 5, 2022 9:18 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Executive Order 13603 gives the federal government permission to seize all manner of property or take virtually any actions it deems necessary in the interests of national security “in peacetime and in times of national emergency”—without defining either of these terms.

It’s called National Defense Resources Preparedness Order, originally passed 2012, updated 2018.

Oct 5, 2022 9:52 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Before Hannah answers, I want to make a very brief statement of my opinion. I like you, or at least you don’t annoy me. I think your mind and conscience are in place. But…

Pressed against the wall, like everyone else, by the contractors of great reset of individual territories (USA, Europe, Australia), you trust the dirty agents of HBO from alternative media and specialists who are owned by or work for HBO. To promote the stupid story of ” trust the plan… until we reset you.”

I’m very angry at these controlled alternative bastards who perform alchemical magic to draw quality people into the pretended division between the co-operating reset. This is a huge damage to the resistance forces of all of us at the bottom of the pyramid.

But everyone has their head on their shoulders and is free to follow them. Of course.

Forgive me for interfering with your conversation with Hannah.

Oct 6, 2022 2:33 AM
Reply to  plino

“the dirty agents of HBO”? HBO?
“trust the plan until we reset you”?

Sorry, I’ve not the slightest idea what you mean.

Oct 6, 2022 5:22 AM
Reply to  Penelope

 🙄  😡 
That the Russian nationalists will take matters into their own hands and save us all!!! Of course that’s what I mean. Trust the plan (of global research and the rest of the snails).

Is that clearer?

Oct 6, 2022 7:47 PM
Reply to  plino

No, not clearer. I’ve never mentioned “the Russian nationalists.”
I still don’t know what you mean by “HBO” either.

Oct 7, 2022 1:44 AM
Reply to  Penelope

No, not clearer. I’ve never mentioned “the Russian nationalists.”

Yeah, but I thought that’s what you mean there.:

tt is quite possible that Russia’s vast territories are intended to be used in the same way & that the Russian oligarchs are to be excluded from any power-position in the NWO. If there IS a factional split in the global Deep State it may be in our interest.

First, How do you even think that the same sinister oligarchs, who, assuming they are now excluded, and until yesterday played completely in the inhuman and destructive game of the globalists, will be in our favor in any way?

And do you think that if the globalists want to make it as difficult as possible for the European population, to push through their new order, and offer the eastern oligarchs to participate in this through a fake war, they will refuse? Or maybe that was the deal, but then the eastern oligarchs felt that the Western ones wanted to play them and take over?

And secondly, if there are such “excluded from any power-position in the NWO”, then obviously they themselves did not understand that they are excluded, since they are fully involved in the realization of the techno-transhumanist dystopia in Russia. How will it be “in our interest”?

I think I see that this is a lightweight version of the porn-hope “Trump – savior” “Putin – savior”. It’s erotic-hope.

Oct 7, 2022 2:39 AM
Reply to  plino

plino, I said, “If there IS a factional split i the global deep state it may be in our interest.” I mean only what I said.

I’ve no idea how you get from that to “porn-hope, Trump-savior, Putin-savior, erotic-hope.”

I think you & I don’t communicate well & that we should leave it at that.

Oct 7, 2022 3:59 AM
Reply to  Penelope

“If there IS a factional split i the global deep state it may be in our interest.”

And? What is this? “If there is.” Is there? Who says there is, or even that there might be? Isn’t it the same media that says Putin is separate from the “global debt State”? Isn’t this a potential split “if there is” the erotic soft version of porn “Putin is the enemy of the globalists”? Addressed to people who see Kovid’s actions, digitalization, and even to those who get Putin’s complicity, but now get ” what if there is a split…”

And what are the arguments that” there is “or” could be ” a split? Are they not the same as those that Putin is a separate and enemy of the deep global state?

Oct 6, 2022 5:29 AM
Reply to  Penelope

No, honestly, in the West, really mental marriage, packaged in a shiny but empty package, has impressive dimensions. It’s a good thing you’re the only ones who can fight the big reset and save us all! (Including Eastern Europeans who stabbed themselves voluntarily about 2-3 times less with the poison.)

The pride is unsurpassed. This needs a reset. Or even better – direct zeroing.  :wpds_twisted: 

Oct 6, 2022 7:51 PM
Reply to  plino

plino, “mental marriage?” “you’re the only ones who can save us all”?? “You” refers to whom? If you’re attempting to put words into MY mouth, you’re not accurate.

You seem to be speaking in code; I truly don’t take your meaning. Sorry.

Oct 7, 2022 12:09 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I’m in disbelief by your politeness and your patience

Oct 7, 2022 12:31 AM
Reply to  theobalt

You didn’t believe me, either, that I was really humble. Overall you’re a big infidel. 😍 

Oct 7, 2022 12:30 AM
Reply to  Penelope

plino, “mental marriage?” “you’re the only ones who can save us all”?? “You” refers to whom? If you’re attempting to put words into MY mouth, you’re not accurate.You seem to be speaking in code; I truly don’t take your meaning. Sorry. No, I don’t speak in code, and I’m not trying to put words in your mouth. Here, in general on the site, I am not trying to do anything more than give (with sources) information that is extremely basic for understanding the reality of the convergence of world powers. Which, of course, is extremely underestimated by the people with whom we share the common view that there is such convergence in terms of global plans (Great Reset; The Real Agenda 2030, etc.). Because they are so caught up in the web of “relying on a reliable source” that if Riley or Iain* doesn’t tell them, they don’t accept it. (*These two, by the way, I seriously believe that monuments should be built for them. If it were not for them, where would the people here who guessed the deception get real and reliable information about the sameness or convergence of Russia/the West?! They don’t even use an interpreter.:)) Against this background, Global Research, and the rest, let’s call them” in the middle ” media, which are not completely on the wave of Saker, Ereth and the other obvious pro-Russians (and respectively-proreatress), but give links to them (perhaps and reprint them, I do not know, do not read them much, even almost I don’t read them); and give the floor to all sorts of authorities, who, omitting all the facts about the literal uniformity in Russia’s actions with the West, which leads to the logical question” How many are complicit?”… How does this media help to understand the problem? This… Read more »

Oct 7, 2022 12:37 AM
Reply to  plino

Against this background, Global Research, and the rest, let’s call them” in the middle ” media, which are not completely on the wave of Saker, Ereth and the other obvious pro-Russians (and respectively-proreatress)

proreatress = pro-greatreseters 😑  😆 

Oct 6, 2022 8:16 AM
Reply to  Penelope

No one declares war anymore. A military force tries to snuff out the enemy by surprise, and dignifies this as pre-emptive strike or first strike.

Oct 6, 2022 7:57 PM
Reply to  mgeo

mgeo, I trust you aren’t saying that the US CAN’T declare war.
They passed Exec order 13603 for a reason. Maybe if you look at this Forbes article on it you’ll see why it’s of concern, and likely part o their plan.


Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Oct 4, 2022 11:33 PM

No “morning after” in “Zero Covid” China, where the cops are not just still masked and still brandishing deadly weapons, but also still wearing snazzy white full-body hazmat suits.

For Your Safety (smartphone clip, 22s):


6:45 pm 4 Oct 2022

NOW – China starts enforcing its zero-COVID policy with machine guns at Xishuangbanna Airport in Yunnan. People screaming “are you gonna kill us all?”

via Songpingpang


George Mc
George Mc
Oct 5, 2022 7:41 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

But China has it right!


“…if the same rigorous measures implemented in China were practiced the world over, the human race could eliminate SARS COV-2 globally in a matter of months.”

Oct 5, 2022 10:02 PM
Reply to  Patrick L.

Well, Patrick, this is a good place to remember what Russia’s relations with China are; what they say about China’s attitude to “dealing with Kovid”; and are not Russia and China, the vanguard of the BRICS, pointed by a huge part of the alternative media for the main real resistance to western oligarchs. The facts should speak for themselves.

Oct 5, 2022 11:07 PM
Reply to  plino

My attached bot with a red thumb works perfectly. Like a glued energy double. In a few minutes, everything I have commented “turns red” (this is some communist bot, maybe. He still punishes me for my consistent denial of the light of Russia, China, BRICS.)

(Don’t forget there’s a comment up there for 1984, bot. Don’t get “fired” from your job. 😉 )

Oct 5, 2022 11:23 PM
Reply to  plino

First sign of being dool alley, taking to yourself. Second sign, agreeing with yourself. It’s only a wee joke Jimmy. 🤓

Oct 6, 2022 12:43 AM
Reply to  Brianborou!

Great joke, pro-Russian, and actually pro-ratresseter turbo troll. I had a great laugh, thank you! 😍 

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Oct 4, 2022 10:42 PM

I was in an abusive relationship with my Television set. Nightly it would make me angry or cause tears to well-up in my eyes. We are now in an agreeable semi-separation.
Lately i realised the semi-separation was made possible only because i’d developed a relationship with my personal computer. I’m now trying to get a semi-separation from the PC as hitting the up/down tick button for Offguardian comments is hurting my finger.

Oct 5, 2022 3:46 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

I haven’t watched the Telescreen regularly in 18 years.

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Oct 5, 2022 7:46 AM

I watch repeats of Star Trek, Captian Kirk, Mr.Spok and Dr McCoy, in the 1960s if my memory serves me well. It was so different from the imperial hegemon today. apart from the Vietnam war.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Oct 5, 2022 9:39 PM
Reply to  Graham Greene

we couldn’t wait to get our mitts on mobile phones after 30 years of televised communicators, we were conned as they do not transport us (yet)

Oct 5, 2022 8:27 AM

I moved to the interwebs and the T.V. followed. I don’t watch but still hear about it. That’s different hey?

Oct 4, 2022 10:35 PM

The actress said it: “I’d do it again, because it was the right thing to do.”

This will be the Covidian mantra, that, warts and goofs and gafs and all, it was right.

Oct 5, 2022 7:16 AM
Reply to  Cela

…and strokes,cancer,tainted breast milk…all for the greater good.Wow.
‘How’s that all going for the hospitals ?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Oct 4, 2022 10:20 PM

Of course many of them couldn’t have cared less… as long as they still had an income to go to the mall and buy more stuff they didn’t even need, or to go to a restaurant or cinema, whatever. They lapped up whatever the presstitutes and Government told them without question, so they could still maintain their “lifestyle” and not be labelled as “tin foil hat loons”.
And they all lined up in droves for their injections, just so they could maintain their lifestyle and get on a plane “when things return to normal” as a number of my customers told me, or still eat out, or go to the cinema, while happily showing proof at the entrance they were “safe and protected”. And now, sadly, the chickens are coming home to roost. I strongly believe that this is about depopulation and a culling of humanity, via the vaccines.
And as part of this agenda to bring in the Great Reset; a digital panopticonic prison, Australia has just announced plans to bring in digital identities following a supposed, alleged data hack at Optus. Problem, Reaction, Solution.
As well, the Australian Reserve Bank recently announced the trialing of a CBDC digital currency just as 91 other countries are in various stages of doing.
It’s so predictable to see where this is going: no digital identity, then you will have no access to social media and the internet, as well as your digital money. If you want access, you will have to login. I can see the writing on the wall here. I might start printing off articles from sites like Offguardian because soon… Sigh.

Oct 4, 2022 9:52 PM

Oh CJ – you might be right but i, for one, am fed up with all these predictions – i don’t know what’s gonna happen in half an hour – it could be a bath or a vape or a beer ….. we know what’s going on

Oct 4, 2022 9:37 PM

I was at a doctor’s office just yesterday. They still make people wear masks. Why?

Oct 5, 2022 12:29 AM
Reply to  Lysias

Many—make that almost all—doctors in the U.S. have been obliged to join medical groups.and these groups impose rules about co-payments and mask requirement. My refusal to do so has resulted in one doctor inviting me not to come back. Others have just ignored my violation of the rule. I’ve notice that other patients are also not complying although we’re still a minority.

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Oct 5, 2022 8:09 AM
Reply to  Dosamuno

I haven’t visited a doctor ever since this farce was first rolled out. My medicine as such is quite simply – Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, and Quercetin, plenty of fruit, honey and yoghurt. Works a treat, even for a 77 year old like me; and also an hour’s walk around the park every day. Of course it follows that I also haven’t read any newspapers, haven’t watched TV except for the old episodes of Star Trek. Moreover, we now have a burgeoning variety of anti-establishment channels and publications to peruse. Mostly cost-free.

Our side seems to be expanding and their side seems to be getting weaker all the time. No-one where I live wears those stupid masks any more. Even more ridiculous is the way the authorities keep on sending out ambulances without any patients – in fact it is 0805 and there is one going past me right now! No-one takes the slightest notice, but the crews get paid overtime. Still a long way to go, but we’re going in the right direction I think.

Oct 5, 2022 9:56 AM
Reply to  Graham Greene

I was doing very well at avoiding drs etc and then some crazy drunk decided to run me down…however I am quite proud of myself…no masks, one covid test to get into hospital to have the arm pinned…I just look them in the eye with my wild traumatised look and say sorry have had enough without out that crazy muzzle and they leave me alone…while I watch all the rest still obeying when it comes to dr offices,,,people so easily just comply…

Oct 6, 2022 12:44 PM
Reply to  Edith

I just look them in the eye with my wild traumatised look and say sorry have had enough 

Thats how you do it. 💯 

Oct 5, 2022 2:19 PM
Reply to  Graham Greene

“…My medicine as such is quite simply – Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, and Quercetin, plenty of fruit, honey and yoghurt. Works a treat, even for a 77 year old like me; and also an hour’s walk around the park every day. Of course it follows that I also haven’t read any newspapers, haven’t watched tv…”

We’re exactly the same age and we follow similar strategies—
just add a few bike rides every week, calisthenics, and yoga, plus a few more vitamins and supplements.

My doctor visits are for chronic conditions. I also prefer to avoid doctors.
I will say proudly that my doctors ride bikes, jog, swim, and do supplements.

Stay strong, good brother.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Oct 5, 2022 9:43 PM
Reply to  Graham Greene

just about everyone is wearing a muzzle on trains and buses in germany still

Oct 5, 2022 4:20 AM
Reply to  Lysias

Where I live numerous single use plastics will soon be banned. However the sacred life saving muzzle will be exempted.

Oct 4, 2022 8:45 PM

Those doctors we put on pedestals willingly suppress the truth to keep their licenses. The CEOs of drug firms bury adverse reactions to their vaccines to make billions for their firms and millions for themselves. Fauci and friends profit from booming sales of vaccines that they shill for, even though they supposedly work for us. Heads of government use fear, humiliation and compliance to bring the world closer to the Great Reset.
The Covid response is a cookie cutter operation that can be tweaked to fit any international operation. Global Warming, the approaching Armageddon, imminent food shortage, etc.
Government IS force and the current batch of well dressed totalitarians have discovered they rather enjoy placing their jack boots on the necks of their serfs.
They have learn the lessons of Hitler, Stalin and Mao well.

Oct 4, 2022 9:49 PM
Reply to  Weirdpeter

I didn’t for one minute put anybody on a pedastal – and never have

Oct 4, 2022 8:35 PM

Worry not because Liz Truss is a huge c*nt …….. i mean a Zionist. Easy to mix the two up.
But remember focus on Klaus Schwab

Oct 4, 2022 9:24 PM
Reply to  Derek

Correct. Never lose sight of the squirrel

Cynicon Implant
Cynicon Implant
Oct 5, 2022 12:22 AM
Reply to  Derek

I’m American and I envy the joy the Brits seem to have in calling people c*nts. You can’t get away with that over here.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Oct 8, 2022 1:26 PM

It’s a small price to pay to be able to bomb anyone anywhere in the world anytime with impunity. No?

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Oct 4, 2022 8:15 PM

The actress says she’d do it again because “it’s what we have to do to see people”? Damn. What a brain-dead idiot. I’m assuming she doesn’t know how long this bell’s palsy will last or what other effects the vaccine and that illness might have on her in the long run. But to her it doesn’t matter because she thinks it’s what she has to do to see people. That is just astounding.
I sort of feel sorry for those that would not know what I mean.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 4, 2022 10:25 PM

I think she actually says “save” people. No matter what the cost, she must be seen by the world as “nice” and “caring” and “compassionate” and “empathic.” Facial paralysis, temporary or long term? A small price to pay for being observably virtuous.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Oct 5, 2022 7:26 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

The globalists must laugh at these self righteous fools willing taking the poision and then, incredulously, defending it.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 5, 2022 4:35 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Their level of contempt must be off the charts.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 4, 2022 8:11 PM

The noxious plastic Left wing of the Hydra continues to vomit up “concerned” articles that warn against “misinformation”.


One Seema Yasmin is another in the line of “professional debunking” medical experts who, as with so many, just happens to also be a hot babe. Consider the presenter of that “Unvaccinated” hit-piece, Hannah Fry, and also the BBC choice for voice on international affairs, Nazanin Boniadi. I wonder if there is some kind of intelligence training camp for glamorous gals to entice the young ones away from the path to temptation? 

Anyway, that bastion of Left radicalism Mother Jones is giving us a lecture on misinfo and after the customary bit about the Royals as baby-eating reptilian shapeshifters, this:

I called Yasmin last week to discuss how fighting disinformation is like fighting Covid (or any viral disease, for that matter), what drives people on the internet to create “copypasta,” and whether the pandemic has made people more (or less) immunized against false information on the internet.

“fighting disinformation is like fighting Covid” Neat rhetorical move that automatically presupposes the reality of covid. And performs the psychologically satisfying manoeuvre of equating covid with “misinfo”. Brilliant distillation of Orwellian substitution. The manufactured fear of a virus transferred to fear of “misinfo” conceived as a virus!  But this?:

“whether the pandemic has made people more (or less) immunized against false information on the internet”

Yes it extends the Orwellian metaphor (“immunized against”) but also…

“Whether the pandemic has made ….”? The pandemic as “educator”?

In the light of these tricks we can safely bypass the following offer:

“An edited and condensed version of our discussion is below:”

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 4, 2022 8:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

These bubonic babes are fascinating. Charlie’s Angels for the Covid Cause? The Benny Hill cast as propaganda division? 

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Oct 4, 2022 10:09 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Well, it’s an easy way to divert the male brain cell. On Zerohedge the number of comments discussing Truss’ Tatas are quite bewildering.

Arthur Foxake
Arthur Foxake
Oct 4, 2022 10:19 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Loved this bit:
“I called Yasmin last week to discuss how fighting disinformation is like fighting COVID”
What we used to call shadow boxing then.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Oct 4, 2022 10:30 PM
Reply to  George Mc

As stated by another poster, on another website:

“If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, the fact checkers will tell you it’s a chicken.”

In regards to the hot propaganda babes: Pretty is as pretty does.

Oct 4, 2022 7:48 PM

This is one point of view, which to be honest is just as orthodox as the other pov. How about thinking outside the box? That would be refreshing indeed.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 4, 2022 7:13 PM

I just had a little nostalgic wade there through the old sites like Craig Murray and Jonathan Cook and I must say that one thing this pandemic pukery has done for us is to sort out the wheat from the putrid fermenting diarrhea. And guess what? That fermentation still bubbles away. Easy to visit. Impossible to stomach. No change unto the end of days.    

Oct 5, 2022 1:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I do agree. So many sites I used to visit regularly now stand revealed as either quite blatantly controlled opposition or run by horribly obtuse or cowardly people.

My never-agains –

Caitlin Johnstone, Moon of Alabama, Craig Murray, RT, Saker, John Pilger (huge loss!), Media Lens, Consortium News, Dances With Bears, Gray Zone.

List of infamy.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 5, 2022 2:57 PM
Reply to  Hannah

Also John McMurtry. And of course the World Succubus Web Site.

Oct 4, 2022 7:07 PM

Speaking of “wailing and the gnashing of teeth”, for anyone who has not read HIROSHIMA, it’s free on-line.


I apologize, CJ, for straying off-topic, but I intend to post this link everywhere I can.
Maybe it will scare some people.
It still scares the Hell out of me.

Oct 4, 2022 6:52 PM

People know that when their bills arrive, they can either cut their consumption or they can get a higher salary, higher wages, go out there and get that new job

– Jake Berry MP. Conservative Party Chairman

Spend less or earn more – Government Policy.

Will use the changes that were announced in the mini-budget in my calculations, to see how much difference they might make in helping people, either by improving their current situation or by affecting the way their changes in earnings will improve their circumstances.
I’m going to take an entirely artificial case of a couple, with one person working who earns £25,000 a year, with two children, paying rent of £200 a week, and Council tax of £1500 a year. (Oxford comma is deliberate). There are no disabilities or other relevant elements.

The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP) surveyed employers last month and found 35% of them were seeing an increase in employees pausing contributions to workplace pensions.

continues in the blog link well worth the read.


Oct 4, 2022 7:29 PM

Aren’t we lucky to have people like Jake to dispense such valuable pearls of wisdom to us? Almost wants to make you vote Tory.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Oct 4, 2022 6:40 PM

An example of Corporate Fascist Eugenics Hate Speech and Misinformation”
comment image

“Propaganda is Advertising.”
comment image

Advertising is Propaganda.”

Oct 4, 2022 8:17 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Fighting the deep state involves pop ups .
Liberals are FURIOUS that Trump Supporters get this MAGA Wrist Watch for FREE!
It’s no secret that the Liberals are waging a war on America and Trump Supporters.
In fact, the reason why Biden wanted to withdraw troops before US civilians from Afghanistan and ultimately resulted in the Taliban taking over Afghanistan so quickly was simply because the Democrats rejected Trump’s original negotiated plan to leave.
Due to the Democrats relentless war on Donald Trump and everything he represents, Afghanistan has now fallen, and this is arguably the biggest embarrassment to the American military ever since the Vietnam war.
Make no mistake, the Democrats and Joe Biden are against everything Donald Trump stood for, because only he put America First.
As such, we can no longer stand back and watch the values that founded this great nation being trampled on any further.
As a proud American in this God fearing nation, we must stand up and fight President Donald Trump and support his stance against the Democrats.
That’s why for a limited time only Trump Supporters will be able to receive a Limited Edition Make America Great Again Wrist Watch for FREE!
This amazing Make America Great Again Wrist Watch is on track to become the most popular Patriotic memorabilia in the history of the United States, and liberals are on a mission to keep this from happening!
comment image

Oct 5, 2022 3:50 AM

Satire ?

Oct 5, 2022 10:06 PM

And very good satire. I don’t know what everyone’s disabled their sense of humor and didn’t appreciate (I put a green thumb on it).

Oct 6, 2022 10:33 AM

101% real.
It is the pop ups that appear visiting different sites.
I have seen the my self.

Oct 7, 2022 1:48 AM
Reply to  entitled2

Yes, real, but very self-satirical in its reality

Oct 4, 2022 9:41 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

wtf? where autistic andy shtuff come from?


Oct 5, 2022 12:11 AM
Reply to  rubberheid

Love the chart. Looks like I have multiple personality (dis)order. and Autism Andy (Wakefield) was right!

Oct 5, 2022 12:34 AM
Reply to  Martha
Oct 5, 2022 2:43 AM
Reply to  Dosamuno

That’s why I said it! They called that character Autism Andy as a smear and anyone who knows Dr. Wakefield knows he’s always been right.

Oct 5, 2022 2:21 PM
Reply to  Martha

I got that Martha.
Just wanted to support you.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Oct 4, 2022 11:45 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Hm, that life expectancy before modern medicine meme has got most people in agreement, quite contrary to the facts. “There is a basic distinction between life expectancy and life span,” says Stanford University historian Walter Scheidel, a leading scholar of ancient Roman demography. “The life span of humans – opposed to life expectancy, which is a statistical construct – hasn’t really changed much at all, as far as I can tell.” Life expectancy is an average. If you have two children, and one dies before their first birthday but the other lives to the age of 70, their average life expectancy is 35. But it doesn’t give us the full picture. It also becomes especially problematic when looking at eras, or in regions, where there are high levels of infant mortality. Most of human history has been blighted by poor survival rates among children, and that continues in various countries today. (As an aside, the US life expectancy is the lowest and the child mortality rate is the highest of any other Western country – this in spite of the fact that it has the most expensive and sophisticated medical system – my note. You can check this out). Ancient Rome’s ‘cursus honorum’ – the sequence of political offices that an ambitious young man would undertake – didn’t even allow a young man to stand for his first office, that of quaestor, until the age of 30 (under Emperor Augustus, this was later lowered to 25; Augustus himself died at 75). To be consul, you had to be 43 – eight years older than the US’s minimum age limit of 35 to hold a presidency. In the 1st Century, Pliny devoted an entire chapter of The Natural History to people who lived longest. Among them he lists the consul M Valerius Corvinos (100 years), Cicero’s wife Terentia (103), a woman named Clodia (115… Read more »

Oct 5, 2022 2:24 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

DISSOLVING ILLUSIONS is a wonderful book.


Oct 5, 2022 1:49 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Is that first one real? Lord, I hope not.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 4, 2022 6:25 PM


First preliminary hearing of the covid public inquiry. Yes I know what you’re thinking. Surely they shovelled this shite out already? Yeah they probably did – or they made noises about it. But let’s face it: this covid inquiry is yet another committee set up to repeat the pandemic propaganda and keep the whole hypnotist act continually running.

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 4, 2022 6:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And where would we be without an advert for the sequel?


Covid inquiry: Lessons will be learned before next pandemic

I’m surprised they don’t announce the date so we can get ready on Netflix.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Oct 4, 2022 11:38 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“Mistakes were made.”

The passive voice will be much-used.

Oct 4, 2022 6:22 PM

Wow, that Canadian actress. I was sure she was going to say the opposite; don’t know why I’m still amazed by these groveling authoritarians.

Oct 4, 2022 8:18 PM
Reply to  rob2

I was sure she was going to say the opposite

no pun intended  😀 

Oct 5, 2022 12:51 AM

It took me a minute but I got it! Oops, it absolutely wasn’t intended. I honestly don’t find such injuries humorous, even when it happens to misguided enablers of tyranny.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Oct 4, 2022 6:20 PM

I think it’s high time to have some really hard hitting discussions about what the journalistic prostitutes that tried to have non-vaccinated people locked up, sacked, ostracised and banned from travelling etc etc should face as consequences. Here’s my suggestion for Piers Morgan, just as an example: A 15 year ban on ever going to watch live football. He will continue paying for 4 Club Level tickets at Arsenal FC, but none of his family will be allowed to use the tickets. They will be made available to anyone who was ostracised for telling the truth, arguing honestly, rigorously and without being a corrupt sycophant to global criminals like Bill Gates. Those tickets will cost Mr Morgan over £10k a year, so that’s a fine little ‘tax’ for him to pay. Morgan will have his future salary for any work he ever does capped at £50k per year. It doesn’t matter how much he’s paid now, how much he thinks he’s worth, how much Rupert Murdoch or Bill GAtes thinks he’s worth. I think he’s worth £50k a year and I got the arguments on Covid absolutely right from the start and he didn’t. So I’ll tell him what he can earn and he has no right whatsoever to any form of legal due process to challenge that edict. Shame…. Morgan will hand over his pension fund in its entirety to help pay for treatment and care of those seriously injured/maimed through the Covid19 vaccine crimes. There’s going to need to be a fund of tens of billions to cover that, so all the media gaslighters can hand over their £10m pots each to create £1-5bn. The politicians, civil servants can do the same. And so can every single consultant doctor in London. Not to mention the 500 highest paid… Read more »

Oct 4, 2022 6:17 PM

I’m sick of hearing the baaaing and bleating about the “other sheep.” For the most part it’s just projecting your own guilt on others cuz you feel YOU are not doing enough to oppose the onslaught. Put that energy into constructive action instead.

Oct 4, 2022 6:03 PM

American people won’t do anything differently, ever.

They still think that Arabs, with no flying skills, flew jet planes into the towers, causing a near perfect implosion of asbestos laden white elephants and an insurance payout for the landlord.

They think that people like Trump and Biden are actually in charge. And voting matters, as long as they vote for their party’s selected candidates.

The covidiocy started in the Fall of 2019, coinciding with the onset of normal seasonal flu and cold season. No biolabs, no bat soup, just ordinary seasonal bugs. Weaponized by the Propaganda Ministry aka Mass Media.

Stephen R Williams
Stephen R Williams
Oct 4, 2022 5:48 PM

Well written. Part of my fear is of them crashing the internet. Blame it on Russia. Oh, all your bank accounts were wiped so we’ll start afresh. New digital currency etc etc. Then they could Drop us off at the Ministry of Interrogation and nobody will know.
Somebody in the comments below mentioned something I had not thought of, viz that they need ppl to keep swallowing the Propaganda so it will have to be kept on. It’s no biggie for them as they control the masses through the press.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Oct 4, 2022 5:43 PM

Robert F Kennedy:
Censorship just took another deadly turn.
In a stealth Friday-afternoon move, Calif. Gov. Newsom signed a bill that turns doctors into agents of the state . . . and brings our country one slippery step closer to medical totalitarianism.

California’s new law allows the state to revoke the licenses of doctors who dispense medical advice that runs counter to the official government narrative on COVID — even when what the doctors say is proven true.
The CDC and FDA continue to tout COVID vaccines as “safe and effective” despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Even though their own studies show natural immunity trumps vaccine-induced immunity, the CDC is still pushing the vaccines on people who have already recovered from the virus.
Under this new law, a doctor who advises patients about the known risks of the vaccine could lose his license.
Could a doctor who suggests that her patient could get COVID despite being vaccinated lose her right to practice medicine?
What about doctors who advise their patients not to get the vaccine because they’ve already had COVID?

But as Gov. Newsom’s decision to sign this draconian bill into law makes crystal clear, this battle for medical freedom — and the soul of our democracy — is far from over.

Oct 4, 2022 6:10 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Paul, thanks for posting this. I’m sure it’s a reach too far & it will be overturned. I wonder how we can find out which members of the legislature voted for it so we can publicize their names:
“These members of CA’s legislature voted to censor your doctor’s advice to you.”

Oct 4, 2022 7:03 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

, Calif. Gov. Newsom signed a bill that turns doctors into agents of the state . . . and brings our country one slippery step closer to medical totalitarianism.

Midterms so one must remember this type of shilling that is done by the so called alt media.

BTW the GMC (General Medical Council) in the U.K beat the above and did it over a year and a bit back.
You may reply- it isnt law though!!! well if you understand the general medical council GMC it is the law for them.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Oct 4, 2022 9:35 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

Magic Pen ! Merely by making his signature with his magic pen the governor turned the sheep into guinea pigs (for the drug makers) !