WATCH: Climategate Flashback
Just as the oligarchs are moving to consolidate their power in a new global governmental scheme based on the manmade climate change scare, their fraud has been exposed. The source code doesn’t lie, unlike the scientists who have perverted the good name of science in the pursuit of their political goals.
James Corbett’s flashback to the Climategate scandal is timely in two important ways.
Firstly, because many people newly “red-pilled” by the Covid scam may be unfamiliar with Climategate, having taken coverage of climate change at face value before now.
Secondly, because though the Covid narrative may be waning, the agenda that it served is not. The Great Reset is coming down the tracks, and will likely be hitched to the climate train next.
Climategate may have rounded its 13 birthday, in some ways it has never been more relevant, because it reminds us that the rampant corruption and deception so widely displayed during the “pandemic” was nothing new, and Science to Order has been a phenomenon for decades.
So, in the near future, when the big red numbers are temperatures rather than case numbers, remember that the same people are twisting the stats for the exact same reasons.
They’ve done it before – with climate and Covid – and they WILL do it again.
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July 6, 2022
“The presidential adviser, special representative of the head of state of the Russian Federation on climate issues Ruslan Edelgeriev held the 38th meeting of the Interagency Working Group of the presidential administration on issues related to climate change and sustainable development.
The meeting discussed the preparation of a plan for the implementation of the strategy for socio-economic development of the Russian Federation with low greenhouse gas emissions for the period up to 2050. sectoral and regional climate change adaptation plans, measures to ensure monitoring of methane emissions, and activities under the convention on Biological Diversity.
Ruslan Edelgeriev emphasized the importance of the full implementation of the plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout the economy and the implementation of the tasks set by the president of the Russian Federation in this field. With regard to the adaptation of the economy to climate change, the need for more active participation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the development of appropriate action plans was noted.
In preparation for the participation of the Russian delegation in the 27th session of the conference of the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change, to be held on 7-18 November 2022. in the Arab Republic of Egypt, organizational issues and participation of Russian experts in the development and implementation of international legal agreements in this field.
The Russian Federation, like all parties to the Paris Agreement, is committed to fulfilling international obligations to combat climate change and to develop cooperation in this area. Measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change are being developed within the BRICS, EEA and other interstate associations.
The presidential adviser, special representative of the head of State for Climate Affairs Ruslan Edelgeriev took part in the ministerial meeting on the preparation of the 27th session of the conference of the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change. The event took place in the Democratic Republic of the Congo from 3 to 5 October.
October 5, 2022
“The meeting gave the opportunity to outline possible ways to bring the parties ‘ positions closer together on key issues on the current climate agenda, including the launch of a work programme to strengthen mitigation measures by 2030. and progress under the work programme on global adaptation objective, reaching agreement on a new target on climate finance after 2025. as well as the development of an institutional framework to address the loss and damage from the adverse effects of climate change.
The parties agreed on the inadmissibility of blurring the climate agenda of the conference with issues of international peace and security and agreed to continue close bilateral cooperation to ensure the success of the event.
The 27th session of the conference of the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change will be held from 6 to 18 November 2022. in Egypt, Sharm el-Sheikh. The Russian delegation at the event will be led by Ruslan Edelgeriev.”
Relax, dudes, everything’s under control. 😉
Some of the smug middle class would prefer not to believe in climate change because it messes with their plans, ie. world travel, a bigger house, a seaside ‘shack’, investment properties, private schools, private health cover, fine dining, a eco friendly car or two, a huge retirement nest egg and setting up their kid’s future.
Climate ‘cancer’, because it’s insidious, eats into their plans.
“Make it go away!”
I’d say most people, middle class or not, don’t care about climate change because it’s yet another issue that gets shoved down their throats from a media which they know to be chronic liars who are incapable of telling the truth and where every lie always serves the agenda of the ruling class. Climate change, transgenderism, bugs for breakfast, and the deadliest virus of all time followed by the new deadliest virus of all time followed by …..
Global warming was a construct of The Club of Rome for depopulation & global centralized control. You’re the carbon they’re trying to reduce. And that’s where it’s going.
I wonder if crematoriums add to the ‘carbon’ in the atmosphere…
Let alone wars etc…
Ban all wars to reduce explosive carbon (amidst other deadly toxic thingy-me-jigs) emissions. This would prove a serious and sincere stance by the corporate bureaucracies predominantly posing as people’s governments.
To the above yada, yada, yada. > Climate change denial is no small change investment…
Global Fossil Fuel Subsidies Remain Large: An Update Based on Country-Level Estimates
[From: IMF Working Papers]
Author/Editor: David Coady; Ian Parry; Nghia-Piotr Le; Baoping Shang
Publication Date: May 2, 2019
“This paper updates estimates of fossil fuel subsidies, defined as fuel consumption times the gap between existing and efficient prices (i.e., prices warranted by supply costs, environmental costs, and revenue considerations), for 191 countries.
Globally, subsidies remained large at $4.7 trillion (6.3 percent of global GDP) in 2015 and are projected at $5.2 trillion (6.5 percent of GDP) in 2017. The largest subsidizers in 2015 were China ($1.4 trillion), United States ($649 billion), Russia ($551 billion), European Union ($289 billion), and India ($209 billion)
About three quarters of global subsidies are due to domestic factors—energy pricing reform thus remains largely in countries’ own national interest—while coal and petroleum together account for 85 percent of global subsidies. Efficient fossil fuel pricing in 2015 would have lowered global carbon emissions by 28 percent and fossil fuel air pollution deaths by 46 percent, and increased government revenue by 3.8 percent of GDP.”
Series: Working Paper No. 19/89
Free Download (
But hey! There’s more: > “A comprehensive study of 191 nations, published by the International Monetary Fund in September 2021, found that globally the fossil fuel industry receives subsidies of $11 million per minute, … fossil fuel companies received $5.9 trillion in subsidies in 2020, with support projected to rise to $6.4 trillion by 2025, according to the IMF report.”
The IMF is worried about climate change?
The IMF is simply a laundromat for money changers who own and control petrochemical companies and their myriad entities. The “climate change” debate has been largely manipulated by those same owners and controllers.
The Rockefeller Way: The Family’s Covert ‘Climate Change’ Plan
By The Energy & Environmental Legal Institute
Global Research, May 28, 2019
Airline industries, tourism, cruise ships, manufacturing, and international trade via large scale shipping, all contribute to the haze seen in skies all around the planet. Subsidies, sanctions, trade “agreements” and restrictions, are not disclosed to the public, because it would impinge on the rights of the corporate welfare system…
No one actually cares about atmospheric heating, because the name’s been shifted from global warming to “climate change”.
How can you possibly believe this when “climate change” is being promoted as part of the Great Reset and 4th IR? Virtually every government is on board with it. All media too with a few exceptions. It’s constantly promoted everywhere in the news, current affairs, movies, TV shows, kids TV. The EU is shutting down farmland to save on carbon emissions. The fake meat industry and insect eating is promoted because of “climate breakdown”. Companies advertise their carbon footprint. Governments are shutting down fossil fuel power stations. And all on the basis of an unproven hypothesis of CO2 as a major carbon forcer.
You are presenting a parallel reality that simply does not exist.
As for the IMF being just a money laundromat, what rubbish. It is a central planner for globalism along with the WEF, WHO, UN, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg.
All of the organizations you refer to are manipulated by the gravy trains of international trade and money laundering. The United Nations, IMF, and Bank for International Settlements, are the wet dreams of persons such as Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates, members of the Trilateral Commission, etc. “They” employ these mechanisms, not the other way around.
The CO2 hypothesis is simply a handy way to tax and regulate energy consumption of persons who are not in on the game. The post-industrial revolution was foreseen decades ago.
The entire debate is about who controls financial processes as the planet plunges into environmental disintegration.
Heat and eat vs freeze and starve…
Use less or be useless.
Use less unless you are one of the overlords.
State (ie taxpayer)subsidies subsidise private profits…
Without state subsidies and favourable treatments some industries would struggle to exist…
The local public bus service is subsidised by the state with taxpayers money. When a company’s employees rely on such public transport to get to work, the company
profits from the subsidy.
Is taxpayer subsidised Private Enterprise one of the elephants in the room ?
Without Government regulations there’d be no free markets ?
The subsidies cover these matters:
:- Over 1/2 for the medical treatment of victims of resulting air pollution and the consequent loss of income -IMF 2015.
:- Responses to environmental damage. Producing 1 unit (by volume) of petrol consumes 13 times as much fresh water -Nat. Geo. c. 2016.
:- Imperial armed robbery of petroleum.
“Imperial armed robbery of petroleum.” Exactly. >>> Is added to the robbery of every human function on the planet.
The International Monetary Fund is a well used instrument of usury/extortion banking, designed to plunge whole Nations into unpayable debt in exchange for more “favorable” treatment.
Your conflating subsidies with taxes.
Hello Jjaye: I’m not confused regarding the shell game. The subsidy system, trade and sanctions, and all forms of taxation, are fraudulent and completely disassociated with actual physical assets. The civilian public is out of touch with the reality of the situation. Economics has been reduced to a numeric fantasy.
Those who seek in the world for the cause of hateful or evil results think it makes them so, and they must then prevail over a world seen pathologically in ever shifting enemy or threat to its bio-insecurity.
Projection makes perception means we receive in the measure of our giving.
But by projecting to Get Rid Of, we think to escape hate while investing our stake in such a self and world.
The Reversal of cause and effect is largely ‘normalised’ as social masking to maintain the conditions by which hate and fear are made ‘safe’ from full exposure as the masking in the forms or behaviours of virtue and necessity – set against socially invested evils or scapegoats.
Unless we recognise our own stake or investment, and release it to align in true Cause, we persist a futile attempt to become ‘real’ in terms of a ‘broken wholeness’ or fragmented mind set in its own spin against reintegration to that which created you whole and which extends wholeness through you.
A whole in all its parts cannot be understood by a mind set in double-think and compelled to seek externally for means to ‘survive’ in terms & conditions of a past set by separation trauma that stamps on presence to persist to future.
The ‘reset’ by whatever name is the breakdown of an unsupportable complex of conflicts and debts running toxic to life, at all levels of our embodiment.
The ego would stamp its face on life and death to claim victory against loss of face or indeed control. For it cannot see life, though it is all around. Recognising the ego is looking at what was but isnt. Otherwise we run with what we hated and feared as if it is here or about to stamp its denial.
While there is a willingness to sacrifice simple relational presence for a Call to War, the fear wags the dog by its tale. As if chasing a final solution or fundamental vindication and validation of its investment in judging reality as a private creation.
The projector is hidden so as to have the movie.
The mind is ingeniously deceptive to a desire to not know or set rules and filters by which to believe it knows something else.
The lie and the father of it are invoked to protect a mis-taken identity, be that Prodigal or Promethean.
But that which identifies truly never left a mind set in its own thinking, and so thinking is an activity within a field of relations of which it effectively misperceives by attempt to use them to get from, rather than bring presence to them.
Mind control both external and internal… Who controls what is seen and what is read… Who controls the interpretation… What language is best for free association…
The Heart is wiser.
The global elite must have a laugh when they tune into the alt media and its commentary.
Here we are active keyboard warriors, plugged into their mains, using their systems, their appliances, applications, and platforms. From our rented or mortgaged homes, paid for by pennies adorned with their emblems, fed by their industries, eyes filled with their flickering images, ears full with their sounds, their clothes upon our backs, their waggons in our driveways.
And yet we speak about a great reset, a global government, and what horrors are yet to come. We fill our time scrambling for the crumbs of information fed to us by them trying to reconcile. And all the time we are their slaves, and do their bidding. Totally beholden to them.
We have been under the thumb for centuries, they already have absolute control, and the same old wheel keeps on turning unless we find the strength to break free from all of the above.
What are we waiting for?
Is it not the case that while we run around like headless chickens because of what new fear we have been served, by them, we fail to live our own lives, fail to carve out that place we yearn for, and fail to attract others to join us?
fair comment. most folk might get it in the heid, but refuse the reality?
said hybrid-life-rubberheid : /
The great comedy of interpreting tragedy.
We are waiting for Godot. I’m pretty sure the train will arrive — soon…
Such sites act as safety valves…No telling what people will do if they keep it all bottled up.
Such sites allow The Authorities to keep an eye on what ‘dissenters’ are up to.
Psychologists study such sights to gain insights on how to combat ‘dissent’, or defuse it.
The Authorities aint stupid. Their motto “Let 100 Flowers Blossom.” (courtesy of Mousy Tongue).
WWE Tough Enough wrestler winner Sara Lee is dead at 33yrs of age. Her cause of death is not publicly known at this time.
So many athletes dropping dead. It’s a real mystery
It must be global warming.
So many media sown memes that MUST BE TRUE?
This is not to say toxic injections are not being given and received in a toxic psychic environment of fear and guilting set by coercion and deceit.
But that the intent to protect against true disclosure will use anything and everything to stamp its boot on a broken face so as to reset fear and guilting of by coercion and deceit, in a deeper unconsciousness given consent by reaction running as if to already know, and thus not pausing to check in at the Heart of a simple self honesty of being.
This is the “sudden death syndrome at Christ’s age” recently discovered by scientists.
‘Only the good die young…’
-The anthropological philosopher Billy Joel
So, good now translates as compliant?
For my prove that because of energy transmission by “<strong>kinetic energy</strong>” and by “<strong>kinetic transmission</strong>” it is impossible, that CO2 prevents earth from raying off it’s warmth into space, please, see my comment of some days ago:

For those, who are not really familiar with the facts of this CO2 myth here a video from some years ago: “The Great Global Warming Swindle – Full Documentary HD”
From that video two snapshots:
1) Yes, in the last two hundred years the global temperature rose and the CO2-level rose also (because of industrialisation). But still it is the <strong>cycle of solar activity</strong> that really fits to the historical global temperature – not the CO2-level:
2) Yes, in the last two hundred years the global temperature rose and the CO2-level rose also (because of industrialisation). But it has been much warmer during the medieval warm period – with a <strong>much lower CO2-level!</strong>:
Gonna be difficult; nukes, almost probably are not real. The purpose by the US authority of inventing a myth about nukes is multi-faceted; first it gave them an ultimate power over every enemy; it sent fear and dread through every human society, it gave them an omnipotence; the state rules by fear. The ‘science’ of nukes was leaked to the USSR on purpose; it wasn’t real but; they needed the threat of nukes to infect the western populations aswell as the commies. Also it is an abundant energy resource; neutrinos hit the metal heat it up, heat the water that drive turbines; voila; simple.
The science of threat is ridiculous; the video footage is all screen layered fakes; the clouds are just detonations of large amounts of tnt; chernobyl isn’t dangerous; nagasaki and hiroshima were populated immediately afterwards with no recorded detriment to the people; the only poison from fukushima was heavy metal traces from the explosion which washed away quite rapidly; three mile island etc. etc ALL PSYOPS. Why demonise it and sanction it? Because it gives you abundant cheap energy and to industrialists; energy is King.
At last, I thought I was the only one that asked the question and NEVER get an answer as to why Hiroshima and Nagasaki were rebuilt and inhabited in a very short time and no one is worried about radiation, fall out or whatever it’s called. I can remember so called scientists telling us in the 50s and 60s that radiation lasts at least a thousand years! Where does it go after that anyway????
Could you point me to some websites for further info? This concept is new to me.
I repeat what the catch is so there’s no “why didn’t you tell us?” 😄 :
Main objective: voluntary agreement/passing on the side of the globalists to smart + moral people, quality material
Strategy (concise):
1. In the West it is getting worse, which is loudly announced by the large network of alternative media, which
2. Omit to announce + justify + declare “this is not what it seems; it is not the same as in the West” + declare good any covid vaccination, biometric, internet regulatory, transhumanist (coming soon) action by Russia
3. The quality people caught in this trap go to the side of the globalists in the face of Russia (East, BRICS)
They offered vaccination to all, loudly announcing that they were seeking “global coverage of at least 70%”. Does anyone think they didn’t guess which 70% would accept this? Do they want the 70% who foolishly, without regard to credibility and without regard to their health, trusted their words credulously, for these much less slaves in their future dystopia, in which they need a very limited but quality “human resource”? Selection and manipulation process where the “bad material” is removed and the “good material” is improved / increased. The others were “saved from the virus” of their own free will.
It remains for the “good material” to obey, of its own free will. Which also means:
To accept first that the 70% deserve their fate (which is rational, and at the same time the rationality of the machine – heartlessness; so good hearts “go to the side of evil”. As time goes on, seeing how the “sheep” are to blame for the progress of the globalist plan, do we see this rational attitude increasingly shared by the “30 %”? We see.
Cornered, they resort to all sorts of rationalizations to explain their inhumanity. There is no mercy, no forgiveness, no sympathy, no understanding; “either I or he”, ultimately “the sheep” are to blame for the progress of the plan. In the end, the “sheep” accepted it themselves and” it’s not bad to clean the earth of them”; it’s even good to “not waste oxygen” (quotes from a recent comment here).
“The sheep, by their foolish choice, are already directly threatening our lives, our children, the future of a free society. It’s about our real life here and now, in reality, our physical life.
But, wait, if we go back to 2020, when the threat of the stupidity of the “sheep” was not so direct to us, then our hatred of them was there again; they were again guilty, through their massive acceptance of the fraud of power, of not freeing society from this corrupt power. But, then, there was no such threat to us from their madness, so our hatred was small. But their stupidity led to the current situation.
And now, with a knife to the bone, for the sake of the sheep leading us to the abyss, feelings of hatred and sincere wishes that the sheep will finally go away, as they did for themselves, are unleashed. Against the backdrop of the huge threat, these feelings are nothing; not only that – they are completely justified; not only that – they are the norm in the alt-circles, in the circles of the smarter, the more moral, the better people in general. If you do not share this opinion, you are rejected, reddened by thumbs, etc.
What does it mean in this moment to pay attention to your feelings and thoughts? What does it mean, in the face of a real threat, to try not to hate? This is bullshit. Why would you do that when you have absolutely every reason to hate?
Not only that, but what does it mean, at this critical moment, not to hate those by whose obedience we are heading into the abyss? Is that common sense? Doesn’t that mean you can’t identify the culprits? If you can, Why don’t you feel good about them? Excuse them and forgive them? Are you stupid? Are you gay? A manipulative agent on a mission to upset and diminish morale in the ranks? Or is it just some clunky spiritual nonsense floating in the clouds, some fundamental Christian Fool (i.e., gay)?
So the sheep obeyed the covid narrative, believing the story, stabbing themselves and observing the measures, and they continue to do so, thus ensuring the continuation of this murderous circus.
Moreover, almost all of them have been biting like fish at the imbecile narrative “Slava Ukraini”, thus ensuring the continuation of the globalist plan of financial, energy, food, etc. the suppression of Western peoples, leading to the adoption of social credit systems, all sorts of other miseries, and most likely to the reduction of the population.
The fucking, mean, retarded third-class actor playing with a dick on the piano (you saw the video); his dirty gang of ukro-nazis harassing, torturing and killing the Russian-speaking inhabitants of Donbass; Fucking Zelensky, a puppet produced by Ukrainian mafiosi with the back of the United States and directly led by the United States, and now used as an excuse by the Western authorities to destroy our lives and subjugate us; So that the fucking U.S., bankers, globalists, with their dirty war, destroy Russia, and, by cutting off gas supplies from Russia, they can sell Europe their fucking liquefied gas (among other counter-sanctions that lead to a social credit system for us)!
And the stupid sheep that with their sheep behavior under Kovid democratically legitimized the possibility of its existence now do the same with the ukro-circus. At the price of my life; I pay with my life for their imbecile sheep submission!
And some moron explains to me that it wasn’t nice to hate them and forgive them and shit like that?! My life, perhaps that of my children, passes away before my eyes because of the sheep-feeding, and I, during this time, pay attention to my feelings and thoughts, regulate them, tame them?!…
Russia is what it is – no more, no less, just what the facts say, no interpretations. What they do , that’s it.
The globalists, I think I recently read that they achieved approximately 70% coverage, there were some calculations. Who is all this meant for today? What would the people of the west agree – in their minds, where consent is given – to end this today? They hate freely. And with perfect reason; in fact, I can think of no reasonable reason not to they hate the sheep and not to wish, if not to kill them, at least in any way to get them out of the landscape. The sheep signed their own sentences for this, stabbing themselves. Moreover, they will not change in any way, but will obey even more; and if this totalitarianism goes away, even if the present Kabbalah disappears, because of the stupid sheep, the next Kabbalah will soon come. They simply provoke her appearance with their behavior, “I am ready to obey anything, come and use me for your purposes of power.”
So, one way or another, it quite seems that 70%, perhaps, are some kind of “passengers” or at least 100% slaves; but frankly – certainly unnecessary. Whatever they are, they certainly don’t look like the chosen and greatly reduced number of “staff” that globalists want in the future they are planning.
How are they going to sell it to those who wish for their dystopia, so that they accept it, willingly, voluntarily? First as a rational alignment with realities; then as a moral consonance with the spirit of the New after the storm; and finally as a desire to participate in what is coming. I sit and wonder.
Obama got the prize even before he got to work. By that standard, awarding it to Zelensky would not be all that outlandish.
Before the about-turn on Hitler, why was he so popular, even in USA? Where did the order come from?
The UK in the last few days has seen stories like….
What’s going on? Obviously they want state-nannying and energy rationing in the longer term so why seemingly oppose them now?
My surmise is that we’re being set up for random blackouts during the winter which will then be blamed on Trussonomics and neoliberalism more generally. Alternatively, the plan could be that we’ll all supposedly be so grateful that there’s still energy at all that there won’t be much protesting against the price.
One wider point seems safe to say – when they really push the button on something they want people to feel a sense of direct personal threat, more abstract threats aren’t going to do it with the dumbed-down, sheeplike profane masses (their view). People shivering in their homes fits that aganda all too well – the question remains if they will be unable to turn the heating on (i.e. rationing, blackouts) or unwilling to (i.e. the cost). They do rather seem to like getting people to do the harm to themselves so maybe it will be the latter. The British state is perhaps too close to the mothership and it might be the intention to rally support to it by keeping the energy on while pumping out stories Europe is freezing. This is one that could be steered either way…. .
Little bit of a contradiction, don’t you think? If indeed TPTB are pushing global warming, then at the same time have people freezing during the winter, seems that they’re undercutting their own climate agenda, doesn’t it?
You wouldn’t have to worry about freezing without artificial heating on a planet that’s getting hotter by the day, would you?
Ah! the best laid plans….
Fear knows no logic.
Trussonomics. Love it. Fall-Guy-nomics. Scapegoat-nomics. Two Minute Hate-nomics.
… see the rain we get now, it is more like semolina…
we have always had squalls and gales up these airts,
I do know salt laden, or saharan dust laden, even bin laden “rain”. ha worked outdoors always too, love ma sky, watch it, feel it..
something much more slurry-ish arrives on my velux window long time now, frequently, not “wet” much of the rain is utterly loaded, I do think;
?eco-saturation with smart dust? never mind their weather control? we?? Life?
yo, this should be in fame post below, : ) my oops. and I’m not even !hic!
The recent petrol shortage was to make folk realise how much they need it. End result : fuel supplies return, massive price increases, demand returns to normal level, huge profits made, 99% are poorer.
Same with energy. They’ll ration it, then bring it back. Folk will be happy to pay the higher price.
Next up : food
Next up : money
Ad infinitum ad nauseum
Please stop telling everyone how we work it. It took us minutes to devise the system and we really need to maximise ROI on time elapsed.
All the more reason for the Hate Iran campaign, before their supply comes on to the market.
Apart from covid or sanctions or how terrible Iran is/ we never really hear about it but twitter number 1 in many countries as it midterms & isreal Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year , so expect the oppsite to christian / Jewish demoncratic exaggerated values.
This is So funny..
When it was forced mask wear there 5 minutes ago.
The new you tube/twitter ritual performed by D list celebrity’s so far. Ice bucket challenge.? nope #HairForFreedom
Women in the West who perform theatrical hair cutting really think they are helping women in Iran? Wonder which hair salon each will be visiting right after cameras are turned off.
Yes the hypocrisy is staggering.
Like the USA -you are a domestic terrorist if you question the result of the last Presidential election but it was OK to question the result of the previous one which Trump won!!
I am glad that OffG has recently brought up the issue of false binaries. For me there is no bigger topic than the climate which is used as a false binary. They want people debating so that the majority are heavily invested in the CO-2 climate change theory, so that an extreme weather event like 117F last year in Portland, OR will be regarded by most residents as proof of global warming, climate change. And the other side the “ice age” people will make ridiculous claims that 117F in Portland, OR is just normal weather fluctuation. What they don’t want people talking about is weather modification, geoengineering. And although Corbett has had a few episodes on geoengineering, the episodes are few and far between, why? And OffG? I look forward to an article by OffG on the subject.
However, No internet is needed. One just has spend time to watch the sky and see for themselves. Early mornings, coastlines, ridge tops, flat rural areas provide much opportunity to watch for yourself. I think there is some serious cognitive dissonance happening in the general public to not have experienced the significant increase in spray planes the past twenty years. Also one can take notice of the standing waves being produced in the “clouds” (through sound and electromagnetic radiation?) as well as seeing odd metallic colors in the sky that haven’t been there in the past. And those recent heat waves…Isn’t it odd that the heat waves are now most often accompanied by a haze—sometimes like a distant forest fire, sometimes like near forest fire. Are they microwaving the aluminum to heat up the air?
And yes they are lying about the temperatures. While the daytime recorded temperatures are nearly the same as what I have recorded in the past ten years, the night time temperatures are often, alarming, way off, always on the colder side than what is being reported.(By 8am or 9am, I am experiencing temperatures similar to what is being recorded. ). I have recently written to a couple of weather service here, asking them how my cucumber, tomatoes, squash and beans froze, when the overnight low being reported is 10-12C (50F-54F) on successive nights. The responses have been as shocking as the fake reporting of overnight lows.
5G or chem trails is a no go for alt media which shows it isn’t alternative (especially this the new alt media).
Especially when they offer up a QR code to get you more engaged, often in the form of monetary donations.
As to the sky being polluted, I made a comment here several months ago about how in my part of east England after seeing a massive increase in very high altitude aircraft traffic above my head around the 2019/20 period running into the 100s per day, easily with most spitting out their toxic cargo into the atmosphere, to now seeing maybe 10-20 per day most and not all spitting out these huge smoke trails that turned the sky into milky white haze. Yes, they really caught my curiosity to the point I am always looking up expecting to see the devil appear.
Is it simply about creating unnatural high and low pressures in certain parts of the world that allows the ability to achieve this global weather manipulation? I don’t know but there certainly is no real justification for these aircraft doing what they are beyond what is being explored here in these comments; i.e. man made weather manipulation or maybe something as equally nefarious like 5G signal avenues for the internet of things. Or as we now hear; Climate Change™. Kerching!
Most people are so utterly disconnected from the world around them and their own senses that the sky could turn green and they’d still think it was blue if that’s what their screen told them.
Yesterday morning here in eastern WA the lines were so very blatant. One particular long trail with an angular trail, not 90 degree but more like a hockey stick looking thing. Very wide, standing out very clearly against a sunny morning sky. Some crossing trails as well. I really should have stopped the car and gotten a picture of that one. But no one looks at the sky anymore, most times we’re all lucky if the idiots don’t have their head shoved in the phone while driving.
Just as the geoengineers have the means of creating droughts and the conditions for forest fires (by using ionospheric heaters), so too do they have the means of cooling areas.
The patented process is called Chemical Ice Nucleation for Weather Modification. Using this process, they can “create” snow at as much as 40 degrees F. They use this process – this other side of the weather modification coin – constantly in the Eastern part of the US (where most people live) to keep the temperatures down.
It’s hard relating to actual weather when most plebs are sitting in air conditioned/heated cracker boxes, watching the world go by on a television screen.
The air is filled with multiple frequency broadcast (which they can’t hear) due to all the goddamn noise of the adjoining civilization.
They’re told not to smoke cigarettes, as the sky is puked upon with 20 million tons of aluminum oxides, barium nitrates, strontium, graphene oxide, micro-plastic chaff, and bacterial/fungal preparations…
Here is a quick summary of the effects of Graphene Oxide on the body:
blood clots.
disrupts the immune system.
trigger a cytokine storm.
toxicity can instigate pneumonia.
creates a metallic taste in the mouth.
inflammation of the mucous membranes.
loss in the sense of taste and smell.
magnetism (especially at the injection site.)
blocks detoxification in the body by blocking glutathione.
may be activated by 5G frequencies.
was already included as an adjuvant in the flu shots in 2019.
passes thru the blood-brain barrier.
Not to worry. > Graphene Oxide – How to Eradicate it! (
“actual weather”
33 (argh!!!) years outdoors, for the most part. In hills and forests.
i never admitted it until 2107, when it became undeniable. actual weather or real weather???
as for the heavy rain-
straight out campus(office) job last year (lat-flo world), straight back into hills in spring… just the early hours showed a tartan sky, low too, ffs.
people deny this.
i lost some sense of taste/smell on that job – many flavours just turned metallic, burnt metal, even the smell of peat became that. Could have been stock-poisoning from nurseries tho… prussic acid?? could do same??
fuck knows.
geo-engineering is real, any fool denying it is 100% fool, or paid gimp.
This, ultimately, comes down to the hugely corrupting effect of enormous wealth. Wealth that cannot have been honestly acquired but instead was built up using the very same methods that those ultra rich people are now continuing to use.
The abject failure of the political system to restrain such methods is why we are now in such a disastrous situation.
A gigantic purge of the entire establishment is required.
Why should restraint be shown by the political system. They too have been bought by the same enormous wealth and many of them benefit hugely from it !!
UK government now proposing power cuts for those stupid enough to install a smart meter.
Offering a small payment as a reward (which will quickly disappear) as the sheep comply yet again.
I wondered if the Queen was hurried along to her grave (as did a few others) but can’t be sure due to her age.
Turns out King Charles has to sign off on these power cuts as its an emergency measure.
Interesting timing.
All the pieces of the jigsaw are converging, yet the sheep still cannot see it.
Same people encouring you to buy an electric car are now selling power cuts!
If it wasn’t so sinister it would be laughable..
Not another spell check Nazi?
Global genocide being expedited on the population and ppl worried about spelling!
At times I wonder if the globalists are correct about culling the useless eaters.
The comment line highlighted was great hence the star.
RE: spell check Nazi? that is covid giz and warspotter.
I can assure you my spelling has really got there or is it their ? knickers in a right twist.
My bad. 😔
Note also that the gov energy subsidy is a bill cap, not a rate or standing charge reduction. So anyone who reaches the cap level gets to charge their EV for free, until the power gives up. Anyone worked out how much juice is wasted bitcoin mining??
Yup, smart meters stupid people, Self-Monitoring And Reporting Technology. Thickos have invited big brother into their homes. The wilful ignorant are their worst own enemies.
You have these adds that mock the public in their face and they still don’t get it.
For instance, take these Shell fuel trucks that drive around the freeway and claim that their energy combustions are 100% co2 free. And which has 10000s of liters fuel in their trucks waiting for consumption..
But the add feels good, and this is the goal of the add: to feel good.
Same with wind energy or solar. It feels good, as if in that you save the climate when you use solar or wind, but where do these windmills and solar panels come from?
Same as with waving the Ukraine 🇺🇦 or taking the jab. Since it feels good (to them), it must be good, right? (wrong..)
Ah, why should one think if it feels good? No no, let’s not spoil their moment.
Thinking of it: why not create moments that make people feel good, at the cost that they stop to think? Mmm, here I see a business model.
And so so society creates an endless bunch of wankers who are too busy with… feeling good and therefore do not think at all. Happy consumers.
The only good thing about the phony energy crisis, as it gives me some schadenfreude, is that electric cars are now more expensive in terms of fuel than gasoline cars. Which doesn’t make electric car owners happy. But they bought their electric car to save the climate, right?
And still they don’t get it since they are too busy with… feeling good.
Meanwhile there is inflation, excess mortality and the introduction (in NL) of a price ceiling for energy, which is a thinly disguised C02 passport.
You see: They will own nothing, and will be happy. This is the plan.
Dido* sang lovely about this (life for rent), years ago, which was, as you may remember, a smashing hit. One could call it the WEF anthem and it goes like this:
‘If my life is for rent and I don’t learn to buy
Well, I deserve nothing more than I get
‘Cause nothing I have is truly mine’
And still they don’t get it!
*What’s in a name, the meaning of Dido:
In slang: a mischievous trick or prank
In mythology: origin for war (between Rome and Carthage)
Dido called her son Stan (you can Google this) which is a name best remembered for her song with Eminem, and where Stan turned out to be a psychopath. Ah, well, probably just a coincidence, similar to that coincidence that the wife of Tom Hanks is called Rita… Wilson (you can Google this too)
Tom Hank’s wife
And they still don’t get it.
Oh, the duping delight!
This talk is simply anti-climate change propaganda – reminds me of a recent JC talk trotting out yet again the Dancing Israelis – yeah, it was a bunch of Dancing Israelis who demolished those towers, not Controlled Demolition, Inc (CDI), the company that cleared away the rubble.
To clarify the first “climategate” email mentioned.
The reason they stopped using tree-rings in the early 60s is known as the “divergence problem” and was openly discussed before “climategate”. So while the divergence of tree ring reliability in the early 60s might seem suspicious to you, James, it seems to be a “thing” and strange things do happen, no? You’d have to do a proper investigation of the science.
“Decline” is used to refer to the number of tree rings (used to measure temperature) not temperature itself.
The trick is not a secret, what it refers to is stitching the tree ring proxy record and temperature record together in the same graph (while distinguishing what’s what).
It is ABSURD that the myth of “Mike’s Nature trick” and “hide the decline” still persists.
As anyone who’s familiar with my name on these pages knows: I believe very, very little of what’s told to us by the authorities but I definitely recognise the moon landings and although the power elite’s grubby hands are deep into the climate change issue that doesn’t mean it’s not happening – they’ve also got their grubby hands in the moon landings even though they happened with agents saying they didn’t! They always have to involve themselves no matter what.
Recently, I was arguing in the Skeptical Science comments on an article obliquely referring to covid and gave up in disgust as so many of my comments were “moderated”. It was quite hilarious actually: I put forward 10 points that favoured the psyop hypothesis and asked for the same favouring the other way which weren’t allowed because they were considered a Gish Gallop (a rhetorical technique in which a person in a debate attempts to overwhelm their opponent by providing an excessive number of arguments with no regard for the accuracy or strength of those arguments). Skeptical Science itself has their own page – so 10 indicators for human fingerprint OK but not 10 points favouring psyop. So utterly ridiculous! If only Skeptical Science stuck to climate change and didn’t venture into “conspiracy theory” territory in other areas. When they talk about covid they completely and utterly undermine themselves, however, everything I’ve read on their site debunking anti-climate change information always looks sound to me.
‘…it was a bunch of Dancing Israelis who demolished those towers…’ would be very interesting to see what a statement analyst would make out of that.
Can you explain what you mean?
You recognise the moon landings???? WTF does that mean?
I have no doubt they happened. What I find strange is people lumping the moon landings in with psyops such as 9/11, covid, etc. Psyops have such distinctive characteristics none of which the moon landings displays … except in the prominent people such as Bill Kaysing who said we didn’t go – ‘ol Billy shows massive signs of being a psyop whose purpose was to encourage those who tend to disbelieve the authorities to disbelieve the moon landings so that when they called out 9/11, etc they would be dismissed and laughed at Boy-Who-Cried-Wolf style.
I’ve written a three-part post, the first two parts of which relate to the moon landings if you’re interested.
The last 12 millenia show a quite different world climate history than painted till today by MSS. About 6450 years ago it was warmer than today outside the Tropics without human caused CO2. For today’s environmental sciences this is embarrassing, a conundrum.
A rare article that slipped passed the gatekeepers: 03 October 2022: “Inconsistencies between Holocene climate reconstructions and numerical model simulations question the robustness of climate models and proxy temperature records. Climate reconstructions suggest an early-middle Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM) followed by gradual cooling, whereas climate models indicate continuous warming. This discrepancy either implies seasonal biases in proxy-based climate reconstructions, or that the climate model sensitivity to forcings and feed-backs needs to be reevaluated.”
Software based climate models and proxies (indirect temperature indicators for the ages before thermometers) make a bad combination but give the Global Warming outcome desired by top power brokers, these flawed tools will keep dominating.
Perhaps that recent article is significant, Antonym, but the Medieval Warm Period has been accounted for. Climate science is not like covid “science” with its ludicrous anomalies.
Oh for goodness sake, I remember two posters here absolutely shredding those Skeptical Science pages for you a few years ago, to the point you basically retracted everything but a core faith in AGW.
And now you’re back with the same links as if that never happened?
Sorry, no. It’s our server space you’re abusing. Go and find the previous detailed responses you got to these points. And if you want to post anything further come up with something that hasn’t been 100% debunked.
“…two posters here absolutely shredding those Skeptical Science pages for you a few years ago….”
Really? Two posters shredding equals proof positive? Anyone who approaches language as a gift to be nurtured rather than as an inconvenience to be mangled for the sake of brevity could probably do some damn good shredding of almost anything.
You simply look for the weakest point of the argument you’re “shredding”; then manipulate the argument to make that point seem like the essence of the entire argument; then proceed to shred the entire argument by shredding the weak point you’ve convinced your reader is the entire backbone of the argument. Easy-peasy.
They shredded it with sourced data. The site is pseudoscience for the gullible.
I think covid is a good litmus test:
“This blog post about The COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Handbook might seem a bit out of place here on Skeptical Science. So let us explain why we decided to share it regardless of not having much to do with climate science, our main staple topic-wise. Many of you will be aware by now that there’s a lot of overlap between climate science denial and COVID-19 science and vaccine denial: you’ll find the same techniques of science denial as well as many of the same – or at least similar – groups involved in pushing misinformation and conspiracy theories.”
Skeptical Science is clearly another head of the hydra.
I’m guessing you are referring, at least partly, to the exchange that starts here? (Petra was “flaxgirl” at the time).
I suspect that global warming has the same credibilty as the moon landings. Now how’s that for an ambiguous statement?
ecocide and pollution remain very real.
dem’s the real issue.
I cannot possibly imagine myself retracting claims on climate change, that seems such an alien thing for me to do. I absolutely have no recollection of doing that but perhaps I did. I’m just not sure how I’d find it. As your memory of it seems so vivid and you’re an admin and probably have ways of finding things more easily than readers – and it’s you after all making the claim – perhaps you could direct me to these retractions, Sophie.
Well, retract you did, P. It’s all there in the record. If I have time I’ll see if I can dig it out for you.
Certainly climate modeling is a perilous adventure which can easily lead its advocates into deadly quicksand. However, taking temperatures is also likely to produce skewed results.
To my knowledge no scientifically inclined persons resided in, or even visited, either polar region during the Middle Ages or earlier. This is crucial because it’s precisely at the poles that temperature gradients are the greatest and by far the most important in terms of worldwide climate.
With Chemical Ice Nucleation (a patented process) it’s possible to create a layer of thin ice and snow on the surface of, say, the Arctic Ocean – thus making it appear as if the polar ice cap is as great as it ever was.
They really don’t need to manipulate computer modeling when they can so easily manipulate real weather.
People need to think outside or expand their boxes on this one. You’ll see comments from people who will say, “hey man, what about the waste and pollution and the number of humans and all that, we HAVE to be having a major effect”. So, they purposely or inadvertently support the so-called green agenda to force us all to be prisoners of a global cartel’s system of resource allocations and reduction in human liberties. I remember the smog in LA in the 70’s, that was a real thing. A bad thing. And we took measures to mitigate that smog, not only there, but elsewhere. Addressing the increasing human population’s effect on the planet is necessary. But what people need to understand is that this green New Deal, the globalist’s plan to “address climate change”, is nothing like that. Like the author says, this is the same old thing, the same old people, and we are just disposable chattel. Their only agenda is power and control.
Water melons, green on the outside communist red on the inside..
I think there are 4 main motives for the Great Reset (a massively depopulated world in which the Elite control us serfs via CBDC):
1) The Elites don’t need us anymore due to increasing automation and AI.
2) The global debt and derivative bubble will implode soon, causing the Greatest Depression of all time and wiping away their fiat wealth. So they need to switch us over to a new currency (CBDC).
3) Pensions and other entitlement programs are near-insolvent due to an aging population, which is increasingly living longer.
4) A smaller population is easier to control. Also, some of the Elite want to cull us for eugenicist purposes.
In this scenario, CO2 hysteria was fabricated in order to justify a massive cull to the minions who are implementing the Great Reset.
There’s also an alternative theory that the main motive is really Peak Oil i.e. affordable oil has peaked and the cost of oil will increasingly ramp up, causing the global economy to collapse. In this scenario, the lockdowns were meant to reduce oil demand and the Ukraine war gives Russia an excuse to reduce oil/gas exports since their output and the rest of OPEC’s output is declining anyway. In this scenario, CO2 hysteria was used to justify alternative energy investment without unduly alarming the public. And the clot shots are meant to depopulate us “humanely” instead of via mass starvation/civil unrest.
I’ve read of claims that the Elite have advanced “free energy” technology but no proof. So perhaps Peak Oil is a legitimate issue and the Elites aren’t just pure evil.
Please, explain me: this “Peak Oil” theory means that the Elites are actually trying to help us? Or it is a joke?
To be clear- I’m not advocating this Peak Oil theory- merely summing up their position. I know most of the Elite are evil but what if Peak Oil is what got everyone else to go along with the GR?
All right, I wonder how these very recent developments (1,2,3, and PeakOil) can be the main motives for the implementation of a very long plan, planned and dreamed of for a very long time by these same elites?
Yes, I agree with that. But arguably all of these developments were foreseen a long time ago. Perhaps all of these trends got the Elite to agree on the GR.
It’s possible, of course. In fact, even the most knowledgeable and informed among us can only guess. And I have only my own assumptions. (Since no one has been to the closed meetings in Washington (or Seattle), London City, Beijing, Moscow, Switzerland, for example; figuratively speaking, we hardly know exactly where the big players meet and decide; it could be anywhere, for example Breslov).
“I’ve read of claims that the Elite have advanced “free energy” technology but no proof.”
Nick Cook’s THE HUNT FOR ZERO POINT presents plenty of circumstantial evidence for free energy and is a mainstream book. The way the official narrative went cold in the late 1950s is itself evidence of a cover-up, real scientific research would show evidence of continued investigation.
What are UFOs? Many alleged sightings are clearly mistakes or hoaxes but that leaves some that don’t seem explicable in such terms. Which seems more plausible – an Earth-based secret technology or aliens flying billions of light years down wormholes?
Only a fake-binary choice, Ed? Earthside secret techie-techie, or inter-galactic aliens? No other possibilities?
Look into poltergeists, and the extraordinary, ‘miraculous’ effects that that branch of our innate psi-abilities creates, as and when they’re needed for emotional first-aid by the poltergeist’s focus; almost always a seriously-perturbed person, often a puberty-deranged girl.
Notice how many perturbed people there are in the world right now, and understand that egregores – which can be thought of as group-generated poltergeists – are plentiful in this time of vast – but brief – human population overshoot.
Egregores can create ‘miraculous, impossible’ events too, like – for example – amazingly-persuasive mock-ups of our current science-fictiony societal myths (in the traditional Literate European English sense of the word ‘myth’) – things like little grey ETs and their FTL ships, and all their ‘amazing technologies’, etc.
I’ve done a bit of looking into ZP-energy too. Provisional conclusion: Sure, it may be a real, currently not understood branch of physics; some of the modest over-unity devices seem to be doing something currently inexplicable. But show me a machine repeatably spewing out terawatts of – actually-usable, NET – energy harvested from the ‘quantum foam’, and then I’ll believe it finally. As with the UFOs, I say: Show me!
Till then, I lean towards the (non-binary) poltergeist hypothesis to explain UFOs and ETs – having had direct personal experience of the truly miraculous-seeming things that our poltergeisting faculty can do.
After all, if Tinsel Town with all its clunky film-making technology of the time could have mocked up mechanically an illusory US moon-landing in the ’60s, as sceptics affirm, then you can bet that our psi faculty, with its hugely-greater-than-Hollyshite facility, can knock up a persuasive-seeming ‘intergalactic space-vessel’, can’t it…? Together with crews of ‘living beings’ (of the same kind as the mysterious – physically-touchable – visitors seen repeatedly in seances with materialising-mediums). Interestingly, shamanically-inclined people such as Whitley Strieber seem to be the sort of better-than-average-psi-talented individuals who can conjure up such events on their own – often without even wanting too! Taken by the faeries, as the were described in pre-modern times, perhaps more accurately than our sci-fi imaginings… 😉
The poltergeist hypothesis stacks up as a serious possibility – at least for anyone who’s actually witnessed spectacular psi-events repeatedly. The Batcheldor Sitter-Group technique (qv) makes such – repeated, and replicable – experiences available to anyone who wants to practice it: DIY egregores, to order!
Look particularly into the egregore called ‘Philip’, created by the Toronto Society For Psychical Research in the ’70s. See ‘Conjuring Up Philip’ by Owens and Sparrows.
BTW, I’m becoming ever more persuaded that the ‘climate emergency’ trope is a fake, too. Amazing what the scamdemic swindle has done to start people questioning long-held, but not-very-well-examined beliefs, innit? AGW; ‘viruses’; the unquestionable saintliness and ethical rectitude of medics, scientists, and technocrats generally; a general sense of scepticism about everything that power-wielders say or do; deplorable, disrespectful-of-The-ScienceTM scepticism everywhere you look, at least amongst the non-hypnotised, non-mass-formationed shrews…
Bet the covid-conspirators didn’t reckon on that unintended consequence, when they were plotting their scam, eh?
BTW2: If you look into ‘Conjuring Up Philip’, let me inform you that Ken Batcheldor’s own last sitter-group, or which I was a visiting member in the ’80s, was able through long fluency of practice to conjure up considerably more spectacular paranormal events – pretty well to order! – than anything the Toronto Group ever managed with Philip. Greys in saucers? Piece o’ piss for a fluent, practiced sitter-group! But that’s another (shamanic) story… 🙂
PS: JG Neihardt’s work with the SORRAT group at Skyrim Farm, US, contemporaneously with KJ Batcheldor’s work in Exeter, GB, is also illuminating on what the psi-faculty can do in the way of astonishing ‘miracles’. As stated above, creating UFOs and Greys ab nihilo would have been a piece o’ piss for them too:
Uncle Sam would love to subscribe to the idea that it is all psychic, but the alien phenomenon has messed up the armaments it is so proud of on a number of occasions.
“So sad. The Psycho Nazis advertising campaign to hawk their eco unfriendly high priced exploding death mobiles depends on slimy corrupt political hacks, autistic children, psychotic idiots and the memory of Nikola Tesla. So sad.”

“Gaia in its long history has seen periods far more extreme that any fear mongering one hears or sees today. The End of Nature? Nonsense. Earth will survive.”
“The Climate Change Scam is just one element of their (the Psycho Nazis) Racket against WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity).”
What issue(s) does OffG not face ?
I’ll tell ya,
Where we are. (not on a globe).
Who controls the politicos.
There Is no life outside Heaven (ACIM). But there are projections that seem a thing apart by which to be phished or baited by reaction to stake in a defended lie as the masked and distanced lockdown set against Infinity.
Why doesn’t OG ‘face’ FE?
I’m not OG, but what is it about 360• through all planes that doesn’t represent an Infinity point?
FE – to my experience gives those that are recruited by being told “You’ve been lied to about everything” a means to block a genuine journey of enquiry, curiosity and living desire as fulfilment in the living of it.
So why is FE NOT just another mindset AGAINST, or in polarised identity by which to rule out open dialogue for a ‘special’ identity from which to dump on ‘globalists’?
Self interest ‘controls’ everyone according to what they are actively aligning in as their self and world. Who defines or accepts definitions? This is self responsibility for thought. Do we lie to ourselves and assign it to others, to the past, to viruses, carbon, or selected scapegoats?
Why do we mask our true presence?
Is it not a strategy of survival for the self-development of our current level of conscious development?
Electric Universe offers a restored significance of Natural Philosophy instead of weaponised and marketised technologism. As an expanding perspective it opens new ways of seeing and being far beyond the framing of problems that persist as repackaged ‘solutions’.
Is reality NOT as we think or model, interpret and perceive?
I have no doubt of that – but what we align in as our sense of self and life and world is a vehicle – not a destination. Certainty belongs to That We Are, which is prior to and beneath any overlay of reflective thought in image and form.
I still believe there was an ice-age – anyone else? So climate change exists. I also believe the profligate creation and dumping of waste across the planet in terms of chemicals and pollution is a huge problem.
Demonising green minded people is not helpful – it’s another bandwagon co-opted by those who wish to control.
If they control the narrative of good minded folks, instead of let them set the agenda…
Seen it. Agenda setting is more powerful than decision making.
Disagreeing with someone is not “demonising” them. Drop the victim mentality.
You’ve tried to muddle together climate change advocacy with “green-minded”. The two are not synonomous, however much some would like them to be. Off-G praised, for example, Cory Morningstar.
Aren’t you being a bit disingenuous here? Those who advocate “green” are indeed demonized. What else would you call it when they’re said to be satanists who wish to enslave/murder the rest of us?
As it turns out, though, they mostly deserve to be demonized. Because their “Green Agenda” really is hellish.
It helps to identify problem and give it a proper name. The currently problem is not “climate change” which used to be called “global warming” btw. Rather the systematic destruction of our ecosystem by the greedy exploitation of resources of all kind by the global capitalistic cabal. The same cabal is tricking us by giving the very same problem the name “climate change” thereby incriminates all of us for guilty by association… and of course not surprisingly they have the solution ready to be deployed, globally!
That’s what I mean by ‘co-opted’. Clever really – they are ruining the good intentions of people who care about our environment, and the costs to it from globocap. We are being gaslighted but there is no clear reason anymore to keep that secret. Why haven’t supermarkets been regulated to stop so much plastic? Why haven’t water companies been instructed by law to keep waterways/the seas clean? Why haven’t studies re the relative harms and efficacy of renewables been thrown money at to combat the crisis?
I don’t want to see green thinking mindlessly smeared, and I know OffG also offers green minded articles. But this is not offering the nuance we need – there really is a green emergency – micro-plastics, rubbish, limited resources for a huge population. Tech induced resource exploitation brings another level, and it all intermingles with human rights too. Not to mention animal rights.
I read a newsletter from my veg delivery people which said they were warned a couple of years ago by the MET office to expect extreme weather. They and I experienced that this summer just gone. The MET and MoD are affiliated. I see more clouds in the sky and next to no pictures of blue skies even on holiday websites.
This – whatever it is – is bigger than we are here. But caring about our planet is not.
Climate change is absolutely real. Who says it has anything to do with CO2?
If you recognise the grooming, infiltration, capture and tooling of the environmental movement rising in response to a toxic mindset of corporate plunder BY those very corporate interests. Greenwashing runs repackaged guilting as ‘virtue’ or ‘credits’ by which Corporates can dump toxic consequence to a population of ‘sin-eaters’.
There’s no call for a green religion or identity based on human guilt as a source of virtue by collective sacrifice (that corporate class offsets as their boosted immunity to persist in lawlessness).
To my view the greens along with other woke or virtue masking IDs are the battery of support for the very thing they think to be set against.
I just think we need to be careful in a baby-bathwater situation. But I hear you – however, they will do this. They will bring in CBDS and credit systems under the guise of various emergencies.
If you look at most people where I am, they are married to their phones. In a small poll of teenagers I recently did, 50% were willing to have a chip implanted in their heads to serve as a mobile phone. Tech + propaganda = sheep. We are all being herded by this 2-pronged fork – and like sheep – it’s whether we like it or not.
They are winning hands down.
I guess we have to believe in the human soul and the 49% – or something. We have to believe in something, right?
So, we can ignore ALL of those climate scientists (because they’re on the take) and just continue with our profligate, plundering of planet Earth.
Sounds like a plan.
Are you talking about all those climate scientists who “adjusted down” historically measured data, as in, actually read on a thermometer, to numbers that weren’t actually read on the thermometers? Personally I would call that fraud, not $cience™.
That is the plan. And you’re pointing the finger at the wrong crowd. Point it at the UN, it’s subsidiaries, and all the other sociopathic psychopaths and their corporations. Ordinary people have little to nothing to do with it.
I’m not pointing fingers STPM.
As far as I’m concerned there’s only one conspiracy; UNFETTERED GREED. And anything that gets in the way, Truth, the Earth or humanity, will be crushed.
“Unfettered Greed” is, unfortunately, The System. We could all live moderately prosperous lives in relative peace but to do this there has to be controls on greed. This just isn’t going to fly — greed will only accept climate change (for example) if there’s money to be made from it.
We’re going through the consequences of greed in the US at the moment. It won’t surprise you to find out that the most ‘red’ parts of our state, California, are the remote areas where there’s plenty of space and resources. Its also the part where we’ve had serious fires and its the very devil to get people to plan for them — they don’t want no guvmint interference, they’re 100% for Freedom, Don’t Tread on Me and all that, but when they get burnt out its always someone else’s fault and they’re always first in line with their hands out. The same is happening in Florida. The coastal area that got devastated by Ian should never have been built on but Freedom(TM) requires that land speculators be unconstrained, growth not managed and generally people are free to do what they want. Then they get wiped out. Suddenly they’re expecting the Federal government (all of us, that is) to rebuild — not fix the problem they created but rebuild exactly as before. Trying to explain climate change and its impacts to this group is a bit of a waste of time…..”the money” can always buy experts to contradict and confuse.
(BTW — oliticians and their sponsors might not believe in something like sea level rise major energy companies and the US Department of Defense does.)
Climate ‘science’ has been the cause of profligate plundering of the earth, as far as I can see.
The cause is greed.
The effect is atmospheric, oceanic and soil chaos.
Sadly, most of these climate scientists are “on the take.” They steadfastly refuse to acknowledge the ongoing climate engineering/geoengineering by insisting it’s merely a “proposal” but not a reality.
I’m okay with continuing calling them Climate Scientists (since I rather despise Science); but to be fair, they are more nearly Climate Adjusters. They adjust climatic conditions to explain away the climate engineering. They twist nature into bizarre activities in order to divert attention away from the climate engineers.
And who are these “climate engineers?” Mostly the US Military Industrial Complex; but there’s evidence other national militaries are also involved. The Pentagon cannot spray worldwide without active or passive cooperation from sources outside the US.
In a manner of speaking, climate scientists are the Pentagon’s PR Men.
Poor plan though, innit Johnny? How about BOTH ideas being true, simultaneously: The climate emergency thing may well be bollocks, sure…
There ARE too many of us just now, because of the spontaneous overshoot episode which we’ve allowed to happen with our numbers; and because of that the sheer pressure of so many of us just looking for a basic living is – somewhat – trashing the planet; until we die back again, equally spontaneously, without ‘benefit’ of eugenics, over the next few decades. After which Mam Gaia will get on with her usual thing, and heal the trashing, and top up her new-species tally again, over the next few millennia.
And meanwhile, as Denis Rancourt points out, all we need to do to stop trashing the Earth is… to just stop trashing the Earth: get a little more gaianly thoughtful and reverent in the way we behave. We can actually do that, quite unpretentiously. George Carlin’s spiel, as linked by SCooper above, tells it pretty accurately.
a real reality is too many fucks want to be HRH or khushurdian whatever fake punter goons, think they are entitled to vulgar lifestyles, more more , me me, more than muney meeee more… and that if ‘life’…
they do not have a ! clue about life, resources blahhh beyond their nat geo feed with all its fluffy accoutrements.. ahh the dead amur tiger, awww, all near-dead special pelts, awww, awww. (never mind the burnt forests behind them in the pic!). ffs. we have not even discussed food production, lol, anyway
these wastes of space need to go, along with their money worship.. useless cunts. these fuckheids will stab your eyes out for your well grown cabbage when their bucks are meaningless, then die 3 months later because they are too stoopit to grow cabbage, and have already eaten your carcass in a glut-fest… Wardropper has yon horrific imagination. . . ?
oh how money solves the reality of being a lazy, clueless, narcicisst fuckwit for the “middleclass”..
a certain reset IS required. not the wef one, but a certain purge : I
i look forward to encountering these people on the street, when it comes.
Too many people?? too many of the wrong people?
; )