Chicken Little Was an Optimist
Sylvia Shawcross
Okay, to be honest, the title of this piece came from a comment by somebody on some forum somewhere which stuck in my head because it made me laugh.
Now, the important thing here is, why in the hell did that make me laugh? Have we reached that stage now? The stage where impending doom is now bitter entertainment?
Probably. We’re all staring down a bleak future with all that is going on in the world and sometimes you have to laugh or you’ll cry. And sometimes absurdity takes over.
Given the high theatre of our leaders and the ever-evolving script we’re living in, and the number of leaders with acting experience, what other thing can we possibly think other than this is entertainment? It can’t possibly be real. In one’s wildest imagination none of this is real.
I mean, if all this were real, surely somebody would tell us? Somebody important.
Nobody has really.
They’re basically spending their time scaring us about what could be. And it is all negative. Truly. The best we are told about anything positive seems to be about owning nothing, some weird robot contraption by Elon obviously meant to replace us and smart cities. And maybe we’ll save the planet somehow.
Mostly, we all spend more time speculating on what will happen after an event rather than knowing about the actual event itself these days. The actual “knowing” of anything is farmed off to investigative bodies that take a great deal of time so that when we finally know the results we don’t care because we’re into another speculative if not spectacular event. And we’re watching it all on a screen three stops away from reality. That’s how it goes.
If it weren’t for all the suffering and pain and fear, that might even be funny.
Now, the way I figure it, if the hypocrisy of all of this doesn’t get to you, the irony definitely will. Now, I was watching the UN proceedings when New Zealand’s prime minister Jacinda Ardern (WEF) gave a speech* which included a significant statement on cracking down on so-called disinformation.
I gather she is going to spearhead this global mission. (Who gets to define disinformation anyway?)
And I asked my connection who happens to live in New Zealand what they thought about this and they asked me “what speech”? The New Zealand mainstream media didn’t report on the full speech around the announcement of censorship being spear-headed by their own prime minister. At least at the time of this writing far as I know which is a few days later. It certainly received coverage elsewhere. This of course is in comparison to the wall-to-wall coverage of Ardern’s appearance on the catwalk for the Wearable Art competition.
Is that funny? Maybe. I don’t know. You tell me.
But never mind all that. There is just no way we mere mortals are going to figure any of this out. We are not flies on the wall of the seriously important backroom meetings of the Gods of Davos and their handlers and even if we were, they’d probably catch us and feed us to the “help.” (Yes, I know. I’m still obsessed with us all having to eat bugs. Yes, I know there’s the threat of WW3 and pipelines and famines and uprisings and greater depressions and human rights abuses. But you know… some of us focus on what we know and we know we don’t want to eat bugs.)
And as far as knowing goes, I just want to know why they’re picking on cows. Why not squirrels? I mean, anybody who is anybody with a backyard feeder knows that there may be at least three cows worth of squirrels on a feeder at any given time making the sighting of the red cardinal much less likely. And given the small fortune in seeds they’re eating it seems they would be full of fibrous fluffy flatulance don’t you think?
Nobody seems to be measuring their gaseous emissions that I know of. They’re such bloody little greedy monsters really. (Little do they know they will make good eating when the famine comes. But that’s another topic. And I couldn’t eat a squirrel really if you paid me.)
So cows belch 250 to 500 litres of gaseous emissions into the atmosphere on any given day (Ruminant cows, i.e. This would be the ones that eat grass and hay rather than field mice or ground-up crickets which they tend to gulp down rapidly rather than ruminating over).
I know this because I looked it up. And that is why this whole grand agenda that we’re living in just falls apart for those of us who are not scientists and leaders of countries. We begin reading about belching cows and the mind begins boggling and we can’t get past the first sentence.
This is because somewhere some human being went out and measured belching and flatulating cows and well… it no longer matters why they did it, but more how in the hell they did it and what their friends and families think of them now that they have done such a thing.
I mean, how does that work at dinner parties? There they are casually munching on blue-cheese nibbly-bits and someone asks them what they do for a living and they’ve spent the day measuring bovine burps and rude noises to save the planet. I guess that’s what they’d say—that they spent the day saving the planet from 2% carbon emissions. Two percent.
Now of course, with all this experience, anyone who has measured belching cows is going to save the world. Or at least explain it to us.
We didn’t realize it then but we do now. These humans are the ONLY ones with enough experience measuring gaseous emissions from tubular structures. It seems obvious they’ve likely been secretly spirited away from gaseous fields of green to the blue Baltic to measure the methane pipeline explosions. How do I know this? Because facts are now seeping out. Who else would know that the gaseous emissions from the sabotaged pipelines for just a few days is apparently equivalent to 800,000 cows emitting rude sounds for a year. Now who else would know that? Eh? Eh!
And the pipeline explosions could very well be the event that caused the entire world to go to war. Now there is a topic for cocktail parties. (I just wish they’d come up with a different analogy than windy cows. Some of us have finer sensibilities you know. Is there nothing else we can compare it to?)
Here’s an earworm in honour of our New Zealand prime minister with a nice tune for your day. You’re welcome.
>Syl Shawcross lives in Canada. She does not like the loss of freedom of speech. It is the one freedom that gives us all the freedoms. It is always better the devil you know than the devil you don’t. You know that right? Right. This is an obvious fact that leaders seem to fail to realize. If the guy down the road is a neo-nazi with dreadful tendencies most of us would be relieved he was broadcasting it for all to see and deal with rather than going underground making us all paranoid and suspicious of everybody and particularly our media. Or was that the point of all this censorship? It certainly seems to be one of the results. Hope and courage to all.
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There’s a very weird group of people who are deathly afraid of covid but nonchalant about nuclear war.
Won’t have to worry about eating squirrels next year. They will be few and far between. Last year’s bumper crop of acorns is being followed up this year by none. As in zero. Zilch. Not an acorn to be seen on the abundant oaks in the area.
Wildlife is going to get hungry a little faster this winter. Likely to be more squirrels on the feeders………….. Use a squirrel guard or plan on spending extra on bird seed. If a bear shows up, say goodbye to the entire feeder. Squirrels will be in trouble then.
Squirrel meat would surely taste better than Bill Gate’s bacteria based tofu.
Not uncommon for people to hunt and eat squirrels. Won’t be long before people start eating rats too.
“Save the Rat” groups will form. NOT to save the rats but to force people to start eating the synthesized proteins.
I can’t wait!
Dystopia here we come…..
Interesting. Where are you in the world? I’m in the UK, S.E. and we are absolutely drowning in acorns this year; more than I’ve ever seen in my long life. Wonder if it’s got anything to do with chemtrails?!
Upper lower Michigan. Chipmunks have been few and far between this year. Normally, a huge nuisance. Field mice not infesting my garage in normal numbers either. Although, the plentiful shrews are still coming in to dine on the arthropods stuck in my sticky traps. Plenty of toads that gorge themselves on the always too many ants that love my sandy soils. The hog nosed snakes are appreciating the overabundant toad population on which they exclusively feed. The lone buck rabbit seems to have left the area for now. He may be back later after the snow gets deep to girdle and kill my shrubs. I have a thicket set aside just for him. I have black oaks which tend to grow faster than white oaks. It is normal for oaks to alternate production years. Just like apples trees. However, I have never experienced a totally fruitless year like this year. I am not complaining. Acorns germinate everywhere and it takes some effort to keep the seedlings under control.
Can’t comment on acorns as few oaks around here. (SW Ontario, Canada) However, very few walnuts compared to last year. Our 8 cats get the squirrels, rabbits and rats before we can. No bugs either after the snow comes, so we could be in for a hungry winter.
It was dry and hot at times this spring in the upper lower part of Michigan. May have had an effect when the trees were in bloom. My ephemeral frog pond dried up a little quicker than usual this year which stunted my wood frogs. They were much smaller this year after moving into the yard to feed. Always a pain to mow while trying to keep from killing frogs. Toads hunker down. Frogs leap to their death. Have not gotten out enough to notice any Walnuts in the area this year. According to “tree experts”, they are not native to the zone and most likely planted and or escaped from a planting. Given that tidbit, it would be hard to draw conclusions on the causes of success or lack of success of your walnuts. Either way, it’s not looking good for gnawing mammals this winter in our areas. It sounds like you and I are only a few hundred miles apart. Which is very close on an ecological scale.
Dear Britain,
Please stop tolerating Prime Ministers with an IQ lower than 83.
It’s hurting us…
It must surely be better than tolerating presidents with 0 ?
There’s some potential good news for the bugophobes among us. The Pacific Ocean is receding to form a supercontinent called Amasia. I didn’t make this up. It was at the Daily Star and Fox weather among others. America and Asia are closest together between Alaska and Siberia. This is at the far north of the planet. Logically, this area must be experiencing rising sea levels from Arctic ice melt, caused by global warming. But the recession force is strong enough to counteract this. So maybe in the not too distant future, we’ll all be programmed to demand more beef to save the Pacific.
Oh, and about that Russian nuclear-powered-mobile-particle-collider submarine that’s missing in the Arctic? Maybe it’s landlocked.
Maybe it will show up in October………..during the hunt for for Reds………
we are going through a collective dark night of the soul. the intend is enlightenment. we do create reality, all of us. what be believe is the most important but what we say based on these believes do have an effect too.
be clear and conscice with affirmations and weed out the deep lying fears first.
A video which can serve as a microcosm of what the media do anyway and to all age groups.
It’s like the good cop/bad cop thing. The media make endless noises about “protecting the vulnerable” and make a big display of not upsetting anyone and issue constant questionnaires to make sure everyone feels safe etc. And then hits everyone with The Bug, The Imminent Collapse, The Rising Hordes of whatever, the Rising Prejudices etc. Indeed it’s getting to the point where the two cops are merging into one and the constant query about safety is the very thing that scares people.
I usually put in my own comments with this kind of Nativity Play but there’s no need. See here for comedy gold:
Message to Chicken the Little from Putin the Great: “We call on the Kiev regime to immediately cease fire and end its hostility; to end the war it [ie, Kiev under Nuland and Biden] unleashed on Ukraine’s ethnic Russians back in 2014, and return to negotiation. We are ready for this, as we have said [and demonstrated] more than once. But [events have unfolded and] the choice of the people in Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson [to rejoin the Mother Land] can no longer be discussed. Their decision has been made, and Russia will not betray them. Kiev’s current authorities should respect this free expression of their people’s will. This is the only way to peace. We will defend our [New-Old Ukraina] land with all the forces and resources we have. We will rebuild the destroyed cities and towns [in New-Old Russian Ukraina], the residential buildings, schools, hospitals, theatres and museums. We will restore and develop industrial enterprises, factories, infrastructure, as well as the social security, pension, healthcare and education systems [that Ukraina used to enjoy when it was part of Russia]. We will make sure that citizens in the new [actually New-Old Ukraina] regions can feel the support of all the people of Russia, all the republics of our vast Mother Land. I would like to address parents, wives and children, to tell them what our soldiers are fighting for, what kind of enemy we are up against, and who is pushing the world into new wars and crises and deriving blood-stained benefits from this tragedy. Our compatriots, our brothers and sisters in Ukraine who are part of our united Russian people have seen with their own eyes what the [Oligarchal] ruling class of the so-called West have prepared for humanity as a whole. They [the Oligarchs] have… Read more »
WEF trending on Twitter last night.
Okay, to be honest, the title of this piece came from a comment by somebody on some forum somewhere which stuck in my head because it made me laugh.Now, the important thing here is, why in the hell did that make me laugh? Have we reached that stage now? The stage where impending doom is now better entertainment?Probably. We’re all staring down a bleak future with all that is going on in the world and sometimes you have to laugh or you’ll cry. And sometimes absurdity takes over. Honesty is a wonderful quality, especially if it is honesty to the end. To make it even more honest, here this comment from “someone on some forum somewhere” who made the author laugh Red Pill Reader,Sep 27, 2022So, do all those Chicken Littles squawking about the sky falling on Sep 24 feel foolish now? Have they learned anything? There’s also an answer below from “someone from somewhere.” plino Sep 27, 2022 Reply to Red Pill ReaderI have stated, as stated in my comments, that:it is absolutely foolish to say that confusing February with September is common, given that no one ever makes this mistake.and:I have no idea if anything will happen on the 24th.Do you think I feel Chicken Little?–Moreover, your contribution to the understanding that war is artificial in order to pass the next stage of great reset – a contribution appreciated with countless thumbs up, as it should be – is limited almost exclusively to the assertion that there are no footage unambiguously proving the reality of the so-called “war”. Something that can be immediately refuted by the claims that this is a “special operation”, “another type of military action”, “nowadays, with this instantaneous and widespread dissemination of information, it is very limited in war”, and the like. Where is the current… Read more »
plino plino plino… its a dark despairing kind of laughter, a bitter chuckle, an existential absurdity. I have a piece coming up called Endless Tremendous if OG wishes to publish it which kind of explains my position or may intuit it. The solution is love. It always is. Love could be an action plan but I’m not sure how that takes form except by stopping the division between people. I am not one to know the answer. I wish I were. Or someone was.
If you ask me, only the love relationship between the heart and the mind, in which each of them naturally takes its natural place, is the solution.
If / when this happens in more individuals, then naturally there will be conditions for a “response”, so to speak. Removing any system and lowering any new good system from above will not fix things.
A long topic and a complex question, the discussion of which inevitably turns into philosophizing, which makes it very difficult to solve the question itself; unfortunately.
And yet, we see countless examples of people who have gone to both extremes: Smart, who are heartless; and hearty, who are dumb. Of course, you and I are variants of this as well. At least I am, and I know it, but I try to follow myself, “hunting” my heartlessness and stupidity all the time, and as a result, at least I hope that more or less things synchronize.
How far off-topic can one stray, I wonder, just to stroke one’s own ego? Well, let’s see.
This evening I watched “Witness For The Prosecution.” It’s like prime-rib to a starving man on an all bug diet. It isn’t that they don’t make moves like that any more – it’s far worse. They can’t make movies like that any more because the world has changed too radically. They wouldn’t know where to begin. The world of 1957, with all its warts, is gone forever. All we have to show for it is…the world of 2022.
Earlier this week I watch some of the old Sinbad movies. It was a joy to watch Ray Harryhausen’s Dynamation instead of some boring CGI patchwork. It’s the difference between craft and art by algorithm.
Absolutely. I haven’t seen a movie in a long time, very rarely. But if I look, almost never modern. And before, when I watched more, first, a long time ago, I stopped American cinema; then I stopped European cinema (it is not correct to sum it up like this – European, American, but there are dominant trends), because it too was flooded with the mixture of greasy trends and pleasing the popular taste; then it came to our Eastern cinema. It’s terrible. Death. Not that ‘Eastern cinema’, if I may say so generally, was anything supreme. No, but there was just a simplicity and closeness to life that wasn’t there in the modernizing Western cinema. A bit like the difference between a quiet village and a busy, noisy, electronic world. (Although, on the other hand, scifiction is one of my favorite genres. This was a big imposed trend in the communist world – in connection with scientific and technical progress and so on, you know. In addition, we know that the genre is used for mass indoctrination and also for predictive programming; we see things come true. If you dig into the biographies of popular authors, their connections to the old transformative think tanks inevitably come out.) In Hollywood’s leadership positions, there is a pronounced dominance. There is. And this domination practically guides the realization of the indoctrination of the masses (that from Hollywood) according to the requirements of the new world type of thinking. But now, with the modern possibilities of technology, this is not only indoctrination, but many other types of influence. And in general, modern cinema (most, come on, not all) is deliberately rubbish. (And these trends are adopted everywhere in the world, where they want to approach “working western trends.” But they also indoctrinate and irradiate with… Read more »
animation! movies! spaceshipstanksmonsters! gleeee!! models, glue, nommm : )
thunderbirds, … man… the joys of creosete (?) in back garden flame-throwers.. them were the days,
bang on, i don’t care how cheesy it all looks, it inspired many imaginations to DIY, ha
Another Charming Picture of our Hero
(If the link works).
That’s not really him
Oooh-Fetish wear-let’s bring in into the classrooms.
Want to know who is running this show? Santos Bonacci tells us in this short video.
Well it clearly isn’t lone patsy gunman Bill fu*kin Gates or WEF or that crap that lame davis from u.k shillum flogs to the not so wise who believe any old shite brigade.
Does the arrogance of our ‘elected’ leaders and media gatekeepers know no bounds?
When did they become the arbiters of information?
What gives them the right to decide for us what is ‘disinformation’?
Ohh _ _ _ I know.
They’ve got all (except in the US) the guns, bombs, missiles and chemicals.
It’s because nobody stood up in front of them and said, “Stop, or I’ll thump you.”.
The only language the narcissistic bully with a richly-deserved inferiority complex understands…
Amusing as your article is Sylvia, I think you and many other rude-noise-making flatulent cow commentators have missed an important point.
I haven’t the time, resources, or inclination to work it out to the last ounce of odiferous emission but I have a theory that will totally discredit the attack on our 21st-century cattle and other ruminants, probably squirrels too.
We have 7-8 billion humans and 1 billion cattle today. A couple of thousand years ago, we had a few million humans, an unknown number of cattle and many millions of other ruminant and non-ruminant large mammals.
Anyone who has been downwind of a flatulent elephant, hippopotamus or rhinocerous, as I have, will know that one of these large mammals will outgas a whole herd of cattle.
I would bet that the total mass of eating, belching and flatulating mammals then was similar or greater than it is today. And we are not even considering dinosaurs and woolly mammoths.
The number of big gas-producing mammals in the wild has been decimated by poaching and habitat encroachment; skinny, bug-eating humans are no match for elephantine emissions. These two factors show the idiocy of blaming cows for climate change.
Ahh, an expert from the African savanna.
Most of those ‘one billion cattle’ are slaughtered every year Peter. Then replaced by the next victims. Elephants and their ilk tend to live longer, unless the ivory poachers slaughter them of course.
There’s also the methane clathrates in the polar regions and under the oceans.:
‘Research carried out in 2008 in the Siberian Arctic found millions of tonnes of methane being released[54][55][56][57][58] with concentrations in some regions reaching up to 100 times above normal’
Those bloody geologists and ecologists must be on the payroll too.
Who can we trust?
After covid how can you possibly not know how “science” works to prop up establishment storytelling. How can you sarcastically say “those bloody geologists and ecologists must be on the payroll too” as if it was ridiculous after you have seen whole hospitals full of doctors and clinicians willingly killing people with ventilators because ordered to do so, and thousands of virologists write studies about a fake virus and then fake variants. Isn’t it obvious yet that science is now just a prostitute going with the client who pays best.
I’m going to assume your first sentence wasn’t an insult and consider your argument as rather a sound one. Wasn’t there more methane overall during the dinosaur period?
It, that’s how anyone can do it, madam Shawcross. That’s easy.
And I will accept that your article is not related to that comment that I answered and that you read. (It’s for me, isn’t it? You insulted me? I’ll give it back to you, you know… 😈 )
No. They were just big farts.This was the reason for the demise of the dinosaurs. The reptilian devil had made them imperfect by miscalculating, and they suffocated in their own gases. It wasn’t a meteor.
This by Peter: “Amusing as your article is Sylvia, I think you and many other rude-noise-making flatulent cow commentators have missed an important point.” could have read: “Amusing as your article is Sylvia, I think you and many others commenting on rude-noise-making flatulent cows have missed an important point.” Catch my drift? 🙂
which made me laugh
Now I got him! 🙂
(But you didn’t catch my joke, maybe. Maybe here we are very rude people with a thick sense of humor, and English is such a gentlemanly language.. Indeed, without a joke, I can’t even translate a lot of jokes; in English they sound completely different, not like jokes.:)I’m sure maybe half of my jokes here have been perceived as fat, or even offensive.But, what is – such is; I’m not complaining:))
I’m not easily offended plino so carry on joking 🙂
Oh yes, I do. Blame it on 20 years of North American influence on my original British-inspired education. Or perhaps just old age.
plino, my article was not related to your comment. But stay fiesty.
You assumed correctly Sylvia, I would never dare insult a writer with your witty way with words. And yes, quite probably, there was.
I also think there was less gravity. Which is probably a different tangent to go off on…
dinosaurs are yet another pack of lies
“If chicken little tells you that the sky is falling Even if it wasn’t, would you still come crawling Back again? I bet you would my friend. Again and again and agaaaaaaiiiiiiiinnnnnn…”
…- They *Will* tell you you’re mad… – They *Will* tell you you’re bad… – *Even So*:…
Which is absolute proof that the cowmen blew up the pipe! Kit Knightly to correct his article.
…- Cow seal team… – Now *That* is something I’d be truly happy to pay to see…
Sorry Sylvia, but I’m afraid I can’t voice the ironic amused detachment I often do when I read your columns. For you see I live in New Zealand. Ardern is dreadful — yet most people in NZ bought completely into her. First there was her narrative about COVID. We are a “team of 5 million” she said (yes, folk, just 5 million people here in NZ), and anyone who doesn’t obey our mindless COVID rules, wear masks and of course take the “jab” isn’t part of the team. And thus they can be… you fill it in! Yet she and her party (Labour — grossly misnamed!) in coalition with the Greens (who would better be called the “upper middle class Woke club) have worked hard to divide the country into little infighting factions. Labour promised to build housing for the poor (many of whom are Maori — that is the people who were here before British colonisation — and Pacific Islanders from places like Samoa), yet has none less than nothing on this front. But don’t worry, they have incorporated Maori words into place names and greetings so all is OK, and their needs are being addressed! And now the attacks on free speech have mounted and increased constantly. Yet, as this article notes, hardly anyone here seems to notice or care. Even allegedly left wing websites barely noted it. I moved to NZ (from the US) nearly two decades ago, and have been increasingly appalled at the public apathy here. It is, at least, a system where small parties can sometimes get into parliament and have their alternative views presented, so their is a sliver of hope. But it is a tiny sliver. I can put pray and hope: “Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the… Read more »
In Canada, all levels of government and academia have this annoying habit of acknowledging the unceded land blah blah blah of First Nation peoples at the beginning of every meeting,presentation,forum etc. And,our policy officials carve aboriginal language into the front of newly erected buildings.So much bullshit as the First Nations still have contaminated water on the reservations.It is so meaningless.A woke song and a dance.Unbearable.A Neo-Hymn for the masses.
“where small parties can sometimes get into parliament and have their alternative views presented”
Nope, those days are gone. The only “small parties” in parliament are agenda pushers like Greens, and line towers like Act. And then you have TOP, who despite having next to zero support still somehow hovering around waiting to get in on their UBI platform. Politics and electioneering have become utterly irrelevant.
There is New Zealand First as an alternative. Not perfect or ideal, I fully realise — but at least it opposes neoliberalism in economics and supports what might be called “economic nationalism.” Say what you will about its leader, at least W Peters is not a line tower; he can be a shit stirrer! Regarding ACT you are dead right — supposedly libertarian, but said NOTHING about defending the right to refuse medical intervention when it came to the vaccine.
mjh, i don’t know if it is apathy or despair sometimes. There is a poet I love named Susan Frybot who has a book titled “Hope is a traveller”. We live in hope. That is where we live. There is no magic wand I guess.
43s clip, filmed very recently in a US hospital:
“Put the mask on, sir. You don’t need to put it over your mouth or nose. Why won’t you put on a mask?”
“Because I’m having a f***ing asthma attack. I was in a coma because of this sh!t. I almost died. The last thing I’m worried about is a f***ing mask. You can get out of here with that bullsh!t, bro.”
Just comply, slave. We know it’s senseless, that’s the point.
Ambition and avarice.
It’s the ugliest, most destructive, most insidious pairing on the planet.
And it’s endemic at the top of the pyramid.
Kiss your arse goodbye.
Just another fear campaign.
Still waiting for the food shortages we have been promised for the last two years. I’m still eating my two meals a day, bit disappointing really. What about you?
Like everything, what one sees and listens to on a screen is not what’s going on in reality. Take a look out of the widow once in a while, does it tell the same story being sold?
Let’s organize a campaign to reassurance.
Here, and I still eat (only once a day, but these are my long-standing personal dietary habits, not from lack).
Maybe none of these big threats are happening and it’s all a scare scam. Perhaps the threats for the near future are also deceptive. Maybe it’s even good to stop talking about damage from wax, CBDC, biometrics, and all the nonsense of WEF, climate conspiracies, etc.
I believe that’s referred to as being an Ostrich..
The Left-Right/Blue-Red show may well be professional wrestling
The Blue-pill-Red-pill show may also be professional wrestling
The former features the Putin persona as the heel
The latter: WEF
Be afraid of one or t’other, just be afraid!
I wouldn’t want to fuck with an ostrich; to race one neither
In fairness people called us all ostriches for not accepting the pandemic lie.
Yes, it would be correct to call it that. I’m sure you got the joke in my comment; in a nutshell: the pursuit of anti-alarmism is the same as habitual alarmism.
Being alert to false or exaggerated threats is fine. But it gives so much of one of the most sought – after and valuable commodities, the consolation, that, as I have repeatedly observed, many of the people who practice anti-alarmism alternately and for a long time, eventually pass imperceptibly to the deceptive practices of Reuters-fact-checking, beginning, in addition to the false and exaggerated, to reject by default many truths which are hard to accept and do not bring peace of mind.
“Eyes open to realities, despite the feelings their vision brings you,” is not necessarily, is not a law. But if you don’t, sooner or later you fall into the trap.
Well you can’t expect the media to worry about censorship can you? It’s a do-it-yourself hobby to them. Actually I think journalism is all done by A.I. in the mainstream, it’s so predictable I haven’t the fortitude to read it.
Tucker Carlson Originals: The End of Men (2022)
As someone with six grandkids, and counting, all born this century, I’ll sign up. Where do I sign? You know, for the revolution? I’m ready.
The sheep are still tuning in to the MSM for their daily dose of propaganda.
Far too entitled to worry about a revolution.
Not just the sheep. Those that purport to not be sheep appear to be in on it.
“Now we had so relied on this man to represent our agenda, and then this!”
Perhaps the sheeple don’t deserve to know they’re on the Titanic and the only life boats are already spoken for by the 1%.
Zero hedge..
The Elites will only accept/hire unvaccinated pilots on their private jets.
There are platforms. And then there is what may be performed upon them. Never confuse the two,
A platform may be shabby (and seek only to self-perpetuate), but the play great. Or vice versa.
’nuff said
LCA it was the alternative, “better” take on “sustainability”, or was it is twin?
never rates a mention these long days, e.g. elec cars… blahhhh all half-baked shite with distinct agenda..
Arduns titles speak very much about his role..
Recently, I experienced a similar situation in a local supermarket. The highly praised capitalism has already turned into communism (economy of scarcity) in many places, half-empty shelves, partly three-quarters empty. When I asked an employee how this was possible, she said that this has now been the “normal state” for weeks, especially in the late evening hours. Obviously, it is a matter of supply chain difficulties or already bankrupt suppliers who can no longer deliver. At least the “economic migrants” shoveled into our home countries are still allowed to wallow in luxury.
In the God-loved dollar paradise of America, things
don’t seem to be much different than they are here.
Well this conman and his lovely conwife live in Portugal where they fled because they are being sued by the Indiana attorney general so the dollar wont be a problem for them as they use euros?
The problem is weak willed individuals who hang on every word of these Youtube truth telling celebrities.
Hope they get sent to prison.
But what is so great a problem when he speaks the truth that he speaks?
But when he talks blatant fraud and manipulation – if anyone remembers what his current top topic is – then already – combining that with the trust he has built with previously said truths – there is a problem.
I see revenge for being bullied as a child in those eyes…
“We’re all staring down a bleak future…”
All? I agree that Finger Licken Chicken and friends, all convinced that the sky is falling, stare down a bleak future made by their own foolishness. But Focksy Lockdown is doing very well out of them.
Other countries aren’t doing so badly: Russia, China, Iran and Venezuela are remarkably well, given that Chicken and friends have been making war on those countries (as much war as Chicken and Co dare which isn’t much) plus financial blackmail which is Chicken’s favourite weapon.
It seems to be a case of, What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger: Iran has just become a full member of Shanghai Coop, along with Russia and China. Venezuela has been approached by Uncle Unctuous with a plea to be friends again and can Uncle please have some oil? Saudi Arabia, Uncle Chicken’s most reliable ally among the wogs, has obliged — but by selling Uncle less oil at a higher price. K$A seems to have learnt from U$A: “Never give a sucker an even break”.
“The U$A does not deal in friends, only interests”, says Unctious Uncle. Someone ought to dig out an old best-seller and send Uncle Chicken a copy: How to Make Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie. Chicken might have a less gloomy future if she thought less about influencing people with her sky-high fantasies and more about just making friends by sharing Nature’s acorns when she is lucky enough to have them drop on her head.
What a psychopathic evil demon
His two children Roger and Lisa also got luck that day…….
One immensely depressing development is that, although I would have expected an accelerating rejection of the covid con, there has instead been a “roaring silence” in which the various recent diversions from Ukraine to climate to the “cost of living crisis” have taken over as the pandemic show takes a back seat i.e. effectively disappears only to show occasional bubbles in which the entire matter is blandly presupposed as something everyone now takes totally for granted without further ado.
The traditional oppositional groups have now resumed their old stance of posing as “bravely querying imperialist narratives”, most of which would appear to refer to some previous age. These groups have also taken up the blasé position of “covid-as-part-of-our-history-but-possibly-returning-soon”.
And the folks round me talk about getting their latest booster in before the cold nights. I have received my “blue letter” from the NHS urging me to vaccinate. My wife murmured that she supposed I would just ignore it. She supposes right. Whilst I suppose she will be lining up for it. Neither of us bothered to expand that dead-end conversation.
And once again the media demonstrates its power: At a time when anyone with any sense would not only have rejected covid but would feel gobsmacked that any still take it seriously, the covid mantra still seems to arrogantly assume full control of the background.
Why bother maintaining what must be an empty husk of a marriage? You two have nothing in common at the deepest level and must co-exist in silent mutual contempt. Reminds me of my folks. I have been wishing for ten years my father would leave his horrible, narcissistic, sanctimonious dead-minded wife (my mother).
Hopefully the next booster will kill my mother and your wife. They may as well be dead. They’re not living. Darwin awards await them.
Not nice. There is enough nastiness in the world already. There is no need for us to be nasty and to wish the death of people we know (and presumably, at least at one time, loved). Let us instead hope that their hearts and minds are changed.
Celebrities remind me of if you’ve done a good job in your school play,I did drama I was always the pauper or mother figure but I can can fix a tv and decorate and survive 😂😂😂
I’m buying one of those childrens ovens 😂😂
Colds/flu on increase as UK heads towards the end of autumn and into winter shock:
We need to remove all psychopaths from power. Everywhere. Government. Corpos. Everywhere. And then we develop a test that detects the condition as early in life as possible so these creatures are not allowed to even run a lemonade stand.
And spare me the “we need people like that sometimes” bullsh!t. How’s that been working out? A post WW2 peak of human civilization reduced to a pozzed out cesspit that mutilates it’s own children in about a half century, all due to psychopaths in power. And now we’re looking at nuclear war, and these degenerate monsters give me no reason to think they won’t set off a false flag nuke somewhere.
I’m ready to have a go at civilization without them.
Well said.
A test to discover psychopathic traits in school kids was reported by the Australian press a few years ago…If applied and coupled with student career counselling services some students could be fast tracked into careers as cops, prison guards, even, in light of their role in implementing the toxic jab, doctors…
“And we’re watching it all on a screen three stops away from reality. That’s how it goes.” So true and
always prudent to remember this. Fear is crucial none of this works w/o it. One of the features of the echo chamber/personalized nature of the current internet is we all get our own personal nightmare scenario presented to us constantly. Personalized ads and personalized doomsaying.
Slightly OT:.
An actor, Volodymyr
Zelensky, tricked into playing the role ofTsarPresident. Foiling a plot on the life ofPutinIvan the Terrible. Mother Europe, in league with the Poles, weeping for her lost son…History never repeating, but with the odd rhyme or two:
I’m linking this article because…well, I guess I really am a contrary SOB at heart after all.
I’m well aware that most of those who comment in this forum are convinced (yes Virginia: there is absolute certainty) that all these “nations” are secretly working together, and will therefore pooh-pooh the thrust of the article.
But I really liked the article and think it gives, as they say, “pause for thought.”
Did Uncle Sam Blow Up the Wrong Pipeline? – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Whoever blew up the NS pipelines didn’t figure on there being two NS2 pipelines. They destroyed NS1 and NS2 but forgot about the backup which apparently is either undamaged or only lightly damaged.
Uncle Sam won’t have been involved. Directly. Its normal to incorporate a certain amount of uncertainty — “denability” — into the incident so that the information machine can churn out a lot of misdirection.
>that all these “nations” are secretly working together,
I think of this as a masterful piece of misdirection. There is a conspiracy but its not some secret cabal, its the “world financial system”, the reality of “the invisible hand of the market”. Most of today’s headlines, especially with regard to countries like Russia and China stem from them being ‘rouge’ nations, not playing by the international financial rules, and being too big to intimidate by lower level means. Which roughly translate to “buy the leaders”, “encourage human rights / separatist movements”, “economic sanctions”, “use of refugee flows to encourage skilled workers to leave” and so on. These mechanisms aren’t perfect — our ‘use of ‘refugees’ has rebounded on us big time as everyone who can is getting in on the act (but it only impacts the little people….otherwise its just cheap labor) and there are signs that certain countries’ leaders are onto the game (and so need to be replaced….or eliminated). We live in Interesting Times; personally I wish they were “Boring Times” but I don’t control anything.
Imagine just for a minute we need to look after each other.That we don’t need to make the rich richer,Because I can guarantee they are not thinking about you.
The media has had only one mode since the Dawn of Covid – and that has been to put on the scary William Shatner Halloween mask and go “BOO!” I mean – that’s it. Oh sure there are pages and pages of multicoloured charts and statistics and polysyllabic noise … but it all just amounts to “BOO!”
Watch out for blackouts this winter already saying it on the news.
Oh well 😂👍
What I’d like to know is this; Who gave the so called wef the authority to dictate to the people of the world how they should live out their lives based on the advice/ instructions these bastards give to politicians.
Surely they can be stopped in their tracks by making said local politicians, (who after all were elected to represent the best interests of their countries), liable to charges of treason if they attend meetings or follow any directives issued by these power crazed insane fuckers.
Apologies for the language,but I’m worn out with all the shit that’s going on in the world currently, you could get the “news” in any country in the world and simply translate it to any language, because it’s the same shit everywhere.
Exactly 👍
>who after all were elected to represent the best interests of their countries
That’s a bit idealistic. Some politicians might even believe it but the best we can say is that “they represent the best interests of their sponsors”.
Or to quote the old (American) saying — “We’ve got the best democracy money can buy”.
That’s why the 24/7 propaganda is so important. People actually believe the WEF’s ideas are good and needed to ‘save the planet’. So rather than seen to be committing treason, they are doing what the people want. Go the herd!
Our deranged government in Canada gave the WEF 100 million dollars to do digital Id -pilot projects partnerships with Air Canada.Our tax dollars going to billionaires.It’s mad.
Politicians are voted in by the people for the people i don’t vote because I know it makes no difference.Politicians are brought and paid for by the corporations and bankers,We keep the bankers and corporations alive yet they have become so greedy so corrupt they have forgotten the people they are supposed to represent! Which makes them feel above the workers and the poor and now they are in another dimension far away from us, And if they continue they will fall and fall hard pride comes before a fall and how the mighty have fallen.
Just to reiterate I’ve voted twice in my life just because I never voted and I wanted to see what it was like 😬.They didn’t win because the msm didn’t want them too and also I realised it’s all rigged and they are all the same.Reminds me of lord of the flys it does not matter who you vote for the asshole excuse my language always wins👍
Remember mad cow disease when they fed cows cows.Now imagine what they are putting into our food our water our medicines.Why do the rich go hunting why do they eat the best because they know how disgusting we are being fed.I don’t eat fast foods unless I’m skint I eat Ramon sometimes or a egg or toast.I go butchers if I’m really skint I buy dog bones and make a stew.My only problem is i like a drink or two but I hear It sanitises inside and out don’t like the hangovers though.😬
Why not show Chicken Little?
“Chicken Little- The Sky is Falling”
“Hey Britain, she is coming for you and your children.”
“Either her or this creep and his pals.”
“Some choices, eh? The War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Oligarch Mobster Psycho Nazis need to go, NOW!”
War Raceteer — “War is a Racket” (Smedley Butler)
Corporate — Is there an alternative?
Fascist — Corporatism with spiffy uniforms and maybe mobs roaming the streets looking for heads to crack
Eugenicist — We look after our own
Oligarch — That’s a perjorative term for ‘their’ ruling class. ‘Our’ rulers are nice people with our best interests at heart, we all know that.
Mobster — That’s another name for Corporatist, usually someone who’s not bought the right politicians (yet). Successful mobsters become successful businessmen, wannabes end up in jail.
Psycho — You can’t make an omlett without breaking eggs. Conscience and morality are optional when it comes to business.
Nazi — General Purpose Term of Abuse. National Socialism is socialism for the state, individuals are only important in the context of how they further the interests of the state. Its was a very confused ideology until it found corporatism.
I eschew using ‘global corporation’, ‘corporate state’ even ‘multinational’ or ‘transnational’ company. I dont want people dismissing me as a leftist…
– test
I’ve noticed with these parasites they like pomp and play,That is they put on these displays ceremonies and carnations it’s all a stage to them.A song comes to mind “ Bringing in the rigging bringing in the rigging because there’s f-all else to do.
Frigging in the rigging.
Oh I thought bringing 😂Same though we are frigging in the rigging and the rich have f-all else to do👍
I think we’re getting frigged in the rigging.
but there is no rig to frig, lol , just a cloaca
More fear promotion from The Guardian dressed up as caring advice:
In the absence of vaccines that actually block transmission of the virus, I cannot see this ending any time soon. I am regularly struck by waves of misery and loneliness. How do I keep going?
How I would reply:
It’s only natural you feel like this. You have been subjected to intense psychological pressure, propaganda, behaviour modification, fear and out-and-out lies for several years. You have lost the ability to make reasoned judgements because of these deliberate attacks on you. Attacks from people whom you thought were acting in your interest.
You must build resilience and reevaluate all the “information” that has crippled you.
The author of this appalling pseudo-advice? Eleanor Gordon-Smith is a writer and ethicist currently at Princeton University
My boyfriend has a cleaner she has had all the vaccinations boosters the lot,She’s claimed she’s had covid three times in a year? I’ve only had flu twice in my lifetime? I’ve not had covid because it doesn’t excist.Maybe in the vaccinations not in reality.Covid is a bio weapon it’s in the vaccinations.My son had the first jab because he was afraid he couldn’t go to clubs and university he’s sick every week headaches tonsillitis he was healthy before.I never made him get it he did it behind my back.
The purpose of the “virus” is the “vaccine”. These dangerous drugs were developed well in advance of any fake pandemic.
By the way, I’ve never had Covid because I don’t watch TV.
I assume you’re not vaccinated either. We’re having another covid episode at work, HR went to clean out an office and with her mask and gloves I was tempted to say maybe ya need a full hazmat suit, eh? The vaccinated are getting it, of course. I shake my head hard to keep from screaming.
Yes, it’s terribly worrying when family members take that poison and you can’t dissuade them. Fortunately, the RNA injection only kills about 1 young person per 1,000 doses (my guesstimate). All my family are vaxxed up to the eyebrows (except yours truly) but none have keeled over with Cardio Vascular Incidents in spite of my fears.
You are not going to become/remain a certified ethicist if you have bright ideas of your own.
Ridiculous nonsense – except why do I keep getting recommended to read it?
Oh – then all future urinals can be unisex!
And on the subject of piss-taking –
Yes, after decades of successfully not finding a cure for cancer the geniuses at Cancer Research find that it’s viagra! Not at all a blue-pilled joke….