Multipolar World Order – Part 3

Iain Davis

In Part 1, we considered the forces shaping the world order and the attempts to impose various models of global governance upon it.

In Part 2, we discussed the progress of the global power shift from West to East and asked why so many stalwarts of the so-called “unipolar world order” have not only accepted the inevitability of that power shift but have apparently assisted it.

Ostensibly, the multipolar version of the world order is a departure from the unipolar model in the sense that it will—supposedly—genuinely observe international law and share power among a broader coalition of nation-states. As a result, it will introduce—supposedly—functioning multilateralism into global governance, arguably for the first time. To some, this multipolar model sounds preferable to the current, international rules-based unipolar model.

Yet, when we look at the statements of the touted leaders of the new multipolar world order, their objectives seem indistinguishable from those of their unipolar counterparts…

  • They express an unwavering commitment to sustainable development and Agenda 2030.
  • They support the United Nation’s Security Council remaining the political centre of global governance—though, notably, loss of the veto isn’t countenanced.
  • They wholeheartedly endorse the World Economic Forum’s AI-driven 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR).
  • They also regard censorship and information control as necessary to fight the “infodemic” and to protect the world against “disinformation.”
  • Their global initiatives—and the public-private partnerships that will implement them—are practically identical to the initiatives of their unipolar counterparts, though they offer an important variation, which we’ll discuss in Part 4.
  • Finally, to supporters of multipolarity, a new global “financial system” is, as ever, the key to the supposed “transformation.”

Thus far, the globalist oligarchs, who are the ultimate beneficiaries of the unipolar model, have not only advocated the polarity shift from West to East but have also played a part in facilitating it. Indeed, they have created the monetary, financial, economic and thus geopolitical conditions that appear to guarantee it.

We learned in Parts 1 and 2 that the unipolar world order established a system of global governance that is founded upon global public-private partnership and that this empowered oligarchs to engineer policy agendas around the world, unconstrained by national borders.

If the multipolar world order is something new, then surely this trajectory towards centralised global governance should change, right? But when the multipolar model seems to be accelerating the transition to centralised power, then we have to wonder if there is anything new and different about it at all.

Xi Jinping addresses The Davos Agenda.
Image: REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins/File Photo

The Multipolar Great Reset

As mentioned previously, the World Economic Forum (WEF) declares itself to be the leading organisation for global public-private partnerships (G3P). In 2019, the WEF attempted to stake its claim by entering into a strategic partnership with the UN. The broad objective of the partnership was…

to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The WEF has conspicuously inserted itself into the global narrative over the last few years, most notably with its alleged Great Reset (the GR). The book of that name, written by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret, purportedly “in response” to the claimed global pandemic, is just another in a long line of attempts to exploit public fear and anxiety to sell a set of policy agendas.

Thierry Malleret

The tenor of the book and the Great Reset project is to offer “analysis” and “suggest” possible solutions in the spirit of solidarity with and compassion for humanity and nature. The dazzling minds behind it have tried to help us “understand what’s coming in a multitude of domains.” It is not a plan but rather friendly advice. At least, that is what the WEF claims.

The WEF represents the most powerful global corporations on Earth. As we have seen in the last couple of years, the pharmaceutical corporations alone can and do shape, and often drive, global policy decisions. One would need to be extremely naive to imagine that the WEF and its stakeholders (members) cannot effect that which they claim merely to advise. This is context within which we will analyse their words.

According to the pair, “the essence” of the GR is a plan to replace “failed ideas, institutions, processes and rules with new ones better suited to current and future needs.” As with nearly every other Western think tank and “international organisation,” they concede that the shift to the multipolar world is simply inescapable:

The 21st century will most likely be an era devoid of an absolute hegemon during which no one power gains absolute dominance. [. . .] In this messy new world defined by a shift towards multipolarity and intense competition for influence, the conflicts or tensions will no longer be driven by ideology. – [The Great Reset (TGR), p. 76]

In the GR, gone are the old distinctions between right and left, liberalism, conservatism, socialism and even the extremes of fascism and communism. For the WEF, all that remains is global environmentalism, which, the book’s co-authors claim, is not an ideology:

In global risk terms, it is with climate change and ecosystem collapse (the two key environmental risks) that the pandemic most easily equates. The three represent, by nature and to varying degrees, existential threats to humankind, and we could argue that COVID-19 has already given us a glimpse, or foretaste, of what a full-fledged climate crisis and ecosystem collapse could entail from an economic perspective. – [TGR, p. 95]

Fortunately, for the WEF and its partners, this imminent annihilation is actually an “opportunity,” or so they say:

The broader point is this: the possibilities for change and the resulting new order are now unlimited and only bound by our imagination, [. . .] economies, when they recover, could take the path of more inclusivity and be more attuned to the needs of our global commons. – [TGR, p. 17]

Enthusiastically adopting accelerationism, Schwab and Malleret claim:

[W]ithout delay we need to set in motion the Great Reset. This is not a “nice-to-have” but an absolute necessity. [. . .] The pandemic gives us this chance: it “represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine and reset our world”. [quote attributed to Klaus Schwab.]  – [TGR, p. 172]


As economies restart, there is an opportunity to embed greater societal equality and sustainability into the recovery, accelerating rather than delaying progress towards the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals[.]  – [TGR, p. 175]

The only problem this duo foresee with the “shift towards multipolarity” is that the associated “retreat from globalization” might happen too quickly. Of course, according to them, a premature retreat would cause “havoc” -so we should be properly terrified of the possibility. Consequently, in their eyes, the new “form of globalization” will only be “viable” if the right overarching system is firmly in place: global governance. As they put it:

A hasty retreat from globalization would entail trade and currency wars, damaging every country’s economy, provoking social havoc and triggering ethno- or clan nationalism. The establishment of a much more inclusive and equitable form of globalization that makes it sustainable, both socially and environmentally, is the only viable way to manage retreat. This requires policy solutions [. . .] and some form of effective global governance. – [TGR, p. 81]

Schwab and Malleret allege that the pseudopandemic-initiated breakdowns raise what they see as the deplorable prospect of a “global order deficit.” Therefore, in the absence of an “absolute hegemon”—the unipolar world order—nation-states must find a way to “collaborate at the global level.” They said:

If no one power can enforce order, our world will suffer from a “global order deficit”. Unless individual nations and international organizations succeed in finding solutions to better collaborate at the global level, we risk entering an “age of entropy” in which retrenchment, fragmentation, anger and parochialism will increasingly define our global landscape, making it less intelligible and more disorderly. The pandemic crisis has both exposed and exacerbated this sad state of affairs. – [TGR, p. 76]

The so-called Great Reset has been designed to manage and exploit the orchestrated collapse of the unipolar world order. The path toward multipolarity, redesigned globalisation and a new order is set. It is the “deglobalisation” inherent to the multipolar world order that provides the suggested “opportunity” for the global public-private partnership. No one, especially the WEF, suggests retaining the “hyper-globalization” of the “absolute hegemony.” They explained:

There is no point in trying to restore the status quo [. . . ], but it is important to limit the downside of a possible free fall that would precipitate major economic damage and social suffering. [. . .] This will only come about through improved global governance – the most “natural” and effective mitigating factor against protectionist tendencies. [. . .] There is no time to waste. If we do not improve the functioning and legitimacy of our global institutions, the world will soon become unmanageable and very dangerous. There cannot be a lasting recovery without a global strategic framework of governance. – [TGR, p. 81]

That “strategic framework” is the global governance of a multipolar world and the WEF claim that this is simply the most “natural” response to global crises, given that, in the WEF’s view, individual nation-states are unable to address the world’s problems. Consequently, for the WEF, only multilateral institutions of global governance, such as its strategic partner, the United Nations, can avert catastrophe. This is “the essence” of the Great Reset, as the book makes clear:

[W]ithout appropriate global governance, we will become paralysed in our attempts to address and respond to global challenges, particularly when there is such a strong dissonance between short-term, domestic imperatives and long-term, global challenges. This is a major worry[.] – [TGR, p. 83]


[T]he bottom line is this: in the face of such a vacuum in global governance, only nation states are cohesive enough to be capable of taking collective decisions, but this model doesn’t work in the case of world risks that require concerted global decisions. The world will be a very dangerous place if we do not fix multilateral institutions. – [TGR, p. 85]

The WEF’s “bottom line” is that, real or imagined, the Westphalian model is simply unequipped to deal with “global challenges.” Only “multilateral” global governance can avert descent into a “very dangerous” world. Hence, a shift towards multipolarity is required.

These are precisely the arguments that the supposed leaders of the new multipolar world order have been making.

To claim, as some do, that the “Great Reset” represents a defence of the unipolar order and that the shift towards a multipolar model is some sort of antidote to the GR appears to be based upon a fundamental misunderstanding of what the GR is.

Multipolar History

To illustrate this point further: Schwab and Malleret suggest that the “global challenges” they have identified will continue the trend of “regionalization.” They say that instead of the US-led unipolar hegemony, the world will increasingly be divided into semi-autonomous continental-scale regions:

The most likely outcome along the globalization–no globalization continuum lies in an in-between solution: regionalization. The success of the European Union as a free trade area or the new Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership in Asia (a proposed free trade agreement among the 10 countries that compose ASEAN) are important illustrative cases of how regionalization may well become a new watered-down version of globalization. [. . .] In short, deglobalization in the form of greater regionalization was already happening. COVID-19 will just accelerate this global divergence as North America, Europe and Asia focus increasingly on regional self-sufficiency rather than on the distant and intricate global supply chains that formerly epitomized the essence of globalization. – [TGR, p. 79]

This “regionalised” world bears an uncanny resemblance to the model exposed by Professor Carroll Quigley. In his 1974 interview with Washington Post journalist Rudy Maxa, Quigley spoke about the “three-power world.” He had already meticulously catalogued the activities of an Anglo-American network, whose members had taken great strides toward constructing a system of global governance that they hoped to control:

They were working to federate the English-speaking world [. . .]. They were closely linked to international bankers. [. . .] [T]hey were working to establish a world, what I call a three-power world. And that three-power world was: The Atlantic Bloc (of England and the Commonwealth and the United States), Germany (Hitler’s Germany), Soviet Russia. [. . .] [T]his is all described in my book, and this was their idea. Now notice, it’s a balance of power system.

Prof. Carrol Quigley

The idea of power blocs that were sometimes antagonistic to one another but that each played their part in maintaining a centrally controlled global system of managed international relations sounds very similar to the model outlined by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund’s Special Studies Project.

To wit: In 1955, the Rockefellers, fresh from their pivotal role in creating the United Nations, spotted the talents of Henry Kissinger while he was a study director of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), a US foreign policy think tank. The next year, they commissioned him to oversee a five-year project that would…

…define the major problems and opportunities facing the U.S. and clarify national purposes and objectives, and to develop principles which could serve as the basis of future national policy.

Kissinger led that project and has remained the Rockefellers’ envoy ever since.

The subsequent collection of “Rockefeller Panel Reports” was published in Prospect for America (PfA) in 1961. In those reports, the Rockefeller-chosen panelists noted that 19th century imperialism had been a means of maintaining world order but that the two world wars had conveniently put paid to government’s ability to control it, hence the claimed necessity for the UN. The Rockefellers and their man Kissinger identified what the WEF would later call the “global order deficit”:

One system of organizing international order has been destroyed without replacement by another.  – [Prospect for America, p. 164]

The problem was that the UN wasn’t working as the Rockefellers or their partners intended. Annoyingly, representatives of the national governments belonging to that international body kept insisting upon their own ideas.

This meant that the Rockefellers’ “high hopes” for the “institutional expression” of true global governance were stymied. Where did the blame lie? Here:

High hopes were not fully realized because the formal institutions of world organizations were designed to achieve more than the consensus of existing shared aspirations was prepared to support.  – [PfA, p. 164]

What this lack of consensus came down to was that nation-states, comfortable in their pursuit of the Westphalian mythology, were acting in their sovereign self-interest and were forming bilateral trade agreements and defence treaties. Thus they were somewhat resistant to absolute global governance by their private partners. The Rockefellers’ solution to the nation-states’ intransigence was to balkanise the planet into more manageable chunks, or blocs, or “poles.” This would then allow global governance, under the auspices of the Rockefellers and their partners, to flourish:

The hoped-for result is peace in a world divided into smaller units, but organised and acting in common effort to permit and assist progress in economic, political, cultural and spiritual life. [. . .] It would presumably consist of regional institutions under an international body of growing authority — combined so as to be able to deal with those problems that increasingly the separate nations will not be able to resolve alone. – [PfA, p. 26]

Subsequently, a Rockefeller-funded global policy think tank known as the Club of Rome came up with some farcical predictive computer models in its 1972 publication, The Limits to Growth.

Then, nearly twenty years later, in 1991, the Club of Rome published more farcical prognoses in its First Global Revolution (FGR). Building upon its silly computer models, it made up some predictions about natural disasters, none of which have transpired as prescribed, for obvious reasons.

Nonetheless, despite this being nonsense, the FGR really did define the alleged “problems” that nation-states cannot supposedly “resolve alone.” Today, the whole world accepts all of this as if it were factual. We are collectively following a global agenda based upon the calculated, unevidenced musings of a Rockefeller funded, elitest club:

In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and their actions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself. – [FGR, p. 75]

For the oligarchs who manipulate the global economy and world events, humans are the real problem. The oligarchs’ warnings of climate disaster are used to legitimise their mechanisms for managing us, not the environment. According to their warped logic, human behaviour must be controlled and human beliefs reordered. Their ideas are all very much in keeping with the pathetic quackery of eugenics that many oligarchs, such as Bill Gates, appear to accept.

The Rockefellers and their partners—a “network,” if you like—designed the UN in order to exert real global governance over the “smaller units”—regional blocs:

The United Nations [is] the international organisation that today holds out the reasonable hope of being able to take over more and more functions and to assume increasingly large responsibilities. [. . .] The spirit and the letter of the Charter [. . .] gives more than lip service to the indispensable world order[.] -[PfA, p. 33]


The UN stands, finally, as a symbol of the world order that will one day be built. –– [PfA, p. 35]

The Rockefellers and their partners have explained how this world order will emerge. The key to global governance, they insisted, was to be multilateral “regionalization” (a claim the WEF and other advocates of the multipolar world order would later repeat).

Note that Kissinger’s Rockefeller-funded researchers used the “United States” and “we”/”us” interchangeably in their reports. In this instance, it seems pretty clear who the “we” referred to is:

The most natural multination arrangements are frequently regional. [. . .] Fully developed, they imply a joint accord on monetary and exchange arrangements, a common discipline on fiscal matters, and a free movement of capital and labor. [. . . ] We believe that this regional approach has world-wide validity. [. . .] What is needed immediately is a determination to move in the direction they imply. Regional arrangements are no longer a matter of choice. They are imposed by the requirements of technology, science, and economics. Our course is to contribute to this process by constructive action. – [PfA, pp. 188–190]

The Multipolar Coincidence

The multipolar world order is not new. Nor does it stand in opposition to the so-called Great Reset. Both are just two more stepping stones along the path toward the age-old goal of global governance.

In the Great Reset book, Schwab, speaking for the WEF, declared that global governance in a multilateral, regionalized world with more localised supply chains was “the most natural” response to global crises.

Perhaps it is just a coincidence that sixty years earlier the Rockefellers published what appears to be precisely the same plan and claimed that the “most natural multination arrangements are frequently regional.”

Perhaps it is also just a coincidence that, prior to the Rockefellers’ Special Studies Project, the “network” exposed by Prof. Carroll Quigley also suggested essentially the same global governance system based upon a multipolar “balance of power.”

These coincidences lead one to observe that the formulation of the multipolar plan predates the WEF’s similar plan by more than a century.

One could also observe that the Rockefeller brothers commissioned their own think tank, the Club of Rome, to dream up scary stories about climate disaster, food and water shortages and the like—and then the WEF used the same fables as alleged justification for its global reset. Mere coincidence, surely.

That the nominal leaders of the new multipolar world order constantly cite the same tales—none of which mirror reality—as a reason for their proposed reset of global governance might likewise be mere coincidence.

From central bankers to prominent members of various think tanks to political leaders, it seems that the vanguard of the Western unipolar model accept the inevitability of that system’s replacement. Curiously, many of the same people, in responding to the war in Ukraine, have made decisions and advocated polices that are hastening the transition from unipolarity to multipolarity. Again, probably mere coincidence.

A central tenet of the suggested multipolar world order is to strengthen adherence to the Charter of the UN, thereby establishing genuine global governance. Globalist oligarchs have long advocated exactly the same approach and so do the claimed leaders of the multipolar world order. Another instance of mere coincidence?

The ambition of the crowd that Quigley called “the network,” like the ambition of the Rockefellers’ Special Studies Project and the ambition of the WEF’s Great Reset and the ambition of the Club of Rome and the ambition of the Council on Foreign Relations and the ambition of the BRICS, is, and always has been, global governance. Mere coincidence, yes?

There is a wealth of evidence revealing how these various groups—and more clubs and secret societies than we have room to name here—have manipulated events and shaped policy globally. Recently the shift toward the multipolar order has accelerated sharply due to a major global event (war) and the policy response to it. Certainly, more mere coincidence.

In both China and Russia, governance is based upon the absolute fusion of the public and private sector. And we know the UN was established as a public-private partnership. Interestingly, Russia and China just happen to be the two permanent members of the UN Security Council who are taking the lead on the development of the multipolar world order. This must be a coincidence.

The political theory of multipolarity incorporates elements of political philosophies and cultural ideologies, such as Eurasionism and tianxia, which also lend themselves perfectly to global governance.

We shall discuss these latter points, and more, in Part 4. But the fusion of the public and the private sectors and the overlapping philosophies and ideologies common to both Russia and China are probably just another in a long and remarkably consistent timeline of coincidences.

If you believe in that sort of thing.


You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog IainDavis.com (Formerly InThisTogether) or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.
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Oct 23, 2022 2:57 PM

I continue to admire how, cornered by enemies from the West through Ukraine, sanctioned, pipeline sabotaged, etc., in response to this, the Russian authorities continue to respond excellent and register benefit after benefit, updating and upgrading their structures and implementing innovation after innovation.

https :// www .vedomosti.ru/politics/articles/2022/10/21/946817-sovet-voennogo-vremeni
October 21
“Wartime Council: what is the uniqueness of the new body headed by Mishustin

Its decisions are now binding on all organizations and authorities at any level

On October 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the establishment of a Coordinating Council under the government to meet the needs of law enforcement agencies. Putin announced the creation of this special body when declaring martial law in the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions on October 19. At a meeting of the Security Council, the head of state instructed the White House to prepare a draft presidential decree on the creation of a council that will have broad coordinating powers.

Formally, the decree on the creation of the Coordination Council has nothing to do with the introduction of martial law in certain regions, in any case, it is never mentioned in the text, said lawyer Anton Timchenko.[…]That is, it is a completely new organ. “This is a kind of headquarters for managing its economy. Figuratively speaking, this is the federal headquarters of the rear,” Timchenko said.[…]for example, such a council was created to address issues related to the fight against the pandemic in March 2020.[…]According to Rudakov, this is a “supranational” body with fairly broad powers, budgetary capabilities and a serious composition.”

Oct 21, 2022 6:59 PM

The global powers are like professional sports leagues like the NBA or NFL. There is real competition amongst the teams (various cabals of Globocap, major nation states, regional blocs) but the league (owner class) is the apex power center and will be preserved at any cost even if from time to time some teams go bankrupt – or are wiped off the map. And the masses are the suckers in both sports and geopolitical world, mere spectators stuck in the cheap seats paying premium prices for bad food and watered drinks and rabidly supporting “their” team conditioned to believe it actually matters which team they cheer for.

Paul Ashley
Paul Ashley
Oct 23, 2022 2:46 PM
Reply to  DavidW

But furthering the analogy provides perspective, for outside of the league, including it’s owners, is a whole nother mass of people who live and work apart from and independent from the league, which after all is just centered around a game.

William Sabre
William Sabre
Oct 21, 2022 12:30 PM

The evil that rules over the west is an idea that has captivated many of the good peoples minds. It’s an ignorance and a comfort in that ignorance. Many westerners just want to be left alone; that there is the evil in a nutshell; it has led to greedy; incompetent; ideological satanists to take over every aspect of their societies and infra-structure while they sat left alone at home or work.

This week; a diabetic I know was told there was no deliveries of his insulin; he would have to just wait; he’ll die without it; insulin is a priority drug; this is unheard of in his 40 year life. Game over; the entire infra-structure is collapsing into a third world shithole due to this left alone mentality.

Oct 21, 2022 8:11 PM
Reply to  William Sabre

Collapse, indeed.

Speaking as an elder British self-exiled to the Andean nations:

and distressed by the modern separation between people and state ..

Observed: our involvement in politics is to see it on the tv news and laugh at the politicians we elected. Elected? selected from a menu, more likely, none of the offerings on which celebrate the characteristics of honesty, courage, clarity, consistency, collaboration.

What we know now for certain is that a civilised (city-oriented) society requires a form of government, we know that government attracts – in general – the worst of humanity, and it would not take a genius to divine that the city-state bears within itself, per se, the seeds of its own decay and disappearance.

Do we need to get off our sofa? Involve in collaborative governance?

My straw poll suggests that abandoning the modern lifestyle is an idea that expired before the dodo, and is as likely to resurrect itself.

We are, in a picture, the monkey caught with his hand in the jar of cookies, unable to release the catch even to save its life.

There. My contribution!!

Oct 22, 2022 6:22 AM
Reply to  Dave

This was the real purpose of popular/enforced urbanisation:
to empower propaganda further
to atomise the community and wider society.

Oct 21, 2022 11:37 AM

Russian pharma sector growing despite unprecedented sanctions(14-10-2022)
https :// www .thepharmaletter.com/article/russian-pharma-sector-growing-despite-unprecedented-sanctions

By the way, I look at the same prestigious site that “offers high value news and insights for people with a professional interest in the global pharmaceutical, biotech, generic and biosimilar industries,” the old saying that “Chinese tech titan to help Sanofi catch up in mRNA”(23-11-2021)

“French pharma major Sanofi (Euronext: SAN) has inked an agreement with Chinese tech giant Baidu (Nasdaq: BIDU), aimed at improving the company’s product design processes. Beijing-based Baidu, best known for its internet-related services, also has a thriving artificial intelligence (AI) business, including a platform for optimizing the design of mRNA-based therapies.”
https :// www .thepharmaletter.com/article/chinese-tech-titan-to-help-sanofi-catch-up-in-mrna-development

China is also a leader in 5 G and a leader in sustainable development and transformation towards “green”..
Is there a common point. 🌐  📲  Or It is all in the interpretation of the interpreter. 😴  Interesting..(In any case, if it has anything, everyone is in it.)

Oct 24, 2022 5:14 PM
Reply to  plino

China is also a leader in 5 G and a leader in sustainable development and transformation towards “green”..

United Kingdom is.

Nov 1, 2022 7:54 PM
Reply to  ophiaps

The U.K. is a nothing burger,
Today. Be realistic… ! Absent Square Mile of Oligarchs’ protectionism, let alone VISION,
You wasted your chance.
Get serious !
Are lost…
Forever in,
I watched live,
Elon playing
For your
You so…
OLD ! ?

Nov 1, 2022 7:29 PM
Reply to  plino

I recall typical Pacific blue seas off of Hong Kong & Chinese shorelines.
Naturally Chinese memories ARE MORE VIVID and reasoned today…

Oct 21, 2022 11:19 AM

By the way, “West” in Russian (and other Eastern Languages) is “Zapad” (Запад). Little for the word: ”Semantic properties Meaning: the side of the world opposite to the east and corresponding to the direction of sunset; located to the left of the observer facing north. Synonyms: West, sunset; З, Way / Antonyms: east, sunrise, ost …originally from ‘the setting (or retraction) of the sun’ West. It is formed from the verb zapadati; it was said about the sun setting behind the horizon that it was “sinking”. Goes back to the same foundation as falling. …West. Old Slavonic — zapadu (sunset, setting of the sun). In the Old Russian language, the word came from Old Slavonic. It was first mentioned in written sources of the XI century . The literal meaning of the word is “the place where the sun goes below the horizon.” Derivatives: Western, Westernism. …west, etc.-Russian, art.-slav. ; Serbo-Croatian. zapd. “the setting (setting) of the sun”, cf. for- and fall. Cf. lat. ossidēns is the same. ….West. Obscheslav. A derivative of zapadati “to set, to set over the horizon” (about the sun), pref. a derivative of padati “to fall”. See fall. Wed. sunset, sunset (of the sun). The West literally means “the place where the sun “sinks “over the horizon.” — In the context of the skyrocketing demands for the East to fight the West, for a retreat from its influence, and the great victories of the Humane East over the evil West recently, in the context of multipolarity. Not in the context of the “export of the center of power from West to East”, or even the heretical assumptions of a pre-agreed and organized such relocation, within the framework of the Global Development Goals, under the veil of multipolarity. The second, of course, is food for gullible people… Read more »

Oct 21, 2022 12:04 PM
Reply to  plino

Sorry to be pedantic re.Facts, but it is becoming increasingly important for us all to recognise actual Factual history more accurately: for example, Kiril & Metodi commissioned by the 🇻🇦 Vat-i-can, first created the word ‘Zapad’ for the Slavonic Culture to be able to communicate with Rome. K&M are celebrated by the Bulgarians, each and every 24th May, Religiously … so, were you to dig a bit deeper and reflect upon a minor correction to your comment, or correct me if I’m wrong…
*Not old Russian Language* >>> Ancient Bulgarian. Of course, the Republic of Northern Macedonia, now infiltrated from the West, in various forms to create confusion, will almost certainly disagree, unless you ask the Bulgarians living still in Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, Greece,
Turkey and the large contingent within the Ukraine, still Today.
No thanks to Churchill & Roosevelt for their ‘incisive’ interference
In regional awareness and imperialistick Goals, to divide Bulgarians.
Without to mention the Ottoman Empire’s Slave Trade efforts.

It may interest you, somewhat amusingly, as an aside: my Grandfather’s legacy of a dictionary,
Printed by Odhams in 1946, (something I cherish for many reasons) gives a very much all inclusive
Description of the origins of the word ‘BUGGER’ and bugger me I was surprised, likely you ✌ too.
The number one explanation was simply:-

A Bulgarian Heretic 😂

Oct 21, 2022 12:28 PM
Reply to  TDj

Well, that’s from a Russian source. You know that the Russians, like all other great empires (at one time or another), attribute everything to themselves. The origin may be different, but the meaning of the word “West” is the same.

And what, do these “heretics” bother you? I have heard that the name of their people is unchanged from what was written in old bulgarian several thousand years ago, and that they are the only country in Europe at the moment that has had the same name since its creation a long time ago. By the way.

Oct 21, 2022 12:38 PM
Reply to  TDj

The old bulgarian language is a completely different beer, by the way, slightly older than the “old Russian”; only at least a thousand or two thousand years older.

And I know what you’re doing, by the way, and I’m not going to take that bait, you know, TDj.;) But you go ahead if you want. But don’t think that being a big agent, you’re gonna fool me. 🕵  I do not know what got under your skin these “heretics” that you mention them regularly. They are the most insignificant characters on the geopolitical map at the moment.

Nov 1, 2022 8:15 PM
Reply to  plino

The fool was you, in your denial of linguistics, the very origins…
But heyho, if you wish to alter the roots/ koren of your
means of communication , like the British,
Lords dictate, pray continue over 9-11 time zones,
Influencing today. Typical empirical thought … ?!
Cool your pride ! Start thinking ahead upon sincere reflections …

Oct 21, 2022 7:54 AM

‘Peaceful modernization’: China’s offering to the Global South by Pepe Escobar, first published at The Cradle :

Xi Jinping just offered the Global South an alternative to decades of western diktats, war, and economic duress. ‘Peaceful modernization’ will establish sovereignty, economy, and independence for the world’s struggling states.

President Xi Jinping’s report at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) contained not only a blueprint for the development of the civilization-state, but for the whole Global South. Xi delivered a shorter version of the full work report – see attached PDF – which gets into way more detail on an array of socio-political themes.

In a nutshell, the CPC master plan is twofold: finalize socialist modernization and build China via peaceful modernization – as a modern socialist country all the way to 2049, the centenary of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Xi summarized, “Peaceful modernization contains elements that are common to the all countries, but also some that are uniquely Chinese in context.”

Of course there are multiple paths leading to modernization according to the conditions of any particular nation. But for the Global South as a whole, what really matters is that the Chinese example completely breaks with the western TINA (“There Is No Alternative”) monopoly. Not to mention it breaks with the ideological straitjacket imposed on the Global South by the Western “golden billion” (of which the really “golden” barely reach 10 million). Recent historical record shows how every nation trying to develop outside the socalled Washington Consensus is terrorized at myriad hybrid war levels. Such nations become a target of color revolutions, regime change, illegal sanctions, economic blockade, NATO sabotage or outright bombing and/invasion.”

Oct 21, 2022 9:42 AM
Reply to  NickM

But for the Global South as a whole, what really matters is that the Chinese example completely breaks with the western TINA (“There Is No Alternative”) monopoly. Not to mention it breaks with the ideological straitjacket imposed on the Global South by the Western “golden billion”

That’s great news. The CCP will now be free to develop, and successfully apply to a billion + or so residents, China’s traditional National Sustainable Development Goals (in the strict implementation of which it is a world leader), its green energy transformation (in which it is an unattainable Leader), its 5G network (in which it is an unattainable world leader), the implementation of AI in every aspect of society (in which it is a world leader far ahead of the rest), its national biosecurity system, which have consistently demonstrated since the beginning of plandemia and to which are admired by Western leaders. And all this after having a well-functioning social rating system, which has been repeatedly cited as a good example of social order by many Western leaders.

A great victory for the free world. 🔓 The end of the globalist dictatorship of Western evil bankers and families is near.

Oct 21, 2022 10:28 AM
Reply to  plino

“China’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have grown at their fastest pace in more than a decade, increasing by 15% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2021”, new analysis for Carbon Brief shows.

Words meant for Western woke are cheap. Look at Xi Jinping’s acts.

Oct 21, 2022 11:04 AM
Reply to  Antonym

All right, fool, text Chinna Daly to change their data (2022.10.17): https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202210/17/WS634c9118a310fd2b29e7ccee_2.html
Write to them, they to update your article with 2021 data.
Write to the BRICS website, which reprinted the material. Tell them which of Xi Jinping’s words-all of which are widely known in the West – are intended to mislead, and which are true.

Moronianism – the most widespread spiritual current of today.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 21, 2022 3:55 PM
Reply to  Antonym

There ya go Antonym. No one wants to acknowledge physical reality. It’s much more convenient to down-vote anyone who does…

Oct 21, 2022 10:34 AM
Reply to  plino

I watched the whole of the CCP Press Conference, last Saturday, with the nose, ears & eyes of a media research & analysis professional, wide awake and highly acutely wired into every single nuance, from every style of journalist across the globe 🌐 :- listening intensively to every response to every question 🙋.
It was excellent and extremely civilised …
With stunning clarity and serious answers.
Made a change … 😉

Oct 21, 2022 11:06 AM
Reply to  TDj

So everything I mentioned is gone, and now China is super good? The words of Xi we listen? From there to find out the facts, instead from the facts?

Oct 21, 2022 12:07 PM
Reply to  plino

Yeah, everything that you are right about, and you accurately manage to communicate, is being destroyed by the people you reach out to for friendship. Do you feel naive and silly now.

Oct 21, 2022 12:29 PM
Reply to  plino

Xi did not speak, indeed he was not featured once & I’m not even sure if Xi
Was even there ? I’m trying to discuss something completely different to do
With Common understanding and brilliant LINGUISTICS !

Oct 21, 2022 12:43 PM
Reply to  TDj

 😄 Okay, okay, don’t get mad.
Well, I couldn’t understand you. What I understand you’re saying: to change my perspective on China, because they’re really breaking away from global plans and getting good; simplistic. That’s what I found out, and that’s what I told you. Tell me what you’re really saying in a nutshell.

Oct 21, 2022 4:57 PM
Reply to  plino

Theobalt maddened me more, actually 😂 so, my mind is already today ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’ :- Hardy and more determined Than ever to not waste time on Egos, one-upmanship & small talk… That aside, I really appreciate your intent and focus on the future of a collective education, from a global perspective moving forwards. Resting on ‘Laurels’ was never my scene, indeed, I’d rather listen alone To my thoughts and play some Carlos Santana: ‘Let the children play…’ Sprang to mind after reading, today. 😉 Optimal, would be with kids playing in the background & chanting . . . ‘WE Don’t need no Western Education’ https://youtu.be/W8_WLmXFYrY I know you (understandably) Don’t do you tube, but the kids do and somebody has to keep an eye on the Langley Brainwash Corporation: plus, maybe Theo will notice and take enough time to consider the brainwash within the system of his own education. So, a brief insight into my anal sensory perceptions of brainwash: my wife was teaching English in Bulgarian and received a ‘wealth’ of new choices for the curriculum for the coming year, from Stara Zagora Uni. after Bg. had entered the E.U. All the usual culprits were there, inclusive the best offerings from the Pearson Group, naturally. However, the National Geographic ‘candidate’ in particular caught my anal attention to detail, the most … my wife was asking for my opinion, because she is not a native speaker and felt overwhelmed at the choice, as we had spent the first couple of years communicating purely in German, from the outset … I had met Anna Arnaudova from Stara Zagora Uni. before and became interested in the Criteria for curriculum at higher levels, with which my wife was confronted. The National Geographic literature was heavily favoured by many, however, something… Read more »

Oct 22, 2022 5:07 PM
Reply to  TDj

Good research from as. dr. Anna: “Influence of the integrative approach in English Through environmental Education” 🙄  😄 

Oct 23, 2022 9:38 PM
Reply to  plino

Bullseye 🎯 😂 & examinations inspections detections & false detentions under false pretentions, just for filtering the best, for regional gold mining self interest, in the
Valley where Vultures DARE:-
Like BlackRock/ЧернаСкала
Or Dundee Precious,
Down the ArdaReka.
A. Dun. Deal .
And. Like. Next.
Please Lick Away …
Look away Lick away,
Rim job buggery,
A laddin’s
C orporate
T huggery…

Maybe a bit long for Haiku, best stop now but I thought it was,
🛐 worth a shot, Na? Golden Times Ahead …
G.T.A. Grand Theft Auto…
Here we goBubu !
Hold the horses…
Makes A.i.’s life tougher
As would any Hristo Botev.

“Dusk draws in upon the Rising Moon.
Stars ✨ smother the Vault of Heaven.
Forests rustle, swayed by Rising 🍃 Wind
The Balkan Haarps the Rebels Hymn. . .”

Circa 1876: in the satirical newspaper “Budelnik”
The Alarm Clock. Summit’ about Rebels
Poetry is possibly the most painful
For seriously considered translation. Ask my wife,
It was agony to squeeze all Botev was insinuating,
Into four sentences, with rhythmic pentameter,
But I don’t think you’ll find a better translation.
Ask any Russian who speaks this insignificant tiny
Nation of Dancers on imperialist tables.
БЕЭ Един Крапчев, For Bulgarian consumers !
Just transit deals , touché clouded comrade,
What the fuck do you know nothing Nadal Nada! Nishto…
And explains the Bulgarian National Psychosis,
Of whom to Trust the least…
Do you feel better after ranting,
As Plino Nadal, or Plino Novak ?
Thanks, I made myself laugh ‘Bigly’ 😂

Oct 23, 2022 9:41 PM
Reply to  TDj

Correction read: КРАН !

Oct 21, 2022 12:05 PM
Reply to  TDj

I though you were a physicist… Nevermind, so what did our humble media research & analysis professional made of it, appart from all the politeness and civil style of it, for the benefit of us, rude and barbaric westernians… what was the content and your own conclusions… how did it smell.

Oct 21, 2022 1:22 PM
Reply to  theobalt

Refreshing clarity of Communications, language, designs & social intent. Which I’ve briefly communicated to Plino (Above): but, Given the attitudes of the pair of you,Frankly, it appears, given your present demeanour, (emphasis on Mean), I’m rather wasting my time, at this juncture: calm yourselves first and consider others.Quit the squabbling and one-upmanship, please. F.y.i.-I was “humbly”head-hunted to filter the so called ‘news’ for the C.E.O. of the
Largest Corporate Wallet in the World, in my early 20’s due to my ability to speed read through the wealth of crap you have chosen to be influenced by: which you clearly feel permits you to adopt such an arrogant Canadian Colonial tone ! It’s not what you say, but the way that you say it, as with most egos in these columns BTL, you almost make me puke. So go fuck yourselves is my attitude for now… Beat yourselves up, well & truly 👆 bolster your egos and forget facts.
Long live Physics and Chinese Philosophy !
Shame on you… rude & barbaric, absent serious contentions,
Despite my apology for a misunderstanding…
Carry on fighting 😂 absent my observations.
You obviously do not really want to know,
What I know of Physical Realities !

P.s. before you even dream of mentioning that the Chinese & Russians
Engineer the Weather, too, I know: Lockheed Martin Assisted the Chinese
With five hundred 💯 ‘s, of installations on the North Face of the Himalayas.

P.P.s. Q: what was the Dalai-Lama’s personal wages per annum, from
1945-1974 from the C.i.a. ? I expect a serious answer to this or shall not
Bother you again, with any freedom of information. ACT !

Oct 21, 2022 2:04 PM
Reply to  TDj

You’re putting me in touch with this Theo guy? Where did you get to?

You don’t know anything about the current situation in Russia. That is why you make fantastic assumptions based on the knowledge of the Russian mass media and the propaganda attached to it (which, let us recall, in the context of the “global agreements”, is NWO propaganda, not Kremlin propaganda). You don’t know anything. Nothing one of the things I posted here you don’t know. But how many more that I didn’t post… (What do you keep shooting at the history of American trusts when it comes to Russia? Because you don’t know, and you want to get caught up in it. Give me the link, let me see. I know it, but you, like everyone here, don’t know anything. Just complaints and attempts to fire. Come on, Don’t bother me with the knowledge from kindergarten about the actualities in Russia and Russian strategies.)

Your “historical” knowledge of bulgaria from several English books is on the same level. Don’t tell me any more about Cyril and Methodius. You’ve picked up a couple of crooked sources and you’ve already done the painting. Go on, run. 😡 

Oct 23, 2022 1:52 PM
Reply to  plino

You put yourself in touch with Theo on a daily basis, allowing your weee little fingers & brain to become so tired, angry and arrogant, by responding to every provocation, that you end up typing incoherent utter ‘crapola’ like this comment, wasting my time, seemingly: when I have my own wealth of research and analysis, to refer to, that includes my belief that he is perhaps just another Troll Targeting Plino, most specifically. Howsoever, maybe both of you are Trolling, given your demeanour in this specific comment. Hopefully, you’ve taken some fresh mountain air and are somewhat refreshed, enough to inform me of my “Fantastic Assumptions” with specific exampleS by way of confirmation. Assumption being the mother of all Fukups & Military Fukwits . . . With my various medical conditions, I sincerely doubt I shall ever be running anywhere ever again and certainly not from my words. So, I sincerely look forward to hearing about my “Fantastic Assumptions” along with your humble opinion of my Artwork, almost as much as I look forward to any response from Superman Theobalt, who seems to have bolted out the back door, upon being asked a simple question, a very simple question, regarding the Dalai Lama’s annual wages From the C.I.A. >>> perhaps, under the circumstances, by way of an apology for your wanker commentary above, Plino might like to answer on behalf of Superman Theobolt of lightening, because the answer is easy to find & Highly Relevant to Part 4 of this article >>> (which I hope you have read) ! If so, there is the feasible potential to amplify our knowledge together and moreover, on the ‘minor’ matter of GEO-ENGINEERING of the Weather, further down the road, where folk keep mentioning ‘Climate’. Changing the subject … After completing a coded Whiteboard,… Read more »

Oct 23, 2022 8:18 PM
Reply to  TDj

almost as much as I look forward to any response from Superman Theobalt, who seems to have bolted out the back door, upon being asked a simple question, a very simple question, regarding the Dalai Lama’s annual wages From the C.I.A.

Sto leva a month, that’s how much they paid him. Even once, on one of my ascents of Jomolungma, I personally handed over my salary to the old Dalai because it was on my way.

Oct 24, 2022 10:20 AM
Reply to  plino

Ahhh yes, that could be, before WW2 perhaps, when the Lama’s were entertaining the Nazis, due to a massive respect for and interest in Goebbels’ gobblyD’gook geek styling: ironically, I recall studying Nat. Geo. Footage of pre-war spitting Lamas’ ‘Hospitality’ with Nazis; and brutal methods in controlling the true Folk of Tibet, swinging huge Poles as big sticks… but, I was thinking of the Dalai’s personal wages From the C.i.a. , from 1945 – 1974,: when somewhat surprisingly (credit where credit is due, 😂) Tricky Dicky Nixon stepped up and intervened: around the Club of Rome time & Watergate, to cut the costs of warring, tiring timelessness, some damage limitation: and the chance for some Hollywood Styled ‘predictive programming’ of Western kids’ Minds, with Richard Gere to follow and a Nobel Peace Prize for the Dalai Lama: whilst neglecting to mention the 500 Municipal Chinese workers, murdered in Tibet, in 1959, directly prior to rational Chinese actions. Literally a Watershed & Aquifer moment of realisation for the Chinese.Highlighting the need for securing the Iron Rice 🥣 Bowl. Still, to this day, the Governor is Tibetan and his deputy is Chinese: this has always been the case, since the Qing dynasty, If memory serves … whatever: the CIA Agent’s wages, are a matter of public record today, & the Dalai Lama’s personal Annual Income was $180,000 Bucks, verstanden !? Try to remember this when we come around to discussing Part 4 From Iain Davis, which hopefully you are reading now, if you have not already. Because, I have an ace up my sleeve for when Folk catch up to today’s reality of records.. and WHO has what intentions? Going forwards, when judging anything, whatever the Act, Legally speaking , it is the ‘Mens Rea’ that is key to … Any Final… Read more »

Oct 25, 2022 1:38 PM
Reply to  TDj

Cyrillic is not old Bulgarian language TDj. It is based on and uses parts of the old Bulgarian, which is thousands of years old. Ask your wife.

I cannot understand, after all, do you like the bulgarians / bulgaria, or are you mocking them, cursing your fate that by the power of love brought you to this miserable place today?

Try to remember this when we come around to discussing Part 4

From Iain Davis, which hopefully you are reading now, if you have not already.

If you have not understood, I withdraw from the discussion, not only of the mentioned article, which I am pleased to see has already been published. But I wish you a pleasant discussion.

Beyond that, it is not impossible for you and me to ever meet by chance, in some remote country (some of them are small in area and with a small population).

Jelaja vi da ste jiv i zdrav.
(Translation for other readers: I wish you to be alive and well.)

Nov 1, 2022 8:39 PM
Reply to  plino

A perfect example of avoiding questions:
Do prey continue to hang yourself…

Nov 1, 2022 9:13 PM
Reply to  plino

May I add, on sincere reflection, come what May, above anyTheresa or T.I N.A… I respect Dugin’s Right to…
Reflect, upon all stimuli, in my eye… 😉

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 21, 2022 3:58 PM
Reply to  NickM

Hello NickM: Quote: “Peaceful modernization’ will establish sovereignty, economy, and independence for the world’s struggling states.”

Yup. Ya get real peaceful when you’re chained to a sewing machine…

Oct 23, 2022 7:55 PM

“Oh, the sewing machine, the sewing machine
Oh, how I hate the sewing machine!” — U$ song from a bygone age.

“We in the West are committing economic suicide by moving our technology — our only advantage — to the East in pursuit of higher profits through lower wages”. — Paul Valery, French poet, 70-80 years ago.

“The U$A is a paper tiger” — Mao Tse Dung, 60-70 years ago

“Coming events cast long shadows before them” — Proverb

Oct 21, 2022 4:58 AM

Alexander Solzhenitsyn ~ a decade ago:
Surprising as it may be, the Marxist teaching prediction that nationalism is fading has not come true. On the contrary, in an age of nuclear research and cybernetics, it has for some reason flourished.

Nationalism is also the WEF’s biggest obstacle.

Oct 21, 2022 10:47 AM
Reply to  Antonym

The ghost of Alexander you mean ?

He died 3rd August 2008, aged 89: not a bad ‘knock’ on heaven’s door, considering,
All the propaganda… from all Directions!

Oct 21, 2022 11:08 AM
Reply to  TDj

 😂  👍 

Oct 21, 2022 11:11 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Nationalism is also the WEF’s biggest obstacle.

Patriot’s and Nationalists are some of the easiest zombies to manipulate.

Oct 21, 2022 11:17 AM
Reply to  jiin

And who aren’t? Name one or several difficult to manipulate groups?

Ian Bell
Ian Bell
Oct 20, 2022 10:57 PM

We do not need more dissecting, analyzing and summarizing events to know that we, the little people, will get the short end of the stick if the plans of the parasite class are finally implemented. What we need is for us, the little people, to band together with a common vision and direction and a single minded focus on eliminating the parasite class. We are literally fighting for the right to have a future. We must stop talking and start acting….together, as one. To be clear here, either we eliminate the parasite class or they eliminate us. For me, the right decision is easy.

Oct 21, 2022 7:57 AM
Reply to  Ian Bell

When you say that there is no need to dissect and analyze anymore, whose Are you talking about? How many people are there who don’t need explanations anymore and are aware of it? All “you people down there”?

We must stop talking and start acting….together, as one. To be clear here, either we eliminate the parasite class or they eliminate us. For me, the right decision is easy.

Just tell us how to proceed if you’re tired of talking. But first tell us how to get this “together, as one” with people divided in every principle, different in every way, free with their views, which differ in many ways. And also: people with different opinions on the analysis of the situation at the moment, and in particular on this situation, which is the subject of the article

Oct 21, 2022 11:20 AM
Reply to  plino

Where to begin was always an easy question for me to answer, decades before this website ever existed; though I have mentioned the first step here as well, many times, nobody Appears to listen or take the time to consider the necessity, longterm , of recording & awareness of Physical Facts anymore, from the S.S. Liberty onwards, (the tipping point of no return in the West) >>> When Israel attacked the USA and Murdered international reconnaissance Experts and news coverage of the illegal annexation of the Golan Heights & Sold out to Murdoch’s Media style of presenting ‘tits’ to distract fools. . .

Oct 21, 2022 12:53 PM
Reply to  TDj

So, being aware of what you’re explaining will lead to solving the problems I touched on in my comment. Well, ok, I don’t mind if it helps, let it be.

Oct 21, 2022 5:11 PM
Reply to  plino

Let it be. Chuckle, singing words of wisdom will help us all to leave Warmongers resting @Destination Fucked . . . 😂

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Oct 20, 2022 9:55 PM

We ain’t seen nothing yet.
They ain’t seen nothing yet.
Be prepared to be ready in a minute.

Oct 20, 2022 8:23 PM

There is NO “multipolar”, lets not be deceived into thinking there is some opposition in this world. They all work for one master; and ultimately it is not a Holy master.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 21, 2022 8:47 AM
Reply to  WorldStaged

There must be the ILLUSION of multipolar so that blame and hate can be rotated and therefore perpetuated.

Oct 20, 2022 8:15 PM

again, yawndoom. OG? cmontae..

Oct 20, 2022 7:07 PM

And the Russian Academy of Sciences currently, as throughout the war, cooperates with the Davos forum according to their own web site. Come in, translate for a minute, and check for yourself. Here below, in the second part of the comment is the address from which it was translated: https://off-guardian.org/2022/10/18/watch-meet-elon-musk-technocractic-huckster/#comment-550314

Oct 21, 2022 5:23 PM
Reply to  plino

Perhaps, my favourite film ever, seriously, I jest not, a real classic, from start to finish,
I was captured. Definitely a top 10 film surely, in my book, dependent on my mood,
I can watch again & again.
Thanks for the very 🤭
Real memories . . .

Oct 25, 2022 1:42 PM
Reply to  TDj

No need to thank me, but if you have already done so, let it be my parting gift to you.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Oct 20, 2022 6:25 PM

Lucky are THEM cause the herds of modern moron slaves won’t do anything to avoid the CHANGE They want to make to Their Civilization…

Keep Calm Slaves and JAB ON!

Oct 20, 2022 8:17 PM
Reply to  Voz 0db

did tarantino not retire? ; )

Oct 20, 2022 4:57 PM

Bouquet of sustainably developed Russian violets – Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation “The International Youth Forum of the CIS Member States on Sustainable Development has started in Moscow /October 13 The first International Youth Forum of the CIS member States is dedicated to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aimed at addressing social needs in the field of education and health. The event takes place from 13 to 16 October. The purpose of the forum is to develop and unite the youth movement between students and specialists from different CIS countries to work together on global social problems within the framework of sustainable development. The event gathered more than 70 participants: youth ambassadors of the SDGs, representatives of youth associations, leaders of the youth social movement, young professionals, representatives of government agencies and international agencies who are actively involved in the promotion and implementation of the SDGs in the CIS. The conference refers to the Action Plans for 2021-2022 for the implementation of the Strategy of International Youth Cooperation of the CIS member States for the period up to 2030. The session was organized jointly by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the National Council of Youth and Children’s Associations of Russia and the basic organization of the CIS Member States for Youth Work (MIREA — Russian Technological University) with the support of the Council for Youth Affairs of the CIS Member States and the UN Information Center in Moscow.” https://minobrnauki.gov.ru/press-center/news/molodezhnaya-politika/59798/ – “Advisor to the President, Special Representative of the Head of State on Climate Issues Ruslan Edelgeriev held a meeting with the Ambassador of Egypt to Russia Nazih Elnaggari. October 18, 2022 During the conversation, preparations for the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN… Read more »

Oct 20, 2022 10:03 PM
Reply to  plino

Yet another symbol in homage to their God – the Sun.

Sun symbols are everywhere, especially in corporate logos and secret/occult groups.


Oct 21, 2022 8:14 AM
Reply to  Kika

Of course, these people put symbolism according to strict criteria in all their shared global symbols. Some people interpret this particular symbol as a stylized version of:  🕎 

Also, I have now come up with a creative interpretation of the true meaning of the SDGs abbreviation, which, however, exactly coincides with the real goals behind the plans: instead of Sustainable Development Goals – Sun Devil God satan (SDGs) 😈  😅 

Nov 1, 2022 9:47 PM
Reply to  plino

I was in the house when B.p. changed their Logo & PR Marketing: an expensive & expansive job, globally, re-positioning the Sun into their image of futures for self-corporate interest, above all: Ogilvy & Mather defined Carbon Footprint…
Specifically for those who paid… B.P.
Do I need to link you to business realities?
I certainly can…

Oct 20, 2022 4:25 PM

WEF the lone patsy baddie sold to the so called Opposition.
Controlled op as you get.

Oct 20, 2022 4:02 PM

Gavarit Rassiyan alt-media: “”October 16, 2022 “ASTANA” PUTIN VS. “MOSCOW” PUTIN: ACCENTS AT THE MEETING OF CIS LEADERS IN ASTANA On October 14, in Astana, Russian President Vladimir Putin summed up the results of this meeting at a meeting of CIS leaders in a “narrow format”. The future outlined by Putin is not encouraging, since it is entirely in the zone of influence of the “sustainable development” of globalists. SVO has not changed anything in the economic policy of the Russian Federation. According to Vladimir Putin, now “the mutual interest of the CIS states in cooperation in the development of the “green” economy, digitalization, wide application of innovations, integrated and rational use of available natural resources is growing.” Translating from the official “newspeak” into normal Russian, we get the following meanings: – Russia will remain a gas station and gas station for both Europe and the Nazi b/Ukraine. – The priority of the “green economy” remains, destroying our industry under the leadership of globalists. -The Russian Federation will continue to participate in UN projects to reduce CO2 emissions and other “decarbonization”. -To the delight of our enemies, the digitization of everything and everything will continue, despite the lack of their own means of processing and transmitting information. – Especially digitalization will be promoted for registration in military enlistment offices of “manpower”, the created databases will flow to the West. – The mantra of “innovation” will be repeated again, now in relation to military equipment, which will give the opportunity for new “cuts”. The President of the Russian Federation pleased other leaders of the CIS countries with the fact that “Joint activities on import substitution, strengthening of technological and financial sovereignty have been intensified. In particular, vigorous efforts are being made to switch to national currencies in mutual settlements between the… Read more »

Oct 20, 2022 3:17 PM

The terms we use to think in and share with are already ‘corrupted’ because our sense of self, life and world is set in imaged symbols that are taken out of living context to operate a mutually agreed currency of masking substitution for closed system thinking set against Infinity feared and denied. So we are in a realm of reversal in which the power of the word is used for private agenda or in vain, for while their are properties or extensions properly belonging to their principle, there is no ‘separation’ from All That Is, except in concept or dissociating, masking and attack as booster to the underlying conflict by which the split from Infinity is protected as ‘salvation’ in terms of a Separation trauma that is made real in the mind by invested reactions of diversionary defences by which to no longer see, hear or know the denied self or experience taken into self by the very attempt to get rid of it. Just as with covid, only belief is required to bait a mind into emotionally invested mis-taken identity, by which an illusion of freedom operates tyranny unseen or accepted as normal. Where conditioning becomes the ‘reality’ of an externally defining ‘world’. In simple there is only One Thing Going On, seen clearly or through a glass darkly. The darkness is of a conflicted nature, or rather of a conflict of an acquired ‘nature’ set over against original nature. An alloy of fear and love characterises our split mind, yet what we made of love to mask over or offset hate born of fear is no more than hate repackaged to manipulate sympathies of the heart so as to maintain allegiance and sacrifice to a ‘control’ mindset. There are many ways to slice or perceive our world, for… Read more »

Oct 21, 2022 11:27 PM
Reply to  Binra

Excellence: is tough to discover, here and now, today, in this way, ‘Pateka do Jivot’ (path to life).
Much appreciation is duly deserved for such profound & helpful comment, but will largely appear
First, widely unappreciated by red thumbs of bloody resistance to patent reality. I know, you know
This much, but for others a simple reminder, in simple terms . . .

In a field
I am the absence
of field.
This is
always the case.
Wherever I am
I am what is missing.

When I walk
I part the air
and always
the air moves in
to fill the spaces
where my body’s been.

We all have reasons
for moving.
I move
to keep things whole.

By Mark Strand

Lovely, to see you still throwing a caring eye,
Over others, Brian.
Warmest greetings,

Oct 20, 2022 3:14 PM

Well, look at that. I read miscellaneous things (to which you give me 10 red, or not any thumb at all; because you are stupid, of course) on Russian websites, and I look at the news: “British Prime Minister Liz Truss announced her resignation on October 20th.” 🤔 
Some maybe a movie is getting ready for filming.

Oct 20, 2022 3:55 PM
Reply to  plino

Ya I just heard, comrade Starmer calling for a general election let’s hope he’s not our next PM.

Oct 20, 2022 4:23 PM
Reply to  Violet

Offg has just now released a new topic on this issue.
(And take that Putin away, Violeta, do you hear what I’m saying? 😉  😄 )

Oct 20, 2022 4:47 PM
Reply to  plino


Oct 21, 2022 11:47 PM
Reply to  Violet

Heaven forbid steer Karma: so, vote Kier Starmer for
Crown prosecution 😂 services … ? ! ?

lone wolf
lone wolf
Oct 20, 2022 2:49 PM

A superb series of articles both in terms of research depth and conclusions. You clarify the East/West mirage to reveal the machinations of the ongoing global takeover strategy. The sheer hubris of the manoeuvres are breathtaking, but I would add, they reveal much as to the true nature of our ENEMY and what we are actually up against. The following I consider encapsulates our situation:    Carl Jung once observed ‘The only danger that exists is man himself. He is the danger and we are pitifully unaware of it. We know nothing of man. His psyche should be studied because he is the emissary of all coming evil’. The evil has long arrived in the embodiment of man and of the origin of Satan who again is pitching his lot against God (Babel Mk II). Unfortunately, the majority fails to recognize his PRESENCE, they are only cognizant of his DEEDS. These deeds amount to a complex strategy designed to wear humanity down by attrition, through both physical (inflation/food/freedoms) and emotional (psychological manipulation) applications. The MAJORITY have succumbed and display the level of compliance and submission required, by the ENEMY, to entrap them within an insidious AI electronic surveillance/control system. The end, as far as Satan (the ENEMY) is concerned, is within sight. Our primary disability is our unknowing ignorance, cultivated by the ENEMY over many years to ensure we remain consciously anaesthetized and confused by unfolding events. We now have a mountain to climb and the one we’re looking up at is unassailable given the ENEMY’s well-entrenched emplacements. If we are to survive, we have only ONE OPTION. We must build a new mountain that the Enemy cannot climb. This mountain, other than its structural element, will act as a beacon of hope and inspiration for the regeneration of life… Read more »

Oct 22, 2022 12:16 AM
Reply to  lone wolf

Seriously, fine comment, Lone Wolf: F.y.i. in Cyrillic, there is an amplification of your pseudonym,
With a Caveat in the Criteria: Were you 💤 born unto a mother, when any or all other siblings
Were lost , you would have had the sole luxury & benefit of all of mother’s milk and therefore be
Called an ‘EDINAK’ in the wilderness of life today . . . None so bold as an Edinak, this I know.
A passing thought,
Kind regards,

Oct 20, 2022 2:02 PM

A central tenet of the suggested multipolar world order is to strengthen adherence to the Charter of the UN, thereby establishing genuine global governance.

Looks to me like they are ‘nudging’ towards an ‘efficient’ cybernetic governance system that will execute their Unidroit code via Ricardian smart-contracts.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Oct 20, 2022 1:07 PM

I’m wondering where the Israeli elites and decision makers line up on this idea?
My guess is that they hold hybrid views. It appears they’re exceedingly unipolar when it comes to their own turf. Don’t know about other sectors.

Oct 20, 2022 4:16 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

Look here.
“The NWO Is Not an Antisemitic Trope

The “New World Order” is a phrase that gets flung around by all sorts of people for a variety of reasons. It is occasionally expressed in distinctly antisemitic terms.

Some people believe that the NWO is a “Jewish plot to enslave humanity.” Very few people who have researched and studied the NWO share this view. It is not supported by the evidence. …”

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 20, 2022 12:58 PM

Fortune tells your fortune…. and it’s not good!

“XBB—a new, extremely immune-evasive Omicron variant surging in Singapore—hasn’t yet been detected in the U.S.

(Ominous music, lowering voice)

“…..But its child has.”

(Jarring chord! Screams fading away into a chilling silence!)

Oct 22, 2022 12:30 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Hello darkness my old friend …. I got the flu from you again 😂

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Oct 20, 2022 12:53 PM

Subsequently, a Rockefeller-funded global policy think tank known as the Club of Rome came up with some farcical predictive computer models in its 1972 publication, The Limits to Growth.

I get the thinking here, but it is sloppy. After reading works by geophysical economists, or actuaries like Tverberg, or thinkers like Orlov, Greer, Heinberg et al, it is clear that there genuinely is a resource crisis. The elite think tanks understood this 50 years ago, and basically sat on it. The Great Reset is deemed necessary for the elites to hold on to privilege and power in the face of billions falling into the destitution caused by a collapsing system. Hence the control system and Covidscam.
Corbett (the only reference questioning the dubiousness of the Club of Rome’s findings) does not engage in any debate where his assertions are challenged or challenge-able.
Until I read a rebuttal of, say Tverberg’s core arguments (that the oil economy has become dysfunctional, and will lead to collapse) then I regard the rejection of peak resource theory as a ‘cope’.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 20, 2022 5:56 PM
Reply to  Turning Moment

Hello Turning Moment: Yes. Excellent reference material. As I stated over 23 years ago:

“All systems are entropic.”

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Oct 21, 2022 7:50 AM

It is a matter of physics before politics or economics isn’t it ?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 21, 2022 3:10 PM
Reply to  Turning Moment

Yes. Civil populations have been led to believe that opinions trump physical evidence every time. They sit in air conditioned apartments and fail to notice the outside environment is in complete disarray… The price will be extinction.

Oct 22, 2022 6:30 AM

Opinions, beliefs and hopes.

Oct 21, 2022 12:28 PM
Reply to  Turning Moment

thank you for appeasing my own discomfort at the same claim

Oct 20, 2022 12:32 PM

In this article, there is a line that the Chinese and Russian are a fusion of private and public sectors and its just a long line of coincidences. Followed by ” If you believe in that sort of thing”

Lets look at this.

FW Endgahl, looked at the ongoing spat between Soros and Blackrock.

“Deng’s successors, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, were careful not to violate the opening up market economic success initiated by Deng. However after Xi Jinping took power in 2012, Soros notes, “Since then, Xi Jinping has done his best to dismantle Deng Xiaoping’s achievements. He brought the private companies established under Deng under the control of the CCP and undermined the dynamism that used to characterize them. Rather than letting private enterprise blossom, Xi Jinping introduced his own ‘China Dream’ that can be summed up in two words: total control “

We can see from this that the ” fusion ..” Is not so clear cut as it appears.

Moreover, he states

“The fact Soros is doubling down in his attacks directly on Xi suggest that a very powerful group of the Davos Great Reset green agenda have decided that Xi has become an obstacle to their dystopian agenda to eliminate the nation state everywhere,”

Again, its not so clear cut as it appears.

Why on Earth Does George Soros Want Xi Jinping to Go? (williamengdahl.com)

Oct 20, 2022 1:25 PM
Reply to  brianborou

“The fact Soros is doubling down in his attacks directly on Xi suggest that a very powerful group of the Davos Great Reset green agenda have decided that Xi has become an obstacle to their dystopian agenda to eliminate the nation state everywhere,”

“2022-10-17 (BRICS news+Chinadayli)
“Nation leads way with renewable energy

Transition stepped up

Luo Zuoxian, head of intelligence and research at the Sinopec Economics and Development Research Institute, said foreign investment in China’s energy sector is expected to rise as the nation continues to step up its green energy transition, with the aim of becoming carbon neutral by 2060.

“Leading in renewable energy production figures for years, China has a market potential that no other country can match,” he said.

State-owned energy enterprises are also helping the country’s green energy transition by optimizing their business. …” –> https://off-guardian.org/2022/10/19/multipolar-world-order-part-3/#comment-550548

Oct 20, 2022 4:09 PM
Reply to  plino

Just to reiterate not as clear cut as it would appear.

” According to SinoInsider, a New York-based China political risk consultancy which specializes in analysis of internal factions within the China CCP elites, since he came to power in 2012, Xi has moved to consolidate unrivalled power over opposing factions, the most formidable opposition being that of Jiang Zemin and the so-called Shanghai Group, as well as many so-called princelings– sons and daughters of former high ranking officers and officials of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from the 1949 era of the revolution. This faction war, they say, is behind Xi Jinping’s crackdown on select Chinese private giant companies such as Jack Ma’s Alibaba Group.

According to Japanese senior journalist, Katsuji Nakazawa, who was chief China correspondent for Nikkei, “One source familiar with Chinese politics said that the interest groups targeted by Xi include tech giants such as Ant Group, Alibaba Group and Didi, major property developers such as China Evergrande Group and Fantasia Holdings Group, as well as the tutoring school industry. This cluster of private companies tends to be close to the politicians who pretend to obey Xi but secretly hold grudges; the companies often financially back such political forces. Among these forces is the Shanghai clan, led by former President Jiang Zemin and his close aide, former Vice President Zeng Qinghong. They maintain strong influence in political and bureaucratic circles that move the economy.”

Why on Earth Does George Soros Want Xi Jinping to Go? (williamengdahl.com)

Oct 20, 2022 11:52 AM

It doesn’t require a lockdown to tank an industry:


I heard somewhere recently that the hospitality sector is blacklisted from receiving long-term credit by UK banks. Not sure how reliable that is. Anyway, it’s the same banks who don’t seem to have any problem coughing up credit for luxury beachside developments when by their own propaganda these are bad risks.

Oct 20, 2022 12:32 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Nationalise them all.

Oct 20, 2022 11:43 AM
Oct 20, 2022 12:08 PM
Reply to  Mucho

I agree, but I consider the communicationalists an even greater threat. These are the ones with 5G.

Dr. Georgi Alexandrov Sta
Dr. Georgi Alexandrov Sta
Oct 20, 2022 11:13 AM

The similarity of the ideas leading to a unipolar or multipolar world is indeed striking at first glance. But when one considers the fact that humanity is a slave race on a prison planet with a rigid 3D matrix, all ideas this race can develop will inevitably evolve around the same mental limitations based on slavery mentality. If one understands science, and most humans do not according to my experience, then one would easily find out that all basic ideas in science, which is considered to be the only categorical system of true knowledge humans have developed so far (or so they believe), are entirely false and also reflect this human slave mentality.

Therefore, while I agree with the author that there is no principle difference between the unipolar world represented by the USA and its European vassals on the one hand and Russia, China, and some other countries who support the emergence of a multipolar world, on the other hand, he is missing the key point. What is then the resolution for humanity to become an evolved civilisation of truly free humans living in abundance and creating in a supportive environment as individuals and not ending as slaves in an NWO based on social scores, total manipulation of private life as we observe it currently during and after the fake COVID epidemic? The Rockefeller ideas and think tanks, and also the proponents of the multipolar world behind Putin and Xi, based on their oppressive communist past, have only engaged in social engineering toward total enslavement of humanity so that it is a waste of time dealing with them. How about creating new utopias to liberate this unipolar or multipolar enslaved humanity?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 20, 2022 2:58 PM

Hello Dr. Georgi Alexandrov Sta: Very well said. Unlike the study of science, human slave mentality is driven by economics, not ideas or ideals. The ideal of an achievable utopia has always been an idiots pipe-dream – superseded by by the realities of production and profit margins.

When societies enlist social stratification and the inevitable conflict of commercial interests, institutions such as the Rockefeller Foundation and United Nations rise to the call. This only creates more and more layers of stratification and strategic failures of the same.

We need to grow quality food without decimating the environment. Then make sure everyone has some of it to eat…

les online
les online
Oct 20, 2022 10:40 PM

Creating new utopias would require of us to stop going with the flow; stop buying pre-packaged tours; stop shopping for futures , selecting amongst the very few ones prepared for us by mega-corporations ; would even require of us talking to each other face to face, unmediated by fones and other devices…
It would require of us to use our Imaginations, think about and create the Futures that we want…
And break free of the chains of our pre-packaged lives…
You ask too much ?
As the Situationista International once observed “Given the choice between Life and Convenience, most would opt forConvenience.”**
That’s what the Klaus “Moriarty” Schwab also believes…

**The original was “…between Love, and a new washing machine.”

Oct 21, 2022 9:19 AM
Reply to  les online

Well summarized.

colin buchanan
colin buchanan
Oct 20, 2022 10:45 AM

The anti-lockdown movement has convinced itself that the Great Reset by Schwab is the plan and that everything else is a diversion,play-acting. It never occurs to them that the Great Reset may itself be a diversion. When they were all reading Schwab;s book in 2020 they were also strenuously ignoring NATO’s defender 2020 exercises right in the middle of the “pandemic”, NATO 2030, the UK’s strategic Defence Review, Cameron’s decision to get more nukes and General Sir Nick Carter’s exhortations to close the defence gap with Russia and China especially through the application of AI. As soon as the Ukraine war started Schwab changed his line and aligned himself with NATO against Russia: a nice bit of play-acting apparently? Anyway, the anti-lockdown movement is adamant about remaining fixed in their 2020 time warp and will go to the grave muttering”The Great Reset..bla,bla,bla,,WEF..bla,bla,bla,,agenda 2030..bla,bla,bla,,Putin is WEF young leader..bla,bla,bla,,we’re run by a Chinese Cult..bla,bla,bla……”

Oct 20, 2022 11:00 AM
Reply to  colin buchanan

Oct 20, 2022 8:33 PM
Reply to  plino

is this not really a turkic steppe horseman song? taken by cossack and made Rus???

heard turk version of this, slower, beautiful..more mandolin(?)sounding, years ago, don’t ask for ref, will be out there on utoob somehwere.

good toon anyway ;]

Oct 20, 2022 8:35 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

wrong toon ; /

Oct 20, 2022 11:59 AM
Reply to  colin buchanan

The anti-lockdown movement run by the establishment.
Let me know how that works out.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 20, 2022 3:11 PM
Reply to  colin buchanan

Hello colin buchanan: I see from down-votes, you’ve hit some nerves. Yes. The overly focused discussions regarding the Great Reset, have only served to divert necessary debate.

How can civil populations believe the myth of “free enterprise” when all major economies are controlled via international trade sanctions and financial monopoly? Currently, NATO is the enforcement mechanism. The rest is convenient mythology.


Oct 20, 2022 5:26 PM

I appreciate you Paul

Oct 20, 2022 5:26 PM
Reply to  theobalt

Ahhhhhh……. 😎 

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 20, 2022 5:46 PM
Reply to  theobalt

Thanks. Same comes from here. It wasn’t easy for me to turn out this way…

Oct 21, 2022 1:28 AM

It wasn’t easy to turn out to appreciate me, or to turn out as a person I would appreciate?…

Oct 21, 2022 1:29 AM

Look, Plino noticed I appreciate you.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Oct 21, 2022 3:16 PM
Reply to  theobalt

Heh, heh… Yes he did. All that laughing and derision is sooooo helpful. In appreciation, Paul

Oct 21, 2022 5:34 PM

I am in the process of viewing sites with still liv**g users. Soon here from me will be silenced; the true and central Information that is not communicated in the West will cease; globalresearch, Pepe, Saker, Unz and company will rise, and Russia (and China) will win. In the forum.

The era of calm, balanced and polite science-fiction religious geopolitical debate, undisturbed by a number of additional (besides the usual 5) inconvenient facts, will return.

Put the champagne to cool, Paul. Coming party time 🍷  😎  🎇 

Oct 20, 2022 8:11 PM

Global research, lol 💩 

les online
les online
Oct 20, 2022 10:44 PM
Reply to  colin buchanan

You are not alone…

So far only 13 have put their hands up to clobber you should you enter a dead-end dark alley…

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 20, 2022 10:32 AM

You will be pleased to know the Lancet is preparing the necessary gish gallop for technical assurance purposes re the impending new super sub or whatever variant is needed. Though interestingly they tell us “There was no funding source for this study”. Well they’re very busy and you can’t expect them to check everything!

Fran Crowe
Fran Crowe
Oct 20, 2022 10:25 AM

If badness could be photographed then the picture at the top of the article would win first prize 🏆……..albeit with a few more scumbags added.

Oct 20, 2022 10:52 AM
Reply to  Fran Crowe

In my opinion, those in the photo were afraid that by 2020, global virtue has grown incredibly among populations, and so they decided not to let it grow any further and sweep them away.

Oct 20, 2022 12:41 PM
Reply to  Fran Crowe

Indeed, a motley crew of criminal shysters, greasy pole climbers, fraudsters. spineless deranged corporate sycophants and the ultimate in the most degenerate examples of the human race.

Oct 20, 2022 10:13 AM

Neither Sputnik or Gazprom are equivalent to “Russia” or the “Russian government”. They both have a lot of NATO investors and are backed by that group which has been trying for a takeover of Russian resources for NATO since 1991. Whatever Russia does needs to also be viewed in the context of this ongoing attempted takeover. If you read Russian media, there’s a good reason why Russia does not want to break off ties with Europe or stop selling gas to Europe While I have never been on board with China’s (to my mind) idiotic zero covid policy, I see why it makes sense from their perspective. When they tried to downplay covid in early January 2020, the western media screamed hysterically about “coverup” and this was believed by a lot of ordinary Chinese too. When WHO declared the pandemic in March 2020, Xi Jinping complained publicly and bitterly that there was no need to declare a pandemic. Less than 4% of China’s population had been under a strict lockdown and by March 2020, China had quickly figured out that whatever Western scientists and media claimed covid was, it could be treated just like flu and pneumonia. Whereas in NATO countries, family doctors simply disappeared into the woodwork when the pandemic began, in China, it was all hands on deck with doctors from all over the country volunteering to go to Wuhan. And after a couple of months they figured out that nobody needed to die from “covid” if the people were healthy enough to begin with and the hospitals were not chaotic. Chinese has literally had no covid deaths since May 2020, never had DNA or mRNA vaccines and never had a national vax pass. Their annoying qr code system was based on non invasive saliva tests. The localized… Read more »

Oct 20, 2022 5:57 PM
Reply to  Sheepdip

If you read Russian media, there’s a good reason why Russia does not want to break off ties with Europe or stop selling gas to Europe

I read, I read, I read a lot. But obviously we read different, you choose them to fit your hope “Russia wins against the United States / NATO”, and even if we read some of the same, we read them differently. (What is the “good” reason? Tell me so I can tell it to the Russian media that I read, and you don’t.)

Neither Sputnik or Gazprom are equivalent to “Russia” or the “Russian government”. They both have a lot of NATO investors and are backed by that group which has been trying for a takeover of Russian resources for NATO since 1991. Whatever Russia does needs to also be viewed in the context of this ongoing attempted takeover. 

Don’t Putin and the government know this about Sputnik and Gazprom? Why they not do something about it instead of fully supporting them, considering them an integral part of the country’s development? They, by the way, these “fifth columns” introduced by the West, are so many that Russia is simply doomed. Any institution, business, government person, does anything against Russia’s interests – he is a “fifth column”, a Western agent. And Putin and the government not only never know about this betrayal, they support these Western agents. Even they themselves are constantly committing treasonous acts. Russia is doomed.

Very sucked from the fingers weak as chicken Analysis. Eret? Or Saker? Maybe Pepe?

Oct 21, 2022 11:13 AM
Reply to  plino

Where did I say that I “hope” Russia wins against NATO? All conflicts are negative sum games. Everybody loses, nobody wins. Clearly as I live in NATOland, it would be to my benefit for Russia to lose, for inflation to reverse, and to be able to afford heating in the coming winter. However, I just don’t see that happening. In the best case scenario for NATO, they will squash Russia, repeat the Yeltsin years but I don’t see how that will help the little people of NATOland. I DO NOT CARE what Russia and China do. I DO CARE that NATO institutions are corrupt beyond redemption. It extends to everything, from private equity gobbling up the productive SMEs of NATOland to doctors who simply don’t care about your health….NATOland countries are failing at every level.

I repeat: I DO NOT CARE about Russia and China. Xi and Putin are self interested leaders who work for themselves and not for ME.

“Very sucked from the fingers weak as chicken Analysis. Eret? Or Saker? Maybe Pepe?”

I thought OG comment was supposed to avoid insults but you and Red Pill Reader seem to manage to get them through with no problems.

I’ve read Saker and Pepe. I think both of them are waaaaaay too optimistic. I don’t blindly follow anyone. Saker is of Russian origin so of course he’s not totally objective. Pepe at least don’t write from the comfort of his armchair like Davis, so yes he has recaps on conferences that I certainly cannot read about in OG which seems to only follow the big useless conferences.

Oct 20, 2022 6:17 PM
Reply to  Sheepdip

Just because there are Chinese or Russian reps at all the global conferences does not mean they are “in on the new world order” lol.

What does it mean? They do not” only have representatives”, but they organize and rearrange their national strategies for the development of their countries according to these world organizations and act according to them.

There is one funny thing: 1. “Russia will at any moment say no to the eugenics WHO and part with them!” – > 2. Lavrov personally called Tedros and reaffirming Russia’s full commitment to global health. -> 3. The same media from “Russia leaves WHO!” – “Well, that’s nothing. It does not mean that Russia is in the NWO. This is normal mature international relations, outside the war with the globalists. Blah, blah, blah.”

Russia is fully committed to the Sustainable Development Goals? – No problem! Same as with WHO. Russia in the plandemic theater? – Same thing. Russia wildly digitizing one-to-one with the WEF agreements? – No problem, this is not the same, it is a necessity imposed by technological development.


(yawn and fall asleep) 😴 

les online
les online
Oct 20, 2022 10:55 PM
Reply to  Sheepdip

You are not alone…

But i was annoyed with myself for thinking that any positive comment you made about China was BIAS…There must be a “vaccine” for my knee jerks ?

Oct 21, 2022 11:39 AM
Reply to  les online

I read this in a Pepe article summarizing Xi’s speech on China’s zero covid which has always seemed like complete idiocy to me. “Compared to the achievements, success of the Xi-ordered Zero-Covid policy remains highly debatable. Xi stressed that it has protected people’s lives. What he could not possibly say is that the premise of his policy is to treat Covid and its variants as a US bioweapon directed against China. That is, a serious matter of national security that trumps any other consideration, even the Chinese economy. Zero-Covid hit production and the job market extremely hard, and virtually isolated China from the outside world. Just a glaring example: Shanghai’s district governments are still planning for zero-Covid on a timescale of two years. Zero-Covid will not go away anytime soon.” The part I’ve highlighed in bold resonated with me. I have no idea if Pepe is right but his interpretation appears rational to me. I never understood the logic behind zero covid, since I don’t think sars-cov-2 is anything more than a computer file uploaded to Genbank. I can see that from China’s point of view, they would view “covid” as a sort of “economic (fake) bioweapon” directed at China. Having been blamed for the virus, China was basically forced to restrict entry and exit to their country for over two years so they could say: look whatever is going on in the West has nothing to do with us. Shanghai is the place most visited by foreign business types so zero covid in Shanghai area to my mind is political posturing for China to say: don’t blame us for Pfizer and Moderna having to sell fifth and sixth and seventh doses to your taxpayers at wildly inflated prices….. I am not pro-China or Russia; I don’t know enough about… Read more »

Oct 21, 2022 8:16 PM
Reply to  Sheepdip

Was George Gao not involved with Jeremy Farrar in their frantic chase to find out how covid happened? Yes, I read the book by the latter. It was thrilling! If only he’d got Ian Fleming to proofread and suggest a few cosmetic changes..

Yup, That Farrar from the Wellcome Foundation.. remind me of what they do?

Bah. Humbug. and you too, George. You want peer approval and public approval? not at the same time, this may be news to you.


Oct 22, 2022 10:20 AM
Reply to  Dave

Yes, indeed! Gao is in the thick of it. Daszak and Farrar are also key architects of the pandemic narrative. I remember looking at Farrar’s tweets in late 2019 and Jan 2020. That was before twitter made it impossible for people to analyze tweets without having to be signed in.

Oct 20, 2022 9:53 AM

BRICS news:
“First-of-its-kind thermal body sensors implemented at Cape Town crossing
“We will look into implementing the sensors at other locations across the city in future, depending on suitability and funding,” Quintas [Urban mobility Mayco member] said.”

Oct 20, 2022 9:51 AM

“our attempts to address and respond to global challenges”

Global Challenges quite simply means: Orchestrated Crises

Oct 20, 2022 9:49 AM

How surprising that the pay-off happens to be a 33 year old saying “climate justice” will continue whatever public opinion wants:


Any resemblance to the German Foreign Minister saying Ukraine sanctions will continue whatever public opinion says is purely not a coincidence.

BTW Braverman seems to have gone from the new Heinrich Himmler to a heroine for the ages simply by virtue of resigning. Her every word has gone from an object of mockery and derision to fearless truth telling overnight.

susan mullen
susan mullen
Oct 20, 2022 9:46 AM

The worst enemies of humanity are the US and UK. US taxpayers are slaves to the mass murdering US military dictatorship along with being de facto subjects of the rotten, stinking UK monarchy. If and when the US-UK military and political partnerships are destroyed, I’ll start worrying about China, Russia and others.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Oct 20, 2022 1:07 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

Don’t worry. The West will be destroyed. It’s all part of the Great Reset — ‘build back better!’

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Oct 20, 2022 1:58 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

You didn’t even bother to read the article did you. You have no idea what is actually even going on. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Robin Ashe-Roy
Robin Ashe-Roy
Oct 23, 2022 2:34 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

All in good faith but realise that it is all interconnected and none of these systems that are the same number in the colouring book are any different; all governments and states are of the same hue with eugenics, entropy, war, torture et al, embedded in totalitarianism which is not a monopoly only found in the West.
The circle of choice is repeated over and over with resulting death and destruction bathed in the appropriated language taken from cosmetic justice and egalitarian socialism for the benefit of the oligarchs and plutocrats who want to weave a circle thrice around the milk of paradise.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 20, 2022 9:40 AM

It’s ironic that they want to kill billions of us and yet there is no movement that I am aware of who’s stated aim is to kill a few hundred of “them”.

Oct 20, 2022 9:49 AM

You are right. A few thousand of them and they know it but they have the backing of The Generals, who are well paid and well looked after.

But, The West will collapse under the weight of its own internal contradictions.

Examined here in detail and with an approach that should appeal. The Decline of The West . . . https://les7eb.substack.com/p/ukraine-long-proxy-war-vi-god-favours

God favours Russia.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Oct 20, 2022 2:58 PM
Reply to  LeZ

Very interesting piece. Thanks.

The way I look at it is very much the way George Orwell does in his description of the PERCEPTION of the continual wars between the three powers, alternating every four years to perpetuate the momentum of fear and hatred.

It is relevant that there are also three actors on today’s global stage

Sadly, a lot of poor people will suffer terribly and a lot will die.

Collateral damage to the evil puppetmasters.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Oct 20, 2022 9:05 AM

The thing these aging guys seem incapable of understanding is that the world is rapidly moving beyond acceptance of ‘the enforcement of order’. Note the word ‘ENFORCEMENT. If you look at sports (a good proxy for how the young think and act), ‘old school management’ aka barking orders, bullying and making threats, seems to have less and less effect on young people, who basically say in a round about way: ‘I don’t respect wankers like you who have no brains but do have plenty of brawn’. They expect to be treated like human beings and convinced of why some way or other is right. They are engaged human beings and will willingly participate as adults, but won’t be treated as serfs, slaves or automatons. That’s why Schwab et al will ultimately fail. They are still living in an interactional scenario that is rapidly disappearing before their faces. The danger will come if the young are wrongly convinced of ‘environmental catastrophe’ or the like. There, they HAVE been brainwashed at school by uneducated teachers trotting out PC garbage that the world is about to end. They ARE engaging in nonsense like Extinction Rebellion and for whatever reason they DO believe the claptrap of David Attenborough and the like. Let me be clear: I don’t deny that summer 2022 saw large loss of glacier Ice in the Alps, as recently reported vor Switzerland by the Swiss Avalanche Research Centre in Davos. I don’t deny that this was a very hot and dry summer, that it had significant implications for food production in Europe. But I lived through 1976 so I know that this is just a rare outlier event. I don’t deny that temperatures have warmed up since 1740. And a jolly good thing too. I don’t think that too many green… Read more »

Victor G.
Victor G.
Oct 20, 2022 12:15 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Notice how Greta and her ilk have never condemned militarism. Endless warfare produces a different type of CO2, I guess.

Oct 20, 2022 12:59 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

It and you have never condemned Russia fairly, as you should – just as you condemn the United States/West for the same things. And you’re a one little hypocrite Greta, Vici… 😒 

Oct 21, 2022 1:55 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

what is becoming more likely is that we (like other systems) are part of a binary solar system, this gives rise to the “greater cycles”, those who have knowledge of this have the upper hand in planning our planets future, monopolising on the good and the bad trends, like good “bankers” do

Part of the hysteria at present is that we may be facing some very imminent and drastic changes, ancient text has attempted to alert us to this, but has in the main been corrupted,

As another commenter above states, covid, re-set, its all so much smoke and mirrors, the real act is yet to start, right now given that most of us (except for the occasional bot) do not have access to underground newly built shelter cities, its high time we honed up on those “middle ages skill sets”, bot target practice is a good one

Oct 20, 2022 8:21 AM


October 14, 2022
Geneticists have found out which peoples of Russia are more like Neanderthals

“In order to determine which of the peoples of Russia have the closest kinship with this type of people, Genotek specialists analyzed 548 ethnic and subethnic groups across the country, collecting about 100 thousand genomes. The greatest number of Neanderthal mutations were found in the peoples of Siberia and the Far North – Yakuts, Buryats, Dolgans, Tuvinians, Eskimos. Then the peoples of the Volga-Ural region – Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvash, Udmurts. The smallest number of Neanderthal mutations was found among Dagestanis, Chechens, Armenians and mountain Jews.

If we talk about Russians, it is curious that the northern populations of Russians (Arkhangelsk Region, Murmansk, Karelia, etc.) have more mutations of Neanderthals than the southern ones (Krasnodar Territory, Orel, Kursk and other regions).

A large proportion of Neanderthal genes may contribute to a number of diseases, including diabetes and depression. In addition, the blood of Neanderthals had increased coagulability, which protected from severe injuries. At the current level of medical development, this does not play an important role, but it increases the risks of blood clots, heart attacks and strokes.”

Russian Neanderthals are at significantly greater risk, as can be seen. They need more Russian traditional biosecurity; and most likely, more injections and boosters. (Otherwise, I’ve always suspected Russian Mountain Jews of being a bit rough and primitive. It’s confirmed.)

Oct 20, 2022 11:45 AM
Reply to  plino

Why do you allow this **** to ruin the message board?

Oct 20, 2022 12:12 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Are you one of the two homosapiensexuals who put red on my comment?
Quite a communitarianistic approach…

Oct 20, 2022 1:34 PM
Reply to  Mucho

What is your contribution here, sir?

Oct 20, 2022 8:15 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Look, this is a good tactic: instead of red thumbs, write an indignant post about my participation and on it – 30-40 green thumbs. It’s more like a collective dislike. That’s he do, I approve. 💚 

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 20, 2022 7:46 AM


A “viral evolution on steroids” indicating a propaganda evolution on steroids.

Gone are the days of identifying Covid by Greek letters, such as alpha and delta. Ever since the omicron variant emerged, it’s been omicron all the way down, with omicron subvariants splitting off into their own subvariants.

“It’s astonishing to see how the virus keeps mutating at such a rapid rate,” ….

“The results are actually a harbinger to new variants that might be even more worrisome.”

But we must go slowly!

Even as the subvariants take off around the globe, there’s no evidence yet that they’re making people sicker.

“We don’t see a change in severity yet,” Van Kerkhove said.

“This is not March 2020,” she said, “but I think we should exercise caution.”

And the meme has been hatched!

George Mc
George Mc
Oct 20, 2022 8:15 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I know I’ve said this before but surely if the penny hasn’t dropped yet, it must be crashing to the floor by now?

An “unprecedentedly deadly” virus outwits thousands, if not millions, of years of evolution and demands a whole slew of new vaccines mutates at an increasingly rapid rate and thus demands ever new vaccines.

The sober announcement will shortly be heard:

“Under these dire circumstances the various governments have had to make a heart-breaking decision. In the wake of fuel price rises and diminishing public services, we must nevertheless concentrate what wealth remains on the production of new vaccines. You may all die of cold and starvation, But at least you won’t have died of the most deadly horrible evil sub-variant variant there has ever been of the most deadly deadly evil catastrophic pandemic!” 

Oct 20, 2022 10:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc

But wait – there’s more. The Tony Blair Institute, together with W.H.O. – is working on bringing out a single jab which will cure all ills BEFORE THEY APPEAR!!! This new (profitable) venture will result in healthy, happy communities – not.

They have a sense of humor and are calling it ‘One Shot’ preventative medicine i.e. it prevents you living.

One world government and One Jab – for everyone.


Oct 20, 2022 6:33 AM

Compare and contrast the reactions to rioters across the US with the supposed “attempted coup” of January 6th. Looting was cheerfully accepted, while questioning the election result was not permissible. In the U.K. “on message” protesters such as BLM and Extinction Rebellion had no restraints during lockdown while those who wished to protest about the removal of civil liberties were violently attacked by the state militia.

TPTB and the establishment behind them are the biggest looters of all time, yet hide their crimes behind messages of “public safety”, with psycho- ops to keep it all lubricated.

Oct 20, 2022 9:15 AM
Reply to  MattC

“In the U.K. “on message” protesters such as BLM and Extinction Rebellion had no restraints during lockdown”.

Stop Oil manage to close a major bridge for nearly two days without anyone being able to stop them. They then put out a story the protesters were ‘attacked’ to make them look like the victims.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Oct 20, 2022 9:55 AM
Reply to  MattC


Oct 20, 2022 6:26 AM

What is the meaning of the word reset? ……. “cause a device to return to a former condition“. And – “an older verb reset in English meant “to harbor or shelter an outlaw or criminal” (c. 1300), especially in Scottish legal language.


Oct 20, 2022 9:17 AM
Reply to  Kika

It could also mean ‘this is about Set’, the Egyptian god of the underworld. The Temple of Set was founded by Michael Aquino, former head of US counter-intelligence.

Oct 20, 2022 11:44 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Good point Edwige. I hadn’t thought it might relate to Set – who had various names – I think one referred to the setting of the Sun – as it went below the horizon to the underworld.

Oct 20, 2022 6:09 AM

Unipolar, Multipolar, or Bipolar? The main word is “Order”.

Oct 20, 2022 6:15 AM
Reply to  Kika

And “Order” = do as you are told. WE know better.

Oct 20, 2022 3:45 PM
Reply to  Kika


Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Oct 20, 2022 5:21 AM

The goal of the globalists is to forge a centralized world system of governance, economics and control using advanced technology to reduce human population, drastically alter humanity and nature to fit their perverse notions regarding “solutions” to global problems. The thing is these systemic “problems” are either not as existential as the oligarchs claim; or more importantly most of them are situations the elites themselves created or exacerbated. When Schwab and his acolytes talk about equality, fairness and peace they are gaslighting us! The fact is the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, WEF members and their ilk are the leeches, vampires and miscreants who have caused most of the world’s “problems”. Their fake assessments trigger calculated reactions and responses on our part based upon our programming and psychological manipulation by these very same overlords posing as benefactors. Their solutions to the mess they caused is their Great Reset/New World Order openly touted by the Rockefellers, Gates WEF, CFR Tri-Lateral Commission, UN and their networks and by the Rothschilds behind the scenes. The WEF Young Leaders Forum “trains” (brainwashes and creates cult followers) for their agenda just like the Rhodes “Scholars” and the US education system does. Space does not permit an expanded commentary but the writer is correct, none of this is a coincidence. It is really all about monopoly and control by a small number of psychopathic megalomaniacal deviants who for generations believe/believed they destined to rule the earth.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Oct 20, 2022 5:46 AM

Rock on brother.

Oct 20, 2022 9:20 AM

“Their fake assessments trigger calculated reactions and responses on our part based upon our programming and psychological manipulation by these very same overlords posing as benefactors”.

Lots of people must die – or otherwise lots of people will die. Their logic in a nutshell.

Oct 20, 2022 1:05 PM

What a rock, the hell?! Disco with elements of electric guitar. When the Honourable Junius opens the eastern Eye as justly as the western, and sees the convergence or the unity, then his commentary will be like rock.

Red for both of you.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Oct 20, 2022 2:39 PM
Reply to  plino

I try to keep it simple plino. Us against them.

Oct 20, 2022 3:07 PM


Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Oct 20, 2022 4:52 AM

“Yet, when we look at the statements of the touted leaders of the new multipolar world order, their objectives seem indistinguishable from those of their unipolar counterparts…” Thanks, Iain, appreciate your efforts in this series, but that sentence right there sums up the gist of it. And I guess it depends on your pov, or your political or life philosophy relative to human life on earth and freedom, liberty, and the right to live your life how you choose, without some arsehole telling you how to live it. From frigging birth until you die. Particularly when you know, without a doubt, that the chains put on you as a baby and that continue throughout your life are based on lies, deceit, and outright sociopathic, even psychopathic actions by other humans consumed with the quest for power, control and insane greed. Not sure how many know, but tomorrow the CDC is “voting” on whether to recommend that the fake Covid 19 emergency and experimental fake vaccine should be included on the list of vaccines required for kids to attend public school in the United States of Amerika. This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for if you haven’t followed the bouncing ball. If they do this, all bets are off man. This is following a public comment period where they received about 500 comments. Let’s see, how many people are in the USA now, legally, 333 million? I’ve said on here before that I’ve got 6 grandkids and I and the parents are not going to allow this. I don’t know how many will, but this is a key moment. Those that keep saying “Covid is over” don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. They never understood what was going on in the first place. Better get on board man because… Read more »

Oct 20, 2022 8:53 AM

On one hand, they have used double-talk to evade liability for harm so far, but that does not apply for a compulsory jab. On the other, they have by now perfected the tricks of burying inconvenient cases of harm.

Oct 20, 2022 9:25 AM
Reply to  mgeo

The indemnity doesn’t include fraud. The testimony about transmission seems an open-and-shut case of fraud. Why hasn’t Bourla been arrested?

BTW California already has a vaccine mandate for schools although it’s not yet fully implemented:


Victor G.
Victor G.
Oct 20, 2022 12:20 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Could be fake news but I heard Abraham Bourla was in Israel where he will be protected from extradition.

Oct 20, 2022 1:15 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

False ear hears falsely. The way he wants it, not the way it is. You also heard about Putin fighting for civilization, and he, you see, at the same time, vaccinated Russians with genetic piss, and signed decrees on biometrics and later transhumanism…
I write you weak 2, Vicky, sit down.

Oct 21, 2022 6:11 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Before prosecuting the business persons, all the collaborators in government should first be behind bars.

Oct 20, 2022 4:13 AM

The fundamental flaw amongst most uni/multi polar world thinkers including Ian here is that the nation state is some Westphalian concept of national sovereignty.
Nations are not mental concepts but “living” group identities rooted in millennia old tribal psychology. Today the territories of our tribes cover much larger tracts than in pre-history.
After decades of trying by the EU for example they couldn’t suppress the Swedes or Italians to elect more nationalistic parliamentarians recently. Chinese, Russian and Indian nationalism are well alive. Fighting these is as unnatural and hopeless as fighting evolutionary biological genders.

Oct 20, 2022 4:41 AM
Reply to  Antonym

If Chinese and Russian nationalism are well alive (and their governments are representative of this) why are these countries genociding their own people with lethal injection mandates?

Oct 20, 2022 7:16 AM
Reply to  MolecCodicies

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin both fell for the COvid hoax but didn’t fall for the CO2 one. Both these globalist scams were ‘science’ backed so the two ‘well educated’ secular autocrats had to respond. Their Western equivalents went for both CO plots, so worse.

Oct 20, 2022 7:25 AM
Reply to  Antonym

So you think not only Putin and Xi are gullible idiots, but all the scientists in China and Russia are idiots too? No one pointed out to them that the virus doesn’t exist and the shots don’t work? No one showed them that masks and lockdowns are scientifically proven to be useless and counterproductive? They’re actually against the WEF technocratic transhumanist agenda, and just bought into the idea of biometric ID and QR code vaccine passports because they’re stupid?

And how do you stage a fake pandemic with a fake virus (used as cover for covert euthanasia programs) on accident exactly?

Oct 20, 2022 8:35 AM
Reply to  MolecCodicies

Don’t listen to him, MolecCodicies, he’s saying things that aren’t true. The Russian Bear is with four paws firmly and in the “hoax with CO2” (China also, he is clear).

Oct 20, 2022 8:32 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Now I don’t have time to spend on this, because I’m preparing for Russian technocracy and transhumanism, but then I’ll show you with facts how exactly Russia “didn’t fall for the CO2 hoax”

Oct 20, 2022 8:58 AM
Reply to  Antonym

What China is doing on energy (CO2) relates to (a) energy security/independence and (b) environmental (especially air) pollution.

Oct 20, 2022 9:43 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin both fell for the COvid hoax but didn’t fall for the CO2 one. Both these globalist scams were ‘science’ backed so the two ‘well educated’ secular autocrats had to respond. Their Western equivalents went for both CO plots, so worse. https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202210/17/WS634c9118a310fd2b29e7ccee_2.html 2022-10-17 “Nation leads way with renewable energy Transition stepped up Luo Zuoxian, head of intelligence and research at the Sinopec Economics and Development Research Institute, said foreign investment in China’s energy sector is expected to rise as the nation continues to step up its green energy transition, with the aim of becoming carbon neutral by 2060. “Leading in renewable energy production figures for years, China has a market potential that no other country can match,” he said. State-owned energy enterprises are also helping the country’s green energy transition by optimizing their business. .. Thanks to these efforts, China has developed a complete industrial system for renewable energy technology during the past 10 years.  .. As a result, the scale of development and use of renewable energy in China was equivalent to 753 million tons of standard coal last year, reducing 2.07 billion tons of carbon dioxide, 400,000 tons of sulfur dioxide and 450,000 tons of nitrogen oxide, the administration said. The nation’s rapid development of renewable energy has further boosted global employment. According to the recently released Renewable Energy and Jobs Annual Review 2022 from the International Renewable Energy Agency, employment worldwide in the sector reached 12.7 million jobs last year, with China accounting for nearly half the total, despite the lingering effects of COVID-19 and the global energy crisis. .. Liu Dechun, director of the Department of Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection at the National Development and Reform Commission, the country’s top economic regulator, believes China can peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030… Read more »

Oct 20, 2022 2:06 AM

The Chinese virus being stopped by lockdowns is disobedience.

You’ll enjoy this description of Russian defiance.

devin rice
devin rice
Oct 20, 2022 3:27 AM
Reply to  Penelope

What virus?

Oct 20, 2022 5:14 AM
Reply to  devin rice


Oct 20, 2022 9:00 AM
Reply to  Penelope

It happened in Israel too – after a while.

Oct 20, 2022 1:26 AM

These people are nothing more than greedy mafioso filth.

Oct 20, 2022 2:37 AM
Reply to  Grafter

Well said.
I wonder if they’ll ever realize that they are NOT some kind of ‘elite’…
“Filth” is the word.

Oct 20, 2022 9:28 AM
Reply to  Grafter

Look up the origins of the word ‘mafioso’. It’s no coincidence it starts with ‘ma… ‘.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Oct 20, 2022 12:56 PM
Reply to  Edwige

A tad enigmatic there … In any case, I submit a link to a thorough discussion of the word’s etymology from the the number one authority. One may need to use a translator.


Oct 20, 2022 1:17 PM
Reply to  Grafter

No, you’re totally wrong. They’re much more than greedy mobsters.

Oct 20, 2022 1:03 AM

Curios to the origin of the photo above. The previous version had Obama under Bono’s hand and now it has his hand above Mr. Ed Ardern. For those that don’t know what a hand over the head like that means, it won’t take much searching to find out. Very odd.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Oct 20, 2022 12:17 AM

A commentator spilled the beans a day or so ago when they remarked that Xi’s opening speech to the CCP Congress didn’t mention “Market Reforms”. This is the biggie. Its been openly stated by our politicians that as far as they’re concerned there can only be one world view — ours. Pretty much all the world’s problems can be summed up as “We need our world view to dominate but its not delivering for the majority of the world’s population”. We’re seeing fault lines in our societies because the system — the implementation of our world view — is not delivering for the bulk of the population. We use ever more intrusive propaganda and surveillance to try to keep everyone in line (and deal with those who refuse to toe it) but nothing seems to work — we’ve been promised “jam tomorrow” for generations but not only are we still short of jam we’re starting to lose the bread to put it on.

I think “the fusion of public and private sectors” referred to in the article should not be confused with “public control over the private sector”. Most of our problems can be blamed on rampant capitalism — that’s out of control capitalism where the need to make more and more profit regardless of how it appears to be done is elevated above all social and environmental needs. The private and public will always be co-dependent, the only question is who gets to be in charge.

les online
les online
Oct 20, 2022 4:57 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

PPP. Public Private Partnerships = The government hands over taxpayers money to private enterprise to ‘get the job done’, though it’s quite often more expensive…
Gordon Brown (UK) was a big fan of it; kept a lot ofpublic debt off the books; made him look like a great chancellor when he ‘balanced the books’. Private sector businesses got richer, and the debt is passed on to future generations to pay off…

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Oct 20, 2022 12:17 AM

We’re gonna need a bigger boat.