Iain Davis’s “BBC Unvaccinated” takedown: Revisited

Off-Guardian recently published Iain Davis’s takedown, The BBC’s “Unvaccinated with Professor Hannah Fry“ parts one, two and three, some all-round brilliant journalism which we thought was worth re-highlighting. We also wanted to give Kari Butler a shout-out for her sterling work audio-narrating this series.

Kari Butler has been doing some other audio-narration for OFFG, helping to make our content as accessible as we can.

We think Kari’s work on Iain’s series is particularly noteworthy, an excellent accompaniment in style and tone, and we warmly invite you all to have a listen, or a re-listen, and share them widely.

Reawakening pandemic whisperings are inevitably in the air at this time of year, they come in waves (if you’ll excuse the pun). Perhaps such whisperings are merely the product of a past, shared trauma response. Perhaps they are seeded deliberately, a quiet warning to behave ourselves as heating bills rise, increasing numbers of shopfronts are boarded up and supermarket shelves become even more bare. Or perhaps, just perhaps, there really will be an attempt to roll out dual Nuclear/Viral apocalypse fear narratives.

We’d like to say we know the answers, but of course, like you, we can only guess at this point.

However, it never hurts to rearm ourselves with a refreshed perspective and this brilliant series and excellent audio accompaniment – over 125 mins of choice listening – is a very good place to start.


The BBC’s “Unvaccinated”: Propaganda with Professor Fry Part 1

The BBC’s “Unvaccinated”: Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest Part 2

The BBC’s “Unvaccinated”: The Pandemic Dataset Part 3

Iain Davis is an author, blogger, researcher and short film maker. You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog IainDavis.com (Formerly InThisTogether) or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.
Kari Butler is a Narrator, Dance Instructor, and Astrotheologist living amongst the ravens and sagebrush in the Mojave Desert, USA. When not recording cheesy romance novels, out of earshot of her teenage boys, Kari loves reading, spending time with her husband and 5 children, donating any spare time to favored causes and helping important information become more accessible’


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Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Nov 7, 2022 8:51 AM

comment image

Nov 8, 2022 8:33 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Abstraction ? Or more utterly confusing DISTRACTION ?
You tell me, Petra. Please. How would you interpret this message,
With Occam’s sharpest 🔪 blade / shaving equipment?

Will this help us all finally hold those responsible, for Multiple Gulf Wars,
WTC7 & The Operation of a Mockingbird Media Mind Control that can still,
SPIN any ‘health’ DATA into a PLANDEMIC , gone Global ?

Are you colour blind? There is no red on the image above, or is my
Vision Failing me ? It appears to me you are wasting our time
And confusing us … feel free to answer any one of these 🙋 questions.
If you can…

Nov 8, 2022 7:03 PM
Reply to  TDj

it’s a satire on the absurd procedure whereby the alleged COVID-1984 virus and its infinite “variants” have allegedly been detected.

apparently that fact escaped you.

Nov 8, 2022 7:07 PM
Reply to  covidiot

my mistake, “TDj” is a disinfo bot.

Nov 9, 2022 12:35 AM
Reply to  covidiot

Clearly satire and sarcasm does not function well within my scientific mind,
But then I thought the purpose of commenting was to clarify what constitutes a Red light, in the comments section, as well as whilst driving a truck load full of 💣 explosives on the road. You are unequivocally a red 🚦 light and being paid to stick up for another female on your team. How is your girlfriend Researcher doing. She’s gone quiet and shamefully not one of you, including YOU, ex- Slob Milosevic is capable of conducting a conversation regarding the PROVEN TRIED & TESTED fully operational science of High Auroral Accoustic Research Programming. So, if you are Incapable of discussing the Science of
Micro-Radio-Waves and their generation +directional purpose and intensity,
Let alone costs, with Phased Array Antennas and Artificial Ionospheric Mirrors,
You too best fuck off now and cease wasting my time and knowledge, when trying to inform others of the interconnectivity between everything-everything going on right now in WW3 ! Slob Milosevic of old, it is good that you have to move your fat lazy arse, finally, and good to see you have no new aces up your sleeve, other than cheap ‘Bot’shots, but really, do you seriously intellectually believe that you understand H.A.A.R.P. Better than I ?

Robin Ashe-Roy
Robin Ashe-Roy
Nov 6, 2022 11:13 AM

No sound on any of the above programs.

Nov 6, 2022 3:51 PM
Reply to  Robin Ashe-Roy

Check Mic. & Volume. Then Reload the page, because in Bulgaria on Brave browser,
Everything is fully functional. Maybe switch browsers …

Nov 6, 2022 9:12 AM

Another fiendish move by those cunning Chinese to take down the West:


Just how much more of the Chinese locking up theor own population can the Pentagon take?

Nov 5, 2022 2:54 PM

I see springer and her tribe, are at it again too:


Nov 5, 2022 12:04 PM

The shortened links you post to your articles on your Telegram channel don’t work. Neither on Firefox nor on Opera. None of them work. This has been happening for a while

For example this

Or this

You should post the full actual link.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Nov 5, 2022 5:09 PM
Reply to  Jon

Absolutely no prob here!

Nov 5, 2022 11:17 AM

More fake convid news:


So this man had convid for 411 days? Knock me over with a feather if that doesn’t happen to be another Freemasonic master number! 4×11 = 44. Significance of these master numbers? It’s saying this is one of our ops to the initiates (although additional meanings are possible). Of course one number could be a coincidence – but then the article mentions another case lasting 505 days so that’s another master number (remembering zeroes are ignored). They also drop a 13 in there which is the most significant number in the Kabbalah.

This is why I think there’s something in this numerology – not because of “some book” I once read but because it keeps happening. Alternatively you can believe a man had covid for 411 days and was then cured….

When you’ve eliminated the impossible, you’re left with the implausible – however implausible it might seem to you (as Freemason and Occultist Arthur Conan Doyle once said).

(Not that the latter serves a narrative of “just stick with the science and we’ll cure you in the end” for all the normies who keep taking all the boosters and are starting to question why they keep getting ill).

Nov 5, 2022 9:25 AM

“The unvaccinated” = the control group.

If you want to see blank panic in a vaxxer’s eyes, ask them for a vax study with a control group.

Nov 5, 2022 10:19 AM
Reply to  Edwige

You are giving the jabbed too much credit. They simply don’t care about scientific methods, statistical fraud and control vs experimental groups. If it’s on CNN, BBC, CBC; MSNBC etc it’s gospel truth. Where I’m at, they just keep digging their hole deeper.

Nov 5, 2022 11:21 PM
Reply to  yippydee

Too many diodes in the brain to be critical thinkers.

Nov 6, 2022 7:18 AM

Nice, another for my quotes collection..

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 5, 2022 8:07 AM

I reckon the covid ploy is bound up with the Ukraine ploy. Covid comes in with shock and awe, beats the population into submission, and then just as the critical contingent gets a little too vocal, in comes the Ukraine shock and awe, and relegates Covid to the back burner.

The dissent not permitted with covid suddenly flares up over Ukraine. The message: “No you can’t debate covid! But look – you CAN debate Ukraine! Now line up for your 20th vax shot whilst you rage against the Western war machine!”

Mr Tea
Mr Tea
Nov 5, 2022 9:02 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Only you can’t debate Ukraine on the MSM, you get censored unless you praise Zelensky and pretend that Ukraine is a model of virtue and innocence.

Nov 6, 2022 7:54 AM
Reply to  Mr Tea

This year, it is also OK to express/imply support for UkroNazis in the government and military. Fakebook may have been one of the last to allow this.

Nov 5, 2022 11:56 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Hi there, GMC: judging by this comment alone, it would appear that you have not read the
LINKS YOU REQUESTED, forwarded by Howard ! Be this true ? I’m asking you to
Read them now, before you waste your own time commenting further irrelevance.
Indeed, I fail to understand how anybody @OffG has Failed to see the connectivity to
Mark Steele’s Objectivity on the Goals of Wholly Operational Electronic Instrumentation for
Micro-Radio-Wave Transmissions of Bodily Harm and the relentless media
Transmissions Masking reality… ! !

I know it will take time for you & most others to absorb the gravity of Mark Steele’s Firsthand
Electronic Knowledge… for decades, almost nobody has believed my firsthand knowledge of Corporate & Military intelligence efforts COMBINED, that have been engineering the Weather with Phased-Array Antennas, Artificial ionospheric MIRRORS & Market Manipulations detrimental to all Humanity. ** The so called ‘Breaking News’ is just a RIDE, a roller coaster of smoke & Mirrors **

Until the Editors of OffG get to grips with this bigger picture, of Operational Electronic Instrumentation & Orchestration (of which OffG is inextricably party to, being unwittingly complicit)
We’re heading towards Destination Fuk’d & discussing 🍋 Lemons, that grow naturally & squeezing juice, Quite plausibly forever… asking WHO makes the best lemonade AGAINST the FLU ? ! 🌐
Whilst, Military & Corporate Intelligence can literally engineer the Weather to make,
Your crop fail … and theirs succeed, purely by exploiting Transmissions of Micro-Radio-Waves ! !
Waves ? Waves … ! Transmitting Bodily Harm ! TBH ABH GBH …

they come in waves (if you’ll excuse the pun).



Just like Pfizer, Transmissions Never Tested. T.N.T.
Blow yourselves up 👆 ignoring all science …
Thanks to Howard is in order.-
Listen: Mark Steele !

Nov 5, 2022 12:54 PM
Reply to  TDj

Suggestion to OffG. The whole crew… this ‘Faked Covid Culture’ has gone on too long.

Why don’t you turn off your Tv’s and go do something better instead, like

🌟 START A CAMPAIGN , to create Law: a new Law for all humanity !


Go Fund Me , drafting Future 🔮 Humanity.
Present your Draft to IRINA BOKOVA. !
Because she has already succeeded @U.N.E.S.C.O
In changing Law. She may well accept the challenge,
Having already redefined …

‘The Destruction of Culture is a Terrorist ACT ‘ !
(But Not Faked cultural waves gone viral for
Corporate Fascist Controllers.) 🌪
Then Confront the Elephant in Musk’s
Rooms of Twitter … from outside of his Bird 🐦 Box.

But, you must know in advance, where this leads …

So, to quote Elon’s own tweet… an historic record.

He was discussing Evo Morales and prerequisite Lithium Resources…

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 5, 2022 3:18 PM
Reply to  TDj

The links provided by Howard proved to be so underwhelming that I can’t even recall if I read them or not. For one thing, I am highly resistant to gobbledegookery and there’s plenty of that here. From what I can make out we are talking about ….
… and here I have to venture back into that sea of waffle to extract something definite … oh here’s something –
“A further troubling factor is that the telecommunications industry responsible for the deployment have confirmed that they, the industry, have not carried out any scientific research and therefore have no current published scientific research data on the actual impact of 5G networks on the environment.”
And I think there’s something in all this profusion about bad effects on human health. Or something.
Well it may be true but this kind of writing is so impenetrable and dull that I wonder if it’s meant to cover the whole issue up.
Is this more important than the covid issue considering that covid has:

  • Shut down the Western economy
  • Wrecked the majority’s livelihood
  • Destroyed their future
  • Sewn a culture of division
  • Created generations of psychotic hypochondriacs
  • Provided “justification” for lethal vaccines.

And all of that’s just for starters

Nov 6, 2022 10:56 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Morning George. If you had ever read as much as you type, you would be far wiser and less dismissive of what you deem to be gobblyD’gook. I do not expect you to have inspected all the links to Patents and such like, from Mark Steele, because your mind is tuned very differently from any logical, constructive scientific thought processes and the longterm benefit or disaster of any such creative thought,
Where the reality and implications for Longterm calculations for testing the
Consequences of any action must be considered in the public domain.

Had you read the whole text, you would know that what Mark Steele has submitted
was NOT JOURNALISM in any shape or Form, but a Legal TESTIMONY ! ! A testimony
Under OATH , YOU OAF ! And whilst you may not appreciate or Comprehend Nanotechnology, are you in denial of its’ existence? And are you in any shape or form familiar with Graphene & Graphite and its’ conductive properties in a Lattice structure, with extraordinary value to military and corporate intelligence?
Clearly not, so it appears.Otherwise you would have read further down the article and reached the 👉 pointer Towards Covid Connectivity & 5G capabilities, way beyond just some pseudo-vaccination application.

I’d best leave you to waffle on and wonder in amazement, as Westminster dictates to your Submissive Scottish Parliament, over what you are allowed to be informed of
& NOT, in relation to your United Kingdom of deception, distraction & downright open public 🤥 Pinocchio performance of prostitution of Scientic Matters, including that tinyminded Welsh woman, Janine Small (brainless) “Speed of science” TWAT !
Good luck bending over going forwards, with Chucky d’ Turd chasing your arse around the Highlands. The Bal-moral of my far more scientific conclusions, than yours, you will find something of in my comment below to Dom. Should you be interested in reading more than you type, whilst whinging… ☦
P.s. please cease to whinge about some Chinese Guy,
Called Pen Ding ! Try Thin-king instead, maybe even Rea-Ding,
Regarding Mens Rea…

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 6, 2022 2:27 PM
Reply to  TDj

It would benefit your cause a great deal if you could state clearly with at least some measure of coherence what your point actually is. I noticed that Howard – who first brought the topic up – didn’t supply links till I asked him (not that they were of much help) and the fact that he himself didn’t expand on the issue – or even tell us what the issue actually was, seems significant. What I’m left with is the message that we are “wasting our time” with “trivial distractions” such as covid. And we really ought to be discussing ….. well, something or other.

Nov 8, 2022 9:19 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Hi there George. Where to start ? Probably best by apologising for my Sunday morning reflections of frustration with human kind. In mitigation,
I should mention that I had just found out that my vaccinated brother’s
♡ heart muscles are apparently badly damaged, which doubtless provoked
His recent strokes. Worse still, his daughter in law, 7 months 🤰 pregnant,
Just got her ‘booster’, which all together blew my mind and I should have just gone & screamed ‘BANZAI’ at the Mountain ⛰… a War Cry, yes, but also
I Hope you understand, the meaning >>> ‘10,000 years of long life’, for you.

Ethics, morals & matters of principle Bar me from tampering with or endeavouring to alter any wording from the Legal Testimony for Lawyers,
From Mark Steele. However, I have often been underwhelmed by the style
Of Global Research and the aesthetics of their website and representations,
Which often detract from their message. So, when you find time, please,
Try this Link, instead, which is way, way easier on the eyes & brain receptors.
I think you will probably agree…


I must address something urgent, immediately. But, would love to amplify upon Mark Steele’s baseline conclusions, to help you & others to see the horrendous electronic implications & control potential, of this whole
Plandemic by all nations. No exceptions. And amplify upon their grotesque mercenary, Monetary Nature of Ash Kans &
Nazi Styled Assumptions. N.S.A.
Try the link above and scroll down & 👇
Until you find the obviously relevant passages…

Nov 8, 2022 3:48 PM
Reply to  TDj

Whilst reflecting on old sound chimes, tings & times, I found this link from 2018. If you don’t like Nigel Stanfords music 🎶 just skip to the
6 minute 30 second mark and take 5 minutes to checkout a
Pitch Black Night Sky, looking East from South Georgia and
maybe adjust your screen settings to fully appreciate, the existence of
Sonic Wave 🌊 ⚡ Energy ⛮ and the incredible
magnetude invisible to the human eye…


Nov 8, 2022 10:12 AM
Reply to  George Mc

George Mc: One major afterthought, for you. Without getting Technical and 💤 boring for you and others, i can amplify upon that which Mark Steele is endeavouring to define, in both a visual and musical manner, which might actually SERIOUSLY help YOU & others to begin to consider the power of Sonic Resonance & Transmissions of Wave 🌊 Energy:
To Illuminate my cause, being the Science of CYMATICS,
And molecular structures !



I hope these two excellent demonstrations of musical and
Technological Advances help demonstrate a form of foundation,
In your mind and raise your curiosity towards H.A.A.R.P.

Nov 8, 2022 7:11 PM
Reply to  George Mc

it doesn’t have a point, it’s a disinfo bot. having a point would defeat its entire purpose.

the only question is, why are you engaging with it? don’t feed the trolls.

Nov 8, 2022 7:09 PM
Reply to  George Mc

do you realize that you’re debating with a disinfo bot?

dom irritant
dom irritant
Nov 5, 2022 3:36 PM
Reply to  TDj

something that the hierarchy enslaving yourselves spin is the fact that 5g doesn’t need alot of power(it does!! it needs lots of extra electricity)……ever get the feeling you’ve been had!?!?

Nov 5, 2022 9:52 PM
Reply to  dom irritant

This factoring is discussed by Mark Steele in the article that GeorgeMc cannot be fuk’d to read >>> and the answer should be clear to any logical mind, especially
Regarding ‘Battleground Backhaul’ ! Or operating H.A.A.R.P. ! Or Elon’s Starlink…

How much electricity do you think it takes to WARM a specific spot on the
Ionosphere ? With Phased Array Antennas and the high auroral accoustic research programme in Alaska ? Well, if the Germans, and electricity providers to Rostock, were honest, Then it would be really so damned easy to give you the costs of such Transmissions,To the EURO-CENT ! VERSTANDEN ? And compare direct costs in
Alaska… Howsoever, GEC Lawyers advised GEC executives NOT to buy HAARP directly, Contending Plausible Deniability & Civil Liability, otherwise GEC would feasibly, CEASE TO EXIST, JUST LIKE ACTUALLY HAPPENED TO ENRON !
Listen up, I was there working nightshifts for the CEO of B.P. when we purchased
ARCO & HAARP PATENTS, lock stock & smoking barrels of oil 🛢, and having extrapolated and submitted to the CEO, news on the first ENRON ‘Valhalla’ scandal,
Back in 1987 ! Enron executives were always dirty as fuck, quite normal behaviours for the second largest US Corporation of the day: so, they were the perfect 👌
Patsy, the fall guys, for Dotcom Financial Bubbles, which was why the SEC INQUIRY
WITHIN WTC7, could never see the light of day or an honest judge in court…
40,000 Enron personnel losing their pension, due to criminal mismanagement,
Was a nothing burger in the Minds of characters like Bush & Blair: and Rumsfeld
Even admitted, the day before WTC7 Demolition job, hey guys, we just lost track
Of $$$ 2.2 Trillion $$$ Bucks at the Department of Defense, then BOOM, the day after, no worries, look over thur’ @Saddam’s WMDs and that (CIA backed mofo’) OBL! WAR ON TERROR >>> Seeing is believing ! I saw with my own eyes and knew
What was gonna’ happen next, before Jane Stanley could utter the word building,
When I saw the Salomon building still standing, directly above her left shoulder… !
It was whole, 20 minutes later, after the announcement…BBC Psychic sidekicks ?
Everything-everything was engineered to mask Monsanto’s liability towards
Heritage Farmers and D.o.D. legal liability and fuck the dirty Enron Execs.
**Drought Resistant 🌱 Seed enabling Food Control**… if you can manage 🎭 the
W E A T H E R , with Plausible Deniability. The Media Co-opted. Seriously, I could say so much more, but it seems pointless with characters like George on the M.i.c. daily.
Not that he is a bad person, by nature, this should be clear to all. However, he is neither my Godfather nor Grandfather, who taught me Physics & Electronics, before
I had ever heard of Bernard Eastlund: who warned everybody, after giving his Designs to ARCO. WE WERE WARNED by the ELECTRONIC ENGINEER, of HAARP.

Afterwards, my Godfather became Chief Scientific Advisor to the M.o.D. 1993-1999: and due to the loss of his father in WW2, my Grandfather had trained his fascination for Electronics, post war, somewhat similar to myself, having lost my mother when I was 15, (in Sept. 1976) At every opportunity, during school holidays… throughout hard times! Not as hard as the times my grandfather had survived, after joining military intelligence in 1938, as Radar & Radio Engineer, upon hearing Chamberlain’s
Words “Peace for our time” … B’Amps was in a Pyramid when Irgun & Begin blew up all Bampa’s colleagues in the basement of a Jerusalem Hotel. They had all been in N.Africa together, all war long, helping Begin on Black Ops. Luckily, for me and my Godfather, Grandfather was on duty listening as the Radio went silent, after Begin
Bombed British Military H.Q. in Jerusalem… and there is fuck all legally that the M.o.D. can do to stop me, revealing family history. Grandfather warned me, just before dying, NEVER WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT AND, made me promise !
The Magnetosphere belongs not to Government nor any Corporation…
Nikola Tesla understood. I’ll bet you never expected this comment, seriously…
Dom. Calculating the costs of providing the electricity should be really easy, absent state secrets…Read Mark Steele to the end. Don’t be lazy like George, regarding the cost, And then start whinging about Covid and his vaccinated 🍷 wife & life. (Ffs)
5G is meanwhile , TRANSMITTING BODILY HARM , far worse than
Any individual ABH / GBH , at multiple levels, of grotesque governance,
Focussed upon Control of all humanity, by the few.
Absent any Science of Natural Equilibrium…
Tesla discovered this the hard way, just like me.
Transmissions need Testing, if you 🎏 care…
To end Wars ! T.N.T. 👆 analysing costs around the Globe 🌐
Even for George and his ‘strife’ to understand science and his wife.
I knew a Dom. from Barnet. Is that you ? 😂

Nov 8, 2022 7:14 PM
Reply to  TDj

I can’t believe that people can’t recognize this machine-generated disinfo bullshit for what it obviously is.

Nov 9, 2022 12:03 AM
Reply to  covidiot

Good morning Covidiot of Langley. Milosevic, Thanx 123/145 or howsoever you wish to ‘label’ yourself Today. Are your minions having difficulty dealing with my comments, reality and family history, again ? I can prove every word I tender here to any Military or Corporate Body and more than that, kick you the boss , in the arse simultaneously >>> With Scientific Fact and Expert Reasoning of the highest order and pay grade : so bring it on , once again, you complete Fukwit, Milosevic / Reinertorheit (chuckle) I know your brain and psychology tricks inside out and of old… &
From the inside, many decades ago. So…

Test this body of KNOWLEDGE you label as ‘machine’ in any fashion you like, BRING it on Slob Milosevic. Clearly you are scared that your boss will be angry if I say anything too influential, or untoward your collective’s purposes, here in these columns. Actually, I have been waiting for you to move your lazy Dictatorial arse of deception, for ages… and been expecting far worse From AshkeNazi observers like you. I know this is your ‘pro forma’ first style of cheapskate cheap shot, and honestly speaking was expecting a much firmer attempt than this… 😦 yawn. You disappointed me. Howsoever, in this troll infested jungleland you presume to oversee, let us begin with you asking some question, any question, you feel sure that no ‘machine’ could possibly answer and then get your girlfriend Researcher to try a question, as well.

I can hardly wait for the Milosevic/Reinertorheit/Pseudo-Researcher/COVIDIOT combination, to think of a question
That this ‘machine’ cannot manage, in relation to FACT & HISTORY.
Hugs & kisses to you all, and heyho… BANZAI !
Welcome to WW3… how is your friend Zelensky doing?
Indeed, there’s a thought, just for fun, why don’t you start
Calling yourself ZELENSKY ? !

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 5, 2022 8:00 AM

I have a work colleague who has always cheerfully gone along with the covid crap. When the vaxxes came in and he found out I didn’t want it, he said “Oh are you one of those anti-vaxxers?” And just laughed. I met him yesterday when he asked if I had had my fourth jab like him. I replied with a non-detailed no as he spoke about how he’d had Covid twice. And it struck me that it was the jab junkies who were most inflicted with these “covid” symptoms.

And still they continue on their cheerful sociable way. I wonder if there is any brain activity there at all?

Mr Tea
Mr Tea
Nov 5, 2022 9:04 AM
Reply to  George Mc

‘I wonder if there is any brain activity there at all?’

Given that the injected mRNA can get to the brain and cause the blood vessels to be destroyed by the immune system as it attacks the spikes the answer would appear to be no.

Nov 5, 2022 9:22 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Vaccines have always caused more cases of the disease they are supposed to cure. It goes back to smallpox – there’s nothing new about this at all.

Nov 5, 2022 12:22 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Wonder no more…there is zero, I repeat zero brain activity to be found there – every single fucking person I know who bought into this, seems to have become even more stupid since their seemingly never ending diabolical infusion commenced.

Nov 8, 2022 9:37 AM
Reply to  Corarden

Gotta’ second that ! 😉

Nov 5, 2022 3:12 AM

By gosh the Stralya COVID Vax Nazee gooners are back in full swing in the ol’ antipodeeze!!! Floods slowly fizzling out, Zeeleenskeeze Bandera Nazis & U$A terror merks suffering systematic elimination and Brandon looks like a real fizzle come next Tuesday. What’s the Australian Bullshit Corporation gonna do? But don’t worry Ian your Pommee brothers in terror are cooking up new terror attacks on the people of Ukraine and Russia. After all Brit Ratheon death merchant skyrocketing profits are priority numero uno.

So inanity Iain is hush hush when it comes to his precious King Charles’ III dainty Brit Empire stoking death for profit weapons throughout the Earth.

PS: Nice job on those gas pipelines Iain.

Nov 6, 2022 5:09 PM
Reply to  jimbo

Yep, all fine, bar one correction.

If yer’ gonna’ vent & rant any further, please,
Please please me… when discussing Charletans.

Chucky d’ Turd 😉

Nov 8, 2022 7:18 PM
Reply to  jimbo

oh look, another disinfo bot. a turd, by any other name, would smell as foul.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 5, 2022 1:51 AM

comment image
comment image

S Cooper
S Cooper
Nov 5, 2022 2:02 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

comment image

“Shut down Pfizer and the rest of the Pharma-Con Racket!”
comment image

“Why do you think the CIA studied LSD?”

Nov 5, 2022 6:38 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

When is any legal hotshot going to sue any government for (a) ongoing secrecy of the jab contracts (b) waiving liability (c) hindering litigants suing for harm.

Nov 5, 2022 10:25 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Apparently the European Union at least, is “unsuable”.
A half dozen MPs in the massively expensive white elephant that is Strasbourg have been trying their very best to at least get the contracts “unblacked”…..It seems the top requirement for any top job in the free world is the ability to lose your messages and not remember what you did.

The structure of the European Union is so fascistly, amorphously unique that you can’t even sue.

Nov 6, 2022 8:00 AM
Reply to  yippydee

That’s the Free World for you.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Nov 5, 2022 7:39 AM
Reply to  S Cooper


Nov 6, 2022 9:05 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

S cooper, your picture memes are priceless.

Nov 5, 2022 1:11 AM

04/11/22 Peggy Hall – THE REAL REASON FOR
THE NEW “EMERGENCY” in Orange County

Nov 5, 2022 1:27 AM
Reply to  Thinktwice

More criminal activity taking place.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Nov 5, 2022 7:53 AM
Reply to  Thinktwice

Thanks for making me aware of this woman.

She’s dynamite !!!

Nov 5, 2022 1:41 PM

… and astonishing how she manages to stay on YT!

Nov 5, 2022 1:03 AM

The plan is to keep the Covid Con going forever.

We could think of Covid as the new Al Qaeda and the array of variants and subvariants as the ever elusive viral terrorists.

There’s no way to tangibly identify either the murky sleeper cells or the virii, which makes it all the easier to keep the bogus narrative rolling along amidst an incurious public who invite these spurious explanations as to why they are continuously getting sick.

Just last week I came across a mom who was lamenting that her kid was super sick. A few days later I asked how the kid was doing here is what she said:

“Much better! Thanks! It has been a rough start to the school year- lots of strange viruses going around and my darn kids are catching them all. He went back to school today.”

Turns out the kid is double vaxxed w/the mRNA garbage and recently got the quadrivalent “flu vaccine.” Yet she can’t figure this out- “strange viruses” is all she could come up with.

What’s her profession? You guessed it, doctor.

Anyone who thinks that the Covid scam is going away is in for a rude awakening. You really think that when psychotic billionaires come with a record setting profiteering scheme they will pull back on their own? Think again.

Just yesterday Lord Fauci was priming the public for ‘Endless Covid’ in an article in Fortune titled- Fauci says U.S. is at a ‘crossroads’ as COVID kills 2,600 a week and new Omicron variants bloom with winter coming soon

While the situation is certainly different from last winter when Omicron dominated all other variants, a new “variant soup” of Omicron sublineages like XBB, BQ.1, and BQ.1.1 are gaining ground across the country, wiping out key tools used to protect immune-compromised people.

“We’re really at a point that may be a crossroads here. As we’re entering into the cooler months, we are starting to see the emergence of sublineage variants of Omicron,” Fauci said on the Conversations on Health Care radio show on Thursday.


Fauci also stressed in Thursday’s interview that the pandemic was far from over. The number of deaths from COVID, which still averages around 2,600 a week, remains far too high, Fauci emphasized, adding “we’re still in the middle of this—it is not over. Four hundred deaths per day is not an acceptable level.”

Just last week Nature was pimping the same story which can be found throughout the unabashed bought off “scientific community.”

From that article:

COVID ‘variant soup’ is making winter surges hard to predict

Descendants of Omicron are proliferating worldwide — and the same mutations are coming up again and again.

Some call it a swarm of variants — others refer to it as variant soup. Whatever it’s called, the current crop of immunity-dodging offshoots of the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 is unprecedented in its diversity. This complexity makes it harder to predict coming waves of infection. It might even lead to a ‘double wave’ in some places, as first one variant and then another overtakes a population.


Read that Nature article. These people are going to keep making this shit up for eternity. It’s an endless revenue stream, a convenient cover-up for vaporized immune systems and a rationale for continued “health security measures.”

So I ask ask the ‘Covid Sceptics’ how much of this bogus narrative are you going to play along with?

Nov 5, 2022 5:04 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Yes. They’ve hit the Mother of all Mother lodes and they’re gonna SUCK IT DRY.
Staying with the mining metaphor, all we can do is continue to undermine their lustful avarice by chipping away at their disgusting and divisive propaganda.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Nov 5, 2022 5:37 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

I’ll answer your question:

  1. I’ve had no vaccinations and nor am I going to.
  2. I’ve told people I won’t impose my views on them but I won’t listen to their Covid crap either.
  3. I grow my own vegetables so the supermarkets being empty of vegetables wouldn’t affect me.
  4. I get out into the sunshine regularly so my adaptation to sunlight progresses well through the spring and is fully up to speed by summer.
  5. I refuse to watch any news programme on the BBC, ITV and Channel 4, do not have a subscription to either BT or Sky either.
  6. I don’t listen to people because of their title or their qualifications: I’ve known enought consultant doctors to know that political correctness is more important than diagnostic skills (although there needs to be a baseline of diagnostic skills to stop scandals occurring).
  7. I won’t be voting either Labour or Conservative in the next elections, if they are actually held.
  8. I always direct my most pungent ire at those at the very top, not minions near the bottom.
  9. I don’t take any crap from people saying that viruses don’t exist, because I worked with them professionally for a decade. Whether viruses cause particular diseases or not is a totally separate question as to whether they actually exist.
  10. I refuse to engage in debate based on false binaries and have done for 20 years and more. It’s the politics of 10 year olds in gangs, and I’m a grown up and never joined a gang.
Nov 5, 2022 10:36 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

9. So you’re saying microscopic particles exist, that you’ve chosen to call viruses, but there is no proof that they cause disease?

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Nov 5, 2022 11:43 AM
Reply to  Dave

He said it already. Try reading it again.

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Nov 5, 2022 11:44 AM
Reply to  Russian Hank

Note the word “particular” and arm yourself with a dictionary if you are still confused.

Nov 5, 2022 1:12 PM
Reply to  Russian Hank

Hello transparent troll A.

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Nov 5, 2022 11:43 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I second this.

Nov 6, 2022 8:09 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

All “professionals”, managers, etc. must recognise and follow the shifting political correctness/propriety, or be cast into the wilderness. For themselves and their families, many doctors avoid some treatments they impose persistently. Under NHS remote control, the problem seems to me to be particularly bad in UK.

Nov 9, 2022 10:31 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I don’t take any crap from people saying that viruses don’t exist, because I worked with them professionally for a decade.

Yes, we have all heard this before. You are not telling us where the name “virus” comes from and what it implies.

It implies something like a poison.

Nov 5, 2022 5:40 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

This comment is so golden and comprehensive I’m copying it and may make it a WhatsApp/ Signal bomb – hoping it to go ‘viral’ (another one of those conditioning terms to introduce kids to this myth).

Hell I may even print 1000 copies and dump em in all mailboxes around town.

Nov 5, 2022 9:20 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

It’s worth considering… is this how every disease came about?

People have a cluster of symptoms caused by toxicity and/or nutritional deficiencies…. ‘science’ declares it a disease caused by a unique pathogen…. a vaccine appears as the ‘only’ solution to said ‘disease’…. said vaccine causes more of said disease further entrenching this narrative….

Or does it seem more probable that ‘science’ was progressing just fine with scarcely a lie nor an error until 2020 when it suddenly went off the rails?

Nov 5, 2022 10:45 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

I agree that pandemic is the replacement for terrorism. The WEF itself outlined this back in 2006 and 2009 H1N1/Tamifluwas the pandemic pre-commercial test drive following the first clinial trial of “sars” in 2003.

Let’s remember that Christian Drosten who worked on and created the first sars-cov-2 test from Jan 1-13, 2020 (before the first genome had even been uploaded on Genbank) was the SAME guy who essentially kidnapped an Asian traveler off a plane in Frankfurt and declared him to have a scary new virus.

“The index patient was a 32-year-old male physician. From March 3 to 9, 2003, he treated a patient with atypical pneumonia in Singapore who had arrived from Hong Kong. On March 9 (day 1) his illness started with abrupt onset of fever (temperature, 39.4°C), when he was in New York. On day 4, a dry cough and a sore throat developed, along with erythema on the trunk. During a stopover in Frankfurt, Germany, on his flight to Singapore, he was transferred to an isolation unit at the Frankfurt University Hospital with suspected SARS (day 7).”


The question I’ve asked myself is how an earth did it come about that a random doctor in Germany knew that a random doctor from Singapore treated some randmom guy from HK for pneumonia and then when the Singaopore doc flew from New York to Singapore, he was essentially pulled off a plane while transiting in Frankfurt? This rather strange chain of events is not explained and is very similar to the ambiguity around the “first patient” in Wuhan from whom a sars-cov-2 genome was sequenced by….a close colleague of Drosten’s.

According to that Rockefeller report from 2010 where they laid out the pandemic scenario we see today, they estimated the serfs would put up with the pandemic nonsense for THIRTEEN YEARS before reaching for the pitchforks in earnest…..

A decade from now, when pandemic runs out of steam and people are resisting getting ten jabs a year, every year, it will be impending environmental DOOM. Right now the climate change is only in the ramping up phase.

It seem that Harvard announced this fall that all students need to have a fourth covid stab AND a flu shot.

“So I ask ask the ‘Covid Sceptics’ how much of this bogus narrative are you going to play along with?”

Isn’t this question better put to believers of the Cult of Covid? If we’re on OG, we’re already not the ones who need to be convinced.

Nov 6, 2022 8:13 AM
Reply to  yippydee

The bio-war on Iran was far stranger.

Nov 6, 2022 10:08 AM
Reply to  mgeo

I agree, that was indeed very strange. I was surprised by that. I had no way of doing primary research on that, but it did seem that hospitals were under a lot of pressure and there was excess mortality relative to an average year.
My working hypotheis for now consists of some combination of:

-a country under severe sanctions already has a very fragile healthcare system
-throw in a whole lot of panic and maybe it was a bad flu/pneumonia year
-exaggerated reports in the media
-statistical fraud and medical malpractice by some Iranian scientists who are members of the covid cult, similar to their NATO counterparts.

Generally speaking, I don’t much believe in “bioweapons”.
Scientists have so much trouble simply culturing and studying viral pathogens.
It’s so difficult to “isolate” a viral pathogen and so much debate rages about what that actually means anyway. Genome sequences are only computer datasets based on hypothetical statistical models.
Every time there’s an accident in a biolab the first to suffer are the researchers themselves. Usually because they pricked themselves with a syring loaded with toxic stuff or were bitten by an animal they’d injected with toxic stuff.Sometimes animals or insects escape. Or their respirators don’t work and researchers inhale contaminated air. We know for a fact that none of the thousands of accidents that occur in biolabs have set off a “global pandemic narrative” similar to that of 2020.

I don’t see scientists as geniuses capable of developing targeted bioweapons that won’t impact them on the rebound. There is no “release mechanism” that I know of. The media makes it sound as if someone can leave a biological bomb somewhere and detonate it remotely….that’s Hollycrap fiction, not science. Most “distingusished” scientists are glorified bureaucrats who are good at getting pots of money by staying on top of trends and marketing their “research” glamourously. Once or twice in a century you get a real scientist like Satoshi Omura who found the bacteria from which ivermectin was eventually developed. The guy found useful antimicrobial stuff from going through soil samples. No level 4 biolab needed. He wasn’t a hige political player and only got the Nobel prize in 2015 for a discovery made in 1970…and then only because Merck latched onto it.

Take your garden variety influenza /pneumonia. We are told you can get it from a virus. Yet you can get the identical symptoms if you’re up on some mountain completely isolated and spend too much time in wet clothes on a freezing rainy day. So what gives?

I’ll be ready to believe in bioweapons when I find convincing scientific papers. Right now all I see is a uselessy huge but lucrative science bureaucracy and hapless researchers who mostly survive their own dumb experiments. That’s the real accomplishment.

Nov 8, 2022 7:38 PM
Reply to  yippydee

everybody knows that real biological weapons are dropped off of US military aircraft.

Report of the International Scientific Commission For the Investigation of the Facts Concerning Bacterial Warfare in Korea and China

comment image

Nov 8, 2022 6:50 PM
Reply to  yippydee

Impending climate doom? BS!

Same psyop, different villain.

Nov 5, 2022 8:39 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Courtesy of the aptly-named Yahoo site, just an illustration to your usual eloquent comment:

comment image

Early this year there were optimistic claims that the Megadeath Virus of Doom Scamdemic was “over”, or at least decidedly moribund. When “Doctor Doom” Fauci made noises about “stepping down”, it seemed to confirm that the pestilent wind was changing.

But both the odious Fauci and the Big Lie(s) scamdemic keep on keepin’ on.  😡 

Nov 5, 2022 10:35 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

I was particularly delighted by the jolly gnome’s referral to the “cooler months”: we all know that Winter is a thing of the past now that the polar ice cap has disappeared due to catastrophic global roasting and appreciate his tactful phraseology in these troubled times. Isn’t he a dear!