WATCH: Censorship & Independent Publishing in the New Normal Reich
A discussion about independent publishing and censorship with CJ Hopkins (Consent Factory), Søren Kristoffersen (Det Poetiske Bureau), Robert Cibis (OVALmedia), Kit Knightly (Off-Guardian), Simon Elmer (Architects for Social Housing), Elze van Hamelen (De Andere Krant), and perhaps a special guest or two.
The above stream will be going live at 2pm UK time (3pm CET, 9am EST), and the panel will be running until 4pm UK.
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This discussion was brilliant. Please update the video link to
The irony is breathtaking
No, this is ironic.
Michael Crichton was of course a famous novelist in the 1970s and 1980s whose books were turned into Hollywood films, often very large budget ones like JURASSIC PARK. In the 1990s his novels became more questioining of mainstream narratives until in works like STATE OF FEAR he was fully rejecting narratives like climate change. The Hollywood adaptations dried up and then in his sixties he was killed by an aggressive and fast-acting cancer.
Censorship by other means?
j park and 2 were very questioning, much got lost in the adaptations, the second film has little in common with the second book if i remember.
all his books are like that in some way.
The needle you have, when you’re not having a needle :
Unless you’re expendable of course.
The burning issue of our time:
“Paul Mescal causes outrage by not wearing a poppy on Graham Norton show”
We need a ‘never forget’ symbol to show our disgust at more recent crimes.
Aussie anzac celebrations carry the slogan “lest we forget”. I would prefer “lest we remember” or, alternatively, “best we forget”.
Winston Churchill, then first lord of the admiralty, was largely responsible for the slaughter at Gallipoli. Something rarely remembered nowadays.
Pfizer is “pausing advertising on Twitter” because it is “concerned that Mr. Musk could scale back content moderation, which they worry would lead to an increase in objectionable content on the platform.” [How ironic]
Accountable Tech joined more than 25 groups to deliver the below message in a letter to Twitter’s top advertisers to demand nonnegotiable requirements for their ad business in the midst of Elon Musk’s acquisition: [To see the letter, use the link below.]
In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true. … Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow. The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness. The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist. —The Origins of Totalitarianism, Hannah Arendt I can’t help but connect the above reflections to the totalitarian march we’re now on. There’s currently an accelerated confusion of discourse and cognitive dissonance and dissociation strategically sown by ruling institutions to reap the reward of the monoculture of AI to rule them all. As always, the artificial unity of the collective is engineered by divide-and-rule perspectivism which leaves atomized individuals at the mercy of those guarding the doors of perception. Only now there’s a fatal finality to the science of social control. Both in effect and by design, new normal totalitarianism, deploying tools and… Read more »
considering that most of Ms Arendt’s stories about the Nazis and Communists are pretty much complete fiction, the rest of her notions don’t bear wasting much time on either – now if you want real totalitarianism, real velvet glove in iron fist stuff, take a look at the place most of the lies originate from – the hegemon central, capitalist USA.
”And still they crowd by one another as though they had nothing in common, nothing to do with one another, and their only agreement is a tacit one, that each keep to his own side of the pavement … The brutal indifference … comes that too, that the social war, the war of each against all, is here openly declared … people regard each other only as useful objects; each exploits the other, and the end of it all is the stronger treads the weaker under foot, and that the powerful few, the capitalists, seize everything for themselves, while to the weak, the many, the poor, scarcely a bare existence remains … In London 50,000 human beings get up every morning not knowing where to lay their heads at night. The Luckiest of this multitude, those who succeed in keeping a penny or two until evening, enter a lodging house, such as abound in every great city, where they find a bed. But what a bed! These houses are filled with beds from cellar to garret, four, five, six beds in a room, as many as can be crowded in. Into every bed four, five, six human beings are piled as many as can be packed in, sick and well, young and old, drunk and sober, men and women, just as they come, indiscriminately.” Friedrich Engels ‘The Condition of the Working Class in England – 1844’ pages 37 and 44. On and on it continues. These are pretty much the conditions of life in what we call the third world. But the standard of life in the developed world, are not by any means safe. The present disposition of the ruling elites is to grind down the living standards in contemporary society back into the 19th century. Engels noted the… Read more » guy Fawkes surprise is the key nobody knows when when a stray rocket might explode up
Their asses 😬👍
Offgaurdian your more doom and gloom than Bidens tenalady😬👍
Paypal’s terms of service: they can FINE YOU $2500 if they decide what you’re posting is misinformation, or “unfit.” Or worse: (example)
The $2500 fine has been there for a long time but the misinformation part has been added recently. Their ability to change the rules at the drop of a hat should have had users concerned a long time ago. They’ve been locking people out of their accounts and witholding their funds for years yet no one batted an eye because using their platform was convenient. Every account holder is now guilty of ‘suspicious activity’
Average Bear, it’s just a way to make money– rather, it’s theft.
Shades of what they plan with digital money.
I know it’s theft and on a grand scale. I didn’t want to say it here thinking most readers already know.
They’ve already done the same to digital money, see the drop in crypto as an example and some even being destroyed to make way for their own version.
You can add the artificially suppressed prices of gold and silver to the long list of theft and manipulations. Greed and control is what it all boils down to.
Greed and control……
All major organisations such as governments, banks, utilities change their rules unilaterally and often. They deliberately fail to highlight the specific substance of such changes.
Please offgaurdian as much as we love you you do protest so much!?! We know what’s going on we are not dumb.All these articles telling us we know tell us something we don’t know.👍
I disagree.
The legitimate media and silencing/deplatforming and whatever else of it is a dynamic thing. I would like to hear directly from people at the rock face about what is currently happening.
Come to think of it, I’d like to hear directly from those intrepid souls who have openly disagreed with, or even criticized our current ‘authorities’ – at the workplace.
Best of all would be verifiable video of people criticizing Gates, Fauci, Sushi, Crudeau, Morcron and all the medical and media ‘scientists’ to their faces.
But I don’t feel like waiting another two or three years for that sort of miracle to happen…
While I do dig your idea of criticism of these types, I would rather see that type of scrutiny & criticism undertaken in a court of law that has the death penalty available to it.
Count me in.
My suggestion was perhaps just a first step… 🙂
Check your grammar! I cannot even view the video…
From Left Lockdown Sceptics:
Pandemic Aftermath: Understanding the Reveal Stage of the Pandemic Play – Are We Winning?
How extremely convenient, that anti-depressant gravy train can get right back on those tracks:
Though I do like the latter part of the article which helps disintegrate the headline and first half of the article.
stopped reading as soon as that spook college mentioned
Sorry Kit,
Which day would this event be?
I think you forgot to mention it 😉
“Amnesty, the say? What makes one think that the War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Oligarch Mobster Psycho Nazis are even capable of dealing in Good Faith?“
“Raytheon gotta have it.“
“Long overdue to Smash the War Racket. To Hell with War! To Hell with Corporate Fascism!“
Crisis Actor and Covid Suspect: Dr. Leana Wen
A real reliable source
Poor thing … she probably lives in the forlorn hope that the crocodile will eat her last.
It is a sad fact that some will do anything at all to be accepted into social-groups. Moreover, we all know people like this …