Inside the US’s new “bio-defense strategy”
Michael Bryant
The Biden administration recently released its 2022 National Biodefense Strategy in response to “a need to prepare for future pandemics and biological threats.”
Building on its September Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing, the Biden administration maintains that this latest program – what it calls ‘Biodefense’ – will be based upon the “lessons learned from the ongoing COVID- 19 pandemic.”
The opening paragraph of the plan states:
Today, the Biden-Harris Administration fulfills a commitment that President Biden made on his first day in office: to review existing national biopreparedness policies and develop recommendations for how the Federal Government should update them, based on lessons learned from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and other biological threats our Nation faces.”
It seems the President forgot that just a month earlier on 60 Minutes he plainly declared the pandemic was over. He also seems to be ignoring the fact that there are profound disagreements on what lessons were actually learned from the raft of disastrous COVID-19 policies enacted over the past two and a half years.
This becomes deeply problematic when these same disastrous COVID-19 policies become the template for both domestic and foreign policy over the next 5 years, or more, if the Biden administration and their sponsors have their way.
Putting aside the rather important question as to how it is we arrived at the point where democratic processes have been thrown into the dustbin, replaced by Executive Orders and presidential fiats, we need to understand/examine the particulars of this latest decree being sold as a ‘pandemic preparedness plan’ and the resulting landscape if implemented.
While the proposed plan is filled with typically opaque language a quick look at the fact sheet gives a clear picture of what’s in store if this program gets rammed through.
The fact sheet opens with the obligatory ministerial doublespeak.
It outlines a set of bold goals to transform the nation’s biodefenses and health security by launching a whole-of-government effort across 20 Federal Agencies to detect, prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from biological incidents, in partnership with our international, state, local, tribal, territorial, and private sector partners.
From the outset this makes clear that this is a blueprint which will encompass multiple government agencies and copious public resources. This also reveals the designs for this plan to be ‘exported’ to numerous international allies, agencies and organizations which fall under the US sphere of influence.
It goes on to state the following:
COVID-19 is the latest example of how biological threats can devastate communities across America and around the world, resulting in millions of deaths and trillions of dollars of economic losses globally.
This false presupposition that it was COVID-19 that wrecked communities and killed millions is slyly inserted in order to create the justification for such a plan. This is classic linguistic subterfuge, distorting the alleged disease with the response to the disease and the mandated policies.
This purposeful diversion is a transparent attempt to hide the fact that the insane collection of COVID-19 policies- from lockdowns, to ‘social distancing’, to masks, to contact-tracing, to PCR tests, to vaccine mandates- were all pseudo-scientific quackery that served to destroy civil society and maimed millions of people.
The Biden administration perpetuates these lies deflecting from the disastrous effects these policies had and are having on the general public. This duplicity also serves to provide cover for the sinister architects of these criminal policies.
This is especially important considering this attempt to turn their COVID-19 policy shipwreck into permanent state policy.
The fact sheet continues:
It builds from a holistic “One Health” approach by interweaving efforts addressing human, animal, plant, and environmental threats throughout.
Appropriating language from the ‘alternative’ health vocabulary, the Biden administration benignly informs us that this Biodefense Strategy will also encompass agricultural and environmental issues.
Far from being “holistic” this “approach”, among other things, is certain to be a boon for Biotech Agribusiness. The likes of the Gates Foundation have long been attempting to secure public funds for their pet projects (both domestic and international) and policy entrenchment towards their desired agricultural monopolies.
According to this doctrine what exactly are we preparing for?
The United States must be prepared for outbreaks from any source – whether naturally occurring, accidental, or deliberate in origin.
No longer will a specifically identifiable ‘threat’ be necessary to justify biosecurity preparations. As it was with shadowy ‘sleeper cells’ there is no need for an actual threat, only a perceived threat or possibly a manufactured threat which, it seems, could arise from anywhere at any given time. Quite convenient. And, most certainly as this will now be a matter of “national security”, the public won’t have a right to know any of the details.
And when?
Prevent outbreaks from becoming epidemics and prevent biological incidents before they happen by: Stopping outbreaks at their source through strengthening global health security.
These “threats” now become completely fungible, defined as anything which could happen anywhere at any given time.
Bringing a slight twist to the notion of pre-crime the Biden administration creates a rationale for deterrence of such events before they happen, based on mere speculation that this will occur some time in the future.
And who’s crystal ball determines where, when and if these outbreaks are likely to occur?
Enable testing within 12 hours, surge tens of thousands of diagnostic tests within one week, and develop rapid diagnostics within 90 days.
As it was with contrived “Covid Cases,” those who hold the handles to the PCR conveyer belt will hold the power to declare another pandemic, and guarantee its illusion, at any time.
What organizations will lead this effort? What is meant by ‘health security?’ We get an inkling of the answers to those questions in the following statements:
The Strategy also builds on USAID’s announcement earlier this year committing $150 million to the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations to accelerate the development of life-saving vaccines and countermeasures against biological threats;
Directing the Intelligence Community to closely monitor the evolving biothreat threat landscape and provide critical and potentially time-sensitive information needed to address naturally occurring, accidental, and deliberate biothreats.
It appears that USAID, the Gates funded CEPI and the CIA, organizations not exactly known for their past performance on public welfare, appear to be expanding their missions into the realm of public health care.
Given the track record of these agencies it is highly unlikely this mission will be focused on improved nutrition and exercise and instead will assuredly be centered on the consolidation of the biosecurity apparatus.
Once past the dubious justifications and questionable cover stories of this “Biodefense Strategy” we get to the heart of the matter in this paragraph:
However, fully achieving these transformative objectives will require the support of Congress to provide additional resources, including the President’s $88 billion request over five years for pandemic preparedness and biodefense. The Administration looks forward to working with Congress to implement this investment strategy to save trillions of dollars and millions of lives.
And who might be wringing their hands in anticipation of these government handouts?
You can bank on it being the same individuals and organizations from Big Pharma and Big Tech who designed and benefited from the calamitous Covid-19 policies.
The crown jewel of the entire program is expressed in the following sentence:
Develop vaccines within 100 days; manufacture enough vaccine for the population of the United States within 130 days; and work with international partners to develop sufficient vaccine supply for high-risk global populations within 200 days.
It is well established that one of Pharma’s primary goals for years has been to eliminate lengthy and costly trials and studies. The’ sunk costs’ of clinical trials and safety studies cut into their profits and greatly slowed the products timeline to market.
With the Biden plan all they have to do is claim there is a pathogen of concern and use “National Security” as an excuse for concealing the evidence. In the blink of an eye all regulatory obstacles have been wiped away, replaced by mRNA platforms for life. As soon as something is deemed “a biosecurity threat” they can pump out the latest mRNA vaccine- publicly funded- and mandate uptake.
To understand the purpose of this “Strategic Plan” there is no need to consult a soothsayer. The translation is simple: money and control, lots of money, to be allocated through government funding, via taxpayer subsidies, to those tasked with “protecting” us.
And social control through the installation of biosecurity mechanisms, under the guise of “protecting public health” as a rationale for this “new economy” and new biosecurity network.
Making sense of the colossal dimensions of this program requires recognition that the objective has always been for the mRNA delivery systems to become Big Pharma’s new cash cow. This program does exactly that by permanently inventing new markets for Bio- Pharmaceuticals.
The idea is to use the mRNA platform as a mechanism against any viral pathogen, real or imagined, get the tech to market and start going down the list.
Governments betrothed to Big Pharma will try to mandate the shots (or short of that, will use every form of coercion available to them) for entire populations using a subscription model for endless mRNA injections.
Every human being on earth, every human body to become human pincushions in order to line the pockets of The Pharma Cartel.
Rather than truly learning the lessons of the past two years the Biden administration is dead set on doubling down on the disastrous COVID-19 policies that have decimated the lives of millions of people across the country while enriching and empowering the very forces that make up the Biosecurity apparatus.
Perhaps there is some other lesson at play.
Michael Bryant is a freelance journalist/activist and researcher who presently focuses primarily on issues surrounding health freedom. His work has appeared on
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The only real world biological threats are the ones Bill and Pfizer want to inject into you.
Yeah,exactly what the system wants you to believe .
ZOG even controlls the “truther” community. Of course ,the biological weapon is the vaccine,the virus don’t even exists. Or if so,then it’s just the common cold,totally harmless…. There is no Fauci funded biological weapon program…
This amnesty/forgiveness line does appear to be a thing.
It’s crafted to appeal to Christians – the elite are trying to turn what they see as a weakness against their enemy. The elite themselves are capable of bearing grudges for centuries. Christian forgiveness, it might be noted, depends for starters on sincere repentance.
Forgot the link:
He come out a winner. The cheapest PR going.
I have always welcomed global warming, and the reduction in air pollution, from where I grew up as a kid on the south side of Oldham. On a clear day, I could see Jodrell Bank, but most of the time even in summer, we rarely got much sunshine, and in the cold winter of 1963, we really did (my brother and me) build an igloo out of snow om our back garden. with blocks of ice windows framed from stuff from our mum’s cooker It was Incredibly cold. All the canals were frozen solid -you could see the fish frozen with them. We didn’t quite have the balls to walk across Crime Lake, cos you can never tell how thick the ice is None of use kids had ice skates or skis Almost completely unheard of in Oldham in 1963 But my son has got them in the attic in our house, and has used them locally, about 12 -15 years ago..when it got incredibly cold for a bit, South of The River Thames, where the best people live. Thanks for posting what I wrote earlier. I have limited patience, especially now, when I have got fat summer flies annoying me now in November. I would like to blame Liz Truss “Its Done”, but I do not think this release of gas -through “us British” bombing the pipes had that much of an effect – though it is incredibly warm for this time of year. I have found my snow grips – fat shoe size, so might still be able to walk to the pub, with my lovely wife – especially next week There is a real good band on If you can predict the future – good luck to you but it seems to rhyme with the past I… Read more »
James A Thorpe, Obstetrician: a few post-vaxx statistics from his article:
Increase in miscarriage 75-fold [NOT 75%; 75 TIMES as many]
Increase in fetal malformation 20-fold
Increase in fetal cardiac disease 16-fold
Increase in Fetal death 38-fold
Increase in fetal growth restriction 25-fold
[I have seen reports that the placenta changes color & texture as a result of the lipid nanoparticles carrying the vaxx into the placenta. The changes make it unable to support the baby.]
The article links to studies.
WHO spent $400 million over 20 years, resulting in a “tetanus vaccine” that affects the hCg hormone necessary to implant the placenta in the uterus wall. -Larry Romanoff, 2020-12
A protein in the covid jab is homologous to hormone syncytin-1 necessary to form the placenta. This may cause female infertility. -Dr. Mike Yeadon, 2020-12-03
Thanks for the info, mgeo. I’ve added it to my file.
And what about the RuSSIan strategy or the Chinese one, go ask them these questions. Otherwise shut up and fuck off!!!
‘administration benignly informs us that this Biodefense Strategy will also encompass agricultural and environmental issues.”
Sounds very like Agenda 2030. What is there that is NOT environmental?
In my view Covid was just Flu Rebranded (on the physical level). The Real Bioweapon was the jabs…but almost the entire world (including me for 3 months) believed the Pandemic was Real. It wasn’t. It was a Massive Psychological Brainwashing Campaign, which the entire world believed, because the evil bastards (mostly American and British) are totally mad..
Salisbury Novichock – Give Me a Break. I Knew that was fake on Day 1 – and posted so on Craig Murray’s blog – since deleted – but to Murray’s credit, he ran with the story and the evidence and wrote it a lot better than i could. I also think Assange is real, though not convinced he spends that much time in jail.
If you think everything is O.K. and its all fake..well continue taking the jabs, and go to the Ukraine on holiday, and pre-book yourself into John O’Looneys funeral parlour in Milton Keynes . You can phone him up. He openly posts his number.
Covid was a massive Brainwash. The Real Bioweapon is The Jabs.
If you don’t believe me. That’s fine. Book yourself in for a Booster.
But stand well clear of me in the pub.
Blow Me Down!
Turns out second in command, the VICE PRESIDENT of The Oathkeepers was an FBI informant! And guess what happened on his way to testify re Jan 6th?
He had a heart attack!
The medical emergency could be virtual (simulated) as in the case of some false-flag incidents.
Given that an insurrection involves the violent overthrow of a government it seems quite an oversight on the part of all the insurrectionists to forget to bring their guns.
Off topic but regarding “history” as presented by the Western media, spoof site Encyclopaedia of Decency has it nailed:
What is “History” as presented in the Western media? It is, ironically (or perhaps not?), the history of the Nazi Party.
Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State
I am incapable of trudging through the moral instruction of these phony personalised stories that start with “consider Jimi Olaghere, a tech entrepreneur who suffered from sickle cell anemia for his entire life….” so I skipped to the end and found the last paragraph most instructive:
“This is biology’s century. Medical miracles are going to keep emerging.”
The now familiar arrogant prophecy.
“But biology isn’t fair, or predictable, or easy to understand.”
A warning. This is not really about you and indeed you can expect a shafting.
“To take advantage of what is about to happen — indeed, to make sure that new technologies do more good than harm — we need better evidence.”
See? This is “about to happen”. No doubt about it. And you better get used to it! But – just to soften you a bit, we’ll stick in that bit about “good” and “harm” and the bit about “evidence” is to reassure you that we are constantly open minded. (We’re not!)
“It’s not just that we need to do what we are doing better.”
See? We are not going to stop what we are doing. We are going to keep on.
“We, as a society, will need to change our understanding of what is true and what is not.”
Oh dear! Now this is coming uncomfortably close to spilling the beans. Our very sense of truth “must change”!
“The world’s going to be transformed — we can’t let our thinking about it fall behind.”
You must get with the programme. You have no choice!
How do I upgrade from Read Only Mode?
Can’t find anything from you in SPAM or pending, other than a comment saying simply ‘delete’. Very sorry about that. A2
I tried login into wordpress and using a different browser, and it worked.
So probably my fault.
I will be quiet now.
I will be quiet now.
Do your job, slave.
Bring back Sophie Green A1
At least she/he had some style, and I could chat with her after midnight, re why she had deleted everything I had written, whilst accusing me of not having a wife, children, grandkids, cats, garden or frogs.
She said – That’s not a photo of your Frog – as if I was claiming it was, whilst accusing me of stalking her…I mean come on. I had just googled Sophie Green – a a girl (well then) who had done some fantastic photos, and got them published in the Guardian. I never had any evidence that it was the same person working for Off Guardian, and I don’t think it was – but I could be wrong
Dungroanin, who is probably Intelligence Services too (never met him)
says to me – Once Guardian – Off Guardian – still the same
He was not impressed with you, but he knew me from years ago
I think you are all Intelligence Services of some kind being funded by the likes of Soros, British Government, MI5, MI6 – you just present yourselves as being on the other side.
Whilst I have an open mind. Have never worked for any of these people or organisations, nor any strong political views
I just don’t like War, Lies, Corruption nor Mass Genocide
you guys apparently feed on it, but are probably brainwashed yourselves…
First to go – Old People like me, who challenge your point of view, or would if you posted anything I wrote.
Not impressed,
‘This false presupposition that it was COVID-19 that wrecked communities and killed millions is slyly inserted in order to create the justification for such a plan. This is classic linguistic subterfuge…’
Interestingly enough,, of all places, as in National Hockey League, always made the distinction, always saying of canceled games, say, ‘due to precautions taken in response to the coronavirus.’ Obviously they have an editor of some stature in charge.
“Every human being on earth, every human body to become human pincushions in order to line the pockets of The Pharma Cartel. Rather than truly learning the lessons of the past two years the Biden administration is dead set on doubling down on the disastrous COVID-19 policies that have decimated the lives of millions of people across the country while enriching and empowering the very forces that make up the Biosecurity apparatus.”
This is their psychopathic agenda to create a “biosecurity” state whereby the global billionaire overlords control the narrative and make it easier for them to: kill maim, cripple and alter humanity while making obscene profits and exerting ever more control over our lives in their Brave New World Order (Great Reset). Now its via Executive Order but soon it will be with the full cooperation of the bought and paid for Congress just like after 9-11 with the PATRIOT ACT, NDAA and the massive “security” state apparatus.
Be prepared for a full court press of fear porn, lies and propaganda about invisible germs microbes, pathogens and pandemics lurking in our environment just waiting to do us in unless we allow Big Daddy to save us from not only this but the planet’s “environmental crisis”.
Sadly many will fall for the okey-doke and flim-flam because our brains have been turned to mush via social media.
The United Nations must be prepared for resistance from any member – …
They’re at it again, funeral director John O Looney 🥲
rO LJohn O’looney is my hero.
Best video he has done. Straight to the heart of the core.
Also Mike Yeadon – who has contributed to a book just released – it’s enormous. Not read it yet – just skimmed its got photos and evidence of the crimes of the criminals.
“Heroes and Villains – The COVID-19 Book of Lists”
My wife attended a funeral yesterday. I didn’t go.
There is only so much death of the jabbed I can take.
I have run out of tears.
When the military run the healthcare system:
Keith Farmer dead at 35: Tributes paid to four-time British motorcycle champion after shock sudden passing | The Sun
Meanwhile, one of the conspirators behind this epidemic of government murder in the name of healthcare – the former Health Secretary Matt C*ntcock who stands accused of many very serious crimes including genocide by playing a key role in the creation of a Covid death wave via pre-meditated mass extermination of thousands of care home residents using Midazolam which he personally played a role in ordering if my memory serves me correctly – plus a lot of other clearly illegal, immoral, unlawful, unethical behaviour and abuses of power constituting the most serious criminal acts from a man who is demonstrably possessed by evil – is laughing in the face of the British public as shown by his shameless and offensive appearance on the show that shall remain nameless, in the jungle in Australia (of all places – he probably goes down like a storm among the mentally ill evil scumbags running Australia) – being sucked up by the scum in the media. All scripted rubbish – this is like some IIA OPERATION on steroids – the military not only running the healthcare system, but the media as well. Same as it ever was.
Just out of interest – has anyone yet seen any footage of the “battle for Kherson”?
Once again I mean real footage of an actual battle.
You all do remember what real war footage looks like? Or has that gone down the Memory Hole along with what real pandemics look like?
Anyone seen any real footage of a real battle for Kherson?
Or any evidence there’s a real war going on at all?
Because I haven’t.
Frankly I’m giving up, because no one is interested in reality any more.
We are in a situation where you all believe there’s a war just because the media tell you. I’ve pointed up the total absence of even the usual basic evidence it’s actually happening, & no one cares. Not OG, Not Waggaman, NO ONE.
This is alt media 101! If this doesn’t deserve investigation what fucking does?
No, in the end you’re all just picking what fantasy you want to live.
Just fuck off
“What you post above about the Ukraine Dog and Pony Show is a given. Can one suggest practical ways to counter it? This is what happens when mass murdering pathological liars and psychopaths control the asylum.”
try this:
Firstly, this is Azovstal not Kherson.
Secondly, what do you think you are seeing here?
I see a propaganda film. The same type we’ve seen since the “war” started. I see some destroyed buildings with no context. I see talking heads with a message to sell. I see “local people” being interviewed. I see the filmmaker talking about death & horror. But all we see are some destroyed buildings.
Both “sides” are pumping out this stuff, trying to make it look like something is happening when it clearly isn’t.
Azovstal was a disused steel plant they fire bombed & will no doubt get a lot of money from eventually “rebuilding”.
Similar to Mariupol where both “sides” shelled & burned all the clapped out Soviet apartment buildings preparatory to everyone getting fat contacts to rebuild (which they’re already doing!)
This “war” has no shortage of smashed buildings (some obviously long derelict). But zero evidence of actual war.
FIND ME A SINGLE piece of footage of the huge “battle” for Kherson that’s just supposed to have ended,
Hell, I’m still waiting to see evidence the actual Russian army is even present in Donbass in battle-ready numbers!
All the video we get shown shows only ancient Soviet & unmarked hardware & middle aged guys in clapped out gear who are obviously DPR militia.
Wake up to the con trick people! It’s staring you in the face
I have some sympathy in your point of view. Everything can be faked, unless you are actually there, and survived the bombs destroying all the homes around you. Personally, I think the war is real as are the jabs at killing people. I could be wrong, but the evidence is strong.
It’s possible the Americans landed on the moon, but I don’t believe it, though I used to.
Please provide some footage of a “real war”; just so we know what it looks like. However, it needs to be in the current era – with real-time satellite communications; GPS guided drones and munitions; light-weight SAMS and anti-tank missile systems; etc.
Don’t try to push your ridiculous “modern warfare doesn’t need troops” BS. No one advances that ridiculous idea but you, & it just shows you have no grasp of the science of warfare.
How do you take a town with “lightweight SAMS” & “guided drones”?
How do you occupy a town with drones?
You need men on the ground, you idiot, that hasn’t magically become not true just to fit your fantasy.
Bottom line — there are at conservative estimate 50,000 Russian troops allegedly engaged in Donbass. Similar numbers of Ukies.
Where the fuck are they?
How do you take a town . . . with GPS guided munitions plus a relatively small force of mechanized infantry that’s well trained, well equipped and supported by quality intelligence?
It just happened!
The crossing was struck again on 29 August amid reports of a Ukrainian counteroffensive, and strikes continued on the bridge and crossing throughout the closing days of August.[19] By early September, Russian authorities said the bridge would be impassable for cars for weeks.[20]
11 Nov: Victory. Kherson Counteroffensive Completed
Reporting from Ukraine
Dear RPR, you are right and many of us spread the word.
You seem to want more; I can empathise with that, I often feel frustrated that something so obvious is generally being ignored e.g. the virus fraud.
All we can do is keep raising the issues and pointing out the lack of evidence and flawed thinking.
I’m not saying that it will necessarily change anything, but what else should we do?
Russian forces battle NATZO mercenaries on front in Lugansk on the LPR.
DPR troops take out Kiev regime troops hiding in drainage pipes:
DPR tanks destroy and capture Kiev regime fortified position near Pavlovka:
Russian Lancet drone destroys US-supplied M777 howitzer:
Russian Lancet drone hunts down a Kiev-regime Grad launcher:
Lancet drone takes out entire squad of NATZO proxies:
Russian Uragans pound NATZO proxy positions:
Russian Ka-52 precision strike takes out Kiev-regime armored vehicle:
Russia strikes out US “MaxxPro” fighting vehicle:
Evidence of destruction, suffering and death; but I agree with you: It’s not a war, it’s an SMO (Special Military Operation). The real war with NATZO will come after Russia has completed this SMO.
Inside the US’s new “bio-defense strategy” reminds me of never forgetting how the rona showed us how so many people were in fact even dumber then we thought,,,,,
He came in dead first.
Pennsylvania state rep. candidate “Green Party’s Queonia “Zarah” Livingston” was dealt a crushing blow by losing to a deceased candidate. Election will be run again at a later date
“Ah yes the old Vote for the Dead Guy phenomena. DeLuca carried the graveyard vote. The norm in Sham Democracy USA.”
They never ever tire of their number magick:
$473m? 4+7 = 11 then 11 x 3 = 33, the highest publically revealed degree in Freemasonry.
Or… 4 x 7 = 28 then 2 x 8 = 16 then 16 + 3 = 19 then 1 x 9 = 9. OMG! 9 is a result of 3 x 3… 33 again! 🤯. Clear evidence of manipulation and deceit by the Freemason overlords.
yep Freemasons only play cards, and eat sandwiches, everyone know that!
The disabled folk I work with have all been lined up for their new jabs. Not that they were given a choice. Their carers are “looking after them”. Note how it was the vulnerable who were always the first targeted for these “rescue” strategies thus making them the first on the firing line.
Now isn’t that the ultimate evil? Not merely to kill or to kill the most vulnerable. But to use everyone’s natural compassion FOR the vulnerable as a means to kill the vulnerable.
One of the oldest tricks in the world. How Parasites Zombify their Hosts through Mind Control:
Protecting the elderly and venerable by placing DNR on there medical file with out there knowledge.
This is why the US proposed to include FAO, OIE and UNEP into the IHR amendments earlier this year.
The blueprint to cement the biosecurity state with a ‘One Health’ approach is not only policy in the US – an infrastructure on UN, EU, national, professional and research levels is allready in place.
It includes genomic surveillance of people, food supply chains, and the environment.
I get the impression that a narrative is being prepared to increase fears of a bird flue ‘pandemic’ – that will force farmers to kill of their livestock. And additionally that there are ‘risks’ that this animal ‘contagion’ will jump to humans.
See here for more info:
”One Health” – Where Biosecurity Meets Agenda 2030
A blueprint for taking over food chains and natural areas in the name of public health
The hydra is now blabbering about an anti-herpes drug. Another contribution to the new pharma-capitalism.
The politicians of the virus cult (and the climate cult) all belong in prison forever, as there are no disease-causing viruses, i.e. there has never been a pandemic and there never will be. They just want an excuse to endlessly inject everyone toxic hazardous waste of the pharmaceutical mafia.
Watch: Viruses don’t exist – and
Fear mongering combined with costly -fake- healing powers is an ancient vice amongst Homo sapiens tribes. Top choice of shamans and druids, assisted by the placebo effect and slower natural healing by the immune system.
That was without Internet, when maybe 1% saw through this scam: now it is ~ 10%.
The article says this is all for money and control. How about depopulation (mass murder) through the injection of amplifiers for RF from 5G? There are photos and videos – of uncertain provenance – suggesting self-assembling objects in a drop of the jab at room temperature. Yet, all the sceptics and dissident scientists – including Stefano Scoglio in a recent article here – seem ambivalent or disinterested in this.
The one thing you can say about epidemics (or pandemics) is that they’re like drought in California — long experience tells us that when its wet its merely the interval between droughts.
Humans are incurable optimists, especially if there’s profit involved, so time and again we find vulnerable populations living in places where commonsense would suggest they shouldn’t. They kick up a hell of a fuss when you try to tell them that living by a Florida seashore (for example) isn’t a good idea, its the overbearing hand of government getting in the way of their freedom. Its the same with public health. As soon as a danger is past everyone forgets about the lessons learned (and who do these ‘officials’ think they are to say otherwise?).
(This is why investing isn’t our strong suit. Unless we get immediate, solid and continuing returns then we’re just not interested. We pluck from the tree, we don’t plant and tend.)
Are you sure you are posting this where you intend to? This is the off-guardian not theguardian. Don’t they give you some kind of tests when joining the 77th to make sure you are not visually impaired or dyslectic?
the tree is designed in a symbiotic relationship. if i eat the seed and poop it out, it germinates the next tree. have i been fooled by waster ‘treatment’ or is that because we are now all bio-filters for AL and CU mining?
Operation Covid is over when it stops working.
While Biden’s menders use Covid and Ukraine war to up corporate profits, Xi Jinping uses Lockdowns to tackle any other power centers other than his own in country, including foreign MNCs.
Different variants of power misuse, but locked down Chinese suffer most, to the extent that some go insane. Mao’s calculus: when having 1000 million pawns, losing 10 or 100 million is no biggy. Xi is Mao 2.0.
This isn’t about profit- it’s about stealthily depopulating us. The globalists already revealed their methods 40 years ago. Attali denies making this quote but it’s true even if he never said it out loud:
“We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the big, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.
We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done by themselves: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own. “
Depopulation is the real agenda. The decision of the CDC to add the clot shots to the childrens already long list is quite astonishing in it’s boldness and in the passivity of the population in not questioning it.
they want US to bury our dead this time. apparently they CAN smell…
It’s so 9/11 / terrorists playbook bollocks that any sane person with a modicum of intelligence can tell what these criminals are up to. They are the biggest threat to all of us living on this small planet.
I think it’s the Big Pharma Administration, not the Biden administration. And I’m personally going to send a letter to the Government Complaint Department. I recommend everyone do that.
That is like writing to your MP. Somebody compared that to farting in the wind.
Writing to an MP is ultimate bollocks, talking to one is a mark your a blooming time wasting idiot.
Iain Davies recommends writing to your MP.
And their complaints officer is Hell N. Wait.
Boston University terrorists have already made a new and deadlier Lab RNA version of our dear Wuhan Lab RNA version, so it’s just a matter of time they will release it to the Wild Civilization…
From the study:
To summarize, the mice were euthanized if they exhibited any 4 of a list of mostly subjective “symptoms” (the majority of which are unrelated to “COVID”) after being exposed to a probably toxic “inoculation” and unnecessary anesthesia. (Anesthesia for an intranasal inoculation??) No control experiment was performed to rule out the anesthesia as the cause of the “symptoms”.
These euthanized mice were counted towards the “80% kill rate” of their alleged “modified COVID virus”. (A claim which is itself problematic, as you cannot modify a virus that does not exist…)
It is a crap study designed to drum up fear of biological weapons.
Full breakdown here:
Well… you sound just like a GOVidiot!
They’ve spent the last 3 years using crap study(ies) to impose OPERATION COVIDIUS tools, including the “drums of fear”, can’t see why they won’t use this one also to keep it up!
Where in my comment did i suggest anything different?
Bio labs can’t, and will never will, hold a candle to the junk food, alcohol and tobacco labs. They have caused the deaths of tens of millions of people through their insidious, legal toxins.
See the enemy. It’s in your hands.
“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” —Samuel Beckett What an inspiration the powers that shouldn’t be truly are. Whether incompetence becomes insanity, or simply is used to cover for immorality, it’s not enough that tried and failed policy and practice be repeated, ad nauseam. No, incompetence, insanity, immorality, and whatever other plague of lies and death might prove profitable to power must be institutionalized. In the same way the 911 war of terror developed preemptive and preventive doctrine of warfare, so the war of bioterror advances its versions on domestic terror and enemy populations. The lesson to be learned is that any failure of the covid coup to convince you actual life-threatening assaults on public health and the body politic, from lockdown to vaxxination, are for your welfare will be rectified by centralized coordination of the new abnormal. Whatever the deficiencies of the police state, these will be reformed by prescreening populations in all manner of submission to digital and biotech colonization of the species. Are you, Citizen, possibly suffering from “oppositional defiance disorder” – as conjured by the DSM to serve the DHS in throwing the dragnet wide over whoever is the extremist du jour? Right this way to your daily dose of soma to biologically lobotomize you in the privacy of your own home under house arrest. Medicalizing and pathologizing normality had long been big bizzness under the old abnormal. That so many already have adapted to psychosomatic prisons privately managed by the Pharmafia as “better living through chemistry” just makes it that much easier to institutionalize the new eugenics. Most chilling of all, perhaps, is the institutionalization of the Health Advanced Research Projects Agency, HARPA. Yes, Citizen, now you may rest secure in the other arm of the the national insecurity state, counterpart to DARPA to better coordinate… Read more »
New, fake, pandemics are part of the gameplan, as are the “disastrous” countermeasures.
Stuff like this could be compounded because, apparently, nurses have decided to go on strike:
Probably not surprising to many people in here, the decision was actually made by a union:
They just called for a nationwide strike a couple weeks ago, and now the Royal College of Nursing has decided to strike?
Something doesn’t smell like grass roots to me. Smells more like a central authority making a decision for many.
Are they sincere? Or, maybe a ploy to spur more people to strike? Maybe, to get people to jump on board, so that the government can declare them a threat to the economy and then impose enslavement style oppression like Canada?
“Safe Staffing” is a red flag for me. It sounds more like persuasion. Is it supposed to sell the idea that fake de-novo covid is a threat to humanity and nursing isn’t safe?
Is the 0.5% fatality rate from asymptomatic phony covid too much?
It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out, but I suspect that it ends in favor of the agenda and not the people.
The trade unions actions during the scamdemic shows they are controlled by the deep state.
Or zealous, ambition driven union bosses with political lust.
They want us gone. We are their “burden”. They will do anything to erase their crimes.
We are the control group.
Yet to meet an unvaccinated person that regrets not taking the jab.
Quite the contrary for our jabbed cousins, who repeatedly declare their vaccination regret…
We just need to wait for the deployment of the mRNA quadrivalent FLU jab!
Imagine these modern moron slaves receiving one miracle mRNA toxic spew jab for PCR kit label “COVID” and another one for FLU?
Very likely given everything we now know.
Their likely plans: I would say next there will be a new bio weapon released soon. They can then add to the blame list for the final controlled collapse of the economy, (they caused by their years of plunder) possibly then bail ins, a new bio weopan injection for the released bio weopan. Civil unrest, power cuts and social collapse, famine caused by total financial wipeouts of savings, pensions and deliberately created food, fuel shortages, ‘green’ land/crop grabs, trade freeze ups.
Then Martial law and full control. After that I think we know what likely follows. Of course there are a number of options at their disposal and selection of and order of depends on timing, circumstances, pushback etc but I reckon most of the above.
On the plus side all the above is going to be difficult to pull off – even with a now still largely oblivious public. But alot of pain before the criminals ultimate downfall.
Not sure when people will finally get it…they do not need to release anything…they only need to set the media off…any flu, cold or maybe injection reaction will do…and before 2020 I understand there were about 6 events a year many had…people are so keen to own an illness…part of the conditioning of years now…comparing symptoms etc…add a dodgy test or 2 and away one goes..
And the noose continues to tighten. Thank you for the article Mr Bryant, I’d say a fairly comprehensive assessment of the reality behind the Minitruth bullshit.
And speaking of Minitruth, this following is a public safety announcement for the Australians here, and in particular the people who missed this article.
The disappointing thing about this article is that they maintain that our health and medical apparatus will be in the hands of the Government, and that it’s going to be all 1984 and what not.
There’s no doubt that it’ll be 1984 and what not, but I can tell you now the one thing the Government will not be doing is making up it’s own health and medical policies.
For those at the back of the room, Australia’s health and medical policies will be dictated by Pfizer and the like, not any politician or un-elected bureaucrat.
So, once again and in answering the question about who’s going to be in charge;
Pfizer is the correct answer.
Ten lessons learned from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic:
1. There was no disease based pandemic
2. There was a PCR ‘test’ based pandemic that led (through absolute moronic decisions and through deliberately created hysteria) to a
3. Vaccine based pandemic (definitely leading to disease)
4. Giving an old disease a new name does not define a new disease
5. Medicine is a scam
6. Scientists cannot be trusted
7. The media is a lie
8. Wir haben es nicht gewusst is a mental state that is far far far more to be preferred than the mental state of people who, after almost 3 years of lie after lie, still prefer to know nothing over the truth on so called COVID-19.
9. People (not all people, but far more people than I ever thought) find fascism, apartheid and mental slavery not particularly horrible.
10. Doctors who fell for the covid lie are absolute morons and dangerous for other people’s health.
Willem, there’s also a number 11:
11.The Biosecurity Centre UK and the authorities were also aware that once Convid was initiated it would be accompanied by outbreaks of psychogenic illness which would also be included and labelled as “Covid-19”.
The PCR test was arguably the worst of the weapons.
It seems so reasonable to ask you to take a test to see if you have the dreaded lurgy. Why would anyone refuse such a request ?
With it’s potential for mass DNA collection, possible deliberate infection via the test itself, obedience training but worst of all, normalising “testing”.
They can turn this on and off whenever they like and most will prick up their ears as if responding to the ring of Pavlov’s bell.
I have members of my family now BUYING the kits themselves and testing several times a week.
Apologies. I shouted…
Locally The TV is encouraging us to ask “R U OK ?” if we see someone behaving strangely, Are we being encouraged to function as a cog in The Total Surveillance State ? Neighborhood Watch in the Spirit of Neighborliness.; and at that time of the year when kids are being reminded that they may not get the Christmas present they wished for because someone (Mum? Dad ?) snitched on them.
Big Brother Is Watching You !
“So. You’d better watchout, you’d better not cry
someone will report if you’re naughty not nice.”
I’m just wondering when doctors will wake up. They must have witnessed the rise in severe vaxx side-effects, miscarriages, cancer, excess deaths, etc, since the roll-out of these shots.
When will they say enough is enough? Are they universally forced to accept these vaxxes for themselves? So long as they’re exempt, they will continue to jab, jab, jab I guess.
This might help explain (not excuse) why more doctors haven’t spoken out:
The arsenal of weapons they’ve deployed to keep doctors on the reservation has been formidible.
That may have been true then.
Today, I believe, it’s because med students are the most bullied and brainwashed students who logically then become the most authoritarian professionals.
Doctors do not have the time or interest (because of unpaid time) for delving into a deeper understanding of health or the political drivers behind their practice.
And, of course, they’ve been conditioned into accepting higher up authority.
There are even studies about which university faculty is the most bullied on campus – the medical faculty!
Blind belief equates to religious fervour imo.
‘When will they say enough is enough’
They will say that the patient unfortunately developed disease a, b, x,y,z because of premorbid conditions. They will blame the victim and not the ‘treatment’.
Doctors always do this if something doesn’t work in the way they like it to work. It’s part of their routine. When someone gets better, it’s because of doctor’s treatments. When someone does not, it’s called ‘bad luck.’
They will not notice the stupidity of their routine because they are stupid.
Doctors won’t “wake up”. The money they make ensures they will remain subdued. Quivering, spineless jellyfish the lot of them.
Australian pollies across the board are in bed with the jab companies and the voodoo PCR
Oh Biden and “biodefense”. It’s just so fucking obvious that the ever present militaristic fearmongering protection racket thumping has been transferred from “the foreign menace” to “the deadly bugs” which everyone knows will be lined up on an ever revolving conveyer belt (much as the old foreigners were). And as if to prove it: “… national biopreparedness … biological threats our Nation faces.” etc. Note that it is not the population or the people that is the focus of concern here but “our Nation”. “…there are profound disagreements on what lessons were actually learned from the raft of disastrous COVID-19 policies enacted over the past two and a half years.” And again – Oh come on! There never were “lessons to be learned”, not from Covid and not from any of the multitude of handy catastrophes previously. And there never were “disastrous” policies anywhere i.e. every policy achieved what it was supposed to achieve. And if it looks disastrous then disaster is what it aimed at. And the further aim “to detect, prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from biological incidents” makes sense as long as you realise that the “biological incidents” referred to are precisely ourselves. We are the virus. Therefore all is reversed. Covid – to be more precise (since covid is a mere Pavlovian noise), the “series of protections against covid” – is the weapon used against us. Thus “the alleged disease” and “the response to the disease” are the same thing. Now all of the above should be recognised as “old hat” now. This is the most basic reality behind the Covid project. The relatively new aspect is that “holistic “One Health” approach” that interweaves “efforts addressing human, animal, plant, and environmental threats throughout” and which “encompass(es) agricultural and environmental issues”. This was the associative… Read more »
I’m with George. When are you people going to start treating them like the active & purposeful threats to your life, liberty, and property that they are and not the bumbling, incompetent, corrupt officials you’d like them to be. This was a whole operation and it went off basically without a hitch—insofar as that’s possible with these things. Naïveté gives them extra time and space to work. We must hate them and prepare defenses.
Not defense….sure way to lose.
I consider them in that way and I am very vocal about it. I mention it all the time, to family, friends and in certain groups, but I am met with silence or hostility. Apart from the masses being so thick, many of them are dependent on the state whether via benefits or employment. They love Big Brother. It’s kind of maddening. I can see how it could easily turn an awake, yet unbalanced person insane.
But even though it’s a completely alienating way of life (thankfully I have my girlfriend who is equally awake), I will never shut up!
Good comment.
I’d say your point about the actual ‘lessons learned’, as noted by CAF, was alluded to in the last line.
What many still don’t quite grasp, and I include many of the ‘Sceptics’, is that Covid-19 was a plan with specific and multiple policy objectives.
Full marks for that Maxwell, many of those “multiple policy objectives” have already been discussed and some have already been achieved by the criminals using their silent weapons, which a fair proportion of us who post here are aware of.
However, I have to keep on repeating that most people here are reluctant to put forward possible peaceful practical suggestions to resolve the problems we still have to face as the rest of the plan’s “policy objectives” begin to materialize. It may be a useful topic for discussion as to why people are reluctant to do just that.
One reason has already been suggested namely, “it’s not the place”.
Well, it is and has been the place for everything else that has been and is still discussed, which includes the righteous anger and the verbal vials of wrath that have already been poured out on the criminal perpetrators of the Convid scam and the NWO agenda, so why not suggestions regarding viable practical peaceful solutions to the problems that still remain and are also in the woodwork? It certainly beats me why not! What say you??
It is not really “the Biden administration” that is doing any of this. The Biden administration consists of people who can barely manage reading a teleprompter, much less planning anything. And I realize you are well aware of just that. It’s only a minor quibble, but when anything I read says that Biden, or Trump, DID anything I can’t help but correct that and say nope, the planning is way above their pay grade. They may implement this crap, but they do control one bit of it.
Should be do not control any of it.
Yes, very much like neocon agenda instituted by the G.W. Bush administration. He had a ruling class agenda to implement, that’s why the elections of 2000 and 2004 were stolen. Just like now with the 2022 Midterm election, when 75% of polled Americans think the country is heading in the wrong direction, the Party leading that direction, contrary to all the pollsters, was able to “fend off a major red wave” of voters voting for the other party (If there’s a “major red wave” and the D’s still “win” then something foul is up).
Hence, the Biden administration has a ruling class agenda to implement and they are not done yet…
There in lies the danger to the rest of us living on this planet. Their ignorance and criminal incompetence may well end in a nuclear conflagration.
“The Best Defense is a Good Offense.”
“The War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Oligarch Mobster Psycho Nazis are the disease.”
“Shut down Pfizer and the rest of Pharma-Con Racket. Help free the World of Nasty Viroids.”
Is this next door to the wet market .?
up the road from nukes storage facilitators in which the nasty jihadist commies ira baddies want to take away our freedoms.