How the US Government is Waging War on its Veterans
John Whitehead
>“For soldiers … coming home is more lethal than being in combat.”Brené Brown, research professor at the University of Houston
The US government is still waging war on America’s military veterans.Especially veterans who exercise their First Amendment right to speak out against government wrongdoing.
Consider: we raise our young people on a steady diet of militarism and war, sell them on the idea that defending freedom abroad by serving in the military is their patriotic duty, then when they return home, bruised and battle-scarred and committed to defending their freedoms at home, we often treat them like criminals merely for exercising those rights they risked their lives to defend.
As first reported by the Wall Street Journal, the government even has a name for its war on America’s veterans: Operation Vigilant Eagle.
This Department of Homeland Security (DHS) program tracks military veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan and characterizes them as extremists and potential domestic terrorist threats because they may be “disgruntled, disillusioned or suffering from the psychological effects of war.”
Coupled with the DHS’ dual reports on Rightwing and Leftwing “Extremism,” which broadly define extremists as individuals, military veterans and groups “that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely,” these tactics bode ill for anyone seen as opposing the government.
Yet the government is not merely targeting individuals who are voicing their discontent so much as it is taking aim at individuals trained in military warfare.
Don’t be fooled by the fact that the DHS has gone extremely quiet about Operation Vigilant Eagle.
Where there’s smoke, there’s bound to be fire.
And the government’s efforts to target military veterans whose views may be perceived as “anti-government” make clear that something is afoot.
In recent years, military servicemen and women have found themselves increasingly targeted for surveillance, censorship, threatened with incarceration or involuntary commitment, labeled as extremists and/or mentally ill, and stripped of their Second Amendment rights.
In light of the government’s efforts to lay the groundwork to weaponize the public’s biomedical data and predict who might pose a threat to public safety based on mental health sensor data (a convenient means by which to penalize certain “unacceptable” social behaviors), encounters with the police could get even more deadly, especially if those involved have a mental illness or disability coupled with a military background.
Incredibly, as part of a proposal introduced under the Trump Administration, a new government agency HARPA (a healthcare counterpart to the Pentagon’s research and development arm DARPA) will take the lead in identifying and targeting “signs” of mental illness or violent inclinations among the populace by using artificial intelligence to collect data from Apple Watches, Fitbits, Amazon Echo and Google Home.
These tactics are not really new.
Many times throughout history in totalitarian regimes, such governments have declared dissidents mentally ill and unfit for society as a means of rendering them disempowering them.
For example, government officials in the Cold War-era Soviet Union often used psychiatric hospitals as prisons in order to isolate political prisoners from the rest of society, discredit their ideas, and break them physically and mentally through the use of electric shocks, drugs and various medical procedures.
This age-old practice by which despotic regimes eliminate their critics or potential adversaries by declaring them mentally ill and locking them up in psychiatric wards for extended periods of time is a common practice in present-day China.
What is particularly unnerving, however, is how this practice of eliminating or undermining potential critics, including military veterans, is happening with increasing frequency in the United States.
Remember, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) opened the door for the government to detain as a threat to national security anyone viewed as a troublemaker. According to government guidelines for identifying domestic extremists—a word used interchangeably with terrorists—technically, anyone exercising their First Amendment rights in order to criticize the government qualifies.
It doesn’t take much anymore to be flagged as potentially anti-government in a government database somewhere—Main Core, for example—that identifies and tracks individuals who aren’t inclined to march in lockstep to the government’s dictates.
In fact, as the Washington Post reports, communities are being mapped and residents assigned a color-coded threat score—green, yellow or red—so police are forewarned about a person’s potential inclination to be a troublemaker depending on whether they’ve had a career in the military, posted a comment perceived as threatening on Facebook, suffer from a particular medical condition, or know someone who knows someone who might have committed a crime.
The case of Brandon Raub is a prime example of Operation Vigilant Eagle in action.
Raub, a 26-year-old decorated Marine, actually found himself interrogated by government agents about his views on government corruption, arrested with no warning, labeled mentally ill for subscribing to so-called “conspiratorial” views about the government, detained against his will in a psych ward for standing by his views, and isolated from his family, friends and attorneys. Within days of Raub being seized and forcibly held in a VA psych ward, news reports started surfacing of other veterans having similar experiences.
“Oppositional defiance disorder” (ODD) is another diagnosis being used against veterans who challenge the status quo. As journalist Anthony Martin explains, an ODD diagnosis
“denotes that the person exhibits ‘symptoms’ such as the questioning of authority, the refusal to follow directions, stubbornness, the unwillingness to go along with the crowd, and the practice of disobeying or ignoring orders. Persons may also receive such a label if they are considered free thinkers, nonconformists, or individuals who are suspicious of large, centralized government… At one time the accepted protocol among mental health professionals was to reserve the diagnosis of oppositional defiance disorder for children or adolescents who exhibited uncontrollable defiance toward their parents and teachers.”
That the government is using the charge of mental illness as the means by which to immobilize (and disarm) these veterans is diabolical. With one stroke of a magistrate’s pen, these veterans are being declared mentally ill, locked away against their will, and stripped of their constitutional rights.
If it were just being classified as “anti-government,” that would be one thing.
Unfortunately, anyone with a military background and training is also now being viewed as a heightened security threat by police who are trained to shoot first and ask questions later.
Feeding this perception of veterans as ticking time bombs in need of intervention, the Justice Department launched a pilot program in 2012 aimed at training SWAT teams to deal with confrontations involving highly trained and often heavily armed combat veterans.
The result?
Police encounters with military veterans often escalate very quickly into an explosive and deadly situation, especially when SWAT teams are involved.
For example, Jose Guerena, a Marine who served in two tours in Iraq, was killed after an Arizona SWAT team kicked open the door of his home during a mistaken drug raid and opened fire.
Thinking his home was being invaded by criminals, Guerena told his wife and child to hide in a closet, grabbed a gun and waited in the hallway to confront the intruders. He never fired his weapon. In fact, the safety was still on his gun when he was killed.
The SWAT officers, however, not as restrained, fired 70 rounds of ammunition at Guerena—23 of those bullets made contact. Apart from his military background, Guerena had had no prior criminal record, and the police found nothing illegal in his home.
John Edward Chesney, a 62-year-old Vietnam veteran, was killed by a SWAT team allegedly responding to a call that the Army veteran was standing in his San Diego apartment window waving what looked like a semi-automatic rifle.
SWAT officers locked down Chesney’s street, took up positions around his home, and fired 12 rounds into Chesney’s apartment window. It turned out that the gun Chesney reportedly pointed at police from three stories up was a “realistic-looking mock assault rifle.”
Ramon Hooks’ encounter with a Houston SWAT team did not end as tragically, but it very easily could have. Hooks, a 25-year-old Iraq war veteran, was using an air rifle gun for target practice outside when a Homeland Security Agent, allegedly house shopping in the area, reported him as an active shooter.
It wasn’t long before the quiet neighborhood was transformed into a war zone, with dozens of cop cars, an armored vehicle and heavily armed police. Hooks was arrested, his air rifle pellets and toy gun confiscated, and charges filed against him for “criminal mischief.”
Given the government’s increasing view of veterans as potential domestic terrorists, it makes one think twice about government programs encouraging veterans to include a veterans designation on their drivers’ licenses and ID cards.
Hailed by politicians as a way to “make it easier for military veterans to access discounts from retailers, restaurants, hotels and vendors across the state,” it will also make it that much easier for the government to identify and target veterans who dare to challenge the status quo.
Remember: no one is spared in a police state.
Eventually, as I make clear in Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, we all suffer the same fate.
It stands to reason that if the government can’t be bothered to abide by its constitutional mandate to respect the citizenry’s rights—whether it’s the right to be free from government surveillance and censorship, the right to due process and fair hearings, the right to be free from roadside strip searches and militarized police, or the right to peacefully assemble and protest and exercise our right to free speech—then why should anyone expect the government to treat our nation’s veterans with respect and dignity?
Certainly, veterans have enough physical and psychological war wounds to overcome without adding the government to the mix.
Although the U.S. boasts more than 20 million veterans who have served in World War II through the present day, large numbers of veterans are impoverished, unemployed, traumatized mentally and physically, struggling with depression, suicide, and marital stress, homeless, subjected to sub-par treatment at clinics and hospitals, and left to molder while their paperwork piles up within Veterans Administration offices.
At least 60,000 veterans died by suicide between 2008 and 2017.
On average, 6,000 veterans kill themselves every year. However, a recent study suggests that the rate of suicide among veterans may be more than double what federal officials report annually.
The plight of veterans today—and their treatment at the hands of the U.S. government—remains America’s badge of shame.
Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His book Battlefield America: The War on the American People (SelectBooks, 2015) is available online at Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected]
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the americans have always abused their military – just as they abuse the rest of the planet
Veterans as a group, are some of the worst humans on the planet. Combat veterans are the worst. Literally, they are willing to kill you, your mother, and your infants, on the directive or suggestion of some psychopath. Instead of using their training to LIBERATE us from oligarchs and war criminals, they JOIN with the “thrill, kill cult.” Of course, legislators and bureaucrats do not trust Vets, vets are a THREAT to leaders – because they are so easily programmed. F the dupes.
Mit der entsprechenden Konditionierung und unter den entsprechenden
Umständen sieht es so aus, dass fast jeder töten kann und töten wird!
Erziehung ein Begriff ist für eine Ausbildung, die aus normalen jungen
Frauen/Männern begeisterte Killer macht.
Drogen im Krieg: Wie Armeen ihre Soldaten gegen Angst, Müdigkeit und
Schwäche rüsten….
Alkohol und Zigaretten waren stets treue Begleiter des Soldaten. Heute
setzen Streitkräfte auf etliche Substanzen, um Tötungshemmungen und Ängste
zu unterdrücken. Und sie lassen Wirkstoffe erforschen, damit die Kämpfer nie
mehr müde werden.
‘Gaming’ ist Erziehung . . .
Mit Entfernung eingebaut,
Verantwortungsbewüßtsein wird zur Verätzung.
Die Seele…
(Sorry, if Soul should be conjugated with genitive ‘possession’ in tense,
Hopefully you 🌱 see. Feel free to correct me, please…
save me from Droning.)
Aahahahaha…what a stupid bullshit…these numbers are much too high!!! Anyway, anybody who needs help is offered help…if you don’t take it and play Rambo you endanger innocents and get neutralized…but way better then in fascist RuZZia where you get smashed your head with a sledgehammer to get cured!!!
Denkst Du selbst oder lässt Du denken?
Jeff ist bezahlt. 💷
Militär Mannschaft Arbeiter. 👑
Darf nicht denken. 😉
The only way to truly evaluate the worth of soldiers is a way everyone hopes it never comes to: being sent out to kill the citizens of the “homeland.” Would they follow orders and mow down their fellow citizens? or would they refuse and turn on their leaders?
It’s bad enough they can be induced to kill foreigners. But if they can also be induced to kill “their own kind” then they’re beyond redemption.
Many used to join up to get help with college tuition. Reduced to its essence, that means: if I kill X-many people, I can become a scholar and get a good job. But many found out you can’t make a Faustian bargain with the Devil – a very bitter pill to swallow.
Ghastly labelling and stigmatizing of those who have mental health problems. One of the reasons I used to tell private clients NOT to inform their employers and doctors about their difficulties was to avoid such labelling.
BTW once you receive a diagnosis for whatever reason, say organic (Parkinson’s, Endocrine, Medication) related or a normal reaction to a situation IT IS NEVER REMOVED FROM YOUR HEALTH RECORDS. Even difficult bereavement encompassing NORMAL depression will leave you labelled. FOREVER
Call yourself a libertarian now and be declared abnormal. Call yourself a Communitarian after the ‘greater good’ and be heralded a friend of Govn’ts. Effed up.
As for red flagging, I assure you everyone who posts here or even accesses this site is so flagged. I was red flagged from Tw having been exposing compromised politicians getting cash from Soros.
As for your health data, reclaim the net have just announced that it’s all being given to Thiel’s Palantir (front for CIA & MI5) and PATIENTS CANNOT OPT OUT.
Not surprised, when Certificate Of Vaccination Identification Documents was first announced in Feb 2020, no immunologists or virologists were called in by Gove’s (Grovel) Cobra meetings (4).
Instead called were Thiel’s Palantir, Google’s DeepMind, and Warren of Cambridge Analytica fame. Yeah I was posting about this on U-tube Tw and Telegraph as well as the Frailty Scoring system. Shortly afterwards had iOS attacks! Now they simply go through my phone every night but no longer leave the data behind after writing about it here.
Yeah I know as battery drains quickly. Now as I turn off wifi near bedroom they’ve been using my data! I don’t!
Horrific … and if a veteran is expecting to find some support in a group such as Veterans for Peace or Veterans against the War, it seems they’re front groups. This is my exchange with one alleged Veteran for Peace, Vince Emanuele, whom I saw speak in Sydney in 2013. At the time, I hung on his every word but then when I asked him a question about the veracity of the film, Collateral Murder, and got no response and found certain things didn’t add up when I reviewed his talk … and then finally got a response …!
Vince is just so right on! Oh my goodness, just so right on.
The military establishment encourages, almost enforces, alcohol consumption. I know people who have been injured by alcohol. It would be interesting to know how many have been injured by alcohol.
Persons who sign up for military duty are morons. End of story.
Unbelievably simplistic. This is an old issue. Why don’t the children of the rich and policically commented join?
Hello mgeo: Children of the rich (and politically connected) have access to related wealth, and most will never have to work for a living. The wealthy classes control macroeconomics worldwide, which places all others into servitude or slavery.
Military service is the only option offered in many targeted countries. It is intentional. The morons never turn their weapons on those who enslave them. Too bad…
Callous as well as simplistic. As for turning their weapons against those who enslave them, from the same callous and simplistic individual below, even most military morons are smart enough to know they aren’t going to win that battle, going up against tanks and drones. But then since they are completely expendable due to their moron status, they should go ahead and do it anyway. Once they’re all dead the taxpayer is no longer on the hook for their pensions or medical care that way.
I wonder if the callous individual below posses a weapon, and if so, why he’s not taking point to fight off those wealthy classes who are really in control. After all, he’s so much smarter than the morons who join the military. Hmmmm…..
As a Vietnam Era Vet, I can attest to the fact that for the vast majority, or maybe I should say, almost all people, their “thank you for your service” bullshit is just that, bullshit. It’s certainly not just the government. For the hypocritical chickenhawk democrats, if you’re a republican or conservative leaning democrat, you might as well be dead. They’re as bad as Donald (Veterans are losers) Trump.
But Vets, who refuse to frag the ENEMY, are losers. War criminals get to be president. Their loser drones get drugs.
The New York Times, in an editorial, on Barack Obama’s decision to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan: “courageous and sound.”
“The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted.”
― D.H. Lawrence
This is unbelievable. And psychiatry is another one of those fake and since forever very much weaponised ‘medical’ disciplines. Don’t get me going.
The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging – Making a Killing – Full Documentary
Say what you want; but Kanye is correct; right on the nail. #kanyeisright
If you rely on this so-called Orwellian state for your survival; and if you don’t pray and be grateful for every ounce of breath in your body; and if you can only think of some civil servant beaurocratic tyrant or jewish oligarch as your master; then suck it up ‘cos you brought this on yourself. Take responsibility and Stop crying like a defenceless child.
“Remember: no one is spared in a police state.”
Alas more and more Americans are going to experience the reality the writer shares first hand as the country further devolves into a dystopian techno-fascist police state. Each day more and more Americans will come to realize their reality is similar to that of foreign nations the US wants to control, exploit, brutalize and colonize. More and more white Americans are witnessing and experiencing what indigenous Americans, African-Americans and many poor Latinos experience on a daily basis: demonization, criminalization, socio-economic marginalization and viewed as a potential threat to the status quo. Welcome to the Brave New World Order.
Schadenfreude for the Indigenious indian tribes, I’d say
Sorry, I missed your drift, who is happy about what happened to the Native Americans? Who gets pleasure from genocide?
Great summary.
The authorities’ mindset here – if you can call it that – is simple:
They know that their wars are, in the words of Smedley Butler, “A racket”, so of course they don’t care about any collateral damage. They allowed for that – lots of it – in their calculations.
When you have no soul or conscience, success is easy.
It just so happens that it isn’t human, but of course you can’t expect a rabid animal to understand that.
Except that the evil forces behind all of this are neither human nor other animal.
“Recent surveys” are always to be taken with a hefty dose of scepticism – but here’s an amusing one:
Of course nobody should “believe” either the Western nor the Russian media.
DHS merely doing their job. “Homeland Security” how Orwellian is that ?
The veterans who are troubled because of their experiences are probably the admirable ones. It’s the poseurs in smart jackets and a breast of medals singing the national anthems that truly, in many cases, deserve contempt.
In capitalism, depreciated assets get written off. On their way home or after discharge, the personnel unlikely to be of further benefit to the Empire may get some special treatment that wrecks their body or mind. After the covid jabs, this is no longer far-fetched.
I’d say that every single ONE of the … US/UK/AUSSIE/NZ/CANADIAN veterans, is worth a thousand politicians. Let that sink into the head of any & every vet reading this … every single one of YOU is worth more than those lying pieces of dung who deprive you of your entitlements.
During 2016 onwards, we have told the Veterans – Nationalists – payriots would rise up and stand up for the people. The Populas fake deceivers (leaders) hijacked the movement which they help set up.
As predicted by the few, when it did happen like covid for example. They stood and watched and did f*ck all.
Alt media help feed the frenzy back then.
In the E.u the same organization (Subsection of Serco) that recruits you for war, is the same organization that finds you fit for work, when your back from the war zones suffering for all sorts of illness;s and cant function.
Many end up in hostels or on the streets homeless.
Poppy day yesterday and the irony.
Veterans had seen and experienced too much which was they had to be vilified as, at best, crazy and, at worst, dangerous. See the first Rambo film – and of course there was Timothy McVeigh
As far as elite globalists are concerned, anyone willing to risk dying for their country is a fool who deserves everything they get. I doubt they’ve lost a second’s sleep helping such people exit the world more quickly, they’re more likely to be patting themselves on the back about it.
Yea, we need more of them. Where are they, the Rambos?
This treatment of Veterans by the State makes one wonder about the danger of being called a patriot.
There is a very interesting video called It Can’t Happen Here was brought to my attention by a Gent Bud Bromley. The State are our terrorists IMO.
Here is the link to the post The video is on Rumble here.
I refuse to use Utuuube after the shenanigan’s were exposed with them and Goggle teaming up.
I’ve heard it all now. My friend who I had a blazing row with over covid has an interesting way of applying the lateral flow test (which I daresay he uses 5 times a day). Instead of swivelling the rod either around his mouth or nose, he does both! This guy is clearly determined to test positive.
The manipulators were on to a winner with this viral shite. They knew a large portion of the public would take on the symptoms you suggest as a matter of course.
It is easy to conclude that ‘Global-Warming’ is another hobgoblin, created by the swamp-creatures who profit most from industrial and global conflicts and pollution.
If the threat was REAL … governments all over the world would be immediately shrinking their ‘military’ spending. Why? Because the various branches of defence-machinations are quite obviously the biggest users of fossil fuels and the biggest polluters. Put quite simply – Think of the BILLIONS of $$$$ which could be used for worthy purposes if tax-payers money was spent on the things which actually matter and benefit TAX-PAYERS – rather than being syphoned-off; into the pockets of the creators of the conflicts.
How many wars would there be if the proponents were required to personally finance and do the fighting for their manufactured crises? I will bet anyone a-pound-to-a-pinch-of shiite, that there would not be any.
For starters, if Dopey-Joe thinks that it is a good idea to shirt-front Vlad Putin, let him go for it. In fact, just to be sporting, let he and that dopey shit-head, Valensky, act as his tag-team comrade.
I agree that the MIC is the biggest polluter and destroyer of the planet.
Global warming and climate change are not the hobglobins. What is real is resource depletion, deforestation and air, soil, water pollution, depending on where exactly on the planet you live.
The concept of “climate change” was developed precisely to distract people from these real problems and allow companies to do business as usual while sponsoring clown shows like COP27.
Communities around the planet need to manage their resources in a more reasonable and localized manner than what is happening now. Solutions may differ from countrty to country.
Trying to dictate standardized answers from Brussels, DC, Basel, London etc.–the whole reason for global climate change totalitarianism” means that the profits from remaining resources will be funneled into the global tax evasion slush fund known as “private equity” which has been taking over the sham of what are known as “capital markets”.
It’s a fact that fracking would be unviable ECONOMICALLY were it not for the free money that flowed to these companies from the taxpayer via central banks. It’s a fact that fracking creates far more environmental devastation than your normal oil well. It’s basic chemistry, physics and geology. It’s a fact that US refineries are set up for Saudi sour crude and that it would take years and an overheated money printer to reconfigiure them. It’s a fact that it’s not easy to move crude from one coast of the US to the other.
The same people that organize climate change conferences enfore brutal and violent crackdowns on fracking protesters.
I sympathise with abandoned cannon fodder. However I sympathise more with their victims.
The way I see it, they’re all victims of soulless politicians.
The cannon fodder are of course the instrument, and they chose that path.
But when generations of your family have been “in the military”, what are you going to do?
Rejecting one’s whole family isn’t as easy as some might think.
Alas, “military thinking”, that wonderful oxymoron, is the real enemy, along with the “free press”…
Yes, that cannon fodder are also victims. All one need do is look at the stats of who joins and who does not to see that. While it’s so very nice for those who’ve never had to serve to denigrate those who were “dumb enough” to do it, when one’s choice is homelessness or military service, which one do we expect far too many to choose? As our economy further implodes, there’ll probably be a lot more who do join for that very reason. But never mind all that.
And then, once that service is over and one is possibly profoundly damaged from it, a nice liberal tells you “thank you for your service” whilst thinking you are merely a dumb beast, as Henry Kissinger put it. And then there’s the asshole who screams that if no one joined, all the wars would just stop. How ignorant does one have to be to even think that kind of thing, much less say it?
Superpatriotism by Michael Parenti
Used & Betrayed – 100 Years of US Troops as Lab Rats
The enemy is the system that sends us to war.
“I have made contact with the enemy and he is us” — Pogo Possum
Veterans are the greatest threat to tyranny.
I don’t see any tyrants quaking in their boots when faced with these wretched souls…
The poor buggers are trained to obey authority unquestioningly, and collateral damage is the tyrant’s training ground for shrugging off responsibility.
I’m sorry, but obviously our tyrants are quaking in their boots just a bit where veterans are concerned. Why demonize them if one is not threatened by them or what they represent? While some may indeed be wretched souls, not all veterans are dumb, and the ones our tyrants are afraid of are the ones smart enough to realize just what their service really entailed. Can’t have that, can we? As long as they are meek and unquestioning they’re fine, but let them question just what was done and WHY and all bets are off. And for God’s sake, force them all to take that damnable shot to retain any benefits they may be entitled to as a result of their service. They’re expendable, after all.
Veterans? All veterans? Poor buggers? You mean, even people like me who have been out for 45 years? Even those that saw the horrors and realities of war, got out and became the biggest antiwar activists we’ve got? Come on man.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-11-12. DiedSuddenly. Gigantic rise excess mortality data. IVM 4 them, not 4 us. Von Ursula husband’s Pfizzer link (blog, gab, tweet).
The problem of accepting the narrative that Covid exists
(Contrary to the most reliable scientific data – all cause mortality (see the work of Denis Rancourt et al)).
· The manipulation, fraud in Covid-19 death attribution
· The fraud of Covid “cases”
· The notion that Covid was a “mild” disease when the best data shows it didn’t even exist
· The notion that government health policies were an “overreaction” rather than the intentional imposition of totalitarian measures as the preconditions for the Biosecurity State
· The wholesale abandonment of the Hippocratic oath
· Omnipresent iatrogenic homicide by health professionals and institutions
· The policy driven abandonment of healthcare for non-Covid maladies
· From my experience, at least half and maybe much more of the people in the health-freedom movement believe that Covid is/was real and dangerous
· From my experience, at least half and maybe much more of the people in the health-freedom movement believe that Covid was leaked from a bio-weapons lab intentionally or accidentally
In a comment section I noticed a point of view that may even be the majority viewpoint in the health-freedom movement regarding the Lab Leak Theory:
“I highly suspect that the “no virus” contingent is a controlled op trying to keep gain of function research from being investigated/ended.”
(My response): The controlled opposition argument would be SUPPORTED MUCH BETTER by the Lab Leak Theory as it maintains the Covid Narrative as a deadly pathogen for which draconian measures including the suspension of basic civil liberties were “necessary.” It maintains the notion the “novel” virus was “unprecedented” and therefore a “New Normal” raft of invasive policies would be justified (like mandatory vaccines, vaccine passports, condemnation of using cash, the systematic attack on free speech in the form stopping “misinformation”, truly unprecedented censorship, the roll out of CBDC’s, I could go on and on…
However, if there was no pandemic, no evidence for a virus, what do we do then? Well, we’d have to hold our government, our health regulatory agencies and our Media to account. The whole system would collapse as the corrupt house of cards it is. So, no, the Lab Leak Theory keeps the whole charade alive and well.
I have read RFK Jr’s book and I do not believe that he is “controlled opposition.” However, I strongly suspect that the Lab Leak Theory is a Limited Hangout (planned from the beginning) designed to entrap well-meaning people. As most of you know both the Lab Leak Theory and the “early treatment” camp (Dr. Peter McCollough et al) have become cottage industries (which is telling in itself) giving them perpetual motion, eyeballs, likes, at least some funding (if not covert funding which may be likely).
But this is not all. By accepting that Covid exists or existed, (whether “natural” or lab-generated) does not challenge the intentions of Lockdown polices, of States of Emergency, only the “incompetent”, “misguided” administration of the “pandemic” response.
Lockdown polices and States of Emergency are in many jurisdictions and countries, turned off to whatever degree, but they can be turned back on – at any time – with little warning.
Now that we have billions of people who are jabbed, and will dutifully get the next one when government/MSM tells them to, the new Biosecurity State can easily create the appearance of a deadly pandemic by just upping the toxicity of the next mandated “life saving vaccine.” Then we really could see people dropping dead in the streets. When that happens, the limited hangout of the people (who may be the majority among the current opposition) who adhere to Covid-19 and the Lab Leak nonsense will all become true believers and will support the new Biofascism. Then we are done.
That, I believe, is why we much push back now, vigorously against this false notion, false narrative.
I used to follow McCullough and AFLDS but I became skeptical of their claims. Some of them claim to have treated thousands of COVID cases and they promote HCQ and Ivermectin, etc. (I live in an area that should have been ravaged by COVID cases and yet I only know 12 people who got COVID and 10 of them got “it” after getting vaxxed.) What if these guys are all controlled opposition and their job was to promote the narrative that a novel dangerous COVID virus is real?
As Denis Rancourt has pointed there was a real yet unreported epidemic of bacterial pneumonia in the US. (After March 2020 the subscribing of antibiotics fell by 50%.) Lockdown policies (e.g. leading to isolation) causes stress which is a major immune suppressor. Covid medical protocol, as it was a “viral respiratory disease” prohibited the use of antibiotics. Ivermectin, for example, has scientifically proven antibacterial properties. Docs like Peter McCullough were curing people, but not of Covid, of pneumonia or other common respiratory illnesses. (Recall that Covid “symptoms” are not unique to Covid.) The Covid jab is, an assault on the immune system, therefore they may get sick. It is crucial to remember that the diagnosis of Covid is based on the PCR test which is an entire fraud. There’s no proof that anybody got Covid. That doesn’t mean people didn’t get sick, people got sick of what they always got sick of.
That the Lab Leak theory was first suppressed as a conspiracy theory by the MSM, and then later accepted by the MSM as viable, shows its utility as a diversionary tactic. The other thing is strategic. I am positive that many, even most people who ascribe to the Lab Leak Theory are well-meaning people. If we don’t engage with them (as they are a larger cohort than we are) we are in trouble. If you try to engage someone by first accusing them that they are controlled opposition, they will not listen to you at all.
This humoristic piece would support your suspicion.
Virologie Nights
I tend to avoid placing people in one of two boxes. A person can say stuff that appears 70% useful and rational and 30% dodgy. Take what you find useful. If the ratio is 51:49, I’ll give them a listen and take the 51% that resonates.
Respiratory illness and the symptoms are real regardless of the attributed cause. Ivermectin was shown to help relieve symptoms of “viral diseases”.long before 2020. Many of these symptoms are associated with a high level of inflammation and some of treatments like Ivermectin MAY help SOME patients to reduce the associated inflammation for whatever unclear reason.
You may have watched this already Tom.
Its Jim West having a friendly and logical chat with Dr. Sam Bailey
Excellent summary, thank you.
I had to look up iatrogenic: relating to illness caused by medical examination or treatment.
I also noticed that nosocomial disease which was a big concern until 2019 has also been wiped off the map.
“people in the health-freedom movement believe that Covid is/was real and dangerous
·…believe that Covid was leaked from a bio-weapons lab intentionally or accidentally.
This is my concern too. I’ve had long debates with the uninjected about this. For those who believe in bioweapons or lab leaks, I asked them to explain at the technical level exactly how they imagine this occurs. They will cite some video or dodgy blog they read.
They seem to believe in black magic.
Just because there’s a multi-billion dollar cancer cure industry doesn’t mean that safe and effective cures exist. The existence of the multi-billion dollar bioweapons research complex doesn’t mean that cute little remotely controlled bioweapons that only hurt “them and not us” exist. The main success of this industry is that most researchers survive their own dumb and dangerous research.
Out of curiosity I checked out lab accidents from biolab safety regulators. Most of them involve escaped animal or insect, animal bit researcher, chemical spills, respirators or other equipment malfunctions, researchers stab themselves with syringers by accident. There have been thousands of these over the years. In all cases, a “global pandemic” (eyeroll) was never unleashed
I have an additional hypothesis as to why people like McCollough push those narratives: it makes it politically acceptable and they can get support at the political level from people like Rand Paul. I appreciated McCollough’s paper on treatment protocols. It was well documented. He’s a heart specialist. When he speaks about biolabs he’s out of his depth.
It happens often that when people are an expert in their own field speak authoritatively but superficially about tangential subjects, people think they’re an expert on everything.
If you are a doctor speaking out, it’s somehow more acceptable to toss in some biolab stuff.
RE: I have an additional hypothesis as to why people like McCollough push those narratives: it makes it politically acceptable and they can get support at the political level from people like Rand Paul.
I would agree except that since this particular narrative is more “politically acceptable” it get can get more traction. I believe McCullough is sincere.
Has no one you know gotten ill?
Too many acquaintances have gotten what I call a “flu-like illness” for me to believe it doesn’t exist. An un-jabbed, Japan residing American friend recently went home for a month, came back, got sick with a “flu-like illness”, and then tested positive. I don’t want to believe it but I think something exists.
Alternatively, could it be that your friends, including the person residing in Japan, have simply caught what we seem to accept as ‘a cold’ (coronavirus) or even ‘the flu’? As has always happened before the 2020 narrative kicked in. And that is without even considering the questions around virus theory.
The fact that the friend ‘tested’ positive – whether by lateral flow or PCR – is meaningless as it is fairly comprehensively covered now that the PCR test and the lateral flow test are not testing for ‘Covid’ and therefore are both useless in determining whether ‘a person has Covid’, or not. People fall ill with these kinds of ailments all the time and have done historically. It might be explained by terrain theory but the reliance on the test is no proof of ‘they have Covid’ at all. That part of the Covid narrative is dead in the water now.
You need a couple of years of research into this topic.
I know a few people, including myself and my wife, who have had a ‘flu-like illness over the last couple of years – once or twice, just as we have all our lives. I am now 75, unjabbed, and healthy.
It’s time to stop being afraid, and to start looking very carefully at the people who want us to be afraid.
Something has always existed. I don’t know about you but I have been getting colds and flu my whole nearly 61 year old life and regularly.
Your assessment is spot on. The masses have been conditioned to believe “lethal pathogens” exist and measures must be taken regardless of how Draconian or oppressive to “prevent the spread” and secure the health safety and welfare of the people. Fear has been weaponized, the special interest giants (Big Pharma, media nd government) propaganda, spin and disinformation are the order of the day as the globalist misanthropes and miscreants and their puppets rush to achieve their Great Reset goals. This agenda includes: global depopulation, massive social reengineering, the monopolization and reconfiguring the world’s economic and governance systems with themselves as the new nobility/rulers. Veterans who have experienced the hypocrisy and horrors of war are threats to the globalists’ narrative as are COVID skeptics and free thinkers and we must be, in their term, neutralized,
create the appearance of a deadly pandemic by just upping the toxicity..
The plan may be simpler: just modulate the 5G radiation to killer mode.
What is to stop the PTB doing both, technically: neither methodology has even been researched thoroughly publically, due to regulatory gaps in the Law. Yet the vast majority still remain wholly unaware that Global Production is Rampant on the back of
Transmissions Never Tested (T.N.T.) , nor discussed. 💣 excepting Military intelligence !
In fact, even here in these columns (btl) the vast majority seem to ignore the potential of
Sonic Modulation, Transmissions & Receivers and seem far more concerned about
Pending Moderation… than any set of frequency Modulation that can kill them in a
* ‘Jiffy’ * bag ! Global Regulatory Gaps permit patented programming , when
” proper preparation prevents piss poor performance … ” Peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch.
None so blind as those that cannot even listen 👂 to the Boom & Bust Cycles of
Modulated Sonic Frequencies, with incumbent Dangers. 😔