12 Memes to Get You Through the Day – Part 27

A busy week of narrative management, agenda setting and noisy distractions for the “new normal” crowd…but just means more fuel for the meme-fires.
Let’s dive right in.
COP27 kicked off this week, and the memes did not disappoint.
“You will eat bugs and you will be thankful”.
…we should all do our part.
“You love me, I love you, we’re oppressed by the rich few.”
Of course the other big story this week was the US elections everyone pretends matters.
There’s a Titanic joke here somewhere.
Not even a few days post-election, and…promise broken. You gotta laugh.
It would be easier to name all the wars where this wasn’t true, below is a complete list.

“On the fifth day of Vaxmas my Pfizer sent to me, five bloooddd clootttss, four sudden deaths, three facial spasms, two fainting athletes and a comic having a stroke.“
I love the holidays.
Next level shit: Epstein faked his death is living in Montana making these memes to convince everyone he’s dead.
We’re somewhere between six and seven right now.
The “pandemic amnesty” was good for the meme community.
BONUS – From the comments
“My body my choice…unless there’s like a flu or something.”
Something is certainly amissh with this story.

Estabslihment: Alright, we’ll call it a draw.

Have a good day everyone, and if you have a meme you would like to see included you can send it to us via our submissions email, or post it in the comments (instructions below).
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Who is the “we”; how do we “stand up”; and has such revolutionary action ever been successful?
Posted on Nov 14 by Violet, the following currently has 62 upvotes. However, given there’s no analysis, it just sits there as a wishful-thinking meme.
I like his honesty, lol
Good video showing some of the strongest evidence of the Flat Earth:
The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe (bitchute.com)
Thanks for the link!!
And to settle the debate, lets build force the line!!
I really like this one because of it’s versatility. Just insert whatever the emergency du jour.
9. Is either Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-in or, could be Dr. Fauci taking a nap.
Clive De Carle’s Telegram is also very good.
I made one those customer service calls today where you get shuffled along through a surreal never-ending maze of bureaucratic dead ends and communication lost in translation halfway around the world. The ‘service’ I was seeking – in which I serve corporate coffers – involved postal delivery, and the automated authority on the other end was sure to remind me that this part of the ‘service’ (like all the rest) was suffering in serving us common customers due to covid. Only now there was an additional cause of breakdown – the weather, climate change. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays the couriers of the new abnormal from delivering their mindless messages.
I accompanied a friend to his medical appointment today. Knowing I was going into occupied territory of the war of bioterror, I was not surprised that most everyone else there was masked despite signs instructing subjects the muzzles were now optional, perhaps showing just how well-conditioned people have become in voluntary submission to their (our?!) own oppression.
I no longer can imagine that distant time just a couple of years ago when you could still go out in public and breathe the (polluted) air unobstructed, or not been a target of glares for showing your face. So I imagine as unlikely an alternative of the masked and unmasked coexisting indefinitely into the future, forever just shy of totalitarian compliance.
But then I realize I’d be the one protesting the absurdity of it all and finding such terms of existence intolerable. So I simply recall Camus’s Myth of Sisyphus and how the meaning of life boils down to a question of suicide.
The FEAR has, like the gene therapy been implanted within them. The media will continue to ensure they are forever ensnared in their paranoia.
‘most everyone else there was masked despite signs instructing subjects the muzzles were now optional’
Pre-covid a supermarket was a place where a bunch of people shopped together. Then came the masks and it was individuals shopping by themselves. Now the masks are largely gone, but it’s still individuals shopping by themselves.
Torture begins w isolation. Masks were always your portable isolation unit.
stop that grim-heid.
the meaning of life is to give more life , to grow and nurture and will flourish.
The funeral director whistleblower, John O’Looney, speaks here. A very recent interview.
I think (but am not certain) that the lady he’s speaking with is Jacqui Deevoy.
I’ve not yet listened to all of this, but it’s not merely rehashing what he says in most interviews.
(N.B., I’m fully aware that Nuremberg is spelt the way I’ve just typed it: Nuremberg. The person who posted this video has misspelt it)
“I want Nuremburg! I want to testify! – John O’Looney” (video: 31.51 mins), at:
Just caught this on your ever informative BBC:
“How many people can Earth handle?
Towards the end of 2022, the human population on Earth is expected to reach eight billion.”
Remember that figure. There is a curious echo later on.
We hear about “population bottlenecks” i.e. moments when some catastrophe shrinks the human numbers and thereby re-jigs (resets?) that famous “course of humanity”. One such event was the Toba volcanic eruption in 72,000 BC.
… and at this point it doesn’t take a genius to see where this little tale is going!
“On the uncannily specific date of 15 November 2022, the United Nations has predicted that there will be eight billion humans alive at the same time – up to 800,000 times as many as there were survivors of the Toba catastrophe.”
Oh the little teases! “Uncannily specific” indeed!
Here’s another tease:
“… there’s an emerging school of thought that we actually need more people. In 2018 the tech billionaire Jeff Bezos predicted a future in which our population will reach a new decimal milestone, in the form of a trillion humans scattered across our Solar System – and announced that he’s planning ways to achieve it.”
See what they did there? They raise the (blasphemous) notion that there could be more and more and more people … and, just when you think they’ve admitted that the carrying capacity of the Earth must be more than claimed by the doom mongers, they dump in that “scattered across our Solar System” bit. Well of course you can have endless supplies of folk but only on other planets!
And then we’re back to sanctified prophet Attenborough telling us what he has always been telling us: that we are a plague. (I’ll bet he doesn’t think he’s part of it!)
“Back in 1994 – when the global population was a mere 5.5 billion – a team of researchers from Stanford University, in California, calculated that the ideal size of our species would be between 1.5 and 2 billion people.”
So – we need at least three quarters of those swilling vermin to do the decent thing and string themselves up.
And rest assured that you have “the stars” on board with this:
“For some people, alarm over humanity’s environmental footprint has led them to decide to have fewer or no children themselves – including The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who announced in 2019 that they would have no more than two for the sake of the planet. In the same year, Miley Cyrus also declared that she wouldn’t have children yet because the Earth is “angry”.”
The wisdom of Miley! And that proclamation of the most vengeful deity of them all: The Earth, The Planet – far more intimidating than the Old Testament God!
As for that magical 8 billion figure ….well,
“Inflation: Warning eight million struggling to keep up with bills”
Juggle a few zeros and the appallingly overabundant global population are echoed by the numbers struggling to pay their bills. Hmm …. perhaps a bit of Darwinian thinning due?
How many people can fit in your house? Our planet is a house.
Funny looking house. If the planet is a house, your head is a TV.
All shit stupid nonsense.
Memes gonna change things.Just have a laugh.Most dont make sense.Shite.
Your the guy who wanted Boris back in office.
If so, Your to down-syndrome to understand meme.
and havent figured out by now, your sold a TV fantasy.
Login is not functioning, BTW.
Thank fuck.
What do you mean?
My woke neighbor updated her sign.
Seven upvotes for a dickhead picture ?
Sounds like you could stand to take a good shit.
Well; kanye is right.🤷🏼♂️
Back story,
Tucker operative and Madock news network who are chosen- covered it just before the selection’s in the chosen land.
With the fake outcry that would be kind of controlled not outspoken.
Kanye singing Kumbaya my lord with a maga hat.
Stinks of controlled.
You do know that while you keep demonising one young woman as if she is some all powerful god you look and sound insane don’t you?
Prawns are the cockroaches of the sea and they are fucking delicious.
Uh…she’s a grown woman, with agency, and that’s not a prawn.
You’ve finally convined me! Dear sweet little Greta has made me realise that all on OffG and all scoffers at climate change are nasty bullies terrorising this face of supreme innocence! I will now give up all meat for those spindly jointed legs!
Give ’em a face to throw their darts at: Putin, Trump, or Greta, no matter.
Equate Greta with Putin, or Trump – with their armies, and world destroying missiles.
Greta – A Red Rag to the bulls.
She’s a pawn not a prawn. I agree with you to the extent that she’s been brainwashed by her woke parents. Now she’s just a symbol of the fakery we all suffer under and a role model to the youngest generation.
It’s legitimate to demonise her symbolic status and what she stands for.
As for bottom-dwelling creatures, they’re best left hoovering up all the muck that settles in the murcky under-ocean.
Greta is a symbol of corporate / WEF takeover of the environmental movement. Sincere environmentalists want to plant trees and clean up pollution. The ones manipulating Greta are pushing for such “technological solutions” such as “carbon sequestration”, airborne reflective particles to reflect heat back into space (aka, chemtrails), and giant sunshades in orbit around the Earth. Planting trees and preventing pollution is all we need. The tech maniacs may well be bent on destroying our planet, not saving it.
By the way, why psychology is at work when humans demonize cockroaches? I’d wager that humans have harmed cockroaches much more than cockroaches have harmed humans. Or celebrate the killing and eating of any living things?
Cockroaches have been classed as “disease spreaders”.by those corporations that make their billions from exploiting people’s germophobia…Household insecticides are big money-spinners…
Should an enterprising investor ( eg. little billy gates) suddenly get the bright idea of promoting cockroaches as nutrient-dense, and are delicious and crisp if dried then dipped in honey, expect cockroaches to get a reputation make-over…
Mysophobia: a pathogenic fear of contamination and germs…Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): exhibited in repeatedly washing one’s hands ( though it’s classed as Normal when everyone is doing it)…
“Crimes against WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity) are no laughing matter.”

“Shutdown Pfizer and the rest of the Pharma-Con Racket.”

“The War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Oligarch Mobster Psycho Nazis need to go, NOW!”
Guess who runs Pfizer? Yep, you got it; kanye’s right again.
Incidentally, Albert Bourla, Pfizer’s CEO, just got an award from the ADL for — you guessed it! — fighting ‘anti-semitism’.
BTW has Mr Bourla now been fully injected with his gene therapy poison ? If not why not ?
That is not a question that needs to be asked.
The bastards. The poison has already killed 20 million.
Oh, wow, I want to marry that MD. Trouble is, I’m already married.
This Brendon O’Connell with a non-nihilistic viewpoint.
166 Tucker, Tulsi, Biden, Putin & Russian Regime Change
Brendon Lee O’Connell
Uploaded: Nov 13, 2022
Some bombshell info here ^^^. Must watch. Brendon is hands down one of the most important researchers and activists out there.
Is he wearing a mask in that first section? Afraid of catching the plague or what?
Simon Elmer has eloquently and comprehensively written about Fascism which is not at all potential but actually here all around us. Meanwhile what passes for the Left cannot or will not see this and continue to bleat about “warning signs”.
This is a perfectly excruciating example:
Chronic piffle over electoral issues and this nauseating trick:
“Pundits on both sides of the political aisle are hailing the results of the US midterm elections as a “victory for democracy” and return to “normalcy.” They cite the debacle for Trump-endorsed election deniers, which allowed the Democrats to retain control of the Senate and either limit the Republicans to a miniscule majority in the House, where key races are still undecided, or retain a narrow Democratic majority. This proves, they claim, that the attempted fascist overthrow of the government on January 6, 2021, was a fluke event that will not be repeated.”
Setting aside that odious bit about “election deniers”, note how any suspicion that January 6 was pure theatre has been foreclosed completely. And the “attempted fascist overthrow” is now carved in stone.
Not sure if you meant to put a link regarding the Simon Elmer reference. I didn’t know about him, very interested after quick search. Are you referring to his most recent book?
Damn, you know, these are realities to be reckoned with. And unless we’re living in a state of total delusion, these really are facts, and facts that matter. Thanks to George Mc for turning me onto the refreshing, no nonsense, on the mark intelligence of Simon Elmer.
Yup that’s the one. I’ve read it on the net but am now reading a “hard copy”. There’s a rich brew and I’ll be exploring the offshoots … probably for the rest of my life.
you have to chuckle ; )
Of course it is interchangeable with racist and fascist and any kind of anti or phobia you can think of. They only apply to white, straight, Christian males. Just like antivaxxers, they want us gone.
I’m not sure what you mean, I understood it as referring to the media complex, and subscribers to the media’s narrative, as fascists like Hitler. Substituting the world Hitler for racist or anti-vaxxer wouldn’t have the same interpretation as far as I can see but I’m not super intelligent, more intuitive so perhaps I’m missing your point. <3
Her point is whatever new media tells her to think.
Didn’t Andy Warhol say that in the future, everyone will get to be Hitler for 15 minutes?
You are living in a contrived, right vs left, banker-funded dialectic.
Brendon O Connell.
I love saying this to people.
The next time someone insists that you wear a mask, tell them “I am wearing one – it’s asymptomatic”
I prefer to say ‘what do you mean I am wearing a mask.’ Then tear at my face screaming ‘nooooo, it’s reallllll!!!’
Or just “fuck off”?
Very accurate. I looked into the efficacy requirements for children’s doses of the vaccine; they’re basically zero. The way its worded essentially allows for zero % immune response to be considered “effective“.
One in a million children at risk from Covid. 300 children in a million at risk from the clot shot. Roughly 70 children at risk from Covid in the United States. To “save” those 70 children from Covid we must kill 21,000 children with the experimental mRNA jab. Just a reminder of the Pfizer stats being tossed around. And that’s assuming the PCR testing is accurate. And PCR tests are junk, of course. Stats prove it was just another flu outbreak. Pfizer assures us that their stats are accurate. Most countries are relying on Israel’s stats that are administered by the Pfizer pharmaceutical company. Funny how that works. Seems like a conflict to me.
They always make it sound as if injections are the only way (not that they are) to prevent so-called infectious disease.
How about good nutrition and, imo, supplements, such as vit. C & D + zinc?
Before the WHO was totally corrupt, this is what they had to say about measles deaths in the third world (which, due to undernourishment and the stress of constant warfare and extreme poverty, was the ONLY place where children died of the measles):
Vitamins, not vaccines or drugs, are the answer.
“Severe measles is more likely among poorly nourished young children, especially those with insufficient vitamin A, or whose immune systems have been weakened by HIV/AIDS or other diseases.”
“All children in developing countries diagnosed with measles should receive two doses of vitamin A supplements, given 24 hours apart. This treatment restores low vitamin A levels during measles that occur even in well-nourished children and can help prevent eye damage and blindness. Vitamin A supplements have been shown to reduce the number of deaths from measles by 50%.”
– World Health Organization http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs286/en/
And that’s just ONE vitamin.
Cellular immunity requires specific nutrients in adequate amounts; people are not vaccine-deficient.
D. N. McMurray, “Cell-Mediated Immunity in Nutritional Deficiency,” Progress in Food & Nutrition Science, 1984, p. 193.
Efficacy? You must be joking. The jab is quite likely to kill anyone under 30 – far more than older people. The worst off are boys aged 16-17.
Jan: ‘Without the shot, you would have died even quicker.’
And the presupposition is???
Look who has appeared after a 2.5 year disappearance.
Renowned graffiti-artist Banksy has unveiled his latest work in #Ukraine. Murals spotted in and around the capital Kyiv had led to speculation the anonymous artist was working in the war-torn country. Loving Putin getting thrown by a Ukrainian boy.
It’s good as art, though the symbolism is difficult to decipher.
‘Banksy’ is more of a brand name these days, than the original street artist. Likely a team of artists with ‘connections’.
My guess would be that a female created the gymnast stencils, but who could say…
Personally, I prefer Mear One.
Presumably he gets a bit of the $80 billion that Zelansky has got from Bidet and Bojo.
He’s a cut & paste graphic designer.
Mainstream covered Banksy astorturf kaka in “Ukraine”. And the Oscar goes too …
sheeeeeeesh, they roll him out at every opportunity
Yeah like Sean “Haiti” Penn
Ooh Badsy.
The number of upvotes here shows that OffG readers can spot the comment that nails it.
Appalling mass abuse of the human race is no exaggeration of what has just happened.
We do it with pictures ?
Marfanoi, did you notice the big letters at the top of the page which form the heading ’12 memes to get you through the day’? That’s probably your cue to read another page rather than being a full blast pain in the arse about the memes and the comments.
“A picture is worth a thousand words”
Interesting headline from The Times:
“China says it’s beaten covid. So is the pandemic now an excuse to control its population?”
Now who would have thought a pandemic could be used in such a way?
Oh yesss.
I have been recommending for many years that anyone planning on having kids should read a good book on how to train a puppy…….. So true.
Having got a puppy this year I wondered what I would do about annuals. So I went over to Defra to see which types are available. Most are now 4-in ones with the problematic Leptospirosis.
Interestingly out of 20 only 3 or 4 contained any adjuvants (aluminum). Most contained GMO bacterium.
AND THE ANNUAL VEES ARE ONLY LICENSED FOE EVERY THREE YEARS. That’s why Govn’t closed down vets for boosters etc. they weren’t needed.
Only study I found about efficacy was on leptospirosis. So they gathered up 100 or so stray dogs. Only 4 had antibodies. Of those types NONE ARE COVERED BY ANY VEE. After all, there’s 200 subtypes.
When I asked a friend who just did his litter about the strange fact that all children’s Vees contain all kinds of injurious adjuvants but dog’s ones don’t he told me: ‘dog’s have different immune systems as do all animals to humans’
Hmm. Must be why the uk Govn’t has now banned animal studies. Just use people in the community without telling them. After all, so many have already signed up to the live mRNA study.
PS. I didn’t do puppy.
Thank you so much for the helpful comment. I’m still very interested in any more information you may have, especially in terms of rabies or actual real dangers. Best wishes.
The ADL will be out to cancel you for that.
37 for a stupid picture and not a word.Sound.
A couple of questions.
a) Why did “they” steal the election (again!) if it doesn’t make any difference?
b) Why are some people so obsessed with telling other people that elections don’t matter?
The fact that steal the election means it doesn’t really matter. Why vote? It’s just going to get stolen anyway.
it doesn’t matter to we little people in the big scheme of things, but hey, the ‘elected’ ‘people in power’ get WAY more perks than the electoral losers, esp the party bigwigs – big incentive to put on a big and serious-looking show for the masses/marks … and not spill the beans about what’s really going on – as Dylan said (in a somewhat different context lol) ‘the losers now will be later to win’ – they’ll all get their kick at the can sooner or later etc –
If “they” didn’t “steal” the “elections” then the “republicans” would have more “power” and things would be “better” … right “?”
The current “conflict” (real or otherwise) is Republicans versus Republicans. But, of course, if nothing ever matters, there’s no need to keep up to date. You can just spread your nihilism regardless.
Which raises the second question: What is the point of spreading nihilism?
The RNC club knew exactly what the DNC club were doing in their 2022 midterm “ballot submission assistance” program. Yes, that’s exactly what “ballot harvesting” is called now. “Ballot Harvesting” is illegal in many states, “Ballot Submission Assistance” is not.
Nihilism? Not an epithet I would pick for moi. You wrongly, although understandably I suppose, interpret my stance.
Just more along the lines of – our “government” is a completely criminal enterprise,(has been for 250 years now) and participation in any of its trappings, especially voting, are useless at best and more likely fuel for this ungodly fire.
Democracy, as we understand it in modern western nations, is not a trapping of “government”. Rather, it is something which people have fought and died for. “Government” resisted until it was forced to yield; and the fight is continuing today. The question is whether it’s possible to elect ethical people into a corrupt system which tries very hard to keep them out; and whether it’s possible for them to make any difference if elected?
There are several states in the US where the battle is currently being fought, but Arizona is probably the clearest example; and especially the attempt to stop Keri Lake from being elected Governor. See:
And the fight continues from 2020; for instance, see:
Catherine Engelbrecht And Gregg Phillips Speak Out After Wrongful Imprisonment
Bannons War Room
Nov 14, 2022
I said voting is a trapping. Democracy is a word. Keri Lake is a honey pot, and Bannon is probably good friends with AOC.
are you implying that democracy is more than 2 wolves and a sheep voting on whats for dinner? are you suggesting that magna carta is alive and well? rule of law exists? there is a real free market?
Democracy can descend to the state of “2 wolves and a sheep voting on whats for dinner” – as it did in Switzerland in 2021 (Sep?) when they voted 60-40 for apartheid based on jab status. This is part of the reason why it’s necessary to have inalienable rights and due process enshrined in the constitution. In the UK, the magna carta is effectively dead. But it’s showing signs of resurrection in the US.
Does anyone else get the feeling that little mistakes of spelling and grammar are inserted into posts as a subtle, insidious form of gaslighting? It makes the writer (me in this case) look a little stupid, and takes away some of the persuasiveness of the intended message. I’m pretty sure I didn’t put a period and subsequent capital in the above sentence, but there it is, and this keeps happening to me. Is it silly to think the forces of distraction are working at this minute level?
Happens all the time. I fixed it for you, A2
Stop correcting them. We won’t be able to spot the shills and morons.
It never happens to me because I don’t type in the comment box. I type in wordpad or notepad or on a note and then I paste it. I then check it, as all adults should. Therefore, your original premise is c0Rrect.
Do you really not know the answers to those questions…?
a) The ‘authorities’ still want the population of the earth to think that voting makes a difference, so that open warfare on the streets and serious assaults upon the institutions and persons falsely claiming to represent us will not occur.
b) Those of us who can see what the ‘authorities’ are up to would like to encourage others to see it too, even if it is an uphill struggle. There is, in fact, no “obsession” involved at all.
Surely the situation is the opposite – assuming that the Monolithy (monolithic oligarchy) theory is correct. They want the plebs to think that voting is pointless since the chosen politicians will be appointed regardless of who gets the most votes. The objective is that people simply stop engaging in “democracy”.
We are so blessed to have people like you who can “see”. Please, then, tell us what we should do; other than the nihilism, of course!
I think you credit ‘the plebs’ with too much intelligence.
You will never convince them that voting is pointless, since they were brainwashed from birth to take it for granted that their vote made a difference.
The Mark Twains of this world who know better, are few and far-between.
a) Crapitalists compete to sell us shit. We get shit whatever the brand. But those who corner the market make a killing. Politricksters are trafficking in one of the most valuable commodities – illusion. They’re selling us the lie(s) that any of their shit matters.
b) This should read: Why bother trying to persuade others obsessed with the dog-and-pony show of the electoral circus that they’ve bought bullshit?
You can pose the question any way you like. However, it still remains unanswered: What is the point of spreading nihilism?
In general, I’d agree with you. However, we are in an exceptional period of human history – i.e. we are facing an existential war on humanity in which 80% of the population will be eradicated and most of the rest will become slaves in the absolute sense. Part of the solution to this situation will involve ethical people getting elected to a whole range of offices. If you think it can be done without that happening, please say so.
The question, rhetorical, answers itself, and has more to do with common sense than nihilism. Not to eat my words, but if as I’d agree we’re facing a war on humanity, I’d think turning to weapons of mass distraction wielded by those who have launched it is strategically disastrous.
Let’s presuppose that democracy is, in anyway, a legitimate or useful form of governance (from a commoner perspective) while I ask these questions, ok?
Re No.5: 75% of Americans tell pollsters they think their country is heading in the wrong direction… and yet not a single Democrat Senator or Governor has lost their seat. Go figure.
It’s actually doing a long-term service in helping more people see the two-party system is no solution. If they were a bit smarter, they’d have thrown a few more crumbs the Republican way – but then they wouldn’t have (s)elected Biden in 2020.
Stalin may have been credited with saying it, but in modern USA it’s put into serious action by the democrats – it makes no difference who votes, what matters is who counts the votes hahaha suckers.
I thought the election was rigged again. Plenty of evidence readily available on the internet. Maybe no one cares any more.
Of course it’s rigged. They could scarcely make it any more obvious.
Something apolitical for a change… 🙂
“My funeral, my choice.”
I like this one…I had someone tell me the other day that he didn’t care if I was right about the vaccines, that he is sticking with what he believes, whether he is right or not. Interesting times.
interesting and scary as hell, we’re like one step away from zombieland …
The horrible thing is that he is NOT sticking with what he believes, but only with what remains in his skull after he has taken the decision to disconnect his brain from any further critical thought processes…
I used to enjoy zombie movies for light entertainment.
Not any more…
You don’t hear this reference often. It was used in the movie Hoosiers that was just on again. It was in reference to getting punished by an overbearing father for disrespecting authority. In this case it was used in the inverse; paying the price for respecting authority even though you know they are in the wrong. Like loyal soldiers marching into a sure death. Is this why the vaxxers are so pissed? Are we considered deserters in the war on Covid?
I’ve never heard of a war I wouldn’t desert, so that’s fine with me.