The Road to Totalitarianism (Revisited)
CJ Hopkins
It feels like it’s finally over, doesn’t it, the whole “apocalyptic pandemic” thing? I mean, really, really over this time. Not like all those other times when you thought it was over, but it wasn’t over, and was like the end of those Alien movies, where it seems like Ripley has finally escaped, but the alien is hiding out in the shuttle, or the escape pod, or Ripley’s intestinal tract.
But this time doesn’t feel like that. This time it feels like it’s really, really over. Go out and take a look around.
Hardly anyone is wearing masks anymore (except where masks are mandatory) or being coerced into submitting to “vaccinations” (except where “vaccination” is mandatory), and the hordes of hate-drunk New Normal fanatics who demanded that “the Unvaccinated” be segregated, censored, fired from their jobs, and otherwise demonized and persecuted, have all fallen silent (except for those who haven’t).
Everything is back to normal, right?
Wrong. Everything is not back to normal. Everything is absolutely New Normal. What is over is the “shock-and-awe” phase, which was never meant to go on forever. It was always only meant to get us here.
Where, you’re probably asking, is “here”?
“Here” is a place where the new official ideology has been firmly established as our new “reality,” woven into the fabric of normal everyday life. No, not everywhere, just everywhere that matters. (Do you really think the global-capitalist ruling classes care what people in Lakeland, Florida, Elk River, Idaho, or some village in Sicily believe about “reality”?)
Yes, most government restrictions have been lifted, mainly because they are no longer necessary, but in centers of power throughout the West, in political, corporate, and cultural spheres, in academia, the mainstream media, and so on, the New Normal has become “reality,” or, in other words, “just the way it is,” which is the ultimate goal of every ideology.
For example, I just happened upon this “important COVID-19 information,” which you need to be aware of (and strictly adhere to) if you want to attend a performance at this Off-Broadway theater in New York City, where “everything is back to normal.”
I could pull up countless further examples, but I don’t want to waste your time. At this point, it isn’t the mask and “vaccination” mandates themselves that are important. They are simply the symbols and rituals of the new official ideology, an ideology that has divided societies into two irreconcilable categories of people:
- those who are prepared to conform their beliefs to the official narrative of the day, no matter how blatantly ridiculous it is, and otherwise click heels and follow the orders of the global-capitalist ruling establishment, no matter how destructive and fascistic they may be; and
- those who are not prepared to do that.
Let’s go ahead and call them “Normals” and “Deviants.” I think you know which one you are.
This division of society into two opposing and irreconcilable classes of people cuts across and supersedes old political lines. There are Normals and Deviants on both the Left and the Right. The global-capitalist ruling establishment couldn’t care less whether you are a “progressive,” or a “conservative,” or a “libertarian,” or an “anarchist,” or whatever you call yourself. What they care about is whether you’re a Normal or a Deviant.
What they care about is whether you will follow orders. What they care about is whether you are conforming your perceptions and behavior and thinking to their new “reality” … the hegemonic global-capitalist “reality” that has been gradually evolving for the last 30 years and is now entering its totalitarian stage.
I’ve been writing about the evolution of global capitalism in my essays since 2016 — and since the early 1990s in my stage plays — so I’m not going to reiterate the whole story here.
Readers who have just tuned into my political satire and commentary during the last two years can go back and read the essays in Trumpocalypse (2016-2017) and The War on Populism (2018-2019).
The short version is, back in 2016, GloboCap was rolling along, destabilizing, restructuring, and privatizing the planet that it came into sole unchallenged possession of when the Soviet Union finally collapsed, and everything was hunky-dory, and then along came Brexit, Donald Trump, and the whole “populist” and neo-nationalist rebellion against globalism throughout the West.
So, GloboCap needed to deal with that, which is what is has been doing for last six years…yes, the last six — not just two and a half — years.
The War on Dissent didn’t start with Covid and it isn’t going to end with Covid. GloboCap (or “the Corporatocracy” if you prefer) has been delegitimizing, demonizing, and disappearing dissent and increasingly imposing ideological uniformity on Western society since 2016.
The New Normal is just the latest stage of it. Once it gets done quashing this “populist” rebellion and imposing ideological uniformity on urban society throughout the West, it will go back to destabilizing, restructuring, and privatizing the rest of the world, which is what it was doing with the “War on Terror” (and other “democracy”-promoting projects) from 2001 to 2016.
The goal of this global Gleichschaltung campaign is the goal of every totalitarian system, i.e., to render any and all deviance from its official ideology pathological. The nature of the deviance does not matter. The official ideology does not matter. (GloboCap has no fixed ideology. It can abruptly change its official “reality” from day to day, as we have experienced recently).
What matters is one’s willingness or unwillingness to conform to whatever the official “reality” is, regardless of how ridiculous it is, and how many times it has been disproved, and sometimes even acknowledged as fiction by the very authorities who nonetheless continue to assert its “reality.”
I’ll give you one more concrete example.
After I happened upon the “Covid restrictions” (i.e., the social-segregation system) still being enforced by that Off-Broadway theater, I stumbled upon this article in Current Affairs about the oracle Yuval Noah Harari, the writer of which article mentions in passing that somewhere between 6 million and 12 million people have “died of Covid,” as if this were a fact, a fact that no one in their right mind would question.
Which it is, officially, in our new “reality,” despite the fact (i.e., the actual fact) that — as even the “health authorities” have admitted — anyone who died of anything in a hospital after testing positive was recorded as a “Covid-19 death.”
This is how “reality” (i.e., official “reality,” consensus “reality”) is manufactured and policed. It is manufactured and policed, not only by the media, corporations, governments, and non-governmental governing entities, but also (and, ultimately, more effectively) by the constant repetition of official narratives as unquestionable axiomatic facts.
In our brave new totalitarian global-capitalist “reality,” anyone who questions or challenges such “facts” immediately renders oneself a “Deviant” and is excommunicated from “Normal” society. Seriously, just for fun, try to get a job at a corporation, or a university, or a part in a movie or a Broadway play, or a book deal, or a research grant, etc., while being honest about your beliefs about Covid.
Or, if you’re a “respectable” journalist, you know, with literary and public-speaking agents, and book deals, and personal managers, and so on, go ahead, report the facts (i.e., the actual facts, which you know are there, but which you have been avoiding like the plague for the last two years), and watch your career get violently sucked down the drain like a turd in an airplane toilet.
That last bit was meant for “urban professionals,” who still have careers, or are aspiring to careers, or are otherwise still invested in remaining members in good standing of “Normal” society, i.e., not you folks in Florida and Idaho, or my fellow literary and artistic “Deviants.”
We have pretty much burned our bridges at this point. Unless you’re prepared to mindfuck yourself, and gaslight yourself, and confess, and convert, there’s no going back to “normal” society (which we couldn’t go back to anyway, on account of how it doesn’t exist anymore).
I realize that a lot of folks have probably been looking forward to that … to the day when the Normals finally “wake up” and face the facts, and truth prevails, and we return to something resembling normality. It’s not going to happen. We’re not going back.
The Normals are never going to “wake up.” Because they’re not asleep. They’re not hypnotized. They’re not going to “come to their senses” one day and take responsibility for the damage they have done.
Sure, they will apologize for their “mistakes,” and admit that possibly they “overreacted,” but the official narrative of the Covid pandemic and the new “reality” it has ushered into being will remain in force, and they will defend both with their lives.
Or, rather, they will defend both with our lives.
If you think I’m being hyperbolic, well, consider the epithets GloboCap has conditioned the Normals to use to demonize us … “conspiracy theorist,” “science denier,” “insurrectionist,” “extremist,” “violent domestic terrorist.” None of which signify a political ideology or any political or critical position whatsoever.
They signify deviation from the norm. Any type of deviation from the norm.
They are tactical terms, devoid of meaning, designed to erase the political character of the diverse opposition to global-capitalism (or “globalism,” if you are touchy about the word “capitalism”), to lump us all into one big bucket of “deviance.”
It is usually not a very good omen when nations — or totally unaccountable, supranational global-power systems — suddenly break out the “deviance bucket.” It is usually a sign that things are going to get ugly, ugly in a totalitarian fashion, which is precisely what has been happening for the past six years.
Back in July of 2021, at the height of the fascistic New Normal hate frenzy, with the military enforcing “Covid restrictions,” a global segregation system being implemented, and people threatening to decapitate me for refusing to get “vaccinated,” I published a piece called The Road to Totalitarianism.
We are still on that road. Both the Normals and we Deviants. We’ve been on that road for quite some time, longer than most of us probably realize. The weather has improved, slightly. The scenery out the window has changed. The destination has not. I haven’t seen any exits. Let me know if you do, will you?
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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I guess living in Grrrmany really makes one prone to defeat’ism’ and/or pessimistic view and feelings
It is a land of corporativism and totalitarianism anyway isn’t?!
Well, there’s always one exit which is constantly front of mind.
Something fishy going on here.
So this is like really obvious, they know that we know that they know what we know…
Mr. Wizard!!!
Whats stopping these criminals from doing whatever they please? If you hit a nerve they’ll just eliminate you.
Tried to post another image that is a variation on the two men wearing masks above. It had details added to the masks to make them look more realistic. But the image wouldn’t post. (I wouldn’t have told you this but once you start a post you can’t just delete it altogether, right admin?)
Sorry to hear that. See if this guide is helpful and ignore it if it isn’t lol
Disclaimer: OffG are not affiliated with the Postimage site in any way, and there are other free alternatives out there!
Thanks, that is how I’m doing it. A particular image just wouldn’t load. No biggie. Oh… but the other question – Can one delete a post once they have initiated it?
Nope… however you can take advantage of a loophole and do a few things. You can edit your comment and insert three urls, eg:
…along with text saying ‘delete this comment’. This holds it pending where we’ll see it more quickly.
Or you could try editing more than twice or three times in quick succession which often boots the comment directly to SPAM lately 😂
I know this is trivia but there is no new normal, there is only normal or abnormal. Just like social distancing, there is nothing social about distancing and so it goes on with people accepting this doublespeak nonsense.
Totalitarianism has been the rule for farm animals for many years in the uk. A series of disease scares has led to greater control and intervention by the state and growing restrictions on what farmers can do with their animals. In the case of BSE, there are still restrictions around slaughter of bovines after 25 years. Digital ear-tags,(sheep), passports and movement controls are part of daily life for farmers. Chicken “lockdown” is now an annual event and many other measures are putting pressure on food producers. Cui bono?
Cheers mate. Bob on. Xj
For those who still think that “Russia and the West” is a fake dichotomy on “the road toward totalitarianism” and the Russia’s SMO in Ukraine is a fake Military Operation against NATZO-inspired Ukro-Nazism:
Some of yesterday’s Russian missile strikes against NATZO’s Kiev regime:
Massive blackouts reported across Ukraine:
Russian/LPR artillery destroys US-supplied M777 howitzer:
Russian forces destroyed group of Polish mercenaries:
Russian 120-mm mortar team pounds NATZO proxy positions:
Russian Lancet drone destroys NATZO armored vehicle:
Russian Lancet drone destroys NATZO’s Kiev regime radar:
Russian Lancet drone destroys Kiev regime Grad launcher:
Kiev regime’s US-supplied Humvee hit a landmine (18+):
NATZO proxy’s Toyota vehicle [probably ISIS] gets blown up:
Kiev regime losses at Donetsk position heavily fortified by NATZO:
Kiev regime soldiers surrender to a DPR battalion near Pavlovka:
it is still a theatre, in the non-war sense amigo,
part of the global play. do see the reality so far, bigger shit unfolds than alleged geopolitik….
but by all means let us remain optimistic too : )
In the old world sense,
Try googling spanish flu. All the images show people wearing masks; the masks all look the same, and they all look photoshopped. I remember googling spanish flu back at the beginning of the panicdemic, and very few of the images had masks. Now they all do.
This is our Ministry of Truth at work.
Definitely photoshopped.
Do not use google.
I took this image (phone) from a book at my local university library.
This book was published well before the advent of covid.
There are several books there with photos like these, a lot of the same ones as found on the internet, but the books are 10 to 30 years old.
There’s no way those “masks” would adhere to their faces like that… right?
Do you not get tired of all the globalists deceit and fraud, the tyranny and chaos.
Have you not come to feel that this whole business of these so-called elites running the world is one big criminal conspiracy, a swindle, a racket in which only they benefit.
We need a totally different gestalt, a different social structure, a different world view, a different philosophy of life in which intelligence. is respected, in which intelligence is supported, individuality is nourished.
A blind man was standing at a bus stop, when the guy standing next to him was startled to see a dog calmly cock his leg and piss all down the blind man’s trousers.
When the blind man realized what was happening, he put his hand into his pocket and produced a bar of chocolate that he held downwards for the dog.
“That’s a very charitable thing to do,” said the man.
“Oh,” replied the blind man, “I am just finding out where his mouth is so I can kick him really hard in the balls.”
The elites always try to dominate the society.
By feeding poison to the roots of humanity.
This poisoning has gone on for so long with the result that we have forgotten it is poison.
Through their control, manipulation, war, violence and fear agendas society is degenerated.
In fact, so long as these few elites are there amongst us they will continue to dominate and create restlessness for the rest of the world.
The difference is that in the past we called them kings and emperors and now we call them presidents, prime ministers and oligarchs.
An elite group has always been there.
Forms change, but it makes no difference.
Power brings out the worst that is there in people.
Remember, power changes people.
Everybody carries that unconscious power to do evil, the seed, the will, but the opportunity is not there, it is only a potential.
When power really comes into your hands then all your hidden devils start raising their heads.
As long as human society does not evolve so that everyone attains to the same level of growth in every direction of life, there is no escape from elitism.
And I don’t think such a development is ever going to happen.
So long as the disparity in intelligence, talent and ability remains between people and societies, it is impossible to get rid of domination by the so-called chosen few.
And it is also impossible that there will not be those who want to be dominated by them: there will always be people wanting to be dominated by the elites.
Were you befooled by the Covid scam.
Did you take the toxic mRNA eugenics jab.
Do you support the Neo-Nazi US/UK terrorist states genocides, illegal war crimes and crimes against humanity around the world.
Their complete indifference to the international rule of law.
Their illegal incarceration of Julian Assange.
So long as people remain sleeping in the caves of their unconsciousness,
The criminal elites and retarded non-elites will continue to destroy the world.
The unconscious society of elites, the state, all of your so-called religions, the mobocracy, they all want you to be stupid; nobody wants you to be intelligent.
They all condition you to remain stupid your whole life for the simple reason that stupid people are obedient.
Intelligent people start thinking on their own; they start becoming individuals.
They start having their own life, their own lifestyle, their own way of seeing, of being, of growing.
They are no more parts of the crowd, they cannot be.
They have to leave the crowd behind, only then they can grow.
And the crowd feels offended; the crowd does not want anybody to be more than the average person, it is against the average person’s ego.
The crowd, the collective has a great involvement; the involvement is that anybody becoming more intelligent, more individual, more aware, will no longer be accepted as part of the unconscious mob psychology.
This whole educational system exists to destroy intelligence or to divert you from intelligence towards storing information through memory.
Memory is useful, utilitarian.
Intelligence is alive and dangerous; it has no utility for the status quo, it has no utility for the vested interest.
Intelligent people have always proved to be difficult people just because of their intelligence; they cannot bow down to any stupid thing.
And our society is full of superstitions, stupidities; all kinds of nonsense prevails in the name of politics, in the name of religion, in the name of literature, art.
It is really a miracle how few people have escaped from this prison of mind, enlightened individuals – Gautama Buddha, Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Jesus, Pythagoras – very few people.
It is almost impossible to escape from this prison because the prison that is society is all around you, and it starts from the very beginning, from your very childhood you are conditioned to be a prisoner of your mind.
And when you are prisoners of politics, churches, nations, races, then naturally there is going to be violence.
We have been made to function stupidly.
Our society is a vast web of hypocrisy, but we do not see it because we are born into it, just as the fish are not aware of the ocean because they are born into it.
Humanity is only too willing to be deceived, for deceit has its own logic.
Fraud and deception have their own way of advertisement, their own false logic, and they excite your desires.
Politicians persuade you in their own insidious way through division.
For ego remains only in conflict, in your struggle, of winning and losing.
Even losing is preferred for at least your ego survives.
It is better even to lose rather than be nobody, the ego at least remains.
Therefore, this inner conflict, division and suffering means you are unconsciously trying every minute to be against your nature.
You are busy trying to be what you cannot be.
With others also our effort is the same, we want them to be what they cannot be.
Remember, your knowledge cannot make even a dent in your ignorance.
Your knowledge cannot bring any transformation to you, but it can bring honors, awards, Nobel prizes.
It can make you a very respected citizen of the world.
But you know perfectly well that all your knowledge is superficial, it is all borrowed, imposed.
Your whole foundation is belief – not self knowing, not direct experience.
This creates the greatest hypocrisy in human beings.
They have to pretend according to their belief system.
Of course they cannot live according to it, because it is not their experience, so they have to wear a mask in public and only in their privacy can they put the mask away.
In their privacy you will know that they are a totally different person.
And that’s why these kind of people are very much afraid of aloneness, because the aloneness brings them the awareness of their ignorance and hypocrisy.
All their virtue, all their knowledge, all their character is just painted.
Only your own knowing destroys doubts.
Believing never does that; in fact it keeps them alive and nourished.
We are people who have no knowledge of tranquility and our whole make-up is of restlessness.
Tranquility is a journey towards freedom, liberation, Truth.
In complete tranquility the ego cannot survive, for your illusory self cannot be.
In perfect tranquility, when only tranquility remains.
You are no more.
In existence there is only this pure present moment.
It is not a question of going anywhere, just of being here-now.
Existence is just one cosmic whole, it is an organic unity.
Where all past has disappeared and the future has not yet arrived.
The way you are in this moment is the only way you can be.
In this present moment, who are you?
Know Thyself.
Wonderfully written, I enjoyed reading your reply as much as the article. Thank you 🙏
Nice white lite dreaming. > “We need a totally different gestalt, a different social structure, a different world view, a different philosophy of life in which intelligence. is respected, in which intelligence is supported, individuality is nourished.”
BAN all forms of corporate franchise and syndication. End of problem.
I do agree with this bit: “Existence is just one cosmic whole, it is an organic unity.” True. But…
Yes, but I’m not sure of the list of the enlightened. There are many outside the roll of honour, the known and accepted elite escapees. The unknown free and I bet a lot of them can barely read or write.
In my view the rot began to set in with Pythagoras, AKA ‘The First Freemason’ with his insistence on occulting knowledge so that it was only available to his elite followers…
watch that tone, oh iganised-one ! ; )
but aye, good wee read.
too many people will never know themselves, even after they’ve smashed your head in for a stale twinkie…
i am not sure people recover from decades of “living” non-lives, they just get acute. LIFE has to be within in first place…?
“Seriously, just for fun, try to get a job at a corporation, or a university, or a part in a movie or a Broadway play, or a book deal, or a research grant, etc., while being honest about your beliefs about Covid.”
I’ve never known a job where I can be honest about many of my beliefs, especially if controversial, without risk. In exchange for ‘earning the right to live’, my life has been repeatedly reduced to a utilitarian unit of production under wage slavery where even talking trivially about anything that’s not work-related can spell trouble with the boss, or with docile coworkers.
Holding a job is to be subject to a private tyranny exploiting our labor and lives. This may seem foreign to experiences of (some) professionals used to a little more leash. But that just confirms how one of the most important qualifications for any job is the ability to lie about what’s really going on in the Free Market.
It’s been a long road here. For generations we’ve learned to lie to get by from earliest age under industrial schooling, where lessons in fear and obedience to authority condition tomorrow’s human resources in the virtues of compliance to mindless tasks and assignments. Masking and muzzling true human potentials for the machinery of production has been around long before the latest ritual submissions of covid.
As much as I stay horrified by what’s overtaking us now, I’m not surprised.
Totalitarainism Western-style is as much corporate as state. Example:
Welcome to food rationing by your friendly supermarket on the back of a ginned-up health scare.
The Road to Totalitarianism? In a military-industrial (i.e., human) society ALL roads lead to totalitarianism.
And didn’t your mama always tell you: “Don’t walk in the road?”
When both Putin and Biden agreed that the missile that landed in Poland was not fired from Russia we saw a glimpse behind the facade. Since when has a chance to deride Russia been missed by the USA? Only when it could go ‘newclear’.
Never discount the infectious nature of rebellion and defiance.
In this country, we have the Bill of Rights 1689 and the Act of Settlement 1700, plus the Coronation Oath Act 1688, which are constitutional laws protecting the people from all this nonsense for ever. The courts have this century confirmed this.
Of course, it’s going to take quite a few matches to get this fire going, but what’s the alternative, give up and eat bugs in your pod?
Seems we are heading for more lockdowns in down-under land.
Those Aussie lockdowns are a great tool to reduce the number of intelligent immigrants. Outsiders thought sheep only dominated the Great Outback but they seem to have overrun the big cities too considering the voting patterns. Both shepherds Joe and Xi have a long reach and influence. How much do they pay fools to emigrate to Australia?
Not enough.
The Fraud projecting so much this can be seen in faraway galaxies or different dimensions (if either exist):
Their own “obsession” consists of at least four “Opinion” articles today decrying Trump.
BTW several comments criticise CJ Hopkins for a fake binary. There are fake binaries – but there are real ones too. In the end, someone’s vaxxed or they aren’t – the former may have been reluctant or now regretted but I’m not sure the elite care.
Excellent analysis. Just one reservation: I don’t believe either Trump or Brexit represents a deviant from the Norm.
Imagine a table with a single plate on it. Brexit and Trump are at the edge of the plate. We need to get to the edge of the table.
I’ve been thinking about whether Brexiting was the plan all along.
why? It strengthens the link of UK to US and partly severs the economic relationships with the EU project.
but mostly,
If the Brexit party and Farage as leader had remained at the EU Parliament then the right wing contingent that included Hungary, the C19 outspoken critics from Germany and Holland would be THE LARGEST POLITICAL GROUP there.
And had that realistic, awake ‘right wing’ contingent still been there then the Green takeover and Passports would not be possible.
we Brexit voters were duped. And that vassal state May’s Brexit deal proves it. Fyi we are now part of Pesco and EU defence integration. UK is intelligence arm. Eastern EU the brawn.
Let’s finally admit here that Xi Jinping China is the worst authoritarian state on planet Earth. His misuse of lockdowns beats mandatory injections for groups x.y.z in some backward Anglo territories. His social control is 99.99% waterproof through technology. There are pockets of freedom left in the West, even in the Land of the Free, despite the fees and freeze. But the chest thumping has to stop immediately, as there is only a tattered flag left.
Garbage. If you’re looking for an authoritarian state, put America and its assorted jackals and poodles into a hat and draw out any name at random. There is more genuine freedom in China than anywhere in the Anglozionist Empire.
You’re an old China hand, are you A? Know about it from years of living there?
If not, your screed reads like a classic regurgitation of swallowed Western propaganda. What I know about China is that I know virtually nothing for sure. Most Westerners don’t. It’s just that some of us understand that all we think we know about it – or indeed about anywhere designated an enemy by the Anglozionist empire – is what we’re fed constantly by the Permanent Bullshit Blizzard, aka the Western lamestream ‘news’. Bullshit in other words. I don’t try to defend China. I just say most of us have no idea of what things are really like there for the average Jo. We just know – very familiarly – the constant bullshit.
If “we” know nothing for sure about Xi-China that is because of its uber 1984 regime there, which fact shouts out loud and clear. It has become a North Korea 2.0 which could also be paradise in your wishful mind.
My beef is not with China btw, but with Xi Jinping and his CCP.
i am a normal deviant
I don’t deviate from acknowledging reality. Renegade against official lies, rather than deviant.
i am not adjusted to our sick society therefore a normal deviant
The one thing that is not known is just how many people are seething with anger about all these issues that have been forced onto them. If the predicted blackouts occur, then all semblance of establishment control will be lost, who knows what will happen under cover of the night.
If the Killer Jabs dont reduce our numbers enough, little billy gates’ Vat Vomit. the ultimate Junk Food, will…
And Big Pharma smells which way the wind is blowing…Having made a killing jabbing many to Death they’re now turning their attention to the negative impact billy’s processed gunk will have on our health – buying up the vitamin supplement industry…
Good Business Logic: Claim food animals are destroying The Planet , so kill them off, replace them with little billy gate’s processed Junk Food…Containing numerous additives, stabilisers, etc, and, lacking in vital nutrients, the market for supplements booms…and so on…
Next: Admit that glyphosate has thoroughly contaminated the soil, thus all vegetables and crop foods, and causes all the destructive health conditions critics have attributed to it…Growing foods and vegetables are banned…little billy gates to the rescue with more Vat Vomit – fake vegetable paste (comes in tubes like toothpaste)…
Every which way, They make A Killing…
“It’s Diabolic, that’s wot it is !”
The wheat milling process is such it destroys the berries vitamins. Thiamin(B1) is then added to the flour and breads made from such can be promoted as “vitamin enriched”…
It’s good to hear about some of these ongoing new normal RULES. Another good one is the U.S.A. Still not allowing unvaccinated people to enter. Even as the science becomes widely known that the vaccine doesn’t prevent getting or spreading Covid … if there even is such a new thing that actually differs from any other old cold or flu… yet somewhere in some government office bubble the RULE makers push away from the shores of public interest out into the sea of special interests and continue imposing themselves upon us all. The new normal is alive and well in the bubble headed hell scape government universe. We deviants are also alive and well and holding the line back on the solid ground of reality. One way or another reality will triumph and so will we.
The article very accurately descibes the mechanism behind what is happening right now and unfortunately I agree with every word. See how many borders were broken recently – informed consent, body autonomy, freedom of speech, safety regulations for vaccines rollouts. All these damages are nearly irreversible especially thanks to brainwashed, neurotic and selfish part of the population who accepted the perverse idea that others have obligation to get unsafe experimental chemicals every other month,suffocate in a mask 24/7 and be economically damaged and harrassed for their (false) feeling of safety. This has become “normal” while “live and let live” is something absolutely nasty and inacceptable. This new medical fascism is the real worldwide disaster, not that wannabe flu like virus.
Live and let live is a good old saying as is live and learn but unfortunately most of the lame brained population just lives!
Off to a rock concert tonight which I am dreading because it’s a masked event. My wife won’t let me but if she did, along with my nose and mouth I’m thinking of draping my arms and legs in paper masks to, you know, make a statement.
Did you have to ask your wife for permission to avoid the clot shots as well? What if instead of draping your arms and legs in paper masks, in order to make a statement, you would remove the facial rag from your face?
Don’t wear a mask, when challenged say “I am wearing one – it’s asymptomatic”.
Good one. When challenged by someone in a mask telling you to wear one just ask why, does yours not work’?
The mask slipped briefly, for about a year and a half. It’s firmly back in place now, but those of us who saw the hideous countenance it was hiding cannot forget it. And I suppose that’s a double edged sword, though not really, because if you didn’t know before (as I did not) it is certainly better to be sadder but wiser as we continue down the road of life. The most painful part for me is without a doubt something CJ touches on, which is the barrier that has now inextricably risen between many who I love and who I presume had loved me; so, so much we can no longer talk about. I need to edit that actually and honestly: I personally would LOVE to talk about things with my nearest and dearest friends and family (the ones with whom my world view seems to have diverged) but I note it is THEY who are unwilling and angered by the mere proposal of differing POVs. Sigh…well, I suppose one consolation is that at least the entertainment, reading and writing are better on our side! Nothing like freedom of speech and thought to really stoke the fires of creativity!
150 of the Names & Faces Behind Covid Op — From Bilderbergers
These are the people close to the top in producing totalitarianism.
Damn that’s a good essay for our times. The following extract is the necessary next realisation AND self identifier for people to become familiar with…
“We/They are never going to “wake up.” Because we/they’re not asleep. We/They’re not hypnotized. We/They’re not going to “come to our/their senses” one day and take responsibility for the damage we/they have done.”
It’s all intention and the majority of deviants shock is due to assuming the normals were moral people.
Yes there are exits. We’ve been screwed for over 100 years (officially). We need to get off the current financial system (it’s not like there aren’t options) and stop obsessing about the past. The Covid/vaccine/WEF circus was a mere blip. Nothing more.
How well did getting off the international banking system of debt work for Germany. That is the reason they were attacked and destroyed as a people and a country. The newspapers were talking about eradication all Germans way before any talk of holocost happenings. The 6 million number has been around for centuries in their books too. All ready to use when you need a good story to desroy a rightous people!
Agent provocateur!
Today the Algo claimed that the herd of degenerate uman animals reached heads!
After almost 3 years with a DEADLY PCR kit “pandemic” and the deployment of the miracle mRNA toxic spew jabs I can only declare that:
I’m very sad and disappointed with the low level of deaths…
At this rate He will never reach his goal!
Clearly just another flagrant case of PROPAGANDA!
Maybe this is relevant…
Why spread youtube links?!?!
Would you like to censor sending links? It’s relevant to the article. S’all.
If that’s your interpretation of my comment… No comments!
Usually modern moron slaves are always complaining about GUULAG/youtube about this and that. But they never stop using their “service”!
YouTube has its uses – still – and it’s very accessible.
The censors haven’t got into every nook and cranny yet.
But no.
Brexit was not meant to happen.
David Cameron missread the room when he launched the vote to leave EU.
It was a done deal, UK would remain in the EU backed by a vote giving credibility to the union which would then further expand to become Eurasia.
Brexit threw a huge spanner in the works pushing back the globalist cause by years and damaging the integrity of the remaining EU states.
Even encouraging further rebellion within member states.
Look at the bookie’s odds for next to leave.
Italy 7:2 favourite
Greece 6:1
Poland 6:1
France 7:1
Make no mistake, Brexit will be proved by history to be a defining moment.
“They” DO make mistakes.
Someone singing from the same song sheet at last. I believe that it was decided by Cameron’s controllers that the vote was safe to remain so there would be no need to rig it like the Scottish ref was. When it went wrong for them Cameron got the boot and the next useful idiot was installed etc etc.
Brexit was right but the trouble is they are still blocking completion so the return will be easier and will probably be taken back by a so-called Labour government and it absolutely guarantees that the next general election will be rigged because no sane, informed person will ever vote for either Labour or Conservative. Wishful thinking I know, but just maybe, please.
This Sceptred
scriptedIsle – Season 1Drama following the events surrounding Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his government in the face of the first wave of COVID-19.
Cant wait for the Hollywood version.
CJ is right. These “emergencies” will have different titles, and they will continue. Why? because we are running out of cheap energy.
This is what is driving all the contrived ‘emergencies’ from an increasingly desperate ‘elite’ class.
“Energy precedes everything in the economy. The workforce must be fed before it can produce, and the machines must be plugged-in before they can be operated. Take away the energy and all you have left is an inert art exhibition.
The problem for the technocracy – who consider themselves immune to the changes this (shrinking energy supplies) will bring about – is far worse, because the nominal wealth that they hold is no more than a claim on future energy. So that, if total energy is declining rapidly – which it must if they are to achieve their goal of ending fossil fuel use – most of their claims – that is, their wealth – will be rendered worthless. This is because energy – or rather, that part of it which can be put to productive work – is the source of all value within an economy.
This is where the technocracy’s real woes begin because there is roughly a four-decade gap between an oil deposit being discovered and output reaching a peak. And the peak of world oil deposit discovery came more than half a century ago, in 1964. On that basis, we might expect that world oil production would have occurred sometime around 2004. And to some extent this was borne out, insofar as the peak of conventional oil production came in 2005 and led directly to the financial crisis in 2008 and the depression which has persisted ever since. If – as is increasingly obvious – we add fracking and melting tar sands to the enhanced oil recovery column, then it becomes clear that what the oil industry has been engaged in is a very expensive effort to keep production levels up. And that effort began to falter at the end of 2018… production is around five million barrels a day less in 2022 than it was in 2019.
As a rapidly de-industrialising Europe – including the UK – is discovering, the “green energy revolution” is only a good idea so long as nobody tries to do it for real.
What future though, your CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), your metaverse and your self-driving electric cars when the energy which makes them work is no longer available?
Or, to put it in terms that even an economist might grasp, all energetic systems – including industrial economies – eventually burn themselves out. Ours is no different.”
As Orwell depicted in 1984, The Economy can crumble but the surveillance state remains…The Economy is no longer necessary to control all social & productive activity…All energy resources are to be given over to maintaining the Global Surveillance State infrastructure…’covid’ provided the cover for rolling out the 5G network (The Authorities show no concern for the effects of 5G on our health or the health of life on the planet, same as they showed no concern for the injuries and deaths their killer jabs cause)…
Our energy needs are in competition with the energy needs of the Surveillance & Control State…”Simple as That !”… Ideas about ‘green energy’ providing an alternative is distraction, a cover story…
Greetings les. Yes, its likely that we un-elites will be rationed with energy and other things, and the ‘elites’ will use their already stored reserves of energy – but that won’t last for long.
Also, although they my try to spy on us and control us, increasingly there will be escape holes as they make errors, have disagreements and also suffer from shortages of all kinds. As time goes on, how will the globos have enough energy/resources to do anything more than a bit of spying?
As they lose more and more control I think they will retreat to their bunkers/private islands – doing a much damage as possible before they become an endangered species.
I could be wrong on this but I do believe that a shrinkage of cheap oil underlies all that is happening and will happen over the next few years.
Hunger Games was predictive programming.
Ivan Illich, in his 1973 essay Energy & Equity opens with “It has recently become fashionable to insist on an impending energy crisis.”
It was thus being framed and that’s how it has been talked about ever since…Illich was one of the first off the block in writing about all that is destructive about industrialism…He is still worth reading for his different understanding of our predicament…Beyond Economics and Ecology The Radical Thought of Ivan Illich, is a recommended place to start…Though my guess is most no longer read books…
The good news is their power and wealth is crashing and burning as we speak. The bad news is they are like a wounded animal and may take us down with them. The even worse news is it’s estimated the planet can only sustain 2 billion of us without cheap oil. The cabal could vanish tomorrow and we’d still be in a SHTF scenario.
Yes. We’re experiencing the end of the Age of Oil and our almost total dependence on it. But there will be much innovation and invention. Necessity is the mother ….. etc. etc.
But there ARE innovations and inventions… for depopulation. It was announced publicly by BG in Ted Talk in 2010… all this is testing… what works at what rate. Can’t start something for real if you don’t know the parameters and the outcomes… Once the numbers add up, they will finish it… why? They decided to survive with oil… Oil is good… Meanwhile, don’t be afraid to die, your body is not all.. they will trap your soul in a virtual reality… Prime Video is full of it these days… They’re working at it as we speak… (part time)
Fracking is also poisoning water including aquifers, soil, and people far more than other mining to date.
Says who? Legacy media?
“There are many exemptions for fracking under United States federal law: the oil and gas industries are exempt or excluded from certain sections of a number of the major federal environmental laws. These laws range from protecting clean water and air, to preventing the release of toxic substances and chemicals into the environment: the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, National Environmental Policy Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, commonly known as Superfund.”
May, you put your finger on precisely the underlying, indeed foundational, problem that’s causing all our current ructions: both the slo-mo global economic disaster, and all the gatesian population-reduction scams, such as the covid swindle.
What we have is an unprecedented human population-overshoot event, together with the inexorable drawdown of natural essential commodities which always bring such episodes to their resolution; quite naturally, without any intervention by damn-fool technocrats with much more certainty of their own competence than any actual competence (June Raine springs to mind as a typical example: the utterly incompetent, smilingly self-confident, ethically-null fool in charge of Britain’s MHRA; there are many such over-‘educated’ useful idiots making up the technocracy).
And of course petroleum is, as you say May, the key commodity that’s now getting more and more difficult to supply to end-users in the (splurgy) quantities to which we’ve grown used. And, yes indeed, energy is THE key commodity which keeps everything running.
You can make a persuasive case for the idea that all the switchback panics and upheavals now afflicting the world – the deliberate, gic-contrived covid swindle being a good example – are due to the gics (gangsters-in-charge) realising in consternation that they have a completely intractable problem on their hands with the (non-negotiable, irreversible) decline of petroleum availability. The gics feel that they have to take drastic steps to preserve their own overblown gic status in the world: something has to be done pronto about all we useless eater cattle.
Anyone who looks soberly and deeply enough at the whole energy emergency comes eventually to realise that we’re in deep, deep shit because of it. All the more so when we realise, with dawning dread, that there is – literally – no, zero, nada actually-credible replacement for fossil-hydrocarbon fuels, once they’re depleted. ALL the proposed ‘replacement’ energy sources are, without exception, dud squibs. (‘Renewables’? Don’t make me laff! Look into them seriously, and FFS sober up!).
Those of us who survive the Long Descent (qv) will be getting used to living with MUCH smaller energy rations; just as we used to for all those millennia before the brief flash-in-the-pan of the Oil Age began.
And it’s precisely the fact of energy famine that guarantees that many of our current overshot numbers will not survive for much longer, before the – entirely spontaneous – downturn in human population begins to alleviate the problem. My guess is that we won’t make nine billion.
But good luck, May, with getting the btl-plankton here at Off-G to face up to this hard reality underlying all our current problems. Denial is popular here too, as in so many places; denial and delusional cornucopianist fantasising. Check the downvotes to see… 😂
PS: I too recommend – highly – as a key source of sober realism about energy, Gail really gets it! (Note the word ‘finite’… 😉 )
Thanks Rhisiart. I’m glad someone understands what is actually happening in the world. I’ve been following Gail for years, and this man, Simon Michaux, an Aussie, is also a great authority on energy. This video will open minds about the importance and value of cheap oil to our current way of life, and what the disappearance of this magical liquid means.
Renewable energy will never replace oil, and the ‘elites’ know this very well.
“…after I’d finished the presentation [to an auditorium-full of Finnish academics, industrialists and politicians] they just sat there silently, like pole-axed hobbits…” 😂
Hardly surprising, once you get your head round these ultra-hard realities that he presents so convincingly; one technocrat who you can actually treat as a respect-worthy grownup.
Thanks, May! Simon Michaux is someone I hadn’t found till now. As good as Gail when it comes to the actual, realworld harsh realities: because they’re both on top of the uncompromising mathematics! And he too says that energy is the master resource, on which the getting of all the others depends – absolutely. He gets it too!
What he’s too much of a good professional scientist to blurt out too recklessly – unlike me – is that the real future is the Long Descent away from hitech industrial society, with a much smaller human population (without any other option), running much re-simplified economies and technologies; rhyming with, if not exactly repeating, roughly what we had in the seventeenth/eighteenth centuries; before the Industrial Revolution in Britain, anyway,
Any prognostication which doesn’t recognise that as the basis of its predictions is going to be deep into La-La-Land. Aka the dreamworld of Cornucopianism. What I think of as the false myth (in the Literate European-English meaning of the word ‘myth’) of Startrekkytechietechie: the god that failed, to re-purpose that famous book title; is failing, palpably, right now, in fact.
Btw, note that I don’t expect the toxic maunderings of the eugenicists to lead to anything concrete; they’re just fantasising as well, nasty superiority-complexed buggers! The overshoot will come down on its own, without their loving ministrations. The likes of Grinner Gates the money-grubber being a better prophet than people like Michaux? Really? Joke!
How to write 12 paragraphs of meanless dribble.
Go on then sweetie. Don’t stop at the intro: do the 12 paras as well! Show us your dribble. With a name like Ananda 😆 I’m wholly persuaded it will be really deeeeeep…
And ‘Ananda’ 😆 you forgot to give me your downvote. Come on now: get with it!
Ta! Good little Pavlov doggy! 😂 😂 😂
Not good at maths then, and the word is drivel not dribble. I might apply for a fact checkers job, I hear there are vacancies!
“It is manufactured and policed, not only by the media, corporations, governments, and non-governmental governing entities, but also (and, ultimately, more effectively) by the constant repetition of official narratives as unquestionable axiomatic facts.”
Couldn’t agree more CJ – this is the everywhere problem. These ‘facts’ are assumed in MSM just as we assume that we can put a cup on a table, or use any of the 5 (or sometimes fewer) senses we are blessed with. They are the givens behind any report.
I’ve recently started listening to BBC radio again after a long break, just to hear how this is happening and grasp the insidious nature of the beast.
But many have woken to this. 2 recent conversations:
First, a friend with shingles was recounting how he had a bad run in with what is traditionally termed a cold/flu type affliction – after vax. I said I’d been more lucky. He said “Well, you haven’t had the vax so your immune system is probably fine”. He equates the shingles with the proverbial damage we hear about – and he doesn’t do non-MSM. He’s just smart.
Second, a family member announced the other day that she used to believe everything in the MSM pretty much. Now she questions it all.
Many people who looked at me with suspicious distaste formerly, now have returned to warm embraces, and occasionally even look sheepish (old meaning thereof). Although I am not sure how to interpret this, it feels positive.
In the UK, our politicians looked like they made a deliberate mockery of the agenda they seemed railroaded into complying with. Not very heartening, but a bit so.
The ‘deviants’ vs ‘normals’ split is the lens through which we are being corralled to be seen. And in the former case not heard. It is one more ‘fact’ providing the backdrop to our ‘news’.
Those people who are in denial have been provided with useful retorts such as “conspiracy theories”, “anti vaxxers” etc. Thereby making it far easier to shoot the messenger rather than consider the actual message.
Pepe Escobar on the Multipolar World cross-posted on PressTV
What is the EU’s response to these ground-breaking repercussions of an expanded BRICS+? Yet another “sanctions package” against Iran. Diplomacy wild Western style, ie bullying.
In the economy of real goods – as in oil and gas – sovereign Russia, Iran and Turkiye are bound to influence liberation developments in Syria, Iraq, and Libya.
Already Riyadh, for all practical purposes, has performed a stunning 180-degree maneuver against Washington via OPEC+. This may signify the onset of a process of unification of Arab interests, guided by Moscow. Stranger things have happened in recent history.
The Arab world might be ready to join the “Quad” that really matters: Russia, India, China, and Iran.
Press TV’s website can also be accessed at
I wonder what happened to all the oil refineries taken over and being run by ISIS, remember that one? Peak oil dates over the past 50 years have never happened just like sea level rise etc. etc. All fear mongering, controlling bollocks. Oil is not a fossil fuel.
Doesn’t matter a damn whether oil is fossil or abiotic. WIGIG! When it’s gone, it’s gone. Even if it’s really a non-life-based mineral from deep within the Earth’s interior, if the pool it came from isn’t re-filling at a fast pace, it’s still a bust.
It will not be gone.
One mindfuck which now seems relatively minor but nevertheless significant for me is the campaign against Corbyn’s Labour Party at the end of 2019. That was without doubt my own final ejection from the political theatre. Granted that a Corbyn win wouldn’t have matter much anyway … However, it was clear that his popularity was ominous enough to the vested interests i.e. had he won, they would have “dealt with him” without too much trouble BUT the fact that a large portion of the electorate backed him was an indication that this segment of the public, given hope, may become somewhat unmanageable. Therefore, said segment had to be made forcibly aware that Corbyn was a dead duck.
And so….
The most embarrassingly stupid and insultingly obvious smear campaign ever erupted – one that shamelessly risked Godwin’s Law i.e. though it just managed to avoid mentioning Adolph, the unmistakeable implication was that the Corbyn Labourites were indeed the Third Reich reborn. All channels blasting away, the BBC ranting for 10 content free minutes on the implied re-emergence of Auschwitz in England’s Green and Pleasant.
It was a decisive demonstration of the utter impotence of the electoral field. And the margin by which elections could have made a difference was finally consigned to the famous dustbin of history.
The rise of Starmer after that was difficult to even yawn over. But by that time, the viral crud had started and the entire realm of public credulity had effected an expansion that might be compared to the cloud that went up over Hiroshima.
So all in all, the Corbyn episode was a fitting prelude to the true tsunami – of rectal discharge.
I thought that “Newsnight” backdrop was pretty good — use red and black colors (traditionally associated with anarchists) to portray the Kremlin (of course) with Corbyn supermimposed on it wearing a Lenin style cap. It was so blatant that it made it over here to the US.
Then just to make sure there was the whole “anti-Semitic” fiasco.
What’s signiifcant is all this goes off in plain sight but either people don’t notice or they just don’t care. Because of things like this (and the likes of Trump over here) I’ve concluded that we really do live in a democracy — the people are getting not just the government they ask for but the government they deserve.
(PS — Startmer and Rusnak are both ‘safe’, their bios tell us that they’re ‘Approved by the IMF” so suitable for government.)
(PPS — I’m old, I can remember what happened to the Wilson government in the 1960s. They got broght to order pretty quickly but just in case anyone had any readical ideas there was actually planning for a coup.)
People notice and they care… The Cabal has learned a long time ago that terror works on people to make them shut up and be petrified… intimidation… if they were late to the party, they learned it in The Godfather.
That scene you’re describing was also seen in Biden’s inauguration, and Angela Merkel departure ceremony. Spine shilling.
You can spot a psychopath criminal by the way they try to intimidate you instead of having a rational discussion. Because a rational discussion don’t lead to winner takes all, but to everyone is happy. Now it’s not because they’ve learned from the criminals that they will spare the criminals… the psychopaths will be the first to go… they are a threat to bigger psychopaths… And the bigger psychopaths will win, they always do… it’s almost the name of the game.
That’s why we have a God Who provides an alternate game. Did we invent God as way to make sense of our existence? Can we be that God. Does He really exist and wants us to be that God. Or is He about to come down, push us aside as we have suffered enough, and handle this? One thing is for sure, people who survive a life or death situation are always praised and are an inspiration. Is our heart in this matter that much at fault, or is it right? Good or bad, be or not. I think we just are… that’s all I can say for sure. And we must be a certain way.
And here’s another pic to complement the ones I’ve posted below, for comparison… all pending so…
Well they do like there iconography / religious theology theme to it.
J.C attacked by the
j*wsmoney changers and crucified.Him and his follower pro P*l**ine / people rights now called anti s****c.
** to avoid pending.
I think Corbyn was very much like Jesus.
Consider these facts.
They both had the same initials.
They both had beards.
And they both had dodgy friends – Judas Iscariot in the case of Jesus, and Diane Abbott in the case of Jeremy.
Must see/listen podcast: Simon Elmer interview with James Delingpole!
If Corbyn had got in, he would probably have gone the way of John Smith or Robin Cook.
“everything was hunky-dory, and then along came Brexit, Donald Trump, and the whole “populist” and neo-nationalist rebellion”.
The poster-boys of that era – Trump, Johnson and Bolsonaro – are all now out of power (or the illusion of power). Trump’s role now seems to be to ensure Biden’s re-election in 2024, Johnson is raising money for Ukraine and I don’t know about Bolsonaro. However we have the new fake populist government in Italy and there’s one in Sweden that hasn’t been getting much attention.
BTW one feature of totalitarianism is elections. Hitler and Stalin didn’t scrap elections, they became rigged exercises in mobilising legitimacy. The current version spread across two main parties is a bit more subtle – but when a party that got 18% in an exit poll can be declared the winner (as I gather happened in Arizona) then it’s not by much.
As Obama can’t be re-elected in 2024, I suspect it will again be Biden or another Obama replacement.
Not that it matters – the reduction in cheap energy will continue to drive massive changes in our societies. Wars, viruses, Trump, Climate Change, etc. etc. are merely coverups for the real problem.
Dmitry Orlov always insists that it doesn’t matter at all who’s president, since they simply do what the real power-wielders want – or they get Kennedied; as they all understand perfectly well before they ever get into the White House.
Dmitry was born and grew up in Leningrad (as was), was emigrated to the US with his academic family when he was twelve, and returned to live permanently in Russia in his fifties. He also made repeated visits to his homeland in the ’90s, observing it getting pillaged by the US gangsters and their Russian-oligarch comprador partners in crime, and realising in the process that exactly the same collapse would be coming to the US eventually – as is now happening
Maybe Barry’s lover Michael, sorry, Michelle!!
My greatest disbelief and sadness has been that seemingly most anarchists, those who previously believed nothing coming from the mainstream, have gone hook, line & sinker for the phascist corporate science + capitalist elite’s new normal narrative. They have abandoned research, questioning, criticism and self analysis. Their common use of masking up and being in black possibly facilitated this move to ideological totalitarianism. But anti-fascism y’all, hello?
The pix below were shot October 30, 2022 at Left Bank Books, an anarchist book collective shop in Seattle. Nothing of the mask requirement is mentioned on their website. When we called 10 days later to check if the policy was still in play and asked why, they hung up on us. What a tragedy. Anti-fascism, good. But anti-freedom & pro-stupidity, oh please!
Seems to me, from my own personal circle, this is a symptom of Trump Derangement Syndrome. While I may be using an old tired cliche’ there, I see that all the time amongst those I know damned well KNOW the media is all lies and that Big Pharma is in many ways a blatantly criminal operation.
When it comes to Covid, the masks, the fucking shots, they go along with all that under the “believing in the Science” crap. One of the smartest things our owners did was unleashing the Covid madness during Trump’s presidency, as well as allowing him to question the validity of the mighty Covid – that sent the liberals into a death spiral as far as questioning the media or Pharma was concerned. Anyone who dissents is merely a Trump supporting science denier to them now. If Trump said it, it must be wrong and crazy, period, no further discussion warranted or allowed.
Of course that whole thing of right vs left was set up a long damned time ago to do just this, but even I did not see that for the long term tactic it was until the Covid idiocy. In a truly sick way, it’s a brilliant weapon for our owners. One can no longer use words like civil liberties without being labeled a domestic extremist right winger, but without civil liberties, NO ONE has civil rights. If you should find yourself uttering that statement to a full blown covidiot, they’ll not only disagree with you, but get really angry at you for pointing out that simple, undeniable fact. Course, they don’t do fact anymore, but it can still piss them off when they recognize it.
If it’s any consolation, ever since the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic was launched, and especially after the bogus “‘flatten the curve’ two-week lockdown” morphed into an indefinite New Abnormal, I’ve been insisting that the scamdemic psyop and public reaction was/is inextricably intertwined with Trump Derangement Syndrome.
More than one person refused to admit the connection, believing that when the Usurper Trump was deposed from the Oval Office Throne by
hook or bycrook, TDS was virtually “over”.My TDS-afflicted relatives seamlessly became scamdemic thralls; my one non-TDS sibling, like me, is a scamdemic skeptic. “Anecdotal”, perhaps– but the correlation is undeniable. 😠
The new Alberta premier who appears to stand against the WHO has just appointed a new medical health officer. Sounds hopeful at first . . .
Meet the new boss, just like the old boss.
Actually, that is ill-informed. Must follow Dr. William Makis, of Alberta:
the irony
Ananda– people who defy church hierarchy to state the truth are to be commended. Their support for humanity in this war against us is powerful.
A very reasonable view expressed to me from a ‘place which doesn’t matter’ said that ‘Covid is no longer necessary now that the war in Ukraine is in full swing’ A very good point.
COP27 just had corporate jets flying in from everywhere to tell the rest of us never to fly again, to do without electricity or gas heating, to stop eating meat and eat insects or lab meat instead. Oh, and they are about to crash the stock market, having already crashed the ‘alternative cryptocurrency market’, which is totally necessary if the ‘hard money’, ‘globally dispersed’ bitcoin cryptocurrency is to be replaced by Central Bank Digital Currencies which can be completely devalued at will just by increasing the coin supply 100-fold in the electronic ether.
My judgement of what matters is what happens to you if you ignore everything the Establishment says, don’t engage politically but just find people who provide services and products you want, whether or not the government wants you to buy them or not.
As I don’t listen to anything the politicians, the media, the ‘academics’, the ‘City of London’ says with anything but an ear assuming that everything they spout is lies until proven otherwise, I’m no longer affected by propaganda. I’ve grown beyond it, couldn’t care less about it. I can’t stop other people being affected by it, but at the moment, that’s their problem, not mine. I am unfortunately, however, watchful to see whether a time will come when it does become my problem.
Like the Russians and the Chinese trying to ‘dedollarise’, I am slowly trying to ‘de-establishmentise’ where it comes to my trading activities. Of course, I still buy plenty from ‘establishment retailers’, but where possible, now I buy things from more off the beaten track. I grow my own vegetables using non-Establishment seed suppliers in the main. I source meat mainly from off the beaten track. And I’m even starting to source beer and wine from stranger places too.
If a time comes when it is illegal to buy anything from anyone but those the Government forces upon us, then totalitarianism is truly with us.
As long as I can keep buying things from where I choose, not where the propaganda suggests I should buy them from, I don’t perceive my country to be a dictatorship, more an annoying festering turd of an Establishment whose usefulness disappeared the day Tony Blair betrayed his electors by forcing the UK into war against Iraq, just so he could earn £100m from American sponsors after office.
The western civilization is like an old man at the last stage of decrepitude, moaning and squeacking on its way to the grave. All the pillars upon which it was based have scrambled and fallen. The heritage greco-roman which was the philosophical and politic basis is no more. Christianity (which at some point became judeo-christian) which used to be the pillar of morality and spirutual solace is long gone since the Renaissance. All is left is a meaningless, mechanical, souless structure with no moral or spiritual appeal. Coercion seems to be the only option left to push people to adhere to its tenants. We are the witness of the lest days of a civilization which in its best days was extremely brutal, destructive and one sided. Good riddance!
The idea that the heritage of Western civilisation is Greco-Roman is another myth of disguised origins. Babylon and Egypt are much nearer the mark.
It’s all connected. Egypt has given birth to Babylon and ancient Greece which is the predecessor of Rome. The true origin of Europe is Africa and Asia Minor.
By coincidence? just last night I was thinking how Babylon and Egypt contributed equally with Greece and Rome to the Judeo-Christian world view.
Graeco Roman paganism was gradually suppressed and persecuted and banned over three centuries. In it’s place was installed a prepared new religion based on Palestinian traditions and myths, a branch of the root religion.
Don’t forget how they leverage the dollar god. How it is worshiped and used to keep the most enslaved by throwing them crumbs from the cartel table.
I don’t like the term “Globocap”. “Capitalism” is part and parcel wrapped up with individual liberty, with freedom of action and with the right of each of us to transact, freely and unharrassed, with others as we see fit. We have precious little freedom of choice as it is and increasingly we don’t even have the freedom to speak out or oppose government. This is not a question of “left” or “right” at all.
Perhaps a better term would be “Global Authoritarianism”.
Nay, sir. Capitalism was a word coined by Socialists in the late 1800’s/ Early 1900’s to describe the system they lived in. A system characterized by Incestuous relationships between State and industry leaders, bank loans to governments at obscene interest, “forcing” them to raise taxes to pay for it all, splitting up and selling the Commons to the highest bidder, etc etc. Privileges for some, shit for the rest of us. Basically everything we hate about the current world, is exactly what Capitalism has always been. Sometimes the common people have more privilege, sometimes the rich. Economists like Ludwig Von Mises attempted to “take the word back” in the 20’s, to describe the free markets they envisioned (which came closest, but not all that close, to being reality in the early USA, but didn’t last long) up until then the idea of free markets was just called “Liberalism”
The fact is, words like Socialism and Capitalism are 200 year olds words that have been watered down and redefined so many times that they’re no longer useful. Perhaps its time we abandoned them?
Stand by for a protest that what we have is “crony capitalism”.
I was waiting for that reply, but it never came 🙁
Unfettered capitalism is destructive. I think that should be clear enough by now. The USA is a glaring lesson in this simple fact. The argument that the USA is not following true capitalism because market forces are being ignored is an unrealistic argument.
Capitalism gives rise to wealth inequality. Wealth inequality leads to oligarchy. Oligarchy captures government and ignores market forces when those elements might work against its interests. It is a cruel yet inevitable sequence. Moreover, capitalism moves down that path very, very rapidly. It did so in the 1890s and again in the 1920s.
Now we are here once again. A near-fatal downward spiral 3 times in 150 years indicates a very unstable approach. Left to its own devices, capitalism will destroy itself every time and it will take all of society down with it. It has the reliability and empathy of a meth addict (and that’s being cruel to meth addicts).
The only forces that have ever managed to harness capitalism are socialist forces – government regulation and social programs like unemployment and medicare. These forces protect the people from the worst ravages of capitalism. Anti-trust laws, environmental regulations, oversight, unions, safety nets – these are the forces that created actual stability in the USA, leading to its vaunted “golden era” of prosperity from the late 1940s to the 1970s.
From the 1980s forward, these protections were systematically dismantled. Union busting, deregulation, the corruption of oversight agencies like the SEC, and the attack on social welfare programs have ushered in the demise of the middle class and runaway wealth redistribution. A captive government has meant little or no real action from either political party. Neo-liberalism and modern conservatism are merely reflections of capitalism’s natural transformation to oligarchy.
And that is why the USA stands on the verge of possible civil war. The culture wars are not real, but the outrage that fuels them is very real. What we are seeing is a population engaged in a collective primal scream. Two sides have clearly formed around manufactured issues and I don’t see how to avoid an ending drenched in blood. There are those in positions of leadership and influence who would be perfectly happy to see it descend into chaos, so long as they maintain power. In fact, many of them would never have achieved power in a more normal and sane political climate.
As for the oligarchs, they don’t honestly care what the little people do to each other. Their wealth will survive, since they can step outside these national borders at a moment’s notice. The resulting chaos will likely provide a lucrative opportunity for them, to be honest. When the USSR collapsed in 1989, it was an almost instant transformation to criminal oligarchy. There is lots of opportunity in chaos.
I believe the USA has reached the “5 minutes to midnight” moment – the last chance for any meaningful change to happen. That change will have to strike at the heart of the primary pain of the population – the belief that they don’t matter and that there is no way to achieve financial security for themselves and their families.
This is a moment that calls for a Teddy Roosevelt, an FDR, or an LBJ. It requires an epic leader figure who can impose the necessary changes. The simple fact is that, each time, the changes required to pull the USA back from the brink are never popular with the oligarchs. Necessary changes are universally anti-capitalist and anti-oligarch. Anti-trust laws and unionization rights. Social Safety Net programs. Civil rights and environmental oversight. But this is what it takes to stop the downward spiral into self-destruction.
Furthermore, I am honestly tired of the tendency to equate democracy with capitalism. Democracy gives voice to the people, who want wealth and opportunity. Capitalism and oligarchy try to take that voice away because it stands in the way of wealth accumulation. Democracy and capitalism are not compatible ideologies. They work against each other. I wish that was more obvious to people.
Oligarchy is why voting rights are being attacked. It is why unions have been essentially wiped out. It is why government regulations have been consistently dismantled. It is why you have been told that “government is the problem”.
The fact is that a healthy, functional government that is not in the pockets of oligarchs is your only true protection. And that is why oligarchs will always systematically enslave it – to remove your only real guardian. Once the government is crippled, all of your protections are laid bare, ready to be destroyed.
I am simply pointing out the logical destination of the current trends in the USA – trends that have been in motion since 1980. The USA’s house is on fire. At some point, the fire will clearly be unstoppable and all we will be able to do is watch it burn this house to the ground. Anyone in California or BC knows that moment all too well. I feel like we are moments away from that collective realization. I hope not, though. I hope for a last-minute rush of bold leadership. I try not to have expectations. Only hope. A small hope, at that.
In the event that the worst occurs, I hope that something healthier will rise from the ashes of the country where I was born.
~ Jonathan Ginter
But there’s the thing. Capitalism as a system has ALWAYS been about the State being in bed with Corps and Factory owners. The word “Capitalism” was never intended to be used to describe free markets. Unfortunately, these days, so many people think Capitalism and free markets are synonymous, but they’re not. It’s not that Capitalism gave rise to Oligarchy. It already existed, and Capitalism gave it legitimacy.
Social programs aren’t really a Socialist force either.. As Socialism means nothing more than the social – not public – ownership of the means of production. Social programs were invented and implemented by Capitalist states. The Welfare State is just modified Capitalism, brought in to shut up the masses and stop them from revolting.
I don’t think Socialism is the answer to Capitalism. I think both ideas should die. I believe the best way forward is to end this idea of country spanning “systems” and let every community choose for itself how it will organize economically. Keep trade as free as possible between communities, no matter what their economic choices are
Capitalists need oligarchy because they cannot survive in open compeittion (free market). The essence of oligarchy is rigged business. The oligarchy overlooks, legitimises or imposes these:
– Undermined competition including restricted permits, favourble laws and collusion
– Deceit in products, services, prices and contracts
– Extortion of unearned income (economic rent)
– Insider trading and hostile takeover, aided by private finance
– Turning businesses into zombie enterprises focused on enriching executives and shareholders
– Keeping out public banking
– Environmental and social destruction
– Intellectual property including theft, bio-piracy and fake science
– Diversion of public wealth from government for contracts, concessions, investment or mega-projects (that may be low-quality or useless).
I agree entirely. And the State is only too happy to oblige the Oligarchs with:
– Prohibitive taxes that destroy small businesses, and only the Oligarchs can afford
– Regulation supposed to “keep businesses honest” but only create entry barriers
– Forcing people to use the Oligarch’s products (Oil, Green Tech, Vaccines, Insurance, the list goes on and on)
– Bailouts for “Too big to fail” companies
– Sucking up citizen’s wealth and redistributing among the ultra rich
And all the while telling us we have a choice in this because we can “choose” our bought and paid for master every few years
Oligarch causes “wealth inequality”, not the other way around.
U$ is suffering from religious conflict between two sects of capitalism. Unfortunately, these beliefs have infected much of the world.
We now know that the media is damned, as is the entire “normal” world it projects. There is universal deception now. And it will never end. Furthermore, this did not sneak up on us. This was brashly and boldly announced at the very start. It isn’t Groundhog Day but Groundhog Minute. The world has gone into an endless loop.
There always was “universal deception” George, it’s not something that suddenly popped into existence NOW and it’s not something that just involves the MSM as we know it today.
They knew that even in biblical times, here’s a quote that sums up the situation of all those deceivers, traitors and collaborators (Luciferians) who in full consciousness currently serve the dark forces of the NWO:
John 8:44
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it.”
I’ve heard of the Devil described as the Prince of Lies and the Lord of Illusion. And that the world is his realm.
the thief only comes to steal, kill and destroy
Yes George, they also say that “the lie is the murder of the soul”, and that the physical world is the first sphere of evil and therefore Maya (illusion) in esoteric terms – this is where “Satan’s throne” is and he works hand in hand with Lucifer the Devil. One wonders how the lying politicians will eventually end up – soulless perhaps?
I stopped doing this with close friends and very rarely ever did it at work. On the few work occasions when I tried it, I either got a hostile response or a non-committal one. And after a psychotic breakdown with a friend I resolved never to mention it again. (The friend in question now tests himself feverishly by both mouth and nose, has had all the jabs and has also “contracted covid” more often than anyone else I know.)
And this seems to me to be the true divide. Folk don’t talk about it. If I were to bring the subject up seriously I could not keep myself back from expressing incredulity that anyone at this late stage still thinks there’s any credibility left in covid. And yet I already know what this would provoke e.g. “Oh for fuck’s sake are you still on about this conspiracy crap?! Even at this stage?!” In short my own position the other way round.
I hear you. I don’t expect people to change their opinions but I admit I had expected back in 2020 that it would be possible to have conversations and debate with close friends.
Ranging from the most diplomatic and polite to the most aggressive, everyone came up with their own way of shutting down conversation on the most important issue of our time.
I’m old enough to remember when it was possible to have good friends on any side of a political issue.
This was the only aspect of the last three years which shocked me.
I saw the indifference to the indiscriminate bombing of the Middle East for decades but I had somehow assumed that since this issue affects all our lives and not some someone halfway around the world that people would be interested in talking.
I hadn’t expected Zombie Apocalypse.
“I’m old enough to remember when it was possible to have good friends on any side of a political issue.”
Me too. I used to praise it as one of the finest features of being British.
Do you think that is a British thing?!
Being “fair” used to be a very British thing back in the 20th century. There was a great debating tradition in Britain with rules and times set for each side to put forth their arguments. It was ok to concede a point.
When I was a child, there was a high value placed on “owning up” if you did mischief and “being a good sport” was important than winning by any means, espcially in children’s sports.
These are of course not exclusively British values by an means (they exist all over the world), but they commanded respect in Britan decades ago.
Repeating myself again: In March, 2020, during the first days of the official Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic, my older sister M. e-mailed me the appended photo, taken in the cleaning supplies aisle of a local supermarket.
In my reply, I wrote something like “Great! Now America will become a nation of germophobes!” When I wrote that, I had no idea that M. herself would succumb to the hysteria and become a full-blown scamdemic thrall.
I won’t repeat all of the M.-related anecdotes I’ve posted since. Suffice to say that by summertime, 2020, it became clear that M. was too freaked out to tolerate my abiding (and metastasizing) scamdemic skepticism. We didn’t fight or argue (we’re both in our late 60s, BTW), but tacitly “agreed to disagree” and not discuss scamdemic-related topics.
I’ve been invited to Thanksgiving again this year, for the first time since M. “canceled” her traditional holiday dinners. Since we still don’t discuss the taboo subject, I can only surmise that my non-jabbed persona non grata status has finally been rescinded, or at least suspended.
That pic brings about the saddest of thoughts …
Yippydee wrote:
I hadn’t expected Zombie Apocalypse.
Well, it all came to pass when the “theory of Zombie viruses” was rolled out which was accepted by the majority of the global population. It was then subsequently refuted as it was found to be based on speculative bullshit disguised as “science”. But the majority still believed it and the “Zombie vaccines” followed that systematically murdered some, maimed others and also turned many people in the population into what could possibly be described as the “walking dead”. There was never full disclosure of the terms to those who received the witches brew or its diabolical contents which turned them into something never quite encountered before.
Why are viruses akin to “Zombies”? According to most virologists they are lifeless metastable material particles but on the other hand, they are believed to come to life when they somehow manage to gain entry to the specialized living host cells that virologists themselves have invented and conjured up to accommodate the virus. The specialized host cells then perform all the necessary functions to bring the virus to life in order for it to replicate and reproduce, and it will continue to do so until it runs out of the specialized living host cells and can therefore no longer replicate or reproduce! There are big problems with this that I won’t go into here, some of which I have discussed in other previous posts.
“No-one expects the Zombie Apocalypse!” (I’ll come in again…)
They continue the bollocks for as long as needed, ie that is up till a point where literally everybody is loathing the covid nonsense. And then they will turn to another subject, and repeat the shebang but now with aliens, terrorists, climate, etc.
How exactly are they doing it?
-For the people at large: by just continuing to feed them with dog food. They like dog food and will not notice the difference between right or wrong or good or bad or tasty or untasty, so who cares
-For people in the grey zone: they will be provided with endless stories about lab leaks, how angry we must be at our politicians and so on and so forth which will demoralize these people (as there is no end in sight if you start with a lie to begin with)
-For the people who think for themselves: by simply not giving them a stage, so they can shout, scream and write what they want, yet it feels pointless. But it isn’t as long as you combine the thinking for yourself with the writing for yourself. People who write and think for themselves rarely get a large audience and that’s the way it should be.
I consider myself being part of the group who think and write for themselves. For those who like to know where I write (besides the comment section at OffG), you can find me here:
(blog is mainly written in Dutch though and it’s [deliberately] not well organized).
If written words support someone else’s thoughts or give strength: happy to provide that. Fact is that the only writers that I find interesting give and gave (most are dead) thoughts to me that support my own thoughts and that give me strength and consolation.
But that words can lead to strength and consolation is a luxury for readers, yet not the purpose of writers and thinkers who write and think for themselves. Anyway, that’s how I see it.
One thing that I find amazing of the whole covid nonsense is that all these rules, regulations and other nonsense do not have to be followed by anyone, yet one still can live a life. A decent life in my opinion and a richer life too. It is not a life where you will be able to easily travel the world or get a high position in a governmental organization. But it is also not a life where you need to live in a barrel like Diogenes lived in a barrel. Yet Diogenes survived just fine and he is a good example. There is more in life than materialism. That is the awesome thing about covid that I’ve learned from the open books, that is by reading the minds through the behavior of all these lunatics who fell for it, loved it, wanted it so bad since they wanted to be saved through the needle (materialism) instead of through the spirit (themselves).
Or in other words and shortly put: Decadence (through the vaxx) leads to excess mortality, as the numbers show:
I went to your blog page immediately, and while it looks so good, I can’t read Dutch…look forward to hearing your thoughts on an English based blog sometime in future!
Well said, Willem! Solidarity, bro!
Many of you new media types seem to fool flat on your face with this type of argument which you must of all been sent, as you all repeat the same line.
why? would we be one of the two..? Todd tried this, your either this or that, bullshit and got laughed out his own article.
Again, this is total nonsense, just like your populism article. Your last article was ridicule across the web and we wont go there.
Dont put us in your either group as it is a fake binary.
Get of the internet CJ, stop watching U.K column and Alex Jones, disaster new alt media outlets like Fear porn Farmer and Deranged Ranger.
As last week prove yet again, there was no civil war regarding the USA mid terms selections and the only people who seem to give a fake fudge and generate fear was the new alt media outlets like the above as there funding by you no who.
98%+ of the people where I am based are maskless and the shelves in shops are full.
No question we’re living in a new normal but yea the hyperbole about getting thrown in camps or forcibly vaxxed seems as ridiculous as the wildest msm claims about covid. Nonetheless I don’t see anyone being held accountable and not enough resistance to really change the direction we’re headed. We’re fighting about germ v terrain and whether to call the great reset fascist or communist.
The majority of the world including me were forcibly vaxxed. The David Dees cartoon of people being held down in the street and needle raped hasn’t happened in real life yet (except perhaps in the privacy of old age homes) but extreme coercion was used.
“Must of” “get of”. You’re hilarious, ‘Ananda’: the gift that keeps on giving! 😂 😂 😂
I think Brexit and Trump were part of the script. Brexit would never have happened if Merkel hadn’t opened up Germany to the entire Middle East, and she was one of the puppets.
It’s just getting started and it’s much more than the fake pandemic. Two things happened to me in the last week. One was I rented a UHaul truck to move and when I went to get it, the thirty something desk clerk explained I needed to use my cell phone to scan a QR code and to be able to turn it in, or something to that effect. I’ve never had a cell phone until recently when I had to disconnect my land line, I’ve had for over 30 years because I sold my house. So I got one of those temporary, pay as you go cheapies because well, there aren’t any pay phones anymore. The thirty something behind the desk seemed incredulous that someone would not know how to do whatever and when I ranted about how the world was getting, he wanted no part of it.
The other thing was I went into a large supermarket to buy some wine. When I went to the counter, the twenty something clerk asked me for my ID. I flipped open my wallet and showed him and he asked me to take it out. I laughed and asked when the hell did this start. He just shrugged and said that’s what they want now. I took it out and he scanned it. I’m 67. I look like I’m 67. I served by country (for what that’s worth, but to them it’s supposed to be a different story). I’ve never had to do that before. Did I say I’m 67? I ranted a little about the state of the world, again, and this 20 something wanted no part of it, in fact acted a little put off that I didn’t like the fact that I have to take my fucking ID out of my wallet to be scanned now, just to buy some fucking wine. And I’m 67.
Thanks for listening.
My comment was just approved after two days? Is this really necessary?