The Maskparade Charade

Sylvia Shawcross

In the ridiculous world of the New Abnormal where we apparently find ourselves it is critically important to add your opinion to the cacophony of why we are who we are, where we are on the path to seeming totalitarianism and… why people are still wearing masks.

Here in Canada apparently 7 out of 10 members of the public would want mask mandates back while most of the rest of the world has abandoned the concept to the rearview mirror.

Perhaps understandable if you have a medical condition but now study after study. Peer-reviewed. Well-researched. Top quality medical journals. Top-of-the-line researchers. All saying these masks do very little good.**

Even Fauci himself said so once…before he changed his mind as he tends to do when the landscape changes with the weather. 

And in response, of course, drug companies and governments sponsored researchers in duelling studies to prove the opposite because that’s the game being played. It’s all about who you believe. It’s not about “the science”. Quite the game really.

In fact, most now know that masks are harmful in many cases, with children paying the biggest price by far on many different levels.

We know now masks don’t work for covid but perhaps they work for RSV or the flu? Maybe that’s why the push is on again. Because here in Canada it certainly is. Maybe that’s why we have the new narrative and being good abnormal citizens we must comply. Do you think?

Don’t be silly. We know why. We just don’t want to say.

So the Media and their polls have told us that 7 out of 10 people want to keep the masks. And why might that be?

They can hide their crooked teeth. Or their unbrushed teeth. Or their morning-after-the-night-before breath. They don’t have to wear make-up. Or shave. Or wash their faces or their children’s faces.

They can stick their tongue out at people without being caught. They can whisper without lip readers. They can smile and smirk and bite their lips. They can hide their cosmetic surgery in progress.They can hide their chin hairs and warts and zits and leftover food in their moustaches.

They can rob a bank or say whatever they want to strangers because no one knows who they are and even the cameras don’t know. 

God only knows what’s going on behind those masks!

But! Those mask-wearing people are free in a weird weird way. Advocates of the new abnormal have found a form of freedom from social norms behind a mask.

How is that possible? Is it possible that masks are freedom? No wonder we’re all mixed up. We don’t even know what freedom is anymore.

Or is it because we lost the freedom to have crooked teeth, no makeup and snarky opinions in the real world due to ever evolving relentless social norms and now have to hide for any sort of freedom…Hmmm… 

Seems to be true for a lot of things now doesn’t it?

(Except for anything sexual. You can pretty much proclaim or do anything publicly now. Except child molestation. You can apparently sniff but not anything else. But I’m doing that digression thing again…)

So, let’s get this straight— when we see someone in a mask are they to be feared as nasty snaggle-toothed leprous sneaky sociopaths with sharp tongues and nefarious intentions?

Or are they just victims grasping for what little freedom they can garner in a socially punishing world? Hmmm… It could well be either one… How would we know?

Nevertheless, this is all terribly alarming. WHAT is going on? 7 out of 10 of us!!! 

Well, I have a theory.  Beyond the usual theories of enforced enslavement, virtue signalling, forced shame, neurosis, herd-like conditioning, continued fear porn, dehumanization/objectification/subjugation/alienation, circumvention of facial-recognition systems, gateway moves to social credit scores, anti-feminist one-step-to-the-forced-wearing-of-shuttlecock-burkas assault and the ultimate theory that this poll is nonsense propaganda from our captured media.

All of these theories are as good as the next as long as science seems to have little to do with mask mandates. I mean, real science by independent researchers.

Beyond these theories is the “we’re in the Dark Ages during the plague years of 1346 or so again” theory of mine which I thought I might as well throw into the mix now that we’re all mixed up about freedom and stuff.

Not that there is a plague or anything really at the moment but because people’s reactions don’t change. Not through all these centuries. We’ve changed NOT at all.

Here’s my theory: People wearing masks are the flagellants of the dark ages during the plague years who would run around whipping themselves publicly for God’s forgiveness and atonement or something.

Now during the plague years we would have asked a priest about all this guilt and fear stuff that drive flagellants to be flagellants but today we ask the psychologists.

This is because many if not all of the first world countries have become atheistic and have abandoned religion. But human nature needs what human nature needs—hence the psychologists for priests e.g. or Fauci as Pope and Schwaub as God and Greta as Mother Mary Marx.

Some people believe either technology, money, or medicine has replaced religion but it is clearly evident that it is the Green movement. If we can accept that religion is something that people participate in every day in a meaningful way, then clearly the Green movement has it all. It has priests, codes of behaviours, dictates and forbidden things.

It has a hell (the world as it is going now) and it has a heaven (sustainable development in utopia) It has worshippers. It has the holy and the damned. It has flagellants. And the people now wearing masks are them.

After thirty or so years of being told  humans are responsible for killing the planet and being driven to weeping guilt over spending and frivolity and recycling and plastic and gas and beef-pork pies, humans are despicable.

They know it.

They’re guilty as hell. They want to be punished. They believe they deserve it and they are doing this as an appeal to their new Gods of the Environment. 

Masks appear not to be about the virus, but about supporting the true religion of the Environmental Zealotry in all its glory and condemnation no matter whatever absurd, illogical or terribly hurtful thing that might bring in whatever sphere of influence.

For many masks might even be called the uniform of the uninformed. 

No wonder they read the riot act to the truckers protest of Canada over things like mask mandates. Those heretics!

Well… that’s my theory. It’s as good as any of those other ones, isn’t it? Or maybe not. What do I know… As far as wearing masks is concerned, I appreciate that people are afraid and don’t wish to make too much light of it. Fear isn’t fun. It’s just important to know what to fear and why. Mostly I’m all for following the law of the land as long as the law isn’t an ass. That’s the hard part to figure out.

Here’s an earworm:


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Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Nov 23, 2022 4:44 PM

I would say it is a pretty good theory. Ultimately though I think the problem is they are all Mask-ists!

And the have the Mask of the Beast! Here is my poor attempt at one.


Nov 23, 2022 12:44 PM

Fauci as Pope – excellent! Thanks for making us smile Sylvia.

Gordon mcrae
Gordon mcrae
Nov 21, 2022 2:10 AM

We’re still being subjected to the Covid psy-op and some people are still falling for the B.S. being spewed by corrupt health officials and all their armies of tax payer and corporate funded media.

Nov 21, 2022 12:24 AM

So masked people are martyrs? I guess some of them think they are. Self-flagellation is not part of Christian Orthodoxy although some denominations (aka sects) practice it to this day within the Catholic church and others.

Speaking of martyrs, why is it that real Christian martyrs (like Polycarp of Smyrna who was burned alive and finally stabbed to death when the burning failed to kill him) are mocked by almost everyone who mocks Christianity in one way or another either subconsciously or consciously?

Why is Christianity mocked when most true Christians are those who stand against the status quo and those in authority? Didn’t Jesus himself do that? Yes he did. Isn’t that what off-G is supposed to be about?

I don’t think maskers are flagellating themselves for the right reasons. They should be flagellating themselves for being complete dupes. Wearing a mask because you are a dupe because you are wearing a mask because you are a dupe…

What if they were all forced to watch Eyes Wide Shut? They probably wouldn’t get the connection anyway.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Nov 23, 2022 4:48 PM
Reply to  bleak

Dupes is a good word. I went for a severe case of Stupid 20 which I explain here. I have a further link there to my forecast variants.


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Nov 20, 2022 3:52 PM

All the masking in the world will never cover up the death wish agenda. >

Part 1: Dismantling COVID-19 Deceptions: The ‘Novel’ Coronavirus
by Karen Kingston
October 12, 2022
Part 1: Dismantling COVID-19 Deceptions: The ‘Novel’ Coronavirus (substack.com)

Excerpt: “We were informed that the mRNA SARS-CoV-2 sequence in the ‘vaccines’ produces spike proteins that are biological, in other words, organic in nature. This is another deception. What is produced by the LNPs and programmed sequences are genetically coded biosynthetic proteins and structures that are part biology and part technology, both organic and inorganic.
The pegylated LNPs contain magnetic hydrogels, a smart technology that is perceptive, responsive, and intelligent. Magnetic hydrogels produce can produce viruses, bacteria, toxins, and biosynthetic organisms and organelles inside the human body. Smart magnetic hydrogels can also send and receive signals through optics and electromagnetic frequencies.” [End quote]
All “upgrades” to 4G and 5G broadcast systems are part of the design.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Nov 20, 2022 3:11 PM

Only in Canada eh?

There in Canada those 7 of 10 are the pool of useless idiots that watch their CBC and CP24 as a form of news and education.

At least they still have something that looks like news. I hear NewZealand has no news now. Only the donkey woman to advise what they need to know and I am willing to bet 7 out of 10 there are fine with that too.

The point is you can find a statistic to feed any agenda. Worry about yourself and let the degenerates to themselves. Problem is when you live in a country where the degenerate class is the majority…. or is it just an allusion of optics made to prove a point that needs to be proven ?

let me out it another way. There is no left and right, very little democracy and there is a lot of naivety out there that is being fuelled by both sides of what is essentially the same side.

Nov 20, 2022 12:58 AM

I’m thinking that the poll numbers are just made up to sway public opinion

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Nov 20, 2022 9:12 AM
Reply to  Heather

I’m absolutely certain of it! Public opinion indeed.

Nov 20, 2022 12:24 AM

I’m just curious what your thoughts are on this article here: Results Of New Study Make The Case For Mask Mandates In Schools To Prevent COVID-19 (msn.com)

It was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, which I think is simply a disinfo outlet designed to perpetuate government lies. They’re saying that masks are highly effective, because once schools lifted mask mandates, covid cases went up.

What are your thoughts? In my opinion, it’s more fake news, but people are saying since it’s peer-reviewed and it’s in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine it must be true. It makes me so mad that people fall for these lies.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Nov 20, 2022 7:13 AM
Reply to  Ralph

The New England Journal of Medicine was forced to retract its paper on hydroxycloroquine etc. These journals are not what they used to be and no longer deserve the credence we give them. They are going to have a long way to go to restore their reputations.

Here’s an example of a few stories to look into to form whatever opinion one chooses. There are many out there and it is why many keep saying “do your own research” because some JoeBlow saying anything is not swaying anybody.


syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Nov 20, 2022 7:51 AM
Reply to  syl shawcross

Also, some people just feel safe wearing a mask and that’s their choice. We can’t really condemn anyone. For every single issue out there, masks, vaccines, wars in Ukraine, environmental stuff there are exactly two opposing views all heartily backed up by research and opinion experts. Who are any of us to blame anyone for taking the happy narrative? I blame people only in that we are losing freedom which really is the only in between we have going for us–the freedom to choose and express our opinions. Things forced on people does not do anything but divide. But then, one could certainly think that’s the agenda if one were so inclined.

Nov 20, 2022 8:17 AM
Reply to  syl shawcross

Thanks for the response. Yes, I agree the best thing to do is to give people the freedom to form their own opinions and not be forced to do anything. All of the conflicting information out there is making it hard for people to form opinions, and when they do it can be radically different from another set of opinions, leading to polarization and divisiveness. But at the end of the day, everyone needs to educate themselves, think for themselves, and form their own opinions, rather than having a ministry of truth deciding for us.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Nov 20, 2022 3:17 PM
Reply to  Ralph

I think it has to do with infectious doses. How many particles are required to cause an infection. A mask would not do much if anything at all however there are those who will try to create the optic that a mask may prevent an infectious dose of molecules…..

Thats all fine and dandy but then you need to introduce the concept of natural immunity and that in cases like this its fine to let that run its course.

Thats all fine and dandy but then you need to prove there is an actual virus causing infection or better yet that it actually exists. … and thats where I have an issue with the whole thing. Where is the virus ? There ain’t one is there?

Nov 19, 2022 6:56 PM

Sylvia, I just want to say I was not targeting you personally when I said it was naive to believe these polls. But I really think it’s important not to be led, by the tactics of our “lords”, to undermine a larger segment of the population than necessary. We “see” division but is it accurate. When I’m infuriated at other human beings, I don’t find it “normal” and I ask myself if it is accurate or was a tierce party involved. I take public transports for 2.5 hours a day (rush hour, packed) and was only confronted twice in the past two years. It was in both cases some pretty disturbed individuals… We’ve seen the same in twitters videos and such… Although a shocking experience, it was no different than the few instances I was faced with a nutter… And btw, I never had a taxi driver who didn’t tell me the mandates were bullshit, or expressed any concern about “a’ tha virus”. So, maybe we don’t need to be so scared of our surroundings… on average, I’d say people are not so bad, and certainly not deserving of the death penalty “en masse”… whatever the so called reason, on both sides. That is my position.  😐 

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Nov 19, 2022 9:58 PM
Reply to  theobalt

Don’t ever worry about that theobalt. I am not easily upset and I didn’t take what you said personally. In all honestly, I wrote the piece making the assumption the poll was true in order to draw in the people who “do” believe polls. Which was a bit nefarious of me I suppose. I don’t believe polls at all. Nobody deserves the death penalty en masse on both sides. Lordie, are we EVER going to find some common ground out of this nonsense? We have to find it because the world going on this way is decidedly ghastly.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Nov 23, 2022 5:20 PM
Reply to  syl shawcross

“nefarious” defined as ‘Infamous by way of being extremely wicked’

I think you may have slandered yourself!!.

It is written ‘be wise as serpents and innocent as doves’.So I would say you were cunning. This can be defined as ‘Executed with or exhibiting ingenuity.’

I think that would be better. We are fishing for souls in my books, sometimes casting a net, sometimes with rod and line, so as long as we desire the saving of souls it is ok.

Even if they are ‘R’ souls  🙂 

Nov 19, 2022 6:45 PM

“Perhaps understandable if you have a medical condition but now study after study. Peer-reviewed. Well-researched. Top quality medical journals. Top-of-the-line researchers. All saying these masks do very little good.”

Yes, we all know that cherry-picking is alive and doing very well in the field of medicine, thank you very much.

Now, would you mind explaining why you have such a big problem with masks? Since there is little to no evidence that they do much harm, medically speaking.

Oh, I get it. You aren’t working for any healthcare-related field. You are working for people along the lines of the policing business, where face recognition comes in handy.

A bit of honesty goes a long way, you know. So cops are now ashamed of admitting publicly what they want? I wonder why.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Nov 19, 2022 10:00 PM
Reply to  Doly

Masks are more harmful than helpful at this point. This is something you “must” know if you’ve researched at all. That would be my honest opinion. And admittedly an opinion but well-researched if nothing else.

Nov 20, 2022 1:23 AM
Reply to  Doly

I don’t have a problem with masks, I have a problem with mask MANDATES. If you want to wear a mask, have a ball.

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Nov 20, 2022 2:01 AM
Reply to  JustPlainBill

Yes. Absolutely how it should be.

Nov 20, 2022 6:27 AM
Reply to  JustPlainBill

Think again about what masks mean for public security.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Nov 23, 2022 5:27 PM
Reply to  JustPlainBill

Yes if it is a masked ball with dancing, but doing in the street and dancing to avoid a sane person who is unmasked because one fears something that cannot harm one is dangerous. One might get run over or cause an accident.

I write about mask here, and I think it is quite sensible; and funny.

The serious side is that most mask wearing nowadays is pointless and harmful and psychologically damaging so common sense must return for everyone’s sake.


Justice Trufaux
Justice Trufaux
Nov 19, 2022 2:53 PM

Cohen’s “Hallelujah” is an ode to Lucifer, his God…. Just sayin

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Nov 19, 2022 5:36 PM

Good heavens. Not my intention if true.

Nov 19, 2022 6:20 PM

how do you know that? just curious

Human values
Human values
Nov 19, 2022 6:53 PM

No it isn’t. It is a sad song about broken spirits in broken world, reality as it is.

This song has a personal meaning to me, because after listening to various versions and especially Jeff Buckley’s live in France after France had tested their nuclear bomb and joined the band of idiots, and after researching various lyrics versions and trying to understand them, God showed up.

I remember the day and the hour.

So at least this one soul was inspired by the song, and this one human being turned from an angry atheist into one who can hear the Lord.

Praise God! That is the literal meaning of Halleluyah.

Nov 21, 2022 8:40 AM

Music to hang yourself by, awful.

Nov 19, 2022 1:01 PM

It’s all about consent and submission. They are preparing you for the NWO spiritual consent to the New Cage aka New Age or Noodle Age.
Check out my articles

Nov 19, 2022 9:33 AM

For me the funniest part of this maskparade, as any avid kdrama watcher knows, is that only two types of people wear masks on this planet. And if you wear a mask, you must also wear a baseball hat (both items MUST be black)..

1) Super celebrities who are too famous to walk down the street without one. And for some interesting plot reason, usually LOVE related, they need to venture out in the real world incognito.

2) BAD DUDE up to NO GOOD. He’s either about to kill someone or do something nefarious. If you want to announce you’re going to commit a crime, just put on a black baseball hat and black surgical mask (not the duckface ones, no villain wants to look that ridiculous). Kind of like the ISIS guys who show up and leave their passports at the scene.

This has been a phenomenon for a whole decade before covid. People in South Korea and Japan did seem to wear masks a lot even before covid, for whatever reason.
Plastic surgery recovery?

*kdrama= Korean dramas, which regardless of the genre (action, comedy, romance, thriller etc.) are a whole genre unto themselves. And no, I don’t mean Squid Game or the idiotic narco one which set off a dilpomatic row with Ecuador or any other Hollycrap clone.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Nov 23, 2022 5:38 PM
Reply to  yippydee

I think pollution has much to do with mask wearing in South Korea and Japan plus not wanting to look like an outsider.

But of course the terminally dim will not check that sort of detail when they are told they must wear a mask by the powers that be.

Although in the UK it was always guidance as found at gov.uk for those who lacked common sense.

This is my guidance. I think it quite amusing IMHO.


And you will find a few mask-ists here.


Nov 19, 2022 6:25 AM

In BC, the poll was a much more promising 70% did not want to bring back the mask mandate-(8500) and the snivelling 30 % wanted it back.

Nov 19, 2022 5:31 AM

Very nice practice, baba. Laughed all through it.

Nov 19, 2022 3:59 AM

One of the joys of my life before all the shit started was Lenard bringing his concert to far North Queensland…and he had a packed hall of old hippies and a few youngsters….they played all the favourites including hallelujah, the audience poured much love in his direction and it was quite something to be there.,..the concert was as professional as anywhere and we all felt blessed…

Such were the days….and a man who really knew how to put together various instruments to make a song vibrate.,,

Nov 19, 2022 3:42 AM

Sylvia, I think you might enjoy this “earworm.”
Haley Heynderickx, The Bug Collector

Nov 19, 2022 4:22 AM
Reply to  Matt

However!…this is a more accurate representation of the world according to M. “Lego” in the Boreal Gulag…
Ren, Money Game

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Nov 19, 2022 5:50 PM
Reply to  Matt

How dark can we get for heavenssakes Matt!

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Nov 19, 2022 5:51 PM
Reply to  Matt


Nov 19, 2022 3:24 AM

My girl and me – both with really raw working class Lancashire accents (still the same), I got offered a job on the dole in London, but I hadn’t known her that long. I kind of accepted the job whilst driving her home listening to Magnum on the stereo from The Motorhead Gig at Deeside Leisure Centre. It was my first offer of a job in 6 months months on the dole We were just crying our hearts out together in the car on the motorway, cos I had accepted the only job offer in 6 months in London… Long distance relationships do not work too well in my experience… And we were both crying our hearts out. So I phoned them up in London. “I am not coming to London…” We have already scheduled you for Monday Morining “LISTEN – I am not coming.”..they said You will never get a job again in London. Fine – I am staying here in Lancashire – with my Lancashire now Girlfriend I am trying to write computer games in Manchester.. Then I got offered a job in London with full relocation expenses I said this time, I am going. Will you come too.? She said you ain’t going without me So us kids speaking raw lancashire arrived in london and met each other at the Maquee in Soho in London after work.. We have never had a problem with our Lancashire Accents in London or Anywhere There is a little bit of twang in the lancashire accent – a bit of a smile and a laugh. it defeats even the scousers..even the cockneys seem to like my wife, though they are al ll wondering wtf i am doing with such a lovely girl – now wife – far more confidence than me..i… Read more »

Nov 19, 2022 1:48 AM

I had seen Hawkwind / Motorhead before.. There is nothing more than I wanted than a pretty girl hopefull girlfriend to come with me to see AC/DC So I went alone about 1976 The original AC/DC with Bon Scott I was about 6 rows from the front and having some kind of mental orgasm… its hard to explain, after surviving Hawkwind and Lemmy,and Roxy Music (mainly Eno trying to blow my head off) You see, when she, who does not turn up, when i ask, does not turn up I go by myself I sit in the seat alone, and the seat mext to me is empty. Never happenned to me, since I met my lovely girl now wife a few years later. I have to confess, My only protection was my little ticket to get in. AC/DC were so loud. I cut my ticket in half One half in my left ear One half in my right.. I told my mum, cos I was still living at home.. She did not make any fuss about it, but as a trained Nursing Professional she told me to go to Oldham Royal Infirmary – and say you have gone deaf in your Right Ear… They will know what to do They syringed my right ear, embedded in ear wax… and again I could hear in full in stereo… “go and meet that girl to look after you.” well how could I not agree ? but I hadn’t met her yet…which everyone knew The Nurse kind of said – You will. When you meet her, you will both know Well she didn’t actually say that – but it hapened. i was a very shy boy; I just wanted a Beautiful Girlfriend..whilst i was totally useless She is still here. Good Girl We… Read more »

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Nov 19, 2022 11:43 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Tony’s back. Peace dude.x

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Nov 20, 2022 2:02 AM
Reply to  Blind Gill

I’m not sure I remember Tony but I’ve missed him for sure

Derek Williams
Derek Williams
Nov 20, 2022 5:29 PM
Reply to  Blind Gill

That’s no maybe! Bong,bong bong…..

Nov 19, 2022 1:14 AM

“His soul had approached that region where dwell the vast hosts of the dead. He was conscious of, but could not apprehend, their wayward and flickering existence.” —James Joyce, The Dead Before being put to use for plandemic purposes, polling has been a classic form of pseudoscience deployed for social engineering to make whatever percentage of the population the corporate state is after behind the predictive programming of “lies, damned lies, and statistics” (Twain) become the very product of popular opinion that’s supposedly been discovered, rather than invented. The popular will of the demos has been consulted, so it seems, when it’s just another case of supply creating demand, as polls particularly assess how effectively people have been propagandized, and to what extent and by what ruses rulers may rule. From rigged questions to cherry-picked results, polls are carefully crafted instruments of conditioning. Over and above their content, they train subjects of social control in superstitious worship of data, experts, technocracy. Modern numerology makes the qualities of intelligence reducible to quantitative measures, but no matter what one’s IQ there seems a statistical probability that with sufficient techniques of indoctrination people may be made to believe dumbed-down ideas as matters of fact. And voila! That’s just the way things are. Polls rob us of our subjectivity. Whatever might motivate us is obscured by objectification, our anonymous inclusion in categories constructed for our manipulation. There are, as Shawcross notes, any number of theories or reasons why people mask, and don’t. But it’s precisely this level of knowledge of others, and ourselves, which is masked by the false and fraudulent precision or sleight of hand that focuses our attention and knowledge on manufactured abstractions, and whatever ‘they’ – the Others – are re-presented as. Polls are the perfect complement to the slavery masks… Read more »

Nov 19, 2022 12:55 AM

And these statistic come from “Nanos”, a contractor who works to the orders of main stream channels such as Bloomberg, BBC, The Guardian, Al Jazeera, etc.

The only statistic one needs to take seriously is 99% of all statistics are fudged, bias and bullshit…

Nov 19, 2022 12:51 AM

In America 74.2 million are unvaxxed, another 38 million had the first dose but refused the second. Another 119 million had the second dose but refused the third.

Meaning 50% of the entire country has potentially become wise to the nonstop propaganda.

And there’s very little masking anywhere I’ve been, except where it’s compulsory– in doctor’s waiting rooms.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Nov 23, 2022 6:00 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Indeed, I would say the same about UK though I don’t have figures, but which just shows how dim the doctors are.They have been truly shown up for the fools they are and will not live it down.

The progress of getting wise will be interesting to see after the 7th and final roll out I understand should be the case in 2024.

This may help to amuse in these dark winter days.


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Nov 19, 2022 12:41 AM

Dr. William Makis: 93 Dead [Canadian] Doctors After Vaccine Rollout Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson Published November 18, 2022 Corruption in the Canadian medical establishment. Ontario is telling doctors to consider psychiatric drugs for those who won’t take the vaccine. [Links below] https://rumble.com/v1vbzju-dr.-william-makis-93-dead-doctors-after-vaccine-rollout.html — https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/ontario-college-of-physicians-recommends-medication-and-psychotherapy-to-encourage-covid-vaccination Oct 6, 2022 At the time of Ness’ screenshot, the CPSO website did not include the specific example of a patient with a “fear of needles,” but instead simply read that in “cases of serious concern, responsible use of prescription medications and/or referral to psychotherapy are available options.” Reacting to the revised statement on Wednesday, Ness wrote: “We exposed this yesterday and after much backlash they are trying to dig themselves out of a hole by amending the web article saying [they] meant something else.” — College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) WHAT WE DO College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) regulates the practice of medicine in Ontario. Physicians are required to be members to practice medicine in Ontario. The role of CPSO and its authority and powers are set out in the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA), the Health Professions Procedural Code under the RHPA and the Medicine Act. — Extracts From FAQs https://www.cpso.on.ca/en/Physicians/Your-Practice/Physician-Advisory-Services/COVID-19-FAQs-for-Physicians COVID-19 FAQS FOR PHYSICIANS Updated November 18, 2022 It is also important that physicians work with their patients to manage anxieties related to the vaccine and not enable avoidance behaviour. For example, for extreme fear of needles (trypanophobia) or other cases of serious concern, responsible use of prescription medications and/or referral to psychotherapy may be available options. Overall, physicians have a responsibility to allow their patients to be properly informed about vaccines and not have those anxieties empowered by an exemption. — COVID-19 Vaccines Why should physicians get vaccinated? Having a fully vaccinated health-care profession is critical to… Read more »

Apr 14, 2023 2:47 AM

This atrocious “guidance” to doctors to push the vaccine on their patients will likely, for many, break the increasingly fragile bond of trust between dr. and patient. And that will be a good thing when people realize they need to take responsibility for their own health. The doctors may never recover from this.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 18, 2022 11:33 PM

Mr Spock warns of global cooling!

Nov 18, 2022 11:08 PM

I rarely complain to anyone providing a service. You are just going to piss them off especially if it is their mistake.

Everyone makes mistakes. I don’t know any one providing a service who hasn’t f’cked up including me. I apologise, even when its not my fault. If you just say sorry it defuses any bad feeling – and you are friends again – respecting each other – no problem.

My Milkman dropped a bottle of milk in our porch last week. The first time in 30 years. He has never failed to deliver even in the depths of snow,. He is getting pretty old now. Fresh local milk in a glass bottle, which gets returned to the lcoal dairy to get refilled by a local cow

“I blamed myself, and have done my best to fix the problem in the dark

£4 a solar light that detects anyone close to our porch – and the milkman can see where to put the pint..

However, I did complain today – not to the postman, cos after my wife’s research (she’s a gem) she told me, that loads of people like us had the same problem..

“I have just received a normal size letter, 2 days late, after having to pay £2.50 because “THE SENDER DID NOT PAY THE FULL POSTAGE”
I had no idea who the sender was until I received the letter today.
The sender rather than not paying enough had paid too much. She had a large letter stamp on a normal size envelope.
Can I have a refund of my £2.50 please?
The envelope actually contained  tickets for a music event.
Perhaps you should pay compensation too….to the Girl who is trying to organise a Festival”

I can understand not paying enough, but when you have paid too much for a Large Letter Stamp on a normal size envelope – instead of just a first class stamp

That is really taking the piss

Thank You


Nov 18, 2022 11:23 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

So, are you saying we’re living in a nightmare totalitarian dystopia, or not?

Nov 19, 2022 12:17 AM
Reply to  Shola


Absolutely. The human race is now a complete disgrace. I am ashamed of us.

Baby Grandchild – she is not 3 months old yet is on the Aptimal

I was on my Mum’s Fresh Breast Milk till I was 15 months old

Years later when after 5 years road test – I gave up all the drugs (only grass and occasional lsd trip and said lets get married and have kids)

I wasn’t on anything except hard work to earn money.

My wife is so like my Mum

She did exactly the same – though sometimes we were working opposite shifts.

Every other week for 15 months, she used to use a breast.pump, to express her milk, leaving me in charge both mum and dad

He is still here, now with his 3 kida.

Family goes on.

Most of us have survived so far..to get quite old

Don’t knock Full Cream Milk.in Glass Bottles

When all the power goes off. (check out Ukraine)

Our Milkman will still turn up and take cash.

Can’t beat local cows on Fresh Grass.


She is home now.

She said it was embarrassing, cos they wouldn’t take cash

Her friend had to pay for the drinks on her card.


(Her new friend is really nice too – lost her jabbed husband recently)

probably in the pub tomorrow

life goes on

i try not to cry


Nov 19, 2022 3:39 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Please, Tony’s wife and all you dear readers, don’t patronise any business which refuses to accept cash, and inform them that they are enabling the treacherous move to a cashless society with its attendant loss of privacy and control!

Also, is there not a common law or statute that states cash must be accepted as legal tender UNLESS both vendor and purchaser agree or contract BEFORE the goods/services have been received, If the goods/services have been received, cash payment of the debt for those must be accepted, or the debt waived – try it, it works!!

Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
Nov 18, 2022 11:02 PM

Yep, just as plausible as any other theory.

And I reckon the 7/10 poll is accurate. It’s yet another demonstration that around 70%-75% of the population of this planet are fuckwits. They run their lives exclusively to the agenda of others, and many of them will violently defend that.

I never particularly liked the use of the word automaton. I always thought it was an arrogant term to use to describe other people, then the plandemic happened.

Nov 18, 2022 10:46 PM

Here in the N.E. today, I visited 2 NHS sites and a pharmacy. All 3 demanded masks, despite that, 85% refused to comply, this in an area that I found to be more compliant than most previously. I’m seriously beginning to think we’ve turned a corner? Is it just masks or does this go much deeper?

Nov 19, 2022 4:38 PM
Reply to  oblio

Mark Steel

Human values
Human values
Nov 18, 2022 10:44 PM

Here’s one murder case documented.


Apparently, it’s all legal to kill or murder hospital patients. They found loopholes on how to do it legally. Government or state law can never be trusted again.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Nov 18, 2022 10:17 PM

“Perhaps understandable if you have a medical condition but now study after study. Peer-reviewed. Well-researched. Top quality medical journals. Top-of-the-line researchers. All saying these masks do very little good.**”
Little good about what? A made up “virus”? What are they supposed to do?  😀  Are there masks for working with unicorns? Or Yeti?

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Nov 18, 2022 11:57 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Medical masks were developed for surgeons bending over open wounds to prevent sweat or droplets from the nose or mouth entering the wound while operating.

They were never intended to stop a person from inhaling or spreading either bacteria (which exist) or pathogenic viruses (which have never been proven to exist).

They reduce the amount of oxygen intake (making long-term wearers even more stupid) and force some of the exhaled air (co2) back into the lungs.

They are proven to promote fungal and bacterial infection on the face, in the mouth and in the lungs (where they can cause pneumonia – with pneumonia rates around the world skyrocketing during the mask mandate period).

It’s all pretty much common sense and I can’t understand why those still wearing masks voluntarily aren’t in the slightest bit curious enough to want to find out more.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Nov 19, 2022 7:13 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Except contagion via anything has never been demonstrated in repeated experiments, e.g. Rosenau 1918-18.

Nov 19, 2022 5:34 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

This is an old subject. Besides being useless, they can harm the wearer.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Nov 19, 2022 7:12 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Again, useless for what? The premise of “contagion” is itself fiction.

Nov 18, 2022 10:11 PM

Sylvia Shawcross,

What a wonderful essay. Your name reminds me of Oldham

Is it yet cold in Canada??

It seems my gas bill was correct. I am not going to argue, cos British Gas do our electricity too.

However, being old people, and me with a little bit of – well not particularly wanting to go out to a shop again, meeting masked morons…They failed to deliver our food last night, which slightly pissed me off, cos the entire surviving members of our unjabbed family were coming round today complete with our Baby Grandchild.

She is Beautiful

So I have been bonding with them, whilst Nana (my wife) went off to a show she had bought tickets for with her friend ages ago

Some girly thing Maybe Circus of Horrors – in French in Croydon??

Burlesque??? – Great song by Family.

“Family – Burlesque – Shepherds Bush Empire 2013”


Anyhow we are going to the pub tomorrow to see a great band.

Not dead yet. not jabbed and not got covid and don’t wear a mask

Don’t let the morons drag you down


syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Nov 19, 2022 5:56 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Yes Tony. It is cold here now. There is snow. The deer in the back yard are plump for the winter. And the morons do get me down but only momentarily. They know not what they do.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Nov 18, 2022 9:00 PM

I haven’t seen much evidence of people wanting to wear masks of any sort in my area. A relative handful do. The overwhelming majority do not. (I live in southern California.)

I( have relatives up north. Where they live, “somewhere east of Saskatoon” there’s really a whole lot of nothing so I’d guess that’s one part of Canada where you won’t see much mask wearing.)

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 18, 2022 8:33 PM

Polling deconstructed:

Nov 18, 2022 11:06 PM
Reply to  George Mc

A brilliant, depressing piece of the truth…
Quite wonderful.

Nov 18, 2022 8:31 PM

My fellow Canadians? The most risk-averse, most overinsured, most overcredentialized, authority-obedient, “professional”-trusting, passive people I’ve ever known, living in the most inefficient, featherbedded, overprotected, uncompetitive economy on this planet.

Masks? What else would anyone expect?

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Nov 19, 2022 6:28 PM
Reply to  Kreditanstalt

That’s why it is very odd that it was the Canadians who started the trucker protest that went global. We really are a different breed sometimes.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Nov 18, 2022 7:40 PM

I would take that statement “apparently 7 out of 10 members of the public would want mask mandates back“, with a big grain of salt. Admittedly, it feels like way too many would do whatever their masters tell them, but a survey done by the oligarchy media supposedly contacting 1000 people asking them who knows what and how does not tell us that 70 percent of Canadiens would want mask mandates back.

And there is no Covid-19, so the mask argument is irrelevant. It was all made up.  

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Nov 19, 2022 11:49 PM

It’s always 7out of 10 or 73% if it’s a yougov poll. They’re laughing at us.

Nov 18, 2022 7:39 PM
Reply to  niko

No way we won’t comply and we won’t allow you to tag us with barcodes like branded cattle you can fck right off you globalist bstrds.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Nov 18, 2022 9:04 PM
Reply to  Violet

Alas, too late. You have a face, right? That’s all that’s needed (for both humans and cattle) these days. Rather than raging against the machine I’d suggest trying to find ways to live with (or, more accurately, around) it.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Nov 19, 2022 11:51 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Agreed. Use what you can use but try to work around it if you can.

lone wolf
lone wolf
Nov 18, 2022 6:23 PM

The individual is powerless no matter how good their words as all good words have been expended to no avail. But if words championed a form of PHYSICAL TRANSITION that engendered UNITY, those words would be all-powerful and prevail against any ENEMY.

Nov 18, 2022 8:29 PM
Reply to  lone wolf

Words lead to physical action, so they aren’t (always) to ‘no avail’.

There is a form of ‘physical transition’ that leads to ‘unity’
(or at least the semblance of it) … the Metaverse:

Race to the Metaverse:

So what might its value be in fighting the ‘enemy’?

My guess would be that, as with every good video game, the enemy with the metaverse is essentially ‘death’. The restrictions of having one mortal body. If you die, you can always try again. Or the ultimate achievement of having infinite ‘extra lives’.

Alphaville – Forever Young

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Nov 18, 2022 6:11 PM

The real purpose of the mask is to – literally – keep fear on your face. And for that, masks are quite effective.

George Mc
George Mc
Nov 18, 2022 6:03 PM

GOV.UK’s Help for Households page has this at the top of their introductory page:

Countries around the world are facing rising goods and energy prices, inflation and cost of living pressures after the pandemic and Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Bad things are happening … but it’s due to “the pandemic” and “Putin”.

Glad we cleared that one up.

Robert Esbrandt
Robert Esbrandt
Nov 18, 2022 5:57 PM

Another controlled opposition shill selling the lie that covid and other viruses are real.

Nov 18, 2022 11:46 PM

Sylvia? Sure, it’s possible in a world where that type of thing definitely happens.

But, is it more difficult to believe that Sylvia is a person who has doubts about much of the narrative, but can’t possibly know for sure that the virus is a lie?

Is it more likely there’s a shill at work, or that what Sylvia believes is probably enough that she would lend support to changing the things that need to change? Hence, you know, the writing stuff about it.

There’s always risk, but dismissing people who are possibly on the same team as you (or at least in the same ballpark) is probably a self-defeating tactic. You’ll lose more good than bad.

kevin king
kevin king
Nov 19, 2022 12:15 AM
Reply to  Shola

You can dismiss people who believe the virus exists. This is the most important issue in our lives. Does the virus exist or not? If you are too lazy to research it or you do and you don’t state explicitly that you KNOW it doesn’t exist then you are by definition a collaborator. It takes little research to find this stuff out. It is inexcusable for a thinking, rational human not to do this. We’ve had almost 3 years of this crap. At some point, you need to grow up and take a stand.

Nov 19, 2022 3:47 PM
Reply to  kevin king

I’ve had Hong Kong flu, 5 horrible days, and survived. Never needed a flu shot after that. Now flu’s just a woozy whirling, before a 10-hour sleep and loss of appetite for breakfast. But Flu is still real. I’ve had Covid Alpha too, 5 horrible WEEKS, and survived. Haven’t been sick since, not even a sniffle. What’s NOT real is the PCR test. What’s NOT real is the 85% false positives. What’s NOT real is the remdesivir, intubation and chemical coma that has killed an estimated 45% of those in ER-ICU. But Covid? Covid is very real, believe me.

Nov 19, 2022 10:43 PM
Reply to  Erehwon


Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Nov 19, 2022 11:54 PM
Reply to  Erehwon

Oh shush. If you hadn’t been told by the TV it was “COVID” and taken their dodgy tests to drive up cases and try to justify ridiculous rules – you’d have had bloody flu like every other fucker. And flu is very real…believe me. 😒

Jesus fucking wept.

Wolf Warrior
Wolf Warrior
Nov 19, 2022 5:45 AM

If anyone is a shill, it is possibly you, sowing division over a detail of the con that has been foisted on us. If viruses exist. then we have been massively gaslighted by a relatively harmless virus being used as a tool to advance other agendas. If viruses don’t exist then we have been lied to and the propaganda has induced a high state of fear which is then used as a tool to advance other agendas. There is discussion and research to be done over whether viruses exist or not – on that I do agree. It is not a settled matter. However, the arenas, in which a lot of us are putting our energies, are the political and spiritual arenas so as to push back on what is happening as much as we can in our circles of influence. Whether or not I accept your proposition that viruses don’t exist does not get us anywhere in these spheres. Pushing back against the agendas is becoming more urgent by the day – see G20.

Nov 19, 2022 10:44 PM
Reply to  Wolf Warrior

Detail?? It’s the main issue

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Nov 19, 2022 6:11 PM

Robert dear, your opinion of me is ridiculous. However, I defend your right to your ridiculous opinion. Carry on.

Nov 18, 2022 5:52 PM

Canada has become a very strange place. I’m glad I left it for Florida.

Nov 18, 2022 5:33 PM

At some poll agency…

  • Drrriiiing!
  • Whatsyourdesire Polls
  • Hi, I’d like to buy a poll
  • And who the f**ck might you be sir
  • Pfis.. er I mean The Government
  • And what kind of results are we purchasing today

(I know you knew where I was going, just having’ my little fun  😀 )

syl shawcross
syl shawcross
Nov 19, 2022 10:03 PM
Reply to  theobalt

I’m all for fun! 🙂

Joe Van Steenbergen
Joe Van Steenbergen
Nov 18, 2022 4:59 PM

Masks = control; simple as that

Nov 18, 2022 4:58 PM

Sounds like another suppression poll to me.
The majority of people want masks, so don’t go against the grain or speak out against them or you might offend someone.

That’s the message I see. I don’t even want to know how they ran the poll. I don’t believe its accurate.
The fact that masks can be discarded anywhere is proof that its a control measure. If it were a true pandemic, the masks would have to be disposed of in red biohazard burn bags.

Masks fit another purpose as well; they provide a circular discussion topic that can persist for years, giving them the ability to avoid needed conversations. Intellectual property rights, ethics of genetic manipulation, human rights, vaccine vector picornaviruses crossing the blood brain barrier, and carbon nanotubes in people’s bodies are just a few examples of conversations that should have already begun, but are purposely avoided.

Nov 18, 2022 4:44 PM

comment image

Come on people, back during other pandemics, people just got with the program!

Back then gauze material performed major feats of levitation.
Notice, not a nose to be seen, and all those masks so clean!
And mind you those boys are fine with the face coverings – no distress, no trauma, just doing the thing man.

Nov 18, 2022 5:15 PM
Reply to  nmism

Weren’t people back then also believed smoking was good for you? And did not have any access to scientifical information, which was scarce…

Nov 19, 2022 3:57 PM
Reply to  nmism

And after work, wealthy people would go to radium bars and drink glowing radium tonic, because they were told it is an Elixir of Life. My great gramma had two giant copper coils and a buzz box. She sat between the coils to ‘Rejuvenate the Tesla Coil Way!’ If you touch one of the coils you’d get rejuvenated, all right. Now wealthy people drink adrenochrome.

Lucius Licinius
Lucius Licinius
Nov 20, 2022 4:57 AM
Reply to  nmism

It is pretty clear that this picture can’t be a fake…

Nov 20, 2022 5:05 PM

It’s pretty clear that this picture can be a fake.

Nov 22, 2022 11:52 AM
Reply to  nmism

The problem was nmism, the masks didn’t stop the 1918-19 flu pandemic in those who were susceptible or vulnerable (not to mention the seemingly healthy) because the transmission was nothing to do with a virus in theory or in practice. Virologist Dr Jeff Taubenberger informs us that the alleged virus wasn’t discovered until 1933 by Andrews et al. It was only by hindsight they attributed the Spanish Flu to an alleged virus.

I checked the Andrews paper Taubenberger referred to and he lied. All that was obtained was a “filtrate” containing a mixture of contaminants and genetic material collected from ferrets with flu-like symptoms – which was definitely not a complete isolated A(H1N1) flu virus that was alleged (in theory) to be responsible for the pandemic – but nobody has ever claimed to have found one in nature and rigorously proven it to exist in scientific practice to this day.

That’s why Dr Terrence Trumpey of CDC fame tried to reconstruct the virus from bits and pieces of genetic material found in corpses frozen in permafrost. In reality, all he ever ended up with using so-called ‘reverse genetics’ was just another re-constructed model of an in silico theoretically generated computer model of a flu virus that was never proven to exist in the natural physical world!

Without a natural isolated and fully sequenced original influenza parent or progenitor virus to use as a sequencing gold standard of comparison whatever you sequence or reconstruct will certainly not be an influenza virus that allegedly caused the Spanish Flu as is claimed by virology!

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Nov 18, 2022 4:41 PM

Have Leonard Cohen and Arsene Wenger ever been seen in the same room?

Nov 18, 2022 3:26 PM

Some people are enjoying fear. That’s why they keep doing it.

Cynicon Implant
Cynicon Implant
Nov 18, 2022 8:20 PM
Reply to  Bob

Yes. Their lives are boring and the drama gives them a thrill.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Nov 19, 2022 2:39 PM
Reply to  Bob

Yeah, they’re called psychopaths. Or sadists. Or demons.

Nov 18, 2022 3:15 PM

Definitely caused by Putin or Brexit or “the Tories” and not at all the immiseration that Marxists long predicted but are now missing that it’s actually occurring:


George Mc
George Mc
Nov 18, 2022 8:25 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The UK has fallen into a recession which will last more than a year and push half a million people out of work, while households face the biggest fall in living standards since records began.

All going according to plan then.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Nov 18, 2022 3:15 PM

I think governments around the world have missed a HUGE trick.

If they had launched a T-shirt campaign from the start they would be minted.

First T-shirt with the “1st jab,I did it for you” logo

Then, (and this is the genius bit !) following the lead from UK football clubs, change the colours and logos for each convid season so you might have

“Jab seven, almost in heaven”

“Jab number eight, knocking at the gate”

“Jab number nine, haven’t got much more time”

You get the picture.

Human values
Human values
Nov 18, 2022 3:01 PM

Polls are totally unreliable. They can be made in a way that desired results show up. The methods are actually learned in the universities as examples of how not to do a survey. Polls or surveys are not research. They are not science.

Based on mere numbers, polls use the power of numbers, the magical majority. The politicians use the same tactic.

And the same power of numbers is used in the cult of money, state and capitalism, the cult that has all power, so they say.

They are liars.

The money system is a historical scam that is ending.

Those who believe in money can’t see this.

Believers in any cult don’t usually know what their cult is, and they don’t know they’re in a cult. The global money cult is totally fake.


CTV is lying. There are some polls from 1:32:20 onwards to demonstrate this.

Thom Sheaffer
Thom Sheaffer
Nov 18, 2022 3:00 PM

While they don’t repeatedly and loudly announce that outdoor mask wearing is no longer needed to stop the “coronabeerus” (that’s Japanese for covid), I heard on YouTube that the the Japanese govt did quietly say it at least once. Nonetheless, Japanese, indoors and out, mask wearers are so ubiquitous I fear that mask wearing here will carry on wearing the masks forever and it will become as customary as taking off your shoes and slurping noodles.

And if there is a nationality stereotype similar to the Japanese, especially regarding their politeness, it’s the Canadians. So it isn’t a new religion; it’s good old Dudley Do-Right etiquette.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Nov 19, 2022 12:05 AM
Reply to  Thom Sheaffer

Where’s the virus while they slurp their noodles?