The Emperor Elonicus
CJ Hopkins
Everyone is going to hate this column. Musk worshipers are going to hate it because I’m going to blaspheme against Elon Musk. Musk demonizers are going to hate it because I am not going to blaspheme against him enough.
Everyone else is going to hate it because they’re sick to the gills of hearing about Musk, and Musk’s destruction of Twitter, or his salvation of Twitter, and censorship, and “hate speech,” and all that stuff.
I’ll get to the blasphemy part in a minute, but first, let’s quickly review what’s happened, and where things now stand, or appear to stand.
On October 27, 2022, so almost exactly a month ago, Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, US government military contractor and all-around global-capitalist oligarch with a net worth approaching $200 billion, completed his acquisition of Twitter, the notorious “hell-site” where Donald Trump, the Russian-backed literal Resurrection of Hitler, Jordan Peterson, the “lobster hierarchy” guy, Alex “the Devil Incarnate” Jones, and assorted members of the “deplorable” masses had been wantonly perpetrating acts of “hate speech,” disseminating “disinformation,” and otherwise unrestrainedly expressing themselves, until Twitter’s “content moderators” started censoring, deboosting, and deplatforming everyone whose views and opinions they didn’t like.
As it turned out, most of the views and opinions they did not like, and thus needed to censor, were views and opinions that conflicted with their increasingly fanatical “woke” ideology, or allegiance to the Democratic Party, or one of its European equivalents, or which contradicted, or challenged, or playfully mocked, whatever official narrative the global Corporatocracy was pumping out on any given day.
From 2016 to 2022, (which, let’s face it, is essentially a glorified listserv with ads) abandoned any pretense of editorial neutrality and regard for anything remotely resembling people’s right to freedom of speech (i.e., a fundamental principle of democratic society), and brazenly attempted to impose and enforce ideological uniformity on the platform under the guise of “keeping people safe” and “protecting the health of the public conversation.”
This metamorphosis of a social-media company into a full-blown Orwellian Ministry of Truth was just one part of “The War on Populism” that the global-capitalist ruling classes have been relentlessly waging for the last six years, which I’ve written about extensively elsewhere (e.g., in that book I just inserted a link to, and the majority of my Consent Factory essays), so I just want to focus on Twitter at the moment and get to the part where I blaspheme Musk, or don’t blaspheme him enough, and piss everyone off.
Basically, the backstory, in a nutshell, is, by circa the middle of 2021, the Twitter moderators’ censorship of views that didn’t conform to their “woke” ideology had reached the point where a lot of conservatives, and libertarians, and the approximately 15-16 old free-speech-absolutist lefties like me that still exist, were unhappy about being censored, deplatformed, “deboosted,” and demonized as “disseminators of hate speech,” “science deniers,” “election deniers,” “anti-vaxers,” “conspiracy theorists,” and an assortment of other official epithets, and were making a considerable amount of noise.
The governments that nominally regulate Twitter and other social-media platforms are owned and operated by GloboCap (i.e., the global Corporatocracy I mentioned above), which has been imposing and enforcing ideological uniformity on the entire planet for the last thirty years, so, of course, they were not going to intervene in the affairs of global corporation that is part and parcel of the Gleichschaltung campaign that they are also part and parcel of.
So, Emperor Elonicus to the rescue!
Musk, who did not get where he is by not being able to read a market, saw an opportunity and he seized it. As I’ve been going on and on and on about monotonously for the last six years, the essential conflict of our historical epoch is the multiplicitous backlash (or insurgency) against the advance of hegemonic global capitalism. I won’t go on and on about it here.
The point is, at the current stage of that conflict, there is serious money to be made by marketing to the “anti-Woke” demographic, and, if Musk is a master of anything, it’s marketing.
You probably think I’m kidding. I am not. As Bill Hicks would put it if he were still around, the authoritarian anti-authoritarianism dollar is just sitting out there waiting to be harvested. “Anti-Woke” authoritarianism is the next big thing. We are talking beaucoup branding action, social media platforms, phones, you name it!
And so begins the glorious reign of Emperor Elonicus the Just, the half-man/half-god savior of Twitter, and freedom of speech, and freedom itself, selfless defender of the common man, and unrivaled practitioner of the marketing stunt!
The day before the deal was sealed, Elonicus swaggered into Twitter headquarters carrying an actual kitchen sink, tweeting “let that sink in!” to his 100 million followers, the first of a series of such stunts to follow.
The plebeians in the digital Colosseum erupted into wild applause. A frenzy of joyous hooting and hollering and “liking” and retweeting ensued. At last, a beneficent billionaire Caesar had arrived to save the Internet from Wokeness! Elonicus loyalists flooded onto Twitter, chanting the ancient Roman obeisance, “Avē Imperātor, tweetitūrī tē salūtant!”
The next day, Elonicus summarily fired Parag Agrawal, Twitter’s CEO, and took his seat upon the throne. Other “woke” heads were soon placed on spikes. Hallelujah … the bird was freed!
The Corporatocracy went absolutely apeshit. Liberal pundits rent their garments and rushed onto the Internet to histrionically denounce Elonicus the Usurper, who was going to unleash the most stochastically-terrorist orgy of white-supremacist hate speech in the history of white-supremacist hate speech, or stochastic terrorism, or orgies, or something. Television celebrities, ageing rock musicians, bestselling philosophical podcasters, and other such influential personages began pretentiously fleeing the platform in droves, a number of them migrating to something called Mastodon, where they immediately commenced scolding and cancelling each other.
Advertisers pulled their accounts. The media began a “Twitter Death Watch.” Jonathan Chait threatened to move to Canada, but then changed his mind and vowed to “stay and fight.”
Meanwhile, Elonicus, who understands a public-relations war as well as anyone, did what all good emperors do when under attack from their own patrician class. He broke out the bread and circus for the plebeians … or, all right, at least he broke out the circus.
Yes, he actually did the imperial Roman “pollice verso” shtick to decide the fate of Trumpus Maximus, and then, once the results came in, he imperiously tweeted “Vox Populi, Vox Dei”!
And now, apparently, Elonicus, in his mercy, after running another Vox Populi poll stunt, has decreed a “general amnesty” for all political prisoners (i.e., suspended Twitter accounts).
It remains to be seen whether this “amnesty” extends to the countless people whose accounts were suspended for challenging the official Covid narrative, or for mentioning the fact that GloboCap is arming and funding the neo-Nazis in the Ukraine that have been carrying out its latest counterinsurgency op, but let’s not worry about minor details.
Next week is going to be a celebration … a celebration of freedom, and “anti-Wokeness,” and the god-like power of Elon Musk!
All of which has been highly entertaining, but forgive me if I don’t get all worked up. For one thing, I’ve seen this movie before, the one where the handsome new charismatic sheriff (who just happens to be a major GloboCap player, or puppet, or otherwise a member of “the club”) rides into town to set things right. No matter how many times I watch it, it always seems to end the same.
The other thing is … well, it’s personal. For about a year now, Twitter has been maliciously defaming my business account in order to damage my reputation and income. Twitter has been doing that by concealing my tweets — the majority, but not all, of my tweets — behind fake “age-restricted adult content” advisories. Twitter has been doing that in order to trick people into believing that I am tweeting some kind of pornography.
This rather weird tactic has been quite effective. It has definitely damaged my income as an author, and has presumably misled countless people into assuming I am some sort of sleazy pornographer posing as a political satirist. You can probably imagine how I feel about that.
Elon Musk’s Twitter did not start this, and I realize the man has a lot on his plate, but I just assumed that, after a month or so on the throne, it might have occurred to him to issue an order instructing his “freebird” staff to, you know, stop maliciously defaming people, and attempting to damage their reputations and income, because they questioned the official Covid-19 narrative, or the official Russia narrative, or the “Emperor Elonicus” narrative.
Or … I don’t know, maybe I’m overreacting. Maybe Elonicus really has come to save us from the “woke” fanatics. Maybe this is not just another iteration of the classic good cop/bad cop routine, like when Obama the Beneficient saved the world from Evil Bush and ended the War on Terror by bombing numerous countries, extrajudicially assassinating anyone he felt like, and illegally surveilling everyone, to the wild applause of millions of liberals, who had spent the previous eight years shrieking about Evil Bush doing exactly the same thing.
Because conservatives and libertarians would never fall for a con job like that, would they?
No, the Emperor Elonicus is probably going to issue that order any day now (i.e., to cease and desist from maliciously defaming people). Or I guess it might take a little longer than that. Not maliciously defaming people is probably a complicated, multi-stage process involving months of meticulous planning, like rocketing a car into outer space.
One Elonicus fan, alarmed by the disrespectful tone of my repeated tweets to the Emperor, advised me to stop whining and wait one full year, which … sure, on reflection, that’s probably about right.
So, never mind, and please forgive the foregoing blasphemy. Hail Elonicus! Long may he reign!
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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I think most of what you have said here will go right over the heads of people looking for a savior from wokeness since they don’t realize that their brand of autocratic wokeness is being run by the same cartel of corporate billionaires laughing all the way to the banks – time for some critical thinking but that seems in short supply by much of the masses who know that both sides of this coin smell equally like feces.
that last sentence should have read… “who DON’T know…” sorry for the typos.
glad elon musk is in charge now, nothing is perfect, but is better than it was with the bolsheviks in charge. Elon is revealing a lot, much like julian Assange did with respect to Hunter Biden, Joe Boden, the White House, what twitter did to censor everyone,; lots of embarrassing things, which is good. All of this victimhood, wokeism, and other whining about feelings needs to go. Emotions are a liability.
Elonicus reinstates Trump, good? Remember, Trump was all for Op Warpspeed, the lynchpin of the Great Reset gene therapy rollout eugencis agenda. At the time he might not have been that aware of the evil intent, but by now he should have a handle on it. When Trump blows the whistle on the psy-op he gets my approval.
Elon Musk pushed and popularised the “I Support The Current Thing” meme. The primary effect was to reinforce the segmentation of opinion groups with regard to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
I Support The Current Thing
Part of a series on NPC Wojak.
On March 14th, 2022, Tesla CEO Elon Musk reposted the image (shown below) to his Twitter,[6] earning roughly 379,500 likes in 24 hours.
He banned Kanye west.
Paid for honey pot Kanye West? You don’t say.
Who made off with the $44 Billion?
Where did the money go?
Love it Emperor Elonicus.
I agree 100%. I’m following this sh*t show but I don’t believe for a second that Elon is the saviour of anything. I think, he is an entertaining version of the same thing applying a new strategy, just more efficient version of the gov or the clowns that previously ran the show. Don’t forget that Twitter, Facebook, Insta, TikTok are all surveillance systems that tracks everything about you. It’s a one trick pony show; people left social media because of the obvious censorship and now the saviour steps in to bring back the flock, so they can be monitored again.
My thoughts exactly. It’s easier to police and monitor folks when they are all in one place (twitter) as opposed to a myriad of other smaller social media platforms.
EU warns Musk that Twitter faces ban over content moderation.
Gee,,did nazi that coming.
I didn’t hate this article.
The problem is not who owns Twatter or what the policies are. The problem is everything about Twatter.
From the infantilized name ( de rigeur in big web business for vile reasons of psychological manipulation) to the format. The fact that the public discourse of our civilisation is funneled into a single website owend by a billion dillar corporation, and reduced to obligatorily short text messages .. The fact that national leaders are “tweeting” and are expected to tweet, the fact that if you want to be heard or do anything in the publlic domain you are expected to tweet… the fact that it is controlled by anonymous and unseen hands- these things are the death of the mind and the death of culture.
Stop talking about Twatter, Stop using Twatter, Fucking STOP.
Years ago, when mainstream TV news started running stories on what someone had said on Twitter, I knew it was time to disengage from mainstream society.
James Corbet’s video on Elon Musk, the Technocratic Huckster
Episode 429 – Meet Elon Musk, Technocratic Huckster – The Corbett Report
I didn’t think he could be worse than his father. Wrong… so wrong!
COVID-19 Misinformation
About this report. As the global community faces the COVID-19 pandemic together, Twitter is helping people find reliable information, connect with others, and follow what’s happening in real time.
Effective November 23, 2022, Twitter is no longer enforcing the COVID-19 misleading information policy.
Fancy that?
Hopkins may well be right.
As a disclaimer, I do not own and will probably never buy one of his cars.
Still, Musk has sure as hell been fun to watch lately.
Almost as much fun as watching the reactions to him.
And now, I’m gonna grab a loaf of bread and see what’s on Twitter.
“Sometimes I wish natural selection was something you could nominate people for”
– Paul Vonharnish –
I think you’ve answered your own question here – it’s going to take time for Twitter to change, if they allow it to. It appears that the rot went very, very deep. I found that out when I reported a disgusting paedophile account and got a reply by email that it ‘wasn’t breaking Twitter rules’. I tweeted out screenshots of the account and twitter’s reply to me. The next day the account was suspended and the day after so was I. Dawned on me then just how rotten the site was.
Kudos to the “the Musk team” to finally revealing that gigantic hoax. So the pretended CEO was actually the plumber of the building hun… I fell for it too… hilarious.
Will it disappoint you to know that you have not angered me? I fall into neither camp. I’m more like in this weird zone of “he could be a real life vigilante hero or the world’s worst super villain”but I don’t feel strongly….either way, gimme the popcorn! 🍿 This article was a very enjoyable read, however. Homeschool mom here and we just finished a year of studying Ancient Rome, so naturally, all the allusions cracked me up
One upvote for homeschool. Just turn off all wi-fi and wire everything… look it up if u don’t believe me…
Wouldn’t it be great if Musk brought out a coal powered phone ?
That man isn’t going to “bring out” anything.
He’s just an over-indulged, average-intelligence businessman.
Irrelevant cuz it is his team that we should be concerned about… bet it’s top notch.
Hopefully we’ll agree that we are both average intelligence ?
Last time I checked I haven’t got a zillion squids.
Credit where it’s due.
iv noticed he has stopped selling flamethrowers
And there’s never any talk about those boring666tunnels…hmm
So very true. The idea wecal geniuses these ppl who happened to be in the right place at the right time and got very rich. Just why is he a genius? Anyone?
Now as long as it was degoogled – I’d buy it. The twat is trying to reinvent everything else as his own work – it wouldn’t surprise me.
Nicely written. Thank you!
This is right on point:
“…like when Obama the Beneficient saved the world from Evil Bush and ended the War on Terror by bombing numerous countries, extrajudicially assassinating anyone he felt like, and illegally surveilling everyone, to the wild applause of millions of liberals, who had spent the previous eight years shrieking about Evil Bush doing exactly the same thing.”
Always amazes me that so many people have such a short memory.
I think Elon is horrible on every level. But I do so enjoy the ‘Woke’ among us scurrying about trying to deal with his ‘Twitter thing’.
At least for the short term (and for some laughs), “My enemy’s enemy is my friend.”
But in reality, who gives a F about Twitter and the E anyway? 😂
He does appear to have taken over from golden emperor trump in that respect.
From the article: ‘Elon Musk’s Twitter did not start this, and I realize the man has a lot on his plate,’
Ya. Like an estimated $181 billion dollars. Not to mention his tax sheltered and under reported yearly income. > Elon Musk explains his extremely low tax rate – The Hill
When disparity between “rich” and “poor” is this steep, you can take your Twitter “freedoms” discussion, and shove it up your ass.
Why so shocked at the disparity? Is Musk the only one throughout history to enjoy this much wealth? C’mon, it’s really nothing but Bread and Circuses for us all. At least have a laugh. This guy thinks he can actually send humans to Mars (I mean humans that can survive the trip)! The modern-day snake oil salesman 😂 All the money in the world, and he is still a nothing.
He invents nothing. There is a fab channel on YouTube that takes down all his designs. It’s brilliant. Putting a shell on a lorry and calling it an elorri – is effectively what he’s doing. It’s still a fucking lorry.
Elonicus Muskimus
Well Connected
Someone suggested that this bugger is essentially a well connected actor like Steve Jobs and Kill Gates. He doesn’t know much about the products he produces. He is just promoted as one of the faces of technocracy.
Bugger off!
We’re clearly living out the plot of Atlas Shrugged and no one seems to mind (or notice?) that Elon is definitely Francisco and not Hank.
Grandfather a technocrat. Hand in starlink, space x, Tesla, neurolink….I mean seriously – where would he get the time?
Answer – he doesn’t. It’s bullshit.
I’m happy with Elon.For now.Maybe I will buy his phone and toss out the Apple.
Well the dumb lady featured on Natural News – Mike Adams. She sold her Elon car in favour of a VW electric car. Because she doesn’t support Nazis. She was hilariously mocked for her utter stupidity on Twitter.
Know your history folks or you too could be brought down to reality in an instant.
No mention of Trump being allowed back on Facebook and Instagram on the same day as Twitter CJ?
Biden’s birthday of all days? Coincidence? Facebook has far more users especially when you put Instagram in the equation. Strange how this place and MSM are hush about that. Why Twitter the focus?
Has Facebook also restricted your accounts?
Why would Zucky allow Trump back on Facebook/Instagram on the same day as Twitter when he spent 500 million and used Facebook employees to help Democrats on elections? And banned him because of a fake perception of insurrection.
Just as you didn’t like Twitter portraying you as some kind of sleaze you portray Trump just as the MSM do and most of the left leaning population. Satire it may be but that doesn’t help negative perception as you yourself don’t like. Woke don’t think its satire when it’s about the opposition.
The tide has turned big time.
Will Twitter and the like still be around? Time will tell. As far as Elon and Twitter go it’s a small step in the right direction.
A person may plan but who directs their steps.
Funny how you mentioning FB now brings back some distant memories
What’s more funny is how no body does?
Why Twitter?
Zuckerberg is far worse.
Not sure if CJ reads the comments here but yours would be a good one for his substack.
Bill Hicks is still around. He goes by the name Alex Jones now.
So they say 😂
you can tell they are not the same person just going by the voice
Alex Jones is a moron who needs an enema, and probably a shill- Bill Hicks was a genius and a hero.
Superb calling out the old strong man switch_a_roo who , at the appointed hour sweeps into power to replace the unknown collective who were ruining it for everyone….Usually works out for the best
Don’t look a gifted horse in the mouth, as long as you keep realizing from whom you got it and that it is second hand. Ride it for as long as useful for your clan. Technates have a hard time with the unexpected and with ancient human instincts.
Woke media is saying that Musk will have “blood on his hands” for allowing some limited speech back on Twitter. Free speech is Glenn Greenwald’s wheelhouse. Here he is in fine form:
Oh, boy, don’t open up the Glenn Greenwald can of worms 😉
I appreciate GG up to a certain point, but I ALWAYS take into account how he got where he is today – his connections. The Guardian, The Intercept and Pierre Omidyar. Honestly, can a journalist be trusted who founded and funded a ‘news organization’ solely on the Snowden documents (whatever they really are or were)? And got rich on it to boot?
You mean the places he quit from because they censored him? Funny that you’d hold that against him.
Fascinating they never take Snowden videos down though.
great link! thanks
CJ – I love your writing, In my opinion Musk is a wild card – but I am starting to feel we are only shown the cards we are allowed to see – including the wild ones. If we doubt Twitter -which we did anyway – more of the same no? However, wild cards have their day – and no rich people get to heaven.
Social media is all about information.
Information is power.
Work out what position holds the most power in the world and you will understand what this is all about.
Hint. It’s got white paint.
Russian armour in Winter camouflage?
Like in the Bond films?
I keep going back to John D. Rockefeller tossing dimes to us commoners, and Ivy Lee in his hire to sell his humanitarian image, with all the common blood spilled, as at the Ludlow massacre, drawn from his vampiric face. I can’t imagine people preoccupying themselves as much then as we’re instructed to do now with PR performances of the “masters (monsters) of mankind” (Adam Smith). I suppose when the alternative is Grandma Gates Elon looks sexy for the illusionists. What’s depressing is to think how successful they might be in having masses of us proles begging for more, rather than stickin’ it to em.
Michael Parenti Where Is The White Trash
thank you for Michael Parenti! 53 seconds of brilliant focus on what’s the truth!
Seconds after I took that picture, a long tung came out of his mouth and grabbed my lens, pulling my camera from my hands. Ironically I had forgotten to turn off wi-fi from the device and could salvage that picture from the cloud… but that was close. One day he’s gonna get me…
Twitter is an abomination, with or without Nero Musk. I’d be pleased to see it disappear altogether. What surprised me was the seemingly general acceptance of a vote to decide whether or not to reinstate Trump. That it escaped most twits’ notice that freedom of speech is not to be given or taken away, whether on the whim of one man or a majority, but ought always to be enabled, is for me a sign of society’s decadence (yet another).
Why would you want it to disappear if it was to be free?
Are you not doing the same thing here?
Good question. I’m glad you asked. The answer is contained in my original comment. A supposedly free and open public forum that can be censored by fakecheckers at the behest of government/corporations, and whose owner or a mob of users decides who will be allowed to use it and who not, abominates free speech. Twitter can never be “free”. That’s neither its nature nor purpose. And if I thought the same about the present forum (which I don’t believe to be the case, despite the odd complaint about comments treated as spam, and as evidenced by its toleration of certain beastly comments), I’d stop using it and wish for its demise!
Fair nuff.
At least give the new guy a chance before wishing its demise?
Freedom of speech is one thing.
Withholding information another.
This place and others all do it to some extent.
Its par for the course.
Very good point – fundamental rights are never to be based on majority opinion but if they can collapse that distinction then it opens the door to all sorts of horrors while retaining a facade of “we’re the good guys”.
‘ I’d be pleased to see it disappear altogether.’
Could anything disappear faster, leaving so little a trace, as twitter?
Was it Lenin? or Statlin, I think.
It’s not who votes, it’s who counts the votes.
Although Musk’s poll was probably more fair and accurate than our elections.
A fake article to moan about their account being limited. Sigh.
Fence sitter extraordinaire.
you havent read CJ then?
who’s CJ?
The dictionary got it right:
“Musk – A greasy secretion with a powerful odor, produced in a glandular sac in the abdomen of a male musk deer and used in traditional medicines and formerly in the manufacture of perfumes.”
There is a certain smell about him.
Wish I could double vote this.
Oh my goodness. Those of you who are techies better take a look at this. I don’t have time today, but this is horrible. It deals only briefly w the Died Suddenly film.
VERY interesting !
Thank you, that really starts to explain where the fibrous growths come from..
>The lipid nanotechnology used to deliver mRNA into cells includes hydrogel (per Moderna’s patent). The patent specifically mentions the use of inverse opal hydrogel, a type of Ai hydrogel that is specifically used for bioengineering biosynthetic hybrid cells and tissues inside of a living animal from the cells of that animal.
Martin, here’s another explanation of how the vaxx causes those long clots w/in blood vessels. It’s by an anonymous Midwestern doctor.
He thinks that cuz the fake RNA doesn’t degrade like normal RNA that it keeps ordering the cell to make more protein. According to him, this excessive protein may be taking the form of cell walls which then form something like veins within the normal veins.
His explanation is well though out:
Martin maybe still another explanation of clot formation:
“An Italian group led by Riccardo Benzi Cipelli analysed the blood of over 1,000 people, one month after they were vaccinated, who had been referred for tests because they had experienced side effects. They ranged in age from 15 to 85 and had had between one and three doses. More than 94 per cent had abnormal readings, deformed red blood cells, reduced in counts and clumped around luminescent foreign objects which also attracted clusters of fibrin. Some of the foreign objects dotted the blood like a starry night, some self-assembled into crystalline structures and others into spindly branches and tubes.”
And those of us with a brain will clearly see that this is the second instance where we are asked to subscribe to continue reading this article about the subject, claiming the same thing, a situation I’ve never seen before. The funny thing is on the first instance, it was a DIFFERENT site and author… Do you smell a rat? A very panicked rat
A musk rat??
theobalt, you don’t have to subscribe to read it. Look again. All sites invite you to subscribe– nothing wrong w that.
It’s Amyloidosis, Dr Kevin McCairn has been banging on about it for 2 years.
Thanks ImpObs. Amyloidosis another interesting idea, Hope I’ll have time to check out the links soon.
If Elon was legit..
He would of brought Twitter and Delete the fucking thing.
ophiaps, don’t be silly; it’s a powerful tool. IF he uses it to lessen censorship that’s good.
Chinese rioting against lockdowns are receiving favourable local MSM coverage, but only those calling for Xi to resign, that is.
If those Irish protesting the ban on using peat want favourable media coverage, i suggest they include the demand “Xi must resign”.
That goes for anyone considering protesting or rioting, especially nurses. Include a call for Xi’s resignation and the MSM will be on your side.
“Xi Must Go !”
Xi personifies The Chinese System we’re told is being imposed on us, so make “Xi Must Go !” our rallying cry ??
That intrepid newshound Jon Rappoport smells a good story in “Xi Must Go !”
And top it up with “Putin must go.”
When it come to MSM and soreass think the opposite.
Soros said XI is the most dangerous to democracy.
This tells me all I need to know about Xi.
Brics is another.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-11-28. Anti-lockdown: remarkable bravery (China 2022 Nov) vs conspiracy theorists (UK 2020 Sept). Jab vs not (blog, gab, tweet).
Elon wants to put chips into people’s brains, and he is launching a satellite based 5g network / internet. Nothing else he does can erase or change the fact that this is at the core of Technocratic and WEG agenda.
Stop buying the BS.
WEF that is and not WEG. lol
Feels like the AI is purposefully not letting WEF get through.
Not to worry mate. WEG = World Economic Ghouls
Or WEF= World Economic Fuckery.
And one should not leave out Tesla Motors, a blaspheme against a remarkable genius, and a bow to the Green Deal. Will not be long before a Tesla no longer has a steering wheel, and when you enter a request, “your” car will reply, “I’m sorry Dave, but I cannot transport you to that protest.”
That said, Musk may be playing with fire with his elimination of Covid censorship, because that will allow more wide spread publication of the “emerging” fact that the fake vaccine is actually a demonic, genocidal bioweapon against all of humanity. All those tens of millions of AR-15’s in the USA gathering rust might be put to use by the loved ones of those no longer with us who were permanently maimed or who “died suddenly.”
Free speech Elon, a Trojan Horse for digital IDs from our overlords..
Think the opposite when it comes to MSM and ye will know the truth.
Seriously? Does anyone else see the irony of this so-called debate about a billionaire and a social engineering propaganda psy-op? I suppose more than irony, it also points out how hopeless it really is.
Hopeless what is.
Some fake friends on social media.
So much more to life.
Cross-posted from “Consent Factory”: I think it’s permissible to recycle a relevant comment I’d posted elsewhere in reference to James Howard Kunstler’s recent post, “A Light in the Darkness”– which, as the title suggests, generally lauded Musk’s Twitter-related activity since acquring it. FYI, the allusion to Garland Nixon refers to the report that “Musk” (Twitter) summarily “permanently suspended” Nixon’s account after Nixon posted a satirical post about Secretary of State Blinken: _____________________________________ … I might as well say that I don’t share Kunstler’s “glass half-full” view of Musk. Since I’m not into Twitter, and wouldn’t become a user or enthusiast even if Musk’s alleged reforms are successful, I don’t have a tweet in the fight. But I would enjoy observing any changes that disempower the government and Big Tech TDS-fueled censorship and loosens its propaganda-reinforcing “community standards”. While I admit that I haven’t drilled into the Musk phenomenon, I have a settled aversion to, and distrust of, plutocrats who purport to be one of Ralph Nader’s fictional altruistic “Super-Rich” saviors come to life. Thus, without reaching the issue of Musk’s sincerity or true motives, I definitely don’t buy into the sycophantic scenario that equates Musk’s reform-driven acquisition of Twitter with Jesus Christ driving the moneychangers from the Temple. If anything, it would be more a case of a rogue moneychanger driving out the lesser moneychangers to take over the Temple operation. For one thing, if the report of Garland Nixon’s “permanent” ban is true– and was either approved or not rescinded by Musk– it’s a classic demonstration of dictatorial, aka tyrannical, narcissistically capricious self-indulgence. This is one of those situations in which would-be pragmatists might argue that it doesn’t do to be too precious or exacting, since overhauling a corrupt operation like Twitter might well require an initial phase of… Read more »
I appreciated this essay’s balancing of Elon Musk as an elite swindler with the hysterical fits the media and the powers-that-be have performed in response to his Twitter-takeover.
I wish Musk was the savior many aggrieved conservatives have made out to be, but he’s not. Still, with the latest news about Apple potentially kicking Twitter out of their App Store I can’t help but marvel at the lengths to which the-powers-that-be will go to publicly attack and denounce even a controlled opposition like Musk’s.
It reminds me of Covid– no dissent is allowed. No minor degree of deviation permitted. There is not a rational, gradualist, cautious critique that they find acceptable. These people running the world are used to getting their way. They want it all. They’ve been emboldened– Covid was a smash success. They set human rights back hundreds of years and hardly anyone minded. It’s all water under the bridge now to pretty much everyone except the citizens of China… I wish people were angrier about what was done to them, but they aren’t.
So it’s hard not to want a white knight, a good billionaire to save us all. We can continue to hope Twitter will get rid of those fucked up content warnings on C.J. Hopkins and OffGuardian’s content some day. Even if they do, though, all is not well.
RE: It reminds me of Covid– no dissent is allowed.
Covid was intended to set up the ideological infrastructure. The MSM is now overtly totalitarian. The idea that words are violence, are weapons that can literally kill, seems extreme…oh, wait, didn’t the Nazi’s promulgate the same idea in defending their censorship?
Those that haven’t learned there won’t be a “good billionaire” to the rescue, EVER, have a serious misunderstanding of either the situation we’re in, what we should do about it, or both.
you have to be an utter piece of nasty ming to amass a billion let alone billions
Orange is the new white.
There was some blasphemy in the article regarding Musk. Specifically, mentioning Musk and SpaceX without mentioning the grid or the Internet of Bodies is blasphemy.
Elon Musk, Trump, Alex Jones, Peterson and Twitter are all on the same side. Twitter never censored anything they weren’t scripted to, just like the rest of them played their roles too.
Not limited to Twitter; its happening everywhere. In Florida, the Republicans are working to stop protests at the capital. I guess the donors to Desantis’s campaign are getting what they paid for. The wording of the laws includes whether the police “believe</em" that its disruptive. Believe is simply a rubber stamp to violate Constitutional rights. Also, could be viewed as a bad sign of things to come.
Only for the sheep. People with 2 connecting brain cells see him for what he really is.
They need people on social media, and they’ll do anything to keep the sheep on it. Social media is critical to their internet-of-bodies-nanotubes-in-people’s-brains-social-credit-score-programmable-currency enslavement goals.
If everyone dumped Twitter and Facebook, they’d probably mandate it. They violate constitutional rights because they are permitted to. Its all a script.
Good summary Wisenox. No need for me to comment.
200 Billion Rubic cubes….uuumm impressive. Or sorry, Two.
Spinning Wheel (2X) Begin …..
our religious perspective (even if it’s the perspective of denial) is all angels, demons, saviours, devils, etc.. A cacophone of soap opera of mystical beings that forms reality itself. As the alchemical formula says: as above so below, as below so above.
Musk as any kind of savior? If you even consider this as a possibility you have your head up your nether region. By any criterion this man is a huckster. Space X and Tesla cars – both great advances to benefit humanity at great financial risk to Musk? Oh, my aching sides!
Look beyond Musk.
Do you really think he needed twitter. He already had the followers before he bought it.
Who will really benefit from the purchase.