Open Letter: An Overdue Apology to the World’s Children
Lucy Davies

This is a bit embarrassing to be honest, but it needs to be said. To all children out there, on behalf of all adults here on planet earth at this time of intense weirdness…
Sorry we told you it was dangerous to sing.
Sorry we made you stand in hoops in the school playground so you couldn’t go near anyone.
Sorry we padlocked your swings together.
Sorry we taught you that human bodies aren’t capable of fighting off a virus without the use of weird AI stuff & what we now know to be incredibly dangerous chemicals that don’t even work.
Sorry we danger-taped the toys in the supermarket.
Sorry we inverted the responsibility of health in old age onto you in the most misguided way possible.
Sorry we encased you in plexiglass cages whilst being fitted for new shoes.
Sorry we shoved sticks covered in carcinogenic chemicals up your noses.
Sorry we isolated you from your friends.
Sorry we made you scared of going near other people.
Sorry we told you that ‘no symptoms’ was a symptom of an illness with no symptoms.
Sorry we hid our faces behind a sea of blue plastic & novelty cloth, leaving you with nothing but expressionless eyes to communicate with & learn from.
Sorry we hid your smiles & restricted your natural way of breathing.
Sorry we made you scared of your own body.
Sorry we told you it’s ok to be different & then copied everyone else for an easy life.
Sorry we told you to question everything & then did what we were told without question.
Sorry we told you to stand up & say no to bullies, then not only didn’t stand up ourselves, but bullied the people who did.
Sorry we told you to say no to experimental drugs then pinned you down whilst we injected you with them.
Sorry we justified our strange actions with the ‘children are resilient’ mantra, whilst ironically simultaneously blaming them on our own childhood trauma.
Sorry we convinced ourselves it was all ok…and then carried on as if nothing happened.
We could bring out all the excuses in the world.
The BBC MK-Ultra’d us. The idiotic lunatic from the jungle told us to do it. We were scared of what our neighbours thought. We honestly thought going one way round Tesco would save the world.
We didn’t read the ‘vaccine’ inserts. Or the bit on the side of the box of blue masks that says ‘these masks do not keep out viruses’. We thought the people bribing us with kebabs & doughnuts cared about our health.
The making you put money in a container so we didn’t touch it, before handing you your food thing. I mean… We just thought… Well maybe we didn’t.
Maybe that’s the point. Maybe that’s what needs to change.
In fairness, we have been heavily indoctrinated throughout our entire lives. But still.
We trusted – blindly trusted – those who should never, ever have been trusted.
I’ve always thought that one day, when you’re older, you’ll sit us down, look us in the eye, & say, ‘Go on then. Why?’ I hope you do. Because you deserve an explanation.
You deserve for there to be some kind of (‘scuse the pun) post-mortem. You deserve acknowledgement.
Rather than what’s going on at the moment, which as far as I can see is akin to the man I saw the other day whose dog left a sizeable stream of diarrhoea in the middle of the pavement; he glanced at it, realised quickly that the clean-up operation was beyond him, & carried on walking – widening his stride considerably & doing his best to arrange his face into some kind of neutral but looking like someone doing a wee in a swimming pool.
Except it’s not dog shite on the pavement or pee in a swimming pool. The implications are a bit more serious than that; although I hate to say it, we’re only at the tip of the iceberg as far as the extent of the damage is concerned.
There’s so much we could learn from the past few years.
We could avoid history repeating itself in the near future if we had the balls/ eyes/ willingness to look, yet we’re once again choosing to look the other way for an easy life.
My mind boggles with rage at times at the disrespect we’ve shown your generation. Our ignorant selfishness & lack of accountability.
You know those forms you have to fill in at school. The behaviour modification ones dressed up as ‘reflection’.
‘Now then, Toby. Do you think it was acceptable to be googling ‘how schools brainwash kids’ when you were meant to be colouring in the rainbow penis on the non-binary triple-vaccinated vegan Ukrainian climate activist?’
‘Yes I do.’
‘Wrong answer Toby, try again’…
I think you kids should turn the table on us adults. Ask us a few awkward questions.
Because it happened. All those beyond weird, illogical, damaging things actually happened in real life.
And I for one, for what it’s worth, am sorry.
There’s a book by Mattias Desmet, called ‘The Psychology of Totalitarianism’, which explains these types of phenomena (mass formation psychosis) well.
There’s also soon to be another (by me), called, ‘A Pandemic of Narcissistic Abuse’, outlining the classic mind control techniques of narcissists, all of which have been used extensively on the world’s population for many years, coming to a head in 2020.
We’re living in a psychological, spiritual & physical war most people don’t even realise they’re in.
We’ve been head fucked to within an inch of our lives with these psychological operations, & we did weird shit.
That’s all the reasoning I can give.
I’d like to expand a little more though on one of the most powerful methods of grooming us to become willing & submissive adult recipients of government orders, however barbaric they may be.
The school system.
My opinion of these government institutions is highly unpopular, although independent research (me talking to people) suggests is also secretly agreed with by many more than you’d think.
(I’d also like to say that 2 out of my 3 children did go to school for a few years. I went fully through the school system & my parents were both teachers. I don’t know quite how I got to be like I am – actually I do but that’s another story – but my point is I wasn’t born like this & therefore am not judging anyone for sending their kids to school. I know it’s a big trigger so don’t start is all I’m saying.)
I believe that modern day schooling is a holding pen for young minds.
A safe place for those minds of infinite potential to be controlled, moulded & funneled with the intention of significantly reducing the risk of them later becoming a threat to the status quo; i.e. the modern day slave system.
The curriculum doesn’t come from the nice kind teachers. (Although I can’t not acknowledge the one in my kids’ old school who’d have been far more at home in a field of bulls & a cattle prod. They’re not all nice sadly.)
It comes from the corrupt government & the shadowy beings who control them.
These ‘powers that be’ absolutely, categorically & without any shadow of a doubt, do not, under any circumstances want your incredible, powerful, creative, intelligent, intuitive minds, with their unpredictable natures, to be allowed to roam free.
Hell no.
What they want are state minions.
People who can’t or don’t think for themselves.
People to do their dirty work for them whenever they sound the call to action on the latest manufactured fear crisis.
To be fit for purpose you need to be trained for many years in:
- Sitting down & shutting up.
- Being afraid of authority.
- Believing that questioning or standing up to authority is wrong & will be punished; & is therefore futile.
- Being bullied/ bullying others/ witnessing bullying; & consequently believing that this is an apparently normal part of socialisation & therefore society.
- Normalising having to do a lot of things you don’t want to do.
- Repressing your emotions.
- Being controlled to the point of having to ask permission for even basic human needs like going to the toilet.
- Not being allowed to express your individuality.
- Being fed information, which if you can later regurgitate correctly, you get a prize.
- Being part of a herd, who are automatically submissive to authority.
This is what schools are for. (As well as separating the family & reducing a child’s love quota.) And look how well it just worked on my generation.
What happened in 2020 will become a cautionary tale in history books of the future. (When schools are no longer governed by psychopaths & will therefore teach the truth.)
Tales of what happens when you blindly trust & don’t question.
So as well as the apology, my point is – question. Please. Question everything.
Because these self-appointed ‘figures of authority who know best’ not only really do not know best, but have a very firm idea of how they want your future to look.
They’re making no secret of it; the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organisation etc. They’re all laying out their plans in plain sight.
They just manipulate everyone into believing it’s a good idea. Or actually a really bad idea but something we have no control over.
But it’s not their future. It’s not ours either. It’s yours. And you do have control over it.
Things may soon seem like they’re going even more insane (my prediction is fake climate ‘science’ pandemonium & the attempted ushering in of all kinds of ‘smart’ ‘solutions’ & ‘socially responsible’ travel, food & lifestyle restrictions. Aka more lies, manipulation, less freedom, more emfs & therefore even more shit health. T
That & maybe a nuclear war that only actually happens on the telly… perhaps some other plague thrown in for good measure. Who knows.
Whatever increasingly absurd scripts of fear, danger & woe it takes to distract us from what’s really going on. Needing to try ever harder as more people see through it all).
But I want to reassure you that there is a ground swell of new.
There is a new way being quietly built behind the scenes, waiting in the wings for the world to be ready (i.e. when the current systems finally can’t be excused or clung to any longer).
It’s already being lived & enjoyed by many.
And although the trapping systems will continue to lure people in until their dying breaths, this new way, free from fear, control, greed, manipulation, disempowerment & manufactured suffering, is available to anyone who wants to find it & is willing to open their mind (& heart; sorry to get soppy but this is important.)
So question everything. Including what I’m saying. Listen & observe, then feel how it sits with you. Train yourself to listen to, respect & act on that inner voice inside you.
Don’t hand your mind, beliefs, power & behaviour over to an external source of any kind, no matter what anyone says.
Don’t trust that they know best just because they say they do.
Let us be a cautionary tale.
Free your mind & listen to you.
Lucy is a naturopathic nutritionist with a love of writing, cooking, fermenting, energy & sound healing, & cutting through the crap. You can get in touch with her through her website, or read more of her thoughts on her blog.
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The big news is that Robert Malone is suing the Breggins and others for defamation. In my view, this will not get to court because of at least two main reasons. Firstly, the case for defamation is apparently weak (see below) and there is a strong defence that Malone is a public figure. Secondly, Malone’s deep-state connections (DARPA etc) mean that “they” won’t allow him to be cross examined under oath. Thankfully, the Breggins have chosen to fight this battle in the public arena as well as legally; and it seems likely that Malone is about to get shredded.
Dr. Paul Alexander
Nov 28, 2022
This has gotten out of hand! Dr. Robert Malone now sues the Breggins (Dr. Peter Breggin) for $25 Million; the Complaint that is filed in court focuses on scientific & public political disagreements
The fundaments surround the Breggin’s criticism of Malone’s concept of mass formation psychosis; why would this lawsuit be brought? Over this? I must be dreaming; we should be united!
Diana West
Nov 29, 2022
Dr. Robert Malone Sues the Breggins, Jane Ruby, Platforms for $25 Million
Reposted with discussion here:
Lioness of Judah Ministry
Dec 7
In the following interview, GB News repeatedly uses the term “mass formation psychosis”, but Desmet states (albeit after the presenter uses it for the second time) that he never personally uses it. I’ve no intention of reading Desmet’s book, but I assume it therefore doesn’t contain the term. Moreover, it’s not included in the Amazon blurb.
GB News also uses the term “hysteria” which is another garbage, psychiatric concept. For example, see:
Dora is the pseudonym given by Sigmund Freud to a patient whom he diagnosed with hysteria, and treated for about eleven weeks in 1900.[1] Her most manifest hysterical symptom was aphonia, or loss of voice. . . Freud published a case study about Dora, Fragments of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria.
The blurb at Amazon states:
Desmet’s work on mass formation theory was brought to the world’s attention on The Joe Rogan Experience and in major alternative news outlets around the globe. Read this book to get beyond the sound bites!
In The Psychology of Totalitarianism, world-renowned Professor of Clinical Psychology Mattias Desmet deconstructs the societal conditions that allow collective hypnosis to take hold. By analysing the global pandemic, he identifies the phenomenon of ‘mass formation’ and illustrates how humanity is being forcibly, unconsciously led into a reality of technocratic totalitarianism, which aggressively excludes alternative views and relies on destructive groupthink, vilifying non-conformist thought as ‘dissident.’
Building on Hannah Arendt’s essential work on totalitarianism, The Origins of Totalitarianism, Desmet offers a sharp critique of the cultural ‘groupthink’ that existed pre-pandemic but has steadily and inexorably advanced during the Covid crisis. He cautions against the dangers of our current societal landscape, media consumption, and reliance on manipulative technologies, offering simple solutions – both individual and collective – to prevent the willing sacrifice of our ability to think critically. The Psychology of Totalitarianism serves as an indispensable and fundamental guide to understanding this key moment in history.
Dr Mattias Desmet on how to stop mass formation psychosis. [GB News’s title]
Jul 11, 2022
Heart Attack
Sir Rod Stewart’s son Aiden rushed to hospital with suspected heart attack (
oh dear
Breggins Prioritize Free Speech Above Self-Interest in $25 Million Lawsuit by Robert Malone
by Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin (primary author)
Dec 4, 2022
I have been muzzled for the last two months. I have been instructed not to speak freely and not to speak my mind to friends, verbally or in writing, on the internet, in media, or in personal correspondence. I have been told to preserve all my papers, my emails, my letters, and records of phone calls, as well as all internet transactions. I have been instructed to await legal service — the action of being officially informed of this legal suit. The lawsuit is already formally filed with the US District Court in the Western Region of the State of Virginia. Although I have done nothing wrong, and my husband Peter R. Breggin, M.D. has done nothing wrong, we have had a lawsuit filed against us, falsely accusing us of defamation and demanding $25,350,000.
Remaining silent as this suit works its way through the legal process is generally the conservative and expected advice from legal counsel. Getting a resolution can take years. I have complied to this point with our attorneys’ advice because I respect their opinions and experience. But there are larger issues here than what is best for us. . . . I have finally concluded that I would rather be afraid as I exercise my God-given rights and responsibilities as a free American than to be muzzled, afraid to speak the truth.
The Danger of the Diagnosis of Mass Formation Psychosis
We sounded the alarm about the danger of creating a new diagnosis labeling “masses” of humans as psychotic — the informal diagnosis created by Dr. Robert Malone called “Mass Formation Psychosis. That phrase is Dr. Malone’s creation and is based on the work of his friend Mattias Desmet, author of the book The Psychology of Totalitarianism. While Desmet’s term of Mass Formation attempts to describe what he believes is a sociological phenomenon, Dr. Malone’s term of Mass Formation Psychosis (the psychosis term added by Dr. Malone) is a diagnosis building upon already formalized diagnoses of psychosis. The fact that a medical doctor is creating a diagnostic term lends gravitas and further potential for abuse against COVID resisters and other reformers, and any other groups the authorities want to further control.
A year ago, I warned of the dangers of promoting the term “psychosis” (see post copied below). We are helping them build the gulag; and it consists not just of AI, facial recognition, trackable money, etc; but also of language, ideas and pseudo-medicalisation.
Lost in a dark wood – Dec 4, 2021 10:25 PM
“They’re trying to kill me,” Yossarian told him calmly.
“No one’s trying to kill you,” Clevinger cried.
“Then why are they shooting at me?” Yossarian asked.
“They’re shooting at everyone,” Clevinger answered. “They’re trying to kill everyone.”
“And what difference does that make?”
— Catch-22
If you were to believe that Gates & Co are intent on killing you, then you meet the official definition of “psychotic”. Actually, you’re officially psychotic if a person in a white coat says you’re psychotic, but notions about a depopulation agenda and such like are going to tilt the assessment in that direction.
The 2 main symptoms of psychosis are:
hallucinations – where a person hears, sees and, in some cases, feels, smells or tastes things that do not exist outside their mind but can feel very real to the person affected by them; a common hallucination is hearing voices
delusions – where a person has strong beliefs that are not shared by others; a common delusion is someone believing there’s a conspiracy to harm them
Note that “delusion” in this context is defined not by reference to objective reality (whatever that might be), but in terms of commonly shared beliefs. Hence, the belief that vaccines (especially mRNA jabs) are often harmful may at some point be classed as a psychotic delusion. Furthermore, since it is the divergence from the majority which is considered to be a sign of psychosis, the term “mass psychosis” is an oxymoron if applied to an entire population.
Desmet claims that the Foundations (Rockefeller, Gates, etc) are driven by an ideology. I would partly agree – identifying that ideology as elitist, Satanic, eugenicist, medical materialist. However, he seems to imply that the Rockefeller ideology is a consequence of mass formation – i.e. that the general population is in some way responsible. Is that a correct interpretation of Desmet’s position?
A. The Lockstep document was published in 2010 – so this ideological mass formation process must have been operating for a couple of decades.
B. My view is that Desmet’s theory is nonsensical garbage and he therefore doesn’t have a coherent position. But if anyone can argue otherwise, please go ahead.
C. In the following statement, Desmet refers to Lockstep and Event 201 as being a “response to a crisis situation”. This, of course, points to one of the main issues of contention – i.e. that the putative “crisis” was either a hoax or manufactured. And this is the main part of the conspiracy (i.e. secret plan) – rather than the non-secret “responses”.
Does Demet deal anywhere with point C?
Am I an expert in Mass Formation or a Trojan Horse?
Response to Breggin and Breggin (Part 1)
Mattias Desmet
Sep 4, 2022
Is there any steering and manipulation at all then? The answer is a resounding yes, there most certainly is all kinds of manipulation. And with the means available to today’s mass media, the possibilities are simply phenomenal. Such steering, however, is rarely done by individual persons; the most fundamental steering is impersonal in nature. The steering is first and foremost driven by an ideology—a way of thinking. Ideologies organize and structure society progressively and organically. As we have described in detail in the previous chapters, the dominant ideology is mechanistic in nature. This ideology derives its appeal from the utopian vision of an artificial paradise (see chapter 3). The world and mankind are a machine and they can be comprehended and manipulated as such. The hitches in the machine that cause suffering can be “repaired.” In the long run, it will even be possible to eliminate death. Moreover, all this can be done without man having to reflect on his role in his own misfortune, without questioning himself as a moral and ethical being. This ideology makes life easy in the short term. The price for convenience will be paid in arrears (see chapter 5). . . .
Based on this ideology, institutions were created that make plans about what future society should look like and how the ideal future society should respond to crisis situations. The Lockstep scenario of the Rockefeller Foundation,12 Event 201 of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (in collaboration with John Hopkins and the Rockefeller foundation),13 and The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab14 are examples of such endeavors.
The following are two articles by Peter and Ginger Breggin with regard to Desmet’s theory of “mass formation” – the second being a follow-up to the first.
Mattias Desmet: Mass Hypnosis Expert or Trojan Horse? The Full Story
by Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin
Jul 27, 2022
The author of the idea calls it mass formation and mass hypnosis. Others have added mass psychosis. He began promoting the concept in Europe to many enthusiastic media, intellectuals, scientists, and physicians. Then it took off in America, where “mass hypnosis” has become a buzzword among critics of COVID-19 policies and practices.
Many thoughtful people who listened to him felt, at long last, they had a label to put on their fellow citizens who were acting zombie-like, soulless, and compliant in response to draconian pandemic measures and all the lies they were being told. Some of the most dedicated reformers in the truth-in-science and freedom movement embraced his ideas. To many, it was a relief to be able to label it — mass formation or mass hypnosis — and to think that there was good science or psychology to bolster the diagnosis.
Now the author of the concept, European psychoanalyst Mattias Desmet, has written a book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism . . .
The Desmet/Malone Ideology of Mass Psychosis Blames the Citizens and Not the Global Predators
by Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin
Aug 22, 2022
We have already published a lengthy, in-depth analysis1 of Mattias Desmet’s book The Psychology of Totalitarianism.2 Desmet proposes that a large segment of the population suffers from self-induced mass transformations, otherwise known as mass hypnosis, and popularized as “mass psychosis” by Robert Malone, MD. Whether Desmet or Malone consciously intended it, their ideology has seriously harmful effects similar to a psyops — a psychological operation — aimed at paralyzing the health freedom movement and freedom movements worldwide.
The synonymous concepts of mass formation, mass hypnosis, and mass psychosis have an obvious damaging impact on the international health freedom movement and on the cause of liberty everywhere. These concepts take our eyes off the totalitarian global predators who are taking over and exploiting humanity. They restrain us from charging these predators with criminal conspiracy if we win the battle with them. The pernicious effects of the Desmet/Malone ideology came fully into light with the recent publication of Desmet’s The Psychology of Totalitarianism and Malone’s continuing efforts in support of mass psychosis.
The strategy for undermining the people and ignoring the perpetrators is twofold:
First, mass hypnosis or mass psychosis minimizes or denies how dictators act through violent conspiracies to take over people and to crush their freedom, their free will, and their human spirit. The people themselves, and not the conspiring dictators, are to blame for totalitarianism.
Second, those who believe that there are underlying organized collaborations behind disasters such as COVID-19 policies (and even Nazi Germany) are described by Desmet as emotionally disturbed (pp. 126-128). Like the masses, these “conspiracy thinkers” focus on non-extent threats — such as organized elites, worldwide political classes, or people of enormous wealth and power — in order to relieve themselves of intense anxiety as they observe the mass psychosis around them. Worst yet, according to Desmet, these thinkers drive people into mass psychosis with their conspiracy theories (p. 137). Everybody, except the real perpetrators, is blamed.
There are also three earlier articles – some of which is repeated in the above. In #3 Breggin points out what for me is the most obvious flaw in Desmet’s theory – i.e. that any people meeting in groups after mid-March 2020 were afraid of the police rather than some flu virus. And the germophobes would have tended to self-isolate anyway.
Mattias Desmet Demoralizes the Freedom Movement – Mass Hypnosis Expert or Trojan Horse
by Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin
Jul 22, 2022
Mattias Desmet Diagnoses Researchers as Mentally Disturbed – Mass Hypnosis Expert or Trojan Horse
by Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin
Jul 23, 2022
Mattias Desmet Blames the Victims and Absolves the Perpetrators – Mass Hypnosis Expert or Trojan Horse
by Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin
Jul 24, 2022
Here Desmet describes a seemingly respectable scholarly basis for his mass formation speculations, Gustave Le Bon’s important 1895 analysis of the madness of crowds:
A crowd is a specific kind of group. Its distinguishing feature is a far-reaching “uniformization” of individuals. In the crowd, everyone becomes equal to everyone else, people think together, and they tend to identify with the same ideals. Gustave Le Bon—the French sociologist and psychologist who published one of the most important works on mass formation, Psychologie des joules in 1895—argued that the “individual soul” in the masses is completely taken over by the “group soul.” This uniformization is accompanied by an almost absolute loss of rational thinking and the ability for critical reflection, even among people who, under “normal circumstances,” are extremely intelligent and capable of well-founded criticism. It is also accompanied by a strong tendency to surrender to impulses that, under normal circumstances, would be considered radically unethical. [two citations removed, p. 92]
There is an irredeemable flaw, not in Le Bon’s thinking, but in Desmet’s. Le Bon was analyzing crowds! His entire point was to distinguish the “madness of crowds” from people “who, under ‘normal circumstances,’ are extremely intelligent and capable of well-founded criticism.” He is literally talking about mob behavior.
No one now doubts that crowds can enable some people to act without reason or restraint. But there were no crowds during the time that Desmet is writing about, the high point of the COVID-19 pandemic. People were not legally permitted to form crowds.
Good post and I agree that this approach is a dangerous one. I found Desmet’s notions to be too pat, too much of an ex post facto rationalisation. It certainly does hypocritical of him to be talking about conspiracy theorists being ’emotional disturbed’ when, according to his paradigm, such a conspiracy denialist view, would come out of some sort of mass formation, or, to put it in less slippery terms, brainwashing.
This paragraph is lifted from the Daily Sceptic. It neatly makes the point that we really don’t need to be policed on anywhere near the scale that we are. It highlights what a complete and utter waste of money the police truly are, just hoovering up cash to serve the security industry and protect the criminal Establishment. I am sick and tired of their surveillance and feeling like I’m living in a police state, which is exactly what this country feels likes. It’s time we dismantled this insidious CCTV network, which if these criminals get their way will soon be an omnipresent facial recognition network which will monitor people to an even higher degree than at present. This is not ok. These people installing this crap are themselves criminals, many of which – especially in the leadership – are members of verifiably evil organisations.
The reality is that in the UK, it is the police themselves, and the government, who are committing crimes against the people. This surveillance we are subjected to is illegal. We now have the absolute proof of their crimes against the people, because the police will not investigate the blatant and abhorrent crimes that have been committed by the government during the scamdemic. They serve no purpose, other than to go around like pests, disturbing and ruining life, spreading fear via the local media, assaulting protestors with impunity – only the protestors that aren’t working for the criminal government of course, policing the new criminal laws being passed by the criminal government, making the place feel like an open prison. It doesn’t have to be this way and the fact they have so much surplus resource to police these non crimes proves beyond doubt that they are massively over funded and staffed, that they are a waste of time and money – which could be better spent elsewhere. We could have mediators who are only interested in keeping the peace, not a business run by Freemasons which makes money by picking on poor people.
The police are ruled by Freemasonry. To become a Freemason, you have to be initiated by taking part in Satanic rituals. These rituals are performed on all Masons, the result being that their bodies become literal vessels for evil spirits, they choose to surrender their souls to The Devil. We can do better than that. Why should we tolerate these scumbags telling us what to do, how to live? Telling us we can’t be free. Turing the UK into a grey, Communitarian, Common Purpose, corporatist shitepit. Enough, enough, enough.
Hypnosis vs Psychosis
I never paid much attention to Desmet (see copy of Dec 4 2021 post below), but I’m aware that some people refer to this “mass formation” as being a kind of group hypnosis; while others call it psychosis. The definitions and understandings for both hypnosis and psychosis are dubious, but they are different phenomena.
Lost in a dark wood – Dec 4, 2021 6:43 PM
9:15: Desmet refers to the spring of 2020. “If an entire society . . .” etc
But it wasn’t an “entire society”. There were lots of contrary opinions. Did Desmet ever consult these other opinions? He needs to put away his statistics and textbooks on psychology; and instead research the opinions of other people. Other people were describing what was going on and they were doing so BEFORE it happened.
I got bored after about 10:00. If he was unable to spot what was going on as it was happening, I’m not interested in his textbook, retrospective theories.
he’s just regurgitated old knowledge of “herd/flock under threat” behaviour.
an excuse for the eejit, a salve for the moron.
The True Origins of Totalitarianism
Communism and Fascism were both created and controlled by British Intelligence.,_1st_Viscount_Templewood
First World War
Aged 34 at the time, Hoare joined the Army soon after the outbreak of the First World War. He was commissioned into the Norfolk Yeomanry as a temporary lieutenant on 17 October 1914.[18] To his disappointment, he was initially only a recruiting officer[13] and illness prevented him from serving at the front. He was promoted to temporary captain on 24 April 1915.[19]
While acting as a recruiting officer, he learnt Russian. In 1916, he was recruited by Mansfield Cumming to be the future MI6’s liaison officer with the Russian Intelligence service in Petrograd (now Saint Petersburg). He soon became head of the British Intelligence Mission to the Russian General Staff with the temporary rank of lieutenant-colonel.[13][20] In that post, he reported to the British government the death of Rasputin and apologised, because of the sensational nature of the event, for having written it in the style of the Daily Mail.[21]
In March 1917 he was posted to Rome, where he remained until the end of the war. His duties included helping to dissuade Italy from dropping out of the war.[13] In Italy, he met and recruited the former socialist leader Benito Mussolini on behalf of the British overseas intelligence service, which was then known as MI1(c). Britain’s intelligence service helped Mussolini to finance his first forays into Italian politics as a pro-war spokesman. Hoping to keep Italy on its side in 1917, during the First World War, British intelligence gave Mussolini, a 34-year-old newspaper editor, £100 a week to keep his propaganda flowing.[22]
Tom Kington in Rome
13 Oct 2009
Documents reveal Italian dictator got start in politics in 1917 with help of £100 weekly wage from MI5
Mussolini’s payments were authorised by Sir Samuel Hoare, an MP and MI5’s man in Rome, who ran a staff of 100 British intelligence officers in Italy at the time. Cambridge historian Peter Martland, who discovered details of the deal struck with the future dictator, said: “Britain’s least reliable ally in the war at the time was Italy after revolutionary Russia’s pullout from the conflict. Mussolini was paid £100 a week from the autumn of 1917 for at least a year to keep up the pro-war campaigning – equivalent to about £6,000 a week today.”
We are sorry that you have had to endure terror at the hands of an evil few % and the 75% of brainwashed conformists who follow them. We hope you are now seeing how vile, brainless and cowardly the majority of adults are, and that you follow our free-spirited, courageous and non-conformist example.
The abuse continues. Children are still being expected to study inorder to get a job. To join the workforce and finance the faux medical system. They are expected to actually pay money towards ‘vaccines’. Get up in the morning and put money in the pockets of pfizer and bill gates etc. Pay for midazolam and the whole sadistic thing. More needs to be done. Kids need to have a path forward that does not involve that. Adults the same. We need to make a united effort to do more. To stop the funding of the cult. It is so very important that they be stopped. Even a small deficit in the budget will cause a huge discussion and turmoil for the cult. It will drive a wedge knocking the fence sitters off and make it clear which way is which. Every pound they lose is a pound less of ‘vaccine’ or other drugs. Every pound less is a weakening of their power base. Every pound counts. Kids don’t need apologies. What they need is a bright future where this cult is defunded, shut down and incapable of causing further harm.
Here in the UK it’s still skills that get you work. Fancy bits of paper only count for big corporations which I suggest that any kids avoid.
Education, education, education. Sir Anthony Charles Lynton Blair 23 May 2001..
A good article but late in the day.
I wrote about about some of this nearly 2 years ago. When all this was obvious.
The “we” in this article (an article I happen to like), is a literary device that seems to have gone over some readers’ heads. Or to them. I admit my own reptilian brain’s first reaction was to jump on it with a “I’ve got nothing to be sorry about!”. I believe that we have got to get over such knee-jerk reactions or else we leave ourselves open to misunderstanding and manipulation.
The hostility towards the ideas of Mattias Desmet in comments here is a case in point, and was for me surprising to see in an Off-Guardian forum. When I first heard Desmet explain the concept of mass formation in relation of the plandemic “the scales fell from my eyes”. Until then, I could not understand what was going on or why it was having the effect it had on people’s minds. Yet mass formation, or crowd-think, is not a new or revolutionary idea, as Desmet himself explains. The psychology of crowds was already studied in the 19th Century and analysed in the 20th in relation to totalitarianism by thinkers such a Hannah Arendt. Jung specifically mentions it in reference to psychic epidemics: not physical or viral but madness spread among millions by the State. Mass formation (not “mass formation psychosis”, a term Desmet himself has never used, with reason) perfectly explains why entire segments of the population were put into a trance or went along with the official story, absurd as it was, out of conformism;according to Desmet, around 30% and 40% of the population, respectively. His reasoning in respect of the plandemic is utterly convincing. It turns out that his thinking is deeper still, down to a bedrock defence of humanity against transhumanism and technocracy.
You (not a literary device) who read Off-Guardian ought to be proud to belong to Desmet’s third and remaining group, from 25% to 30% of the population, who were the only ones capable of thinking critically and resisting the covid scam. That’s not “blaming the victims” (which, by the way, is a very woke criticism). Desmet acknowledges the responsibility of those in authority and the media for inciting or stoking mass formation. He also suggests that many of the leaders who imposed covidism, along with the so-called experts and intellectuals who hyped it, are the most hypnotised (yes, hypnotised!) of all. We know that the best liers actually believe their bullshit. The reasons he gives as to why so many have submitted mentally and emotionally to stories that not even a child (sorry!) would believe are equally compelling. The counter argument that the mass of people submitted to the restrictions because they were forced to just doesn’t explain the almost loving embrace of liberticide by a large portion of the population.
Many of you who have reacted with hostility in these comments to the mere mention of Desmet in the article, or who have given the thumbs up to the hostile comments, have probably not read The Psychology of Totalitarianism. And might just have picked up a false or falsified impression of what Desmet actually says or stands for. A major source of the, dare I say, disinformation, about Desmet and his ideas stems from a senile and spiteful figure in the United States (no, not Joe Biden), most likely jealous that the Belgian clinical psychologist’s book has had far greater impact than his own. He and his acolytes’ attacks are viciously personal, reminding one of the tactics used by mainstream media fake-checkers against “antivaxxers”/”conspiracy theorists”. They are also quite stupid. The claim that mass formation couldn’t have taken place during the lock-downs because people just couldn’t get out of their homes to form crowds is muddle-headed, again reminding one of fake-checking. It completely ignores the obvious power of mainstream and social media, and the Internet, to mould public opinion, which of course went into overdrive when we were all stuck at home tweeting, zooming and facebooking (please note that I use “we” in this context as a literary device; I never did any of those things myself, so have nothing to apologise for, so there!).
Judge for yourself:
And for those fair-minded enough to want to hear Desmet’s side of the story:
I skimmed through those substack posts again, to make sure I hadn’t missed something you appear to see.
And I found this little gem, picked out by Desmet in his own defence:
If I’m not mistaken, he wrote this in September. Where was he all through 2021? Did he not notice the bribery, coercion and threats that were applied by those “unwilling” leaders against the people to get them in line for their poison?
He must be kidding.
Must you (only) be skimming? I’ll admit this quote in isolation supports the view that, at least at the level being addressed, Desmet does not believe that everything has planned. Also, he’s looking at it from the point of view of a psychologist. Yet he does not exclude the possibility of “planning” at another level. It’s obvious that many of our “leaders” (note, they are Desmet’s quotation marks) are as hypnotised as their followers, if not more so: take the demented Ardern or Trudeau and his frightful deputy and brains Freeland, Hunt, or the entire German Federal Government. Others, like Johnson and Hancock, are cynical opportunists who react to circumstances according to their own best interests. Desmet, does not suggest they are “unwilling”.
In my view, it’s vital to take on board the aspects he explores, even if one considers them limited (as I do not), in order to get the entire plot.
Having read them before, I only skimmed them this time. 🙂
One of my difficulties with Desmet is that he should continue to defend his initial opinions with these unfortunate extracts after it had become clear that in spite of all the nudging and fear-mongering, the injections were not as popular as hoped. By the summer of 2021, we saw the gradual rollout of coercive and unlawful measures, proof that the people were not driving the ‘psychosis’, but were being blackmailed into doing something many of them arguably had misgivings about.
FWIW, I’m not sure Ardern or Trudeau are any more demented (as regards ‘Covid’) than Midazolam Matt or Johnson. It is quite possible that they all thought they would be hailed as saviours, and were in fact conned into doing something they will (hopefully) be punished for one day.
Because contrary to what the author writes, this is not about ’embarrassment’ or ‘intense weirdness’. It is about a crime scene. Tellingly, she fails to apologise to those children who were (and are being) killed and maimed.
With some tawdry theorising à la Desmet, you could say his book is designed to flatter what he thinks are the 25% to 30% of really clever people, those that matter.
“Tawdry theorising”? Now that’s simply unfair. As for suggesting his book might be designed to flatter “the really clever people”, of which one surely must consider oneself, that’s just silly.
Your earlier post:
Our dialogue reassures me that you are indeed part of Desmet’s 25%. And that’s not mere flattery! Please do more than just scan my reply to Lucy Davies. I stick by what I wrote above about being proud of being in the minority who have not been fooled, and in another reply that the idea the book might be designed to flatter “the really clever people” was silly. You were obviously being facetious. 😉
You were warned it was tawdry 😀
Thank you for taking the time to write this. I was surprised at the amount of ego-based, ‘It wasn’t me!’ defensive comments on here when I’d have hoped it would be blindingly obvious I also didn’t do any of those things myself! The message of the article appeared to get lost as a result. These nit-picking, reductionist argumentative reactions which lead to completely missing the point, are also very reminiscent of actual Guardian readers… Ironically!
Yes, let’s not consider the possibility that those who think differently might have a valid point. Instead, just go straight for the name calling – thinly disguised in psychobabble, of course!
BTW: What was the intended point of the article?
Your article come across as reminiscent of the Emily Oster piece on the need for a “pandemic amnesty”.
You may not have meant it that way.
BTW, thanks for the “ego-based” and “nit-picking”. Much appreciated.
Welcome to the world of Ideology based reactions to just about everything. Ideology says “Hell no I won’t apologize for something I didn’t do!” Ideology does something else as well: it stunts the mind.
The mind cannot grow when it’s limited to a certain range of ideas. “Critical thinking” is touted in this forum as one of the highest goals of education. Yet so many seem unable to understand that critical thinking is almost impossible when the mind is hampered by dogmatic beliefs.
The adults did something to the children during the “pandemic.” Those of us who did not actively partake of this “something” were unable to prevent it. That doesn’t make us guilty by disassociation, so to speak. But neither does it render us totally innocent.
I’ve taken the time because I strongly believe we should support and not snipe at one another, especially those actively fighting the good fight like yourself and Mattias Desmet. We have to concentrate on what we have in common, not pick at the differences like sores. It shouldn’t matter if we disagree on how many heads the hydra has so long as we see the monster before us. A characteristic shared by the minority who are awake, not woke, is the sheer diversity of their views on just about everything else. Before covid, for instance, I never dreamed I’d one day approve of the jeremiads of a Tucker Carlson (although I might have Neil Oliver’s), loathe the entire organized Left as much as I do Tony Blair, or conclude that the instrumentalization of global warming poses a greater existential threat than global warming itself, even if the latter is real (which I now doubt, also unthinkable a few years back)! We’ve got to look beyond our differences, find the common ground and stand together on it, or else lose everything. There are also plenty out there deliberately trying to divide us.
There are some important differences. For instance, some of my understandings have been refined by the scamdemic, but I basically knew it all beforehand. That’s because I’ve been studying it for two decades prior to covid and I’ve been learning from people who’d been studying it for much longer. One of the things “we” learn to spot is fakes – and with both Peterson and Desmet it took me about five minutes.
BTW: Carlson is a Kissinger sock-puppet.
“These nit-picking, reductionist argumentative reactions which lead to completely missing the point,”
I don’t believe this audience missed the point. For me, I simply took exception to both your and Desmett’s blanket of universal guilt to make the point.
And why is ego a bad thing? In nature, “ego” is all over the place {how dare that maple tree stand out like that! Tsk, tsk! Look at the peacock! Shameful! 😉 }. As I see it, if they succeed in crushing our childrens’ ‘egos” (one tool is “universal guilt”) then humanity is screwed.
Sit back, relax, have a nice evening. For you have my absolute guarantee: the human ego is alive and well and living in just about every corner of this planet. Nothing will ever crush it. (Ditto the Id, the primary ego driver in most people.)
i did not like the first part of your article at all, i fully get the “we” word ploy St Stef speaks of,
but what “we”? don’t cast too wide. the opening tone was sheer cringe-guilt for offenders.
rest of article redeemed it, and i fairly enjoyed so that’s all good.
An interesting and exceptionally well-sourced criticism of Desmet’s mass-formation theory appeared a few days ago at Unlimited Hangout. The upshot is that perpetrators should not be exonerated on the basis of a natural process purportedly victimizing them also.
Desmet has never suggested that perpetrators be exonerated.
Not in so many words, no.
Who does he name as “perpetrators”?
What October said.
Mr Burns is back. From the New Yorker:
“Annals of a Warming Planet
Dimming the Sun to Cool the Planet Is a Desperate Idea, Yet We’re Inching Toward It
The scientists who study solar geoengineering don’t want anyone to try it. But climate inaction is making it more likely.”
Did you get that? These scientists “don’t want anyone to try it” (which suggests they may actually be actual scientists!) … but “climate inaction is making it more likely”?! I never knew that inaction could have such a volatile effect all by itself!
“If we decide to “solar geoengineer” the Earth—to spray highly reflective particles of a material, such as sulfur, into the stratosphere in order to deflect sunlight and so cool the planet—it will be the second most expansive project that humans have ever undertaken.”
Second most expansive?
“(The first, obviously (?!), is the ongoing emission of carbon and other heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere.)”
“The idea behind solar geoengineering is essentially to mimic what happens when volcanoes push particles into the atmosphere … This scheme, not surprisingly, has few public advocates…”
Cute. A sly way of alluding to the fact that it’s all fucking barking!
“I’m not saying they’ll do it tomorrow …. I feel like we might have thirty years,”
And the pay wall pounced. So I can’t tell you the end of this exciting new franchise!
Hey George, any idea what happened to the MC Discord? Ankie 🌻
Discord pulled the plug on him. Since then there have been perhaps 3 attempts to set up another comment thread somewhere and I have tried to join but no luck. And it’s at this point that I start to feel the rulers have really got it all sewn up. They can push and pull the bits and bobs of the cyber sphere until no-one can do anything. And ultimately all we can do is reject that cyber crap.
They’re doing it now. They’ve been doing it for years. The ugly part is that NASA, I believe it was, just came out a month or so ago with a study that shows that all those sun reflecting particles that provide extremely short term cooling also trap the ambient heat at night. So in actuality, not only is geoengineering extremely harmful NOW, but in the long run it will warm the planet, not cool it. Same with the volcanic ash as well – short term cooling at the cost of long term heating.
While many refuse to believe there’s any warming at all, there is but IMHO that is being exacerbated by the very thing that is now being held out as the cure. And really, should that be surprising in any way? The psychos to rule us are using their very own nasty little invention to make it all much, much worse than it might be without that intervention. So much the better to scare people to death that these same freaks are really trying to save us, it’s all about our health and welfare, it’s perfectly safe and effective…..
As we speak, we up here in Eastern WA are enjoying another geo-engineered freeze complete with chemical “snow” that probably won’t melt off until March. Isn’t that just special? And we all know with these kind of faked cool downs, that just makes some believe in a new Ice Age while the masters manipulate the weather for their own purposes. I’m anticipating some nasty power outages during the winter to drive home the point that we simply MUST all drive a Tesla, put up massive solar installations all over the world, cutting down trees to do that of course, because of “climate change” that is being driven in more ways than one by the same bastards who only see profits in everything.
So, geo-engineering. One more thing we owe a massive apology for to the children who’ll inherit a trashed planet while most of us either ignore what’s going on every day in the sky, or say there is nothing at all going on and that’s just crazy talk. When the US Air Force publishes a document detailing out how they not only “own the weather” but can and do weaponize it, we should all know that means they’re doing it now, not in some distant theoretical future. All one need do is look up at the right time and there it is. But that might mean one has to pull one’s head out of the electronic device, and we can’t have that.
I called every S.O.B. in this joke of an administration and of course……it’s contrails miss.
These perverted hucksters thinking they are pulling the wool over ALL our eye’s, are sadly mistaken.
The aluminum, strontium, barium, among many others…….IMO=convid.
rain frequently looks like clear semolina these days on the velux… large part residual.non-liquid…
seldom clears as rainwater did.
..Chemical snow lol! I’am thinking of something else. Beautiful part of the US. Good Luck chum.
Once the 400,000+ satellites apprroved or planned start crashing into one another, there will be permanent layer of dust and debris in LEO. Permanent, regardless of solar output.
This surmises, perfectly, the situation we find ourselves in:,&post_id=88610243&isFreemail=false&utm_medium=email
I know that ‘wardropper’ and his ilk will appreciate the intelligence contained therein.
An article here from Global Research, excellently summing up the origins of the nefarious, sinister New World Order (aka ‘Great Reset’) and the plight which we, the human race, are in…
“Where did this ‘New World Order’ coup come from? The Rockefeller’s Social Engineering project”, at:
(N.B., for some reason, for the last couple of days some sites [the above Global Research being one of them] have been [for whatever reason… unless it’s my computer at fault!] causing the first page of an article to be blank… ie, the article above’s first page is shown as page 2…!)
I hope people can stay strong for the next thing. This is the level of emotional blackmail scaremongering propaganda at present in Canada.
Dr Amandha Vollmer ft Alec Zeck: RSV An infectious pathogenic ‘virus’ & more Bullshit! [23.11.2022]
Let’s leave apologia to The Guardian and use fighting words.
We are in the midst of a crazy battle with the powerful, demented and deluded.
Words fly like whizbangs – and perhaps they should.
Trust the science, listen to the experts.
What do they really mean by that?
What they are really saying is Don’t listen to the spirit of truth.
They wan’t to take you as far away from God as possible. Science and God can coexist.
Don’t misunderstand me, I am not saying Agnostics or Atheists have no truth. No more no less than anyone. Personally haven’t been to a church in years.
We are all only human.
The current, medicalised form of child abuse started long before 2020.
Childhood Lost
Children today are noticeably different from previous generations, and the proof is in the news coverage we see every day. This site shows you what’s happening in schools around the world. Children are increasingly disabled and chronically ill, and the education system has to accommodate them. Things we’ve long associated with autism, like sensory issues, repetitive behaviors, anxiety and lack of social skills, are now problems affecting mainstream students. Blame is predictably placed on bad parenting (otherwise known as trauma from home).
Addressing mental health needs is as important as academics for modern educators. This is an unrecognized disaster. The stories here are about children who can’t learn or behave like children have always been expected to. What childhood has become is a chilling portent for the future of mankind.
Anne Dachel, Media editor, Age of Autism
Autism – The Most Glaring Aspect of the Deterioration of Health Among Our Kids?
By Anne Dachel
Aug 21, 2020
The numbers
We’ve watched the numbers explode with no end in sight. Over the last 20 years the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have routinely updated the autism rate:
2001: one in 250
2004: one in 166
2007: one in 150
2009: one in 110
2012: one in 88
2014: one in 68
2018: one in 59
2020: one in 54
In 2020 a study included New Jersey where the autism rate was found to be one in every 32 (3.1%) children, 1 in 20 boys. New Jersey is often credited with having the most accurate autism numbers because of their reporting system. Still, nowhere in the sparse media coverage of the 2020 increase did anyone express concern that the New Jersey rate might really be the rate for the whole country.
There’s also been a massive increase in awareness and diagnosis of ‘spectrum disorders’. So I suggest these numbers might not be a reliable indication of very much without further information. A2
Something for OffG then?
This is no different from the “growth” in many other major and minor diseases. The motto: profit above all. Meaning, profit from (a) cutting corners, reckessness and outright crime in harmful work, industries, products and services (b) going through the motions of healing the victims.
You keep using this word “We”. I do not think it means what you think it means.
“Oh no not me I did nothing to be sorry for!” seems to be an ongoing refrain here in response to Ms. Davies’ letter.
But isn’t it a little like the old punishment cliche: “Well, if you didn’t do it, then you did something else I don’t know about!”
Are adults really the best judges of what seems wrong in a child’s eyes? Isn’t it entirely possible a child might feel more hurt by not being allowed to wear a new garment to school than by having to wear a face mask? Of course the face mask does terrible things to a child whereas having to wear an old shirt or blouse doesn’t. But the child may not realize that.
The kids down the hill love to come play in the woods behind where I live. It usually results in my dog barking at the back door. Sometimes I say “Damn those kids! Why do they have to shout and scream when they play?” I’m not advocating putting masks on them – but in my own way aren’t I hurting them by damning them? Shouldn’t I say I’m sorry for that?
> To all children out there, on behalf of all adults here on planet earth at this time of intense weirdness…Sorry.
All adults?! I did not participate *at all*, neither did my wife god damn it!!!
It’s a narrative strategy – the author recognizes that she is not speaking literally about “all”.
And good for you – zero or very few children saw MY face masked – and I made a point of looking directly at and smiling at as many young children as I possibly could. Sadly, there were instances when that seemed to frighten them – one, I recall, about 8 yr old, wearing a mask – looked directly at my unmasked face, studied it for a monment then turned and ran!
> It’s a narrative strategy – the author recognizes that she is not speaking literally about “all”.
I don’t care, if one didn’t do wrong one should not say sorry.
Iceland: 82% vaxxed, excess deaths currently 56% above the average of the previous 5 years.
“To all children out there, on behalf of all adults here on planet earth at this time of intense weirdness…
Well, I personally have nothing to apologize for to the children of this planet. I have been outspoken against this psyop bullshit from the getgo. I would never send any children of mine to government indoctrination centers (at 76 rather unlikely as it were), even if it meant living in a hovel. The author forgot to apologize for the perhaps greatest damage of face diapers to children – raising CO2 levels to over 2000 ppm and oxygen levels to under 18%, undoubtedly causing serious brain damage to millions of children.
The con artists are out in full force these days, but the games are getting harder to pull off. It’s over and they know it. The civilized world has moved on to creating a more efficient, cleaner planet – for real – not the astroturf green agenda. Iceland, for example, is doing amazing things with steam energy, France considers water to be a common good, not privatized, and cleanse their water with ozone, not chlorine. Costa Rica’s educational program is so much more advanced, etc. There is a massive tide of positive change happening, a new healthy world order bursting at the seams. We in the propaganda bubble just have to search for it.
Will France dismantle its major international (private) water businesses anytime soon?
My teachers used to tell me every year that I would never be one of the sheep, my father’s reaction was to beat me with a razor strop on my bare arse while screaming at me to conform and stop embarrassing him.
My crime was having a very stubborn mind of my own right off the bat – I am now 70 next month and I have never and will never conform.
I am your TWIN Marilyn…….BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am teaching in the creative field. I keep telling my students that everyone is creative at birth. I certainly can’t say openly that in order to be creative they have to unlearn their “education” which was largely indoctrination.
If I think about what I am supposed to have learned in school, I am left with very little.
There were few teachers who tried gently to get us to think for ourselves. But this kind of teaching (the only actual teaching deserving to be named that) is not popular with headmasters, deans, education ministers and, certainly, employers.
It’s not a coincidence that teachers that are loved by students are never popular with their colleagues and superiors. Although a fictional story and not without its flaws, “The dead poets society” is a striking example for this.
Thank you for the article Lucy, moving and thoughtful as always.
Actions speak louder than words.
If someone feels sorry, I don’t need to know. It’s a private thing which one is allowed to practice in the mirror. That’s all I need to know about feeling sorry.
This whole thing of saying sorry is actually delaying actions. People don’t like to say sorry, even if they are sorry as it hurts, amongst others, their pride and there may also be some insecurity. Should one feel sorry?
All the thinking about saying sorry is a waste of time.
‘You have to be nicer to me,’ is one of the comments which this brilliant kid in the movie Magnolia says to his father at the end of the film. The father answers with: ‘shut up’ and we don’t if the father becomes nicer to his son. But I have the feeling that he does become nicer, because the father had a look in the mirror and knows that his son is right.
Spare me the emotion of why you change your mind and become (in this case) nicer, but become nicer.
Haven’t read the essay so not sure if my comment applies…
‘Apologies’ is more useful Willem.
Adults who participated in this nonsense should speak for themselves.
Some of us have NOTHING to apologise for.
Let’s not muddy the waters of responsibility.
As for Desmet:
Desmet’s rap has been critiqued before and I am not surprised to hear that he indulges in the familiar practice of blaming the victim just like the Frankfurt School did. Indeed the latter set this procedure re: Nazi Germany. And they thereby set the programme for psychobabble evasion ever since.
“Psychobabble evasion” 😀 . Something tells me this is going to become more common, as people try to share their guilt with others.
I have never felt like reading Desmet, but if the quotations in that article are not faked, he’s a right piece of work.
Desmet thereby embodies a movement which I was intuitively expecting from the start of this covid fraud: a resurgence of that whole “psychology of the masses” meme that had been incubated shortly after WW2 and sealed by innumerable art works conveying a sense of vicious savagery inherent in the general population which had the handy effect of negating any positive protest movement. Golding’s “Lord of the Flies” is a kind of Ur-text for this. I recall Brian Aldiss saying that the Golding book had “learned the lesson of the 20th century” or some such. It was a “lesson” the rulers were eager to impart.
easy trick to follow.
if New
BBCalt media is all constantly posting / reposting naming the same video or new hero, psychologist, out-spoke Doctor, Nurse, fake CEO etcit will be controlled op.
It still amazes me, how new alt media will cit the same sources, repeat the same videos promote the same books.
Dont need unlimited hangout to say the obvious 2 year later!
Desmet was dodgy as f*ck from the get go.
exact same MO in how JBP appeared.
That could be the finest article I’ve read yet on the covid programme. Indeed, the entire world has been set up as a vast experimental camp both in terms of injection of untested chemicals and psychological project. And that is merely the “spin off benefits” of the programme whose central aim was a reset to manage an impending collapse and prolong a power structure that was in trouble.
Desmet works to block understanding of this. And the question arises as to how much he is aware of his ideological function. I’m guessing that he, along with the compliant academic Left, is very much in the role of useful idiot. After all, non-idiots are nowhere near as useful since they have to mimic enthusiasm for what they know to be deception.
As far as I could see Desmet was merely trying to explain some social phenomena that are difficult to understand. He references Hannah Arendt and ideas like the banality of evil. I don’t think he is an idiot at all but merely someone trying to grapple with or grasp the meaning of some very difficult to understand social phenomenon. Also, I don’t think he is trying to let the perpetrators off the hook for crimes against humanity.
I didn’t know mentioning Arendt gave you a pass to spout anything you want. He may not be deliberately trying to let perpetrators off the hook, but that is the result of what he says. So the generous view is that he is an idiot.
The link October supplies is damning. From what I have read there, Desmet was not “merely” anything. This guy is bought.
Dear children of Bangkok, I am sorry for all of your new normal ideology conforming parents forcibly masking you, making you terrified of other children and adults, viewing them as dangerous. I have seen you removing your masks, joyfully playing in the parks, only to be reprimanded by your angry parents, forcibly re-muzzling you, resulting in your screams of anguish and your tears.
I have tried and tried to reach the Thai people through journalism, word of mouth, with QR code stickers around the city linking to alternative media sources in both Thai script and the English language.
I have felt complicit for not intervening when I see your dying soulless eyes, behind the mask, confused, agitated. It is not my place to tell parents what to do, yet I cannot reconcile in my mind as I am witnessing child abuse in public, on a daily basis.
I hope that in the future, you can overcome the psychological trauma you have suffered, born into, and raised in a new normal dystopia. I hope that your cognitive development can recover, you can learn and develop speech patterns. I hope that you will, in time, learn to smile, to show your faces to one another, and to break the chains of slavery and servitude forced upon you by your families.
I am sorry for whatever long term debilitating chronic health conditions you may suffer as a result of being forcibly held down by strangers wearing masks, dressed up as doctors and nurses, permitted to inject you with experimental untested gene therapy products.
There are good people who are actively trying to make a difference. There are passive bystanders who are good, but too cowardly to make a difference. Then there are devout new normal disciples, comprising the majority of the city’s population since March 2020, whom are doing the bidding of pure and innate evil.
Bangkok is my home away from home. A city I love, a city where my daughters godmother lives and where I had some of the best times in my life. A city of street hawkers selling BBQ squid in gutters, the heat, the great Chaopraya river, sleazy bars and great temples, amazing food and ice cold Chang beer . I have seen in horror what has happened there and how even my friends who still live there (Thais) became brainwashed sheeple. I do not think I will ever go there again as first i needed a clot shot to fly there. Now that is gone it’s the masks, masks, masks everywhere. I think I would probably loose my mind and I do not want to expose my child toit. She keeps asking when are we going back ( was there just before the Scammdemic in 2020) so she can see her auntie and swim in her pool..I do not know what to say to her. She already missed out on her family trip to Florida (all her cousins) because I’m selfish and I do not want the jabb ( my wife’s words). This is 1984 and we are in it for the long run.
White Lion said it better
Who is this collective “We“? Not the capitalist Con-men who set up Con-19 and Con-911: they might grudgingly admit in public to “some mistakes” but in private they will be Con-spiring to set up their next Con.
“Businessmen never get together, not even for recreation, without Con-spiring to defraud the public” — Adam Smith
Nor is “We” those people who refused to submit their children to a corporate fascist drill regime: they have no need to say sorry.
I suppose “We” is the great middle ground of sheeple: those who did not Con-spire but did offer their children as a sacrifice to Moloch the King. This great multitude of drifting souls from Dante’s First Circle is the collective “We“: the sheeple who must collectively learn from “Our” collective mistake — build up “herd immunity” to daft directives from “Our” Leaders, the so-called “Elite“.
“The hungry sheep look up, and are not fed” — Dante, Paradiso
“Praised be God who set up this Law in His Heavens:
That Human Kind must learn by suffering” — Aeschyles, The Agamemmnon
If “We” will learn no other way.
You’re still sorry. The number one take-away from this whole ordeal slipped right by you, apparently.
Graud: “New Zealand announces inquiry into Covid-19 response”
Another job guarantee for a year in which everyone is berated for not doing nearly enough in the gravest threat to public health since the Martian invasion and the War of the Ring. Lots of photo shoot ops to advertise the “next one”.
Mistakes where made.
We will learn et etc etc bullshit bullshit bullshit
vaccine should of been created tested and rollout in less than 28 days…
25 million pound later. 1700 pages.
Expensive gloried complaint is what a government inquiry is.
Mistakes where made.
We will learn et etc etc bullshit bullshit bullshit
The vaccine should of been created tested and rolled out in less than 28 days…
25 million pound later. 1700 pages.
Expensive gloried complaint is what a government inquiry is.
But the architects of this are not sorry. They are corrupted psychopaths.
The gullible sheep are equally culpable for their abject surrender, the rest have nothing to apologise for.
We marched, posted and warned of the pernicious agenda.
Sad for the children but owe no apology…
“Of all the words of Grief and Woe,
The saddest are, We told you so”.
I was ten years old and used the word ‘mollified’ correctly in my primary school English class. The female teacher stopped me and said ‘There is no such word, sit down’.
I was four years old when I was carted off to a mental institution with my sick mother. We juniors were bussed out to a local infants’ school where we were bullied by the ‘normal’ kids and described as the ‘loony kids’. The teachers refused to acknowledge this cruel behaviour, even when I was pushed into the playground tadpole pond.
Stood me in good stead as an adult; I am very careful as to whom I confer my trust in and ensure that I am trustworthy around children. They don’t forget.
I’m not a badcatitude fan, but this is fantastic coverage of what’s happening in China.
Enjoy! The virus that was being treated truly was DISOBEDIENCE:
It’s simply horrific what children are subjected to now, I cannot imagine what it’s like really.
How about these horrors:
From your second link:
“Help your kids learn more about the novel Coronavirus epidemic and race the clock to end a fictional pandemic outbreak.”
Hidden in plain sight.
Children of the Great Reset
Too awful for words.
The majority of adults of the world need to be bare bottom spanked until they cry.
video is bollocks
even with masks ets the whole schooling concentration camp in training children is fuckd up for the get go..
if your sick enough to place your children in that environment then dont cry when they do what they do.
your the dumb fucks for putting them in that schooling concentration camp environment!
Goes for me to.
ta, niko…let’s ffwd….
Today’s Kids in 40 Years
Apologies presuppose something better could have been done.
Absolutely it could have – by some other species. The human species, however, acted exactly as it always does. All but a few sooner or later go with whoever butters their bread.
As long as humans continue building their societies along hierarchic lines, there will be those at the top. And as long as there are those at the top, there will be corruption.
And when corruption becomes absolute, as it has, one of two things must happen: the system must be torn down and a new system put in its place; or the society that supports such a system ceases to be. We’re well on our way to the latter happening.
Apologize? Maybe to the parents but if any group got something good from this scam it was the school kids, the lucky bastards. When I was a kid I was thrilled to get one, maybe two snow days in a year. The pandemic kids got months (years?) off going to school. And the lucky bastards got to do what they love most, stay home and play computer games. Lock down? Yes please.
Hmm maybe that’s the same logic as “it’s only a mask’? I agree, I hated school too, but if I was forced to stay home, be bombarded with fear porn and be treated as a disease vector I’d have been less than happy, I think. A2
I would think the kids today are bombarded with fear and proper-gander from all angles, especially schools. Well at least the public schools were they teach one to be submissive and obedient to anyone wearing a fancy dress costume..
Sounded sarcastic to me, at least I hope. I know my grandkids wouldn’t agree.
Why not apologize to “teleworkers” as well. But then see how many of them prefer staying home to going to an office – for however long. I know a number of them here in Tokyo and they love it. I think teleworking and “tele-schooling” may have been actual benefits, good things that came from the pandemic. Long may they carry on. I was teaching English face-to-face to this good, smart kid and I was appalled at first that school was closed but then he told me he preferred staying home to school. What do you do all day, I asked. “Game,” he said in that full sentence perfect English I had taught him. While there may be some goody two shoes who actually like going to school, too bad. I have a few adult-ish students now whom I teach pretty satisfactorily via my iPhone. What’s bad are the face to face lessons where we’re both masked and separated by a plastic salad bar guard. While I agree with the sentiment of the article, I don’t fret too much. The kids are alright.
Are you still teaching face to face behind a plastic screen and masked? Why? A2
Hello Sam – Admin2: Please review the video I’ve linked in my reply to Thom Sheaffer. Thanks.
Not forced, Home Leave.
There are critical periods of mental development that won’t wait. Masked adults mumbling around babies and infants has permanently damaged some of the latter. Of course, there won’t be enough financing for research into this.
Hello Thom Sheaffer: This video defines the desired functional response of the majority of video gaming designs. Listen VERY carefully to what Mr Holmes is describing in this interview.
A science presentation by James Holmes in 2006
In 2006, Holmes worked as an intern at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies where he was assigned to write computer code for an experiment. Some may remember Mr Holmes as related to the 2012 Aurora, Colorado shooting…
We’re all “children” then because 99.99% of us believed the government before 2020.
Yes, but most children could not keep their infant intuition intact (Youtube etc), or had the time to develop common sense, like ~1% of adults.
CK. “99.9% believed govt before 2020”???? Nonsense. Even before 2020, a huge percentage of the American people held govt and media in contempt. I daresay that was true in Europe as well. And I know from much experience that it was true of Mexicans.
Just consider: In the US, the main thing which got Trump elected was the (mistaken) belief that he was an “outsider” to the political system. And the public loved that the media was outspokenly against him.
A number of people got carried away by fear & took the vaxx. Even more of them took it to keep their jobs. I doubt whether the total uptake of the vaxx in the US was as high as we were told.
I’ve been ‘awake’ for 40+ years… (I’m 64). I knew all about the group of people who actually run/control the world way back then. Ie, not everyone has been gullible and brainwashed throughout their life, prior to 2020.
Isn’t it weird how many apologies you see around these days? I wonder when the majority will see the reality of the abuser relationship that still persists in society. Go ahead children, forgive your abusers and see how is that working. Anyone who’s been there KNOWS!
Climate etc: Victims of the faux climate ‘crisis’. Part I: ChildrenPosted on November 7, 2022 by curryja | 224 Comments
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-12-04. Fetal demise post jab: placentas calcified, contain spike protein, antibodies have induced inflammation (blog, gab, tweet).
I’m not sorry, because I did not do any of this to my kids (although my ex-wife more than made up for my ‘failures’), nor to any other kids. If I have anything to be sorry for, it was that it took most of my efforts to defend myself, without much leftover for the anyone else.
Please remember that when you show up with the torches and pitchforks (torch and pitchfork emojis, no doubt)