AUDIO: Iain Davis & Jesse Zurawell talk China and Technocracy – Part 2

Following up on their conversation from a few days ago, Jesse Zurawell and Iain Davis reunite to continue their discussion of the rise global technocracy.

You can listen to the first part of this interview here.

Iain Davis is an author, blogger, researcher and short film maker. You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog IainDavis.com (Formerly InThisTogether), on UK Column or follow him on Twitter.
TNT Radio is a 24/7 internet radio station, available here. You can also listen to back-episodes of Perspective here and follow host Jesse Zurawell on Telegram here.


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Art Costa
Art Costa
Dec 8, 2022 3:36 PM

I’d like to take this moment to say, I agree with much of the analysis by Iain and Jesse.

This is not, imo, about some sort of binary set up of good guy/bad guy though it may be as beneficial as was the Trump presidency as a distraction.

Russia and China are on board with the NWO. That’s not to say they’re in lock step anymore than other states may have their cultural differences which have been homogenizing for decades.

I think much of geopolitics needs to be viewed through the prism of global order feeding a number of other agendas – like war = money and power; but these are still means and not ends.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Dec 8, 2022 11:18 AM

Against Backdrop of War, Rolling Blackouts and Internet Outages, Ukraine Is Trying to Digitize Everything
The Rev Kev:

The only real explanation for this going ahead is somebody is making bank from this initiative. Not only local “partners” in Ukraine but also people with the right connections overseas. The fact that the country is being bombed back to the 19th century is irrelevant in terms of the cash flows. Saw something similar about twenty years ago. When the Coalition went into Iraq to occupy it, they were determined to make it into their own image. So this young kid virtually just out of college was put in charge of the Iraq Stock Market with the brief to totally digitalise it. And it was decided that all the Iraqi security forces that had been recruited would receive a plastic card and that they would use to withdraw their pay from an ATM which would help the Coalition Provisional Authority keep track of where all the money was going.

There was just one problem which I bet you can guess at. The Coalition had destroyed the Iraqi electrical grid in the invasion and not just the transmission gear but the generating plants themselves. Power was at best intermittent and frustrated all plans to digitalise the Iraqi economy. American corporations were given massive lucrative contracts to rebuild the electrical system just never got around to finishing that work and to this day Iraq has problems with their electrical grid. So do not be surprised if Ukraine still does not get its grid properly running even ten years from now thus sabotaging all these digitizing efforts.

les online
les online
Dec 8, 2022 1:28 AM

I’m doing a George Orwell, i’m drawing up a list of those who cant be trusted…My list is of those whom The Authorities will be able to readily recruit to man The Camps:
— those who are addicted to Boosters;
— those who wear masks everywhere, all the time;
— those who fear Conspiracy Theories;
— those that act as though i’ve B.O. by keeping me at a distance…
I’m sure there are many others…

I will admit that the opening salvos of the ‘covid fear campaign actually frightened me…I couldnt think straight…They were so sure of themselves…
You see, when young i had to check for redback spiders before using our backyard loo. Their bite was dangerous. Even now, so many decades later, and though i know most spiders are harmless, the near presence of one can still scare the shit out of me…Same with cockroaches – icky, disgusting little things, they make my skin crawl…
Them and spiders i like to keep a social distance from me…

So i’ve weakness, but they dont ever get to control me…On the other hand, if The Authorities dragged me to Room 101, attached a flimsy wired cage to me face, a cage in which a rabid, ravenous rat (with a face that reminds of little billy gates) was desperate to get at me, that’sdifferent

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Dec 8, 2022 5:28 AM
Reply to  les online

I,ve a list
2022 World Cup.

Dec 7, 2022 9:48 PM

Agenda 30 – online harm bill reworded for fucking idiots who followed a cointelplro agent from day 1.

Dr Jordan B Peterson @jordanbpeterson · By failing to separate the anonymous cowardly troll demons from real people in the comments section @youtube and other SM platforms are enabling sadistic Machiavellian psychopaths and narcissists


Dec 7, 2022 11:59 PM
Reply to  Ananda

Hi to Amanda or anyone—looking for an article on JBPs intel ties—have a new friend that is into him but senses something is very wrong with him, would like to take him all the way. So many of these ghouls.

Dec 8, 2022 4:12 AM
Reply to  Thiekbalj

I don’t think he is Intel. Why would he be? He is an intellectual. He does not need their money.

Dec 8, 2022 6:20 AM
Reply to  MaryLS

He was planted to gather the potent young men and give them reason to live. Then, when he gained our trust (i was one of them once) he told us to get the damn jab.

Dec 8, 2022 8:45 AM
Reply to  MaryLS

He is an intellectual to idiots.
doesn’t need there money LOL

Dec 8, 2022 8:51 AM
Reply to  Thiekbalj

Hear ya go..

Who funds this group that Peterson promotes so often? One funder includes Searle Freedom Trust. From the founders bio-“In 1977 he successfully recruited Donald Rumsfeld to become CEO, whereupon he became Chairman, a position he held until the company was sold to Monsanto in 1985”


Why Is Monsanto Inviting This Alt-Right Hero( @jordanbpeterson ) to a Fireside Chat on Farming? (spoiler alert-because he’s a charlatan and a money hungry corporate shil


George Mc
George Mc
Dec 7, 2022 6:21 PM


Germany’s Capitol coup.

“The group of far-right and ex-military figures are said to have prepared for a “Day X” to storm the Reichstag parliament building and seize power.
The plotters are said to include members of the extremist Reichsbürger [Citizens of the Reich] movement, which has long been in the sights of German police over violent attacks and racist and antisemitic conspiracy theories.
The Reichsbürger group aren’t new – they pre-date the pandemic. But this audacious plot indicates increased commitment – and radicalisation – which could go hand-in-hand with the growth of pandemic disinformation online.

The plot to kidnap the German health minister – masterminded by a gang linked to these people back in April – is the first indication this has strong ties with Covid-19 conspiracy movements.

Telegram groups related to “citizens of the Reich” show an interest in conspiracy theories suggesting Covid-19 and vaccines are part of sinister plots to control populations.

There’s disinformation about the war in Ukraine – and posts too about QAnon, the sprawling US conspiracy theory that has links to the riots at Capitol Hill on January 6th.”

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 7, 2022 6:26 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Subtle stuff:

“It might sound like a pretty outlandish plot to the average person, but it’s emblematic of something important.

We’ve had warnings before about offline action linked to online disinformation and hate before – anti-vaccine violence and the riots at the Capitol in the US.

But this is a reminder that, even as the pandemic eases in some parts of the world, its conspiracy legacy remains – and can embolden little-known fringe groups to take action in the realworld.”

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 7, 2022 6:40 PM
Reply to  George Mc

This is precisely the card I expected the rulers to play from the very beginning of covid. And the fact that they took almost three years to finally get round to it only goes to prove how smugly assured they were in their viral psychosis generator i.e. how they just knew that their grip on the media was so all-pervasive that they didn’t have to worry about any alternative account whatsoever for a very long time.  

But now the time has come and you can be absolutely certain how this will roll out: the suggestion that covid is a fraud will be relentlessly and viciously associated no longer with the mere “Far Right” but with Nazism and specifically antisemitism.  

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Dec 7, 2022 10:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc

OR the plotted offline action to come and its ties to online “conspiracy” theories is concocted bs and an attempt to legitimise not only censorship but the coming digital ID, including when you log onto the internet.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Dec 8, 2022 5:37 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Makes little real sense when the information is there wether you log on or not to Worldwide Web. It’s perfectly ok the dependence rests on the Continent you are grounded on.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 7, 2022 7:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Well it didn’t take long for the cult’s transcribers to enshrine today’s “news” as “genuine archival history”:


“On 7 December 2022, 25 members of a right-wing terrorist group were arrested for planning a coup d’état in Germany. The group called “Patriotic Union” (Patriotische Union) or “The Council” (Der Rat) is a German right-wing extremist Reichsbürger group. The group aimed to establish a totalitarian monarchic government in Germany in the tradition of the German Empire. The group wanted to provoke chaos and a civil war in Germany in order for it to take power. The group also advocated for taking the Bundestag by force and undertaking mass executions.”

And this very day on which I am reporting this is indeed 7 December 2022!

Not that the moles criminals involved were instantly magicked into existence. They appear to be an assortment of “operators” who have been around for quite some time stirring up suitably nefarious activities around the Fatherland.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Dec 7, 2022 4:46 PM

Below is an excerpt from a quote at the beginning of Whitney Webb’s new 2 vol. newly released book:

“Who are these people? They are the group that is popularly called “The Enterprise”. It’s a mix of Republicans, Democrats, mercenaries, ex-officio mafia and opportunists. They are CEOs, they are bankers, they are presidents. They own airlines, they own national television networks. They own six of the seven video documentary companies in Washington, DC. 

They do not give a damn about the law or the Constitution or the Congress or the oversight committees except for something to be subverted, manipulated and lied to. They abhor sunlight and love darkness. They deal in innuendo and character assassination, planted stories, the incomplete thought and sentence. They burn and shred files if caught. They commit perjury and when caught, they have guaranteed sinecures for jobs with large US corporations. 

If you let them, they will take over not only the CIA but the entire government and the world, cutting off dissent, free speech, a free media and they will cut a deal with anyone from the mafia to Saddam Hussain if it means more money and power. They stole $600 billion from the Savings & Loans and diverted our attention to the Iraqis. They are ripping off America at a rate never before seen in history. 

They flooded our country with drugs, they cut deals with Harrow in Mexico, Noriega in Panama, the Colombian drug cartels, Castro and recently the red mafia in the KGB. They ruin their detractors, they fear the truth. If they can, they will blackmail you.”

~ CIA whistleblower, Iran Contra, 1990

Dec 7, 2022 4:27 PM

The Chinese leader’s visit to Saudi Arabia is the game changer.
Nukes, if they exist, cannot alter the trajectory.
USA, if it doesn’t come to its senses, is done.

Dec 7, 2022 5:20 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

The US has demonstrated it is incapable of accepting a demotion to second tier state, so the Chinese have no choice but to destroy them…..& they will.
The US is so weak & vulnerable, with an economy that can’t generate real wealth, like an empire needs to do.

Dec 7, 2022 8:46 PM
Reply to  moneycircus

It’s all in the hands of those who own the US and transferred their industry to China which they also own.

Dec 7, 2022 3:59 PM

Hancock would rather be an influencer than an MP. He probably knows at least a decade in opposition has been decided and doesn’t find it enticing.

It’s the 1990s re-run (Hamilton, Aitken etc). Of course when they wanted Labour out in the 1970s, up popped some of the same – anyone remember John Stonehouse?

Dec 8, 2022 5:56 AM
Reply to  Edwige

It’s interesting that he is concerned about a long haul in opposition but has no concerns about actually being held accountable – but then who in the establishment ever is?

red lester
red lester
Dec 7, 2022 2:14 PM

Something fishy happing in germany? The torygraph has the usual bogeyperson/thingy type story:


I imagine people over there are trying hard to change the scum in charge.

Dec 7, 2022 9:00 PM
Reply to  red lester

Stage 3 of the psychology operation aftermath, a new terrorist organization is created.

Dec 8, 2022 5:58 AM
Reply to  Ananda

Inevitably labelled as “far Right” – meaning they have failed to swallow the official narrative so must be classified as bogeymen.

Dec 7, 2022 1:41 PM

A truly jaw dropping broadcast from Brendon O Connell. One of his most powerful ever, I would say.

169.The Great Conspiracy – Ukraine & Kissinger & Associates – YouTube

Dec 7, 2022 1:29 PM

Here’s how to link Covid with Typhus via the Warsaw ghetto. Shameful.

(3) Dr. Joe Schwarcz on the Warsaw Ghetto, typhus and COVID-19 – YouTube

Dec 8, 2022 6:22 AM
Reply to  Grafter

Whats ‘covid’ ?

Dec 9, 2022 6:42 AM
Reply to  Candledark

I guess COVID might be an acronym for COrona VIrus Disease. Thus Covid-19 is the 19th type of this disease — the one that causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome SARS. And it is caused by “Novel Corona Virus SARS-2”, Presumable there was a virus called SARS-1.

Dec 7, 2022 1:04 PM

The Scum laying down the law:

Health officials gain guardianship of baby whose parents refused ‘vaccinated blood’ transfusion – Health officials gain guardianship of baby whose… (inkl.com)

Dec 7, 2022 7:42 PM
Reply to  Mucho

New Zealand, Canada or China.

Dec 8, 2022 12:24 PM
Reply to  Ananda

NZ, but I believe it could have ramifications for elsewhere.

Dec 9, 2022 6:53 AM
Reply to  Mucho

The great “Apostle of Common Sense” GKC warned against this a century ago. He said that the State would rather take away a child from its mother than help her to feed it.

Dec 7, 2022 11:15 AM

If the WEF drives the spread of digital currencies than Xi Jinping is the best pupil in that class. Sites like Moon of Alabama are great fans of Putin and Xi Jinping as very different from Western heads of government. In the field of wishing to be authoritarian there is less and less difference between that East and West this century.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 7, 2022 1:39 PM
Reply to  Antonym

comment image
comment image

Dec 7, 2022 11:09 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Thank you for good sense, Antonym. Unipolar or Multipolar isn’t essential categorization– free or totalitarian is.

Red Pill Reader
Red Pill Reader
Dec 7, 2022 10:01 AM

OT, but also relevent to a discussion of mass deception – this video does actually present some seemingly genuine evidence for fake conflicting narratives about the victims of 9/11.


I’m bored and unconvinced by the Petra nonsense about “no one died”, but this does at least demonstrate genuine inconsistencies.

I’m open to the possibility the towers were much emptier than normal that day and that attempts were made to swell the victim numbers in order to conceal that fact post hoc.

I also think this is good evidence for fake hero and tragedy narratives being imposed on top of the existing realities.

But this is a long way from the extreme claims of “no one died”.

Dec 7, 2022 10:01 AM

Trudeau bash constantly then remind the amnesia sufferers how lucky they are compared to fake videos shown from china by article writer who regular posts on U.k Column an intelligence network set up by Sheila Butler, widower, the daughter of Earl the niece to Lord Kitchener, who set up (genuine) concentration camps in the Boer War.

Maybe that is to technical for some. Please show us real videos from China or reporters you paid to go there and do some real journalism.

A s this coordinated China bashing to tell us just how really really lucky us westerns is.
because This stinks through and through of fake binary in your language.

Dec 7, 2022 11:16 PM
Reply to  ophiaps

Unsure whether you disbelieve the Chinese lockdowns or the uprising against them. I don’t have a video, but here’s an article w a collection of still photos.


Dec 7, 2022 8:49 AM

Russia too is a Technocracy — not just a gas tank pretending to be a country. The “Western” Technocracy has found that out — to its consternation — in NATZO’s nazified Banderite Ukraine:

“A Russian drone recorded footage of pro-Nazi Banderites shooting regular Ukrainian soldiers:

Russian Lancet drone destroys one of the [NATZO-installed] Kiev regime’s self-propelled howitzers [a gift from NATZO France]:

Russia can field self-propelled howitzers as well as NATZO — it has more of them, and bigger:

Russian Anti-Tank-Guided-Missile destroys one of the [NATZO-installed] Kiev regime’s armored personnel carriers:

Russian Lancet drones destroy Kiev regime’s radars:

“It was not my fault we lost WW2. Our technical experts assured me that it was impossible for such a backward country to manufacture so many and such good tanks as the Russians fielded at Kursk” — Adolf Hitler, taped statement.

Dec 7, 2022 2:47 PM
Reply to  NickM

A lot of tanks were given to the Soviets via lend lease courtesy of the warmongering j*w Roosevelt 🔯

Nigel Watson
Nigel Watson
Dec 7, 2022 8:08 AM

In Finland, the technocrats are not having it their own way. The main reason why is that people at a local level are resisting. Three good news stories from Pori, Finland. Three Good News Stories! – YouTube

Dec 7, 2022 6:57 AM

One of the subjects covered is “Finance”. It is hard to avoid the thought that the Russians would be able to bring the War in Ukraine to a far faster conclusion if instead of obliterating Ukrainian infrastructure they focused on big money. Removing the big donors to the DNC, terminating the Ukrainian money laundering facilities and targeting hostile billionaires could make all the difference – even if this is totally unsuccessful our Democracy would still benefit.

Dec 7, 2022 6:04 AM

In case you didn’t notice, the Capitalist “West” has been waging war on Communist China for the past 80 years. If China had not become a technocracy the “Liberal, Freedom Loving, Compassionate West” would already have invaded China and reduced it to the level of some backward, poverty stricken and starving African colony of the Technocratic West. As it is, “the freedom loving West” hates Chinese technocracy – and steps back a respectable distance because it also fears China.

“Justice comes from the barrel of a gun” — Mao

As for technocracy:

“My javelin is good bread, my javelin is fine wine,
Leaning on my javelin, I eat bread and wine. — Archilocus

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Dec 7, 2022 8:48 AM
Reply to  NickM

You keep making these assertions in the face of the obvious evidence to the contrary. Why?

Dec 7, 2022 1:45 PM

What assertions do I make? And what evidence does OffG have to the contrary?

Why do I post in defense of China? Because I do not like broad-brush bashing of anf country. When China does something specifically daft, such as Zero Covid Policy, I say so. But I do not follow the crowd for a spot of “China bashing” — nor “Russian bashing” which is also prevalent in “the West”..

“The West” is forever sniping at China and Russia, to the point of actual war. This is now dangerous — for “the West”.

See my answer to Brianborou below.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 7, 2022 2:55 PM
Reply to  NickM

They’re all in it together!

Yeah, well, they’re all capitalists! They are united against us, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are united themselves.

Dec 7, 2022 3:10 PM
Reply to  NickM

Nah, this is the Orwellian endless bullshit war.

“We were always at war with East Asia”

Dec 7, 2022 9:01 AM
Reply to  NickM

Communist China is a creation of the very forces that control the West and the rest of the world. The cooperation between China and the West in creating the convid psyop is absolute proof of that. China wanted to be left alone in the 19th century. The West responded with the opium trade and the opium wars. The Mao revolution led to CHina being completely integrated with the NWO. This integration was solidified with Tianenmen and with the establishment of diplomatic ties with Israel.

Dec 7, 2022 11:52 AM
Dec 7, 2022 1:21 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

From your Link:

“Westerners live in an illusionary black and white world framed for them by the programming from their Anglo-Zio-Capitalist media and are mostly incapable of escaping their ideological indoctrination. This social indoctrination is true of course for all societies, but the “West” views virtually everything about other nations and peoples through a series of political-religious ideological lenses of capitalism, democracy, colonialism, militarism, White supremacy, Darwinism, Christianity and Zionism, these forces conspiring to twist the truths of China.

The Western media are notorious for their incessant and shrill China-bashing”.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Dec 7, 2022 2:42 PM
Reply to  NickM

Yeah, but it’s also in danger of being a fake binary if both ‘China’ and ‘the west’ and ‘Russia’ are using the Covid lie to limit people’s freedoms in exactly the same ways. I use quotes around these names because many think our geopolitical lens needs readjusting post-Covi. ‘Russia’ as we referred to her in the past may not be the same ‘Russia’ we should be referring to now. There is strong evidence that globalism is the dominant political force right now. Priorities have shifted post-Covid, it’s not the same geopolitical stage at all. The characters are dressed in the same clothes, sure, but there’s an emptiness to the dialogue, and all eyes are glancing off to the wings. Get close enough to the stage and you can see it. 😀 A2

Dec 7, 2022 5:38 PM
Reply to  NickM

Here Brian Belectic explains how the Chinese Credit system actually works in reality.


Dec 7, 2022 7:34 PM
Reply to  Brianborou
Dec 7, 2022 11:40 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Recently when a Chinese demonstration was planned, the passports of those who planned it went “red” and they had to report to quarantine instead.

Berlet, a Chinese apologist, doesn’t address lockdowns– wonder why? How about the one-child policy and forced abortions and other anti-conception devices?

Just because the West is increasingly evil doesn’t make China good– or even opposed to the West’s agenda.

Dec 8, 2022 8:35 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Do you have evidence for the passports turning “red”. Well, I suggest you look at what the Chinese term the centuries of shame. Didn’t the West legalise the deaths of unborn children, didn’t the West introduce the pill, didn’t the West try to fill the children heads full of this your daddy is your mummy and your mummy is your daddy malarkey.

I don’t recall I or Berlectic stating that China was paradise on Earth.

Yes, I recall that anyone opposing the Western Ukrainian Nazis, NATO/ City of London’s proxy war as Putin apologists.

Dec 7, 2022 11:33 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Brianborou– I’ve found brian berletic to be less than objective. For example, he’s still endlessly describing the US as a racist county, citing that Black people have to drink from different water fountains.

That was true only in parts of the South and hasn’t been true in 60 years! In my entire long life I have only twice heard a racist comment. However, I’ve never lived in the South; it might be different there.

The controlled media pushes the “divide along racial lines” propaganda, but it’s not reality.

Brian berletic has signed onto Russia/China good & the West bad. He hasn’t realized that the two are joined-at-the-top for the same totalitarian world order.

When one sees an apparent conflict it’s tempting to pick a side, but in this case both sides are against Humanity at large.

Dec 8, 2022 8:52 AM
Reply to  Penelope

It is not only Berletic but many many other independent journalists who describe it thus. Have a look at Unz.com

Berlectic, MoA, Saker, Global Research, and many many other independent platforms are attempting to show the other side of the coin rather than MSM propaganda or living in denial what is actually happening there.

Eva Bartlett has produced many reports along with Lancaster plus Philips about the first hand experience of the results of the City of London’s / NATO/ Western Ukrainian Nazis puppet’s war.

I suggest you study the history of Russia’ millennium long struggle to prevent the West from dismembering Russia.

Dec 9, 2022 9:18 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Thank you for the response Brianborou. I have warm feelings towards the Russian people and culture. I listen to Russian movies dubbed into Spanish; I love their music, and I find an appreciation of morality which was present in America in an earlier era.

However, I find it undeniable that the current Russian leadership is betraying the Russian nation: Covid, digital currency and the global warming hoax are today’s prominent tools of tyranny, which Russia and China join in.

We are encouraged to believe that they are opposed to the West– by the same media which lies to us about everything else.

I think the “Russia/China in favor of multipolarity” needs one more veil to be lifted to see the truth; what value is multipolarity if it’s really multiregionalism w/i a tyrannical NWO?

Dec 10, 2022 9:06 AM
Reply to  Penelope

“..current Russian leadership is betraying the Russian nation..”

Let me explain a few points. Between the collapse of the USSR and approximately 2001, the Russian economy had contracted by a huge magnitude. The people’s life expectancy had fallen dramatically, poverty plus lawlessness was widespread and the country was on the verge of economic and social collapse. I witnessed this first hand.

This collapse was caused by the West economically raping Russia.

Putin saved the Russian nation from the millennium long strategy of the West to dismember it.


Dec 12, 2022 5:25 AM
Reply to  Brianborou

But Brianborou, I believe the plan which brought Gorbachev to power, dismembered the USSR, weakened it & robbed it w Yeltsin is the same plan which has preserved Russia as a “rival” and presents China as a “rival.” I remember David Rockefeller travelling to Russia to solve the succession problem in Andropov’s time. I remember the US sending an entire ball-bearing plant to a country we were “at war” with, cuz otherwise they couldn’t preserve a credible image of threat. (Was it N Korea? Can’t quite remember.) I remember the Secy of Defense McNamara saying Americans would have to get used to not winning wars; that was during VietNam– a country whose landmass depends on dikes. A bomb demonstration and a quiet, secret threat would’ve ended the war w no casualties. Above all I remember that Thierry Meyssan broke the inside story that on the sidelines of the Iran nuclear talks the US had invited the Russians into Syria. The NATO Patriot missiles on the Turkish/Syrian border had long kept Syria from using their airforce in the war. Now in quick succession, the US, Britain & France all removed their missiles. (It wd have been impossible for Russia to pursue her initially-all-air-campaign w/o their removal.) Khmeimim air base in Syria was needed for their air campaign, but had been for many months under seige by US-controlled jihadists. They were abruptly withdrawn! Russians brought shipload after shipload of construction materiel thru the narrow Turkish isthmus to modernize and extend the airport, while the jihadists thoughtfully stayed away. All of the work on the airport was visible in loving detail on the satellite photos. Yet AFTER THE FACT there were hearings calling it the biggest security failure ever– ALL of the security & intelligence forces failed to notice. US,Turkish, NATO, British &… Read more »

Dec 7, 2022 9:32 AM
Reply to  NickM

“In case you didn’t notice, the Capitalist “West” has been waging war on Communist China for the past 80 years.”

As admin have pointed out….they do not see any evidence at all for this assertion. I guess they have not read Canada’s Indo Pacific Strategy which ought to have been called an anti-China strategy. Nor have they read any of the strategies and policies coming out of the UK and US in the past two years never mind the last 78.

Don’t waste your breath doing critical thinking about China (or Russia) here. Don’t you know they’re all in it togther: Xi and Putin are just dancing to the tune of Scwhab…..

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Dec 7, 2022 2:21 PM
Reply to  trev

The Covid con is a shared lie between all the Sovereign nations you mention; it’s changed peoples’ lives and limited their freedoms in bigger ways than anything post 911; it’s laid the seeds for still bigger change moving forward. Discount that if you feel more comfortable but I think you’re being silly. 🙂 A2

Dec 7, 2022 4:10 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

What you say is true. Nevertheless (to use Rob’s example from Orwell) West EurAsia has been making war against East EurAsia for centuries: and Covid-19 is the West’s latest weapon in this war. Any discussion of Covid-19 is misleading if it neglects the fact that this is a Western bioweapon, and that the further development of this U$-patented bioweapon — say, toward increased lethality — is as great a threat to the world as nuclear armaments are.

You call me silly and have accused me of upvoting my own posts. I do not upvote — it’s not cricket. As for silliness, I think that equating China with “the West” because both camps abuse Covid hysteria for authoritariain purposes is as silly as was the WW2 tendency to equate Communist Russia with Nazi Germany because both were totalitarian systems. I think the world would have been very different if the Nazis had won WW2: and I think the same appilies to the present “Orwellian bullshit war” between West EurAsia on East EurAsia.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Dec 7, 2022 6:34 PM
Reply to  NickM

I have never accused you of anything, so let’s focus on what we’re discussing, not an injured paw routine. 😄 There is no ‘bio weapon’ according to reasonable evidence-based reality… unless it’s a bio weapon designed to almost seamlessly track natural all-cause mortality. There is no epidemiological evidence that there was a pandemic even. There was no deadly virus according to the official IFR. There were mortality blips in certain hotspots that coincided with those places that shut up/euthanised their elderly and curtailed basic healthcare. Age-standardised all-cause mortality, however, consistently shows that 2020 was a less deadly year than previous years this century which were not called a ‘pandemic’. The PCR test was, by official admission, woefully inaccurate. Increases in unscientific mass testing of populations brought an increase in ‘cases’ not deaths. In the UK the ‘magic money tree’ of legend appeared to come quickly into full bloom, people were paid to stay home and enjoy their enforced leave and not make a fuss. Throughout the world the ‘harsh economic reality’ that had perpetually been justification for every public spending cut, every failing welfare policy, every instance of the common man being stepped on by huge corporate entities… this suddenly evaporated. We could all just shut up shop and go home, apparently. The constants of this world were the sun, the tides, and Amazon Prime. Many feel this is because ‘Covid’ was/is in fact a production sponsored by the same huge corporate entities alluded to above. A global monopoly is in full view, many argue. It’s not only shown its face, it’s whipped its cock out and it’s slapping you round the head with it. We can’t turn back the clock on that one. Even if we try and imbue the events of the last three years with 20th Century… Read more »

Dec 9, 2022 6:19 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

“I never accused you of anything” You accused me of upvoting my own posts: “Stop upvoting your own posts”. It’s probably in the OffG archives. I let it pass at the time, because it sounded so odd. But now you say something even odder: “There is no ‘bio weapon’ according to reasonable evidence-based reality… unless it’s a bio weapon designed to almost seamlessly track natural all-cause mortality.” Russian MOD has presented evidence of BioWarfare Labs set up by U$A in Ukraine, with assistance by Germany. I posted that on OffG. U$ officials have admitted hosting dangerous pathogens in those labs, but claim it is for purely medical studies. Covid-19 was bred as a bioweapon in Fort Detrick, U$A, by inserting a U$-patented “spike” binding site into an ordinary Corona virus. The patented site made this “novel Corona virus SARS-2” bind firmly to lung tissue — hence Severe Acute Respirator Syndrome. All this is documented. So, SARS-2 is a failed weapon – in fact, a boomerang that has landed on the heads of those who invented it — like financial “sanctions” against China, Russia and Iran. Why does OffG avoid these issues? To try to strenghen your case that China and Russia (the only countries which jail and exile oligarchs — to the West) “are in it together” with Western Oligarchs? Talking of “China Bashing”: By coincidence? there is an expose of the British way of China Bashing in today’s issue of White Russian site: “Western anti-China state security is directing internally. The City of London and the Government in Westminster, for example, give billions of their war budget for the creation of Western “China Experts” who cannot be removed.In the entire world, there are perhaps 50 to 100 such Western “China Experts.” They form the real Government of China [in Exile] and they live outside of China. The… Read more »

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Dec 9, 2022 12:30 PM
Reply to  NickM

I repeat I never accused you of anything. You say ‘evidence was presented’ and people ‘admitted’ biolabs hosted ‘dangerous pathogens’ – which are generic statements that establish nothing but imply much more – and then leap straight to ‘Covid was a failed bio weapon’ mid-para. Seamlessly, covid is now not only a bioweapon but a ‘failed’ bioweapon, requiring exactly zero medical evidence to substantiate this (because it failed). All we need is some scary talk about the ‘intent” behind this ‘failed bioweapon’ (that resembled normal flu which weirdly disappeared during the ‘pandemic’) and apparently that’s enough for you. Yeah, it’s all very scary sounding the way you put it… or perhaps you’re a victim of one of the oldest and simplest tricks of war and politics, propaganda. A fear narrative. Because Covid has always been about faceless fears. If you take all that fear, add it to an alleged (not proven) ‘failed’ bioweapon and what do you get? You get fear. Just fear. One plus zero is always one. I ask you, you can conceive of the secret Chinese government, and all the machinations of the West against the East, but you can’t conceive of one of the most basic tools of war/politics right now? If Covid is a WHO-driven lie then it does present some problems for old fashioned geo politics, I can see you recognise that. The way so many countries across all geopolitical divides have/are attempting ‘zero Covid’, it’s a bit of a puzzle. ‘Zero Covid’ is an unscientific, medically unsubstantiated and unprecedented thing. It appears to achieve nothing except oppress populations and suppress commerce and industry. I can see why you’re extremely invested in the 20th Century Tom Clancy-style bioweapon narrative, but I think you should question that assumption just a little bit. Buying into a… Read more »

Graham Greene
Graham Greene
Dec 7, 2022 5:56 PM
Reply to  trev

”Don’t you know they’re all in it together:”

I know no such thing. Is it me who is thinking that a forced geopolitical/military alignment between the Russia and China on one hand and the US and NATO on the other is taking shape? It certainly looks that way. In fact it looks like NATO is actually promoting and running the war, albeit not even secretly.

Dec 7, 2022 11:52 PM
Reply to  Graham Greene

Graham, yeah, it’s sposed to look that way. But what kind of world do Russia and China want? Does it differ in any way from the NWO that the West wants? Does Russia or China want decentralized govt with guaranteed freedom and rights for their people?

All are in agreement– for a totalitarian NWO. They are cooperating in ruining the global economy, on covid & on digital money– and even on climate change as a pretext, at least in their propaganda & their signatures at climate conferences.

Dec 7, 2022 11:43 PM
Reply to  trev

The West has been waging PROPAGANDA against China while building it up economically by transferring investment, contracts, industry and technology.

Dec 8, 2022 9:54 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Everything is not as clear cut as it would first appear.


Dec 9, 2022 6:39 AM
Reply to  Brianborou

Your Link to the ever-reliable Engdahl is headed:

“Why on Earth does George Soros want Xi Ping to go?”

Enough said: Any leader who stands in the way of Soros must be good for the world.

Dec 10, 2022 8:50 PM
Reply to  NickM

James Jesus Angelton, described a “ wildnerness of mirrors” whereby he believed in the authenticity of Kim Philby.

Unfortunately, people have not under this lesson that everything is not what it seems.

Soros being an example example of this.

Dec 12, 2022 5:01 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

Thanks for all your patient & reasoned commenting, Brianborou. We none of us in our observations are able to reach to motive.

William Engdahl’s work is the thinker who gives me the most pause in my conclusion that Russia & China are joined in their intentions w the West. However, it is a long tradition in China to attempt to win journalists over rather than confront them. Mr. Engdahl has been treated most respectfully by China, invited in and taken part in various confabs, etc.

It is nearly irresistible when one sees conflict to join in one side or the other, and my present conviction is that the eminent Mr. Engdahl as well as a great many analysts have failed to lift the last veil at the top of the pyramid. The conflict appears real because it IS– but only at the lower level, IMO.

Regards, I do understand where you’re coming from. Only time will tell.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Dec 7, 2022 9:58 AM
Reply to  NickM

“Liberal, Freedom Loving, Compassionate West”
Thats a good one!

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 7, 2022 2:53 PM
Reply to  Paul Watson

It’s an accurate description of what most Westerners think of themselves – all evidence to the contrary…

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Dec 7, 2022 3:26 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

And they are in for one hell of a shock over the next 7 years…

Dec 7, 2022 11:21 PM
Reply to  NickM

The Chinese economic miracle was, OF COURSE, produced by the investment of beaucoup bucks– from the West. The deal was made in the Rockefeller boardroom. Attending on the Chinese side were representatives of each of China’s 6 “heavenly” (ruling) families.

Look up China and the NWO on James Corbett’s site. for much info on China.