Swimming with Sharks
CJ Hopkins

So, Elon Musk’s new free-speech Twitter appears to be going extremely well. Critics of the official Covid narrative, and the official Ukraine narrative, and Elon Musk, are still being deplatformed, censored, and defamed, but, otherwise, you can tweet whatever you want!
If you want to tweet about how Elon is running Twitter almost single-handedly while personally caring for his nine hungry children and “being a journalist” without ever sleeping, or how he’s “driving down the cost of access to outer space,” or “improving life on Earth for humanity” while planning to exfiltrate himself and his family and friends in the military community (and anyone else who can afford a ticket) to Mars if something goes catastrophically wrong, or is otherwise heroically “doing God’s work,” go for it … you can tweet stuff like that all day!
OK, sure, if you don’t want to do that, and, instead, you want to tweet about the systematic destabilization and radical restructuring of global society that has been carried out by the global-capitalist ruling classes during the past three years, or the most insidious official propaganda and gaslighting campaign in human history, or if you want to tweet about neo-Nazis in the Ukraine, or anything else the Emperor Elonicus doesn’t want you to tweet about, well, not to put too fine a point on it, you’re fucked.
Fucked as in suspended, or censored, or “deboosted,” or “visibility filtered,” or maybe your account is just hidden from view behind one of these fake “sensitive content” warnings, exactly like it was on non-free-speech Twitter…
But whatever … that’s a small price to pay for the privilege of “shitposting” and “owning the libs,” which, that was the whole point of the Twitter takeover, wasn’t it (i.e., revenge, as opposed to actual free speech)?
Who cares if scientists, medical experts, and critics of the New Normal are still being censored? Andrew Anglin, the neo-Nazi editor of The Daily Stormer, is back! That will certainly stick it to those “shitlibs”!
And then there’s the release of the Twitter Files, which is turning into a le Carré thriller!
Yes, that’s right, Elonicus the Just is releasing in-house documentation of the rogue cabal of liberal “bad apples” that were arbitrarily censoring conservatives, not for any systematic ideological-narrative-enforcement reasons, but just because, well, you know, they’re liberals, or “leftists,” or “cultural Marxists,” or whatever!
Part Two, published by Bari Weiss on Thursday, focused on Twitter’s notorious blacklists, and included screenshots and other evidence of how Twitter executives censored, “deranked,” and otherwise intentionally disappeared and misrepresented information and political views they did not like and so decided that no one should be able to read. Part Three, published by Matt Taibbi last night, documented the censorship and eventual deplatforming of Donald J. Trump, who was The President of the United States at the time … so, yeah, another “nothingburger.”
Fortunately, it turns out, all this censorship, defamation, intentional deception of the public, interference in the political process, and so on, was the work of (you guessed it) a few “bad apples,” Yoel Roth, Parag Agrawal, Vijaya Gadde, and other “bad apples,” who have all been fired (or “exited”) by The Emperor Elonicus. So that’s all over now, and will never happen again, not as long as Elonicus reigns!
So, great, I’m glad that proof of the shenanigans that so many of us have been describing for years is finally definitively coming to light. However, eternal optimist that I am, I was hoping that the Twitter Files would at least broach the subject of how the global corporatocracy, and its government functionaries, and the state and corporate media, and global corporations like Twitter, have gone more or less full-blown totalitarian, and have been conducting a textbook Gleichschaltung campaign, imposing and enforcing ideological uniformity and systematically censoring those of us who have been questioning and challenging the official Covid narrative (and that destabilization and radical restructuring of global society that I mentioned above).
But let’s not get sidetracked by all that narrative stuff, or that global-capitalist totalitarianism stuff, or the countless people around the world that are dying “suddenly,” or “unexpectedly,” which, of course, has nothing to do with the multiple experimental “vaccinations” they were deceived and/or coerced into submitting to, which Twitter and the rest of the global-capitalist propaganda apparatus repeatedly assured us were “safe and effective,” and censored those of us who suggested that they might not be, or that we might not need to “vaccinate” every man, woman, and child on the planet.
All that stuff is water under the bridge. The important thing is American “red/blue” politics!
OK, before I get into the Twitter Files further, I need to do the “full-disclosure” thing. As I am sure you are aware, Elon Musk has chosen to release the selected Twitter Files to Matt Taibbi, and now also Bari Weiss, instead of, you know, just making them all public.
Well, I know Matt Taibbi. We communicate occasionally. He has blurbed a few of my books. I respect him. I like him. I am seriously biased toward Matt Taibbi. I would have Matt Taibbi’s babies if he let me. Basically, I am in in love with Matt Taibbi, and would probably be creepily stalking him right now if I lived in the USA instead of here in Germany. I don’t know Bari Weiss at all, but, from what I can tell, she seems like a nice lady.
All right, that’s my full disclosure. Let’s get back to those Twitter Files.
So, here’s the other thing that is bothering me (i.e., in addition to how this story is gradually devolving into a “red/blue” slugfest). You saw the news about how James Baker, the FBI guy who worked with the Clinton team on perpetrating the Russiagate hoax and had a hand in censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story, was “vetting” the Twitter Files before they were released.
Well, according to the story, Baker was doing this “vetting” unbeknownst to Elon Musk, who had apparently just accidentally forgotten to fire his Deputy General Counsel (who he had been aware of for at least eight months) when he fired all those other liberal “bad apples,” and so Elon, being totally “in the dark,” as it were, had absolutely no idea what Baker was doing to the Twitter Files until Bari Weiss caught it and brought it to his attention.
That bothers me…as in I do not believe it.

I want to be clear about what I’m saying. I’m not questioning Matt’s or Bari Weiss’ motives, or methods, and certainly not their characters. If I were in their positions, I’d be doing the same thing, getting my hands on as many “Twitter files” as possible and reporting the story that is there to report.
They are journalists. That is what journalists do. They have also been around the block a few times, so I assume they are aware that they are swimming with sharks. If they weren’t previously, they certainly are now, after this fishy Baker “vetting” business.
What I’m saying is, how can we trust what they are getting? How many files were “vetted” by Baker? Why was he still in a position to “vet” them? Who’s “vetting” the files now that Baker has been “exited”? Which files have been given to Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss and which files have not been given to them?
The reporting they are doing is like creating a collage; they can only work with the materials they are given, and the materials they are given will determine the story, or at least limit the nature and scope of the story.
Also, and notwithstanding my respect and disturbing affection for Matt Taibbi, neither Matt nor Bari Weiss have been particularly interested in covering the roll-out of the official Covid narrative, i.e., the most insidious propaganda and gaslighting campaign in human history, or the destabilization and radical restructuring of global society that I keep mentioning in this column and have been writing about, extensively, since March of 2020.
So, even if Musk has dumped the entire Twitter database on Matt and Bari Weiss, I doubt that either of them are going to be exactly chomping at the bit to report that story.
Seriously, just imagine if they did. If you think the corporate media’s reaction to Matt Taibbi’s initial Twitter Files release was brutal — and it certainly was — imagine what would happen if he and Bari told the story of Twitter’s role in the global New Normal Gleichschaltung campaign.
They would likely lose everything, publishers, book deals, literary agents, colleagues, friends. They would be excommunicated from the Hall of Seriousness, cast out into the outer darkness where the denylisted souls of “Covid-denying, conspiracy theorizing anti-vaxxers” moan into the void for all eternity.
Because telling that story would mean documenting everything…the fabricated “Covid cases” and “Covid deaths” statistics, the lies about the lockdowns, the masks, the “vaccines,” all of it, the whole New Normal megillah. Not how it’s “over now” because “the science changed,” but how the whole thing was one enormous PSYOP (regardless of whether or how much of it was intentional), how it was manufactured with lies and propaganda from the very beginning, in March of 2020.
Put yourself in Matt Taibbi’s and Bari Weiss’ position. If they tell that story, their lives will be destroyed. Go ahead, judge them if you want. I’m not interested in judgement, personally. I’m interested in seeing things as they are, and the way they are … well, we have a little quandary here, a quandary regarding the Twitter Files not turning out to be a limited hangout, or being perceived as a limited hangout.
And, so, in light of that little quandary, here is a proposal for Elon Musk. Maybe Matt, or Bari Weiss, or one of my “high-profile” right-wing readers can pass it on to him. You don’t have to tell him where it came from. It’s pretty simple. Here it is:
Share the Covid-narrative-censorship Twitter files with journalists who want to tell that story. Let Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss keep telling the story they are telling, which, make no mistake, is of historic importance (and is ultimately a part of the larger story that the Covid-narrative censorship is also part of), but share the files with other journalists who don’t have as much to lose, or who are willing to lose it to report the story, or who have already lost it and so don’t give a shit. If you actually meant “Vox Populi, Vox Dei,” then how about a little Vox Populi, Elon?
If Elon Musk is serious about coming clean, and defending freedom of speech, and all that stuff, and not just whitewashing the company he just bought, and orchestrating an elaborate limited hangout, he can prove it by offering the Covid-narrative-censorship Twitter files to a few other journalists … journalists who want to report that story, who want to report that story right now, not two years from now, when no one cares anymore.
I have a hunch he might get a few takers.
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.
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Agree the Covid tweets (particularly those censored) are the 2nd most important part of the story, but while the FBI/ Stasi Official Fascist “Librarian” was deleting seditious questioning of the Official Narratives, you can be sure Covid-related stuff was the first to disappear (along with Seth Rich, Epstein, JFK, 9/11 “conspiracies” and other connections to our fine Intelligence Agencies.)
The US has this, now mythical, thing called Free Speech. SCOTUS has multiple times protected Hate Speech as Free Speech (up until physical violence happens), however we now have Government telling “private” media to censor Free Speech (but only that which attacks our corrupt Honorable Leaders– presently mostly Democrats– and Bureaucrats). This is like hiring someone to kill your wife; you can argue “Hey, I’m not censoring or killing anyone!”, but SCOTUS may decide it’s still wrong (as they have decided over and over in the past). There is NEVER any accountability for the Government officials in DC anyway. Most will be promoted, they are Team Players.
The Republicans will take the House in late January, 2023 and people wonder if they will correct the crazed policies of Schiff and Pelosi and Biden. Of course not! They will get glorious revenge, even crazier than the Democrats, if possible. The bar keeps dropping, though seemingly flat on the ground. Just as today, 30% will be delighted and 30% outraged, just switch around groups.
One only has to look at American foreign policy and global domestic policies to see that it is largely based on revenge. We have crazed neocons, many dual citizens, determined to right the wrongs inflicted by Eastern Europeans/ Russians on their grandparents, great grandparents, and great great grandparents over the last few hundred years (some NAZIs and their collaborators were treated pretty harshly). And American labor is seeing their reward for at least doubling productivity with innovation and back-breaking work, where their wages at best have kept up with inflation (maybe not?) since 1970. Our global Elite Neoliberals have raised millions of Chinese out of poverty (good thing) to save pennies on the dollar (better thing) in labor costs (but we may have to exterminate the Chinese, since they are getting uppity, a continual problem with the untermenschen). Fortunately smart middle class Americans have beaten the financials (the only viable job beyond making “Democracy” weapons of mass destruction) by investing all they money in FTX cryptocurrency for a bright tomorrow.
Do people like him* ever stop and think maybe “there’s something a bit wrong with this? This isn’t a normal part of being middle-aged!”
Adrian Chiles is an unmitigated moron, of the lowest order.
Probably fat middle aged ladies love him though.
He “cuddly”
File under “first against the wall when the revolution comes”
It reads like satire, a sad indictment of our times, but I doubt it is. Instead it’s just whimsical nothings.
I am not a soldier, I gave up my air pistol when I shot and killed a bird. I was just completely disgusted with myself. I picked and aimed at the he bird I had killed from my parents window right outside my parents bedroom
Sure, I felt the adrenaline for the kill, and I killed the bird. I was not in the Film Kes. If Ihad a Kestrel, I would felt good about it
Binned my gun at 15
and didn’t say.
Totally disgusted with myself for killing a bird when I was 15
We have all the Birds – mostly Rare English when they tell The Parakeets go back to Richmond Park
Our eldest cat dropped dead recently she was very old, born in our home on our daughter bed…
And we have got all this cat food left –
I just want a Kitten (CAT), but my wife is feeding all the foxes to protect our home from The Rats and The Mice.
Its a family thing,
Our 19 year old Fluffy Cat
Well All The Wildlife
You do not mess with Millie
She will kill try to get you kill and eat you
I want a female kitten that hasn’t been done..
I like Reproduction
and lovely little baby kittens cats
much better than rats eating your feet.
Cats warm you up , I guess dogs do the same, but Birds keep you warm and sane.
I Want a Cat.
She says she is not ready yet (I understand)
Make sure you put a bell around the cat or you’ll be binning that too.
I personally never got the whole twitter thing. Never had an account, I deleted my facebook as soon as i realised it was censored. My life is too full to spend valuable time scrolling through crap. I much prefer to speak face to face & really dont get the whole social media hype. Keeping it real!!!!
The Independent – bless their souls today published an article about Oldham, where I spent the first 25 years of life, and have only been back twice, to bury my Mum and Dad…
Its a great article
People from Oldham are Very open and welcoming and friendly..its just the wey we are.
We say the first thing we think that comes into our head
We are faster than Scousers but have (unless she is incredibly beautiful a sense of humour) and we just blush and are speechless know we don’t stand a chance as us boys a rolling on the floor laughing. They could recognise my Oldham Accent
. and could tell my Girlfriend was Woolyback from Skem but had retained her Lancashire accent, and was really nice and fit. She still is.
Yeh Oldham is a shit hole. Its alsways been a shit hole, but I really liked living there for the first 25 years of my life
Many of my childhood friends moved to Australia…but I was in Oldham 25 years of my life, and I met a smoky (except she didn’t smoke ) from near Wigan, and we just kind of fell in love…
I have been offerd a job in London, and this time I can’t turn it down…She said you ain’t going without me
‘It’s coming for everyone, like coronavirus’: The town sinking into poverty – and the people fighting backSpecial Report: The teacher spotting the signs that pupils haven’t eaten. The GP who put a food bank in his surgery. The teams knocking on thousands of doors to offer any help they can. Oldham is already one of the country’s most destitute areas, and things are getting worse. Colin Drury meets the locals trying to stem the tide
They are all Freezing and Starving To Death in Oldham This Christmas
Why Not a Bit if Love and Compassion and Food and Warmth and Money for The people in Oldham
I don’t see how anyone can be happy, unless they start with next to fuck all.
I try and look at it from the top of hill, a bit inspired by John Lennon..
But if you at the up of the hill, the only way you are going to go is down, whilst we bury you and all your WEF Malthiusaistic Enthusiam…
You see we know, what you want
You want to Kill Us
You want More and More of Us Dead
That is what you want
And The Feeling is Mutual
Get used to it.
We ain’t dead yet.
getting worried yet???
the word is getting out…we know what you evil bastards are doing to us…but we are not going for booster number 6…
We are coming to arrest you..
You have tried to commit genocide on us
And we know who you are.
Its not that hard you admitted it and are proud of it
You openly admit, numerous times you are trying to kill as many of us as possible.
We are not impressed with your leadership.
You are Trying to Kill Us
Say no to the next jab and it might be OK
A lot of them were saline and benign
Just Fight Back, or we are All F’cked.
Ask your friend to the gig
Got to start somewhere
Rabbits shooting back making more babies
I will leave this for later. I just love CJ Hopkins
But I have swum with sharks. Its just that my Sharesave Scheme had matured – but I had been working all hours God sends, when it really was working your bollocks off and paying the mortgage off with two kids and wife -always getting paid childmender and registered by the social service (they checked me out too – over a year most of thr time when I didn’t know.
I was skint and suddenly had several thousands pounds – so I spent it.
I am 69 years old now, started diving in 1999 in the Maldives with my wife and 2 kids
wtf else are you going to do with your life – except work, hard, try
Take risks and have fun.
We have now got 3 Grandchildren
6 years old,4 years old and 3 months..
And I have asked two girls to come to the gig with me
My wife is asking the boys.
It’s Christmas FFS
Just ask your friends and any family you have got left.
My son is going to drive the car – he doesn’t drink
I said confirm on Friday.
It is cold and snowy, and the trains wont work
I couldn’t have a nicer wife and sis
Do you want to see the documented evidence????
Mass worldwide Genocide if you don’t RESist
Tu familia y amigos
Por supesto amigi mio
Merry Christmas
I tried to skim the article but I just couldn’t follow through. I sensed that it was complaining about something…in other news I just joined twitter to see if I could get banned…so far no
For the record, that photo is of Ocean Ramsey. She’s smart and insanely beautiful, a combination rarely seen in world today.
Hey Random, you’re the second casual passerby to happen to comment on who the header image is featuring! Is this the Ocean Ramsey you’re talking about? Seems some accuse her of shameless self-promotion 😉
i just think her shark camo suit is cool ; )
She is a marine biologist in the same way Tim Treadwell was a biologist and Graham Hancock is an archaeologist. Whenever someone like these folks come along, who devote large portions of their lives questioning established orthodoxies, academia circles the wagons and proclaims them to be heretics. The truth is, academia is the most acidic, close minded collection of asshats you’ll find anywhere. These institutions overproduce PhDs who merely follow an existing orthodoxy like the well trained, debt soaked monkeys they are. Ms. Ramsey is bringing more focus to her field than anyone else – and it drives them nuts. Good for her. That lack of “formal” title doesn’t change my perception of her ability to show the world something new.
Mrna vaccines under heavy fire… oh look, they happen to be a miracle cure for a much-feared ailment:
Just a tiny bit convenient and therefore suspicious.
They are removing our healthcare from us, by making it a killing machine. How can I every trust my doctor again, he is clearly a liar and or an idiot.
Words to watch out for:
Robust. (New.)
Rigorous. (Old.)
Game-changer. (Somewhere between.)
I knew Matt Taibbi in Moscow back in the dayz of The Exile.
He and Mark Ames were a hilarious pair, having discovered that Russia of the 1990s was the perfect foil for anyone seeking to resurrect the gonzo journalism of Hunter Thompson – for, verily, the name Hunter once embodied masculinity as a roaring engine not its sump.
Today Taibbi is on his home turf as the scion of a journalistic lineage and thus somewhat constrained by propriety. I believe when he sought Rolling Stone as his second alma mater, he still hoped to find some remnant of Thompson’s 40-year tenure.
Instead he finds himself, like many of us, washed by the Woke wave, his legs paddling, splayed, seeking to hold their place in a tide not of his making.
Nominally liberal journalists (define as thou wilt) are a fine choice by Musk, since they at least superficially provide a shield against accusations that “they would say that, wouldn’t they.”
Yet it hasn’t worked. The Woke (define as thou wilt) have attacked one of their own for straying off the plantation to consult the computer records in the gang master’s cabin.
Circular logic grasps in a vise what passes for the mind of a multitude. There are many reasons to question cognitive ability in a way that would have been undemocratic, elitist and impolite just a decade ago but which today is a righteous stance against rampant madness.
Moneycircus – being the usage of third party as a defensive shield (think pronouns, they/over there) – turns fo refuge to the virtual pub overseas.
Yesterday, there was an interesting piece on RT (if you can access it) by Robert Bridge. Lots of info on Bari Weiss. I read the piece and came away with very serious doubts about this person’s character and her history. Why did Musk chose her?
Anybody (C.J.?) who is able to ask her about the oppression of the Palestinians is sure to come away perplexed about her character.
I keep hearing that “anti-zionism is the same thing as anti-semitism”. Taking this claim at face value, we may logically conclude that zionism and semitism are also the same thing.
If one were to wait for real-world evidence disproving this conclusion, one would wait for a very long time, with very little to show for it.
Such a conclusion is based on ignorance of facts and of linguistics, both of which Israel requires, as this false identification of zionism with “semitism” (itself falsely implied to mean “jewishness”, once again removing the Palestinians from the picture) is in fact its primary propaganda weapon. The semites are/were the various ethnic groups using semitic languages, which inlcuded both the Hebrews and the ancestors of the Palestinians.
There are Orthodox Jews (Naturei Karta for example) and other Jews who are against zionism.
This includes residents of Israel/Palestine, descendants of the Jews who lived there without hassle before the invasion and were horrified by it. They are second class citizens in Israel.
Kissinger pushes the notion of “peace talks” on behalf of his boy, Putin. Musk pushes Kissinger’s talking points. And Anglin sells it to the white-nationalist segment at places like Unz.
Elon Musk Attacked for Trying to Bring Peace to the Ukraine
Andrew Anglin
October 4, 2022
(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
A) the use of the term “peace” by Musk and Kissinger is just a euphemism for appeasement.
B) the people of Donbas and Crimea voted in 1991 to be part of the independent sovereign nation of Ukraine.
looks like we’ve got an actual live ukronazi sympathizer, here.
Ah, the strategy of calling people “Nazis”. How’s that working out?
Re: Putin being one of Kissinger’s boys.
Kissinger, Putin, and the “New World Order”
by William F. Jasper January 9, 2009
Kissinger, never one to let a crisis got to waste, has been busy on an important new-world-order project in Russia with Vladimir Putin. Although it has gone virtually unreported in the U.S. media, Kissinger has been featured prominently in the Russian media during his many trips over the past decade to Moscow to meet with Putin and Yevgeny Primakov, the former KGB terror master for the Soviet Union in the Middle East. In 2007, Kissinger and Primakov were appointed by Putin to co-chair a bilateral “working group” of Russian and American political insiders to tackle issues such as global terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and nuclear threats.
Novosti, the Russian “news” agency run by Putin-friendly apparatchiks, reported on the new working group in an April 26, 2007 story, noting that “Kissinger, U.S. secretary of state from 1973 to 1977, has been a frequent guest in Russia since Putin took office in 2000.”
Thank you
Appeasement armistist negotiations are specifically dated towards the conclusion of the second decade of the 20th century. Of particular interest is the Public natural reaction to rumors of Peace.
Cause for despair (as if we didn’t have enough already) is that the online “discussions” of Off-Guardian pieces like this one all too often provide little more than a platform for those who lack the talent or wit to themselves write such a piece to vent spleen or add their own tuppence worth unrelated to the article itself. I agree with a commenter such as “Bob the Hod” that Twitter is worthless, harmful and shouldn’t be used (though not baffled by why it is). But he and other commenters can’t or don’t want to see or admit that the article is saying more or less the same thing in a more subtle, rich and clever way. Others are simply not as smart as they’d like to think we think they are! So much wasted petty posturing and nastiness! I do wonder whether some are not enlisted to post puff, stuff and nonsense just to confuse the issue, and us. And even if they’re not, the effect is the same. The comments section could be a space for expressing and exchanging real views and arguments—and, yes, disagreeing—actually related to the subject of a piece. The effect might then be to create a sense of, or space for, solidarity/community and clarity of thinking in opposition to the dominant narrative. Now wouldn’t that be nice?
You make some valid points.
However, I think, in general, people here are are pretty-well spoken and try to put their thoughts forward in a constructive manner. Is there nastiness and lashing-out? Yes. Belittling? Yes. But I think does not necessarily come from direct intent to do harm.
Many of us who post here live among people (work, even in families) who do not think as we do – most times the opposite (especially over the past few years). Some of us have figured out that for our day-to-day living, and in order to avoid conflict, we must curtail our opinions and how we think things are unfolding in our world. This even includes not sharing documentation and info that supports our belief in what we are talking about, leading to pent-up frustration, and a desire to blurt out everything we are frustrated about, or things we have just discovered.
Maybe this is in part because some would like to hear a bit of support from the comments section. Support they don’t get in daily life. Others, maybe, they just want to vent because they are so sick and tired of not being listened to, or heard.
What I am trying to say is that people post here for different reasons. After starting to comment on OffG articles only for the past couple of months, it seems like a bit of a support group in some ways.
Some people are nicer, more polite and more well spoken than others, that is true. But isn’t that how society is in general? It’s what makes it diverse and interesting. But it should not put one comment or thought above the other.
Your comment is puzzling. At first, I thought you were complaining about comments unrelated to the subject of the article – a very valid point. But no, your complaint covers those of us who try to stay “on topic” as well.
You may be overlooking an important point. Namely, that articles are enhanced by the number of comments, even if those comments merely parrot what the article has already said. I would suspect a writer would be discouraged if only a dozen or so comments appeared in the forum. I would also suspect that the writer of a poorly discussed article would not be likely to be asked to submit another article.
That’s impossible for example the 1984 web narrative of Orwell’s balkanaistion by web opportunists dates back to the 1960’s by Americans, who would discuss cultural language differences, including British and American publishers.
People, Brit. US Lads & Lasses whoever wanted to join in.
Today its been turned into a ridiculous Robotic cartoonist Chinese overture by investing dumbells.
Twitter WTF. Who needs it ?
Not me! Believe it or not, life absolutely without any of this social-media bilge is entirely liveable and satisfying. That’s still my experience.
All this waffle and claptrap about twitter, or any social media being not fair and corrupted.
It has been obvious for well over a decade what all this shite is really for, and the fact that people still even use it, let alone expect it to be of some actual use for them completely baffles me. It was only ever a data gathering, perception management and surveillance tool to be used by intelligence and security services and ultimately, the globalist elite and if you don’t like that fact, and you don’t like what it is and what it does, and you complain about it not being fair, then stop being a big baby, put your money where your mouth is and simply stop using it. Otherwise, you’re a hypocrite wasting your energy playing their game and you haven’t got a leg to stand on. The less of us use their tools, the less power they have over us.
Agreed. Platforms for useful idiots and attention seekers only.
What are you doing here?
this is not twitter, you twit
Thanks captain obvious.
Think wind is going to save you? Sky News puts you right:
“UK and western Europe in middle of a wind drought – and a ‘global stilling’ is coming
The UK is gambling on wind in the future of renewables – but as we’re seeing, having the turbines doesn’t make them turn.”
Die! Die! Die!
Never mind – the US has just suddenly cracked nuclear fusion!
Isn’t it unbelievable what “science” can do!? Literally….
And what “speed”! Admirable, I tell you.
Yep! Every few years there’s a sudden ‘game-changer breakthrough’ in the nuclear fusion circus. And once again, it’s ‘now only five years in the future’ – as it has been for most of my long lifetime, unmovingly.
Forget it. Even if it were a genuinely manageable technology, it still wouldn’t be the almighty saviour of hitech industrial civ, as the fantasists imagine. And the prospects of making it obediently manageable are still as far of as always, and fading in fact, as the industrial technological capabilities which purport to make it feasible themselves get going into their long post-peak-everything fade-away.
The quest for clean/renewable energy evades (a) the religion of economic/financial growth (b) the fact that all energy degrades into heat (Maybe the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics).
It’s an experiment ugly aren’t they. Yea let’s plonk them around the Isles and see what happens.
Boy this place loves Joe Biden.
With all the crap you could write about him, his family and administration you focus on Elon and Trump.
Only one month in and you go badshite over Musk and not write one good thing.
Remove the off and just leave the G.
Time to leave the theatre, Hank.
Someone wants this place back in its “far left” box…..
Is that you Boris
No Hank. You really need to get out of that theatre.
If it’s the woke theatre then yeah.
Trump and Musk are bigger players. Biden is an idiot, a joke.
Riiiight, because we don’t think Elon is going to change one damned thing that means we’re Dementia Joe supporters? Good Lord, if you’re still trapped in the party bullshit thinking you are definitely in the wrong place. Sure, we have a few out here who still hold out hope voting is fair and not rigged and will change things, but not very many are still in that mental cage. You need to get out of the party DISTRACTION and figure out that NONE of them are on your side, period. The billionaires club is a fairly small one, and anyone who wants to remain in that club and making billions does what they are told to do. If that means setting up false hopes in the rubes, they are more than willing to do that, many of the puppets live for that idiocy, it’s the only thing that makes them useful tools to those who really rule, duh…
Do you write the articles?
Like I said of all the things they could write. Nothing negative about Biden after all this time?
Where where the articles about Elon before he bought Twitter? And only 1 month in.
Bqri Weiss is an idiot and jsut aprrots whatever her CIA controllers tell her. she wes destroyed on Joe Rogan just the other day or don’t you do your homework & FYI Dr Robert Malone & Dr Perter McCulough are back on Twiiter and hopefully Scott Ritter & garland Nixon will be. Brian Berlectic is back on so your narrative holds no water.
Thank you so much for the laugh rik male. maybe add that to your comic stand up show.
Real subtle stuff from something called IFL Science:
“Could Earth’s Biggest Extinction Event Have Been Caused By A Single Gene Transfer?
252 million years ago, the Great Dying took place. Could it happen again?”
You’re all gonna die! Die! Die!
New FOIA Results Prove Premeditated Harm:
Three months BEFORE vaxx rollout CDC subcontracted for up to 1000 VAERS reports/DAY.
The contract anticipated that 40% would be serious.
Three months AFTER rollout contract was amended to 25,000 VAERS reports/wk (3570/day)
Taibbi is a gatekeeper, a shill for nothingness. Sorry Cj, getting too cute for me. You seem to understand the seriousness of the situation, but fall into the same trap as Taibbi, writing to perpetuate your existence, or rather money train, instead of trying to help. Same type of thing with Greenwald, Johnstone, and a whole host of others. It’s time for action, not the same old bullshit.
David Ray Griffin discusses “left”-gatekeepers, including Taibbi, and their position on the second-greatest hoax in world history:
So Off-Guardian goes from praising David Ray Griffin after his death to posting another article about Musk by an author who said this about Taibbi?
“I respect him. I like him. I am seriously biased toward Matt Taibbi. I would have Matt Taibbi’s babies if he let me. Basically, I am in in love with Matt Taibbi, and would probably be creepily stalking him right now if I lived in the USA instead of here in Germany.”
Go figure.
Shark Cage Diving
I have been close to great white sharks in the ocean. This was off some islands a couple of hours (by slow boat) south of Port Lincoln in South Australia in June 2015. I was in a submerged cage with a few others for about half an hour. We used scuba style masks and breathed air pumped in by a blower/compressor. The sharks showed no interest in us.
‘Swimming with Sharks’ happens to be the name of a 1994 Kevin Spacey film.
Spacey…. the guy photographed on a Bucjkingham Palace throne with Ghislaine Maxwell and who’s under suspicion for paedophilia and murder….
I grant everything but am reserving judgment.
See e.g. https://slaynews.com/news/elon-musk-meets-blacklisted-anti-lockdown-professor/.
If everything goes according to the Plan, i expect that this time next year i’ll be homeless, and destitute…My savings and superannuation fund balances wiped out…All my belongings/possessions abandoned – ‘cept for a change of undies…No cell ‘phone, no laptop, as no longer able to pay for their use…
I expect that like many others i’ll be dependent on bread-lines and soup kitchens for foods (No doubt it’ll be Vat ‘food’ donated by that very generous little billy gates)…
There’s so much ‘Doom & Gloom 2023’ being predicted…Example: ‘Psyop – Market Crash will be so terrifying that the likes of the BIS, the various central banksters, WEF, UN, et al, will conveniently swoop in with the CBDC solutions to the very problems they created in the first place’…(CBDC – yes. But definitely expect imposed a VAXX Digital ID/passport…The CBDC will only affect those who still have money…).
There’s definitely something in the wind ! The Australian government’s chief medical officer has announced, after looking into his crystal ball, that Australians should expect that the ‘virus threat will be around for another two years’ (Sydney Morning Herald 13/12/22 p8)…
So, we’re being warned to expect lockdowns, using ‘covid’ outbreaks as the excuse, like they were used during the 2020 global economic recession, to prevent outbreaks of collective unrest…
If everything goes according to the plan, then i’llhave nothing so i’ll have nothing left to lose, so i’ll consider easing any economic burden i put on the government by availing myself of the Government Assisted Suicide (GAS) arrangement.(Will have to look around for a friendly doctor, one that wont refuse to gas me because i’m unvaxxed)…
Looks like you will be able to be homeless and starving in the new smart cities of Brisbane or Melbourne…I think we are supposed to be overjoyed by this development….they may not need a new covid if we just accept being quartered , tagged and locked into sectors…
sadly if forced into this game I will happily take up qld govt offers of suicide on demand…..from memory starting next fen,
Everything unaffordable will however be available only 15 minutes away – how handy!
I expect governments will make an exception for the unjabbed in the case of this very special “treatment”, just as they showed so much initiative with DNR wherever they could.
I hope it doesn’t come to this.
ps rather be gassed than vaxxed.
Actually, you wouldn’t.
They are both horrible atrocities.
Death by breathing pure nitrogen (instead of just the 70 percent that we’re all breathing now) is an entirely painless, struggle-free way to die, and easily organised as a diy effort. Pioneered by humane, ethical Oz doctors trying to assist people who want to end their lives voluntarily, but who get forced to stay alive by governments which don’t do a damn thing actually to make their desperate lives any easier.
That does seem to be changing now, though, as governments swing round to understanding that the more excess plebs they can cull, the better their – real – masters will be pleased.
So basically you just want to lay down and die without a fight, exactly what they want. The vaxxed killed by the poison, the unvaxxed by economic destitution and the destruction of hope while the psychopaths get to inherit the earth.
They will provide you with a free track and trace device.
The government will also provide you with funds to transfer public money to private corporations.
Don’t worry, Be happy!
How many companies is Elon Musk running? Does he know all vital personal in every unit by name, face, work, reputation?
Why not, he is All Knowing?
He is probably AI knowing.
You miss one letter and have the order of the two reversed. It’s CIA knowledge.
This is all a distraction and it’s working as usual. All of the people we follow and either adore or despise are part of the club of the globalist Elite. It’s possible Fauci is the Fall Guy for the clot shots.
“…the release of the Twitter Files, which is turning into a le Carré thriller!”
An apt comment from Political Moonshine : “…it looks like Twitter fat is being served up for people to chew on but the real meat isn’t on the plate; at least not yet.
Check out the link above for a further, meaty good read on the Twitter Files, Enterprise Fraud & life on the technocratic global plantation. Knowledge more important for those awake than any le Carré novel.
It’s a pity CJ hasn’t yet posted on the near-takeover of Germany by Q-Anons last week. 😂 I’d love to hear his perspective on that one.
The masses have become so gullible that they don’t even feel they need a “real” fake flag event to justify the soon to come opression. They will announce some conspiracy theorists were heavily armed and had planed to overthrow the regime, arrests were made and “our democracy has been saved. Long live Henry Kissinger. Or maybe the motherfucker will leave pretty soon so he doesn’t get the satisfaction of seeing his life machinations coming to fruition.
Why would any human being with brains think that some dude, whoever, is her or his leader, just simply because they say so?
More twitterverse about the Twitterverse for the latest psyop of surveillance capitalism, aka the Musketeer.
Twitter, shmitter!
Not again. How quickly people forget one of the Golden Rules for anti-establishmentarians. Never trust a billionaire, particularly the richest one. K.I.S.S.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-12-12. EU VP bribed Qatar – fish rots from head. Long covid? falsified data. Twitter files: trends/search blacklist (blog, gab, tweet).
Its in the first two letters of his name. ELton. The cult of EL is the worship of the planet Saturn. There is a long history of this which you can research for yourself.
Consider some of these uses of EL – Elite, Elohim, Elder, IsraEL, etc.
Fascinating stuff.
Elon Musk is on the Epstein flight logs. Case closed.
Cry Baby shill J, who has banned and blocked people for disagreeing with him.
on a forum, who regularly places members on mute mode.
Your’ll all as bad as each other.
Surely I can’t be the only one suffering from Elon Fatigue?
Modern day news organisations (including the alternative ones) love to bunch up on the same topics, like six year-old football players crowding en masse around the ball.
Meanwhile, a bloody coup in Peru is taking place, but you’d be hard-pressed to read about it anywhere. Because: not sexy.
Globalist President kicked out.
The Institute of Perpetual Lying has metastasized.
In other words, we will have to endure the bullshit until those that perpetuate this eat each other.
It’s worse than that.
They have children who are not aware of any other way of living.
Great summary, Voz.
He loves free speech almost as much as he loves the lithium that the CIA coup in Bolivia – since failed – would have givenn him.
“Smart mobs,” too: From 2009 to mid 2012 the US tried to create a fake twitter in Cuba to incite citizens to overthrow Cuban government, needed to get around “filters” of Cuba’s “oppressive Internet environment.”
4/3/2014, “U.S. secretly built ‘Cuban Twitter’ to stir unrest,“ Associated Press via Politico
“ZunZuneo’s organizers wanted the social network to grow slowly to avoid detection by the Cuban government. Eventually, documents and interviews reveal, they hoped the network would reach critical mass so that dissidents could organize “smart mobs”–mass gatherings called at a moment’s notice–that could trigger political demonstrations, or “renegotiate the balance of power between the state and society.”…
Suzanne Hall, then a State Department official working on Clinton’s social media efforts, helped spearhead an attempt to get Twitter founder Jack Dorsey to take over the ZunZuneo project. Dorsey declined to comment….[paragraph 18]
At a 2011 speech at George Washington University, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the U.S. helps people in “oppressive Internet environments get around filters.” Noting Tunisia’s role in the Arab Spring, she said people used technology to help
“fuel a movement that led to revolutionary change.”…
The U.S. government masterminded the creation of a “Cuban Twitter”–a communications network designed to undermine the communist government in Cuba, built with secret shell companies and financed through foreign banks, The Associated Press has learned….First, the network would build a Cuban audience, mostly young people; then, the plan was to push them toward dissent.“…
I and many comrades have been shadowbanned on Facebrick for over 3 years. Shadow banning is real and a common practice in social media. I have over 500 friends and barely see a rotating and changing carousel of about 20 different people at any one time. I post Off-Guardian articles there almost everyday and they are never circulated to any reasonable amount. No one can tell how much they are filtered. FaceRat never responds to questions or problems. Like most 21st C orgs, they are a faceless cement tower broadcasting one way only. The only cure seems to me to socialize the entirety of the net to the People. One half of the internet bandwidth to non-profit, unmanipulated public utility apps like Library of Congress, a social media made real open social media and anything commoners would like to create free of censorship or policing over sight. The other half of the internet would be rented to commerce activities to obtain the revenues necessary to fund the Public half of the net.
Twitter is a can of worms surrounded by a minefield. There’s also the CO2 scam, the global warming scam, which is now climate change because the Earth ain’t warming. The liability is enormous unless Twitter can pass it on to those who knowingly did the deeds.
Elon should play things down the middle in my opinion because america is polerised politically. One side wants to attack Russia whilst the other wants to attack China.
Releasing all info would go to show the full extent of the collusion with gov’t agencies behind closed doors, when in public the old Twitter guard were saying they were not guilty of shadow banning. No siree.
Release it all and be damned and let the public come to their own conclusions. A free flow of information may just save the planet from mad people and snake oil salesmen.
The biggest scam of all scams and the scam behind other scams is money. It only ”exists” because people believe in it. It’s not really real.
Amen to that!
Money is NOT a scam; it’s a valuable invention. If we didn’t have it we’d have to invent it. The fact that it’s possible to degrade it & use it for evil doesn’t impeach the invention.
On this site I’ve heard we should give up government– as if there were no such thing as good govt. Then that we should give up machines and technology cuz it’s possible to misuse them. Now we should give up money instead of bothering our little heads about how to make it sound.
C’mon guys, you’re smarter than this.
Usury used to be evil in the West, until it became kosher in 1917.
Optimism? Here? Now?
“… Absolute power corrupts absolutely” used to be a kind of warning to those who were thinking of ‘doing good for the world’ by entering politics.
But the absolute power has arrived anyway, and we can now see that it has done its absolutely corrupt work perfectly.
If we’re really “smarter than this”, then we know that’s true.
We have reached Stage 5 of the cancer – the stage which doesn’t exist.
It’s time to think about what we can do in the ‘it’s too late to fix’ stage.
The freaks who control everything today are never going to relinquish their power voluntarily, because they have already mortgaged their parents, grandparents, children and grandchildren to the hilt in order to hang onto that power.
In a sense, it’s ‘every man for himself’ now, except of course that those of us who think alike have some strength in numbers.
[Correction: “except that those of us who think at all” . . .]
No need for us to ‘give up’ advanced industrial technologies, Penny. They’re already being taken away from us by geo-physical forces majeures over which we don’t have, and will never have, any control. This process is just starting, and will accelerate over the near future; eventually even for ‘lucky’ accidental autarkies like Russia. Teach your grand-children to expect a steadily de-hiteching future. Best elder-wisdom you could give them.
we are the only animal thick enough to pay for everything……..if you cannot see that money is slavery then you are part of the problem. why are we paying for anything when all the worlds resources belong to us all. money the great divide and rule tool of the greedy parasite class
oh and good government (mind-control) where and when was that may i ask?
I don’t happen to think that currency is the problem. It’s who issues that currency and why. Currency has evolved over time to replace having to cart heavy loads of real money around the planet.
This present fractional reserve banking is a runaway train without any brakes. They now issue credit and call it money. Their ‘customers’ are all regarded as unsecured lenders whether they know it or not.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Democide, everywhere you go…
Look, people need to stop expecting Twitter to be in favour of Free Speech. It’s got huge numbersof pseudo-lefties in the USA and Europe as users who are all in favour of totalitarian ‘we are right’ censorship.
Trying to change Twitter is a fool’s errand.
It’s far better to leave it en masse and set up new organisations, owned by people who actually DO believe in free speech.
Faceboook lost a mass of users and you know what? The world didn’t make humans extinct as a result. It hasn’t even been news most of the time. Bad for Wall Street earnings, telling the truth about mass defections from the platform.
I don’t want to ape Elon Musk, I don’t see Elon Musk as my hero and I certainly don’t think Twitter is a force for progress on earth.
We may end up like Quakers, the Amish, the Jews etc as a vocal minority, but I really don’t see any future in trying to make the rest of the world like us.
They aren’t.
Best to create our own platforms and if people migrate to them, good.
If they don’t, we were true to our principles.
You mean like Parler?
No, like GAB.
But how would the journalist who wants to tell the full story know if they’ve received all full files?
It does seem that the powers that shouldn’t be are getting ready to throw a few key scientists under the covid bus and create another super chatter/fight while the real culprits get away with it as usual, just with Musk as the new trump like saviour this time.
Whatever is or isn’t in the twitter files surely we can still push on with exposing what has actually gone on here we don’t need the twitter files to do that.
It seems there are some great investigative journalists like Whitney Webb who are exposing the financial/corporate/government mafia and its web of corruption and downright nefarious murderous intent.
An observation about “The Science”:
There is a site called “Science Alert” which gets flagged up to me and features such headlines as:
When I foolishly logged on out of curiosity, my computer nearly crashed with pop-ups. According to Wiki:
“ScienceAlert is an independently run online publication and news source that publishes articles featuring scientific research, discoveries and outcomes. The site was founded in 2004 by Julian Cribb, a science writer, to aggregate research findings from Australian universities, and expanded in 2006 when ex-Microsoft programmer Chris Cassella took on the project of developing the website.”
“In May 2019, ScienceAlert joined the debate surrounding publications, such as The Guardian, shifting their style guide to prioritize terms such as “climate crisis or breakdown” over “climate change.” Based on evidence-based research and expert opinion, ScienceAlert shared updated definitions for the site’s climate science-related terminology. Later, ScienceAlert noted that this decision led to an increase in negative comments on their Facebook page, saying that when they post articles about climate news, “with astonishing speed and ferocity the comment section becomes a hot-pot of climate denialism”.”
Then this:
“The site has also come under criticism for other issues. In a post from 2014, feminist STEM blogger Zuleyka Zevallos takes issue with a post on ScienceAlert which she identifies as “sexist”, describing ScienceAlert as “broscience” and “click bait”, both terms for low-content social media posts designed to attract attention. She links it to a greater trend of “using sexism to market science”.”
So frankly it seems as if sites like Science Alert (and I’m sure there are a million of them) are the new tabloids only with a huge layer of pomposity and pretention. “The Science” itself no less. Incidentally, I doubt if this Zuleyka Zevallos is much better.
So this is what media sanctioned “research” now amounts to?
Its starting to look like Twitter was primarily a conduit for various psyops, each moving their sets of pieces around Twitter’s giant game board. Musk’s appearance has upset the board, spilled the pieces and generally causing conniptions in the numerous players who have been treating the board as their own.
I’m just an observer — I’ve never had a Twitter account, never followed any of its threads and I don’t follow the fortunes / activities of Musk that closely. “Its a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” (Shakespeare, Macbeth but could describe a large part of the Internet)(If you ask me to expound on it I’ll just use ChatGPT. — be warned!)
REALITY CHECK: The US pours money into their billionaires and uses them as cover fot the many arms of the Corporate fascist state.
Zuckerberg; fronts the CIAs “Stasi” style filing system.
Musk; is cover for a fake space adventure, and now ministry of propaganda Twitter.
Bezos; fronts the CIA hard drive storage, and company store.
Soros; is the CIAs financial terrorist
Google; is the CIA’s data collection arm.
Gates; Microsoft & Apple are the surveillance states listening and recording devices & lately medical tyranny division.
Below are the 10 wealthiest billionaires, along with their net worth as of March 18 2021, and the year-over-year increase in their wealth, according to the IPS estimates.
Jeff Bezos, Amazon.com: $178 billion (57%)
Bernard Arnault & family, LVMH Moët Hennessy: $162.6 billion (114%)
Elon Musk, Tesla: $162.1 billion (560%)
Bill Gates, Microsoft: $126.5 billion (29%)
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook: $101.7 billion (86%)
Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway: $96.5 billion (43%)
Larry Ellison, Oracle: $90.2 billion (53%)
Larry Page, Google: $88.6 billion (74%)
Sergey Brin, Google: $86 billion (75%)
Amancio Ortega, Zara: $79.1 billion (44%)
They sure know how to make billions for themselves, while their number 1 goal in their declared agenda is ending poverty. Here’s their own numbers or estimates how they succeeded in that:
I would say NOT the US is using the billionaires for cover– but vice-versa
Look in their eyes, Do they look like powerful people or scared people to you? I think history can tell us who is the real boss.
It looks like Fauci is gong to be the fall guy for yet another huge CIA operation, Covid. Following in the footsteps of Epstein for the CIA’s hazing operation, and the FTX kids CIA fund raiser operation. Elephant in all 3 rooms is the CIA.