22 Memes to Help Get You Through Christmas

So this is Christmas,
And what have we done?
We’ve shared lots of meme posts,
And had lots of fun.
And told lots of people,
That the world’s all gone wrong.
But it’s all a big joke now,
So let’s all laugh along.
Zelensky was back in Washington this week, you’ll never guess why.
This Christmas, remember just 50 billion a year could help support a puppet regime and dozens of war profiteers from the military-industrial complex.
On the plus side, he’s so easy to shop for.
Not to mention, he’s the hottest-selling toy this season, (with a lego mini-figure who’s actually life-size).
Life comes at you pretty fast.
Yeah, there’s a lot of them going around.
One of the big mysteries of life.
“Imagine how much worse it could have been without these seatbelts.”
Still, it’s much preferable to the alternative…
Really, the price tags should be different colours.
“Your stair lift is late? Huh, maybe you should kill yourself“.
Like those feminist t-shirts made by women earning 1 dollar an hour.
Maybe it would help normies if they thought of homeschooling as a vaccine against state indoctrination.
It’s that time of year again.
Here at OffG memes, we like to help our readers save money.
If you think that’s disappointing, wait ’til you try their cotton candy and peppermints.
“It’s the ciiirrr-cle of liiiife”
A remake for the the covid age.
This movie is 30 years old. I don’t know how to feel about that (but yes, that always bothered me a lot too).
…and speaking of old things that are kinda tragic.
Nearly done. One last classic movie to ruin.
But don’t worry, there’s hope for the future.
Have a very Merry Christmas everyone, from all at OffG. And if you have a meme you would like to see included you can send it to us via our submissions email, or post it in the comments (instructions below).
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The medical profession
Number 12 was most entertaining.
Bill Gates and his ex, Melinda are invested in McDonalds and Coca Cola. And he calls himself the King of Health.
Oh, but “King of Health” is just the truncated everyday title.
The full formal version is “King of Healthy Profits”. 😎 🤑
A very amusing piece of writing by the esteemed Dr Vernon Coleman…!
“Is this Sir Klaus Schwab’s ‘Christmas’ Message?”, at:
To all the covidians, tragic but true:
Tragic for us too. But as the dude reported, below: at least we didn’t take the vaccine.
“Dax Tejera, the executive producer of ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” died suddenly Friday at the age of 37. ABC News President Kim Goodwin announced “with a heavy heart and great sadness” that Tejera died of a heart attack on Friday night, according to a memo she sent to company staff obtained by Mediaite.”
You’d have to think that this has got to get some people at least wondering what the hell is going on. Most just come back with something like, “people have always died of heart attacks”. But the deaths are piling up. We need to keep pounding our message, it works just the same as them pounding theirs.
It’s hopeless.
We can’t even tell them that the deaths are piling up, because they convinced themselves three years ago that the ‘covid’ deaths were piling up – which they weren’t . . .
Ha ha ha.
Or they want you to believe it is true.
A Dan Bongino principle. Another one is: “Don’t get dead”.
She was worn out “Bless”, so I was about to have my last pint of milk before going to bed with her…and there was fresh cream flowing out of our fridge….
Love her to bits, but why can she never put the top on anything…
So also delved under our sink, trying to find the plunger to clear our blocked drains.
She helped me.
I couldn’t have a nicer most beautiful wife.
It’s like we have been together forever.
It’s hard to explain but our grandchildren understand everything, and read us like a book.
I need to wash my hands. All I can smell is Bleach
I have tidied up. All I know, is that everyone loves My Girl
Girlfriend, Wife, Grandmother – and could even do Centrefold “How Clean is My House” as well as “The Good Life” after swimming, and then at the community allotmonts…giving all the food away
Some Girls end up with Fat Blobs
get off your arse and move you lazy f’cker
nice girl
i just did drains flowing free and i still smell of bleach
Maybe in the Morning.
I don’t know how it is for most people, just know I have got a lovely wife.
We have been Everywhere – well over one third of the planet – cheap tourist deals…
Where are we now?
Like our Grandkids, She is so nice and polite,
Our Christmas-spirited reaction must surely be telling you something, Tony.
You haven’t grasped where the pivotal point of the Universe is.
Hint: It’s a point where one person’s family experiences are of no more significance than any other person’s. A point where there is an actual reason to care.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, but spare us the details, please. They are exactly the same as ours.
said like a true champion of the human spirit – eh? maybe change to war shipper and you and tony can ship off together?
An oppressive conformist Vs a free and liberal society.
Not ‘free and liberal’ but manipulative and diluting.
but a lot better than fascism.
Pretty much says it all…
o my… so godawful accurate.
Christmas Day Review
Top 10
Number 1 The Grandchildren – I was really not expecting this. They were just so incerediby nice and well behaved, to Grandad (older 2 boys – 6 and 4) and so nice with their Baby Sister (3 months old)
The Boys insisted – come on Grandad you are on our team.
The Boys Team.
Play with us.
Good Christmas Day
Yes, there was a dead spider in the Brandy glass.

Latest music parody from the brilliant Media Bear; this time of Dire Straits ‘Money for Nothing’ from 1985. Compare the animation with the original — very clever, and so much detail:–
There was a story to the Dire Straits lyrics, which may seem non-PC today, but apparently based on a conversation between delivery men overheard in an appliance store.
And on Odysee, without the intrusive ads:–
Sadly, #22 is the only hope we have left 😢
Merry X-mas anyway.
“The 12 days of…” has been a very popular tune this year… There’s at least three versions out there.(Vaxx, Doses, etc)…This version was in my mailbox today…
The 12 Days of Global Warming:
I’m posting the various versions to family…Either the music vids will wear their resistance down, or…..

Quite a curiosity-piquer! What in the world is this couple up to?
Perhaps they heard about the party game involving a person tucking an orange under their chin, and transferring it to a second person without using hands– and either got the instructions wrong or decided to try it using a banana. 🍊 🍌
Interesting that Stalin, the principal architect of Hitler’s defeat, is making a big comeback these days as a bad guy. I guess Roosevelt and Churchill didn’t know what they were doing.
A bit of nostalgic Russian bashing from the good old times, to remind people that every Russian is a Commie. I predict Mao to ring China Bashing for the New Year.
Egad!!! He nails every point. I’ve posted this link before. >
Pentagon Vaccine to Modify BehaviorPresentation date: 4/13/2005
Pentagon Vaccine to Modify Behavior (personalgrowthcourses.net)
Also this redacted copy – Published 6/01/2007:
Quarterly FunVax Review
FunVax | The Program The Government Doesn’t Want You To Know About (wanttoknow.info)
Note that these “experiments” are ongoing…
We are so “In the future”
Thank you ( I think . . . ) This is truly horrible.
I have read such hints from Steiner before, but I never came across this comprehensive show-stopper . . .
He usually has something to say about how to deal with catastrophic events on an individual level, but I wonder, do you know of any such guidance from him on this topic?
The above quotation is from The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness (Bristol: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1993; GA 177), p. 85. {October 7, 1917},
and,as far as I can see, the whole lecture cycle can be read for free at the Rudolf Steiner Archive:
Having in mind that this extremely relevant lecture cycle is from 1917, here is a typical Steiner summary of what he has just been clarifying:
“People do, of course, find it uncomfortable to know such things today. For they make it evident to what extent the spirits of darkness are causing havoc in public affairs. Much of what I have been saying has so far been known instinctively and atavistically by people. This has come to an end, however, and people will have to be prepared to gain conscious knowledge of things that used to be known instinctively and were also instilled into human minds by the ancient Mysteries. Spiritual principles must be included in shaping the social structure; they have to be thought out, rather than people wanting to shape the world blindly on the basis of mere emotions. The spirits of darkness find it easiest to achieve their aims if people are asleep to what goes on in the spirit. They can then easily gain power over what that they cannot achieve if people enter consciously into the spiritual impulses that are active in evolution. Much of the mendacity which exists in the world today serves the purpose of rocking people to sleep so that they do not see the reality, are deflected from reality, and the spirits of darkness have it all their own way with the human race. All kinds of things are falsely presented to people to deflect them from truths they could experience if they were awake and, indeed, ought to experience, if human evolution is to proceed in a fruitful way. This is the age when human beings must take affairs into their own hands.”
accidentally duplicated
A Future Vaccine to Prevent Knowledge of Soul and Spirit From The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness (Bristol: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1993; GA 177), p. 85.
October 7, 1917 – “The time will come – and it may not be far off – when quite different tendencies will come up at a congress like the one held in 1912 and people will say:
It is pathological for people to even think in terms of spirit and soul. ‘Sound’ people will speak of nothing but the body. It will be considered a sign of illness for anyone to arrive at the idea of any such thing as a spirit or a soul. People who think like that will be considered to be sick and – you can be quite sure of it – a medicine will be found for this. . . .
The soul will be made non-existent with the aid of a drug. Taking a ‘sound point of view,’ people will invent a vaccine to influence the organism as early as possible, preferably as soon as it is born, so that this human body never even gets the idea that there is a soul and spirit.
. . . the heirs of modern materialism will look for the vaccine to make the body ‘healthy,’ that is, make its constitution such that this body no longer talks of such rubbish as soul and spirit, but takes a ‘sound’ view of the forces which live in engines and in chemistry and let planets and suns arise from nebulae in the cosmos. Materialistic physicians will be asked to drive the souls out of humanity.”
Folk in “Steiner” circles have been wary of any vax for many years and when the covid op started, there was a sense of “here we go!” It was notable that during the covid “crisis” no religious leader came forward to encourage folk to pray or look to god for help. For me this was a triumph for scientific materialism and fertile ground for the predicted “incarnation of Ahriman”.
In the U.S., there is a commercial playing continuously on every TV channel and the radio with a message about how everyone is not affected the same way by the Covid-19 virus, i.e., the elderly, those with heart disease, asthma, etc., and encouraging people to get their boosters. It’s only about 30 seconds long and clearly at the end it says the message is brought to you by Pfizer, on both the TV and radio.
I am absolutely infuriated with this. I have to immediately turn off the volume and I start cussing at those M’fckrs. I know I could just not watch TV or listen to the radio, and I don’t do much of both, except sports and movies, and when I’m in the car for the radio. But that’s not the point. I’m immune, because I know the truth. But the incessant messaging (outright lies and propaganda) from a private corporation about your health is extremely disturbing and should be to everyone. This is so psychopathically criminal I can hardly believe it’s happening right out in the open.
Yes. The commercials are acts of terrorism. The perpetrators should be hung from a gallows.
As you say, you could just switch it off permanently.
And as I said, that’s not the point.
I don’t watch TV. Why would anyone ?
OK, you holier than thous come out and totally miss the point of the comment just to prove how holier than thou you are. Same as the woke left only different. .
It’s been a creeping plague for many years now. Christmas has come, and I couldn’t find a single watchable thing on TV. There always used to be at least one good horror film…😁
I second your emotion! Those reprehensible “public service” ads set my teeth on edge.
I’ve also been carrying on turrible* (*not misspelled) about the smarmy Walgreens ads that are getting a lot of airplay on local bargain-basement “free” TV broadcasting.
The main one shows Persons of Color demonstrating Family Values with abundant affectionate embraces, including dialogue or voice-over from a little girl hugging a baby sibling and affirming her parents’ and Walgreens dedication to Keeping Them Safe and Healthy.
This climaxes with a happy trip to Walgreen’s to be serviced by a friendly masked jabmonger. Mama is asked, “Would you like to get your flu shot now, too?” Mais oui! Then the jabmonger gurgles that Mama and daughter get matching Walgreens band-aids and the curtain comes down as the audience sighs and dabs the incipient tears from its collective eyes.
Rite-Aid has similar TV ads, but they don’t reach Walgreens level of tendentious melodrama. Both, but especially Walgreens, are utterly abominable and gag-inducing. 😡
Always have the remote nearby, and cut off the sound. Do something else during the ad break.
Agreed. I also don’t watch TV. However, i once listened to a radio broadcast in the UK which obviously scaremongered the public about a nonexistent COVID19 pandemic. It was hypnotic in my humble opinion.
That is exactly their ‘strength’. We find it almost impossible to believe that such blatant wickedness could exist in a modern society. It started with the fashion several decades ago for people to start being proud of announcing that they ‘have no faith’ in anything they can’t hold in their hand.
Once ‘god’ is out of the picture, you can do whatever you like…
Why the hell, at this point, people still expose themsleves to mainstream TV, radio, movies etc, is anyone’s guess.
Got more:
HOLIDAYsteria: Best Great Reset Christmas Memes
You’ll get no presents and be happy! Treason’s greetings from the Bidens, Neocons dreaming of a nuclear Christmas, Elon the Grinch and more Great Reset Christmas memes – MERRY CHRISTMAS!
HOLIDAYsteria: Best COVID Christmas Memes (Waiting for Santa or the Grinch!)
Santa has an alibi for getting Ivermectin, Santa’s pandemic staffing problems, watch out for the COVID government Grinch, Christmas tree for the unvaccinated and more COVID Christmas memes!
HOLIDAYsteria: Best COVID and Great Reset Christmas Music
It’s beginning to look a lot like genocide, fascism, & treason. Dreaming of a dead Christmas, Rona the red spiked protein, contact tracers coming to town and more Great Reset Christmas music!
Nice to see that Klaus is such a happy man himself . . . I mean, just look at him . . .
“Sniffle me like one of your French girls, Groper.”

Seems like David Rothkopf’s “superclass” is priming the world for a collective suicide in recent movies like “The Menu”.
Just subsitute “Chefs” for “Puppeteers”
you know how people idolize…
you know, athletes, and musicians…
-and painters, and stuff?
Yeah, those people are idiots.
What they do, it doesn’t matter.
They play with inflatable balls
and ukuleles and shit.
they play with the raw materials
of life itself.
And death itself.
I’ve watched him plate a raw scallop
during its last dying contraction of muscle.
It’s art on the edge of the abyss…
which is where God works, too. It’s the same.
Welcome to Hawthorn.
Having safely escaped the WEF puppet regime in Australia I’m good to go again.
“Chuckles and the rest of THE ROYAL MAFIA CRIME FAMILY dub thee Sir Clot-a-lot.”

Why has this connection been ignored for the past 40 years and all the BBC staff that knew but for some reason never spoke out? So vile spent many Xmas’s with the so called royals so MI5 and MI6 must be complicit as well because they will have known all about so vile and his accomplices, as did the government etc etc. So why was only Rolf, who apparently painted the parasites portraits, thrown under the bus? Mind you I give credit to Jill Dando who must have been on the case as our spy masters murdered her.
To get that level of sustained intimacy with Charlie, Savile would have been vetted. There’s no way they didn’t know. All they would have needed to do was ask Savile’s pals at Yorkshire police who he had round to his flat on a weekly basis. They regularly squashed complaints.
Pity this doos didn’t die before his mother.
“The NATO Nazis Strike Again!”

“Nobody expects the IRS Gestapo.”
Satan Klaus is a cnt but he is not the cartoon Nazi as portrayed by Whitney Webb – Johnny Vedmore… there is a deeper *ink *ing they will not explore.
Brilliant, excellent, well done that man! Such a perfect illustration of the confusion in peoples heads.
yon boy needs a slap! ; )
Why are you blokes so demented with this young woman, what on earth did she ever do that is so serious you think you have the right to abuse her.
we just don’t like her. So what?
Hello Marilyn Shepherd: Shortly after the creation of Extinction Rebellion, it became obvious that Greta Thunberg was being used by cadres of “climate change” organizations. It was an unfortunate truth… The “right” wing in the United States jumped all over these associations, and denigrated her entire message. This was no accident…
Regarding abuse: Assassinations of her character became a fad for millions of mentally crippled and propagandized persons on glorious web sites such as Twitter and Face Book. They’re still at it…
It is interesting how the civilian public continues to avoid all rational discussions regarding the outright murder of their planet. Rampant capitalism and adolescent behaviors reign supreme…
“The climate change scam, like the Scamdemic Big Lie, another propaganda / advertising fear campaign by the War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Oligarch Mobster Psycho Nazis to continue their grand theft robbery of WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity).”
It’s mostly true and I love Carlin.. it becomes a point of contention when we cut down the last tree that has the last Koala. That ain’t Nature.
Surely a parody post. No one with one brain cell would conclude shes normal. Stick her in the bin for loons.
So, by order of the PTB she’s entitled to being praised and lionized in every way possible, trotted out into the limelight before Presidents, and Popes, and Parliaments, and all manner of assembled august personages and parties, in order to lecture and scold the rest of us useless eaters about how worthless our lives are in comparison to those of our betters, and how we must sacrifice even more to allow them to have even more, and that, by their magnanimity. She is entitled to praise only?
In short: if she’s in it for all the glory, she can also expect to be in it for the criticism, and she’s earned it. She’s earned plenty of it.
Mmm, Greta in stockings, Biden will be knocking one out big time.

Mass non compliance is ALL it takes. Cannot speak for the USA but the spineless Brits had better wake up very soon. Trouble is there are still millions of thick tossers wearing masks and taking the NHS protection potions that I will not hold my breath.
Fine. But spinelessness is by no means limited to Brits these days.
I can’t think of a single country that is not infected with it.
I agree with your sentiments, but the number wearing masks has dwindled to less than 5% in my experience. But what the PTB have still got in the locker is those blasted empty ambulances careering up and down the streets and highways and pissing everyone trying to frighten all and sundry that covid is still alive and kicking. And they think we (even the true disciples of Covid) will still haven’t got the message. Oh, one exception there is this little Asian girl who works in the pharmacist’s and who every day dutifully don’s her little face nappy. But then I suppose she is told to. Crazy world.
Yeah, amazing is it not that people are frightened by empty ambulances. WTF is wrong with people?
Alternate #10. Party politics.

Some more coincidences here for today, involving top end athletes:
Broncos Super Bowl-winning RB Ronnie Hillman dies at 31 after cancer battle (nfl.com)
Cancer was diagnosed in August. R.I.P.
Stephan Bonnar dead at 45: UFC Hall of Famer and MMA legend dies after ‘presumed heart complications at work’ | The Sun
The New Normal strikes again……..
Rapper Big Scarr dies at 22 as Gucci Mane leads tributes with heart-warming post – Daily Star
December 6, 2022
CNN? Your posting links to CNN?
I’ve posted a link to a poll. You may claim that there’s something wrong with the poll – that it’s biased or whatever. Or you may claim that CNN have not accurately reported the poll. But to imply via some weaselly insinuation that the poll should be ignored is just retarded.
I disagree. The retarded thing to do is to trust polls posted on CNN.
CNN have a well documented history of lying and reporting fake news. If the poll suggested that American’s were against the war the likelihood of that being reported by CNN would be very low. So that in itself is reporting bias.
As a result I usually note when something has been reported but view it through a sceptical lens. In the case of CNN a very thick lens.
But it wasn’t just the CNN poll I was responding to. It was the meme below taunting those not on the war bandwagon.
Perhaps that makes clear why you appear to have faith in CNN’s polls?
I am fully against the war – and the war ends when Russia gets out of Ukraine.
“the war ends when Russia gets out of Ukraine.”
Does it though?
The war could just as easily end if the USA and its stooges quit fomenting, funding and provoking it. The US has zero moral status here.
This is a hypothetical scenario given that the US is not going to abandon Ukraine. However, if were to do so, the Ukrainians would continue fighting regardless. Hence, there’d be no end to the war. Also, eastern European countries (Poland and the Baltics) would continue supporting Ukraine – and this could lead to an escalation into NATO countries. Moreover, the abandonment would equate to a failure to honour the Budapest Memorandum – and that would be the end of nuclear non-proliferation.
Who exactly do you think is funding Ukraine and providing it with weapons, intelligence, technology?
Russia is not going to abandon its sovereignty (nor should it) so war it is, I guess.
As an American, I don’t want to see one more red cent given to Ukraine.
With regard to who was funding the so-called “Nazis”, most of it came via Abramovich (see post below). Trump funded the Brzezinski playbook operation. And Congress (i.e. the US tax payer) is providing most of the post-invasion support. Most of the intelligence and technical support is coming from the US military.
All that is being demanded is for Russia to leave Ukraine.
As indicated by the poll, you’re in the minority.
“If everybody is thinking alike, then no one is thinking.” — Benjamin Franklin
Over the last decade there has been a massive psyop to split the US into fanatical camps with regard to Russia. While the Democrats have been conditioned into hating Russia, the MAGA camp has been conditioned into seeing Putin as a saviour of traditional values. Additionally, there is the Tankie camp who see Putin in terms of some sort of hybrid of Leninist and anti-US revival. None of these camps is doing much thinking.
Neo Cons
This is another neocon regime change offensive. I don’t know why they want to get rid of Putin, but they do. They also have other objectives. A new Khazaria perhaps ?
There is no coherent “Neocon” position on the war. For example, Bill Kristol pushes “Stand With Ukraine”. But Murdoch (via Carlson) pushes the MacGregor appeasement policy. And Nuland is a stooge feeding lines to justify the invasion (biolabs etc). It’s likely this was originally a strategy of fake “opposing” sides so as to control the debate. But the invasion has not gone as planned and I think a lot of the chaos genuine.
Putin is a controlled asset – one of Kissinger’s boys – and he’s fully compliant with implementing the Multipolar World Order.
That was a large part of the original plan (see below), but given that it’s not now going to happen, they’ve probably reverted to ideas about Greater Israel.
BTW: The Neocons are Israel Firsters rather than America Firsters (though some may pose as the latter); and the position of Israel seems to be somewhat ambivalent.
Benjamin Netanyahu on the War in Ukraine and Israel’s Relationship with Russia
New York Times Events
Dec 1, 2022
Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister-designate of Israel, sat down with Andrew Ross Sorkin of The New York Times to discuss what he described as the fine balance in foreign policy between “moral principles and expediency.” The wide-ranging interview covered Russia’s war in Ukraine, the Iran nuclear deal, and Netanyahu’s hopes for warmer relations with Saudi Arabia, along with his disapproval of Trump’s dinner with the rapper Kanye West. West has been criticized for antisemitic statements.
The war ends when the elites of both sides decide it is no longer useful as a tool to promote austerity, surveillance, censorship and the Great Reset.
In this “war,” whether organic or contrived, USA is the provocateur, the “bad guy” as it were. There would be no “war” if not for USA machinations. The USA represents Globalism, Russia represents national Sovereignty. Even if it it’s a script…
And the UK.
The UK is one of the Yank’s most faithful stooges (or is it the other way around)?
Should there be full out war/”war,” the UK will be one of the places hardest hit. At least, so says my gut.
You forgot money laundering.
For over a century, the US and Russia have both been proxy states for the international banking cartel. This cartel has been planning the Russian invasion of Ukraine for at least a decade. A major objective is to implement the Multipolar World Order – being a rebranding from “New”.
There has been a string of stooges (Nuland, the MSM, etc) playing their assigned roles. And there has been a partial alignment in the US – e.g. with the cut in energy production. However, elements within the US military put the kibosh on the plan by implementing the Brzezinski playbook as a counter. Kissinger & Co are now stuck with how to unwind it all – hence all the whining from the likes of Tucker Carlson (i.e. Rupert Murdoch).
BTW: Most of the funding came via Abramovich and was channeled through Kolomoisky.
Press conference on the situation in Ukraine
President Vladimir Putin of Russia takes questions from the Russian media on March 3, 2014, following Russian military action in Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula.
Released: March 4, 2014
For example, Mr Kolomoisky was appointed Governor of Dnepropetrovsk. This is a unique crook. He even managed to cheat our oligarch Roman Abramovich two or three years ago. Scammed him, as our intellectuals like to say. They signed some deal, Abramovich transferred several billion dollars, while this guy never delivered and pocketed the money. When I asked him [Abramovich]: “Why did you do it?” he said: “I never thought this was possible.” I do not know, by the way, if he ever got his money back and if the deal was closed. But this really did happen a couple of years ago. And now this crook is appointed Governor of Dnepropetrovsk. No wonder the people are dissatisfied. They were dissatisfied and will remain so if those who refer to themselves the legitimate authorities continue in the same fashion.
You appear to be making contradictory posts.
In contrast to the above you have posted the following below in response to Pilgrim –
‘For over a century, the US and Russia have both been proxy states for the international banking cartel. This cartel has been planning the Russian invasion of Ukraine for at least a decade.
That is the direct cause of the war and ever since the fall of communism the financial oligarchy have been desperate to get their hands on Russian oil and gas etc.
Until that is achieved and regime change complete the war ending in the Ukraine is extremely unlikely. It cannot conclude until the cause is resolved.
According to Douglas MacGregor the Ukrainians have suffered devastating losses. That type of attrition is unsustainable and cannot be met by putting AK47’s in the hands of untrained civilians.
The US is not going to set a single boot on the ground so the war will continue until the last Ukrainian. Russia as huge reserves and again according to MacGregor has only deployed some 20% of its ground force. Without forces on the ground there is only likely to be one winner. And it won’t be Zelensky.
The responsible thing to do at any point over the last 8 years would have been to have settled negotiation. That appeared possible in March 22 until Johnson stuck his oar in.
Wars don’t end with more war they end with peace.
MacGregor is a relentless spewer of total, utter, fucking crap.
Putin is owned by the banking cartel. They put him in power. And they instructed him to invade Ukraine – telling him that the fight was fixed and Zelensky would flee. That is why Russia went in half-arsed.
‘MacGregor is a relentless spewer of total, utter, fucking crap‘ may or may not be true as an argument its non existent.
You haven’t answered the contradiction in your posts regarding the historical context for this war i.e. the US have been prepping for war with Russia since at least 2014. As a result Russia won’t go back to accepting the shelling of Russian speakers in the Donbas which has been happening since 2014. So Russia leaving Ukraine just moves things back to Feb 23 last year.
You’ve made quite a few assertions but provided no links. Putin was largely supported by the jewish Russian mafia in his takeover of power in the early 2000’s. The financial oligarchy stretches the world so I’m not contesting that assertion but Putin did prevent further inroads into the country by the likes of the IMF etc.
As a result the IMF were unable to get into Ukraine until the Maidan and they came in with a huge loan and the war was started. No coincidence.
Hitler was also financed by the banking cartels in the early mid thirties until he went off the reservation printing debt free reichmarks breaking from the financial oligarchy and in that period also turned around the German economy. That was the main reason he then had to be destroyed.
There is more than a hint of similarity now between the situation in Germany in the late 30’s and Putin’s Russia today.
Statements A, B and C
That is YOUR statement, not mine! The closest of my statements is:
However, you link A rather than B to the following statement of mine:
There is no contradiction in my statements (B and C). So in order to get a possible contradiction, you choose to introduce one of your own (A).
That was taken from your reply of the discussion you were having with Pilgrim Shadow so IS you statement. If hasn’t been removed it will be up the thread. I’m not to bother searching if you can’t remember your own posts.
Try: Ctrl+F
And search for “prepping” or “2014”
That is YOUR statement, not mine!
Tried to post a link but took a screen shot in the meantime of your reply to PS.
Over the last six months I’ve provided lots of links. For example, the link to Putin’s statement that “several billion dollars” were supplied to Kolomoisky. There have been links by numerous people that Kolomoisky funded the Azov “Nazis” – and that these were responsible for the extended war in the Donbas. Hence, the implication that the “Nazification” and the shelling of Donbas was a false flag operation. Given that the western MSM pushed the “Nazification” narrative (links previously provided), the further implication is that western intelligence agencies are complicit in the false flag.
Here are some more links:
Revocation of Ukrainian citizenship and subsequent activities
On 28 July 2022, Zelenskyy appeared to confirm the authenticity of an 18 July presidential decree published online by the opposition MP Serhiy Vlasenko[151][152] that strips Ukrainian citizenship from Kolomoyskyi and nine others,[153] including both Hennadiy Korban, who had been deputy governor of Dnipropetrovsk under Kolomoyskyi (and since 24 February 2022, head of the Dnipro Territorial Defence),[154] and Vadim Rabinovich.[153] Although dual citizenship is prohibited in Ukrainian law, all three held Israeli passports.[155] Kolomoyskyi who additionally holds a Cypriot passport, has reportedly quipped that while Ukrainian law prohibits dual citizenship, it says nothing about triple citizenship.[134]
He has Russian, Israeli and Portuguese citizenship.[3][4] He was formerly Governor of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug from 2000 to 2008. According to Forbes, Abramovich’s net worth was US$14.5 billion in 2021,[5] making him the second-richest person in Israel, the eleventh-richest in Russia and the richest person in Portugal.[6][7]
Israel’s former Soviet immigrants transform adopted country
Russian-speaking Jews who arrived over the past 20 years have integrated little, but influenced everything from culture to politics
Harriet Sherwood in Jerusalem
Aug 17, 2011
The million-plus citizens of the former Soviet Union who migrated to Israel in the past 20 years have not only made new lives of their own but they have transformed their adopted country. They have influenced the culture, hi-tech industry, language, education and, perhaps most significantly, Israeli politics.
Galili pointed to “some sense of alienation between Russian immigrants and native-born Israelis. There is not much social interaction. There are still places for ‘Russians’ that ‘Israelis’ don’t go and aren’t wanted – and vice versa.” But, she added, there would be no going back. “For many years the joke was that Israel had become the 51st state of the US. Instead we have become just another Soviet republic. It’s quite a twist in the story.”
Are people seeing the connection yet?
CNN has no choice but to support the Deep State narrative.
Did they do a survey of 100 Beltway Cowboys?
Please summarise the narrative you’re referring to.
peruse any of the mainstream media outlets for a few days, and what you’re being told to believe is ‘the narrative’
Obviously, the commentators don’t live in the former Ukraine. Europeans seem to enjoy the art of blowing up cities, rebuilding cities, then blowing them up again so they can rebuild them, and blow them up again…
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-12-23. Arrested for praying, in head. England. 2022. Voters who still believe in democracy. Cattle-tag the proles (blog, gab, tweet).
Re: 18, What is Zizek doing in that picture? I thought he was Santa Claus?
no 4, is that for real? they’ve even got the green screen..ffs
Seekers of truth, participating in a ritual, which is based on lies.
So true! We need to be reminded of that from time to time. Thanks …
Merry Christmas Seamus, and everyone else too, I hope you are all having a lovely peaceful day 🎄.
No one ever mentions the Home Alone, “WOW! A huge cheese pizza just for me!”
Bit of a giveaway, albeit 25 years later.