Yet another Covid “variant”: Omicron XBB & the self-driving narrative
Kit Knightly

There’s yet another Covid variant in the headlines – it’s Omicron XBB 1.5 if you want to know. It honestly doesn’t really matter at this point – but it does provide an interesting lesson in the nature of propaganda narrative construction and how, past a certain point, they take on a life of their own.
These days, self-driving cars are in the news a lot. Give it a few years, and driving your own car will be seen as “selfish”, “dangerous” and “old-fashioned”.
But Covid has become a self-driving narrative.
It is a self-perpetuating machine, not out of the control of its creators, but currently set to auto-pilot. We’ve reached the propaganda singularity – that point at which too many people have too much riding on the supposed “reality” of Covid to ever let it die.
If the originators of the Pandemic lie were to speak out – to admit the planning of the scam, explain how it was done and claim Covid never existed – they would be ignored or shouted down. And all the fake “science” they paid to create would be used as “evidence” they were wrong.
This is not accidental. It is the ultimate aim of propaganda. The media is an industrial machine designed to turn a collection of lies into a story, a story into a belief, and finally – most importantly – a belief into an unquestioned part of the collective reality.
This is not a new process but it usually takes years and years, Climate Change being the obvious recent example. Covid has shown us the process massively accelerated, like a time-lapse of a seed becoming a flower.
The major part of this is engaging people’s profit motive. Money mostly, as always and forever, but aspects of ego and “virtue” and purpose play into it as well – all of that can be balled into a group we can roughly term “self-interest”.
Right now there are dozens – maybe hundreds – of universities and research labs around the world being paid millions of dollars in grants and subsidies to research “Covid” in one way or another.
New variants, new methods of testing, assessing the effectiveness of PPE, pandemic preparedness and prevention, updating testing assays, modifying vaccines…the list goes on and on.
You name some small area of the “pandemic” narrative, and I can guarantee that some guy in a lab coat is out there being paid to write papers about it.
An army of people – people who likely never had any role in creating the fake narrative, and may well believe it’s entirely real – are now in the position where their very livelihood depends on Covid existing. They will NEVER allow themselves to be convinced otherwise.
Everyone knows the Upton Sinclair quote “It’s difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on not understanding it.” That certainly applies here.
But just as true, and just as relevant is this: It is very easy to find something when your salary depends on finding it. So the variants will keep on coming.
Covid has become a cottage industry. Sucking in money on one end, spitting out variants on the other.
And while, for the present, that is a quiet process running in the background, at any moment one of these “variants” can be plucked from relative obscurity and used to restart lockdowns and mask mandates and the whole pandemic spiel.
A little fear porn farm, with a ripening crop to be harvested as needed.
That’s the little lesson here – the ultimate propaganda victory is not to make everyone believe a lie is the truth, it is to make some people need it to be.
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Another War Criminal Who Got High On His Own Supply
There appears to be consorship here when my polite and reasonable posts disappear or remain indefinitely pending. No offence to Penelope, but her two dozen posts in the comments below get through while my second and third are not showing after many hours, and nearly two days now in one case. I can only assume I must have touched a raw nerve with Admin 2 — the unmentionable subject perhaps being outside the window of discourse here at Off-Guardian or my reply perhaps too challenging. Let’s see if this passes scrutiny.
Apologies Molybdenum, your posts are getting flipped into spam for some reason. I’ve rescued it and it’s back now. Thanks for flagging it up! A2
Sam– admin2 The displacement link you asked for.
Far down these comments someone has posted a link disputing the existence of all viruses. The link is here
It is CLASSIC, to the exact words, of what I just debunked at Jan 5, 2023 below.
She even says somewhere between 1:15:30 and 1:20 that 2 institutions responded to her request for purified samples of one virus, “Your request is outside the scope of what’s possible in virology.”
She then insists that they COULD do it, but choose not to because then the virus hoax wouldn’t be available to cover other harms, etc.
[If she knows how they can “isolate or purify” any virus she should really teach the virologists]
Elsewhere she says they haven’t isolated Measles either. [Another proof that isolation doesn’t matter, since they’ve made a successful vaccine against it.]
And, of course like everyone else she strawmans & cartoons the process by which viruses are sequenced without supplying a link so we can examine it ourselves.
A good teaching tool for Errors in Logic 101.
oops that’s not the link; here it is
You can always use the stale fail-safe – argumentum ad hominem.
Virology is NOT settled science, but purely based on circular assumptions and misinterpretations!
When governments, institutions, labs is asked to show the evidence of the illness particle(C19), they have NOT been able to provide the proof of the existence. Why is that important? By one very simple reason: Based on the fact, that both sides recognizes the basement of the question. Let’s make it very clear – No one has shown and provided the transmission claims of any airborn alleged “virus”, from man to man nor from nature to man, showing the “transmission” which should lead to illness. The remarkable about this issue, is based on the non science working methods by virologists: They do not provide real experiments, which can show and prove their claims. This is a huge problem!
Another real medical problem is the method used, to claim if a person is “infected” with the “virus” or not. The PCR is not a test tool, which can tell anyone if they have the flu or not and has never fulfilled the Gold Standard, which means that the exactly same tool and method is used everywhere globally. This is not the case with the PCR! The misuse of PCR is done by purpose, to inflate the “viral transmission” narrative, making fear out of nothing.
When claims, as if they are established knowledge, is “confirmed” to be the basement of “knowledge”, it has the strange ability to transform the human mindset to think it’s the truth. It’s self deception and in the public mindset it suddenly is the truth and the only truth. Don’t question the narrative!
Regarding the measle existence and other abnormal skin diseases, the illnesses is very well described as the human body excretion, caused by toxic substances in the body and it is interpreted as many diseases in the medical establishment. Snot, fever, feeling ill etc. is our body trying to get rid of toxins in our body.
Measles and Stefan Lanka
In a court of law the “virus induced” measle assumption, was debunked by Mr. Lanka in Germany:
Here is some information, to make your own interpretations and decisions based on other views, than the narrative:
The year 2017 the Jesuit liar Anthony Fauci “predicted” a sudden outbreak/”pandemic”, 2 years before the “covid19” hoax. The same year 2017, there was a massive distribution of “covid19” PCR “test kits” all around the world:
Do You think it was a coincidence or might it be caused by individuals in the top hierarchy, that caused the evil and insane thing happen?
There is NO “C19” or other “strains”. It’s a childlish, but dangerous computer manufactured lie!!!
Many of us were spot on about the fantasy hoax and here is the real proof :
1. Stefan Lanka
The experiment made by Stefan Lanka was debunked in a laboratory, using the same course of action as the virologists about the alleged illusion illness, without using the critical use of chemicals as the virology profession. Here explained by Mr. Lanka himself: “My Discussion with Stefan Lanka about Virology”
2. Virus Mania
Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr. Klaus Köhnlein MD, Dr. Samantha Bailey MD, Dr. Stefano Scoglio Bsc PhD “Virus Mania” –
3. Dr. Mark Bailey
“Mark Bailey, MB ChB PGDipMSM MHealSc is a microbiology, medical industry and health researcher who worked in medical practice, including clinical trials, for two decades.” – “A Farewell To Virology (Expert Edition)” :
There is no illusion illness as the virology sci-fi community tries to tell you and ask yourself how Anthony Fauci could “predict” a “surprise outbreak” in 2017 a couple of years before it happened…
I’m trying to encourage the viral debate away from Covid as Covid itself is an outlier, even in orthodox virology, due to unprecedented testing of healthy populations with unreliable, undiagnostic PCR tests. So if it’s ok, can we address the two issues separately rather than lump them together?
I think the viral debate is interesting but I have yet to see a convincing, detailed counter hypothesis for the mechanism of observable contagion. I’m always interested in new sources so if you have any please link away, perhaps on a future relevant article. Thanks! A2
Mr. Liberty, I share the passion which has inspired your name. Equally, I agree w your denunciation of the PCR test and the preplanned epidemic hoax which it fuels.
–Are you able to state, simply, one of the “circular assumptions” of virology?
You see, to me it seems circular to insist that ONLY the ability to isolate or purify a virus is considered evidence by the virology-skeptics. By insisting that ONLY this one category of evidence is relevant they guarantee their conclusion that viruses don’t exist, given that the state of our technology is such that we aren’t able to do that.
The extent of isolation insisted upon by virology-skeptics includes the absence of the culture in which the viruses are grown and determinedly ignores that viruses replicate WITHIN cells. It further insists that any other co-existents be absent from a “pure” sample. This, of course, would require that the sample taken from the sick person be pure– another impossibility.
–I don’t know why you and others are so passionate in your denial of contagion. It is so universally seen and experienced. When I was a child it was known that boys could become sterile if they got mumps after puberty because the glandular swelling could settle in the testes. Accordingly, when boys were about ten if they hadn’t yet had mumps Moms looked for another boy who had the disease & sent their son over to sleep in the same room, which generally produced contagion
–Measles wasn’t merely a skin disease; I know cuz I had it myself. The measles vaccine has for the most part stopped this disease that was nearly universal in childhood.
Your assertion that measles (and presumably most other diseases) are just “the body cleansing itself” doesn’t specify WHAT it’s cleansing itself of; I would say of the measles virus. The people you find persuasive generally say that the body is cleansing itself of a toxin. However, they don’t supply any sample of the toxin– far less an isolated or “pure” one.
I’m sorry that I cannot supply you the proof you ask for regarding viruses. The field is quite technical, I don’t have an electron microscope, nor am I a virologist.
The “Flat Earth” hoax was foisted upon people who knew nothing about cosmology simply by challenging them w seeming non sequiturs in the field. They, being unable to answer them, became too excited to consider whether the new Flat hypothesis better explained reality.
I ask you to consider this principle which I believe is true: Criticisms of a hypothesis (or field like virology) do NOT imbue a new or challenging hypothesis with rigor or validity. Only its ability to explain reality can do that.
Thank you for such a lengthy reply; we must agree to disagree.
Oh, sorry, Mr. Liberty– I meant to address this point that your made:
In a court of law the “virus induced” measle assumption, was debunked by Mr. Lanka in Germany:
It’s my understanding that Mr. Lanka had a bet that no one cd prove viral measles &when someone claimed to have done so & actually took him to court to make him pay off, the judge said that the person offering the bet (Mr. Lanka) was the one who should decide whether his opponent had satisfied it or not.
ie, it is NOT the case that a judge verified in any way Mr. Lanka’s position.
I haven’t seen this mentioned here yet:
Notice that this product is designed to target the ovaries. But I’m sure it’s been thoroughly tested and there will be no unintended consequences.
It looks like it’s been through enough bioethics focus groups to determine that the term “vaccine to target Paenibacillus larvae” is more acceptable to the general public than “genetically modified honeybees.”
You might find this related:
Admin, my reply o May Hem at Jan 6, 2023 2:46 PM
is Pending.
I typed “DARPA mNRA” into the youtube search box and it returned the DARPAtv video below. They weren’t hiding it!
Dr. Peter McCullough: Covid “vaccines” are a US military program
Dec 10, 2022
In 2012, DARPA, the research division of the US military, began investing in gene-encoded vaccines to stop a pandemic within 60 days. “The military came up with the idea of messenger RNA vaccines, not Pfizer or Moderna – not operation warp speed,” explained Dr. McCullough. “This is a military program.”
“Emergency use authorisation is a mechanism to get rapid new technology into the military. It’s not a mechanism for the public. Its first application broadly to the public was with the Covid-19 pandemic. That’s the reason why the FDA seems like it doesn’t have any ownership over this, they can’t seem to respond to it – because it’s a military program. This has a military origin to it.”
This is the official YouTube channel of the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Joined: Jan 15, 2009
Dan Wattendorf: Outpacing Infectious Disease (DARPA “Wait, What?”)
Sep 10, 2015
Col. Dan Wattendorf, MC, USAF, a program manager in DARPA’s Biological Technologies Office, explains how DARPA aims to nip infectious-disease outbreaks in the bud with rapid diagnostics, accelerated vaccine development and distribution, and an immediately effective “immune shield” around early responders and healthcare workers. He spoke at DARPA’s “Wait, What? A Future Technology Forum” on Sept. 9, 2015.
Governments of the world –
“We won’t test Chinese”
People of the world –
“This is outrageous”
Governments of the world –
“The people have spoken. Testing for everyone”
That, folks, is what’s called a slam -dunk.
Another nonsense ‘variant’. Another deception.
Can you see in 2023?
Koch’s Postulates are sometimes misapplied to impeach the existence of viruses:
1. The pathogen must be present in the diseased animal and not in healthy animals.
2. The microorganism must be extracted from the diseased animal and cultured.
3. The microorganism must cause disease when introduced to a healthy experimental
4. The microorganism extracted from the diseased experimental animal must be the same.
Koch’s Postulates were valuable in their time, but I’m sure that most people today can immediately see that 1 & 3 are untrue under several circumstances. One of them– the healthy animal may not have sufficient of the pathogen to cause ilness, or may possess sufficient immunologic resistance.
Postulate 2 requires culturing the microorganism. Not all bacteria can be cultured. Viruses cannot be cultured except within cells. Koch’s Postulates were never meant for viruses, bacteriophages, or prions– all of which are contagious.
Postulate 4 requires that the microorganism causes the same disease in the experimental animal.
Group A streptococcus infection is considered to be the underlying cause of rheumatic fever. The infection is long gone prior to the appearance of the valvular and endocardial lesions of rheumatic fever. The same pathogen may manifest in many other ways in other body parts instead.
Another instance where reality doesn’t cooperate w ANY of Koch’s Postulates is that a particular disease may require infection by TWO simultaneous viruses– which of course could originate from two different animals, neither of which is ill. Somebody won the Nobel Prize for this one; I’ve forgotten who; I’m out of steam.
Another instance not predicted by Koch: One virus in the population can displace another; one variant of flu frequently displaces another; and yes, it is possible that if covid exists it displaced the flu.
—The overall principle is that our inability to manipulate phenomena in a particular way doesn’t determine whether it exists or not. Nor is it permissible to reject evidence merely because it isn’t equivalent to an imagined but unattainable standard.
Dangerous pathogens are commonly present in healthy people (US Human Microbiome Project, c. 2016). Saying there are too few of the pathogens or that the people have immunity is neither here nor there.
mgeo– Absolutely true. Both are true, and Koch is outdated.
Hello Penelope: Whoa there!!! Any time someone attempts to point out the existence of actual pathogens, they’ll be tarred and feathered with down votes and denounced with mean comments… Ask me how I know…
Koch’s Postulates were submitted in 1884. Persons who quote them as divine truth are ill informed or clueless. Life is pathogenic, period.
I have issues with the indiscriminate application of technology… However: Modern cellular and biological studies have pretty much confirmed that Koch’s Postulates were niave at best…
Shame you keep conflating a debate about covid with virology itself.
Actually a debate about virology should exclude an outlier like ‘covid’, since the means of collecting data for this alleged disease has been unprecedented and extremely questionable.
I think it’s really important not to keep shoehorning Covid into the virology discussion for this reason so, as mod here, may i ask you to stop doing that? Thanks. A2
For the love of virology in the time of Covid, perhaps, Penelope?
Sam, Will do. However, it’s not I who keeps conflating virology w that specific one which I agree may not exist. Again & again those who deny its existence give as a reason that NO virus exists.
Further, one of the reasons given for nonexistence of THAT one is that the flu disappeared at the time of ITS alleged appearance. I am merely pointing out a truth: that respiratory viruses are known to replace each other.
Nevertheless I’ll try to respect your sensibility on the subject.
Viral respiratory infections, often seasonal, especially in temperate zones, are said to be caused by a diverse array of different viruses, often generically referred to as ‘flu’. Therefore while your point may be valid for, say, a new strain of Influenza B replacing an old one, or one particular virus taking over as the most dominant depending on the time of year, I don’t know whether it’s possible Covid could have seamlessly replaced a whole array of different pathogens over the course of two years. That just doesn’t feel right to me.
If you can find any interesting links to flesh this out it might be an interesting discussion to have, but as I say, I think it’s better to have it separately from the Virus debate. And yes, I often ask ‘virus deniers’ (if I may borrow some ugly propaganda language for a second, strictly ironically of course!) not to conflate these two issues either.
Thanks for heeding my request on that btw. Thanks indeed. A2
Koch’s postulates – referenced by some virologists to this day – have never been successfully applied, and neither have their many and periodic replacements. An exposé:
Koch’s Postulates: Germ School Dropout's-postulates-germ-school-dropout:a
El Zafio, thanks for posting that. It was interesting, but it’s made me a proponent of Sam’s idea that the validity of viral theory ought to be discussed apart from the existence/exaggeration or whatever of covid.
You see, I found it difficult to understand her point because she kept mixing covid into questioning the validity of Koch’s Postulates. I gather that she thinks Koch’s Postulates are being kept alive in order to support covid existence! I wd think every proponent of Koch on this site wd disagree.
At any rate she had some detailed knowledge I was unaware of, so it was worth listening twice to.
I buy old second hand Granta’s and in one issue from 1994-a scientist Helen Epstein went to Uganda, to look at blood samples to try and establish if -based on antibodies -one variant was more prevalent and if so USAID would potentially fund a vaccine-they didn’t.The Africans she met were very informed about the virus and how quickly it mutates and were sceptical a vaccine could be developed.Her boss -who was heading Another grant fuelled project -seemed like she lost interest in her work.Epstein stayed on.One evening at a party with those in the medical community she worked with in Kampala ,she was told there are two types of AIDS-Slim AIDS-the infected, who waste away -and Fat AIDS-“ that afflicts doctors and bureaucrats who get enormous research grants and fly around the world to exotic places getting fatter and fatter and fatter.”
If one is to continue believing in germ theory then the new invisible variant will always be on the horizon. The top of the pyramid have been pulling this recycled shit for quite some time.
If you believe that invisible germs float on the wind and the air you breath can kill, you’re done like a kipper.
It’s not to say one can’t be sick from poisons. Skull a few alcoholic drinks this evening and see how you feel tomorrow. Try the same experiment by eating processed food, day in, day out.
Living is fatal.
To my mind, the state has systematically collected the ‘massive entourage’ somebody mentioned below – and over a long period. It didn’t just happen.
Suitably dull-witted, robotically-obedient candidates were carefully screened for high office by the few, and they are all thoroughly entrenched by now. (If you think that’s ‘conspiracy theory’, all you have to do is just look at them.)
A nightmare indeed, and one might expect to wake up from it in the near future, but I still worry that quite intelligent people simply cannot believe that the shocking, immoral and decrepit state of our current world governments was actually engineered . . .
Realizing what that actually means is probably more than a question of intelligence. It requires a mind capable of extricating itself from what Buddha called “attachment” to the world of the senses, – at least temporarily – so that it can become familiar with some rather shattering cosmic and apocalyptic concepts, including the existence of fundamental evil.
Mankind is very reluctant to go there today, but that’s going to have to change if any serious rectifying of this appalling situation is going to happen . . .
Wardropper, we need to insert into the public recourse the need for a Revolutionary Dollar independent of the Fed. After this becomes widely discussed the way will be opened for a State or County or other entity to form another currency.
You’re right that it’s difficult for people to fully realize what’s happening; it’s difficult to believe in actual premeditated evil.
The fund-a-mental evil is related what people fund… When they fund avarice, they support those who are avaricious. When they fund the criminally insane, they receive governance by the criminally insane. When they fund dull-witted candidates, they get persons like George W Bush as presidents… When they fund apocalyptic prophesy, erm…
Great article- we’re screwed then. We can’t win then- the only hope is TPTB crash and burn.
AIDS=HIV was the template for COVID. Fake a “virus” and then use “treatment” to cause symptoms/death. All for depopulation. 40 years later, even most people who think COVID is a hoax still believe AIDS=HIV was real.
Here’s a link which suggests many of the prominent people in the Health Freedom movement are controlled opposition. Some of these guys claim they treated thousands of COVID patients with HCQ+Ivermectin. What if that was all fake too and they were paid to do so to promote the idea there really was a “novel” virus in 2020?
We’ll be okay, but our cooperation will be required.
The task ahead is huge.
CK– They are NOT controlled opposition. They actually DISAGREE with you; your assertion that the virus doesn’t exist is by no means a certainty.
The CDC invented something in 2020, their own fucking data says so.
Nothing in life is a certainty, except for further Convid variants. But the burden of proof is on those who claim that a virus, or Santa Claus, exists. Until the burden is met, which it hasn’t been, everyone should feel free to ignore the “virus.”
quite; Its called fitting the facts to alternate conclusions. The crime was planned with contingency conclusions in place, and used later to great applaud in the divisive ‘IVM works but there is NO virus’ meme, crucially IVM causes a significant reduction in sperm counts & sperm motility.
RE: Health Impact News article.
Good piece and I would say balanced as well as it gives credit to the big names where credit is due while still critical of their positions.
I think a revealing feature of the big names in health freedom movement is their suppression and censorship of scientists like Denis Rancourt, who’s research clearly demonstrates that there is no evidence of a new pathogen that arrived in 2020. Covid is a disease of attribution.
Keeping it real, or personal or something.
One Dutch friend in Japan told me his father died from the illness in Holland. Another friend told me her ex-husband, a very old good friend of mine – and a fervent covid skeptic to boot, died from the illness. Then a few friends in one small family all got what they said was the illness, their boy had a fever and horrible sore throat for 10 days. A number of other friends and acquaintances told me they had and recovered from it.
Then we heard from my wife’s sister that a friend of hers died after getting the jab.
My closest brush was just this month. My wife and I flew from Tokyo to Sapporo to help care for her aging parents. They were fine but soon after we arrived her 93 year old dad got a really bad headache and fever. MD diagnosed covid. Then her mother got a fever and couldn’t get out of bed. PCR tests were positive. Thanks, I think, to the prescribed new Merck drug, “rageburio” they recovered very quickly and are fine. But then my wife and I (both unjabbed) came down with something, my wife a fever, bad cough and bad headache and I with an annoying cough. We both did a home test (not sure type, Q-tip up nose thingy) and my wife’s test was positive and mine negative. Now, as to the tests’ reliability, both old people and my wife, 64, tested positive and I, 71, not that badly off, tested negative. The sickest among us got a positive test. Worthless? Today I am perfectly well and my wife is better but not 100 percent.
I think it’s really important to note that you took the tests. You wouldn’t have thought to do this without the Covid fear narrative. In previous years you would have declared you had a case of winter flu, and moved on. This, in essence, is what has perpetuated the whole pandemic fear narrative, many argue. A swab with a blue line on is the only real difference. The fact the test doesn’t appear to test for anything unique to a single coronavirus, and it’s been demonstrated again and again that the tests are hugely prone to false positives, and the likelihood of this is determined by the cycle threshold the tests are run at which tends to vary dramatically in line with the number of ‘cases’ being detected, and the fact you all appear to have gotten over the infection as you’d expect were it a normal winter respiratory infection, is all rendered secondary to the test result. It allows our imaginations to turn against us, we see faces in the wallpaper. The pandemic hex has been laid on us. We bear the mark.
But what, objectively, has actually changed from times past?
We can’t know for sure, because the quality of the data is so poor, but objectively it could appear like situation normal. I just think that’s really important to bear in mind. A2
I had a very bad sore throat, nothing like flu, I’ve had flu or whatever lots of times. I didn’t even feel ill or low, just determined. I am unvaxxed and don’t give a stuff about tests. My wife (unvaxxed) had been ill for a week but never tested. I did the RAT test out of interest and was positive but I had already come down with it.
Just that we understand a sore throat to be nothing much is a pointer to it being different. Psychosomatic effects are a powerful thing like you say but I still had a bad sore throat.
My wife believes the narrative and calls me a Conspiracy Theorist, but she never got the injections… as I try not to remind her. The time I did she said I wouldn’t let her, which I found rather endearing, she doesn’t listen to anything else I say 🙂
Seriously, I have always found the sore throat that goes with ‘flu to be “bad” . . .
‘Flu with a sore throat is usually a horrible abomination.
So here’s my little anecdote:
My wife was diagnosed with ‘covid’ last year, because she damn well went and got ‘tested’, despite my protests.
Her sore throat was audibly the same as she has experienced before with ‘flu, except that, for her, ‘knowing’ she had ‘covid’ completely wrecked her normal ability to compare one thing with another.
I got similar ‘flu symptoms at the same time, so she was utterly convinced that I had ‘covid’ too.
Informed and unjabbed as I am, I knew better.
At all events, we recovered as one does from ‘flu, even though we are both 76.
Fortunately, there were no serious underlying conditions to complicate matters.
It’s almost as if one “tests” positive for Covid, it’s a badge of honour !!
And, usually, the next question is : “where did you get it ?”.
I see folk masked up and I want to grab them and scream into their faces : “what did you do 3 years ago ?”
Brain-washed BS
If one is really new to this stuff and I understand some are still coming out of their slumber. This will dumb it down for you. Follow to the the link below of Andrew Kaufman, from 15.00-20.00 will give you an idea of the shell games they play.
This will narrow the adult discussion down to only 5 mins, you can then get back to your Netflix.'s_Guest_Appearance_on_Stra%CC%88van_efter_Sanningen_with_Niclas_Holmsten:8
The quality of data, analysis and critique is poor as the alternatives have been crushed. Conversely, the scope for plunder and tyranny is great.
Asymptomatic and bogus tests. That was your pandemic.
How many times over the years has there been a winter where people got “that thing going around”? “Oh, Sally’s brother got that, he was laid up for a week.” Millions of others got it too — what didn’t they do? Go to a doctor. Because they got “that thing going around.”
Great post!
It’s known long ago the PCR are fakes, why are people still having them. But tell me this –
My younger brother was considered ”vulnerable” because he was disabled, he had his 4th jab on Monday apparently, had a massive stroke on Tuesday and died on Christmas day age 66. These massive strokes in people his age are now epidemic. One might consider that case an anomaly but my younger hypochondriac sister claims to have contracted non hodgkins lymphona after her jabs. These two events among 2 of 4 siblings cannot be a coincidence.
Same happened to me. Only my brother was only 33 and it happen 18 minutes after he took the jab on 9/11.
The PCR tests are not fake. They are useless.
this is the chat re the involvement of dept defence, most world govts and the banks in the whole game to reorganise the money tree. Other one I posted wasn’t where it was
It’s so off-putting to hear a loud screeching sound when you press “Play”.
I couldn’t find a volume control on their player, so I gave up.
I know, I could have adjusted my main computer volume, and it might have been a very informative interview, but my system is set up for my work, and nobody should be producing podcasts using media without a volume control.
Perhaps I’ll try again later on my mobile phone – when my ears stop ringing . . .
Went and played again. There is an ad imbedded that is about cats and dogs and I presume the screech was the cat. Smile
Is there really no volume control though?
I’m not a regular podcast user.
hope I have copied it right….this is chat outlining all the players…the whole game semi directed by US govt but most others involved and it can only all lead back to the bankers wanting to reorganise the world financial scene.
All studies based on the PCR kit and/or the LF kit is a pure pile of SHITE…
3 years into this fraud and scam and 99,9999% still fall for it!
The diagram should have an exit for those fatally injured by the clot shots. Depopulation was the primary objective of this psyop.
And as I have tried to point out elsewhere (but I know you won’t listen) if that is the objective then it has failed miserably. The global human population continues to climb.
Slightly OT:
Reading between the lines, my guess would be that neither William, nor Harry, believe their mother’s death was an accident:
Mysteriously absent from many ‘full transcripts’ of the original 1997 Panorama BBC Diana interview, such as this one, but she did say it (watch the original if you still can):
“I think the British people need someone in public life… to give them light in their dark tunnels”
I wonder whose wayward imagination was fueled by such a comment 🤔
OK, it was on page 2 Missed the ‘next’ button.
Its time the drink thing was layed at the door of the public influencing the Tabloid press. You out there can’t keep blaming the Press. Newspapers raise lower their type casting domestic feminist levels by US interests.
Ugh, well not her. I never liked her.
She was bumped off for cohabiting with a member of an unapproved caste.
Quite possibly. I recall that one of the main UK tabloids had a full page spread on her liaisons, in the week prior to the ‘accident’.
Now here is The Story of Our Age:
Kids taking on Evil Corporations and Corrupt Governments.
It runs through all that 60s nostalgia, much of Stephen King and Steven Spielberg, Stranger Things, all the way down to brave Little Greta. Here’s a sample:
“The young people taking their countries to court over climate inaction
Children and young adults around the world are demanding action from governments on global heating and the ecological crisis
Sofia Oliveira is one of six young Portuguese people who have filed a lawsuit against 33 countries with the European court of human rights, demanding that governments do more to ……..” etc etc etc
Well grab yer popcorn yet again. Here’s the most exciting episode yet in The Great Reset franchise!
“Why 2023 will be a watershed year for climate litigation”
(That troublesome party pooping critical voice perks up right away: “2023 will be …? They already know how it will pan out in advance?” Shh! You’re spoiling the show!)
And we read about “hearings and judgments across the world poised to throw light on the worst perpetrators”
Worst perpetrators of what? Ooh that nasty climate thingy! You see, our prole media want to “give victims a voice and force recalcitrant governments and companies into action”. Ah governments and companies! Bastards! These nasty entities have caused “climate lawsuits” to be “thrown out of court or bogged down in procedural arguments. This year will, however, finally see a case go to trial when a group of children and young people between the ages of five and 21 square off against the state of Montana.”
(Umm …. that critical voice is getting uppity again. “Children and young people aged 5 to 21 are taking on these big guys?” Oh shut up!)
“Over two weeks in June, they will argue that the US state is failing to protect their constitutional rights, including the right to a healthy and clean environment, by supporting an energy system driven by fossil fuels. They will also say climate breakdown is degrading vital resources such as rivers, lakes, fish and wildlife which are held in trust for the public.”
Well fancy that! These little kids just happen to be saying exactly what the media have been saying all along!
“Never before has a climate change trial of this magnitude happened,” says one Andrea Rodgers, senior litigation attorney with Our Children’s Trust. How nice of her to “lend a hand” She notes, “The court will be deciding the constitutionality of an energy policy that promotes fossil fuels, as well as a state law that allows agencies to ignore the impacts of climate change in their decision-making.” Even more to the point:
She said the trial would be watched around the world and “is set to influence the trajectory of climate change litigation going forward”.
(Why does the expression “show trial” spring to mind?)
“Other cases against US states could also be given permission to go to trial.”
Shh! Spoiler alert!
Now the charge is fully on:
“Seven young people, fronted by now-15-year-old Sophia Mathur, made history last autumn when they challenged the Ontario government’s….. in Mexico, young people have led several important court cases … In South Africa… Meanwhile, the Australian … In New Zealand …. On the other side of the world, the European court of human rights … a group of older Swiss women ….”
These Swiss women “will be supported by two prominent British lawyers ….” It makes you weep with joy how the whole world of rad rebels are joining in! (Though it may have been inadvisable to refer to these Swiss women as “older”. Bit of a risky change of image there!)
Oh hang on – “Kelly Matheson, deputy director of global climate litigation at Our Children’s Trust …..” Them again? (Did I hear a plot creak there?)
Of course there’s more. There always is. But you get the gist. Kids – and a few oldies – get to save the planet. And defeat The Bad Guys! ….. (with the help of the media, the courts, the entire academic establishment and indeed the entire establishment …. all of which is owned by …. The Bad Guys!)
Oh stop that critical voice from talking! Stick your face in you popcorn and drink in the cutting-edge visuals!
And all this hoo-ha will probably be the main distraction while the digital prison closes its teeth and the exploitation of children (those without a media voice) continues.
Besides, Greta (ie Greg) is getting too old to be the cute kid from next door. We need new, young, earnest faces to get the globo’s messages across.
Universal investing get ready for a Two year old Prime Minister. “Kids” is out George. No they are not extraterrestrial they are Next Generation NSDAP blighters.
And this would be the critical point in history. When people knowing better will sell their souls and sellout future generations to the machine? I suppose that is what it is. The only consolation being is that there was truth once. It was there.
Perhaps the best thing to do is try to ignore all of the crap that’s being pushed? There’s a lovely quote from anarchist Larken Rose: ‘First you fight them, then you laugh at them, then you ignore them… then they’re gone.’
Not quite that easy. They are bringing back “testing” for those travelling internationally. Terrible implications.
We are at the point now where beliefs have been cemented into our collective psyches. If you believe covid to be a hoax, nothing short of smoking gun, ironclad evidence will convince you otherwise. If, other the other hand, you’re a covidian, you will never be convinced of the fraud. Nobody, on other side, will ever willingly admit they’ve been had. Even when people are dropping over dead in numbers to great to ignore or explain away, they will do exactly that … explain it away … giving it creative names like Adult Sudden Death Syndrome or Holiday Heart Syndrome … and true believers will continue to believe. They must … their perception of what is real demands it of them.
I doubt there are sides anymore since Health relentlessly pursued private life insurance. Your paying to be alive in a controlled political environmental essence while investing in the decline of an overseeing worth of another private grouped raised continum, this no longer resembles an origin of an ideal birth of Innovation principles.
The most common excuse has been pre-existing illness. Then comes any other illness, however farfetched, E.g., stroke and heart attack in healthy young children and very fit sports people.
I just knew that Klaus Schwab’s arse would become self-aware sometime this year . . .
RIP OFF incoming but don’t despair, here’s a few pennies to give them…
Households heading for £500 energy bill boost
Story by Matt Oliver, Chris Price, Hannah Boland, Gareth Corfield • Yesterday 18:12
Paid for by a rise in rent how generous of them. They must have settled over their ‘Smart’ phones while having lunch in the Bermuda Triangle Hotel.
isn’t that odd with the two dots there.
well, if you can do basic maths, and you treat those dots as the number 1
everything will become clear…..
or treat “the 2 dots” as the number 2, whichever.
2. One percentage is amongst the necessity ceiling of investors. Following 1970 economically. A Life of Living Free.
The New York Times is the same thing. It must be the most open secret in “journalism”: Dean Baquet has NOTHING to do w the running of the newspaper.
Edward Dowd puts it down to the sunk-cost fallacy.
Politicians have much to lose if the narrative were to be discredited.
Never understood how alternative information would mean more fear.

Concentrate your energy else where.
Happy new year.
Dying little plants is a rather gruesome metaphor.
With a good message.
RE: That’s the little lesson here – the ultimate propaganda victory is not to make everyone believe a lie is the truth, it is to make some people need it to be.
That’s worthy of Upton Sinclair himself. Well done Kit!
Excellent observations Kit. When I see articles like Michael Bryant’s & your own getting traction, it’s just a matter of time before the narrative ‘current’ turns towards the Truth.
We don’t need a majority initially, just a critical mass of informed commentary that will render programs like SWS less & less effective at manipulating outcomes.
Variants are named consecutively. Pick a variant, e.g. from :
For example, B.1.177.86, B.1.1.529, BA.5.1.21, BF.7.13.2, AY.25.1.2, AY.46.6.1 or P.1.7.1
Or, pick a so-called de-escalated variant:
Alpha (B1.1.7), Lambda (B.1.621), Epsilon (AY.4.2, B.1.616, B.1.620, B.1.427/429), Eta (B.1.525), Iota (B.1.526), Kappa (B.1.617.1), Mu (C.37), Zeta (P.2), Theta (P.3)
Taking the name AY.46.6.1, that means that there have been at least 1 (A) x 25 (Y) x 46 x 6 = 6900 variants before, from this clade alone.
Looking at it is clear that there are many more variants as the handful of variants of concern (VOC) suggests.
And these are only the variants observed. There are many, many more variants in nature, in 7.5 billion human lungs.
All these variants have one thing in common. They all are supposed to cause the Corona-Virus-Disease 2019 (COVID-19), by the same molecular mechanism. But all these variants code for a different protein, which is why they are called variants. How is that possible?
The handful of variants of concern (VOC) is supposed to create the impression that there are defined pathogens.
For HIV it is known “that no two persons’ HIV is identical”. On this you may cite, Françoise Barré-Sinoussi (Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2008, together with Luc Montagnier for the discovery of the HI Virus), cf.,
• Barré-Sinoussi et al., “Expert consensus statement on the science of HIV in the context of criminal law”, J Int AIDS Soc. 2018 Jul;21(7):e25161,
“Mutations of the virus occur repeatedly so that every person living with HIV has more than one virus variant [154]. During transmission, a limited number of virus variants (one to a few) are transmitted, but these will also mutate to form new variants so that no two persons’ HIV is identical [155].”
Nobody bothered to name all these variants and to inform HIV+ measured people that every single person has his individual HI virus. HIV is much shorter than corona viruses, about 9.700 bases in contrast to about 30.000 for SARS-CoV2. How can that always be the same molecular mechanism?
Ask this question and you are a science denialist.
Did you ask it amongst a British demonstration?
As zero people in the world have this so called virus in the wild the fact is the variants are the reagent in the fucking tests.
They never give up:
Show how much you care + save the NHS + don’t be like those ghastly Daily Mail readers = wear a mask! I doubt it’s a coincidence a Labour MP said the same yesterday.
I particluarly liked the new ridiculous analogy – masks are like sunglasses! Probably from the same mastermind that gavs us vaccine passports are like driving licenses….
Heh, heh… All those trillions of dollars wasted on laboratories full of scanning electron microscopes, high speed centrifuges, exotic chemical agents, hundreds of test plates and test tubes, infrared and ultraviolet scanners, genetically modified organisms and triggering agents, thousands upon thousands of highly trained biologists – specialized in bacterial and viral studies, millions upon millions of man/hours wasted… Makes the mind spin…
I guess this was just another pitiful hallucination: > The Origin and Evolution of Cells – The Cell – NCBI Bookshelf (
Considering many will now be getting there over priced winter gas electric new added energy tax bill which is agenda 30.
The new variant or any new variant is a wonderful distraction (paying an over priced bill considering gas n oil is now at 2019 prices- it is better than dying)
They did this with
state sponsoredterrorists that disappeared during covid but the Collective psychosis called alt media couldn’t work it out……….It’s difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on not understanding it.
In the past, Globocap first tested new forms of tyranny on the Third World. I suppose “Going Direct” rules that out for this big operation
Anti vaxxers of 1919.
I guess all those concerned persons were wrong. Look at the number of careers that took off after vaccines were proven to be a medical miracle…
I would say “claimed” to be a medical miracle — not ” proven”.
No, proven. There is no smallpox and polio is greatly reduced. (But I know you know better, of course.)
And before you give birth to little cats I haven’t had the Covid jabs and I’m not going to have them.
Its fours years after our universal cultural society language was finished, end of ’18 our lasses over 30 voted for the first time. Go fuck yourself miserable git.
You’re the one sounding like a miserable git. Mr Varnish is just stating facts.
And just for the record, I’m not having that covid shit, which is not even a vaccine.
Proven meaning all those experts who objected were censored.
No, proven means just that. And, as at least some scientists have pointed out, the mRNA jabs are not vaccines.
Is that real?
Quite possibly.
“Anti-vaccination Rally at City Hall,” City of Toronto Archives, Fonds 1244, Item 2517. Public domain.
that looks fake, the banners anyway, or tampered at least…
just saying
It doesn’t matter if it’s real or not it’s still relevant to what’s happening now 💉
In the UK, 19 years before this photograph,
one of points in the Labour manifesto was no anti-compulsory vaccination .
Brilliant thanks.
973-1973 a thousand years of Workers.
Oh brilliant Violet, one of my favourite years.
A reminder the -19 stood for 2019, 3 years.
The most harmful (diabolical) propaganda came from the official narrative and from the “opposition” by both advocating that “survival & retribution” is most important. It is not. People who live in fear can be easily intimidated, hence the AgitProp in the MSM.
3 years of unmitigated fear & discombobulation, this comment section still asking “do viruses exist” a classic dialectical trap, a hoard of grifting stubstackers still claiming genocidal vaccines & GOF, 3 f’ing years and yet still, no one asks, WHY? or more succinctly whats the true nature of “the system” we find ourselves in combat with.
All of this is designed and scripted to convince you to voluntarily relinquish your autonomy, by instilling a sense of unity, conformity, obedience, and equality to the ‘new’ resettled round of enslavement.
it’s difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on not understanding it.
Indeed; Salary/Currency is yet another illusion, which will soon become frighteningly obvious with CBDC/UBI.
The system is trying to convince you that It is looking out for your life. That It is in control. That you must submit to It, and Its’ rules in order to eat. That It, is the provider of your bread. If it continues to be intellectually influenced and is unable to break free from this fear, nothing will stand in the way of the formation of the monetary dictatorship.
And on it goes……
“Covid news – live: New ‘highly infectious’ XBB.1.5 subvariant ‘a wake-up’ call for UK”
Story by Eleanor Sly and Matt Mathers • 56m ago
Eleanor is aptly named.
i’m literally shaking right now……..
Mathers just happens to be the name of the founder of the Golden Dawn (McGregor Mathers, a fake Scottish aristocrat who was actually born Liddell and came from Hackney).
the vaccine advocate and Salem ‘priest’ all related
Nominative determinism.
Have you driven the new Omicron XBB 1.5 yet? Everything has turned into a promotions campaign, given sexy, alluring names even.
The Big Lie floodgates opened with the 2003 Iraq War and the lie machines have been in overdrive ever since.
“This was the era during which the Big Lie truly and forcefully entered and indeed took hold of American political life. “
I watched a film called Georgetown last night, based on a true story about a murderous DC social climber.
Christoph Waltz’s Georgetown: One small, murderous liar in a sea of much bigger, murderous liars
“Georgetown presents Washington and its leading personalities in a very poor light. Supposedly substantial figures, whatever their political views and official positions, Hagel, McNamara, Soros, Rocard, Scalia, Cheney and the rest, some of whom we see, some of whom we do not, must strike one as vain, superficial and essentially stupid human beings. These “movers and shakers” are easily taken in by a glib con artist, armed only with a handful of banal phrases, “old world charm” and the ability to improvise.”
“…there’s an unexpected naïveté among the truly powerful; they assume that anyone who has arrived at their desk has survived the scrutiny of handlers.”
“Foer refers to “Washington’s susceptibility to fakery,”
Just because the fools on The Hill have lost their bearings as to what is real or fake anymore doesn’t mean that we have to as well. Truth shines brightest from a distance.
Good comment, but it was in overdrive on 911 and may have started, at least in my life time when JFK got shot by “a lone gunman”.
It has been lies all along. Pearl Harbor, the Lusitania, the USS Maine.
Some we can’t mention.
Even on this site, we see comments claiming that the writer “definitely contracted something serious” some months erl;ier. There is implied pride in this belonging.
I think it’s a pity that a mostly good quality site should be marred by so much dogmatic assertion; I think that many people who take look at the comments are put off by it and go elsewhere. I’m speaking of the dogmatic insistence that viruses don’t exist; contagion doesn’t exist; the immune system doesn’t exist– and of course, that everyone who disagrees with you is evil. All the while criticizing those who are still taking the vaxx as “dogmatic” or having a “cult-like belief.”
And so I have written a tediously long, futile piece. Sorry.
I’m not in a position to know whether the covid virus exists, but I think there’s enough evidence that the illness does– at least tens of thousands of experienced health care workers are observing and verifying it. Experts who’ve shown themselves willing to speak out against covid regulations nevertheless verify that the illness exists.
All the arguments I’ve seen that viruses IN GENERAL don’t exist are fraught w logical error.
The argument reduces to, “You haven’t proven to my satisfaction that viruses exist, therefore they don’t. But I insist that the only valid evidence is that you isolate the virus– ‘isolate’ in the sense of ‘removing the tiger from the jungle’ .”
I could say, “You haven’t proven to my satisfaction that the sun exists. What I would accept for evidence is your actual physical observation of it, by going there & bringing a sample of the so-called gases back. After all science requires observation. What you think is the sun might not exist; what we see might be just a hologram.”
“It’s not up to me to prove it doesn’t exist because one can’t prove a negative; it’s up to you to prove it does, but you have to use MY fantasy of what constitutes proof.”
There are THREE logical errors in my argument. The FIRST is that my argument is circular; I have smuggled into “scientific observation” a meaning which will invalidate all our rather substantial body of evidence concerning the sun and solar phenomena, and therefore lead unavoidably to my conclusion that the sun doesn’t exist.
The circular element in much of the “Viruses don’t exist” argument is usually the word “isolate” which is first imbued with supposed inescapable authority by basing it in the now-fallacious Koch’s Postulates, then defining “isolate” in such a way as to eliminate all other evidence of the existence of viruses, thus leading unavoidably to the desired conclusion.
If you consider my silly argument that the sun doesn’t exist you can see that I have simply built a little cage of words like a mouse’s exercise wheel. While it goes round and round I needn’t look outside at the surrounding world; I need look only at the circularity of my definition leading inevitably to my conclusion.
Avoidance of the SECOND logical error specifically requires you to look outside the mouse’s wheel, and at the opposing hypothesis: You can disprove a hypothesis by showing internal contradiction or logical error, or by demonstrating a fact in reality which contradicts it.
Failing that, you MUST address the evidence which supports it and is its justification: For example you might find the evidence false or weak or not necessarily leading to the hypothesis. Making up idealized evidence is not an excuse to ignore the existing evidence.
Avoidance of the THIRD logical error requires us to look at an even larger segment of reality: When a hypothesis is well-developed, like a field of science– like heliophysics and the solar system, or like virology and immunology– then the aspects of reality which it’s able to explain and predict and perhaps even modify become part of the demonstration of its validity.
Hence the THIRD logical error in my silly sun example is the failure to supply an alternative for at least a substantial part of heliophysics and the solar system. Unless my conclusion “The sun is only a hologram” can better explain reality there’s no reason to prefer it over the existing field of knowledge. Like “Maybe it’s a toxin” needs to be considerably further developed to rival the existing field of virology.
The wider the area of knowledge against which you challenge your assumptions, the more likely you will find the bits that don’t fit; that is, the wider the context in which it will be valid.
I don’t want to make this any longer by covering the strawman argument, or cartooning of actual laboratory procedures. Surely you should know better than to believe the cartooning that you read: if the procedures are so obviously invalid why don’t they supply a link so that we can judge for ourselves rather than depend on their characterization of the matter?
(sigh) that’s as clear as I can make it.
Maybe the Q hopium site is more suited for you.
Ah! Another ad hominem attack. For shame, Ananda!
Maybe try the on-Guardian!
Bravo Penelope.
I have tried to make the same argument on here before and was torn to shreds.
As you say, the adamant belief that the no-virus stance is the only stance is damaging to the credibility of the site.
I thought we came here to discuss the existential problems that we face in an adult manner, not to bicker about what are essentially technical details.
I really don’t care if viruses exist or not although I do believe in an immune system.
I DO care, however, very much how their perceived existance is used against us
These are State operatives, ignore them.
Hello Penelope: Thank you for your gallant effort at defining a simple process of reasoning. The Sun really isn’t a star. But thinks it is. So it must be… The Earth IS flat. Just look at the picture. Flat as Hell…
Immune system does not exist? Where did you get that?
As for the existence of viruses yes they exist and mutate, but covid19 is simply Influenza, rebranded.
Wrap that tightly around your head!
Thirty3, I got “the immune system doesn’t exist” repeatedly from the commenters on this site.
I see that you, like everyone else, are unable to address what I actually said.
Many Off-G readers and commenters are very well read and I can tell do a lot of their own research. How do I know that? Because I do it myself.
So, does Covid exist?
You don’t have to answer that question directly to illuminate the boundaries of debate. Denis Rancourt, whose work has been featured on Off-G (see his website at has shown by looking solely at all-cause mortality data (which is the most reliable data there is, as it is least likely to be biased) that there is no evidence of a new pathogen that descended onto the planet in 2020, that when there was an increase (rare) in all-cause mortality (pre-jab) that it occurred in very distinct jurisdictions directly adjacent jurisdictions that saw no increase in all-cause mortality. Respiratory diseases do not respect jurisdictional boundaries. The increased mortality in those “hot spots” (like NYC) were caused by the lockdown measures themselves and medical protocols imposed. Look at his research.
The point here is not whether Covid exists, but rather that there is no evidence that any new disease (including Covid-19) was responsible for anything.
So, do viruses exist?
Again, you don’t have to answer that question directly to illuminate the boundaries of debate.
There are other sources for this information but I highly recommend the book Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History by Humphries and Bystrianyk. They demonstrate through exhaustive research that none of the infectious diseases the elimination of which was attributed to vaccines were due to their introduction, that those diseases were in steep decline before the vaccines were introduced and that they were caused by poor sanitation, polluted water and air, contaminated food and environmental toxins etc. They also demonstrate a systemic coverup by the medical profession going back 200 years. So, do viruses exist? Well, if they do or don’t they don’t account for much. At minimum, the fear of viral disease is way out of proportion to their actual impact which the historical record shows is hard to discern.
If you understand the real debate, viruses are just not the killer they are made out to be. What the media medical military pharma financial industrial complex is doing is creating fear porn.
If you want to go down the rabbit hole (as some Off-G readers have) of looking at whether or not SARS-Cov-2 was ever properly isolated, or whether viruses themselves were ever proven to cause anything you can do so. I, personally, am agnostic but I recognize the real debate should start with acknowledging that viruses do not have much impact on human health, the real harm to which lies elsewhere.
Tom Larsen, thank you for a reasoned argument, although I should like a source with a link which makes a stab at summarizing the argument rather than a book. Do you have one?
For the moment I will note that one part of your argument is inaccurate:
“none of the infectious diseases the elimination of which was attributed to vaccines were due to their introduction, that those diseases were in steep decline before the vaccines were introduced and that they were caused by poor sanitation, polluted water and air, contaminated food and environmental toxins etc”
As I have stated many times I personally had measles, mumps & chickenpox which were, within my experience, a nearly universal phenomenon in my childhood. I promise you that in the 50s in the rural small farming community where I lived our sanitation and freedom from toxins was far superior to todays.
Vaccines have been mostly effective at preventing these illnesses. I personally doubt that it’s necessarily a good idea to prevent them as I find credible the argument that these illnesses may build the immune system.
However, I notice that you have left my arguments above– which didn’t address vaccines– untouched. May I conclude then that you agree with them?
If you go to their website they have a ~4 minute video, that might serve as your “summary.”
Also see:
However, if you want to understand the truth of the matter, instead of just clinging to your beliefs, you have to engage with the material. There is no other way. If you require a Twitter-length summary, you will not be convinced nor should you be.
As your to other remarks, they did not motivate me to make a comment. You should not “conclude” anything.
Here’s a more accessible Denis Rancourt interview:
Here’s a 6 1/2 minute overview of Denis Rancourt’s research. Very bite size.
Thanks for the links.
Hi Penelope
”in the 50s in the rural small farming community where I lived our sanitation and freedom from toxins was far superior to todays.”
are you sure about that?
DDT | Description, History, Effects, Uses, Banned, & Facts | Britannica
DDT – A Brief History and Status | US EPA
DDT – Wikipedia
One duty of the medical profession is to deflect from new industrial poisons, degraded fake food, exploitative work, etc., by concocting new illnesses if necessary. The major owners of many industries including the medical one are the same bunch.
> I’m not in a position to know whether the covid virus exists, but I think there’s enough evidence that the illness does– at least tens of thousands of experienced health care workers are observing and verifying it. Experts who’ve shown themselves willing to speak out against covid regulations nevertheless verify that the illness exists.
What are the cold hard proofs these “experienced health care workers” have to offer?
I think you failed to grasp any part of the argument which I presented. I’m not able to make it any clearer for you. We all long for bright white lines and simplicity, but reality doesn’t always comply w our desires.
What a lousy answer to a simple question …
For what it’s worth, I agree with you Penelope.
I think what has happened since 2019 is a crime against humanity. Deplorable. Whether viruses exists or not.
It seems to me from listening to doctors on “this side of the fence” since 2020 that there was/is an aspect of this corona virus that has caused blood clots and inflammation. Different from other flu’s and respiratory illness. That’s why early treatment called for anti-coagulants and steroids. Not ventilators.
That’s why early treatment was called for but ignored.
Dr. Peter McCullough pointed out, and it makes sense to me, that the shots are now just enhancing the inflammation and the clotting, mimicking the virus, because they are causing the body to produce lab created dangerous spike proteins on its own. Not to mention damage from the lipid nano particles.
The gain of function bioweaponry makes sense to me. Both the virus and the shot.
Having said that, I think the pcr testing, and the ridiculous home testing, is just absurd, and that most people likely have had a normal cold, flu, pneumonia. Which can be deadly for some as we see each year.
What is not in doubt, to me, are the deaths from negligence, the cruelty of elders left on their own to die alone, the destruction of society, and now with the shots, the deaths and horrible injuries.
It does not matter to me whether viruses exist or not. Everyone, naturally, is free to think and believe what they choose.
I think the chaos and confusion are part of the plan.
They have sucked the life out of life.
Thank you for a well-reasoned comment, Judith. There are people with authoritarian characteristics who cannot bear that you should remain unmasked and therefore violate THEIR conclusion about a not-so-serious disease.
Unfortunately some who’ve realized the danger of the vaxx cannot remain scientific and open-minded about whether the virus exists, but insist upon an unwarranted dogmatic conclusion. I think it greatly hinders them in their efforts to persuade others about the dangers of the vaxx.
Absent this dogmatism there would be unity in our side, and perhaps a greater ability to consider the actions that are still open to us. It doesn’t really mater whether the virus exists or not; it’s just a wedge issue.
Thanks for your support and for speaking up.
Basically, my concern is the whole horrible lie.
The lie was/is based on “the virus”, whether it truly exists or not.
It’s the lie. The lie of a pandemic. The lie of “safety”. The lie of the “vaccine”.
And they had to use “virus” because most of the world does believe in them. Whether or not they do exist.
It’s the lie.
Yes, Judith. The plandemic. And the Deep State behind our govts that is now exposed so terribly against Life.
We have to come together in a plan of action to preserve civilization and to honor simple human compassion.
What if these health freedom “experts” are all CO?
CK_ People who are for kids taking all those vaccines, or for anyone taking the covid vaxx are WRONG. I welcome anyone speaking the truth on any issue. My investigations don’t reach to their motives. In any case we should bolster what’s correct & argue rationally against what isn’t.
The vaxx is killing people, and so many childhood vaccines are damaging. Because there is so much deception and threat to our health now I wd simply advise anyone not to take ANY injections of any kind, cuz even the people who administer them only know what the label says.
To conclude my more lengthy previous comment:
To conclude that Covid does not exists or indeed viruses do not exist, is not crossing some Rubicon of medical science, crossing some dangerous river from which one cannot return (once you understand the real debate, see above), it is more like stepping over a puddle after a light rain.
Looking at the real evidence, viruses don’t need to exist to explain human disease. However, as a tool for propaganda, to promote mass fear, to control populations, there is nothing better than a virus.
An ad hominem attack on all the people who’ve worked in the science of virology, and the parts of chemistry, biology and medicine which connect with it is not a logical argument.
Resort to an ad hominem attack is generally a confession that one finds the actual argument or hypothesis impregnable.
I have made a narrowly-limited logical argument, every part of which you have avoided addressing.
An ad hominem attack is a personal attack, how is it that I did that? Virology is your religion?
I’m sorry that you’ve rejected what I laid out pretty clearly in my opening long comment. It’s particularly distressing to see an obvious intellect stoop to belittling an entire field of science by describing it as “a puddle”, etc. Mockery is merely fleeing from objective content. Your other comments were better & I’ll lookk at your links.
Well so far I claim my argument must be valid because no one has yet dared to address any part of my actual argument.
Well done, Penelope.
Despite all your logicking, P, the fact remains that there are – entirely plausible – doubts that any viruses exist, and particularly the alleged COV-19 virus – of which it seems that no-one anywhere in the world can provide a fully purified physical sample, of a single uniform shape under microscopy, in a physical test-tube; especially not a sample that’s been through Koch’s Postulates, and proven itself to be the vector of the fluey illness that the – alleged – covid pathogen is supposed to cause.
Lots of silico-bollocks, masses of irresponsible propaganda, but no actual physical sample.
Nor is there any actually-valid test for this illness, to distinguish it from standard flus. All the deceitful procedures which claim to ‘test’ for the alleged virus are fakes (as tests, that is; CT-PCR is a highly useful tool, and Kary Mullis deserved his Nobel for it; but – as he insisted – it ain’t no ‘test’ for illness). This is known to be so by the scammers, but the ‘tests’ are still accepted as genuine by droves of useful idiots, many of them of high intelligence, including lots of medical professionals; and, of course, all mediawhores (of whatever intelligence). And, obviously, spurious ‘tests’ generate oodles of spurious ‘cases’, of course.
These days, I work with the hypothesis that there is indeed some sort of rather nasty flu pathogen about; but no more than that. No-one of any great weight seems to be challenging the widely accepted IFR of less than half of one percent. How is that a mass-killing global pandemic, in any way seriously different to any seasonal flu/cold?
I also hypothesise that a good deal of criminal work goes on in the hidden biowar labs to try to make disease pathogens more deadly. But if viruses don’t actually exist, then what are they working with? I know the Holy Doctrine is that it’s a ‘novel, deadly virus’, but if they don’t really exist, then maybe what really goes on in the labs is a try-it-and-see tinkering process which any mucky-handed engineer knows well:
“We don’t quite understand what’s happening, though we have some theory which is – well – supposed to explain it. But all we really know is that when we do this than that happens; and it happens every time. Not quite sure why, but that’s enough for us to offer a new weaponised somethingorother to our keepers, for them to terrorise the world with. Whatever the true science of it may be, it works, at least…”
Call the kill-junk, whatever it really is, a ‘virus’, if you like; but that doesn’t necessarily make it any such thing. Just a useful-to-globalist-gangsters kill-junk.
The present state of – reliable – knowledge about what’s really going on here is so patchy that one just has to work with provisional hypothetical reasoning like this. I doubt seriously whether there’s anyone, anywhere in the world, who understands what’s really going on, with magisterial, fully-evidence-justified certainty. The gangsters are just turning loose the try-it-and-see nasties bodged up by the tinkering mengeles in the biowar labs, to see what will happen. “Yes, Felicity, some humankind really are that twattish!”
I also assume that they’re doing this in such a hugger-mugger rush because they’re in a panic: They know, as I know and anyone with their heads screwed on right and not shoved up their fundaments knows, that human global society is rushing into an unprecedented crisis, caused by too many people chasing too few of the remorselessly-depleting essentials of human life on Earth, and made worse by our feckless spewing out of clouds of toxic pollutants everywhere. And so… “something has to be done about it!” This for the very simple reason that the whole global human system, most especially the financial/economic/derivatives card-house, is trembling close to collapse.
Just such an apocalyptic collapse threatened acutely in the September 2019 bank-repo crisis, and the gics (gangsters-in-charge) were so panicked by that that they brought forward their controlled (hah!) demolition plans for the global economy by several years. 2030 seems to have been a proposed launch time, perhaps. Then, because of the repo panic, they brought it forward to March 2020 – and promptly made an under-prepared pig’s breakfast of it.
All the above are just hypotheses of course, as I admitted. But that’s about the best tentative explanation I can suggest, from just watching the current shambles unfold.
And the existence of ANY virus remains in – valid – question: no-one knows for sure whether the exist (though plenty of fully-indoctrinated troobleevers think they know…)
The best “no virus exists” book I know of is “Fear of the Invisible” by Janine Roberts. It’s a deep-dive into virology written by someone who truly believed in the consensus at first.
Read “Invisible Rainbow” by Arthur Firstenberg for an alternative hypothesis of the flu. Firstenberg believes natural and manmade EMF causes flu and we’re all part of a global electric circuit.
Rhisiart, I don’t know whether the virus exists; it wd take a considerable investment of time to ascertain it. But so far, every argument I’ve encountered that maintains that viruses generally don’t exist has been fraught w logical error. Did you not read my opening, long comment?
In order to invalidate that comment, and the demands which it justifiably places upon those who wd baselessly invalidate the entire field of virology, you must actually confront my opening comment. No one yet has been able to do that.
I am going to address Koch’s Postulates as a new comment because reliance upon it is a frequent error.
Hi Penelope. I have to say I agree with most of your comment with the exception that I don’t think SARS-CoV2 has been demonstrated to be a discrete pathogen or Covid-19 a discrete disease. Allowing perceived flaws in the anti-virus argument to act as an umbrella to shelter the very real shortcomings surrounding covid is a post hoc logical error: “Viruses are real, therefore covid must be real”.
In fact the official assays used in PCR tests have been demonstrated not to be unique to any single coronavirus, let alone to a unique ‘novel’ coronavirus. Because ‘cases’ determined by these tests are the basis on which a ‘pandemic’ was declared, we can also declare that there is no no demonstrated link between a novel coronavirus and ‘covid-19 disease’.
Official age-standardised all-cause mortality stats from around the world appear pretty much normal, and flu also appeared to disappear during the ‘pandemic’. Therefore we are left asking legitimate questions about what we witnessed in 2020-21, if anything.
This is entirely separate from the virology debate. In fact you can use orthodox virology to point out the errors in the covid logic, entirely on its own terms.
The virology debate is an interesting one, and I very much agree with your criticisms. Those stating there are no viruses, or further still, that there is no contagion, appear to rely mostly on proving a negative, or attempting to shift the burden of proof onto to those who allege viruses exist, which is actually not how hypothesis-driven science works, as you rightly point out. At least, that’s my reading of the situation.
In order for a valid debate to continue, those opposing virology really should present a competing alternative hypothesis to rival virology/pathogenic contagion, which adequately explains what we observe in the real world. ‘Some random toxins’ doesn’t cut it, it’s too non-specific, and I’ve yet to see anything more detailed be proposed.
It’s an interesting debate that I’s love to be able to chair one day.
Anyway, thanks for your post. A2
I’d like to introduce another possibility to expand the debate between virus versus non-virus, and that is the snake venom hypothesis, promulgated chiefly by Dr Bryan Ardis, in relation to a disease some refer to as Covid-19. He says this is not a respiratory disease but envenomation. Some have poured scorn on him, ridiculed his ideas and claimed he’s been discredited for this, but I’ve taken the trouble to listen to him and follow his reasoning, and it actually makes sense. He’s definitely onto something, and he’s done a lot of well documented research to support his theory (more than hypothesis now for him).
The Stew Peters Network film, ‘Watch the Water’, was indeed badly produced, unconvincing and over-dramatised with sentimentality and a background music soundtrack — totally inappropriate for a serious documentary interview. However, Ardis’s more recent presentations are worth a fresh look, and I find I am now persuaded if not yet convinced. I’m glad I didn’t totally dismiss his hypothesis, though I’m still agnostic on this, as well as on the existence of viruses, not just SARS-CoV-2, which I doubt the existence of.
These two presentations, one in interview, might surprise you if you think the envenomation theory is a load of hooey:–
I’m an atheist, so ignore any religious or spiritual aspects with Ardis’s approach; and one should skip the ads of course. The science seems sound to me, however, and I find it more likely than a viral cause for whatever disease might be experienced by some, though the jabs are undoubtedly the cause of most associated disease now.
There’s nothing to see though, so perhaps there’s nothing which requires an explanation as convoluted as this? We should probably try not to see the ‘pandemic’ through the media’s lens… There wasn’t an elevated number of sick. There wasn’t, using any sane interpretation of the word, a ‘pandemic’ at all. So I tend to attach less significance to explanations which seek to compound this myth. I’ve looked into the snake venom thing and it seems like a huge reach for something which requires no such reach. It also serves to double down on the fear narrative. And fear is the disease. Let’s try not to buy into all the alarmism and deal in the cold hard facts, I say. A2
So you haven’t watched either presentation and have made this pre-judgement already. Ardis is presenting a wealth of documentary evidence from credible and reputable sources, together with his cogent analysis.
No, I am not afraid of any so-called viral disease, and realised there was no pandemic from very early on in 2020, when the ridiculous ‘countermeasures’ and blatant propaganda became all too obvious. And I know there were NO excess deaths in 2020, before the ‘vaccine’ rollout. But it *is* complicated, not convoluted as you say. Ardis postulates, reasoning from solid shown evidence, that synthetic animal venoms (e.g. using E-coli to manufacture) are in the shots and in some ‘therapeutics’ like Remdesivir, and that this is common practice already well known in the industry. We just haven’t been told about it before.
And for those open-minded enough to consider the significant body of evidence Ardis has amassed, increasing over the months of his research, here’s another interview with Jane Ruby — over-made-up and under-dressed but otherwise very thoughtful with a critical intellect. Also goes into the problem of the invalid PCR test for diagnosis of supposed ‘Covid’ disease, plus the possibility of recurrent envenomation which could explain the apparent cases of virtually impossible ‘Covid’ re-infection (because it’s NOT an infection):–
Ardis is like a detective, doggedly piecing together the puzzle picture to point to a plausible if not compelling conclusion. Interesting and fascinating, even if you don’t believe or agree with it! And I would challenge the intellectually curious to just listen and watch the salient parts of his videos, i.e. the essential science without the ads and padding. And THEN form an informed opinion.
Another one to watch with very interesting research (revealing US DoD-orchestrated bioweapons) is Sasha Latypova, even though she refers to Covid as a disease. I like to check a wide range of sources and draw my own conclusions, or none at all!
re the virus; I don’t know if it exists, and don’t claim that it does. There’ve been claims by various labs to have cultured it– notably a Spanish lab that used successful culturing only following low-repeat PCR to invalidate high-repeat PCR. As I remember it was the basis of a case in their Supreme Court. (I may have garbled this; I’m relying on memory) There are others which are condemnatory of the vaxx yet claim to have worked w the viral culture. There are even sites that generally supply viral specimens to researchers who are offering the covid virus for sale. I posted this stuff earlier but my corona files are seriously out of control & I’m unable to supply the links– nor do I think that they are definitive.
You need to speak to someone far more expert than I in order to know if it exists, and it should be someone who currently has access to a lab. Stephanie Seneff wd be good, maybe.
You’re correct of course that “Viruses are real, therefore covid must be real” is an invalid argument.
re PCR: It’s a widespread and in general reliable technology, but not at high repeats. That’s not to say that this PARTICULAR PCR test is reliable; I think there was something havey-cavey about how it came into existence. And of course it’s being fraudulently used at such high repeats. AFAIK when properly designed and used it’s highly specific.
Speaking of PCR in general, it wd be worthwhile to examine WHY it was thought by Gary Mullins to be inappropriate for diagnosis. One wonders whether it may have been because the mere presence of pathogens doesn’t guarantee that one will actually succumb w symptoms. Also, it’s worth asking whether PCR technology has improved since its early days. It is valid for nondiagnostic uses. I wonder if Rhys may be knowledgeable about it. I’ve not researched it, so again can say nothing definitive about it.
Re: Pre-vaxx mortality. I’ve seen it repeated again & again that there was no increase in 2020, but I’ve not verified it and have accidentally come across at least 1 or 2 instances where there was an increase. I saw off-G’s article attempting to explain this away in the case of the US, but I wasn’t sufficiently interested to bend my mind to it. In any case I think we already know from numerous other data that the mortality is very low and almost confined to the elderly with comorbidities, so if there WAS or WAS NOT an increase in deaths in some places in 2020, so what? It doesn’t demonstrate whether the virus does or doesn’t exist. Mere existence of a virus and/or illness doesn’t necessarily translate into much morbidity, which is why they had to rely on fraudulent PCR to drive the whole operation.
Re: Existence of the covid illness. I personally think it does from my contacts w people who think they’ve had it and healthcare workers who think they’ve treated it. And the vast number of health workers who are observing it. I’m not willing to replace their experience & judgement with my own mere uninformed impulse. I wd not be at all surprised if the source of the illness were a virus– or not.
I’m not dogmatic about the existence of the illness, but my OPINION is that it exists. I’m an adult and can bear uncertainty about many things in order to forego research and turn my attention to more fruitful areas.
We ultimately seem to agree.
Re. PCR: The test turns a small amount of something, perhaps even a single particle, into a whole lot of something, to approximately quote Mullis. Run at high cycle thresholds it begins reading self noise and can find anything in anything. Again, to loosely quote M.
It can’t distinguish between a live, active particle or a dead particle. Therefore it can never be a diagnostic tool in and of itself. Ever.
Nevertheless it was the test, and the test alone, which was used to label hundreds of thousands of people as ‘cases’. The healthy ones were called ‘asympomatic’, perhaps as many as 80%.
Taking into account the above info, the test might appear to be a lottery.
We also see that whereas the test might appear to be accurate sometimes, so too can séances, dowsing, horoscopes or those quizzes you take on Facebook.
We’re left wondering, do we accept that the test, although woefully inaccurate, was correct whenever it counted, and these occasions were instances of ‘covid’?
Where did the flu go?
How could we really know since Covid had extremely generic symptoms similar to flu and many other existing ailments?
What, if anything, did we we witness in 2020\21?
If the PCR test alone allows us to insert ‘if anything’ into that sentence, that is hugely significant.
Sam, Two ladies were standing in line to get a PCR test & someone w a clipboard came around and got their names & addresses. The ladies got tired of the line and decided to go for lunch instead. A week later they both received notices in the mail that they were “positive” for covid.
Just a story I read which seems typical of the fraud. I don’t know a single person who got one– except I had to get one to get shoulder surgery.
First you must define what YOU THINK a “virus” is, trying NOT to paste the usual bla-bla-bla!
Exogenous (infectious) viruses may or may not exist- but the exogenous virus genomes are fake. (Computer models are used to cobble together genetic debris found in cell cultures.) A fully intact exogenous virus has never been isolated i.e. proven to exist. Electron microscopy images of “exogenous” viruses are really of endogenous viruses, which are produced by cells and are a symptom, not the cause, of illness.
Putting aside the existence or not of viruses, I might have missed it but was it ever explained HOW these variants are detected and differentiated from the common or garden variant?
Are we to believe that every “case” is tested for every variant and categorised accordingly?
This is an important question because their assertions are obviously bullshit.
If everyone asked this question it would blow their narrative as they wouldn’t be able to give a credible answer.
I recall long ago now (well, fast approaching three years) seeing a daytime segment on BBC news just after it was announced that the first variant had been identified. The reporter was in a laboratory somewhere with computers in the background. He excitedly asked the resident scientist to confirm that this was precisely the place where the new variant had been “discovered”. The scientist was clearly a little taken aback and responded with something along the lines of “Well not exactly. It’s where the [software] programme was developed to mimic the virus and replicate what we believe to be the characteristics of the novel variant”. In other words variants are the product of someone’s imagination in the belief that they might become reality. I vividly recall asking myself if I really heard what I’d thought I’d just heard. I only saw that clip on the one occasion but how I wish I had been in a position to record it.
Our question to the faithful should be “please tell me how these variants are identified, I’m really interested”
I have not argued that the covid virus exists, far less its variants. I don’t know, and neither do you. In order to rationally hold a firm conclusion in the matter it’s necessary to examine the evidence. Neither of us has done so. It’s rational to express doubts, but not dogmatic conclusion.
Please reread my post.
I have no opinion on the existence of viruses of any flavour.
I really don’t care if they exist or not.
My only concern is that the perversion of the perception of their existence is used to enslave us.
My comment yesterday;
We are expected to believe that every government gets the tech to identify every new variant they are warned of, and magage to roll this out to every hospital and airport overnight.
If we pay attention to the variants, we are validating them.
We remain within the same Overton Window set by those we presume to critique.
Take your fucking stupid antivaxxer fake news bullshit, shove it up your goddamn ass and FUCK OFF, stupid asshole!!!!!!!
And you’ve just spectacularly proven what this article is doing to people like yourself.
Happy New Year, have a nice day.
If that was parody. Spot on! If not next time please try and assemble a fact based argument.. Given how confident you evidently are in the position that you have taken this shouldn’t be a problem. Right?
As it stands, your comment amounts to no more than ” I am right and you are wrong and I don’t like you.”
We deserve a more worthy adversary.
Hi Jeff. Hope you had a nice Christmas.
Schmuck! Double vavved and double shotted no wonder you have lost your marbles!!!
You’ve misspelled your moniker Jeff.
Should read: Jeff the Least (informed that is).
Vacancy for diplomat in China if you are interested.
Dear dear..somebody did not take his pills this morning. Bless!
He he …
“So Much HATE.“

“Cull Juicing the World is not the answer, LOVE is.”
As Public Enemy once said, “Don’t Believe The Hype!” (10) Don’t Believe the Hype – YouTube
Paris’ ‘What Would You Do?’ is a ‘good’ tune too from that era – the explicit version…on youtube …
As opposed to the initial hesitation about giving “pregnant individuals” the vax, (such hesitation at least indicating a minimal decency), the latest bio-waffle from news-medical via medRxiv (“Studies investigating the seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among pregnant people have largely been cross-sectional …”) concludes:
“Overall, the results indicated that antibodies elicited by previous SARS-CoV-2 infections in pregnant individuals might wane by the time of delivery. The authors recommended that pregnant individuals make use of the available COVID-19 vaccines to ensure continued protection against SARS-CoV-2 infections during pregnancy …”
They even seem sad that “there are no vaccines yet for infants below six months of age.”
And they end with this “Important notice”:
“medRxiv publishes preliminary scientific reports that are not peer-reviewed and, therefore, should not be regarded as conclusive…”
In short, pure cowboy “science”.
Cardiac arrest in European Soccer & Football League 29/year average
In the two years since vaxx rollout 1598, of which 1101 were fatal
Only European S & F numbers are included in these numbers
Source: Peter McCullough
Tucker Carlson actually quoted the numbers on prime time tv, too
I looked in to commotio cordis because of the Damar Hamlin injury. They don’t want to equate it with myocarditis, but if you read pre-covid literature about commotio, myocarditis is listed as an underlying cause. I couldn’t find any literature using football as an example for commotio. Always small hard projectiles like baseballs, hockey pucks and even fists, but nothing about bulky NFL shoulder pads.
They’ll do anything to blame something else, or they expect you to believe that once-in-a-lifetime odds have happened again.
Exactly, wisenox. Peter McCullough said the wondering aloud about what could have caused it constituted a guilty silence., until he mentioned the vaxx on Tucker Carlson.
McCullough said that Damar had another arrest in the hospital and that this confirmed underlying myocarditis rather than commotio. He was put on a ventilator, paralytics, etc said Peter. Although he’s since awakened I gather that he was still intubated so doesn’t sound good.
Me thinks, they’re getting lazy, vain and over-confident.
That’s why I think that there now is an opportunity to break their spell, more than ever.
Never despair
As I write on my computer I can hear the Ambulance making its usual and intensely irritating noise as it has done since day 1 of the ‘pandemic’. It will no doubt carry on all day initially with the cock crowing ‘cock a doodle loo’ first thing in the morning. Then of course with the police often joining in. All part of life’s totally unwanted permanent fixtures I suppose, like listening (or rather simply ‘hearing) the BBC or perusing the Guardian. around breakfast time. But I just wonder who actually listens and imbibes this stream of drivel, on cue, every day.
Two certainties about Covid. It’ll keep mutating. And….. the vaxx’s will help. In other words, a fantastically diabolical money making duo.
Well, they’ve milked the Covid Cow and sucked ravenously at its ‘teat’ for almost three years now.
The Cow is growing old and desiccated, and like real cows, will soon be ready for processing/slaughter.
“Bring in more Calves Gentlemen, the show must go on!”
has it occurred to the peeps that each time we use the word COVID it embeds the registered trade-mark subliminally … from the naturally occurring Sars-cov-2. After all, there must be a [nefarious] reason that Fauci, Gates et al pushed the ‘new term’.
“COVID” is not a new term: just an abbreviation of “COrona VIrus Disease”. Commonly referred to as “A cold”.
As for “new strains”, people seem to have forgotten this piece of folk wisdom from my childhood, which encapsulates both the extraordinary infectiousness of flu viruses and their extraordinary variability:
“The cold which streams out with the crowd after a football match is not the same as the cold which a single fan brought in to the stadium.”
It’s the infectiousness of “corona virus disease number 19” which helps to keep it harmless (like any other flu virus) by spreading immunity among crowds at football matches and other places where people congregate for innocent enjoyment.
Don’t they teach that at medical school any more? Replaced with course in form filling and how to kowtow to administrative superiors?
I was more inclined to believe that the term was an acronym, i.e.
D … a precursor for the WEF’ers wet-dream of a vax-passport, which is being ‘trialled’ in several countries. Oh well … Orwell?
Spot on, this was stated right at the start of the scam.
*C = #3 = Greek Ἀβαδδών, ὁ = ABADDON, “Angel of the Abyss”; ie; “SATAN” OVID = From the Latin “OVIS” = “SHEEP” #19 in Kabbalah = אִבְחָה = ‘IBCHAH’ =
C ertificate O f V accination I D