Where Have the Voices for Liberty Gone?

Michael Lesher

In early 2020, when American liberals wailed in unison that the First Amendment’s guarantee of the right of free assembly was a prescription for national suicide – and not one significant American civil rights organization protested – I should have known where we were headed.

Still, almost three years later, I am dumbfounded by how rapidly a nation that once boasted of its attachment to “liberty” has succumbed to the priorities of totalitarianism. Thought policing on social media, once a dystopian fantasy, is now taken for granted.

So is the massive electronic surveillance system that was hawked to Americans (and others around the world) as a “health” measure, but which actually gives Big Brother a convenient way to monitor people’s whereabouts and which has already been turned against political dissidents in Israel, India and elsewhere.

Health care workers – once the heroes of the fear propaganda that rationalized illegal mass quarantines in 2020 – have now been forced from their jobs in alarming numbers for refusing to be injected with experimental drugs that demonstrably protect no one.

Mass media, far from raising questions about all this, are cheering on the juggernaut. CNN’s Michael Smerconish has confessed with chilling directness that the COVID drug experiment is essentially a lesson in Gleichschaltung:

“This is really about which people in this country are going to control virus-related behavior – the unvaccinated or the vaccinated…. [A]llowing the unvaccinated to control virus policy, that’s unjust and unhealthy.”

After all, as Congressman Jamie Raskin put it (in conversation with ex-poisoner-in-chief Deborah Birx), the most important thing for the State is to ensure “social cohesion” – even if it takes some official lying to coax the population into lockstep. Hitler could hardly have put it better.

I might readily fill this column with a catalog of the false statements about COVID-19 that have been peddled to the public over the last three years. But the chicanery of the muzzle-and-lockdown propagandists is not limited to scientific malfeasance.

I do not minimize the importance of demonstrating that we have been fed a steady diet of lies about COVID-19 since the beginning of 2020 (a task that has been ably shouldered by many other Brownstone contributors). But what’s at stake here is not just a debate about medical policy. What is happening involves nothing less than the fundamental reshaping of our body politic, a massive assault on the constitutional system of civil liberties and on the presuppositions undergirding that system.

Add to this the shameful silence of American liberal institutions as the tentacles of a police state wind ever more tightly around us all, and you will understand why my call to the incoming year is: when will I hear more voices raised in resistance?

Or, to put it more bluntly: what are you waiting for, America?

Where were your voices when the suspension of representative democracy made virtual dictators out of some four-fifths of America’s governors in 2020 – an arrangement which, according to Anthony Fauci, could be reimposed at any time?

Where were your voices when state after state discarded the Bill of Rights in favor of some version of the Emergency Health Powers Act – a bill that, when first proposed in 2001, was sharply criticized by the American Civil Liberties Union, along with conservative groups like the Free Congress Foundation and the American Legislative Exchange Council, as “a throwback to a time before the legal system recognized basic protections for fairness?”

Where were your voices when the President of the United States defied the Nuremberg Code by ordering 3.5 million federal employees to submit to the injection of untested drugs, while his administration did its level best to ensure that what little information was available about the safety of those drugs would be concealed from the public for as long as possible? Where were your voices when those who objected to this embrace of a repurposed Nazi war crime were purged from our government?

Where were your voices when the State shuttered your children’s schools, forced muzzles onto two-year-olds, and terrorized young people to the point that fully a quarter of them contemplated suicide? When as many as 23 million children were placed by American school systems under computerized surveillance that monitored their every keystroke and tracked their internet contacts, a 1984-ish scenario for which COVID-driven school closures served as the pretext?

If you ask me, the most important word in the preceding sentence is “pretext:” COVID-19, though in medical terms never nearly as dangerous as we were told it was, has been extremely effective as a battering ram to civil liberties. Once upon a time, government health policy was fashioned to achieve medical goals. Today, factitious medical “goals” are deployed on behalf of a policy aimed at dismantling American democracy.

So please remember: this is not about your health. It’s about your country, whose highest aspirations are under unprecedented assault. If you don’t object now, you may lose your right to object at all.

And don’t think the vaunted liberal media, or civil rights “advocates,” or high-minded academics, or self-aggrandizing “progressive” politicians will speak up for you if you don’t speak up for yourselves.

A few years ago, CNN’s Jim Acosta made his reputation posing as a champion of press freedom (supposedly under mortal threat because Donald Trump had said some unflattering things about American reporters).

Yet by the summer of 2021 Acosta was out-Trumping Trump, claiming that Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis had caused the COVID-19 Delta variant and denouncing people who dared to think they had a right to breathe in public.

Have Acosta’s fellow liberals objected to his hypocrisy? On the contrary: his public media profile is a virtual hagiography, even while he’s attacking the free speech rights of press outlets like Fox News for airing commentary he doesn’t agree with. Trusting such people with defending the Bill of Rights is like leaving your wallet with Bernie Madoff.

Nor can you plead a lack of adequate knowledge.

Even if you ignore the sources of genuine information about COVID policy – and several are available via internet – there have been epiphanic moments when the propagandists have actually exposed themselves, as when New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul told a megachurch audience that God had commanded Americans to take the COVID-19 “vaccines,” or when an unrepentant Colonel Birx admitted to Congress that she had misrepresented facts when ordering the public to submit to the same experimental drugs.

Do you really need any more evidence of the megalomaniac lust for power driving these democracy-haters, as they dismantle the US Constitution piece by piece?

There can be no doubt about where State power is drifting – if we do nothing to stop it. Writing as far back as 1935, Albert Jay Nock predicted the future of the accelerating centralization of authority:

What we…shall see is a steady progress in collectivism running off into a military despotism of a severe type. Closer centralization; a steadily growing bureaucracy; State power and faith in State power increasing;…the State absorbing a continually larger proportion of the national income…. Then at some point in this progress, a collision of State interests…will result in an industrial and financial dislocation too severe for the asthenic social structure to bear; and from this the State will be left to “the rusty death of machinery”…

As we enter 2023, we don’t need to read deeply into political theory to understand the threat we face. We only have to review the record of the previous three years.

An accurate assessment of that record, it seems to me, will tell us that we are quite possibly on the cusp of the dissolution of the American republic. Maybe it is already too late to resist the authoritarian Zeitgeist. But I suggest we all ponder the words of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn about the failure of the Soviet public to resist the repression that had included his own arrest in the 1940s:

“If only we had stood together against the common threat, we could easily have defeated it. So, why didn’t we? We didn’t love freedom enough.”

For us, that “common threat” is much weaker than the one Solzhenitsyn had in mind. We don’t need weapons to fight it; in fact, weapons would only get in the way. What we need are voices – lots of them – raised in protest every time a bureaucrat or a tame Ivy League “expert” or a lying “journalist” or a shyster in sheep’s clothing tries to rob us of one more bit of our human dignity, one more inch of our civil rights.

Then we need to clamor for all we’re worth. While there is still time.

Do we love freedom enough for that?

Originally published by the Brownstone Institute
Michael Lesher is an author, poet and lawyer whose legal work is mostly dedicated to issues connected with domestic abuse and child sexual abuse. His latest nonfiction book is Sexual Abuse, Shonda and Concealment in Orthodox Jewish Communities (McFarland & Co., 2014); his first collection of poetry, Surfaces, was published by The High Window in 2019. A memoir of his discovery of Orthodox Judaism as an adult – Turning Back: The Personal Journey of a “Born-Again” Jew – was published in September 2020 by Lincoln Square Books.


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susan mullen
susan mullen
Jan 10, 2023 4:42 AM

Few will say it, but Donald Trump was the reason for the end of liberty in 2020, was its greatest salesman, continues to adore “vaccines.” The only Americans who cared about “liberty” and objected to overthrow of their government were those who voted for “Republican” Trump in 2016. Yet, in 2020 if they said a word about schools being closed, adults having to quit their jobs to return home and care for children, they were told, “But Trump’s all for it, so are all Republicans.” When GOP Gov. Kemp of Georgia tried to slightly open his state in April 2020, Trump went on TV and brutally attacked him for doing so. Marc Morano (Climate Depot) has even said that if Hillary had been elected instead of Trump, lockdowns wouldn’t have lasted more than two weeks, people wouldn’t have put up with it. Mr. Morano’s diplomatic point is that millions of liberty lovers would’ve been free to protest a Democrat president. But liberty lovers couldn’t do that with a Republican president they voted for. Neil Ferguson used Trump’s approval to sell anyone who needed to be sold on global lockdowns. Though elected as a Republican, Trump delivered for Davos beyond their wildest dreams. He made Jared de facto pres. Jared had the last word on everything important, attended Covid meetings and censored anything that questioned Davos narrative. Today Jared runs Trump’s post presidential family empire of fake MAGA and Am First groups he stuffs w. his open borders/globalist pals while the rubes keep sending money to “poor” Trump. Why do you think they allow Trump to remain in headlines 24/7? Because they have zero fear of him and because he and Jared merged fundraising with RNC in 2019, to RNC’s thrill. Trump is, just like they said, the front man, carnival barker

As the late Angelo Codevilla wrote on 4/24/2020: “Who are the people who are getting arrested for walking in the park, or swimming in the sea, or playing with their kids, or for protesting outside the offices and homes of autocratic officials? For whom does anyone think that these people voted in the last election [2016]? 95 percent for Trump? More like 100 percent. And why does anyone suppose they voted for him? Could it be because they were hoping to elect someone who would protect them from having their livelihoods and freedoms taken away by power-hungry officials?…

They voted for Trump [in 2016] because they felt, in their bones, that the ruling class would use any pretext to do precisely something like this. 

That is why Trump is president of the United States: because these are his people.

Regardless of what Trump or anyone around him might think, these people don’t belong to Trump. It’s the other way around. Trump is the person for whom they voted because they expected that he would be on their side to protect them in situations like this. Now, the casus foederis having arisen, the wolves being at the door, they are on their own. Trump is not protecting them. His reasoning, any reasoning, is irrelevant. Trump’s voters are where they would be were Obama in charge, or maybe even Joe Biden….

The ruling class’s power grab has left millions of Americans powerless….

For more than a month, President Trump…has not challenged the ruling class’s incompetence, let alone its mendacity about the pandemic’s mortality, or even their most ridiculous assumptions (whoever heard of staying out of the fresh air and sunshine to counter a virus?)….

Whatever Trump’s reasoning may be, it does not supply a powerless people’s demand for leadership.”…4/24/20, “Trump Still Seems to Be Forgetting Politics 101,” Angelo Codevilla,

It was Trump alone who declared emergency government with no end date-still in place 3 yrs. later. He hired Fauci, treated him like a God, put him on tv everyday. Later, the pathetic Trump said he decided not to fire Fauci because “the left” would’ve made a big deal about it. How to get liberty back? The US must be broken up into at least 3 parts.

Linda Ferland
Linda Ferland
Jan 8, 2023 8:19 PM

Exactly–The Reshaping of the Body Politic! Sad to see how many have been falling right in line & so easily led to the slaughter!

Jan 8, 2023 3:46 PM

James Baldwin described the new york statue of liberty as ‘A Bad Joke’

Jan 8, 2023 2:34 AM

Another beautiful description of the horror that the ‘authorities’ have in mind for us all.

Well it’s not going to happen in my mind, thank you for asking, and I know I am not alone.

Nick Baam
Nick Baam
Jan 7, 2023 10:48 PM

Liberty is the freedom to do what the law allows.

The first time I heard that I had a similar reaction to when I first heard, many many moons ago, the Hippocratic Oath, First, do no harm. I laughed. Then I thought — no, that’s really, really good.

Jan 7, 2023 9:02 PM

I think the reason is – liberty and freedom are just words describing concepts which mean different things to different people at different times. At the moment they are so over misused that the mention of them just makes one dizzy in the mind. When the popular connotation of freedom of choice means the right to kill the unborn and feel really virtuous about it; we really should re-examine our vocabularies, shut up and get a bit more silent and instinctual on the living earth.

Jan 7, 2023 7:20 PM

In the US today, words like liberty and freedom are now right wing nut job words, dirty words, bad words, words of extremists. Hell, most good American liberals do not even know what civil liberties are, how would they know to fight to keep what they don’t even know they have? Many will bleat on and on about civil rights for this group or that, but have NO idea just what those rights are based on. I told one of my good liberal friends a year or so ago that none of us has civil rights without civil liberties and she then proceeded to ask me what civil liberties are….

That said, this behavior is certainly no longer unique to Americans, but you do make a good point about the American seeming obsession with the idea of liberty. But that’s only a word now, and a dangerous word at that. As for freedom, as many point out that’s not really all that free here in the land of the hysterical, but even if it were most haven’t a clue of what that really means. Most have no desire to understand it either. They’re free to use their cell phone ad nauseum, what more could be needed than that?

Jan 7, 2023 9:08 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

The famous, and prescient, line from “Me and Bobby McGee” comes to mind:

Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose

Jan 7, 2023 6:50 PM

We live once more in an age of deference and credulousness. In modern times we tended to ridicule and satirise our leaders and although the questioning of authority and those who try to influence us has been reduced to a cottage industry, the tradition still lives on but mainly not heard in the pervading authoritarian babble. Why has the centre of politics collapsed in this way? I have a little anecdote. In the 1960s when I was a student studying my GCE ‘A’ levels, we were discussing the inter-war period and the rise of Hitler and Nazism in our History class. One day as we started our class, the teacher stood up with a wry smile on his face and said that “Hitler was a Liberal”. The whole class, who mostly identified as “liberal” or even “Marxist”, howled with laughter at what they thought must be a joke. When peace returned, the teacher explained the close correlation between Liberalism and movements of the Far Right which had attracted among others, rational, well-educated Germans. In short, Fascism and Nazism were types of “Liberal Extremism” usually encountered during periods of social and economic upheaval; for example, the collapse of the German economy and the loss of national purpose during the years of the Weimar Republic. The decline of the Anglo-West and the type of degenerate crisis-politics we are seeing now is a good example of this phenomenon. 

Jan 7, 2023 3:23 PM

The UK is poised to have a full set of treasonous leaders in the form of treasonous King Charles – who launched the Greta Reset, which is about as anti-British and anti human as you can get, and Comrade Starmer who has already proven his traitor credentials during the scamdemic, when this liar who was introduced to the British public as a “forensic lawyer”, was unable to identify any true malpractice or wrongdoing during the entire illegal immoral epidemic of convid genocide maiming crime and fraud which is still ongoing. Interestingly they are both very much linked to Jimmy Savile – Starmer because he was head of the Crown Prosecution Service when a big decision to essentially not investigate Savile was made, and Charles was very friendly with Savile…..so these two really stink. Charles will likely be booed when he is crowned, and the reality is, he deserves it. Enough of fake bullshit world and these lying disingenuous dirtbags, it’s time for these people to start being administered with large doses of reality, to pay for their treasonous ways.

Comrade Starmer is already announcing plans to make the UK move towards a Communitaran model if he gets into power.

“One of the most notable things to come out of Starmer’s speech was the ‘Take Back Control’ bill, which borrows the slogan that became synonymous with the Brexit Leave campaign.
So, what did Starmer say exactly?”

Quote Message: It’s not unreasonable for us to recognise the desire for communities to stand on their own feet. It’s what Take Back Control meant. The control people want is control over their lives and their community.

It’s not unreasonable for us to recognise the desire for communities to stand on their own feet. It’s what Take Back Control meant. The control people want is control over their lives and their community.

Quote Message: So we will embrace the Take Back Control message. But we’ll turn it from a slogan to a solution. From a catchphrase into change. We will spread control out of Westminster. Devolve new powers over employment support, transport, energy, climate change, housing, culture, childcare provision and how councils run their finances.

So we will embrace the Take Back Control message. But we’ll turn it from a slogan to a solution. From a catchphrase into change. We will spread control out of Westminster. Devolve new powers over employment support, transport, energy, climate change, housing, culture, childcare provision and how councils run their finances.

Quote Message: And we’ll give communities a new right to request powers which go beyond this. All this will be in a new “Take Back Control” bill – a centrepiece of our first King’s Speech. A bill that will deliver on the demand for a new Britain. A new approach to politics and democracy. A new approach to growth and our economy.

And we’ll give communities a new right to request powers which go beyond this. All this will be in a new “Take Back Control” bill – a centrepiece of our first King’s Speech. A bill that will deliver on the demand for a new Britain. A new approach to politics and democracy. A new approach to growth and our economy.

The model is to have centrally orchestrated plans and policy implemented at the local level, with every region having its own flavour but all singing off the same hymn sheet, one world under Communitarian Law/Agenda21/Agenda30/WHO/WEF tyranny etc. These are major steps towards the implementation of the long planned Communist One World Government. Think how Oxford and Canterbury are introducing different flavours of the same zoning/traffic schemes – that’s a good example how this crap works in the real world. The directives come from the supranational unelected criminal organisations, implemented at the local level by their stooges who they try to paint as being representative of the people, when really it’s just the same filthy poisonous maggots telling everyone what to do.

The US which until recently was a staunch defender of freedom, needs to stare this monster straight in the eye and call it out. All the hard work in terms of identifying the source of these issues has been done, it’s just a question of whether or not the people in and outside the institutions have the strength or desire to do anything about it, as the author of the article states. Listen to Yuri Bezmenov. Listen To Kay Griggs. Listen to Brendon O Connell. Then take it to the next stage and get political. Infiltrate existing movements with good information. Do your own lobbying. Much of the US is fiercely opposed to Communism, they know it’s the Mother of all evils, it’s built in. Agenda 2030, Communitarian Law (hello Tucker Carlson the traitor), covid, ID2020 – it’s all the modern iteration of Communism, being hatched from the same stable. This should be rinsed and repeated until it’s on the tip of every tongue in America. Then see how much America wants this crap. The Scum definitely do not want their brand to be commonly known as Communist, so Communist is a great word to call it.

The UK on the other hand IS partly Communist (as Americans will tell you), and the UK is the birthplace of the first ever Communist political party – the London Communist League, so it’s very entrenched here. Brits of a certain age are literally addicted to demoralisation. The rest of them just laugh in your face whenever you try to tell them anything that is true – facts mean nothing to them – as Yuri states. The population of the UK is like a work of art for the establishment, throughout the totally mind controlled generations who have helped to make it what it is today. But there is still hope that this can be turned around because at the end of the day, these scumbags, represented via the mainstream political parties – LIBLABCONGREEN, are so far out of line and have done so many of the most horrendous things to the people in the past 2.75 years, to the point that they are on a par with the NAZIS in terms of their vileness, so the dam will naturally break and the water will level out, as it always does 😉

Jan 7, 2023 3:29 PM
Reply to  Mucho
Jan 7, 2023 3:33 PM
Reply to  Mucho
Jan 7, 2023 3:34 PM
Reply to  Mucho
Jan 7, 2023 4:01 PM
Reply to  Mucho

BOC ends each show with this clip. FREEDOM is the goal.

Bill Cooper Freedom – YouTube

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 7, 2023 4:02 PM
Reply to  Mucho

As a famous political pundit used to say: “But of course!” All traitors migrate into governmental positions at some point. How else could they succeed in becoming a traitor?

Jan 8, 2023 8:10 AM
Reply to  Mucho

Keep raising the Communist bogey, and wait for GloboCap to save you.

Jan 7, 2023 3:15 PM

Until people grant the abstract the same attention and seriousness as the concrete, there is little that can be done to stop the spread of totalitarianism.

“Take my liberty but not my car! I need it to take the kids to soccer practice!” seems a good generalization of the dynamic.

People want protection from bombs, terrorists, viruses, muggers, etc. But never think to include tyranny in the mix.

As long as the concrete things in their lives remain untouched, they’re okay with their government. Never mind that taking their liberty today guarantees taking their car tomorrow; they don’t think that far ahead.

Ironically, this tendency to put the cart before the horse is what’s held the climate thing at bay. “Protect me from a tornado! But don’t bother with global warming – if I get too hot, I’ll just go inside and have a cold drink.”

The very thing the psychos are counting on to keep the people from seeing what’s going on is the very thing keeping the people from seeing the climate as a threat. Who woulda thunk it?

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 7, 2023 2:24 PM

Not that I mean to sound “entitled” but I have a comment that’s been pending for 5 hours now. Any chance?

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 7, 2023 9:37 AM

Unwitting (or alternatively, teasingly knowing) admission:


“The US right has this week been staging a clown show that has had liberals in that country and beyond pulling up a chair and breaking out the popcorn.”

Popcorn is indeed relevant. This is a most splendid movie. How does it go? A yes:

“Deadly pandemic causes total reversal throughout the entire world as contrite capitalists admit that their system has failed and triumphant Leftists everywhere seize the reins of power, the common people rise up to force governments into lockdown, masks, distancing and vax production … HOWEVER there are some Far Right White Supremacist die-hards still clinging on and threatening with horrific coups such as Jan 6 – which is apparently an ongoing offensive being constantly reborn through “conspiracy nuts” everywhere. Can brave socialists like Kier Starmer bring us back to our senses?”   

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 7, 2023 9:25 AM

Off-G asked a few items ago for predictions for the coming year(s) and here’s one I feel fairly confident about – unfortunately.

I have noted that covid signified not only a BIG move but a LOOOOONG one too. The rulers are perfectly aware that the current older generations will only take so much of the restructuring. They are too used to a level of freedom and liberality now deemed “unsustainable”. The young are far more malleable. And a mere 5 days ago I saw this:


I’ve already commented on the vacuity of this so I’ll just recycle this bit:

“… those at risk of radicalisation but yet to offend and those convicted and in jail for terrorism offences have significant levels of mental health challenges or other vulnerabilities. Last year, the Guardian revealed that up to seven in 10 people referred to Prevent may experience mental ill health or other vulnerabilities that could leave them susceptible to falling for propaganda from violent extremists. Those involved in Prevent believe such psychological problems are much more of a potential factor than first thought.”

Now this (from 3 days ago):


“Evidence showing the grooming and sexual exploitation of a schoolgirl was handed to MI5 months before she was charged with terrorism offences, a BBC investigation has found. The prosecution of Rhianan Rudd was later dropped after the Home Office concluded she was a victim of exploitation. Rhianan, who was 15 when she became the youngest girl charged with terror offences in the UK, took her own life in a children’s home in May 2022. Her mother says investigators should have treated her daughter “as a victim rather than a terrorist”.”

The article follows the customary “Won’t someone think of the children” playbook:

“At the age of 14, Rhianan Rudd became absorbed by right-wing extremism. Her mother Emily Carter remembers her as a “lovely girl” who adored horses. But then she began to express racist and antisemitic beliefs, Ms Carter says.”

Adoring horses is mandatory for teen girls. Anyway, it is clear that the girl suffered from mental health issues and,  

“By September 2020, Ms Carter had become so concerned by Rhianan’s mindset that she referred her to Prevent, the government de-radicalisation scheme, after she admitted downloading a bomb-making manual.”

“government de-radicalisation scheme”?! And note that this happened 7 months into the covid psy-op terrorism – and that is an issue not mentioned in the article though the covid terrorism has been far more ubiquitous and destructive than Nazis attempting to groom kids on the net.  

Predictably this is only one of a rising tide:

“Rhianan is part of a trend of growing numbers of children, often involved in online right-wing extremism, being investigated by MI5 and police. Convictions in the past two years include a Cornish boy who led his own online terror cell aged 14 and a boy from Darlington arrested aged 13. In the case of another boy, a pre-sentence report from experts said it was “likely that he did not see the wider ramifications of his activities, now seamlessly replaced apparently by interests such as Dad’s Army”.”

Yes you really did read that right. “Dad’s Army” is apparently a cure that can “seamlessly” avert kiddie terrorism! And doesn’t this sound like the typical interest that boys have for military stuff (which has been encouraged by the media over decades) which then gives way to other stuff as they grow up?

But here’s a surprise:

“Jonathan Hall KC, the independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, says that in 2020/2021 only one child who committed a terrorism offence was jailed, with all the others “eventually given non-custodial sentences”.

Mr Hall took a prominent place in the previous article. Now here’s an infallible phenomenon: When you form a unit to look for X activity, there will invariably be a huge increase in reported X activity. Or as Dylan once sang, “And the riot squad are restless/They need somewhere to go”.

Meanhile back in the States:

“Police: 6-year-old shoots teacher in Virginia classroom”

With barely a week into 2023, expect more of the above.

Jan 7, 2023 9:11 AM

“New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul”.

What’s she been up to recently?…

She replaced Andrew Cuomo. He was offered up as a lightning rod and then thrown on the scrapheap – to be replaced by someone worse. It’s what they do.

Jan 7, 2023 11:42 AM
Reply to  Edwige

New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul”. is late to the party by about 3 years.

The republicans brought it in first.

This was mentioned in the Catholic times 2 half years ago at the exact same time, your The anti establishment Supposedly Christians Conservatives headed by 6uild 6ack 6oris 😂 brought in new laws in ‘organ donation ‘ All adults in England are now considered to have agreed to be an organ donor when they die unless they have recorded a decision not to donate or are in one of the excluded groups.

Donny imaginary fight against the deep state on Drain The Swamps watch in April 23, 2019 in the heart of the swamp.

Washington Becomes First State to Allow ‘Human Composting’ as a Burial Method
Even the Q lot where tranquilized by this.

Why bother with funerals, when you can have a water cremation’ aka costic soda.
Why would 20 + states in the USA all of a sudden change the law on burials ??
What was they hiding (or hidden) dissolve.?


Jan 8, 2023 8:27 AM
Reply to  fertility

U$ learned from the Saudi hit job on Khashoggi.

Jan 7, 2023 8:42 AM

“Still, almost three years later, I am dumbfounded by how rapidly a nation that once boasted of its attachment to “liberty” has succumbed to the priorities of totalitarianism.” 

If there’s one thing you can count on in the land of the free, it’s empty boasts. We’re Number One!, proudly proclaim overgrown adolescents who get off on having the biggest bombs to level others’ lands to defend liberty. Meanwhile, U$, Inc. lags behind most or all industrialized nations in any number of areas, infant mortality to life expectancy, education to health care, wealth distribution to public welfare, which might be taken as measures of quality of life among the general population. And how the empire bleeds the republic, as well as the rest of the world, seems of little to no concern for many.

Give me liberty to purchase as I please, or give me death!, cry the many addicts of consumer culture who call the accumulation of dead commodities living. You can’t really blame them when capitalism has made a wasteland of human community and culture, reducing all values to the cash nexus, leaving we the people empty of virtues of citizenship. The vaunted freedom of the individual in the best democracy money can buy amounts to being a cog in the machinery of production, profit, and politricks.  

Americans are indoctrinated and conditioned from earliest age to lose any sense of wonder and freedom of imagination, thought, and feeling in education factories, where obedient youth are expected to perform mindless and meaningless assignments of authority in order to spend adulthood doing the same in jobs (and then you die). Freedom to choose our own prison cells in carceral institutions ruling over our lives might prove intolerable were it not for all sorts of ways to drug and distract ourselves, now all the more in our digital (c)age.

Sing of America the beautiful amid suburbs and shopping malls if you can. But landscapes of traffic jams and anonymous crowds herded toward staged spectacles bespeaks a mass conformism in which personal identity is swallowed by the kind of collective alienation that’s always ripe for totalitarianism.  

So while I’m horrified by the beast that now rears its ugly head, I can’t say I’m all that surprised, given how it’s been creeping along over the course of my lifetime. That so few seem horrified now attests to how so many long ago simply stopped paying attention to much of anything they weren’t programmed for. Nevertheless, maybe more may yet realize that the freedom we need to “stand together against the common threat” (Solzhenitsyn) is very un-American, before we get around to the domestic terrorists being rounded up.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 7, 2023 3:55 PM
Reply to  niko

Hello niko: Excellent post! American “exceptionalism”? The biggest crock of shit ever uttered. And it was misspelled. It should have been spelled: American acceptional-ism. A belief that any kind of treason and adultery of truth is perfectly acceptable, as long as everyone’s getting paid…

Jan 7, 2023 7:45 AM

Brazil’s falsely imprisoned President Lula is back – and U$A-style capitalist dummy Bolsonaro has Fled to Florida. Where he will soon have U$A-style capitalist dummy Zelensky as neighbour in his $20Million U$Dollar house.

Jan 9, 2023 11:09 AM
Reply to  NickM

Bolsonaro opposed convid. Lula will bring it back.

Jan 7, 2023 2:52 AM


As with unions and religious bodies, organisations allegedly formed to defend civil liberties are actually controlled by the very powers that tyrranise us today. It has been this way for many decades. I have described in the past the way the ACLU attempted to silence JFK researcher Vince Salandria. Salandria handed in his card.

Jan 7, 2023 2:07 AM

What is happening involves nothing less than the fundamental reshaping of our body politic, a massive assault on the constitutional system of civil liberties and on the presuppositions undergirding that system.

The government & courts are corporations.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 7, 2023 12:45 AM

One thing that is sorely troubling is why we are still having this pandemic/ vax nonsense churned out. Surely it was slackening off? But over the winter there seems to have been an enormous resurgence in the big virus push. Who is buying this? Who can possibly be falling for the increasingly BORING variants with their “most deadliest yet” rhetoric? Of course the media will churn it out – and so shamelessly that, as I’ve said many times, it must be software that’s driving it. But who among the public is buying it?

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jan 7, 2023 3:58 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Plenty George. I tend to follow the comments on Yahoo news articles here in the states and it’s amazing how many are still true-blue believers. It does seem many more have caught on, and are making that clear, but the media is so one sided, obviously, that the sheeple among us and who out number us, are still just as brainwashed as ever.

But we knew this would happen. The plan is to keep it going, the biometric IDs, the QR codes, the control, we’ve discussed that here and its following course.

Jan 7, 2023 7:39 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Unvaccinated still not allowed to fly into US.But bring in the Chinese-who’s country is having an outbreak of a new variant of the “Deadly Pandemic”.
Chinese into to Canada!No problem -no restrictions.Thailand not letting unvaccinated in.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 6, 2023 11:18 PM

So long as we keep looking out for someone else to speak up for us, liberty will remain elusive.

Jan 7, 2023 7:47 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

True. Twas ever thus:

“The blood of the Martyrs is the seed of the Church.”

Jan 6, 2023 11:04 PM

I’m not sure where we were, but this recent move by McDonald’s should tell us where we’re at:


Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jan 6, 2023 11:01 PM

I think the question is, are there enough of us? Obviously, there are many of us. But just as obviously, we’re greatly outnumbered. The fucking sheep have taken over the barn. In the U.S., over 150 million people voted for either Crazy Criminal Trump or Senile and Completely Criminal Biden for president. We can pretty much count them out. Anyone that will vote for one person to be able to make “Executive Orders” for the entire country isn’t exactly big on freedom and liberty.

I’ve been positing periodically that this is about freedom. That the number one issue is freedom. It’s good the author and others are bringing that up because it needs to be pounded out. I’ve brought that up on the alternative media sites you would think would be most amenable to that, like this one, but it usually brings crickets.

The fight we’re in can be summarized by the famous Nazi Boy turned movie actor and somehow Governor of the state of California, Arnie Schwarzenegger,


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oRdP3SYjgM&w=560&h=315%5D

Jan 7, 2023 1:17 AM

Sound like the tag line for Arnie’s next movie
“Geriatricus” or “How I Turned into a Timid Old Man”

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jan 7, 2023 3:50 AM
Reply to  snafuman

Evidently, he always was a timid whatever. This scamdemic brought out the true colors in everyone. Maybe that’s a good thing.

Johnny 5
Johnny 5
Jan 7, 2023 10:57 AM

We decided early on there aren’t enough of us. It’s sad but true. Even though people may now pretend they were against covidianism, 99.9% of people went along with the restrictions. We were in a very rare minority who refused to do any of it.

My young children were harassed over not wearing masks, among other things. So as far as I’m concerned, the West deserves what it’s going to get and we won’t lift a finger to stop it. We’ll get out of the way and that’s it.

As an addendum to the article: people may want to pretend DeSantis is some outsider but he’s an establishment bitch who locked everyone down and promoted masks and vaccines for over 2 years. He’s a complete liar.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jan 8, 2023 3:34 AM
Reply to  Johnny 5

Agree, agree, agree.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Jan 6, 2023 10:53 PM

The US, along with every other western country, is fast becoming a totalitarian regime run by a police state. All of it in the private hands of a few.
Something has to be done with those officials pushing gov’t rhetoric as science. If they are allowed to roam free with their gov’t stamp of approval, they will just keep poisoning the herd. They need to be called out on every twist and turn they take.

If enough people stand firm, the truth will eventually get traction, as seems to be the case. Every medical professional now owes this debt to the next generations. Some need to return to the classroom as they seem to have forgotten their training.

Meanwhile the politicians responsible for this mess need to be hounded out of office and into a prison cell. It is they who represent the most clear and most present danger to the public.

Jan 6, 2023 10:59 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

They have that covered, all those who have the authority or credibility to call them out are dependent in one way or another, for their careers or their credibility, on the generosity of that same state.

People of independent means, who we used to depend on for their outspoken opinions, no longer exist, or feel too threatened to speak out

Jan 7, 2023 9:14 AM
Reply to  WillianHill

“People of independent means, who we used to depend on for their outspoken opinions, no longer exist, or feel too threatened to speak out”.

I guess this is why The ChesterBelloc insisted that their form of Communism should be called Distributism: common wealth should be ethically distrubuted as private property. Chesterton added, that firm Christian dogma was a guarantee of Liberty. (This might explain why so much of the current resistance to a century of Global Anglo-Zionazi Capitalist tyranny — foreseen by GKC — is now coming from the traditional Right of the political spectrum eg, The American Conservative):

“The rules of a club treat all members equally; but the drift of a club tends toward the rich”. — GKC, Orthodoxy.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 6, 2023 10:47 PM

Total news management at gaslighting central:

-Young black man suffers from OCD and “tried to brush it off as “normal” while maintaining a busy lifestyle as a model, writer and content creator – posting political and social commentary videos to social media”.

-Covid-19 infection rates are at their highest since last July with one in 25 estimated to have the infection, according to new figures. New variants in “worsening situation”.

-Meanwhile in the “Cost-of-living-crisis”, we discuss if showering at your local gym might save you money.

And on top of all that:

-Can the UK’s race to space take off? The first-ever orbital rocket launch from British soil is set to blast off on Monday, marking the start of the UK’s race to space. The ambition is to turn the country into a global player in space – from manufacturing satellites, to building rockets and creating new spaceports. But can the UK carve out a place in an increasingly crowded market – and why try to reach for the stars?

See? Poverty threatening (but hey you might be able to avoid it by showering at the gym!), a virus with apparently endless sub-variants poised to wipe out humanity, but a busy black guy has OCD, and the UK may enter the “space race”!

Jan 7, 2023 9:35 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“Covid-19 infection rates are at their highest”

Are you sure it is number 19? There are millions of other Corona flu viruses, always have been — always will be.

“Voila l’Anglais avec son sangue froide habituel” (Here comes that Englishman with his usual bloody cold) — Fractured French.

Jan 6, 2023 9:53 PM

“[W]hen will I hear more voices raised in resistance?”

(1) You won’t. 

The very values we held in the West have been completely uprooted by a stealth campaign that is clearly decades in the making — corrupting our public and private institutions by steadily winnowing out the moral and courageous, and corrupting our education from cradle thru university. We who remember common freedom (roughly, the Right) and fairness (roughly, the Left), are left in the dust, a now tiny minority. No smoking-gun revelations of wrongdoing will ever awaken us again. All the specific details you mention of all the outrages we’ve faced are now just details.

(2) Even if these voices came tomorrow, do you think this is going to fix things? It won’t. 

The accumulated power of all technologies — not just weaponry and computing, but psychology, medicine, and, really, all the rest — is now completely overwhelming us. It has reached a watershed, in that it is fully sufficient to silence us, forever.

We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.” That is, the current war was lost almost two decades ago. We should understand this well because we’ve lost every test since. This is the mop-up operation. It is the point that Frank Zappa described, where they’re taking down the scenery … yet we find ourselves shocked, and keep howling like Howard Beale above.

In other words, this ain’t your grandparents’ Watergate and Vietnam. Stop acting like it. Public discourse does not work any more (assuming it ever did). I, for one, now spend relatively little time here just venting, because that’s all it is. The only hope of survival is for large numbers of us to up our game — very badly, and very soon.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 7, 2023 12:50 AM
Reply to  Anti-Hip

Realism can slip so easily into self-indulgent despair porn, can’t it? About halfway through your comment I spotted the cigarette burn and knew the changeover was coming, and sure enough you began praising the infallibly of our overlords. Christ save us, I really do have zero time lately for this sort of masochistic sycophancy. Just another iteration of ‘Govern me harder, daddy’.

No, ‘their’ technology is not now ‘fully sufficient to silence us’ or why did our overlords get reamed so comprehensively during the Covid rollout? Them overlords were tiptoeing around the masses, trying out their own changeover, trying to switch out one reality for another. The masses went along with it for a time, but then with as little as a single bared tooth and a warning glance the masses sent the overlords scurrying to change the movie. All of a sudden it was all about impending nuclear apocalypse and Covid was gone in a puff of smoke. The overlords were so terrified of the leviathan that is the People, the 99%, that all you could see was an overlord-shaped hole in the wall.

Now, say for a moment I’m utterly wrong and we’re all utterly screwed, still, let’s keep our dignity and carry on carrying on, fighting the good fight in our own small ways. We really have zero idea what is round the corner.

I see no point in this sort of despair post. It makes me feel a bit cringey.


Jan 7, 2023 2:51 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

You call this a “despair post”. It’s not. It’s intended as a slap in our faces, of the right kind. I’m saying if we don’t address the meta-issue of how and why we’ve been so thoroughly beaten (and we have) in the last two decades, we’re living in denial. If we don’t rise above the problem, our failures will keep coming.

And no, we have not won the COVID war by any stretch. It’s version 1.0 of the new bioterror totalitarianism. Brace yourselves for some wild curveballs, ’cause they’re coming, and if we just continue to react instead of thoroughly anticipate, it won’t be enough.

We really have zero idea what is round the corner.” Exactly — but we can still do much better at this game. I will try my best as I can to be more articulate and thorough about these things going forward, instead of dashing off my immediate reactions of frustration.

Thank you.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 7, 2023 3:09 AM
Reply to  Anti-Hip

And I’ll try harder to see the good intentions behind posts in future in that case. And thanks for that clarification, I think it’s a useful one. A2

Jan 7, 2023 11:44 AM
Reply to  Anti-Hip

For what it’s worth, I agree. Thankfully we do have a place to vent, which God knows is necessary. But you make good points.

The big diet
The big diet
Jan 7, 2023 3:22 AM
Reply to  Anti-Hip

There is real resistance going on all over the world; Palestine, Tunisia, Sudan, Peru, Haiti and Iran. There is resistance to the global criminal gang in more and more Sub-Saharan African countries as well.
One thing all these countries have in common is a disarmed citizenry. Imagine if they had access to weapons with which to defend themselves against the “security forces”..
There will be resistance when westerners are pushed too far.

Jan 7, 2023 4:57 AM
Reply to  The big diet

“There will be resistance when westerners are pushed too far.” I’m not so sure about that. I am not familiar enough with the cultures in these non-Western countries to speak confidently here, but I question whether their governments’ propaganda has achieved the unprecedented sophistication found today in the West. It is not just our institutions but our minds that have been hijacked.

Jan 7, 2023 7:54 AM
Reply to  The big diet

Gaddafi armed the people of Libya, but that did not help them against GloboCap. Consider alternatives.

The big diet
The big diet
Jan 7, 2023 2:51 PM
Reply to  mgeo

The people of Libya did not not have an Enlightenment. Westerners did. So they are less likely to accept slavery.
Also, westerners, especially in the US are still living through an artificial prosperity. When that ends it will be much more difficult to keep a lid on resistance.

Jan 7, 2023 9:48 AM
Reply to  Anti-Hip

“the current war was lost almost two decades ago”

True, we lost the Con-19 game when we failed to hand B.Liar and GW.Bush over Con-WMD game. Likewise, we lost the Con-WMD game when we failed to hang B.Liar and WC.Clinton over Con-Kosovo.

TB.Liar is now Non-voting Director in House of Rothschild — the highest rank ever bestowed on a retired British PM.

That is why I praise modern China and Russia: China hangs bankers, and Putin either imprisons Oligarchs or exiles them where they belong — to London and (shortly) to Florida with a British passport.

Jan 7, 2023 2:21 PM
Reply to  NickM

Agreed. Though, I rather prefer Iceland’s approach to China’s for hanging bankers. (At least, c. 2010. I’m curious whether they’ve backslid since then; I know only that western TPTB have been mighty efficient at the long game.)

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Jan 6, 2023 9:48 PM

You are the voice. Everyone is the voice. Most are overcome with fear.

Jan 6, 2023 9:06 PM

The US deep state has been systematically destroying liberalism for the past 60 years in the US & their empire, Liberalism, which traditionally has meant freedom of speech, freedom from oppression, and justice for all, regardless.

This is an extension, the culmination of their war on the left. No aspect of the left will be untouched, all will be demonized and made evil by their war. It is a crime to signal virtue, it is dirty and evil to be a trans person, homosexuality is being forced on us, black caused their own disadvantage or are not disadvantaged at all.

Every single part of left wing opinion is being systematically destroyed by the far right CIA, who have been at it a long time, from the McCarthyism to the murder of John Lennon and the domestication of Bernie Sanders, Their hatred of the left is insatiable.
The culmination of their campaign of hatred will be a charge of genocide against the left, the COVID genocide.

The CIA the deep state, the military industrial complex born out of Nazism of the second world war is bitter and angry that their beloved ideology has had to carry the legacy of the holocaust and the genocides of Hitler, whilst the leftist, has danced like freedom fairies around the world for 60 years signalling equality and justice.

The right hate them & resent this and want to finally eradicate, socialist thinking, make it a crime and dirty like fascism has been for 70 years, as they try to rehabilitate the themes of the far right. Nationalism is good now.

If you say to me that is a stupid aim, I would agree, it is absurd and pointless and will fail, but that is why empires die, because the ideology that made them rich, will eventually strangle them, in a straight jacket of their own idiocy. Woke is a creation of those who want to destroy the left, those who want to see it buried forever, how could it be any other way. The real left don’t have any real representation or power in the US power structures, and it certainly dos not have the power to create a ‘Woke’ movement. If it were a genuine liberal movement & belonged to the left, It would not be allowed to exist.
And before you tell me there is no left or right, I say tell the CIA that, because they know who they are going after, and they know why the left is a threat to their military industrial complex and their owners wealth.
The Democrat party are not a left wing party, neither are the new Labour party, they are a product of the deep state, & a fake opposition, & a part of the war on the true left.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jan 6, 2023 11:09 PM
Reply to  WillianHill

Your Left is there for example in TV Adverts, Agenda Woke encompasses black and white people. As America does, it was just laid out too caustically by US Mainstream imo.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jan 7, 2023 4:21 AM
Reply to  WillianHill

“It is a crime to signal virtue, it is dirty and evil to be a trans person, homosexuality is being forced on us, black caused their own disadvantage or are not disadvantaged at all.”

Well ya, looks what happening. Are you LBGQT and Black Lives Matter sensitive there Willian?

“domestication of Bernie Sanders”. (Are you kidding me, Bernie, the imperialist, Sanders?)

“The culmination of their campaign of hatred will be a charge of genocide against the left, the COVID genocide.”

Ya, because it’s true. The so called left want us dead or put in camps and starved.

You do sound like a liberal. And the democratic party is right there with ya.

And that’s not to defend the so called right, many of whom still bow to cult leader Trump.

These things go back and forth. First, the right loves freedom, then the left loves freedom. Then the left is against war, then is for war, and vice versa with the right. The right loves capitalism, then the left loves capitalism.

But defending the left will get you nowhere.

Jan 7, 2023 12:27 PM

What a moronic reply.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jan 7, 2023 1:29 PM
Reply to  WillianHill

Tell me why there Willian, otherwise, right back at ya, dude.

Jan 7, 2023 2:28 PM

” ‘domestication of Bernie Sanders’. (Are you kidding me, Bernie, the imperialist, Sanders?)”

Sure, he’s an imperialist in practice … but he sure plays a mean socialist on the TeeVee! Don’t you know he’s been trying to start a “Revolution”?! [barf!]

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Jan 7, 2023 6:15 PM
Reply to  Anti-Hip

Ya, anybody who fell for the Bernie Sanders crap has probably got the jab too.

Jan 8, 2023 6:56 PM

I fell for the Bernie Sanders crap and have not been vaxxed and will not. While I can see why you like to jump to a stereotype like that, IMHO that really doesn’t help our cause, does it? Falling for the Bernie crap was the final straw for me that helped me to see just how meaningless “elections” really are, and just how utterly fake that whole left right divide really is. So perhaps you’d best get rid of the judgement and realize that it may take others longer to learn things than it takes you. Does that mean those others are completely worthless individuals? I guess for some it does. All that attitude really does is push those who might have learned to see through it all right back into their proverbial trenches of left vs right. Not helpful AT ALL.

Jan 7, 2023 2:13 PM
Reply to  WillianHill

To nearly all of that, Amen.

One thing puzzles me though. You appear to be a Leftist (or some other kind of advocate for its health) … yet you used the Right-wing term “Democrat Party” (where “Democrat” is an adjective) instead of either the official name “Democratic Party” or different epithet?

I’ve never understood why this is seen as an effective slur. It seems a meaningless corruption or grammatical failure, one that backfire on its intended audience by looking like careless stupidity, rather than a clever jab. Keep in mind how much Democrats love wit in their modern-day Courts of Versailles. I rather like the name “Demonrat”, which makes the point clear.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 6, 2023 9:00 PM

There are two related concepts: Liberty and Due Process. The voices for both have been largely AWOL for two centuries; and the societal wide eruption of insanity over the last three years is the inevitable conclusion of that silence.

Thomas Szasz (2010):

Formerly, when Church and State were allied, people accepted theological justifications for state-sanctioned coercion. Today, when Medicine and the State are allied, people accept therapeutic justifications for state-sanctioned coercion. This is how, some two hundred years ago, psychiatry became an arm of the coercive apparatus of the state. And this is why today all of medicine threatens to become transformed from personal therapy into political tyranny.


Jan 7, 2023 12:40 AM

The while lab coat has replaced the black cassock.

Jan 6, 2023 8:35 PM

Agree totally. But expand it to include most, if not all, of the countries around the world!

Jan 6, 2023 8:33 PM

As I have been saying for the past few years;

“You should know something is very wrong in your country when scumbags, the Corporate stooges, profiting from the many deep state scams, like Rand Paul, Tucker Carson, Ted Cruz & DeSantis are being presented as ”freedom fighters” and the new liberty lovers, by the corporate owned mainstream and far-right ‘alternative’ media.

These scum bags have been at war with the working population of the US all their lives, & still are, nothing changed. They are now the fake opposition, absurdly being portrayed as heroes.

Its Luckily for us, that DeSantis reveals his true anti-democratic colors by introducing laws criminalizing political protests, and wanted to give immunity to those who murder protesters.

He hates democracy and he hates freedom; that is the real far-right we know and have grown up with & is just under the surface.”

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jan 6, 2023 8:45 PM
Reply to  WillianHill

Are you quoting yourself here?

Perhaps you would like to enlighten me as to what are the characteristics of “far-right”?

You have put three US politicians (Paul, de Santis and Cruz) together with a journalist (Carlson). Why is that?

I’m not a huge fan – I don’t agree with everything he says – but I find Tucker Carlson to be relatively inoffensive. He regularly has prominent left-wing guests on his show: eg, Glenn Greenwald, Jimmy Dore and Aaron Mate. And former democrat Tulsi Gabbard even guest presents his show.

I would say Carlson is one of the better US journalists. I don’t agree with his stance on China, for example, but then, I don’t expect to agree with everything that anyone says.

I’m struggling with your comment. You seem to suggest that you know (for example) what Ron de Santis is thinking. That’s impossible. You cannot know what anyone is thinking – other than yourself. Does he “hate” democracy? I don’t know, maybe he does. Maybe he doesn’t.

As politicians go – I would say – he’s certainly not the worst of them!

Jan 6, 2023 9:09 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

I said I know what DeSantis has reveal about himself through his actions. He is anti democracy and anti-freedom to protest, he proved that. He also proved that he sees protesters as ‘the enemy’, a strange view in a democracy.

Jan 7, 2023 2:40 PM
Reply to  WillianHill

All politicians are narcissists. Don’t you know that?

Gone are the days when someone of (ostensibly) noble temperament would (ostensibly) be drafted grass-roots style. Today, is it abundantly clear that feral political animals claw their way to gaining permanent spots on the TeeVee. It takes a ferocious will, and one that certainly transcends the humility necessary to actually believe in (rather than ape) democracy.

So yes, of course his protesters are his enemy. So are Trump’s (duh) as well as Bernie’s (whose chosen stage role requires complete discretion).

susan mullen
susan mullen
Jan 10, 2023 5:15 AM
Reply to  WillianHill

Some DeSantis-Covid trivia, 4/28/2020, Vanity Fair, DeSantis kept Florida beaches open, Trump didn’t like it, so called DeSantis to tell him to close the beaches: “Trump called DeSantis to tell him to shut down the beaches.

““Ron, what are you doing down there?” Trump said, according to a person briefed on the call.

“I can’t ban people from going on the beach,” DeSantis snapped, surprising Trump.

“These pictures look really bad to the rest of the country,” Trump said.

“Listen, we’re doing it the right way,” DeSantis said…. 

He told DeSantis the beaches could stay open.

“I understand what you’re saying,” Trump said, and hung up.”…4/28/2020, “Inside Donald Trump and Jared Kushner’s Two Months of Magical Thinking,” Vanity Fair, Gabriel Sherman

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Jan 6, 2023 8:32 PM

There are voices out here but as we know, they are being drowned out, censored and suppressed by the plutocrats’ propaganda machine, their lackeys and acolytes. We need more people to wake up, stand up, speak out, resist, defy and refuse to be pushed into the abyss of the technofascist neo-feudalism the globalists have in store for us. .

Bill Castle
Bill Castle
Jan 6, 2023 8:28 PM

“What we need are voices – lots of them – raised in protest every time a bureaucrat or a tame Ivy League “expert” or a lying “journalist” or a shyster in sheep’s clothing tries to rob us of one more bit of our human dignity, one more inch of our civil rights.”

This isn’t going to happen. Now what?

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 6, 2023 8:22 PM

Despite being lethal, totally unnecessary in the first place, fast losing popular support and boring the fuck out of everyone, mRNA “vaccines” are now going to be mass produced for every conceivable condition – and every as yet unconceivable condition.

The two prior concerns at the moment are – cancer and, of course, the next pandemic. We dont’ know when it will hit or what it will be, but we’re damned sure it’s just round the corner.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 6, 2023 8:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

PS In the meantime, we’ll have to shut down all current medical services that are actually of benefit to people who are genuinely sick. But – sacrifices must be made for the greater good etc.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jan 6, 2023 8:51 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And Dr Angus Dalgleish is saying that the jabs are causing cancers to return in some patients formerly in remission.

Jan 7, 2023 2:55 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The whole idea is to jab the kids. Yeah, for depopulation. But mainly to get on the Immunity train.

In the US at least, once a jab is part of the Childhood Vaccine Schedule, the jab maker is home free – under the protection of the 1986 Law/Gift to Big Pharma.

It’s all about the kids.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 6, 2023 7:23 PM

Perhaps we should have a new term to describe the kind of organisation we have in this society. It was never a democracy, though it is no longer as openly dictatorial as in the feudal system. Instead we have a closed authoritarian order acting out a spurious diversity, putting on a show whose outcome has already been determined. It might be termed a “pseudo-spectrum” or maybe “totalitainment”?

Hence the clearly calculated destruction of the health services via various props e.g. phony viruses, programmed “incompetence”, theatrical conflicts, staged industrial disputes etc.  

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Jan 6, 2023 8:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s gone from idiocracy to ineptocracy. They want us to think a global government will do a better job.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 6, 2023 8:34 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Representative democracy was always going to be a problem.

Thinking about it, I’m surprised that the kakistocracy took 2000 years until they used it to really shaft us.

Young Pickles
Young Pickles
Jan 6, 2023 10:23 PM
Reply to  George Mc

We will only stand a chance of changing things once an appropriate, widely understood name is given to this lieviathan. Totalitainment has my vote.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 6, 2023 7:14 PM

My brother died 4 days after a massive stroke induced by the 4th jab, my sister claims she has non Hodgkins lymphona and a chronic lung infection, she is a hypochondriac who would have had all the jabs.

I had none not only because I have Crohn’s disease, deadly allergies to things like sulphur based anti biotics and penicillin based, intermittent food allergies, chronic hay fever and high blood pressure but because I knew they were fucking poison.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 6, 2023 8:40 PM

Sorry to hear about your brother.

I am so confused by my feelings about this stuff.

My elderly parents and many friends and family worship at the alter of covid and I obviously want to keep them on this earth.

Then I think about the rest. The ones who enable this stuff and I get very angry.

Maybe my confusion is part of the plan.

How I hate the people that are doing this.

Jan 6, 2023 9:47 PM

Sorry to hear about your family. I also have Crohn’s, it’s astounding how many people with autoimmune/inflammatory conditions went ahead and got jabbed with god knows what workout a second thought. But yes, like you it wasn’t the only or even the main reason I abstained…
Have you come across helminthic therapy? Worked wonders for me

Jan 7, 2023 10:00 AM
Reply to  Agorista

A plant based diet cures “Crohn’s disease”.

Jan 6, 2023 6:35 PM

They went below the line

I call it: the underground

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 6, 2023 6:21 PM

By God is it chilling to revisit the media pronouncements from two or three years ago. If they seemed sinister at the time, they seem downright ghoulish now. 

Thus Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti: “I think we all have never wanted science to work so quickly ….But until there’s either a vaccine, some sort of pharmaceutical intervention, or herd immunity …” etc etc.

Blasé regurgitation of the customary B movie script, as in “It’s a slim chance but it might just work!”

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Jan 6, 2023 5:27 PM

We are the people that are preparing and homesteading in rural USA.
We are not in government and not political parasites.
We are armed and can be ready in a minute.
The Tree of Liberty is thirsty.

Paul Watson
Paul Watson
Jan 6, 2023 6:03 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

It’s due a refreshing (overdue)

Ann Caddigan
Ann Caddigan
Jan 6, 2023 6:09 PM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

I’M with you, Thomas! We must water that Tree.

Jan 6, 2023 8:07 PM
Reply to  Ann Caddigan

Thirsty for blood more like.

Jan 7, 2023 12:50 AM
Reply to  Sebastian

Yup. That’s exactly what they meant:comment image

Mike Chappelle
Mike Chappelle
Jan 7, 2023 2:37 AM
Reply to  SeamusPadraig

The Duplicitous U.S. Constitution by Tim Scott/ May 4th, 2017 find on Dissident Voice: a radical newsletter for peace and social justice.