Suffer, Little Children

School Closings, Child Abuse, and the COVID19 Coup’s War on Democracy

Michael Lesher

I’ve been an angry man since the age of sixteen. That was when I read Lloyd deMause’s newly-published The History of Childhood, an inquest into the realities of growing up that minced no words about society’s ingrained habit of victimizing children to serve the implacable ends of adults.

As I absorbed deMause’s relentless account of the cruelty inflicted on children in the world’s most “advanced” civilizations, I swore an angry oath to myself that I would never acquiesce in the deliberate harm of little kids, no matter how respectable their abusers might claim to be.

So I’m not going to pull any punches about the systematic child abuse being orchestrated, as I write, by a phalanx of America’s most “respectable” politicians, pundits and self-styled educators.

Child abuse? Yes, that’s what I said: and I’m talking about the concerted campaign to keep the United States school system shuttered in honor of the Great God Corona – a cynical bid to smother the free instincts in a whole generation of children before they’re even old enough to know how deeply they’ve been violated.

As if that weren’t ugly enough, the propagandists who want to take away our kids’ education are using emotional blackmail to do it, terrorizing 74 million American children with the slander that they’re as poisonous as Rappaccini’s daughter – that the moment they cross the threshold of a school building they will have condemned their teachers, and probably their parents, to an early and painful death.

Child abuse? That’s almost too mild a name for it.

What is it going to take, I wonder, to make the proverbial Man in the Street as angry as I am about this? If I could, I’d try to shout into his face some measure of his inconsistency. Have you been gnashing your teeth over the alleged crimes of Jeffrey Epstein, Mr. Street? What do you say to a crew of governors-turned-dictators who hold millions of American children captive in their own homes, polluting their minds with fear porn?

Does it bother you when the minions of President Donald Trump throw helpless children into the arms of traffickers south of the border as a matter of “immigration policy”? How do you feel, then, about a “health” policy that deprives all our children of a normal education?

You’ve heard tell of irresponsible organizations tainting social media with “misinformation,” haven’t you? Do you mind the idea of your own kids being manipulated 24/7 through a computer screen by the same folks who planted microphones in a home “security” system and have already handed over your private information to political gangsters like Cambridge Analytica?

Or maybe you’re upset with Israeli soldiers who hide stun grenades where they can hurt unsuspecting youngsters in a West Bank village? If so, Mr. Street, what about people who hang the calumny of being walking death-traps like a sword of Damocles above the heads of millions of American pre-teens?

Are you angry yet?

Mainstream pundits, of course, assure us that all of this is really a saintly effort to protect the young.

“This is exactly what we’ve been warning about,” a smug Megan Ranney, described as “the director for the Center for Digital Health at Brown University,told the press about a recent rise in COVID19 “cases” among schoolchildren. (Ah, why can’t Americans just forget about educating their kids and let the “experts” do their thinking for them?)

“Coronavirus cases are already surfacing in K-12 schools that have reopened,” screeched NBC News – again citing “experts” – but “the federal government is not tracking these outbreaks, and some states are not publicly reporting them.”

And as if that didn’t prove we’re all eye-deep in the Black Death, a Florida judge blocked the reopening of his state’s public schools by claiming that the decision properly belonged to – you guessed it – “health experts” and not its elected representatives; meanwhile, the Orwellian gloating of a teachers’ union president about the judge’s twin attacks on education and democracy (“This is a great day for public schools”) was topped only by a young middle-school teacher who stood on a Tampa sidewalk with a poster blaring, “I CAN’T TEACH FROM THE GRAVE.”

But there are some cracks in the walls of the propaganda.

The article containing Dr. Ranney’s pontifications, for instance, dealt exclusively with the rise in COVID19 “cases”; after all, that’s the only way to make an ominous story out of the spread of a dime-a-dozen flu virus among people who are seldom if ever harmed by it.

The article mentioned only one child as experiencing any serious consequences at all – and it turned out (though the article didn’t say so) that he died of a seizure, that there’s no evidence his death had anything to do with COVID19, and that in any case he was apparently infected in church, not at school.

Furthermore, not one of the articles I’ve sampled even tried to present evidence of teachers contracting COVID19 from their students – an issue that ought to be central, given so many teachers’ vehement opposition to doing their jobs.

But you know the drill: the Right Thinkers have already reached their conclusions; inconvenient facts must be airbrushed.

And oh boy, there are plenty of inconvenient facts.

The coronavirus coup is already crippling a nation even as its jaws open for our kids. According to a continuing special project of the US Census Bureau:

almost a third of people in some states have little or no confidence they can pay August’s rent or mortgage […] Jobs have been furloughed, businesses closed, hours reduced and salaries cut […] 35% of adults [are] still expecting a loss of employment income in the coming month for themselves or someone in their household.”

And what about the children? By mid-August, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention was reporting that more than a quarter of all young adults in the United States had contemplated suicide during the “pandemic.”

A West Los Angeles child and adolescent psychiatrist has publicly testified to a “rapid and substantial increase” since March in cases of anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, bedwetting, self-harming, violence, panic attacks and related symptoms of emotional illness among the children he treats.

Let’s be clear about this: none of these horrors resulted from a respiratory virus. They were and are the products of unilateral “executive orders,” issued without the approval of any legislature and without public debate, by state governors who for over five months have claimed quasi-dictatorial powers on the strength of an “emergency” that never existed and certainly doesn’t exist today.

Our bleak reality, in a word, is the price we are paying for a sustained attack on the fundamental components of constitutional democracy. And the chief weapon in that campaign has been panic – panic deployed against civil liberties (illegal house arrests became “public safety” measures), then against the arts (singing was suddenly deadly, theater audiences became Petri dishes for infection), and now against the most vulnerable target of all: our children.

Sadly, some of the young themselves seem to have been hypnotized by the fear offensive.

As the University of North Carolina moved to hobble its undergraduate programs barely a week into the fall semester, the editorial board of its student newspaper attacked administrators, not for denying them their right to normal college classes, but for not crippling their education even sooner.

“Reports of parties throughout the weekend come as no surprise,” wrote the scandalized student editors. “[I]it was the University’s responsibility to disincentivize such gatherings by reconsidering its plans to operate in-person earlier on.”

I pity the young people who could write those words; freedom, as Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor predicted, is a burden to them; they can’t seem to throw it away fast enough.

And just look what paltry “security” they’re getting in exchange!

Out of over 19,000 undergraduates at UNC, a grand total of twenty-odd new cases of COVID19 have allegedly been discovered on campus. That’s right – 20 out of 19,000; and given the age of those students, the chance of any serious consequence is about as remote as the danger of being struck by lightning.

Yet this is enough for the student editors to abandon the most precious thing their university ought to be giving them – the education free people deserve – and to pray aloud that their elders will take away even more of their liberty, so as to “disincentivize” any semblance of normal student life. It is a gloomy augury.

Bear in mind that even those lockdown-lovers who are willing to allow that, yes, maybe, sooner or later students ought to be permitted to resume what they call “in-person schooling” – that ominous phrase is cropping up everywhere, alongside the even more ominous “new normal” – don’t intend to let the kids get away unscathed.

Students will be muzzled, will be subjected to repeated temperature checks, will not be allowed to congregate or to whisper to one another, will be kept rigidly apart in the classrooms, and will not even be able to observe the facial expressions of their friends or acquaintances.

Never mind that there isn’t the slightest medical justification for any of this. (We’ve known at least since March that healthy people are more likely to be harmed than helped by wearing masks.) The Right Thinkers are determined to keep us in fear, and our children are not to be exceptions to this rule, whether at home or in a schoolroom.

But even that kind of torture isn’t enough to please Michael Mulgrew, president of New York City’s United Federation of Teachers. He’s threatening to impose regular virus testing on students and staff at all New York City schools, plus special school building “entry and exit procedures” and a surveillance regime involving mandatory quarantine for anyone who has tested positive in the previous 24 hours.

Otherwise, “the union is prepared to go to court and/or go on strike if we need to.”

And what about state law that prohibits such strikes? “Union receiving penalties, I go to jail, all of that,” says Mr. Mulgrew. “We’ll do it if we have to.” If only the teachers’ union had ever shown as much courage in actually teaching our children as in blackmailing them!

And so I’m angry.

I’m angry when people who call themselves educators turn into advocates of child abuse.

I’m angry about politicians who claim to care about working people and then, by closing schools, force those same working people to choose between their children and their jobs.

I’m angry at dishonest news media that can watch a 5-year-old child break down in tears in front of a computer screen and call his emotional torture “distance learning.”

And I’m angry, above all, at a cynical intellectual culture that sees nothing wrong with using children as hostages in a campaign to turn my country into a police state.

Abusing children in the hope of gaining political ground would be reprehensible in any case. But the lockdown-lovers can’t even claim the defense of well-meaning fanaticism. The idea that we can permanently “contain” COVID19 by putting much of the population, children included, under house arrest is no longer even remotely credible.

Professor Johan Giesecke, a medical advisor to the Swedish government, posed the obvious question a month ago: suppose strict lockdowns really do slow the spread of COVID19 infections, he asked.

But then, what next? No democratic society can remain in lockdown for many months or years. Their economies cannot withstand it, and the public won’t allow it.”

So there it is, folks. We are shredding the Bill of Rights, trashing our economy, destroying our working class, censoring the arts, undermining the educational system, turning our society into a fever swamp of paranoid repression, and betraying our children – and all for what?

The only answer the Right Thinkers can give us is the answer of all totalitarians: that we are too foolish to make our own decisions, that we need “experts” to construct the sort of society the Right Thinkers believe we ought to inhabit but aren’t sensible enough to build for ourselves.

Ultimately, that is the message that stares every one of us in the face when we see a child sitting at home in front of a computer screen when he or she ought to be at school. This is the democracy-destroyers’ most ambitious ploy. If they can train a whole generation of children to live almost entirely through the artificial and isolating medium of cybernetics, they can look forward to a future in which manipulating the population will be easier than ever.

Political life revolves around cooperation and discourse; what sort of political opposition can you expect from people who have never even learned to form groups?

Intellectual maturity requires surprise, confrontation, provocation – such experiences come from the unexpected give and take of real social life, not from computerized media where a child finds only what he looks for.

In other words, “distance learning” for children is just about perfectly designed to produce mentally and socially stunted adults – the kind of adults the Right Thinkers prefer to deal with.

But remember, that isn’t all it will produce. While our children are being shorn of the instincts of free human beings, the master manipulators on the other side of their computer screens will be carefully scrutinizing them, noting every weakness, every foible, every fear to be exploited in the future.

By the time the kids are old enough to begin to live on their own, it will be too late; they’ll be helpless against the elites who control all the pathways of the only sort of life they have ever known.

“Possibly the heartless treatment of children,” wrote deMause in the foreword to his grim history of childhood, “was and is only one aspect of the basic aggressiveness and cruelty of human nature…Children…were the victims of forces over which they had no control, and they were abused…by way of expressing conscious or more commonly unconscious motives of their elders…”

This time around, whether its motives are conscious or not, the purpose of the abuse aimed at our children is perfectly clear. If the propagandists have their way, society is to be reshaped forever; freedom as we have known it is to be sharply curtailed; democracy, an obsolete hindrance to the plans of Silicon Valley billionaires, must be abolished, or at least drastically redefined.

And our children are to be the guinea pigs in this grand social experiment.

Will they get away with it? I certainly hope not – but successful resistance will depend upon a lot of people calling this species of child abuse by its proper name, seizing every opportunity to rise up against it with the anger and contempt it deserves.

The stakes are terribly high. If you imagine that the Right Thinkers are just out to delay the opening of public schools a few weeks this year – if you still don’t grasp that their goal is nothing less than to snatch away your children’s last chance at a normal life – well, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

Michael Lesher is an author, poet and lawyer whose legal work is mostly dedicated to issues connected with domestic abuse and child sexual abuse. His latest nonfiction book is Sexual Abuse, Shonda and Concealment in Orthodox Jewish Communities (McFarland & Co., 2014); his first collection of poetry, Surfaces, was published by The High Window in 2019. A memoir of his discovery of Orthodox Judaism as an adult – Turning Back: The Personal Journey of a “Born-Again” Jew – will be published in September 2020 by Lincoln Square Books.


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Avigail Abarbanel
Avigail Abarbanel
Sep 27, 2020 10:15 AM

Thank you and well said Mr Lesher with one correction. The word ‘case’ has been misused by media & politicians. A positive diagnosis of a virus is not a ‘case’. An illness is. Language as you know is really important for spin and brain washing of all kinds.

Ahmed Ali
Ahmed Ali
Sep 10, 2020 6:34 PM

Now a days children are more intelligent and wants to play sports like cricket.
Recommendation: https://www.zerocric.com/

May 29, 2024 11:40 AM
Reply to  Ahmed Ali

Yes you are right and i have more option for cricket fans. https://t20worldcuplivestreaming.today/

Sep 8, 2020 7:45 AM

Anyone remember the scene from Monsters Inc where a little child’s sock is accidentally brought back into monster world and the bio hazard team spring into action to isolate the monster and the sock for fear of contaminating the whole scream harvesting factory …….

Sep 7, 2020 11:43 PM

Thank you for the article, about one of the worst aspects of this terrible nonsense.

But there are so many. The police brutality current in Victoria, Australia, for instance, is shocking. [ See https://youtu.be/Lm_aOhl8srU ]

What is going to solve it? Supposing the world gets through this without descending into full-scale and possibly permanent fascism, what will have to be changed?

We used to think that in a representative democracy we were safe, because after the term of so many years a government could be changed – and the politicians knew that. Even during that term nothing terrible could happen, because the Opposition, if it did its job, could bring about a vote of no confidence, to force a new election.

What has gone wrong with that is this business of a government taking upon itself ‘special powers’, being able to issue edicts without proper debate, with a compliant police force willing to obey these kinds of orders from ministers. Able even to ban legitimate protests.

Surely this will have to change. A state of affairs where any part of government becomes immune from being removed is deadly. This is the method of the Communist Party of China, and it is spreading around the world right now. We must ALWAYS be able to remove evidently rogue governments, before they can do too much harm.

I don’t touch upon other details such as censorship, and the media complicity, because there is at least a chance of these things being dealt with by legitimate government. It seems to me that the fundamental problem is to find a way to make democratic government always answerable to the people – as in the word’s definition – with no exception, not even that of the public health.

Sep 7, 2020 1:32 PM

The people need to take back control: don’t hold your breath. The people are dependent.

“A majority of young adults in the U.S. live with their parents for the first time since the Great Depression: The share of 18 to 29-year-olds living with their parents has become a majority since U.S. coronavirus cases began spreading early this year, surpassing the previous peak during the Great Depression era.

In July, 52% of young adults resided with one or both of their parents, up from 47% in February, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of monthly Census Bureau data. The number living with parents grew to 26.6 million, an increase of 2.6 million from February.”


Rick Giombetti
Rick Giombetti
Sep 6, 2020 8:13 PM

Up until this year the pharmaceutical industry was getting a lot of negative media attention for overuse of its products killing patients. Like Oxy. It’s not like the U.S. was doing well prior to 2020. The death rate had increased for 11 consecutive years prior to this year. But it was our toxic way of life, especially, drug overdose that was being pointed to as a factor. Now that has been dispatched to the memory hole. We’re dying because we filthy humans do both mass and private gatherings and share microbes with each other. And we need to put our lives on hold while the “heroes” of the pharmaceutical industry save the day by rushing a vaccine to market. This is why I believe the “Covid-19” fear campaign is primarily a pharmaceutical industry production.

Laurie Mitchell
Laurie Mitchell
Sep 6, 2020 6:12 PM

Beautifully written, thank you. “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.” -Mark Twain

I’m a single mama to a 2-year old and there’s no way she will EVER put a mask on her gorgeous face, nor will she see her mama wear one. We’ve left the U.S. and are now living on an island in Croatia where life feels normal and we’re away from the chaos of the U.S. — although the madness is international. We will live an honest and simple life, and I plan on homeschooling her. A few weeks ago I sold my iPhone and I never put her in front of a screen. It breaks my heart to see U.S. parents torturing their children with masks and computer learning and all of the propaganda, I don’t know what will happen to the children of this generation so I focus on my child and my parenting and loving my fellow human beings and being a human; all is not lost.

Sep 7, 2020 11:02 PM

Thank you for writing. You inspire me to do something similar. Your daughter is very fortunate to have you as her mom.

Laurie Mitchell
Laurie Mitchell
Sep 8, 2020 3:35 PM
Reply to  RNAsplicer

Thank you for your response and I’m glad you’re resisting the BS, too! Sending peace and love and strength.

R Anand
R Anand
Sep 6, 2020 10:31 AM

The passion and the anger that comes across in this article is what every parent who knows that the ‘corona19’ is a global hoax is also going through currently, all over the world, including here in India, and including me.

Thanks, Michael, for this fantastic article, and thanks OffG for publishing it. The header for the article, however, could have reflected any element other then ‘suffer’ syndrome.which I find depressing and discouraging.

Sep 6, 2020 4:21 AM

The author makes very astute observations but a more academic style focusing on facts and less on how it makes him feel would give his points more credibility. I almost stopped reading after the opening line!

Sep 6, 2020 12:00 AM
  1. “According to the latest immunological studies, the overall lethality of Covid-19 (IFR) in the general population ranges between 0.1% and 0.5% in most countries, which is comparable to the medium influenza pandemics of 1957 and 1968.”

Did you get that? 1/10th of 1% to 1/2 of 1%

The quote is the opening paragraph of https://swprs.org/facts-about-covid-19/ At this site you can find info on many countries. You can see video interviews or look at documents. I pass out the first 6 pages of this site everywhere I go, along with a note that explains what else they can see on the site itself.

willful knowledge
willful knowledge
Sep 5, 2020 3:45 PM

Why in the bloody hell would you want children to be returned to the custody of an indoctrination system hell bent on convincing their prisoners (children) that a man can birth children, that those of a lesser melanin content are inherently racist, that those of lesser melanin content created all the problems in the world, that a woman who lived in the WH and now is worth millions has suffered because of systemic racism and implicit bias, that black lives matter but saying all lives a matter is racist … WHY? Good God if what the indoctrination system has to offer is the “normal life” please keep your children home.

R Anand
R Anand
Sep 6, 2020 12:24 PM

The indoctrination system is there for sure, but children get to do experience lot more than indoctrination when they move out of their homes to go to the school. There is a whole ‘experience’ by a child that the education system can’t always control and manipulate.

Sep 5, 2020 11:41 AM

“For every 1,000 people infected with the coronavirus who are under the age of 50, almost none will die. For people in their fifties and early sixties, about five will die — more men than women. The risk then climbs steeply as the years accrue. For every 1,000 people in their mid-seventies or older who are infected, around 116 will die. These are the stark statistics obtained by some of the first detailed studies into the mortality risk for COVID-19.”– Nature, 28 August,
Children are not a target of covid-19. I have a brother-in-law with scarred lungs from flu as a child, a nephew with infected heart valves from rheumatic fever/strept throat, and measles caused blindness and deafness in many children when I was a kid. This is not a childhood disease!
Even the rare MIS-C (an obvious Covid-19 variant of Kawasaki Syndrome) should be easily treated with aspirin, glucocorticoids and immunoglobulins, although I have seen recent clinical publications where infected children apparently did not receive these treatments, so their deterioration could be more easily studied. Dr. Mengele would be proud!

Sep 6, 2020 1:21 AM
Reply to  michael888

MIS-C appears to be just another media exaggeration:

“The cases being referred to have been reported in approximately 20 children in the UK (out of 11.5 million U.K. children) – of whom half have tested *negative* for Covid-19 according to their doctors.
There is no current evidence of any increased incidence or greater susceptibility to Covid-19 infection for children who had Kawasaki Disease in the past.
All of the c. 20 cases are new, acute illness in children.
Fewer cases of Kawasaki Disease than would be normally expected at this time of year are currently being seen – not more.
Kawasaki Disease is a seasonal inflammatory disorder peaking in the winter and spring, and whilst no infection has ever been proven to be the sole trigger, the scientific community believe that any one of many infections may trigger Kawasaki Disease in susceptible children. For the majority of cases, Kawasaki Disease occurs without ever identifying any infectious cause. We are aware of recent delayed presentations of Kawasaki Disease because of initial incorrect diagnoses of Covid-19, resulting in adverse coronary outcomes due to delayed institution of treatment.”

However this response by the kawasaki societi is dated April 29. I was unable to find a more recent expert opinion. I caution against accepting media renditions since they are lying about everything else.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 5, 2020 1:44 AM

Posted on 18 April 2020, and repeated several times.

Lost in a dark wood – Apr 18, 2020 5:54 PM
Request for article re: The Terrorising of Children
I remember “Splattergate” from 10 years ago (see below), but Scamdemic-2020 seems to go to a whole new level. Children are now indoctrinated into believing they are spreaders of disease and will consequently be afraid of hugging grandma. Also, playgrounds are taped off with “danger” tape and children are criminalised if they go out and play with their friends.
Can OffG commission an article on this area?
Thank you

Terrorize the Children – Pachauri’s Strategy – Splattergate
Uploaded: 3 Oct 2010
By: Climategate2009
A series of outtakes from various Climate change propaganda videos is contrasted with a candid interview with IPCC/TERI Chairman Rajendra Pachauri in which he outlines the strategy of terrorizing Children.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 5, 2020 2:24 PM

This “sensitizing the young” is the most obvious bollocks. Even if you take these predicted catastrophes at face value, the adults or, more precisely, the adults who have the power over the situation, could easily fix the problem right now. They clearly have no intention of doing so. And when our magnificently sensitised young grow up, the same situation – with the same power structure – will still be here. So “sensitization” means fuck all!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 6, 2020 1:33 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“Sensitizing the young” is a euphemism for terrorism. The global warming threat, “we’re all going drown” etc, didn’t work sufficiently well on adults; but it worked on children.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 5, 2020 1:04 AM

Who’s Afraid of QAnon?

Caitlin Johnstone: QAnon is a fake, decoy imitation of a healthy revolutionary impulse

Michael Flynn’s 4th of July message:

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 5, 2020 7:22 AM

(see also follow up video: Sep 4, 2020)

Amazing Polly
Fact Check: TRUE! The Cabal is Panicking
Aug 27, 2020

The pedo Cover-Upperers in the Deep State Media have gone crazy. Legislators have gone crazy! Everyone in the child-trafficking business are in full blown panic over the fact that people on the left and right are coming together on common ground: we want an end to Human Trafficking and Child Exploitation.
[links to referenced articles etc via yt]

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 5, 2020 7:31 AM

Amazing Polly
The Tangled Web of Cover Upperers
Sep 4, 2020

In this video I expose one of the major tools that both Corrupt State Department officials & phony ‘Fact Checkers’ use to stop the spread of news that threatens their Global Corruption Racket! Are the riots in the US linked to the same shady apparatus is covering up the Ukraine scandals? Are the child trafficking cover-upperers using the tools, too?
[links to referenced articles etc via yt]

Sep 5, 2020 12:51 AM

yeah whatever …it didn’t happen last week nor last year
I been angry a long loongg time .
you can scream and have a ‘verbal tantrum’ all you like
Your kids ? Really ?
They are not ‘your’ kids …that ship has sailed a long time ago
All this anger now is a few decades too late.
Prepare !
don’t waste energy on anger .
You better fasten your belt the ride is just starting …

Sep 5, 2020 7:43 AM
Reply to  RUN!NOW

Run, Now. Your every post is–so direct. Endlessly to the point, we should all submit. Riding the edges of despair of the technofascist globalist mobsters (S Cooper). Subterfuge, humor, worked for the Good Soldier Svejk,allowed him to survive, riding the rails of European fascism he subterraneously mocked, derided and outlived its immense historical velocity, gives us something sick and twisted, black humor to laugh and look back at. I bet the writer when he sat down to compose the novel, he knew it was hopeless too. Like many of us. Many, so many individual people have grasped the scope of the insane microcosm that is now, it came from the MK Ultra/Tavistock 70’s and etc etc etc etc it didn’t come from nowhere I think you’d agree. But the macrocosm what’s that we can all see its good vs evil. What world, what earth to look toward and act with? How can we fulfill our role in the ecosystem again, as the quintessence? How can we abide with the planetary urge for regeneration??? It’s an immoral pronouncement, yours, because there is no end of the world. It goes on and on very much so with or without us. In these times my reincarnation fantasies have been more in the line of lichen breaking down seaside rock for a few thousand years more so than superhero all knowing human delivering with light. Knowing the outcomes of another person’s heart well you can’t pretend to know that can you? You think there will be no resistance or that it will only be futile, well stay there my friend but honestly stay the fuck out of here, it’s tiresome. There are many brave hearts here who stand up in whatever capactity they can your constant battle cry to give up is tiresome, MATE.… Read more »

Sep 6, 2020 12:52 AM
Reply to  Thiekbalj

🙂 i don’t really post much but if you read all …Congrats ,, What made me slightly uneasy and worried you might not get IT was this line : ‘Endlessly to the point, we should all submit.’ Au contrair,. I was I hoping i annoyed you enough so you get the F^%& up or at least think …anger is a great motivator .. For the rest …(where was you all 2 decades ago ?) with your anger ? Where ? The war is lost and nothing is gonna stop it now. So stop your Childish nonsense and prepare. you might not have the full picture, I surely do not but I been around a while and seen enough to know this Covid lie was the final nail in our coffins. And YES 🙂 i am done with the masses . Individuals get evaluated on the ‘go’ but the masses are rejected out right . Sorry . 2020 clear vision is needed I have no niceties left for the ignorant pleb. All played into corners divide and conquer fro decades , Yet we must be patient and realise its not their fault .Right ? Its the TV and the media Brainwashing them . Yes maybe . But not anymore . NO f&ck them. If they havnt turned their fuckin tv off by now they never will . yes the TV here is a metaphor. Now ? 2020 they are indeed the enemy . You can pretend they are not until your neighbour snitches on you and the nice Officers show up removing your kids etc etc .. One has to draw a line somewhere ….once a dog has rabies ..only one solution Their excuses ? (yes i am generalizing again ) Sorry we was busy-busy on Netflix/twitter / Facebook/Instagram/ticktock So now… Read more »

Sep 5, 2020 12:23 AM

Totally agree. We also know that children MUST interact with the environment, each other, microbes etc to develop a healthy immune system. Otherwise they will have no natural defence to even a common cold…

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 4, 2020 11:55 PM

A new way to torture children in police-state Australia. So far, there is only ONE (yes, one) case of ” Paediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS-TS)”. Scary name helps.

To get this new ‘disease’ you need to be around 9 years old, male, fat and foreign. Hummmm.

“The condition is mentioned alongside Kawasaki disease, which is also rare and potentially severe, because it has similar symptoms. Medical experts say the symptoms of the illness can show up two to six weeks after being diagnosed with COVID-19, even in children who didn’t have any symptoms.” How conveniently vague. They can pick on almost any non-anglo kid.

Wait – there’s more. “Safer Care Victoria warns that there are likely to be more children with the condition in Australia, although it is a rare complication.” Setting us up for a new plague?

So what are the symptoms? Nice and vague, as usual “Symptoms can include fever, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and vomiting, rash, eye infections and heart problems.”


Sep 4, 2020 11:50 PM

“plans of Silicon Valley billionaires” The power of Silicon Valley and related industries is based upon the worship of technology and ‘data’ by society at large. I am myself a programmer, working in general in the IT sector for over twenty years, and already a long time disgusted with the situation. I only work a basic amount of hours to maintain myself, and avoid the craze as far as possible. It also has become increasingly more difficult to get another job in this line of business because I would have to feign interest in technology as if I would be some crazed cult member.. Technology, if its role becomes too big, it will shape your window of the world. It also puts limits to what you can do (everything becomes pre-programmed and defined by universal computer language standards). So the sofware programs which I make, ultimately, after a certain level of obliged usage and presence is reached, they turn people into button pushing monkeys, it limits the application of their much greater and much more individually and collectively differentiated human intelligence (the only thing which a computer does better is calculation). Human intelligence is a matter of use it or loose it.. Sometimes I hear about how the people who have to work with the software I make kind of hate it and are stubborn to get to know it. I can imagine that, as my view on it has changed through the years. From boy-toy thing, I now look at it more rationally, realizing that with technology comes along a great deal of negative things, dependence, increased burdensome complexity, lack of control, uniformism, it affects/shapes your mind, etc. etc. So that you have to think critically about how much you want of it. As on the individual level, it… Read more »

Sep 5, 2020 1:26 AM
Reply to  John

Pharma sector here. Same.

Sep 5, 2020 8:32 PM

I appears that every sector sort of becomes hype, cult, and full of pretentiousness. Society in overdrive, drunken on technology and futurist shaping-transforming ideology. A sort of collective hyper-activity, hyper-pretentiousness, driven by the slick language of a managerial classes, commercial class, and political establishment class. A grand drunken cult full of parrots?

Sep 5, 2020 4:45 PM
Reply to  John

Thank you for these insights. Since most of us (if not all) “surf the web,” there is one simple rule of thumb which could possibly help take the edges off the inevitable “dumbing down” that goes along with surfing the web: only sites which have considerable text should ever be visited. Sites with pictures and videos only should be avoided like the plague.

It’s no guarantee of quality; but at least a few pieces of gray matter will be stimulated by the simple act of reading words strung together.

Sep 5, 2020 8:23 PM
Reply to  Howard

“Sites with pictures and videos only should be avoided like the plague.”

Iconoclastic browsing, I have been thinking about that, there are browser extensions for that. A picture here and there on itself would not be the problem, if well chosen, it can set the tone, call a feeling, invoke imagination. Through pictures your aesthetic taste is shaped (or destroyed), consider for instance the commercial class shapes the taste of people through a pictorial bombardment of their slick modern aesthetics. Actually the commercial class is wholly driving the aesthetic taste of people these days, not artists and handycraft man, not culture itself. So, when consuming pictures (seeing them), you should take care of what you consume.

“only sites which have considerable text should ever be visited”

Agreed, these are the sites which I like the most (indeed depending on the content), which are the most satisfying. Other sites are like eating at some junk joint.

A while ago I created a website, and I had this boy toy complicated and advanced content management system, full of seductive boy toy options. So I started thinking, I wanted the site to be completely designed to allow so called ‘close reading’, so no tag clouds (these are extremely distractive), no social media, no reader interaction, not a single thing of all that stuff everything which constantly distracts. I had to explicitly remove all that stuff because it is part of the default of such content management systems.

The result:


I do think that in the end one could best buy or borrow a book, still much easier to the eye and still less distractive.
I believe the issue is a serious one, continuous distraction destroys the coherence of your mind.

Sep 6, 2020 3:11 PM
Reply to  John

I agree with you on this: one book is worth a thousand screen shots. I had learned way back when, at the start of the personal computer era, that a computer monitor vibrates so quickly that, though your eyes cannot detect the vibrations, you eyes do feel the strain it poses.

So even reading text on a computer monitor is an assault on one’s eyes.

Sep 8, 2020 12:42 AM
Reply to  John

Thank you, John, for the notification of your excellent website.

Charlotte Russe
Charlotte Russe
Sep 4, 2020 10:29 PM

    YOU CAN BET YOUR BOTTOM DOLLAR In-person schooling won’t be a problem for the affluent. “Wealthy Colorado parents are hiring teachers for private learning pods, leaving low-income students behind as school plans change and some districts opt for remote learning, deep-pocketed parents are shelling out big sums so they get back to work with peace of mind. Those who can’t afford to do so risk their kids’ ability to stay on track…..the flight from ambiguity — over when school will actually start, whether it will be in-person, who is teaching, how many hours of   the day will be on video, how parents can still hold  jobs — has launched soul-searching from the intensely personal to the massively macro.Parents who can afford private pods know they are privileged and wonder if prioritizing their own child’s needs will exacerbate long-standing equity gaps created by income, race and geography.” https://coloradosun.com/2020/08/03/colorado-education-coronavirus-pods-learning/ You can bet your bottom dollar that in every state wealthy parents are finding ways to ensure their children will still receive excellent “in-person-schooling.”  As usual, it will be working-class and working-poor kids who suffer the most as they’re consistently used as political footballs.  Do you think Nancy Pelosi’s grandchildren, or any of the highly paid commentators on MSNBC or CNN are going to allow their children to sit aimlessly in front of computer screen for hours without any social interaction.  Child abuse is being committed against the poor and all those who rely on public school education. What do you think the tension level is like in a household barely making ends meet and with no reliable adults supervising children while parents are forced to work outside the home. On the other hand, the affluent child is not being deprived of any of their usual activities, if anything they’re just taking more private lessons. If a… Read more »

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Sep 5, 2020 1:41 AM

Good points, Charlotte.

Sep 7, 2020 11:34 PM

What a great, and a little busy I agree, time to be rich: your kids will have less competition when applying for college, making more money than ever in the stock market, shorting the predictable real estate market collapse, shopping for property to hedge against impending inflation… etc.

Sep 4, 2020 10:04 PM

“Out of over 19,000 undergraduates at UNC, a grand total of twenty-odd new cases of COVID19 have allegedly been discovered on campus. That’s right – 20 out of 19,000; and given the age of those students, the chance of any serious consequence is about as remote as the danger of being struck by lightning.”

Rather, they have been hunted down to act as scarecrows to the frightened population. Fear does not know about proportionality, which is rational, and they know it, so they hunt alleged cases.

Sep 4, 2020 9:51 PM

“The United Nations has been forced to admit that a major international vaccine initiative is actually causing a deadly outbreak of the very disease it was supposed to wipe-out.
While international organisations like the World Health Organization (WHO) will regularly boast about ‘eradicating polio’ with vaccines—the opposite seems to be the case, with vaccines causing the deaths of scores of young people living in Africa.
Health officials have now admitted that their plan to stop ‘wild’ polio is backfiring, as scores children are being paralyzed by a deadly strain of the pathogen derived from a live vaccine – causing a virulent wave of polio to spread.“


More proof that the viruses are in the vaccines.

kevin king
kevin king
Sep 4, 2020 9:54 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The only way you can get one.

Sep 5, 2020 12:38 AM
Reply to  Researcher

As a positive side effect of the Corona scare, a lot of people who formerly have been generally accepting the method of vaccines and the germ theory relatively or wholly uncritically are now forced to investigate these matters more deeply. I have been taking it somewhat uncritically before myself, as you can put your energy only in a limited amount of issues.
So the scare backfires, the question though is to what extent.
I hope conspiracy theorists will not damage the rational inquiries by stating that the vaccines themselves are designed to dumb all people down, or something like that. One could always employ the argument that such a thing is not really needed.

michael canning
michael canning
Sep 5, 2020 11:32 AM
Reply to  John

One could also argue that if you wanted to form a conspiracy , you wouldn’t
pick the likes of Trump, Biden ,Johnson , Bolsonaro and Macron to conspire

Sep 5, 2020 1:20 PM

Who really sees politicians as something other than puppets, through their vain ambition unwittingly used for a certain job, they are exchangeable. Afterwards they vaingloriously write books about themselves. Their vainglory is derived from a cult of believers, the voters, those not left wholly dissatisfied, if not wholly based on indestructible narcissism.

Sep 5, 2020 4:49 PM
Reply to  John

Unfortunately, this trend could itself have a built in backfire – specifically, it may force the authorities, who are hell bent on vaccinating as many as possible, to make them mandatory. I mean, mandatory as in forcibly vaccinating people against their will.

R Anand
R Anand
Sep 6, 2020 12:38 PM
Reply to  Howard

And that force will make more people awaken to the horrors of vaccines. People will rebel with unprecedented strength.

But it is an endless loop. They will then do something else against the people and then the people will again respond with great courage.

I am, however, positive in my mind about one thing — the global oligrachs will FAIL for much longer periods of time than succeed in their nefarious designs.

Sep 6, 2020 3:24 PM
Reply to  R Anand

You and I seem to be in the same pew, but different churches. I, too, believe the oligarchs will fail – but for a different reason entirely.

Rather than the fortitude of the masses, I believe their failure will ensue from their congenital refusal to imagine themselves less than infallible; therefore, they are incapable of allowing for the unexpected.

Unintended consequences have always been and will always continue to be their downfall.

R Anand
R Anand
Sep 7, 2020 7:24 AM
Reply to  Howard

🙂 This is also a strong probablilty. Indeed, as you said, “unintended consequences have always been and will always continue to be their downfall.”

John the First
John the First
Sep 8, 2020 3:43 AM
Reply to  Howard

Pride before the fall, I grant it too be inevitable, but the question is when. Christianity held an about over ten centuries long dictatorial grip on Western society, until it started to crumble. If we then take into account that evolution accelerates, it could still be a long time.

John the First
John the First
Sep 8, 2020 3:51 AM
Reply to  Howard

Regarding the downfall of oligarchy, it could be said as well that the infallibility assumed by the people in a democracy always has led to its fall. Naturally, as greater intelligence and more intelligent activity among elites must find its way too. Then it appears that, if both insist on having power, we have an endless cycle of changing systems of control..

Sep 8, 2020 12:58 AM
Reply to  John

Very good explanations of the wrongness of the germ theory, especially with reference to the real ‘purpose’ or activity of viruses [which is beginning to be understood by the best researchers, as an information-sharing or -spreading of positive information necessary to drive positive evolution], are given by a Dr Zach Bush.
Look at
for an upcoming presentation, on Thursday the 10th of September.

John the First
John the First
Sep 8, 2020 3:27 AM
Reply to  Rob

I compare the current public and establishment view of the germ theory with the theory or view of the mechanical universe as a clockwork, a view which became fashionable among elites many centuries ago. Such views are extremely simplistic, they can live on for a long time, even a century, even after science has advanced. This mechanical universe also had as its character a sort of simple determination, simple cause and effects, and a sort of cold even hostile nature.
The article you refer to appears to be the view of those whore are more advanced, not stuck in old models lingering on, much more sophisticated, and less cold and hostile.
Society at large is always behind on science, even in our times, to the point of being backwards. Perhaps the difference with previous centuries is that nowadays enormous interests have been based on relatively backwards science, of what could even be called modern superstitions.

Sep 4, 2020 9:16 PM

As an antidote to the ‘news’ just read the government Covid ‘dashboard’ websites; there are many of them, and they all refute the media and ‘bureaucrat health expert’ narrative with the exception of describing infections as ‘cases’, which of course they’re not.
Look for the death statistics, and the age groups, particularly the under-20s, who are the focus of this article; they are typically zero or close to it. However, even up to under-50s show negligible risk – that would include most teachers.
This whole situation is like the historical mass-hysteria/mania events we used read about with amusement in our ‘sensible’ times, but no need to update “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds” – just read the news every day – if you have the stomach for it.

Sep 4, 2020 9:12 PM

thank you. Genius writing and content.

Terje M
Terje M
Sep 4, 2020 9:02 PM

There have been plenty of petitions against lockdowns from health professionals in other countries, but the ones in Australia have been silent. Finally they have realised media will never give them the time of day, and started protesting, with an open letter to Victorian premier Daniel Andrews.


So far 395 signatures, and still collecting more.

With the recent speech from former PM Tony Abbott and comments from Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg calling the Victorian lockdown the worst public health decision ever, there is actually a sliver of hope that things won’t continue forever, with the unlikely respite coming from the Liberals. (Both are goons from the right wing of the Liberal party and I disagree with them about everything else, but at the moment Covid overrides those things.)

Sep 5, 2020 2:13 PM
Reply to  Terje M

Don’t know Australian politics, but does this make you think at all about why you ‘disagree with them about everything else’? Defending individual freedom is a bedrock principle.

Terje M
Terje M
Sep 5, 2020 3:47 PM
Reply to  SteveK9

The ‘Liberal’ in the Australian Liberal Party is a misnomer, it is definitely a conservative party caring only for the equal right of both rich and poor to sleep under bridges.

Tony Abbott & Frydenberg are cold warriors 2.0 trying to foment a new McCarthyism, and Abbott is close conservative wing of the Catholic Church.

It is not clear if they are trying to incite an actual shooting war in the South China Sea or only talking tough.

Sep 4, 2020 8:44 PM

“Childhood should be carefree, playing in the sun; not living a nightmare in the darkness of the soul.” ( Dave Pelzer) I can understand the obvious angst of the author.As a parent (and normal human being), I too despair at the way in which our children are used and abused.Their minds are fertile soil for good or bad. And, unfortunately, as much as good parents attempt to plant only good seeds in it, they’re outnumbered by those wanting to fill that garden with weeds. From teachers, to medics to social workers.The competition to claim a mind is fierce.The winner is usually the one best versed in conditioning and persuading the child.And when these snakes go to work they tend to address the children in large group settings. They know the herding instinct and need to belong begins early. This is how the little tribes are cemented.Peer pressure ensures it’s survival.What happened to play.Who strangled that.. Right now, we are all being brainwashed to memorise all the catchy, unambiguous mantras that tell us we’re in it together ; there’s a new normal. Short , to the point, and easily committed to memory.It will be on advertising hoardings worldwide.On TV adverts; online; Radio commercials; Shopping Mall speakers. You will not escape it.And using nurses, real or dressed up for the cameras, and doctors in white coats, will fool many adults.So it will fool all children.They’re taught by us to trust doctors and nurses aren’t they.Because, once upon a time, in a land far, far away, doctors and nurses could be.How do you tell a child to keep away from teachers, nurses, doctors and strangers without giving them Grey hair by the age of 9. A time will come when parents become vigilant and form groups and take their children away from the dangers.So the ‘Covid… Read more »

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 5, 2020 12:04 AM
Reply to  JuraCalling

These techno-maniacs want each of us to have a ‘digital twin’ and become ‘transhumans’, i.e. merging with machines. Why? Firstly to make bigger profits from ‘impact investing’ and secondly to control us via digital ‘internet of things’.

It may be worth while learning some of this new language. You will then discover the overwhelming horror of the digital dictatorship disguised as a non-existent virus.

Here is a glossary from the excellent website of Alison McDowell, who is concerned for her child being affected by the digital promotion happening now in schools.


Sep 5, 2020 1:38 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Thanks, May. I downloaded that to go with the collection..

You’re right about the transhumanism thing. Deadline 2030.

The priming at the moment offline is about the mantra ‘together’ and ‘apart we’re together'( which is the mantra of all phone/ internet contact) and re-set / transform. It’s a subtle use of language.Just like all hypnotism uses.

The re-set and transform is the real deal- the internet of things is the decoy.

The reason 10 years are needed is to indoctrinate the masses into a religion of science as opposed to any conventional spiritual faith. Data is to replace soul. The grid is to control the collective consciousness.Make it more receptive and less resistant. Hence the need to slow the brain and medicate the mind..

There have been endless clues to this in the last 30 years. It’s taken the fakery of the pandemic and the obvious collusion of the governments to give the game away and hit us between the eyes.

I have given up throwing time away at sheeple. Now the energy of those who can see needs to be concentrated in a different area altogether.Screw the sheep. It’s time to find an effective strategy to stop the beat in it’s tracks for good.

Sep 4, 2020 8:42 PM

I work in a secondary school in the North of England. My bearing witness to our pupils return this week beggars belief. Obviously, government guidelines dictate much of the madness but the rest you just cannot make up. Ours is a Catholic school with its inherent leanings towards totalitarianism as a starting point. This opportunity to enforce an extra level of control and fear seems like one too good to miss. Each year group in their own bubblewith absolutely no chance of interaction. Lined up on schools yard each morning, staggered timings and well distanced, with the barked orders to“get your mask on” before their day has begun. In the case of the new year 7s the terror is even more palpable than usual! Their introduction to secondary education would always be somewhat fraught with worry but in our new dystopia its horror after horror. Each year group then marched up to their specific areas of school and the regimented abuse continues. Keep that mask on, stand to attention as we recite our prayer and then everyone takes their individual (now obligatory as part of school equipment) hand sanitiser out and ritualistically join in the communion destroying of microbiome. You can now take off your mask! Staff move from lesson to lesson as the pupils remain where they are. The prayer, and hand santising is repeated at the beginning of every lesson,. Good habits apparently! No break time and lunch taken where they sit. Over 5 hours of seated learning and toilet visits escorted by assigned staff members lest they forget to wash and sanitise! Toilet visits, I might add, that are restricted to one visit per day unless medically proven necessary otherwise. Children locked up for over 5 hours with no movement and continually drilled into submission IS abuse.… Read more »

Sep 4, 2020 8:53 PM
Reply to  WTF

This is horrific. I would never, ever let my child go to school under those circumstances.

This is criminal. The damage they are inflicting is immeasurable.

This makes me livid.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 4, 2020 9:05 PM
Reply to  Researcher

“Child abuse at its lowest and most cruel and pernicious. Needless to say, the policies of sadistic psychotic psychopaths just channeling their inner Hannibals.”
comment image

Sep 4, 2020 10:56 PM
Reply to  Researcher

All the while gagged and muzzled to let them see that they and their peers may not complain or talk back. Turns my stomach

Sep 4, 2020 8:58 PM
Reply to  WTF

There would probably be no better way to weaken the immune system, other than to put each child in an actual bubble.

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 5, 2020 12:06 AM
Reply to  Roberto

How does this little one breathe?
comment image?v=2

Sep 4, 2020 9:34 PM
Reply to  WTF

It sounds like preparation for war.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 4, 2020 11:05 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I’m thinking training for perpetual imprisonment, human experimentation, slave-specialization, and ultimately selling to the highest bidder (be it to an industrialist, a sultanate or an Epstein-kibbutz).

Aldous Hexley
Aldous Hexley
Sep 5, 2020 1:45 AM
Reply to  WTF

Reply to WTF:

Excellent post, a model for this forum. Infliction of unreasonable guilt on children leads to problems in the intimate self, children not experienced enough to process the cruelty of martinets and their system. The children will tend to blame themselves. This sort of abuse is criminal in my view, and incomprehensible from supposedly sane adults assuming to guide children.

Sep 4, 2020 8:30 PM

“a cynical bid to smother the free instincts in a whole generation of children”

Society in itself, especially European and Atlantic white man’s society is rigid and deadly for the natural play instinct of man. You can of course blame the Corona dictatorship, but hyper-regulated modern democratic is and was already a spirit killing organization, both for children and adults.
Al these democratic people still hold on to some historical situation where democracy to some extent meant freedom, it is like they have in their mind some ideological slogan and keep on repeating that mindlessly, regardless of the fact that there is no historical precedent to the stifling and rigid character of contemporary societies. Actually the Corona dictatorship is the newborn baby of this society, inheriting its spirit.

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 5, 2020 12:08 AM
Reply to  John

Playtime in sunny Australia!
comment image?v=2

Sep 4, 2020 8:14 PM

UK Column News – 4th September 2020 BREAKING UP THE UK BBC: Coronavirus: Quarantine lists split UK as new Wales Rules Kick In, Sep 4, 2020 — Covid is used to drive different laws, different treatment of different cities. This is not just breaking up the nation state but power is being handed to the city states. Essential Reading: The Rise Of Independent Cities- But At What Cost? – Dec, 2017 — This is a European website reporting on the rise of city states: ” The power of nations is dwindling, and devolution is gathering momentum. Slowly, but surely, cities are being allowed to forge their own paths, and set their own agendas.Mayors are becoming abundant, and with the mayors, comes the autonomy to act on behalf of a city, setting policies and spending plans outside of nationwide policy. Our nations are becoming regions. The article asks: These individuals will represent different political parties, different faiths, and different ideologies. Surely a recipe for disaster, or is it? Behind this is the notorious Common Purpose: One organisation we have had our eye on for quite a while now, is Common Purpose. Let’s have a look at what their own website says: “”Boundaries are everywhere: between sectors, specializations, geographies, generations, backgrounds and beliefs.We think leaders who can work across these boundaries… And cities are our classrooms, because cities are where leaders, and boundaries, converge.” To get a feel for what Common Purpose is about, meet its new boss. UKC takes a deep dive into the project to promote cities across Europe as alternative sources of power to nation states. SCHOOL MASK FARCE UKC viewers take on schools, challenging them to define rules. Teachers had followed advice from Department of Education but not medical advice. The mother asked to speak to the headteacher and… Read more »

Sep 4, 2020 8:58 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Yes I did listen to uk column, except the bits about the military as I need to remain focused: Im supposed to write 3 articles, two for a science group, with their own website, one’s already appeared, and the other one for a magazine, in fact on a matter which may well be related to the mayor thing.
There is nothing wrong with local democracy and implemented with citizen participation it is a very positive thing: but here it is corporate directed. I found two other nefarious ones also promoting that agenda. One is connected to vaccines too. Or rather an offshoot of it is. These are some of the corporates with the highest profit: and they are put in charge to
effect profound changes to society and the political structure?! And all this without the citizens knowing, and never having been consulted? So basically these corporates are to make our democracy better, and all behind our back?
Indeed as ukcolumn said, it could only be to have more global control: a pretense local devolution, to in effect have a total top down control and uniformity (these corporates if you read their blurb keep talking about diversity: naive ones could easily be duped.
All very idealistic. Really now those making the most money and part of the deepest state
are wanting to make us more democratic!!! And they know whats good for us and are suddenly benevolent?!!
Problem is they’ve got their people everywhere: from the top to the bottom of civil society.
In education, in government, local and national, in the police… And not just in UK, but round the world.

Sep 4, 2020 9:56 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

That sewage item is the way to spread a biological weapon and contamination.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Sep 4, 2020 7:49 PM

Distance learning is the worst idea since white sterilized bread, probably even worse since more consequential. Speaking as someone who was a college level instructor for over 30 years. And this insanity is proceeding so smoothly largely because the “left” is pretty much totally on-board the lockdown wagon, in fact riding shotgun. Glad to see Michael Lesher break with this left consensus, consistently.

Sep 4, 2020 7:55 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

What’s the data on white sterilized bread?

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Sep 5, 2020 12:20 AM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

You might as well eat sawdust.

Sep 4, 2020 10:15 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

The pro-lockdown “left”– I borrowed a term from fundamentalist Christian fiction, and refer to them as the “Left Behind”– would bumptiously retort “Just shut up and take your telemedicine!”

Sep 4, 2020 7:13 PM

Trump had better win the election or we are heading down the long slide.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Sep 4, 2020 7:50 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Trump addressed Davos. He’s one of them, don’t delude yourself. The future’s here, we are it, we’re on our own.

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 5, 2020 12:12 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

I agree Jeffrey. Trump or any US President is utterly irrelevant. Big corporations, Non Government Organisations and their owners now rule governments just about everywhere.

Elections are just a side show distraction from the real agenda.

Sep 4, 2020 6:06 PM

As far as the situation in Melbourne is concerned it appears the neo nazi covid cult are seeking to provoke escalation. The arrest of the pregnant woman seems to have back fired on them so the protest was a success even without actually going ahead. Presumably the protests in other parts of Australia will still occur. There must be some other method they can use to express themselves without the neo nazi covid cult acheiving their goals of escalation. Perhaps the leaflet distribution is a good way to go. If everyone did a little it would easily spread like a ponzi scheme and you could have a distribution network for new leaflets as needed.

Apart from that more serious changes are advised by Freelee

Sep 4, 2020 6:44 PM
Reply to  Simon

As far as food is concerned the best is to learn about wild edibles. This way even if you are on the move or crops are stolen/ sabotaged by the covid cult you can find food in nature and plant things they will not realise are food crops. It can also be a good way to make some income and avoid straining other peoples food sources in the event there is a shortage. Such theft of food from gardens etc. could cause antagonism towards migrants. Perhaps this is why Linda Runyons show was shut down from GCN?


Sep 4, 2020 7:26 PM
Reply to  Simon

Perhaps the leaflet distribution is a good way to go. If everyone did a little it would easily spread “

Good idea. Another way is to get thousands of small round stickers printed with easily identifiable graphic. Stick them everywhere you can to let people know you’re fighting against the madness. A sticker virus campaign !!

Sep 4, 2020 8:01 PM
Reply to  Grafter

One thing Tony got right was education, education education. Don’t get involved in politics. Just focus on learning and educating of truth. In Australia Les Hiddins – The Bush Tucker Man did some work to make a guide of wild edibles for the military. https://youtu.be/kYr6wt1Fi9o

Sep 4, 2020 10:16 PM
Reply to  Simon

full spectrum even pine bark is sold for good money you can blend it the bark and have as tea on in juice
the needles tea has more vit c than the crap sold as powder in shops actually 4 times the amount and iis the full spectrum nature not lab made acidsoric acid powder.
so a cups of pine needles is meega amazing vit c and some
pine steamed pine needles steamed helps with lung respiratory issues will help unblock ,mu-chuse clears sinasa

pine as in penis is also magical due to pineal gland but it will show you what it shows others maybe even open up the pine cone
especially the Church who tried to coopte it magic

Sep 5, 2020 12:14 AM
Reply to  Grafter

Those small round stickers you speak of, with adhesive backing, are simple to place at head height on a bus stop, lamp post etc. using a discreet palming or leaning movement. And certainly would lend itself as a carrier for a graphic symbol of dissent. Nice one!

Sep 5, 2020 10:37 AM
Reply to  Watt

Watt, yep you’ve got it. Bright colour and good strong graphic. Anywhere and everywhere !

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 4, 2020 5:52 PM

As a confirmed Russian bot, I am going to ask you to ask the question: ‘Cui Bono?’

Well, those who have developed ‘digital schooling infrastructure’, of course.

Our dear friend Billy Gates III, top of the list, yet again.

Billy Gates has been having wet dreams thinking of shutting down every school building in the country and selling his new ‘digital school technology’ to everyone instead.

Then his mates can buy up the school grounds, the school buildings, for a song and make a killing developing them in some other way.

Not that I think schooling has to be done in a school building. I found that indescribably boring, mostly because I was not of median ability. I constantly had to be an adult as a child, putting everyone else before myself because me actually trying 100% in the classroom (as opposed to being a robotic automaton who just did everything silently) tended to humiliate the less intellectual sports stars who could smash me on a rugby pitch, leave me for dead on the athletics track and generally be better at kinaesthetic activities.

That of course is not child abuse, any more than accelerating a child academically when they are not physiologically advanced in any way. Creating conditions for social isolation and ostracism is never child abuse, because ‘educators’ took those decisions and educators are always honorable people, aren’t they?

They mean well, and that is all that matters….

But if the median performers learn best with others of median ability and if their learning also involves rich social interactions with their similar peer group, then those folks, who number far more than my kind, need school buildings open again pronto.

Sep 4, 2020 5:29 PM

Sad, but important, article. In parts of Canada all children, including 3 year olds, are required to wear masks all day in school. Teachers are required to wear both masks and face shields at the same time. Seriously.

Sep 4, 2020 7:32 PM
Reply to  kevin

This is mandated in my state for all schools (Utah, USA). My 12 year old is doing it. She says there are signs that belief in it is cracking though. Kids are just taking them off, etc. I’m hopeful.

Sep 4, 2020 9:11 PM
Reply to  kevin

Canadian Press article in today’s newspaper: “Experts share ways to get kids to wear masks.” Many cute, Orwellian bits of advice from an associate professor at the University of Toronto and a pediatric respirologist – tell your children it’s like a cape or a shield, something asuperhero might wear, put it on a lanyard (like mittens) so they can easily remove and replace it without losing it (sanitizing their hands each time, of course); always pack more than one for their school day (you wouldn’t want them ever to be without one); build their acceptance and tolerance of the mask gradually by introducing them at home; avoid long strings because they pose the risk of strangulation (we seem to be talking the foreseeable future here).

The capper: “,,,experts say fit and breathability are important…Heavy fabrics should be avoided.” [emphasis mine] So tell me again, what was the point of all this?

Sep 4, 2020 5:22 PM

I’m going out on a limb here, and probably not for the first time, but are we not in danger here of calling everything which a child doesn’t like, or which may conceivably irritate a child in some way, “child abuse”…?
I don’t believe children are that snow-flaky, but we could easily make them so at this rate.
That said, of course I am aware of the psychological harm being done to us all by our current over-enthusiastic zombie “authorities”, and I am not belittling that in any way.

Sep 4, 2020 5:39 PM
Reply to  wardropper

This is how the grooming of the new generation of totalitarian robots is taking hold.

Imagine the psychopathic neuroticism of this generation fruition will have for the world?

A child’s personality is formed by the age of 4 years of age. No way you can unscrew the screwed.

Sep 4, 2020 6:06 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

I’m not quite so pessimistic. It seems to me that one of the mercies of childhood is that it comes in stages, and with each stage it is like a new person being born. At least in that sense, it seems to me that new beginnings are always possible. Perhaps some aspects of the child are formed by 4 years of age, but there are others that may not have appeared yet, and I have seen many examples of a completely new person emerging with, for example, the teenage years. Even much later in life, some people who have had pretty stormy experiences for many years can suddenly discover an inner calm within themselves which even their friends and relatives notice. Those involved in spiritual matters sometimes even talk about 7-year periods when the next stage “incarnates”, as it were, while the earlier, “unawakened” stages see to it that the child is spiritually/mentally protected until the full person emerges at the age of, say, 21… I think there’s some hope in that, and at least my own long experience as a teacher can find factual resonance in the idea. My argument is really only that “the screwed” are not always as screwed as we are accustomed to think, although of course some clearly are. I’m not quite so pessimistic. It seems to me that one of the mercies of childhood is that it comes in stages, and with each stage it is like a new person being born. At least in that sense, it seems to me that new beginnings are always possible. Perhaps some aspects of the child are formed by 4 years of age, but there are others that may not have appeared yet, and I have seen many examples of a completely new person emerging with, for… Read more »

Sep 4, 2020 6:25 PM
Reply to  wardropper

tantric Sex Secrets – Bearing Spiritual Children & Kundalini Awakening Alchemy

Sep 4, 2020 6:46 PM
Reply to  ame

What’s this sorcery?

Sep 4, 2020 7:25 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

just call it anti or denier and then you sound like them

Sep 4, 2020 8:01 PM
Reply to  ame

Anti what? And who’s them?

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Sep 4, 2020 9:25 PM
Reply to  wardropper

In ordinary times, you would have a good point, but the times are now anything but ordinary with billionaire technocrats now running the show. The Covid scamdemic and the coming Great Reset are their trademark handiworks.
The soulless technocrats are unlikely to allow children to develop at their own pace and those, that can’t, or won’t keep up with the scheduled development, will have no proper place in the coming world. These poor discarded children will be destined for menial work at best.
Overall this brave new world isn’t going to require that many people and those of us, who are seen as not of value, will face a bleak and possibly short future.
We are now moving into perhaps the very saddest of times, but it is children and the young, who clearly have the most to lose.

Sep 5, 2020 3:31 PM

Very true what you say, but what I am pointing to is a more spiritual aspect of the matter, which is grounded in very ancient wisdom and not subject to the short-term political fashions and catastrophes in which we are currently so embroiled.
Anybody with a functioning brain likes to find meaning of some sort in life, and perhaps the greatest large-scale successes in that pursuit can be achieved when the outer circumstances with which we have to wrestle are particularly trying…?
Like the devil, the soulless technocrats only control the outer world, and The Book of Revelation did say that evil would be allowed a certain amount of time to do its worst.
Perhaps even worse is to come one day, but I have to admit I’m very surprised to see that prophecy apparently coming true right now…

Sep 4, 2020 7:21 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I agree very much with what you say here. However, I think the real damage to a child’s psychology comes not so much from their bad experiences as from accepting these experiences as a normal part of life. I think (and it’s just a guess) that this kind of acceptance is what tends to produce the adults we often consider “monsters.”

Sep 5, 2020 3:36 PM
Reply to  Howard

I was looking at it from a different perspective, but what you say is undoubtedly true.

Sep 4, 2020 4:58 PM

Note to the teacher who imagines she cannot teach from the grave: My dear, given your propensity for hyperbole as well as your willingness to accept propaganda at face value, I would argue that your students would learn just as much from you in person as from the grave.

Besides which, all the great minds which any thinking student absolutely needs in order to truly “learn,” are long since in their graves. I would put a Plato, a Kant, a Sartre ahead of you any day, my dearest naive teacher.

Sep 4, 2020 5:41 PM
Reply to  Howard

And Im sure this teacher hasn’t even the inclination of the works of any of them brilliant minds you’ve just listed.

If she did, she wouldn’t be such a victim created a self exiled prison to reside in mentally.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Sep 4, 2020 10:19 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

I’m glad that this frightened apology of a “teacher” wasn’t around when my kids were at school. What a complete ars****e,

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 4, 2020 7:34 PM
Reply to  Howard

Among other things the Scamdemic does reveal those whose “temperament”, poor pedagogical skills and training and lack of intellect are not suitable for teaching/instructing the young or inspiring students to learn.

To say the least, one would be woefully remiss if one permitted such individuals to be in front of a class room with children. In fact their appearance there could be considered psychological and child cruelty. The young sense when their teachers loath and fear them. That sense will do irreparable damage to many young, formative and impressionable minds

Any “teacher” who says such things should be quickly removed from the classroom and dismissed, no matter what the legal upshot may be. OUR YOUNG AND THEIR FUTURES COME FIRST.

Sep 4, 2020 4:24 PM

After spending 2 hours resolving cable connections, on my wife’s new Telly, with all her connected toys (she only wanted to do Yoga on a Friday morning – normally by visiting the Yoga class Teacher in a church hall – but that is not allowed – because the law dictates, that they all need to wear masks – and you can’t do that doing Yoga)

The little, I know about Yoga, it involves at least in final stages of the class – really deep breathing and meditation – and achieving a higher state of mind on lots of Oxygen in Fresh Air.

You can’t do that if you are wearing a mask…

And then I relax, and see this – and I like most Scousers (especially the men – same sense of humour as me)



County Girl
County Girl
Sep 4, 2020 9:48 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

Hi Tony – who is imposing this law that says that yogis have to wear masks in class? I have been back to the yoga studio (oop North) for 5 weeks now. We do not have to wear masks – same rules as gyms, no masks whilst exercising, even indoors. More spaced out in the room, tape on floor to dictate where our mats are put, and floor washed after every class – making floor slippy and therefore, a danger to walk across. Many previous members too scared to return, but some of us are back.

Lots of breathing throughout the class. Very good for higher states of mind and also for keeping the lungs healthy. The more breathing the better, for clearing stuff out of the lungs that is bad for them. If more people breathed deeply instead of shallowly, lungs infections could more easily be avoided. Likewise if posture improves keeping lungs open to breathe easily – same advantages. Yoga excellent for improving posture.

Yoga on zoom – yuck. Yoga in groups with real people present – group energy = more quality meditation.

I don’t think I need to say what I think of masks, or a non-existent plague.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Sep 4, 2020 10:28 PM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

That BT copper should lose his job, but he’ll likely get promoted. It would be surprising if the charges aren’t dropped though, as this is yet another disaster for the braindead boys in blue.

Sep 4, 2020 4:20 PM

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Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Sep 4, 2020 4:18 PM

One of the many things discussed in this interview, Nobel Prize winning biologist Michael Levitt talks about the harm that lockdown/panic does to children as well as the destruction of our society.

my parents said know
my parents said know
Sep 4, 2020 4:18 PM

My momma was resentful
Of most things in her life-
Of having four small babies,
Of being daddy’s wife.
She hated what she could not have
But she would never ask,
And when she hurt deep down inside
She’d take my dad to task.

My daddy was a monster-
He growled and bit off heads.
The kids would try to hide from him
Inside their unkempt beds.
He hated what he could not have
But he would never ask,
And when he hurt deep down inside
He’d take my mom to task.

And both of them agreed on just one thing and that was this:
The children were responsible for the fading of their kiss.
And when they took off at themselves to play their bitter game
Those children of resentment cried and bore their parent’s shame.

Those children of resentment
Grew up with heavy loads.
They yearned to find a purpose;
They wandered many roads.
They ached for what they could not have
They don’t know how to ask,
And when they hurt deep down inside,
They take themselves to task.

And all of them agree on just one thing and that is this:
They’ll never be like mom or dad- they’ll never trust a kiss.
So when they take off at themselves to hide some bitter pain,
They find they are resentful, and the cycle starts again.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 4, 2020 3:56 PM

Thanks for a stirring article, directing and arming our guts to find again the right tone and temperature of moral outrage that is often buried by these global inanities, that has been displaced by this gloomy dreary psyop.

It seems as if these Right Cynical Thinkers have collected all the debris and detritus left by all the worst totalitarian regimes in their collapse and digitally synthesized it all into this pointless mess.

Comparing the odds of viral danger to the odds of a direct lightning strike is a useful framework.

Brief and true. It will be my ten word go-to rebuke of all the fascist ninnies.

Of course, I’m forgetting that lightning is covid-related. Silly me.

We’re ALL being abused in our inner child.

my parents said know
my parents said know
Sep 4, 2020 3:43 PM

My heart breaks every time I see a toddler in a mask, and told to “distance” from their friends. It’s telling them that others are dangerous, and that they are themselves dangerous to others. The smiles that say “I am friendly, not dangerous” are hidden.
So many parents choose “fitting in” over the well-being of their children. It has always been so, but never in such large numbers.
These kids will grow up isolated and suspicious of others. I think de Mause used to point out that when a culture starts portraying children as dangerous and threatening, war is not far behind.

Sep 4, 2020 3:55 PM

It is like the kkk.They dress up their kids in their far right neo nazi atire. Is is shocking. those parents are seriously twisted.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Sep 4, 2020 10:34 PM
Reply to  Simon

Yes they are twisted, but they are not doing it to our kids and the problem here is not the kkk.

Sep 4, 2020 3:40 PM

Can any person here that believes Trump is on “our” side explain a simple fact? Why is Julian Assange still in jail? Thank you for any response.

Sep 4, 2020 4:04 PM
Reply to  Jim2468

Perhaps to give him credability as anti-establishment and make him a honey pot for other whistle blowers to surrender their information too?

Sep 4, 2020 4:09 PM
Reply to  JackVim

You seem to have my question backwards for some reason. Let me rephrase it. If Trump is a good guy, why hasn’t he pardoned Julian Assange?”. If it weren’t for Assange we would never have found out about the DNC backstabbing Bernie Sanders during the 2016 Primaries.

Sep 4, 2020 5:04 PM
Reply to  JackVim

Did you misinterpret my question? I asked the opposite. If Trump is against the “deep state” why hasn’t he either pardoned Julian Assange or had the Justice Dept. drop the extradition request?

Sep 5, 2020 12:33 AM
Reply to  Jim2468

Of course I didn’t misunderstand your question, I answered it. Are you sure you should be here, you seem a bit out of your depth.

Sep 5, 2020 1:14 AM
Reply to  Jackvim

Well, let me see, genius. You misspelled “credibility” and your logic is backward. Harvard? My father was a janitor, so please pardon my genetic stupidity. I think it is you who is out of his depth. You need to be promoted! I asked a fairly simple question and you haven’t the capacity to comprehend what you try to read. You sure it’s “vim” and not “off”?

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Sep 4, 2020 10:38 PM
Reply to  Jim2468

Trump is on Netanyahu’s side and he doesn’t give a toss for anyone else. Biden is a braindead warmonger. Make your vote count by not voting.

Sep 5, 2020 12:20 AM

It is getting rather tedious. Eight years for Clinton, eight for W. Bush, eight again for Obama and now another eight for Trump. That’s 32 years of the same pattern and I doubt that it is an accident. None of those guys were any good yet they all got reelected with a safe margin. I don’t vote either. I haven’t had any reason to help out this con-job. To me, Trump was toast when he said, “The Clinton’s are nice people” after 6 months of saying they should be in jail. Then he “drains the swamp” by putting it in all of his top jobs. I don’t like the looks of this revolution either. Seems to be another fake event like the pandemic, the Russia hoax, the Skripal nonsense and the impeachment buffoonery. The Republicans had The House, The Senate and the White House for the first two years and they did absolutely nothing about Hillary and Odumba. What a joke.

Walter Melon
Walter Melon
Sep 4, 2020 3:15 PM

I stopped reading at the gratuitous dig calling Trump a child trafficker.


Walter Melon
Walter Melon
Sep 4, 2020 4:02 PM
Reply to  Walter Melon

I wish this site would get back to the straight reporting of the science and data of the covid hoax like it did back at the beginning. The series of the actual scientists talking about it were the most powerful.

Sep 4, 2020 4:33 PM
Reply to  Walter Melon

This site has run many scientists views which are very powerful. The science is pretty much covered imo.
Now perhaps the interpretation and impact on the human side, proportion, the injustices, the stupidity, self interest behind it all. Spotlight on the human side and perhaps humour and ridicule of these absurd measures and of the people promoting them is also powerful for readers and encourages a reflection of the situation.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 4, 2020 6:05 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Bingo, very right on:

“This site has run many scientists views which are very powerful. The science is pretty much covered imo.

Now perhaps the interpretation and impact on the human side, proportion, the injustices, the stupidity, self interest behind it all.”

Satire and comic scorn is a force, ALWAYS, especially when science has been coopted.

Now we need most a Dean Swift or two, or two thousand, to mock these inane, insane Ponzi Schemers to smithereens.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of power ogres and head trippers. FLOCKING NAZIS! ACHTUNG!



Serve them up contempt and mockery in endless quantities like a Big Pharma global vaccine.

Consign them to the dregs of Oblivion.

Other than that, diplomacy might come in handy, too.

(I think Lesher is a pretty good psychologist. Maybe he can shrink a few of these inflamed swollen heads.)

All of the above!

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 4, 2020 4:03 PM
Reply to  Walter Melon

Melon sez: “I stopped reading at the gratuitous dig calling Trump a child trafficker.


Redundant: any sincere visitor here already knows Trump is a loser. It shouts from him, like his cynical two-faced handling of this mob hit on our country and its children. It all tracks back to him, or his handlers.

You are the bearer of the Torch at Noon!

Sep 4, 2020 3:04 PM

The layers of the onion have become so deep now. In everyday life, we have to defend ourselves on whatever the latest outer layer is. The layer is built on a core foundation of falsehood. Every layer reinforced with rituals – hand sanitizing, masks, propaganda, celebrity culture, virtue signals, and other forms of hazing.

The core is nearly impenetrable through the layers of lies by this point. Unfortunately, it is hard to argue about the cake when the zombie masses are vigilant, violent, and tyrannical about each new layer of frosting.

With the latest in Australia’s fascist climate while Hawaii, Ohio, North Carolina, and others follow suit… the hourglass is running low. Even those in agreement seem too afraid to organize any real resistance in the United States. Demonstrations in Ireland, London, Germany, and Spain are hopeful… but it is not enough. The United States has been butchered of any critical thought.

Sep 4, 2020 3:31 PM
Reply to  WorldParole

they might have objected to the 9/11 hoax, nineteen years ago, but they didn’t. not in any significant numbers, anyway. it’s been all downhill from there.

Gary Weglarz
Gary Weglarz
Sep 4, 2020 3:00 PM

I would of course never suggest violence as a way to problem solve our way out of this, particularly since the State has all but a monopoly on that means of persuasion.

However, I dare say we will be collectively trending in a much healthier psychological direction when more of us are unable to effectively suppress – “regicidal thoughts” – rather than – “suicidal thoughts.”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 4, 2020 7:52 PM
Reply to  Gary Weglarz

Of course not.

There already is violence perpetrated against THE PEOPLE [humanity] by the CORPORATE FASCIST STATE. Defending ourselves against it is a matter of survival not “violence.” One should take the experience of poor drugged Fred Hampton in 1969, murdered in his bed by Gestapo assassins, as a lesson of what those criminal psychopaths have planned for humanity, slavery and death.

Resistance is not merely a right, it is a duty!

“I’d rather die on my feet, than live on my knees.”

~ Emiliano Zapata

Big B
Big B
Sep 4, 2020 2:18 PM

I feel your passion and anger, Michael: and it is an unpleasant augury. But we have to go through this, channel our passion, and come to terms with our grief. To which ends: have you heard of Alexander Inglis? 6 basic functions of school  1) The adjustive or adaptive function.  Schools are to establish fixed habits of reaction to authority. This, of course, precludes critical judgment completely. It also pretty much destroys the idea that useful or interesting material should be taught, because you can’t test for reflexive obedience until you know whether you can make kids learn, and do, foolish and boring things. 2) The integrating function.  This might well be called “the conformity function,” because its intention is to make children as alike as possible. People who conform are predictable, and this is of great use to those who wish to harness and manipulate a large labor force. 3) The diagnostic and directive function.  School is meant to determine each student’s proper social role. This is done by logging evidence mathematically and anecdotally on cumulative records. As in “your permanent record.” Yes, you do have one. 4) The differentiating function.  Once their social role has been “diagnosed,” children are to be sorted by role and trained only so far as their destination in the social machine merits – and not one step further. So much for making kids their personal best. 5) The selective function.  This refers not to human choice at all but to Darwin’s theory of natural selection as applied to what he called “the favored races.” In short, the idea is to help things along by consciously attempting to improve the breeding stock. Schools are meant to tag the unfit – with poor grades, remedial placement, and other punishments – clearly enough that their peers will accept them as inferior and effectively bar them from the reproductive… Read more »

Big B
Big B
Sep 4, 2020 2:24 PM
Reply to  Big B

Copy and paste error detected: missing link (that’s me):

John Ervin
John Ervin
Sep 4, 2020 6:16 PM
Reply to  Big B

The social undistancing of schools is valuable, but it is often overrated if it only means, as it does today, one flavor or another of odious propaganda programming.

Autodidacticism may be the only modern means of return to any kind of precious personal sovereignty.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 4, 2020 2:02 PM

Great article thanks for it. Although the process the author describes has be in progress unimpeded since the dawn of the Information Age circa 1980 , when Reaganomics swept most of the world , China and the USSR restructured and adopted turbo-capitalism as their forms of government , and Ms.Thatcher declared TINA.The covid panic may just be the final nail in the coffin humanity has constructed for its notions of personal freedoms and civil rights.

Sep 4, 2020 1:21 PM

Unintended consequences. We (meaning everybody who has ever glanced at a Psychology 101 textbook) – we already know how dangerous repressed emotions and childhood experiences can be. An abused child will grown into, at best, a forlorn adult; at worst, into a serial killer.

And that’s only with repressed emotions. How about a repressed existence, where everything a child could normally feel or experience is repressed – or rather, suppressed? We are producing a nation of potentially lethal adults on a scale never before imagined.

One has to ask: is the goal here to produce “better” soldiers and police, who will be absolutely unmoved by any possible consideration other than the execution of their duty? And will that “duty” be to slaughter one another in an endless hate and anger fest?

Talk about culling the population. They will cull one another.

Sep 4, 2020 1:29 PM
Reply to  Howard

conditioning/creating psychopathic machine like people is part of it!

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 4, 2020 2:06 PM
Reply to  Howard

Certainly a likely scenario as the new flu season approaches and our rulers continue to hector for even more draconian measures.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Sep 4, 2020 11:19 PM
Reply to  Howard

Guess what these kids are doing every second of the day their not at Masked Slave-Training.
Playing Fortnite.

Sep 4, 2020 1:01 PM

The essay by Emma Goldman in the link below contains some very fine ideas about education. Real education, that is. I particularly love this quote from Sebastian Faure, who set up a school called La Ruche:

Our children never accept anything in blind faith, without inquiry as to why and wherefore; nor do they feel satisfied until their questions are thoroughly answered. Thus their minds are free from doubts and fear resultant from incomplete or untruthful replies; it is the latter which warp the growth of the child, and create a lack of confidence in himself and those about him.


Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 4, 2020 2:15 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

Mr Faure? clearly new little about the thinking processes of children? In my experience most preteens have blind faith in their elders . Subsidized education/indoctrination always targets those few that do question the nature of things.

Sep 4, 2020 2:27 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Your experience and that of Mr Faure are obviously very different. And I can’t understand how you can say that he knew little of the thinking processes of children.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 4, 2020 3:02 PM
Reply to  Gwyn

The statement , ” our children never accept anything on blind faith , ” attributed to him is wrong . Having said that I have no idea who Mr Faure is/was

Sep 4, 2020 10:38 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Regardless of where each child might be on a Believe Everything/Believe Nothing spectrum, the point is that they be allowed, nay, encouraged to question anything they want to know more about.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 4, 2020 11:36 PM
Reply to  dus7

Off point and a whole other discussion on the limited choices children actually have , also there is a universe of differences between allowed and encouraged ?

Sep 4, 2020 1:01 PM

Another kind of reality regarding kids in schools: research by Birmingham University shows that UK classrooms contain high levels of organophosphate flame retardant dust. The same family of chemicals was banned from sheep dip and weedkiller because they’re so toxic. Flame retardants are particularly harmful to children, with evidence that they lead to lower IQ; they’re also responsible for reproductive problems in adults, cancers, thyroid illness and more. The good(ish) news is that levels of flame retardant dust in schools is probably lower than in the home. But don’t drive your kids to school because OPFR levels are much higher in your car (oh, by the way, that “new car smell” comes from endocrine disrupting phthalates issuing from the plastic parts). And it almost goes without saying that flame retardants are much worse for your health than covid 19, i.e. staying inside is not a good idea, either in home or in school. //:0