Down Cricket Road
Sylvia Shawcross

Now you’d think that Jacinda Ardern, a WEF star, would have picked a different turn of phrase to explain her exit. Instead of lamenting that she didn’t “have enough in her tank” she could have said she hadn’t charged her solar panels enough or something.
She has now perhaps joined the rest of the world reeling from the price of gas for their tanks? She’s one of us now? Is that the analogy? Why do I doubt this?
Oh I know, we’re all human and equal and all that… or as Orwell put it, we are all equal but some of us are more equal than others, but really? Really! Maybe it was a Freudian slip and she was actually referring to New Zealand not supplying tanks to Ukraine? But I suppose it was ultimately because her numbers were tanking in political polls.
And that’s about all I have to say about Ardern except: you can’t play totalitarianism with a population and then turn around and play victim when you are not liked for your actions.
Meanwhile back in Canada, the latest adventure down Cricket Road is new for us all and it makes about as much sense as anything else does these days. It is obviously a test drive here in Canada—you know how “they” do that with all their grand plotting and shenanigans such as organic fertilizer farming in Sri Lanka and nuclear standoffs in Ukraine.
They do these things to see how we all react and then start fiddlefarting and tinkering before springing it on the entire world. This is what they do with “we the herds” mooing and grazing in the Blackrock fields of what we used to call home.
Now before I tell you about this latest endeavour, please, if so inclined pour yourself a good stiff drink and settle down. You’ll need that drink. Trust me. Here in the vast snowy terrain of Canada, our “protectors of health” have a new decree. Well, not a decree at this point but a recommendation: They no longer are recommending two alcoholic drinks a day, but two drinks a week.
I suggest there is no doubt now. None whatsoever. No more fence-sitting for you sore-bummed middle-of-the-road types—They ARE looking for revolution.
It is one thing to take away meat and replace it with crickets and it is one thing to take away sodas with fizzy little bubbles but it is quite another thing to take away a person’s hot rum toddy on a cold winter’s night or a glass or two of wine in a personal crisis or a case of beer while watching football players keel over on TV.
I mean, that’s what I hear. I’m not much of a drinker really but in this world there are two types of people: those who drink and those who don’t much care to drink. The vast majority are in the first category. The elites trying to run the world know this. This is why they’ve come out with this recommendation—to fuel the revolution. To make us really mad.
Well, I know what you’re thinking, it’s just a recommendation right? Yeah. For now. Until we’re all digitally hooked into the matrix where such things will be decided for us—what we eat, where we go, what we drink and how many licorice all sorts we can have in a week. It’s only a matter of time before they start measuring our toothpaste consumption. But I digress.
The question is why would they be picking on a very very profitable booze business like this? It makes no sense. They love their corporate greed and oh those lovely taxes. I guess we’ll eventually understand. Ours is not to question why, ours is just to do or die.
But you’d think… just out of consideration for the herds, they’d offer to make their own sacrifices. Oh, not the thousands of prostitutes flown in for Davos necessarily because I’m sure that’s just an observational experiment about their human trafficking goals. And not the red meat they serve there or anything. But perhaps the cocaine.
Yes. We the herds have decided, THEY will be limited to two hits of cocaine a month. That’ll fix ‘em… well, quite a few of ‘em I suspect. Maybe they’ll stop waging war then and return to something they used to call diplomacy in the old days.
Here’s my favourite quotation from my last column offered by Niko:
My heart is moved by all I cannot save:
so much has been destroyed
I have to cast my lot with those
who age after age, perversely,
with no extraordinary power,
reconstitute the world.
Adrienne Rich
And here’s an earworm:
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So what does this article I’m linking have to do with restricting alcohol consumption? It’s about an electric car fire, for heaven’s sake!
If I hadn’t read the article I would never have imagined how much water it takes to extinguish an electric car fire. All that water they “waste” on brewing booze must be reserved for…other, more essential, things.
Tesla Model S “Spontaneously” Erupts in Flames on California Highway – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Portuguese farm workers traditionally carried a 5l flask along the row of vegetables.
Vinho Verde, as well as being one of the finest wines, is low in alcohol, around 9%.
There was no harm, and long life. To those raised in the Metaverse this may seem counterintuitive… but I promise you life among humans beats your digital world.
Once again, excellent. I too am a bit surprised cutting back on alcohol consumption, there must be a sinister plan there, although the more sober you are, the more you suffer. Maybe something like that.
Fiddlefart? Is that your word? If so, can I use it? I will give you credit.
can we please stop the sycophancy?
authors congratulating each other on the same platform??
peer review?
naw, boak.
listen to yer audience.
They have the same people who endorsed the lock down sold the jabs/ testing kits etc are the same heroes now for saying internet fashionable 3 years out of date.
There experts at this.
If Ardern had a dick-snip, cheap PR job appeared on woke alt right media clowncircuit like saying internet fashionable, the woke alt right would lick her up and rebrand her as a outspoken hero of truth.
A great song to top off the article: >
That don’t make it junk – Leonard Cohen
Thank you for this video. I don’t understand the 10 downvotes – which is precisely why I despise the voting system.
Basically, I don’t care why someone likes a post. But I’d love to know why someone dislikes a post – especially one like this.
Anyway, thanks.
In times of crisis like these, when taken at the right times and places and with the right company, alcohol can inspire serious thinking and can give you funny ideas, and by “funny” I don’t mean humorous.
That’s maybe why they’re trying to limit its consumption. In any case, it proves they’re desperate.

That why they closed bar / pubs etc during bs19.
The “debate” has reached Ireland now. I said it before,read any newspaper in any language and you’ll be reading the same story all over the world
The grip is getting tighter if you chose to believe the crap they print in mainstream media.
I think they’ll have a hard time getting an Irishman to have two drinks a week, that wouldn’t wet your whistle here. 🍻
An effective psychological operation intentionally generates non-sense to produce confusion & division.
U.K friends told me they’ve had Doctors text/letters cleverly worded telling them to come in and get a heart and blood pressure check.
…- Naturally enough, Shergar’s ‘tank’ is a Bob Semple…
Straight from the horse’s mouth!
Down Cricket road in Canada means: Massive cricket-processing facility comes online in London, Ontario. First food for the pets, after for the plebs.
yeah, i’ve written about this before. There’s also some being built in Russia. Soon to have Bugs R’ Us outlets worldwise i suspect. TY
The ‘respectable’ alt-media are starting to notice something’s going on while still tippy-toeing around the potential cause (this one does at least allow it as a possibility):
How else to explain the defeaning silence from public health bodies and the so-called mainstream media on the issue? Both supposedly love trumpeting bad health news given the slightest opportunity according to conventional analysis. The causation clearly cannot be mainly country specific….
The infallible, trust worthy, moving at the speed of SCIENCE, “just doesn’t know”
calling all rocket scientists……
I had the same reaction when reading it… a kind of déjà vu.
“I’ve Seen That Movie Too.”
If A.I. said it, it must be true….
Stanford and Colorado are two of the biggest cesspools of elite control out there.
Argument over protest rules with “our side” voiced by Extinction Rebellion. What a fucking joke!
I just passed my month’s limit tonight, all in one night. Damn. I hope they don’t do this with tacos.
To add, I’m only supposed to have 6 glasses of red wine a week because they want me to live to be 100, but I’m supposed to get five fake Covid-19 jabs and what appears to be a never-ending subsequent number of jabs for who knows what, that will either kill me or cause major harm to my health mojo. I’m so fucking confused man.
Stick to the wine and forget the effing jabs. You may not see a 100, but as with good wine, you will mature and enjoy your life.
Is Humanity Doomed? – Carl Jung on Healing a Sick Society
Enbrace your shadow self… whose interest does that serve?
BTW isn’t it peculiar that the Nazis are the touchstone of all evil who must be mentioned at every turn – except when it’s Jung who’s the subject….
I thought the video presentation suggested some useful insights in actually organizing opposition, beyond criticism.
Business is booming (with the emphasis on Boom) for some US corporations:
i see prince phillip! argh
…- Lemme grab me proton pack and ghost traps, ‘heid…
We’ll have to stop bothering Bill. He’s getting pissed off. After all, billionaires know best don’t they?
For her swansong Jacinda wanted “I Did It My Way”, until it was pointed out that the bit about “Mistakes ? I made a few” was an admission she alone was responsible for all the damage inflicted.
Being a politician, she knew how to change her tune.
Let’s Not Rewrite The Recent Past:
“Being vaccinated was the easy choice, not the hard one.”
“Yes, Joy Piehole is a moron.”

“Time to defund the gestapo and get rid of the surveillance cameras. They are used to oppress just about everyone.”
“The War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Oligarch Mobster Psychopath Nazi Criminals need to go, NOW!”
Sometimes it is hard to believe things. Is this actually true about Brazil?
what IS happening there? indeed. Seemed quite positive weeks ago but who knows?
Lula turned out to be a globalist asset. It’s now clear that’s why they booted Bolsonaro: to put this clown in power.
aye, but i thought the miliraty/some police were against Lula,…?
what is really happening?
“Lest one be bamboozled or fooled, both Bolsonaro and Lula da Silva are Langley-Land sock puppet/ shills.”
Technocrats In Canada Moving To Eliminate Free Speech
seems like living in Canada right now is not for the faint of heart
You can always choose MAid. Lucky you.
The problem is Canadians are literally kept in the dark by CBS. As a South African with many who fled SA (over the 5 decades as an adult) I’ve been around are feeling the pressure as the still visit and with all our real problems, we are not living in a fools paradise as the Canadians are. Many are getting cancer all of a sudden. Trudeau should be tried and shot.
…- Especially not if you took the jab…
Soon it will be a crime to lambast leaders. Nothing but praises will be acceptable. After all they only have our best interests in mind (cough cough 😷)
In many countries it already is.
i can still smell the whisky burning, but that truck was bought at the Masons’ Lodge !
i tried to learn the mandolin for that as a teen, but didn’t have a mandolin and a capo never quite cut it ; )
thanks Syl I thoroughly appreciated that one, and i snorted out my 6% cider at “watching footballers collapse”,
Creator forgive us.
More 15 minute cities planned for the UK 💤
Not to sure about this one violet.
Oxford maybe, but again lots of political propaganda at the moment.
Local selections is incoming U.K and E.u so many many propaganda type pieces from the Christian Conservative alt media who pretend to be independent.
Ya, as if those stupid boxes in the street will keep folks in er I don’t think so 😂
Presuming this picture is authentic … the boxes will serve the same purpose as masks do, i.e. they are the virtue-signals for the sheep. So, as we all know masks are useless against ‘air-borne’ bacterial hobgoblins but they gained traction as an acceptable health-defence thingamebob by virtue of their contrived ‘popularity’, that is aside from the 24/7 governmental propaganda to rearrange reality … for the sheep.
So, the seemingly ridiculous boxes will be the thin-end of the wedge, once again.
Don’t allow the idea of the ‘box-barriers’ to gain traction, as we did with the idiotic face-masks, burn the darn things ASAP.
They look like they’d burn well 😉
Matches and an accelerant.
Burn ’em
I just noticed that city council has removed up to 30 parking slots in city center, close to markets and department stores. Instead: slots for e-bikes, benches no one will sit on and a few random boulders. And this is the home of Daimler and Porsche. I think they are trying everything to inconvenience people who use cars.
…- Czech hedgehogs’d be better, for when they eventually roll out the tanks…
Hmm…..Looks flammable
Curious one from The Independent:
“Doctors issue warning over life-threatening disease as cases spike in children
The disease can be treated with immunoglobulin, a medicine made using blood plasma”
“life-threatening disease”? “The disease”? Why so coy about naming it? If you’re interested it turns out to be something called Kawasaki disease. Yeah sounds made up but I’m assuming it’s genuine. However isn’t their evasiveness fascinating? Are they now trying to scare you with the notion of a “universal” illness?
It may be redness on the palms and soles. It was known long before covid, but highlighted in children around mid-2020 (in US) as part of the propaganda. Before the jab, all the claims of covid affecting young people severely were misinformation.
…- Kawasaki’s major presentation is inflammation of the blood vessels in children, and is idiopathic (meaning they don’t know what causes it…), sometimes occuring following bacterial or viral infection…
…- For most any kind of spontaneous inflammation you can read: – *Autoimmune*… – Particularly if there was a prior infection involved…
Not sure about that. Vodka was plentiful in the Soviet Union as a deliberate government policy to pacify the population. I assume the Canadian government wants to save on healthcare costs – but the problem is that people who drink too much probably eat too much too.
Speak for yourself! 😀
Reporting from here in New Zealand: I was very glad to see Jacinda go, but am sorry to report that the guy who replaced her Chris Hipkins was “minister of COVID response” throughout most of the so-called pandemic. In other words, he implemented the lockdowns, vaccine passports, and the rest of the BS we faced here for 2 1/2 years. Jacinda left mainly because her poll numbers were down due to ultra woke social policies and an extremely unpopular measure due to come in called “3 Waters” (I won’t bore you with trying to explain it!) It looks like Hipkins is going to back off some aspects of this stuff. Thus the first polls after he took office show his party (Labour: ha ha ha!) up significantly.
And commenting on my own comment: sorry it isn’t much in line with the jovial, cynically amused tone of the rest of you. Will try to do better!
We have to keep at least one foot on the ground, mjh.
“Cynically amused” can only go so far. Relax, and thank you.
It is hard to be jovial even when cynical these days. The Three Waters thing is coming to all countries soon enough I imagine. Is there any oversight or is it a free-for-all thing?
Not here in South Africa. Our idiotic ANC cannot even maintain and manage the excellent reticulation system they inherited. Durban and places north and south of it are no go areas. Beaches were closed for the entire Summer holidays and still are.
And here I have to “commend” all those who wanted the fall of Apartheid for this bunch of thieving buggers (NZ being one). Hated the previous bunch, but they at least did build and not just destroy.
But still here until I have to move on – living in paradise sans water and electricity most of the time.
Little Shitkins will just be the caretaker until the inevitable shakeup following the general (s)elections later this year.
…- Would the likes of, say, Nestle be involved in that 3 Waters thing, one wonders?…
Here in California, the home of all sorts of fads and fancies (according to the media, at least), we’re experiencing the next PR onslaught. The problem is skyrocketing natural gas prices, people have noticed that their monthly bill of maybe $100 in winter has gone up to $300 or more (one person reported $500). The PR machine has leapt into action, suggesting it as a “pipeline repair” and (obviously) not a word about the global situation, windfall profits and the like We’re used to it this kind of thing with gasoline (petrol) prices, its got to the point where PR chaff falls on deaf ears — we know that we get to pay what they charge “because they can” et cetera.
(For those interested the sequence will go something like this:-
— Supply is constrained causing prices to spike
— Customers get reamed and record profits are generated
— Record profits cause the share prices to rise
— The revalued company now has to maintain that level of profitability either by continuing to ream customers or by ‘cutting costs’ (i.e. sticking it to the workforce, suppliers and anyone else you can)
— A portion of the profits is used to buy PR, lobbyists, legislators and generally make sufficient noise to convince everyone that being reamed is an Act of God, the Green thing to do or generally your fault for existing and so consuming the Earth’s precious resources.)
(Capitalism — you’ve just got to love it!)
The first three words were all that was required Martin. You have my sympathies.
it amazes me that everyone is so enthusiastic to pay for anything!!
all the worlds resources belong to EVERY-ONE or NO-ONE.
we are completely bamboozlled.
its as if we are paying for everything twice, in fact it is much worse, as we can see because they (the hierarchy enslaving you)make up any old bollocks to justify extreme price rises for things that by all rites should not cost a bean imho
…- HomoSap’ is the only animal on the planet to pay rent for it’s tenure here…
…- And yet with NG (Henry Hub) spot prices at 3.35 (23/1) and futures at around 2.63 (31/1), back within the typical historic 20-30 year range lows… – hmm… (- Set chart to ‘Max’) (- Set chart to ‘5Y’, then hover pointer over chart and scroll-wheel down to zoom out)
…- Meanwhile ol’ Gruesome wants to tax non-Californians… – Will wonders never cease?…
When they start cutting back opioids then you’ll know they’re serious.
aye it’s not a good time to have any sort of a nasty habit
i wanna stay sober
for they gonna take over
i wanna stay sober
for they gonna kill over
chop chop by melt yourself down
(that’s their general direction, which seems to be trotting along nicely)
And never mention the doubling of Midazolam prescribed in the UK in 2020.
A Polly Woman’s number one weapon is drink. That’s why us lads have no Voice, try talking and drinking at the same time. She came bearing a Gift,..A Cup of Tea and a roll of suggestive biscuits.
What’s a “Polly Woman”?
and this all continues until ‘we the people’ get off our assess and stop complaining and start doing something about it – thoughts here – Democracy Study Guide –
Poor Jacinda. Born too far south to benefit from the US DOD.
Here’s an article which ceases being puzzling when one considers the implications of the document(s) it focuses on. It came from a FOIA request. What it does though is provide cover for all the US bureaucrats who went along with the scamdemic: they were under secret order because of a National Security Threat (where have we heard that before).
It’s an interesting read – between the lines especially.
The Pentagon, Big Pharma, and Globalist War – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Great! The evidence accumulates, the system has prepared the theory of the lethal virus as a biological weapon from the beginning to use it later.
Whether just as a plan B to save his ass from people’s anger or to make the intended narrative leap remains to be seen.
Interesting to watch over the last weeks how this doesn’t get much traction while the original narrative just keeps on keeping on
Apologies for being OT, but anyone in the UK had letters from there GP surgery about re-registering? seems to be only unvaxxed getting em?
A suggestion, the others dont need to because it takes time away.
Nope? Why would I need to re-register with a GP with whom I’m already registered?
not sure John was just asking if others had experienced this too
Maybe the best turn of phrase from the get-go for Ardern and all her (WEF/YGL) kind trying to drive us down a dead end road is running on emptiness.
Make it “Running on Empty” and someone who knows how to link YouTube videos can give us the Jackson Browne song.
You gotta luv music thanks chum.
Here tis:
I’m a touch mystified by your reference to the game of gentlemen in your otherwise cogent composition. With due respect to a wild colonial lass and insinuating no opprobrium, I beg to inform you that the word cricket hath no plural and the sport: no equal.
Thank you dear Nixon. My usual foibles. The title was just a throw in because i had that dang earworm Copperhead Road rolling about in my head all day.
Earworms giving you trouble eh? Try earmoles, the little blighters clear them out in no time.
Where the middle class network with the ruling class.
Insects have a rigid cast system, but I’m still not gona eat em.
From the linked article:
“On Tuesday, the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) updated its guidance on alcohol and health, recommending that women should limit consumption to two standard drinks per week and men should limit consumption to six standard drinks per week.”
Canada Cuts Alcohol Guidance to Two Drinks Per Week (
I guess men are able to handle “standard drinks” better than women…..
From the same page: Drinking Any Amount of Alcohol Causes Damage to the Brain, New Study Finds
Alcohol is especially damaging to the brains of Canadians… South Americans, East Indians, Africans, not so much…
What is a woman? oh dear. Did I say that? I did.
Hello syl: I thought your humor was right on. I only linked the page article as reference to the depth of the nonsense.
Must be a lot of Canadian plebs down-voting me. South Americans, East Indians, Africans, not so much…
Don’t even bother looking at the downvotes Paul. They are meaningless. I did not take offence there. I’m quite thick-skinned now after all this time.
Thanks syl. I enjoy your writing. I lived quite close to the Canadian boarder for many years, and spent time with a number of Canadian tourists and resort guests. They all had an extremely dry and off-beat sense of humor. I think its the weather trying to kill them 8 months out of the year… Makes ’em impervious to insult…
Be well, and take care.
i think downvotes are fine it means somebody/thing read your comment and it so got under their skin/algorithm they/it had to react.
Alcohol Lessons, in the Resistance to Disease was a known factor way before quackery.
What disease type is an easy path to follow.
well they fed beer and onions to the slaves that built the pyramids so how are they going to build their new utopia now? misery needs something to drown in
Maybe what we have here (or there, up North) is reverse psychology: ask people to drink less, they’ll drink more just out of spite.
If “drinking any amount of alcohol causes damage to the brain,” that’s a “good thing.” Because our brains (and not just in Canada) are being boxed and battered by any number of environmental things – soon add 5G to the mix.
So drinking alcohol gives the good folks at the totalitarium (totalitarian emporium) something to blame the ongoing assault on human brains (or what’s left of them) on: alcohol. Demon Rum.
I can hear it now: “We warned ’em, but they wouldn’t listen. They kept guzzling the giggle water!” (I stole the phrase “giggle water” from a Red Dwarf episode.)
A person I watch on an YouTube automotive channel calls beers “wobble-pops”
Regarding brain damage caused by electromagnetic fields: >
Findings in Autism (ASD) Consistent with Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and Radiofrequency Radiation (RFR)
Martha Herbert, PhD, MD
Pediatric Neurology
TRANSCEND Research Program
Massachusetts General Hospital
Harvard Medical School
December 2012
sec20_2012_Findings_in_Autism.pdf (
The plebs will continue using their beloved cell phones until everything is quite dead…
cold, dark, 8 months a year? try it being soaking wet instead of snowy-ice too. as in the atlantic NE, utter fun.
that’s my excuse.
An acquaintance used to live in Newfoundland – said it was the most horrendous weather imaginable.
other side of ocean i mean. worse. wet, imagine PNW with freezing gale-force rain.
normal winter.
I predict that light airplanes will start mysteriously crashing into Canadian breweries as well as spontaneous combustion fires occurring, mirroring the same with food in general and particularly poultry in the USSA. Fire is the great cleanser, and no doubt it eradicates the deadly avian flu virus which only exists in silico from a fake rt-PCR test. So far, thankfully, humans who test positive for cv-1984 are not put down (at least directly) by the tens of millions unlike their pollos hermanos for testing positive. I live in SW Mexico, and we have no AFV here. My theory is that the flood of people crossing the Mexican-USA border northbound is sufficient to create a major backdraft preventing this “virus,” which undoubtedly has the best intentions to eliminate every backyard hen in Mexico, from crossing the boarder southbound.
Exactly, Controllers all of a sudden take things away. We are our own worst resulting measured word from the Literary Institute for boys and girls to go to when its not School Day hours on Monday to Friday.
“The LiT”
Interesting that the vast majority of people get the famous Tennyson quote from his The Charge of the Light Brigade wrong. The line ends “do and die” not do or die. Big difference in meaning.
Well, I learned something today. I was actually quoting my father who would shuffle the newspaper, lay it aside, sigh heavily and say this. Apparently erroneously. I read The Charge of the Light Brigade only once as a child as I recall. Now I know better.
Yes, as I am sure you are aware, the misquote strongly implies that if one does, than one can avoid dying. While the accurate quote strongly implies that if one does, then one will also die, which was Tennyson’s obvious intention.
Yes indeed. Seriously different in intention.
Prior to the invasion of Gondwana (Australia) the original custodians of the land had been eating bugs, namely Witchetty Grubs, for thousands of years. It did them no harm.
It was only when they were introduced to white mans ‘food’ did they start to have health problems.
Along with huge problems associated with alcohol. Like many native cultures.
Another tragedy of white conquest.
I suppose a few thousand years will adapt the digestive system to anything. I somehow doubt that the grubs were introduced as part of a social, and perhaps digestive, engineering project by the tribal elders. Can the term- conquest have a colour? If so, how would you describe the conquest of the Koi San by the Zulu, or the extermination of the Mohicans by the Iroquois?
Ah, but when it comes to white conquest, the old Carly Simon song from James Bond comes to mind: “Nobody does it better.”
Nicely woke, .but in the conquering business, if you’re not better, to be brutally frank, you’re worse and get conquered. Then you don’t get to write the history and tell everyone you’re the best at everything. I believe the examples I made were really tops in the slaughter stakes and no also-rans in torture and slavery either. Didn’t the Iroquois notch up 100% efficiency and the Zulu left literally millions of mutilated corpses in their wake when they cut a swathe through a fair slice of Africa.
Fucking rubbish. Lies in the same league as the deadly new virus. If the truth means nothing why demonise Turdeau and Arsedern and other purveyors of the convid legend ?
I can tell you’re an Oxbridge man, your debating style and technique are well beyond my abilities to challenge.
Tu quoque.
And the OP’s point was about diet. Did the Koi San influence the diet of the Zulu in some relevant way?
If some peoples eat bugs/worms does it alter the significance of the Eat Ze Bugs agenda?
Back in the day the Koi San chefs were simply the creme de la caramele. No self respecting gourmande could do without one in his kitchen. Everyone knows that the koi carp was the greatest delicacy in times of yore, now you know how it got it’s name, unfortunately no one knows the lost recipe.
White conquest isn’t a “Woke” position – it’s a Jello position (i.e., the proof is in the pudding). Look around and tell me who the big winner of the conquest mode of human existence is.
It ain’t the Zulu. It ain’t the Iroquois. It ain’t nobody who ain’t white.
well Scoobie has still to pull their masks off!?
who knows what they really are? ; )
I’ll stick to the missionary position
It just occurred to me- what if gengis khan had possessed weapons of mass destruction that no one else had? You’d be wringing your hands for being yellow.
Colouring is part of Social Engineering. My Sister was brilliant, sadly she passed away in the teens. As far as I know she never went on Social media…A pity.
A few thousand?
Try 60-80 thousand years Nixon.
Witchetty grubs were only a small part of their diet.
I prefer not to eat anything that once moved of its own volition.
BTW, tribes have always warred, but the history of genocide by Empire hungry white folks is unassailable.
Ok,johnny 80,000 and I’ll raise you….. 90,000, you’re bid.
You want to live off “witchetty grubs”? Fine by me. Go right ahead. I’ll stick to meat and veg thanks.
‘Meat and veg’ Ahh, those good old traditions. Why do we rarely question them?
Like patriotism, capitalism, communism, religion _ _ _ _
More smears by the Woking Class: now some refuse e.g. to utter the word Israel, preferring Palestine, and use round brackets for that the way you do. But Gondwana broke up geologically in the Paleogene to from Australia and other current geological regions, educate yourself here:
Secondly, educate yourself on “bugs”: witchetty grubs, which I have eaten, are not insects,they are a creamy white worm, so I had no problem digesting any chitin, if you know what that is.
Third, check out what Gordon Briscoe wrote in 1993 already on the iinvasion-frontier warfare BS; ever heard of Bill Stanner and what he described as “coming in” (by aborigines to homesteads with the successful aim of thus solving the eternal problem of foragers, where to get the next meal)
Your “noble savage” wordings: “original custodians-no harm-huge problems-tragedy” is funny considering that those of your ilk in Australia who intone like that are either intent on vaxx-killing off as many aboriginals as possible and/or are themselves fanatically vaxxed to the utmost and voting for tinpot dictators such as McGowan (WA) and Andrews (Victoria).
Tragedy of white conquest? Take you handwringing elsewhere, given the very high inter-tribal kill rate pre- and post-1788 (cf. William Buckley), which of current Blaktivists would be alive?
Okay. Whites Rule!
Happy now?
‘Your ilk’ hey?
Pigeonholing is the second refuge of scoundrels.
There is a lot of this effing garbage around. On a site that demonises “nazis”.
Yeah, whatever we can accurately say about Treblinka it was probably filled with big, soft cushions and lots of hot cocoa. Nazis were cuddly men with a cosy, rosy agenda. 🙄
Tu quoque fallacies abound.
Yes, the rise of Nazism in 1930s allowed for some interesting comparisons in 2020/21, particularly when Germany went especially mask/lockdown/vaccine authoritarian .
And yes also, there have also been atrocities committed by other groups of people of all creeds and colours.
In the holocaust contest the British, American and Soviet holocausts beat the Nazis 400 to 6. You can be jailed for questioning one holocaust but you are free to joke about and deny the others.
Sure, atrocities all around from different dark corners of animal Homo sapiens caves. The Nazi variety had just that ridiculous selective justification, like Pol Pot’s ‘all people with glasses’. Stalin’s was more random individual and aimed at stifling terror. US/UK atrocities are massive usually but bandaged rigorously through their MSMoutpieces.
I wasn’t making any statements here except being sarcastic about Nazis. So do seven downvoting people not get sarcasm or are they just quite deluded? Either way I advise you to adjust your voting technique.
The point is, surely, that Australian/Tasmanian et al indigenous peoples had been present in those lands for a long time before they were utterly decimated by Western colonies in a relatively few years? Or are you suggesting that inter-tribal killings actually killed them all off well before that? Clearly not.
You can certainly debate whether ‘white conquest’ is intended to be ‘wokist’ or merely descriptive, but perhaps it’d more constructive to inquire first rather than make uncharitable inferences about people’s ‘ilk’?
In my neck of the woods in nth qld many were murdered in frontier hunting parties where young displaced indig were used somewhat the same as the young in Africa today…armed with machete….places here still bear names such as butchers creek, bones knob. Then we did the opium trick of the British in China ..we could declare them opium addicts and round them up and take them to places such as palm is or yarrabar which are still indig settlements today….what was left we introduced alcohol often in form of metho…yep I watch that as a teen…pay the natives for climbing trees to impress the likes of prince charles and other tourists with the spirits….take their merge pensions paid by the govt….irony being in my local town the local cop did to fund his alco wife’s habit….
sorry tales which are still very close as just not over 100 yrs old….where one could grow up knowing the left overs and having grandparents involved in the settlement….probably not considered a great rant but I will post it non the less..
Thanks for posting your comment, I appreciated it. Thanks again. A2
As and when the Voice, a blank cheque if ever there was one, is ratified in the pending referendum, and in due course Blaktivists get their independent state (around Wilcannia? more likely some Sydney Harbour frontage), you could show your ethical probity and breast-beating (post,-, but still very Christian Goodness) by moving to its new capital, (Marcia) Langtonia or maybe (Michael) Mansellville.
Please pay your reparations on time and also the tax levy needed to support the new country.
And your Neolithic ancestors had been present in Europe “for a long time” before they were outbred or just killed off by the Yamnaya-Corded Ware-Bell Beaker events of 3,000-2,000 BC, as shown by what is, and is not, in your own (presumed) genes cf work by David Reich et al at Harvard, so are you going to pay reparations out of your right trouser pocket into your left?
You may even have some WHG, western hunter-gatherer, in you, so you will have to net out your payments three ways. Make sure you use New York banks for that.
Thus: More wokeism, this time from the Admin. Do try to read some Aust. anthropologist texts written before the Aust. Keating government around 1990, you will find in fact that “utterly decimated” is the usual Grauniad hyperbole, and I thought we were Off-Grauniad?
Note also the habitual woke inflation of the word “peoples”, (compare: “Aboriginal people”) the plural implies even more horrendous criminality.
It is strange that in our Resistance movement, we oppose the homoglobalist narratives on Climate, on Pharma, on Civil Rights etc. but adhere to” Whitefeller Bad – Blackfeller Good” (sorry, George Orwell: Animal Farm).
There is namely no awareness that BLM, UK black slavery guilt and the post-Menachem Begin cult of Holocaustianity, along with feminism and transphilia (soon: pedophilia) are now just as much WEF psy-war levers or actually (social) fragmentation devices as are other Schwab-ist methods and tools.
Or else why have both “Turdeau” and Macron abused our Resistance as: misogynist, anti-semitic, racist?
wokipedia ffs
Hey, people! Get your daily dose of political correctness right here.
Think of it more as humanitarian correctness Seamus.
Fuck knows we need some.
Aborigines on all the continents appreciate the larvae found in wood. No chitin in it, unlike insects.
chitin is your mushroom too, different arrangement but same shit, sorry chitin.
fear porn.
but i am not eating insects.
Announcements like Ardenr’s are carefully crafted and it’s not difficult to see why they used this formula here, rather than for example “my battery is drained”. Fossil fuels must be associated with everything bad (which of course is how they see Ardern’s demise) and nothing bad can be associated with “renewables”. The latter must be presented as problem-free and bringing only eternal goodness. It’s basic NLP.
The Fraud ran a story a few weeks back about a record amount of UK electricity being generated by wind power for three days. The severe winter storm behind this escaped highlighting. On a similar note, does anyone else notice who while the MSM loves space stories they don’t mention the forthcoming Solar Minimum? NASA agree a Solar Minimum is imminent so this isn’t, by MSM standards, a fringe theory.
On the subject of booze, I expect it won’t be banned but will attract a negative social credit score. Meanwhile, whatever the Soma ends up being will be considered ‘medication’ and not so penalised. The rest will take care of itself…..
It’s been happening for years especially in US.
Prescribed, highly addictive tranquilisers have been given out like sweets.
To the best of my knowledge, alchohol sales haven’t slumped one bit during all this shite.
Also, be aware that bug flour is already being put into food, and they don’t call it bug flour.
If you see “High Protein” on a label, that can be a major clue that it has bug products.
You know. They’ve got to start labelling properly. If a person is allergic to dust mites, they can’t consume this bug stuff necessarily. From what I’ve read anyway.
That won’t work – everyone’s allergic to dust mites. And they’re everywhere. The devil couldn’t be everywhere, so he tricked God into inventing dust mites (one of them was drunk at the time).
One of the dust mites was drunk at the time? Probably whiskey. It’s always whiskey with dust mites. I’ve heard now but do not know for sure that anyone with seafood allergies also can be affected. What drug company makes epipens? Probably Pfizer.
ALL dust mites are drunk – on power! They secretly rule the world.
This isn’t a laughing matter, quite frankly.
Do you think the WEF and their agenda is a joke?
Yes, I do think it’s a joke. It’s something to laugh at and scorn – not something to tremble with fear about.
They want us scared, so that whatever we do – including analyzing their agenda – will most likely be wrong.
No, “high protein” means just that. I’m not sure that this has ever been said though.
Regarding the bug flour, that’s just the EU. I’m not sure if it’s anywhere else.
Notice I said that “High Protein” CAN BE a clue. I didn’t say all high protein foods contain bugs.
Do you like the WEF?
apparently a certain percentage of bug has always been allowed in our foodstuffs, we just weren’t told (from fields at end of the day, always the vapourised bits from harvest).
I very small percentage only because 100% pest control isn’t really achievable.
Not an ingredient for the product.
There you have it: AI ChatGPT pushing the narrative and protecting Epstein’s clients.
“The COVID-19 pandemic is not a hoax” – nor is it a “pandemic”. It only achieved 0.023% on the global infection fatality rate scoreboard. By an amazing coincidence it did make certain investors very wealthy.
The real damage was caused by coercing and mandating people to take experimental, unproven drugs with a list of 1200 types of serious adverse reactions. The claim that the WHO has been working to provide accurate information on CV19 falls in the same category as all the other CV19 claims – evidence free.
An awful lot of people need to fry for their Crimes and that includes the puppets who merely repeat the given narrative.
Consultation on draft legislation to support identity verification
I may be mistaken but I’m sure I completed this “consultation” a while ago which had a short period of time to reply.
I duly reported my feelings at the time but it’s resurfaced.
You now have two months to respond.
Have a read through the preamble and tell me if it makes your spine tingle like it does mine.
Respond to it if you want.
It won’t do any good except to put you on a watch list unless, as Syl points out, it sparks a revolution.
They’ve already got my name so if I don’t post anymore you’ll know what’s happened.
“to help people”.
I don’t want any help from the genocidal, war criminal, lying, corporatised, pieces of excrement running GOVUK. They are the scum of the Earth so why would I be so stupid as to trust them to do anything
Unbelievably, a LOT of people still do. Despite their blatant lies.
There are too many sheople, they will take us all over the cliff with them.
Hey Mucho: How do you really feel about those scum-sucking pigs?
Something bad going on with those arrows !!
Hello Clutching at straws: Yes. I’ve been receiving quite a lot of down votes since completely outclassing the fools who can’t connect dots without a teleprompter…
Perhaps some people didn’t get the irony? Trolls like to populate the votes so who knows why the downvotes 😂
45 minutes? Phooey – not scary enough….
Unreliable tho? If he sends it thru herpes, they will just chuck it over your fence, or drop in your rubbish bin, and those d-heads at dhl won’t leave it, so you have to drive 20 miles to a depot to collect it.
Maybe Jacinda’s caught an early whiff of the rotting fish head.
“The WEF has lost integrity and faces a future of obscurity due to its tone deaf agendas they’ve attempted to force upon humanity. In addition, its leader Klaus Schwab is facing an internal mutiny for his inability to let go of the reins.”
Do you think this Harari person understands how terrifying his words are?
This Harari “person” looks and sounds like the quintessential Nazi, the ultimate Strangelovian psycho-nut. Which is hugely ironic. Or perhaps not?
A fearful rumour has it that he is to take over from the aging Klaus…
I’d say there’s no chance he understands that, because he is completely mad.
We need more prisons, and we need more lunatic asylums.
Sorry to be so old-fashioned in my choice of words . . .
Prison or the lunatic asylum is far too kind for all the crimes committed. Only the death penalty can clear the air. we give a s***