Bill Gates, “Aerogel” & the next stage of mRNA “vaccines”
Kit Knightly

Last week professional-software developer and amateur epidemiologist Bill Gates admitted that the mRNA Covid “vaccines” had “three problems”, including that they don’t prevent transmission.
But what appears at first glance to be a frank admission is really about protecting the narrative and setting up a new market for new vaccines.
Speaking at a Lowy Institute panel in Sydney Australia, Gates told the audience:
We also need to fix the three problems with the vaccines. The current vaccines are not infection-blocking, they’re not broad – so when new variants comes up you lose protection – and they have a very short duration…
Let’s be clear, Gates “admitting” some relatively harmless alleged problems with the “vaccines” is not due to an attack of conscience or a Freudian slip, it’s just preparing for the next step of the scam.
Firstly, when you’re trying to sell a story to seven billion people, a tactful “admission” can actually further your agenda and strengthen your narrative.
When you “admit” a vaccine “doesn’t prevent transmission”, you’re also underlining that there is a new disease to transmit.
When you criticize a vaccine for not protecting against variants, you’re reinforcing the idea that there really are variants.
Through the act of notionally ceding ground, you’re actually fortifying a defensive position and – most importantly – luring your critics into themselves conceding the most important part of your narrative – the reality of the “pandemic”.
At the same time, there’s the old fashioned limited hangout: Admitting small “mistakes” to camouflage telling big lies. Memory holing a psy-op.
“The vaccines don’t work as well as we thought they would. We didn’t predict the scary variants. We accidentally falsified the data, and accidentally skipped the trials and accidentally made a fortune doing it.”
And of course, then comes the inevitable next step: “But don’t worry we’ll get it right this time.”
Because the final reason you admit your old vaccines don’t work is so you can sell people your new vaccine.
It’s an “aerogel” you inhale to prevent transmission, in case you were wondering, and it’s been in development since at least last March.
Gates actually mentions it in the panel [54:18]:
We think you can also have, very early in an epidemic, a thing you can inhale that will mean that you can’t be infected. A blocker, an inhaled blocker.”
…and within a week of this talk it was the subject of articles in CNET [Jan 23rd], Yahoo [Jan 23rd], the Miami Herald [Jan 23rd], GAVI [Jan 24th], News Medical [Jan 27th], CNET again [30th] and Nature [Feb 1st].
Interestingly, this new vaccine is hitting the headlines just as Big Pharma are seeing declines in their Covid-related profits.
So, yes, Pharma Bill and his friends might mea culpa on these vaccines, but give them just a few billion more dollars and they’ll get it right next time.
And if not, well, definitely the time after that. Promise.
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Billy Goat still is a greedy bastard, who would have thunk …
Then think of all the sheeple who are even more greedy than Billy.
When Gates talks about vaccines & viruses, I’m always astonished by how consistently ignorant his comments are. No vaccine was ever even designed to “stop transmission”, that’s just gibberish, nothing can stop transmission except chance, basically.
Vaccines can’t be “broad”, by their very nature & lastly, the gel product he’s talking about seems to be, just like his mRNA injections, not a vaccine.
It’s really irritating listening to such an ignorant man talking about the things he’s ignorant about. If you told Bill your car wouldn’t start, he’d ask if you’ve checked the tyres lately.
He genuinely hasn’t a clue about Virology, you think he’d hire a tutor, or something, so he didn’t sound so utterly clueless.
Hello guys. I’m created a computer browser game about Bill Gates for pc:
“Erythrocyte vs DeathVax(tm)”
There’s been trouble! The body where you lived was vaccinated by Death Vaxx(tm). You are the last living red blood cell in the body. Your task is to get through the lymph and blood poisoned by the vaccine into the depths of the body in order to save the body from deadly clots.
I got tired of the flow of nonsense and decided to just laugh at it all. Hope the moderator doesn’t remove the link. The source code for the game is attached.
The military industrial complex sponsored media continues to give Mr.Bill Gates air time. They continue to ask him questions he is not qualified to answer as a fact.
He has never accomplished anything, he’s not a practicing immunologist.
To suggest an mRNA vaccine and risk systemic infection as a countermeasure to what appears to be a mucosal protein strain is absurd.
Even a degenerate like Mr.Gates knows this. He knew it all along.
I suggest we avoid giving this turd air time or social media time or whatever time.
His name is Bill Gates imo. Put it this way, he’s a black or white dot depending on the b/w background. It’s an important name otherwise it’d be someone else.
Except that there was no virus in the 2019 part.
And the next person pipes up with ‘yes, because germs and viruses are fake’, and the counter intelligence play book plays out lol
Well, he had the right nose for the job.
I strongly suggest we do give the turd hang time
Anti-virus is a plastic bottle filled with tap water,…and you let it in…YA dope. Go freshen up in the engine room…
Bill was born into a well connected wealthy family.
His mother came from a banking family.
Bill’s parents were well connected and used those connections to get IBM to allow Bill to be the monoploy provider of software to IBM and their early home computers.
Bill didn’t create the original software he supplied he bought it (with money he was given) and had others develop it.
So Bill was just handed a monopoly position by his rich connected parents.
Well connected to all Steins and Golds around them.
Gates is just as qualified as any immunologist. They all talk shit; only difference is the ‘trained ones’ use fancy sciency jargon which makes them sound serious, while Gates just sounds borderline retarded.
Future degenerate uman animals will be very HEALTHY… Eating crickets (and other bugs) protein and sniffing m[iracle]RNA toxic spews!
What a wonderful FUTURE awaits us all…
Only if you look at yourself as bio-feedstock., driven by bio-mass fuel auto funded by uni-basic income outgoing… Hello..
Something like that…
The only things he invests in these days is your death. Do not buy anything he is invested in at all.
The only problem with “editing” the genes of babies is that he acted too quickly:
It’s classic prepping of a position – the issue itself isn’t debated and it becomes a question of details like timing and practicality. The issue itself is apparently “settled” although nobody can quite remember when nor how.
(PS there’s a curious column by Freedland that sticks the boot into Bibi – there’s something going on here but what exactly?)
The nasal thing isn’t new.
I know Fertility, it’s like a wonderful Swiss/German friend of mine who’d say nothing is new., people can search for anything they want to but looking for a pocket nasal spray or lip balm is a fool’s errand if you don’t need it, who nose! Lol!
Who is the Better Identity Coalition?
Never Again is Now Global – Five-part Docuseries
Justice will be served one day…
Obviously Bill Gates cannot be accused of market manipulation – it’s just a coincidence that having sold his shares for a 15 fold return he is no no longer promoting vaccines.
What comes after inhaled “vaccines”? Does the following recent headline give you any ideas?
Those bitten by irradiated mosquitoes immune to malaria
Me dog may pick up a tick so I’d check the blighter, neither of us wanted it him outside me inside. Why can’t we carry a pocket knife anymore, life sucks depending who you are around.
17% of all infant deaths reported in VAERS occur the day of vaccination. And 78% within a week:
Have Public Health Authorities been sacrificing our children on the altar of vaccines ?
And definitely not the cause of autism – the pharmaceutical companies all say it isn’t so no need to question that: the testing and scrupulous record keeping can testify to…..oh wait
Not on the alter of vaccines but on the alter of mammon. Fixed it for you, dear Watson.
Spot of good news:
There’s been a repeated pattern of them saying or creating the image that some part of the convid agenda would become compulsory but then backing down. Very peculiar.
Today in Wisconsin we received notice that the chickenpox vaccine is now required to attend public school, or proof of prior infection. The meningitis vaccine and booster will be required by 7th and 12th grade respectively. The convid vaccine and flu shots will not be required but will be strongly advised!
NHS Blood research last century on chicken pox is likely to the US foolish chicken ‘flu’ designation in the British Isles in the mid 1970’s., and so is the prior infected blood research on past infectious status.
It is Not FLU, it is a blood Infection with an infectious status of ie: 24 hours through Live Blood., going.back over the previous 120yrs in the British Isles including Two World Wars.
From our National Health Service btw.
Are you showing signs of suddenitis? 🤔 Click on the link below to follow the latest Science revealing (while concealing the obvious cause) all the possible preconditions – basically, living – that can lead to death. 😱 Did you know you could be suffering from too much happiness, leading to positive stress and Happy Heart Syndrome? 😍
Of course, climate Science provides most of the servings of syndromes created, as it were, out of mere air. 🤓 Its flexible rigor (the sky’s the limit for computer simulations) allows for disease and death whether you’re too hot or too cold. 🙄
Altogether, it’s a grab bag of magic tricks to delight the most inventive imaginations, so enjoy – but not too much, to protect you from Happy Heart (Warning: Laughter is not the best medicine, and may be dangerous to your health). 😂
30 More Ways to Die From a Heart Attack According to “Experts” and “Media”
Thanks, I’ll add it to my 24/7 365 routine.
Hmm. There are many people who think that the original “AIDS” disease in gay men was actually side effects of the rampant use of poppers, which were inhaled nitrite drugs, which along with the other drugs and fast lane lifestyle, was the cause of the immune system crashes.
This new “vaccine” comes right after the injections, which seem to destroy immune systems and induce AIDS.
Furthermore, I was always suspicious of the “tests” that needed to be smeared deep inside your nose and VERY close to the brain.
There is, of course, no possibility of the residue of one, left where it will last a long while, combining chemically, or otherwise, with the other.
I wonder how many people that wouldn’t take something directly into their veins, will think that a sniff is relatively safe?
Sorry to be gross, I asked the question, so am sharing.
In Today’s world – To participate a gay orgy, one needs to have a HIV test. Immune suppression tablets, antibiotics, most of them will sniff (coke) and different highs even legal ones which have all sorts in, then alcohol on top. The biggest thing on the scene is meth, they can fuck for ages on it.
That life style will create a weak body and you will get infected, now the virus nonbelievers will scream what ever. If you get a small cut in the anus then it will get infected.
Back in the aids hiv days the areas of getting tested the most in the beginning, where mainly high concentration on that life style type.
How ever the western bloc (the test) dont ever have it in one of them areas as your more likely test positive just with the questions they ask.
You are right. Aquired immuno deficiency can be the result of several factors, including the use of all sorts of drugs, a shitty diet, lack of sleep, stress, EMFs (5G and others) and a whole range of environmental poisons.
AIDS was never proven to have been caused by a virus. Check out The Perth Group & AIDS.
Aids is in blood.
Another contributory factor was their anal tissue was routinely torn due to sodomy resulting in their own crap contaminating their own blood stream, the resulting infections required regular use of antibiotics which would have killed off their vital gut bacteria.
This was also a significant reason as to why their health collapsed.
Leute lasst euch nicht verrückt machen, es gibt keine Pandemie diese ist geplant und
die Menschen die an einer Grippe erkrankt sind und daran gestorben sind hat es immer schon gegeben.
Xylitol nasal spray isn’t just for pollen and bacteria it also blocks viruses (if you believe in viruses).
I use it every morning.
Xylitol is a sugar for hecks sake. Not some daredevil experimental drug.
(Warning: xylitol is bad for dogs, probably ok for cats. The intestines of dogs absorb xylitol lightning fast and they can get a very dangerous sugar rush.)
I searched for this article before but couldn’t locate it.
Found it:
Here is a picture of a virus for those “show me” types.
It’s true that xylitol inhibits bacterial growth and therefore classic respiratory symptoms but as long as The Science claims it can kill a virus, the narrative is prolonged. I think that’s why you may have got so many downvotes.
You can get a retro 60’s sinus spray at any chemist for God’s sake, don’t be ridiculous and adding in our British love of pets is a scam route. Forget it. You cronies have done enough damage as it is going back 30-40 years.
Bugger off! We Know how to.look after our Chums…And we don’t help from Safeist buffoons!
For the budget-wise, there is a DIY site to make equivalent of Xlear nasal spray.
If the science man told you that the image in question was actually a unicorn egg would you believe it?
Almost all the synthetic sweeteners are harmful. Hardly surprising that they kill microbes. They are not sugar.
Why are you talking about synthetic sweeteners?
I posted about the sugar Xylitol.
Artificial sweeteners can be hazardous to a person health ie: diet drinks including pop carbonated. Previously we used pressured soda syphons. Its like many things in a public society imo. Enjoy manage your own self indulgence.
Further..what else the toxic chemical vapor e-cigarette filtering vogue domestication of the self opinionated.
The reaction to my helpful post was sooo funny !
Reminds me of a scene from a comedy film
where a Boy Scout took hold of an old lady’s arm
to assist her in traversing a busy traffic intersection.
He took hold and her instant reflex was to smack him with her purse! 😃 😄 😆
I was doing you a big service
but you are so far down the rabbit hole
that you will never see the light of day.
Some people are their own worst enemies. 😃 😃 😄 😆
Suggesting spraying sugar down your nose to ‘kill viruses’a big service?….ermm thanks?
This Aerogel looks exactly like the Hydrogel that Researcher was warning us about. During the lockdown insanity, they were trying to flog exactly the same shit at the chemists, it was new and super duper…to spray up your nose like an idiot…for protection against the deadly as flu Convid. Interestingly, right now, the NHS is sending out en masse for over 55s the anal schwab arse swabs for Cancer screening….more things to shove into your orifices…once again…mass screening…it’s because they care. I feel so cared for.
Aerogel is a extremely light solid; I saw a claim tat it can be lighter than air.
Hydrogel from US DARPA supposedly builds flexible, robust and bio-compatible circuits inside us. Most of those examining the contents of the jab have avoided mentioning it, at least directly.
..and it is patented 666 Luciferase and goes directly into your DNA and change God’s building stone, as you hereafter got the mark of the beast and are forever lost and the Devils child. Gotcha………………………..LOL.
Perhaps Mr Bill is referring to this technology: >
Egg yolk immunoglobulin (IgY) targeting SARS‐CoV‐2 S1 as potential virus entry blocker
Published online 2021 Nov 3. doi: 10.1111/jam.15340 (
Egg yolk immunoglobulin (IgY) targeting SARS‐CoV‐2 S1 as potential virus entry blocker – PMC (
Excerpted from the Discussion section: >
“The mucosal immunity is defective in controlling viral infections (Yewdell, 2021). Hence IgY‐based therapies like oral preparations, oral sprays or nasal sprays could help in strengthening the barrier function of oral, nasal and gastrointestinal mucosa, as previously demonstrated (Rahman et al., 2013; Somasundaram et al., 2020).
As the main entrance of viruses to the body, oral and nasal cavities are also high‐risk sites for SARS‐CoV‐2 infection (Huang et al., 2021). Consistent with what we originally envisioned, a recent study found that IgY was maintained at detectable concentrations in the nasal and oral cavities for a matter of hours after administration (Shen et al., 2021). Therefore, an IgY‐based oral preparation, oral spray or nasal spray could have favourable clinical implications for the current COVID‐19 epidemic.” [End quote]
Of course there is no mention of how this immunization magic might sterilize egg production, or eventually cripple whoever consumes the chicken meat…
Read the entire study. Notice the reference dates at the close of the article…
It’s kind of known within medical and rehabilitation including the court system back in the day that if someone has cherry, it will effect the urine sample and could make the ‘drug’ and alcohol test inconclusive.
Which brings me to this.
*The reason behind ridiculous egg prices has been medically proven for a while, but no one caught this until now: REASON: eggs screw up the MRNA vax and stifle Covid also.
*oproquid @Quoproquid2
Interesting. Not sure what the implication is. People are hoarding eggs? Or, eggs producers were intentionally sabotaged to improve the vaccine market before word got out that eggs are a cure for Covid? Or……. What? I don’t quite understand. This narrative has grabbed me and won’t let go. Someone help me. Please.
Dont hoard eggs it shows your a Porkie Pig. lol!
I wonder how ACE inhibitors (like lisinopril for high blood pressure) figure into this picture?
By an amazing coincidence there’s avian bird flu to worry about. No actual evidence of it killing birds or people but don’t let that inhibit anyone from having a huge worldwide cull. A completely coincidental side effect of all that culling is….oh egg shortages and prices rises.
They sell things like mrna vaccines through exploiting people’s most profound fears. What are people most afraid of?…
They’re lining them up as the cure for cancer. The young have been entrained to think of cancers as viral in origin and that vaccines can prevent then by the cervical cancer campaign. BTW cancer was responsible for only 4% of deaths in 1900.
I had a close relative put on one of their new, innovative techniques to treat cancer. What they don’t mention is that these are used in conjunction with their traditional “cut, burn, poison” approach. She was dead withing weeks. Funny how those Windsors, Bushs and Kissingers don’t seem to get cancers….
Maybe there’s something to the dark “conspiracy theory” of the elites using children’s blood to help preserve them.
“Bill Gates: I’d rather save children’s lives than go to Mars”
I’m sure most would prefer that he stopped fiddling with kids and just fucked off to Mars.
He’s a wonderful loaf ing person. A forage fon-ting of fruity plebbering punch.
Playing on the radio was a “song” that simply isn’t music. It was five minutes of that computerized squawky squealy techno trance disco dance shit. I can’t understand how anyone likes this type of (not) music but the audience for this crap is huge. Which reminds me that there are all types of people in this world. Are pro-vaxxers a type? Are we? Am I?
vocoders are awful
Gates should serve one year in prison for each person he has killed and injured as a result of his criminal behaviour.
He should be charged under the Nuremberg Code.
How much money do you want to spend proving what we already know?
I’d appreciate your medical science opinions on my post above regarding chicken pox over the 19 hundreds if you would kindly glance over it.
Thank you
Add in a million dollar fine per victim and suddenly our beloved philanthropist is penniless.
Ahahahahaha…how stupid can one be to believe such idiotic nonsense…
The regular attack by this bot clot.
I believe everything my government tells me as they have been on Yale University and knows what they are talking about as they are professors, and you have not been on any university.
The Sun and BBC would never lie in public and I deny to be stupid and refuse to talk more about it.
I have a bridge to sell. It’s not finished, it goes halfway over the river. From there you can dive in and hail passing boats to get to the other side. But I’m developing a new and improved (half a) bridge with a bike path….when you jump, leave your bike on the bridge.
Gates can freely talk about the inadequacksies of the Covid Vax now, after cashing in his stock.
moving the goalposts on “safe” (part 1) ignoring the standards, ignoring the signals
“You do not suddenly just discard 100 years of regulatory and pharmacological practice, pandemic guidelines, and general standards and sense on safety.”
Yes you do, in the neoliberal 40-yr “rules-based order” of apes-in-suits, unfettered capitalism.
Vaccines have likely been the primary cause of illnesses for over a century
“However there’s no question: In front of the Law, despite public health manipulations, vaccines harm exists and vaccination has been recognised as a killer in many cases, notably of babies.
Collectively, if we continue to hide vaccination harm, we will never get to understand the underlying cause of these dramas, and will never stop them.
Though I have more and more doubts on the efficacy and the very justification of many vaccines – call me anti-vaxxer! I’ll wear it as a badge of honour – what I am trying to highlight today is that if we hide reality, there’s no way people will actually find a solution to this never-ending flow of illnesses, however dramatic and sad. We can continue with this dramatic circus forever.”
The very least they can do is ban aluminum as an adjuvant. Autism and Alzheimers are today’s real epidemics.
Aluminum Expert Reveals Vaccines Are Likely Cause Of Alzheimers
“Dr. Christopher Exley, a former Professor of Bioinorganic Chemistry known for his research around aluminum reveals its true toxicity and how it is being used in vaccines.
In a previous study Dr. Exley conducted into Alzheimer’s he found there were high levels of aluminum in the brain and delved further into this with a study on autistic brains.
In his discussion with Highwire, Dr. Exley looks into how aluminum was approved for vaccine use despite the lack of human studies done into the effects.
He concludes that the highest rates of aluminum were found in the brains of autistic people even more so than Alzheimer’s and Dr. Exley wanted to track how we inject aluminum and launched a brain study. The launch of this study caused him to lose his job and his position of professor and the funding was removed from the universities conducting these studies.”
The directed evolution of Scientism by defunding real science research must end.
Agreed but where who how reached a privical point, perhaps the peak was antibiotic dominating treating the individual patient? Past three years do you see the entrenched moving their public opinionated dictum? No you won’t, they’re fine staying put., dealing with those who don’t fit. Square One. The Jesters ooohh here we go again.
“A MAN has been charged with assaulting former health secretary Matt Hancock on the London Underground.
Geza Tarjanyi, 61, from Leyland, Lancashire, will appear in court next month charged with common assault and two public order offences, British Transport Police said.”
Meanwhile, Mr Hancock has not been charged or even investigated about the mass poisoning he authorised.
Maybe there should be some protesters outside the Courthouse asking that this question be answered : why is Hancock free to go about his daily business when so many people are dead directly because of his actions?
They always have several thing like what you wrote to help sell the new law they putting through. no mention of this by the freedom screaming alt media.
The woke alt right Conservative government’s Public Order Bill, which has sparked concern over its crackdowns on the right to process, is back in the House of Lords, as peers deliberate final changes before it becomes law. The bill introduces “serious disruption prevention orders” as well as new offences for locking-on and blocking national infrastructure, any form of demonstration could be made illegal under the bill.
He is free to go about his buisness because the assault upon him was sufficiently minor as to not cause him permanent disabilities.
There is a case to be made that the only crime the defendant committed was not being much, much more violent toward a clear and present danger to public health.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
― George W. Bush
George W Bush was and still is everyone’s enemy.
Tony Bush and George Blair both. 😉
It’s all about advertising. The new product works even better than the old one, ad infinitum.
The real problem is that they ran out of ideas long time ago, yet still want to sell us their products, that are not getting better all the time, but cheaper (for them to make) and worse for us. Vaccination is just one example. In hindsight it was never a good idea, but the things they sell now as if they are ‘vaccines’ compared to the old ones…
Man, one longs to the old days eh, when meat and vegetables still had taste, and when you could communicate with people when you wanted to buy something instead of talking to a machine, when work actually meant something instead of the bullshit that work (mainly) consists of now. It’s called: progress.
“The real problem is that they ran out of ideas long time ago…..”
I think boredom is one of their most devastating strategies. They shovel the same brain dead shit out over and over even if hardly anyone falls for it. It’s their way of saying, “See what we can get away with? And there’s nothing you can do to stop us.”
New, improved! “Cost-benefit analysis” only serves to reduce costs and to preserve or increase profits.
People will not believe birth is work. It’s a broadsheet sword across social net. These Cronies don’t grow up they just bigger mouths. Gobshites.
This has got to be a joke.
Is it the pesky Chinese, the nasty Russians, the crazy North Koreans, or world conquering Aliens?
Hell, it might even be a VVD.
(A vax verification device).
Whoever, or whatever it is, I’m scared.
We’re right back to “If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck . . .”
Dramatic, ‘coincidental’ events that support the evil narrative are invariably a part of the evil narrative.
And this duck is evil because it never came out of an egg . . .
It is entirely appropriate for the rest of the world to be spying on the USA. The USA is the world’s most obsessive spying machine. The rest of the world is under constant USA surveillance.
Why should the USA be free of spying when they are the world’s biggest spy network??
love the way you’ve employed military strategy talk, Kit,
for The Bastards are at war against humanity…
Bill Gates quotes from the article:
“We also need to fix the three problems with the vaccines. The current vaccines are not infection-blocking, they’re not broad – so when new variants comes up you lose protection – and they have a very short duration…”
If Mr. Gates had said this two years ago, he would’ve been blocked from Twitter and called a conspiracy theorist… .. .
“We think you can also have, very early in an epidemic, a thing you can inhale that will mean that you can’t be infected. A blocker, an inhaled blocker.”
I inhaled all kinds of Bolivian flake back in the 80’s, so I’ve permanently blocked all these new and fantastic variants… .. .
Gee!!! Thanks for the offer Bill. Now go fuck yourself… again.
The mRNA cash cow is too lucrative for Gates and his buddies to stop the scam. So what if they didn’t work as advertised and caused untold suffering, harm and death; they promise to get it right the next time. It’s a win win for Gates the other globalist plutocrats and psychopaths: they get to further their depopulation and control of humanity psy-op agenda while making billions more on the next pandemic; and we know there will be one because Bill Gates, the WHO, CDC, DARPA, media et al. all say so.
Gerry Rafferty: Get it right next time:
https :// www.
Nice song good message.
“Trial and error by customers” is the company motto of Microsoft. Quickly make something without good testing and sell it pricey as if it is quality. Soon complaints will arrive: let them be answered by other customers while silently correct them for the next of your monthly needed updates.
Gates is a natural talent as snake oil salesman but a mediocre programmer.
His ilk of charity pledgers are just a club of woke tax dodgers: it costs them little as otherwise they would have had to pay taxes. Its all legal! just not ethical or moral.
I trust the science. Thanks Dr. Bill. Safe and Effective.
A very ‘safe an effective’ investment. Note they are very careful not to specify anything health related when they parrot this phrase.
Some good news perhaps! Dr Bakhdi homecoming with the royal family of Thailand, who have a princess in a coma; claim is they are nullifying fizers contract and immunity after he met with them let us see let us see they mention PVeritas could be part of same theatre company who knows anymore but this is one of the first ‘penetration’ of govt (to invert Klaus’ phrase) I think we have seen:
When Thailand issues and arrest order, and puts the murderers on trial … then I will see a light and a tunnel.
Yeah no silver bullets we’ve learned but incremental advances. Even if this just further shifts consciousness and increases awareness it is significant, TPTB certainly invest a lot of $$, time, and energy to their stories. If it’s more than that, even better. Bhakdi has held the same position since start of coronacircus, Wspookipedia gives this endorsement: “ is a retired Thai-German microbiologist. In 2020 and 2021 Bhakdi became a prominent source of misinformation about the [coronacircus] claiming that the pandemic was “fake” and that DIVOC vaccines were going to decimate the world’s population.”
Bhakdi is the real deal, a real rebel. I just hope this is not some kind of trap to get him.
Biontech – fizer’s partner – is German. The Thai king spends a lot of time in that country.
Aerogels in public airconditioning next? We’ll be vaxxed as we breathe. Another Gatesville distopian nightmare.
Anything you imagine may happen in the future is probably already happening. The amount of criminality it has taken to run this pandemic is beyond the pale. We must face the reality that they are capable of doing anything and probably already are doing it. The way we are being poisoned is probably not vaccines – why would they telegraph their efforts like that? Sorry, but they are not that stupid. I have always thought the more likely way of poisoning would be through something humble yet effective, like toilet paper. Nobody suspects it, the industry is a global monopoly, (look it up) Everybody uses it. And they like to give clues … remember the beginning of the pandemic …
Not everybody uses toilet paper. I don’t and haven’t for many years. And the fact that you probably cannot even CONCEIVE of a hygienic alternative (and I’m not talking about “wet wipes”) is just further proof of the narrative control over your life.
Well don’t be coy Sam; what’s your secret?
The ‘Asian’ method, perhaps? 😉
I too stopped using loo roll ages ago. It’s ridiculously expensive and I have felt for some time that there’s something in those sheets that does you no good. Go French and Bidet your arse – you don’t even need a posh separate…you can use the shower nozzle in the loo and spritz your balloon knot.
What makes you think there’s something bad in the bog roll?
welll… /medical-health/toxic-toilet-paper/Is Your Toilet Paper Toxic? | The Big Shit…Toilet paper and other commercial paper products such as coffee filters, milk cartons, and baby wipes are produced with more than 100,000 different chemicals…Besides chlorine, there are other chemicals present in white toilet paper that are known carcinogens. The presence of Bisphenol A (BPA) is often very concentrated in paper products, including toilet paper. And formaldehyde is used to improve the strength of toilet paper when it gets wet…
Thanks for the info r. It’s a strange, but informative site. Will definitely be checking the labelling etc. in future.
Formaldehyde is released burning sugar cane, banned throughout Europe.
I can’t even CONCEIVE of it eh? Sears n Roebuck? Oh, and you have found “further proof”, I didn’t know you were assigned my case.
Don’t tell the open disposal diapers it’ll effect the muffler beanies.
Without the constrains of ‘Governmental or Legal’ checks-and-balances, there is nothing stopping the likes of Gates, WEF, UN, WHO and most alphabetized’ ‘security-industries’ from doing whatever the hell they please.
In a more sane world, the Oligarch’s avarice would have been curtailed and/or tempered decades ago. Now, they have the power to print your money and buy or pay-off govts. and/or whomever and whatever they please, using ‘worthless’ fiat currencies, to purchase real/concrete assets, around the globe.
In my part of this beautiful planet, the State and Federal Govts. have sold-off and or privatized most Public assets of value. How much of it is already owned by Gate’s and his handlers would be interesting to know. However, we, the tax-paying cattle will NEVER know due to the plethora of deals that are done in ‘commercial-confidence’, the cover for “it is not Joe Public’s business to know.”
The current situation should be terrifying to all, to say the least, because, it appears as though the horse has already bolted … and it has become increasingly more difficult for even the bravest, to speak-out lest they be demonised or murdered … in plain sight.
The crazies are quite obviously in charge and what’s more … is they are dressed in Zegna and they don’t give a rat’s-arse about governments or the people.
Well, a few countermeasures for the ‘crazies’ are clearly in order.
Remove all legal rights for Billy Gates to complain. Create a new class of serf citizen, not allowed by law to benefit from the US Constitution. Make Billy Gates the first citizen of such a class.
Every action against Gates must mimic what he has done to innocent people. It must be designed to destroy all enjoyment in his life, destroy his health and destroy his mental and emotional well being.
‘You will be a serf and you will be happy Billy…..’
…Chicken Little woulda warned us, unfortunately he was culled due to bird flu…
…- On that *particular* note here’s another dot to connect:…
Just a minor correction needed on the first line:
“Last week amateur software developer and armchair epidemiologist Bill Gates”
Steve Jobs used to joke that Bill Gates, as head of Microsoft, used to get everything right ‘on third try,’ whereas Apple’s mission was to get it right the first time around. Plus ça change …
Not that Jobs was any sort of a good guy – the Apple logo is blatant Luciferianism.
That’s true. I was never a big fan of Jobs himself. I always thought the Mac-people were a huge cult — very virtue-signally.
Jobs’ company made computers accessible to non-nerds. Go talk to biologists of a certain age about the revolution Macintoshes brought in their lives.
Criminality of bio labs in Ukraine…..
(2) Inside Pfizer and AstraZeneca’s UKRAINIAN BIOLAB! – YouTube
Maybe they think the aerogel will help with “vaxxine hesitancy” for people who are afraid of needles, but the reality is that no one needs to take your worthless, dangerous, unnecessary toxic crap in any form.
The majority of ‘vaccine hesitant’ aren’t afraid of needles, they just don’t want the jab.
Right. For the vast majority of of the “vaxxine hesitant,” the operative qualifier is “when Hell freezes over”.
These devils just want to get their crud into as many people as possible in as many ways as possible.
other super-cool things you can inhale etc ….
ya– not that
before the floodgates open, can we give the –
virus/terrain/life/real/medicowizardry debate
a bye, please.
we have heard it too often, that it is becoming redundant, either way. maybe the plan?
shit can make you sick, fact. how that shit makes you sick? how you got that sheeit? make yer own mind up.
i do think viruses may not be real, pathology lectures suggested so…? compared to the obvious “invaders”. . . . but some shtuff out there gets folk ill, and i don’t mean a penetrating or infected wound nor a medical fuck up.
body detox, aye, other shit at work, aye. whatever. 5G? a google G? who knows. space cadet world.
Rhys recently pointed out “colds” in schools etc, when we all congregate after hiatus. I fully concur. Repeated fact of life. What is that if not people reacting to something different… give it whatever name you like..
so ?
stop debating nit picking points in the wider Life. stop this infighting shite demanding absolutes of allegiance ffs. “Y’ all experts?” lol.
NB – the covid “virus” drama remains a fake. That doesn’t mean bad shit ain’t out there.
Silly me, all my endless research, and coming to independent, logical conclusions, and all the time I was just being controlled!
Just when you think the lackeys have reached rock bottom, they find a new depth to plumb.
Psyops can be true e.g. Pizzagate. Or do you believe people trafficking and child abuse by the so-called elite are false?
Whatever gave you that impression? I know many/most are true. I don’t however, believe the one claimed by Covidiot above to have a shred of truth; do you?
Mr Gorchudov is on our side (if still perhaps in the “mistakes were made” camp). Here his title is distinctly misleading. There does seem to have been a orchestrated campaign (by no virus players) to flood his virus/no virus post with lots of comments. That seems to be all he means – the post got 1600+ comments; this “Psyop” post itself Nov 2022 – is up above 2,000 comments. Call it a healthy debate not an intentional attempt to deceive.
The answer is, and will remain, no.
You can shove that chemical cocktail up your bum.
Oh. They have a vax suppository now do they?
What will they think of next?
A failure to confront the entire question of the lack of proof for the existence of SARS-CoV-2 will ensure the powers will just keep rolling out new ways of preventing the “transmission” of this alleged entity.
The “viruses are real or not” debate is very controversial. But there’s a compromise position:
Books like “Virus Mania” and “Inventing the AIDS Virus” makes it clear that many illnesses (e.g. polio, AIDS, COVID) that were blamed on viruses actually have non-viral causes. This doesn’t mean that infectious viruses don’t exist i.e. just because polio isn’t caused by a virus doesn’t mean measles also has a non-viral cause (although that might turn out to be the case).
Those who focus on the lack of “isolation” in cell cultures as proof of “no viruses exist” have really shown that the virus genomes are fake i.e. they’re “made up” using computer models. That doesn’t mean viruses don’t exist (although again that might turn out to be true). Perhaps we simply lack the technology to discern and sequence viruses which are only 100 nm wide.
Regardless of whether or not “viruses exist”, we know for certain that vaccines don’t work. Infectious diseases sharply declined due to improved nutrition, sanitation and hygiene. The decline had nothing to do with vaccines and in fact happened in spite of the negative effects (e.g. autism, asthma and SIDS) of mass vaccination. Polio and smallpox “declined” after mass-vaccination because these illnesses were simply “redefined”- they never really went away. Vaccines have zero benefit and can only cause harm but they’re promoted anyway because the Powers That Be have used them to stealthily depopulate us for over a century. This depopulation agenda has now gone into overdrive with the COVID shots.
No evidence has ever been produced that any virus exists. The sheer fact that so much effort and money has been spent researching alleged viruses and none have ever been found is itself very strong evidence that the entire concept of viruses is false.
Anything can be weaponised to produce fear.
People fear CHANGE and THE UNKNOWN most of all.
A faux controversy about the existence of viruses is a means of weaponising just those fears.
Terrain theory can be weaponised to produce fear and justify masks just as easily, if not more easily than germ theory.
Because anything can be weaponised.
In the eyes of many, it’s a lot of energy for a less defensible position and it’s a fool’s errand.
How would you use terrain theory to produce fear and justify masks?
I replied here. If you still don’t get my point then we’ll have to conclude this is a pointless exchange I think.
Mask thing was a dead end with Public Holidays. Americans should learn British languages. North America and European Continent are different land Chunks ya clown.
Our Royal Air Force the few came through. The British Seagulls.
Americans have no chance..piss off.
Just because you are so ignorant about the available evidence doesn’t mean that the evidence doesn’t exist.
Inventing the AIDS Virus
Dr. Robert Willner accused Fauci of genocide 30 years ago.
A remarkable documentary. I think I have seen it before but I watched it again. The parallels with convid are remarkable. The dwarf was given a major role in the convid psyop because of his “achievements” in HIV/AIDS. Monstrous. In his 2015 lecture he is shown in front of Lockheed Martin screens. Quite significant that the lecture or speech was sponsored by a merchant of death.
Someone posted it on here a year or two back. I’ve since posted it a few times. People should know this stuff.
For a new disease, before propounding the cause (pathogen, poison, etc.), the claimants must define the unique symptom(s) .
One of the great ironies of all this pseudo science is the incontrovertible historical fact that the first generation of DNA sequencing technology, upon which all subsequent developments were made, was only made possible through the isolation of-, understanding of- and genetic manipulation of, you got it folks, a VIRUS.
It was a virus that infects bacteria and the scientists called them bacteriophages.
The relevant one in DNA sequencing was M13.It is a single stranded DNA virus. You cloned your DNA sequences into a DNA vector based on M13 and created conditions whereby masses of those recombinant M13 hybrids could be turned into virus particles. Then you isolated the particles, then the DNA from the particles and then you sequenced the unknown DNA sequence using old-fashioned radioactive DNA bases, polyacrylamide gels and detected the results using X-ray autoradiographs.
As it happens, most of the basic understanding of biology came also through the study of another bacteriophage, called phage LAMBDA. If you go through the history of molecular biology, focussing on the 1950s to 1980s, you will discover quite how much became understood through studying a bacteriophage that was amenable to classical genetics methods.
As this would take a few encyclopaedias to document fully here, I will leave it to those sufficiently open-minded to actually explore the subject for themselves.
You don’t have the excuse of never having heard about bacteriophages lambda and -M13 any more.
That’s my contribution today.
Scientists don’t say “no viruses exist”, they say “viruses haven’t been proven to exist” and more generally that the germ theory isn’t proven.
I suspect TPTB would have no trouble coming up with some alternative reason why they must restrict people’s activities. SARS-CoV-2 is merely an easy way of clamping down on people – the “low hanging fruit.”