Coronavirus Fact-Check #17: Masks STILL Don’t Work
They’re trying to bring mask mandates back – but a new study says masks do exactly what they’ve always done: Nothing.

Both the US and UK have seen the (attempted) re-introduction of facemask mandates amid “surging Covid cases” in the New Year.
On January 9th, ABC news headlined:
More US schools institute mask mandates as COVID cases rise
Reporting that public schools in New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Michigan were re-introducing mask mandates. That follows late-December mandates imposed in Oakland and Iowa, among others.
It’s not much different in the UK, where there have been no mandates issued, but “experts” are “urging” people to wear masks to “limit the spread of flu, Covid and Scarlet Fever”, according to the Daily Mail. The OKHSA issued “guidance”, as they are wont to do.
Meanwhile, the Guardian is back to publishing manipulative op-eds attempting to “end the culture war” on masks, and turning the whole issue into nothing but a virtue signal.
All of this is, of course, pure propaganda that ignores actual science in favour “The ScienceTM“.
Masks don’t work, that was our 6th Covid Fact-check, back in June of 2020.
For over two years we’ve been publishing piles of evidence that face masks not only do nothing to prevent the spread of respiratory viruses but are actually harmful in myriad ways.
We really don’t want to have to go over all the old research papers again…
…and we don’t have to, because there’s a new one.
On January 30th the Cochrane Library published an updated literature review on facemasks from Dr Tom Jefferson et al.
On cloth masks, a review of a dozen studies found:
Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of influenza‐like illness (ILI)/COVID‐19 like illness compared to not wearing masks […] Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of laboratory‐confirmed influenza/SARS‐CoV‐2 compared to not wearing masks…
There you go. Maybe wear that quote on a lanyard instead of a mask this year.
You can read all our previous Covid fact-checks here.
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Hippie spiritual Bali has finally just dropped it test / Jab requirement for entry.
Without it tourism, it has really hurt the country.
“There is uncertainty about the effects of face masks. The low to moderate certainty of evidence means our confidence in the effect estimate is limited, and that the true effect may be different from the observed estimate of the effect.” So you can draw firm conclusions from this study as to whether masks work or not. More studies are needed.
Which reads to me like them bending over backwards to please the journal’s editors in order to get their study published. Similar studies have been forced to be withdrawn amid accusations of bias, whereas pro-lockdown/mask/jab papers seem to given a much freer ride. A2
Ere’long Mask;
Just ‘nother embezzler;
The type to sell you
A turkey Tesla.
If the MANDATES are deployed the herds of modern moron slaves WILL OBEY just like they did during the PAST 3 YEARS…
After all NOTHING CHANGED in the brown matter that these animals transport inside their SKULL…
In REAL LIFE masks work like a Charm!
And for a modern moron slave this is quite enough.
> a new study says masks do exactly what they’ve always done: Nothing
Gold star, award winning, blue ribbon analysis concludes ocean contains water.
The fact that facemasks are still being hailed as a preventative measure by the state and corporate controlled press is no surprise. I as an ex Infantry soldier in the British army with four years of Nuclear Biological and Chemical weapons training knew cloth face masks were the proverbial (nothing burger).
If in fact cloth face masks were of any use in prevention of infection, I am sure the MOD penny pinchers would have issued every Infantry soldier with a pack, in place of spending millions developing a respirator that can to some extent prevent infection from a biological agent.
This is not to say British army respirators were solely developed to mitigate biological agents, they were in addition developed to mitigate the possible ingestion and absorbsion of chemical agents that for obvious reasons, due to molecular weights and differentials on ingestion and saturation have a multipurpose facility. And inter alia function to mitigate nuclear fallout particulates. Without preaching to choir, but for the benefit of those who have a limited knowledge in this field. I will describe the SOPs required for soldier safety in the event a biological or in fact a Chemical or Nuclear attack.
In the first instance there is a call out to everyone in the vicinity GAS, GAS, GAS, this warning takes no consideration as to whether it is Biological, Chemical, or Nuclear. The first priority is to extract your respirator from its pouch and efficiently apply it to your face and head. After which you and your partner check there are no obvious points of entry and loose fitting areas on each others masks. This is expected to be accomplished within 9 seconds of the warning and training drills are consistently performed to make this possible.
Without going into further details on the putting on of your NBC suit and gators for your boots I’ll concentrate solely on the respirator for the purposes of showing cloth face masks are useless.
In the British army you are required to have a short back and sides haircut, this is not only for the purposes of hygiene, neatness or in fact to make you look good. It does have a higher purpose alongside the requirement of soldiers to shave every morning in life, again as previously described not only for aesthetic purposes. If when inspected on parade in the morning you have not shaved there is normally a punishment dealt out that can range quite wildly in severity depending on the mood of your section commander or sergeant. Ranging from 28 days in jail to being beasted around the parade square carrying a log in full kit for an hour or two.
The primary purpose is to ensure that in the event of an NBC attack your respirator will firmly fit your face and there will be no fascial or head hair that will create gaps that may allow any biological, chemical or nuclear particulates to enter the perimeter of your respirator.
Being in possession of this knowledge, clearly for me, meant that the proposition of a cloth face mask preventing or even mitigating a biological weapon. As it was clearly presented to the public was ludicrous. Face masks are loose fitting, they have gaps top, sides and bottom and the fabric integrity is a thousand fold in excess of a 0.4nm -014nm virus. Viruses can be larger up to 300nm although the literature describes the corona virus as within the scope previously mentioned.
As Dr Vernon Coleman, so aptly described this insanity in terms of, “it is the equivalent of trying to using a barbed wire fence to prevent a swarm of hornets crossing its barrier”.
A bit long winded I admit, however, I believe makes my point.
Hope this clarifies the idiocy of masks to some extent. If there is one institution in society that is a forerunner and indeed has carried extensive research in preventing biological weapons from infecting its members.
I would think the British army would more than likely be that institution.
It is the equivalent of trying to using a barbed wire fence to prevent a swarm of non proven, imaginary thingies crossing its barrier.
I saw a whole set of rubbish recycling bins not wearing masks today…
One thing I’d like to know: what about rabies? Human diseases are much easier to attribute to Terrain Theory than animal diseases. Whatever animals in the wild are exposed to or eat remains fairly static over time.
They don’t suddenly go on a Twinkie binge, get sick, and blame it on a “stomach virus.” They’re too dumb for that!
And the vector of transmission seems pretty clearly established: saliva.
I’m not trying to present some sort of “Gotcha!” here. I’m just genuinely curious how rabies fits the no-virus dynamic.
Read / watch these
I watched the first video you listed. And I’m sorry to report it wasn’t very helpful. In fact, it was extremely amateurish, even childish.
The entire premise rests upon the assumption that there is no virus (i.e., no virus has ever been conclusively identified). We know this facet already.
If one is going to attack one of the pillars of “medical” science, one ought to have on the ready someone other than a pretty blonde with a heavy New Zealand accent.
I’ll watch the second video later and report back. It does sound much more interesting.
Shouldn’t ‘The Science’ have convincing scientific proof widely available that their explanation as to what rabies is and how it comes to spread from one animal to another is correct?
So what would you say rabies is and how do you know that your belief is correct?
How do you know that rabies even exists as ‘The Science’ claims?
50 60’s when needed French Warning signs of rodent carriers of rabies would be posted on areas of the ww1 Western Front., seperate from ww2 dangers..Tetanus rusted metals barbwire etc. As a young racing driver I received a one time injection for tetanus.
You do realise that she is simplifying the science and fraud of virology for the lay person, do you not?
Perhaps listen to Andy Kaufman, Tom Cowan, Stefan Lanka or any of the myriads of doctors and scientists who can get to your level of being extremely technical in their explanations, but Sam Bailey is aiming at the lay people level
Also try former naval surgeon Lee Merritt who was taught the fraud of virology by Andy Kaufman and Tom Cowan, as was Mike Yeadon, former chief scientist for Pfizer. They all have their own way of explaining the real or alternative causes of many illnesses. Sam Bailey isn’t the only one out there.
If you want really technical, Amandha Vollmer gets quite technical in her explanations too.
Here’s a little ditty concerning Beriberi (starvation) and the wise colonial measures taken to curtail it’s spread…and a dutch laureate. This is an “epidemiological” story resembling ALL others, sans supressed fact and save for a flying Dutchman. Enjoy
I thought beriberi was caused by a lack of B vitamins. Are they trying to say it’s caused by a pathogen?
No, I think they’ve given up on masks. I have just been out to my busy town centre and you could have counted people wearing masks on one hand. It must be a disappointment for the tech companies that shoppers are out again as if nothing happened. No wonder Amazon and Google are losing money with that kind of incompetent leadership.
A study that could be a powerful source of persuasion for the significant numbers of people who are having growing doubts about all of this and about 90% of the below comments arguing about germ vs terrain theory.
This ongoing argument drives me nuts in all honesty. I don’t know who’s right. I understand how massively important the implications of this are but the reality is there is a significant % of the population who have the potential to be red pilled right now because they are weary and getting suspicious.
However there is close to 0% chance of convincing them viruses don’t cause illness. With most of them you will instantly destroy any ounce of credibility you have and potentially turn them off course forever. It’s such an obviously counter productive approach that I’m instantly extremely suspicious of people who insist on this being the most important thing to batter people over the head with first.
Drip feed it to them over time maybe, sure. But first? It’s like starting a debate by committing suicide.
Let the downvotes commence 😅
I gave you the upvote. 😉
This ongoing argument drives me nuts in all honesty. I don’t know who’s right. I understand how massively important the implications of this are but the reality is there is a significant % of the population who have the potential to be red pilled right now because they are weary and getting suspicious.
However there is close to 0% chance of convincing them the Earth revolves around the Sun. With most of them you will instantly destroy any ounce of credibility you have and potentially turn them off course forever. It’s such an obviously counter productive approach that I’m instantly extremely suspicious of people who insist on this being the most important thing to batter people over the head with first.
Drip feed it to them over time maybe, sure. But first? It’s like starting a debate by committing suicide.
Starting a debate with a modern moron slave is in itself an act of Thought suicide…
Who has time for this? Let them wear their masks , let them pull it over their chin, let them suffer.
Just don’t make everyone else suffer along.
I never wore a mask, I never explained why. Very rarely was I “made” to wear one. I was asked many times and I simple and courteously refused.
If it was an issue I left the establishment.
I did not eat out as I most of the establishments pushing this were lost in translation not to mention they practice the art of optics so who knows what sort of shit they are feeding you to begin with. Chefs in the back pulling the masks up and down like the degenerates they now they were and will again be the next time this occurs.
I just don’t care about optics and the more we stand on this the easier it will be in the future when this is attempted again.
In the meantime just ignore the situation and stop taking the path of least resistance.
The best way to train an idiot is by showing them.
Sounds like you havent been anywhere in three years.
Re: Virus – cause of disease or not
The main and possibly only problem with the virus = disease theory is that it collectivizes disease. It allows making people responsible for others’ sickness and justifies imposing restrictive measures on the individual. From the medical viewpoint, the problem is that there is no cure for alleged viral disease, the only thing the white-coated crowd have is fuckccination. That’s another problem because that way, they can inject in people all sorts of nasty shite.
That being said, there is the distinct possibility that the reopened terrain vs. germ debate is a red herring. Even if it’s legit. Anything is good to get people yap about unsolvable issues and prevent them from realizing what the coming historical period has in the store for them and from formulating an alternative to the AI-driven technocracy that’s being foisted on the world.
The right thing to do about alleged viruses is to tell the “authorities” to go fuck themselves. Even if you stay within their sandbox and accept that virus causes disease, they have the concept of the immune system and acknowledge that if your immunity is good, you won’t get sick. Which, by the way, is corroborated by actual reality – most people do not get sick. So, if they pull the virus shit again, tell them to fuck off. Nobody can be made responsible for anybody else. That’s the point of all this.
You could have said a virus isn’t a disease, and a disease isn’t a virus. Like us British were taught if we bothered even asking like 70yrs ago.
The effect on the environment of these muzzles has undoubtedly been horrendous. The fact that not a single environmentalist has said a word about this proves they are all fake world government controlled assets.
Greta should have been going spastic but not a peep.
130 food factories “mysteriously” destroyed…
Were they Acts of God, or carried out by vat-goo investor’s hired terrorists ?
Eco-Health Alliance whistleblower explains what is really going on:
Fun fact: Hong Kong has had forced masks everywhere but the private home, every single day and night since July 2020. Nearly 3 years.
And all it did was work to ruin people’s health and instill fear.
Good job, Hong Kong!
To be fair to the Hong Kong people…most of them had absolutely no problems with masking up for nearly 3 years. Convid utterly spooked them. So they took to masks dutifully, credulous of every word the TV said.
aye it stopped the huge hong kong demos in their tracks same with france and the gillete jeunes………also scared those hard core terrorists into behaving themselves for years
Technically not true. The HK protests were over before convid. After the barricading of the PolyTech University and the arrest of hundreds of people there, the protests were as good as over. Then a lull…then convid came. I mean yeah convid kyboshed anything firing back up…but technically the protests were done and dusted before convid hit.
No sensible suicide bomber was going to risk catching the covids.
The Feb-March edition of NEXUS magazine contains the article ‘Doomsday Bunkers: Exposing the global elite’s underground mansions.’
Seems they’re getting ready for Nuclear Armageddon ? More likely they’re preparing bolt-holes for when the masses come after them with pitchforks…
And their preference ? New Zealand ! They must have been impressed by how Jacinta Ardern crushed all resistance to her rule, making the place safe for billionaires…
The bunkers could recycle water, but are likely to have air intakes.
now that is what I call living in fear……hiding like moles in the ground……..very prescient whack a mole……
NZ would be the ideal bolt-hole for the globalists: more sheep than people. And even some of the people …
Very useful, one simply puts as big fence around the island and they are all contained together so we have them all in one go.
CRISPR/Cas9 technology
“CRISPR/Cas9 advantages over ZFNs and TALENs
CRISPR/Cas9 can easily be adapted to any genomic sequence by changing the 20-bp protospacer of the guide RNA; the Cas9 protein component remaining unchanged. This ease of use presents a main advantage over ZFNs and TALENs in generating genome-wide libraries or multiplexing guide RNA into the same cells.
ZFNs and TALENs are built on protein-guided DNA cleavage that needs complex protein engineering.
CRISPR/Cas9 only needs a short guide RNA for DNA targeting.
CRISPR/Cas9 allows using several gRNA with different target sites: simultaneously genomic modifications at multiple independent sites [2].
Accelerates the generation of transgenic animals with multiple gene mutations [6].
CRISPR/Cas9 system presents a versatile and reliable genome editing tool to facilitate a large variety of genome targeting applications. CRISPR/Cas9 components comprise an endonuclease and a sgRNA that can be delivered into cells under various forms (i.e. plasmid, mRNA, nuclease, virus).”
Let’s celebrate!!!
Well. Now that we’ve solved all those nasty masking issues, and arrested all those who created masking mandates against the proletariat, we can reexamine the technologies that are still in use. >
ViroMag R/L Transduction Reagent
ViroMag R/L
PolyMag Neo
SilenceMag siRNA Delivery Reagent
Granted, just small samples above, but hey… There’s always this: >
Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2006 Mar; 13(3): 409–414.
doi: 10.1128/CVI.13.3.409-414.2006
PMCID: PMC1391961
PMID: 16522785
False-Positive Results in a Recombinant Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) Nucleocapsid-Based Western Blot Assay Were Rectified by the Use of Two Subunits (S1 and S2) of Spike for Detection of Antibody to SARS-CoV
Excerpted from closing comments:
The false-positive results are not limited to the diagnosis of SARS-CoV strain but they have also been detected in the diagnosis of other coronavirus strains like HCoV-OC43 and HCoV-229E by using the nucleocapsid protein as the diagnostic antigen (30). In this way, our results are consistent with others in the literature that the use of N protein in the diagnosis of SARS-CoV could produce false-positive results. In addition, Guan and coworkers demonstrated that the N protein of coronaviruses reacted to 15 of 18 healthy serum samples used as negative controls (8).
Note the 2006 Abstract date. >
Ode to The Thing Under the Bed.
I cannot prove The Thing lurks
under the bed
but i know It is there, waiting, because
the very thought of It scares the shit out of me
when i lay awake in bed at night.
I canot prove The Thing is real.
I know It is real…
The Thing in the Cellar — David H. Keller
The doctor meant well, he thought he was giving Good Advice (dont they all ?)…
As for his aquaintance ‘a man who specialises in psychiatry – and was particularly interested in children’ ? Nowadays he’d have a catalogue listing a drug for every rebranded ailment. (aka – Progress)…
Thanks for taking the time to read it, Les.
Yes, the Doctor meant well, but like most modern Doctors, he was a materialist rationalist, and he didn’t see the obvious.
Come on OG not the mask thing again. How about empowering readers. Lets have more of what the people can do to resist the global takeover rather than a running commentary of whats to come.
“Fuck off, they’re useless” looks fine to me.
I will go first.
Remember when most businesses discriminated against anyone who refused to participate in an injection trial. Remember when some refused cash. Remember they were “just doing their job”.
Well how about we flip that coin. List a business below who discriminated so we can avoid it. List a business below who refused and especially if they still refuse cash payments.
It’s time to pay the fiddler…
PayPal for starters.
Halfords UK still rejecting cash payments
You must have upset em.
Homebase, Hove/Brighton. Not sure now but I walked out in around May 2020 when they said no cash and won’t be going back to see.
pizza union don’t take cash, the tescos in holborn doesn’t either and various businesses in camden passage angel. holland and barret tried it briefly in 21 but soon changed their mind. if cash is replaced with crypto we are FKD.
It puts the mask on the face or else it gets locked in place.
Permission to breathe freely sir?
Yeah, I think that’s alright, Just stand back six feet, eh.
Another ‘new study’, same old shyte. Put these two words together and you’ve got a proven formula for inducing sleep in the general population. Government commissions, academic inquiries, think tank reports, even genuinely independent research, after the fact…all longstanding tradition of burying controversy and denying truth by delaying it until it no longer matters to uncritical masses who have been moved along to the next opportune crisis of social engineering. And of course, it always helps that people aren’t paying much attention in the first place.
As noted, the truth about masks has been exposed, and itself masked at margins of mainstream media, since 2020. Even before that, when masks were manufactured with warnings about their limitations if not uselessness, and successive studies from the WHO and CDC themselves, if these can be found anymore, demonstrated as much. But all this, like the entire scamdemic, appears only to demonstrate how easily what’s just gone down can fade into ancient history, lying there in wait for the next wave of bioterror.
Lies become truth by force of habit, and now in the new abnormal masks have become more or less customary features of the biosecurity state, even if only on its front lines like the medical industry for function creep into other social contexts. One might recall how since WW2 anti-depressants and anti-psychotics have been exposed as misleading misnomers, along with mental illness in general, only to have evidence-based science in their case overrun by steady propaganda for pathologizing the population upon myths of chemical imbalance and genetic heredity (comparable to germ theory and virology and part of the allopathic warfare of health, or sick, care for permanent profit and population control).
Psychological warfare may be most effective not in telling us what to think but what to think about, thereby fulfilling the forest-for-the-trees strategy of misdirection. Pick out pieces of the puzzle upon which to focus attention away from how the puzzle is till being put together, like a trap to be sprung. Limited hangout over the origin of the virus, besides saving its deep fake existence, enables distraction from how increasingly institutionalized pandemic preparedness for a police state is rolling out, including through investigation into origin.
The need for comprehensive rather than compartmentalized consciousness of the coordinated agenda of control over us has never been greater as plans for a prison planet take shape. That won’t come without counterexamples of political practice of participatory democracy oriented to radical social change beyond the systemic institutional rule that has enabled this agenda. If we the people have not altogether lost habits of citizenship from depoliticization of capitalist consumer society, including controlled party politricks, we will need to recover the roots of memory in our bodies and knowledge in action to build our own alternatives of self-governance, unmasking the lies by which we are ruled with ways of living to which others may turn.
Historical Analysis of the Global Elite: Ransacking the World Economy Until ‘You’ll Own Nothing.’By Robert J. BurrowesClick here to read the e-Book.
Historical Analysis of the Global Elite: Ransacking the World Economy Until ‘You’ll Own Nothing.’
If a patient finds the result of a medical treatment bad to a shocking extent, just treat him for depression or something similar.
I’m opening a book taking bets on the “avian flu”, or a wicked variant thereof, being the next pandemic.
It makes perfect sense : our feathered friends are worldwide (so going global is a cinch), many varieties are kept as pets (so the “virus” can easily be proven to be transmissible to humans), we eat many species especially chickens, turkeys and ducks (another method of transmission should they so wish) and don’t even mention the eggs !!!
Eggs & meat will also play nicely into the food shortage plus the push for insect/plant foodstuffs……..a win-win !
The MSM & BBC are ramping up the regularity of reports.
You can spot the shills a mile off on here can’t you? 😂
control freak….
Netflix’s has introduced their anti-password sharing method:
Once every 31 days, your device must log in on your home Wi-Fi network or your account will be blocked.
Sounds like yet another great reason to ditch Netflix
That is conditioning for eventually needing a verified Biometric Digital ID to even access the internet.
Apparently this kind of use it or lose it business model is surfacing in the plugin world of music production too. Interesting how lock stepped things are.
Breathing with the mask is like pooping with the pants.
Especially when the mask promoters are usually talking shit.
Is it time to retire the term
tinfoil hatand substitute it for one more current?How about “Tinfoil Mask”
or “Tyranny Mask” or
or “Sheeple Mask”
or “Brain Gag”
or “Tinman Mask”
or …,
“Conformity mask”
“Obedience training mask”
Tinfoil Mask works both aesthetically and comparatively with Tinfoil Hat.
I’ll try to remember to use it.
Boy, it’s a good thing we’ve unmasked that whole bogus virus fraud. Now we can throw away all those antibiotic capsules and anti-viral meds
No malaria? No tetanus? No gonorrhea? No syphilis? No pathogenic diseases? Hey!!! No need for medications. Let’s celebrate!
Paul, are you off your meds, son ?
Valium helps relieve pain 9 ways… I’m not sure what the other eight are…
To the wrong headed, truth appears as irony.
Antibiotics work. Phage therapy, which is the use of viruses to kill bacteria, probably does too.
Hello Bob the bum: I was just taking a polk at the “no virus” crowd. Of course antibioltics work.
Did your research Paul?
Warning: Going off topic. Back to eggs. (Just paid 8 bucks yesterday, by the way.)
Tucker Carlson interviewed local egg producers.
Egg producers have been, inadvertently, poisoning their chickens for months, if not longer.
And possibly, the government has been killing them through a “misdiagnosis” of bird flu. (“They ain’t layin no eggs. Must be the flu. Let’s kill’em”)
Tucker interviewed small time egg producers experiencing problems with their chickens which had completely stopped laying.
And, on their own, the small time producers figured out why. Word was spread through social media. It is now being censored as misinformation. Why would it be censored?
It WAS/IS the feed.
Local small time producers found local feed supplies and problem solved.
Their hens are laying again.
The word got out before big tech and the media could fully suppress it.
Commercial nationally distributed chicken feed that is specially formulated for laying hens is poisoning the laying chickens all across the United States and who knows where else.
Think of that.
So, was it intentional and they are trying to keep it quiet?
If it spoiled by accident and was distributed anyway that would be jail time for someone. Moldy food can be deadly.
That’s a lot of spoilage. Typically, that kind of thing would tend to be localized.
Are they adding cricket flour to the feed? Hmmmm.
Could this same additive in the chicken feed stop human ovulation too…….just thinking out loud…………
(“Haaay Maw, why cain’t Daarrleene halve no keeds”)
Sounds fishy to me. Real fishy.
Whether or not the USDA does a full analysis of the feed supply will tell the story.
Meanwhile, if you keep laying hens and they not laying, now you know why. Buy raw grain locally and mix up your own feed.
A couple commercial feed supplier names to avoid come to mind. Saying them out loud could be bad.
(Forgot about the thought police. Damn. Too late.)
Fuck you NSA.
The poisons in poultry feed include (a) glyphosate from maize, etc. (b) arsenic to control parasites, increase weight and “improve” colour.
Got a source? This does not appear to be a chronic problem. It is more like an acute event. Like a deliberate (Intentional sabotage by climate change extremists?) change to feed mix which is why it started happening everywhere all at once. Like I said, it does not make sense. Glyphosate is not like DDT where it builds up in body fats over time through multiple exposures. Glyphosate has an extremely short half life. Not sure about arsenic. It has been largely phased out for obvious reasons. It was never in any of the chemical formulations I have used in the last 45 years.
Just came across this (see the link at the end). Feed suppliers are scrambling to claim their feed is still as good as ever. One supplier in particular is being implicated because they changed their formulation. Supposedly a connection to Epstein and the WEF. Comical. Looking more like sabotage by rogue employees. Not much on line about “poisonous” chemical additives that could stop chickens from laying that I could find (NSA probably started a new file on me now that I did a search on it). A lot of effort is being taken by “fact checkers” to discredit theories on potential sabotage(USA today fact checkers in particular). Rule of thumb according to Bongino and others is this: If fact checkers go to great efforts to discredit a story, the story is probably true. It also explains why social media is trying to kill the story. Take it for what it’s worth. Give the climate in our society (no pun intended) nothing would surprise me. If it turns out to be sabotage, those people doing it should be hung slowly.
Ivor Cummins goes over the Cochrane Library study: Case Closed on Masks
Last week I saw a teenager in the supermarket pull down her mask to cough, and there and then the last vestige of rationale for wearing a mask disappeared.
Mask advocates can’t claim the coarse fabric can stop a virus, but they do claim that it stops the aerosol effect of coughs and sneezes. Watching that girl I realised: of course nobody is going to cough or sneeze inside the mask, spraying the interior with mucus.
I eagerly await an opportunity to ask a pro-masker, as I recoil from them in disgust, “What?! You cough and sneeze inside your mask?”
This is actually a brilliant comment.
I Go one better,. To get served cigarettes or alcohol they will now ask you to remove your mask briefly to confirm you age.
Why didn’t they ban smoking outside at the height of Convid and mask mandates? The cordon sanitaire is broken for so many different reasons that the question of whether the masks are effective or not misses the point that it can only ever be partially enforced so it is compromised from the start.
Lol! So your ok with Mask “Mandates” but not Smoking Outside “Mandates”
I’ve heard enough, you folk are insane.
I agree with your comment. But from the first days of the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic mask mandates, my informal but extensive observation of local mask-wearers establishes that many, even most, obedient maskers flout the ostensible safety “rationale”.
I can’t say what each slipshod mask-wearer is thinking, but they are vulnerable to the “slam-dunk” criticisms you mention: the vast majority dutifully wear commercial masks, but expose their noses and often most of their mouths; it’s the equivalent of wearing saggy pants drooping over the lower half of the wearers’ buttocks.
And some still wear would-be “homemade” masks, e.g. hand-sewn cloth masks, scarves, etc. that are manifestly not going to block alleged microscopic pathogens entering and exiting the body via normal respiration.
Again, I can’t telepathically deduce the half-assed mask-wearers’ intelligence, knowledge, and motivation. I think it’s at least possible that some of them actually believe that their slipshod habit still affords them protection from the Phantom Menace, but I think most of these hapless mask thralls wear them to show that they’re going with the program, and demonstrating that they are good, responsible citizens– who, in any case, don’t want to be inconvenienced or hassled for being unmasked.
If confronted about the absurdity of their “relaxed” masking style, I expect that they would reply, “Well, maybe I don’t always wear the mask exactly right. But I figure it’s better than nothing!” “It’s better than nothing” is the maskers’ equivalent of the willing jabbed’s “Better safe than sorry!” 😷💉😡
The non-standard masks are not inferior because the standard ones themselves are useless and have added poisons.
Wearing a mask sloppily may be a sign of reluctance or resistance.
Hit the nail on the head! The coughing and sneezing has fleetingly crossed my mind too.
Here’s that nutter Macron doing the same thing back in 2020…
The “There is no virus” mantra is akin to “the Twin Towers were brought down by mini-nukes”.
It would be right out of a controlled opposition playbook. Is it, or did this mantra just metastasize organically on it’s own?
“Mini-nukes” divided the opposition to “The Official Story”.
It side tracked researchers.
It made the opposition look like they were wearing tin foil hats.
And look at how well it’s worked! A piece about how masks are bullshit (which I’m assuming literally 100% of the readership here agrees with) has a comment thread riddled with invective and ad hominen.
Bet you can’t say,
“invective and ad hominem”
without using them as an
invective and ad hominem.
Levi Tate, you are an ad hominem. Prove to me that you are not either a bot or a paid shill. If you are neither of these, then you suck at not acting like one.
Absolutely! Makes you wonder how many commenters are actually sensible and/or REAL people sometimes.
I guess your money is on the bat soup story then, right? Or a bunch of guys wearing tea towels on their heads flying into two buildings and knocking three down, like a game of ten pin bowls.
The point is not the details in which you bring up. The point is are we being lied too? The answer is clearly yes and that’s all that matters. So what are you going to do about it?
The fact that people like matt hancock think they can walk amongst the general public is an example of how weak and tolerant the average pleb is and they know it.
I would suggest the “no virus” theory better resembles the “no planes” theory of 911, which makes no sense because everyone was watching the towers and shooting video after the first tower was presumably hit. But was it? Logically they only needed one plane, the 2nd plane.
Likewise the theory of the covid19 virus not existing is not the same as the theory that no viruses exist, which seems less plausible. Did they need an actual virus to pull the scam off, to convince and coerce everyone to get an injection they didn’t need? Did they need an actual virus to whip up hysteria and implement lockdowns in lockstep? If they thought they did and viruses do exist and can be modified, I’m sure they could have organized the release of one.
Convid, formerly known as the Flu or the common cold.
(I don’t rule out the existence of something additional as well)
I agree. It’s lamo.
Think how the body expels liquids. (Think of what it smells like.)
Think how the body expels solids. (Think of what it smells like.)
Now let’s trap expelled air against our faces all day.
Not to mention if our dental hygiene isn’t all it should be . . .
I was wondering how long it would be before this started….
All those property programme watchers who installed a woodburner are about to find they’ve been opped. Woodburners would allow some independence in heating so of course they cannot be allowed, everything must be reduced to electricity so it can be turned off at the press of a button. There probably won’t be an outright ban at first but that’s where this will be heading.
Absolutely. And even George Monbiot has HAD to write an article about his embarrassment at going along with them. Now he’s admitting he was ‘wrong’. So even Monbiot, the Guardian’s Mr Green didn’t thoroughly research this before installing 3 in his house? Of course he did, but now the goal posts have moved and he’s having to change his tune. I agree this about restricting freedoms rather than air pollution.
The energy price increases have caused (forced?) a lot of people around me in south Wales to switch from using gas central heating with a wood burner that’s used occasionally, to using the burner every day and looking for sources of cheap/free wood.
That must really piss off those who have worked hard to artificially engineer the current situation where they are seeing the biggest profits ever seen in the history of the energy sector. And now our scumbag politicians are well on their way taking us down the path of ‘private-public-partnership’ monopolies that clearly can’t be allowed.
Just to clarify, free fuel can’t be allowed, not making the biggest profits…. 🙄
It started as a fetish in the UK and US because they ordered billions of the fucking things that they didn’t need so they brought in the mandates to make some money back. This was covered by Frontline in the USA in 2020 and Panorama in the UK in 2020
Yes. And no one seems to consider the millions of metric tons of masks burned in municipal incinerators or rotting away in land fills. It’s all magic.
Or the millions of masks simply discarded on roads, streets, parks etc. Should be hazardous waste, right?
Nah. Just take it off, throw it down, and move on.
Well yea off. the bat it should be in the mask. The Health authorities asked what in your Area? You 360 Orwellian Beginners struggling over Reality.
Did YOU pick them UP ball-bag Yes or No! Well what the bloody Hell your blabbering about em for…pic. boy. We head!
Learn English…
World in Action BBC News and Progs ie: Panorama explanation 50-60 years ago showed all this.
If you Think it’s all there “Already” for you to sit on your fat bottom right after your Born, Your blooming flowering crackpots.
LOOK around You didn’t Bluid IT!
Ritual Shame Muzzle and Face Diaper.
Pure speculation of course but if you were able to earn a steady income for producing social-emotional data, what would be the best business model..?
Single Language “Chip”.
Stop this nonsense!!! There is no virus. While we discuss we reinforce their control. Why don’t Offg ever link to articles by Cowan, Kaufman, the Baileys et al? It’s very disturbing. They claim that there are 200m viral particles in every sneeze/cough which these masks are supposed to capture yet they cannot isolate one of these particles. It’s absolute, in your face, nonsense. Yet this site has article after article discussing this non existent particle/disease and every ridiculous NPI to lesson the chance of catching it.
The virus claim is the root of all this evil. If you cannot accept that all of this is nonsense then you are responsible for the continuation of this tyranny these bastards serving us. It’s obvious that they cannot isolate this ‘particle’ because if they could they’d have it filmed in wide screen technicolour with slow motion replays on screen every hour on the hour. It’s all nonsense. Every single bit of it. Stop reinforcing their narrative and do some proper research. Enough, en-fucking-ough!
What do you mean when you say, “there is no virus”?
Levi, research the names I included in my OP, Offg mysteriously never refer to them or their extensive research and experimentation that proves the culture isolation is ludicrous. Once you become aware of this you realise that discussing anything related to viruses is akin to discussing unicorns. Don’t engage.
Actually we have done. It’s an interesting discussion, but with a time and a place. We don’t take a hard stance on the issue because…
People fear change more than they fear any virus, and fear is the enemy.
You don’t need to take a stance on whether contagion exists pr not in order to dispute lockdowns/masks using the official epidemiological data.
It’s like that principle of martial arts, using your opponents weight against them. Dismiss the fake pandemic claims on its own terms.
We pick our battles wisely to win the information war now. We don’t lob emotional claims about. We don’t slag people off and cause a ruckus and ultimately create division. We don’t raise levels of fear of the unknown. We don’t inadvertently make ourselves look like anti-science, flat-earth crackpots in the eyes of 95% of the people we ought to be trying to reach.
Some might enjoy jerking off in a virus-free vacuum, but not me. I’m actually in this to win this. A2
Nope – as long as germ theory predominates humanity will forever be in chains. Always been that way always will.
I don’t think I agree with that. Yes, medicine can be weaponised, but so can other things too. Fear in all forms, terrorists, Goldsteins, the sexes, our food… Most things actually ARE weaponised I think lol
Also terrain theory offers a lot of scary potential to be weaponised, when you think about it. A2
Some of us are not looking for this or that theories. We are standing to take our sovereignty back at a fundamental level.
I say back, however we have always had it. It’s just we have been indoctrinated since child birth to hand it over to “the state”. Even worse in today’s age the plebs are handing to anyone wearing a costume with shiny buttons.
This article talks about the ‘weaponisation’ of masks. The ammo they use for that are virusses. Take away the ammo, and the masks can ‘t be weaponized anymore.
Just as an aside, humanity was in chains long before germ theory became fashionable. Like: forever.
Well of course, didn’t even think of it like that. Good point. A2
“It’s like that principle of martial arts, using your opponents weight against them”
Then you need to be clearer about the enemy! I think you can separate two enemies. One is real and pretends to have the power to rule over many (let’s call them government), the other is imaginary (viruses).
The government uses a virus to enforce rules and laws. In my opinion, it is of the utmost importance to make it clear that the government is using something imaginary to dominate and instill fear among the people. Talking/writing about the rules, mandates and laws that governments impose on the people (with respect to virusses), you don’t even have to engage with your enemy, because there is no enemy.
Except this argument isn’t scientifically valid it’s just asserting stuff and it’s completely counterproductive cuz no one is going to listen to you.
Also terrain theory can be weaponised far more easily and used to justify control mechanisms like masks just as easily.
In terrain theory, contagion is (allegedly) a mysterious, partly psychosomatic process…. All bets are off dude. Unleash the authoritarian madness on that, they’d have a field day.
’i’m not wearing a mask for me, I am wearing it for everyone else, because at any moment I could trigger a detox cycle in someone you care about and they could die”.
The real point is, ANYTHING can be weaponised. A2
Show me a scientifically valid paper describing the islation of a virus particle.
Or write an article which explains step by step, based on a scientific paper, how they isolate a virus, sequence it or show it to be contagious.
Or point out the flaws in my explanation (here), the article of Harald Walach (here).
It isn’t a scientifically valid argument because absence of evidence doesn’t equal evidence of absence.
Often science deals in abstract particles which can’t be held in a Petri dish and must infer based on other factors etc.
That’s not to defend virology’s science – I’m sure it’s full of holes – but it’s an unscientific logical leap to state that viruses are therefore ‘imaginary’
So you’re achieving nothing valid here, just making blank assertions.
You also ignore my main point and instead focus on this cul de sac.
I agree with your main point, anything can weaponized.
My point is that they have used a virus for all sorts of mandates, rules and laws. And they use evidence of existance by pointing to papers showing isolation, papers which show the assembly of the genome and/or papers which show contagion. All three of these methods are easily proven to be invalid.
I am not saying germ theory is the truth, i am not saying terrain theory is the truth, i am not saying I know what causes diseases. What I am saying is that the evidence of existence presented to us by all the governments around the world is horribly flawed, and even unscientific.
It will start: you should take the vaxx, it will improve your terrrain.
That will become: you must take the vaxx to improve your terrain. We’re all in this together.
If Germ THEORY was real, we would all already be dead.
I suggest you research Terrain Theory.
No one in the world has ever isolated and certified that any asserted virus actually exists using the scientific method.
Petri dishes are prepared using monkey kidney cells and or bovine fetus cells, then mixed with other chemicals. What they claim is a virus is really dead cell debris.
It is a hard pill to swallow and basically virology is a lie. If you want historical proof of this, read or learn about the book “The Poison Needle” by Dr. Eleanor McBean. There are other books similar to that one that also expose the complete lack of scientific method in virology.
What we call the flu is nothing more than toxicity in the body caused by a combination of factors like stress, lack of sunlight, poor diet, consumption of toxic chemicals like alcohol, smoking chemicals, lack of proper sleep, etc.
Seasonal flu was weaponized and called CONVID-1984 and there is no boogie man flying through the air.
DId you know that if you go (directly) to Wikipedia and search for Terrain Theory, the first hit is “Germ Theory Denialism” followed by “no page for Terrain Theory exists” – … uphill battle but thank you for fighting!
I haven’t looked at this but I’ve heard this mentioned before. ‘Denialism’ is meant to immediately brand the person as an outlier, a crank. Didn’t Pasteur supposedly accept to Terrain Theory on his death bed? I tell you what though, if it hadn’t been for this farce of a pandemic I would still believe in germ theory and vaccination. I’ve learned so much since the day Johnson locked us down. I immediately thought – this does not happen, as my local pub closed at 7pm. Tory governments don’t shut down the economy to look after a few frail elderly people – ever. So off I went to learn and I have learned so much since then!
The elderly people looked after themselves and helped by neighbours if they needed it, including off duty nursing staff workers etc. Who needs selfopinioned fascist ideology dictates from gobshites.
You’d make the battle far less hard work on yourself if you stop expecting Wikipedia to have factual, unbiased information. It doesn’t, it has a lot of paid-for content and dishonesty and other related devious bullshit should be expected there.
Paul, why do you assume RegretLeft was expecting Wiki “to have factual, unbiased information”.
He was simply conducting the common practice of trying to devine the intent of the propaganda.
Yes, Wikipedia and Google are propaganda juggernauts, relentlessly promoting overclass-sponsored scamdemic-mongering, virus (infectious pathogen)-mongering, and of course vax/jab-mongering.
It isn’t just Google, unfortunately. Most search engines, including DuckDuckGo which more or less pretends to be the unGoogle, seem to filter and skew results to conform to Establishment narratives.
Google is a search engine belief in the United Nations imo.
Messrs Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman will sort you out, here.
Yes, but your link-free passage, couched in terms of certainty (certainty of the absence of a virus, certainty of a negative and nothing more) merely translates to the average person as ‘germ theory denialist’. It sounds utterly ridiculous unfortunately.
Terrain theory is an interesting discussion, in the correct setting, but I’m not ready to look like a some wacky fringe, as much as trolls would love it if I did 😅 . This isn’t a member’s club, this is a mobile army and we’re recruiting every day.
What are people more afraid of than viruses? CHANGE and THE UNKNOWN.
Let’s stop telling people their doctors don’t know what makes them sick and then act surprised when they prefer to wear a mask for some feeling of security lol.
Let’s stop telling people that what we call contagion is actually big agro poisoning our food (and skies!) and also some largely unknown phenomenon to do with morphogenetic fields and being surprised when people tune out and go along with the next lockdown or take the next vaccine lol
Let’s learn some basic psychology. Let’s reassure people – 2020 was a less deadly year in the UK than 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008, and all yers previously on record lol!!!!!!
And that’s even including all the excess deaths due to lockdowns and curtailed healthcare.
Let’s reassure people that we don’t need to be afraid of a virus, not traumatise them further by breaking Western medicine paradigms over their heads. We’re already asking people to change their entire political world view, isn’t that enough? XD
Let’s help people calm down and switch their critical faculties back on. It’s gonna be alright. We’ve got this. Fear is the mind killer. We are safe. We are in control of ourselves, We are powerful.
We need to engage with people to do this. Peace out. A2
After everything I have been through, I have learned to accept that many people will never have enough wisdom and discernment to seek the truth, be curious enough to break out of the mass psychosis. Those people are not part of the solution. This is not to suggest that we should stop trying. It is a realization that a deck of 52 cards only has 4 aces, and at least 2 jokers and 4 twos.
Truth is what it is, and we cannot control how other people deal with it.
We only control one person in this world, and that is ourselves.
I believe reassurance for other people comes from how we deal with the realities of this world.
I for one will not ever live on my knees, serving TPTB.
Also, my post is link free because it is up to you to be curious enough to learn for yourself.
The book poison needle is an excellent source. If you don’t like reading you can find videos that discuss the book and the findings there in.
The terrain theory is also a documentary that you can watch, if reading isn’t your thing.
If you like to devour hours upon hours of content, go to and find SpaceBusters channel and you will find plenty of content that will at a minimum raise many questions that TPTB don’t want us to ask.
People must do their own homework, if they are going to make a truthful transformation in their own mind.
Context is important. You, as well as others, keep mentioning resources available to disprove the virus paradigm. That’s fine. I for one will investigate.
In the meantime, this is a comment forum. Those of us who have ideas and opinions concerning various things (like viruses) cannot easily put our comments on hold while we sit down and read a technical manual; then come back in a few days, weeks or months to reply to a comment.
As a good example of what I’m saying, I happen to be in a very small minority here: I accept many of the tenets of climate change. Would it make sense if I asked someone to go to a certain website ( and investigate the hundreds of articles and videos therein then come back and reply to me?
As I said, context is important.
I take it by mentioning Alcohol was a common error and not a dry state purist approach to gain favouritism. If it was then your in no way a member of the functioning society of Great Britain before, during and afterwards are you.
Oh for fuck’s sake the virus is a lie, the PCR were invented without any such virus and in February 2020 the FDA approved the fucking PCR by inventing a ”virus” because THEY DIDN’T HAVE ANY.
There isn’t. Now, or ever. No paper exists anywhere on Earth proving a virus CAUSES illness. They may be present in people WITH illness, but then agreeing this defeats the with/of argument.
Ir’s ALL complete and utter shite.
Undoubtedly so.
Which, nevertheless, doesn’t make terrain “theory” de facto true.
Exactly so. It’s one thing to challenge and test a paradigm, and by all means we should ask questions about western medicine, but it’s incredibly unscientific to claim anything must be de facto true in its absence. Thanks for this, A2
Exactly. Science is not settled in any way shape or form.
Germ Theory and Terrain Theory are both called a theory for this reason.
Same as Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Etc., etc., etc.
Did you know for example that the so called “Mathematical Constants”, like gravity and speed of light, are not actually constants. The study of the history of these constants reveals that over time the values have fluctuated. In the modern era these values are called constants, and yet they are actually an average of quantified measurements from institutions around the globe.
Rupert Sheldrake has an amusing story where he talks about this, and eventually they stopped measuring and just standardised them lol
Not to nit-pick, but actually a Theory in Science is basically something that is accepted as valid. Whereas a Hypothesis is something which has yet to be validated.
In everyday vernacular, a theory is, as you imply, something akin to an opinion rather than something established as true. I can say that I have a theory of time (which I do) – but that is not the same as, e.g., Darwin’s Theory of Evolution (which of course is highly disputed but still considered valid).
I have heard viruses can cure illness, specifically bacterial infections. It’s called phage therapy and western medicine doesn’t want to know about it. Or at least it didn’t until recently when the issue of overuse of antibiotics became worrisome for them.
After the names mentioned by Tom, try here:
Or this one, explaining why the measles virus has never been proven to exist:
By the easy expressions look around millions of negativity 24 hours a day., why are you asking are you not feeling well?
While, as you say, the onus is on those who say viruses exist to PROVE they exist, that isn’t the only onus in play here.
There is a corresponding onus on those who say viruses do not exist to EXPLAIN how the human diseases attributed to viruses actually occur. Simply saying “It’s the Terrain stupid!” will not do. Yes, there are pollutants everywhere; yes, these pollutants have great potential for mischief. But no, they simply do not explain the overall dynamic of what has come to be known as viral diseases.
When you toss out the virus, you toss out the entire “science” of epidemiology along with it. You must therefore construct from whole cloth an entirely new epidemiology to accompany the absence of the virus.
Otherwise, you stand a good chance of not being taken seriously.
Thank you Howard. The “no virus” theory is one of the most successful conspiracy theories in history.
Paul, you come off as a well read, intelligent guy. Then you say this which is utter nonsense. Makes me think of you as disingenuous.
As far as proof of no viruses, research and learn about Terrain Theory.
It is the scientific counter to Germ Theory.
If Germ Theory was accurate, we would all already be dead.
If Germ Theory did not have an antidote, so to speak, then yes, we would all be dead.
That “antidote” is of course the immune system.
I realize that many consider the immune system to be somewhat, if not entirely, a fabrication which would never have been theorized or “scientifically” studied had there not been in place already a Germ Theory.
The Germ Theory, especially the viral aspect, is so much a part of Western culture that simply discounting viruses isn’t enough.
The virus is very much merely the tip of the iceberg. You can’t just lop off the tip then proceed as if your work is done.
Absolutely agree with this. A2
Have you considered that if Germ Theory is wrong, there is no antidote.
That is the rub. The information is so controlled and contrived that you never hear about the people that have already proven that the Germ Theory is at best not accurate, or outright false.
I suggest reading, or learning about, the content of the book, “The Poison Needle” by Dr. Eleanor McBean.
There have been several accredited PhD scientists that have demonstrated the failed experiments of virology.
I am familiar with the arguments and I have an open mind. But it’s not about my personal beliefs. It’s about presenting a logical and well-judged argument. It’s about creating obstacles for the armies of thought-controlled, conformist people who populate every social media thoroughfare.
We don’t need to know exactly what’s going on with contagion. It’s irrelevant to the simple and logical argument we can make simply observing what we see. Governments traumatised people into believing they were in danger when they weren’t. The epidemiology makes this clear.
Introducing needless unknowns simply raises free floating anxiety. It’s not scientific, It’s not helpful. It immediately discredits us in the eyes of the majority. It’s akin to spouting flat earth BS. It’s clearly a controlled counterintelligence operation being rolled out, even in this very forum.
It’s a waste of bloody time, and people need to reawaken if they’re making these no-germ arguments sincerely because they’re napping in an echo chamber.
You aren’t interested in changing minds? Who cares. It’s not about that. It’s about countering marches of conformism with sensible thinking. It’s about slowing the droves of people infected with authoritarianism and fanaticism, stopping them from rolling over everything by sheer press of numbers.
These battlegrounds take place on twitter, on FB, on YouTube comments, wherever. Droves of brainwashed people ARE halted by sound, simple, logical arguments, because people ARE vulnerable to the truth.
It’s like a forcefield.
Complicated and foreboding unknowns like questioning germ theory, not so much A2
Emotional, sensationalistic jargon, without plausible scientific content for debate.
Howard expresses the rational approach beautifully.
Let’s assume, for a moment, that virus theory is false. That doesn’t mean that terrain theory is true.
They are both called Theory for this reason.
Many scientific principles are just theories.
Which is the very reason that the claim “the science is settled” was such garbage.
The only thing settled was the urge to make vast wealth at everyone else’s expense.
Should I also understand that, if I deny that Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone killed JFK, unless I can provide the name(s) of whoever did, I stand a good chance of not being taken seriously by Howard. Hey-ho. Just have to live with it.
Interesting analogy. It would work better if Mr. Oswald were being accused of every single murder during November of 1963 – in which case it could prove helpful to find and name the actual perps.
The thing with the JFK murder is that even without knowing precisely who killed him, a mountain of evidence was compiled which proves Oswald not only did not but could not have fired the fatal bullet.
It would completely – absolutely, positively completely – put the virus theory to rest and send it packing if the no-virus proponents were able to show that a virus could not possibly have been the culprit. That way it isn’t necessary to show what actually was the culprit.
Show me where my sneeze and runny nose could not under any circumstance have been triggered by a virus and I’ll be forever in your debt.
Well, find the “virus” first. Ya know the actual thing. Then we can put together a valid scientific experiment with a control and independent variables… Determine CPE… Wait they tried this directness in a real life scenario, NOT IN SILICO:
It’s a little disputed fact on here that the PCR tests were meaningless. The ‘pandemic’ – an irrational, unscientific authoritarian ideology – was justified on the back of these meaningless tests. OFFG has published many pieces highlighting this.
And ultimately, the question of the actual existence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is moot due to this. A2
Exactly, the circumstantial evidence is strong enough for a critical mind to say, “Hold your horses cowboy!!”.
I’m fine with that, but let’s not jump the gun and freak the fuck out of the poor cowboy XD
Worth a look
Is that physical evidence or circumstantial?
The issue being that the other side didn’t produce any physical evidence that was proven beyond a doubt proving guilt. They wouldn’t take that chance.
Bottom line is that circumstantial evidence is good enough to justify doubt.
Having no viruses does not mean that bacteria, mold, yeast, and parasites also don’t exist!
I have been gravely threatened by three of these organisms at different times of my life. It is weird how Kill Gates forced the clot shots on the world’s population but has failed to produce a malaria vaccine. Malaria kills 2 million people a year. I was almost one of them in 2019.
Science, if one practices such a ‘thing’ is and has always concerned itself with disproving. Written a different way; science is the question not the answer.
When this stops what is the practice called? Some call it dogma
Contagion and viral theory, germ theory, and the methods by which theyve been constructed are not valid. This is a fact: These studies, or the ‘proving’ (questioning) part require petty things such as control groups, independent variables… do not fulfill these requirements. Virologists have always needed to produce/ reproduce or provide the ‘thing’ and they cannot produce it. This shortcoming is the reason for the recent virus challenge: and all the more reason any upstanding defender of virus/ contagion theory would participate… “Cuz it’s the science!”
Another challenge:
But questioning or disproving such a thing might be up there with the attempted murder of Modernity. How it would shake the tree!?!
On the upside of this particular invalid trajectory, or fraud, is it is only 150yrs old…
And there are other ‘successful’ theories, sciences, studies, on the reality of animal illness/ disease and treatments, but like any alternative to what’s generally accepted, on blind faith as fact, it is seen less and heard less. Maybe it is even perceived as a threat. Change always happens so seemlessly.
While those who do not believe in pathogenic particles may run the risk of not being taken seriously by the many, the they, we, and i embrace the distinct possibility of shedding dogma and unhealth.
Why not live with less reification fallacy, not more?
Hypothesis-driven science generally works by disproving one hypothesis with another.
Observable contagion requires a detailed, testable hypothesis, and merely ‘some toxins’ doesn’t really come close.
If we factor in little-understood phenomenon like epigenetics, morphogenetic fields or bio electric fields, bio resonance and cymatic resonance – all of which I’ve seen used to help explain why people share a ‘detox cycle’ so frequently – we must also accept these are fields of science in their very infancy. They need a lot of work before we’re ready to throw the baby out with the bath water and reject all principles of pathogenic medicine, I feel.
Are those fields in their very infancy, or just information, data, and science that is being withheld from the masses so that TPTB continue to profit from our dis-ease?
We have known for decades that women that live together “magically” synchronize their menstrual cycle. I think our enemy is smart enough to have explored that observable and proveable phenomenon for the last half century.
I heard that was a myth. But maybe you’re right.
But yes, what if? Interesting speculation.
“But no, they simply do not explain the overall dynamic of what has come to be known as viral diseases.”
What is that overall dynamic? Sorry, but your anecdotal evidence is meaningless in this regard.
There are epidemiological studies out there that allegedly confirm contagion. Have you read them? Are they good studies? Or do they reek with confirmation bias? (Danger, if you don’t understand complicated statistical mathematics you’ll be mostly in the dark…).
Medical/social histories have been written about contagion. (More my area of study). Have you read them? How do they stack up as evidence for the existence of viral contagion? Believe you me, this collection of literature is littered with garbage just screaming with alternate agenda. (I hope to supply more evidence in this regard forthwith…)
The idea that diseases can be “caught” is, I think, an extremely crucial framing element that is injected into our belief systems. This belief puts us on our heels and makes us fearful of each other and it is consequently extremely useful for the population controllers. This is a good a reason, imo, to go after that assumption.
If the whole concept of viral contagion gets completely knocked of the table, science/biology will be just fine. Those concerned can pick up their toys and skeedaddle, and they will … eventually.
At root (i.e., when all the scientific jargon is set aside) the problem is one of size. Just because something is too small to be “seen” does not in and of itself prove it doesn’t exist.
Granted, speculation based on something that cannot be “seen” becomes tenuous. But, again, that does not mean the speculation is faulty – let alone fraudulent.
At any rate, the bottom line is that medicine is not “settled science.” It’s ongoing, and will always be. There could easily be organisms which humans haven’t even begun to speculate about or even thought about looking for.
My view is very cut and dried: size is irrelevant. Just because something is too small by present standards to identify doesn’t mean it’s too small to exist.
Are you kidding? Do you think anybody who is in this discussion is dismissing the reality of viral contagion simply because “they” can’t be seen? This only belies simple reasoning on your part. Wow! What a concept, size is irrelevant … mind blown. Oh and the science isn’t settled? Boom. You did it again.
Are you serious or am I misinterpreting your reply? The science of medicine is settled? When did that happen. Bear in mind, please, that virology is only one small part of medicine; so even if, as you suggest, virology has been thoroughly disproven, that does not mean medicine is now a settled science.
And yes, those of you who insist viruses do not exist are very much claiming they can’t be seen. Isn’t “seen” analogous to “identified?”
Okay, feels kinda like I’m playing tennis and your playing golf. Lets just leave it, not essential.
I thoroughly agree.
Hypothesis-driven science dictates that rather than simply seek to prove a negative – that viruses don’t exist – or shift the onus passive aggressively onto orthodox science – which will simply just ignore you lol – you have to present a counter hypothesis, so that a scientific debate can take place.
Huxley and Darwin didn’t simply say ‘prove God exists’, they crafted a meticulous counter-hypothesis demonstrated by lots of evidence.
This is the reality of shifting paradigmatic science, not lobbing vague emotional platitudes around.
Where is a valid counter-hypothesis? A2
We have stated over and over that when we go to look at the “meticulous hypotheses” they don’t stand on their own. (OMG, especially Darwin, are you serious?) Many folks have done this, take a look at the Bailey’s work, they are not merely “lobbing emotional platitudes”, that is basically ad ad-hominem.
My position is that science has been elaborately, and intentionally, positioned, mostly through propaganda and myth building, as a thing of unassailable truth and subsequent authority. This has tainted the vast majority of its claims. Not just contagion theory. Science needs to be put way back into its place as just an unassuming method. It has no authority, or no claims to describing reality.
The tyrannical covid response would have zero basis if viral contagion theory is debunked, but that is not the only reason we need to work on knocking science off its pedestal.
I waded in heavily with some of my remarks, I do apologise. I might have been under the impression I was replying to someone else for part of it.
I agree with your points about how western medicine has been weaponised. How could we observe the last three years and really doubt this? lol
I think stepping down the fear is very important I agree, but we must remember also that fear of the unknown is the biggest fear of all.
Transplanting a paradigm of western medicine in people’s minds requires something to transplant it with, for starters. A detailed, testable, repeatable hypothesis would be required, not just referring to esoteric areas of science and saying ‘that’.
Its an interesting discussion, terrain theory, however we need people to get on board right now. Not later. Now.
interesting point, I was describing the pragmatic process Darwin underwent to unseat a paradigm. I was NOT claiming Darwin was RIGHT. LOL but you assumed I was doing this.
That’s because people like dealing in absolute certainties. Look at how everyone is referring to this issue in this thread for some quick and dirty evidence of this lol Take those certainties away, however, and people feel uneasy, scared, resistant..
People are already being asked to transform their political worldview, let’s not open THIS big gaping can of worms and unanswerable unknowns right now, In years to come, sure, but we need people on side now. Let’s let them go to the doctor for some antibiotics in peace. Let’s not overload people, or it’ll be futile.
It’s just good psychology.
The caveman dies of fright when the eclipse happens, not when the bear attacks. He knows the bear. It’s a familiar enemy. Yet the vast imponderables of the eclipse, the infinite unknowns, the fearful change from his usual routine, this kills him.
And no, this isn’t me shoehorning in some Russia metaphor. It’s complicated enough right now. 😅 A2
Just for kicks. Presenting: The Theoretical!
But maybe it’s one of those heartfelt, good, psychologically pleasing and pragmatic wins you are mentioning.
Onus is implied
I’d love if someone could link to an alt. hypothesis that explains the mechanics of observable contagion using a terrain model, which has conducted repeatable experiments. Something which meets the scientific standards we’re demanding.
Something stronger than ‘some toxins’ and ‘morphogenetic fields’. Something which describes in-depth the processes which take place.
And, to paraphrase commenter a Pilgrim Shadow, we should drop this fallacious assumption that demonstrating flaws or absence of evidence for virology means Terrain Theory is somehow de facto true. It doesn’t mean that at all, that’s very unscientific. A2
Not everyone is saying terrain theory is the only option left after losing viral disease/contagion paradigm.
Have you ever considered the possibility that we humans will never be able to predict or control the advent of dis-ease? It will be a mystery, and perhaps in knowing that we can be much more ameliorative in our response to and with it.
I can totally get behind that, and in terms of my private spiritual view of the world it chimes nicely, But this isn’t about my private beliefs. It’s about trying to win an information war. It’s about reaching people.
But it’s becoming more and more obvious that terrain theory is being used to muddy the waters and discredit by association, used by people to undermine the simplest and strongest argument against lockdowns, against masks and against police states. To wit, that according to official epidemiology, there was no pandemic.
There was no pandemic! It was a lie!
That doesn’t mean I deny viruses are real, or think germs are a conspiracy. Nothing so strong. It means that our risks were minimal and we were actively misled by our news media and government.
Real time reporting of misleading raw death data and rolling death counters convinced many people that it was an open grave outside their front door, but it wasn’t.
UK age-adjusted all-cause mortality in 2020 was average this millennia. And this pattern was repeated all over the world.
NOWHERE did a virus run out of control, anywhere, in countries without lockdowns or countries with.
And yet no one here talks about that much. It just gets forgotten largely.
And whenever the topic comes up, and especially if it’s discussed in shorthand and we say ‘fake-pandemic’, all of a sudden people start saying ‘of course it was fake because germs are fake’ and now all of sudden we’re Germ Theory Deniers, crackpots like flat earthers, not concerned citizens forced to watch totalitarianism roll out over fear of the sniffles.
Now we’re the crazy ones, the objects of ridicule, Not the cunts swabbing their three year olds and triple masking. No. It’s us. And it upsets me terribly, Such a waste of some of the most defiant and brave people I honestly ever met.
It’s just so counterproductive and it’s being steered.
I spend every day here and it’s clear, abundantly clear, there are representatives in these boards steering it.
Tbh they need to wind their necks in a bit, it’s becoming stupidly obvious and it’s far easier to counter when it’s stupid obvious XD A2
Disease is an inescapable part of the human experience.
Nobody is posting any links that, as you say, “explain the mechanics of ‘observable contagion'” using the virus model; this is what everyone is asking for and not receiving. So both sides are in the same boat as far as that goes. The virus model has loads more ‘authority’ behind it, just like the climate change model has a lot of authority behind it.
Furthermore, your idea “observable contagion” is simply that, an idea, an hypothesis. I, personally, am not observing contagion in any conclusive way.
Any “theory” as far ranging as Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is bound to have holes. Simply finding those holes does not amount to disproving the entire theory.
Debunking viral contagion theory will not necessarily provide a smoking gun which none of the perps of the scamdemic will be able to avoid.
Since the vast majority of people believe the viral theory, the perps can simply jump on the same bandwagon.
“We were deceived, along with the rest of you,” they can say. “We too believed the viral theory. We are so very very sorry.”
That kind of thing is second nature for them.
Exactly, agreed. Anything can be weaponised. Further, Terrain theory can be used to justify mask-wearing and lockdowns using exactly the same emotional blackmail process just as easily, if not more easily..
”I don’t wear a mask for me, I wear it in case I trigger a detox cycle in others’.
Everything around us is being weaponised against us. From race to gender to history to the air we breath. The solution is to identify this process which will neutralise it. A2
Terrain theory does not endorse the concept of contagion so i have no idea why you think it could be used to justify lockdowns or masks
Then you don’t know very much about terrain theory. It posits it’s possible to trigger a detox cycle in others, in various psychosomatic ways.
Covering the mouth and nose would mitigate this.
It’s just responsible.
Something as small as a sneeze or a red nose could trigger a detox cycle in someone you care about. It could be your children. It could be your mother. Detox cycles can kill, and covering your facial signifiers can make a huge difference.
In wintertime more people enter detox cycles naturally. If we are careless and trigger detox cycles in others this creates detox spread. If this spread is too quick it becomes a detox pandemic. This puts healthcare under pressure and vulnerable people’s lives at risk.
Last year detox and long-detox accounted for 100% of deaths!
So save a life today and…
It’s only simple. It’s only safe.
(Failure to comply is an offence and will automatically incur social credit penalties. This will affect your ability to buy food, travel and enjoy social privileges)
Respectfully, I can’t take seriously anyone who believes imaginary entities (viruses) cause disease.
If someone correctly points out that no virus has ever been shown to exist, and every attempt to do so has actually proven the opposite (eg. the Rosenau experiments), yet they are unable to provide you with a bulletproof counterexplanation for every disease known to man, it is entirely irrational to conclude that the nonexistent viruses caused the diseases after all.
‘Construct[ing] from whole cloth an entirely new epidemiology to accompany the absence of the virus’, while vital, is not a necessary prerequisite for dismissing the abject fraud that is germ theory.
‘Nonsense’ generates data, and data is the new oil for the MetaVerse, especially social-emotional data.
“There is no virus,” followed by a deafening silence, the silence of those hundreds of millions whose minds have been turned off to anything else you may have to say.
Not like this site notifies when there is a response.
Research Terrain Theory, it is the counter to Germ Theory.
I’m aware of terrain theory; while worth considering, I’m simply agnostic on it at this time.
You’ve no doubt by now heard the saying “it’s easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they’ve been fooled”?
If you want to convince people that there’s no such thing as Convid because there’s no such thing as viruses, you’re going to spend a lot of time talking to yourself or in an echo chamber.
Ha Ha. Total wishful thinking on your part. Such an unfair accusation “talking to yourself”. BS.
Why would you assume it’s wishful thinking? It’s been my experience when trying to convince anyone of anything not doctrinaire Convid.
Virus theory is central to most people’s direct experience of sickness and disease. Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve spent three years now trying to persuade people that masks are useless and the vaxx is medically unnecessary. These are educated and intelligent people. I’ve persuaded no one, and the anecdotal reports I hear from others suggest that is a common result. Those are truths much easier to prove than “viruses don’t exist,” or “covid doesn’t exist.”
Maybe you’ve had better luck?
I’m not trying to convince anyone but you right now. And I don’t put it that way i.e. “viruses don’t exist”, I say “viral contagion” doesn’t exist. “Specific viruses that cause specific diseases don’t exist”. So yes by logical necessity sars cov 2 doesn’t exist.
The onus is not on me to prove it doesn’t exist, the onus is on science to prove it does. That is tall order perhaps, but lacking that, I’ve seen no other evidence of its existence; furthermore, I’ve seen a lot of evidence of criminal activity in relation to the covid pandemic, so why do I have to believe in it without proof that makes sense to me?
Show me the proof. Give me a monograph that doesn’t reek of ulterior motives by authors that don’t directly connect to the very criminal institutions that are perpetrating this pandemic.
And I say “viral contagion” *may* exist. Because I don’t know. Also, because it’s irrelevant in the present moment. Because the VAST majority of human beings have an experience of life where they see disease as at least apparently being spread among people. They understand virus theory on an experiential level, not simply on a theoretical one.
I don’t even necessarily disagree with you on a broader level. All I’m saying is that even if viral transmission of disease is untrue, that doesn’t make terrain theory true. The main weakeness of terrain theory, in my eyes, is that it has a wholly inadequate explanation of contagion.
There are roughly 8 billion human beings currently in existence. If you think you can convince them, in spite of their collective experience, that human beings don’t transmit disease and sickness, then go for it. I believe you’ll have better success if you try a much simpler approach. You’re asking them to discount or ignore their own experiences. They are not, by and large, going to do that. But, do what you think will work and see what happens.
I’m tired. Need to sleep. Much to say. Just one thing.
I am not saying that terrain theory is the only thing left to believe if we dethrone contagion theory, not at all.