OffG on…the Chinese “Spy Balloon”
Everyone is talking about the “Chinese spy balloon” this week, for some reason. It’s apparently a big deal, it even has its own Wikipedia page already.
After days of back-and-forth, the US finally got tough with the dirigible and blew it out of the sky. Boom. Take that, China.
Now comes the post-balloon drama. Endless toing-and-froing over who gets the wreckage, whether Trump would have handled it better, what this means for Taiwan or Ukraine or Cuba.
Questions will persist.
Questions like “what was it for?”
“Was it really a weather balloon blown off course, as China claimed?”
“Was it a warning sign “testing Biden’s mettle”?”
And most importantly, “Who cares? It’s a fucking balloon.”
All that said, we thought you’d all be keen to hear the thoughts of our editors, which are as follows:
It’s probably not real. If it is real it’s probably not spying. if it is spying so what? So are dozens of satellites, your cell phone, your TV, and all the software on your computer.
This is the zenith of manufactured geopolitical drama. That this story is dominating headlines at all is absurd. It’s a nothing burger. A double-nothing burger with extra cheese, made-up sauce and a side serving of who-cares fries.
It couldn’t be more obviously a pointless distraction if it was a big floating sign saying “This is a pointless distraction”.
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Does anyone remember that 1960s TV series called The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan?
They had a big balloon in that which floated along and smothered him and held him down when he was trying to escape from “The Village.”
Could this be something similar?
Maybe if you’re not vaxxed Fauci or somebody similar could send the balloon to get you.
Or a “Disinformation Expert” like Jankowicz could send the balloon down to get anyone she accuses of disinformation.
I’m not saying it is, but it makes you wonder.
Kim Iverson: Dr Steven Greer Reveals The Truth Behind The Recent UAPs
There appear to be hobbyists who launch small balloons with radio transmitters on them and track them as they go around the world on the jet stream. The one shot down by the USAF over the Great Lakes appears to be one such device, it was launched by the “Northern Illinois Bottle Cap Balloon Brigade” and was on its third pass around the world. The hobby group knows it was its balloon because it went silent at the same place and at the same time as the Air Force reported the shoot down. That’s about half a million in taxpayer money used to nail about $20 worth of balloon. The kicker is that members of the group tried to contact ‘the government’ through the FBI and the like and were just given the brush off
I daresay this hobby will now be outlawed.
I now suspect China sent that balloon with not only meteorological instruments but also detectors of anomalous energy emissions, such as the HAARP and direct energy weapons.
The flight path was right over the southern “meat ” of Alaska (where HAARP is located) on its way over NW Canada.
I would hazard that the instrument is something simple and easily overlooked.
Good on ’em! I wonder what correlations to adverse events with its use could be inferred…
or not.
MTG’s antics during the state of the union address concerning the “spy balloon” terminate any idea that she’s genuine and somehow snuck through the control grid to get elected.
Why does nobody in this discussion mention Goggle and “Project Loon” ? But you are right, most propably he whole damn thing ist a total distraction. Thank you, off-guardian, at least someone sees through all the smokes and mirrors.
It seems to me this whole “story” is outright mockery.
Using a missile to shoot down a balloon then spending millions trying to recover the debris?
Oh and its possibly a limited hangout about the true nature of “satellites” that thing dangling off the balloon sure looked like one
but only a banana-empire fires such an expensive missile to pop up a balloon!
don’t you think this is interesting?
And it’s their own fault, that it is so expensive! They should have bought Russian one for 30% of the price, not counting the discount!
The balloon is very significant.
Probably just some experiment that drifted off course.
How did they know it was Chinese?
Why are we so scared of each other?
Damn, I wish I could go to China, and Russia, and North Korea,
And play in their waterfalls.
It had a “made in china” label on it.
Just under the “property of the pentagon” label.
China informed them.
Cannot assume that the balloon was CCP.
See Project Yucca, Operation Hardtack, 1958. US Military using balloons to detonate a nuclear device as a means of studying EMP.
Declassified in 2014.
The Tree of Liberty is thirsty.
The Red Balloon was a better movie than this White one was.
Tectonic weapons and weather balloons. The next big conspiracy theory is open for discussion here at OG.
Sometimes children lose their toys and spoiled bratty ones try to break them or pop them because they are basically just a bully.
No other deep thought moments …. just children playing stupid games.
Next time, please paint it Red so that Pascal can be happy once more.
Dam, I’d forgotten about that film, thanks.
What about the song?
Alexander Mercouris had an unusual idea: he read China’s Englsh-version “Global Times” newspaper.
“In terms of how to control such high-attitude balloons, a government spokesman said it is not the first time that balloons used for scientific research have gone off their intended paths.
The spokesperson also emphasized that it was a complete accident, a case of force majeure [force of Nature], and [even?] the US Pentagon had made it clear that this balloon did not pose a military or personal threat.
“In disregard of China’s repeated explanations, the US insistence on using force is obviously an overreaction, and China firmly opposes it,” she said.
On whether the balloon accident will further affect already tense US-China relations, the spokesperson said this little incident tests the sincerity of the US in China-US relations and the way it handles potential crises.
“The US should meet China halfway, properly manage differences, and avoid misunderstandings and misjudgments that undermine mutual trust,” she said.
The problem with these distractions is that you have a stupid, frightened and prejudiced population egging on greedy and corrupt leaders. In the youtube Sky video of the balloon massacre you hear a spectator on the ground screeching
“Wahoo! That’s mah air force right there buddy”.
The content of the distraction is alway irrelevant (Colin Powell’s test tubes, planes disappearing like ghosts into skyscrapers). The consequences which are inevitably terrifying.
If anyone had bothered to stop for five minutes to THINK on 9/11, 20 years of war could have been avoided. Planes cannot disappear into a building. It’s that simple.
If they were physically there and not just images on a TV, a couple of wings MUST by definition have fallen AT THE MOMENT OF IMPACT to the ground below.
All weather balloons always fly in the stratosphere, above the troposphere and ozone layer, well above commercial air traffic. They are ABOVE national airspace NOT “in” it. There is no legal definition of the upper limit of national airspace. The grayzone from about 25 km upward to over 200 km which is international airspace is the subject of regulatory discussions.
All US media claim that the balloon was at around 60-65,000 thousand feet (below 20 km) which is complete nonsense. The thing was bobbing along over some of the emptiest parts of Canada without being a threat (Nav Canada issued a NOTAM to pilots flying into Regina and Saskatchewan just before the thing crossed over into Montana).
Now we have a legal precedent of the USA shooting down a Chinese flying object at a time when the USA regularly sends UAVs to spy on China. China haters in the alt media as well as the MSM all rushed to condemn the balloon with calls to shoot it down. All this at a time when
a) the USA is convincing sidekick Japan to place missiles on its territory aimed at China
b) more bases in the Philippines
c) more provocations by the US and sidekicks with respect to Taiwan and South China Sea.
The memes were great, 99 luftballons has been resurrected (great, because it was always a great song) but the fallout is pretty scary.
It would appear your part of the same group you describe in your opening sentence.
Japan does not require convincing, it’s a society that plays a complicated game of chess which tends to go against perceived western values, vanity come to mind first. They were given so much rope to hang themselves with that warranted survival in what has evolved into a hard core form of Shibari. Not very erotic is it.
The Philippines will do tricks for cash to no ends. They too are starting to learn how to play the game.
As for Taiwan, please. This island is and has always been part of China, even if the youth of Taiwan can’t read ….. their constitution.
China haters ? The MSN is not considered to be a pool of highly intellectual researchers. If they were, they would never read the IMC scripts that are present to them.
Military contracts feed many in the US, London Towne and Israel. Many of these are the same degenerates that tried to rob and steal Russia’s resources back in the nineteen nineties.
You know the ones that are behind the Magnitsky Act and the rest of the bullshit. Please don’t add to it.
“From the new year 2023, the EU has given permission to add insects (domestic crickets) to baked goods, pasta and other semi-finished products “for the general public”.Although there is too little published knowledge about possible allergies and anaphylactic reactions, the European Commission is of the opinion that no specific labeling requirements regarding possible allergic reactions should be listed.”
“Responsible for the approval:Ursula VON DER LEYEN, The following “consumer” products will soon be marketed with the addition of crickets (Acheta domesticus):- Multigrain bread- Multi-grain rolls- Crackers and breadsticks- Cereal bars- Dry premixes for bakery products- Cookies- filled and unfilled dry pasta products- sauces- Processed potato products- Legume and vegetable dishes- Pizza- General pasta and whey products- Meat substitutes (vegetarian alternatives to meat)- Soups and soup concentrates, soup powder- Cornmeal-based snacks- Beer-like beverages- Chocolate products, nuts and oilseeds- Snacks (excluding chips) and meat preparations.”
I’m boiling mad all the goddam time.
Its always been legal…..
Everyone of them products, you mentioned have them in already and more.
Penelope, if you actually stopped posting alt right woke crap, maybe read a few book. sit back try and remember things from like 20/30 years ago??
What do you think E numbers are.? what about food colouring in food. what are Preservative.? You really cant be that alt right woke thinking the E.U just now changed the laws. Unless the symptoms side effects of that food Is retardation.? then girl, you fit the criteria, the woke alt right sure do. You lot just cant think past the MIC funded indy media mindcontrol posts they give you to
feed onread.from 2012..
I can go back 50+ years and the sweet shop man told us the sweets had insect juice in them back then…….
If there was a alt right woke test, you would sail it with flying colors peneplop, excuse the pun.
You’re parody at this point with your repeated ‘woke alt right’ mantra of nonsense. No idea what point you’re making as all I see is your obsession with the mythical woke alt right. I’m a big fan, keep it up.
Are the “woke alt right” communists? I really need to know …
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is American, not European.
We are all in it. Your right. Forget my post above it’s like peeing on the wind.
Good points, but you are an asshole for putting in such a disparaging tone.
I mean, there are things that many have never thought about, not giving them the energy until they open their mouth and make that fateful “blah blah”, and then realize its back to school!
This was legal in US long ago. It is an admission of the pervasive contamination of food. It may have followed from the global Uniform Commercial Code for long-distance and bulk trage. This Code even allows for a small percentage shortage or damage, unless specified otherwise, as that is the reality in shipping.
Food in the US on a CONTINENT has to get to the STORES you bloody IDIOTS!
That’s the USA not to your DOOR or 100 metres to the nearest SHOP!
cornflour cornpaste corn syrup ww2 rationing. Slim down exercise get out there move walk jog running or you’ll become a obese., fat fuck botttom. You dont need a bloody gym thats for upper crust cronies and bullet no-neck dickheads.
Vote Labour for a MIC bonanza!
Tiring, militality hardware is globally manufactured for God’s sake. Your singalering a link without reconsidering conflicts, collaboration coalitions.
Remembering the 1980’s when I went on foreign holidays and had no internet.
There were newspaper stands in Spain and Greece with UK red tops.
I never bought one.
Two weeks later I came home.
Nothing had changed.
Went all over the World without the internet. All you need is an Animal Farm Pig Sty called home to come back to. It’s called a Home Sickness, a longing to throw up…again.
Have you forgotten off g is called gods waiting room.
Most commentator are in there 70’s 80’s. 👁
What’s your excuse for being here? You’re so good at the insults for everyone and everything on this site, why the fuck are you here?
Earthquake shocker.Turkey and Syria.Really bad shit man.Thousands dead.How convenient.Wheres that balloon ?
and where’s those White Helmets ?
Its the THE D.U.M.B.’s being blown up by Team Trump, there freeing the children out the underground prisons the democrats put in there.
Your lot, actually believed this nonsense not long ago.
Blimey Ananda you really are some way down the hole. You ever crack a joke…..or a smile ?
So far down the hole he needs an enema.
Your Lot being … ?
Polish national Airliners ? 😂
If you could be serious for a single second…?
Do you mind if ask your thoughts on…
H.A.A.R.P. ?
[Cynthia Chang contemplates the EU$A’s simultaneous pressure on Japan to fight China and on Germany to fight Russia. She concludes: the reality of the situation is that no nation is expected to survive WW3 as a sovereign power in a multi-polar world, but all nations will be subsumed under a new One World Order run by a cabal of bankers using NATZO as their mercenary army and Global Enforcer].
“It is not about the Western bloc against the Eastern bloc. It is about the ruination of all nations and the formation of One Empire, or if you prefer the wording, One World Government. This is the League of Nations vision that has been the dream of a very small grouping since the First World War.
“It is not about Western Democracy or Liberalism or Western Value Systems. It is about (and has always been about) the reinstitution of systems of Empire. This is what WW1 was about, this was what WW2 was about — and it is what WW3 is [will be?] about.
“Interestingly, we again see Germany and Japan positioned next to the trip-wire that is ready to launch the globe into another full-blown World War. And guess what will be the fate of those two countries, Germany and Japan, whose cardboard cutout ‘Leadership’ so foolishly think they will be included in the so-called ‘Elite’ [Chosen] minority who would somehow survive after setting the world on fire. It would be a pity if Germany and Japan were to repeat the mistake they so foolishly made by joining the Second World War. Their leaders will see once again how expendable they, their people and their civilization are, to this self-chosen grouping of One World Imperialists.
“One thing is for certain: since prime minister Abe’s assassination, Japan is moving against China along a very dangerous path that threatens to land it once again on the wrong side of history. Japan against China, like Germany against Russia, should not be so foolish as to make the same mistake twice because even if they were to come out on the winning side they will not survive as individual nations this second time.”
[ The author can be reached at ]
You have it in one and Iain Davis agrees:
watch out for deadly ballons
The balloon first entered territorial waters of the US on Jan. 28th. It was not mentioned by the military until civilians spotted it. It took civilian pressure to follow international law and either take possession (preferable) or shoot it down.
These types of balloons can communicate w/many stations on the ground and it would be helpful to know what info it had collected. Too bad the govt. shot the payload, not the balloon, so no information will be retrieved.
The other thing revealed is the the people running Biden were overruled by the military, the exact opposite of the US Constitution’s chain of command.
So I for one do find the over rule of the military to be concerning. Although it is clear to me that the military is part of the real group running my nation, this is but one more confirmation of that fact. I would hope this fact alone would concern people.
I would also like to know what info was picked up. I’m not really on the wavelength of “if you have nothing to hide….” BS, I want to know what it communicated with and what info it got. It should never have been allowed into US territory in the first place. It is not starting a war to follow international law and collect the balloon or prevent it from entering your airspace.
It did not blow off course. There were several of them. Did they all blow off course suddenly?
That Balloon communicated more with you and several million citizens of your Nation, than it did with anyone else.
I’m a bit surprised that Off-G and 99%+ of the comments are writing this off as a “nothing-burger.”
Here’s another viewpoint worthy of consideration:
Granted, the article link above is speculative in nature but I don’t think the Chinese govt can be trusted any further than the US govt, or any other govt for that matter.
We (meaning the entire planet) are at war on many different fronts.
And I’m sure the US govt was as helpless before the Chinese balloon as they were before those “Muslim hijackers” on 9/11.
All governments work together in the panopticon. The illusion of rivalry is sold to peasants.
We should keep in mind that this whole show is being run by psychopaths so who can know for sure where they’ll draw the line.
the glue that constitutes the common foundation of the panopticon, is something like the tile floor; in that it is supported by a wooden framework embedded into a concrete foundation. The secrete operations of these spy agencies and intelligence services are the glue; they direct the media and the control groups of inter nation politics; so the nation states act as one unified mass and so its managers direct government forces in the same direction.
Governments are controlled by their independent son and privately owned daughter, all three are NHOs. The difference is the operations of the government is subject to oversight by vote of those who are the governed; while there is no political oversight of the son or daughter. The son or daughter NHOs operate in secret and without oversight restraints imposed by those who are the governed and by their own parent governments.
Oligarchs work to get the governments to spawn sons the Oligarch can own[corporations are the result of a public to private transform] or daughters (the NGOs are the result of a public to special interest transform). Oligarchs work to get government to give each son or daughter select portions of the monopoly powers that were part of government the day it was formed.
Each gift weakens the parent government and strengthens the Son or Daughter.
Rule of law or power of contract are used to accomplish monopoly power transfers from government to privately owned NGO (son) or independently operated NGO (daughter). What the son or daughter does with its monopoly power is no longer controlled by the maw or paw government. . Many son or daughter NHOs are larger, richer and more powerful than their parent maw or paw governments. Transfer of monopoly power means the voters no longer have a say in things and are no longer entitled to information that explains what the son or daughter NHO is doing.
Transfers of monopoly power redirect the actual beneficiaries of governments. Before the transfer only those who are the governed are benefit recipients, after the transfer privately owned or special interest are the benefit recipients.
I cannot speak for Off-G forces, but most of the armies seeking truth I have encountered are at war with no one except the NHOs (non human organizations:corporations, partnerships, franchises, trust). The NHOs run the Western members of the nation state system?
When the parent NHO (government) divides its monopoly powers into segments and moves segments from the government into a privately owned or independently operated NHO, two bad things happen: 1. secret: all things about the application, operation and use of the relocated monopoly power are removed from the view of those who are the governed and 2 all decisions to accept|reject what the private managers of the removed and relocated monopoly power have decided is no longer subject to a vote by those who are the governed. That is voters no longer have any say in anything. .
As a result the nation state is no longer relevant to the politicians in charge of the nation state instead the CEO and his board of directors run the show. The nation state is managed by the private or independent owner of the monopoly power. We call those private and independent organizations (global NHOs: corporations, government private partners, franchise owners, etc.; [they fit into a class of NHOs we call global empires].
I don’t think any government challenged by another government can be trusted in relations with the other government; but governments are not making the decisions, NHOs are. The trust you speak of is about truth in the content media distributes as propaganda.
Distraction from what ?
Vaccine deaths. US Dollar collapse. The collapsing narrative in Ukraine.
Digital Currency, New Word Order, 15 minute cities, 5G, Chrislam (their new religion), creating division, elimination of the middle classes, propaganda ……… need I continue?
Exactly, Jubal. What else cd such a giant nothing-burger be about– except distraction?
I wd guess it’s to displace the half-drunk Pfizer employee video. It’s being said that 40 million people saw it on twitter & at least 10 different alternative sites have picked it up. Plus Fox.
I was distracted by Offguardian’s article. Now i’m distracted by the Comments section.
Get a grip, son. How about a distraction from 40+ Palestinians, including numerous minors, murdered in their homeland by the IDF. Most of the global majority, if it had a voice, would find this worthy of severe censure.
A “Carnival of democracy” explodes in Rio after the gloomy “Right Wing” dictatorship.
“I feel ecstatic,” says someone who feels ecstatic. Though there seems to be some confusion as to whether the previous utter gloom was caused through “the coronavirus pandemic” which “forced a two-year hiatus that took an economic and emotional toll on Rio and its carnival-starved residents” or whether it was due to “the devastating four years of Jair Bolsonaro’s far-right presidency”.
Indeed, the confusion continues with this:
“Although out-of-season samba parades were held last year, the street celebrations were restricted to a smattering of rebellious blocos that defied a ban on the free gatherings.”
Umm ….. but weren’t these gatherings banned because of ever wise – and allegedly “Leftist” concerns over the big bad bug? Obviously not:
“The creative sector suffered hugely, as Bolsonaro’s disdain for Brazilian culture trickled down into policy. His government got rid of the culture ministry, slashed funding for the arts and was even accused of censorship.”
So it was a “Right Wing” disdain for Brazilian culture that crushed those high Latin spirits?
Of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. We hear that “a handful of carnival-goers broke into a chant celebrating the leftist leader: “Olé, olé, olé olá, Lula.””
See? “Leftist”! And what a wonder those “Leftists” are! They are ever concerned about the reckless return of the good old crowd infested days which signify a breeding ground for the ever present pandemic. But they are opposed to “Right Wing” attacks on celebratory street culture?
99 red balloons ! Have exactly what to do with China ?
Write now !
You are OTT . . . Off topic, tosser.
“Balkydj” returns! How are things at the CIA?
Hi Milosevic-covidiot: I’m in Denmark at the moment, trying to figure out just how amiss you and the Danes can possibly be, regarding Bornholm and the state funded Terrorism on NORDSTREAM pipelines. My conclusions being drawn already, are that you and the vast majority of Danes are as thick as pigshit, scientifically speaking.
It’s a boring exercise really, rather like your comments, boss: but, it gives me plenty of time to look upwards and study the effects of H.A.A.R.P. applications from Rostock in Germany … not that you understand the science ! You always avoid the subject of
GEO-ENGINEERING WEATHER & any other significant application of science…
How’s your new team of trolls working out ?
You are not much of an Mc either, George. I just read this comment more thoroughly, after my initial speed read, out of curiosity: given other’s suspicions regarding you and your OTT behaviours.
Obviously you know that this comment is entirely & utterly irrelevant and off-topic: you have not moderated this bad habit in the slightest… and Sam does not give a fuk, either way. Just like you don’t give a fuk regarding military intelligence abusing very young orphaned children in Ireland or anywhere for that matter… so, I’ll leave you to your devices and in the gutter of human excrement: which you are TRANS-FIXED by, and glued to, too… and focus on the absence of any
musical talent, instead.
You completely fuk’d up the iambic pentameter and have no sense of the rhythm in Latin 🎶 music.
“Olé, olé, olé olá, Lula.”” is wrong, quite simply: your copy/paste pasta pastiche recipe is ignorant.
Try singing it and repeat the “Lula” or add an extra “Olé” or “Ola” … and by the 😼 way, I find it curious that both you and Covidiot have both simultaneously here spoken to others about me, but not had the courage to engage with me directly… many people would call that COWARDICE !
Personally, I knew this to be true of you, over half a decade ago… but, just assumed you were not very interested in or good @science. Unfortunately, assumption being the mother of all Fuk’ups,
It should be made clear to all, that you are not just a coward, you are clearly a paid bum persona,
ON THE JOB @WORK with MILOSEVIC-COVIDIOT ! regards to REINERTORHEIT or whatever he calls himself today… McGowan was his real name F.y.i. I think it is high time I start giving you a more thorough examination, too… but, it won’t happen from this device and you will never know how I found you @home ! ! So don’t panic just yet, answer my questions and stop commenting about me,
BEHIND MY BACK & exposing yourself… like McGowan did from a Moscow based ISP !
Come to think of it Reinertorheit, is that youMc ? ✌
that began picking on JudyJ, from GCHQ ?
5 years ago… you got promoted ?
You’ve raised my curiosity, massively…
And were I working for OffG, I would be
Delving into all your old comments,
With immediate effect…
Yep, truly Tedious,
But, ‘Worth it’…
I live in the UK my local shop has no eggs no milk no butter.Ive spent 70 pounds in 5 days for electricity.I got 66 pounds a month fuel help?It covers nothing,I wish I had a open fire I don’t I’m stuck paying this crap for 5 minutes of heat.Imagine elderly dying of cold or hunger they already tried to kill them off with convid. Everything is planned these wars and famines the world gives us everything food shelter it’s these parasites that want money and be rich and eat endangered animals. And then they turn around and blame us for everything and people believe it.Sorry I needed to rant I love humanity I don’t like people taken for idiots x
Stop paying for energy, stop paying for water. Stop paying council tax. Stop being scared of a numpty with a clipboard and joke police.
Yeah they blame us for everything.The advert says buy this and your life will be brilliant.Then 20 years later you are a criminal for buying that thing they pushed on you.paz x
Round up , round up , this is the age of diamond dogs…
Chemistry , in simple terms…
It hurts when the tables get turned eh? its always about you. Perhaps sits time to think about everyone. There are many in pain and it’s time you put some of that thought to action.
Nicholas Tutora @Tutora2020A Voice for Liberty, Actor, Director, Public Speaker, Pharmacist, Former Republican Candidate for U.S. Congress .
What if there’s a nuclear device inside? Or chemical weapons, or a new Covid? The only hesitation in shooting it down is what’s inside? What if they want to bait us into shooting it down?
Come on if you’re government are not at war what and who do you think they are spying on?They are watching us because they want a world government and you better step in line or it’s the death squad for you and its coming fast look around you they are in lockstep now.You better have a big tractor to block the road because they are coming for all of us.
The Chinese probably knew what they were doing – put the wind up to the US authorities while cause amusement to everyone else.
The Chinese weather balloon is an “all dressed” “nothing burger”.
And it’s made with 100% American propaganda.
No it doesn’t come with fries…
Upvoters upvoting a meme directed directly at the upvoters. Ananda thinks its special. Ananda isn’t a pathetic bleeding heart liberal with just a smattering of red pill like everyone else here. Ananda’s in its basement trolling the old folks.
The media is consciously (or unconsciously) channeling the Japanese FuGo balloon bombs of WW2. The Japanese tried to use these to cause problems on the West Coast, starting wildfires and so on, The Dastardly Chinese are obviously up to the same thing because they’re incapable of building and using surveillance satellites without Western Technology, something we’ve denied them so they’re turning to improvised measures in desperation.
Meanwhile back in the real world if the balloon was spying on anything then it was either the ionosphere or upper atmosphere winds. These are incnveniently placed too high to be studied by aircraft and too low to be studied by satellites. They’re important because they affect things like radio propagation and the weather. They’re not that good for classical spying because they’re unpredictable — our media assures us that they’re steerable but they’re not — judging by its speed and track it was stuck in the Jet Stream (so left to its own devices it would probably float back over China in a week or so where they’d have another go at bring it back).
An important semantic point here is our media keep referring to “the Chinese” as if they’re some kind of homogeneous blob that is tightly controlled by one person. This is how we dehumanize other societies. It obviously was sent up by someone and its likely that wasn’t the PRC’s military — anyone bothered to ask around?
The Chinese are not stupid. They invented Chinese water torture, didnt they ! That’s what gave the Americans the idea of water-boarding.
” our media assures us that they’re steerable but they’re not ”
Hi Martin: which media would that be ? Link me …
I liked the rest of your comment, but this one detail I found obtuse and unworthy of you,
For two reasons. So, let us examine your thoughts.
Endless distractions for the masses. Including the truthers..
The distractions prevent you from entering the next phase which is a creative one. If you’re constantly analysing and discussing info and events, you’re still within their program. Always one step behind, reacting.
A new expression of creativity in something good interrupts their flow, slows their momentum and upsets their balance.
We should still be tracking clot shot injuries and deaths. People are still dropping dead. We have stopped discussing birth rates, abortion and the like. Are mandates still in place ? When and how are Castreau and Arsedern and all the other mass murderers going to be brought to justice ?
Do not ask for worldly justice in a fallen world.
Go to a hospital and ask for natural remedies. See how far you get.
There is already justice. God saves those believe in Him. A worse fate awaits the likes of the mentioned.
At worst, an excellent prank from the Chinese New Year celebrations, namely…
Kong He Fatboy Joy 😂 @provoking US military, WesternMSM & Preston RABL !
Or did Rabl elevate ballooning propaganda with Richard Li ? ? ?
Glad to see some form of level headed response here@OffG, but:
When will anybody here@OffG, especially Iain Davis, get their
Heads stuck into the Fairy Tale narratives and rhythmic riddles of Preston Rabl’s Agency ?
N’ gage Rabl’s ‘Hook, line & sinker’ of mindful serious discussions & negotiations: for example,
George Soros’ declarations@Hoover institute one year ago…? Who is discussing this ?
@Iain: Should you happen to read this comment, [as I suspected], post Valdai & Patrushev oversight, You & OffG have not yet truly connected the dots and pertinent 👉 pointers In Rabl’s narratives, [incorporating ‘Limited Hangouts’] :- you got bogged down in muddy 🤽♂️ waters & forgot Michal Kosinski’s O.C.E.A.N.s of Data & information that can be interpreted and read completely differently from existing and Ever present translations for Public consideration in these columns, both above and BTL here@OffG.
Q: Do you seriously believe Xi-Jingping is the boss in China, given Soros’ attempts to replace him ?
Brianborou had some very valid points to make to Iain Davis on the Patrushev Oversight and thus far, it appears that Iain and OffG have failed to completely connect the documented facts dotted throughout recent history and would prefer to gloss over very significant indicators, which
apply to both Russia and China.
I will say this much immediately: both China and Russia have little choice but to participate in the
War for the control of peoples’ minds & Societal perceptions, presently created by Preston RABL and his Monopoly over the diet for daily digestion from ALL PR Marketing and Media News Agencies & Corporations. Wake up call for OffG & Iain Davis, equally…
It would help if you’d explain whatTF you’re talking about, balky.
It might make more sense if you spoke it over a reggae rap beat.
FukU George, seriously, you know nothing about Preston Rabl.
Why ?
Go figure !
Incidentally George, why did you not direct your comment, regarding me, directly ?
I know why !
You Scottish coward !
I just saw the “dj” in your name. Now it makes sense!
Dj Rabl. Rapper extraordinaire… apologies George.
Now I have your attention to detail engaged, fully…
Have you ever heard of Scott Stearn Associates ?
You certainly should have.
Owned by whom ? Preston Rabl’s WPP
If you wish to truly comprehend, I shall be compiling
A more comprehensive mix for Rhisiart, later on today.
But, long story short, all PR Agencies were acquired by
WPP. = The Monopoly of Preston Rabl,
Feeding News Agencies ,
Rapping for W.H.O.
Feel the groove ?
You always were a bit slow on the uptake, George: so, I thought I would make it real simple and easy for you to put 2 + 2 together…
Now, ffs please tell me that you begin to understand how the media world operates, who feeds it, and HOW the whole plandemic was so easy to orchestrate with just four CEOs and Preston Rabl conducting …
I responded to Rhisiart yesterday, including a Scott Stern mention of associations that affect your daily limited thought processes. I recommend you read my words to Rhisiart and start thinking outside of your box. I have but one question for you and a simple Yes or No will do. Do you believe that Sonic Resonance could assist in the Geo-engineering of the Weather ?
Rhisiart, please me first by utilising your ever present initiative & intellect !
Just [I hate to say] Google or Wikipedia Preston Rabl and use your imagination !
Preston Rabl was born when, exactly ? Then endeavour to research him further !
If I have to explain further and go into more complex realities, of YOUR daily news diet,
Do let me know. I know exactly what I have to say, but, for a long time I figured you &
OFFG to be Smarter . . . Connect the DOTS , FFS !
Rhisiart: Preston Rabl funded Martin Sorrell’s Acquisitions strategy, & progressively began monopolising all PR Marketing Agencies , representing in some form, every single art of Corporation, without exception, regardless of the nature of their Business or Concept, from B.P. to the W.H.O. & Government interests, the biggest Father Firm of all formulations for any public image is . . . WPP. Rabl’s Monopoly over any concept, from Wars on Terror Or Drugs is in your face, Daily, more than you could have ever imagined: be that B.P.’s 1999 “Carbon Footprint ” designs from Ogilvy & Mather, or the illicit actions of the B.C.C.I. or making Saddam Hussein look bad, with staged lies and crocodile tears over incubated babies & Q8/Kuwait, onto governmental policy, WPP orchestrates it… I quote:
The Government & Public Sector Practice advises policymakers and public sector communication leaders on strategy, innovation, capability development and global best practice.”
I have to admit, Rapper Rabl was/is Genius personified, in being disingenuous &
Darned discreet about it… be that The Concept of Covid19 for the W.H.O. or your
Carbon Footprint or Climate Changed from Global Warming towards the utter absurdity of any War on Terror, Preston Rabl’s your guy with the PR AGENCY for Centralised intelligence… to present everything-everything about anything-anything for
Anybody-@any Body of knowledge for Public consumption, conducting in cahoots with
I.P.G. / Omnicom / Publicis / is WPP !
To truly amplify & Illuminate Rapper Rabl’s extraordinary Network of Global Persuasion,
would require an article for itself: better still, 2 volumes from Whitney Webb…
So let us keep Rabl’s Networking of public persuasion pure & simple by comparing his endeavours to the Accountancy business big four.
P.W.C. / Deloitte / Ernst & Young / K.P.M.G.
WPP / Omnicom / Publicis / I.P.G.
The longest serving C.E.O. ever on the FTSE 100 was Martin Sorrell.
Rabl is the conductor of the PR Agency Orchestra.
Rabl’s wind section incorporated names like:
Young & Rubicam
J.Walter Thompson
Scott Stern associates
FGS Global
Ogilvy & Mather
MRB Group
Hogarth Worldwide
Landor & not forgetting who represents the W.H.O.
HILL + KNOWLTON STRATEGIES with partners like
M3 Communications & Maxim Behar in Bulgaria,
Who is also President of I.C.C.O. International
Communications Consultancy Agency.
This list is not fully comprehensive, not mentioning previous Japanese partners like
Asatsu DK, but you get the picture by now, surely. Likewise, you will understand that
A coordinated refusal from WPP & I.P.G. to Reuters request for a client list, was made. WPP & IPG & co. handle the accounts of all major oil companies and logically it follows that they specialise in ‘Greenwashing’…
In summary, with just 4 CEOs to coordinate & conduct, control is made simple,
For Rapper Rabl, just like in the major league accountancy playoffs…
Hopefully I do not need to explain about Richard Li making
inroads into China, nor Soros’ goals…
Globally Warmest
Greetings Rhisiart,
“Balkydj” is a CIA disinfo operative. Their spew is not intended to make sense, but to derail productive discussion.
Does it make more sense now?
Covidiot – milosevic the boss of one of the teams of trolls Operational within these columns btl, has to move his lazy arse and respond about me INDIRECTLY, like GeorgeMc. Why ? Are you afraid of me, milo ? ✌ Or is it …
Because covidiot-milo cannot find staff anymore, with enough intelligence & the immoral stamina to perform in such a disgusting immoral manner, daily, like you.
Joy of joys… 😂 The Flak-attack begins again, when flying directly over the target.
Good job I understand the powers of Magneto-Electronic fields, the laws of attraction and how to repel, better than you. Also, I understand way better than you and George COMBINED, how the media world functions & Operates and precisely who conducts the ORCHESTRA, namely Preston Rabl. You really should stop working for these people, milo !
Now, back to Geo-engineering & HAARP, Covidiot-milo: for more than half a decade you have been dodging THE BIG ISSUE ! Why is this ? You are not a complete ‘thicky’,
so, why behave like one and dodge the question ? I put the question to gormless George above, so I’ll put it to you again ! Do you believe that Sonic Resonance can assist in the Geo-engineering of the Weather? 🌩
Have a nice day, weather permitting.
Well, Trump-trap didn’t bother telling the citizens what is in the vaccine patents, so he may just know what the “spy satellite” is.
My freedom-of-speech opinion is that the balloon is actually part of the wifi “grid” that will be used to enslave the people, and that it simply lost a little air.
China is scripted to win the next war, and they have to get those fighting age males, so maybe they’re simply using the failed grid balloon as a door to start getting the sheep worked up over China.
China would be happy to oblige, because its their scripted role to play; goes in line with the whole order and chaos fake opposition junk from the covenant.
All the sheep need is a fake hero to fall for, and the script can go on. Just need to drive up military enlistment first.
This point in the script reminds me of Armana, where Hemorheb and Nefertiti usurped the black ruling class; got them into a manufactured war causing their destruction and then, magically, he’s depicted as a Christ savior with gold hair in his tomb and the kingdom of “Ay” began. He was the fake hero that they need now.
In short, my take is that its all scripted bullshit!
P.s. don’t forget that the newer mobile operating systems take screenshots in the background every 60 seconds. You have privacy from everyone…but them. Fake privacy is the new sheep-scam, btw. They claim that the phones are privacy-centric, but in reality, they aren’t private at all and only serve to create another monopoly for them in human data.
If you complain about the control matrix but use a smartphone (the nexus of the control matrix) then I’m afraid you’re a hypocrite acquiescing in your own surveillance and oppression. Which, unfortunately, is true for an awful lot of people who really ought to know better. The more of it you go along with, the harder it is for anybody to escape.
How am I a hypocrite? Because I think that I should be able to install privacy software of my own?
Or, simply because I use a smartphone? If I use a smartphone, then I should accept that it records me without my knowledge? Seriously?
I think that its better for people to openly discuss privacy invasion, so that our privacy can be maintained.
I think that people should be aware that the device they use takes screenshots every 60 seconds.
I also feel that I should be able to code my own screenshot manager, as well as clipboard and downloading services, but I can’t because the APIs have been blocked. Of course, its only blocked for the people. Select entities are granted priveleged permissions and can do as they please.
Screw fairness and transparency, let’s go with if you use a smartphone, you’re a hypocrite.
Sounds stupid to me.
‘Should’? So now you are making demands of companies who are selling you a product?
No, you are simply free to buy/use or not to buy/use. They have no obligation to you.
It’s not a stupid argument at all. It’s one of personal responsibility. One that says, in order to do right, I may need to go without. And that to preserve freedom, one must sacrifice.
People are not allowed to exist without a smartass phone. They send you codes when you transfer funds and phone banks for information or support.
My phone has a magnet-based cover. Let it take screen shots of that!
Also I have for years put a flower sticker over the camera pin hole that faces me when I use my phone. “They” can stick it up their ….
A poetical post in the (alas! soon to close) Saker Vineyard:
from The Lost Caledonian on February 06, 2023 · at 8:30 am EST/EDT
“The Message floated high and harmless.
Accused of bringing war and hate.
Never mind it’s path was aimless
Silent peaceful met its fate.
Final chance for friendship shattered
By the deep unthinking State”
Saker’s shutting his site down? Really? Why?
maybe he’s vax-injured?
Don’t worry, the Vineyard will be spiritually revived, by one or more of the regulars, who may or may not actually be some agency
(this I suspect follows the MoA playbook)
I think its a how “insanely incompetent” and “compromised” the current “administration” is message, with a dash of anti-Chinese rhetoric
The real news of the last couple of months was the release of several interviews in the alternative media with expert USA pharmaceutical regulatory consultant Sasha Latypova proving that the entire fake vaccine rollout was totally under the control of the US Department of Defense in which the DoD contracts named the fake vaccines only as “counter measures,” never a pharmaceutical or medical treatment, and which waived all established FDA regulations. The DoD contracts where structured identically as their contracts for weapons purchases. The FDA, CDC, and NIH were all puppet front organizations without any real authority or control. Same for Big Pharma including Pfizer and Moderna. These corporations were simply made an offer they couldn’t refuse for huge profits and total immunity from civil or criminal prosecution in exchange for following DoD directives to the letter. The “legal” right to do this was built into omnibus legislation beginning with the Bush II administration, and particularly the “Prep Act.”
Yes…why this information is not the most talked about topic in the alternative media right now escapes me.
All quite true. The Plandemic was a Department of Defense operation right from first glimmer.
Did National Security Imperatives Compromise COVID-19 Vaccine Safety?
JANUARY 5, 2023
Did National Security Imperatives Compromise COVID-19 Vaccine Safety? ⋆ Brownstone Institute
Agree with the editors of off-G 100%.
A spy satellite? Absurd for all the obvious reasons.
A vehicle to spread lethal viruses? Even if said viruses did exist, how about the tens of thousands of maritime containers coming in from China?
A diversion from suddenly and unexpectedly medical emergencies? Undoubtedly.
A national IQ test? Came in at room temperature. In Europe, after the thermostats were lowered.
Cheering on the F-22’s first impressive combat kill against an impressive adversary?
They’ve been able to lock-down the world over an illness that was a minor nuisance for a huge majority, therefore they can create “a real life” story out of nothing.
Last year Chinese launched to orbit more stuff than anybody. They have tons of satellites with sensors for various wavelengths of light. They have hires synthetic aperture radars that can see through clouds. They have satellites for monitoring wireless communications. They have absolutely no need for a balloon mounted spy.
“….what this means for Taiwan or Ukraine or Cuba”
In some sense this is purring of kerosene on anxiety-fire. Bastards always want more anxiety. And soon there is more to come.
For the record, I predict Russian winter offensive to start in next three weeks, except if the weather change. The war will become even nastier. The balloon is just an appetizer for nato propaganda believers’ anxiety.
free-floating anxiety, Schwab’s orgasmatron
If you don’t watch MSM or read MSM, you simply never get affected by this trash because you are supremely unaware of it.
I learned 33 years ago that you could spend 4 months virtually cut off from the media and it did you absolutely no harm whatsoever – you could be happy, healthy and effective without ever once reading a newspaper, watching TV news etc.
It doesn’t just do you no harm, it’s a very positive move to reject the MSM in its entirety.
Couldn’t agree more…..well said. A lot of people’s problems emanate from the cess pool of popular media. Stop watching, reading and paying attention to the scumbags and life does become a lot less stressful.
Agreed. Why waste hot air on a balloon filled with hot air.
Thank you Rhys. It’s what critical thinkers need. That old movie “Blast From The Past” is good for a laugh and shows that being cut off from the world and its MSM for many years is a great blessing.
Too true ! It also frees your time to spend it , hours daily, reading – and commenting on – sites like Offguardian. A win-win something !
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2023-02-04. #mRNA gene therapy – Moderna et al admitted it. Masks Do Nothing Stop CV & They Knew It All Along (blog, gab, tweet).
Proving again how the new-age and political is full aligned.
Im sure woke alt right Joseph p Farrell will be pimping this ‘UFO Roswell could be’ to his devotee’s and how team intergalactic Team Trump is sending us coded messages.
This balloon thing isnt necessarily about the chicom believers, this also feeds that massive market of ancient aliens Tv mysteries crowd.
Not forgetting this lot.
The Q-movement and the Andromedan Council | Galactic Anthropology
Pretty funny:
America Is Once More Safe for Democracy After ‘Terrorist’ Balloon Shot Down! –
America and democracy don’t sit well in the same sentence
That was as funny as the Saturday Night Live cold open skit about the stupid balloon. Thanks for the laugh.
99 ChiCom balloons in the air,
99 ChiCom balloons,
Shoot one down,
Right to the ground,
98 ChiCom balloons in the air.
98 ChiCom balloons in the air,
98 ChiCom balloons,
Shoot one down,
Right to the ground,
97 ChiCom balloons in the air.
97 ChiCom balloons in the air,
97 ChiCom balloons,
Shoot one down,
Right to the ground,
96 ChiCom balloons in the air…
…- Etc., etc., etc.…
Imagine being a politician eager to keep your job.
Can you do anything about climate change?
Have you got a substitute for cheap fossil fuels?
Can you make infinite growth on a finite planet work?
Can you shout “deadly virus” and then follow up with all sorts of efforts, diverting peoples focus away from the real problems?
Don’t forget the demonise Russia and Ukraine bit.
I knew it. The Prisoner was predictive programming — now confirmed! Balloon meet Patrick McGoohan (who represents humanity). Only half joking.
Well the ABC in Australia are cheering for the USA and this stupidity and still maundering that people are dying from covid and no one cares.
Australia is currently ramping up for a racism balloon with the UN covertly supporting growing militant indigenous groups.
This white balloon is clearly part of a racist agenda!
Nothing like a good dose of emotional blackmail (whitemale?) to confuse and divide the people. How about a big black balloon boondoggle for further distraction/confusion/division?
Balloons are usually full of hot air (like me)!
Globophobia. Fear porn’s packing more hot air than ever.
Alexander Mercouris has more informative thoughts on the this and other stratospheric overflights in living memory. He admits it was a minor incident but not exactly a nothingburger — it was a diplomatic message to discourage an unwelcome guest without actually issuing a rude refusal.
How about the balloon as carrier of the new(est) covid strain? That should be enough to guarantee another couple of years of pandemic porn.
More plausible than a bat or a door handle, that’s for sure!
Great idea George. And they will be able to make a few hollywood movies out of it too. You should be on their payroll.
Yeah. The balloon never stood a chance.