Follow the Leader

Todd Hayen

Yet another quirk of human behaviour is this propensity to follow leaders without much scrutiny as to who that leader is. This is not only to be observed in following political leaders, but in infatuations with any sort of authority (doctors) or even celebrity.

This could be attributed to the loss of the true God figure in our current contemporary culture. When God was king He really was king, even over the earthly kings who had been appointed by genealogy. There was no way, at the time, to really understand what God could possibly BE so they made up stuff, starting with God being imagined as an old white-bearded man sitting on a throne. Positioned on a cloud no less.

Now, I am certain there were many that at the time saw this as a metaphor, but there were probably many more who saw it quite literally. The uneducated and less informed had to see things in material forms, it was just too much to assimilate (and I am not being fair to those “uneducated and uninformed” that actually COULD assimilate the true ineffable God).

So then there was God in heaven, the pope and The Universal Church on the ground, and then the kings and queens who were divinely appointed beneath the church (referring only to the Euro-Christian culture).

Certainly everyone who believed in this divine hierarchy knew it to be spiritual in nature and not solely in the material realm. Of course God could do supernatural things that did not follow the “rules” of the natural world. And it stands to reason during these earlier times, before the enlightenment at least, people didn’t really separate the material “cause and effect” world from the metaphysical, spiritual, world. They were one and the same (which it turns out, in my opinion, to be true).

So when materialist science came along, the mystery of God was abandoned. The cause and effect world was explainable without God, and voila, there you have it. God was thrown out with the bathwater. Little did they know. Well, “they” are still doing it to this day. When God, or God’s representative on earth, seems to disappear for a little bit of time, the mice come out to play, and among other things, build golden calves to dance around and party with.

In my view all of these false demiurges, Fauci, Big Pharma, Biden, Walensky, Schwab (and the other extra-terrestrial elites), amongst many others are golden calves.

One of my favourite Carl Jung quotes I have used before in my articles is:

The idea of an all-powerful divine Being is present everywhere, unconsciously if not consciously, because it is an archetype. There is in the psyche some superior power, and if it is not consciously a god, it is the “belly” at least, in St. Paul’s words. I therefore consider it wiser to acknowledge the idea of God consciously, for, if we do not, something else is made God, usually something quite inappropriate and stupid such as only an “enlightened” intellect could hatch forth.

I do think that Jung believed in God, but he believed in the power of all archetypes. God, in my view, is more than merely a human construct, but that is not the point of the article. We can stick with Jung’s quote and make this point that is apropos: Humans must fulfill the demand of the “all-powerful divine Being” archetype to be conscious as well as manifest.

This is why when Moses went up the mountain to hang out with God and bring down the Ten Commandments to the Children of Israel, those children became just that, children. They created the Golden Calf and projected their “God archetype” onto that form. God was no longer “visible” to them when God’s representative Moses wandered away for a few days.

Humans. What can I say?

Now, this is all a religious description of the reason for the human propensity to “follow the leader.” And it isn’t wholly accurate. There is a lot more to God and worshipping God than what I have presented here…of course…but this may shed a bit of light on this “human propensity” to be “led” and why we are seeing what we are seeing today.

Although even when God was very popular, people still had a tendency to fall on their knees to their human leaders, who were often their oppressors. Suffice it to say; when God is not present, it is a lot easier if you are a human to get other humans to worship you. Just as Jung says, “consider it wiser to acknowledge the idea of God consciously, for, if we do not, something else is made God, usually something quite inappropriate and stupid such as only an “enlightened” intellect could hatch forth.”

“Stupid” is the operative word here.

Now, of course needless to say, just because you believe in God doesn’t mean you are not immune from going gaga over some idiot human who thinks they can rule over you—or tell you what to do. Either a politician, or a movie star, you may still be susceptible to their charms. I just think it is less likely. Still, if psychology (and not theology) alone is considered here in analyzing this “follow the leader” inclination, we will not run out of explanations. People have always done this, in some way or another.

Going as far back as imaginable, there have always been chiefs, kings, rulers, Grand Poobahs or whatever form of leader and head honcho you want to describe. People have also always seemed to be enamoured with celebrity for whatever reason. Look at the Beatles sensation back in the 60’s for one irrational example, and of course many similar whacko obsessions with “stars” since then.

Sure, in these cases it could be just considered fun or at least interesting. But when that sort of blind obsession is not adolescently based, and projected at a person, or institution that has a bit more serious bent to it, you might have trouble (ya think?)

Whether you want to admit it or not, the blind obsession of pubescent girls with the likes of four young long-haired man/boys is psychologically made of the same stuff as a blind faith of the masses in a Fauci, or a Biden, or even a Trump. Sure, there is more “rational” stuff to hang your hat on in the latter examples, but it is the same stuff that makes people blind, arrogant, ignorant, and incapable of “thinking” through it.

For whatever reason, and I promise you I am not virtue signalling when I say this, but I have never been guilty of holding any other human being so far above ground that I can’t see their dirty feet. Even in my profession as a film composer in Hollywood, I never seemed to be insanely in awe of John Williams or Jerry Goldsmith, or the like. I knew they had talent far greater than mine, I knew they were exceptionally skilled, but I never felt they had something that other people less successful couldn’t have.

I was in awe of what they DID, but not necessarily in THEM.

Maybe I am just an arrogant ass. I don’t know. But this way of “being” for me is also applied to politics. I have admired certain people in the past who have obtained high office, but if something negative came along I had not realized about them, I was quick to turn. Now, I do not think I am special because of this, but I do wonder if I am in a minority. Please let me know how you feel reading this, and if this is similar to your own experience.

I do wonder what the world would be like if we were not so “celebrity” focused.

I don’t think it always was like this, particularly in politics. I do think there was a time when people really listened to politicians before passing a judgement on their ability to hold office. But this isn’t just about assessing a person’s abilities or talents, this is about people sitting on a pedestal where the people who put them there believe they are very unlikely to fall.

I am currently reading William Shirer’s The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and it is quite fascinating to me how Hitler was so worshipped, not only by his personal entourage but also by the people of Germany at large. Even though most of those people were quite religious, they worshipped Hitler as if he was a God, or THE God. Why is that? And why do we see something close to this now with certain people?

Be aware, be clear, be insightful, be critical, be questioning, Be aware we all sit on the toilet from time to time—all of us. Let that picture sink in.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here


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Jeff the Beast
Jeff the Beast
Feb 16, 2023 7:22 AM

OMG, what a bunch of stupid bullshit text fragments…

Feb 13, 2023 11:15 PM

In his book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, Mattias Desmet divides a given population into three categories. On the one side we see about 20 or 30 percent who will believe and go with almost anything they are told by authority figures. On the other end are about 20 percent who are critical and analytical and likely to resist what they feel is manipulative propaganda. The rest, which constitutes the majority, vacillate to one end or the other depending on which way the trend appears to be going. It seems that this concept can be applied when determining who is likely to follow leaders and/or celebrities especially when there is little known about their character or background. This does not explain why each of those divisions think the way they do, but it does seem to reflect what I experience in society. There is definitely a minority who are questioners (shrews) but the rest are either dyed-in-the-wool sheep (pun intended) or are in the middle ground who, to quote Bob Dylan, just want to be on the side that’s winning.    

Human values
Human values
Feb 13, 2023 5:43 PM

Follow the truth or follow someone you believe is telling the truth – big difference!

The moment people follow a person, for whatever reason, they create a leader and they make themselves servants. They create a cult, a cult of personality.

The cult doesn’t need a willing leader, as evidenced by Rastafari worship of Haile Selassie. The leader doesn’t need to be alive, as evidenced by followers of dead leaders like Lenin. The leader doesn’t even need to be human, as evidenced by those who take literary characters to worship.

So forming a cult is very easy, all it takes is you to be led. Just choose your leader.

Feb 14, 2023 5:03 AM
Reply to  Human values

The natives of New Caledonia looked up to Prince Philip as a potential saviour.

Sharon Gibbs
Sharon Gibbs
Feb 13, 2023 1:42 PM

Do read this brief news article at https://theburlingtonfiles.org/news_2022.10.31.php about Pemberton’s People in MI6, discover the connection between Field Marshal Montgomery and Kim Philby and more besides Do not miss Beyond Enkription, the must-read spy novel in #TheBurlingtonFiles series.

Feb 12, 2023 9:07 PM

What do all these tyrants and the god writ of here have in common?
Male, all of them.

One major problem IMHO that has gotten so very out of control is the denigration of the feminine archetype. We can try for non-dualistic thinking but the reality of Earth is a dualistic situation.
The new “Religion” (power grab) takes over the old. The Abrahamic religions took from the Old Rellgion of Goddess/feminine. They built their churches over the ancient temple sites. They made their sacred sabbath days around the same times that had been celebrated by the people so as not to break their routines too much. The dying/resurrected god story was taken from the Egyptians.
NOT saying here that the answer is let women run everything (think about what some women have already done in politics – YUCK!) but this on-going ignorance of the importance of balance, or at least an attempt, re fem/masc archetypes would help alot right about now.
I like to say, “Matriarchy is not the inverse of patriarchy.”

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Feb 12, 2023 9:48 PM
Reply to  Lupa


Gender roles are a basic requirement for sanity. Feminism is a bankster strategy to destroy the nuclear family, expand the workforce and distort society. It is an insult to nature.

Feb 13, 2023 1:53 AM

and another tax base as per Director Aaron Russo from his discussion with a Rockefeller. He’s part of the 2006 film ‘America: From Freedom to Fascism.’
Also, to get the children away from stay at home moms who might home school them, or at least keep them in line, and not indoctrinated by the ‘education’ system.

Feb 13, 2023 4:47 PM

The only rubbish I see here is yours. The comment by Lupa says nothing one way or the other about “gender roles” – it merely speaks of balance.

Placing so much emphasis on something which the Western (i.e., Judeo-Christian) world defines so intriguingly paternalistically merely obscures the issue.

Unless of course you’re saying women are inferior to men.

Feb 16, 2023 4:44 AM
Reply to  Howard

Thanks, Howard.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 14, 2023 2:33 PM

See what I mean, Lupa?  😂 

Feb 16, 2023 4:48 AM

I got 6 thumbs down on my comment! So proud. Not many get that here at OG.

Feb 13, 2023 6:43 AM
Reply to  Lupa

Crock of shit!

How about NOT LETTING ANYONE RUN ANYTHING, eh? How about leaving people the fuck alone and letting everybody run their own affairs and not poke their nose into other people’s business and vice versa?

Wrap your head around it – the problem is the “running things”. The hierarchy.

The world needs to adopt the ideology of letalonism – Leave me the fuck alone and I’ll leave you the fuck alone.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 14, 2023 2:34 PM
Reply to  Kurt

And another one, Lupa! LOL!

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
Feb 13, 2023 10:03 PM
Reply to  Lupa

It is not about “male” or “female”, it is about the tension between “masculine” and “Feminine”.

ALL human beings are on the spectrum from masculine to feminine. The are also by genetics, male and female. THERE IS NOT ANY WAY AROUND THAT.

A society needs a respectful tension between masculine and feminine if it is to continue, not the shifting the paradigm from masculine to feminine. It’s the lack of respect for all concerned that pushes self-harm and self-annihilation onto affected parties.

Which is partly the reason that women in power have become “Kali-yugas” and behave on the rush of power.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 14, 2023 2:36 PM
Reply to  Mann Friedmann

But some get it, like Mann.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 14, 2023 2:32 PM
Reply to  Lupa

Six downvotes for such a mild and obviously right suggestions! Some of the btls here are real knuckledraggers.

Ron Marr
Ron Marr
Feb 20, 2023 8:46 PM
Reply to  Lupa

The balance of male/female is within an individual bases. It’s important for everyone to find their balance. Ignorance is fabricated through indoctrination and education beginning at a very young age. Therefore, ignorance is a demonic force that can lead to many tragedies.

Feb 12, 2023 5:39 PM

When does Catte Black post articles..?

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 14, 2023 2:36 PM
Reply to  switchedON

As soon and as often as possible. She’s the business!

Feb 12, 2023 12:23 PM

Thank you Tom and OffG for another inspiring article.

It seems to me, as if humans have a need to be awed by the presence of something greater than they feel themselves to be. We might get an incling of this, when we watch a spectacular sunset or tremble as the thunder rolls and the lightning strikes. Being in awe is an amazing experience. You could sense that you are in the presence of what I call ‘the divine’ if you were open for it, even though neither Apollo nor Thor count for much any more. Still.

However, when awe is concurrent with fear, it gets perverted. That put me, at age 14, off organised religion, off any worshipping of anything. Fear has been getting transferred into politics large scale since the beginning of the last century and it seems to be culminating now.
Shock and Awe. Perverted indeed. Just as perverted, to not see it, to not even question it. I always rejected the personification of evil but equated evil with ignorance but now I see it embodied in high places and it is stupidity. If only stupidity would hurt just those who are stupid!

There are many people, dead and alive, whom I admire for what they have done, thought, created, independent of who they were/are as people. They are humans like me, just more gifted, skilled, knowledgable than me.
To paraphrase you because I have had this image forever, they also pull their pants down in the toilet.
I feel no need to follow anyone but need to follow myself, without my mind deveiving me too much.
If, on my way, I met a Leader who seemed to have Integrity, I might choose to walk side by side, as aware as I can be.
This means, that I have nobody to blame but own my lack of awareness. I prefer this.

Yet I am also grateful to the greater powers, when things go well.

Feb 12, 2023 1:08 PM
Reply to  Karin

Dear Todd,
is what I meant to write 🙄 

Feb 12, 2023 12:10 PM

Great article. I read some time ago that there is correlation between low intelligence and celebrity worship.https://bmcpsychology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40359-021-00679-3

Feb 12, 2023 12:07 PM

The two-party facade slips:

It’s not that secret if it’s on the front page of a newspaper!

A reminder that Gove was the UK’s envoy to Bilderberg last year.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 12, 2023 6:33 AM

The media ghouls continue to chortle. Pure mockery from Sky:

“Where you should head to survive an apocalyptic nuclear winter, according to scientists

The Doomsday Clock has moved the closest to global catastrophe it has ever been – largely because of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and also the climate crisis. Now, a study finds five locations most likely to survive an apocalyptic nuclear winter.”

That reminds me of one of those spoof Ladybird books, “The guide to the zombie apocalypse” which starts off with something like:

“The endtime has arrived, the tombs have opened and the dead rise. But there’s still lots of fun things you can see and do.”

Elongated Muskrat
Elongated Muskrat
Feb 12, 2023 12:19 PM
Reply to  George Mc

For a while I’ve been wondering what the effect of couple of nuclear explosions at high altitude would have on digital banking…

Feb 14, 2023 5:11 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The UN sec-gen. is also expressing concern, but does not dare to say who is responsible.

Feb 12, 2023 6:33 AM

We are programmed and indoctrinated by “the leaders” and their sycophants (who follow their orders and get rewarded for doing so) to go along with the leaders’ agendas, doctrines, dogmas and dictates. This is aside from the obvious patterns for humans to have some type of leader(s) and leadership in their group, tribe clan etc.

If you wanna get yourself programmed and put on a leash by whatever “leader” and whatever sycophant, be my guest. Kindly don’t project your preferences, or the preferences of any number of other sheeple, onto me. Or any other free-minded being. I don’t share your propensity for being chained to your doghouse, figuratively speaking, and convincing yourself that this is what you’re predestined to on top of that.
Interestingly, I now live in a fairly small, but sufficiently large community, where it’s easy to observe patterns of behavior. I assure you that there is no leader in the community. People go about their business in a completely spontaneous equal-to-equal fashion. And it works wonders. The only “leaders” are fucks planted into various “oversight” positions by force, in a top-down manner. They don’t lead – they control. And bully, harass, punish for non-compliance.
You’ve been brainwashed to mistake oppressor for leader. The brainwashing has been going on for so long that it’s become such an integral part of your thinking that you can’t fathom anything else. Least of all a truly free existence.

In the previous historical period, the socialists basically got it right that people must learn to join forces and employ thus formed collective power against “leaders” exploiting them. The mistake they made was that they didn’t get rid of the concept of hierarchy, authority, government, all this shit altogether. They left in place structures that allowed motherfuckers aspiring to be “leaders” (read: parasitic oppressors) to get their asses installed into a position on top of the hierarchy and carry on as before, if not worse.

The task for visionary people in the upcoming historical period will be to help people rid their minds of the notion of “hierarchy”, “leadership”, “government”. There’s no other way.

Feb 12, 2023 5:00 PM
Reply to  Kurt

They always say “There’s no free lunch.” Which brings to bear the much bigger disclaimer: There’s no free anything. Because there’s no true freedom. How can there be in a universe where impersonal forces (be they God or matter) impinge on everyone’s destiny?

Granted that doesn’t mean people must gravitate toward tyrants, seeking protection from those invisible forces/tyrants. But it may help explain why so many people blindly obey even idiotic orders and rules.

What’s “out there” is just as big a mystery and source of fear for many modern “civilized” people as it supposedly was for cavemen.

“I’ll protect you from the T. Rex” has simply morphed into “I’ll protect you from the asteroid – but it’ll cost you. You must first believe we went to the moon!”

A Stranger from Elea
A Stranger from Elea
Feb 12, 2023 4:32 AM

Last time I checked people chose their politicians, doctors and favourite artists and didn’t just accept anybody. Speeking of which… since Ian Brown graced us, we’re of course in a much better position to establish who God really IS.

I think the key word here is “church”. Because the church tried to create earthly institutions, like royalty, the idea that the noblest of a kin would be its king and lift it up as he himself was lifted up by Christ, that would bring about His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

And the church is still lending its authoritiy to politicians and doctors… to celebrities even? Well, not to Ian Brown in any case. And as for those who don’t understand metaphors: 1. they get more numerous with every passing century, 2. they’d be closer to the understanding of a metaphor by taking it literally than by rejecting it altogether, so… the Catholic Church is right and we should go back to the working ways?

But as for the golden calves, there’s only one, namely the one that reads “THIS IS YOUR GOD” after you’ve put the glasses on that allow you to see those who live.

And likewise, unless the ancient Jews or Greeks listened to their guts like the British do, listening to their bellies meant filling them with food.

On the more serious question of what drives us at our core… I think we just want to live according to our nature which we, as conscious beings, feel a need to comprehend by having a feeling that we havn’t understood it yet, and that brings us closer to the concept of God as a means to make sense of our existence, not least to overcome the apparent futility of our efforts and all the injustice in the world by making them temporary by allowing for someone who knows about them and comes around to them in due time. But God is not only a pillar of patience, the fact remains that we’re not even in control of ourselves and not meant to be in control of the world and hence depending on some kind of spiritual rectification.

Hmm, and towards leadership: It’s an organising principle and a criterion for sexual selection since the leading position is vied over. So you’re quite right about those girls, the Beatles and Fauci all being the same thing, namely that everybody wants to rule the world, but no, and a definite one at that, this doesn’t originate in our transcendent union with God any more than in the case of wolves. And just to make it obvious: How many times have people gone round and demand that other people do stuff, because their God demanded it? Theoderic the Great said the same thing that is written in the Qu’ran: You can’t force a man’s conscience. No, obedience does precisely arise from relying on men instead of God, like: We can do this ourselves, if we work together (well, and that might include enforced giving of alms, also called taxation, and public professions of loyalty by five times a day bowing in prayer and and and, but all in the name of the worldly necessities of a civil society, because there is no force in religion, it’s just so that God being merciful and all that, He wouldn’t have us suffer a badly organised society, i.e. He naturally explains to us how to organise it well).

And as for the worshipping of leaders: It’s obviously based on their success. They promise to achieve things and when they actually do that creates great gratitude. I know that you can’t apply that to Trump. Too bad. But in general that’s all it is. I mean, usually nothing happens, and then… Alexander the Great just conquered the Persian empire we fought for 220 years? Napoléon just redrew the borders of Europe and kicked out the aristocracy that governed for 800 years? Hitler just beat the French we’ve been fighting for 1000 years? Btw., in the Roman Empire there was a guy who simply repeated “You are not a God.” while standing behind a victorious military leader on his chariot on his victory parade through Rome. Nobody said it to the jubilating masses though. And I doubt that they were suffering from an archetypal confusion, only the leader on the chariot was in danger of that. Btw., Hitler wrote in “Mein Kampf” that he’s not the prophet of a new religion, just someone who paves the way for him, but I guess later on he climbed up the career ladder.

Really, so now we don’t warn people of thinking that they are God, but rather blame grateful people for believing their benefactors to be Gods?

Truly, everything is upside down.

Feb 12, 2023 7:47 AM

towards leadership: It’s an organising principle and a criterion for sexual selection

Maybe for you. Not so much for others, including myself.

My primary criteria for sexual selection include nice full boobs, nice round bum, long slender legs, sparkle in the eye, good sense of humor, witful intelligence, and various other things, not necessarily in that order.

Leadership is the last thing I care about.

A Stranger from Elea
A Stranger from Elea
Feb 12, 2023 3:30 PM
Reply to  Kurt

I think the idea is that it’s the women who sexually select.

Feb 12, 2023 3:53 PM

Not sure how many men/women you’ve selected in your life, I myself have made a few selections … The rule of thumb is that women select until the age of about 30, then it’s the man who selects.

As far as leading, my observation as regard sexuality is that the only thing that matters is which door leads to the bedroom.

Feb 12, 2023 4:13 AM

All these bearded gods are immortal but fixed and limited: I include earthlings like Marx, Steiner, Freud & Sadhguru. I prefer Evolution: ever experimenting, with us reading this now globally. I am sure it is not finished, looking at stop-gap Joe, Boris the clown or Xi the Emporer with less cloths. It will probably go too slow for digital gamers, or too fast, like the covid/lockdown upheaval exposing the WEFers.

A Stranger from Elea
A Stranger from Elea
Feb 12, 2023 7:14 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Better bearded earthly gods like Marx, Steiner, Freud & Sadhguru than ever experimenting human incarnations of evolution like Bill Gates, Michael Flynn, Leon Trotsky & Saul Alinsky.

Feb 12, 2023 8:16 AM

T.Rex didn’t make it and neither will $Bill Gates.
Btw Joseph Stalin was not a human incarnation.
Nature works by trial and error normally.

Placental Mammal
Placental Mammal
Feb 12, 2023 9:51 PM

Marx was a Rothschild cousin and a one time supporter of slavery. Freud was a bloody fraud.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Feb 15, 2023 10:39 PM
les online
les online
Feb 12, 2023 3:27 AM

‘German fascism made it quite clear that it operated not with people’s thinking and knowledge, but with their childish emotional reactions. Neither its political program nor any of its confused economic promises carried fascism to power and secured it in the period that followed. In the main. it was the appeal to a dark, mystical feeling, to a vague, nebulous, but extraordinary powerful longing….

‘The irrationalism in actions of the masses of German people can be illustrated by the following contradiction; the masses of German people wanted “freedom”. Hitler promised them authoritarianism, strictly dictatorial leadership, with the explicit exclusion of any freedom of speech. Seventeen out of thirty-one million voters jubilantly carried Hitler to power…. Those who watched the events with open eyes knew that the masses of people felt helpless and incapable of bearing the responsibility for the solution of the chaotic social problems within the old political framework and system of thinking. The Fuhrer should and would do it for them.

‘Hitler promised to eliminate democratic discussion of opinions. Masses of people flocked to him. They were tired of the discussions, because these discussions had always bypassed their personal everyday needs, that is, what was subjectively important. They did not want discussions about the “budget” and “high politics”….

‘Hitler promised to do away with individual freedom and to establish “national freedom”. ‘Masses of people enthusiastically exchanged the possibility of individual freedom for illusory freedom, that is, freedom through identification with an idea. This illusory freedom relieved them of all individual responsibility. They craved a “freedom” which the Fuhrer was to conquer and secure for them….

‘…fascism was not a new philosophy of life…Fascism is merely the extreme reactionary consequences of all prior undemocratic forms of leadership within the framework of the social machinery. Even the racial theory was nothing new…

‘What was new in the fascist mass movement was the fact that extreme political reaction succeeded in making use of the deep longing for freedom of the masses of people. Intense longing for freedom on the part of the masses, plus fear of the responsibility which freedom entails, produces fascist mentality, whether this longing and fear are found in fascist or democrat. New in fascism was that masses of the people affirmed and concretely implemented their own suppression. The need for authority proved to be stronger than the will to independence.

‘Socialistic and bourgeois democratic masses of people flocked to Hitler because, though their organisations spoke a great deal about freedom, they never even mentioned the difficult problem of the human craven for authority and the helplessness of the masses in practical politics. The masses of the people had been disappointed by the irresolute attitude of the old democratic institutions. Dissapointment on the part of masses of people in liberal organisations, plus economic crisis, plus an irresistible will to freedom, produces fascist mentality, ie., the willingness to surrender oneself to an authoritarian father figure…

(The Function of the Orgasm…Wilhelm reich)…

In a race between two horses, named ‘Freedom’ and ‘Security’ , the masses have always bet heavily on ‘Security’ to win…(anon)…

Feb 12, 2023 7:19 AM
Reply to  les online

The “confused economic promises” led to genuine prosperity for Germans – escape from bankster austerity while the rest of the West remained impoverished. That prosperity ended after the banksters organised the destruction of Germany. As for your beliefs about freedom, you could start with this series of articles on what the hoopla of democracy is:

T Greenfield
T Greenfield
Feb 12, 2023 2:50 AM

Almost three years ago I discovered for myself Off-Guardian. Have remained a regular reader since then. Lots of great articles. Insightful. Helped me a great deal. Thank you all. All the good writers who contribute.

But recently I’m seeing that this magazine is kind of stuck in a rut. I see repetition. Loads of analyses. Again. Intellectual approaches. Again.

Should we follow any leader? Or not? What do you think? Loads of comments (including mine, hehe). 

‘Talk, talk, it’s only talk.’ Sang Adrian Belew in 1980 while being a member of rock group King Crimson. That song is entitled ‘Elephant Talk’, by the way.

With talk alone you don’t solve anything. Could it be this explanation? Or that one? My question would be: don’t we already know enough? 

Whether the virus is real or not, for instance. Does it matter? What matters is that the concept of a virus has been, and is being used to usher in a New System. It’s a Trojan Horse. Window of Opportunity indeed (as the Resetters have conceded). It’s the virus, CO2, the Climate, Russia and so on and so on.

What more do we need to know? What else is there to talk about when action is needed?  

James R
James R
Feb 12, 2023 5:23 AM
Reply to  T Greenfield

Adrian’s predecessor was prepared to talk to the wind. Adrian blamed Frith/Froth for his hair loss through stress. And what happened to the latter? It’s a mythtery, it’s a mythtery…

James R
James R
Feb 12, 2023 5:29 AM
Reply to  James R

Sometimes I say things which are as clear as mud; perhaps I suffer from a speech in sediment.

T Greenfield
T Greenfield
Feb 12, 2023 10:28 AM
Reply to  James R

You talk to yourself. Chuckle. 😉

Feb 13, 2023 3:44 AM
Reply to  James R

Arguments, Agreements, Advice, Answers, Ballyhoo Balderdash Brouhaha, Contradiction, Controversy, Chatter, Chit-Chat-ChitChatChitCHat Criticism!; Do-it-all, Diatribe, Degradation, Debates, Discussion; IT’s ALL TALK! ELEPHANT TALK! (Elephant Talk – Adrian Belew https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvJe25wA-e8 )

Feb 12, 2023 5:06 PM
Reply to  T Greenfield

i concur about the rut,

yet despite some of my rantings,

talking of what we should do, now, when, then..

is a bit of a taboo. Puts one firmly in headlamps.


Feb 12, 2023 5:17 PM
Reply to  T Greenfield

You’ve discovered the FINITE world of communication which our techie overlords try their damndest to convince us is INFINITE. But no matter how you dress it up, you can only say so many things in so many ways. Then you get into summer “re-runs.”

This is why I’m drawn to articles which include artistic elements: there is always something new and interesting to say about a genuine work of art (as opposed to the schlock which passes for art so much of the time).

“The Information Age” is the biggest sickest joke in human history – because there is only so much “information.” Hardly enough to fill an entire epoch. And we’re only a decade or two into “The Information Age.”

To paraphrase H. L. Mencken: Makes you want to burn your computer.

Feb 12, 2023 2:28 AM


A leader is nothing without followers..

If there is a cause you might believe in, then having, or being, that crucial first follower can make all the difference.


Feb 12, 2023 2:18 AM

Todd Hayen, I was brainwashed by Authoritarians in Religion since birth. I suffered enormous mental abuse, but relatively little physical abuse, and no sexual abuse. I was not circumsized, and still it works a bit…when she’s in the mood

At the age of 15, after a session in the confession, I went home, and told my Mum and Dad and My Two Older Brothers and Two Sisters

I have Resigned. I am Not Going To Church Any More

I am not got going to be an Altar Boy any more

I am not going to be a Priest

I was Free at the age of 15 – I had given up Religion, which is about being controlled by Authoritarians – Who Think They are in control…

and everyone wants to put labels on them….and as you travel the world (well we did – cos I did eventually find my wife – and we are still here together after all these years)

I have an open mind on God, and i don’t know what if anything will happen when I die, but if time is cyclic..rather than being a straight line from nothing to infinity..in theory, i discussed with my mate studying physics and Bronwen..in the school library…if our theory is correct – we have always done this and we always will..

If we get really lucky, and work hard, and eventually just simply fall in love…..and make babies and they make babies – and we get really old….

Then we die…

After an almost infinity of the time… time is is relevent when your are dead

If you are dead – you have no concept of time, so it dosen’t matter how long it takes.

When you die, the next thing you experience is sucking your thumb in your mother’s womb..

You get born, as if it is the first time, but there was no first time.

your life was exactly like it was then…as if it was the first time

You have always lived this life and you always will

This is not the first time,,It is every time

No start and no finish

So try and be nice….Just ask her – she might say yes.

You might have to do this same life forever, and alway will and always have.

No one likes our theory, and its probably not true,,

We were 16 year old boys….wanting to but too shy to ask her for a date, cos she was just too beautiful.

I think this is fairly normal even now

God is real – its how you feel and communicate

Just saying God Bless tends to make most people feel a little bit happier


James R
James R
Feb 12, 2023 8:29 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

You been watching/re-watching an old Kubrick film Tony? Give me your answer do…

My old Latin master had a frequently espoused saying:

‘The Devil assumes various disguises and one of his favourites is in a skirt.’

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Feb 12, 2023 8:56 AM
Reply to  tonyopmoc

I was kicked out of Sunday School when I was 6 because I said my father would bash me when I got home just in case I had done something wrong.

Feb 12, 2023 8:48 PM

Join the club. I was kicked out of catechism around age 11 cuz I asked how could mary be a virgin and have a baby?
it’s been downhill ever since. I’m Pagan/Wicc now.

Feb 12, 2023 1:41 AM

Don’t follow leaders, watch your parking meters.
Still apt to this day.

Feb 12, 2023 1:27 AM

God in his absolute sovereignty has a unique attribute. He is a servant king. Jesus Christ is that king. Mark 10:45 (ESV) says: “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Feb 12, 2023 1:39 AM

I am reasonably certain that Philo of Alexandria commissioned the writing of the gospels and , along with St Paul, got the new monotheism going. This was a very clever move. You got a substantial portion of mankind worshipping Yahweh without diluting the exclusivity of the root faith/ethnicity.

Feb 12, 2023 12:05 AM

I found my own path to “God” when I found his representatives were seriously flawed. My Baptist preacher drug his horse to death behind a pickup because it wouldn’t behave. And he wants to talk to me about God? Catholic priests and young boys. I don’t know what these people are, but if they’re representing God then I want no part of it. God to me is our symbiotic, loving relationship to our world in its entirety and to each other. If I’m wrong it’s still better than anything I’ve been offered to this point.

Feb 12, 2023 1:35 AM
Reply to  NikkiBop

Clerics represent the central bankers rather than the creator. Frankly I doubt the anecdote about the preacher, the horse and the pickup truck (referred to as a ute in Australia).

Feb 12, 2023 1:40 AM
Reply to  NikkiBop

Those ‘representatives’ of God you talk about aren’t true Christians, they’re counterfeits on the broad highway to hell. Matthew 7:13-16 (ESV) describes what you’ve experienced with counterfeit Christians:
 “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.  For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few”. and verses 15-16:

 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.  You will recognize them by their fruits”.

Feb 11, 2023 11:44 PM

Thanks for sharing …
This reminds me of how ‘loaded’ the English language can be. Clearly, words can be so ‘weaponised’ that they detract from their etymology.
In my more youthful years, i recall how divisive the simply endearing word ‘friend’ could be …
Friend … implied that one was ‘okay’.
Mate … similar to friend but more colloquially endearing, i.e. you’re on of us.
Comrade … OMG – you were construed to be ‘one-of-those’ dirty, over-dramatized, Ruskie ogres that were dead-set on wanting to steal our collective wealth and take over the world.
Decades later, I still find it fascinating that the simple variation of the word for FRIEND could have been so easily manipulated.
Of course, normies are, to an extent, in awe of the word for God … so much so that we’re encouraged to capitalise the spelling. I wonder what a dyslexic reader would think of our collective attribution???

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 11, 2023 11:09 PM


“Climate crisis fuels new wave of TV ‘eco thrillers’”

Wrong way round. New Wave of eco-thrillers fuels climate crisis.

Feb 11, 2023 11:01 PM

The cause and effect world was explainable without God, and avoiding too much focus on the paranormal phenomena, that would be far more easily explained by having a God.

Feb 12, 2023 3:42 AM
Reply to  obsean

Then why Love?
It defies ‘survival of the fittest’.
Animals don’t appear to need it.
It is unquantifiable.
It is illogical.
It has no cause. Only effect.
It requires no thought to manifest.
Then why Love?

Feb 11, 2023 10:35 PM

We’re prematurely born, so it is said. Unlike other animals, it takes a long time for humans to be cared for and raised to a stage of individual development where we’re able to be more self-directed in knowledge (values) and skills (virtues) of survival and fulfillment. This comparative weakness or vulnerability is the flip side of our distinctive power to perform more freely of instinctual imperatives. Some would argue that the greater part of our species’ social evolution has been spent in similar conditions of cultural development, phylogeny and ontogeny interrelated.

Without nurturing and guidance from others to orient us to a world, life is in danger of remaining some of the same “blooming, buzzing confusion” (William James) into which we are born. Healthy parenting or caretaking consists in leading children to be able to make sense of things on their own, to actualize their potential to function freely, independent of simply being led. One of the unhealthy traits of nuclear families in capitalist cultures has been the loss of extended influences of kinship and associations with others who demonstrate this kind of leadership as a common service among peers or equals, relativizing more authoritarian roles and relations. As the African proverb puts it, it take a village to raise a child.

We generally no longer live in villages. To a significant if not alarming extent, we no longer live in much personal association with others at all, instead relating to and even raised by machines and mechanized processes, techniques and methodologies, which in contrast to more organic forms of leadership program and instrumentalize us to function as little more than impersonal cogs. Advanced technology threatens to reduce and regress us to levels of living, or behavioral conditioning, resembling instinctual necessities of animal laborans. The cultural transformation from gemeinschaft and “convivial society” (Ivan Illich) to gesellschaft and the institutionalization and bureaucratization of human existence was noted by Max Weber in the ironic observation of how specialization without spirit and sensuality without soul deems itself the apex of civilization.

No wonder modern psychology keeps coming up with such diagnosis as mass psychosis and spellbinding power over people in accounting for the totalitarian forms of authority which have arisen in the megamachine of industrial capitalism. It definitely behooves us at this late stage of devolution to rebuild the more communal conditions of society which make for more organic forms of leadership among equals characteristic of our indigenous roots, a society of friends, to recall the Quakers, whose authority is one’s own spirit and voice among others in mutual respect, including difference and disagreement.  

To be one’s own light, as Buddhists say, is the health of a body politic beyond authoritarian inevitabilities of societies rooted in power over others. It makes for the kind of no-rule or anarchic practices of leadership like rotation and recall of those in positions of service to society as caretakers of the values and virtues of free beings. No gods, no masters.

“I had dropped more or less by chance into the only community of any size in Western Europe where political consciousness and disbelief in capitalism were more normal than their opposites. Up here in Aragon one was among tens of thousands of people, mainly though not entirely of working-class origin, all living at the same level and mingling on terms of equality. In theory it was perfect equality, and even in practice it was not far from it. There is a sense in which it would be true to say that one was experiencing a foretaste of Socialism, by which I mean that the prevailing mental atmosphere was that of Socialism. Many of the normal motives of civilized life — snobbishness, money-grubbing, fear of the boss, etc. — had simply ceased to exist. The ordinary class-division of society had disappeared to an extent that is almost unthinkable in the money-tainted air of England; there was no one there except the peasants and ourselves, and no one owned anyone else as his master. Of course such a state of affairs could not last. It was simply a temporary and local phase in an enormous game that is being played over the whole surface of the earth. But it lasted long enough to have its effect upon anyone who experienced it. However much one cursed at the time, one realized afterwards that one had been in contact with something strange and valuable. One had been in a community where hope was more normal than apathy or cynicism, where the word ‘comrade’ stood for comradeship and not, as in most countries, for humbug. One had breathed the air of equality. I am well aware that it is now the fashion to deny that Socialism has anything to do with equality. In every country in the world a huge tribe of party-hacks and sleek little professors are busy ‘proving’ that Socialism means no more than a planned state-capitalism with the grab-motive left intact. But fortunately there also exists a vision of Socialism quite different from this.”

-George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 11, 2023 10:53 PM
Reply to  niko

how specialization without spirit and sensuality without soul deems itself the apex of civilization.

Lovely post. Thanks. A2

Derek Williams
Derek Williams
Feb 12, 2023 3:54 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Couldn’t agree more – lovely post.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 14, 2023 3:00 PM
Reply to  niko

Love that African saying, Niko. So true!

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Feb 11, 2023 10:31 PM

society always makes an inward even religious turn when possibilities in the material and political world disappear. (Paladin Letter).

Feb 11, 2023 10:58 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Thanks for posting this Penelope. I’m wondering why more people on the alternative media aren’t discussing this. Katherine Watt, a meticulous legal researcher explains exactly how and why the greatest crime ever against humanity is being committed.

Feb 14, 2023 1:26 AM
Reply to  Monti

Monti, a friend of Kathryn Watt, Sasha Latypova:


Here’s the entire conference. The Robert Malone presentation on Fifth Generation Warfare is quite accurate.


The Sasha & the Malone– nothing cd be more important to assessing where we are.

Lost in a Dark Wood put them up elsewhere. Kudos to him.

Feb 14, 2023 4:14 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Yes, thanks Penelope…Sasha Latypova has been hitting the nail on the head too.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 12, 2023 6:24 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Yes. Ms. Watt provides an excellent synopsis. The entire “plan” has been a military operation. Thank you for posting.

Feb 14, 2023 1:27 AM

Hi Paul. Check out the two links above– really something.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 14, 2023 2:20 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Hello again, and thank you for the links. I downloaded this video link many months ago. You will find it supports other such opinion. >

First published at 20:47 UTC on January 3rd, 2022

Feb 11, 2023 10:07 PM

Be aware, be clear, be insightful, be critical, be questioning, Be aware we all sit on the toilet from time to time—all of us. Let that picture sink in.

I’m normally averse to scatological humor, but shouldn’t this be “Let that picture stink in”? [emphasis added]

I’ll be here all week. Try the blackened tilapia, and don’t forget to tip your server! 😎

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Feb 11, 2023 9:56 PM

I must admit that I find the tenets and philosophy of the early Christian Gnostics to be the most plausible paradigm of the whole God question. In a nutshell, they believed that there was a renegade sub-god who was born/created both deranged and psychopathic. He rebelled against the Source, the real creator of the universe, and set up his home base on planet earth where he could farm the human inhabitants of their spiritual energy which he was cut off from. The Gnostics called him the Demiurge or Yaldabaoth. Our current leaders worship him as Lucifer. He was also Yahweh of the old testament. I re-read it about 20 years ago, and was suitably impressed what a psychopathic,deranged cold blooded killer Yahweh was. Definitely a vengeful, prideful god. However, in the scrolls found at Nag Hammadi Egypt in 1945, which were reliable dated to the 4th century, Jesus was trying to instruct his disciple how to escape this Prison Planet, which is a bad simulation as in a virtual reality game, into the greater Universe. The Demiurge is afraid that too many will escape this simulation, so he and his archons are making a simulation within a simulation like the picture on the old Pet Milk can. They call it the metaverse.

Feb 11, 2023 9:51 PM

Classic inversion and top trolling:


They’ll be coming for you soon OffG* ‘Misinformation’ (truth) needs to be stamped out.

*I’m assuming you’re not secretly part of this whole global Orwellian mind bender we’re currently experiencing. Hey, anything is possible! 😉

Feb 11, 2023 9:23 PM

Alas, I fear the time will come when we will no longer sit on toilets, because ‘the authorities’ will consider it ‘unrobotic behaviour’.
The waste products of our digestive systems will be mechanically removed with a swiftness that deprives everyone of the remotest chance that their human senses might detect an undisinfected odour.
How this will be done, I shudder to think.

I very much agree with what you say about the Hollywood composers, Todd.

In that respect I have in mind something that Rudolf Steiner once said about Richard Wagner:
That Wagner himself was hardly aware of what he was able to achieve, because a human mind can hardly encompass such enormous and varied musical vistas as he was able to explore. It was as if he mostly ‘sensed’ what he was able to do, but that forces outside himself were also powerfully involved.
Somewhere in his writings he even stated, “I have been good to you, my dark ones…”

Of course the sheer labour of writing down all those notes, let alone creating them in his mind, is worthy of the greatest respect, yet many of us are also aware of his ‘dirty feet’, as you mentioned in connection with the worship of other human idols.

In Wagner’s case, most of his admirers are reconciled to accepting the dirty feet along with the stunning brilliance of his greatest works, but to anybody who hasn’t taken a serious plunge into, say, “The Ring of the Nibelung” – especially the last three operas in the cycle – I would recommend a serious effort at sorting out which are the feet and which are the moments of incredible inspiration and beauty.

Too many people know only “The Ride of the Valkyries”, but the last two minutes of this clip show an understanding of Nature’s beauty which is really superhuman.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 11, 2023 10:34 PM
Reply to  wardropper

The first opera remains my favourite. Especially that opening prelude all constructed from a single chord. Did you notice how the entire cycle seems to move gradually from a supernatural realm to a mortal one? From the dwarves and gods of Rheingold which gradually make way for humans until we end up with a world almost devoid of the transcendent. It almost has a “Lord of the Flies” feeling as everything is gradually left to “the children”. (Though admittedly the “adults” are a sad lot too.)

Also, the first opera is one of the most cynical depictions of the way politics works.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Feb 12, 2023 12:39 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I have studied the Ring Cycle for years and years, and I never thought of what you say here…what great insight…I am getting ready to watch the whole thing again (for maybe the 10th time) and I will pay particular attention to what you say here.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 11, 2023 8:07 PM

The return of King Herod:


Well folks, ‘they’ voted to put these COVID-19 injections into your babies – including the modified mRNA versions – and what that means is that they are free from liability, exclusive of EUA status, forever. What that means is if your baby gets injured by these as yet experimental modified mRNA COVID shots – that your baby doesn’t need: AT ALL – then you are on your own with regard to the product manufacturers being responsible, on any level. This isn’t a new story, but it sure is going to be a story that more and more parents share if they do not say no to this insanity.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 11, 2023 7:57 PM

Off topic – but I’m sure it’s all part of God’s plan:


“Four dead seals test positive for bird flu in Scotland”

This is an item in a series called “the age of extinction” which (strange phrase) “is supported by theguardian.org”. Supported? How?

“Our reporting draws attention to the catastrophic loss of species across the planet and looks at ways to tackle the crisis”, this latter then rephrased as “innovations to tackle these losses”. Hmm …. I sense the whiff of a corporate board room.

Anyway the “dead seals have tested positive for bird flu in Scotland, as the number of cases of highly pathogenic avian flu in mammals continues to grow globally with experts warning of “a step-change” in its spread.”

I thought “step change” was a typo and they meant “steep change”. But it appears that the former is indeed “a thing”, defined as

“(in business or politics) a significant change in policy or attitude, especially one that results in an improvement or increase.”

Business or politics?

Moving on quickly ….

“The largest ever bird flu outbreak had already spilled over into otters and foxes …. about 70 mammals having tested positive …. seal carcasses were sent for screening last year … more recent cetacean cases for evidence of spillover … ripping through wild bird populations ….nearly 580 sea lions had died … mammals are getting infected …. it could now be spreading within mammal populations in the wild….More than 50,000 mink were euthanised. ….increasing evidence for bird-to-mammal and mammal-to-mammal transmission……it was possible to start taking preparatory steps for making a human vaccine ….”

Ah there it is. We are reassured that it is most unlikely that such a vaccine will be needed but …. well you know the rest.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 11, 2023 8:00 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Please use ‘dump’ in guardian URLs. Like this:


House rules 😉

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 11, 2023 8:11 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“If millions of adults are reporting adverse events – from neurological to cardiovascular issues to death – in temporal proximity to getting these shots, then how in the hell are babies going to fare? They are new. They need time to develop as nature designed without exogenous injected agents.”

Babies are going to die or to become maimed and the next generation will be decimated. But then again, they did tell us the world was overpopulated. Do you think the vax pushers amongst the public picked up on that? No, neither do I.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 12, 2023 3:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Slight correction: The above comment is in the wrong place. It was meant as a reply to my other one above which starts off with “The return of King Herod:”

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Feb 11, 2023 8:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc

My dog died a couple of years ago, i think it was from bird flu.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 11, 2023 10:27 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Could he have been overvaccinated? Vets like to do that. Or, maybe, you fed him the bullshit “Science diet” available at vets or any of the other processed rubbish sold as pet food?

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Feb 11, 2023 11:06 PM
Reply to  Veri Tas

No. It was definitely ‘bird flu’. The Science claims the ‘virus’ has jumped species and infects ‘domestic pets’. So it must have been ‘bird flu’.

Feb 11, 2023 9:26 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s just insane. I’ll bet if of the animals in this story are sick or dead, they were poisoned or starved. The only thing that’s contagious in this story is the stupidity of using the PCR as a diagnostic tool. When will that END?

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Feb 11, 2023 10:39 PM
Reply to  Martha

the ‘covid’ virus was found in pawpaw fruit and an oily rag, so its natural that The Science will find ‘bird flu’ whereever it looks.

Feb 11, 2023 10:46 PM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Absolutely! How do we get people to understand that the test is the problem??

Geoff P
Geoff P
Feb 11, 2023 7:25 PM

I like what this man, J krishnamurti, says about God. Sits true for me.


When I meet my music idols, they were just people who made music for a living. Nothing really ground breaking, but it shook my world. I just needed to learn this, it helped that I learnt it from them. Now they are people I know…

John Pretty
John Pretty
Feb 11, 2023 7:23 PM

Mmm. We are flawed creatures.

Feb 11, 2023 7:16 PM

I know too much I wish I was ignorant.

Feb 11, 2023 7:09 PM

Human beings have always been hierarchical in nature, most mammals are.

From my observation, this is a complete crock of shit.

First of all, if some other mammals want to be hierarchical in nature, it’s their prerogative. But kindly do not infer that I subscribe to the concept of hierarchy. I don’t. And if you look around, you’ll find that few people do. Spontaneously, there isn’t much hierarchy among people – they interact on a horizontal level. Hierarchy only occurs when it’s imposed.

The task for people in the upcoming historical period is to solve the pitfalls of Hayek’s concept of spontaneous order. The most important being the propensity of some assholes among us to want to stand above others and establish a hierarchy. Often with the aid of a bunch of underlings. People have to learn to identify these shitheads and dispatch them as soon as they try to pull this shit. They have to join forces if need be. But more importantly, they must resist forming collectivist structures of any kind after these pricks are gone, and must return to the spontaneous state in which people transact on a horizontal equal-to-equal basis.

The trick is that rather than focusing on society, people must focus on their own selves. They must become strong, resilient, self-reliant, self-sufficient, capable of self-defense. Everybody must know that the next guy will put a foot to their ass if they try to fuck around.

No leader will ever do anything for anybody. And even if he was genuine, he’ll be promptly replaced by an opportunistic motherfucker who will lead people astray. People must realize that the concept of leadership, hierarchy will ultimately lead them to the concentration camp if not the slaughterhouse, no matter under the guise of what ideology or societal system it’s employed.

Fuck leaders. Find the balls in you and lead yourself.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Feb 11, 2023 7:35 PM
Reply to  Kurt

You may disagree with what I said, that is your choice. Nevertheless your opinion does not negate the fact hierarchies do exist and if one is willing to look, you’ll find most human groups have some form of leadership whether it is formal and institutionalized or informal and there are usually mechanisms in play to “encourage” the group to follow the leaders. These mechanisms may be peer pressure, intergenerational pressure or coercive force like police or military. The issue is not whether or not people like hierarchy or feel it is in their best interests to comply, the fact of the matter is most do comply on some level, the COVID shots are a prime example.
I agree most of us have abdicated our responsibilities for self development and actualization but a lot of this is due to being programmed, duped and coerced to fit into one mold or another foisted upon us by “the leaders” of this system. The good news is more and more of us are rejecting or resisting the leadership of these psychopaths.

Feb 11, 2023 7:47 PM

By saying that “a lot of this is due to being programmed, duped and coerced”, you essentially disagree with yourself, with your statement that human beings are hierarchical in nature. Well, you did say that they “have been”, which doesn’t mean that they necessarily have to be. I don’t disagree with you on the ‘have been” point. I disagree that hierarchy is an inherent characteristic of human nature.

And even if it is, I don’t give a fuck. It’s worth trying to change that!

Vive la liberte, man!

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Feb 11, 2023 7:52 PM
Reply to  Kurt

Vive la liberte? Is that a French Revolution thing?

Feb 12, 2023 10:10 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

No, it’s something I said. No idea how many people uttered the same words before me. I can’t be responsible for that. Ask them.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Feb 12, 2023 2:49 AM
Reply to  Kurt

You completely missed my point. We are programmed and indoctrinated by “the leaders” and their sycophants (who follow their orders and get rewarded for doing so) to go along with the leaders’ agendas, doctrines, dogmas and dictates. This is aside from the obvious patterns for humans to have some type of leader(s) and leadership in their group, tribe clan etc.

Feb 16, 2023 5:10 AM

Keep trying, JRS.
Some tribes have councils…

John Pretty
John Pretty
Feb 11, 2023 7:53 PM

No, you were correct.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Feb 11, 2023 7:52 PM
Reply to  Kurt

There is a difference between recognising – correctly – that humans are creatures that organise thmselves into hierarchies; and agreeing to be a part of that.

Your hostility and anger, I would suggest, are a measure of the difficulty you have in resisting the obvious.

Feb 11, 2023 8:23 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

People like you need to speak for yourselves and refrain from statements that humans are this or that. Provided that I qualify as a human, which I don’t necessarily insist on, as well as countless others I know do not subscribe to your allegations of hierarchy.

Hostility? Anger? It would behoove you to focus on the subject matter, but if you have to get ad hominem, then know that if you try to subject me to a hierarchy, it will be you who is hostile, infringing on my freedom, and your hostility will be met with an appropriate response.

Feb 11, 2023 8:57 PM
Reply to  Kurt

shield biter

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Feb 11, 2023 6:48 PM

I’ve been against having a President, i.e., a single person over 330 million others for quite some time now, especially with the proliferation of executive orders. Trying to get ANYONE to bite on that is extremely difficult. It seems to be so ingrained that some countries still, and this is amazing to me, have Kings, Queens, Princesses, and Princes. That really blows my mind.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Feb 11, 2023 6:58 PM

Yes, the ‘royalty’ thing truly is astounding. Totally crazy. I’m a 64-year-old Englishwoman, and have been a passionate anti-‘royalist’ for many decades. People have to be immensely gullible, brainwashed, servile, subservient, with no self-respect, to be ‘royalists’.
And unfortunately, sadly, and pitifully, all too many people fall into that category. What’s worse, they don’t realise just how pathetic they are, to fall for the ‘royalty’ cr*p.
I’m sick to the back teeth of seeing the MSM headlines re. the Windsors here in the UK.
No-one with any pride, self-respect and intelligence gives a fig about them.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Feb 11, 2023 7:01 PM

Nice to hear that. I guess the inability to abolish England’s royal class(less) shows how difficult it is to change anything in our favor. If we can’t do that, hell, how are we going to take down the New World Order?

John Pretty
John Pretty
Feb 11, 2023 7:55 PM

She doesn’t know what’s she’s talking about.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Feb 11, 2023 8:46 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Oh yes I do…

Feb 11, 2023 9:03 PM
Reply to  John Pretty


Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Feb 11, 2023 9:07 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Oh, OK. Then that settles it doesn’t it. Must mean you’re a King what’s his name fanboy?

John Pretty
John Pretty
Feb 11, 2023 7:54 PM

The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy not an absolute monarchy.

Feb 11, 2023 7:53 PM

yes, there is no reason for a president especially when you consider that the government is divided into two elected parts: legislative [525 persons] and executive [2 persons]. Few have any contact with any of elected person and when the many begin to object (riot) the few in charge kill the rioters. In all three the leader speaks as the head of a non human organization (not as a human and not from the strength of having the opinions and intentions of the masses to support their dictates. ). Ingrained because the nation state system consist of 256 crucibles which mold each human into the engrained behavior you speak of.

The problem is the government has transferred substantially all of its monopoly powers to the corporations( privatization and rule of law and contracts have been the mode of transportation). The corporations (<=which are lateral offspring of the government) have become larger than the governments that gave birth to them (government chartered these Non Human Organizations to be privately owned and controlled or special interest controlled) and the for-profit or special interest oligarchs are in charge of the elected government. Whose the bureaucrats have been purposed to support the oligarchs so that the intentions of many of the bureaucracies are little more than private slaves, paid by the taxpayers, to support the Oligarch.

These transfers of monopoly powers from Government to private or independent organizations has moved both the management and use of monopoly powers from government to non human and non government organizations meaning the public has been removed both from the information streams that determine the decisions to be made, from, the decision making itself and from the oversight functions[that is no voter can vote to elect those who are in charge of either a NGO or a corporation. The heads of the global corporations are doing all of the planning, making all of the decisions and using government to keep us imprisoned in their police, spy, and legal systems.

In order to avoid the need for a leader it is necessary to have open, truthful and complete streams of communication. Media, and the technology that supports it, is the biggest inhibitor of global, national and domestic peace.

Albert Anderson
Albert Anderson
Feb 11, 2023 9:08 PM
Reply to  eman

Well, fuck the president. Let’s keep this simple.

Straight Talk
Straight Talk
Feb 11, 2023 5:50 PM

Consciousness has come very far, from the concept of God as some cosmic father in the sky to a better understanding of energy. “As you sow, so shall you reap” is probably the closest to explaining this new understanding. As we refine our consciousness, so too will we refine the dance in this vibrational universe. Some have been able to resonate with the most blissful, intense love energy that can only be described as supernatural – they’ve been G-awed. It’s a direct experience. Why should you believe it if you haven’t felt it yourself? Imagine humanity getting to that plane together, creating an ongoing fountain of healing bliss, to our natural pristine state of health.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 14, 2023 6:41 PM
Reply to  Straight Talk

NDE survivors seem often to have precisely that sort of direct personal experience, ST.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Feb 11, 2023 5:23 PM

Why is the word ‘pending’ coming up when I try to post a short item?? Just asking… (is it a temporary glitch in the system?)

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Feb 11, 2023 5:24 PM

The word (‘pending’) did not come up when I posted the above query…

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Feb 11, 2023 5:22 PM

“Conversation overheard at Davos in a World Economic Forum side-room”, at:


Feb 11, 2023 4:46 PM

During the 2020 -2021 craziness of pseudo pandemic the only faith of mine that became stronger was the faith in God.

Amanda Scott
Amanda Scott
Feb 11, 2023 4:35 PM

What about the highly sophisticated social engineering that has been going on for decades? Half the population or more are being mind controlled by the mainstream media. TV is a prime example, enabling the lower or limbic mind to click in rather than the higher mind. Back in the 60s the young succumbed to a huge social experiment with drugs and music. Unfortunately, it was the military rather than freethinking hippies who were behind it. Germatria and spellcraft are all used liberally these days, and there is nothing subtle about it. Look at the sheer number of false flag events going on in the world designed to instill fear and unrest in the population. It doesn’t take a genius to work them out, just a bit of time and effort and attention to detail. We are being dumbed down and manipulated on an epic scale. The masses need to get off their limbic backsides and rise up out of this toilet their minds are wallowing in. As a point of interest, crrow777radio has a lot of good information from the higher minded.

Feb 11, 2023 4:35 PM

Three minute clip on”brain transparency” from the FEW’s shindig at Davos:


Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Feb 11, 2023 5:20 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Here’s a satirical piece (written by an American bloke who’s written a number of satirical verses re. the global scam) re. the evil Davos people…

“Conversation overheard at Davos in a World Economic Forum side-room”, at:


Andy Burrows
Andy Burrows
Feb 11, 2023 4:15 PM

I don’t see this. Everyone I talk to these days hold all world leaders in equally low ranking. Which is quite interesting as they also are happy to follow them! People are acting in spite of what they see and feel, now that is very interesting!

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Feb 11, 2023 4:04 PM

Human beings have always been hierarchal in nature, most mammals are. This is not to say we are mere animals, no we have the potential to be much more advanced, innovative and sophisticated. There have always had “leaders” in human groups. Some were based upon being older and more experienced “wiser”, others were based upon charisma or personal magnetism. The notion of powerful beings/spirits/energies/intelligence causaative entities mostly unseen is an ancient one. Once leadership became formalized and institutionalized, many higher ups used fear and the threat of violence to rule over their group. They often claimed they spoke directly to/with or were the unseen powers/spirits in the flesh and their group believed them.
What we see in the modern world are people who take advantage of our history of hierarchy who present themselves as “leaders” or we make them our leaders, who are psychopaths and sociopaths preying on their group!
The writer speaks about psychology (and Western religion), we also need an anthropological examination of leadership in other cultures and ethnic groupings to help us see leadership is not necessarily a bad thing if the leaders have the best interests of the group/tribe/clan’s safety and wellbeing at heart.
Alas we do not live in such a society, we live in a kakistocracy a society ruled by the least ethical, most vile and ruthless miscreants who often are the most incompetent element/class/strata in the tribe/group/society.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 11, 2023 5:21 PM

The scum always rises to the top…

Feb 11, 2023 3:53 PM

Follow the Leader is a tried-and-tested-true survival mechanism for social animals, according to the 19th century Russian Evolutionist Prince Kropotkin; also known as an An-Archist (No-Ruler) and a Co-Operationist (Mutual-Helper). These qualities might be incompatible in Logic but they are Sym-Biotic (Together-Living) in Nature.

“Logic is forever demanding humans to choose One or the Other of two antithetic propositions; but imperious Nature forces us forever to obey both.” — Werner Heisenberg.

I like your quote from Jung:

““consider it wiser to acknowledge the idea of God consciously, for, if we do not, something else is made God, usually something quite inappropriate and stupid such as only an “enlightened” intellect could hatch forth.”

Judging from their faces as well as their writings, I consider Jung to have been the nicer man. But I cannot remember which of them made this remark to the other when they broke up:

“No gentleman would have your Unconscious”.

Feb 11, 2023 3:42 PM

Jung postulated followers were subjected to the power of all archetypes.  This is about people sitting on a pedestal where the people who put them there believe they are very unlikely to fall.” getting closer..

What we are seeing is organization of mankind into teams ( the 256 member nations of the global nation state human behavior control system. The team is arranged to establish a hierarchy of skills. Position in the organized hierarchy distributes the authority to approve or to contribute to the team effort. Without a gatekeeper to open the gate, no one can advance. So the skilled become the gate keepers to society, only those with skills or resources superior those already in high positions within the hierarchy are promoted into a gate keeping spot within the hierarchy .

This is why we have officers in the military and rank and file grunts. Everyone has a position in the hierarchy and the position determines the value limit each gate keeper can let through the gate without permission of those higher up.. This follow the leader syndrome is a result of upbringing, it is not innate, it results from habitual interaction with the societies within which we are born. But every society follows it animals, insects, and so on.

I criticise this article because it fails to recognize the difference between innate human being expressing their individual genetic design and the culture and society finishing schools we each encounter as we mature from genes into adult human beings.

Russian Hank
Russian Hank
Feb 11, 2023 3:36 PM

“All matter is merely energy condensed to a slower vibration. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves.” Bill Hicks.


“You don’t need to follow me. You don’t NEED to follow anybody. You are all individuals.” Brian of Nazareth.


“I wish they wouldn’t put shit music over my words. ” Alan Watts.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Feb 11, 2023 3:30 PM

A very interesting article. Especially the white throne, now that is the pin in the balloon for sure. Before that there was a whole in the ground.

Feb 11, 2023 3:27 PM

Yes, let’s talk about how people follow leaders, consider them as sacred cows and deem whatever they say as gospel coming down from the moutaintop. Let’s talk about this in the current iteration of the “health freedom movement.”

Who are those leaders and what do they say?

RFK and Del Bigtree sit atop this “movement.”

Both have enormous platforms and both assert that there was a pandemic and that it was caused by a novel virus. They are both wrong on this and are misleading people.

RFK’s recent iteration on how the “virus” caused a pandemic is that the virii was “seeded” via “targeted aerosolized spread.” Nowhere does he ever provide any concrete evidence for this but because it is RFK his “followers” parrot this nonsense. If anyone here posited such a “theory” they would be laughed out of the ballpark.

And yes RFK and CHD has been challenged on this on multiple occasions yet they remain intransigent and attempt to dismiss and/or censor those who question RFK, the sacred cow of this “movement.”

Please take the time to carefully listen to RFK’s recent interview with Denis Rancourt. CHD posted a link to that interview two days ago and it can be found elsewhere.

Rancourt blows the lid off of the health freedom narrative that a viral pathogen caused mass death and repudiated what RFK was asserting re:”targeted aerosolization.”

There was no pandemic and no unique viral pathogen. It was public health despotism that killed hundreds of thousands in the US.

If you listen to the interview with Rancourt you will see multiple examples that illustrate RFK’s inherent contradictions and assorted logical fallacies as he discusses and attempts to defend the notion that there was a viral pandemic. RFK is pushing this “targeted aersolization spread” theory of which there is no evidence and plenty of evidence that illustrates this so-called theory to be complete quackery.

This is THE guy who sits atop the mountain of the “health freedom movement.” Yet on this most basic of questions he hasn’t the capacity to discuss this with any degree of intellectual rigor. He simply doesn’t know much about it- admits he doesn’t- yet not only asserts some firm hypothesis (which defies all logic and biological and medical history) but has the audacity to state that his cock-eyed theory is what EVERYONE should hold to be true.

And guess what- because he is seen as THE sacred cow virtually everyone who hears the words out of RFK’s mouth will believe this patently absurd theory EVEN AS he openly admits he doesn’t know much about one of the lynchpins of his theory.

If it were the other way around people would be skewering Rancourt but RFK gets a pass here cause it might “hurt the cause” or “create division? What crazy logic is this?

This snippet is not unique it is indicative.

Listen to the entire interview, RFK was in way over his head. He sidestepped many of Rancourt’s points which illustrated via concrete evidence there was no pandemic.

Below is a snippet from the transcript. At this point in the interview Kennedy is responding to Rancourt’s evidence that viral transmission could not be possible for excess mortality as it has been stated.

Note that RFK postulates a theory as to how the viral spread occurred in N Italy AND presumptuously posits that “most people” would recommend this:


RFK: “Okay, so let me push back on you. Yeah. You know, I think most people are going to recommend here, which is that the reason that you had these huge number of deaths in Paris and New York and for example, in northern Italy, which you did not mention in Tuscany, the same time as earlier, actually, than the spikes that I was mentioning. I’d love to hear your explanation for that. Because that seemed to be I mean, that’s where we all got the idea that this virus was galloping through and killing lots and lots of people. And they didn’t have remdesivir in Italy at that time, so something was killing people.”

The conversation returns to Italy and after Rancourt suggests the deaths there were mainly in hospitals RFK says the following:


RFK: “My impression I don’t know much about Italy either than the news reports and having been over there and people having the impression…”

Read that again- RFK freely admits he doesn’t know much about what happened in Italy but just 23 minutes earlier he used N Italy as a lynchpin for his “hypothesis.”

BTW Tuscany is in western Italy, west of the Apennines, south and west of the actual region which appeared to be heavily impacted. He couldn’t even get the damn place right and knows zero about what has been happening in N Italy for the last 15 years- hint: it ain’t a virus.

There are multiple other examples of RFK’s lack of coherence. He simply can’t or won’t come to terms with the fact that there was no pandemic it was administrative slaughter by the Bio-Security State used to instill fear, force lockdowns, roll out mRNA’s and smash the economic order for the Going Direct Great Reset as decided upon by the G7 nations in 2019 at Jackson Hole.

“Team Reality” doesn’t seem up to facing what actually happened in the hospitals in Spring 2020 which illustrates that there was no unique viral pathogen and no pandemic.

People were not being impacted by germs and microbes in any way that was different from every season- they were being murdered. This renders all the absurd talk of ‘bioweapons”, “lab leaks”, “China virus”, “targeted aerosolization” and so forth meaningless.

That the likes of RFK, Malone, Kirsch, Cole etc. continue with this demonstrably false notion of “spread” is inexcusable at this point and a slap in the face to those who were murdered in hospitals en masse and then used to create the hysteria that launched the global Covid Operation.

Too much for people to come to terms with? Too bad- it’s what happened. And it happened primarily to the nameless, faceless poor and many who came from institutionalized settings.

RFK and CHD have quite a bit invested in pushing the theory of “viral spread” which covers up the reality of what happened in the hospitals and nursing homes.

We are three years on now and not looking at this evidence which is rather voluminous and conclusive is inexcusable at this stage.

It is dishonorable to those who were killed by these human caused administrative diktats for CHD and RFK to falsely attributing these murders to a “viral event.”

Feb 11, 2023 5:01 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

“There was no pandemic and no unique viral pathogen.”

You are wrong on both points, and misleading people. There was an initial pandemic of a unique pathogen “Novel Corona virus SARS-2”. That was a GMO virus synthesised by Fauci-funded Labs in MaryLand, U$A and Wuhan, China. SARS-2 bore a unique “furan binding site” patented by Moderna in the U$A in 2016 (3-4 years before the outbreaks of Severe Acute Respiratory Distress (SARS) around the Fauci-funded Frankenstein Virus Labs, both in MaryLand U$A and Wuhan China around 2019-2014. How far those genuine documented outbreaks were followed by a true Global Pandemic of SARS-Covid-19 is unclear because the Wells of Medical Truth were subsequently muddied by a fake PCR Test and a fake RNA Vaxx (involving no less than the top directors of the WHO) under a Global Confidence trick which I call Con-19.

“The Truth rarely, if ever, convinces its opponents; it simply outlives them” — Max Planck.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 11, 2023 5:26 PM
Reply to  NickM

If you have actual evidence of this then you should sell it.

If you’re generalising about various establishment-approved alt. narratives in a vacuum of empirical evidence and a saturation of inference and sensationalism, then you should stop. A2

Feb 11, 2023 5:46 PM
Reply to  NickM

The definition of “pandemic” had been revised by the WHO (several years ago I believe) to exclude severity.

Since SARS-2 (whatever it is other than a re-branding of a menu of symptoms) had (has) a very high survival rate and a low EFR driving up the “cases” becomes a “casedemic” via high test rates and large false positives.

There was never was, and is not now, something that might objectively be termed a “pandemic” outside of the damage and deaths rendered by the mRNA tech bio-weapon.

Yall should listen to the Rancourt interview referenced by Maxwell.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 12, 2023 2:40 AM
Reply to  NickM

Excellent reply. For those who doubt NickM’s assertions. >

Norwegian scientist Birger Sorensen claims coronavirus was lab-made and ‘not natural in origin’
JUNE 7, 2020
Norwegian scientist Birger Sorensen claims coronavirus was lab-made and ‘not natural in origin’ – Tech Startups | Best Tech Companies | Startups News

Also this:
Biovacc-19: A Candidate Vaccine for Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Developed from Analysis of its General Method of Action for Infectivity
Cambrige University Press
May 29, 2020
QRD_2000008 1..11 (cambridge.org)

The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade
Antiviral Research
Volume 176, April 2020
“In 2019, a new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infecting Humans has emerged in Wuhan, China. Its genome has been sequenced and the genomic information promptly released. Despite a high similarity with the genome sequence of SARS-CoV and SARS-like CoVs, we identified a peculiar furin-like cleavage site in the Spike protein of the 2019-nCoV, lacking in the other SARS-like CoVs. In this article, we discuss the possible functional consequences of this cleavage site in the viral cycle, pathogenicity and its potential implication in the development of antivirals.”
It is an interesting paper… The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade – ScienceDirect

Disclaimer: I am not a microbiologist, so much of this paper is well beyond my pay scale. This use of analytical technology is present in most biological research facilities. You can download the entire text from the cited page.
Closing remarks as excerpted from: WUHAN COVID-19 SYNTHETIC ORIGINS AND EVOLUTIONe
Ethical Considerations:
“The 2 main results of this publication confront us with a paradox, in fact: On the one hand, we have just demonstrated that this covid-19 genome contains an insertion of 6 strategic regions of HIV / SIV concentrated in a mini space representing less than 1% of the length of the genome. One can think that such a “disturbance” can only have affected the global order of the DNA of this genome. On the other hand, we have also just shown that since the first SARS of 2003, the global order of successive genomes was only increasing, highlighted here by stationary digital waves calibrated on increasing Fibonacci numbers. In particular, covid-19 is structured over a long distance by a 21bp amplitude wave. However, the deletion in this genome of the small region including the 6 HIV / SIV inserts, will further gain in organization, causing waves of 34 bp to emerge (the number of Fibonacci following 21 bp).
We must conclude this remarkable fact: To adapt to the disorder of its DNA resulting from the insertion of the 6 HIV / SIVs, the covid-19 genome has most certainly increased its level of global organization by adaptation mutations. And we will now have to fear that this genome will continue to mutate in order to optimize its overall level of organization …”
Jean-Claude PEREZ
(Phd Maths & Computer Science Bordeaux University)
February 2020
paper (zenodo.org)

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 12, 2023 4:10 AM

Whatever this paper actually is, the PCR tests weren’t looking for it, so it’s moot, yeah?

There’s a lot of this lab-leak literature going around. Apart from anything it legitimises the pandemic fear I was referring to in a previous reply made to you.

We could take it on faith that, despite the lack of empirical evidence there was a scary virus going around and infecting people, and we could make all sorts of accommodations to fit the facts to this narrative, but why should we do that? Just to fit in more? Don’t we want to focus on the data?


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 12, 2023 2:36 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I listed several papers in my reply to NickM, and could easily provide more. These studies are hard data – not provided by medical hacks. The above studies utilized much the same procedures as those utilized by forensic pathologists.

Come on, everyone knows the PCR tests were inaccurate, and treactions to infection rates were intentionally overstated for political and economic goals…

We will never know the actual infection rates or numbers of injuries. as all levels of epidemiological information were either massaged or censored.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 12, 2023 11:15 PM

Hmm this feels to me like an acknowledgment there is no solid evidence to build a case for ‘aerosol’ release of any weaponised viruses. We can speculate all we wish, and link to things with ‘cleavage site’ in the name, but you can’t place the suspect at the crime scene without evidence. Ie. Without valid test data, there’s nada.

We’re very welcome to speculate on more complex causes for the ‘test-demic’, as long as we present our views accurately as speculation, not fact. Thank you. A2

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 13, 2023 1:52 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Hello again Sam – Admin2: Of course I can’t provide evidence of aerosol release. This level of information would only be available to perpetrators or operatives within the intelligence community. These operations occurred on an international level, so I believe it reasonable to assume that multiple covert agencies were involved. See Event 201.

I have numerous links that detail chemical and biological “experiments” utilized against American citizens over decades of operations. I would have to dig deep into my data to find these…

Here’s a more recent and germane discussion regarding early 2020 releases of a biological nature. >

COVID-19 Bio-Attack Smoking Gun! – Rumble

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 13, 2023 2:16 AM

No, you don’t understand my point. You’ve just admitted there is no evidence. There is no evidence of aerosol release. There is no evidence of the viruses you claim at the sites you claim. Using an entirely circular argument you turn this round to support your baseless claim. “If this was a top secret release of a weaponised virus there wouldn’t be any evidence.”

There is no empirical evidence supporting these claims. And you accept that.

There isn’t a phenomenon which requires a militarised virus. The statistics aren’t consistent with this.

Therefore all this boils down to is needless conjecture and more virus fear noise.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 13, 2023 2:28 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I did not admit to lack of evidence. I simply acknowledged that I have no access to this information. Only persons within the intelligence arena would be privy.

I’ve read your responses to NickM, and re-read your responses to my comments. I would submit that you are person utilizing circular argument, and avoiding facts.

Sorry we are not making any connections…

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 13, 2023 2:47 AM

LOL I notice you choose not to give an example of my circular logic, since there isn’t one.

And we can all use hypothetical facts to back up our non-existent cases. XD

‘The real culprit was top-secret weaponised custard, trained to spot working class people in institutions. Obviously it stands to reason I have zero empirical evidence of this weaponised custard because it’s so top-secret”

Prove me wrong.

Honestly I am in danger of officially renewing my accusation of dishonesty on your part here. That or you have a serious impairment applying basic logic which belies your observable articulacy.

This picture makes no sense to me. Either way I’m checking out of this silly conversation. 😅 A2

Feb 16, 2023 5:37 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Wow, you are good. I wish that came out of my head.

Feb 12, 2023 4:45 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Sam, face up to reality. Paul Vonharnish has given you the Links. There really was a GMO virus which the Chinese scientists at Wuhan sequenced and named, SARS-2. (Maybe there are still some samples of the whole viruses stored in the freezer of some U$ Frankenstein Virus Lab, jealously guarded against civilian investigation by the US Dept of Bio-Warfare). As soon as those first sequences were examined by researchers in France — scientists who have forgotten more about Molecular Virology than you and I will ever know — Luc Montagnier exclaimed: This virus is a test tube baby!

The work which unearthed Moderna Corp’s 2016 U$ Patent for RNA gene of a furan binding site on the viral spike protein (the one that enables this bat virus to infect humans and cause Severe Acute Respiratory Distress in the vascular epithelium of the Lung — and worse in the bloodvessels of the heart — came later.

Try to separate the real SARS-Covid-19 virus from the fake Plandemic Con-19. Begin by reading The Tale of Chicken Licken. In your mind, separate the real acorn, — the little acorn which fell on Chicken Licken’s head — from big Con-$ky — the $cam by Foxxy Lockdown; “Rally round, my dears, and I shall protect you”. It’s not that hard.

“Never let a crisis go to waste. The time to make money is when people are panicking in the streets” — Rockefeller, U$ Philanthropist and Eugenist.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Feb 12, 2023 7:06 PM
Reply to  NickM

Nick – reality is exactly what we are affirming here. Reality shows us there was NO new unique disease. Reality shows us “covid” was a lie created by simply renaming normal “flu symptoms” and misusing PCR as a diagnostic tool.

That is the reality. Everything else is just noise.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 12, 2023 7:13 PM
Reply to  NickM

I do separate the real virus from the fake pandemic. There is no evidence that this “real” virus was released 😂 because no one was testing for it. There is no evidence this “real” virus is infective, or causes a specific disease. All the assumptions you make about it are based on the fear narrative, not on data.

We do presuppose, though, that viruses infect indiscriminately, following predictable trends of spread, and many qualified people have noted the epidemiology matches institutional mismanagement most closely. A2

Feb 12, 2023 8:56 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

“There is no evidence that this “real” virus was released because no one was testing for it.”

Wrong on both counts.

Competent virologists tested for a “Novel Corona flu virus” as soon as residents around the Fauci-funded Frankenstein Virus Lab in Wuhan China started going down with the same Severe Acute Respiratory Disease (SARS) previously suffered by residents around the Fauci-funded Frankenstein Virus Lab in Maryland U$A.

The Chinese and French sequences from RNA in the bodily fluids of patients in Wuhan showed that this was a “Novel Corona Virus” with a unique GMO cut-and-paste RNA sequence which made this bat virus infect humans by binding avidly to human blood vessels.

That same RNA sequence was later found to have been patented in the U$A by Moderna in 2016 — three years before the first outbreaks in Wuhan. As Luc Montagnier exclaimed in 2019 after a glance at the RNA sequences: “This virus is a test tube baby”.

By now you must have had time to ponder over The Tale of Chicken Licken. Think of Novel Corona Virus SARS-2 Covid-19 as the little acorn that fell on her head. Then thinkhow that little acorn was left behind by the Gaggle of the Panicked — Goosey Loosey, Turkey Lurky, Ducky Lucky and all — who followed Chicken Licken into the “safe area” of Foxxy Loxxy’s den. You are right not to blame the acorn — but wrong to deny its part in the sad but instructive Tale of Chicken Licken, Goosey Loosey, Turkey Lurkey, Ducky Lucky and Foxxy Lockdown.

“The time to make money is when people are panicking in the streets” — Rockefeller, generous benefactor to medical education, inventor of the modern medical mindset (Oh! is he ill? Well, give him a pill) and owner of Big Pharma.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 12, 2023 10:58 PM
Reply to  NickM

This is evidence-free assertion, a parroting of the official ‘alt’ narrative as sanctioned by Bigtree et al. Come here with something more original than this, please. 😅

Feb 13, 2023 9:41 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

“This is evidence-free assertion”

Young Sam, you have seen the Links that Paul and I gave you — on this and previous threads. Just wait; you have time on your side.

“The truth [in its irresistable progress from “evidence-free” to “obvious”] rarely, if ever, convinces its opponents; it simply overwhelms them” — Max Planck.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 13, 2023 7:33 PM
Reply to  NickM

Max Planck used ‘evidence free’ in quotes. That is not applicable here. I’m not discounting evidence, there is literally zero evidence for these claims. The links posted are simply furthering mainstream ‘Covid’ fearporn, including body bag photos and ABC headlines and unquestioning acceptance of science-free lockdowns and other pandemic myths.

This is embarrassing.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 11, 2023 5:44 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

I don’t agree with some of Mr Kennedy’s assertions, but that doesn’t mean I should execute him… I’ll leave that to agencies such as the FBI. CIA, Mossad…

I can see by your posts that you’ve joined the “anti-virus” crowd. A group of fools methodically massaged by professional think tanks – toward a belief which was designed to create false public debate. Have you officially joined the Rand Corporation yet?

What have YOU done to expose the tragedy of childhood vaccinations? How many lawsuits have YOU filled against environmental polluters and petrochemical companies? What is your agenda?

The issues are government and corporate sponsored mass murder and genocide. Get over it.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 11, 2023 6:31 PM

Do not conflate lack of data supporting a pandemic with an ‘anti-virus crowd’. This is dishonest.

While absence of evidence does not equal evidence of absence, it still remains that there is no epidemiology demonstrating any heightened risk over time in 2020 or 2021 anywhere in the world. Rancourt does a great job pointing this out, and pointing out that pandemics don’t typically observe sovereign borders etc.

If we’re alleging a pandemic, we need evidence of a pandemic.

And when it comes to RFK Jr, someone can achieve incredible stuff and still be off the mark.

Let’s choose our heroes wisely. Let’s maybe choose none. Let’s focus on the data. A2

Feb 11, 2023 9:46 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

There is data. MN908947 is an in silico sequence, cobbled together as a target for the PCR test. The Drosten paper is a fraud. If you don’t have a virus, you don’t have a test, you don’t have cases and you don’t have a pandemic. go to planetwaves.net and you will see an entire chronology for the “no virus” era.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 11, 2023 9:55 PM
Reply to  Martha

Yes thanks. I was actually referring to all-cause mortality, which is what Rancourt deals with successfully, which reveals that, even including known ‘non-Covid’ deaths (ie. due to lockdowns, curtailed healthcare and institutional murder, which many argue was all Covid actually was), there wasn’t an unusually heightened risk to anyone that could possibly have justified rolling out authoritarianism throughout the globe.

Once you factor in collateral deaths, as you point out, obviously 2020 would have been incredibly normal, rather than just not unusual.

Would you mind linking next time, if you can? Thanks! A2

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 12, 2023 3:02 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I wasn’t being dishonest, and resent your accusation. The “pandemic” was caused by an intentional release of a weaponized viral pathogen. The releases were limited and selective. How can a pathogen spread from a remote market in China, to multiple locations all around the world in a one month time frame? IT IS NOT POSSIBLE. The “lab leak” meme is a complete diversion from the facts of intentional release.

We will never have an accurate count of initial fatalities because the reporting systems of Nations are quite diverse…

My point is: We don’t need evidence of a pandemic. We have PLENTY of evidence that “vaccines” are killing and maiming people. Yes. Let’s focus on the data…Please…

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 12, 2023 3:39 AM

I concede you weren’t dishonest, merely mistaken.

Actually, I think the only way we wouldn’t require evidence of a pandemic is if we made this a foregone conclusion using circular logic.

‘We know there was a pandemic, otherwise how else could a pathogen be spread around The world in one month’.

In fact this whole statement contradicts the evidence. And there are other explanations which are readily available and do fit the evidence.

There is no evidence of a contagious pathogen causing a specific disease spreading anywhere because the tests used weren’t testing for a specific pathogen and weren’t accurate, and the only way to diagnose the ‘disease’ was via these tests.

This isn’t speculation, this is fact, admitted by official sources.

All-cause mortality didn’t follow expected patterns for a pandemic. Those dying were vulnerable people put at increased risk by curtailed healthcare, social isolation and stress. Unprecedented new health protocol, like intubation and harsh anti-virals, were rolled out, and these preceded, or coincided with, localised hotspots of excess mortality throughout the world. These mortality hotspots were centred around healthcare institutions, and included mostly vulnerable, institutionalised people, who were at the frontline of the rollout of virus fear and pandemic protocol.

In fact, the ONLY provable thing to spread around the globe in a month was WHO pandemic protocol and media-driven fear.

You won’t and can’t point to any more reliable evidence than this. PCR testing was permitted to take priority over clinical diagnosis via WHO-based protocol, despite awareness of a large number of false positives. Average ‘Covid’ death was above average life expectancy, with multiple serious underlying health conditions/Comorbidities – vulnerable people affected by fear, isolation and changes to their medical routines, who died with a mixture of symptom relating to their general ill-health, NOT with any clinical features specific to ‘Covid’ (which is itself a ‘disease’ with an incredibly generic list of symptoms indistinguishable from other common infections).

There is a reason people call it the ‘test-demic’, because looking at the data this is the only reliable thing you can call it.

The data is meaningless from beginning to end. There are many other things which could raise mortality, and I’ve listed quite a few of them here. The only reliable figure is basic all-cause mortality, sans cause, and as previously stated, epidemiologically this didn’t represent a significant raised threat justifying instigating mad authoritarianism and didn’t follow the pattern of a pandemic.

May I suggest you watch the interview between Rancourt and RFK jr if you haven’t already.

TLDR: There is no evidence a virus was the agent of excess deaths in localised hotspots around the world. Referring to this as ‘anti-virus’ is misleading. Perhaps refer to it as ‘pro-evidence’ instead.

I apologise if I wasn’t clear before.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 12, 2023 5:00 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Hello again Sam – Admin2″ I accept your apology. Thank you.

I also appreciate the link to the CHD interview, as I had not reviewed it. Mr.Rancourt’s asserts that the initial deaths took place largely due to poverty and social isolation. >

“The correlation is to disability and to poverty,” he said. “It’s not to age. You cannot find a clear correlation to age. We weren’t able to find it.”

“So it wasn’t just the elderly that were killed at that time — institutionalized young people were also killed.” [End quote]

The fact that psychological stress induces autoimmune collapse, is based on LONG TERM unaddressed stress. Not days or weeks, but months and years. Like many others, Mr. Rancourt blurs the distinction.

My point would be that impoverished and institutionalized populations have been repeatedly targeted for “medical” experiments in the past. The deployment of the (alleged) Covid19 pathogen, was no exception. I will not bore you with links…

As with many other emotional functions, fear is simply a chemical shift within biological synapses. Fear is an alert mechanism. A messenger that (hopefully) promotes physical action rather than intellectual dysfunction.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 12, 2023 7:25 PM

Changes in medical protocol cause varying degrees of stress, from wearing masks all the way to intubation. ‘Stress’ has a broad meaning, so it might be a bit unfair to cherrypick this term alone from this intierview. The pandemic measures were in place for many months. ‘Longterm’ stress for some, no doubt.

Rancourt talks about certain institutionalised young people dying in larger numbers, which helped to lower US average life expectancy a few tenths of a percent, I believe. He points to this as evidence against a pandemic, because a pandemic doesn’t target specific young people in specific poverty demographics in specific types of institution. And specifically a pandemic doesn’t observe the US/Canadian border, as the epidemiology indicates 😅. This points more to treatment, he suggests.

In the US the average age of ‘Covid’ death was still above average life expectancy. A2

Feb 12, 2023 2:57 PM

Your nutty “theory” is the latest ones making the rounds in the updated version of “viral spread.”

Please answer the following ‘starter’ questions:

Who did the spraying of the aerosolized, “weaponized” virii?

What day/days was this done?

What location(s)?

How many and who died from this “weaponized” viral pathogen in each location?

What time was it when the pathogen was released?

What were the wind patterns on those days?

From what object came the aerosolized substance or this release of the pathogen?

What mechansim was utilized for this “realease?”

Were there any witnesses?

Feb 12, 2023 5:11 PM

“I wasn’t being dishonest, and resent your accusation.”

Sam accused me too; of upvoting my own posts! Samantha? is a good hardworking kid, but has a lot to learn. Time will help.

You have focussed on the vital issue, Paul: Accusation of guilt for mass murder by forced injection of experimental RNA Vaxx, contrary to Nuremberg Convention. If the perpetrators of Vaxx Con-19 are exonerated — even rewarded with large sums of money — they will become more arrogant and commit more crimes: like the perpetrators of Con-911.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 12, 2023 5:49 PM
Reply to  NickM

Hello again NickM: Yes. I believe you should download copies of the studies I had linked, or perhaps copy&paste links to a secure location. A number of critical studies have been disappeared from the net these last two years…

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Feb 12, 2023 7:00 PM
Reply to  NickM

Sam is a dude. 🙂

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 14, 2023 7:48 PM

The “pandemic” was caused by an intentional release of a weaponized viral pathogen

You don’t know that Paul. You’re just stating a belief, which you can’t prove. Could be true. But you should stop the hectoring certainty. It makes you look foolish.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 14, 2023 7:42 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

And when it comes to RFK Jr, someone can achieve incredible stuff and still be off the mark.

Bullseye, Sam! Robert, Del and lots of others – all of us really – are in this same difficulty: that we have to make practical decisions, even with incomplete knowledge of the whole truth.

In fact none of us know for sure whether viruses exist or not; it remains an open question, re-vivified from its long slumber by the covid swindle.

Meanwhile, we have decisions to make and intelligent-as-possible positions to take. For the moment, most of the world believes in viruses. I lean towards the ‘no-such-thing’ position, on the strength of the cogent questioning that I’ve seen. But I KNOW that I don’t know for sure! Nor do you, whoeverTF you are! And that’s no effing problem!

It’s really foolish to insist that someone MUST have a cast-iron position on this issue, or else every damned thing that they say and do has to be binned, and they must be treated as fully-dismissable shits. Ridiculous! Really seriously childish petulant-twelve-year-old thinking.

Eventually virology may be discarded in the same way that phrenology was. Meanwhile, to be taken seriously in the conversation at all, you have to remain open-minded.

Fwiw, I feel fairly persuaded that no-one anywhere seems able to produce a fully-purified, visible under microscopy, fully-Koched, physical specimen of the alleged covid virus. Go on – anyone: prove beyond doubt that I’m wrong! No amount of chop-logic babbling is going to suffice. All we can say with reasonable confidence is that it all seems to be gigo-silicoid smoke and mirrors, with a permanent bullshit blizzard of propaganda to push it. And with a clearly criminal scam purpose behind it.

People have to go on fighting against that, whilst still being able to keep an open mind on the – still unsettled – question of whether viruses exist at all. And Del and Robert are doing excellent work in this fight.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 11, 2023 9:43 PM

You think Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman, the Bailey’s and Stefan Lanka are “a group of fools” doing “a false public debate”, Paul? Christ almighty, what does that say about your intellect? And your capacity to follow cogent argument? Bigotry baffles brains, apparently.  🙄 

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 12, 2023 3:04 AM

Oh Wonderful. Now I’m a bigot. Fuck you.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 14, 2023 7:55 PM

You’re certainly doing a good imitation, Paul. And – er – no thanks. Even at my age I’d still prefer good looking women.  😛 

Feb 11, 2023 11:07 PM

I don’t agree with some of Mr Kennedy’s assertions, but that doesn’t mean I should execute him…


Where did anyone say anything like what you just concocted? Is Kennedy beyond reproach? Is he a sacred cow that you feel should nver be questioned?

I can see by your posts that you’ve joined the “anti-virus” crowd….Have you officially joined the Rand Corporation yet?

Conflation, misinterpretation followed by ad hominem.

Can you cite the specific place in my comment where I spoke to there not being a virus? Thanks in advance. Looking forward to seeing your response.

What have YOU done to expose the tragedy of childhood vaccinations? How many lawsuits have YOU filled against environmental polluters and petrochemical companies?

Formal fallacy- red herring.

You changed the subject. You are diverting attention away from my critique.

Show me one place where anything I said is false.

What is your agenda?

Telling the truth about what happened in Spring 2020 based on the mountains of evidence and data which is readily available.

Kennedy is not doing this and you question my agenda?

Why is that not Kennedy’s agenda? He is actively avoiding this.

Why are you not questioning Kennedy/Bigtree on this. Do you give them deferential treatment?

RFK positions himself as an authoritative voice on this matter yet gets it all wrong on the most fundamental of assertions. That impacts A LOT of people.

And you don’t have a problem with that?

The issues are government and corporate sponsored mass murder and genocide.

We are in agreement here and I just pointed that out in my comment. As far as Kennedy is concerned he does not draw this conclusion as relates specifically to the (non)pandemic “first wave” murders which occurred decidedly NOT by some microbe but decidedly BY human actions.

Human actions BTW which were incentivized by lots of cash by those investment firms.

Maybe you should ask RFK why he is purposefully ignoring this obvious reality.

Did you even watch the interview or are you just defending some “icon” you hold in high regard?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 12, 2023 3:10 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

I’m not going to defend against your assertions. I have my perspective and you have yours.

Feb 12, 2023 3:08 PM

You sure it’s not a case of, I can’t not defend against your assertions?

Anyone can make up any hypothesis. You need some evidence to back it up. The hypothesis you are putting forth here Paul is preposterous.

You wouldn’t even be echoing this ludicrous theory if it had not been implanted in you by an “authoritative” voice as it is completely illogical.

That this insane theory is being put out there by RFK is problematic- and he can’t back it up either and scarcely tries. He studiously avoids looking at the evidence as it amply shows his latest theory is garbage.

I suspect he has to keep some form of this narrative going to legitimize his latest book on the Wuhan “Cover-Up” which depends on people buying into the GoF absurdity for credibility.

Feb 12, 2023 9:35 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Clot Shots

The clot shots were the most sinister and evil part of the convid agenda. They have wiped out between 20 and 30 million people to date and the long term effects may well dwarf these casualities. There were other evil actions – the lockdowns and the destruction of the travel industry, the mandating of slave muzzles. RFK’s organistion has consistently opposed these evils and done a great deal to counter them. His lawsuits in opposition to clot shot mandates are an example. He has given a voice to those that have pointed out the shaky foundations of virology. He has addressed major freedom rallies. We live in a world teeming with genocidal monsters. Castreau and Ardern are just the tip of the iceberg. The media, the medical establishment, the religious establishments, the goons in blue, the military, the bureaucracies and so many others have revealed themselves to be amoral appendages of the central banking cartel willing to create a dark dystopia and commit genocide. In a world teeming with monsters why devote so much space to attacking a rare hero because of certain theoretical shortcomings ?

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Feb 13, 2023 7:42 AM

Not “theoretical shortcomings.” This “hero” is pushing the completely false narrative that the world has been affected by a “Pandemic,” for which there is zero proof, lots of counter evidence, a “Pandemic” marked by a disease called “COVID” which in fact has never been shown to be a novel unique disease that can be diagnosed in any way except the phony tests. THAT is the heart of the fraud narrative, not a specific countermeasure like the shots. He just wants different countermeasures to a fake “Pandemic.”

Production Unit 8052
Production Unit 8052
Feb 11, 2023 11:38 PM

Is the Rand Corporation a sub-group of the “anti-virus crowd”?

If so can you please forward me an application form.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 12, 2023 2:33 AM

If you are unfamiliar with Rand Corporation _ one of the Rand Corporation’s activities is specializing in “think tank” analysis, and how propaganda can be interjected into nearly any public or private forum. There are many such propaganda operations in use within a multitude of agencies. I used Rand corporation as an example. Not as a fact of an anti-virus meme agent.

People discuss manipulation of major media, yet forget that the”alternative” media can also be affected by the injection of falsehoods into public debate…

Fill in the dots.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 11, 2023 6:09 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Good, solid comment. I agree. A2

John Pretty
John Pretty
Feb 11, 2023 7:28 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

You’re not here to flatter commenters.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 11, 2023 8:02 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

And you’re not here to tell me my job lol

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Feb 12, 2023 3:01 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Spot on!

Feb 12, 2023 7:22 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

The problem was never whether or not there was a virus and the level of danger it may or may not have posed – the problem was solely the establishment response. All the ensuing damage was a direct consequence to their decisions. The establishment response enabled massive wealth creation for those people on the inside of the plan. Without an establishment response all this “pandemic” and loss of liberty and civil rights could not have happened.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Feb 12, 2023 8:02 AM
Reply to  MattC

It wasn’t a “response”. Even placing it in such a context is highly political and aimed at creating a specific and false impression.

It also is not a question of where or not there was “a virus”. That question is promoted simply because it can’t be clearly answered.

The REAL question that is almost always ignored or sidestepped is – “was there a new disease?” And the answer to that is very clear and totally unambiguous

– NO, there was not.

Even the CDC admits as much when it says the symptoms of “covid” are indistinguishable from “the flu”.

There was no new disease. Just a new name for old symptoms.

Which means the question of whether “the virus” was isolated or whether viruses even exist becomes moot in this context and merely distract from the scam that was pulled on us.

They pretended there was a new disease when there wasn’t.

They lied and used that lie to kill people iatrogenically and lock people up and destroy their livelihoods and force them to get needless toxic things injected into them.

That’s all that matters and it’s the one thing they don’t want us to talk about.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 14, 2023 8:01 PM

Well put, Sophie.

Feb 16, 2023 5:31 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Thank you Maxwell, I agree totally.
“virus” never been isolated.
I know that many think David Icke is some kind of nutjob but he was saying very early on that there was no virus.